I give my permission if anyone feel that they are up for it.
My innermost is like a lighthouse. I may let some people in to explore the ground-level. If they are trustworthy and honest I grant them access to the higher storeys. But up to now I've always kept...
Down with the false king! All hail Britannia! All hail Emperor Lelouch! ...
yeah, well not exactly social anxiety but I sure get more self conscious, but with the friends and especially with new acquaintances, I am confident as if I was high on coke.
I lean a lot on Se based on this post. I think the dislike of 'idle fantasizing' pretty much rules out Ne.
One should never be proud of anything that isn't a direct result of their efforts and hard work. You could be grateful if you like, but this is as far as I would ever go.
With INTJs, you are surprised by the intensity of their Fi. With ENTJs, you are surprised by the intensity of their Se. ENTJs understand people better, but care about them less. INTJs are...
I am a terrible liar. I hate myself for lying to anyone so when I try, I can't help sabotaging myself; it feels like I try to make comedic slip ups and reveal myself in a silly way. I think the only...
a lot. the lyrics can determine whether i really like a song or not. i listen to a lot of electronic/upbeat stuff and like that just fine even if there aren't lyrics/if the lyrics don't mean anything...
Well, it does immediately make sense to me that this issue is just hypervigilance. And since I don't usually have anything even remotely dangerous in my life, my hypervigilance reacts constantly to...
I have a small number of close friends, maybe 10 or so. My best friend is also an INTJ and we have been friends since preschool. I hate going out to bars, so as a 24 year old, it makes finding...
When you wait to go grocery shopping between the hours of four and five so there's no-one around and you get home right before the evening rush hour.
or is it just me? it usually takes me a while for me to be close with someone and open up to them, is anyone else like this?
Am I INFP to you? That's really cute. I don't know, I can't judge you because I don't know you, sorry. I think you should search and be honest with yourself. And finding your type is fun.
Dear grandfather, I'd have liked to have met you. As I understand it, I may have shared many traits with you. Perhaps you'd have been able to give me some sage advice about how to be a good...
I know an ISTP who was in the military. She did fine.
7/10. Witty but it didn't make me lol. Edit: it's a top. Same rating though. Sorry I thought I saw another display pic.
gotta love research that is funded by the company with a company employee... objectivity r us... ...
Interesting so when it is threatened or stimulated you're are deeply affected by it, but defining it is difficult? I'm guessing it's because of the secondary Ne making it less tangible?
Yes to kids. Arthur and Sarah, a couple. Would make sure they are given answers that develop their thinking ability and would try to avoid things like because I said so.
I admire the fact that you don't jump to conclusions and are very thoughtful.
Thanks all. We do indeed have a very strong emotional connection, I love how she's always smiling and I really like her laugh :) I do tell her to calm down, but I let her say what she has to and I...
Yo. I think that this is where the IxTJ divide really shows may even come off as a weakness for us Ns here. Thinking too much on the future...strategic foresight is great in...
There's always that one guy, do you distribute yourselves logistically? I imagine you people to look sickly thin, with dirty cloths everywhere. And you are too lazy to wash them so you just rotate to...
Granted, but you have no control over it and it only happens when you sneeze. I wish I was able to fly at will.
Thank you for asking first of all. I have a really weird one-- not so typical of ESTJ, I think. More so like an ENFP haha! 1. dinner 2. shower + brush teeth/floss 3. lotion + face moisturizer...
i learned this the hard way. It has made my INTP shut down pretty badly in the past. So I'm here now to try and show up differently and with more understanding. Thank you.
11Words of Affirmation 10Quality Time 6Physical Touch 3Receiving Gifts 0Acts of Service