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Don't flatter yourself. I'm not accusing you of being Trump. I'm pointing out that you have the same pathology as Trump. An affinity for conflict and vindictiveness. And speaking of being childish, your compulsive need to follow me around to feebly attempt rebutting my comments makes you about as infantile as it gets.
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Right on Senator, with exception to Lisa, our republican leaders have no honor, just suppression of our freedoms and beliefs. The day will come when these citizens realize who the real trash bags are, How many times do we have to refight old battles. Nobody will respect the US. Let Trump pickup the dead infants lining the shores, the guy is a monster right out of Dante's Inferno.
What's the difference between a good lawyer and a bad one?....nothing.
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For one thing, you don't KNOW the answer to #1 (I am glad you used the term "likely"), and even if it were true, by your definition, the "fetuses" would grow into person, you cannot deny this (and you have never interviewed a dead fetus and do not know anyway). #2 - BOY, Heil Hitler again ! because someone contemplates or attempts to commit suicide that makes their life without any value ? Yavolt Her Comandant, anything for the motherland. SCARY.
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It looks like China's going to become the world leader in renewable energy then, while we get left behind.
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Cash is always the preferred payment for businesses that want to avoid taxes and for consumers who want to avoid paying HST. However, this Square payment option is a low fee convenient way for customers that don't have cash to pay. I'm not really sure why there is suspicion that businesses who use this are not reporting taxes correctly, it wouldn't be any different from people who are using other services for credit/debit card transactions.
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funny about left wingers, they always try to claim raising taxes helps the economy but on housing not so much since it has been proven (again) raising taxes on something, the housing in BC set the housing market downward. Maybe wynne might actually learn that her taxation nonsense like carbon etc is not a good policy! lets not hold our breath
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He's pretty sure it's legal and that's all that counts.
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The Challenges won the State Title in 2012.
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Apparently public sector union folks believe that: "Outsourcing within the public service should, by its nature, be short-term, limited and targeted to areas where missing expertise is quickly transferred to permanent employees." Given the adversarial disposition of the writer (she runs The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, a public sector labour union), the Phoenix problems encountered represent a remarkable coincidence - a demonstrable event aligned perfectly with the union's stated position on outsourcing. Begs the question as to whether this coincidence was engineered, or perhaps even manufactured, to produce evidence supporting the writer's polarized beliefs about outsourcing. She's certainly got quite the pitch going .... http://www.pipsc.ca/portal/page/portal/website/aboutinstitute/pres ... and Canadian taxpayers fund her every ambition.
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Nixon erased 19 minutes of taped conversations that the Supreme Court ordered released. Hillary deleted at least 30,000 emails and destroyed 7 devices that were under subpoena. The difference that Loretta Lynch wasn't the Attorney General, and there were no Democrats demanding the Hillary resign as there were Republicans telling Nixon to resign.
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In no office are you allowed to use your rights of any kind to insult members of your company's workforce.
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Just PMJT's new electoral system. A cross between FPTP and party list PR. Turns out it's party list FPTP. Enjoy, Liberal voters.
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I'm surprised no one else commented on the irony contained in this editorial. The Editorial Board spent most of their time and efforts bemoaning the sad state of gun availability, carping about how easy it is for guns to fall into the wrong hands, and advocating tighter controls... and then they "take heart in the courage exhibited by church neighbors who wounded Kelley in a shootout and chased him down to his death" and also pay homage to Jean Assam, the volunteer civilian security guard who killed a mass shooter at a Colorado Springs church, commenting that "such bravery and ability likely saved lives." These were PRIVATE GUN OWNERS, too... in this case, "good guys with guns." C'mon guys and gals, you can't have it both ways.
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So, your advocating letting a impaired/intoxicated person drive off and endanger countless others ? I applaud the Officer for doing his/her job. I'm guessing you would be commenting about the "cost" if she had hit or killed one of your family members. Were just lucky nobody in the community was hurt during her escape
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He and Melania are doing just fine in their reactions and actions to this disaster. Stop nit picking folks. There is lots of other stuff he does where there can be substance to the criticism.
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A few of the more recent cases 9th Circuit cases where people were deported for not following the rules including committing crimes. Here, Macario Jesus Bonilla, formerly a lawful permanent resident of the United States, was deported to El Salvador in 1996 following a misdemeanor firearms conviction. n 1996, MendezGarcia was arrested following a domestic dispute with his wife, but was not charged. In May 2008, Mendez-Garcia was MENDEZ-GARCIA V. LYNCH 9 again arrested for a domestic dispute and pled nolo contendere to one count of domestic battery, see Cal. Penal Code § 243(e)(1), and one count of false imprisonment, Fuentes, who entered the United States without inspection in 1996, was admitted in FUENTES V. LYNCH4 2004, when he was granted legal permanent resident (LPR) status. His continuous residence ended in 2009, when he committed a controlled substance offense, so he does not satisfy the seven years of continuous residency requirement.
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While we are on the subject, why does the Globe pay you?
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They even cheat in their own elections. Too funny.
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This is not the best news. The best news would be to see your name in the obits.
Is that like when the networks knew about but ignored the John Edwards love child story during the 2008 election, until The Enquirer first broke the story? Or maybe how Newsweek knew about but ignored the Monica Lewinsky bombshell, before Matt Drudge broke it propelling his Drudge Report to the number one aggregating news site on the internet? The fact of the matter is the liberal media routinely refuses to break stories of Dem scandals- even when they have plenty of damning evidence, but wholeheartedly report on Repub "scandals" even when they have no evidence. So much for your "credible" sources.
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It seems a bit odd that he's not on leave pending the outcome of the criminal investigation.
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A little bit of free advice for my liberal friends...Elizabeth Warren is not coming to the rescue, not now, and not 4 years from now. Once you've worked your way through all those steps of grieving, you might want to contemplate why your Democratic Party leadership was so eager to promote the nomination of someone as inherently flawed as Hillary Clinton, and what should be done to prevent it from happening again.
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“I have no idea what Fusion or Steele were paid but if even a shred of that dossier ends up helping Mueller, it will prove money well spent,” Now the dossier is supposed to help Mueller, I thought it was supposed to defeat Trump? Hillary had absolutely everything going for her and she still lost, pathetic. The further this is investigated, the more embarrassing it's going to get, and not for Trump. Seriously, what a bunch of loons.
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The view from the far far left.
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He has plenty of criminal history in Wasilla Alaska, would make an interesting read.
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I agree with your statement completely. Whether one believes or not is moot, because EVERYONE dies we will all learn the truth of it. Let's assume the Christian viewpoint is correct, just for arguments sake. You have a good man who is an atheist, but gives to his community and is extremely charitable, humble, honest and honorable in every way. In the same town you have a 'Holy' man, who preaches love, charity, kindness and believes wholly in Jesus as his savior, but this man is corrupt, bigoted, commits sins, and does not truly love his neighbors, but uses them for money. Which of these two men will go to heaven? Matthew 9: 12-13 is often interpreted incorrectly. Jesus said he came for the 'spiritually sick' as he spoke to 'righteous' men of his day. Often this passage is used to say that 'good' people cannot go to heaven just for being good. I disagree. I think he wasn't pointing out the 'good' who lack faith, but the self-righteous, who are clean on the outside but foul inside.
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Since they are the only cable company available to me, how is that not a monopoly. ACS doesn't cover this area.
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Not only could this offence be impeachable, it could be high treason. At the very least, perjury: "Sally Yates, the acting attorney general, judged an intercepted call “highly significant” and “potentially illegal” under the Logan Act, which bars private citizens from interfering in diplomatic disputes with other countries. When word of the Flynn-Kislyak call leaked on Jan. 12, a Trump official denied that sanctions were discussed. The White House spokesman, Sean Spicer, gave a similar answer on Jan. 13, as did Vice President Mike Pence on Jan. 15. After Mr. Trump’s inauguration, Mr. Spicer said on Jan. 23 that Mr. Flynn again assured him that sanctions had not been discussed. Shortly afterward, Ms. Yates, with agreement from James Comey, the F.B.I. director, informed Donald McGahn, the White House counsel, about what really happened."
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Dalton is a bigot's bigot.
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this is a non historic deal with the US going the opposite way this is dead in the water regardless of how mr sunny ways spins it tax revenues are already going down for JT and this will spin into a crisis if he continues man up boy and stop the nonsense
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Huh? You mean the people that kept babbling about his birth certificate, like the Birther in Chief? Yeah, that bunch of deplorables sure were galvanized under Obama, as well. Probably whipped up by the usual suspects: Alex Jones, O'Lielly, Klannity, Rush, Deadbart, WingNutDaily, etc...
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"$29,883 property tax from every property owner (based on 56% home ownership) to fund the initial build-out of the rail plus unknown annual M&A fees justifies the rail for the few it benefits?" Where are you getting this from? Can you you please point out where I can find this charge to property tax? By the way, I am not new here and I have lived on this island all of my life. Where are you from? Are you from Hawaii? Were you raised here. All I am saying is that I'm a proponent of rail. If no rail, then can someone please come up with a solution other than adding more buses. Like I've said before...let's just take one lane of each road and have it dedicated to mass transit. Easy solution, problem solved and we don't have to spend very much money to dedicate those lanes.
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That's not entirely true. There is a single reservation in Alaska, Annette Island Indian Reservation in southeast. They have a tribal court and local law enforcement agency. They act within the constitution and rule of law.
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I'm sick of scuzzy politicians.. Bill Walker. the one term scuzzbucket with a gas pipeline fixation.
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I no understand sarcasm!
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Some people are slow to learn. You would think after having 4 speeding tickets in the last 4 years she would have learned something other than how to get out of paying the fines which added up to $624. Sad thing is that seems to be the norm when you go on court view, you see fines have been adjusted to zero out the balance. The borough allows people to be behind on property taxes as well, and the funny thing here is some are borough employees. No wonder our PFD checks were only $1100.
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Delivery date?
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thank you.i guess i am one of the three,
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Roy, your team lost , get over it.
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Your posting has been utterly disingenuous, so, yes, let's end this pointlessness. Post when you have something real to say. NO MORE FAKE NEWS.
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The "blue slip" was a useful tool when communications throughout the land were highly limited and for such appointments the Senate had to rely on those that knew the far flung States and people to offer advice on appointments. Today literally no one is an unknown and especially judicial decisions even down to the local level are easily and readily available to be researched.
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The whole point of a trial is to examine evidence, and that's my point. Impeachment is not conviction.
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Don't let any of the negativity get to you guys. I can't imagine anyone would take issue with this movement if the picture at the top reflected a less diverse crowd. That's a personal problem on their end. You guys are doing great. 🤘
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Alright, alright, we get it. Just set a target - say 100,000 to 200,000, book every hotel room in Toronto and Vancouver and start sending planes to pick them up.
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They want well develped white man.....that has been obvious for many many years.......once you go white you dont go back to China man.
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You wrote: <<Neko's confrontational attitude with several other posters?>> Right. Men aren't taken to task for combativeness. Boys will be boys.
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When someone is elected by a minority of voters you are then governed by a tyrant.
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Chump said "ACA will implode by its own weight" Lol, it's imploding right in his face like a hot load of GOO barf! Enjoy pootus. Throwing more money at Collins and Murkowski didn't work. GOP actually trying to bribe it's members. Sound about right.
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If someone isn't sure whether it was him or it was he who participated, i.e. Him and Joe went to the store or he and Joe, why not use his name? Bob. Bob was involved. Bob and his wife. Bob and the others went to a party.
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continued... Jews helpfully label themselves officially: Secular (cultural) jews, Reform Jews, Conservative Jews, Orthodox, Ultra-orthodox, Hasidim, etc. Christians have dozens of pretty clearly defined denominations from ultra-liberal to ultra-conservative. So it is much clearer than in Islam, where the battle between islamists and moderates, liberals or secular Muslims isn't between clearly defined groups, but a battle to define what is "mainstream". The battle around the hijab has been going on among Muslims themselves for ages, and after decades of liberal Islam winning, the islamists are now regaining ground, and the left like you are siding with them. The Left that used to ridicule Victorian prudishness and Christian missionaries for making "naked savages" cover up, now see nothing negative about claims that women who bare more than their faces are "immodest" and displeasing to Allah.
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"You’re not perfect and just for today [Father's Day] we won’t blame you for it." Monday morning though, it's all salads and tofu.
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Sorry to say but the Empire Builder that stated in 1929 as this reporter (Don C Brunell) report is incorrect. Amtrak was not formed until 1971. The earlier years were the passenger service by the railroads. IF this 'gentleman' were a resident of Glasgow, MT, or Essex, MT, he would not promote taking away his ONLY method of transportation. The organization of Amtrak was to replace the private train service provided by many different railroads across this great country. My last 7 years of railroading was as Manager then Director of Amtrak Train & Power Operations on the Burlington Northern Railroad. In my position I was able to ride many of the 15 daily trains operating on the BN tracks. They were well used by the people all across the country as well as people traveling from end to end of the route.
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Then, of course, there are 'The Godfather' movies! Nice Italian Catholics, just defending 'The Family'! On the other side, though, we have 'Family Blue'! All the actors seem made for their roles, from Tom Selleck on down. Just New York Irish copes doing their job; but they still sit around a table for a family meal and pray a Catholic 'grace'. Sort of American cops, who just happen to be Catholic.
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Seriously" "Fascist" left? Make up your mind. Is the left fascist, communist, socialist...etc. Please respond with a reasoned argument on how you can describe those on the left as fascist (with a straight face).
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Hummm..... I am so sympathetic to all women's issues and daily see the imbalance and unjust environment the have to deal with; so much so I make it a top priority to hire, promote and pay equally; as I see the benefit in my operations that I can not find enough women with the skills I need to fill all my desired openings. That said and listening to all the "next steps" they want to initiate, policies, legal frame works, further protests, etc... it is screamingly apparent that these are the exact incorrect "next steps". What they really need to focus on, convince the 54% that voted or Trump. And I don't mean just the election. You all hold 50% of the voting public yet to this day struggle to get things changed for the better of your issues? It's because 50% of you may not want what the other 50% wants. Your real, most effective "next steps", get your voting mass all on the same page. Until you do, your only 25% of the electorate.
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One muslim casualty vs the hundreds and thousands of victims of muslim terrorism this year alone. Darn islamophobia.
Oh boy, you got that right. Just look how they dropped the ball on the Comet Ping Pong scandal.
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"focusing on" . Um, it's one of several dozen stories in the news. I know this is hard to believe, but news organizations can actually cover more than one event at a time.
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When you're a celebrity they let you do it.
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Rona Ambrose is the right choice. Smart, experienced, telegenic, very pleasant personailty, tough, bilingual and a woman. The next election will purely be a popularity contest, not a question of policy. Zoolander wouldn't be able to put a glove on her. God forbid the Conservatives select another over-fed, suburban, middle-aged and angry white guy in a boring suit. May as well just stay home.
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The last two people in Eugene that got lesser plea deals testified against the guy who instigated the multiple bank robberies, kidnapping and death of the man who was killed by shoving an arrow into his ear canal and into his brain, although he was also strangled with a chain at the same time. He was sentenced to death, the guy shoving the arrow got life in prison and the girl got a lesser sentence. Works for me. And it worked for the jury who didn't come in with their own agenda as yo would if you were called as a juror.
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LFS: Some good advice here....thanks. It would take a cordon of police separating demonstrators from counter-protesters to keep them apart. I truly believe many of the white supremacists/white nationalist and some of the counter-protesters do welcome violence... I think you're also quite right re: voicing our views. The internet is an amazing vehicle for information and opinion. I know this site, itself, has put me in touch with many interesting individuals. It has reminded me that we're not "alone." I don't know just where we're headed as a nation and as a "people." I've been an optimist all my life and remain one. I think more and more Americans are tiring of the hate which is being promoted by the racists and given tacit approval by Mr. Trump. Best regards, Gary crum
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I'd like those who continually deny man-made climate change to name one national government in the world - just one - that agrees with them. What does that mean? Nothing at all? If there were justifiable doubt wouldn't some major countries say so? Is the 'climate change conspiracy' really that complete? The science may indeed change over time - that is the nature of the scientific method - but the fact is that it's the best science we have, it's been consistent for several decades now, and the threat is so significant we'd be fools to ignore it.
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A great man, may his memory and his teachings be well remembered!
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Let's Hope!
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I think I understand your point; that there are many others behind the scene who are also part of the team, in the heat, in the bush, etc. who deserve recognition for their efforts? Indeed, I have a dear friend who cleans toilets at YKHC all night. No I am not pontificating, and if I am in a comfortable place is irrelevant. Having known Dr. Seaman for many years and having watched her hard efforts grow and take fruit, I think it's very safe to say she shuns accolades and a high profile. Nice sharing views with you.
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I found it interesting that the NRA, the ACLU and numerous disabled rights organizations applauded this legislation. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/we-can-stop-gun-violence-without-blaming-the-mentally_us_58a601bce4b0fa149f9ac332
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And hopefully these last four things will include, love, kindness, generosity and metanoia, not just a list of sexual transgressions. Unfortunately, the Church has always placed an over emphasis of all things sexual to the to the exclusion of the 4 things I have mentioned above.
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Health insurance premiums were growing at an un-affordable and unsustainable rate well before the ACA. Although the ACA has added to the expense for sure, you can't say that we had affordable health care coverage before the ACA but now we don't because, even without the ACA, premiums would have likely risen to close to what they are now. The problem is not the lack of affordable insurance. Insurance will never be affordable so long as it's a for profit enterprise trying to pay the expenses of another for profit enterprise that sells services that are necessary but without sufficient cost controls.
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I'm on board with you Chelsea. It was a planned bunch of BS to put Hillary, whom I don't trust, in.
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Which turd smells the best ?
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After Trump, O'Leary looks rather benign...
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And it's our duty as Coloradans to make his life a virtual Hell until then.
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yes, the state could start doing so in the bush that receives moneys's from the general fund just like all the rest of us in the urban areas!
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You reap what you sow. Barron is going to be a girl when he grows up, just watch.
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Well, when you put it that way, I don't disagree, especially if it's a general observation. I don't even know what the term means! Total yardage per game? TDs? Scoring? Guys like Al Michaels constantly use this phrase, and as far as I know, they've never defined it. Just for grins, I looked it up. Total yards per game (DEF) top 3 are Pitt, Jags, Cincy. Points per game top 3 are Seattle, Jags, Pitt. Pass DEF is Denver, Pitt, Carolina. Rush DEF is Eagles, Denver, Vikings. That was actually sort of interesting!
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Mental status exams anyone???
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I wonder why they had people testify on how bad the damaghe was. It has nothing to with who started the fire. I would agree that should be discussed during the punishment phase but to find guilt? I mean really. " My house was burnt to the ground and I lost everything I own in the world" Thats only grounds for punishment if found guilty, not evidence of guilt.
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This target can be met by enlarging the indigenous studies and black studies departments, as well as the other fringe departments. This is why I stopped financially supporting my university. I hear the same comments from from others.
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I'm not a dude, and you're not a lawyer.
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What corruption and injustice would those be?
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Millions of tax dollars spent so that the government does not have to address the issue. This was a farce from the beginning. How many commissions are required on this vary same subject. This certainly is not the first.
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What you refer to as progress is a fundamental change in a way of living. Most of which is being rejected as displayed in the last election. The brush back is going to continue Richard. We have always been a simple people with simple pleasures in life. This progress you speak of, is nothing but a complication in the status quo that made this State so great.
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There is nothing romantic about the life that many with chronic health issues have to endure.
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My question is this........Obama put sanctions in place on Russia, seized their diplomatic compounds, and expelled some Russian officials. Why is Trump wanting to ease the sanctions, and allow them back into their compounds? Let's say for argument sake that Obama didn't do everything he could. Fine. However........ Collusion or no collusion.....that isn't the question here. Obama did do something about it after the election. Why doesn't Trump seem to care? Why is he easing sanctions on Russia (both with regards to the election and Ukraine) without getting anything in return?
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The article points out that managers with better soft skills achieve better results. If someone can have their team achieve the same results, over time, with poor soft skills then that's just fine. That may be not be easy but certainly possible.
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I like Oshiro's remark that this is a State project. The State should take control over all of Rail as well as Caldwell's job.
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Cold showers to save the planet? Someone needed to be paying attention in his science classes and ignoring Gore's little bit of brain washing. It is sad that some folks have bought into the chicken little stories of the sky falling due to CO2 and now think the end is near but of course that is what the alarmists intended the simple minded to do ... get scared silly and then hand over control of everything to those who claimed to have the answer to saving the planet. Fortunately economic reality is stopping Red Rachel and Justin from totally screwing up Canada but they are making a mess of things.
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FishOrSpoon/Little late here. I'm a gun owner and I see no epidemic of "gun violence" in America. However the left media whoop it up. Are you prepared to give up everything since it could be used in a violent way?Why are guns picked on?Ever ask yourself that or do you take the media's word for it. Been to a movie lately or just watch one on TV? What do they all have in common? Oh that's right lot's of guns wielded by some of the biggest anti gun nuts out there. Where's the LEFTS OUTCRY over that? "Curb the endemic problem of GUN violence" is a joke since guns aren't violent. Car,rope,knife,razor blade,prescription drug violence only to name a few. Bet all the criminals and gang bangers will line up around the block to hand them in and make sure they are all nice and legal huh?
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Wrong on both counts.
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Illegal aliens.
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It's a Great Day In America !! funny to see the Democrats/liberal on the ropes over most of the Country. They don't have the Whitehouse , nor the Senate , nor the house of representatives, and they're about to be the minority in the Supreme Court hahah and 2018 will be even worse for them after the midterm elections, they may lose 10 seats in the Senate NOT GOOD for them........
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One would think that a doctorate in theology would be a minimum requirement for signing a document that sets itself up as the first major theological remonstrance of a Pope since 1333. And also one would think that clerical signatories would be in good standing. And also that signatories would not subscribe to schismatic positions such as those of SSPX.
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No taco trucks :O( SAD!
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Nra, gun lovers buying ads to attach to this article. Get your carry map here.
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The break even point is $1,560,000 in gross revenue. If you gross more than that, you pay slightly more. If you gross less, you pay less tax.
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