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Obama always seemed to learn of important things from the media. And he was a genius remember.
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Having re-read Lela's post, I tend to concur more with your interpretation than I did originally. The fallacy is that the US had "freedom" before the Civil War. Certainly reflected in her repeatedly expressed "Gone With the Wind" views of the Antebellum south.
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Everyone knows bank executives always have the best interests' of working and middle class families at heart...
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How about 80% of players and coaches on the team who are non-local? What has "local" got anything to do with cheering on the players and the team?
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The NCAA needs to be abolished . They are the ones with the offensive name . Forcing N.D. to change it's name was extortion pure and simple . The NCAA is nothing more than a money grabbing machine that deals out punishment with an iron fist. Schools , with the power of today's social media , should work to eliminate the NCAA . Schools would save a ton of money and not have to hire so many people just to make sure the NCAA doesn't fine them.
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Employer provided healthcare coverage is also destroyed in the Graham Cassidy plan. Pre-existing condition protections are lifted for all. Everyone loses, …everyone. Call your Senator now.
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Chops, you make me laugh out loud!
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Walking, talking example of Ron White's epic line from a comedy routine, "you can't fix stupid! stupid runs clean to the bone."
If cheerleading for a foreign country's President who lost the popular vote is all that you got left to live for, you're really going nowhere fast in life, Stevie... Of course, we both know that already. Might be a good time for you to book that moving truck and head on down to Trumpland. Buh'bye.... Don't forget to write.
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Not a bad idea, but it's limited. Keep in mind that a federal requirement would only affect superior court judgeships. The majority of sexual assault cases are heard before provincial-appointed judges, unaffected by such federal laws. That includes the 'keep your knees together' case in Alberta and the taxi-driver case in Nova Scotia.
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I replied to that in my reply to my own post (just above this post). I'm curious why, in 2016, Trump only got 8% of the black vote, but in the key Southern State of South Carolina, he carried 26% of the black vote. Why did that happen? Nikki Haley, a Tea Party Conservative, won her re-election in 2014 for Governor of South Carolina with 56% of the vote in a state that's 31% black. How is that possible?
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I agree. Rex Tillerson is the only adult in the Trump Administration. I had hopes that General Kelly would be able to keep the Tweetmeister under control but he seems to ave lost that battle - if he doesn't resign, he's complicit inthe craziness of Trumpland.
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Being asked if the PM knew of the charge is not mud-slinging. This is the most senior position in the land for goodness sake so asking if Trudeau knew is a reasonable question
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Ruderman is a fighting progressive, of which there should be more in the Legislature. I hope he's able to win.
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Certainly the elephants were addressed very publicly in court, by attorneys and his discredited accusers publicly but never by Gomeshi himself. Are his prospective audience members expected to just go along pretending nothing happened? He owes people some form of statement or explanation.
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What a terrible waste of American life, in an illegal war.
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This insurgent or terrorist is definitely following in the footsteps of that prophet. Muhammad was first and foremost a revolutionary, a fiery religious guerrilla leader who created and led the first genuine national insurgency in antiquity that is comprehensible in modern terms, a fact not lost on the jihadis of the present day, who often cite the Koran and Muhammad’s use of violence as justification for their own insurgencies.
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Poverty is by far the biggest driver of abortions. Lift people out of poverty and you will reduce the prevalence of abortions. Can't understand why conservatives (of both the political and religious variety) don't realise this. Your comment: "We also need to fight against a system that encourages dependence on the government for living" is straight from the conservatives' hymnbook. The majority of people on unemployment benefit would rather be off it and be at work. Of course, the more sensationalist of the media outlets will regularly trot out a family who have been living for years on benefits but they are the exception.
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I love my parents, but you are right. They were born into the most bountiful period in human history and they smoked it and p****ed it away. All the while demanding more and spoiling their kids if they raised them at all.
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Oh, the unintended consequences that would flow from this policy... they would be glorious. For example, a complete dismantling of our media as propaganda apparatus for the Democrat party. Each shared article that is their interpretation of facts, instead of just the facts, could become an act of libel. Plus, I only ever see my triggered liberal friends sharing their Trump hate on Facebook. Everyone else has learned that it is obnoxious to spew politics on there. Let's do this.
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Did you see the pre-game piece on changing how he grips the bat? Something along the lines of figuring out he used to control it with his fingertips rather than his palms, so he could create more whip.. I don't know if it's in his head or his hands, but I swear his bat speed looks better in this series!
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It's no mystery. Extremists on the right are driving people farther left, and extremists on the left are driving people farther right. In other words, we are polarizing each other. Then throw in a good measure of ego, which prevents us from cooperating, as this would be seen as a sign of weakness.
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And let's not forget that the FBI uncovered one of Twitter Inferno's earlier campaign managers was caught with $12 million in a US bank account and he suddenly disappeared when this finding went public. What does Twitter Inferno think we are? Twitter Inferno has consistently hired Russian campaign staff. Every rational American voter, regardless of party affiliation, needs to demand that Twitter Inferno be forced to answer questions about his links to Russia, and if he doesn't answer the questions truthfully then he needs to be forced out of office.
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If we are ever going to witness a black dog and white dog show, we are about to witness it. This new government in Washington will be the best fodder for comedy in a century. And U need not a stage to have it, it will happen daily in Washington.... Right in the White House... Right in the Oval office.
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Remember Canada you voted this inept government in. You get what you deserve.
Ditto kido.
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"As any working woman can tell you, sexual harassment occurs in all industries" As any working man can tell you, harassment, including sexual, occurs in all industries, and yes, I have experienced it.
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Sometimes I think blaming Republicans as long as Dems are blamed too is a Republican way of admitting guilt. But just a theory.
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I do agree with you. In the case of taxi's, I'm rather torn, because a degree of regulation and control is worth paying for, but with a taxi licence costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, the industry was vulnerable to something else coming along. It always does. And the dairy industry may suffer the same fate if it's not more careful.
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So he freely admits that he deliberately allowed massive illegal immigration to happen while running Homeland Security. This has to be a crime.
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So what does this mean? Just trying to salvage the next election? Will Alaskans get the remainder of this years PFD? This appears to be a stunt and nothing more.
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Now that the deep ecologists are out of the whitless house maybe we can get back to vehicles that people will bee proud to won.
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That'll be what the leftists demand next, before they start mass burnings of offensive books.
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you just explained one of the driving forces of assimilation of french speaking people. they have been taught to feel ashamed of their culture and language the minute a unilingual anglo walks into a room. by constantly accomodating the anglo, who may or may not be a closed minded bigot, they have over time lost their language. the siblings still speak it among each other in a private setting with no anglos around, but their children do not speak it at all.
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Sooner or later it's time to quit the semantics. The NDP together with the Greens can account for just under 60% of the votes cast. Simple, isn't it! Now lets get on with business, the BCLiberals lost a vote of confidence, let the L-G call on the leader of the NDP to form whatever minority supported by the Greens. Then lets see some legislation and votes in the legislature. We had seven weeks of games played by the BCLiberals and believe it or not here in the Okanagan the MoTI is apparently unable/unwilling to do urgent road repairs because of that. Really!!! Now if that isn't a Gong Show!
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Thats not what they argued at all. They argued that under Immigration and Nationality Act Congress seeds power to the president in matters of this type. That is essentially correct.
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While I don't think "we are competing with the Chinese, or something", the results of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) studies since 1995 have consistently shown that in 4th and 8th grades, in both math and science, the policies, training, and curricula employed by Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, and the PRC, out performed all others. Whether one believes algebra (in middle school and high school) is generally useful, or not, whether one believes that an adequate introduction to schools mathematics literacy can be easily obtained by an on-line provider, or not, we can either learn from their efforts, or choose to ignore them -- either way, the next TIMSS data set is highly likely to again, for the third decade in a row, place Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, and the PRC well above Oregon's scores in math and science, measured at grades 4 and 8.
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Exactly. Start with Filipinos and mokes. Then check out the statistics on Hispanics. Should do this scientifically rather than ban Muslims en mass from middle Eastern countries just because of a few. Start collecting data for the State and National records so intelligent bans can be implemented.
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Funny, nothing about the antics protesters that were arrested for carrying weapons. Typical liberal reporting.
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You talk as though this were some sports rivalry where your team winning or losing is all that matters. This is a HUGE problem with the state of politics in the US today. I don't care if my elected officials are Democrats or Republicans as long as they are good people who care more about their country than about partisan politics or themselves. But if all you care about is running up the score for your home team I hear a lot of complaints about RINOs. Are you really winning if you believe the other team has infiltrated yours so deeply that you cannot even do the one thing you've been trying to do for the last 7 years? If the GOP keeps winning like this they're going to split in two which might help separate the extremist right wing from the more moderate rational right wing. IMO that would be a great thing for our country. And who knows? It might send the Democratic Party the way of the Whigs. I'm sure you'd like that too.
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Terrific link. I like that you got past the Heck No! Too often we cut off worthy discussion with our initial impulse. I am still not sold on the idea, but I love the discussion.
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Dont forget to blame trump. Hes a hater doncha know!!
Dear mr.koleanui. So being one that served, what are you thoughts on a rich spoiled brat that medically deferred 3 times to avoid Vietnam. Go ahead, tell the truth.
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Oh please Rob, I know it isn't 'Politically Correct', but could we please drop the 'Men vs Women' thing? As I have opted to manage most of my RRSP's, I monitor my accounts, buy and sell stocks, etc. My wife goes to her 'investment advisor' (note the 'o' here) once a year and he tells her, "Oh this mutual fund hasn't done very well. You should sell it and buy this other one." Some good friends, the wife was in banking, so he turned everything over to her and let her worry about it (he could probably do it himself, but, y'know). Another friend gets all sorts of investment ideas from work. Even though he is close to retirement, he took out a mortgage and invested it in bank stocks reasoning the bank stock dividends were more than the interest on the mortgage (not sure how active his wife is in all this). In short, I suspect you are trying to measure something that has a pretty 'wide' distribution and probably depends more on an individual's background than what washroom they use.
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Iditarod veterinarians can get high legally. They're not banned from taking drugs. And, the Iditarod doesn't drug test their veterinarians. Learn more: http://helpsleddogs.org/the-harsh-reality/poor-veterinary-care/
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who are being legally classified as independent contractors rather than employees to reduce and/or transfer more of the firm's operating expenses to its labor force. But the incentives that encourage the retiring owners of small privately-owned (as opposed to publicly-traded) family businesses--who have no successors willing or able to take over and continue the business--to sell the business to its employees might still be useful even in a steady-state economic future. I think such incentives could also be created to encourage "stakeholder" corporations, i.e. reducing taxes upfront for large absentee-owned businesses (such as most hotels in Hawaii) which agree to gradually transfer ownership to local employees and/or other local stakeholders over a 20-year period (which could also be made conditional upon becoming "triple bottom line" B corporations in the process).
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the more that market and others is inflated the bigger the pop
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Yes running from one hysteria to the next, give up !!!
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His b!tch-slap on Buzzfeed was a glorious moment.
not toxic
Start working at home with Google! It’s by-far the best job I’ve had. Last Wednesday I got a brand new BMW since getting a check for $6474 this - 4 weeks past. I began this 8-months ago and immediately was bringing home at least $77 per hour. I work through this link, go to tech tab for work detail. +++++++++ http://www.22moneybay.com
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"You seem to be missing another rather large segment: businesspeople and the wealthy who pay little or no taxes." "aren't completely made up (like most commenters do on here)" QED
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Crispina -- you forgot to add "Who grabs women's p*ssy." Fine guy, he is.
The Truth in Headline Association would like this one changed to: LEGAL FARMING HASSLED AGAIN BY ACTIVIST FUNDRAISING ACTIVITY
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As noted in the article, allegedly this passenger already had a confrontation with airline personnel at McCarren. Flight personnel may have been alerted to this passenger before take off. The blanket incident just exacerbated the situation. "At Las Vegas’ McCarren International Airport, Enriques said he saw Hawaiian Airlines personnel speaking to the passenger. The man told Enriques, “they’re not treating me right. I’m going to call the president,” Enriques said."
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Just to demonstrate how poorly thought out your comment is Banquo the Traverse takes home Kelley Blue Book's top honors among full-size SUVs that retain their value. That alone negates your comment about losing it's value. In the future try and at least perform some due diligence.
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This is just another in the series of articles that has "TEKIYAH" as its core objective. A fundamental Muslim concept, “TEKIYAH” in Persian means a kind of “righteous deception.” It is similar to the Arab belief, espoused in the Koran, that it is acceptable to lie and deceive those around you in order to bring the Infidels down. Anything which would bring the reign of Mohammed was deemed acceptable according to text. This author is relentlessly at it, and we in the West, are lapping it up!
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The biggest factor contributing to unaffordable housing (rent and buy) according to investment bank, UBS's report yesterday are the rock bottom interest rates imposed by the world's major reserve banks (Fed, BoE, BoJ, ECB, BoC, SNB). This policy has transformed housing's tradition role as a place to raise family to that of another speculative trading asset. To be clear housing unaffortability as stated in the UBS report is not confined to Vancouver, Toronto only. Amsterdam, Hong Kong, Munich, Stockholm, Sydney are all on top of their list.
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Again, where is the proof? They said they have a strong conscientious? Thats it? And these are the people who if it did happen, failed at their job and allowed it to happen.
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It wasn't 9 million for just the next 6-7 weeks. That figure was applicable to the last year and a half of negotiation.
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On further reflection, Trump IS a good example as to whether people will VOTE for an arrogant candidate. But, the similarity breaks down in that Trump has not been elected - YET. And of course, has not been re-elected. Then we have the Eugene problem. In Eugene, we have 26% registered Republicans. Of the ballots cast, Republicans made up 28%. Trump got 66% of that. So if I am reading this right, he got 65% of 28%, or 18% of those registered voters. All candidates were on the Mayor ticket. Of the total registered voters, 57% cast ballots. Vinis got 29% of all registered voters. I am not sure if I have these numbers correct but I have to leave. Because of our left leaning populace, people prefer the liberal "arrogance" to the conservative arrogance. But I don't think people will vote in an arrogant leader. At least, I hope. http://www.lanecounty.org/departments/cao/operations/countyclerk/elections/pages/currentelectionszad.aspx
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Satire like when Dem Rep. Scott Hamann said he wants to kill Trump? Or Johnny Depp saying he wants to assassinate Trump? Or Madonna saying she dreams about blowing up the White House? Or Snoop Dogg assassinating Trump in a music video? Or Kathy Griffin holding up a decapitated Trump head? Or Charlie Sheen saying he wants Trump dead? Or Micky Rourke saying he wants to beat Trump with a baseball bat? Or Larry Wilmore saying he want to suffocate Trump? Satire like that?
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Dont believe your lying eyes when you watch the Hillary video, right, Bob?
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"During legislative sessions, members are not required to conduct all of their business in Juneau, and frequently travel to their home districts or other places for meetings. It is an important aspect of representing a diverse constituency," Logan wrote. "Members claim per diem during session to offset the cost of maintaining a home in their district and lodging expenses in Juneau. Traveling does not alleviate that double expense." HUH???.. the "double expense" of going to Germany on vacation?????
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Would have never guessed .. A thanks for the info !
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What is it about this site that it won't let supporting links to be published? Do we have to go back to the old ways ..... https://cruxnow(.)com/global-church/2016/12/24/knights-malta-pope-stay-internal-affairs/
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Read whatever you want into it. Thousands of police encounters happen every day with no negative interactions, yet you're acting as if a tiny percent is the norm. Personally, I think it's a shame yours have ended the way they did. Better luck next time. In fact, do us all a favor and make a sudden unexpected move.
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This kind of thing is why I never pursued a military career. You place yourself in a position of dependence and trust to the command, but at the end of the day that's just a soulless bureaucracy hiding under the flag.
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I did better. I listened to the vendors on the grassy knoll! :)
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Try using a little civility in your posts.
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P..S., Paul. You keep being referred to as a "newspaperman." "Hapless" electors? Really? Sean Parnell is "hapless?" How about Carolyn Leman, wife of one of Bill Allen's unindicted co-conspirators, I'd bet? She too ate high on the VECO hog for years. http://www.anchoragepress.com/news/flashlight-150 Roll Call, a paper out of Washington, D.C., reported an Alaskan woman affiliated with the Democratic Party filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission about that peculiar space in the Anchorage Daily News'editorial section - “Voice of the Times: A conservative voice for Alaskans.” Jean Paal, 77, claims that Bill J. Allen, chairman of oil contractor Veco Corporation and Voice of the Times publisher is running a daily advertisement in the Daily News for U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, but not reporting it as such. She points out that Allen himself and Veco are hefty contributors to Murkowski's (re)election campaign, and the Voice is "... essentially a paid-for 'advertorial'.”
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Let me get this straight... you commit mass murder, then select your own sentence? I don't think so! James Holmes deserved the death penalty. It was one juror who kept that from happening. You kill a dozen people and wound 70 others, you should count on facing the death penalty in Colorado. No one could have predicted how the sentencing phase would have turned out at the beginning of the trial. George Brauchler did the right thing in the Aurora Theater shooting.
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This is what passes for media? The Parker dumps on the Trump for using "the." The media is getting desperate. In California they say "the 5." Here we say I5. So what? Trump has trouble with blacks because the media tells THE blacks that THE dems are better for them. The media is the only source of information most Americans have.
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To see right wing heads explode?
Indeed, can't wait for the parade of scoundrels in their orange jump suits and shackles boarding the white bus with the bars.
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"Sputnik 1 (/ˈspʌtnɪk/; Russian: Спутник-1 [ˈsputnʲɪk] "Satellite-1", or ПС-1 ["PS-1", i.e., Russian: Простейший Спутник-1 "Elementary Satellite 1"])[3] was the first artificial Earth satellite. The Soviet Union launched it into an elliptical low Earth orbit on 4 October 1957" I was alive at the time and in High School and heard its little beeps. It was followed by the USSR launch of the dog Laika in Sputnik 2 on 3 November 1957. You are wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_1 "Sputnik 1 was launched during the International Geophysical Year from Site No.1/5, at the 5th Tyuratam range, in Kazakh SSR (now known as the Baikonur Cosmodrome)." The signals continued for 21 days until the transmitter batteries ran out on 26 October 1957.[8] Sputnik 1 burned up on 4 January 1958, as it fell from orbit upon reentering Earth's atmosphere, I was maligning the J-school graduates who can barely spell science. But your historical knowledge on this subject is clearly deficient.
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I live in a rural area.. I have done everything I can do to lower my electric power consumption. My bill rises as my consumption lowers. Ancillary charges -delivery, etc, are more than the cost of the power I actually use. We were encouraged to save power by shifting loads to off-peak hours. We did. Hydro One was losing money. They applied for a rate increase, and got it. We were penalized for doing exactly what they asked us to do. It's absolutely no exaggeration to say that many people - especially those on fixed incomes - must choose between heat and food. That little rebate gift that Wynne decided to dole out to the rural dwellers will be eaten up by the carbon tax. As I write this, it's -20C outside, and dropping. There's 2 ft of snow in my backyard. If Wynne wants to come and stay with us, she'd better bring some heavy sweaters. She,ll need them.
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He's primarily political. What he chooses to do and not do is based on political calculus. He salts his agenda and photo ops with just the right mix of talk about "openness" and "the evils of rigidity" with head nods to Our Lady, St Joseph, the Rosary, and even the Latin Mass, just not this week. And even satan now and then. Keeping things in balanced. I bet there's a spreadsheet updated daily.
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He is the Donald aka God Almighty. Yes I expected the Donald to do something. I actually expected the Donald to come out in favor of single pay health care and I expected him to just say no to bombing. Proven wrong on both accounts, The Donald is nothing but a phony. Come on Donald release your taxes!
The buyers have moved on to Victoria, Montreal, and to a smaller extent parts of the Maritimes.
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The Constitution is in tact...we have our borders, Muslim Immigrants are being deported, gun sales are on the rise and so are Jobs with factories making a comeback in American Manufacturing. America is looking strong again!
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Yeah, that's like feeling bad about Honor killings. Too bad so sad... Have you ever worked with Ex-Muslims... They reside here in the U.S. and to this day they have to hide in this country just like they were in their home country. Granted they want nothing to do with Christianity, Judaism, Atheism and on and on, but they are looking for a new hook. I turned them onto Nontheism as they like most people have avoided ever hearing of that ism... But I also drew the internal characteristics of an Hydrogen Nuclear System for my Physics Professor back in high school. The first question the Ex-Muslim asked me when we met together for a first time was if Allah avoided creating all of this then where did it come from. I am also an Artist so I drew a picture of the internal dynamics of an atom and when I looked up there were tears coming from his eyes and he was smiling from ear to ear. He said to me that was the first time he'd seen an answer to that question. For me that's what Atheism is.
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The fake outrage and fear mongering is getting old. Very old.
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Somebody pretty far up the stack of posts someone posted a link to his voter registration and it is republican.
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Paul, you are just repeating talking points, find the truth, I predict a huge swing away from the dem. party with the inner city voters, all citizens. Folks are getting fed up with being used and taken for granted, although there are still those who refuse to open their minds and look at results, preferring to just fall lock step in with hollow words spoken from their party leaders. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/05/us/politics/young-blacks-voice-skepticism-on-hillary-clinton-worrying-democrats.html?_r=0 “What am I supposed to do if I don’t like him and I don’t trust her?” a millennial black woman in Ohio asked. “Choose between being stabbed and being shot? No way!” “She was part of the whole problem that started sending blacks to jail,” a young black man, also from Ohio, observed about Mrs. Clinton. “He’s a racist, and she is a liar, so really what’s the difference in choosing both or choosing neither?” another young black woman from Ohio said.
This will come to fruition as well as the 62 Obamacare repeals have.
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I'd like to see a poll issued from CB for the race this trollbait is running in. I betcha the numbers are so wildly askew that if there were negative voting allowed, she might actually make history and poll that low.
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Jack, I look no further than your posts to read some very good fiction! Some of it is actually funny.
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It looks as if the PM has set a goal to become very wealthy while in office. Putin is doing it. The Clintons did it.
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Or it could be "Yes, it was a dangerous mission, but your husband volunteered for it. He knew what he signed up for." Seriously, I think that the biggest beefs with the military deaths pretty much forever was the situation when the soldiers were kept in the dark about what's going on or what they are signing up for.
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She should have gotten way longer in the first place. Is it any surprise she goes back to taking advantage of kids again once she already realizes that she can get away with it?
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And make you stop growing corn. It seems like I read a story about a couple who were made to stop building a house or tear one down because part of the land it was on was a seasonal wet area.
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too funny. it is people like you with little to no knowledge of science who haven't a clue. we can only recycle 10% of the solar panels set to be decommissioned with a huge number yet to come. no planning and green talking points and salesmanship have gotten us here. grow up and get an education in the hard sciences instead of whining like a spoiled brat
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Not a realtor at all. I just have kids trying to rent/renting in the metro Vancouver market.
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exactly blow'd up reel good
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Thanks for asking. Here is part of my letter from May 23rd that explains that. "Studies by ISER and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy show that an income tax would hurt Alaska families the least. In an email my senator claimed she was concerned about how an income tax would affect small business owners, but who do you think are the customers for small business? Alaska families! " Have YOU ever been discouraged from work because of an income tax? I haven't. Who would, really, at the low levels we in the USA are taxed. Do we want to be like Kansas? Really?
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Totally wth it.
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They should probably all be forewarned that they'll work in a former failed mall, overseeing increasingly incompetent and fundamentalist teaching staff and dealing with a public that will demand a pound of their very flesh if they have the temerity to ask for a bond to fix a roof on a school or expect to be paid on a competitive pay scale with things like, you know, raises - what people get in other states after working somewhere for a period of time.
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C'mon folks, it's Manitoba! You could run it with an old ipod and a bag of road salt, pulllleeeeze
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Why would you be shocked that a system built by those who seek to follow the teachings of Jesus would show mercy to those who have sinned?
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