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Obama leaves with a 55% approval rating today... Trump has a 37% approval rating, the worse of any incoming president ever.. Those are facts... Not represented by the posters on here.
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"But we’re reminded that Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was projected to cost almost exactly $1.5 trillion in the 10 years from 2009 to 2019." That was a stimulas bill at the depths of the great recession and therefore totally incongruent.
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OK, what is with this screwy part of this new comment system: I replied to my2cents with "No, it would have to be some modification of a hot air balloon to qualify.: and I get an endless loop of responding to the same post to rate that doesn't allow my post to enter the lineup. What's up with that? It's happened several times and you can NEVER get out of it.
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Outrage is important, it is the fuel that keeps protest alive. Protest is important, it keeps democracy alive.
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As a lifer Huskie fan (but huge Justin Herbert fan), I look forward to Saturday and simply hope for the best which would be a 1 point Husky win with JH starting and having a monster game to showcase what a quality young man he is. That being said, 12-0 or 0-12 is meaningless. If history correlates every future win, why play. Just create a Football sim program and let the program determine the winners based on history which favors UW by a .560 winning %.
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Awwww X don't get mad. I have allllll the time on the world to follow you!!!!!
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We should not be paying public employees to edit or make propaganda out of police videos.
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He's drinking 24/7 you know.
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More fake news and lies, MC. It is beneath you to misrepresent so blatantly. In my book, premeditated murderers should be summarily executed by public hanging or rifle squad. So you are right, I would not support extensive jail for premeditated murder. But premeditated murder is the exception as the worst possible crime. Long prison sentences are routinely awarded for crimes that raise emotional rather than physical consequence. Those are inconsistent with an enlightened rational society.
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Yes. That's what happens when there's a viable alternative that people want to vote for (e.g., Corbyn, BC NDP and Greens) instead of neoliberal centrists (like Trudeau and Clinton) who put a smiling Liberal face on neocon policies.
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Hmmm...at least 8 factual errors. Below par compared to most Barkley-related articles. 3 per article is most common.
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judging from the photo it looks like they are starving.
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We do not live in 7 BC, we live in 2017 where many of the words we use today have absolutely no resemblance of their original intent. take fag for an example. Furthermore There are many forms of punishment that have absolutely nothing to do with harming, as well as other forms of punishment that do harm because that is the only way said pupil will learn the discipline.
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Why are you making up that NATO members must spend 2% of their GDP on defense? Do you think that lying helps your case? In 2014, NATO voted that members should reach the 2% number by 2024. I'll help you with the calendar - it's 2017. It might help if you, at long last, would stop lying.
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2/ Although Trump does have a history of racism. The fact is his rhetoric brought these racist hate groups out of the woodwork for the first time in decades, and they enthusiastically endorsed him. Now why would that be? Furthermore, Steve Bannon, CEO of the Trump campaign and rumored to be Trump's pick for Chief of Staff, is a white supremacist and guru of the alt right, a white supremacist/anti-Semitic movement. So no, there was no confusion on that point that caused Hillary's loss. That's absurd. We will have to disagree about the word "coalition." It is certainly legitimate to describe the alliances of convenience that develop to win elections.
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Outside council?? Maybe the author means outside counsel? Jeez.
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Place into protective custody all those of whatever stripe who arrive with helmets, hard hats, masks, clubs, weaponry of any kind etc., evidence that they intend to rumble....those that damage public or private property should be immediately arrested.
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Please do NOT waste our money on this. Hyperloop is coming. Far far better to have something much faster than cars and as cheap, or cheaper, than cars. Regular train tracks should remain for cargo.
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Not many women bricklayers, carpenters, plumbers, welders, roofers, crane operator, backhoe operators, or electricians either. But that is where the reality of the wage difference is.
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Yes, these men should get a day - not a paid holiday, but something to commemorate them. Statewide at least. The problem - what to call it? Namkai-Meche-Best-Fletcher day? Martyr's Day? Max 3 Day? Sorry to be flip - these heroes deserve recognition, but I don't see how to do it by naming a day after them.
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She lives in the middle of 50 acres of forest. I'm certain she knows trees exist.
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Great news, I hope they all get their behinds handed to them. This whole legalization is a money grab.........to heck with the negative impacts.
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Insist that the Canadian gov't end foreign ownership - now !!!!! Canadians come first as we pay the taxes .
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Nancy, You need to talk to your City Council, Lane County has no authority to establish land use rules for pot inside city limits.
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Well, you must know more than your leader Bannon. Maybe you should start your own conservative fake news website.
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We Canadians have right to know why it's 10.5m, why not 20.5m, why not 1.05m.
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I love the CBC, but this is ridiculous. The PMO has already allocated them additional funds and now more?!?
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The trailer is for a chess movie, not the one described in the article. A little professionalism, please, Willamette.
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Amazing job by Trudeau and the PMO yesterday - well done
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The Archdiocese of Westminster has an archbishop, four auxiliary bishops, and 603 priests for 488,000 Catholics, or one priest per 810 people. Most dioceses of that size in the US have one bishop and perhaps 150 priests. So I'm not sure these guys have a good handle on the problem.
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As pointed out on Stephen Quinn's CBC show yesterday afternoon, the discussion so far resembles that surrounding the construction of the dual diagnosis treatment centre at 37th/Fraser ten years ago. Excessive public outrage? Plenty. Impact? Nil. Similarly, I was initially sceptical about the conversion of the Biltmore Hotel to transitional housing but this is seemingly working out. The key is the provision of support services and the screening of potential residents to avoid future negative impacts.
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Rest well aunty and dance to your heart's content. We will miss you. Aloha O'e.
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There was considerably more response. If he had come out publicly with this information during the election, what do you suppose Replicans would have said?
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Huge red flag: Is Woody prejudiced for some reason against Vernon Adams? His stats VERY favorably compared to Marcus M's, when he was healthy. Woody isn't making a mistake here, he is deliberate--- and it leaves one to wonder what VA represents that he didn't like. It certainly wasn't the results! Jacob Breeland is a "star?" C'mon, Ken. Putting a kid who hasn't yet had a game snap on that pedestal is crazy. As far as the prognostication about the team, I'd say that might be accurate. W/out a true dual-threat QB, defenses can just hammer the option back and dare Herbert to run. He can't, unless he's going to cut his season short and plunge the program truly into the muck. Depending on the opposition's strengths in the PAC-12, this could be a pretty poor season. I don't see the D as radically improving, but it should be somewhat better if only for a better attitude. If Tyee and Amadi improve, if Brady Breeze is a quality player, if several big guys on the D-line deliver...
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Not enough.
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This is exactly how real estate works, waynes2. You declare your intention to buy a property. Then you make an offer, even though there is a listed price that you have no intention of paying. The government has only announced its intention to buy the jets - no agreement has been reached and nothing has been signed. Like real estate, they have made-known their intention of purchasing and will now negotiate a price.
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The material impact comes when oil is spilled and our water and air becomes toxic.
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"we're not sure if it's suspicious" apparently not to the cops
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I hope it takes people 2 days to get home........
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So, was it true that Sandy Hook was engineered by the Kenyan-born anti-American Muslim guy so he could manage to take everyone's guns away, then go for pizza and an eight year old at Comet Ping Pong, all the while chatting on his two-way wrist radio with George Bush about how he managed to get the Twin Towers to fall down?
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Zuma will not resign. The ANC will not recall him, not before December anyway. So, the SACP and the ANC MPs will vote to keep this corrupt, self-serving and incompetent president in power? (Read between the lines and the official SACP stance is that Zuma must resign or be recalled by the ANC, and not that the Constitution should be used to fire him.) Human behaviour at its irrational best!
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"China assertively looks out for its own interests on the world stage, as it has done for decades, centuries, millennia." . I disagree. They have only become aware of the importance of the world within the past few decades. Read "The Governance of China" by Xi, and you'll understand their new enlightenment. China's past was all about keeping the outside world; outside. The Great Wall was about keeping the world out. The Opium Wars, were all about keeping the world out. The embrace of Communism, was all about keeping the world out. . But things are different today.
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There is somewhere locked in your mind that food production is locked to fossil fuel. Electric motors can replace all the fuel engines and and actually provide more torque per equivalent hp. A side note to other of your posts - Greenhouse gases, including water vapor, are like a greenhouse that holds heat in. They hold the earth's radiated heat in. Most people are unaware how relatively thin the crust is and under the crust is mantle consisting of molten rock (lava when it comes thru the crust). The solar is an additive heat (like coming coming thru the glass of the greenhouse)and not primary source. The gases and water vapor hold heat IN blocking radiation from going out into space. Detractors, like you have built this falsehood that solar fluctuation would negate this, but like "breathable wool coat" it keeps the radiating body warmer. Your fossil fuel path leads to increased desert, rising seas, and people displacement and unrest - and that is what the military is looking at.
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I don't have a problem with Bible Thumpers. I have a problem with blasphemers.
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Breaking news, the great Chinabot and vote fixer, has been exposed: Another Commentator will fix your votes using the following nicknames: .di-monds, Harold Greathall, BruiseKnee, Hairy Bacon, Jimmy from Barrie, wingon, Daniel1502, 36DD 24 34, Violet Summer-River, China Joy Ambassador, Chinabot is AC Lozer X2, Another Commentator, chinaknews, all chinabot#s.
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@Rick Tubania: Wow! Really mature of you Rick. If that were true, then why is Caldwell campaigning so hard to stay in office and why is Djou leading in the polls? Speak for yourself only. Don't assume to be speaking for everyone else either.
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Do ya think that people will slow down to look at the buffalo? Do ya thank? What happened to the buffalo that used to be on the north side of I-70 at the Chart House exit?
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Agree entirely. I love Canada, and am very aware how lucky I am to have been born in Canada. Having lived in a number of non-democratic countries, I feel the need to support and give back to the country which has provided me with such a good life and so many opportunities. That said, I hate the mindless patriotism and hollow symbolism we seem to have inherited from our southern neighbours. While I support the portion of the money going into necessary infrastructure, I'd rather put the money going into parties, trinkets, symbolism, flags made in China and unseemly boasting into improving healthcare or enabling more kids to participate in organized sports. Happy whatever birthday Canada--have a great party, but everyone should pay for their own beer.
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Stop giving a sh!t if your boy didn't win. Great attitude (and desire) from the staff of the Dem that's in office...
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Well your first error is that you assume anyone cares what you think. The remaining drivel also falls apart quickly.
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That is, quite simply, not true. I have had many discussions/dialogue with posters here - reasonable posters who know how to exchange ideas with respect and conviction. Not, of course, with those determined to go for the quick put-down, snark, sarcasm - you know. The ones who post laughing faces on so many posts, or simply disagree for the sake of disagreeing with me and others..... To your request to provide you with a comment that has altered the way I view things? Altered? Not really - but considered and respected views from other commenters? Rock, John David, some others....even Bro on occasion.... :-) I have even found myself agreeing with Elagabalus recently and remarked on it. Typically, these posters do not go for the silly put-down, and although I may disagree with their position, I can respect them. When you go for the cheap shot? "Lady Paprocki"? Not so much - it just proves to me that there is nothing there in your argument worth considering.
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Peter: I think any Scotch is too much scotch... Maybe I'm just a wimp, but I can't handle that stuff. I agree finding any compromise re: gun safety is really difficult. There are folks who think the answer is to confiscate all firearms...there are others who oppose any increased "control" because they truly believe the "slippery slope" argument. Then there are folks who really would like to find some middle ground leading to enhanced safety.....and with the shouting coming from both extremes, that's very hard to do. regards, Gary crum
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And the squirming continues. Congress is very unlikely to impeach Trump, but this could be a big 2018 headache for the republicans.
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Life's a party for the legislators, on the tax payers dime. Then they cry that they can't get anything accomplished in the given amount of time & must have "special sessions" in order to pay themselves even more. Lets not forget the newly ordered Italian furniture for the new year, even though the states going broke. And if we're going broke, how can we be the richest state in the union? After all Walker would love to pocket ALL of the permanent fund.Then what?
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Yes, we want Republicans who are for secure borders, lower taxes, growth in the economy against Obamacare (Begich was thrown out of office for this) and conservative supreme court justices
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If this is truly how you feel, why wait? I assure you, the rest of Canada would not be sad to see you go. Leave this country to those who continually want to make Canada stronger and better regardless of political affiliation.
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Even without the reference to the MP your comment would be nixed.
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Last I looked corporations are staffed with people, who each get paychecks, with all the same deductions as everyone else. Last I looked stockholders who gain from the profit of well managed companies pay taxes on those gains as well. Do the two-thirds who believe corporate taxes are too low factor these substantial tax revenues in at all, and that "corporate" taxes are the third tax hit on a company? Poll results are only as reliable as the quality of the questions. It appears this question was intentionally worded to generate the desirable clickbait headlines. And it worked!
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Disgusting. The victims haven't even been laid to rest, and here are the attention whores in the media and congress, dancing in the blood of the victims, calling for more gun control. Oddly it's always the democrats calling for gun control, because ironically, ALL THE MASS SHOOTINGS HAVE BEEN COMMITTED BY DEMOCRATS!!
Totally a good test. And of course we could apply the same test to the USSR, which was socialist...to Cuba, to today's Venezuela. Take you pick.
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Chatham,since in addition to my boyish good looks,my IQ is near 160,you may rest assured I can use a "reply" feature." Supposedly,Mr.Simpson won't be offered a book deal by a major publisher because of his toxicity,but I believe some less-heralded company looking for publicity may sign him and take their chances that nearly a quarter-century after the Nicole Brown Simpson/Ronald Goldman murders,people will be more interested in Mr. Simpson's after-prison plans than will view him as just a kidnapper,robber and likely double murderer.
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What you described is clubbing, extra curricular activities. That is fine. If a group of muslims want to form a club as a social extra curricular activity, no one would say a world. What we have been talking about here is not clubbing. It is organized worship. It should not be allowed. Plus it would take place at the expense of learning.
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The Health and Welfare department of the federal government completed a report “Charting Canada’s Future” which concluded that Immigration has only a short-term effect on Canada’s age structure. Moreover, increases in immigration to as high as 600,000 per year would have, in the long-term, no impact on the age structure. Even changing the age structure of immigrants from 23% below age 15 to 30% below 18 and then 50% below 15 would have little long-term impact on Canada’s overall age structure.
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Finally, you recognize the obvious--life is not a meritocracy. That however does not prevent work from being a meritocracy.
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hope we find a leader that chops size of government by a least 20%. Harper did not do that; size now going up 20%. Time to try again.
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Weren't the developers involved in the collusion as well?
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Bah, neither of us is a snowflake. And even if we were, these are tiny matches, no bonfires here. But, thanks. And I'm not so sure about Antifa. In the US, the far left is composed of many disparate factions who hate each other almost as much as they hate the far right.
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What about the drug companies making secret payments to the OntariOWE gov to list their drugs on the formulary? How transparent are they there?
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I enjoyed this article! My father in Adak during WWII and I have heard many stories about the Aleutians my whole life. My mother and grandmother were both teachers who at times taught in isolated areas. Lisa is an excellent writer and reporter!
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active: "Which feature of this forum is bothering you? Delete or Submit?" Neither. It's the unethical re-submit you perform to run from responses when you lose an arguement.
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m: Really? Which states exempt you from a sales tax because you are an Alaskan?
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It's time to move on. Some games just have bad officiating. That's part of sports. Even after taking away the 2 CSU TDs, they had plenty of opportunities to score and get back in the game. CU handed them the ball over and over in the second half and the CSU offense completely stalled. That's what Rams fans should be the most worried about, not a few bad calls.
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It is pathetic seeing MSM beating the Russian drum when it is apparent to all that the majority of hijackers who attacked the World Trade Center came from Saudi Arabia. Yes, it would be fair to slam Trump's willingness to continue on with previous administration's cozy relations with Saudi Arabia but this endless obsession with Russia is getting tiring. How about investigating Saudi Arabia's abuse of human rights, women's rights, gay rights, sponsorship of terrorism?
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Unfortunately Ambassador - Canada will likely be throwing Mexico under the Agent Orange bus in order to consolidate a lasting economic and prosperous relationship with the USA. If NAFTA is revised it will be to ensure that the USA can strike a better deal with both our countries. But deep down you know that Orange Crush really only has a problem with Mexico not us. The world may be well moving to improved bilateral trade deals where trust is maximized and away from multilateral trade arrangements that are too easily exploited eg dumping, IP violations, currency wars etc. That is where we have an advantage. Canada and the USA work together in some many different ways that the USA and Mexico do not- through border security, through NORAD, through NATO and through immigration and trade. Via Con Dios Amigo
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I don't know enough about Schillebeeckx but nothing touched me so personally as this, from the article: Laughter, not crying is the deepest purpose that God wills for humanity.
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bad news for Canada and mexico
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Our Prime Minister spent private time with Aga Khan, one of the world leaders of Islam. Our Prime Minister prays openly in Montreal's Islamic mosques. He stood up on stage, side by side, with the Muslim Brotherhood a few years back in Toronto. He hustled, as fast as he could possibly go, to open the floodgates for 35,000 Syrian muslim 'refugees' last year for permanent residency in Canada. We are seeing Islamic prayers being allowed in our public school system in Toronto. Will Sophia soon start wearing a hijab?
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Prior to Obama you must have missed all the race issues in the country or you would not make such a rediculios posting. Apparently all the preObama race issues were imaginary.
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Despite the Boston Globe & Mail continual attempts to give their favoured Conservative candidate free publicity, it's pretty hard to get excited about their guy.
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Yup, it's time time for the Dems to face facts, fold up the tent , dissolve party.
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If North Korea called Bernie S right now for dirt on Trump he would be on the next flight over. Who cares. If the Russians gave True information about Clinton we should thank them. If they wanted to work with Trump to spread lies that is another story, but so far not the case.
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Why not wait until it's passed to find out what's in it? That was the standard last time around.
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"If you build it, they will come." seems applicable here. I will be pleased to oppose, with both funds and other efforts, any Lane County Commissioner, whether in my district or not, either for re-election or for higher office, who wants to encourage an additional influx of parasites to be supported by my tax dollars. "It’s just kind of a no brainer for tax payers".
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Oh my. Donald is going to tweet a GIF of him wrestling with Kim Jong-un.
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India should do more to improve the poverty. 75.6% of Indians lives $ 2 a day under that criterion poor( UN). The overwhelming majority of people living on less than 1.25 dollars a day belong to Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, with one third of the world’s 1.2 billion extreme poor living in India. http://darkroom.baltimoresun.com/2017/06/in-india-much-needed-world-environment-day-celebrated/#1
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Unions certainly sometimes help people have better wages. However in some cases those people don't deserve better wages. In the case of forestry work, none of them would have any wages at all if not for the forest products companies creating the jobs in the first place.
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Yes, I hope so. Love to see one developed that will combat Parkinson's and reverse Alzheimer's. Already got one called a defibrillator in my chest. Hate to have to swear at people how come they don't have one in the airplane and then no one knows how to operate one. Love that my health insurance paid for the whole thing. Technology is so damn good for us and we are lucky they help protect us and save lives today. Would love to see a microchip implanted in my wrist so I can access my ATM and replace my PIN and SSN. We definitely need it now.
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It appears that the proposed changes will impose a high cost on those owners that left money in their corporation. What if this money was left in the corporation to help it weather a downturn? To take advantage of a business opportunity some time in the future? As seen repeatedly, in a downturn companies that do not have cash reserves are at severe risk of failure.
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Just wondering out loud, where is the outrage that a 15% tax on foreign buyers is racist, evil, or goes against the Canadian Charter? And if you think my question is off-put, silly, or irrelevant, why?
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And Macleans that said Quebec was the most corrupt Province was a falsehood even after Bombardier that is charged with bribery over seas , the Montreal corruption trials and the brown envelopes under the table for the Liberals ?
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Psst......I don't think he can read......he's been given a sheet of paper to type out on every post.
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I have an issue with it as well, which is why I'm posting about it on the news forum and not Facebook, as well as contacting reps. Someone making $20,000 a year is paying a 5.5% tax while someone making $50,000 a year is only paying a 2.2% tax. You say people should have their say when they vote. I agree. But if you're going to sack the existing system for paying for state services by making the poor pay more, then they should also have more say in government. IOW, use the proper channels, both in gaining income for the state, and by voting, rather than allowing someone to dictate outrageous terms.
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And Trump is quite right in his feud with the Create News Network who long ago abandoned any pretence about being a credible news organization. They are the National Inquirer of television that are blatantly in the Democratic Party's pocket.
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Well, that's one week under his belt. Call senators Murkowski and Sullivan. Call Rep. Young. It really does make a difference. And, while we're not quite there yet, research the 25th amendment. It appears this man may be unfit to hold the office of President.
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Hipsters in Lone Tree? HA LOL Have you been to Lone Tree?
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Only Trudeau can explain his actions that are contrary to expert opinions. Canadians are still awaiting transparency and openness from Trudeau.
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That's right, China has massive restrictions on imports despite having signed every international trade agreement there is. And China is the same country Trudeau and his gang want Canada to sign a "free trade" deal with. Is anybody in the Canadian MSM or "business" community going to call Trudeau out on his nonsense? Anybody still loyal to Canada or are they all committed globalists who couldn't care less about Canada and Canadians?
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The installation of that system incites more aggressive reaction by the North. Anything that threatens Kim Jong's ego/progress will incite more violent rebuttal. Some Asians know this and tend to stay away from confrontation. It's why China asked for a calm, peaceful reaction from the West in response to Kim Jong's nuttiness. We here in the west can't grasp that concept.
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I suspect that says more about the people that participate in the local GOP in Hawaii than it says about this candidate. You should understand that thoughtful people are more concerned about impact in the community than what a bunch of gadfly blowhards think. Click on the smiley under your post to see who is pleased by it.
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