I dreamed that I have a dog, we loved each other, and we were happy. One day when we were playing catch, he disappeared into the woods. I looked all over for him, but he's nowhere to be seen. In...
1. Motivation is different for every person and what gets them there is also different. It is for you the manager to find out and learn. As a general privately acknowledge the work the ISTP has...
What's with all the photos of people? The animals are far more interesting. :tongue: 1164811649 One day you will see my ugly mug, just not today. Sorry.
i wish i had popcorn for this :/
Great question. The answer is unfortunately that everyone will have this problem. Everyone will reinterpret the definitions of the functions according to their own life experience and personality...
Don't worry! :) My dad is an ISTJ and my mum is an ENFP, they've been married for 30 years and they complete each other perfectly. My dad's weaknesses are my mum's strenghts and vice versa, and there...
I was thinking the same thing! *cue all memories when I've seen somebody knocked out by a brick in a tv show* What else about bricks... well bricks are similar blocks, and reminds me of Microsoft...
Steliferous Happy miowing birthday. Can you get me friskies and dreamies please??? It's your birthday it's the least you could do!...
Oh, I didn't know that.. What a pity. Why not sacrifice whole supermarket, then? We can decide which Walmart will be the best (I think the biggest one would be great).
Some countries pay by month... its a scheme to rob employees. @OP Fanatics... this should gather most of what pisses me off, just apply it to anything :/ (to religion, not accepting other...
I don't think only temporarily switching Se and Ti makes you a different personality type. Simply spoken, there are only functions, that are generalized by function order into 16 types. It doesn't...
You should defiantly try it then and see how it works out. It'll take the stress off both of your shoulders because I know for a fact people stress about dates and how they could go wrong or how they...
generally I am not too fussy when it comes to men I guess I prefer them not to drink too much or to smoke and I feel more compatabile with another introvert but the only thing that is a real deal...
I'm not allowed to give you details, but trolls do have something to do with it all - they are infiltrating the Internet even now as we speak. I'm sure you have encountered a few trolls in your life...
I just came out of a deep, deep two year depression. It wasn't for any one reason, but... one thing I remember is feeling emotionally blown away when I opened a Facebook account. I was in a good...
I knew a guy guy who I suspect was strongly T. But, anyway, I think people only think that way about you is because you're not dating anyone. A lot of quiet guys get that. Our society is fucked up...
Okay so I am an MBTI INFP with a strong T looming in there. As for the Enneagram I am a 4w3. I cannot figure out if I am a sx/so or a so/sx. I am more inclined towards the former, however I still...
those asian advertisements
I'm melancholic too. The Sanguine, Phlegmatic and Choleric follow in this order, but I have strong preference for the melancholic, so I'm not a mix.
I broke up with my INFP Girlfriend not too long ago. For multiple reasons- Lack of communication, I don't much care for other people's problems except to provide insight and honesty. It's more of...
High: got the new pattern ready for my next project. It took some trial and error, a whole day of not working at work and designing till late last night, but it's going to be absolutely spectacular,...
Hey, all. As the title suggests, this is gonna be one of those sad posts, which I know isn't the easiest thing for ENFPs to sit through, but I need to get it out :happy: Yesterday I was just...
This made me happy so I'm posting it here
Time: I like to wake up extremely early, sometimes 4:30 or 5, during the school year, because that's when I can be most productive. However, evening is perhaps my favorite time, because it's when I...
Love the few ENTPs I've run into. My ENFP acquaintances make me die inside. NO LOGIC.
My usual way of processing things is something like this: 1) Something happens / external stimulus 2) Immediate emotional response (internal) 3) Clam up 4) Ruminate internally to try to...
I'm probably answering this wrong but I really love graphic design and art. I'm a Ni-dom and I like to take opposing/seemingly conflicting things and analyse them for similarities. The more abstract,...
Well, It's not like we haven't basically talked about it and there's a 95% chance that he knows I'd post something like this on here though he's not interested in joining. I think what I'm...
i have tried. on multiple occasions. although i never finish them. Except for one time when i somehow got myself to actually finish it, and then edit/ rewrite it. However it is 3 pages on looseleaf...
Sick burn bruv
I'm a bad match then. I'm actually the kind to encourage you. Like some months ago, with that ENTP guy I talked above, we had to do a creative project for college. We were given a randomly chosen...
does this sound like you?
The trap is that one cannot control how another person responds, no matter how tempered or neutral a statement one makes. Offending people without meaning to, probably happens to everyone. It's good...
I spent the entire night crying in front of my friends, telling them all the things I am worried and stressed out about in my life.
Wow. This so much. Thank you for writing all of this. I went through something similar days ago when I almost beat up my older sister who has been mistreating me for years (with me just passively...
259330 In the ponds cool depths; the happy frog plays in spring; his life, a slow game.
You're entitled to jack shit, emotions are earned. By hard work and sweat blood and shit. What a slut. Wanna do it with me? I'm pretty good at it.
I think people are often more honest online. Cos if someone online judges you negatively it almost doesn't matter because they are not really in your life. But if that person accepts you they can...
PJ's: Pants, long sleeved black shirt, over that an orange t-shirt, and over that a grey jacket.And then lastly, socks!
I don't think behavior is physical. Behavior is a social, uh, interpretation of some sort. Like if I am crying or acting weird in front of you (I may be acting like that just to get attention), you...
Don't you know since you are one?
OMG.... That made my day... and possibly the rest of my week. This amused me as well.
Yeah, the second wasn't as good as the first one. You could go on Crunchyroll or Netflix too. It's a pretty dark anime too. OOOh! Your Saturdays seems pretty exciting! Hope your boring road trip...
Hahahhaa imagine what my girl friend deals with. But I am getting better at explaining myself. Not surprised you wrote that at first, but glad you changed it. I don't think I ever want to date...
T's do care, they just prefer logical/rational motives.
i like it!! here's a song i used to think described my relationship with my ex perfectly :(
sweet revenge... a perfect strategy with failsafes and contingencies, designed to have far reaching consequences in the form of libelling and defaming in the most convincing way. executed perfectly...
I want to here more users thoughts because I've also been thinking about taking this course of action.
This statement has been Patchy-approved. *nods* I shall join the team.
We should all band together to form a group like the Suicide Squad or something.
A couple of my friends have switched their sexuality around all of the sudden. With one person it was obvious. With the other wasn't quite as obvious. :confused:
I'm married to an ISFJ, a type which every resource I've consulted doesn't call an optimal match. We're very happy together, even with all the differences we have had to adjust to.
I chose ISFP just to mess with your poll. :tongue:
I take it this is the particular question that you're seeking advice about? How to keep your newly discovered INTJ self from fading away completely, but how to keep her from being the default...
Sorry, that doesn't make sense. Can you please rephrase?
They got the jokes. Also, don't worry about this red mark on my face, Kaboomz threw a ball at me for some reason, go figure. But yeah, my best guess is to read more about the functions and how they...
Also, just out of curiosity - for people who AREN'T NZers, do you guys have any similar sorts of things in your countries/communities? :)
I'm familiar with the startled stare and have done it before. Typically it's brief and I'm aware it's happening, and I try to bring myself back to the cool zone quick because I know it can make...
Today I managed to give four of my coursemates suggestions on artists/ideas to consider in relation to their individual projects. It's almost as if I'm...constantly learning and growing my knowledge...
Kind of loner-ish, even though I had friends. They were mostly nerds, goths, punks, anime lovers, theater club kids and generally odd people. We hung out in the library and talked about how school...
1. Shared interests. 2. Gain my curiousity/intrigue, I like interesting people. 3. People who can match me, and accept me as me. It's not my issue if they can't. 4. Anything involving fun. 5....
When I was typed a few years ago I almost always got INFJ. When I retested a while ago though, I kept finding that I always got INTJ. The descriptions for an INTJ fit my personality quite well and I...
This is me to a T. I feel like I flip between to two depending on... something... haven't determined what said 'something' is... I'm not sure if I'm predominantly one or the other. I really feel...
Physical pain... I just try to ignore it and think of other stuff. Psychological pain, it depends on what it is to determine how I deal.
I feel out of place, I'm not very good at math. But I think the greatest concept I've ever heard is that there might be infinite existences, and in those existences infinite universes. This is all...
If I finish an assignment a day or two early, I will completely forget about it. Sometimes people in my class will ask me when it's due, and did you finish it and I'll be like: We have an...
You hit the nail on the head here. Scary accurate description of unhealthy infps. I have a good bit of these issues, but I recognize them and am currently working through them.
I have a friend who always wants to go to the mall and I tag along b/c I know it's what she likes. I only go shopping when I need new clothing and prefer to go alone, as I have time to look at what...
Warning long rant Rant: ugh, insurance companies. In October I totaled my bike and logged a claim with the insurance company, with all the details for my claim, as well as the other party. For...
This was such spot on advice that I laughed, because I was already dreading being in a situation where I would be saying Oh no, not again. You're entirely right that I've been frustrated by her...
Sorry I've been REALLY caught up. and I am a bit butthurt to be honest, but I just keep that to myself cause I don't like drama, so!
SonicRainforest Holllllly cow you are such an infp. :kitteh: q8 (the second one)=nice
I like this idea. Somebody should come up with something clever.... Here are some terrible ideas I thought up: * (nobody wears these anymore, but why not?) If you own a watch, wear it on the...
Yeah, more as at times it's difficult to react in the most adequate way and in my case I either freeze or run away when I hear a dude being creepy. I went usually to a card shop for playing Vanguard,...
I don't like Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I like the original way better.
Part II: Is it possible for you to have something casual (and most likely temporary) with somebody you feel you could fall very in love with? Part III: Have you & can you be okay with being the...
Well as far as school work, you aren't her mom. In the area of grades you have little leverage, I mean in terms of power to coerce (the stick) or holding something she really wants (the open...
1 ISTP . 2. Eum w-whute ?? eum p-pleasing .. h-how ... ?? 3. eum .. l-lets s-stick to e-explaining #2 f-first ok .. ;P
Why it isn't rational decision? I don't like people/animals to suffer for me where there is no need to and I don't need meat to live. Why should they die for me? That's causing unnecessary pain. I...
This isn't meant to offend, in fact I highly value your knowledge, but the fact that the mast majority of NT's are very intellectual intimidates me. I'm an ENFP and I find myself strangely afraid of...
Ok then.... why don't we come this way... for a little privacy... ;)
Need someone to make you feel inadequate? You'll have to pay.
Thank you for the insight! Re the bolded, yes that is so true! I hate that little bit of hope that eats at me. Thanks for answering! I think I act in the same manner. For some reason I do...
Pearls before swine.
Lol no. Look up the term. I generally use pansexual to avoid confusion, as it is more widely used.
I feel torn. The eternal battle between feelings and rationality rages on. Memories hit me hard during these evening fogs. All that is left is to accept that things will never be ideal.
Fair enough, but realize turn-around is fair play. You feel the meaning of life is to simply be happy, and to do whatever is required to attain it. That mentality cannot solely be applied to you. If...
I wouldn't say my dominant Sp variant is constantly struggling to keep the Sx at bay or anything, but every now and then it does complicate matters. At times when I get the need to indulge in...
Because there are a lot, and I mean a lot, of INTJ villains, especially in comparison to INTJ heroes. And, I think the whole villains are more interesting thing is a product of bad writing,...
INFP or ENTP Because why not
One time I knew four people whose birthday it was, so I forced myself to say happy birthday to all of them before the end of the day. Unfortunately, I have a very soft voice, and only one of them...
Yes, I do. But I want only one child, and I would like it to be a boy. I'm only 21 but I have it pretty firmly settled in my mind that I want a husband and a boy. Here are my name ideas. The girl...
I get told I am very quiet person, sometimes they think I am bored but I am usually in my head and I do not mean to make them feel as if I constantly need to be entertained. I am naturally a...
Just give me a passport and some money to get around and I'm good. I don't even think I would need a permanent place to live.
Trans humanism, becoming more self-sufficient, physically holding and understanding more information, and becoming more machine-like with my general routines are all becoming more enticing to me than...
I want to be able to communicate fully with animals.
Yes ISTPs can be VERY successful with women; just go for that cool mysterious vibe that you guys do so well (CONFIDENCE!!!!!) You will do fine...
Yip, that's the casus belli here. Your post is very explanatory, and I am very very grateful!! Let's call this a non-cruel experiment - the results will follow shortly! :))