Interesting post and question. I so see myself in your post and Mr. Robot is an awesome show and I can see myself in Elliot in a lot of situations. I'm also a very cynical and pessimistic ISFP with...
Thanx. I relate to most of these responses, but nothing specific enough to tell me which one I am, since I think most people would relate to at least some of these responses, so whatever. I think...
Would you have preferred it if I swore at you or just told you that you were wrong? I was trying to be nice and point you in the direction of how to find your type without being too critical or...
I would say the greatest gift and curse of being an INFJ is the rarity of the personality. Its a curse because there a few people who understand you and its easy to go on a wrong path thanks to...
I like all weather for different reasons. Grey overcast is nice, because it gives off a calm atmosphere. Sometimes it's depressing though, especially when it's been grey for a long time. Same...
1. 6 year old boy and girl in burning build, which child do you save? The girl. 2. Your romantic partner ends up being your half brother/sister. Options: Continue Relationship to Marriage OR...
Jealousy is the most infuriating thing. So are feelings.
I smoked for about 5 years, from 22 to 27. I smoked half a pack of clove cigarettes every day, sometimes up to a pack and a half, but only rarely. In the first year after quitting, I probably...
....kek vs cuck? ....this is supposed to be taken seriously? This gives me an idea for a new charity: pay anyone who uses such words to stay in their basements and troll the interwebs all day...
This is true... :wink: QFT
Well, I find that her type is a little ambivalent as Rarity's type. Both of them are sometimes very practical, they love fun and adventures (especially Sweetie Belle) but they could be considered...
I have more or less had my hair long (shortest I have had it was up to my shoulders) its currently sitting just above my chest and I plan on growing it longer! My hair is also naturally straight!
What came to my mind when I read your post was: You'll need assertiveness training. INFJs have the analytical mind, the values around justice that fit with work in this area, but you will...
Nyctophobia It's always been you: The damaged, jaded vigilante, making sure the night didn't swallow me (in one inky swig) with a moonlit chaser.
I wanna be the very best... like no one ever was...
Just take my shirt off ;)
Your brother has passion/ambition, and that, in essence, is alike having a goal. It doesn't really matter if you put it into words or not, what matters is action vs inaction. He hasn't abandoned...
MBA ISTJ wish i did statistics or computer science
Best: English (I mean, my linguistic skills are damn good), foreign language, music, history, math. Worst: Science, particularly biology and anatomy. I'm good with physics and chemistry – sciences...
Dry, sarcastic and blunt. Never fails to crack me up!
Somewhere along the line people assumed I don't like hugs, which is kinda annoying. I think a lot of it has to do with hugs being viewed as feminine. I prefer to hug people over a handshake,...
ENTP. Primary Preference: INTJ, ENTP.
I find I have a big problem with initiating things with people. Now random people I have never met before I am fine with, and it's the same with close friends. But I find it really hard to...
Under-developed/Young/Immature INTPs inferior Fe struggles can be reasonably unpleasant. In the initial stages, their method of dealing with their feelings is to not deal with them at all- to ignore...
napalm in the morning
Finding people who share things that we like is difficult and sometimes to the extent of being extremely rare. It is really dream-like to find someone we can be extremely close to, but everything...
Pansexual here!
As an ISFP myself I can kind of tell you what he might be thinking. First of all, it takes a lot for me to trust people, especially people I don't know well. Also, I'm always worried about what...
I like your wording better. It's about touching base, not about getting the other person to agree with me. If you want a flavor for how the voice stuff works, try searching for ASMR on...
She is just straight-up one of the coolest PEOPLE ever.
Testing 10
when people breathe with their mouth open.... FUCKING STOP
According to the test they took.. Mom: INFP Dad: ENTJ Sisters: ENFP and IXFP Brothers: ISTP and a 5 year old who's too young to be typed My maternal grandparents didn't take they test but I...
I've nearly been a victim of accidental homicide/suicide on a monthly basis.
Oh yeah I misinterpreted the first post. Thanks.
Pro/con method usually, unless it starts triggering depression/anxiety, then the fuck it and see approach works.
I get huge crushes on ENXPs. I really fucking love them.
Get him to take the MBTI test.
Iggy & The Stooges - I Need Somebody
This is my most gnarly'st zombie chomper. It's pretty heavy, but one barely feels it kick thanks to that and the action. The red or green dot sight complements the uber-tight choke tube, which...
For me and I think most INFJs would agree any form of communication energizes us. When we initiate conversation (via IM,e-mail,etc) and we do not get a response as fast as we would respond we take it...
I only text for logistical purposes, and only if I can't talk to them right at that moment, or just don't feel like actually talking to said person. For some reason I still find it hilarious...
Endologic I've been raised on anime traps after all~ I wasn't going to talk about them being wise and altruistic psychics since from experience it's a load of crap. Had to cover the hole in...
1. My perception of myself is not something that I believe I can articulate well. I also do not believe that my perception of myself is particularly meaningful. If I had to, I would just say that I...
I see. But is having a negative perception wrong? Because as of right now I don't think it is.
niss thanx lot, Sir. I am sure it will genuinely help me tackling the issue. I will certainly implement your suggestion and then lets see how it goes.
So imagine that a woman has opportunities to pursue an INTP, and she thinks there might be mutual interest. But the mutual messages aren't quite clear enough for two over-thinking introverts. ...
I see that as Fi. He is always defending his values and could care less about whether there are good vibes in any of the social settings he is in. His charm is genuine and he stands up for and cannot...
Hee. I've never met anyone that's made me think of lime green circles up high, but I can imagine it. I know cello music looks like dark blue swirls thrumming at my feet. And piano music looks like...
Regina Spektor Radiohead the Beatles the Shins the Beatles Bon Iver Oasis the Strokes Metric Frank Sinatra ;)
pretty much... we trust people implicitly. we ALWAYS see the good in people and focus more on their potential rather than how they might currently be. as a result we do have a propensity to being...
I'm a pretty awesome INFP from Austin, TX. You might have noticed me from the Vlogs here. Traveling alone and wanna find drinking/smoking buddies while I'm there and maybe a place to crash. ...
Now, I'm curious. :laughing:
On the contrary, I bow my head to everyone else. I've watched a video on the hand signals and such that people use. I nod a lot, which seems to be a form of bowing. This probably means...
Spanish is the only language I'm really good with other than english. Why is Esperanto not on this poll?
Geometry was always my preference as friends nevere seemed to understand how I could like it more at all. :mellow:
There is a type e personality as well as type a and type b. You could argue that the description for type e personalities could be used for ENFJs.........
I don't let people guilt trip me. I tend to be rational (who'd have thought?) and rationalise a way whereby me doing what they say would be wrong. I tend to invoke the it won't be advantageous for...
i disagree, as i do with most of your posts...are you SURE you are an intj??? the one on the right looks like he has been crying...very emotional eyes...the one on the left looks sharp, well...
I went in '03 with my ex and our son (who was 3 at the time) and camped with a large group of friends who are regulars (many of them are Black Rock Rangers now). It was an interesting experience. It...
I've spent most of my time on PerC in the INTJ forum and that's part of the reason why I feel like home there. I don't feel that sense of belonging here in the ISFP community, but maybe that's...
I'm just counting time. Counting down to what? I don't know..
@treschanna When I was in high school, my sister became engaged to a guy she'd only known for a few months. The first time I met him, he put his arm around me and made a distinctively negging...
Well, it's been at least a couple of centuries since French was the International language of business, arts and letters. Right now, I'd stick with Spanish. I sure wish I had. Then, I'd be able to...
Middle Brother - Wilderness (@middle_bro) - YouTube
It's when we think we're being really badass by bragging about it, but actually crushing our own fingers because it makes us look pretentious and thin-skinned. I think that sums it up rather...
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent; but if we can come to terms with this indifference and accept the challenges of life within the...
Pretty sure David Mitchell is an INTP. He doesn't do stand up though; Mostly rants and quick witted hit and miss sketch shows. This is a horrible example of David Mitchell, it's actually his partner...
Dear INFJ Sincerely, INFJ
to have feelings.. that would be tragic. i must be getting over the initial shock of everyone on this forum not being extremely sensitive. though, while still hijacking this thread (sorry, thread...
It is very important to focus on deep thoughts for long periods of time. It counteracts the shallowness of our brains in the just Google it era and allows us to think more independently, a skill...
Another cat person here!:happy: And here is a picture of my adorable little kitty! 14442
I know every person with the same MBTI for instance an INFJ does come from different upbringing and background. So, it would be unreasonable for me to assume all INFJ males are the same. However, ...
I randomly woke up in the middle of the night crying really hard because I was having some dream about being the father of this crying girl and I just was so overcome with emotion that I remember...
:blushed: one of my most recent songs...
Well, my room looks considerably better. My worktable doesn't. :laughing:
*SHAKES YOU UP* why so glum, i want you looking like this!
bekkajp consists of a mish-mash of grasping key things about me/my thoughts/feelings...even if he doesn't agree with it...and then on top of it, accepting and respecting it <---- This is a good...
Space and time are part of the universe. You cannot run away from the universe, it's everywhere. There's also no chaos out there, it's all order but the rules are far beyond your comprehension for...
Um, no. I have typed the ISFJ. The Sensor one :happy:
sereneone That video is brilliant, thank you very much! I've spoken to my ENFP friend about all this (also Fi, right?) and she helped me seeing the situation from another angle as well. I need to...
Yeah and I just wanted to clarify just in case! :) It feels like someone who clicks on this thread will give it a thought at one time or another, no? ^^ EDIT: Yeah, maybe I should have put a...
Aww maybe you need another one, pixie85? Our (debatably) cutest cat clings only to the boyfriend. But it's ok, our second cutest cat choses me to sleep with and to drool on. We also have one more...
An xSxJ type probably TMLT go running when they feel stressed
So far in the What's my Type forum, going more so by doms... Fi types might either associate with it, relate to what they like or feel the need to change things. FiSe tends to just feel while FiNe...
You could be an INTJ...
5w6, pretty typical here.
^Totally agree. ------------------------------------------ I can't say I've met someone I'd actually want to date long term (and short term ones just aren't worth the breakup pain). I used to...
Funny to screw around on, even funnier when your honest profile shows no matches :laughing:
hmm, id also add at work i answer the phone though id prefer not too, at home i completely ignore it, my mobile i answer if i recognise the number, or if im expecting a call from someone whos numbers...
Thanks for the welcome. The title pretty much represents how I view things. If yyou never say what you mean then you can never mean what you say. I really like the Lich King. He always has the...
I understand INTJ and ESFJ is a bad pair for a relationship, but I guess I am just being hopeful. What can an INTJ and ESFJ talk about or hold a conversation about?
Sorry, double post.
I don't feel depressed when I'm not striving for a goal, that feels natural to me. When I get stuff done it's more because of external forces, not an internal drive. Having said that I do see a...
HAHAHAHA, my best friend and step dad are ENFP's. You people are all over the place (Ne-Te looping FTW). It's refreshing for some. A little strange for the SJ population sometimes. Overall, just know...
1) Dual-N-Back games 2) Read everything (looking up vocabulary you do not know)
ISTJ I am such an obvious F-type, it is crazy that I thought I was actually an ISTJ. I really latch onto that inferior Te when I am stressed. But I was always 50/50 on both the S/N and T/F, so I...