Alcohol doesn't make a person more truthful, it just makes you not care. I'm an idiot when I drink. Generally I'm a really quiet person because most of the time when I'm sober I'm literally afraid to...
YES - Owner of a Lonely Heart
Well if I had doubts now I'm once again reinforced that I'm indeed INFP (I'm ever unsure of my type). One time in my childhood when I was on holiday in the country my brother accidentally stepped on...
Hi! :wink:
one of my best friends is pregnant... when I find out I cried a loot.. it really hurt me.. she is 23 years old... and this was her first real relationship (she had one when she was 14 but only saw...
I typically know someone is an INFJ when they're deeply interested in getting me to open up. Why do you do this?
Oh, it's legit, totally different from the others out there. That site has a very interesting business model. I'm speculating their performance metrics are centered around discussion, that's why they...
Especially when their rules are stupid.
It's just an example. She is correct. Ne and Ni are creative functions of course it depends on what grounds you define creativity but in general I would define it as using your imagination. ...
You need to learn the power of positive self talk my friend. i have the exact same issues as you. You know that all these things that you tell yourself are NOT true. You do matter, you are important....
Best video for INFJ vs INFP problems and also helps describe the functions :)
Two Girl Scout thin mint cookies. I wish I had the money to stock pile those things.
you're mom
Congrats Ningsta Kitty
I didn't find this test on any forum so I decided to link it to this thread. It basically tests to find out your interests and aligns them with suitable jobs. It's really helpful and there's also a...
Thank you for posting this. I saw Kony all over FB, but with my terrible internet I knew I wouldn't be able to get the video to load timely enough.
I'm a Capricorn. I find it annoying that I'm supposed to avoid my own sign when dating. But, I always say that Capricorns don't really believe in astrology. :)
I'm a Cancer which I think correlates nicely with INFP. There was a poll going around somewhere on here. For INFPs, Libras were in the lead, followed by Cancer and then Pisces. I don't believe in...
Yes, very much so. Although if you aren't interested yet, you probably won't become more interested.
I can't explain it, but I oftentimes feel like i'm not really here. Other people notice it too... new people don't take kindly to it, but the people who have been around me a while usually tell the...
She's 21. Let's just say she's not as emotionally or mentally mature as some would expect 20-something year olds. But I have faith in her, she'll get there some day.
Are you a sapiosexual? Meaning: (sā-pē-ō-sĕk-shü-ăl'ĭ-tē) 1. (n.) A behavior of becoming attracted to or aroused by intelligence and its use. Origins: From the Latin root sapien, wise or...
ESTP. The only one I ever met. (To be fair, I think he had NPD to boot). Edit: Everyone thought he was a super nice person and giving and nice and he was-- to other people (just not to family...
I never drank any significant amount, because I think I have some kind of intolerance for alcohol. Even if I just drink an inch of champagne or beer, I almost immediately feel some weird pressure in...
From Mustapha Mond, in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World: x93Actual happiness always looks pretty squalid in comparison with the over-compensations for misery. And, of course, stability isn't...
Hello! :happy:
It may, but may not. Second, it you get attached by means of sex and actually make it a relationship, it may collapse later when you are both no longer as horny and start actually getting to know the...
the chainsaw spins wildly with gasoline leakin out of its tank, he blast it with his desert eagle, the bullet hits the tank and a huge explosion emerges.. it kills everyone she knows
Sometimes (not very often) I'll listen to some instrumental music (God is an Astronaut, usually), turn off the lights, and get in bed and imagine landscapes or a single person feeling whatever the...
1) What do you like most about being an ENFJ? I like my ability to talk to anyone easily and cheer people up. I also like the feeling that helping others gives me. 2) Whats your favorite...
Looking at the other programming, I find it to be one of the greatest human achievements that they managed to out-fake all other television with 'reality'-tv. edit: I'm not opposed to a format...
I laughed the entire way through this. Unfortuantly, this is normal for me. I'll often deliberate for hours on one thing, and once I've eventually decided (if I have at all), I'll often end up going...
I've had one experience that is identical to what you're describing- feeling connected in an emotional/spiritual level, being energized by them and practically idolizing the person. It's extremely...
Well find a few here and ask away most if not all are more than happy to answer your questions :D And welcome to all those unfortunates who find themselves to be ISTPs full time.......just...
Yes- I've always felt John Mayer was a. INFP, too!! his music speaks to me... as does James Taylor's (another suspected INFP) and then there is Carol King and Carely Simon ( not sure bout...
I don't even know what I'm dealing with. I hope I haven't lost the chance to ask her out. Is she comfortable with myself to begin with? Sometimes she does these things that made me question it all...
Can I post it... please?
Wasn't sure where else to post this. It's not exactly poetry. These are excerpts from my latest completed journal. She was crazy that way. To me, she was checking underneath the table for my feet....
A poem has been sprung on me, I don’t know what to write, Experiencing a lot of complex feelings, Don’t know which is right, I like to read a lot of rhyme, but a good line is a dollar a dime,...
I'm an ENFP sx/so 548. So yes. Be glad you're not me.
Eh, well, when it comes to getting 'teh ladies' I'm pretty terrible at it. I mean, it's overly-cliche to say just be yourself but I honestly think it's the best way to go about it. This is because...
Where was the contract for your demand?
Let's put it this way: No matter if an entp likes hardware or software better. Whatever we do, the engineers will get angry. No matter if I rig hardware or software, I won't follow procedure, I wont...
High: Seeing a very good friend again Low: Seeing that very good friend again with her being friends with the friend I knew for 25 years (the one that decided she doesn't want to be friends...
That reminds me more of type 1...not so much type 5.
Gandalf was a complete asshole in The Hobbit and it will take a whole lot to convince me otherwise
It is an evil circle, your guyfriends that you are interested in has friendzoned you and those you have friendzoned are the ones that hasen't friendzoned one..yet.. If that makes sense?!
I'm ENTP and I'm shit, shy and boring with people I don't know. :blushed: Also, not that creative.
I guess I'm going to play devil's advocate. I have attended two institutions of higher education, (one for undergrad, and I'm currently at for graduate school) and they are both very not well suited...
how much do people in your group know about her?? Sometimes as INFJ's we know a lot about other people, but people rarely know about 'us', unless of course we've decided we can trust you, or for some...
Confession time... Often times people do or say things that hit directly my intuition... and I get paranoid and overthink things. I.e. I am starting a new job and I didn't like a couple of...
You don't look cause I can't see you. But you sound like a tigress yea. I can't begin to put it into words, but judging by the way you ask questions, I gather you are intriguing. I dont believe INTPs...
I think I used to have those glasses.
I remember watching a documentary about a woman who was terrified of knees. Like, her therapy would consist of looking at them and touching them. There was something inexplicably hilarious about it,...
I can relate to you, with the diference that this Fi-ish part came up as I got older, not the contrary. I don't care that much about people on a personal level, but I have a drive to understand them...
I'm not into huge purple cocks. On the other hand, if it was black...
Vajrayaksa How dare you use Lelouch as an INTP! He is an INTJ I say!
I can only think to this genre of things in very long and vague terms...Example: in my life i want to be good in poetry. Then i just drive my action with improvisation and feelings. Also, my goals...
I prefer late nights to early mornings but I am forced to try and balance them out by not staying up too late because I have to be up with my kids in the morning. Add to that, once I am in bed I lay...
I shall do my best to enlighten you based on my own personal experience, as I am supposedly an introvert. Tell you what, I can never be sure what happens with other people but me? Yeah. I...
There would be no need if I held the key to eternal happiness.
I agree that 8s and 4s are both obvious shoo-ins for The Intense Types. The types share a hidden line, which might be contributing. Your sentence about realizing mortality however, sounded more...
I've always wanted a bobcat. EDIT: I guess that's why I like Manx cats. I want another one. They're fucking cool
So, I am a little confused if I am a INFJ or a ENFJ. I am a spilt between a extrovert and a Introvert on all of the test that I have done. I can't figure out which one I am more. Maybe, hopefully...
This is good, comforting advice. I understand how it will be soon, but it's hard to wait. I feel like I'm being swallowed up by the present. It's hard to keep this advice in my head when the anxiety...
Oh dear! :shocked:
8086680867 I was not standing the way my roommate wanted me to in the first picture hence double shot.
I am extremely attached to my dogs and if anything were to happen to them I would be a mess. My pets are one thing that can get me very emotional. I have lost 2 other dogs in the past and it was very...
Wait, this just described my last year perfectly... When I was still in high school, I was the total drifter among all the social groups. To some of the shy-er people I talked to in different...
Acey, you hit it dead on. Conan O Brien is one of my favorite comedians because he uses self-deprecating humor. I love humor, so I started pointing out my flaws to people as well, jokingly of...
And what kind of counsel would you like?
in probably about 6 hours I did 30 drawings of Pittsburgh Penguins hockey players for a Game Day Thread on HFBoards. I went with more or less a Adventure Time styled theme (partially limited by my...
Why does it not work for poor latchkey kids who never have a parent(s) around to give them boundaries, because the parent(s) was working all the time? Edit- to answer the question, affluenza is a...
Well yes, so here's the problem: because my intuition is so strong (and often right), I form pre-judgement about people and things... and then is becomes like a self-fulfilling prophecy... I often go...
Steven. :unsure:
hello and welcome to the forum enjoy it here
Have you seen the raisedbyborderlines reddit? It has some crazy stories
Your values are you own. As long as they don't hurt anyone then people need to keep their objections to themselves. They won't, but they should. When people come at you about the choices you make...
Oh, if Allwing's paper is only good for the last too letter of our MBTI then, obviously, you must have been offended for having F on your paper. Look familiar almost. Oh right, its the F in your...
Thanks! I've just been feeling really lonely suddenly and lost a lot of motivation. Hit me like a sack of bricks.
Major: Cultural Studies Minor: White Guilt
I only know one probable INTJ IRL, and she is the only other person I know who is as anal as I am about her nutrition, health, strength and body composition. All the online INTJs whose pictures I...
Welcome to the Cafe, fellow nocturnal creature.
From what you've said, you could be ENFP. Type 1 on the enneagram. By the way, you can't conciously use both Ni and Ne. Same goes for Fe and Fi.
Thanks for your ideas on the topic, Mattylad.
Lmao! I have the same opinion about eating; little to no preference. I would prefer someone else made the decision so I can just think about something else. Interesting that you comment about the...
Someone said it. I actually find the probing to be fruitless though. Even if I give in and tell the INFJ what I'm thinking, there's a huge difference between hearing and comprehending. I feel super...
I do XD I am kind of evil about it, but only to my siblings. I'm a very sarcastic person in general though, and a lot of people can't tell when I'm joking unfortunately. The most evil thing I ever...
Interesting, I've been said in contrast. I am full of expression. And the one who lacks expression is my friend, ISFP.
Right now it's beer. I'm trying to get the motivation to make some home brew. In the mean time I will just keep drinking and sampling.
We all have happy, joyful days but also sad and depressing days..such is the nature of life. In my case I find that the balance inclines to happy and joyful days. Every day I try to think of the good...
Suede – Stay Together
We gonna let it die? Or we going to get it on! Epimer skycloud86 AppleCat Darth INTPhoebe Muck Fe Unicorntopia Fiddler absentminded
Hah, very f******g confusing! We met at work (working for different agencies housed in the same space). It was the intense gaze, the following me around like a puppy, and the full on joking...
Move on. Don't waste more effort digging the hole deeper.
Thanks love, I'm still nervous. May I ask you a question? Why did you call his comment astute? When clearly he was trying to clown ME. I'm new to the board, that's cool it blew up. I just don't like...
Voice, yes, that's right. I am sensitive to voice, and I like yours. You're consistent. Few people are consistent. Sorry about your brother. I am in a similar position with my mother, I think...
I've tested INFP each and every time I have taken the test in the last few years. When I first tested years ago I joined a forum of all types and they loved to make fun/ bash INFP's quite often to...
why ?
I am not the sort of person to engage in spontaneous acts of kissing/hugging with strangers.