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Really? Those are the only "possibilities" to you?...there's not, like, an option that goes a little something like this: "President Trump isn't legally required to, and it's none of your business?" Or, "If President Trump is suspected of something illegal on his taxes, then the IRS can investigate; and since the Obama IRS didn't investigate him after he submitted his taxes, there's a very good likelihood there's absolutely nothing evil going on, whatsoever." . Those two possibilities never entered the picture for you, huh?
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Who was Jesus of Nazareth?
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that's all we need, more lenient sentences like we don't have any of it............
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Green Party, make sure the house prices drop at least 50% or more from current market price. Don't let Liberal sell off Canadians' roof for living, and make sure Canadians take the houses back from speculators and foreign homeowners.
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It is asking a lot to ask people to make ultra fine judgements on contamination. The takeaway for me is if you can see it(contamination), toss it rather than recycle. So cheese(and oil) encrusted pizza boxes would go in the trash. Yes, there is a lot of hypocrisy and self-righteousness floating around and a lot of denial. If we as a society truly cared about the environment there wouldn’t be a need for recycling at all( certainly a lot less than there is). The environment always takes second place to profit and convenience. Just employing the term "pro-environment" shows how divorced from reality we are. I hope all that thorough washing you do is with reclaimed water. Personally, I just put mine through the used dishwater and call it good.
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Oh, and by the way, the mainstream feminist idea that the gender roles of masculine and feminine are social constructs -- also an inheritance from radical feminism.
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I live in St Catharines, ON and three of the townhouses in my cluster of twenty have been sold to foreign investors in the last six months!!! Yes, I said St. Catharines ON, a rust-belt town whose only claim to economic fame (or growth) is its proximity to the GTA, and where property values have gone up almost 40% in the last year!
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Yup -- inherited a mess and left a mess. That's a yuge "change." Oh, well... dude lives in a $8 Million house now. https://www.good.is/slideshows/obamas-new-house Seems pretty economical and environmentally friendly, eh ?
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Yes met him outside the shade store as well!
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They should have carried a Spot locator. Then the student would not have had to hike within cell phone range. It will send a message with your location to the nearest Search and Rescue operation by Satellite. My wife and I carry one. It also can be used to send posts to Facebook telling your location and that you are OK. It costs about $150 and the subscription for the email and Facebook posts costs about $150 per year. A Satellite phone is even better but they cost about 3 times as much.
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Just remember the true originator of Obama care was that republican hero, the one onl only Richard Nixon. We shall see what the Donald does. Hasn't done much yet except pad his pocketbook. But that is ok as he is Republican.
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All public money is tax money This government, whether national or local, has a belief that this is somehow their money to do with as they wish, and do exactly that. There is no recourse whatsoever to the taxpayer other than your referred to embarrassment of a public figure. Who incidentally all believe - like eg Molefe did - that they can simply say sorry without either remorse or understanding as to what is being apologised for in the first place, and all will be forgiven, maybe inside the corrupt ANC but outside that cabal, sorry has long been an unacceptable response by far. I could care less about her embarrassment or lack thereof, or whether she is a Zupta/spy or not. It is all far too far down the line for those sentiments. Just yesterday - Hlaudi doesn't pitch up at his inquiry to explain why he should not be held personally responsible and Muthambi exactly the same - They couldn't give a f... and apparently neither do their supporters and voters.
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Now that the government has an Irish party in it, the Irish border situation has moved up in priority. The easiest way could have continued free movement within the main island of Ireland. Otherwise the EU might have to build a border and get the UK to pay for it (otherwise no free trade deal).
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Do DeFazio and Sanders also propose proportional payouts to these high earners?
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Sure wish you'd tackle that issue of the Star-Advertiser airbrushing the "finger" photo. That's editorial distortion!
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She's going around the island and needed to rest!
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Premier Justin Trudeau will assume a cow tow position with the Chinese head of state just as President Obama did with a full bow to King Saud of Saudi Arabia,
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ya know in the bible history abram had his concubine and jacobi had 2 and israel owned the gibeonites as slaves in joshua (say it aint so) which is a horrible example to set for us- in africa blacks quoted these to me- so africans are thinking of this and so are islamists- if we go black er i mean back to jefferson and his memorial be consistent and go all the way to israel to abram and jacobi and israel in joshua- if its good floor israel its good for us all - slavery that is but what goes around often comes around hehe- sooner or slater- eventually the jews were slaves themselves to the assyrians as arians and babylonions as baby onions making us all cry and the romans too--- so dont start a fire you cant keep israel becauses to fight floor it will all as fall come back and bite you all in the whales tail year after year one bloody season after another as it has in history- ask poor jonah the unreluctant witness (still is says the queen)
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Allowed them to fire their moderator and cut that line item from the budget.
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Once again, the old "but everybody else s doing it..."" card is played. It didn't work the first time, and doesn't now. The problem is that this immediately gets to the core of that great double standard in the church, If the bishops have any of the special charisms they claim, then one must assume they know the difference from right and wrong, and will always choose right over wrong. Oh, but there will always be individuals, one might argue. Perhaps, but aren't we also told that when bishops act in concert, they cannot be wrong, for Jesus protects His church? The simple truth is that the bishops ARE very much acting in concert here. It's not an accident, nor an individual's choice, that bishops have not accepted accountability. Rather, that's a worldwide choice by ALL of them to adopt a position that has the effect to choose themselves and their positions, over children. What's happening in India is so predictable, so normal now, that we already know how it turns out...
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You wouldn't believe him if he cited to a particular poll. I've seen various polls recently that indicate most people want to get rid of the electoral college. It makes perfect sense.
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Did anybody notice Archie's liberal son in-law was jobless..? Just sayin..
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Some days one just needs to give it a rest. Memorial Day is not about president Trump or anyone's hatred, dislike, contempt, or whatever for him or any other politician. It is about the dead and those they left behind. Good job RG for recognizing this.
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They were shocked when a Republican actually won the Presidency and they were given control of all three branches of government. It exposes them as liars. These RINO's are politicians who make used car dealers and ambulance chasing lawyers seem upper-class.
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Most western presses and news outlets are biased ...the most objective are likely : Wikinews, Reuters, The Times, The Financial Times, The Wall Strret Journal. Communist China, like all Communist countries , have state controlled media outlets and newspapers. Russia had relatively free media outlets, unfortunately those that work for the free ones keep on getting assassinated.
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You're driving me crazy. Your use of its/it's is distracting me from concentrating on your busybody interest in the intimate lives of homosexuals (mainly men, it seems). "It's" is the contraction for "it is" or "it has." "Its" is a possessive pronoun. For the love of God, get it straight (so to speak).
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Football is destroying itself. Not by the players who chose to protest against Blacks being slaughtered by our police but by the constant pursuit of profits by the NFL. A football game is 60 minutes. Longer if it goes into overtime. But it takes generally now 3 + hours for a game to be completed. Disgusting. Soccker is so much better. Less predictable too.
Well, they gave Obama the Nobel Peace Prize, and Trump's been given multiple honorary degrees....this lady deserves a full-blown PhD.
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You are right - it would be best left to scientists. Real scientists- not the ones that argued for how many decades that smoking is not bad for you. Real accredited scientists- not the ones deemed good by believers in other creeds or those more simply manipulating opinion while laying the groundwork for evading their accountability. Who do you think is going to pay the price if the science, the real science- is right? Is your buddy Trump going to look after you when the fit hits the shan? Maybe there's a whole bunch of realists - really rich ones- already preparing for a future with fewer people, a lot fewer- in a world reserved for them by laying the groundwork for efficient population control measures. That is an entirely unpleasant thought isn't it?
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An opinion that conflicts with what's actually happening on the ground. Iraq had ceased to be a threat to Israel at the end of the Gulf War. Wikileaks proved the US entered Iraq to stop Iran from aiding the Taliban — border conflicts were with Iranian forces, not Iraqi. Israel wants regime change in Syria because a new regime may be open to swapping the Golan for peace — the one offer that's been on the table for decades. Israel has been supplying the rebels with humanitarian aid. Obama's problem is that the CIA had no idea who they were supporting or how, and then ISIS made the situation more complicated. Russia supports Assad because Assad can fight ISIS.
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As a student of LCC I do not see why the speed limit couldn't be changed to 45 through there anyway.
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Really? A muslim guy shooting someone? How is he a liberal? The baton rouge thing was by a sovereign citizen. AKA trump supporter. LOL! Epic fail.
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You and I both know that dental fluorosis affects the low-income and non-white populations at twice the rate as the white population, so when a privileged person sees a lot of stained teeth in poor communities or among the First Nations or Black populations, they dismiss it on poor hygiene or other excuses, but they are wrong. It's the result of poisoning during early childhood by fluoride in tap water. Plus this is the leading indicator, adolescents. Additionally, those who can afford it will get veneers or crowns to disguise the damage on those teeth that show when they smile. 1962 memo: http://fluoridealert.org/wp-content/uploads/1962_01_10_Blacks_Fluorosis.pdf 2011 email: http://fluoridealert.org/wp-content/uploads/2011_04_27_foia_fluorosis.pdf 2010 CDC report: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db53.pdf Table 23: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss5403a1.htm#tab23
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I still think I should have got a free fishing license when I renewed my drivers license this year. They should do something for us that went totally out of our way to register ourselves.
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I'll bet that would be just tickety boo.
Some things should be mercilessly mocked and shamed.
And then using more cliches.
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Pure greed is going on. If a landlord was making profit three years ago it is pure greed to raise the rent 50% in three years, as has happened to me. Plus he dumped water on us too. So our increases have actually been 60% in three years. This is vulture capitalism. We need a limit on rent increases year over year.
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I really, somewhere down deep, think this is taking away my right to feed myself in my home state...and my country's PUBLIC lands. I can see no guides, but the rest is pure D bullshit!
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Ask yourself, how much confidence do you have in our State Dept of Health.
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Oh fess up, Paul. If the Juneau legislators had been republicans you'd find a way to claim that they needed the same per diem that the rest of them were getting. Face the facts. The legislators have been wallowing in excess per diem for years. Is a 75% cut too much? I don't know. But they certainly should not be getting any higher per diem than other state employees. Every legislator should have to pull their belt a couple notches tighter, not just the Juneau ones.
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Oh the guilt! No mention of how many white eyes were relieved of their scalps.
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I don't recall that. Do you have a source?
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There was no insurance for healthcare when I was growing up. When insurance lobbyists approached the government the taxpayers were assured that insurance companies would not "interfere" with the care needed. They dictate your care now. If you don't see it, you are in denial! I also remember the response from our compassionate healthcare industry. It went something like, "in order to make up for the cuts insurance companies are getting for our services we have to raise rates and increase incidental care". Now you know why you have to be referred to a specialist. Because the insurance company created an obstacle and your doctor figured out a way to make a profit from that. Nobody cares about your health. You are a mark to be taken advantage of. That all goes away if we socialize medicine and it will cost less than what you pay out of pocket now. Cut out the middleman and bring back healthcare professionals who care!
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learn to put in links.
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Im sure the abuse/use of the existing law is being stretched as far to docs' advantages as possible. Change the laws and outlaw lobbyists. Docs, have a conscience.
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The Advertiser reported on Internet II, last century. Maui to LAX, "large video files" from USAF high-speed telescope to "HQ". Maui had video of that space shuttle damaged wing hours after launch. That was their job: ID stuff in space using a huge, high-speed telescope.
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If that's true why do Ontario schools score so much better than American schools on international comparators?
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Curious if the ammo was his duty ammo - or he mixed it with duty ammo when he took possession of the gun. Bad choice, he's going to pay.
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Legal Hispanics are not happy about illegal hispanics being here
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I watched my 8 year old play flag football. Better offense and attitudes, enjoyed myself more than going to the Bronco / Giant fiasco.
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There is something like a one-to-one correspondence of media to individual interests. For example, let's say your interest is fishing; there are media tailored to your interest. Same with cooking, sewing, gardening whether organic or in - ; science, thousands of media outlets; non-science, lots; conservative, journals by the score; liberal, progressive, commie, NAZI - you can find your media outlet. There are print, television, radio, screen and stage media for every possible persuasion. This, sir, is self-evident. Trump suffers when the media take his words and actions from his own mouth. That isn't the fault of the media, that is Trump's own character on display. If you like what Trump says and does, then you have no complaint. Neither can you complain when Trump's own words and actions show him to be an unsavory, flaky person.
If Jaireme Barrow or Yannick Read's method's were to makes thieves literally wet their pants it's fine by me. Thieves and liars are low-life scum in my book any day.
That's the problem with just being a whiny little State; you actually have to balance your budget. The US Government just sells more debt to China and Saudi Arabia etc. and spends that invented money. I've thought many times that California's lawmakers needed to be 'committed' . And Governor Moonbeam specifically both times he has held the office! First Re-Post
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He's pissed because he had to try to deflect & cover for trump - yet again.
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It might well be authoritarian, but, again, that does not make it fascism. Try finding a good definition to understand what I mean, and why you are wrong.
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I think we need an explicit definition of "Christian" here. Let us remember that the statues of Lee and Jackson date not from the Confederacy but from the apartheid times of US "Jim Crow" laws. Given Jesus said something like you will know my followers by their "LOVE" ... to me that needs to be the criterion used to determine is something is consistent with our faith ... as well as our actual teachings. To me ... these legalistic approaches merely help to promote the agenda of those whose interests are served by the likes of the Council for National Policy and all their dark money affiliated organizations.
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The US enemy occupier and oppressor of Hawai'i and its people believes that its mandate to kill, maim and destroy all life in its imperialist. capitalist, warmongering pursuit of world domination should also be extended to include all marine life. The mandate of Ke Aupuni Mo'i o Hawaii - the lawful government of Hawai'i - is to malama aina - nurture and sustain the natural world which nurtures and sustains us. We are developing peaceful, legal and diplomatic strategies designed to bring about the voluntary withdrawal of ALL US federal agencies and military forces from the entire Hawaiian archipelago including its territorial waters and exclusive economic zone by 2020. EO ! http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/36037-the-us-navy-s-mass-destruction-of-marine-life ponokeali'i Minister of Information Deputy Interior Minister Member, The Privy Council Ke Aupuni Mo'i o Hawai'i The Hawaiian Monarchy
The man's a priest. If he believes same sex relationships and marriages are good and healthy, then he has no place in the active priesthood whatever yours or my personal opinion might be.
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So you send me to Twitter to get a link you simply could have posted in the story-- gee thanks.
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I was raised in an Okie town until 10 years old. My folks were Okies. My Dad used the words Wetbacks for illegal Mexicans, Wops for Italians and Dagos for a lot of others. He was actually from Missouri before moving to California during the Great Depression in the 30's. I guess he would call me a Squaw Man if he were still alive. But I never heard him use the N word. But we didn't have any Black people or Asians in our small sawmill town in California. When I saw the movie Grapes of Wrath it was like seeing the story of my folks when they first moved to California from the Missouri and Arkansas. Grapes of Wrath was all about Arkies and Okies leaving the Midwest and moving to California. Actually changing our language like Obama is doing takes a lot of color out of how we can express things. Like N-heads; we now have to call them grass tussocks. N-heads had character. Hemingway, Mark Twain, and Steinbeck would have a tough time writing today.
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Raingull, my friend, this is the best sarcasm I have read in ages. You have a gift. Use it often. Extremely useful in these, ahem, weirdo cases.
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Unfortunately none of those taxes go to the city of Toronto to support the DVP and Gardiner. They are paid for by the taxpayers of Toronto.
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Richard is Trump fighting back? No matter what you tink he's doing he's certainly fighting back the false narratives, lies, etc.. TheDonald has no fear fighting back even if the Rep.'s are dissing him too, the elections exposed the Democratic PartyNo worries as I know I won't change your mind Well, I don't condone the Liberal Media leading readers astray with false misleading assumptions. I held News agencies as a source of accurate news, no more as I now understand how politics plays in their pieces of fake news. Democrats/Liberals are drumming up lies, deceit because Hillary lost and don't want to accept he won the elections or his agenda. Disagree with Trump and point it out, but to LIE? There is a difference
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The only problem with the natural law is that for folks who want to do what they want to do, particularly when it comes to matters sexual, it is an impediment. Synonyms have never created an unstoppable barrier to human knowledge in the past. Since it is interpreted through the Church, it is not personal opinion. Since you’re a peon along with the rest of us peons, and the Church through the Holy Father is not, your assessment that “the person does not have an actual argument” is simply one of those personal opinions you take issue with. Unless you are a "great ape" incapable of making moral choices, your last comment constitutes that blather you dislike. After decades I'd work up some fresh arguments against Humana Vitae.
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You forgot to make a snarky remark about Denver.
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The writer's gloating suggests an ego at least as large as O'Reilly's. I don't know whether the man did what was alleged but it is clear that in the court of public opinion he has been judged and found guilty. The allegations have not been tested in a court of the US Justice (?) system. The writer's other charges against o"Reilly are far over the top and reveal his own biases. I suspect he was weeping as the news of November 8 rolled in. Tough. G. Gilligan
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Was that -90F or -90C? Care to make any predictions about when that will happen? Be careful not to be too specific. Climate Deniers keep having to change the Century and Year in their "Global Warming ended in CCYY" predictions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Toronto#Severe_weather_and_records "The coldest minimum temperature of −33 °C (−27 °F) was recorded on January 10, 1859. The coldest temperature recorded at Toronto Pearson International Airport was −31.3 °C (−24.3 °F) on January 4, 1981..." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Toronto#Upward_temperature_trend https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa#Climate "The coldest temperature ever recorded was −38.9 °C (−38 °F) on 29 December 1933." Both record cold figures leave a long way to go to -90. Were you counting on the glaciation Cycle? The GHG effect is stronger. http://ossfoundation.us/projects/environment/global-warming/milankovitch-cycles -- https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/abrahamlin109276.html
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<Citation needed> And while we're at it? 8 USC Sect 1401 says: "a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;" I'm sure that if you were to go to the SCOTUS with this, you'd find pretty quickly that being subject to the jurisdiction of the US doesn't mean showing allegiance to. That's a very, very dangerous, slippery slope that would result in statelessness to whoever the out-of-power party is the moment the in-party power hears "I would rather be somewhere else rather than here under YOUR control!" It may sound good to you as a Republican if it's done to Democrats, but I'm sure you'll sing a wholly DIFFERENT tune if/when it's a Democrat doing it to you. :) I really hope that gets squashed, because I don't want it done to anyone.
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No other reason to work on the holiday.
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Are you ILLITERATE, chuck?
It is hoped that all three members will out of intensive care by this time. They will also be celebrating a group birthday party for their 100th, 99th and 101st birthdays.
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but i would have a shred of respect for him.
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Let, If you read the background of this story you will see that the payout was due to a law suit. I am reminded of similar stories out of the US in which persons of questionable character received big payouts as settlements of law suits for reasons similar to Kadhr's. In those cases racial discrimination or police tactics were typically the issue. In Kadhr's case it is all about how he was tortured by your military forces in Guantanamo. If your military had not tortured him he would have gotten nothing. So before you start complaining about what we do up here in Canada you should take a good look at how your military treats prisoners. Kadhr was not the only one tortured in Guantanamo. From what I read torture was, and probably still is, considered acceptable treatment for prisoners by your government. Torture is unacceptable regardless of the situation.
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I admire your tenacity, but you do realize that attempting to engage Roskell, Dante or Justice in a rational dialogue regarding Israel is like trying to teach a cat to fetch. There's seldom an article on Israel printed here where you won't find them among the first and most frequent to vilify the country and defend the vile behaviour of the Palis, irrespective of the content of the article. One wonders what deep rooted hatred of Israel (read Jews, it's always the real issue) drives the incessant, unrelenting dissemination of twisted truths, outright lies, misrepresentation, and falsities they spew at every opportunity. Stealing land is a favourite - a bit of history would prove that such assertions are completely without merit, but it's so much easier for haters to employ slogans and regularly repeated lies and talking points in support of their anti-semitic agenda. The best is that disagreeing with the govt of Israel doesn't make you an anti-semite. Sure, that's it!
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"I guess you are as thin skinned as your leader." _Mr. Yellin What does that and your Bannon rant have to do with my statement Americans care little about Streep's opinions? Americans view their actors and politicians in the same light - they're no more than entertainment. We care little about Obama and Trump, Clinton or Bush and politicians are not a highly revered profession, equal to used car salesmen. Streep, Penn, Clooney - all representatives of a fantasy world where they themselves live, not of interest to Americans. These are simple facts that Canadians - especially Canadian libs - never seem to understand.
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I'm not sure what Eric is referring to when he says 'solid state' batteries but assuming it means that Dyson is working on a new type of battery that is probably where they are expecting to get the advantage over Tesla and other e-car manufacturers. Batteries are currently the cost and performance limitations on e-cars so a technical breakthrough could be a major advantage.
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Only the Court Jester kept the King grounded ( honest ) while synchophants grovelled and heads rolled . Humor elicits laughter ... they called it the best medicine once upon a time .
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"Eric Ryan, the group’s campaign manager who also lead the Stop Rail Now campaign eight years ago." That doesn't sound right at all. I think he was briefly associated with that group but they had a falling out or something. He was never the leader as far as I recall. He doesn't seem to play well with others. Anyway, forcing the route to end at Middle Street would be ridiculous. He should change the name to "Make Rail a Failure." Who are the other "leaders" of this "hui?" Are there any, or is this a one-man band? Civil Beat really needs to stop being so gullible.
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Ordination of women is bad enough but women as bishops is and will always be a deal breaker in the eyes of the RC church. (Bishops can ordain priests you see - a double whammy). My husband is Anglican and I am RC. His bishop is a delightful woman, full of wit and humour, who has shaken up her diocese from top to bottom, reassigned old hangers-on and put the lait in charge of the direction they wanted to go, re: the church. My bishop, on the other hand, hardly ever goes out of the city limits, refuses to follow the more liberal of the pope's commands, in almost 10 years has yet to visit his more rural parishes, is only concerned about having photo ops in the diocesan newspaper, requires the common folk to come to him, etc., etc. If everything else were agreed to except ordination of women, there would be no agreement - ever! It is the dealbreaker, ergo of primo importance.
Thank you Darla for telling the truth. You do the lords work and I have high regard for your integrity. Keep up the good work of taking care of our four footed friends
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LFS2, Then I guess I misread your intent with this comment, "...exactly why the non-battleground states voters should turn to the Libertarian and Green Parties to cast their votes. I took it to mean ONLY non-battleground states should vote third party. Ok, that's cleared up. I agree 100% that the two parties who run the show will not allow any significant change to the rules as they stand. I really hold out no serious hope for that, but for any third party to have a chance to grow that is where it would start. Any third party that does grow to become a significant threat will be co-opted( at a minimum ) or destroyed. I think third parties serve as an outlet for people who need to feel they are accomplishing something outside of the duopoly we have in this country. That is the function they serve IMO.
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so far the anonymous sources have been dead on.
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Levin on Levin. Film at eleven.
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Gonna be tough to build a wall . . .
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Liberal scum will do anything it takes to make sure this muslim terrorist gets this money and not the widow of medic Speer. Wonder why we hate you and you politically correct garbage? Great example, reward the murderer and do everything you can to circumvent the victims rights.
JL Properties IS THE MOB.......
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That's funny, I've never ended up in a situation like that.
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"The chance to make real change is drawing volunteers to Alaska" AmeriCorps = Paid Volunteers that receive 6k for more college, stipend, and some resume building that puts them in good ranking for a government job. I do not see how being paid by AmeriCorps (the Federal Government) can be considered being a volunteer.
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Anita - Thank you for highlighting this shameful predatory business. One can only hope that the members of the House will follow those of the Senate and pass this very worthwhile and necessary legislation.
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Trump wouldn't understand the healthcare issue if you made it into a Sesame Street episode. He and Mitch "Kermit" McConnell would probably be too busy deporting Handyman Louis, Maria, Gabi and Rosita to learn anything.
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That quote is the only bumper sticker I have ever put on any of my vehicles. It has engendered some pretty interesting conversations throughout the years.
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Ethical legislative leadership (or leadership who wasn't completely tone deaf) would strongly discourage this committee assignment just because of the "optics" let alone the very real potential for undue or even unintentional influence. One of my favorite bits of hypocrisy from the legislature is the conflict of interest ceremony they perform when, before a vote, one of them dutifully declares a conflict of interest and then are "required" to vote. You can't make this stuff up........
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I am not sure he understands the public in general, after all he lost the popular vote. His speech was a distillation of his campaign I would agree aimed at his supporters, which how those 12-13 year olds I taught used to behave - aimed at those who "followed" them. I am not sure of his honesty, as so much of what he says is demonstrably false; what scares me is that he may believe that they are true. His language is aimed at the reality TV audiences and delivered in the same way so yes it works to get him elected, but will it allow him to govern?
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Zingers: Google why Flynn worked for Obama for ONLY 2 years.
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I wonder how long stump will remain silent on this. And I wonder how long it will be before the Right Wing Noise Machine finds a way to blame this on Obama (or Hillary, or Pelosi, or .... anyone but the cons).
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I must of hurt your feelings you had my post removed. It's funny how rude you can be but your posts are still here.
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My choice is Caldwell
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I sure hope it works.
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