It seems as if I've upset you a tad, sorry if I did! I don't think she's an ENFP, otherwise she wouldn't be upset over me being different from her. Although social norms are backed up with reasons,...
Breasts are meant to be shared. That's why they come in pairs like my women
I did not find a person yet that does not fit into the enneagram concept. I love the idea of the 9 types, 9 is such a great number for that because you can do a 3x3 matrix and so on. Also there are...
Fluent in English, Advanced in American, Intermediate in Japanese, Basic in Spanish.
No I'm talking about your 13th birthday not your 12th lmao
There aren't just 16 types of personalities, there are over 7 billion types. Moreover, people can change their personalities, it's just difficult to do so. ENTJ describes my personality as well as...
I heard that you can do other things, even listening to music (so long as you can actually hear the binaural beats); but for maximum effectiveness, I recommend getting in a comfortable position,...
Sure ENFPs? Three, including my older brother. One of those ENFPs I do have a crush on back then. I'm sure there are a lot other people around me that are ENFPs but I could say they're a rare...
Guy who cries at sad movies and likes The Notebook and frequently TELLS me how much they love me? Fuck no. Guy who knows to quietly run his hand on my back when I feel sad without me asking? Fuck...
1. Do you have a hard time forgiving yourself? Sometimes. It depends. If it something I consider to be insignificant, I can let it go. If I consider that I made a major breach of my internal...
The test I took said 2w1 5w4 9w1 and that sounds pretty accurate to me when I read over it. I'm least sure of the 5w4... I can relate to 4, 5, and 6. I could easily see 5w6 or 6w5. I have no idea...
when you're too busy in your head to notice a double post.
The night before work, I am always anxious and can't fall asleep. I'm not sure why. I have been dreaming about the past. Old houses, roommates, boyfriends, university. The dreams are full of...
This place looked like a decent hangout so hello there, kindred spirits
That's like a human hax, I always feel slightly sociopathic when I do that.
I learned that to respect others, you have to respect yourself as well.
Have they given you any sort of timeframe of when they'd let you know?
My stance is just one of a messenger. Yes i believe in god but my point isn't to make people believe in it's just to make them not have to be scared to! Something i've noticed since my short amount...
The Boat - a collection of short stories by Nam Le. So far it's alright I guess..
But that has almost never been the case with anything. We'd have homogeneous opinions and shit yo
His message is right? That I shouldn't feel the way I do because I am privileged? I fail to understand what you really mean. I am sure you know depression is a real condition that impairs your...
Oh yeah, entpreter reminded me: I get quiet around people that I just don't want to fucking talk to when I am stressed. If I am stressed, don't fucking ask me how I am doing or what you can do to...
Pretty sure I'm already insane. I got tricked into it with offers of whiskey, cookies, and women.
Souled In That was random
There was a recent publication correlating income with personality type. The findings aren't very surprising, but they are very interesting. As an INFP male, I find the study disturbing because it...
I'm really pulling for some Zombie apocalypse, I'm mostly hoping that all those hours at the range and thousands of rounds of ammunition weren't for naught!
...degrading/looking down at people who are already downtrodden (e.g. discriminating people from lower socioeconomic status just coz they are not as well off as you are).... ugh. that loosens the...
Hey, I hadn't heard about that actually, but do share if you happen to remember it.
Taking away all the type associated stuff that is tossed into the post. What i have gotten from it is you loved your husband for 4 years for who he was, and now he is somebody different than the...
School's art showcase. Mine's getting taken down tomorrow so another girl can have her week's turn. :) ...
Rooting for some TMV fans here! If there are, what're your favourite songs/albums by them? :D Mine are: Songs -Goliath -Ilyena -Soothsayer -Vermicide -L'Via L'Viaquez -Eriatarka
I'm glad to see the inappropriate jokes perk is not limited to Male ISTPs :)
.... care pretty damn lot 99% of the times when I say I don't care.
I believe if you have met the type before and study MBTI heavily you can. I have been able to type people by simply observing them numerous times. It's a joke among some of my friends at how accurate...
Again, I agree with what most of you have written. I too am like a sponge that soaks up other peoples emotions. I find it hard even to read a newspaper without being transported into the situations...
I love when you want to post something to get it off your mind and help relieve some of the pressure on your life but it's too long and you run out of time. I just want relief, but I guess I have...
I don't like how awkward and quiet I can be. I don't like how I shut down when I'm upset. I don't like how I make other people feel. I don't like how I hog attention. I don't like that I'm selfish. I...
I've answered something similar which is that I'm often too focused that I really dislike interruptions. Being a programmer, this is a big pet peeve. The interviewers were happy with the answer,...
It is reframing. You have no explanation. You're just saying you can look at it that way if you want. Taking a different approach is something like applying a different instinct. Challenge...
I quite like garlics. That's it.
ISTJs don't really have the intuitive presence for high-level mathematics, rote memorization and application of standardized mathematical procedures on the other hand..
I cry buckets when I am misunderstood, angry, depressed, or just anticipatory grief even.
Factory Girls by Leslie T. Chang.
Well, that's interesting. I find it understandable that ADHD medication would make you seem more like a leveled, focused, and deeper-thinking type, but does that mean the hyperactiveness of ADHD is...
Driving into the parking lot, our eyes locked. It wasn't the first time. Your movements hold me, as you laisez-faire your way to pick something up and open the door. Although you won't make...
When you like to plan out the activities before you go on a vacation.
I think that's how women and men differ. As men grow older, they usually become more and more independent. But you will never find a little old lady at a loss for words.
Talking to her about it is a good idea. Just tell her what you've been sensing and ask her if your hunches have any basis in reality. Talking about it will not ruin anything - it will probably make...
For me deleting the last sent message fixed it.
I am a little embarrassed by the label INFJ, so no I don't want people to know. I also consider it personal and private. It helps me to understand myself, and I might tell people I care about, so...
Not really to be know as intimidating but to have that demeanor in certain situations. Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
The reason of some of my answers: Circles are boring. Just a singe line around one single point, always on the same place, going nowhere. Blegh. Then I had to choose between square and...
Fish oils banannas and fish really improve mood. Another thing is you can look up the funniest stuff you remember ever seeing and just keep watching it until things seem less serious and you laugh....
Thanks! I got INTP as well, which explains why it took me so long to figure out my type. lol Would have thought myself to be a feeler as well, which I think makes sense. I've heard people often...
Maybe this is why you find it so difficult to find a woman on your level.
Are you trying to make a comparison here?
Rave: FWS got me work with the history department at my school, which in turn has given me access to a ton of primary documents of debates within Latin American Roman Catholicism. Interestingly...
I have never heard of that sort of expression and find it very interesting as well. Hm. Yeah, that would describe it perfectly. I honestly make an effort to avoid a lot of eye contact now though...
There is strong correlation between people who change their font in every post and being xNFP. So I'm going to assume you're INFP. Because nobody takes this forum seriously. And it's kind of a...
@daleks-exterminate You don't cut off the vagina; you cut it out.
Glad you think I'm hot enough to be in a generic dating site picture :blushed:
Look at all the ISFJ newbies! *hugs all around* EDIT: You know you're an ISFJ when you just want to hug all the newcomers, but are afraid you might be being a little condescending. :P
Nailed it. I took an inaccurate test my freshman year of college in a class with other people and ended up ENFP. It wasn't until my junior year of college that my ENFP roommate, who knew me very...
Yes, yes, yes, that's how it'll eventually happen, now skip the minor details. Oh? You're still on about that? - ENTJ
I have been in the presence of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban. She frequents the Starbucks The Green Hills Mall, in Nashville--almost every day of the week. She is soft-spoken and humble. I don't know...
Imagine how profitable it would be for a politician to feel no remorse lol. I wouldn't be surprised if Lyndon B. Johnson was one. Then again though sociopath's are also stupidly impulsive and despite...
: O WTF Your own vagina? Ummm I like calzones but, I separate food and sex...for the most part *smirks*
You sound emotionally healthy to me. Your asking the right questions, in particular, the difficult questions that some people are afraid to ask of themselves. And what does your boyfriend know...
Thank you everyone for taking the time out to give me some much needed advice. THings rarely turn out the way we plan them, eh? So, I managed to kind of fuck up everything but did what I wanted...
Sees picture Checks 'About me' Sex preference - Female Shit.
I'm really good in things besides sciences and math because my head is like a Swiss cheese :p I really suck at remembering formulas and abstract ideas.... I'm really good at history, economics and...
I need a bigger gaming mouse...
RCOEI, primary type is Reserved. I've put some effort into being more sympathetic and sensitive to others, but apparently it doesn't show up in the testing.
I do; it's the single holiday that about every 7 years comes around on my birthday! Here's something to bring a little jollity to your day: A guy asks a lawyer what his fee is. I charge $50...
First off, how is this a sign of judgement day? It's just a guy with tatoo drawings, and look how happy he is! I think it's a sad day when people ridicule and castigate someone for expressing their...
You're presupposing that the joy of competition necessarily includes the need to put others to shame while exalting oneself. I disagree that this is necessarily the case, and I also disagree with all...
I came up with a solution a while back. Don't tell her how you feel. One day when you're hanging out and you're getting some vague feeling that she's into you at the moment, just ask her if she wants...
I am constantly struggling with the perpetual feeling of complete and utter emptiness. It shouldn't be this way, the circumstances in my life are highly favorable right now. I'm leaving for college...
I watch TV mainly to relax my mind, so when I watch it Im not looking for a good story really, I am just looking for something to enjoy (This is different with movies as I like deeper indie type...
what kind of lifestyle goes along with this worldview? are you explaining these things for the sake of knowledge or validation?
That rule makes sense to me since swearing isn't just about using specific words. Instead of Get the ___ away from there! you're supposed to say Get away from there!. Then another thing....
The second statement bothers me more. But I'm not sure which type that answer is suppose to indicate. Edit: Now that I think about it, it probably suggests I'm an ISTJ.
It's a good day to live A great day to die It's a move for the kill It's an eye for an eye Revenge is so sweet That lump in the throat Is a sign of deciet I'll string from a rope Hanged by a...
1. Blood transfusion. Save the patient or respect the families religious beliefs and effectively let her die? Save the patient. Don't tell the family what's been done. If they find out, I could...
You definitely seem to have big traits of ENFPs... or at least the one(s) I know. Haha.... perhaps you should talk with some on the forum
Listening to music. If not that, taking it out on other people verbally usually helps me, as bad as it sounds. I don't raise my voice or anything.. I use snide remarks that remind me how quick...
I tend to laugh at a lot of things the happen out of context or things with Irony. Typically things that happen suddenly and unexpectedly. At least that's what I've noticed about myself.
having been on few dates and i have been wondering about otherpeoples exsperiances like funny thing that have happened embarrasing or advice for first dates things that have or havent worked for u,...
I love all of the above and I love you!! You wanna I mean have tea together?
I also get very annoyed when someone tries to tell me that they know what is best for me and that I should stop playing video games (or whatever I happen to be doing) and do what they think I should...
I have no idea what Doc Love's System is. But reading the link from NastyCat I can tell you: What to say and what not to say? Just say everything, you'll learn quickly enough on what not to say....
No, not really. Came across it while dialing through channels and decided to watch it a little bit since nothing else good was on at the time.
I always balanced with material things like smoking . As a smoker , I would study and smoke and so on . Then , as I stopped smoking , I would eat comfort foods out of stress . I used also to have...
Honestly, the concept of Do unto others as you would have them do unto you most likely came about from the human fear of other people treating them badly, because: That's not fair!!! I don't...
I'd be the person pointing out the mechanics of the situation, rather than the people of the situation, lol.
My mom is an ISFJ... Time... oh my god time. I'm in my early 30's it has taken 30 years for my mother and I to have a relationship of understanding. You didn't have those dreams for years and...
Suspicious of the motives of others rather than poised, thoughtful and insightful. Anger or insecurity clouds clarity of understanding. (This usually stems from betrayal or perceived betrayal in the...