infj, ravenclaw, thunderbird I had a feeling I would get thunderbird.. But yeah the traits for the houses were very vague. I hope we get more information soon. this isn't exactly relevant but...
right now i just want to talk to an infp girl who's shy and doesn't talk to anyone!
I suggest using Ti and Se more but it's unhealthy for an INFJ to use the lower 2 functions too much. Do you play competitive sports? avoid fapping and porn too, it's unhealthy.
Haha! I feel this way all the time! I wouldn't say I'm incompetent though, it's just with stuff that I don't know how to do yet. It seems to me, that I get overwhelming anxiety from being asked to do...
I have had a crush on this girl for 57 days... And I cannot find courage to talk to her... Well I talked to her about necessary work related stuff... But talking to her other than that at personal...
your reckless and self-destructive behavior breaks my heart into pieces. please be safe
Nothing anyone says actually matters.
Me to Seduction and Sex homo.
I love dat dog.
I think the language just isn't built for these kinds of discussions. I think for the most part it's just a matter of not spinning around semantics, which might be difficult. As far as the cog in...
Like I鈥檝e spent my whole life watching other people experience happiness. Basically I feel intrinsically flawed, but oh isn鈥檛 that so fucking romantic. I feel sick of myself.
Sorry, but I highly doubt you are an ENTP if you find education boring. Or maybe you just didn't try educating yourself in an area that actually interests you yet.
Please be gentle, ladies. You really don't understand how men think do you? :-) If you had to experience the...
Welcome to the forum! We already seem to have a bit in common from your list of interests. What kind of books do you like? (Sorry if I'm being a bit too forward, I'm just really passionate about...
make that an orange clown!
Loooove south park, and i can't believe I forgot true blood!
I can completely understand where you are coming from. However, as you have said with regards to males having lots of sex, there are many factors that should be considered. Having been single for a...
idk what exactly gives me that feel, and I don't think logical analysis would help either. Im just sure ur ENFJ for some reason, it's really all in the way u write-ur voice, cause every personality...
I've been singing for most of my life, but I picked up the guitar about 10 years ago when I was a freshman in high school and taught myself, and I've been playing ever since. Music is a passion of...
Even if I am confident and happy, I am still an idealist. I struggle whenever I see room for improvement and find it difficult to just be cool with all the things I'm happy and confident about the...
I signed up to be a donor, but at this point they might receive damaged goods. I don't intend on dying anytime soon anyways. Besides, if I die then maybe it'll mean my heart, brain, and gut will...
the tri-type theory seems plausible. we have three centers of intelligence and even though one dominates wes till have the other two, therefore ist not absurd to speculate that those centers have...
I think he might be wrong, especially that part about how many people will be around in the future. People's lifetime is increasing so even if younger people only get two children per woman, still...
I'm an intruder. What are you going to do about it?
I don't know about this. The INTJ I know is so darned rebellious! She'd make a terrible slave! :tongue:
I'm a very good liar and actor (I've been involved with theatre) But I absolutely hate lying. I tell the truth whenever possible, even in minor situations where most people may fib. But if need be,...
(in reference to the ENFP one....) You're right, the problem with the ENFP one is that none of those spectacular projects would ever get completed without another type being there.
nice work! the top one reminds me of a barbed wire fence :) embroidery seems like a cool hobby, is the class you're taking specifically about embroidery?
I'm nervous, and at the same time I don't even want to do it.
EDIT: You know what? It was just one word. You scored 50 out of 100 masculine points, 60.833 out of 100 feminine points, and 61.667 out of 100 androgynous (neutral) points.
A lot of them are whiny and self defeating. It's sickening.
She's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When she comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until she bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that...
Prefer to be a behind-the-scene person with great athletic skills. Neither front-line assassin nor silly mastermind, but an overweight kick-ass coach teaches people to do covert operation at the...
This INTJ would like to be friends with everyone, PROVIDED I don't have to compromise what I am. It feels dishonest and rather wimpy to go along with the crowd just to fit in. I just can't stand...
I concur. *grabs her torch*
I didn't bother reading all of the posts because some of them were really weird so I stopped reading lol. If you think your chick will dig it than go for it. I have a million ideas but no one to do...
With my extroverted pals, honestly, I don't know how, it somehow works like this: Yes, they and I have alot to say, but we somehow seem to know when to let whom do the talking and the rest of us...
Mom not sure if telling a story about someone else is exactly kosher but the last post reminded me of it, so here goes: When I was in high school I was involved with a dance performance group. We...
Yes, mood could be a factor. I could understand INTJ and INFP. But, I'm not really a social chameleon yet.
Hey SillaSy! Sun and Moon in have a lot of fire in your chart. Fire men probably can't step to you. I usually get romantically involved with water signs...not sure...
Bring back the whig party! whoop whoop!
I grew up in the suburbs, and only started to visit really crowded urban-y places from around age 15. So er dunno what that means in this case :D
67% INFP 20% INTP 6% ENFP 4% ENTP 1% INFJ Interesting test. Not surprised at the four that showed up below INFP......
Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping...waiting...and though will its jaws, and howl. It speaks to us...guides us. Passion rules us all. And we obey. What...
I think there are things that can be taken from both gender roles that are good to know or fun to do, regardless of what you're supposed to do. I also don't immediately think of myself as male -- I...
NIGHT OWL - big time.
The honor has been mine, my friend.
Oops, I meant ENTJ.
Everyone is awesome in their own way! Coincidence, but about a week ago or something I posted the same topic in the ENFP forum! :happy:
I have gone through a similar phase (but perhaps a little less extreme) to what you describe in your friend. I was once very quick to fall in love because I desperately wanted to be loved. I also...
eh, so i didn't miss anything by not reading after the talk of blowjobs? see, this is why i always should trust my instinct.
If I sink to her level, then the terrorists win.
How much do you care for your own welfare, the welfare of family and friends, the welfare of strangers, and the welfare of humanity? A lot. Sometimes. To a degree. I think that your ENFP/INFP is...
Well as someone who dated an INTJ for a year I can say that communication truly is the key for this pairing to work, because while INFJs and INTJs have so much in common we function so very...
Oh, Dragonball Z was fun, back when it was on Toonami. I was more of a Sailor Moon/Tenchi fan, though. Which series of Dr. Who should I start with?
The Spellsword for hire.
Really? I'm all over the NF forums.
Meh, I am so disappointed, I thought this was going to be a humorous thread, INTJ appreciation day sounds like an oxymoron to me... Plus, the idea of XXX appreciation day is a bit off, does it...
Well said!
I think that, for the most part, for a species to have reached a point of interplanetary colonization it would have to have a moral structure that values intelligent life. I think that, otherwise,...
Do you find yourself typing everyone? Yes, I do. Mostly by what temperament they are first, and later their dominant and maybe auxiliary functions. It's actually interesting the way we are able to...
No no, what I meant was. Are INTJ women the equivalent of what women claim to want in a man except for men. My observation is that what men claim to want in a woman is for her to be logical,...
Night time is the right time. I've always been a night owl since I was a little kid. It seems the best time to be awake. :)
Thank you! :D
Hello and thank you! c: I dabbled in publishing a few years ago; I run a forum for writers, so its members and I self-published a couple compilations of our stories! I also wrote articles for a...
To be fair, I frequently refer to ISTPs as my shadow, and to ISTJs as my engima. ISTPs and I usually get on like a house on fire, especially the ones with high Intuition. I had one for a best...
Noble your patience amazes me your confidence energizes me your loyalty astounds me true, noble, unforgettable you
would love to see the results
Treating her like an a$$ will just make her want you more.... No... that was a joke.... I think....maybe.... I'll get back to you on this when it isn't 5am.
True it is a movie though it would be hard to make a protaganist who loses interest like that when that topic is the focus of the story, as to the last point I do agree with that if you've ever...
Of course!
LOL, I was just browsing through PerC and read the reply VANITAS wrote 09-11-2010 regarding a thread ISTP Male in Love with ENTJ female. :D Completely the same advice I posted earlier... I...
Hello, What are the biggest differences between ENTP and INTP? Dating an xNTP (not so strong P, but definetly P) and cant decide if E or I. Help me! :)
I rarely experience them.
I took it anyway but honestly, I took it a couple of times over the past days and I always get something different, this only depends on how I feel. 9Physical Touch 8Quality Time 8Words of...
Wanna hear a sad story? 10 things my mom taught me in the past: 1. It is evil to be yourself. 2. It's better to have more crime, than to have light in the world. 3. You should never do...
Try to have a deep philosophical discussion.
That's a good way of putting it. The friend zone most certainly exists, but it's not worth dwelling on. Some girls are just legitimately not attracted to you, ever. The others make a decision not...
When I want to think, I put on something relaxing, when I don't want to think, I put on something very complex so I have to analyze what's going on.
Probably because the OP always sounded like every girl in San Francisco
Oh and just facetiously - what's with all these P's trying to resist definition and shrug off the horror of being understood by four little letters instead of the array of wonder they believe...
I almost wish people would say that to me; At least that would clear things up for me. Usually what happens to me is people just don't respond to a comment I make that's a little more insightful...
Like a couple of people have mentioned above, I too become a little more cheery and joyous when I drink. Sober, I tend to have more filters in my expressions. A huge factor in my drunk behavior has a...
So, I'm currently taking a module in critical reading in college which allocates 15% to class participation, and yesterday was our first three-hour seminar of the semester. It wasn't a memorable...
I love you too <3 Reply to me because I'm lonely and want to post on forums :(
I...I'm intrigued by this man. I want to meet him.
I tend to actively balance things I encounter as a reflex. Let me explain: I tend to have more of a Thinker mindset and argument when interacting with strong Feelers, and vice versa. I tend to be...
Or, a good example of any ENFP for that matter.
Well, you could ask yourself how long you want to go. When will you accept defeat? One thing you could do if you know where he lives is to knock on his door and if he slams the door in your face...
Repeat rapists are already castrated in most states in the US. The state's burden of proof is similar to that of capital punishment, and the castration is chemical and reversible, not physical and...
Well I can't say I've ever seen that movie xD It's nice that you're working to put your dreams into practice, I imagine it'd be way cool to be able to visualize some of your inner 'fantasy scapes',...
You want to vent, but when you do, people get overwhelmed I guess? Then you go back to your original approach: not venting. But you can't seem to continue doing this anymore. Or for now at least. So...
makes me think of this
Reading takes a lot of work, it is a skill. I was told as a kid that reading was a good thing and I was encouraged to do it. It was trying at times, especially reading longer books with smaller type...
Yep, that sounds pretty INFP to me. The latter parts of what you wrote sound almost exactly like stuff I've written in journal entries/poems before. I wish I had your eloquence and vividness in...
Given that birth rates are declining and eventually the world population will start decreasing, automation in the long run is a necessity; automating enough labor that the inevitable population...
Cheer up buddy!^^^ You know those people you can read like a book? I just worked with one for the first time over the weekend. I had heard a lot of bad things about the guy from other staff...
Also, never change yourself for friends.. I mean, pay attention to what they dislike about you, but it's your responsibility to be yourself. When people tell you how you should be , don't do it for...
Ok I'm FAR from an expert but imo don't trust the test! It told me I am an INTJ and although it fits to a point, it just wasn't right. If it wasn't for a friend saying that I am 100% an INTP I'd...