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Bud: Lions, Tigers, Elephants and monkeys have been born here for successive generations, but we all know that none of them are "native" to North America. Settlers fall into this same category....although I'm sure that -if lions, tigers, elephants and monkeys could talk- they would all say that they were now native.....and we'd still look at them with a raised eyebrow and say "yeah...rrrrrrrrrright".....
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Looks like another record setting article for posts that ‘don’t meet civility standards’ I guess the Bill has already gone into effect...
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She lost the faith based voting machines. Meanwhile, Canada and many European countries have paper ballots counted by hand. Letting partisan Republicans control unaccountable voting machines is a bad joke.
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She is a like the rest
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Trump's fans are mindless sheep.
Headline should read, "Paul Ryan to convince workers that his billionaire handlers desperately need more welfare."
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Until you understand that protection from abortion, like protection from any crime, is a positive right demanding legilsation, in this case federal legislation, then you will be seeking the wrong thing and misleading others. What I am saying is not apologetics. You are furiously defending your right to wrong in your legal interpretation. That does nothing for the unborn. The best legislatve option is not the impossible task of bringing police power to the first trimester of pregnancy in a way that does not touch miscarriages or ignore equal protection principles (which the courts will not allow anyway) but to bow to Pius XI and Marx about living family wages and pass a huge tax credit for children. My kid gets such a payment from Social Security because I am disabled and because I made good money its a good payment. I don't need such a tax credit, but most families with children deserve one, regardless of the likelihood of abortion.
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"As you begin to understand the immense impact of this unprecedented political victory in your nation, please understand that the conscience of your country was touched and moved by heavenly grace. If the results had been reversed, poor and compromised judgment would have led this nation into its demise. So, once again, I come to thank each one for accepting the grace of recognizing good over evil. We can move forward now together on the same path of victory. Human rights from conception to natural death will be championed. ISIS will be identified and confronted. Your Supreme Court will return to a God-given orientation. Much more will be accomplished which has been torn apart by far left political support." AMEN!!!
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The US authorities ordered the deportation of this man back to his home country in 2011...they likely had good reason to do so...he promptly arrived at Canada's door claiming politcal asylum....he then carried out an attack of terrorism in Edmonton. Goodale stated that there were no red flags! Surely the fact that the USA was deporting him to Somalia was a red flag of sorts. Canada's authrorities seem to be extremely naive and gullible....surely the safety and security of Canadian citizens should have been paramount.
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Candy, your only argument is to parrot disparagements made about their sources. You have no actual counterargument to their facts
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I don't expect litigation to save anyone. I see it as a sadly plausible response if the state neglects to remove a bear that has attacked five people. How much more evidence is needed to determine that the bear is, in fact, aggressive? What's the magic number of people to be charged? I think there is a lot of presumptions being made about the kids in the woods. Or the officers who had to discharge their fire arms in self defense. But the state only seems to take it seriously when their own employees are out at risk.
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You're making a big assumption.
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Title and statement by the author are contradictory. "So Much for Trump's Witch Hunt Theory" " After a long period of investigation, there is still no clear proof that Trump officials engaged with the Russians in an act of subterfuge to affect the 2016 election."
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Lazeelink writes: "Thanks for agreeing the only platform and item on the Dem agenda is to get rid of Trump" -- Didn't say that, though it should certainly be their top priority considering the risk that he brings to his country and the world. "Common Sense 101"? And you're advocating that a political party release a platform a year and a half before the election? "Political Suicide 101". Which, based on his current death spiral, appears to have been Donald Milhous Trump's major.
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... so they rewrite the article 2 hours later.
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More of the Reality Show to keep the Trump family in the headlines. Most people never heard of this allegation, but they do now. Any publicity is good publicity. A First Lady filing a lawsuit must be unique. More grist for the Tweeter Mill as Der Fuhrer Trump defends his injured woman on a daily basis while the nation's "business" are put on the backburner.
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Why would a lighthouse have any problem on a round planet. Even if you can't see the beam, it the humid yet probably dark sky of a sea environment the light is going to create a glow in the sky, just a like a city does, you know -- over the horizon.
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No hon. He took out da bruddas. Bruddas are mainly cowards who cannot defend their families, wives or children from meth dealers. I have no respect for them at all. Our native American Mandan men protect their families and know how to be men.
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Agreeing to disagree is fine. But apparently Civil intends to keep it civil, as they say they do. That is good. (YAY!)
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if you wish to discuss hacking, let us discuss stuxnet, the virus which wormed its way through the worlds computers to find its way finally to its target....major nuclear power station in iran. the virus damaged the nuclear power station. worming its way through the worlds computers could have caused similar out control damage to other facilities. fortunately it did not. but therein lies the danger. hackers playing with fire.
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Was cincy ,great game T$...(trev "gonna make money) T$ get your golden contract b4 the Superbowl victory, MY BROTHER, all that it talk ..underdog bs,keep on keepn on,we have a Superbowl too win... #ROAD2FEB I AM BC-WW
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Having an observant Jewish son-in-law with numerous trips to Israel over the years and whose wife, Ivanka (Trump) Kushner converted to Judaism prior to their marriage, means that Trump probably doesn't need to 'suck up' quite as much as you might believe. Kushner's donations and Israeli projects are worth millions of dollars; and he and Trump met with Netanyahu back in September, so this is hardly a new big revelation. (I do wonder how Kushner and that supposedly virulent anti-Semite Bannon do on the transition team.)
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Interesting - I also am a 50 year old who recently worked with a "millennial" workforce. The actual people I worked with were great - looked to me for counsel and advice on how to manage things, careers etc...what was interesting was the culture of the workplace - I see many workplaces catering to the perceived millennials (full disclosure, I was a self employed consultant for many years) - they seem to want to have a "fun" workplace because they perceive this is what this generation of workers values more than compensation. This may be true, but what I saw was that these companies are trying to create "fun workplaces" to take the place of actually compensating people what they deserve - ie they we dont pay much but you can play ping pong in our offices ! The thing is, that is all great but these millennials still need to survive in Vancouver and Toronto so job hop a fair bit to get more money. And good for them!
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He'll probably die of old age.
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Misspelling and bad grammar. As I keep saying, it's the secret handshake of the deplorables.
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Trump reminds me of a bully in intermediate school. We grew up and didn't put up with his bs any longer. We went on with our lives and made something of ourselves. He stopped being relevant and disappeared. Time is on our side.
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Friggin players disrespecting our soldiers who laid down their lives for our flag should pull their heads out of their a_ses. What the hell does our flag and national anthem have to do with their false narrative of cops out to kill black people.
If there were the same outrage over an Apple plant as has been spilled on this factory (because Ivanka Trump) then it would be a strawman. But the isn't and it isn't. It is merely another attempt to try and slam, slander and poison public opinion about Trump because certain leftists don't like him. Character assassination (as this article commits) is even less nice a trait to engage in.
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Jesus redefined God's laws using the word Love. Love God and Love others as God loves us.
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That's OK. Many in BC would like to separate from Canada as well. But before you go thinking about some sort of western union, you need to understand that the main reason to separate from Canada is to get rid of Alberta and Albertans, who are lost in some sort of 1950's Conservative time warp where oil is king.
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60 years for murdering in cold blood? What happened to life sentences?!! Ridiculous!
I'm totally thrilled with this move by Disney! Now a person can purchase Netflex and they do not need to also support Disney. It makes it so much easier to boycott!
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Trump will understand pretty soon that tariffs will not work. The cost of production and tariffs from other countries will shrink the demand for made in the US cars very quickly.
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"Andrea Freeman is an assistant professor in the William S. Richardson School of Law." Well, okay then. That explains it. I'm not going to get all worked up over this.
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A lot of veterans support the President. Just because he is his son means nothing. My father was a vet and I have no idea how he would see President Trump. I have a feeling how he may have viewed him, but I sure wouldn't speak on his behalf.
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It doesn't matter if you have a neighborhood refinement plan or special zone. Whiteaker has both and they say no stacking of social services or homeless encampments. Look where Wht is? Overflowing with both. The City treats both refinement plans and special zones like parlay in the Pirates of the Carribbean. When the city feels like it, its a rule, when they don't feel like it, its more of a 'guideline'
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It would appear the governments only plan is to steal as much money as possible in the shortest time. Just yet another feral Fed's loser plan.
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Looks like all the Pedophiles joined the Churches.
I hope you're right.
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I'd beat up on any chick who slept with my husband. This just makes Hillary more of a badass in my book.
We've gone from having to hunt and kill our own food, to purchasing it at the grocery, to having people bring it out to our cars, to having people bring it to our house.. This cannot be healthy for a civilization full of omnivores..
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“Nazis are a lot like cats. If they like you, it’s probably because you’re feeding them.”. J. Oliver
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you're talking goofy.
HI:"Too many variables to state emphatically that one thing is better than another" One size shoe doesn't fit all!! I had an "all over the world job" (mid 70's-80's)while I was a landlord to some reno's in To. I had great tenants because as a bonus, from me to them, was a December rent free check if I was happy with them(this was not in writing but after the first year they were sold). When I got married and we started a family stability of location(schools,friends, sports)was the priority and so it then made sense to purchase a house (cash,no mortgage).
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Pence is an ultra-right wing, arch conservative, fundamentalist Christian. However, he's not, as you say, Donald Trump. I don't feel Pence would be a threat to our country. I too would disagree with many of his positions....but, that's what the political process is for......Trump is a whole different 'ball game'.....IMO, (and I've said it many times) intellectually, emotionally and morally unfit to be President of the United States and is a genuine threat to the well being of our country. Gary Crum
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The garbage he is spewing on the radio could get someone killed. Of course no one in their right mind in Florida would turn to Limbaugh for advice on hurricanes, but that is another story.
Don't be too harsh on Putin's "Mafia State" and it's support of his "nazies" armies in Ukraine!
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And Christian Taliban Republicans as well. Keep government out of my wallet and my room. Linda Lingle was a success because she did not threaten to invade people's private lives while campaigning and did not do so while in office. She won two terms. The current crop of Republican candidates in office and the ones wanting office do not get it. They have my vote over a Democrat any day as long as they are not part of the Religious Right.
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Chicken of what? I just got your reply right now. Believe it or not, I don't live on here, like some do. I have a busy productive healthy life that comes first. I give myself a 'like' because my comments are awesome.
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Trump didn't belittle the Muslim who spoke at the DNC convention. But he did question the way the Muslims treat women which does not conform to our standards. Good for Trump. Japan doesn't permit Muslims to enter the country and outlaws the Koran. I don't see anyone trying to get rid of their Japanese cars over it.
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"Russian aggression in the Ukraine and Baltic states" wait. what? Russian aggression in the Baltic states? This is a lie and out right fabrication. The Globe should clarify what is meant by this "alternative fact" Are they referring to the Russian people living there who might be a fifth column? In what way has Russia been "aggressive" towards the Baltic states? what rubbish Gawd journalism is dead.
When I got my car back I noticed they put the right side tires on the left side and vice versa. The ingrates refused to put the tires on the right way again.
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I would not be surprised if Trumps stance on NAFTA, re Canada, will be harder/softer depending on how closely we align ourselves with his view on China. Perhaps he will save us from Trudeau's pandering.
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According to the Migration Policy Institute, illegal Hispanics commit less than one quarter of illegal offences per capita compared to home grown Americans. In other words, they are very much law abiding citizens who set a better example than the typical American. Your numbers are wrong!
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Do you believe that everyone should agree with your opinions and values? If so, you are going to be a very disappointed person. I will try to understand and consider the opinions of others if they are supported by facts and truth. Whoever comes to our country for whatever reason, must obey our laws and constitutional rights. Trumpet's ban was unconstitutional because it was based on religion and nationality. The other presidents must have instituted the bans legally.
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Hey, there, Doc. See my comment for latest stats. Try to keep up.
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I don't you actually read this article or the one on the advisory council recommendations. Or if you did, you clearly didn't think them through. Because your comment missing the key points completely
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It was not a ploy. If it was the only one she ever opened then i might agree, but Next step was one of 8 facilities opened. It was the first and in direct response to Mufi kicking all of the homeless out of Ala Moana park during 40 days of straight rain. and with all of the facilities, she housed over 3,000 people. And since Next step was the first one, it also provided a LOT of "lessons learned" for other service providers with what to do and what not to do with the additional facilities.
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Why does G/M still believe that Kim Campbell is still relevant? She has been out of politics since she lost the P.M. race30 yrs. ago and has not been a part of anything much related to politics. This was a waste...but, G/M has been moving more and more to irrelevant op. ed pieces from "journalists" and writers who are obscure and writing fluff just to fill the void. These people no longer provide good discussions pieces, be it from a left or right prospective. They provide infotainment.
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In order, Young is corrupt and an embarrassment to Alaska, TSA is a ridiculous infringement of the rights guaranteed by the fourth amendment. FDA standards would be nice if someone actually enforced them. The highways in Alaska are all built by the State DOT with a serious lack of oversight or accountability. The Coast Guard is a worthy organization, NOAA research?, a lot could be cut there. Medicaid....?, real doctors still accept that?. As a real veteran, might I suggest you can take all your ozone belching aircraft and your military welfare troops, and go save Texas from the Russians or whatever imagined enemy that the hawks can contrive.
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Anchorage, at least, has an indoor smoking ban. I guess if you limit consumption to edibles you could have cafes. Otherwise expect a lawsuit for not allowing smoking bars.
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Gosh. I wonder what the taxi driver is thinking about now! The good Lord was watching out for him that night!
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Goddez, , I agree with your sentiments! To be clear, Wiley Griffon's run was not to Springfield (nor to the cemetery as some claimed;) it was up Willamette to 11th and then to the campus. The Springfield. boozing run came much later with the electric streetcars. The 3rd and High home of the Mims, 4th and Mill home of Wiley Griffon, and the Ferry Street bridge housing site form a natural triangle of black history as the EWEB Master Plan notes.
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It was YOU that made the original assertion, not me. Of course what they do reflects subjectivity. But YOUR assertion that Politifact is "extremely biased" and part of the "Alt-Left" reflects a willingness to buy into name-calling and blame-casting. Then again, when you control the government from top to bottom and can't get much done, you need to find or create enemies somehow. My last word here.
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Fix the loophole and deport. US colleges and universities should be admitting more US students.
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And Trump is going to cozy up to Putin and Assad, the very people who dropped barrel bombs on Aleppo indiscriminately killing thousands. How is that going to help the people of Syria?
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Admonish by strangulation. How honourable. No doubt the photographic evidence is theatrical and this inconvenient smudge will be wiped swiftly away. She is a girl-child and he an alpha male after all.
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C'mon snow! Had a dream last night about skiing powder...ski season on the way! https://www.reddit.com/r/holdmybeer/comments/7643fw/hmb_while_i_ski_jump/
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Here is a tip Nathaniel, (or do you prefer Nate or Nat)?: The Senate will not budge on the income tax and rightly so under the Alaska Constitution. The House will go down fighting over the income tax - they already inserted a "poison pill" into their bill so you pretty much know they are committed. In the end, the dividend will be $1250, there will be no income tax, and the PF Earnings and the CBR will be tapped to the max again. There may be a compromise bill on oil taxation that reforms the parts everyone agrees need to be adjusted.
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Well, I hope your claim gets resolved soon. Good luck.
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Adrian Mastracci has a good outlook. Having too much money is a nice problem to have. You saved successfully. Perhaps you even over-saved. Having some OAS clawed back is a badge of success. Instead of obsessing over how to pay the absolute minimum possible amount of tax, lose the greed, pay up, smile, and enjoy your comfortable retirement. As for me, I'm happy that I'm too "rich" to receive GIS.
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Maybe Ms. Barnard meant "antidisestablishmentarianism", allegedly the longest legitimate non-scientific word in the English language :-) Her letter is odd in another way. I only know what I read on the Internet, but my understanding of various news articles is that the SCOTUS majority was taking a strong exception to broad interpretation of state constitution Blaine Amendments. I think Ms. Barnard got SCOTUS wrong. On one hand, I don't think state funding should go to supporting religion. On the other hand, if this "free shredded tires" program was open to any public OR private school that met certain qualifications, and this religious school qualified, it is religious discrimination to tell the school "no" solely because it was church-owned. Now comes the fun part: Lawyers arguing that if state-supplied shredded tires are okay, then x, y, z, aa, bb, and cc are okay, also.
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"Deep State" here appears to be clickbait, since the article is largely about the press.
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"...led it is claimed by Joseph o Arimathea?" So much of Joseph of Arimathea's "British whereabouts" or "mission" are legendary, Eliza lyons. If true, I am sure Anglicans by now would have created an archbishop of Glastonbury (which abbey Joseph was to have "founded") instead of an archbishop of (Rome-founded) Canterbury. But even Anglicans don't take the legend, fable (Arthurian or otherwise) seriously, preferring Pope Gregory's foundation over which Anglican make-up can be applied.
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A+ for the Supreme Court decision! Old manHalford, and ambitious man Wielechhowsi need to not obstruct Alaskans' necessary change. The PFD is a loser magnet- time to fund government through the PFD rather than maintain a handout to welfare dependent losers who do not work nor contribute to Alaska! We are the highest unemployed state in all 50 states right now! Thank you Supreme Court justices who made the right ruling to support and sustain Alaskans! All you "gimme my debidund" whiners should move to California. California governor and liberal legislature would rather bankrupt their state with freebies for all, just like Halford and Wiegohowski in this stupid lawsuit, thank you for throwing it out, Alaska Supreme Court justices!!! Halford and Wojohowsi hey- move to California!
Thanks, David! And yes, that's a known issue, new to installing on WW. Working on it! :)
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"How Will the Church Recon with Charlottesville"? This way?: "Racism is a poison of the soul. It’s the ugly, original sin of our country, an illness that has never fully healed. Blending it with the Nazi salute, the relic of a regime that murdered millions, compounds the obscenity. Thus the wave of public anger about white nationalist events in Charlottesville this weekend is well warranted. We especially need to pray for those injured in the violence. ..."Charlottesville matters. It’s a snapshot of our public unraveling into real hatreds brutally expressed; a collapse of restraint and mutual respect now taking place across the country. We need to keep the images of Charlottesville alive in our memories. If we want a different kind of country in the future, we need to start today with a conversion in our own hearts, and an insistence on the same in others. That may sound simple. But the history of our nation and its tortured attitudes toward race proves exactly the opposite." +Chaput
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Venice is doing okay , so I'm confident the good people of Manhattan will adjust.
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Over 2 million tourists per year, who spend an average of $950 each in state. That's just for starters. And those military folks? Sure see a lot of them shopping and spending at businesses all over town, off the base. I'd venture to say most their spending is done off base.
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Glad to see other people are catching up to what I have been saying for ages. To those who question the fact that French Normans (aka ancestors of the people of Quebec) played a major roll in the creation of modern English, you need to look at the history of the English language. Mind you French itself is merely "bad" Latin, a regional dialect of Latin , much like Spanish, Italian, Portuguese etc. English itself has more Latin based words than Germanic even though it is classified as a Germanic language. I used to laugh at Quebecers who use to say they were distinct from the English. In the middle ages you were the English.
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Do you honestly think a guy like Naeole who was raised in Kaaawa, attended public school at Kahuku, went to college at Colorado and worked his tail off to play 10 plus seasons in the NFL where only 2% of all college players make it is a quitter? Brah don't be stupid and naive. Naeole hasn't walked away from any challenge let alone anything in his life. You gotta suspect something much deeper and stink is going on with the football program. This feel good Rolo type coaching can only lead to a complete lack of control. I hope we are not already there or headed in the same direction as Louisville and that pile of stink with the players having done all kind of crazy stuff with Pitino allegedly turning a blind eye to it all and now you got the FBI arresting people. This is serious $het! I think Rolo and Matlin owe us all an explanation instead of hiding in silence and giving the taxpayers who pay their salaries the typical "we wish him well" BS.
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Of course it will be easy to define artistic merit won't it?
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You are alienating yourself. If the people that watch NFL are so offended by men standing up against police brutality, then I'm sure those fans will not be missed. Like the right likes to say they kid paid millions, a few less ignorant fans wont hurt them. That's great you enjoy the game, it's sad that you will support police brutality over watching a game.
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Re: "many millions of people are completely happy with what he is doing" Those would be the "poorly-educated" that T-rump "loves", of course. "Sad!"
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Can someone give me the proper grid reference to which window I need to throw the brick I have in my hand into?
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I'm not a big oil supporter but why should they fund mussel control? Why not charge a small fee right there at the boat ramp for the inspection service? Why should a taxpayer who doesn't own a boat subsidize the guy with money enough to own a boat? Again, welfare for the well-off. That said there is an upside to mussels. These little guys cleaned up all of the pollution in Lake Erie around Cleveland - that water is clear no and with no subsidies! I just wonder how nature controls these things in their native habitat?
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The facts are that we have millions of illegal immigrants and we are not going to deport them so we need congress to come up with a path to citizenship, we need the taxes into the social security that these people can pay and we need the labor. Right now the cherry farmers in eastern Washington can not harvest the entire crop due to the lack of labor. I hear so much about the Hispanic taking jobs away from Americans I guess it doesn't count picking the cherries
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Well then pax et bonum to you as well.
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what else is he going to say?
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Yet another sad story of how our elected leaders have failed us. First we have a anti-business climate in general and even worse for medical business practitioners. New doctors do not want their own clinic or to take over one, they want a hospital job because the barriers to run a business are "onerous". Second our State Insurance Commission has failed to monitor large health care insurance companies such as HMSA. The general theme there are numerous insurance companies with different rules and processes but their common theme is they try to find ways not to pay.
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Who cares about laws, especially new ones, no-one's enforcing anyway. Lots of folks still texting while they drive, virtually zero enforcement.
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' …how quaint. …and naive. The rule of law is something Trump has plans to subvert. Republicans hold a majority and show little or no responsibility to tamp down even the worst of Trump's fascist impulses. I know exactly what fascism is. You, however, might not see it until it's too late for you revise your firm belief that 'it can't happen here'. ...good luck with that. . Me, I'm going to speak up now, and keep standing against even the barest hint from those who would bring total fascism to fruition if given the chance. Make no mistake, Trump styles himself as a glorified, (in his eyes), tin pot dictator. And his white nationalist neoNazi minder has worse plans in store. .
The max is 35%, though I'm not 100% if that's what we claimed. I think it is means tested to some extent. It helps at the end of the year, to be sure, but for folks who don't pay quarterly and live check to check it's not much solace.
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Ridiculous, US is a safe country, and these illegal aliens from the US are not refugees protected by the Geneva Convention.
The presumption of innocence is one of the most important and ancient rights embodied in criminal justice systems around the world. In In re Winship, 397 U.S. 358 (1970), the U.S. Supreme Court made clear that the presumption of innocence is a constitutional principle which is binding on the states, saying that “the Due Process clause protects the accused against conviction except upon proof beyond reasonable doubt of every fact necessary to constitute the crime charged.”
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I have to admit, I don't understand the need for separate burial grounds for ANY group. It seems to me this speaks to the larger, fundamental question of what kind of society we want, say we want, and the demands we make about, desire for inclusion. This seems to me a contradiction to claim, demand, want, desire inclusion on one hand but in death we want separation? What does it mean to be inclusive? I'd certainly be interested in understanding this issue more - because I suspect the reason for the vote might be a bit more complex that just not wanting people wearing Muslim garb in their neighbourhood? I hope anyway. BTW, on a less serious note, cremation is so much more sensible, practical - as opposed to the slow melt of the human body.
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I personally think there is nothing wrong with dressing up as an adult on Halloween...but Ask Amy is right about cultural appropriation. Think about how that other person feels when they see you dressed as a parody or generalization of themselves and their culture. That's a crappy way to treat others. Be respectful. Dress up as a vampire or zombie or something else instead.
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Charlottesville Mayor: Blame Lies At The Doorstep Of The White House
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Good suggestion Andrew
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That's part of his game. During the election he constantly posted anti-hispanic rhetoric, his 'spanish' username is just a ruse.
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