Eat a condom filled with dog food, sour cream and onion dip, and mustard. I did it. In exchange, my friend had to go streakng down the main street in town in the middle of the afternoon. I had a...
While clowns should be scary, I still adore them. I also despise evil clowns for giving them a bad rep. But yeah, just as soon I will do clown charity work... I also won't ever leave you guys...
1:14 At the beginning, I have the drive to watch it all because you challenged me. Then I realise that subjecting myself to that pain is completely unnecessary and, fuck it, I'm done here.
I don't cry during movies, although I really have to try to hold it together during Good Will Hunting. That one almost gets me every time. Also this
yeah its like they more of themselves like you are an awkward person so you are more awkward and if you're an crazy hyper person you seem more crazy and hyper
was it your dignity jw
As a native Dutch woman I can say that The Netherlands is a very accepting tolerant county. But.. we have sayings like: Just act normal, your weird enough as it is for people that walk 'out of...
Only if you fuck the horse part.
Death of Kurt Cobain Coral castle
I'm an ENFJ 2w3 and mated with an INFJ 2w1. And I basically say that the only thing I miss is that I sometimes feel he is too secretive, too trying to show me something he is not just for get my...
Well, I never! *hmph* :P
The ones I've observed most IRL: Enneagram 1w2 so: - Body Language: Tense and rigid body, back is always straight, seething emotions under the coolness and objectivity, Have a serious somber...
thts fucked up, I wouldn't be surprised if the Illuminati was just a group of INTJs however....
Deep down, these chicks are craving someone to cram them back into their feminine role. If they're hot enough to be worth the effort, I'd try it out. What the fuck? This, this.......I'm...
Yeah, it sounds crazy but if INFPs strongly criticize somebody and get angry with him/her it means they DO have strong feelings for that person. For people they don't care much about they usually...
Is it the 'innocent' vibes? The inability to stand up for ourselves? The obvious priority INFPs give to emotions? If INTJs are meant to dislike illogical people, I just don't understand why my INTJ...
i lost my virginity at 15 to a guy i just recently broke up with. almost 3 years together. i would take it back in a heart beat. way too young. way too scary. but live and learn i guess,
@pneumoceptor - Thanks for confirming the ineffable nature of your holistic perception. As for movies... well, yeah, I can get caught up in an emotional plot too, especially if it's well done. If...
EyesOpen and I finally coordinated a time to brilliantly answer some vague questions! (with special guest appearances by my son's hand and EO's cat!) Enjoy! :happy: ...
I read though that site.... but honestly, the main impression I got is that anyone with a reasonably strong Ne could find a way to see almost anyone as a manipulator using those tactics. Even the...
Your Mother is always with you. She's the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street. She's the smell of certain foods you remember, flowers you pick, the fragrance of life itself. She's...
I am the oldest of five, and I was most definitely parentified. Harming Your Child by Making Him Your Parent | World of Psychology The upside is that fulfilling the role of caregiver helped me...
Yep, a great way of putting it too. Although I'll pass on the hugs things, unless it is somebody I know.
I find it so funny that you posted this today. I have a year and half of experience with this relationship. I am a male Infj, who was with a female Isfj. This relationship can only work if each...
yes...all the time...can't even be friendly without sending the wrong message apparently
Sorted by genre: Horror/Scifi themed rock: Creature Feature The Darkest Of The Hillside Thickets Tub Ring Zombina & The Skeletones Epic Symphonic Metal: Rhapsody Of Fire
How does this contradict to what I said in the OP? ...sensitive, helping others....---> and then see themselves betrayed (she makes fun of him or mistaken him as weak; maybe favour not...
I become very creative and love the world. I feel a sort of bliss and am thankful. I don't neccesarily have to spent every minute with the person. It's just that I feel fortunate somebody unlocked...
I gravitate towards Libertarianism so I guess that makes me Right Wing.
I'm not one for venting, but cynical behavior, greed, and inconsideration are surefire ways for me to either distance myself from that person or speak up. There's more, but I am comfortable with...
Lol........ I should have known better.
I had not even noticed the icon till you pointed it out just now. Shows how observant I am.:bored:zzzzz If a baby was left on my door step tonight I would have little to no problem taking it in...
Their sarcastic wit and their willingness to carry on arguments with me on a regular basis, and the fact the arguments don't transfer over into the rest of our interactions.
I used to go big on the illuminati and alien conspiracy theories, until I realised that I probably shouldn't believe every crap I find on the Internet. I still believe in both though, though in...
I'm probably one of the youngest on this thread at 14 years old but I'll be 15 in a few months.
MBTI Types as Buffy quotes/moments. ESTJ ESFJ...
I have always associated my walking with my pulse, i' ll walk at the pace that my thinking and feeling is doing. You're saying that when you're walking you can not stop and be absorbed by the...
@LeaT: I am not implying in any way that you are Se-dom if you prefer sounds over lyrics or if you seek body sensations, that may just be that you have developed Se to a considerable degree, in...
Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone. But of course, that's my opinion, and it was placed alongside other opinions (it was on the example part--based on MY OWN experiences, hence my own...
Seeing as how you can't go for even one post without the insults, I'll stop and let you talk to yourself in your echo chamber. Farewell.
entp ladies, does this sound any familiar? you: we should NOT start dating, because i will screw you at some point and you will hate me and it will affect our work/friendship/relationship with...
Define exist.... I am somewhere, but rarely do I live in realm that is reality....:unsure:
I once photoshopped their face and showed it, and they liked it. That's about it.
1. What sort of activities/clubs/sports do you participate in? I swim in my backyard, go to work, and stay the night at my friends houses. I used to be in this weird sport called color guard, but...
Short version: I am recovering from a substance induced psychochis, due to drug abuse. No one loves me the way i used to be loved. And i just dont know how to be me again. Details:
This is 3.0? Is there still a Poll for the month? I feel good about everything here and the autosave function is excellent!
I've thought about this a lot and tried to understand how my personality contributes to me getting it, so to speak. I struggled to learn how to perform my last job because my trainer (who really...
Yep, I acknowledge that I am human. And trying to accept the fact that it's normal to have these sort of feelings. Ugh I hate how un-human I sounded, but well, a new experience, so it is pretty......
Hey so I took the advice and initiated talking with him online today while we were both at work and we talked for about 2 hours. I can't emphasize how much this is different from past...
I'm very close to my nuclear family (Mom, Dad, Brother, Sisters... cats :P) but I am really not with my extended family. Every family event feels like a chore, because I'm just so uncomfortable...
hmmm I'm not 100% sure, but I think at times this happens to me. I would say I like the innocence of certain things because most of the world is the exact opposite. It can be very fucked up. When...
That Saitama avatar just suits you. :-)
I think I read somewhere that ISTPs like/need to feel needed, first of all, is this true? And second of all, if it is, it seems like there could be an awful fine line between making the ISTP feel...
I'm probably a really. I have a eating philosophy, which is only eat the most healthy, natural, unprocessed food. The more a food is processed and basically manufactured and enhanced...
Welcome, No, you are not too old, I am married and have a daughter, so anyone can interact here. Many people here are young, it's good to see so many getting a grasp of who they are early on. have...
I wanted to be an inventor. Still kinda do, lol. I mean, everything seems so inefficient, why not try to make it better by making awesome multi-purpose inventions?
Nice analysis. I think for Tao his MBTI (ESFP) has always been way more obvious than his enneagram. Though if he is a type 2, I have no idea why he would be my bias. That's the part that doesn't...
Every INFJ is different. I know one that is usually in her room watching anime or drawing on that electronic pad... But I'm usually if you want to find me, look at every backyard around...
Then I stay sitting until I don't have to stop walking :D Wow I'm so lazy! :D
1 Does it make sense to consider ESFJ the worst MTBI's type? u200bNo, all types are different but equal. Like human beings. 2 Did you have just bad experiences with people of this type? (Free to...
I don't know if this has been suggested yet, and I don't want to read through 27 pages, but I submit that Obama may be an ISTP. As most everyone has said, he exhibits some Fe. He comes across as less...
Me: INFJ Dad: ISxJ Mom: ESxP My parents married at 16 so they've been through a lot. My dad gets very exasperated with my mom's off-the-cuff planning and my mom gets frustrated at my dad's...
Thanks for the input! I don't have time to reply fully now but so appreciate the reply. I will reply more later but in short I know him being a thinker, he analyzes everything and I am sure he...
How do you deal with conflict?I don't look for it but if it arises I'll face it with no hesitation What are most of your conflicts about? backing up/defending the people I love, myself or my...
Yeah, this would happen to me all the time when I was younger. It never really bothered me, though. Just figured it was because I'm cool as hell.
Been going over the Lord of the Rings characters and have been trying to come up with the type of Boromir and Faramir. What is their type? Not great at typing but i thought: Boromir: ENFJ ...
36163 what's interesting is that this is the face I made in most of my childhood photos.
Several know of MBTI because of me. Ive had four people take it and have got three of them correct. The 4th we cant get a type for yet. Im only sure that he's extroverted lol. The person who...
Wow! I really thought people would jump in to tell me to rise above it, not be so sensitive about the pettiness. Yeah, the first time really sucked. I had been recently let go from a job and looking...
Well, not all invasions last forever
Either because I honestly am excited about what I've realized and I want them to understand the concept. Or because I'm really bored and I'm finding creative ways to do it. Example: This...
LOL! Just take care to make a good pick. : )
I dare make his answer... Me :)
I definitely relate to this, Lady Nurture. People don't always tell me that I am intimidating, but it comes through in how they act (or don't act) around me, and I think it must be more a function of...
I have that problem and I hate giving my opinion too soon and don t like when other people give theirs straight away
i don't see why you would. religion has done absolutely no good for mankind.
YouTube - Megadeth-Wake Up Dead
INTJs probably caused the apocalypse. So in terms of survival they have the unfair causational advantage.
I Do (by Placebo) I wanna be much more like you The way your smile lights up the room I'll kick back as men flirt with you To jealousy I'll stay immune This confidence in me and you This hope...
Seven. Freaky as hell but I loved it!!
Excuses man. Good we both agree on ESTP for Cruz. You're typing of Trump is relatively accurate. Let me just try to clarify a few points. My Dad is an ESFP 7w8 sx/so just like Trump so I...
Well, now is 2:30 and it´s normal for me to awake. But I can´t stand getting up early in the morning...
I don't believe I could pick one. They work together to achieve what they do. For example, if any one was changed, I would not be the person I am. My perspective on the world would change by...
It sounds like what is happening is that when you find out their type, you automatically put negatives on them. In your head you go, oh they're going to do this, this and this and then just expect...
Nice to read this, as I've been doubting I'm INFJ. Please lemme know if you think what I've written bellow is compatible with INFJ. So I sound similar to you. I rely on logic and reason to form...
Ahahaha I have yet to meet a male INFJ in real life, but as an INFJ myself, someone can probably get my attention by being sincere. A few smiles here and there would help too. Btw, I know an ENFP...
Which baby? This baby? :)
start forcing yourself to think about what could happen
Does being intolerant of intolerant people, does that not make you intolerant. I would normally post this in my home subforum (ENFPs) but it feels better here! :-)
Under 20's Julia Bell ladybugnat 20's Alysaria AyaSullivan
When you like MBTI so much you drew characters for each of the types! :crazy:
i used to hate it i kept evertyign to myself and it was really hard for me to calm down after being yelled at but then i started dating my estj bf and the beginnigns were diffucult, like when he...
Been reading up on the Beatles some more, little things here and there have made me get ISTJ obsessive about them again. Was reading up on John Lennon. Every time I read something new on him, he gets...
Serena/Usagi is ENFP
i watched Easy A a few days ago and I think the main character Olive is sort of ENTPish
Feels like there's something i need to do and i don't know what it is yet or something
Two of my best companions are a one armed bear and an orca. My brain has this encoded map of rules and etiquettes that forces me to function accordingly. I hold a lot of secrets because of this....
Thank you Lemxn, that's a fair assessment and it's nice to get a different point of view. I'm sure that if there's any further developments that this thread will be my first point of call.

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This dataset originated from Kaggle (MBTI) Myers-Briggs Personality Type Dataset.

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