I feel like the people who say things like that in a serious way are not INFJs... I was more baffled than bragging when I kept reading that INFJs are the rarest: So I'm not crazy? There is an...
My (our) pleasure. Feel free to ask any followup questions you may have. INFP's are in many ways a study in contradictions. We long for real, honest, transcendent connection, true communion with a...
There is some sound advice in there, but it's funny to me the things you think that sensors like haha. Mainly Extroverted sensors are going to be the ones who want the club or bar scene or enjoy...
When people end sentences with ... you know what I mean? Overuse of pet words in general. F*ck, D*ck, and every word that would require an * to censor it LOL!:laughing:
Actually, I could probably view this as more of an issue with the perceiving functions, but that is just a loose guess.
Seinfeld has really grown on me... I like Larry David/Curb Your Enthusiasm type of humor.
I don't think you want to know me. This whole thing reminds me of an ENTP I knew. He was cute as pie. ... /leaves
I like putting effort into my hair and outfits because to me it is like a small form of artistic expression. I usually feel pretty neutral about my appearance but recently I've been feeling a bit...
It's certainly true that there are many mistyped INTJs. There are many mistyped people in general. Typology gives some people an excuse to revel in their flaws and flaunt them around like...
I can relate to this one too much. :P
No I don't mind at all. Thanks for asking :happy: I've been working on getting a new job, getting back into school, changing career plans and rebuilding my relationship with God. It only took a...
Sorry you are having trouble with the internet dating scene. It seems like you had honest and realistic intentions regarding dating the particular women in question and it appeared that they were...
I'm listening. How do I do that? ;)
They deserve the same respectful treatment as everyone else but were not given that. They deserve to not have been made special against their will, but it's too late for that. To fail to recognize...
Men, cry. They just try to play it off as allergies. I know a lot of manly men who do this. In fact I was at my lawyer's this morning and he shed a huge tear. I asked him if he was alright and...
Haha this is one of my favorite quotes and even I can't remember it by heart! Now, if only it could fit in a yearbook :P
A Serbian Film.
I consider myself mostly amoral, but I'm still mostly opposed to the use of violence. More for the second reason-- there are usually more beneficial (for both parties) methods to resolving conflicts...
From what I am hearing of ISTJ's I like them. :laughing:
Welcome to the site there is no escape:shocked: they day I run outa stuff to say in intros is the day Godzilla retakes the planet. see its easy, now someone loan me a spaceship by next...
Welcome. I like your kind.
Your answer almost sounds like a yes BUT... What's the but?
This is one of the sweetest threads I've ever seen. I'm so used to being unnoticed or feared by others. It feels good to be appreciated. :)
suit yourself.....
Fi would be capable of doing this. At the same time, it's also possible for it not to do this. It's completely dependent on the individual's self-awareness of their emotional moods. I find that...
No way?? How is there no way? The thing about Donald Trump is that he's perfectly capable of looking at things in a logical way, except that his Si gets in the way. The man is a firm supporter of...
Hi! Wow! Nice substantive discussion starter! Generally I agree with you that women pay far more attention to the details of how women look than men do. I have argued for YEARS that for...
Oh, one more thing, if she is a true ENTP 4w5 you can't catch her. Meaning, give up on defining her, putting her in the box, trying to guess her next move. You will be trying to catch the wind. The...
I should add, it's been a difficult ride. I feel like I have been sleeping for awhile, I'm a wake now, but I don't know where to go... I think it is common considering my personality type. Like...
I think I'm just one of those lucky people who naturally repels the overly talkative types that can not comprehend introversion as I'm rarely approached by them and I tend to not be overly concerned...
Well, typing yourself is very difficult. o_O I'd have to meet her to be sure, I know INFJ's well.
You, who are still able to dream, Whose movements are quiet, Come to narrow Tryokhprudny lane, If you love my poetry... It will soon be a ruined world Look at it in secrecy While the...
Aeww you are a romantic too �� And intuitive probably from the 7th square. And healthy sense of self, it seems. And your relationships are focused on wonen xD im doing amateur interpretationhere...
autumn boughs how do you feel about the boughs of autumn? turning with a plow we were close but not so near that we could touch when did you know
I imagine my brain is somewhat like a computer, only I sometimes forget file names and therefore can't access the information inside
Personally I tend to go out alot to parties etc, i'm fairly unemotional and like other people have said, i'm messy.
Let us forgo such formal and dichotomous notions as 'correct' and 'incorrect' in this discussion, no? Your inductions are correct for you given your thought processes and viewpoint; I'm sure you will...
Because i'm in a too fucked up mental state atm, continuously.
Good advice eros. Actually zomby you have failed to include vital information. Such as: is this a summer job before you go to college or other training? Or are you actually entering the work...
I like the MonCheri with Brandy and Brandy Beans I use to get in Germany, also Rum Balls and I don't drink :tongue:
Even if being an INFJ child makes it easier to confide in them, parents have no business doing this. Parents are responsible to take care of their children, not the other way around. I have no...
I identify with the INT type and I have a full physique, because I work on my physique. Lifting weights makes you physically stronger, causing you to feel more confident. Having the confidence to...
Actually, that would depend on how one divides the decade. Not everyone uses the early/mid/late designations. There are folks out there who use the halves formula and others who use the quarters'...
The Artist. Definitely deserved best picture. It's such a challenge for modern actors to convey a story without sound, and they pulled it off really well.
I disagree with this thought. Though I'm sure there are extraverts who have had this experience, it sounds like you're inflating its frequency or at least distorting the proportions. According to Big...
Mine is definitely something Coming to Realization or Awakening. Something revolving around the sun within the cosmos and the leylines that connect each piece of matter (such as planets, stars,...
ESxP (T's preferably but F's are really nice too) I've met two ESTP women and both made want to come out of my shell and chase after them. They bring out the best in me and I love that.
I just finished the series Angela - INFP 4w5 Rayanne - ESFP 7w6 Ricky - ISFJ 4w3 Brian Krackow - ISTJ/INTJ/INTP 6w5/5w6 Jordan Catalano - ISTP 9w8 Sharon (the ex best friend) - ESFJ 2w3 ...
Random page from one of my thousands of journals. Judging by the content, this was three years ago but my writing still looks the same. Is someone doing a handwriting analysis?
When people call me names I cannot care less. Call me anything- There is absolutely nothing verbal that can demoralize me. -I percieve it as rude when people are unjustly arrogant, such as...
Get yourself an INFJ and be yourself. :D
Last day of work before holidays! Two weeks of stuff to do and nothing to do with my favourite person await me ^^ So excited! :sun-smiley:
F**K Right SJWDefener!! My game!! Hey, Cao Pi kicked considerable enemy ass back in DW6!! I loved that sword dance with that sword he had...god, talk about raining judgement: that's Cao Pi: TAKES NO...
He actually sounds more like an INTJ. Connecting the dots to the best plan sounds like an Ni thing, and not interacting well with his environment suggests Sensing being low in his functional...
Death. I cannot function and my Fe explodes everywhere.
No One Else - Weezer
Wow. So many great responses here, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one going through this. I will try and have more quality time with my daughter instead of just having constant play time. ...
Its really funny that you said that. I forgot the name of the forum too, but I remember your name somehow, maybe it was because of the dog. Anyway, I googled your name to find this place again. haha,...
Lol the hot chick part got me creasin hard >.< Tbh bro pulling a hot chick is fucking difficult but not impossible. Try learning pick up and game to improve your skills and after two years you reach...
tldr and whatnot, but I have bipolar.
made in one take, never done a video before, shh
Why stupid? I think it is fascinating and very stimulating. Our society has lost the art of controversy. Prejudice there is in abundance and sentiment too, for these things are born of enthusiasms...
For me mainly these two points. I fear of the partner changing (personality, attitude, how treat others) for the worse after making a commitment or marriage. Fear I'll never fully trust him.
Personal ~ * Name - What do you preferred to be called? You can call me Dawn here, I guess. Real name is Jacqueline though. :) - Any nicknames? Loads of nicknames in RL, mostly from my...
I really related to more in-depth descriptions of Si and Fe. Reading some of the ISFJ profiles I didn't necessarily find myself because some of them only seem to be focus on being traditional,...
I'm either warm autumn or clear spring. I am definitely warm but between dark and light. I have dark brown hair with red natural highlights, amber eyes and fair skin with rosy peachy undertones.
I thought maybe my taste in music would be weird for an ISFJ, but looking at this thread maybe not so much? Basically it has to have a discernible, powerful or catchy melody, or a catchy beat I...
What about a Monarchist?
I guess people need a little bit of stability and a little bit of chaos. Too much of either is kinda bad.
When I say we, I really mean the other three people in my party. I deliberately chose to experience the event and try to be in-the-moment, and I believe that I succeeded.
I just sometimes want that ENTJ order and planning swag...
I'm a bit skeptical of the handwriting analysis. I think there is some truth to it but I also think that writing varies too much. Unless it only applies to cursive I would think that the...
I deal with disrespect and respect by thinking that true respect is common disrespect as they only show and say their thoughts truly to those they respect(or societal disrespect).
So I was just involved in a pretty crazy debate with my dad, which I thoroughly enjoyed due to his inability to be offended by me. He accused me of being a flaming liberal because of Stephen...
Well... actually... I think they/you can. You already are a little bit positive and hopeful, otherwise you wouldn't have started to take charge of your own life and try change it for the better. ...
lol. That is SO something my Ex ENTJ would say. Is that you, J? lol. If so, read her words again and you will have officially read my mind about what it was like to be with you... especially the last...
Yup, but then I speak of the biological meaning of true love - which is basically when your brain decide to tell the rationnal part of you to fuck off for one person. I do not believe in the true...
Not just the mentally 'unstable,' but the mentally disabled as well can't be typed, and the reasons for that should be obvious. Their personality is shaped largely in part by their condition, and the...
Of course not. In the mid-90s, I was amusingly odd and brilliant. By the late 90s, I was amusingly perverse and something equivalent of brilliant. By the 00s, I was too non/anti-PC and/or too...
You're either SJ or OCD. Please do my accounting.
Nephilibata Thank you for your response. I'll certainly keep this in my mind. I believe that I am nice in most (probably all) situations because I feel it is the right things to do. I'm probably...
Everyday Theme: Party Theme: Benny Benassi's version is just as good as the original but I prefer this...
Hi! and thank you :D I was afraid I wouldn't be welcome here :D
Nope. I'm a pussy. The common cold knocks me completely off my game. It's a fight against my body to do simple things like keeping my kitchen tidy and staying on top of assignments. It's almost like...
That's truly cool. I usually incorporate ideas from things I am currently watching/reading/playing as well. Sometimes, when I see an interesting plot device or idea in fiction I instantly start...
I will leave aside the fact you were in a relationship with someone and you mistyped them to such an extent, as the two types are quite different. Saying an INFP was less of a robot than INTP's is...
Well trees evolved to survive in their environment, and not in an environment with idiot humans setting flame to them..... This thread isnt serious, but I went ahead and contributed.
To avoid people going after me and people I care about, I would have such a ridiculous power that very few people would try go after it. I would have the power of being able to empty my bladder into...
Excuse me? How?
I'm glad you put this thread together. Imagery art (drawing esp) is very important to me. I still enjoy it.
1. People who don't take a shower/bathe/freshen up, but in public destroying the fresh air you were breathing. 2. People who fart in public and walk away leaving the fart around you making it seem...
I feel like my heart has been crushed beyond dust right now...the pain is unbearable....
Ok it's a cold winters day and it's your day off to relax ... what do you do ? Imagine you have no commitments or worries and you can do anything you want but that is confined to your house. ...
wooooow i think this is extremely true abt me most ppl call me lazy too n i do feel exactly the same way u feel i think that studying is a waste of time 2 wow n i get energized wen i hear...
It is the same system. But as always, YMMV.
I don't exactly have perfect pitch, but I can identify C and E because I use them a lot respectively for choir and guitar tuning. (I can work from there to figure out other stuff) Ear training is...
I'm game.
Sure, but we don't have a common culture anymore in the sense of public TV and radio stations (spotify and pod casts, and hulu or netflix now). I've had recent discussions on PerC and real life...
Too often I have a stress headache and a hurry to go here and there: I'm afraid I will fail at life because I dream too much and get nothing done, so I overcompensate... But today I feel calm...