What is a typical INTJ? Anyway. Some Christians are just ignorant and science-phobic. Especially older ones. No idea why. They baffle me just as much as you. They also don't seem to like to...
It depends.
No, most of these don't have much to do with the development of Ti at all. They seem to have more to do with changes in how Fe is functioning. My Ti doesn't really govern how I relate to other...
sweetraglansweater I read your post the other day and it did not impress upon me in the headspace I was occupying at the time. Today, it is revelatory. Especially this portion: +we resent...
+1 When you take parental orientation into account type 9 should be the most common and type 4 the least common type. Also I read anywhere that the enneagram type is also the result of the social...
It's not that you haven't been helpful da Williams but as much as I want to ignore lily socks posts, I know she is right in that you are being overly optimistic about this man that you don't even...
Go do something new and different.
@Ob - Thanks. I do make the first contact, but the problem is i don't match with anyone i fancy. I mean, they're mostly women with kids, or women i don't find attractive. I have recently grew my...
i completely relate to this :happy: I just believe that INFJs do have that appearance of extroversion and it is ok for people to believe you are one......that is just part of who we are and the...
Welcome gladiatorqueen... Give me a moment so I can think of something worthwhile to say. Hmm. Oh. Well it is refreshing you like Mythbusters. Do you ever watch those astronomy showings on...
Dear World in General, Just because I am a college student, that doesn't mean that every conversation I have with a non-college student has to be about school!!!!!!! I am a good student, yes, and...
Well I don't mind taking point at all most of the time so I guess it works out. I find I learn a lot from making mistakes so I don't go out of my way to avoid trouble (unless it's something dumb or...
Oh yeah, that happens to me. As others have pointed out, it's basically Ti's fault. It's not even always that I'm being contrary, but sometimes my brain just gets stuck on that inconsistency and...
Trust me, I'm right. - [random objection about how I can't always be right - I know, but trust me, I'm actually right. I looked it up. (No matter if true or not)
I have found using a feelings chart helpful. I’m pretty familiar with hearing myself say I’m tired or annoyed or whatever, and I like that it’s listed as “When your needs are not being met” as it...
Ignoring the many replies before me to give my opinion and findings unbiased; You'll find that socially, conventionally, people with a lower (or rather, average) IQ will, in most cases, be much...
nope...not gonna fall for it... been thru it as well hun My ex cheated and I dumped him and divorced him ME I did it! My current situation? boyfriend cheated and I dumped him too! I will NOT...
I am sorry to hear :( If your ISFJ is like my husband, it might be a long while before she can pick herself back up because once they have invested in a relationship, they get in there deeply. He...
Oh, I forgot to add something in the original post. I won't be judging your handwriting based on the quality, actually I'm looking for little things like slant, pressure, and cradling Ys and Gs,...
I love makeup, do my nails, brows, sometimes hair and if I had money my wardrobe would burst from the clothing I purchase every month. I like colours in general, and happen to be have an 'eye' for...
That totally sounds like me. Especially the part about reliving past regrets. That can seriously get me down if I'm not careful. I think a lot of INFP's are perfectionists. And you're probably...
SJWs are against free speech? Hmm I think of this comic: 668649
It's okay to kill yourself if you're really serious about it. Did you think before you typed that out? How does that logically make any sense, beyond pointing out the outstanding obvious? It...
I do chair acrobatics (fidgeting) I'm sure I'll be okay
Okay, here is my random situation/question. I recently friended someone I am in a creative writing class with because we are working on a project together and I think she is pretty cool. After she...
Changes for me all the time. When things seem to be going really well, everything is positive, hopes and dreams seem only a day away everything is amazing and I love everything. When that goes to...
Second people who don't follow the rules, but only rules that make sense. I get annoyed when people do stupid things while driving, expecting everyone else to watch out for them. Arrogant people also...
im studying Set Theory :laughing: isnt that nerdy? my stat class thinks so
Green, then orange.
When you alternate between wanting to talk to every human you come in contact with, and then wanting to ignore every human you come in contact with...Confusing :unsure:
Please stop putting everything everywhere so you can find it later. We know this is not true. You can not find it later, I have to find it later. Thanks.
You are not a doormat. Those companies policies and the way their people handle their customers is deliberately designed to be intimidating just so most honest people who don't like conflict will...
That would explain a lot. Your kind isn't very emotionally open are they? He's been super sappy with me ever since we started hanging out, but whenever things get too intense he ends up pretending it...
At first I was gonna response but tell you what... 74852
I definitely think true development to be one's most effective and empowered comes from developing the tertiary and inferior functions. And then if you want a real challenge try to get in touch with...
I think this is the world we live in now a days, everything can be researched and will be usually. You're identity is mixed into a virtual world that is observable by others. If you don't want...
I've never felt so detached from someone I care about so much. I just want to hold someone, anyone, right now. =/ Before him, I never really expressed my affection for people with physical touch, but...
I don't recall my Pottermore result, but I took the 125 question helloquizzy test this year, and barely got Hufflepuff. That disappointed me, but it makes complete sense. I can't argue with it. My...
No, never. I never underestimate someone's perseverance or reslove with never assuming/ taking into account which type the person is. Every type has a perseverance or resolve, it's just a matter of...
I would like to add one more link regarding the atlas story, They seem to be very professional. They might be a better choice than the atlasprofilax guys.
I know I'm not an ENFP but I was for a good many years during middle school and early high school years. My mother is an ISTJ we rarely get along, and she is the fucking queen of harassing and...
Nope. It's not enough.
Blades rust. You have to clean it every time, oil it, etc. (I practiced iaido and cut through stuff with katanas... Dangerous stuff for the fingers. I got out with all my limbs, and now I have...
Im sure you knew what I meant, the test based on his theory.
Profile PEI :crazy:
Christianity will go.. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right This is so INTJ it hurts! :crazy:
It's sad and hilarious at the same time.
Do you even, yeet?
I could be way off, but when I read The Girl on the Train (no offense to the movie but, not the movie, the book specifically) I wondered if Rachel was an sx 9... I could just relate to her so much, I...
I will pray for your soul, you heathen
Thanks for your response, it helps a lot. I'm a psychology major - used to want to be a clinical psychologist to mainly adolescents or to girls and boys with eating disorders but realized that's too...
How do you see your life turning out, do you wish an average life, having a 9 to 5 job, wife and kids etc. or do you think a life of adventure and uncertainty is better suited for you? I'm not...
You should really post this as an article somewhere. It hits so close to home... to the point where I sometimes questioned if we were the same person.
I desire to lose weight. There's only one healthy way (I've looked into shortcuts. They sound unhealthy). I need to do the traditional diet and exercise. Exercise, I'm less worried about. I walk my...
Perhaps take a look at the long-term, big picture. And take a Zen approach to the situation - that's an ISTPs best. Do you see yourself being happily married to this woman where each of you...
I am extrememly artistic art-wise (drawing, painting, creativity) and also talented music-wise (piano, singing) Although I do not have perfect pitch, so it comes a bitter harder to me to compose...
praying reading writing daydreaming going to the park or taking a walk in the woods by myself
Omg, ow... :/ *HUGS* Hmmmm... I think it's actually the fact that we don't have Se in our function stack? Se is associated with sensory details and sports (and other physical pleasures :p) and...
I dont think i know any infj girl. Damn. Booty or not. Is there a where can I find a infj girl thread? Didn't end so well with my intj wife. And all I see is intj girls everywhere. Wtf.
So let me get this straight. You and your girlfriend have different ways of making decisions. You like to make decisions without consulting the other person. She prefers to make them via a logical...
My ENFP experience is like lalalalela's. a lot of excitement at first at the discovery that hey, this persons like me, except crazier! I hung out with a season and she was great. We had a good...
That is also very unsanitary. And now we're supposed to drink said coffee after some radioactive reindeer has been sitting in there. Who knows where that thing has been!
sorry for the long post earlier and thank you for your time.
A good guide leaves the user thinking the ideas were all his own :-) I agree most of this is intuitive, but I would bet that many ENTPs are either intimidated by ENTJs or else overly competitive. ...
wouldn't you like to be an istp for a day? or an estj? or any of the others? i would love to be an infj for once. there's no reason we cannot treat this typology as a map. pick your sign of...
uhh yeah sure i just figured it wasn't any good and offered them to have something else and feel bad the rest of the day thinking they're still hungry ;-;
It doesn't necessarily have to be a mental disorder. Most people experience it from time to time. Dissociation can happen from many things, bad anxiety attack, severe depression, trauma, even...
I want to be a yoga teacher... when I'm teaching yoga I don't have to talk to anybody or help them carry baggage they all have to shut up, listen to me and communicate with themselves for an hour......
You just need to find an appreciative audience. I'm lucky enough to have made a friend who is endlessly entertained by my verbosity (the entertainment factor always being upped with the inclusion of...
Don't let him off the hook just because he's INTJ. I was like this with my mother (ISFJ) growing up. She finally told me it upset her further when I was too cold, so I asked what would be better. She...
LOL, fuck her. Fuck it. Fuck everything. IDK, anger makes me get over shit. Dunno how the ISTP does it though. Just no talking to her then. It's better if she's out of your life for good. Starts...
You know your ISFP when you end up being friends again with someone who treated you really badly(Only if they apopogize to you though)
Wow.. All I can say is WTF?! I don't know how doctors can have you on 22 different medications. How can they even monitor you to see which ones are effective (if any) and which ones may be...
when i was young i used to completely tune out the world because i was daydreaming... a bus driver once got out of his vehicle to pinch me into awareness because i hadn't even heard him honk when i...
blah blah don't understand me... Good grief. I never set myself up as an ideal wife/girlfriend. It's fine if you have high standards, and I applaud you holding out for your ideal...
To begin with, I really thought he was ISTJ. I got loads of Si off him, constantly referring to what he was, what his TARDIS used to look like - his childhood! That blunt Te sledgehammer thing he's...
So i just did a test measuring your emotional intelligence and on a scale from 55 - 155 I scored 57. Wtf i thought i was supposed to be good at this stuff.:mellow: What does this mean? That i...
this i just listened to, because i wanted to be reminded: - DC Talk - Jesus Freak (Christian Rock) <- same scene, different format ...
Yes, but only if I was immortal in the sense of never aging. Otherwise, no.
I've recently fallen in love, and it's changed me. It hasn't changed my personality at all, but other little things I thought were so absolutely 'who I am and who I always will be'. I used to think I...
It's good that you are able to be honest. In any case, don't underestimate what you are capable of doing. That yearning you speak of is independent of any moral code. Many people hold...
lol i will for sure
Mom: ISFP Dad: INTJ Mom's Side Mom: INTJ Mom's Side Dad: ENFP Dad's Side Mom: ENTJ (wasn't close enough to tell, but from her funeral alone and my driving her up the wall as a kid every time...
Umm... this idea has been around for awhile now. The space elevator to the lunar surface that 'could be built today' | Mail Online Lunar space elevator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...when a key box doesn't help; it's just added frustration, because they're not in the key box, where they should be. ...when you can identify with this quote: “Day by day, nothing seems to...
When I was commuting like 3 hours a day I would get highway hypnosis nearly every trip while I listened to my podcasts or NPR or whatever. Otherwise I'm pretty aware of my surroundings. I have an...
I idealize people to the extent where I don't want to get close to them just because the perfet imagery in my head will be ruined by the viciousness of human nature. It's a very unhealthy outlook on...
Even now. And even with new friends who are 10-20 years younger than me.
This sounds horrible! I don't understand why people have this need to be jerks for no reason. It's like people get off on this shit. Maybe they hear you being self-deprecating so they think it's ok...
Oh wow, I haven't been on here for a while *facepalm* Sorry! I can now give my thoughts in full heh... Well, I think that definitely makes sense. Sometimes, I'm so lost in my head during social...
Yes, I have a few letters that have negative emotions because they remind me of dissolved friendships, but at the same time I can't bear to throw them out!
I really don't believe in any religion at all. I consider it to be just another form of philosophy in the end with a mystical route behind it used to make others follow their thoughts and justify...
Of course. Its not a INFJ thing. Its a choice.
Definitely ISTP. So ISTP it HURTS
I have big problems with the Similar Minds type descriptions. It's like they have nothing good to say about any introvert. Ever. Is the INFP description a compilation of INFPs' thoughts? Are we...
I'm a Taurus! :3 My birthday was on the third, but I don't hang around enough, I guess. Only felt okay to mention it because you indirectly asked. Happy birthday (and belated birthday) to Lady K...
So I need some advice from fellow INFP's or anyone in general. I would really appreciate any words that could be given to me. So I am not a confrontational person at all. I would rather suffer...
When was the last time you did something for the first time, and what was it?