2 values
Yet another sad story of below average management at our City. With so many major bungles it may be time for a recall.
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The US military acts based on the civilian goals and objectives of the Congress and the President. The melting of the Arctic has clearly opened up the 'Northwest Passage", increased Russia's territorial desires in the area, and has altered military planning in that regard. No doubt many other effects will have to be responded to as well as detailed in the report put together by the source in your cite. Their recommendations are consistent with many military principles and concerns. It should be noted, however, that the report by these retired Generals was funded by the "Energy Foundation". "Our mission is to promote the transition to a sustainable energy future by advancing energy efficiency and renewable energy." http://www.ef.org/about-us/ Hardly an unbiased source.
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"The judge even admitted that the defendant and the other officers that testified gave very credible testimony." So he was truthful and admitted in his report to attacking the citizen for no good reason. Cause THAT is what the judge found in this case.
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20 readers agree with this, and Want2bfree doesn't: No surprises
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I hope the cops that did this all have daughtes, and that all the daughters get a chance experience this type of 'justice'. Only then will the officers have any idea of the damage they did to this young woman. Disgusting.
Read the 16th Amendment, it says nothing about progressive ... the expression"the Constitution says" is used instead of being knowledgeable.
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"He has no concept of the cost of heath care in this country for the working class" What are you talking about?? I am no fan of Trump, but anyone with employees knows full well just how much healthcare/maintenance benefits costs. Even if a employer does not provide healthcare benefits, they certainly have looked at the costs.
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Klastri, the players can do what the NFL rules allow. The NFL rule book specifically requires both teams appear on the field for the playing of the anthem, standing, remaining quiet, and holding their helmets in their left hands. Failure to do so can result in fines, suspensions, and the loss of draft picks. The rules are found on pages A62-63 of the league’s game operations manual.
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If Siemian is as smart as everyone claims he is then why not put the onus on him to read the defense and then call an audible to the correct play? They way you put it Siemian is only capable of running the play he is given and cannot read and react to the defense.
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It's only called a "repeated pattern" in right-wing jargon, as conservatives suddenly fall all over themselves trying to portray themselves as victims. Trump, the celebrity, has physically threatened protesters. No sauce for the big goose?
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Now we are getting somewhere. Cutting through the distorted, over the top rhetoric that surrounds this issue to offer practical suggestions that may lead to some practical results. Good post hughe.
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What a cute picture of Sen. Marble dressing down an 11 year old! She doesn't need a Halloween costume, she could go as herself. Scary!
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Trump has always been all over the map on every issue. He loves the poorly educated because they can't read maps.
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GOOD! Best thing that could happen!
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The only "drivel" exists in this comment devoid of "fact" and clueless of the "racial oppression" in this nation justifying white supremacy uber alles. Here is some "real" statistics: Number of firearm-related deaths in the U.S., from 1968 to 2015 - 1,516,863. Number of American deaths in all the wars fought by the U.S. from 1775 to 2015 - 1,396,733
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Ostensibly, the piece was nothing more than the opinion of a couple of people, not necessarily of the Post itself.
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He only needs to hoodwink 39.4%. Most of those, he's prepared to give employment to.
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Ant-prejudice is not prejudice. But I've already proven you favor racial discrimination, so you have no credibility on this topic.
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Insulting people is never just a breath of fresh air, it is abuse.
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Why not? There are many worse projects that the Liberals are wasting money on? Anyhow, odds are that such a project would have Quebec crying the blues. Oh - another great idea - it could be funded by the equalization payments that would have gone to Quebec. That would be "just dessert" for guys like Montreal Mayor Coderre who is crowing about the cancellation but begging for money for Bombardier.
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Yes, you are of course correct -- it has boosted returns. But don't lose sight of the period during which that has happened. Most markets have been very strong since the spring of 2009. I have always thought that the best way to assess a leverage strategy is to have a look at the results during a full market cycle.
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Hyperbole much?
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And yet a bunch of countries have had entire 24 hour periods powered by 100% renewable energy - Germany as an example has had days like this.
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As shown by the Harper era, FPTP does not guarantee centrist policies. FPTP gurantees that extremists can win influence by winning with regional issues. As shown by the Blocs rise during the 1990s. PR, on the other hand, guarantees centrist policies because coallitions have to negotiate and give and take on selected issues. As shown by the hundreds of coallition governments that rule and have ruled in Europe and Asia over the years. And, no extremists only gain influence if the centrist parties are too immature to put bickering aside and negotiate coallition governments. Canadians deserve PR. It will restore faith in our politicians and help increase voter turnout.
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I'm disturbed the the phrase "...Bernie supporters and the threat they pose to the Democratic unity bridge....." I understand that being overworked and over saturated with the politics involved in a revolution can take its toll, but I think that blaming it on Bernie supporters (as if they are any different than Hillary supporters) is unfair. It smacks of favoritism, which pretty much shoots down any "unity" argument. Politics is no longer about unwavering loyalty to The Party, and absolute, unquestioning support of The One favorite within that party. It's an "all bets are off" revolt against the trap that is a two party system. It can be quite an adjustment to accept that no one is required to support a candidate just because of party affiliation. Yes, it's hard to deal with. No, it's not supposed to be "civil." It's revolution. Revolutions are always disruptive and painful. At least we aren't facing down tanks in the street.
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The media has been really pressing the same point that you've made. I do see it differently. Notice he isn't out golfing with his "buddies". In fact, he seems to be working continuously, which is sort of refreshing. Compare how many dozens of business executives the President has met with since he took office. When the press reports from Fl, he seems to be working quite a bit, either with visitors or staff. I doubt you'll ever see Trump "milking" the Presidency. He did give up his salary. that must count a little. Do you believe Hillary would have given up her salary? I doubt it. She made 225k speaking at UNLV (despite a 17% increase in tuition approved that year), and 300k from UCLA. Of course, the Clintons are only worth over a 100 million, so she needed the money, right. In fact, what happened to the "spread the wealth" mantra. Aren't you concerned that Trump spent a lot of money on his own campaign, whereas Hillary took a much different approach. Now she's very well off, right?
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I would like to see the law change where selling street narcotics like fentanyl would result in life imprisonment. The pushers are essentially committing murder. Not sure if that will stop the selling but it would feel good to see that. (Actually shooting pushers would feel better, but heh...)
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How is this tax going to change peoples attitudes and lower green house gas emissions?
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How about the MILLIONS of innocent Muslims blown to bits by US and NATO bombs over the last thirty years? Clear thinker? Who are you kidding ...
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Not sure where you got your % from. By looking at both Stats Can tables for population and public service, the relative % of public service in provincial populations is close to each other. Ontario is about 9 %, (Lowest), while Quebec is about 11 % (highest). Point is, the size of government is increasing and is a significant factor, especially when you think about Ontario salaries.
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wow you really have been fooled by the left wing bs,, china is building COAL plants, there carbon talk is just that talk, they dont give a dam pal,, we dont have to catch up to anyone, we are not the problem,, you have been drunk on the left wing kookaide pal, and again save the stupidity , justin is FORCING carbon taxes on everyone an every province, which will do real damage to our economy and more so now with trump cause our largest trading partner and competition is NOT
The party of crazy has sold its soul to the Donald. Leonard Pitts is right on. Nuke it. May it rebuild itself in the light of sanity on a new and future day.
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These aren't refugees, they are migrants that are avoiding official channels to circumvent the safe 3rd country act and should be deported immediately, or failing that, detained indefinitely until they can face an expedited deportation hearing. Canadian citizenship is not a right, entering Canada illegally is not a universal right. Nothing is stopping them from going to an official border crossing location but they are being coached by career activists to break the law. If they need a hearing, they should be held in a secure detention facility indefinitely until such a hearing can take place. The current system is an incentive to break the law, if illegal migrant end up in jail instead of fee in the general public, crossings will drop off immediately.
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Cops: stop whining and do your jobs. I’m sure when push comes to shove you would rather spend four hours sitting in front of a video screen reviewing tapes than 60 seconds being on the store floor during a firefight.
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And the Conservatives won with 70% of the vote, but not reported by the G&M - wonder why?
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No true comments allowed and censored PC overriding freedom of expression Fake captivity and they are Taliban sympathizers
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Yes. Abuse cases should be handled locally. Oh, a report should be sent to Rome, and possible appeals go there, but there is no reason for the CDF to adjudicate every case. Of course, this is assuming that the bishops care to act. If it can be shown that a bishop did not act to deal with a sexually abusive priest, the civil authorities should go after the priest under the sexual assault laws, with the bishop being charged as accessory after the fact.
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Now you're flailing, bavius.
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Yet another dismal, but completely predictable Republican failure, just now shoved out the door. The key phase is "give every American access to quality, affordable health insurance.” So, the plan will do nothing to cut the cost of health care in the U.S. (the highest in the world), because it continues to put for-profit health insurance bureaucrats between you and your doctor. And again as usual, if you are too poor to pay taxes, best of luck! And the rest of us will pay their ER costs. Stephen J. Remington
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The idea that the CIA can't be trusted because it dropped the ball on Iraq WMD intell is ludicrous. The CIA under George Tenet never concluded that Iraq had WMD, that notion came from the Cheney created Office of Special Plans at Rumsfeld's Pentagon. That org was created to intentionally take raw unvetted intell that suggested the presence of WMD directly up the ladder to Bush's desk. It was Condi "mushroom clouds" Rice job to vet all the intell before it reached the POTUS desk but of course she was in on the neocons schemes to overthrow Sadaam and capture the oil fields for international oil cartels. So she sent the bogus intell on to Bush who had discussed the overthrow of Sadaam at the very first cabinet meeting in January of 2001. Desperately grasping at straws to make the CIA untrustworthy only reminds America that it wasn't the spy agency that failed but an administration dead set on invading a sovereign nation via corrupted intell that failed. Trump favors fake new sites to CIA.
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Well, would you like to talk about that? You're being so oblique that I'm not even sure what you mean. Are we still talking about 'football?' God knows, I'm a provocateur, but it's mostly to draw out topical discussions. I think of it as an antidote to midwest polite dysfunction, wherein everyone sits around feeling generally cross but not dealing with it constructively, and instead just feeling resentful.
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Imagine yourself on the receiving end of unfounded fear and paranoia, accused by a fellow traveler/airline of suspicious character because you speak English and you're from America. You're OK with others claiming you are dangerous based on your looks and writing habits?
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Don't blame the media, JetRx, blame tRump. tRump puts himself out there every day 24/7. It's what narcissist do. They don't sleep. They're like a bat that hangs upside down long enough to recharge their brain with blood and then take flight to fight. Always looking for a target to dump on.
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The Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan works for me. I saved my frequent flyer miles which gives me the opportunity to commute from Michigan to Alaska's first and only Tribal college, Ilisagvik College in Utqiagvik (Barrow) Alaska. We are blessed with both a great airline and an excellent college.
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And a well-founded fear that is.
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......met a lady in Vernon the other day who could not stop going on and on about how much she loves driving her '07 FJ......she also told me of how so many parts of the vehicle are double and even triple coated, sealed etc etc......Jeeps Schmeeps......they can have them........one of them runs into me, they will be in the hospital, not me.....a price worth paying with a little more fuel each fill up.
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Russia invaded Crimea, Ukraine, Shot down MH17, and committed war crimes in Aleppo. That's before they go on joint exercises and give military assistance to North Korea and Iran. I have to wonder where the GOP and their supporters have their head right now. Pull it out!
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All the members of the Council are elected officials - either city or county council members, mayors, or the three county executives. It is also not regulatory. It is certainly a planning agency and everything it does is approved by the Council itself after public review and comment. The four counties are inextricably linked by their transportation system, their economies and businesses, utilities, their education system, and their geography. The PSRC is the one place all four counties can come together to discuss and plan for matters of mutual interest.
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The mission is simple, "defend American values and promote world peace" or is it "promote American values and defend world peace"?? Oh crap, now I'm confused....
Explicit antisemitism. Charming.
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dome: You sign the end of your message with linda hamilton's name. If YOU are linda hamilton, YOU are a PROFESSIONAL PLAINTIFF. If YOU are not linda hamilton, you could be held RESPONSIBLE and CHARGED with IMPERSONATING a PROFESSIONAL PLAINTIFF.............. I will email linda hamilton and she what she has to say????? OK, you want to name call, I will play, YOU are just plain.................... NASTY.
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And how many Cups and Olympic Gold Medals does MacInnis and Smith have? Lots of points means little...just ask Ovie or Marcel Dionne.
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You aggressively charge an armed law enforcement officer with a weapon of any kind, you take your chances. These troopers did what they had to do given the circumstances. Condolences to the family and friends of Joshua Smith.
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Exactly! Progressives should be very happy with a Carson appointment, because I don't think he has the knowledge or personality to undo in four years the damage that has been done by the neo-Marxists. It will take him that long just to get up to speed. He's much too nice a person for the job that needs to be done.
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He does a great job despite the authors wish to see Saskatchewan's deficit match the levels of the other failing left wing provinces.
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The "small private ceremony" was a civil ceremony not recognized by the church. They were "married in the church" later; but I may have erred in saying that Cardinal Wuerl presided. I can't confirm that; I may have confused the wedding with the ceremony of reception into the church. If Gingrich was received into the church with other candidates during the Easter Vigil, with Cardinal Wuerl presiding as Archbishop of Washington, I would be ok with that. I don't think the cardinal should have presided over a ceremony just for Gingrich. BUT: I don't feel as strongly about that as I would about the wedding; and I recognize that persons of good will can disagree. I'll see if I can find out who officiated at the church wedding. It's important to understand that Gingrich was not /is not simply a divorced/remarried person. He caused a lot of pain and made a lot of victims as he pranced through his first two marriages.
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Google: weapons discovered in German Mosques. Same in France, across Europe, and now here in North America.
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Good article - but: "...The Manchester Arena bomber may be an anomaly in many ways,.." I will suggest he is not an anomaly but representative of Islamic culture. My experience as a teen age immigrant - your family's culture emigrates with you and all immigrants seek to live in association and/or near others of similar experience. Thus we have " Little Italy ", " China Town ", Germans, Ukrainians, Swedes ... living together and trying to maintain their culture, language, food .... religion, staying within their confort zone. Religion does play a significant part ... and it is a question of what the religion values. Eastern beliefs tend to be philosophical, less theocratic. Christianity separates Church and State, whereas Islam is specific about the state and Islam being one, under Sharia law. There are of course many sectarian variations - but Islam is an unstable mix of petro-dollars, madrassa education and Wahabbism by way of an extreme example, What could possibly go wrong !
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It will be difficult to communicate my point without getting censored, but I'll try. ------- We hear you
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Uh, yeah, that was my point. And how is the rest of the world relevant to Colorado's energy model?
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Fake concern
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With just a little over two months to go until the March 31st deadline for the rollout of Ontario's EVCO charging network of 500 charging stations across Ontario, the largest grant recipient of $11.3 million KSI Koben Systems has yet to install one station of the 337 contracted...NOT ONE! As a matter of fact, the company underbid in between $6-$8 million and when the president tried to secure additional funding, he refused to sign any guarantees or contracts. Nothing but a giant fiasco.
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The evidence does not tell us who said what, or who did what before the cop arrived. Accordingy your belief that he did something wrong is prejudice.
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'... no money set aside for her bucket list' - I thought she had 700k + 600k in investable assets, plus maxed out TFSA and some RRSP. This is with her condo paid off and 1.1mm in pension assets. That would cover MY bucket list just fine.
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Not going to work. A small percentage will survive and become poison-resistant. they then multiply. Remember rodents are nocturnal and mongooses are diurnal. Best to save your money and do nothing. Birds can go elsewhere and lay their eggs and no humans are going to live there. Do nothing.
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Amber was desperate to find fallacy in the "sanctuary city" designation and point it out to everybody. It didn't work out quite like she planned.
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The Lee's should be admired for their very long love story, which I personally commend.
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Like other internet enterprises... nobody is able to figure out how to tax it.
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This article reeks of a plea for more money and not what the school needs, a slimming down of the excess support staff, elimination of sports teams and NCAA influence draining resources from the education mission. Most people right now believe that there are better schools to go to outside Alaska, it's cost point was about the only selling point for the school. With the tuition increases that the students have suffered over the last ten years that advantage is going away and more students are going to head outside. Also the school needs to start treating it students for what they are, a customer buying a service from them. Most of the Admin only seem to treat them as a walking cashbox to draw from.
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To be honest, economics aside, if downtown, Capstone, and much of the construction in the University district is indicative of the aesthetic direction Eugene is taking, then I may end up relocating myself.
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Yes, typical libby thought. They believe differently than you so they are dumb. I love libbies. So misguided. Knuckle-draggers for sure.
James, $800k CAPEX is nothing to sneeze at. They are literally "cracking open the wallet" for this. Also, businesses advertise. I know your probably don't get this, living at home in the basement but businesses do operate to make a profit.
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You need to read in between the lines, a professional that didn't study the "why" of something is being responsible by not speculating. It's not that they literally can't.
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I wouldn't be too confident about diocesan clergy either. In several dioceses bishops have raided priest pension funds to pay off settlements of clergy abuse lawsuits, sometimes raising the retirement age for priests even into the 80s. It's obscene how the good guys are being made to pay for the bad guys.
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TDM, unlike yourself, I don't try to hide comments behind multiple fake personas. I only used an alternate account because I had issues with this one, which are now sorted out. Hence, I made sure my screen name was clear. You, on the other hand, are Thomas Darcy McGee, WesternPatriot, Riel_Canadian, and others. Maybe you're also Alceste. It's likely that you're one of the paid USA propagandists that are on this site, and others: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2011/mar/17/us-spy-operation-social-networks https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/mar/17/us-internet-morals-clumsy-spammer http://www.reuters.com/article/us-election-intelligence-commentary-idUSKCN10F1H5 http://www.businessinsider.com/ndaa-legalizes-propaganda-2012-5 PS - I'm Canadian. And I expect that you're a USA citizen.
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Bloatus with the buttons, Gorge Washington , followed by a bj joke ... you got paid for that garbage humor, Colbert. Letterman or Leno would have sent that material back to the high school writers that composed it.
This guy's an embarrassment all the way around. That stated, will people stop insulting Alabama? I've been there many times and found it to be completely mischaracterized and misunderstood. It's a good state with really nice, hard-working people. It's nothing like any of these obnoxious, insulting posters would think if they actually went there for any period of time. I just don't like stereotypes like this. I don't assume New Englanders are all effete pinheads who haven't worked an honest day in their lives, so don't assume Alabama's full of jugheads, neither stereotype is true and they're usually offered by people who feel inadequate themselves.
You have the right to feel shame for being white, heterosexual, and male. Now check your privilege! Equality of opportunity is not enough if arbitrary targets put in place by our "progressive" Prime Minister are not met, it means we need to push equality of outcomes regardless of merit - nothing says progress like promoting gender-based quotas above merit and experience - especially for STEM subjects...
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me too..they made this poor woman bear the repercussions while the pussy bosses enjoy somewhere.
...and may we keep our eyes on the road, just in case a tree jumps out in front of us.
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Not sure though it seems Mr. trump has it figured out. Mr. trump has finely tuned the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying exactly the wrong remedies. How is that "running the nation like a business" thingie working out?
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"registration or paperwork for the firearm" what registration? What country are you talking about? We do not have a gun registration or "paperwork". Wouldn't you rather be armed in a situation where someone was shooting at you? I always travel with my ccw and arm up as soon as possible for just this reason.
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In answer to your reply, Farce, dead people and plenty of them, mass arrests, and torture. That is a start.
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As a private company Netflix is under no obligation to explain to anyone how they plan to spend their money. As a consumer you are under no obligation to buy their product. Somehow I find it hard to believe that making uniquely Canadian programmes will encourage more people to subscribe. The CBC has been at this for years, as has the private networks, and the duds beat the successes every time. The field is simply too crowded for stand alone Canadian content to succeed. Seriously how many versions of Anne of Green Gable can there be.
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“every US bearing license plate would go to secondary for a search.. EVERY ONE OF THEM” Naïve, puerile, expensive, and unworkable ideas have long been the signature of the anti-gun USA-hating Left. Border wait time issues aside, do you seriously believe that the US wouldn’t retaliate? I guess you'd be OK with the inevitable quid pro quo when the US border authorities check all Canadians for pot after Junior legalizes it next year?
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Yeah, that's not happening but thanks realtor/foreign buyer for posting your propaganda championing unaffordability and telling citizens they can suck a lemon if they can't afford to live in the city.
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If welfare is an entitlement, look who is at the top. Alaska Natives don't even register on the scale… As of July 8, 2014, the demographic breakdown of welfare recipients was 38.8 percent Caucasian, 39.8 percent African American, 15.7 percent Hispanic, 2.5 percent Asian and 3.3 percent Other. There are 12.8 million Americans on welfare, which is equivalent to 4.1 percent of the U.S. population.
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Looks like the showboating by Seitz paid off..... :-(
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You've got it, ben146, it's this little thing called "pride of ownership." When we rented for 6 years in Calgary, the Landlords were 2,000 miles away and it was "out of sight, out of mind." Amazing phenomenon for us, as renters. We really felt the urge to repaint, do minor repairs and things and laughed and said, "hey! We we're only renting! Screw it." Talked to landlords once about buying the place. Oh, man! The improvements we would make: develop the basement, maybe. Garage in the back. New patio or deck. Then we thought of the dollars that would take. Wow! Moved out instead, bought a nearly-new place that was absolutely right--not one buck in "Improvements" or renovations needed. All done (developed basement, built-in shelves in the garage, storage bins, big deck umbrella, barbecue)...all part of the price of the home. So now we have a lot of pride...In what we DIDN'T spend in and on a house.
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64 comments indicate interest in the article. After reading a dozen, it became obvious that SA news account lacked pertinent data included in other media releases. Media bias, perhaps.
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You're right, of course. It's remarkable what Trump voters will believe. Just s sad bunch.
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So an ethnic serb who gre up in a majority croatian speaking village in an empire that in 1911 had 11 official-regionakl languages, who had free 6 years of schooling in said languages, was allowed to continue in German at highschool and University, again in a city full of intellectuals (Graz), then worked in PAris and all over Europe for edison, is akin to Somalia, a failed state!? What is your example showing? The USA has not STOPPED immigration!
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About your dustmop dog...Whoops!
Ever the more reason to get it out there in a public forum. I have no knowledge of this matter one way or another and read it as a classic case of the unhappily fired employee. Mr. Wilson has insider knowledge and does not see it that way. Binswanger, et al ought to be even more interested in getting the matter out to uninformed public.
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This is a typical leftist ploy. They tried it (and are trying it) with Trump last year. Typical ploy is if they are losing or close to losing is to dummy up some dirt on the candidate and to get people to believe it. a big lie if spread widely enough and strong enough will be believed.
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Right on!
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Keep on telling yourself that.
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No, technically Cricket is wrong. How can you sell something if you don't own it? It "may" revert back to the government but until that happens it belongs to whoever bought it.
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One of his staffers should have showed up with job applications outside, the protesters would run from those so fast.
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