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How dare Marshal refuse to venerate our war anthem, the jet flyovers, the marching and saluting and all the quasi-fascist flag-waving and empire worship. I mean, the military industrial complex paid good money for all that.
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"The United Nations is a corrupt institution of dictators and demagogues." This paints a distorted picture. The UN General Assembly is the sum of the world's governments (more accurately, their executive branches), and so has corrupt members. But the UN itself operates by a kind of one-state-one-vote democracy. The institution is better than much of its membership and often does irreplaceable work. It also shines a light on its members and is a beneficial influence on them. It needs to be improved, for instance with a strengthened link to the world's citizens through a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly.
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The frankness and openness of this Pontiff is refreshing.
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The US has been hacked so many times during the last 8 years, but only when the DNC gets exposed for corruption does he do anything?
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But Trudeau hasn't done it. He kept it at 65. Nothing has changed, this is just 1 recommendation of many, for which the govt has no obligation to accept.
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To many people on this forum like to live in the past
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Where are the sane? Where are the politicians urging summits among the nuclear nations to disarm from this madness? Americans seem to have become used to impending disasters...which are ignored and/or denied...like climate change. Of course there are those who welcome our destruction...like the Armageddonists who have another, unseen and invisible realm all cozy and ready for occupancy as their private and exclusive bomb shelter in the sky. But mainly, there is too much money in the military-industrial complex...which feeds on the fear spread by "statesmen" such as Sen. Dan Sullivan. The political parties have purged the sane from their ranks And the populace is so confused it can't figure out that our missile defense system likely couldn't even stop a sputtering North Korean missile...if North Korea were that stupid and crazy to lob a nuclear-tipped one our way. Sure, "It's the economy, stupid"...but with these larger (and therefore incomprehensible) disasters...no economy...
I have a lot of experience with the American database of street addresses and standardization. I will guarantee that Trump will find a lot of voter fraud if you do sloppy data work. If you feed the software the minimal criteria such as just using the last name without the first name. The problem with the American database is that you can have a large number of people with the same last name living in the same local area. You need to use the street address or Social Security Numbers. It will also depend on the software you are using. To process 200 million records will require specialized software. You can't just import it into Excel or Access and try to find duplicates.
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walking your dogs is always a good idea
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Oh my - the old and tiresome rant on sociology as junk science. RD - this incoherent rant only reveals your dated ignorance. Law of non-contradiction - is that like one of your troll comments. You supposedly have a PhD in some remote math/engineering field - so, you obviously failed in this area. Try to explain how time is greater than space violates the law of non-contradiction?
Corker, Trump, who ya gonna believe? Oh this ones to easy. Because we all know Trump never lies
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"Socialism: From those who have, to those who need." Which has nothing to do with safe zones, protesting, or professors (allegedly) offering extra credit to do so. In other words, you threw the word in where it didn't belong. That's why it was said that you don't know the definition (which, BTW---what you just spouted is end stage Marxism, not socialism). But, I get it.....you have it in your mind that UC-Berkeley is the only public university.
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In NO way am I making an excuse for Ryan, BUT, don't forget: his wealthy wife is from a devout Democrat family. Abortion Plank is in the demo platform, yet these people like to pretend they are Catholic. God will not be mocked. Shame on "Catholics" and other "Christians" who vote for Communist/democrats.
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If they are indeed Canadian citizens, let's not screw it up this time and do things according to international and domestic law. If that means bringing them back to Canada (yes, unfortunately we may have to) and detaining them here, so be it.
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It is for Trump and his followers. I'm surprised Trump and Pruitt fined the company at all.
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The washinton POSt /adn just made our scientist look like a bunch of fools. Are these the people we are suppose to believe concerning science? What a joke. Thanks again adn for confirming why Trump will be at the helm soon.
No one said to change the rules after the contest. They are calling to change the rules for future elections. Please try to keep up.
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It is interesting to note that in 2013, according to the Lund Report on executive salaries, former CEO of Providence Health & Services of Oregon, Gregory Van Pelt, as receiving the highest salary of $4.3 million. Now I have no idea what Mr Lamoureux is paid no can I find that information easily, but it seems to me a "non profit" label appears to be a pretty big scam. At least for the management. Now I certainly do not intend no disparage Mr Lamoureux personally nor suggest that he is not due an adequate compensation for his knowledge and expertise. However, when facts are presented, 'all' the facts need to be presented. According to Glassdoor, a Physician at Providence earns $200k per year. An RN $38 per hour. These are reasonable salaries depending on qualifications. However they are a long ways from even 1/2 of what the CEO in Oregon was payed. So all of the community services and give-aways are great, but those numbers are not the entire picture nor the entire costs!
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I have mixed feelings on this. Things are smoother than I expected but traffic is WAY down. I do not understand why the city is unwilling to release traffic counts; how hard is it? I do not see more bicyclists; I still see at least a third of the bicyclists using the sidewalks, and people in cars are doing bizarre things: using the handicap ramps as entrances and exits to parking areas, for example. And we've had our first three-car pileup; this is not mentioned in the article. It's too early to judge, I think; but we should at least be gathering data - including traffic counts on alternate routes - and enforcing proper driving and biking.
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No, there's no shortage of temerity here. Maybe a lack of humility, maybe a lack of generosity, maybe an excess of pride, nervous sarcasm, for sure. All the signs. A good spiritual director would wear out here.
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Nah, maybe Trump aint the annointed of God. But more probably what was going on was that Hillary clearly WASN'T the annointing og God, and that left Trump as a default choice. It's not really about Trump being the best choice, it's about Hillary being the absolute worst choice. Trump had to win then. It's sad that all of you get to vote becuse all of you create a situation where the last three possibles were Trump, Hillary, and Bernie. OMG! What a crappy choice! How did we come to this point?! You Leftists have created such a crappy world that even someone like ME had to cast my vote for Trump and be (relatively) happy about it!
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Rolf I have not read a word of your friends in the KKK, the neo-Nazis or any other group of haters you favor showing up and rescuing a single person in Texas. I guess they were all too busy protecting a statue some place else.
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By that standard - we only pay for what we approve of morally, then people can choose not to have to pay taxes for wars on moral grounds. This results in a governmental collapse not religious freedom. For democracy to stand and uphold everyone's right to worship as they wish, we all must compromise on things we don't want to pay for but the majority believes is necessary to pay for in order to uphold equality and keep the peace. The rest of your post consist of mere ultra conservative opinion about Vat II. and so I completely disagree with all of it.
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This is not a pissing contest. Many lives hang in the balance. If there was a way to eliminate Kim Jong Un and the political and military leadership, this would go a long way to lessen the loss of innocent lives when war comes.
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Interesting that you recognized that nations planting flags where others already lived AND CONTROLLED would be considered rude (to say the least). Yet, you think that Mexico owned this area when in all of the area that is today's US, they never had a population CLOSE to what the native Americans were. Texas came about because they somewhat controlled it ( while they were still minority controllers, they had the most land of any place that they would ever control ), they brought Americans in to stop the Indians from raiding them (basically, they were setting Americans up as cannon fodder; this is why Americans rebelled there ). So, no, we did NOT acquire southwestern US from Mexico by military means. We did prevent THEM from acquiring control though. America actually gained the southwest by being part of the American Indian Wars, which lasted some 400 years.
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It is really sad that republicans didn't have a real viable plan to replace Obama care. They should have followed their leader, the Donald and push for single pay health care. Instead they came up with worse crap than the democrats. Just sad and pathetic.
Look, there are some sites that make it clear that they will tolerate no dissent (e.g., Church Militant, DailyKos), and I don't have a problem with that. But Jim Martin is a Catholic Priest who is promoting ostensibly (and I believe actual), if implicitly, anti-Catholic rhetoric. If Martin wants to hold himself out as the new Martin Luther, as opposed to legitimate Catholic priest, then I am ok with his censoring other people. NCR is awesome for allowing civil discussion on important matters.
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I am not a Liberal, I can assure you. Nor am I an NDPer. Trump is crashing fast and the faster it goes the better it is for the USA/world. You speak of your opponents being willing to believe baseless and nonsensical conspiracy theories. You sound just like that yourself. And there are a lot of people in and around the White House who are starting to get desperate themselves. How do they save their careers and reputations? The longer they wait, the worse it will be.
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Good idea, and after the existing KM PL is shut down by Alberta, ship any oil required for BC's refineries via rail car through the mountains and the Fraser River Canyon - great environmental alternative, right Andrew!
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<<No one has ever said 'no' to me before.>> That just about says it all, doesn't it? <<the bishop of Peoria>> Jenky?
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That's bull, and you know it. Straight white males have the same rights as everyone else. You just don't like the fact they can't discriminate against GLBT people (in 20 states), they can't block GLBT people from getting married, etc.
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Good idea but it's walking distance to dozens of tech center office buildings.
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One more thing ... so pathetic can't even get 2 free Tacos from Jack In The Box ... only 1 TD scored ...
Errr...no, no, no, and kind of. Don't expect justice. It's dead.
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Public schools are controlled by locally elected school boards, not unions. The reason that teacher's unions skew Democratic is that Republicans, as evidenced by Devos, constantly disparage public education.
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It is unacceptable that 33 of 53 Alaskan police departments have declined to comply with the governor's request. We need those police departments named so they can hear from their own community about their department's incomprehensible decision to devalue this evidence and obstruct likely prosecutions. Are we a third world country where the culture (and police) consider rape "the natural order of things?"
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What a puzzling poster you are. You comment as an avid Trump supporter.Are you Canadian? If so, I am completely flabbergasted as to why anyone so fortunate to live in Canada would find Trump so appealing and defend his actions to strongly. Please help us all understand why you do this.
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"Republicans prefer - exclusion, disrespect and unbridled individuality. Apparently, it helps explain why they come up short politically in Hawaii again and again." Mr Lanier, do you even KNOW any republicans?? I do, LOTS and you didn't describe any that I know. Admittedly we are a frustrated group on these islands because we continue to see total corruption virtually dripping from any and all government offices and the people just continue to vote the same people back in office with promises of more free stuff, cheaper housing, food stamps etc. We are as close to a socialist State as we can get and it's sad.. We have three of the most worthless people in congress that we could possibly find, simple bobble heads that to the Democrat mark without thinking and likely can't find restrooms when they need them. Voters made ONE right choice with Tulsi. You are right, Republicans will likely come up short until HAWAIIANS wake up to the fact that they are little more than slaves.
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Health and Education are provincial constitutional responsibilities. And we elect governments to make hard decisions. The old where would you cut response is a cop-out and used to paralyze the discussion because they don't want to make any decisions.
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How on earth did this outrageous and vile "comment" make it past peer evaluators?
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All I have to work with is what you write. Since the Church compiled the Scriptures and interprets them with authority, if you prefer your interpretation to the Church’s you’ve put your interpretation above it. Is that not a fair assessment of what you have stated? Thomas Aquinas’ interpretations are not the Magisterium. According to Jesus Christ, Someone that I take quite seriously, marriage was a sacrament at its inception as described in Genesis, divorce was allowed in the Old Testament because hearts were hard, but He removed all doubts and made clear that in the new Covenant marriage was once for all time.
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What's the big deal? It's called "cash for access". Waif a minute, I've heard that term somewhere before...........oh I know, we'd better ask Justin.
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Just curious, but could you please identify a 'far right' source of media for me so I know where the center is?
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Oahu voters approved this project. It will reach the airport by early next year. HART will cost more than estimated. It is creating jobs. It will improve life on Oahu. I understand your concerns. Life will be OK. HART will eventually reach Ala Moana (also known as the Convention Center).
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The fish hatcheries are not the same as fish farms. The hatchery fish are not genetically modified, unlike farmed salmon. After release, the hatchery fish live their lives in the wild, unlike farmed salmon.
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Gabbard should just shut her mouth and govern in DC. If not, Hawaii will be kicking her butt out of there.
microwave and espresso machine in the RV too. a drag to be tent camping with propane lamps, firepit, etc, after dark and have a fully geared up 40 foot RV pull in right next door.
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"scenerio" ? ahahhhaaaahhaahhaahaa is that Spanish for "scenario"?
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Not fighting to pull your kid out of music class. Not having to debate whether a 15 year old girl can wear a full face covering to school. Not having to have gender separated swim times at the community pool. Not having to have spaces and time for prayer at workplaces. Not having to debate that head coverings have no place in government institutions which are supposed to be secular. Not being told that racism is alive and well in Canada when all most people want is to not have to bend over backwards to accommodate the more and more vocal Muslims who purport to be the religion of love but have a strange way of showing it.
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You mean the guy, who is "beloved" by the Bank of England ? ;)
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No, Lynn, the establishment of income and estate taxes is proposed in order to do what almost all other state governments do, keep the government running, not sustain the PFD program. Hammond warned that the legislators and executives would spend all that Alaska earned from the oil extraction and sale if it were not protected. He was right. The corporatists tried to do that from day one. The PFD program was designed to make the people the actual protectors of the fund and its' long term value for the state. So far that has worked. If the legislators want a smaller dysfunctional government rather than an income tax and cutting off the state subsidies for the most profitable industry in the world, let the people have it and feel the pain. But do not mess with the Permanent Fund Dividend program. It is a successful virgin concept and when you allow it to be invaded once, it is no longer inviolable and will simply be raped by avarice and greed.
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You're a fucking piece of shit idiot HRC supporting asshat. Hillary and idiots like you elected Trump by cheating Mr Sanders out of his rightful place as the Dem candidate. Here you are now trying to run your corrupt bullshit game on him some more. Go fuck yourself. This shit is your fault and you're trying to put that on the old, smart socialist Jew. Eat shit fucktard.
America will become more relevant as it becomes great again.
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I dunno. If I was in the middle of a prayer and 5 young men dressed identically interrupted me with accusations of being disrespectful I would find it pretty nerve wracking -- and rude. I'm glad they weren't fired, but also glad that the Armed Forces acknowledged that the behaviour was inappropriate for a Canadian soldier.
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Also the China stories. But for Russia and China we are talking about a handful of people, whereas the stories of the last few days brought out dozens.
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I took the A line for the first time last month to the airport. I was really impressed with how quiet and smooth it was, got to the airport on time with no problems. I also wonder if Amazon comes here, would the entire line to Boulder project suddenly become rejuvenated? Things that make you go hmmm.
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Mr Trump may be a buffoon but this constant drumbeat of negativism over everything associated with him is getting boring. The old administration lost track of the needs and wishes of a huge part of the American population and is being booted out as a result. The new administration is going to try new ways to save and create jobs for their constituents. That will naturally offend those elites who liked running their own show in their own way ignoring the unsophisticated masses . But they had their chance and now someone else is getting a chance. Blindly shooting down everything proposed and every personality involved is rather naive and a highly presumptuous. And did I say: boring? Read your own Report on Business where the need where we are constantly told that change and experimentation and creativity and empathy for customers and staff are brilliant things. So now all this is taboo? Mr Trump should just deliver the same old pap? Come on. Give me a break.
CNN has it's staff digging into everything and everyone associated with Trump. Where were they when Obama was president-elect? Same place the are now. Same place they'll be tomorrow because they just don't get it. America is sick of the progressive agenda. I know, Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million. Take out LA and NYC votes and she lost by 400k. Two cities shouldn't have the say in an entire country's future.
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Alaska and Minnesota are sorry Donald.
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The DEA hasn't been run out of any State yet. Assault on a federal officer? Martha Stewart went to Federal prison just for lying to one!
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There was no such plane in the 50s. Canada ended up using F104 Starfighters, high speed interceptors, in the ground attack role.
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The fairy tale candidate is out of office in Nov. America will be whole once again and not divided by race fantasies blaming the majority for the minorities own lack of morals or ethics,
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Your criterion for treason would have put to death thousands of Americans during our nation's history.
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We have 15 positions open and we're a small time tech firm. The only reason we don't open more is we know we can't even fill the 15 - simply not enough skilled IT workers in Ontario yet. There is a huge shortage of skilled IT workers here.
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Did you use your search engine yet to find the front page news about the popular NYC Shakespeare play that depicts Trump as Julius Caesar? Did you find the twitter account for that play that features countless thumbs up for the play, because it satisfies these liberal's blood lust for violence in the name of politics?
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Nice hair though...
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Tyler Mallory: Not true.https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2014/08/05/since-marijuana-legalization-highway-fatalities-in-colorado-are-at-near-historic-lows/ Marijuana cannot cause problems as it is an inanimate object. It has no mind of it's own. It's people choosing irresponsible behavior whether it's with pot,alcohol,guns,sexual behavior etc,etc that causes problems and not the substance itself.
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I was going to say something about how quickly the wheels have come off Trump's Presidency, but then I realized it never had wheels to start with.
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Lets address all the LIES in this article: 1.We do NOT identify with the Westboro Baptist Church. We REBUKE those fools. The reporter was told this and yet lied in this article. 2.We are not "anti-gay" We oppose the sin of homosexuality just as God does.We love homosexuals enough to tell them the truth about salvation in Christ and warn them of the judgment of their sin if they do not repent. 3.We are not "protesters" or "activists". Those are political terms and apparently some reporters are too ignorant to understand the difference between religion and politics.Or they are blatantly biased and ceded their journalistic professionalism for the sake of editorializing. 4. There were not "20" people involved. There were two of us (the rest of our group had to leave for another outreach) There were about 6-8 of the homosexuals who dragged off our cross and stomped on it and assaulted us in the process. The police would have no idea how many there were as they had left and were not there.
Why do Democrats say women have a Constitutional right to kill their unborn babies but say it is not okay for terminally ill adults to take their own lives? Don’t terminally ill adults have equal protection of the law to kill themselves as women do to kill their unborn babies? Klastri might be able to explain it.
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He wasn't talking about flu, and I suspect that he was referring to genocide of the cultural type.
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It is not "taken". Oil companies have invested well over $100 billion and are now getting a return on investment The State, meanwhile, blows through money like water
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You left out confefe!
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I don't recall him commenting on those sets of lies...*shocker*.
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And so all for of you erstwhile Kimo Sabes ain't got a chance when you challenge me philosophically and/or intellectually, for it is that Yale University (yes this Native lad walked the hallowed halls) looms against the backdrop of your bigoted lunacy. And it was that my mentor and friend to this day, Howard Weaver, did see my talent and gave me a chance and for that I am forever grateful.
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Are you jealous of him?
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US airlines have stalled and are unattractive. On the other hand, Qantas just posted record profits.
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Yea! Your missing something! There was never a business crises,they always made a good profit, but there was a confidence crises that caused a run on the bank.
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Example please. You have made a claim as fact. No matter how much you believe it, some of us would appreciate some actual facts before passing judgement.
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I think Colorado Mills is far better than the Park Meadows one, but I've only been to the Park Meadows one once. Could have been the size of the party that went and the timing but it took forever to get seated and to get food at PM one. Still, food was good once we got it and the staff were fine at PM, too.
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Ryanism is "killed" and what has replaced it is a toxic mix of racism and anger that is worse than Ryanism. Rob Portman isn't going to be POTUS, Donald Trump is. (And Portman is a Heritage/ balanced budget guy/ establishment type BTW.) The hatred he unleashed is really bad. Please don't say that Trump's appeal is based on "economic populism." A large portion of it is hatred of the "Other," especially those with different ethnicities, religions, and races. This is a bad thing for both the GOP and those who believe in reform conservatism, which Frum does. It is going to be really hard to start a genuine reform con movement now that it is wrapped up in racial grievances and associated with Trump.
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Pete Kelly is a low life. He gives politicians a bad name.
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@ Badenoff You haven't spent much time watching RT, I take it? It's much more balanced and nuanced than G&M, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, National Post, Huffington Post, etc. It features more viewpoints than any of those stations, and it hosts its detractors, such as former CIA director James Woolsey, just today. RT is an example of news done with integrity. You just haven't been willing to look at it because your preconceptions are shaped by prejudice and Western media propaganda.
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I wouldn't buy anything from someone who invests in swamp land and old bridges. Sorry buddy, but you bought them and now you're stuck with them.
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Yes. I would never give out someone else's contact info without asking them for permission first. And I would be pizzed if someone did that to me.
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Virginia voters deserve what they get. This guy used his girl friends death to advance his career. Demo rats have no shame.
I don't think you understand how much a billion dollars really is. Google "how much is a billion dollars?" Then consider its being harvested from a small island of less than a Million people by taxing our food, medicine, rent and clothing. Then multiply that by TEN!!! And please stop lying about the lawsuit that halted rail for a year. It was hardly "frivolous" and was a result of a rare UNANIMOUS decision by the Hawaii State Supreme Court. They do not bother with frivolous lawsuits much less rule on the unanimously. To call that lawsuit "frivolous" is extremely disrespectful to the Native Hawaiian lady who filed it. You don't care about the truth or anyone who isn't profiting from this awful rail scheme, do you?
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From Trump's letter to "Catholic leaders": "For instance, Hillary Clinton supports forcing The Little Sisters of the Poor who have taken care of the elderly poor since 1839, pay for contraceptives in their health care plan (even though they have never wanted them, never used them and never will), and having the government fine them heavily if they continue to refuse to abide by this onerous mandate." Make literacy great again.
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"Many voters saw the crisis coming, but half the voting populace works for the government, so they chose not to vote against their gravy train." I'm not sure that half the voting populace works for the government but Hudak's decision to frame his party's campaign as opposing the interests of the broader public sector didn't help, of course. That pretty much eliminated a huge chunk of voters from considering voting for the PCs and pushed many middle of the road voters who might otherwise have considered the NDP into supporting the Libs in order to stop Hudak from gaining power. Let's hope the current iteration of the PC party isn't as obtuse when crafting a strategy to oust the Libs in 2018.
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Fake News by Trudeau. Trump had/has no intention of visiting Canada. Trudeau was telling lies about 'security issues if Trump' visits. Trump has a major festering grudge against Wynne, Mulcair and Trudeau. One of them called Trump a fascist and another actively campaigned against Trump in NY state and Washington . Trump's looking for regime change in Canada
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My thoughts exactly.. How do people come up with this junk?
Yep they should have at least cleaned him up before letting him sit back there. I was wondering what the white supremacists were thinking. The poor guy didn't realize that he was being used by the Chump camp. I'm pretty sure that he wasn't invited to the after rally party. I meant let him spruce up before making him put on the tshirt that they provided for him. I wonder if they let him keep the t-shirt. Maybe they were worried that if they let him spiffy up people would have thought that he was Ben Carson.
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"If he was so concerned, why didn't he bring it to us at the time?" Rep. Adam Schiff -Dem California - speaking today about the alleged Comey memo. Democrats are starting to question Comey's motives and are beginning to get worried that if, as is likely the case, there is nothing here, they'll be the ones seen as usurping American democracy.
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It's not about the GUNS ADN, it's about the lack of enforcment and this lame duck mayor. I am more concerned about car thefts in the 300-400 range than hyped up GUN events. Knock off the propaganda, it's woefully transparent and unmoving.
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Don't count on it.. Odds are 50/50 there might be another Dimocrat like James Hodgkinson around the next time she shows respect for Trump's star.
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Hi Joan. OK, simply delete the words "no longer." Still, the point remains that, "although he was in the form (essence) of God he did not regard equality with God as something to be prized, but emptied himself, taking on the form (essence) of a slave, being found in the likeness of humans . . . , even to death on a cross." The constant problem is that the passage does not fit into the substance theology of the Fathers, so they mostly ignored it. My contention (see The Empty Christ of Philippians: Mahāyāna Meditations) is that emptying self is the main idea. The mind of Christ empties selfhood, which is why we are to take on this mind. The ancient and medieval substance theologies were skillful in their times, but today hardly anyone embraces their categories as live options for us. So many theologians are attempting to rethink the mind (and nature) of Christ "from below," i.e, from a phenomenally sensitive approach. Start with the gospel Jesus, not with Greek ontology.
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Here's an interesting case discussed elsewhere today on this venerable organ: I have no idea how to assess the virtues of the Aga Khan, so am I hearing real or fake news in this article? If what the writer says is true, no problem. But what if it's not true? Welcome to the age of scepticism.
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