Sometimes it seems to me that with this much influence there comes a price. Almost a responsibility...So, I thought I would share something that really frustrates me and see if any of you ENFJs out...
okok last one.
India is definitely sensory. Bollywood, the culture, society, structure, a certain set of rules, no scope for outside-the-box thinking drives this Ne-dom crazy. We are also encouraged to sick to...
I appreciate your response. I don't know whether epilepsy applies here or not. I don't have any motor or psychic seizure activity occasioned by exposure to screens, nor any perceptual changes. ...
It will be a tough road ahead of her for a while, but help her in anyway you can. My dad had similar incident and it was tough for him too. If you can in any way shift her attention to something then...
I understand what you're saying. The circle of life sort of thing.
Wow i thought i was the only one. my dream world was epically complex, and i would just sit and zone out of my body into this world i created. It was the only way i really entertained my self as a...
Complete control over water. Complete. I could lift the water that makes up my body, and others', to fly, I could save a drowning victim without cpr, I could pull a parting of the red sea just to...
Actualized type: ISTJ (who you are) Introverted (I) 83.87% Extroverted (E) 16.13% Sensing (S) 62.16% Intuitive (N) 37.84% Thinking (T) 62.16% Feeling (F) 37.84% Judging (J) 76.47% Perceiving (P)...
If I had to pick, I'd pick ENFP. Mainly because they seem like really fun people.
what ,,,does that mean even
J'aimerais tellement que tout le forum soit écrit en français, les pavés écrits en anglais me sont inbuvables, pourtant y'en a de tres interessants! Sinon on pourrait regrouper tout les francais ici...
Maybe I'm the one that's irritating, but I been hanging out at some other forums, and only ENTPs and INFJs seem to respond with the same kind of humor as me.
Hi @all! I just booked my next holiday and chosen the US east coast as destination. I'll stay for one week in NY and one in DC. Except all the interesting museums and well known landmarks I'm...
Three questions that overlap: What is like to fall in love for you? (hard, easy, takes time, picky, etc..) What are you like when you are in love? How do you feel when you are in love?
It's the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil.
That does not fit me at all. I am pretty even tempered and mellow. I always have been. I can get angry or frustrated, or be happy or sadx85 but overall, I am calm and mellow.
Reje Haha yes, that's exactly. :D Belief is something, you build on your experiences, feelings and intuition - at least that's my experience. My INTP special friend call me once also 'brainwashed', I...
those videos wern't any good .not much to get outta of it. i'm just curious if their's any A**** that wants to challenge me cause i love me some freash stupid meat!!!
Saying shit just got real for a wide variety of appropriate and inappropriate situations.
Yeah, i love it here, I always realise where ive been going wrong...I sit and work when I feel the shitty pang of Fi overuling everything, lets try having fun next time instead - Thank you :D
hahahaha okay so basically there is no deeply mystic MBTI approach but instead back to the basics, like 'Dating for Dummies'. But I take your core point, of 'avoid sounding abrasive'. Thanks Icy Heart
Romanticist Romanticism The romanticist, an individual who strongly believes that it is their will against the world, whether their actions are rational or irrational it doesn't matter. The...
Secretly adore ENFPs
To people who hold out unrealistic hope, I use one of my favourite movie quotes: You can hope in one hand and crap in the other and see which gets filled first. To people who sleep more than 6...
A Reply to Lauren Southernx92s x93Why Ix92m Not a Feministx94
- Cockiness. - Bullying. - People who call other people a loser, or stupid, or, dumbass... I don't care if it's a joke or not. - People telling me no and/or shut up when I want to do...
My mother is like Britney Spears? Mind = Blown. However I agree with @EmpireConquered it is not a type thing, it is a person thing. A value system, what a person considers important enough to...
For me, it can mean any of the following, depending on the situation: a) I'm thinking about something else and not paying you attention. b) I'm analyzing you and/or your views. c) I don't have...
You know you're INFP when you feel your ideas are useless unless you share them. But we're too shy to do so in real life. Hence, we're more common on the Internet
See, to me the whole thing just seems stupid! If you don't want to hang out with me, why would you say yes? Especially after that long-ass text gave you a perfect chance to step out? I think I made...
Hi! I'm an INTJ with an ISFJ boss and we've been having trouble dealing with change. She was on sabbatical when I was appointed and while she was away, the syllabus underwent an upgrade and more...
At my home,most of the time,if not,other stereotypical INTP 'sanctrum'.
This song is way too fantastic for it's own good.
This is most definitely a gift, though you're right that it can feel like a curse. It's called being an empath :) Once you begin developing your gift (through meditation, grounding yourself, and...
Here, I made you a cover.
I think all parents have a hard time accepting this. I have been in a battle with my Dad all of my life because I have never been a girly girl. He used to tell me I was never going to find a husband...
Yes, since in early adolescents our higher cognitive function is being to developed, I wonder how that impacts our N functioning, which is already prone to such things. If as intuitive we are able to...
I have a depression and as such have symptoms such as feeling numb, loss of all and any motivation (like, not in a lazy way, in a I can't seem to actually care way. I have always been lazy and don't...
You might be Melancholy-Supine, then. Supine is a fifth temperament...
I wrote a song about burning my ex. It was really poetic and dark which (wait witch with the burning and all) was strange coming from me
My Dad is an INTJ and he's pretty darn awesome. He's the solid voice of reason in our household and has a wonderful way with puns (which I really do enjoy). Although he isn't very good with verbally...
To be honest, I think culture and society are a large part of this. This is an argument I've only ever had with Americans and Russians. Most guys bellow 50 in my country (particularly in my social...
But what if the White black?! I couldn't think of anything better I'm sorry.
Hi Masterdood, you are not alone. And apparently, this seems common for INFX guys. I also think you are boy-next-door type (based on your avatar) guy that is easily viewed as possibly gay by...
A flickering lamp on my desk, A stack of papers, notes and a whole lot of stress... TEST. TEST. TEST. They stood at the finishing line, seemingly unimpressed Shouting, screaming: you can! do your...
As you can see in this thread, it's an INFP thing. The best thing you can do is to let them be, as all retarded stuff like that is simply a result of weak to no rational functions.
In my experience, NP's in general (not just INFP's) have a knack for coming up with creative ideas, while SP's are good with their hands. Nearly all the SP's I know are into crafts and constantly...
I never noticed that I don't really use people's names until my boyfriend and I had a mini-fight about it (and we're the sort of couple that never fights). Now I use his in response to him using...
Ugh, chatspeak...although most of us are guilty of it from time to time. I'd already be banned from the internet. :laughing: I mean, if someone's grammar is so poor that I genuinely can't...
I found out today the name the Navajo Nation uses for Hitler is Man who smelled his own moustache. Although I do not know how to verify this information. Just thought I would share.
When you are uncertain of anything even the fact that you are not certain of anything
It's not necessarily a poem see, I've been exchanging letters with a very dear friend of mine for quite some time. He went away to school, and in the distance I feel like I've grown fonder...
I dont think my brain is capable of producing the chemicals that make us fall in love=
Perhaps he acted on something which was a spur of the moment kind of thing(we routinely get carried away by impulsive emotions). Then he realized it would be wrong, since he has a girlfriend and...
Gee, you do seem to have it tough, I pity you :D In all seriousness, mate, at least telling someone that you're only interested in fucking should be an easy thing in the 21st century. Just make...
Going to keep things brief: a) It is not only my experience but also those who have used the varient I created too early have have experienced a degree of psychosis. b) Yes I was speaking to the...
my parents constantly make me feel like community college means you are a failure which I know isn't true, but I don't wanna disappoint them.
Yes, I'm very sensitive to touch. Even somebody just handing me change after I buy something can just...go through me.
I'm the exact opposite - I can't eat normal foods until I eat something breakfasty. Sometimes I have breakfast for lunch and dinner too. It's a combination of liking those foods and being too lazy to...
I just find it hard to understand why it wouldn't cross someone's mind.. it's like.. at the forefront of my mind to constantly automatically say things to people like It's so nice to see you/I had a...
No and no.
I just want to share this. This is really relaxing. Put this video on full screen 1080p and put your face really close to the screen(lol). It's probably best with headphones too. If you focus on...
1. It seems rude not to make eye contact. 2. Men typically avert their gaze when I look into their eyes, so I guess its easier to look into the eyes of a female. 3. When I have failed, messed...
I like how OP removed the pics after the fact.
577474 My last oil paint :)
Watching the ENTP vs ENTJ video where he explains the difference between Te and Ti answered a question I asked somewhere about bouncing ideas off people. The reason I sometimes feel I need to talk to...
I love a lot of different music, including instrumental. I gravitate mostly towards progressive rock. Yes is my favorite band. A lot of prog songs are very long, and have different sections, so...
Okay, hmm, lemme try this: I write a poem for myself Sitting down upon a shelf Watching dancing roses go by The end is nigh, the end is nigh I write a limerick for an elf He is green and...
My definition of stupidity comes from an intuitive perception of a person's total capacity for learning & knowing. If the person doesn't have much capacity, then I label that person stupid. Hence,...
My money's on rhetorical.
This one made me think. My conclusion is that it's certainly true when you try to draw conclusions from an observational study. You can only draw hypothesis from those. Conclusions must come from...
Social Democrat
I was thinking ENFP
Try looking into the enneagram. What seemed to be weird MBTI behaviors for me turned out to be entirely typical for my enneagram type. Of course, it's possible you're not an INFP at all, but you...
I relate too. What a great threads and posts!! I was single until age 24. I was too shy and too busy to get into dating and stuff. And then it hit me at 24. Since then, the longest I was single was...
When it's 6.00 PM and you haven't drunk a single ounce of water yet. Dangerous life we're living !
I like my knee high boots and my collection of skirts. The skirts are very nice to wear in this hot weather and they look cute.
I am another 9w1. (9w1 6w5 4w5)
A classic:
208090 d runk selfie.. fuck love guys cant do thar shit an i live you all so much
I want to become vihart of india
Since young. Want fairness all the time. It comes naturally.
I like this one :happy:
@AnalytiKathy That bothers me to no end. While I absolutely want to cuddle introverted girls and form a deep connection with them, what I want more is to let themselves recognize and accept their...
One-sided arguments coupled with baseless assumptions. So far nothing of the above actually asks the reader a question, it's just a silly brainfart on some observation of yours, but let's keep...
Forgive me Lord but sometimes I get tired of being a citizen. The city tires me, the offices, my family and the economy. Forgive me Lord, I am tired of this hell, this mediocre market where...
Insanity is losing the ability to be objective(i.e. self-criticism) and understand other points of views.
Actually, I care that I am an INTJ. What I don't care about is that relationships come and go. I don't try to keep in contact with people I no longer regularly see. I almost never talk to my exes....
And I should mention that the chili and cornbread I gave them tasted awesome.
it is an amazing song... one does not simply ignore it. So are you ENTPs trying to take over all of PerC atm? :p
I'm the same way but those walls can be taken down. Can't expect others to get through otherwise.
The internet is eating my life. No, not really. All my school things are eating my life and the internet is nibbling at what's left of it.
Yea....I'm not going to read this again before I go to bed.
Mh... I have not had a room-mate except my SO, and that is different, but also similar in many ways I would guess. I have had many flatmates though. I don't know what anyone's type has been, but I...
Incorrect. A movie about that would be wholly accurate. There are already several documentary movies outlining this very problem... You would do well to view them; The Zeitgeist series. ...
Adam's Garden of Eden and the Devil Inside
You're critical of other people and you know it's pushing the people you love away but for some reason it's tougher than it seems.