Wristcutters: A Love Story: Watched this yesterday and it is now probably one of my favorite movies. It plays the premise straight, and leaves a lot of humor unacknowledged which honestly makes it...
@Somniorum Yup first game I've been excited about in years. I hope they can rekindle the magic since so many of the old devs are board.
Hi Jennywocky- I read your post early this morning before I went to work and I can't get it out of my head. So I need to respond so I can get some work done :) I can only speak from my own...
Nah I can't even if my life depended on it. One time I was almost I felt at the edge and my short yell died down so fast it was excatly like this 'I Don't ... care. You win, your right, whatever I...
Like you, if I am doing this, I certainly don't see my actions as cold and calculating. I think it's important to understand that other people view it as such regardless of the actual intent or...
Diog3n3s 2. Let's bring it down to 100 dollar increments then, or even smaller, if you earn 100k a year you get 20% taxes, if you earn 100.5k a year you get 20.5% taxes on assets. 3. IQ tests,...
I understand what you say so if I felt really bad and that I did something wrong it could be that at that point I feel the relationship is sort of broken. Or I could be ashamed and unsure how to...
Can't currently post images so text will have to suffice! Rationals: ENTJ - Lion Bar ENTP - Pop Rocks INTJ - Jawbreaker INTP - Jelly beans Artisans:
I've been through the phase where I had to do a lot of self searching to finally figure out that I am an infp. After a while I strongly believed that I was an infp until... today. I even told myself...
The whole Discouraged Ones album is like the worst day in your life, and so beautiful at the same time. It's like when you are so defeated you just want to melt into the ground. Deadhouse, Cold Ways...
i recomend you read Classics in the History of Psychology -- Jung (1921/1923) Chapter 10 if you really want to directly go into the essence of the functions and maybe do some introspection, just to...
Age: Sixteen turning seventeen fairly soon Gender: Female Ethnicity: u200bCaucasian Personality trait you are proudest of: Logicality (best guess) Profession: I want to be an Ethologist? Currently...
This is a very common occurrence. Less mature INFJ's tend to retreat to their tertiary function of Ti when they are incapable of processing or reconciling their inner wounds. It's a place that is...
I'm extremely competitive and I always want to do better than I did the last time. With sports, it's incredibly frustrating for me to struggle at something because I'm usually really good at sports. ...
Brazil (1985) by Terry Gilliam
Deez Nuts I can't even believe that he was even able to register.
Actually researching it, there are actually only a few ISFP characters, at least compared to other types in fiction. Can anyone even name an ISFP villain?
I'd love to create and be the CEO of a lasting company that can stand the test of time that has something to do with technology. I really would like the thrill of building a great company and running...
this term i'm taking: Contemporary Psychology Chemistry II Introduction to Gerontology
Yes, I even do this in supposedly factual programs on the TV, so I only ever watch documentaries and motoring programs. I recently saw a series of documentaries on the SAS, including very good...
And I was just getting ready to go to bed :( Here goes: As a women who has had a LOT of leadership positions, I'm not against women in leadership. But there are parts of the President's job...
no relationship can ever work without trust. you need to talk to her honestly about whatever it was that she did or lied about. i've done some pretty terrible things but i've also realized they're...
Noticed a while back when I reported my own post (insert customary wtfs here) that it increased my post count. This was some time ago. It seems like it would make sense that, since it is not seen by...
So.. Just to test my infp maths with some intps :p X = subjectivity. X + data = attractiveness? :p Im probs just being silly. I get your point =] But this all does sound very similar to...
No, I absolutely am not speaking in absolutes (regarding the assertions about the associations) and I've stated this multiple times, I've also provided good reasons for why they likely share some...
dpenarog I wasn't writing clearly, I didn't mean debates, I am bad in debating because I tend to go emotional on some topic and you suppose to be calm and cool to win it :-). It is more sharing you...
Wow...I dont even know what to say to this. Really, who was so offended by the word 'test' that they HAD to label it an indicator? Was anyone ignorant enough to think that there was a wrong/right...
Could I get PeachyKeener please? :proud:
It sometimes helps to hear things out aloud and what else are you supposed to do when you don't have anyone else who has the same interests?
By the third definition, sure. But, this slang word was created by straight men who can't fathom that another straight man would be nice to a woman without the aim of getting into her pants....
I sat in a corner and had it on my screen for a minute. I didn't leave it open. He unexpectedly stopped by at the end of the day. Why be so judgmental. The reason people open up to INFJs is we...
no comment also OP, your life must suck if you're trying to validate yourself by giving compliments to people you perceive as having such low self-esteem that we'd read this and be all...
I spent three hours last night playing sexual would-you-rather and turn on, turn off with a FB friend (whom I have not met in real life btw). The entire day all I've thought about is sex. I'm now...
yes, i like going to social events to observe people. usually i forget that i'm sitting in the room cause i'm too involved with watching the other people in the room. something i don't like about...
Tell me your secrets. I said. She drank from her cup of water. She reeked of sexuality like a dainty alley cat stretching its ass in the air for the male cats to come and take her. The ambiance of...
Yeah, I think we're two types that are very likely to openly listen, take care of, and compliment our friends when given the chance. I LOVE my friends who listen to all my ups and downs, and I'm...
I want cupcakes too. Cupcakes sound good.
I come down with this a lot. I haven't found a cure for it. Are there any things you've noticed? I tend to spend more and get out of the house more. I also tend to meet more people Do you...
^ yes also like making wishes 12:34:56 LOL I've had no experiences of any of my wishes coming true but that's probably because a lot of my wishes aren't very realistic.
Yes, love is possible! I found love but not exactly in the way I expected. Interesting to hear about other INFJ/ISTJ relationships. I almost married an ISTJ but broke it off after we moved in...
7.5/10 for the avatar. 10/10 for the sig.
Haha, no. I'm just proving it's been widely observed and documented; therefore, it must be possible.
I know, as a result I have like, no life haha. I wish I was the kind of person who found being around people constantly really refreshing rather than a total drain because life would be muuuuch...
I daresay there is a significant difference between my brain and your brain, so absolutely. I'm assuming you're talking general terms here, but I'll just make clear from the start that brains are...
Better yet, throw a party. Friends are always valuable in a pinch; invest sooner rather than later.
That's because [w]e really must be the invisible type... CAPT's website actually has the percentages as well for anyone who wants more details: Estimated Frequencies of Types -
I think that you can only talk for yourself, please don't try and talk for me.
4w5 INFP Gemini (Moon and Sun) Metal Horse I've got a lot of Mercurial action going on over here.
Why did you say yellow?
Personal ~ * Name - What do you preferred to be called? Micah or Micah Rae, I get both. - Any nicknames? Ginger mostly ;D * Male/Female/Trans? Female, but I kind of have a question about...
Haha, well. It's usually the extroverted feelers who cry their eyes out... and that's mostly what they want. I hate this as well but I have noticed it works for other people.
Same here, just joined! :)
I assumed (and incorrectly in your case) that I was among people with completely differing opinions, willing to learn about themselves and others on this forum... not arrogant, pompous internet...
You'll be pleased to learn that you match the profile of a: Survivor As a Survivor, you have a strong focus on getting what you want and getting it quickly. You believe in the survival of the...
I don't understand how technology dependence has gotten so bad that I found out about my distant relative's untimely death through FACEBOOK STATUSES saying RIP before anything else...
Odd socks should never be an issue. Insistence on pairing is the true troublemaker.
Being 'exact' with thoughts is great...
You may have seen this popping up on the type forums for the past few days, but I needed to make another thread. Basically, I'm doing a science fair project relating to MBTI, and am administering...
Grand Designs Ace Of Cakes The Simpsons Nabari no Ou Takeshi's Castle Columbo Family Guy CSI
I was raised as an Orthodox but, being an inquisitive mind, I've completely rejected all kinds of religion. Like most atheists, I could write an essay on what had pushed us away from religion, but...
Doing British accents and Bane impersonations. It's quite fun. Which helps me get rid of my awful accent whenever I speak English anyways, since English isn't my first language.
honey, memory is almost always filtered with nostolgia and a certian golden eyed dreamy sense of longing (ie nostolgia) and you will look back and think gosh, i was such a bad ass cool motherf***er,...
I am a simple person. I see tribute to bob ross. I click thank ah fuck you, thankless Spam World.
They do say you are what you eat :cool:
I procrastinate for 2 main reasons: 1) I perceive the plan to use a lot of time & energy in execution hence delaying, because once I'm on it, I don't like to stop in the middle. Stem of my...
Sleep = Loosing Consciousness ... I procrastinate on that choice, also i wanna things just right now, not to put myself in coma for hours and woke up tomorrow with blank mind again. Now that i...
Omg. x3 *starts to run away* Would you settle for a pat on the head? :laughing: ... Yes. *Rips off shirt* u200bI'VE BEEN A ROBOT THE WHOLE TIMEEEE Just kidding, but that would make for such...
you might even be INFP ;D
Yep, it is worth it sometimes if it's a classic or a must read. Not sure why, but I got the picture of reading something like GoT with a magnifier. Modern fiction from a new author printed in...
When sleeping alone, I sleep on my back; generally still and unmoving once I've fallen asleep. Corpse-like ;P
From the missionary to the right wing supporters. I did not choose this line of work for the glamour. For the bragging right. To be able to say I gave up my entire life to squirm in the dirt ...
Ear's are a weird place to put muffs for sure.
I take it more seriously than I should right now partly because my last relationship partner of 2.5 years had while we were dating broken a promise she made me and it damaged my ability to trust...
Tera Melos perhaps?
Yup I was on this forum and I looked at the time 8:40...then I think oh I'll sleep it is 10:55 -_-
Thnx! :happy: The song you posted is really good too, I've never heard it before. Anyways, right now I'm listening to this one: YouTube - Sara Bareilles - Vegas And I was just listening to...
an artist... +points.
Indiana is the Crossroads of America ya know. :p
no gas masks. screenshot.
If it is possible with good build reasons against their Quasi Intellectual behavior YES. Or the moment they got over your limits, the abuse of your weak-points : What I saw happen to me. Having...
Well i think that i met one a couple of days ago, and i was completely and utterly enamored, she was unbelievably charming with little effort. And even though she was doing things that would normally...
I worked as a waiter and bartender for a time, so I have strong empathy for what they have to deal with. Because of that I try to be a nice customer. That being said, if the foods not acceptable I...
A.mazing. Your bullet points hit every single objection of mine too. I've been in various sales industries since graduating college and had varying degrees of success. During college, I worked...
47677 I have stuff from my drag queen costume from last Halloween lying around, and I felt like putting it on again for shits n' giggles. 'Sup.
I KNOW! Aren't they!???!!!! Goodness. I don't feel like this very often and it takes someone special to have me feel anything with a glance at his picture, but this one does. Actually, I don't...
It's really cute how you talk about her :D Just wanted to say that ;) But yes ENFP girls, including myself, can be horrible with giving signs. For us giving attention to people and make physical...
On a scale of 1-10, I'm not on the scale.
Nightcrawler Sherlock Holmes Aragorn Merlin Gandalf Peter Parker/Spiderman Bruce Banner/Hulk The Joker Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Hi ESTPs, do you have INTJ friends or relationships? If so how do you make it work?
Yes I think intro/extro relationships are very rewarding. Balance is made with enough differences to create growth in individuals. Personally I am more romantically attracted to gregarious bold guys....
I speak like enfp, definately, when out especially with new people. And learned in this cafe now, I am a strong decision maker compared to average infp. Quite strange to me because I think I am...
I've been told that I often give off a cold vibe when someone doesn't know me or hasn't talked to me before. I'm usually someone who prefers someone else to start a conversation with me first. So...
|Hmm, something like that haven't happened to me before, or at least that's what I remember. Well, I'm not psychic, but this is certainly interesting...
Quiet until provoked. This thread is case in point :wink:
THIS. I have always had to keep retraining my INTP mates so they would not do this. Because I do not tend toward jealousy, but insecurity. And when I feel insecure, I withdraw, which they don't...
I know i'm huge on organization.. like.. when the house is a mess.. i never really know waht to do with other peoples stuff.. but i try to just make it look nice.. i make it look neat.. and while i'm...
MBTI: INTP Enneagram (with wing): 9w1 Socionics: ILI Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Star Sign Zodiac: Libra, supposedly Chinese Zodiac: Horse Not interested on the...
I'm not tracking: what is the thing being said and is it me you're asking, or are you seeking an istp's answer??
I'm a bit of both. I'm very diplomatic when it comes to general day to day stuff. I try to be tactful and often end up being the peacemaker among friends & colleagues. However, when it comes to...