2 values
my brother just told me about this great free gems giveaway!you got to check this:V www.dragonfreebies.droppages.com
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The left wing path of denial, much like "right sizing " government is for the right. No Joanna, low oil prices are the problem and as Mr. Cole points out this is a situation that will not change for the foreseeable future. Hiding behind tortured "facts" does not change the reality that the Governor's PFD restructuring plan as well as an income or sakes tax will be necessary to see our way to a sustainable fiscal future.
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Hey illegal criminals, the BP & Ice would like you to pack a lunch for your illegal get together this weekend, wonder why?
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While you are travelling back in time, I would like to remind you of other ruthless and cruel people that were not Muslim. Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Vlad III. Does that make any terrorist attack that happens today more tolerable? Your attitude is one of the reasons that terrorists think they can get away with the things they do.
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Okay. So, tell me: In what courts of law has Rose McGowan been ruled against for breach of contract or defamation of character with regard to Weinstein?
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Putin is well-positioned to do it: the meeting only happened because he prevailed on his stooge, Trump; and Trump, in turn, admitted the Russian press and excluded the American press. Trump's contempt for the American people, their government and their institutions is inexhaustible.
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The senate still needs to have a vote, a vote to make absolutely sure that he is not entitled to any senate pension. It would be a very important step for the senate's image improvement! As far as I now there is no employer in Canada which would permit an employee like Meredith to receive a pension after resigning because he knew that he would be fired.
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We shouldn't be taking in a single refugee until every veteran has a home.
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And your proof of your contention is what? Because you're poor? Then get off your ass and go to work. Taking money from others runs out after awhile. If you're not as successful as others, first look in the mirror and determine which wrong decisions you've made throughout your life, and change. It's just a mental mouseclick. Don't be afraid.
I've heard of acid rain, about raining cats and dogs and raining buckets. I've even heard about how it's raining men. I draw the line at raining whale guts. (I've seen those videos...blech.)
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Compound fractures heal faster! We saw him play a couple times last year and some in preseason. If he's the answer, what possibly c/b the question????
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Just as planned.
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It's not ironclad, the Ak Supremes have hinted as much in past rulings.
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Lying seems to have worked well for Donny throughout his life... up until now. Is he even aware how many Republicans now believe he's a lying Russia puppet?? If he weren't guilty, he wouldn't keep trying to stop the investigation. Thinks he's still on his stupid show where he could boost his ego by firing people.
He's now rambling about the removal of Christopher Columbus statues, while Puerto Rico drinks raw sewage. Way to focus on the real issues. So much winning.
not toxic
Well said. Thank you.
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Geee, maybe that's what the Chinese business people were thinking when they donated at the cash for access event. Heck, they were so elated that they found about such a foundation that they wanted a statute of JT's father built. Lol. Wishful thinking, the real world does not operate that way. PS: We all knew about Trudeau when he was still a part-time drama teacher....the CBC never let us forget it.
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I concur with others that this is a good article. But so what - those of us who understand and respect the words and the writer are the kind who would, are we not? Preaching to the choir comes to mind - and I do NOT say that to diminish Henein. But if anything shows that to MANY people facts don't matter -it's Trump in the Whitehouse and Spicer and Conway shamelessly spinning. How to reach the people honestly scared and who think everyone's out to hoodwink them and that the falsehoods they hold are in fact, truth? I understand FOX news is still running with the story that the Quebec mosque shooting was perpetrated by a Moroccan Muslim.
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Some one is trying to get a leg up.
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Reading comprehension fail.
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CONT'D HERE OR HOW ABOUT when Obama said words to this effect on Letterman "It's like -- it was like Special Olympics or something," (Doh!) maybe you were thinking of when Obama gave to the British Prime Minister a bunch of incorrectly formatted DVD's or when he embarrassed himself and the USA in front of the queen when he gave her his ipod that curiously contained 50 show tunes (go figure) or his apology tour when he apologized for American transgressions around the world, yet failed to ask Muslim states to hold their "extremists" accountable for their global terrorist actions. or remember right after Obama was elected and during just one month he nominated 5 people with serious legal problems and had to be withdrawn...how about his $100,000 "date night " in New York after just a few months in office...lets not forget what a fool he looked like by his overuse of his teleprompter when among other things he introduces himself... is that what you mean?
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Yes. The Liberals could never explain why the voting system that got them elected with a majority was all wrong. Conservatives however understand the FPTP system works despite who wins.
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The Denver Post is nothing like Pravda. Pravda printed what the Soviet government told them to print. The Denver Post prints whatever they want. It is no more state run than Fox News is. However, it interesting that the current Republican in the White House would like to have more control over the media....and not a word from you about that.
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I didn't offer any thoughts, mearly facts and they certainly weren't offered up to try and make you feel better. The only "thoughts" being offered here is the unsubstantiated fairy tale you're spinning about compensation to prop up your weak accusations.
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The perception of why privileged includes paddling a canoe is revealed...or the forward to a new book...Up Algonquin Park without a Paddle?
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Why are governments so reluctant to react to these housing bubbles? Because voters that own homes feel really fantastic about themselves seeing these high prices on their appraisals - it makes them feel like millionaires. Happy voters tend to vote status quo. Of course, only a few of these owners are smart enough to cash in at these historic prices and crystallize their gains (and actually become millionaires). The majority will just sit there and watch the housing bubble eventually deflate, just like they watched it inflate. It is all built on historically cheap money (more so than foreign buyers, which are a catalyst, but that's it) - and the writing is on the wall for the end of cheap money.
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"Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it." Mark Twain
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It is amazing and somewhat disturbing that after such evidence has been presented and considered, that there are still avenues available to look for loopholes to avoid legal proceedings being instituted. Common sense application makes the situation almost unbelievable.
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So these guys, by all accounts, defend the Canadian flag that's being desecrated and the government and military apologize? Flying a Canadian flag upside down, with the word "decolonize" scribbled across it is an obvious attempt to inflame and simply trolling for a reaction. If not for their untouchable status as "First Nations", the usual response from most Canadians would have been a punch in the mouth. Why no comments on this obvious attempt to incite and bait the "settlers" yet again? I guess insults, in Canada, at now only legally permitted against whitey. Sad day when we are forced to apologize again........and again.............and again.
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OMG, a FORMER Eugene man!
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Lol I just finished commenting on how Trump channels Americans’ arrogance, ignorance and selfishness. I used those three words and spoke in general terms. Thank you for illustrating my point. Even when insulted by Americans, Canadians are still polite. And apparently correct.
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You are judging them by today's standard of what is considered moral. How do you know what was civil then as compared to now? It is typical of people alive today to cast such irresponsible judgment on a culture they don't really know, except for what is shown in the media, which is often blown out of proportion.
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The situation still arises out of an imbalance between supply and demand - not enough homes for sale for the volume of people who wish to purchase. Generational demand is colliding with that of immigrants and foreign buyers who have more resources than generational buyers. Those generational buyers that do not have financial assistance from their parents or significantly well-paid professions cannot compete with the resources coming out of places like China. There is no shortage of housing in Vancouver either but there is definitely a shortage of homes priced in the range that generational buyers can afford. The call for increased development to create 'affordable' housing, however, is a political canard. Redevelopment costs (including a plethora of government fees and regulations) are such that most new construction in Vancouver is still much beyond the means of most generational buyers. There is absolutely no doubt that generational buyers are being displaced from much of the city.
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Thanks AT that is useful information, but I haven't heard of a catastrophic failure yet. Please ask your engineer friends what "catastrophic failure" means. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catastrophic_failure
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That depends on the punishment for refusal on philosophical grounds would it not? The rule is the rule, the punishment is something else entirely
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The Americans got the president they were promised. Many may not agree with what he is doing but he is doing exactly what he said he would do. Refreshing indeed.
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Would be nice if you could say why.. E.g., do you support Assad? A corrupt Muslum terrorist? Or why do you say this? tip: complete thoughts go a long way...
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Well, you must care. You're here on the Sens win article, you're reading the posts, and you're commenting.
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Hope they enjoy being raped in prison themselves.
Trump needs to be removed asap, threatening to stop federal funds to a school that has no control over protesters is pathetic. He must think he is invincible but his own actions will ensure his impeachmrnt.
Harpocrite !!!
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Never answer a question with a question. One thing for certain, the quantity of melanocytes in the epidermis does not define a particular race. Einstein and Obama's father, a Luo, share the same haplogroup E1b1b1-M35.1. The Fitzpatrick dermatological pigmentary scale ranges from between 1 to 6 , from "white" to "black"; Hitler's National Socialist herrenvolk master race, the Arians ( German-Iranians) range from 1 to 4 on the scale. The white suprematists who believe themselves to be members of the Arian master race , likely aren't. Back to the question...what is a " racist monument"?
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Every story in The Globe about the Edmonton attack is closed to comments. Try to remember G&M, that when peoples voices are stifled they then resort to violence. The Canadian Media is a BIG part of the problem.
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My guess is that Trump has no interest in negotiation or reconciliation. He's a pure conservative ideologue who's only interest is to do the bidding of his tea party masters. The world is in trouble for sure.
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Which is why I studied to become an 'ethical hacker' 18 months ago. Thanks to companies large and small either being too lazy or too naïve to properly secure their networks and systems I've found myself in the middle of a boon part-time career.
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Indeed, the whole bank fiasco from so many days have not just created an environment of confusion but has also led people to not to trust on any government or private organization. If White Monopoly has plotted it against Guptas then they haven't plotted it well because several questions question the intensity of allegations by banks and the way they have treated Guptas so far unprofessionally.
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Pitino said he didn't know anything he just signed the checks.
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Religion has no place in school.
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After watching his cyber security joint effort with Russia get slammed on Sunday by Lindsey Graham and John McCain, among a host of other GOP congressman, Trump tweeted this morning: "The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn't mean I think it can happen. It can't-but a ceasefire can,& did!" This is really becoming ridiculous. Someone is going to have to turn his TV off because the man will never be consistent. He may call it unpredictability, but what it actually is is narcissistic insecurity. This is all getting very sad and very uncomfortable to watch.
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Ya'Allahumma 'aamiin
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You need to READ ADN's anti-stalking and harassment policy.
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Markets are booming! Well done Mr. Trump!
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I guess the point I was attempting to make was that in good times, people don't want public sector employees to get wage increases. Then in bad times, people don't want public sector employees to get wage increases. If we looked at public sector employees in the same way we do private sector, no one would be complaining.
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I don't think Alberta's problems have anything to do with the current federal government. The massive layoffs and downturn started near the end of the Conservative's nearly 10 years in office.
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Improve your vocabulary, 'Lamont'. I was of course using the verb in its second sense, with an object. Troll VERB 1. Make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them: ‘if people are obviously trolling then I'll delete your posts and do my best to ban you’ [with object] ‘you folks taking this opportunity to troll me, you really need to reassess your values in your life’ 2. Carefully and systematically search an area for something: ‘a group of companies trolling for partnership opportunities’ [with object] ‘I spent tonight trolling the Internet for expensive lighting gear’ https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/troll
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And I have no doubt you'd ban the Sun if you could...
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Careful stewards of growing a crop, not a forest. Just to make sure we're making that distinction.
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"Don't cry for him openwater, he took on the (self professed) Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, and he won." Not really, BurtEarnest. And then there was the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal lawyer he defamed and to whom he had to pay $55,000 in damages and costs.
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Islam means submission. It means that you submit to the rule of Allah as written in the Koran. The shahada, the prayer oath of obedience, "There is one God. Allah is God. Muhammad is the prophet of God.” is the foundation of Islam and said of by all Muslims. One must put Islam ahead of all things, even one's own life. The hijab is a sign she is FIRST a Muslim. but an American secondly. . She is loyal to a country only to the extent that does not conflict with Islam. Therefore, Muslims must denounce any person, politician or country (which is in fact any western democracy) that does not uphold Islamic submission to Allah. The mayor of London believes exactly the same thing: it is impossible/forbidden to be critical of Islam, no matter how much blood is shed for Allah. The shahada also is the white text on the black flag of ISIS. How could she be critical of them?
Still don't understand why the "accumulated deficit" was permitted to increase by millions each year for so many years. At a certain point, you'd think someone would wake up and realize that the endeavor is losing millions, each year. Unstated in this article was what would be done THIS YEAR to make sure no more deficit "accumulates", or in other words, no more money is lost.
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Doesn't something seem wrong about a Boys & Girls Club holding a girls only event? Will an equal number of one-year memberships for boys be offered? And public schools support it? Hopefully, I misunderstand this, it doesn't seem like a Washington state type thing.
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Cooper family, Thank you so much for the pics. I live across Bird Creek from the trail and have a great view of it. I have been looking up there and praying for your peace and strength. I will climb Bird Ridge in Jack's honor when it reopens.
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Please tell me which countries have laws that state that if one of their citizens gives birth outside the country, the baby will not have the citizenship of its mother but can only have the citizenship of the country it was born in.
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Don't get mad; get even. Off your duff. Away from your computer screen. Become part of the group that coalieses to block the LPC candidate in your riding in 2019. I already have two voters onside here and I'm working on more. But not just defeat. He deserves much more than mere defeat: IGNOMINY, as in Brian Mulroney IGNOMINY.
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' This guy. https://malialitman.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/steve-bannon.jpg Trump's White House senior counselor and chief strategist. Yeah, there's the look of competency. . He's actually just a white supremacist neo-Nazi. Chief strategist, ….more like chief fascist sympathizer and bloated toady all rolled into one. .
Actually, toxic greed isn't wonderful but it would be important to understand where it exists. You seem to focus on the provider and I can understand doing so given your experience. And I will readily acknowledge that there are providers that are a problem, although in my experience the vast majority are simply trying to earn a living and care about their patients. To address the issue of greed, your employer opted for cheaper insurance premiums with a higher deductible saving the company/corporation money (survival). The insurance company raised the deductible so they could collect your premium and almost never have to pay for service by a provider (greed). The physician provider either charges you for the deductible which your insurance and employer straddled you with or "eats" the loss. For your information, many providers "eat" the loss (altruism). But please Stubs, explain why the provider should financially support (enable) insurance companies and corporations to steal?
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Maybe the Queens representative didnt have that information available. Ignattief wasn't here long enough to let anybody write anything about him!
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Yes, follow the money and find the beneficial owners of Eskom.
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I see: ericnorstog 1 day ago < this comment did not meet civility standards > 1 Reaction and ericnorstog 2 hours ago In reply to: It would appear that using dollar signs to replace the letter "S" in your scatological reference to me did not fool whoever monitors such things. You revealed your true self once again and thus... — motleycrew I just noticed that (as I said earlier) non of my posts has been scrubbed, double dollar sign notwithstanding. In fact it's right above in plain sight. I didn't insult you, I only used a vulgar expression meaning you're in over your head, in this case using a red herring (Clinton's server problem, which wasn't a crime) to distract from Trump's obviously serious troubles with conflicts of interest, to put it mildly. Anyway, your loud braying hasn't put me out of step, let alone sucking swamp water up my nether end. Have a pleasant evening! and
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FYI. Trump is polling with blacks higher for any GOP candidate since 1960. Better re-work your bias.
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"...and the third point is.... Euh, euh. I euh, euh I said them out of order so....euh, euh... Well, ...." Shooting fish in the barrel he is so limited.
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little weird and overly dramatic there phil.........
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Incorrect. They can not use the banked sick days as vacation. Though it is true that many do call in sick when they are not, or at the end of their careers get a note from their doctor and go on "stress leave" to use up those days at full pay and adding time for pension calculation purposes. But Canadians are ok with that, they keep voting for pro-public sector union parties.
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The Raiders are 2-1. What part of them is "sorry"??? Never mind, your stuck on draining the swamp.... right???
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In summary, our comprehensive review of the published literature on the comparative health outcomes, nutrition, and safety of organic and conventional foods identified limited evidence for the superiority of organic foods. The evidence does not suggest marked health benefits from consuming organic versus conventional foods, although organic produce may reduce exposure to pesticide residues and organic chicken and pork may reduce exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. http://people.emich.edu/gzhou/Internal_Medicine_Organic.pdf
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And as long as 'homeless' trespass and destroy private property through their own slovenliness and entitlement attitudes they will be vulnerable and not safe from property owners.
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You could go to their country to visit. They don't have to come see you in the US. Guess we gotta pay Chin's expenses for the appeal to the Supreme Court.
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You may find that getting rid of Obamacare (mistyping the name makes you look petty) has an unfavorable effect on your premiums, but we'll see.
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Great news. I don't believe that the Yazidi hate Canadian culture and values.
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On the other hand, Trump did apparently graduate from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics after a starting off at Fordham University in Queens NY . He kind of scraped through, didn't make the deans list. Given his current comprehension of economics not sure the University of Pennsylvania would refer to him as one of the proudest accomplishments.
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The bitterness, insensitivity and generally overall rude comments below, suggest to me, these people are just downright, nasty bitter people, never enjoyed the thrills, emotions and joy that the Hip brought into most Canadian lives, don't really care for music and how it transcends people as a whole. For that I feel really sorry for all the bitter souls out there, who cannot experience the joy of music, and the utter joy of The Tragically Hip.
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The lack of understanding is on your part, not mine. A "free press" means having media that is free from government manipulation, be the manipulation overt or covert. Your idea of freedom- switching from one corrupted media outlet to another corrupted media outlet- is without value.
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This hubbub makes mockery of a serious situation. Since when did it become sound foreign policy to only meet with allies when trying to bring peace to a war? The phony concern about "meeting a murderer" reeks to high heaven of political motivations against Tulsi personally. Everyone sees it for what it is but the people pushing that meme. With such blatant political opportunism obvious in the flimsy rationale behind the attacks on Tulsi, you would think those who promote it would be embarrassed to look so obviously insincere - travel expenses to Syria? Are you kidding me? What, you think it's a resort of some sort, Club Bomb Shelter? This whole situation would be funny if it weren't actually true. I fear for the mental health of our Nation if things have come to this level of mendacity by even the alternative press. Who can we trust to report the truth when so many writers have become captive of political shenanigans for one reason or another? When do we know - real or fake??? Hm?
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And you would have to learn to properly put together a sentence.
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You must not live in Juneau, Studebaker. JDHS was overcrowded and did require a new school. Anchorage has how many high schools that they probably don't need? There's talk about shutting down a few of Anchorage's public schools in the near future because of state ongoing budget cuts.
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Yea, but, he almost won over the waha mayor.
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The TSA has always had problems, with non-violent & cooperative airline passengers who were handicapped. The handicapped airline passengers, have to go through the TSA hoops & hurdles, all of the time. I am a first hand witness. In the past, a YouTube video, named "TSA Gangstas" said it all, in pure sarcasm.
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In short, "What have you done for me lately?"
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No, you are wrong,, Albi. If you are between 65 and 70 and collecting CPP, you can elect not to pay premiums for the post-retirement benefit. But if you are not collecting CPP, there is no way to elect out of contributing.
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Seems the world trend at the moment is falling back to authoritarian leadership. Things happen for a reason, maybe we've got to take a look at just what Democracy does well, or does badly. I will throw out an idea. When democracy turns to populism, rational choices for complex problems, turns to popularity contest with dumbed down partisan ideology. We get a lot of dolts in Congress by way of a nice smile, a fluffy campaign promise, identity politics, personal wealth, campaign fund size, ....... It's prom elections for gown ups. IMO Partisanship has become the enemy of democracy. When so many appointments, from staff to chairmanship of key congressional committee's are strictly the choice of the majority party, we lose rational decision making in favor of partisan support without informed consent by anybody but Party leadership.** *Do people know that the Speaker of the House does not have to be an elected representative or, a member of The Party
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Seriously....who the F * # K is S-A polling??? People that have NEVER flown? People that consider a "big trip", a family vacation in Hilo??? Do they even KNOW what an airport authority IS, versus the pathetically inept, Hawaiian kine state gov "management" that we're currently stuck with??? This poll is highly suspect ...
The Permanent Fund was not established to pay out PFDs. That was something the legislature created by statute later.
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Murkowski has voted to endorse all the worst nominees of Trump. Her last vote was to confirm a known adulteress as Trump's nominee to an ambassadorship to the Vatican. Newt Gingrich's mistress is sent to the Vatican as an ambassador. Principles? Lisa voted aye. Think about the 'message' that sends to the Vatican. Trump is thumbing his perverted nose at the Pope and Lisa enables that too. Disgusting.
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God bless her, she hit the nail on the head with that one.
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You just learn to dislike Trump and his goon squad, and 60 million people who showed who they really are under cover of a vote-- arrogant, world bully mentality, women in the kitchen bare foot and pregnant, and white supremacist lean more and more every day. Everything you have always disliked but knew it was still around.
Right on Bully. Same thing I was thinking. The probability of death is always there for fire rescue folks when they train. Comes with the turf.
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You are a fool and an imbecile. And so are anyone else who choose to support someone as totally corrupt as Hillary the serial killer and her rapist pedophile husband. Trump is the best choice and we are all wholly expecting him to blow up the establishment parasites who have been feeding office with the complicity of the Democratic Party for almost 100 years
The real billions in benefits are the jobs for working tax payers and the tax revenue that comes from there. >The Suzuki Foundation is not nearly as lucrative.
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