2 values
The prices are negotiated between producers (farmers), feed suppliers and slaughter houses and probably others and are reviewed periodically e.g every 6 mnths etc.
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This kind of sleazy bastardization of traditional practices has made the anti-TMT movement into a tragicomedy. It looks less and less like a genuine revival of traditional religion and more like a sad ploy for attention. To think that the future of our knowledge of the universe hangs in balance because of the actions of people like this. . .
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Say all you want, but Skov is trying to "buy" the election with insider money. It didn't work for Juan Carlos Valle, and it won't work for Skov. I live in Ward 1 and have already voted for Emily. Skov is too arrogant, and thinks he knows what's best for everybody else.
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Threatening divorce is pretty excessive. My sister hated those month long, distance visits with his relatives so once the kids where old enough to not need so much attention, 6 or 7, she just quit going. She used the time to do things for herself, relax and work around the house and he got time to spend with the kids and his mother. Her husband was a bit snitty at first but then seemed he also enjoyed the time apart. If forced, month long vacations are divorce material for him, then maybe time to get away from this unreasonable bully?
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Precisely. The bureaucratic mind at work. “Not my department, not my problem.” Might destabilize the entire housing finance system, but hey, I’m all right, Jack. Humphrey Appleby would be proud.
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Trump moves toward the middle. Narcissistic capitulation to find new enablers. Will this ultimately lead to his impeachment? As he moves further and further left, do the Dems protect him? In the coming days, he learns that his narcissistic needs in the short run (adulation) and long run (avoiding total ruin and isolation) fare better by appeasing Democrats. He went to the edge of the abyss trying "meltdown". Now he's moving to the left as his secondary survival instinct. My view is that he was damned if he did, damned if he didn't. VERY interesting times.
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This matches the facts much better. The PCEPI inflation rate was above 2% in the most recent month available when the inflation targeting regime was announced. However, after the first four months of 2012, which were all above 2.0%, the PCEPI inflation rate has stayed below 2.0%. For the first 11 months of 2015, inflation was below 1.5%, but otherwise the US Fed has also respected a 0.5% lower bound. There is no reason that the US Fed should have a 2.0% target rate. Their PCEPI indicator, with its chain Fisher formula has much less upward substitution bias than, say, the Canadian CPI, so strictly on this basis a lower target inflation rate is appropriate.
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Sounds like you work in tourism.
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You missed the point entirely. No big surprise
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Juwan Thompson ran very well last night. Also, I thought he was the one running back who consistently converted on short yardage situations picking up 1st downs in the process. And that is the main weakness on offense. Picking up 1st downs in short yardage. Having said that, there is no way Denver could keep Juwan. Only way to keep Juwan would have been to trade C.J. Anderson and hand the running back job to Charles, Henderson and Booker (when healthy). And the Broncos did not have the guts to pull the trigger on that option. I think C.J. has severely underperformed since signing his new contract. For a big back, he struggles to pick up a yard or two when you need it.
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Good for the Raiders [since they own the land], bad for the city of Oakland [I don't think they'll be back anytime soon].
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Like has been said many times .... those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. I think we have a responsibility to know the whole truth .... even if it makes us uncomfortable.
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The pro Rail Fail zealots are dropping like the little flies that they are
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You're right! He got CAUGHT two times. Wonder how many times he drove intoxicated but did not get stopped by HPD.
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TWO HUNDRED ALASKAN JOBS!!!! EC is bringing up crews from the South and displacing 200 Alaskans and you don't think Young should say anything? You landlubbers sure don't get maritime issues, ever, on here.
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The Bettman shoot-out gimmick is just for the regular season, even the NHL knows that. Why a championship is decided by a shoot-out is beyond me, unless it's that millennials don't have the attention span or they're too busy for overtime.
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Mr. Dummer, the fact is that Repubs keep trying declare war on drugs. It is a consistently hollow gesture. You know about hollow; your brain and soul are two good examples. .....I digress...... Each time these add campaigns come out, guess what? Drug use increases. "Problem is: That’s a gigantic waste of time and money. Trump's attempt to fight the opioid crisis with a Reaganesque "war on drugs" campaign aimed at children is literally the exact opposite approach to what is needed in the war on opioids. Study after study has shown that PR campaigns like the one Reagan made one of his presidency's trademarks and that Trump seems to be proposing do next to nothing in solving a drug problem, and in fact, make drugs even more desirable." https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-foolishly-thinks-he-can-solve-the-opioid-crisis-with-zero-cash-and-a-dumb-ad-campaign
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It depends on the facts of each case, which is a truism you apparently reject.
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Excellent idea, Mr. Shippen. If Chimps had their own corporation, could they influence politics?
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wow how'd that get past the mods trying somebody on. thats pretty edgy for this space. make a tape and post it here see if you get any likes.
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Gee Denver Post. What next? A "news" article about digital white supremacy becoming the second greatest threat to humankind right behind global warming? I'm sure everyone in the Denver area gets up every morning wondering what WILL those online white supremacists do next? 'Nuther useless article from the Denver Post trying to spew the liberal narrative on unsuspecting and gullible readers.
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Interestingly enough, not a peep about this at the other "NCR". I wonder why???
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But to the extent white people have a "problem" joining in the Black Lives Matter movement they demonstrate their lack of understanding about the history of the United States and how (white) racist institutions functioned in the past and how they are evolving in the present. People need to ask themselves why they are so uncomfortable with the assertion that Black Lives (should, but do not currently) matter in terms of protections in American society. They are uncomfortable because they know they enjoy rights and privileges that are denied their fellow citizens who are Black and they fear the loss of those privileges. White (supremacist) psychology is dependent on the idea that there are groups of people (rightfully) not as equal before the law as whites due to biological inferiority. How many white Americans still believe strongly in the notion of race but dispute the existence of racism? Intellectual retardation runs deep in white America.
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Are you the one on MedicAid or Medicare? Are you the one on the scooter? Why should we go to a failed system?
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I liked Rob Handy, while I am not in his district, I liked his input and service.
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Your hero has sworn to destroy Obamacare by any means necessary.
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Might as well face facts and move on. Not only blacks are discriminated upon. Make the best of it.
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If her constituents voted her in as a Republican then she should continue with the party and run as a democrat in the next election. This is a spoiled little brat who needs to grow up and start serving the people not herself. With antics such as this how can she be trusted ?
our informal geezer group is awaiting promise of cool breeze. Wihtol makes no mention of word cool in report. so, more hot air. garden is relishing sunshine and zucchini & crookneck are going peanuts as expected.
not toxic
This rule was published pursuant to the Clean Air Act which gives the EPA broad authority to set pollutant levels. These regulations were not promulgated on a whim. It's the actions of the president that seem to be on a whim. Federal rules and executive branch actions are routinely challenged in court. Maybe you want to check how many times Pruitt has sued the EPA. You MAGAphant comment clearly reflects yours and Trumps lack of understanding of the three branches of govt.
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As a Chinese, I have no problem in China's effort to lobby Canadian officials for the Chinese advantage, I think US just does the same thing and American here won't be against it, and American lobby efforts are not all for Canadian interest, like oil/gas pipeline, software lumber, etc. So, spineless Canadian, you can't just complain about Chinese. These efforts are much better than, like sneaking into PM home door and hand over a cash stuffed envelop - those activities are something you need to watch for.
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We need a reversal of the onus of proof (so that the accused must prove innocence on the balance of probabilities), the victim to be barred from cross-examination, and special sexual assault courts, in which the accused is the only male in the courtroom (if a female lawyer won't take his case, he represents himself). That's the only way that victims will get justice.
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That's always been their position Brian but why was he still on the website in the middle of January as the National Director with contact info? He has been the go-to resource for the media for 30 years right? If he had stepped down as of Dec. 31, why wait until now to announce it? His leaving is a pretty big deal, so why wait until a lawsuit was filed? It just doesn't smell right Brian.
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Philadelphia Model, Kangaroo Court or Show Trial. Call it what you will.
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I see you've lifted your entire foreign policy from an old copy of Soldier of Fortune magazine. "Should you have any pertinent, specific, well-foundled thoughts about this thread do let us know." They'd go right over your head.
not toxic
Sigh. For the thousandth time, Black Lives Matter is and does none of the things you name. It is a peaceful group bringing attention to the systematic and institutional discrimination that has denied blacks the opportunities whites in this country have long enjoyed. Not being shot by police for the color of your skin, for example. Let's make a deal, Move On. You don't presume to speak for groups you don't even attempt to understand, and in return I will stop calling out your posts for their sheer idiocy. Also please stop being a coward by hiding behind a pseudonym.
How many people would know a Maxima & it's year in the dark? Did a part fall off they're not reporting? In any case gold isn't an extremely common color & should stand out with the damage.
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Interesting but I wish Bethel, Nome, Kotzeube, Barrow and McGrath were included in the study.
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IDK... maybe the VICTIM should report to police? Wouldn't that make sense??? And then... PRESS CHARGES. She REFUSED... didn't forget... didn't try... but REFUSED to report it. That's what made this ridiculously perplexing and put everyone in an impossible situation. And failure to supervise what he did... at home??? Since when does that come back on an employer? What if CU reported... fired him... and then she recanted and changed her story? Tumpkin then sue's for wrongful termination? Maybe slander?? Sadly, victims who don't report and press charges have done exactly that. My heart is with the victim... and want the dirt bag Tumpkin to get what he should... but she made it SOOOO much harder if not impossible. That's the travesty.... she's STILL the victim without justice.
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Yeah, 1 .38 pistol wielded by one woman against massive military arms and armored vests and helmeted face shields and armored vehicles. Sticks? Rocks? Everyone can view the videos online to dispel your bald-faced lies and unintelligent logic. Just how stupid can you be?
My wife and I, were married at a sweat lodge ceremony by our Spiritual leader and teacher. Of course we weren't married in the eyes of American government because our vows were only made to God and to each other. We finally paid our $25 and got married, so it's okay now! God only means something if you can attach him to some religion. We've been taught for many years that the only thing that will be waiting for you when you cross over, is that which you have given away in your life. I wonder just how much the Vatican is worth, or how much a priest gets annually for his vow of poverty?
not toxic
Thank you
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This article is fake news. The Mayor of Vancouver solved housing affordability 2 election campaigns ago. With that out of the way it's on to more bike lanes and banning pet stores. Triumph for the common folk!
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Its dangerous for old people. Streets are narrow and too much traffic!
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Good point... And don't forget that Champ Bailey had the same fate. But...the big difference is he handled the situation with class!!
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The ALL CAPS and plethora of hashtags gives your rant gravitas. Did you lie awake all night composing your screed? Enjoy your life of gentile poverty.
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Dave, you should realize that this movement is an attempt to castrate the Electoral College. It is a hack; a bad solution to a real problem. Unfortunately because the Electoral College is so entrenched in our system, there is no good way to dig it out. This is why I support this effort, while holding my nose.
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Your tinfoil hat is on way too tight!!
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There is no evidence he was a Christian, where does that come from? Or are you assuming that any white Canadian is "Christian"?
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Nope, it was to inform you that, in spite of the congregation of Conservatives angrily posting here, most Canadians are laughing at the Conservatives who drop support with every childish attack on our PM and the Canadian Government.
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55% The crossover with marginal tax rates is scheduled for 1 pm today.
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BAHAHAHAHA. All those cops and they couldn't find the guy. Clearly they need higher wages. That would have solved the problem. Good thing we repealed AO37, that's clearly made us safer and the cops more efficient....
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I will repost my civil comment that people who disagree with me have censored. Canada is going off the deep end; and The United States, including Alaska, is following close behind...unless we do something about it-at least try. LGBTQ and gender neutrality issues are not the same as racial issues. People must stop allowing others to label opposition to these issues as bigotry and racism, for it only insults and hinders the progress we have made regarding race. Do not be afraid to speak out about what you know is wrong, and expect insults (and censorship). You are not a racist or bigot to oppose LGBTQ and gender neutrality issues.
not toxic
You are hilarious. Richard Spencer coined the term alt-right but MSW shouldn't invoke Spencer in defining the alt-right. Uh, OK.
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ADN, I have a question, Why are there all these anti trump articles and nothing about Hillary? If I only got news from the ADN I wouldn't know about Hillary's most recent email scandal, and all the email dumps of late. Not to mention her hubby;s troubles....
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I think the calendar should be reset too. It will be called the Justinian calendar, and we'll forget all history since they were all racists.
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The underlying problem is the State places incompetent people in high places. Why? Because that's how they max out their high three. These are often nice people with solid backgrounds but for things other than the job they were appointed to. I know of several people who were in this position. The primary goal of government employees is to finish with a comfortable retirement and the system is set up to do that. Doesn't matter that it often leads to bad results that the taxpayers end up paying for. Remember, the goal is retirement.
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Do you have a source for your claim that "it has been statistically determined that a very low number of women and an even lower number of girls actually attempt such a thing?"
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Made the mistake of buying a NISSAN Pathfinder once. Never again. Total junk. Un-reliable, drank gas, tons of rust. I'd never, ever, ever buy a NISSAN product again.
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Prime Minister Selfie isn't interested in governing. He's hired a lot of people to do that for him. He'll spend his time continuing to strengthen his brand. It's all he's ever done. It's all he'll ever do.
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And the Asst. DA refuted a point in Muñoz’s letter: that it’s “a more productive route” for Jack to be rehabilitated rather than serve “long-term incarceration.” “Rep Muñoz goes on to imply that the shift in policy (e.g. SB 91) should be applied to the defendant’s circumstances. Nevertheless, the Legislature did not elect to modify the sentencing statues applicable to the defendant. ... It is reasonable to presume the Legislature did that intentionally, in light of the obviously unacceptable rates of sexual abuse of minors in the state of Alaska,” Kemp’s report reads.
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Catch word, expected, big difference, ask Elway.
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Question: what is a dentist doing at "an emergency clinic?" What's the name of the clinic, again?.....I love made-up anecdotes as much as the next guy. It should also be noted that you enjoyed that $20 "experience" without having to pay the exorbitant taxes that actual UK citizens have to to enjoy the same experience. If every case was just as yours, their entire system would undoubtedly collapse.
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More Chong than Cheech. The issue is that black-market CAL WEED is probably so much cheaper than Oregon ganja. But not for long. Existing dope grow licenses in Oregon are capable of growing six times the present market demand. And there are twice that number of license applications and weed amounts in the hopper. So it looks like 97% of the potential home for Oregon grown weed will not be a legal market at this time. If Oregon enforces its laws, it cuts is tax take from weed, and it will incur a lot of legal expenses prosecuting miscreants. It is a lose-lose scenario. But who actually thought it would not turn out that way? This is, after all, the life's work of a large group of lifetime stoners. What could go wrong?
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The Endangered Species Act is perhaps the most effective tool available for curtailing or halting resource development. Having been unsuccessful in previous attempts to convince the USFWS to list the Alexander Archipelago wolf, the Queen Charlotte Goshawk, the marbled murrelet and several other species in Southeast Alaska, the Center for Biological Diversity and its co-petitioners now are attempting to have the yellow cedar listed. While there are many reasons that the timber industry in Southeast Alaska has declined to its current low level of productivity - particularly on Tongass National Forest lands - listing the yellow cedar could finally bring it to an end. If yellow cedar is listed under the ESA, timber harvest on state and private corporation lands will be affected along with national forest lands.
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This putrid 'thing' is not even objecting to the charges in a 'pro forma' manner.
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The blatant corruption within the DNC that Schatz supported lost the presidency to Trump. If Schatz didn't go against the will of his constituents and vote for Hillary in the primaries then He might have a legitimate voice. now he's just a liar and a lame duck.
What a half-baked train wreck. From 64th to Colfax/6th is gonna be a mess if this just adds more traffic, and it does nothing for those travelling to/from Boulder.
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If memory serves, you mentioned "Tobias." Then you said "Tobias was a typo, Tobit." St John Paul II, in his analysis of Tobit, says that the language of the body, male and female, in *nuptial interaction,* is liturgical. If so, how can this be irrelevant to the priesthood? Could it be that there is a linkage between the sacrament of marriage and the sacrament of holy orders? Humans are intrinsically personal subjects, body-souls. Bodily sex does not constitute the integral totality of personal subjects as body-souls. Are you familiar with the Theology of the Body? I think it can be extended to all the sacraments, including holy orders. Christ is both priest and victim, and offered himself in sacrifice as God who became a body-soul. For this reason, the priest must be a human body-soul, male or female or intersex. Could it be that what is missing in our patriarchal theology of the priesthood is the need to make visible the divine "feminine genius" in Jesus?
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Everyone makes mistakes. The trick is to learn from them before they do much harm. She didn't. She was already going through programs that were telling her that behavior is dangerous. She didn't listen. That is no longer a "mistake". That's a decision on her part whether to sacrifice that lifestyle for the safety of others, or to maintain it with disregard for what she could do to others. Pretty simple. Learn quick and behave with respect for others first.
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This guy was either on spice, crack, or is mentally I'll. He is clearly a danger to the public. Who is the judge who stipulated only $ 5000 bail for this walking time bomb?
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We are all one people/one country and should rest after we die in ONE CEMENTERY! Are we building ONE COUNTRY together, or just breaking it apart.
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Spent all the road money being tough on crime. Nice!
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Have the inmates improvise and build some rat traps since they have nothing else to do. Make those little boxes with openings into dark tunnels they love and install one way doors inside. After caught dip them in water and drown them. Improve them by using steel metal aluminum hot-soldered together. No need expensive pest companies. Improvise. I suspect the rodents are hiding in the floor drain holes. Mice from the sink drains and rats from the toilets. Cockroaches and rodents live together. At dawn they all run back into their sewer holes. Look for their footprints. The construction noise is irritating the vermin in the pipes so start thinking how you can catch or kill them there. These vermin problems are not only in prisons but also your homes. In your pipes. I like to dilute yard poison and pour them down my drains every month to keep the insects under control. The roaches are smart and come out at night when you're sleeping.
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What about how NATO meddled in the Ukrainian elections?
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What's next, throw some tea off a boat? You're quite the rebel. Why don't you take your rebelliousness and clean up the 16th Street Mall? You might be the dumbest customer to ever "quit the bank."
One might ask you the same question with a name like yours. Did you just create that to become a Trump Troll.
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You had me up until "Christian society." Canada is a secular state.
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The Globe is big on hocus-pocus solutions to the pitiless reality of giving third world countries tariff-free access to our markets and the inevitable decimation of local industry by foreign competitors paying pennies an hour to manufacture products sold for big dollars north of the Mexican border.
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oh hang on, u said smart people have left, sorry.
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[The President has absolute authority to declassify any information, and share it. ] I am aware that he has authority to declassify information developed by the US. However, I am uncertain if the true applies to information developed by allied/treaty nations.
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All good for now until the Alt President proves that he can not actually accomplish his agenda.
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I think now is the best time to invest in inorganic farming. That is, building robots.
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Getting personal after losing an argument - not about freedom but about actually a protest - is not appropriate in a discussion.
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The Perkins Loan Program is vital to students who want to get an education. No surprise that the Santorum wing of the Republican Party is trying to kill it.
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My question wasn't intended to be confrontational toward you. It was inteneded to be informational to me. I see that in my absence Lynn has presented you with some information. I hope you take it under consideration. The reason I asked about your experience with homelessness is because you seem to be taking this personally. This is an ongoing crisis that is expanding in direct proportion to technological progress. Asking me to knock that chip off your shoulder with some kind of proof that one particular method of addressing the issue is superior to another isn't very productive. But giving up a cigerette habit isn't prevention. Those of us who are old enough have heard it all before. The corporate lobbyist who petitioned the government to allow the MNCs to ship our jobs to blahblahblah. The CEOs did it. The government did it. But aren't WE the government? We are well beyond the point of placing blame. If housing the homeless is the least we can do, let's do it. Shelter for all.
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The bishops just can't help themselves... it's a default ideological itch that they are frantic to scratch no matter what anyone else has to say about how they've pigeonholed themselves in the culture wars. 'Sorta like General Kelly trying to get control of Trump's Twitter feed... it's a lost cause when the principle character has no insight into what drives him and won't cooperate.
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So I think you should spend a few months - 6?- at Spring Creek.
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I'll give it to you straight motely - as a racist, white supremacist, neo-nazi, etc., you don't have the cojones to stand up and admit it. It's quite clear to the forum that your claim of "independent" is phony. You're an ongoing insult to humanity and deserve the labels of a hateful, cheap shot jerk. Using my daughter in your creepy sexist posts is disgusting and that abuse I will never forget.
The act used in Ewa to decimate all wildlife was rather a process- a different kind of weapon to draw blood. <p> By the "system" submitting fraudulent EIS's that gave a false portrayal of what was really on the landscape and getting away with it ... <p> Excluding the Red Ilima, the result is, that by design- zero mitigation - zero Habitat Conservation Plans or even Incidental Take Permits being executed to replace the loss of Pueo and friends- <p> And the Pueo is under siege- as if facing a baseball bat to the head- eye to eye with a gun barrel; knife blade pressed against its wing ---and developers are caught in broad daylight swinging the bat provided to them by elected officials..... <p> On Oahu, what State elected officials, LUC, Planning Commission, Mayors, and the City Council did in tandem to the Ewa Plain and its wildlife, pales in comparison to the onslaught levied at Kaena-
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Katthie Wasserman, Mayor Berkowitz both are enrolled in PERS
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i hope so!
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"Christian's friends on Facebook unfollowed him throughout the day Saturday. More than 20 had unfriended him by midday." Why didn't they do that a long time ago after he published his first Nazi post? Now they're just scurrying like cockroaches.
Sweet Karma.
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As Trump might say, 'I only hired him because I thought he was a principled as me.' His decision to recuse himself notwithstanding, Mr. Trump, I'm sure he is.
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He's not listening - just backtracking on his position because the system works for him. If he wasn't a slick politician, I don't think he'd give a rat's a$$ what kind of voting system we have.
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Well it he says there was no collusion that's good enough for me. Looks like the MSM comes up empty again.(What else is new)
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So you have a friend who was run over and killed then another friend who got his leg run over then you have yet another friend who has been hit and run over three separate times by hit and run drivers? Did your parents ever tell you that you just might be hanging out with the wrong crowd?
not toxic
Does she have one yet? My opinion is she needs to do some time. We cant let people run down people on the street and just leave them to bleed out but she is young and female so I guess its ok.
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Thanks and btw-absolutely agree he should go to the school board, although it is fairly likely they will not allow comments from the parents. The school boards screen the little cards they tell folks to fill out pre-public session, and then do not give the person their 3 minutes, telling them "sorry, no time, please reschedule" - month after month after month. I have observed that in person time and time again, watching that type thing occur over and over if it is a topic the school board is unwilling to talk about, or have go public. ---- This is the post I responded to btw: "Need reliable evidence that they talked about gay oral sex in your daughter's class. Your word is not to be trusted."
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