so your fundamentally unhappy that people who are not like you exist.. sorry no way to solve this.. honest and true criticisms are not alone enough or reason at all really.. to cause a person...
Lol, no probs! It's a really good topic! I know...but I wish it won't happen. I mean really. I think that people born in later generations won't have a problem with it, but just people like me...
WOWZAS how long ago did I write this?? :o I'm glad it's helped some of you guys :) My ENFP sister is doing great btw :) Still a diva but it's why I love her :D
Im going to have pizza tomorrow.
I like: -INFJs -INTJs -ENTPs
Kayy so I'm just going to post the last one I posted on instagram lol and by the way I'm not really seeing a pattern (besides of course the raw sexual magnetism, jk) anyway this is so weird of me, I...
I often don't bother to learn people's names even after an embarrassingly long time of having known them (sometimes years)...So I use You in place of their name.
this is why I am glad this whole type-thing has not really reached my country yet. no one here knows really about it which can be a real blessing ^^ but also a curse if you are never able to discuss...
Sasuke=Ni Naruto=Ne :shocked:
I can relate. Oftentimes I overhear my co-workers snickering about at my unorthodox style of dealing with customers. I think moreso than Ne, it's a Fi-dom thing, which not only pushes us to want...
I have a cat, and I like cats. Apparently, my first word was meow. I promise I'm not a cat-lady, though.
Doesn't seem like you're only in this regard :) I too used to be quite the extrovert when I was still a kid. Well sometimes I do miss those days where I didn' think too much of what others thought of...
No that was earlier
Yes. Headdesk, you hit the nail right on the head. There are many situations where being a 'leader' is not much of an issue. You just do your job and that's that. Leading becomes more of an issue...
Freud would have a field day here. Also, I disagree with personality type being completely set in stone. It may be for some, but for others it shifts over a period of time (potentially causing a...
It might backfire. Math has nothing to do with Si in case of INTPs. If I were to answer the question I would say both work for me equally. When I start with a math theory I will understand it (Ti)...
I have one in the office and he's a troll... a cold troll with intellectual sarcasm inserted on it.. Dx ... based on my observation tho.
Oh... then it would be hard to keep in touch then, that's a bit hard to follow :) Because I don't have any ENTJ friend IRL, I would like to learn more about ENTJ's way of making friends.
SirRichard 80% of this sounds identical to my mom, who has driven me nuts for 25 years now :happy:. The only thing I can suggest is this: don't explain anything in your typical INFP way. She won't...
INFJ is also Ni dominant. They just have a different variant of awesome sleeping inside. I can't currently help too much in regards to 'why' someone is Ni focused. Aka, why is someone born (or...
Your MacGyver mullet. I mean, thinking cap. :P
I do not know whether this is brilliant or just a way to gain more tourism for New Zealand. Either way, I like it the cameos from a few well known Kiwi...
I-see-ghosts 183930 wylielise 183938
Steve Carell....Natalie Portman. Suspected INFJs there. I think Carell may tend to ENFJ actually.
Don't quite understand what you meant by your second second, but here's a quick example that might help you understand what problem / double standard Western people are facing these days: Support...
You will be a cute granny, hehe :D
You know what, this thread actually made my day. The amount of hate I have seen from the NT side has made me sad. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!
oh my god! you get me :D
Algebra for fun.. And I rather enjoy the calculus route for math. Also of interest is computing, mathematical logic, and mathematical physics.. least favorite was geometry and statistics. If I could...
Porn Stars? Is that a kind of breakfast cereal?
Fi is me not being able to learn how to ride a bike, while stuck in eternity Se is me proofreading an infinitely long research paper I don't give a fuck about
I believe in organised chaos. And cleanliness. To clarify, I believe in neatness only where it improves the efficiency of its purpose enough to justify the cost of keeping it neat. Definitely...
I used to steal lunch occasionally from the place where I worked. My values were tread upon enough that I felt it was my right, so I found reasons to justify it. I would steal anything from...
Learning style versus teaching style--what a great thing to look at... As Ns we're also aware of wanting to reach the largest audience possible, so I wonder...? In the presentation I just gave on...
Sure why not
Not only did my biological parents divorce, for both of them, it wasn't their first marriage. They've been divorced for almost 16 years and my life has had its high points, its low points, its medium...
In my case FOMO is balanced by introversion so, every time, i ask myself if something is worth my energy. Usually the presence of people is a con to me, being offered or pressured into doing...
So I heard this song yesterday and feel (intensely) that everyone needs to hear this, anyone in the UK might have heard it before, it was in skins. It is one of the most INFP'ish songs I have ever...
Wow yeah I completely relate to this, I was considering this the other day, and I think because I was bullied at school that had an impact on me throughout my childhood, and that has made me into the...
It could be that your natural scent is alluring. I prefer a mans natural scent over artificial smells (even though it does smell nice).
i try to avoid having my voice recorded as much as i try to avoid having my picture taken.
All you really need to know is that I can speak Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese). :wink:
I examined the type, Ti function is ok, but I think there's something wrong with the Se function, the function related to awareness of the physical environment and the present moment: I don't feel...
You're not an INFP, I'm fairly certain of that. The rest I'm not certain of; how do you react towards the following description?: INTJ - Jung Type Descriptions. Based on your reaction (you could copy...
The list I'll make is long and it won't say how much time I'll get pissed off(it could be like I get pissed only for the moment): -laziness -sloppiness -people that think with their feelings...
@Glitter Polska Can't say much on INTP vs ISFJ, but stopping by to say hi to a fellow Pole :cool:
Haha, in my experience almost nobody has ever been romantically attracted to my personality, it's quite the opposite Hm now that I think about it If I do manage to be percieved as attractive, the...
i feel..addressed :mellow: i still love humans you know :[] gave u a whole speech bout dat u crab -O-
I honestly have never had legitimate hate for anyone. Even if they irritate me to no end and I don't get along with them, I can't help but to feel for/with the person if they are going through...
I like Fall. I also like winter and Spring. I don't really summer.
geez, you seem to have very little respect for ESTPs in general just because one of them happened to be an asshole. yes, i have REAL friends. not heaps, but i have a few people who mean a lot...
I may have understated that a lot. It got up to 98°C which is 2°C from turning itself off.
sloft is 100% estp, the excessive smiley faces gave it away along with other estp traits lol.
ESTP: You are always awesome, except when you're the inconsiderate asshole in the relationship. That's supposed to be my role, we can't both be that. Still though, it's always an adventure hanging...
Hello other teenage INTs! I'm also a teenager, being 16 years old.
Depends who is sitting on them.
When you snatch sharp or potentially dangerous objects (to include sticks) away from your N friends so they don't hurt themselves. My S friend doesn't let me climb ladders, either. It's probably...
I forget where I originally saw this, but it's always relevant.
I think INFJs have to actively remember to think positively. For some reason I feel as though my natural tendency is to see the negative side of something, or feel slightly sad, and I have been...
infatuation or indigestion, I always get those two confused
How I handled my life 3 years ago was definitely a wake up call on how much of a drag I was on for those I was leaning on.
Other than the supposeble IQ tests which measure an individuals intelligence, what other methods could be used to measure a persons intelligence. Just recently i looked over the forum on why do NTs...
i am a naturally gifted athlete. unfortunate that i am not competitive. it could have paid for school and who knows what else. frankly, i wish i DID have a competitive spirit.
I like putting up goals for myself. I don't like deadlines much, like D-Day aka marathon day, but I do like to put a certain goal up so that I can make it tangible for myself to see how much I have...
lol this is interesting! XD I might date myself.. But I think dating my opposite is better :)
Yeah, I have a few ESFJ friends, they're cool, but we are definitely different. I'm only weary of esfj's in power now, lol
I have never had a lucid dream. :( They sound awesome though. However I have had unusually vivid dreams that have seemed totally real for about a minute on waking. I had one as a kid where I got...
I feel underachieved a lot of times, like I know I could be doing more and better and I should. But I just can't find the right motivation, which is the main source of my procrastination. Lately I've...
Dear me Keep fighting, this life is not you, you have accepted that but don't give up. Pain is not weakness, it is life, and you have done well in such adversity so far so please keep fighting. I...
I've got 3 people, ENTP, ISTJ, ISTx?...We've been together for about 8~9 years (since middle school).
Hello. I'm just interested in sharing a few new issues/getting advice... Actually I'm horribly nervous to be posting on a forum, which is different about me since I used to be top poster/moderator...
No, I'm sorry, but thats really not the case. There are several guys who would tell a girl with a nice ass that she has a nice ass. Because they think that most women will find the direct approach to...
I don't know much about Lincoln, but from what I DO know I like him. You make him seem like an awesome guy. Politics, especially in modern times, WOULD be hard. I've had the temptation to try it, but...
Both the ESTJs I know flock to my ENTP friend. They're attracted to her Ne. It bounces off of her and they just eat up the weirdness and the different point of view. It's interesting and amusing to...
They come together in a beautiful chorus of bark and leaf, chasing away the thing that was watching Bacon.
actually it usually takes me about 40 minutes, sometimes more ....also when u have a bad memory from the past and u feel just as intensely angry or sad as you did in that moment
I don't know if any of you saw my multitude of threads asking about my type lol. But I finally got some help and learned I'm an ISTP. I'd never, ever considered it before. Always thought INTP, ISFP,...
Oi. Glad to have Pianopraze back in one piece.
Not at all - in fact, I hate when people think it is. I once had a counselor that claimed multiple times she could fix me by making me an extrovert. She quit after four sessions.
tacos! to carts!
Hi! I'm hoping someone here could help me figure out what Ne truly is, what it feels like, and if it's somewhere in my perception. (: Would anyone care to explain? Any responses would be greatly...
INTJ's, when you and your INFJ friend are fighting over something trivial, and you start giving your INFJ friend the silent treatment--because they were too emotional or too feely--how can we...
Ahhh for some reason I neglected to read who was posting and thought you were other person I was talking to that I thought was an ENFJ. Awkward....
I can't speak for all ISFPs, but you certainly wouldn't find me confessing my love for a person I have only known for a week... it would be rare for me to be making the first move at all actually. ...
I second that. At first u will feel lonely, but then u will find somebody approach u n u will find someone who will back u up.
Just after your opinions/observations. I find that while I'm not technically a pacifist, I'm generally opposed to violence. Is this an ENTP thing? What do you think of it? In the media? In...
You definitely do seem like an ESFP (maaaaaybe an ENFP), and although it sounds odd, I do think you could be 5w4 too. You have this odd mix of spontaneity and intellectualism in your personality from...
Well, it's exactly that. It's not something I could entirely myself, but I can hire help instead of relying on a friend. Really, I think it was a stupid idea on my part :sad:
She's an ESFP
I don't see this as an either/or decision, and it appears a few others don't either. I mean hypothetically if I was like super against people having food, for whatever reason, and obviously people...
What if... what if we could touch people and absorb some of the pain they are feeling, physically or emotionally. Like, hey buddy, you look kind of down today, do you want me to take some of that...
That's true, maybe she really is an INFJ. However, I have a hard time believing that someone who has that much blatant Fe could mistake themselves for a thinker. I was mistyped as an INTJ for several...
This literally just happened to me! UGH. So frustrating! Come on iTunes!
He's most definitely and ESTP. Very much so an E. Considered him being an I for a moment once, and it was so very, very wrong. He just acts weird sometimes. @Diphenhydramine I suppose that would...
Giant Panda... but, you know, looking at all the other possible results, it kinda looks like any of these can be at least mostly applied to the average ISFJ. :unsure:
Really? How do you know this? What particular type of yoga? And how would that work.... any more info would be appreciated!
People should trust I know what I am doing more. I may not always be right in my actions, I know I am not, but I am right in my intentions. People around me, always, try to dictate how I am to live....
You probably want to check out the Enneagram Typing sub-forum:What's my Enneagram type?