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What was the tweet's content?
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He doesn’t believe that. His hobby is posting outrageous pro-rail lies.
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Not too long ago women's rights were protesting that women in burka's should have the rights as the man and be able to dress appropriately and now?
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The PFD "raise" by the House is a total bait and switch to get their hands into your pocket. Since the dividend under the actual formula would be north on $2500 this year, even the "generous" cap of $2000 is taking your money. But they hope people will buy into the income tax in return for the bigger dividend check. Of course nothing stops Gov. Bill from vetoing most of the $2000 dividend (as he did last year) AFTER you all drink the income tax kool-aid. In the end you will get no dividend AND an income tax AND a guaranteed bloated State government in perpetuity. The trouble with this whole concept is it only works until you drive off all the middle class working people you expect to pay the income tax.
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What's wrong with Haiti & Somalia? Are you saying Africans can't run a country? That's an interesting observation but racist none the less.
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'.... we are a nation of immigrants' Not really. We are becoming that, as the native population is swamped by the endless hordes colonizing us. More correctly, we are a nation of settlers, who created an entire new polity here on this sparsely populated continent. Immigrants came later, and in theory should assimilate into that polity. There are multiple ways to debunk rationalizations that immigration in the 21st century is a good thing, but little to support it. You can use a cultural argument: prior to Hart-Cellar in 1965, immigrants were all European. Different languages, source countries, but all Western. Assuming all the other tribes assimilate equally in fanciful. And in any case, should we risk the destruction and dissolution of the US for the imagined benefits of this policy? The most compelling argument of course is economic. Half of jobs are going away via automation in a few decades. Immigrants create a fiscal lifetime burden of $230k or more, and we are $20T in debt.
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This very sad chapter of WWII points out the amazing odds the Poles faced as well as their incredible bravery. At the start of the war, two super powers attacked them from west and east, smashing their country and killing countless people. At the time when the Warsaw uprising was surpressed, vastly superior Soviet forces were in the vicinity and waited to act until the uprising was extinguished. Again, the same super powers seemed to work together against the unfortunate Polish people. How awful!
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The GOP plan supports the rich and powerful and increases the divide between economic classes. There really is no such thing as "trickle down economics." Reagan proved that.
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Awesome how they are going to support Humanae Vitae as Pope Francis directs in AL!
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JM288, utter nonsense. I know how much it costs me to use my car to commute to and from work, and I know how much of that ends up in government coffers. Contrary to what Mayor Tory would have you believe, Toronto _does_ get a chunk of that revenue. (soon to _double_, apparently) Toronto isn't subsidizing my commute at all. Also, you're right, GO transit is _very_ convenient. _If_ you happen to work downtown. If you don't work downtown, (like me, for instance) then you're SOL as far as GO transit goes. These tolls were simply a way for Toronto to tax non-Toronto voters.
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It is a waste of taxpayer money according to Murkowski, but 1.5 trillion for a jet that doesn't work and can get shot down by jets whose designs are 40 years old is not?
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The vast majority of counter protestors were peaceful. There were some antifa protestors who were prepared to fight All of the nazis were hoping for violence - that's their creed that they will help Trump "take America back". Notice it's the peaceful protestors who were the ones killed by the nazi hero in his dodge challenger.
Do you really think the two scenarios you proposed make up even 1% of the actual cases being tried this year? Dude wake up.
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Clicking on that link, and even copy/pasting works for me. stjosemaria.org/ Search for that. This area: http://www.opusdei.org/en-us/section/summaries-of-catholic-teaching/ not one of the 40 or so articles even mentions Opus Dei...so your own bias is getting in the way.
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Trump got 40 minutes of microphone time; Hillary got 39. He got more time than she did but he is still crying over being moderated, just like a loser.
First Trump marginalized the intelligence agencies' conclusion as "could have been a guy in New Jersey." Then he concluded that Russia wasn't involved and made the issue political even to the point of calling it a "witch hunt." Trump even gave more credit to Assange than the US Intelligence agencies. Now he that was briefed with classified information he does nearly a complete 180 and promises to act in the next 90 days to address cyberwarfare. Judging from Trump's conduct he is making public judgments he is completely clueless about. What's worse is that he knows of his own ignorance and yet still opens his mouth and proceeds to stick his foot in. Trump complained about the CIA being involved with the Iraq invasion but at least Bush acted with some information in reaching a conclusion. Trump's conclusion without any information, willful disregard for any evidence to the contrary and intentional attacks on intelligence agencies is far, far worse.
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Well speaking of Olympians, you might have heard of Michael Phelps right? He was fairly successful eh? Didn't he get caught toking? He sure did.
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"Oh good...." Most feminists writing about the tech industry suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect, which has two parts. Succinctly put, the first and more relevant part here states that the clueless generally don't realise how clueless they are. I find that the only thing that feminists struggle with more than logic is statistics. Technology isn't really compatible with make-believe. Sorry. Your thinking is so incoherent that it is clear already that you could never work in a tech field. I hope there is something else that you are good at. I don't design bridges and probably, hopefully don't live in your neighbourhood.
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Alaska has paid out up to 65% of development costs in Cook Inlet for a possible $1 return. Are we getting fleeced? Like sheep in the shearing shed.
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Why bother? Pot smoking selfie snappers don't care about the cabinet.
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Or economists who work in a fishbowl?
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They could start by trading Pacioretty. He's a bust when the chips are down. His record in big games is lousy and that includes international fiascos for Team USA.
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I heard he went to Louisiana to work on David Dukes campaign.
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I think you are a sociopath if you shoot a moose with an elk tag, but if you shoot an elk with an elk tag you are a psychopath.
Contracts can always be broken or renegotiated. Ask Donald Trump...
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Yup, here is the opinion piece on the election. Is it about the future policies of our country. No, of course not. The democrats apparently have nothing to say about the country's future so instead they manipulate the PC wannabes into intellectual degeneration going in circles on PC religious issues. It is really pathetic to see liberal Americans dancing around their salvation tree of Political Correctness centered on Sex.
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I am no pro-sports fan. I think Football is a ridiculous game and the national obsession with it insane and damaging to culture. Having said that, I can defend the Bronco players and any others for taking a stand for something they felt strongly about. I'm not going to validate or invalidate their reasoning, but I support the Constitution and I support their right to protest. I am getting tired of vets, and so-called vet supporters trying to turn everything they don't like into a statement of disrespect against the soldiers who fought and died for us. Many of the vets went into the service because there were no other jobs, or for benefits or because they were drafted and had no other choice. Many fought valiantly, anyway, but not everyone came out a hero. And they didn't fight for the flag. They fought for the Constitution. If they don't know the difference, then they don't know what they were fighting for. This protest was what they fought for and they should be proud.
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Page was a constant thorn in the Conservative's side that the left always appreciated who's words and figures were considered gospel. There had better not be any accusations to write off his criticism of the present government accusing him of being a Conservative cronie. We've got a lot more concerns about reports and projections around spending with this present gang of clowns in Ottawa who can't count and recklessly throw money with no plan at the wall hoping something sticks.
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If you are NOT voting FOR Trump, you are voting for Corruption. No More Clinton's in the White House! Please watch Clinton Cash ~ Follow the money... It's FREE on YouTube. What the Clinton-Bush Foundation did (or didn't do in this case) for the people of Haiti is disgraceful. They are as crooked as a dogs hind leg all at the American Tax payers expense.
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So are Québécois an ethnic minority? Caucasians are not a monolithic culture of "white". Caucasians ARE a minority amongst the world's many billions of people.
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Hewa is the word: this project, military build up by US in illegally occupied Hawai'i, Imperialist US foreign policy, & negligent US domestic policy. PEOPLE - low frequency & infrasonic sound waves pose threat to *already stressed* human health. Osprey are known to be very dangerous (that's why no one wants them. DoD needs to scrap 'em). WILDLIFE - status critical & *endangered* plants & animals at > risk, game migration due to displacement & fleeing noise/vibrations EROSION - serous threat to infrastructure harm from wind & LF vibrations, dust, landslides, etc. Kaua'i geology is crumbly & ancient. VISITOR INDUSTRY - 1 million visitors per year come seeking to experience the Kaua'i's natural beauty by land & sea - West Kaua'i would be most impacted for loss of business. QUIET ENJOYMENT - kiss it goodbye (day AND night) Kaua'i & Niihau HOST CULTURE - recognize FREE HAWAII If this plan gets pushed thru, as usual, we can expect community resistance like those in Okinawa & Mauna Kea.
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Like our current president, who is doing such great things...right?
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For those people who either have to or choose to rely on RTD as their primary means of getting around the region, there will never, ever be "enough" service. In a "perfect" world, a bus would pass a bus stop every 5 minutes, and another bus would be waiting at every connection point. Bus stops would be within a block or two of every resident and every business. Should we strive for better? Absolutely! But the only ways to have "perfect" are a) increase RTD's funding by tenfold (or more), b) have RTD invest in and subsidize small, autonomous vehicles, or c) do like most people, and buy or lease your own vehicle. Bottom line, and pardon the pun, there truly is no free ride. Transportation costs money. The ONLY question is how much and in what form should taxpayers subsidize any system or individual? Highways, streets, buses, rail lines & bike lanes are all subsidized by taxes, and the only choices are how much (more?) in taxes should be dedicated to moving people, and in what form(s)?
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What about the WhatsApp communications? They said Masood sent or received messages on WhatsApp two minutes before he carried out his attack. They said the message(s) are encrypted and can't be read. Who knows who he was communicating with two minutes before the attack?
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Of course, our government is quietly trying to legislate that opportunity out of existence.
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My step-grandchildren are about 1/32 Delaware, from Oklahoma. Can they say they have Native heritage? Of course. Is it true? Yes. Is it relevant? No. Warren didn't get her teaching job because she was 1/32 Native American from OK, or whatever. She got it because she was great at what she does. She also came from a poor family, went to a community college but reached the heights of academia. In case you hadn't noticed, her IQ is probably 50 points higher than yours. I don't care if you went to Trump U. That is not a credential.
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Hmmm. 'Exposed' is perhaps not the best word to use here. On the other hand, If Paul Ryan was talking about the RINO-esque group in Congress, exposed would be the perfect desired state....
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Realism and truth is not a forte with those who wish to disparage the flag and anthem. Many are trying to come to America, and the overpayed footballers players, are doing what? Isn't there some hurricane damage somewhere where going down on your knee could be proved more useful and helpful to society?
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Maybe so. But he still had to go. No one trusts him, right or left. That's not good for an FBI director.
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Are you suggesting that Pandora, who tells us she only seeks for fairness, is making an unfounded accusation about Ms Collins?
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Better stick to licking boots.
Singular events, in singular communities can not and should not be extrapolated to indicate widespread events. A forest fire in Fort McMurray is no indication of the chances of a forest fire in Dartmouth! A pattern of reoccurrence for the likelihood of events must be formulated for any claim to the necessity for insurance due to 'climate change'. I smell an insurance industry grab for more profits!
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We trade around 700 billion with America a year vs 70 bill with China. Toronto home owners are in horrible debt, the Provence has the largest sovereign debt in the world and the PM is spending like a drunk. Yes lets start a trade war, what could go wrong - truly wake!!!! CANADA ISN'T THE OFFICIAL OPPOSITION PARTY
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87%? Sources please, or were you just pretending to know what you're talking about?
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I think the phrase should be changed to: "D"rifters.... gonna Drift.
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Roundabouts are great for cars but terrible for people walking.
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Your rhetorical approach (off topic questions stopping just shy of straw man accusations) is weak. And latching on to flimsy "that's not precisely what I said" rebuttals is at least as bad. As for the part which approaches a reply, no. I don't approve of men who boast about **being able to grab women by the crotch if they wanted to**. But what's this about boasting about ACTUALLY grabbing women by the crotch? Who said that? You might want to go back and listen to the actual leaked audio... Trump never actually said what you are accusing him of saying. I believe what you are peddling is "alternative facts".
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Maybe they "took" just two Belugas a year, but how many did they shoot and were unable to recover? Were they required to keep records of how many they shot at? What caused all the dead whales at the mouth of the Big Su?
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Jane did you get paid double to write this little ditty? Are you going to pay the indigenous communities the money that would be taken away should the pipelines and oil stop flowing? You do realize that there are many reserves that make money from the oil industry or did Greenpeace and the indigenous people that played host to you forget to tell you that fact?
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For those voters that are satisfied with a $1,000 PFD reduction, while the oil industry continues with both cash and tax liability credits, replacing moderates might make sense. Seaton was the lone R in the House Resource Committee that tackled oil tax credit reform. Without his selfless effort, I’m doubtful HB247 would have moved forward and passed in the House.
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Your an expert in this field. What's you honest take on the event?
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Here's Hillary Clinton's Politifact file: http://www.politifact.com/personalities/hillary-clinton/ And here's Donald Trump's: http://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/ You decide who the "habitual liar" is.
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Didvidend sustainability is, I believe, one notch below what a dividend-focused investor should be looking for. If an investor only owns shares of companies which have a business model that makes them virtually certain to raise and continue to raise their dividends, sustainability isn't on the radar. And within this realm, I'm not looking at those that yield 0.5% but rather companies that currently yield between 3% and 7% (my current average yield is 5%) and as mentioned will be boosting their dividends for the forseeable future. This, I've found, is the "sweet spot" for total return when it comes to dividend / dividend-growth investing. For me, anyway. SFI
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Careful analyses is necessary. Once the view plane is gone it is gone.
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Allie, to be fair, left-wing hate groups were part of Hillary Clinton's base, and a huge part. Surely you have heard about Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panther Party, Code Pink, the Islamic Society of North America, the Council of American-Islamic Relations and Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA)." You haven’t? Then read this: http://www.horowitzfreedomcenter.org/sites/default/files/leftwinghategroups.pdf These hate groups have grown in importance within the Democrat Party and Democrats eagerly got in bed with them to help Clinton win a dishonest and rigged primary election against Sanders.
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You respected the opinion of a racist segregationist enough to elect him to lead the "free" world. I put "free" in quotes because Trump didn't think black Americans should be free to live where they want. This is the stuff of leadership? This is what we want representing our citizenry and our country abroad? A guy who was busted for ILLEGAL housing discrimination and racial discrimination? I wish more people would be a little less tolerant of racism today. At least when segregationist George Wallace ran for national office he didn't even earn his party's nomination. Fast forward to 2016 and Republicans not only nominated Trump, they elected the segregationist to lead us. Tells me a lot about the values of the modern Segregationist Southern Strategy... I mean Republican Party.
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Very classy of Markle to have stayed out of the limelight and not overshadow the bride on her special day.
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I was in university during the first referendum. I cold not believe what the French nationalists were saying it was pure propaganda. We are a race, they would say, No your not. In fact I would argue these people are the least distinct anywhere compared to the English. They were next door neigbours. If only we won the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. I would argue this is one of the most overrated battles in history. The French lost because of the English naval supremacy and the fact the British in North America had the highest birthrate in the world. The French in 1760 had 65,000 people and the British 1.6 million. Yeah, that's sounds like a fair fight.
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"...situations the author faced where antiquated or questionable 'cultural' rules guide decision-making..." And also who gets hired. However, if any of this is STILL prevalent, and it appears these issues are, then they aren't as "antiquated" (sic) as you would like to believe. They are still very, very 21st century, as sad as these "questionable" rules may be.
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Thanks for the link.
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"Hysterical" seems a bit uncharitable. I can't imagine what it would be like to escape a war only to flee into a country who president is actively discriminating against you. Can you?
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Basically you're saying that N. Korea is developing nuclear weapons for self defense purposes. If you buy that, you probably will buy Iran's claim that they are using their nuclear capabilities for "peaceful" purposes.
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While you're counting that, it shouldn't be too hard to tally up Mormons, too, right, there on those documents?
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"a real investigation" You mean one that confirms democrats delusions. Investigations have been going on since July of 2016....nothing! The FBI, and Itel agencies knew of the interference and did nothing....so if there is anything to this...it's why the Obama Junta let it happen, playout during the election...could it be they expected the criminal clinton to win...and therefore said nothing?
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I guess you don't disagree with the substance of my post. I hear the Forbidden City is popular with tourists too. There have been no emperors there for more than 100 years.
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Sen. Pete Kelly wrong Margret. The first thing you is cut every one wages 25% that draws a State check, starting in Juneau with you people, we did this in eighties and it worked. I was making $30.00 per hr. and they cut our wages to $17.00 per hr. and we make it. When things got better wages went back up. But when have brain dead people like Tammie Wilson let have a moose derby that will help with budget. Time to clean house, Hey Dog Breath why not put in a big Casino good tax money right there.
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The State senate could have voted to override the Governor`s dividend cut Thomas. They didn`t even vote on it when faced with it!! . They just wanted to get home. Go home and blame it on him so we would reelect them,..when it was their spending and inaction on fixing the leak in the boat that got us to this place. The governor is doing what we elected him to do, take this state back from political corruption. And I applaud him for that and his fiscal plan. It beats the republican plan which is no plan at all! https://www.adn.com/politics/article/series-conoco-employees-help-ease-oil-tax-bill-through-legislature/2013/03/28/
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The Wrecker exists for one reason Robin and it isn't to get to the truth. The Wreckers only goal is to sale more advertising and newspapers. I'm sure they've seen an uptick in clicks and people paying for subscriptions. Hopefully Evan will get a little bonus right before Christmas for coming up with a sensational story.
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I have no idea what point you are trying to make. Does Trump charge admission to his rallies?
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If his recklessness had caused "serious physical injury" he could spend five years in prison . He and his family were very lucky.
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To paraphrase the Trumpers, "You lost. Get over it. We hold all the power. Bow down to your new leader." Isn't that how it works, Biggie?
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Please!!! Let each and every reader of the Daily Maverick (that includes Max du Preez) now finally see that Afriforum is NOT "for whites only", Not apartheid in disguise, not Die Nuwe Broederbond. This is NOT an act of opportunism. This is the application of the law in South Africa as each citizen would like it to be. NOT politically inspired.
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LOL...Which animals? Doesn't matter as the mag size for hunting is usually specified in the regs. (Even IF the "standard" magazine for a particular firearm is MORE than what is specified for hunting....you can purchase hunting mags.) And yes, fully auto weapons ARE hard to get. I know of only one person in this area (I'm sure there are more) that had a .50 cal M-2 machine gun. He shot it competitively. Have fired one in the military, and they ARE sweet to shoot. I've seen experts able to fire one round at a time. Don't have a "pop" gun, and don't need a rope...I have a gun. You'd NEVER bring a rope to a gunfight! As to Miller, he just explained the left wing plan to disarm the populace. Which, the rabid left admits... personally...if you don't want a gun..don't buy one!
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Well, Hugh, if we're going to have an economy like we had in the 1950s and 60s, first we'll have to have years-long, global, total war that quite literally flattens every other industrial nation out there to the ground, so we have no effective competition. That's possible, I suppose, but most will consider it an extreme expedient. :-/
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Just for the record, Timothy Danson is a lawyer, not a risk assessment expert. Everyone hates Ms. Homolka for what she did, understandable. But she is now doing exactly what we ask ex-offenders to do -- obeying the law and living a pro-social life. If you or Mr. Danson have evidence to believe she is a danger, you should do the responsible thing and call the police.
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Would the jesus allow the souls of the corrupt politicians, who are bribed to cause suffering to the less fortunate, in order to bring continued richness to the well monied, to go to their paradise in their heaven? How about the souls of the people who support the corrupt politicians? What kind of christianity do the evangelicals believe in if their beliefs are completely 180 degrees opposite of what their icon jesus, believed in? What kind of heaven do they go to when they die?
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What a nut job! He and trump should get along great. Or maybe a menage a trois, along with putin.
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Good for her!
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And located in one of the most interesting areas of Roseburg, the Mill Pine Historic District, first working-class railroad historic district in Oregon. (check it out!) And the cows have lovely green valleys to graze in. But their chocolate ice cream is just too good for my self-control!
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Seems like she is doing a pretty good job to me. Interesting that all teams are similar and on board as one. Different sports and different fans. . Not much for marketing of any sort at my age. But my children and their children are a different animal.
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The dairy and meat industries for many decades have been very successful at lobbying governments in Canada and USA that their products are essential for human health. These industries when challenged on their nutrition claims become very defensive and immediately deploy aggressive communication tactics rather than simply letting scientific information (which they claim to have) do the talking for them. The expression, "the lady doth protest too much, methinks," comes to mind. It is impossible to deny the high correlation between the big uptick (and trending higher) in things like heart disease, hypertension, out-of-whack blood chemistries in wealthy nation populations where meat and dairy are heavily subsidized and readily available. It wasn't that long ago that the tobacco industry was allowed to promote its products as having health benefits -- the more you live, the more you learn. For the record: I am not a vegetarian or vegan and never have been.
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Donahue as well as the rest of the team know the team rules. He must have committed a large enough infraction to miss the whole series. Lesson learned. If he intends to go pro he now has a black mark that is looked at. Wish him well in the future.
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it was the NDP's David Eby who said "Good schools, hospitals ... and services'. Well done Mr Eby, for confirming that a prosperous economy managed by a free enterprise gov't is the means to all those good things. The damage that will be done by a wealth destroying NDP gov't will reduce the quality of life for all of us in BC. Mr. Eby should be a Liberal candidate As for medical wait times, none of our family, and none of our neighbours, friends have any complaints, in fact quite the opposite. From major treatment to medical imaging we all give the current system good marks. As for private school funding, bring it on. Anything to reduce the monolithic teacher-union controlled monopoly we have now. You'd be horrified to see where the high-paid, unionized skilled trades are sending their kids these days ... yup, private schools. That, in my view is excellent.
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(cont.) I am bleeding badly and am hiding by this tree, I have called 911, they have my location, Chopper is on its way. Ground Search and Rescue is coming, they rescue me and get me to the hospital and save my life. Ohhhhhh, and I do NOT have Medical Insurance. Total Rescue Costs, $48,000.00 THOUSAND DOLLARS. Guess who pays the bill. Is anyone else tired of paying the rescue bills?
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Murky was just hoping for any excuse to ditch Trump for the sicko broad on the Left.
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"Denver has also warned ICE that its agents’ actions are jeopardizing public safety by creating fear among immigrants." This would not be an issue if people followed the law. To blame lawenforcement for enforcing the law is ridiculous.
Why do they call them "conservative groups" when there is nothing conservative about them? They are "extremist groups" whether they be left or right.
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dthorne, you missed the boat here. That the CBPP has those members does not change that the items listed in the link I provided should properly be included in the defense spending figures. Unless you don't think funding for things like war, military equipment, veterans health, are related to defense. So, are those items related to defense?
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"It's serenity providing, simplifying." Really, R.D? I see no serenity in the content of your posts. I see only impotent rage.
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"certain doctors, hospitals, and patients' groups" Yeah, just most of them... nbd though, because the partisan conservative groups that are profiteering on political animus say it's time to repeal. Never mind that their leadership and membership are pitifully small compared to groups like the AMA and AARP. This is the same silly logic that allows people to deny climate science. If 2 out of 10,000 scientists say climate change is false, then the argument is still up for debate. Asinine.
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Monica, there is an excellent treatise on sex written by two non-clerical theologians: "THE SEXUAL PERSON: Toward a Renewed Catholic Anthropology" by Todd Salzman and Michael Lawler. "In short, say Salzman and Lawler: emphasize relationships, not acts, and recognize Christianity's historically and culturally conditioned understanding of human sexuality." http://press.georgetown.edu/book/georgetown/sexual-person
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Kim Il Trudeau!
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Liberals don't change their spots.
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The state is down to three commercial refineries after Flint Hills’ North Pole refinery ceased operations in 2014: Petro Star’s refineries in Fairbanks and Valdez and Tesoro’s refinery in Nikiski. Petro Star mostly produces jet fuel while the Tesoro refinery mostly produces gasoline and exports the remaining heavy oil to other markets. Posted February 20, 2016 09:14 pm - Updated February 20, 2016 09:17 pm By ELIZABETH EARL Peninsula Clarion
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allie has a knack of actually subtracting knowledge in their comments.
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I guess some of you have not lost the taste for crow.
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I don't know if you knew this, Pepe, but YOU are an animal. A primate, just like the apes. :)
Are you honestly claiming that there have never been "terrorist" attacks by non-Muslims? If so, you need to get out of your trailer park a bit more and see what happens in the rest of the world every day.
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So Mitch "bullied" someone who can't be bullied??? AHAHAHAHAHAHA
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