I'm not a she, but making assumptions with no evidential backing is akin to you, I suppose.
If I may, ESTP girls, what makes you feel appreciated?
Sounds like a good idea to me! Hello Mr INTJ, how ya doing today? Have you learned much from this little forum yet?
I'm awful at rejecting anyone... I have been called a 'tease', and I've been accused of leading others on because I am nice, and don't know how to say no. I also have a bad habit of returning to...
For me it's often about the song they choose. GOT is a classic. A couple others not yet mentioned.
That's a lot of thinking for a photo I randomly chose. It does make sense though, I would probably have thought the same judging by the kind of avatars I see INFJs use on here. Good guess.
i don't think i have 20 favourite artists. but any excuse to list ones i do. paul simon gets in there twice, #because paul simon, of course. 1. mother glasgow - michael marra 2. dreamer -...
Yep. I get what you mean. I find I do that a lot actually. I will read loads and loads of information about a subject, spend huge amounts of time thinking about it but will not draw a definate...
The earth is flat. The sun, planets, and stars revolve around the earth. The earth and the planets revolve around the sun. The stars a lights hanging from a big black sphere. These are all models...
Maybe it is time to let go and ride it out.. Thank you for all your responses they have been enlightening.
I didn't read all the comments, so I apologize if I repeat anything. But I feel you. As a nineteen year old smoker, I love cigarettes. We share a sort of love/hate relationship. I've never tried to...
Thanks :tongue: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm sorry I dont want to be rude, but I only read half of what you wrote, because I feel like I get what you are saying. I do t really see what you are saying though. I know plenty of INFJs that are...
The problem, often times, when assessing Hitler on a psychological level was he was a dictator. This amounts to the fact that every thing that happened during his time in office is credited to him....
Yeah these people are usually very well off :p
Time to bump up an old thread :D Guess my age? 135449
I'm not Se ... was never the action, now, details, I think I have introverted thinking, but is not dominant, I was always more to explore outside. But I confess that I have a little more...
We may be in agreement that people need to change. And I do my best to facilitate that change. Where we probably disagree is that I do not think I have the right to use force to make people...
You're right, I want my creative work to be a second career. It's not quite there yet, but I'm starting to get a little bit more serious with it. So yes, I do put pressure on it. Maybe the keys lies...
The ultimate irony is that the guys who would favor this barbaric approach would probably be the first ones to get smoked.
I go to the site every once in a while. I like to check out the tropes for animes/books that I like. (Just used 'like' twice in a sentence -.-) That site can be pretty funny, as well. My computer...
Well, if you and the ESTP had a falling out (down the stairs perhaps?) And he got hurt, signs to look for are broken limbs and blood. If he is not talking to you anymore he might be unconcious or...
I am not getting this. Focus of leaders will remain on the economy. I expect a quieter year after the last year. People will go on with their lives. Major world events will of course happen, but...
awww, this reminded me of something that happened a long time INFP ex BF phoned me in another country, out of the blue, crying, and said i just want things to go back to how they were...
When stressed/anxious about something i start doing creative stuff and listen to podcasts/radio talk show comedy.... Anything from Minecraft to miniature modelling and doodling concept art for...
I did this Test too and got high Fi.... along with high Ti, Si, Ni at the same time; and was even INFP/ISTJ/INTP at one point. This could mean myers briggs is a bit more complicated then some of...
I love hiking and camping.
Yes, but typically only in private. If I have a good day I get all kinds of bubbly once I'm home. My poker face is almost impenetrable in public. :-P
awesome idea, I approve
I'm an INTP, or at least I've thought I was for a while. I've been doing some reading into ENTJs and, though I feel very introverted generally, I am very stimulated by verbal conversation -- really,...
I analyze the words being said using my logic, then compare that to the analysis of the general feeling using my Fi. If it doesn't match then the person is possibly not telling the trueth.
Yes ENTPs can be too much when you are tired and busy, need their help. I have a very clear ESTP colleague and when every time I have some crisis, he makes horrible jokes. Last Friday I was super...
I love this. Thanks for sharing. I could really use this somedays.
Empty, with this pressure squeezing my chest
I guess. I think I'm having issues because by saying I'm a certain type, I'm to some degree saying I'm not all this other stuff. Seems kind of limiting.
megmento, thank you for leading me to this thread: 30+ INFPs:Your Advice to Younger INFPs? Yes, this is exactly how I feel and what I mean. I've forgotten all this good advice growing up and just...
I have always wondered about these questions...even when I was a kid. My curiosity probably was driven as a way to put a framework to my own experiences. Since a child I experience many things that...
... I just thought I'd point out that this is about the Chase Freedom Card, as in J.P. Morgan Chase. It's offered through Chase bank. EDIT: It occurs to me that the article doesn't quite match up...
so your just wearing a different hat. Duty fullfillers are our neighbors anyway; certain situations call for it. I want to be able to be better at that, sometimes I find myself nurturing at the...
Is your confession related to your loss? I am wondering if there is an additional message related to your loss or an emotion related to it contained in your message. I am in counseling and have...
Since my avatar picture is taken from a Japanese screen, it is fitting that this poem be a haiku: Loss and desire~ the white petals are falling like scent snow.
Well, everyone, I've missed you. Who the Hell is this, punk? I'm sure you're wondering such things. Well, I'm Inverse Knight. Does anyone care? I don't really care if you care. The ones who care...
Hi! Finally, I've decided to study a vocational training focused on the development of web applications and... I don't know anything about programming (I mean, I know what it is, but not about an...
it sounds like you already know this, but he's totally into you.
FreeSpirit777 Of course it seems fair to me, however, I am not the owner. Am I wrong to assume he is an older gentleman? He may just be set in his ways and those ways may lean towards very...
Yes.(because I don't believe there to be such a thing as normal, at least, not universally speaking.)
No way, man. I banish you from these lands and curse you for daring to call yourself whatever you feel most comfortable calling yourself. A pox upon you and your kind. Don't call us; we'll call...
Yeah, that's pretty much how I view it too. In that case, I really do fall just in the middle. It surprises me that there's not a majority of people in this midway between of introversion and...
I agree. Would you prefer if it was given to you in an audio format? Like a lecture or a discussion on a show?
I'm and infj too and I can really relate to this. I'm in highschool right now and I do feel alone a lot. I have people to sit with at lunch but I'm never the one to be invited to things and spend...
Yeah, normally consciously mirroring someone doesn't work it can actually break rapport. I remember reading about this weird nlp guy during an interview who copied every single one of the...
There's this tumblr stuff ENFP and INTJ (at work) ENFP:How do you uncancel something? INTJ:*looks at the screen* The uncancel button right there. *points directly at it* ENFP:I'd appreciate it...
Moonrise Kingdom
Yes, 90% of times. xD Add to that list: - I'm sure I'm contradicting myself here (makes adjustments) - Now I'm being way too vague (tries to elaborate) - Ugh, I just can't accurately...
I don't understand how people can just know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. Even more mind-blowing is someone who knows what they want to do with their life, and actually sees it...
Maybe this might help a little.
I can be a very big smart ass, but jokingly...
INFJ, maybe
My eyes tear up in public. Being around ppl makes me feel vulnerable for some reason, my mind goes hyperactive with all the possibilities of interaction. Almost all make me sad. When i suppress those...
Arclight This might be cheesy but I'll write it anyway. Yes all those sperm cells are little processes (like ourselves) that spun off an earlier process (our parent) and became a separate and...
All 16 types!
I'm Dutch! I grew up in the US though, and I don't really speak the language that well... I've been there loads of times though, and I have a Dutch passport! I'm planning to spend my gap year there...
Could very well have been looked over and not actually seen if that was in the middle of another train of thought.
I am asking you to answer please.. I find it extremely difficult to be committed to my obligations. To get up in the morning, to study, to attend classes, to attend meetings, to finish reading a...
Wise words. That is the core of It.
People :angry: I am finished interacting with society for awhile now, I will be retreating to my cave. Thanks!
You are wrong. Antisocial Personality has Superficial Charm. We know how to say just the right things like sorry and appoligizing. Do we mean hell no. But we know what to say and when to say it...
Kaylee an ENFJ? I claim River as a crazy infp! ......I do not care that she is probably an intp. I accept my insanity in place of reality. :P
Handmade gifts are awesome, especially if the amount of work shows. I'll say the same thing I say with all gift related questions though, it's almost impossible to go wrong with food. It's useful...
Cold fingers So who are you? :happy:
No longer playing hard to get as I'm already taken :P But some places me and the INFJ hubby frequent: Half-Priced books. We're both in love with books. You can currently find me in the...
I wear shirts and sweaters backwards or inside out somtimes, but that because they still accomplish the job enough for me not to notice. My friends tell me I have my shirt on the wrong way and I just...
He felt his emotions were being trampled on, because he insisted on open and honest communication (He's been helping me immensely with some extremely personal issues and sharing personal information...
Lol like this.
Thanks so much! that helpedd alot, nice to know someone kinda gets what to say or how to give advice:) :laughing:
While you can get most of the knowledge/skills you would get through college on your own, you'll have a hard time convincing others you have them. It's our nature to stereotype. How would you feel...
Out of curiosity, are you apathetic and/or depressed at all as well, or just bored? I know I've experienced bouts of both - just plain boredom that won't go away (when I was out of school and...
I feel similar most of the time. I strongly believe i have the capacity to be loved and to love myself, and yet i still find myself waiting it out. Looking back in my early twenties i did not have...
It's rather new architecture actually. Disney/fairytale corner in Europapark in Germany (amusement park) lol I dont know if you can see it but the dress from Belle was hanging in the trees
I'm very very rarely scared these days :l But I used to be terrified of films as a kid, such as the world ending, or twisters..
Live and enjoy life.
I think ISFJ is just shy and doesn't want to talk much in social conditions. They would rather listen to the other person and see if they could help. I have an ISFJ friend at work and he is quiet...
IME Si users are very in their own heads about sex... it's almost like they're playing some kind of memory-movie in their minds rather than paying attention to what's in front of them. Se users...
Colorful! that word has been used for my personality & my fashion statement.
Yes, I forgot to include this. It's almost second nature to me.
I always loved the concept of spirit animals and such like, like animagus' in Harry Potter! So I typed in Google What animal would INFJ's be? and there isn't a lot out there! So I'll put it out...
That would be perfect! A dream come true :crazy:
I'm glad to know an NT that's settled down so to speak, I know INTJ females are rare and find it difficult. I've done research on personality type theory. Reading about MBTI, temperament sorter...
Well the first good thing i did today was actually leave the house and go for a 2-3 mille walk, i had a a mission ye see, and a phat mission was duly collected. :) Anyway, on the way to this...
I feel so powerless right now. My mom just had cancer surgery (thank god or whatever powers you believe in that it's gone) and as a result of having to care for her, all my other friendships have...
I've been testing right on the edge of thinking/feeling when I take MBTI tests since I first got into it. First typed as an INTJ, then got outed as an INFJ by a friend. Now, I don't know what I am,...
Lol. No. I just read it and found it funny that I displayed those traits. I don't really believe I'm ADHD.
Selfishness, and indifference. I hate people who can't turn the silly/joking/poking fun of other people off. I mean shut it off from time to time. People can't take being the butt of a joke 24/7 ...
He is being an ass! Sounds overwhelmed by his feelings and isn't handling them very well. I've had similar experience with an INTJ who does that to me too. I asked him to write down what he...
A catfish is someone who pretends to be someone they're not using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances. Did you hear how Dave...
hey everybody, this is where i go when i got problems so send me your unabashed, unbiased feedback! next thursday i have 2 options: 1 i can jam with my band 2 i can go see a lady at a show ...