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The Fascist Left controls the FAKEStream media.
"He said his uncle, who died recently, had been in the military and donated his condo to the Salvation Army, where he went to school with Sean’s father." They went to school at the Salvation Army?
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If you honestly believe that protest is de facto riot and filled with nasty people, you are deliberately turning away from the truth. I am willing to call myself a "nasty woman," however, based on Trump's use of this phrase as an insult in a debate (who does that?). Property destruction. etc. in some locations has been well-documented and it is not being done by those convening the resistance to policies that are an affront to decency. Bonhoeffer was a man of God and martyred for standing up. If I, my family, my friends, my neighbors gather to speak out with our handmade signs that are showing signs of wear these days, we would be honored to do so in his name. And if our efforts show signs of planning (horrors) or if we get printed signs, that should simply show you that we are not going away.
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Thats youre problem right there. You want to live in the days when everyone got their news from the "mainstream media". Thats hardly the case anymore. You included "Associated Press, The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Time, and Newsweek" in your list and I fail to see how any of those are any different than the WSJ or NY Post or The Hill - all of which lean more conservative than liberal. Stop playing the "the media is biased against conservatives!" act. Its not real or relevant anymore - especially when we have Republicans controlling all aspects of government right now. Just because you dont like the news, does not mean that its not real, or relevant or true. Thats where this whole "alternative facts" crap came from and is whats a real cancer on our society. Its like people who believe the world is flat are just expressing their "alternative facts".
Mr. Valantas, how should the paper report on Trump without reporting on Trump?
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What he said is very true and we are now seeing it at a national level. When it it done, hopefully sooner than later, the Dems will have to come in and clean it up like they have always done.
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What's the connection between the two?
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RK: They will search long and hard for a pension benefit, even in other states. It has proven to be too cumbersome and expensive for state's or businesses to afford. But the military still offers a pension if you are up to it. A 401 with an employer match is a good deal. Spreads the risks and rewards of investing to all who invest just not to the employer or taxpayer (public sector employees I.e., teachers).
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Again with the condescending arrogance Eric? I am not angry, I think that would be a label mostly applying to the left. You know, the group that must find a demeaning label to apply to all opposing viewpoints. You break out the anger card quite often towards those of us on the right end of the political spectrum while cheering on the insane hatred coming from some of the posters on the left. Hummm, I wonder, do you bring these anger and crazy issues up in order to deflect what you are feeling? By the way Eric, I am a good person, in fact I deeply care about our nation and I am fed up with the status quo. Why are you so satisfied with the failures? Why don't you care about our less fortunate citizens? Lip service no longer counts, action now does. The past has been a failure, why are you okay with continuing failed policies? Real questions Eric, and from what I see on the left, or at least a portion of them, is wanting to resort to violence before admitting they were wrong.
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I'm pretty sure this is absolutely not true. 2017 Florida budget was $79.3B, and with a population of 20.6M, that's $3,850 per capita. Gov. Walkers' proposed Dept. of Education budget for AK was $1.6B; with out pop of 740,000, that's $2,170 per capita. So unless you have and can link to a source for this claim, I'm gonna call BS. Furthermore, comparing our State budget to much more populous states is kind of nonsensical. No other state has the geographical reach we do, and the challenges that brings.
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Alberta needs to get its product to tidewater for the good of the Canadian economy and of course for the good of Alberta. We are a confederation and that is the way things work, as an Albertan I think that we should shut down all highways and rail traffic going into B.C. and all communications, and then we would see what happens to the B.C. economy. We would see what all the long shore man working on the docks and the industry that goes along with that and then we would see if B.C. can last with it's smelling the flowers. In the agreement of confederation no province can stop the movement of trade and commerce to the determent to another. So get with it BC flower children trade and commerce has to happen in this country for it to survive. This country can't survive with raising marijuana and whale watching .
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Do you understand the context of the play? At all?
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Your assumption that a "gun death" is somehow worse than any other unjustified homicide is worse is not correct. And to get your stats to work out in general, you need to very carefully cherry pick the countries that you consider "DEVELOPED". Also, you have to consider that many European countries only count a death as murder after the killer has been caught and found guilty. So, if they have a 25% rate on solving such crimes, their numbers would be 4 times larger when compared to the manner that the US reports murders. Maybe if we compare our crime rates and gun laws to Mexico our closest neighbor we could get a more accurate picture of how gun laws affect crime.
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Even a marginal Reaganomic supply side bounce in the economy will be trumpeted as having saved the day. His voters will rationalize it was worth it . It will be very difficult to outvote him in 4 years
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I wish abortion was legal before these phony hypocrites came along.
You self identify as a tool. OK. You got that part right.
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Not a chance. There are probably 20 districts larger than PPS west of the Mississippi. PPS isn't much bigger than other large districts in Oregon.
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Very good article. Thank you much. We all make enormous psychological investments in our identity markers. Some people then encase themselves in a defensive bubble to protect the validity of those markers at all costs. Others try to consider the possibility that someone with different identity markers is not a threat or in any way inferior. Some even go so far as to challenge the validity of their own markers. It is hard work. Again, thank you for a very good article.
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Perfect editorial. Perfect.
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Eastern Cape elective conference - a run up the the main event at the Thunderdome in December where the last man standing wins. Space in the queue to the trough hits all time prime value - These -leaders- are a disgrace.
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NO MORE BAILOUTS, LOANS and other crap. ALL governments must stop hand outs to business. You can NOT justify it on any grounds. What is it with eastern Canada and their bailouts?
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So basically they beat each other up... Police investigating assault but no one else involved
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Perhaps. Germany, Italy and Spain had to have their national socialist leaders for a while to learn that it was not the right direction. France had a mild brush with it under Vichy but that doesn't count I guess.
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Earl Richards, you have been right for years they are making it impossible to have smaller oil companies and Alaskans find, sell and profit from risky oil exploring! The big three own too many leaders in the state of Alaska, I feel this will kill Alaska's economy but it seems Concophillps and the others will be doing great!
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This columnist, ghost writer for Ken Dryden. Anybody who's ever had to sit through a Ken Dryden talk, man, how the Sens play is the hockey equivalent. Not a well-written column, disjointed, sorta all over the place, back and forth, can see why Dryden and he could co-operate on a book. McGregor, he's an Ott guy, cheerleads for his team, gets his shots in on behalf of his crush.
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Last I heard they were barricaded by police at a different baseball field, so I am sure they are still trying to figure out what is going on. Heard from Jared Polis this morning. Quit trying to be partisan.
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My husband and I saw this play last night (Saturday 8/27), and enjoyed it thoroughly. It's thoughtful, wistful, and very funny. Hearing the rant on picnics alone is worth the price of admission! P.S. We sat in the back, but had no trouble seeing the stage because the seats are well-spaced.
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Ignore the polls During the Brexit vote and the American election we were admonished to look the the polls, look at the polls. Polls are never wrong.: Trump is go down in flames and Brexit will fail. Polls Polls Polls. But now ignore them.
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Take a deep breath and chill Glenn. Most of your comments are valuable but this one detracts from your credibility. . You are not Elie Wiesel.
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Freeland is not qualified to be Minister of Defense. PERIOD.
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His predecessor was too ashamed to show his face in public. As he should be.
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Hawaii's living treasure for sure!!! Mahalo Dave for the awesome ride!!!
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The opening line of this opinion statement is a broad based intolerant smear at Christians with no substance. Using terms like "appears to be a lingering Nazi-salute" is outrageous and has nothing to do with the Muslim families referenced in this article. Nice try, but the authors true hatred of anyone she disagrees with gives her permission in her own mind to tar them with a broad brush. This is no different than saying something like "100 Christian families died when a church was set on fire in Pakistan and on the other side of the Country the local Iman encouraged everyone to join ISIS. These 2 stories are not related, but tied together as a smear.
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This mans criminal record had nothing to do with the news story. Some ADN writers have a perchance of including gratis criminal histories to fill out their articles. Thankfully, by law, they can't include anything that is not public information ... but there should be a law against cheap shots! I'm not defending the guy, I'm just against yellow journalism.
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Sadly this kind of hysterical over-reaction is the signature product of a now unrestrained SJW industry, but rest assured as in the past, a backlash is coming and it won’t be pretty….
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The Petry deal, also ridiculous. It's almost as if Bergevin has no idea what he's doing, can't judge talent in the slightest. Done by Xmas, by which point this team is hovering last or thereabouts.
All of Canada ! --no gravy train for that bum.
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Booker is a preening, empty suit. Unfortunately, he is also one of my senators. Okay, where is the evidence. Much was collected during the Obama Administration. I wouldn't put it past the Dems to have leaked a lot to try to damage Trump. But, there is no "there" there.
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Sure it was, HM, but the shooter was born in the USA. A Muslim ban would have changed nothing.
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Pay attention to what I am continually proposing in my comments. PERSONAL INTENTION IS NOT THE DETERMINANT OF MORAL ACTION. You continually propose that it is. Here is how it works. NFP is OBJECTIVELY different from contraception. With NFP I am having sexual intercourse with my wife with nothing artificially present that we have placed there to stop procreation. With artificial contraception there is a condom or IUD or diaphragm or spermicide or a pill working so procreation will not happen as a result of a choice that we have made. With NFP no matter my intention, even in extremely low fertility moments where I am trying to avoid children, I am still engaging in an act which is open to life by its nature. With contraception, no matter my intention, even in extremely high fertility moments where I might hope the condom breaks and we get pregnant, I am still objectively trying to prevent pregnancy. NFP is not contraception. Objectively. Like according to reality.
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getting your "news" from youtube I see...
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Yes, you should try it! I saw nothing and heard nothing to indicate that the Republicans had something to offer. The ACA was destructive and failed to do what Obama and Nancy P. assured the population it was going to do and not do. The lies and myths, what Obama and Nancy told us, are good examples of dishonesty. I also listened over and over again to Republicans telling us they could do better, telling us they would get rid of ACA. Those were lies and myths too. That is my opinion and you have your opinion and is all they are, opinions. I watched most of the voting and debates eight plus years ago just like I watched it this time as well. I based my opinion on what I saw and heard not what I was spoon-fed by the media.
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If you believe this "report" from the lapdog Ombudsperson, don't forget to put a quarter or loonie under your pillow tonight for the tooth fairy. This research was increasingly a pain in the neck (and nether regions) of the pharmaceutical companies which, purely by coincidence, happen to be significant donors to the BC Liberal party. Still think that former Deputy Health Minister Whitmarsh initiated this purge all on his own without so much as a wink wink, nudge nudge from his Minister? And what kind of gormless senior civil servant acquiesces in such a blatant political vendetta?
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Someone has a lot of faith in those elastic bands.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPGXkPVw93A This is the nerdy guy. This is the guy you are calling evil.
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When I was 32, I’d bought and sold two houses and bought a third, prevailed over a national homebuilder in a purchase contract dispute, risen to a position of prominence in my chosen profession, won a handful of industry awards as determined by industry peers, was managing my third and fourth brokerage (401k, IRA) accounts, served in an advisory role for two education-related organizations and knew my way around local government bureaucracy enough accomplish specific goals without declaring myself a victim of “the system”. In short, I wasn’t some babe in the woods without a clue. Nor was I part of a seven-figure business concern and an adviser to the president, but there aren’t many of those. For all we know, Jared Kushner may be a fairly sharp character or a charlatan – or both. But it’s not outside the realm of possibility that this 32-year-old kid (I’ll give you that, he’s a kid) to be in his position. If that's all you have, look deeper for something to complain about.
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I strongly suspect that this is fake news. I don't trust the "data" or the "study" one bit. It's a human rights issue alright. If 100% of reports are taken as well-founded then there is a 100% chance that an innocent man is being convicted. I despair for where these activists and media are driving Liberal Democracy and rule of law.
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You're right. Nobody cared or discriminated against or attacked LGBT people until President Obama was sworn in. Are you really that obtuse?
Great background, Stephen. Scurvy is paying back, as usual, the Zuma/PIC gift of the not-Independent Group. While back in Zumaland, while all this filthy smearing is going on, Gibberjabba is firing honest people from the Treasury and capture continues.
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Don't buy Trump products, but don't penalise The Bay who are in enough financial trouble already.
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Ontario Liberals must have got a lot money in political donations from developers for this one with more money to come when they deliver the goods.
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When most politicians say they are Christian, I say actions speak louder than words. The closest some of these people get to Christianity is paying lip service to those whose oppose abortion. Their lack of concern for the poor, working poor, families, hungry American children and anyone who isn't rich and white is proven every day by legislation that benefits the 1% and ignores every one else. Watch the GOP start to destroy Medicare, Social Security, ACA, Medicaid, SNAP, LIEAP, and any other program people depend on to try to survive. Watch the GOP fight tooth and nail against a living wage or paid family leave so low income parents can actually spend time with their newborns. Watch the GOP continue to subsidize the rich while placing the tax burden on everyone else. Congress maybe 91% Christian but they sure as hell don't act like it!
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The Pentagon has 53 of these top positions and, until this week when a new Air Force secretary was confirmed, the only position filled was that of the Defense Secretary. Some 116 of 119 key State Department vacancies have yet to be filled, including both No. 2 slots, where one nominee is awaiting confirmation to hold both positions. All the ambassadorships, with the exception of those for the United Nations and Israel, are also unfilled.
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"... that you can keep your plan and your doctor?" John, I'll make you the standard offer: if you can find anywhere in the ACA that requires you to change doctors, I will give you $500 cash and a week to gather a crowd of witnesses. Your insurance company made it happen, not Obama. You seem tired. Maybe a nap would help.
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Nope. You are dreaming. I can't stand Justin, but he's less of a threat to the U.S.A. and mankind than Donald Trump.
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Especially after breakfast and coffee. Lasts about five minutes. Thank you for your kind word!
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"Microsoft kept the emails on a server in Ireland" . No wonder Office365 sucks so bad. Letting those drunken micks manage our emails is asking for trouble. . (note: I'm Irish so I can say that)
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app, Nope, but I am quite knowledgeable in the area of ideology and belief and if one thing is for certain, all ideological frameworks and belief systems, including my own, have discriminatory practices and tend to be exclusive in one way or another. Since I included my own ideology and beliefs into this point, I'm not really sure why this point makes you feel like you or others need to bow to me, but I don't want to exclude you from things that you enjoy, so feel free.
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Stokey didn't want this information made public "during the race". The race is now over.
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Super beautiful local girl. Funny about that accident. It'll probably make her performance more memorable. "Hey! Did you hear about that accident?" Thank the Academy for putting her on stage. Comes right after loud complaint of ethic exclusions. Oh yeah, that BOOBOO about reading the wrong name for BEST PICTURE is so funny. Gotta watch on cable box recording tonight. Be prepared to see the recreation on Saturday Night Live. That's entertainment.
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When we have ice ages because the Earth is further way from the sun, it gets colder, which causes the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere to decline. When the earth gets closer to the sun in its orbit, it begins to warm and, on average, about 800 years later, the CO2 level begins to rise. It's well documented in ice core studies. Rising CO2 never precedes warming. Ever.
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But you can't bring 2oz of shampoo or a box cutter right?
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Melania Trump worked as a model while she was in the US on a tourist visa. She made more than minimum wage too.
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Money talks and bull $hit walks. No conviction....I don't think so!
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Thanks for hating.
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End theft and violence will be greatly reduced.
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Repeal Free Parking in meter and Charging...Bad for Business
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Hey, let's not forget this big Harper lie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9mibZYpVPY
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How many would rescind their 1988 votes after watching free trade in action? Very, very few. I am certain that tens of thousands of those who voted against the deal will have changed their minds by now. Free Trade has been a key to our prosperity for a quarter century. The only people who want to get out of NAFTA are Americans. That doesn't bug me much. Both Tory and Liberal governments have followed that trade route. Even the NDP wouldn't have ended free trade with the U.S.A. if they had won the last election. It's worth too much. Why don't we loudly hear from the Canadians who are worried about our sovereignty because of free trade? Because there are so few. Prosperity abounds. Let's be ready for the coming negotiations with the damned Yanks - like we were the last time.
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I hope the author of this article will take note of this comment: In 2008 Canadian Banks crashed just like the rest of thw world. However, since Canada main/only industry is Immigration, and possibly to protect a select few, the political parties (Cons, Libs, NDP, Greens, Senatte, etc [Stephen Harpers' government was a minority government - so all were in on it!]) BAILED OUT THE BANKS SECRETLY. The CMCH took over the mortgages and together with the CBC/Media, Realtors Association and by the use of computers FIXED the housing prices to 'recover' the bailout money. Long story short people in the know CASHED out and Canadians, famous for their HUBRIS COMPLEXT bought the lie (only a Canadian would believe that while the rest of the world failed, Canada could have super-intelligent politicians). This situation is NOT RECOVERABLE UNLESS THE GOVERNMENT ADMITS TO THIS 'FRAUD', which will make the 'hubris-complex' dissappear... (I wish I had more space to write)
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Yes... those hundreds of voters all huddled together to keep safe .... it amuses me that the post would waste time on the story .. but they want to make the current admin look bad so .. there you go
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You mock this issue. Not funny. This is a very serious and dangerous movement toward a massive lack of freedom in the workforce and in one's personal life. God speaks of this occurring...and so it begins.
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Wow. Calling for the assassination of John Roberts. Not cool.
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"Four" of the six people...................
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The Supreme Court never indicated Khadr was owed anything, let alone a multi-million dollar payout - the man is a convicted terrorist and murderer who was captured in battle fighting with the Taliban in a bomb-making compound. Khadr is an unapologetic traitor who was filmed making IED's, the same type of IED's that killed Canadian soldiers. Khadr is owed nothing and the fact that he remains in Canada is a mark of international shame. Khadr and his entire family are Canadians by passport only (used to get out of jail (Pakistan or otherwise)- and to take advantage of our social welfare net after getting injured in terrorist activities). Sympathy for Khadr is grounded in a contemptible moral cowardice. With all due respect, you are (not your) embarrassing yourself, sir.
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You're the one hiding, not me.
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This has been happening for at least 20 months. The crime wave and killing people for no good reason started in the winter of 2015.
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Just coincidence and good timing apparently.
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Trump needs to cut funding to Hollywood, NY Times, MSNBC, PBS and NPR and start giving tax dollars to Fox News and Alex Jones instead, Its time to stop pretending the Elite's MSM still matters.
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No. Even without new party leaders for the CPC and Dippers, Trudeau is tanking. Trudeau is less than a zero. ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ✘  A liar who has betrayed the Canadian people, broken all his promises,-- and now this one that was so central to his "Real Change".. ✘  A reckless binge-spender imposing carbon-taxes on the fuel that vulnerable Canadians need to keep their children warm and get to work. ✘  A pay-to-play crook who still hasn't stopped Liberal fundraisers that are just a cover for influence-peddling. ✘  Endangering Canada's safety with immigration from terrorist countries. Lax security even in the Trudeau Liberal cabinet. How was someone with false passport application information made a minister? And then, from Maryam Monsef's Wiki: "According to The Hill Times, Monsef was named President of the Queen's Privy Council in Canada although it was unclear at the time whether she had been sworn into that office.[23]." Just sickening...
Have done this regularly - say 80% of rad blocked off. Works great. Never a problem overheating .... nice warm cab at any outside low temp down to -40C !
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Lynn, While I'm not a big fan of the fences, some of us are getting awfully tired of cleaning up the mess left behind by the drug-addled subset of the homeless. In my opinion, it's cruel to allow these squalid informal camps, especially when they become permanent zones of barbarism. Surely you read the story about the two children who gunned people down in Seattle's Jungle? Just so you know, the camps at the WJ park also have children with drug-addicted parents.
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...always looking for the scum at the bottom of the glass.
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Robin you nailed it on the head. This was a community win against all odds! But we did it. The lesson here is that when we come together at the table we can steer the island of Lana'i. Large land owners will come and go, but it's the people who call this place home who should have a say.
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Actually, the US dollar strengthened considerably overnight, hitting fresh 6 year highs against the Chinese yuan and all-time highs against the Mexican peso.
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And the few protesters here say the mountain is sacred yet they trashed the place and toss beer cans and bottles everywhere along with their cigarette butts.
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In the eight years President Obama was in office we did not enter into a new war. I guess if your definition of groveling is diplomacy and measured response I will take it. Trump's gut level rhetoric is not well thought out nor does it demonstrate a strength of character. It illustrates an impetuous bully who resorts to threats instead of intelligent discourse.
Neither the shooter in Texas nor the shooter in Las Vegas nor the vast majority of other mass killers who have unleashed GUN fire on innocent people in this country in recent years have ever been diagnosed with mental health problems. They were simply white men with anger issues, money issues, issues with women, issues with gay people, race issues, and other non-mental issues who used GUNS, specifically military-style assault weapons, to kill lots of people in extremely short order. To suggest that these mass GUN killings are a matter of mental illness and not GUNS is simply ludicrous. Beyond that it is both evasive and disingenuous to the point of gross negligence. People are dying unnecessarily so that GUN dealers can get richer, and NRA p*ssy-whipped Republicans are to blame, so LOCK THEM UP! No other country on earth has such GUN violence but all countries contain people with mental health issues. That fact is as plain as day and it's well past time that people wake up to it.
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with Hawaii's minimum wage who can afford anything here in Hawaii anymore. Unless your a politician taking money from tax payers and continuously robbing from hard working folks
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It is appalling that drsfreud and G S would find stories about such predators, the first with male victims and the second with female victims, to be funny. Shameful.
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Zuma and the ANC days are numbered.
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Traders all three of them. Hell and brimstone on them. Fraud is fraud and the light of the day is on them,
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I have a suggestion to balance the budget. Lee, donate your PFD and get your friends, and relatives to do the same. I do have only one caveat: I want see verifiable proof. The legislature should delete everyone campaigning to raid the PF without vote of the people.... this called pay back for the grief and suffering caused by Gov. Walker, the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce, 650 million dollar Rasmuson Foundation, GCI, Alaska Air Lines, the leader of the Af of L CIO who is running for the Senate..
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a muslim immigration minister saying no problem here..... hmm fox guarding henhouse much
When the facts get in the way of the narrative, the media will omit them.
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huh? What returns are you watching in what bunker?
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Lightning? In Hawaii? Has anyone ever been injured or killed by lightning in Hawaii? Does anyone know? Heck, we continue to golf in pouring rain and thunder hoping the course will close so that we can get a rain check. Never happens. So if the local courses do not close, why did officials decide to suspend play at KoOlina? Better safe than sorry analogy?
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What are the solutions to vote suppression? . 1. Get rid of FPTP. The sooner, the better. Most important step in protecting democracy. . 2. Until (1), have non-partisan redistricting. . 3. Mandate Elections Canada pro-actively to maximise voter engagement and participation. Register every voter. Make it easy for every voter to vote. . 4. Make vote suppression - in any form - a criminal offense. . 5. Outlaw data mining, browser tracking, and automated narrowcast voter targeting = criminal offense. . 6. Give Elections Canada criminal investigation powers - and a budget. . 7. Enforce the Fairness Standard in all media - including Facebook and Twitter. Require the identification of paid trolls and their paymasters. . 8. End the charitable status of churches. It might be hard on real churches, but deliberate destruction of democratic institutions by the Republican-financed-church-racket should not be subsidised by taxpayers. . Protecting democracy matters.
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Just like ACA
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