You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Jeepers Creepers (2001 film)) Trish Jenner and her brother Darry are traveling home from college for spring break . As they drive through the Florida countryside , an old rusty truck tries to run them off the road . The vehicle eventually passes them , and they later see the same truck parked next to an abandoned church with a man sliding what appears to be bodies wrapped in bloodstained sheets into a large pipe sticking out of the ground . The man notices Trish and Darry watching him and attempts to run them off the road a second time . Document [1](Title: Surveillance (2008 film)) of their speeding, and threaten them afterwards. They do so to one young couple then let them go. A bit later, Stephanie, traveling on vacation with her family, sees a car (the couple's) with blood on it and tells it to her oblivious mother (Cheri Oteri). Bobbi, using drugs with her boyfriend Johnny (Mac Miller), is in a car right behind them. At a rest stop, both girls learn a pair of killers are responsible for a string of murders and likely the woman's disappearance. Stephanie's stepfather Steven (Hugh Dillon) supposedly speeds and their car's tire is shot by Bennett. Document [2](Title: Night of the Twisters (film)) and Stacey then go save Dan's grandmother, Belle, at her farm; the two teenagers find Belle underneath wooden boards blown onto her from off of the partially damaged barn near her house (which itself survived intact). As Dan and Stacey rush in the car to get Belle treated for her injuries, Dan finds Jack on a closed road, with his truck – which was overturned by the tornado, pinning him underneath it – covered in fallen power lines; he pulls Jack out from under the truck (with the help of emergency crews, after an earlier attempt by Dan and Stacey Document [3](Title: Torque (film)) that the four are in the back. As the truck is driving it gets stopped by the cops. The four in the back hear the cops and take what is inside the back of the truck...a fast car. Just before the agents open the back of the truck, Ford and Shane bust out of the truck in the car and the two friends on their bikes. The four drive onto a highway. The FBI agents follow and so does Trey. The next scene takes place on the highway with tons of other cars. Ford jumps out of the car and Document [4](Title: Wrecker (film)) the driver, but he leaves in a pickup. A waitress asks them to leave for causing a scene, and they cautiously return to the highway. They find the couple's car, which the tow truck had previously been towing, abandoned on the road. The pickup driver stops to aid them, and they quickly explain their ordeal. As he helps them get the abandoned car off the road, the tow truck driver appears. The women warn off the pickup truck driver and fearfully speed off. The tow truck continues following them, eventually driving them off the road with a flat tire. As Document [5](Title: Casanova Cat) their tails to make them pull each other into the wall repeatedly. Butch then runs forward, squeezing Tom through the vent. Tom then pops out of the vent as a cube and bangs into Butch. Then they untangle themselves. Afterwards, they looked on the couch for Toodles and search for her. However, they then heard a noise outside. They run to the window to look at what is happening and see a car leaving. Toodles and Jerry are in the back seat, then after Jerry has put down the shade in the car, he and Toodles share a love-kiss, leaving Document [6](Title: Trishna (2011 film)) from the rape, and Trishna has an abortion, hoping to put the entire episode behind her and continue in her family as if she'd never left. However, her father's shame at her pregnancy and the family's need for income means that she is sent to work for her aunt and uncle, serving her bed-bound aunt and also working in the small factory her uncle runs. To her dismay, Jay tracks her down again and seems surprised that she has not tried to contact him; due to his own abusive, self-indulgent tendencies, he views the rape as a consensual sexual experience. Document [7](Title: Ceremony (Silko novel)) that he has to go back to the ranch to tend the cattle, but really he wants to go back to see Ts'eh. They spend lots of time together picking flowers and herbs, until she tells him that there will be people coming after him. And shortly thereafter, Harley and Leroy show up and ask him to go drink with them again. They go out drinking, but the next morning Tayo comes to his senses, abandoning them with the truck and tearing out the truck's wiring so they can't come after him. Later that night, near the site of the Question: where is jeepers creepers supposed to take place Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Walking in Memphis) '' Walking in Memphis '' is a song composed and originally recorded by the American singer - songwriter Marc Cohn , for whom it remains his signature song . Cohn said the song is '' 100 percent autobiographical '' . He described it as a song about '' a Jewish gospel - music - lover '' , and as '' a pretty literal transcription of a visit I made ... in 1986 . I went to Graceland , I heard Al Green preach the gospel , I saw W.C. Handy 's statue . But the song is about more than just a place , it 's about a kind of spiritual awakening , one of those trips where you 're different when you leave . '' It reflects on Cohn 's experience as a Jew who feels the Gospel spirit of Memphis . Document [1](Title: Walking in Memphis) am tonight!' " Cohn finds it funny that many listeners infer from the lyric that he is a Christian or born again. "But to me," Cohn said, "that line could have only been written by a Jew. It's such a Jewish line, and I love that." With "Walking in Memphis," Cohn reached number 13 in 1991 on the "Billboard" Hot 100 chart. It is the only Top 40 hit for Cohn. "Walking in Memphis" has since been remade several times, notably in 1995 by Cher (number 11 UK), and in 2003 by Lonestar (number 8 C&W/ number 61 Hot 100). Document [2](Title: Walking in Memphis) Thunderbird" recorded July 17, 1991.) "Walking in Memphis" was also a Top 20 hit in both Australia and New Zealand, with respective chart peaks of #11 and #18: in Europe, the single charted in Germany for 19 weeks with a #25 chart peak, with minor hit status achieved in France (#45), the Netherlands (#54), and Sweden (#36). In the liner notes he wrote for the 2015 release "The Very Best of Marc Cohn" veteran music journalist Dave Marsh opines of "Walking in Memphis": "Its perfectly written narrative takes into account the whole history of American music, from where it begins Document [3](Title: Say Yes (Michelle Williams song)) to reveal it. During an interview with "Rap-Up", Beyoncé spoke about her decision to be a featured artist on the song, stating, "This song is so inspiring and... not enough music out there like this and I'm proud to be a part of it." Williams talked about "Say Yes" with Fuse, saying, "It's an inspirational song, so I wasn't sure how people would take to it. But it kind of reminds me of praying [in] that it continues to have the impact, and does have the impact, of when Kanye West did 'Jesus Walks.' I think I got one here." Document [4](Title: Ray Walker (singer)) early 1960s, Ray Walker, Neal Matthews, Hoyt Hawkins, and Gordon Stoker helped mold the genre of country music known as "The Nashville Sound", singing backup harmonies to such artists as Patsy Cline and Jim Reeves. Also known for his solo recordings, Walker has helped in the development of albums and CDs of "a cappella" composition performed by, among others, the Freed-Hardeman University Singers and the Harding University Choir. For years, Walker served as song director for "The Amazing Grace" bible program, produced by the Madison Church of Christ in the Nashville suburb. He has over 600 "a cappella" worship songs Document [5](Title: Old-Time Religion) In any event, it was by way of Charles Davis Tillman that the song had incalculable influence on the confluence of black spiritual and European-American gospel song traditions in forming the genre now known as southern gospel. Tillman was largely responsible for publishing the song into the repertoire of European-American audiences. It was first heard sung by African-Americans and written down by Tillman when he attended a camp meeting in Lexington, South Carolina in 1889. Most common lyrics performed are a repetition of the chorus: The lyrics, however, as sung by the Fisk Jubilee Singers are: Following Tillman's nuanced changes Document [6](Title: Do You Know (Michelle Williams album)) as they get acquainted with the songs, what are you hoping to bring to their lives?", Williams responded "That everybody live in peace and not settle for anything less than what the Lord wants to bring your way. I know what I went through, I know God is taking me to another level. I had people around me that were not going where I was going – I had to release them from my life." Critical reviews of the album were generally favorable. Kwaku of "Cross Rhythms" wrote that "Michelle seems happy to produce music which straddles between contemporary gospel Document [7](Title: Michael Steele (musician)) "Following", a stark and introspective ballad far from the glossy sound and more standard lyrical themes of "Different Light"'s other tracks. "Rolling Stone" magazine praised "Following" upon the album's release as its standout song, a dark composition that pointed the band in new jazz and folk directions, only some of which would be explored. Steele also sings lead on the second verse of "Walk Like An Egyptian". As often discussed in later interviews, "Different Light" was also the product of significant contention and tension between the band and producer David Kahne—much of this contention surrounding the use of musicians outside Question: who sang the original version of walking in memphis Answer:
Marc Cohn
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Earth's rotation) Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the Sun , but once every 23 hours , 56 minutes , and 4 seconds with respect to the stars ( see below ) . Earth 's rotation is slowing slightly with time ; thus , a day was shorter in the past . This is due to the tidal effects the Moon has on Earth 's rotation . Atomic clocks show that a modern day is longer by about 1.7 milliseconds than a century ago , slowly increasing the rate at which UTC is adjusted by leap seconds . Analysis of historical astronomical records shows a slowing trend of 2.3 milliseconds per century since the 8th century BC E . Document [1](Title: Equation of time) to apply corrections due to one's distance from the local time zone meridian and summer time, if any. The tiny increase of the mean solar day due to the slowing down of the Earth's rotation, by about 2 ms per day per century, which currently accumulates up to about 1 second every year, is not taken into account in traditional definitions of the equation of time, as it is imperceptible at the accuracy level of sundials. The Earth revolves around the Sun. As seen from Earth, the Sun appears to revolve once around the Earth through the background stars in Document [2](Title: Day) at various positions in their orbit, a solar day is not the same length of time throughout the orbital year. Because the Earth orbits the Sun elliptically as the Earth spins on an inclined axis, this period can be up to 7.9 seconds more than (or less than) 24 hours. In recent decades, the average length of a solar day on Earth has been about 86 400.002 seconds (24.000 000 6 hours) and there are about 365.2422 solar days in one mean tropical year. Ancient custom has a new day start at either the rising or setting of the Sun Document [3](Title: History of the metric system) the advent of the atomic clock, the most reliable timekeeper available to mankind was the earth's rotation. It was natural therefore that the astronomers under the auspice of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) took the lead in maintaining the standards relating to time. During the twentieth century it became apparent that the earth's rotation was slowing down resulting in days becoming 1.4 milliseconds longer each century – this was verified by comparing the calculated timings of eclipses of the sun with those observed in antiquity going back to Chinese records of 763 BC. In 1956 the 10th CGPM instructed the Document [4](Title: Rotation period) Rotation period In astronomy, the rotation period of a celestial object is the time that it takes to complete one revolution around its axis of rotation relative to the background stars. It differs from the planet's solar day, which includes an extra fractional rotation needed to accommodate the portion of the planet's orbital period during one day. For solid objects, such as rocky planets and asteroids, the rotation period is a single value. For gaseous/fluid bodies, such as stars and gas giants, the period of rotation varies from the equator to the poles due to a phenomenon called differential rotation. Document [5](Title: Sea) or tidal amplitude. Most places experience two high tides each day, occurring at intervals of about 12 hours and 25 minutes. This is half the 24 hours and 50 minute period that it takes for the Earth to make a complete revolution and return the Moon to its previous position relative to an observer. The Moon's mass is some 27 million times smaller than the Sun, but it is 400 times closer to the Earth. Tidal force or tide-raising force decreases rapidly with distance, so the moon has more than twice as great an effect on tides as the Sun. Document [6](Title: Aryabhata) during an eclipse. Later Indian astronomers improved on the calculations, but Aryabhata's methods provided the core. His computational paradigm was so accurate that 18th-century scientist Guillaume Le Gentil, during a visit to Pondicherry, India, found the Indian computations of the duration of the lunar eclipse of 30 August 1765 to be short by 41 seconds, whereas his charts (by Tobias Mayer, 1752) were long by 68 seconds. Considered in modern English units of time, Aryabhata calculated the sidereal rotation (the rotation of the earth referencing the fixed stars) as 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.1 seconds; the modern value is Document [7](Title: IERS Reference Meridian) two, diametrically opposite, stations must move in opposite directions by the same amount. The 180th meridian is opposite the IERS Reference Meridian and forms a great circle with it dividing the earth into Western Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere. Universal Time is notionally based on the WGS84 meridian. Because of changes in the rate of Earth's rotation, standard international time UTC can differ from the mean observed solar time at noon on the prime meridian by up to 0.9 second. Leap seconds are inserted periodically to keep UTC close to Earth's angular position relative to the Sun; see mean solar time. Question: how long is earth's rotation on its axis Answer:
about 24
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: 2017 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament) 2017 NCAA Division I Men 's Basketball Tournament 2017 Final Four logo Season 2016 -- 17 Teams 68 Finals site University of Phoenix Stadium Glendale , Arizona Champions North Carolina ( 6th title , 11th title game , 20th Final Four ) Runner - up Gonzaga ( 1st title game , 1st Final Four ) Semifinalists Oregon ( 2nd Final Four ) South Carolina ( 1st Final Four ) Winning coach Roy Williams ( 3rd title ) MOP Joel Berry II ( North Carolina ) NCAA Division I Men 's Tournaments '' 2016 2018 '' Document [1](Title: 2017–18 NCAA Division I men's basketball season) 2017–18 NCAA Division I men's basketball season The 2017–18 NCAA Division I men's basketball season began on November 10, 2017. The first tournament was the 2K Sports Classic and the season ended with the Final Four in San Antonio on April 2, 2018. Practices officially began on September 29, 2017. The following rule changes were proposed for the 2017–18 NCAA Division I men's basketball season: The NCAA approved a number of experimental rule changes for use in the 2018 postseason NIT: Three schools joined new conferences for the 2017–18 season. In addition to the schools changing conferences, the 2017–18 season Document [2](Title: NCAA Division I Men's Final Four appearances by school) NCAA Division I Men's Final Four appearances by school This is a list of NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament Final Four appearances by school. Several teams have vacated Final Four appearances and are marked with an * with explanations listed below. The listed Final Four totals for those teams do not include the vacated appearances. Schools in "italics" no longer compete in NCAA Division I. Minnesota, Saint Joseph's, Massachusetts and Western Kentucky had their only appearances in the Final Four vacated. <nowiki>*</nowiki> - Indicates one vacated appearance not included in total. <nowiki>**</nowiki> - Indicates two vacated appearances not included Document [3](Title: 2021 NCAA Division I Women's Basketball Tournament) played at the sites of the top 16 seeds, as was done in 2016–2020. Regional Semifinals and Finals (Sweet Sixteen and Elite Eight) National Semifinals and Championship (Final Four and Championship) 2021 NCAA Division I Women's Basketball Tournament The 2021 NCAA Division I Women's Basketball Tournament will be played in March and April 2021, with the Final Four played Friday, April 2 and Sunday, April 4. The Final Four will be played at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas with the University of the Incarnate Word, University of Texas at San Antonio and San Antonio Sports serving as hosts. This Document [4](Title: 2020 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament) Sixteen and Elite Eight) National Semifinals and Championship (Final Four and Championship) CBS Sports and Turner Sports have US television rights to the tournament. Westwood One has exclusive radio rights to the entire tournament. Live video of games will be available for streaming through the following means: Live audio of games will be available for streaming through the following means: 2020 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament The 2020 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament will be a 68-team single-elimination tournament to determine the men's National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I college basketball national champion for the 2019–20 season. Document [5](Title: 1996–97 NCAA Division I men's basketball season) Robert Traylor, Maurice Taylor and Louis Bullock were found to have taken money from a Michigan booster. <br> 1996–97 NCAA Division I men's basketball season The 1996–97 NCAA Division I men's basketball season concluded in the 64-team 1997 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament whose finals were held at the RCA Dome in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Arizona Wildcats earned their first national championship by defeating the Kentucky Wildcats 84–79 on March 31, 1997. They were coached by Lute Olsen and the NCAA Basketball Tournament Most Outstanding Player was Arizona's Miles Simon. In the 32-team 1997 National Invitation Tournament, the Michigan Document [6](Title: 2016 NCAA Division II Men's Basketball Tournament) re-seeded into the Elite Eight. 2016 NCAA Division II Men's Basketball Tournament The 2016 NCAA Division II Men's Basketball Tournament involved 64 teams playing in a single-elimination tournament to determine the national champion of men's NCAA Division II college basketball. It began in March 2016, following the 2015–16 season, and concluded with the championship game on March 26, 2016. The eight regional winners met in the Elite Eight for the quarterfinal, semifinal, and championship rounds. For the first time, the final rounds were held at Dr. Pepper Arena in Frisco, Texas. Augustana (SD) defeated Lincoln Memorial, 90-81, to win the Document [7](Title: 2016 NCAA Division I Women's Volleyball Tournament) 2016 NCAA Division I Women's Volleyball Tournament The 2016 NCAA Division I Women's Volleyball Tournament began on December 1, 2016 and concluded on December 17 at Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio. The tournament field was determined on November 27, 2016. Stanford defeated Texas 3 sets to 1 in the final to claim their seventh title, tying them with Penn State for most all-time. The champions of the NCAA's 32 conferences qualified automatically, while the remaining 32 positions were filled with at-large selections. The Big Ten and Pac-12 led all conferences with eight teams each in the field, followed by the Question: who won the college basketball national championship in 2017 Answer:
North Carolina
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Wilson Bethel) Stephen Wilson Bethel ( born February 24 , 1984 ) , professionally known as Wilson Bethel , is an American actor . He is known for his roles as Wade Kinsella on Hart of Dixie and as Ryder Callahan on the CBS daytime soap opera The Young and the Restless . He is also the star and creator of the web series Stupid Hype on the CW 's new online platform CWD ( CW Digital Studio ) . Document [1](Title: Mircea Monroe) Mircea Monroe Mircea Monroe (born March 11, 1982) is an American model and actress, known for her roles on the TV series "Episodes" as Morning Randolph (2011–2017), "Hart of Dixie" as Tansy Truitt (2011–2015), "Impastor" as Alexa Cummings (2015–2016) and "Sing It!" as Stacey Needles (2016–present). She has also starred in films including "Cellular" (2004), "House of the Dead II" (2005), "Just Friends" (2005), "The Change-Up" (2011) and "Magic Mike" (2012). Monroe was born in St. Louis, Missouri. As a child, she lived in the South Pacific islands of Fiji and the Solomon Islands. According to Monroe, her first name Document [2](Title: Amy Gibson) those in need of guidance and support who are dealing with hair loss. Amy Gibson Amy Gibson is a former daytime television Emmy-nominated actress turned businesswoman. Her credits include “Love of Life” (Lynn Henderson), “Young and the Restless” (Alana Anthony Jackson), and “General Hospital” (Colette Francoise) in the 1980s. She is the younger sister of Jody (Babydol) Gibson and niece of singer Georgia Gibbs, a recording artist with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Her mother Tobe Gibson is the talent agent who discovered Tom Cruise. Secretly bald for over 20 years due to the medical condition Alopecia Document [3](Title: The Cotton Club (film)) nominated for several awards, including Golden Globes for Best Director and Best Picture (Drama) and Oscars for Best Art Direction (Richard Sylbert, George Gaines) and Best Film Editing. The film, however, also earned a Razzie Award nomination for Diane Lane as Worst Supporting Actress. A musician named Dixie Dwyer begins working with mobsters to advance his career but falls in love with the girlfriend of gangland kingpin Dutch Schultz. A dancer from Dixie's neighborhood, Sandman Williams, is hired with his brother by the Cotton Club, a jazz club where most of the performers are black and the customers white. Owney Document [4](Title: Audition Day) 18–49 demographic. Writer Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) and producer Pete Hornberger (Scott Adsit) of the show "TGS with Tracy Jordan" have decided to rig the "TGS" auditions—in which they are in search of a new cast member on the show—by planning to add bad actors so that their preferred choice, Jayden Michael Tyler (Nick Fondulis), gets hired by their boss, Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin). "TGS" cast member Jenna Maroney (Jane Krakowski) learns that the auditions are taking place and worries that her position on the show will be lessened with the arrival of a new actor. Although Tracy Jordan (Tracy Document [5](Title: Deke Anderson) left the show. He had a supporting role in "A Cry in the Wild", which starred Jared Rushton, Ned Beatty and Pamela Sue Martin. The film was a made for television adaptation of Gary Paulsen's novel "Hatchet", a story about a 13-year-old boy learning to survive in the wilderness. Anderson had a supporting role in the "Deep in the Heart of Dixie" episode of "The Adventures of Brisco County Jr." which aired on November 5, 1993. In 1990, Anderson had the main starring role in as bank robber Tyler Bennet in the David A. Prior directed actioner "White Fury", a Document [6](Title: Tim Matheson) Affairs", premiered on USA Network in 2010. Matheson also directed the pilot episodes of "The Good Guys" (2010) for the Fox Network, "Criminal Behavior" (2011) for Lifetime, and "Wild Card" (2011) for USA Network. He played Dr. Brick Breeland on "Hart of Dixie" from 2011 to 2015. Matheson was born in Glendale, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. In 2010, he was divorced from Megan Murphy Matheson after a 25-year marriage and three children. He was previously married for three years to actress Jennifer Leak, whom he met on the set of "Yours, Mine, and Ours". Matheson served a tour Document [7](Title: Rudy Wade) the show’s demented standards it’s beyond belief and yet Gilgun manages to make it completely convincing". The "Metro"s Keith Watson felt that Gilgun "acts up a storm as, not content with splitting his personality in two, he now has a third alter ego to contend with – and the latest one is the most demented of the wackjob bunch. It’s a masterclass of comic acting that deserves a Bafta". Rudy Wade Rudy Wade is a fictional character from the British Channel 4 science fiction comedy-drama "Misfits", portrayed by Joseph Gilgun. After Robert Sheehan, who played Nathan Young, announced his departure, Question: who plays wade kinsella on hart of dixie Answer:
Stephen Wilson Bethel
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Commander-in-chief) According to Article II , Section 2 , Clause I of the Constitution , the President of the United States is '' Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States , and of the Militia of the several States , when called into the actual Service of the United States . '' Since the National Security Act of 1947 , this has been understood to mean all United States Armed Forces . U.S. ranks have their roots in British military traditions , with the President possessing ultimate authority , but no rank , maintaining a civilian status , other than the title of Commander in Chief . The exact degree of authority that the Constitution grants to the President as Commander in Chief has been the subject of much debate throughout history , with Congress at various times granting the President wide authority and at others attempting to restrict that authority . Document [1](Title: Powers of the President of the United States) the military. The present-day operational command of the Armed Forces is delegated to the Department of Defense and is normally exercised through the Secretary of Defense. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Combatant Commands assist with the operation as outlined in the presidentially approved Unified Command Plan (UCP). The exact degree of authority that the Constitution grants to the President as Commander in Chief has been the subject of much debate throughout American history, with Congress at various times granting the president wide authority and at others attempting to restrict that authority. Pursuant to the War Document [2](Title: Organizational structure of the United States Department of Defense) ensures law enforcement and security for the Pentagon and various other jurisdictions throughout the National Capital Region (NCR). The President of the United States is, according to the Constitution, the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces and Chief Executive of the Federal Government. The Secretary of Defense is the "Principal Assistant to the President in all matters relating to the Department of Defense", and is vested with statutory authority () to lead the Department and all of its component agencies, "including military command authority second only to the President". The President and the Secretary of Defense exercise authority and control Document [3](Title: Captain (United States)) several lieutenants on board, as well as a Sailing Master to assist in their duties. This use of the rank carried over into the U.S. Navy. With the addition of the ranks of commander and lieutenant commander between lieutenant and captain, a Navy captain became equivalent in rank to an Army colonel. Captain (United States) In the United States uniformed services, captain is a commissioned-officer rank. In keeping with the traditions of the militaries of most nations, the rank varies between the services, being a senior rank in the naval services and a junior rank in the ground and air Document [4](Title: Military) forces, or to advocate the need for new technology. Despite the growing importance of military technology, military activity depends above all on people. For example, in 2000 the British Army declared: "Man is still the first weapon of war." The military organization is characterized by a strict hierarchy divided by military rank, with ranks normally grouped (in descending order of authority) as officers (e.g. Colonel), non-commissioned officers (e.g. Sergeant), and personnel at the lowest rank (e.g. Private Soldier). While senior officers make strategic decisions, subordinated military personnel (soldiers, sailors, marines, or airmen) fulfil them. Although rank titles vary by military Document [5](Title: General of the Armies) That a Commander of the United States shall be appointed and commissioned by the style of General of the Armies of the United States and the present office and title of Lieutenant General shall thereafter be abolished. The rank of General of the Armies was intended for bestowal upon George Washington, who held the rank of "General and Commander-in-Chief" which was a grade senior to all American major generals and brigadier generals from the American Revolutionary War. However, only a few months after the Congressional proposal, Washington died on December 14, 1799. The United States Army at that time had Document [6](Title: Mexican Armed Forces) under the national constitution: Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces (Comandante Supremo De Las Fuerzas Armadas). According to the Constitution of Mexico the President is the Army's only five-star general. (This is comparable to most other countries with a presidential system of government, such as the United States.) Instead, a Secretary, who is a serving officer—an Army four-star general or a Navy admiral—heads each department and branch (The Secretariats of National Defense and the Navy). Each minister serves in a dual capacity: as a full cabinet member reporting to the President, and as the operational commander of their branch, but Document [7](Title: United States Marine Corps rank insignia) crossed rifles, to denote their lack of a combat mission; full-service Marines who are attached to the 10 field bands of the Operating Forces and Supporting Establishment continue to wear their normal rank insignia. United States Marine Corps rank insignia Marine ranks in ascending order, with tables indicating abbreviations in the style used by the United States Marine Corps, pay grades, and rank insignia: Commissioned officers are distinguished from other officers by their "commission", which is the formal written authority, issued in the name of the President of the United States, that confers the rank and authority of a Marine Question: who is commander chief of the us military Answer:
the President
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Mane (horse)) The mane is the hair that grows from the top of the neck of a horse or other equine , reaching from the poll to the withers , and includes the forelock or foretop . It is thicker and coarser than the rest of the horse 's coat , and naturally grows to roughly cover the neck . Heredity plays a role , giving some horses a longer , thicker mane , and others a shorter , thinner one . Document [1](Title: Horse grooming) to keep it in good condition, to help it grow, and to minimize debris and dirt from entering. Breeds mandated to show with a long mane keep a long mane in almost all disciplines, even those where show etiquette normally requires thinning or pulling. In some breeds or disciplines, particularly many Western and hunt seat competitions, the mane is thinned and shortened for competition purposes. The most common method of shortening and thinning the mane is by pulling it. Originally a thinned mane was considered easier to keep free of dirt, burrs, and out of the way of the rider, Document [2](Title: Fjord horse) distinct appearance. The breed's conformation differs from many other breeds in that it is a blend of draught horse muscling and bone, with smaller size and greater agility. It has a strong, arched neck, sturdy legs and good feet, and a compact, muscular body. The head is medium-sized and well defined with a broad, flat forehead and a straight or slightly dished face, with small ears and large eyes. Despite its small size, the breed is fully capable of carrying an adult human and pulling heavy loads. The hair coat becomes particularly heavy and thick in the winter. The natural Document [3](Title: Sorraia) head tends to be large, the profile convex, and the ears long. The neck is slender and long, the withers high, and the croup slightly sloping. The legs are strong, with long pasterns and well-proportioned hooves. These horses have good endurance and are easy keepers, thriving on relatively little fodder. They have a reputation for being independent of temperament, but tractable. On adult horses, the lay of the hair can create the appearance of stars and flags on the neck and chest. Also due to the lay of the hair, newborn foals can appear to have stripes all over, reminiscent Document [4](Title: Auvergne horse) rather short. The mane is abundant and fine. Eugene Gayot said that when the wind blows the mane and forelock of the horses, it gives them a disheveled and very strange look. The withers are high and good-looking, sharp-edged and often separated from the neck by a sharp line. The chest and body are narrow but the chest is deep, a condition for speed. The back and loins conform well, but the back can be long. The flanks are turned up or "cordés". The hips are protruding and the haunch is sharp, short, angular and low - slightly "avalée" or Document [5](Title: Plasterer) while it dries or when it is subject to flexing. Ox-hair, which is sold in three qualities, is now the kind usually specified; but horsehair, which is shorter, is sometimes substituted or mixed with the ox-hair in the lower qualities. Good hair should be long (In the UK cow and horse hair of short and long lengths is used), and left greasey (lanolin grease) because this protects against some degradation when introduced into the very high alkaline plaster[1]. Before use it must be well beaten, or teased, to separate the lumps. In America, goats' hair is frequently used, though it Document [6](Title: Hair whorl (horse)) and were slower to approaching then the single whorled horses. Lundy ponies with 'left' whorls score highly on calmness, placidness, enthusiasm and friendliness, whereas those with 'right' whorls score highly on wariness, associated flightiness and unfriendliness. Ponies with two facial whorls are rated as significantly more 'enthusiastic' and less 'wary' than those with one or three facial whorls. Whorls on Thoroughbred horses may be physical indicators of a predisposition to perform repetitive abnormal behaviours, i.e. stereotypies. Hair whorl (horse) A hair whorl is a patch of hair growing in the opposite direction of the rest of the hair. Hair whorls Document [7](Title: Ostfriesen and Alt-Oldenburger) a horse with a strong constitution, peaceful companionable temperament, which utilizes its feed well, has high fertility, and is suitable as a riding and driving horse. The walk and trot should be efficient and expansive, the latter with some action. The physique should speak of a moderately elegant horse of great depth and breadth, well-sprung ribs and a strong hind end. The head should be expressive with a large, friendly eye. The neck is muscular, medium-length, well-formed and set high on a long, sloping, muscular shoulder with defined withers. The back is medium-long, solid and elastic with a broad loin, Question: what is the hair on a horse called Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Greatest Story Ever Told) Max von Sydow as Jesus Dorothy McGuire as the Virgin Mary Charlton Heston as John the Baptist Claude Rains as Herod the Great José Ferrer as Herod Antipas Telly Savalas as Pontius Pilate Martin Landau as Caiaphas David McCallum as Judas Iscariot Donald Pleasence as '' The Dark Hermit '' ( a personification of Satan ) Michael Anderson , Jr. as James the Just Roddy McDowall as Matthew Joanna Dunham as Mary Magdalene Joseph Schildkraut as Nicodemus Ed Wynn as '' Old Aram '' Document [1](Title: Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert) director David Leveaux would direct and that the show would be performed in front of a live audience at the Marcy Avenue Armory in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Members of the creative crew included costume designer Paul Tazewell and choreographer Camille A. Brown. In December 2017, it was announced that Alice Cooper had been cast as King Herod and John Legend had been cast in the title role of Jesus Christ. The following month, it was announced that Sara Bareilles would play Mary Magdalene. In February 2018, it was announced that Brandon Victor Dixon, Norm Lewis, Ben Daniels, Jason Tam, Jin Ha Document [2](Title: List of American Horror Story: Roanoke characters) Kathy Bates as Thomasin White / The Butcher and Agnes Mary Winstead Document [3](Title: The Silver Chalice (film)) eventually to Rome to complete the task. Meanwhile, a nefarious interloper is trying to convince the crowds that he is the new Messiah by using nothing more than cheap parlor tricks. It marked the film début of Paul Newman as an artist named Basil (né Ambrose), who was given the task of making a silver chalice to house the Holy Grail. It also featured Virginia Mayo as Helena, Pier Angeli as Deborra, Jack Palance as Simon Magus, the villain, Joseph Wiseman as Mijamin, Alexander Scourby as Saint Luke, Walter Hampden as Joseph of Arimathea, Lorne Greene as Peter, and an Document [4](Title: The Shape of Water (film)) Sally Hawkins as Elisa Esposito Michael Shannon as Colonel Richard Strickland Richard Jenkins as Giles Octavia Spencer as Zelda Delilah Fuller Michael Stuhlbarg as Dr. Robert Hoffstetler / Dimitri Antonovich Mosenkov Doug Jones as Amphibian Man / The Asset David Hewlett as Fleming Nick Searcy as General Frank Hoyt Lauren Lee Smith as Elaine Strickland Morgan Kelly as the Pie Guy Document [5](Title: Priory of Sion) Bérenger Saunière: a mummified corpse, which Hammott claimed to believe is Mary Magdalene, in an underground tomb purportedly connected to both the Knights Templar and the Priory of Sion. In the film, Burgess interviews several people with alleged connections to the Priory of Sion, including a Gino Sandri and Nicolas Haywood. A book by one of the documentary's researchers, Rob Howells, entitled "Inside the Priory of Sion: Revelations from the World's Most Secret Society – Guardians of the Bloodline of Jesus" presented the version of the Priory of Sion as given in the 2008 documentary, which contained several erroneous assertions, Document [6](Title: Sex (play)) original production was directed by Edward Elsner, produced by C. William Morganstern, and stage managed by Alfred L. Rigali. The original cast featured Mae West as Margy LaMont, Al Re Alia as Curley, Conde Brewer as Condez, Gordon Earle as Waiter, D. J. Hamilton as Jones, Frank Howard as Jenkins, Michael Markham as Spanish Dancer, Constance Morganstern as Marie, Mary Morrisey as Red, Barry O'Neill as Lieutenant Gregg, Ann Reader as Agnes Scott, Pacie Ripple as Robert Stanton, George Rogers as Captain Carter, Warren Sterling as Rocky Waldron, Eda Von Buelow as Clara Smith, and Lyons Wickland as Jimmy Stanton. Document [7](Title: Mary Magdalene) from the Vatican that the Church's previous teaching of Mary Magdalene as a repentant whore had been wrong. Mary of Bethany's feast day and that of her brother Lazarus is now on July 29, the memorial of their sister Martha. Nonetheless, despite the Vatican's rejection of it, the view of Mary as a repentant prostitute only grew more prevalent in popular culture. She is portrayed as one in Nikos Kazantzakis's 1955 novel "The Last Temptation of Christ" and Martin Scorsese's 1988 film adaptation of it, in which Jesus, as he is dying on the cross, has a vision from Satan Question: who was jesus in the greatest story ever told Answer:
Max von Sydow
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Person-centered therapy) Person - centered therapy , also known as person - centered psychotherapy , person - centered counseling , client - centered therapy and Rogerian psychotherapy , is a form of psychotherapy developed by psychologist Carl Rogers beginning in the 1940s and extending into the 1980s . Person - centered therapy seeks to facilitate a client 's self - actualizing tendency , '' an inbuilt proclivity toward growth and fulfillment '' , via acceptance ( unconditional positive regard ) , therapist congruence ( genuineness ) , and empathic understanding . Document [1](Title: Carl Rogers) the therapy situation. As a result, he started to use the term "person-centered approach" later in his life to describe his overall theory. Person-centered therapy is the application of the person-centered approach to the therapy situation. Other applications include a theory of personality, interpersonal relations, education, nursing, cross-cultural relations and other "helping" professions and situations. In 1946 Rogers co-authored "Counseling with Returned Servicemen" with John L. Wallen (the creator of the behavioral model known as "The Interpersonal Gap"), documenting the application of person-centered approach to counseling military personnel returning from the second world war. The first empirical evidence of the Document [2](Title: Person-centered therapy) behavioral therapy, existential therapy, and others. Rogers affirmed individual personal experience as the basis and standard for living and therapeutic effect. Rogers identified six conditions which are needed to produce personality changes in clients: relationship, vulnerability to anxiety (on the part of the client), genuineness (the therapist is truly himself or herself and incorporates some self-disclosure), the client's perception of the therapist's genuineness, the therapist's unconditional positive regard for the client, and accurate empathy. This emphasis contrasts with the dispassionate position which may be intended in other therapies, particularly the more extreme behavioral therapies. Living in the present rather than Document [3](Title: Systems-centered therapy) Systems-centered therapy Systems-centered therapy (SCT) is a particular form of group therapy based on the Theory of Living Human Systems developed by Yvonne Agazarian. The theory postulates that living human systems survive, develop, and transform from simple to complex through discriminating and integrating information. Corresponding to the small and rigorously defined set of concepts, SCT defines a set of methods, techniques and instruments. SCT practitioners use these with individuals, couples and groups to explore the experience of their differences and work with these to integrate them. Using the method of functional subgrouping, these living human systems increase their ability to Document [4](Title: Collaborative therapy) Collaborative therapy Collaborative therapy is a therapy developed by Harlene Anderson, along with Harold A. Goolishian (1924–1991), in the USA. It is intended for clients who are well educated in any field, or for those that have distrust of psychotherapists due to past negative experiences with one or more. Collaborative therapy gives the client the option to have a "non-authoritarian" counsellor, for clients who are not heteronormative, who have gender dysphoria or are transgender, or who choose to live an alternative lifestyle. Anderson used collaborative therapy in family therapy and marriage therapy with success, and believed it could help families Document [5](Title: Person-centred planning) an example is that a person who is isolated would be offered different groups to attend (each run by a service specifically for people sharing a specific label), rather than being helped to make friends in ordinary society. The person-centered concept grew out of the critique of the "facility-based services" approach in the US (and worldwide) that was central to the development of "support approaches" in the US The nationwide technical assistance funded by the National Institute on Disability Research and Rehabilitation (NIDRR), which included the person-centered approaches, is reported in the "Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation" A central idea behind Document [6](Title: Group psychotherapy) therapy known as psychodrama (although the entry on psychodrama claims it is not a form of group therapy). Another recent development in the theory and method of group psychotherapy based on an integration of systems thinking is Yvonne Agazarian's systems-centered therapy (SCT), which sees groups functioning within the principles of system dynamics. Her method of "functional subgrouping" introduces a method of organizing group communication so it is less likely to react counterproductively to differences. SCT also emphasizes the need to recognize the phases of group development and the defenses related to each phase in order to best make sense and Document [7](Title: Subpersonality) Psychosynthesis, Transactional analysis, and Gestalt therapy. These were followed by some forms of hypnotherapy and the inner child work of John Bradshaw and others. Eventually, forms of therapy largely based on working with subpersonalities have arisen - Voice Dialogue, Ego-state therapy, and John Rowan’s work in Transpersonal psychology. The most recent and widespread subpersonality method is Internal Family Systems Therapy, developed by Richard C. Schwartz. He sees DID alters as on the same continuum as IFS parts (subpersonalities), the only difference being that alters are more polarized and split off from the rest of the internal system. Recent studies have Question: where did the person centred approach come from Answer:
psychologist Carl Rogers
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Sofía Vergara) Vergara stars on the ABC series Modern Family as Gloria Delgado - Pritchett , for which she has been nominated for four Golden Globe Awards , four Primetime Emmy Awards , and seven Screen Actors Guild Awards . Document [1](Title: Devious Maids) and Klaveno, Cedeño and Hamilton returned. Academy Award–nominee June Squibb also was cast as Susan Lucci's character's mother, Velma, in two episodes of the second season. Also was added the African-American Family - the Millers, Tiffany Hines as Didi, Kimberly Hebert Gregory as Lucinda, Reggie Austin as Reggie, and Willie C. Carpenter as Kenneth Miller. Brown and Cullen returned as a series regular in season three, with season two guest star Gilles Marini and newcomers Cristián de la Fuente and Nathan Owens added to the main cast. Newcomer Gail Flemming Julie Claire is one of Evelyn's friends. Gail Fleming is Document [2](Title: Egg Drop) Vergara) who immediately accepts to help him. They all go to the place where the presentation is going to happen and rehearse Phil's speech and what everyone has to do. After the rehearsal, Gloria and Haley ask Phil to let them go for mani-pedis since they have time till the actual presentation. Things though do not go as they planned and Phil ends up doing the presentation alone, something that leads to a disaster. Meanwhile, Cam (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitch (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) welcome at their home a potential birth mother named Lindsay (Zoe Jarman). Lindsay seems impressed with the Document [3](Title: María Elena Velasco) comedies that became a mainstay in Mexican movie theaters. Velasco won a Silver Goddess Award for Best Comedic Performance for "¡El que no corre... vuela!" (1982). She made her directorial debut in "El coyote emplumado" (1983). She also starred the television series "Ay María, qué puntería" (1998). In the early 1960s, Velasco met Russian-born Mexican film actor and choreographer Julián de Meriche (born Vladimir Lipkies Chazan) at the Teatro Blanquita. They married and had three children, producer-director Iván Lipkies, writer-actress Goretti Lipkies, and writer-producer Ivette Lipkies. She later said: "My husband was worth gold, I will not lie and say Document [4](Title: Gina de Venecia) Gina de Venecia Maria Georgina Perez-de Venecia (born February 15, 1949), also known as Gina de Venecia, is a member of the Philippine House of Representatives for the 4th district of Pangasinan. She is the wife of Jose de Venecia, Jr., Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines from 1992 to 1998 and 2001 to 2008. De Venecia's father, the late Jose Perez, was the owner of movie production company "Sampaguita Pictures", while her mother, Azucena Vera-Perez of Catanduanes, is currently the president of Sampaguita Pictures and Vera-Perez Pictures. She finished high school at the Assumption Convent, and Document [5](Title: Modern Family (season 3)) Comedy Series for Eric Stonestreet (third consecutively and second for Stonestreet), Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for Julie Bowen (second consecutive), along with Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series for Steven Levitan, among the fourteen nominations it earned. It also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy. The third season of the show was produced by 20th Century Fox Television and Lloyd-Levitan Productions and is airing on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC). "Modern Family" is produced by co-creators Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan who serve as executive producers and show runners with Document [6](Title: Suzette Ranillo) Juni Ging Ranillo and Czareanah Mari Sevilla Cortez a.k.a. Inah Cortez Do. Suzette Ranillo Suzette Ranillo, started at the age of 12 as an actress with the screen name, Nadia Veloso. She is well known for her awards and successes in film, television and theater. Born in Cebu City, Philippines to actors' Mat Ranillo, Jr. and Gloria Sevilla (who later wed Amado Cortez). Her siblings are Maria Lilibeth Sevilla Ranillo a.k.a. Bebet Ranillo DeRivera, Matias Archibald Sevilla Ranillo III, to his friends and family "Archie," (a.k.a. Mat Ranillo III), Matias Jonathan Sevilla Ranillo IV a.k.a. Jojo Ranillo, Matias Bonifacio Sevilla Document [7](Title: Naya Rivera) 2011, as well as others. In the second half of the series' third season, she was given the opportunity to do a duet with Ricky Martin, and worked with Gloria Estefan, who was cast as Santana's mother. As the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards approached, Rivera was listed by many critics and media outlets as deserving of a nomination; "The Hollywood Reporter" included her in their "Emmy 2012: Supporting Players" photo shoot, and Rivera was also honored by E!, HitFix, "TV Guide", and others. She was also chosen by the TV Academy to take part in a promotional video for the Question: who is the actress that plays gloria on modern family Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Carly Corinthos) Portrayed by Sarah Joy Brown ( 1996 -- 2001 , 2014 ) Tamara Braun ( 2001 -- 05 , 2014 ) Jennifer Bransford ( 2005 ) Laura Wright ( 2005 -- ) Document [1](Title: Dena Kaplan) series "" as one of the party girls. In 2007, she appeared as Deborah Statesman in an episode of Australian police drama "City Homicide". In 2009, she played Keli in an episode of "Flight Of The Conchords" and starred in the film "In Her Skin" alongside Rebecca Gibney. She was then cast in the series "Dance Academy" and in the same year was cast as Stephanie Wolfe in "City Homicide". In 2011, Kaplan starred as the love interest in Chris Sebastian's music video for "Flow". During 2013 she was cast in the role of Sarah Brennen in "Camp". A TV Document [2](Title: Sarah Danielle Madison) fellow medical resident and love interest to Kyle McCarty (played by Kevin Rahm) on "Judging Amy". In 2009, she appeared on the medical drama "House" as the wife of a pain-ridden, suicidal patient in the episode "Painless". She played Colleen Sarkoissian, Liam's mother on The CW's "90210". Though sometimes credited as Sarah Goldberg, Sarah Danielle Goldberg or Sarah Danielle, the actress preferred to use Sarah Danielle Madison as her professional name because of her fondness for "Madison" the mermaid in the 1984 movie "Splash". On September 27, 2014, Madison died in her sleep, twenty-one days after her 40th birthday, during Document [3](Title: Millie Bobby Brown) Young Alice. In 2014, she had a starring role in the BBC America paranormal drama-thriller series "Intruders" as Madison O'Donnell. She then made guest appearances in the CBS police procedural drama "NCIS", the ABC sitcom "Modern Family", and the ABC medical drama series "Grey's Anatomy". In 2016, Brown played Eleven in the Netflix science fiction horror series "Stranger Things". Her portrayal received critical acclaim and she was nominated for the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series and the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. She won Document [4](Title: Psych) USA Network announced "", a two-hour TV movie to air December 7, 2017. All the original main cast would return for the TV movie, which was directed by series creator, Steve Franks, and screenplayed by Franks and series star, James Roday. Zachary Levi was later announced for the movie, as the main villain, "Thin White Duke,", while Jazmyn Simon – Dulé Hill's real-life fiancée – played Selene, a romantic interest for Gus. On July 5, 2017, Charlotte Flair announced that she would be in "Psych: The Movie" as Heather Rockrear. On June 28, 2017, former guest star Ralph Macchio joined Document [5](Title: I've Been Waiting for You (film)) (Christian Campbell), Debbie Murdock (Maggie Lawson), Kevin Lane (Chad Cox), and Misty (Julie Patzwald) are rude to her, criticizing her unusual clothes and attitude. She also meets Charlie Gorman (Ben Foster), who is considered the school geek because he also doesn't quite fit in and works in a family owned occult bookstore. Sarah and Charlie get along fairly well. Sarah is soon bothered with phone calls from a mysterious person, saying "I've been waiting for you." Being a supporter of wicca, she isn't very worried. Later on, Kyra and Eric, who are a couple, break into her house and tell Document [6](Title: Fiona O'Shaughnessy) she appeared in the UK premiere of "Blackwater Angel" by Jim Nolan at the Finborough Theatre, London. Other work for the Gate Theatre includes "Arms and the Man", "Oliver", "The Importance of Being Earnest", "Pride and Prejudice", "Blythe Spirit", "Present Laughter" (which toured in Charleston, South Carolina), "See You Next Tuesday", and "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof". She played Cate in the Irish debut of Sarah Kane's play "Blasted". Her film roles include Clara in "Goldfish Memory", "The Halo Effect", and "The Stronger". Other theatre work includes playing Hilde Wangle in "Lady from the Sea" and Petra Stockman in Document [7](Title: Jeepers Creepers 3) Jonathan Breck as the Creeper Meg Foster as Gaylen Brandon Gabrielle Haugh as Addison Brandon Stan Shaw as Sheriff Dan Tashtego Joyce Giraud as Deputy Dana Lang Jordan Salloum as Kenny Brandon Ryan Moore as Kirk Mathers Brandon Smith as Sergeant Davis Tubbs Gina Philips as Patricia '' Trish '' Jenner ( cameo ) Question: who played all the carly's on general hospital Answer:
Jennifer Bransford
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Stephen Nichols) Stephen Nichols ( born February 19 , 1951 ) is an American actor , most notable for his roles on American daytime soap operas . He played the part of Steve ( Patch ) Johnson on NBCs Days of Our Lives from 1985 - 1990 ; after that , he had a stint on ABC 's General Hospital as Stefan Cassadine from 1996 - 2003 . Document [1](Title: Jay Kenneth Johnson) Jay Kenneth Johnson Jay Kenneth Johnson (born February 24, 1977) is an American actor from Springfield, Missouri. He is best known for portraying Philip Kiriakis on the NBC soap opera "Days of Our Lives". Johnson was born to parents Janice and Ken Johnson on February 24, 1977 in Missouri. He graduated from Kickapoo High School in 1995. He attended the Missouri State University, where he majored in Business and theatre. He then moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. He has two younger siblings, Jeff and Jenna. He has had roles on "The Young and the Restless", "Days Document [2](Title: Jeffrey Vincent Parise) played Nick on the television series "Cupid" from 1998-1999, and he has guest-starred on "Turks, Millennium, , " (playing two different characters five years apart), "Walker, Texas Ranger, Titans, NYPD Blue, Monk, Judging Amy, The District, Veronica Mars, Party Down, Burn Notice," and "Castle." In 2007-2008 he was cast in "Days of Our Lives" playing the role of Detective Sullivan in 10 episodes. Parise joined the cast of "General Hospital" in 2013, playing the role of bad boy Carlos Rivera. He made his first debut on September 19, 2013 and continued his run through 2016, after which he returned to Document [3](Title: Richard Biggs) Richard Biggs Richard James Biggs II (March 18, 1960 – May 22, 2004) was an American television and stage actor, known for his roles on the television series "Days of Our Lives" and "Babylon 5". Born in Columbus, Ohio, Biggs attended the University of Southern California on scholarship, studying theatre. He briefly taught at a Los Angeles high school before landing his first major television role, that of Dr. Marcus Hunter on the soap opera "Days of Our Lives". Biggs was diagnosed with hearing problems when he was 13, and was partially deaf in one ear, completely deaf in the Document [4](Title: Ben Weston (Days of Our Lives)) Ben Weston (Days of Our Lives) Ben Weston is a fictional character from "Days of Our Lives", an American soap opera on the NBC network, most notably portrayed by Robert Scott Wilson. The role was originated by Justin Gaston in 2014 when Ben was introduced as the new love interest of Abigail Deveraux (Kate Mansi) and he is later revealed to be the estranged brother of Jordan Ridgeway (Chrishell Stause). Soon after, Wilson was hired as a recast and the writers began exploring the character's dark past with the introduction of his abusive criminal father Clyde Weston (James Read). In Document [5](Title: Robin Jacobs) Robin Jacobs Robin Jacobs is a fictional character from NBC's daytime drama, "Days of Our Lives". She was portrayed by Derya Ruggles from 1985 to 1987 and, briefly, again in 1989. Robin Jacobs was played by Derya Ruggles. Robin was a surgeon at University Hospital in Salem. She fell in love with Dr. Mike Horton, but they couldn't be together because she was Jewish. She married Mitch Kaufman, a Jew, but after finding out she was carrying Mike's child, she ended the marriage. In 1987, she left town when she thought Mike would never convert to Judaism. In 1989, she Document [6](Title: Andrea Hall) Andrea Hall Andrea Jean Hall (born October 31, 1947) is an American soap opera actress who has since retired from the genre. She is the twin sister of fellow soap actress, Deidre Hall. Both were born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, raised in Lake Worth, Florida and graduated in 1965 from Lake Worth High School. Her current husband, Thomas Gengler, a former restaurateur, is a chain restaurant manager in Norfolk, Virginia. They have an adopted daughter from the Philippines. . She is best known for her role as Samantha Evans on "Days of Our Lives", which she played from 1977 to 1982. Document [7](Title: Threat Level Midnight) Karen Fillipelli, noted that it felt like "a time warp" to be asked to reappear on the show. Jan Levinson, Michael's former boss and lover played by Melora Hardin, reappeared in the "Jan-as-diva" mode. Tony Gardner, portrayed by Mike Bruner, cameos as a pianist. Novak rationalized that, despite Gardner being fired on his first day, the character might have appeared in the movie because he was "intrigued" and "flattered" that Michael—after apologizing "profusely"—asked him, or that he might have been "lonely". Andy Buckley, who portrayed David Wallace, former CFO of Dunder Mifflin, was originally billed as a guest star for Question: actor who plays steve on days of our lives Answer:
Stephen Nichols
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: B. A. Baracus) Sergeant Bosco '' B.A. '' ( Bad Attitude ) Baracus / bəˈrækəs / , played by Mr. T , is a fictional character and one of the four protagonists of the 1980s action - adventure television series The A-Team . B.A. Baracus appeared on The A-Team from the series beginning in 1983 until its cancellation in 1987 . He is arguably the breakout character of the series and has become a cult icon worldwide . Document [1](Title: George Peppard) that Forsythe did "a better job than I could have done." In 1982, Peppard auditioned for and won the role of Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith in the TV action adventure series "The A-Team", acting alongside Mr. T, Dirk Benedict and Dwight Schultz. In the series, the A-Team was a team of renegade commandos on the run from the military for "a crime they did not commit" while serving in the Vietnam war. The A-Team members made their collective living as soldiers of fortune, but they helped only people who came to them with justified grievances. As Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith, Document [2](Title: The Prince (anthology)) Falkenberg. Sparta is in need of a full-time military force, and they are considering putting Falkenberg and the Legion on retainer to establish their army. Lysander finds himself in the middle of a plot by Grand Senator Bronson to hijack a "borloi" shipment. Enlisting with Falkenberg as a cornet (a very junior officer, really an officer-trainee), Lysander learns the realities of military life. The principal military opposition is a battalion of mercenaries, Barton's Bulldogs, commanded by Major Ace Barton (a former Legion officer), who are working for the planters. Lysander plays a major role in the Legion's foiling the theft Document [3](Title: The A-Team) episode "Black Day At Bad Rock" he is seen carrying a Browning Hi-Power. Face's usual sidearm is a Colt Lawman III, though he does use Smith & Wesson revolvers in latter seasons. Many antagonists and members of the team are seen using 1911s as well. Starting from Season 4, the then-exotic Steyr AUG bullpup rifle also became prominent in the series. "So many different firearms were used in the 1980s hit 'The A-Team' that it’s impossible to list them all. For five seasons, the wrongly accused foursome used rifles, handguns, submachine guns and shotguns to bring justice for the little Document [4](Title: The Best of Enemies (1961 film)) is questioned by Captain Blasi (Sordi), but gives only his name, rank and serial number. A British night attack is repulsed, but Italian Major Fornari is killed, leaving Blasi in charge. As time goes on, Blasi and Richardson come to irritate each other. Blasi decides to let the two escape to tell their superiors how ineffectual his force actually is in the hope that the British will not think them worth bothering about. However, Richardson is ordered to take his motorized squadron and round up Blasi's unit. Blasi and his men reach a fort, where supposedly the rest of their Document [5](Title: Dwight Schultz) and Rusty Humphries on "The Rusty Humphries Show". Schultz married actress Wendy Fulton in 1983. They have one daughter, Ava (born 1987), who serves in the Marines. Schultz is a conservative and in 2012 began regular appearances on "The Glazov Gang", an Internet political talk show hosted by Jamie Glazov, managing editor of FrontPage Magazine. He also posts political commentaries and podcasts on his official fansite. Dwight Schultz William Dwight Schultz (born November 24, 1947) is an American actor and voice artist. He is known for his roles as Captain "Howling Mad" Murdock on the 1980s action series "The A-Team", Document [6](Title: Dirk Benedict) another son, John Talbert (born 1968), from an earlier relationship, who had been given up for adoption. With the help of his adoptive parents, Talbert discovered and contacted his birth parents. Dirk Benedict Dirk Benedict (born Dirk Niewoehner on March 1, 1945) is an American movie, television and stage actor and author. He is best known for playing the characters Lieutenant Templeton "Faceman" Peck in "The A-Team" television series and Lieutenant Starbuck in the original "Battlestar Galactica" film and television series. He is the author of "Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy" and "And Then We Went Fishing". Benedict was born Document [7](Title: The A-Team) Brandon Tartikoff, NBC's Entertainment president. Cannell was fired from ABC in the early 1980s, after failing to produce a hit show for the network, and was hired by NBC; his first project was "The A-Team." Brandon Tartikoff pitched the series to Cannell as a combination of "The Dirty Dozen", "Mission Impossible", "The Magnificent Seven", "Mad Max" and "Hill Street Blues", with "Mr. T driving the car". "The A-Team" was not generally expected to become a hit, although Stephen J. Cannell has said that George Peppard suggested it would be a huge hit "before we ever turned on a camera". The Question: what does the ba stand for in ba baracus Answer:
Bad Attitude
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Miguel) Miguel is a given name and surname , the Portuguese and Spanish form of the Hebrew name Michael . It may refer to : Document [1](Title: García (surname)) García (surname) Garcia or García is an Iberian surname common throughout Spain, Portugal, parts of France, the Americas, and the Philippines. It is a surname of patronymic origin; "García" was a very common first name in early medieval Iberian Peninsula. Possibly a Basque surname called "Gaztea", and later was Castilianized, into the medieval Kingdom of Castile, becoming "García". It is attested since the high Middle Ages north and south of the Pyrenees (Basque Culture Territories), with the surname (sometimes first name too) thriving especially on the Kingdom of Navarre and spreading out to Castile and other Spanish regions. Alfonso Irigoyen Document [2](Title: Portuguese name) sake of enhanced individuality. One can find today in Portugal and Brazil people who still use surnames that for other people are just given names, although they were passed from parents to sons for generations, such as Valentim, Alexandre, Fernando, Afonso (note the family name "de Melo Afonso") and Antonio (note "de Melo Antonio"). Names like "Dinis", "Duarte", "Garcia" and "Godinho" were originally given names, but today they are used in Brazil almost exclusively as surnames, although Duarte and Dinis are still common given names in Portugal. Matronymics (surnames derived from female given names) are not used in Portuguese. Surnames Document [3](Title: San Miguel, Santander) and territorial reorganization emanating from the constitution of 1886, restored to San Miguel the rank of municipal district from September 1877. Geography: Physical Description: San Miguel has temperate and cold thermal floors, and an average annual rainfall of 1200 millimeters. The municipal head of this municipality is located at 6º 35 'north latitude and at 72º 39' longitude west of the Greenwich meridian. Boundaries of the municipality: San Miguel is located in the extreme southeast of the province of García Rovira, east of the department of Santander. It limits to the North with the municipalities of Enciso and Carcasa, to Document [4](Title: Luis Fernando Castillo Mendez) a native of Venezuela, Castillo Méndez's family name (patronym) is "Castillo", with "Méndez" being his mother's family name. In Spanish-speaking countries, people normally have two surnames. One is inherited from the father, the other from the mother. The father's surname is written before the mother's surname and, when addressing a person formally, one usually uses the father's surname (e.g. "Señor Castillo"). "(See article Spanish naming customs)" However, as an immigrant to Brazil, where the custom is to place the father's surname in the final position, Castillo Méndez was normally addressed as "Méndez", even though this is technically his mother's surname. Document [5](Title: Portuguese name) of a Tree" or 'Executioner") Portuguese surnames that originated from professions or occupations are few, such as "Serrador" (sawman), "Monteiro" (hunter of the hills or woods guard), "Guerreiro" (warrior), "Caldeira" (cauldron, i.e. cauldron maker), "Cubas" (wooden barrels, i.e., barrel maker or cooper), "Carneiro" (sheep, for a shepherd), "Peixe" (fish, for a fisherman or a fishmonger). Some Portuguese names originated from foreigners who came to live in Portugal or Brazil many centuries ago. They are so ancient that, despite their known foreign origin, they are an integrated part of Portuguese and Brazilian cultures. Most of these names are Spanish, such as Document [6](Title: Dahil Mahal na Mahal Kita) becomes unfaithful. Hurt and determined to change her destiny, Mela resolves to look for “Mr. Perfect,” who turns out to be Miguel. Rich, intelligent, and good-mannered. A typical aristocrat guy who is always formal, all-business and snobbish. He portrays the typical “guy-next-door” women fall for, but has a superior personality which is a turn-off. Miguel’s only fault is his tendency to rigid self-discipline. Besides being a member of the school’s discipline committee, Miguel also helps manage the family business. Miguel’s father died while he was young, and his mother was left to raise him and his brother. His brother also Document [7](Title: João Garcia Miguel) Anton Chekhov, Jean Genet, Peter Handke, Fernando Pessoa, Shakespeare, Sophocles, August Strindberg, Gertrude Stein, Andy Warhol and Virginia Woolf, in addition to the production of original texts. Garcia Miguel has collaborated with artists and performers such as Andres Beladiez, Alberto Lopes, Anton Skrypiciel, Carlos Pimenta, Chema Leon, Clara Andermatt], Custodia Calego, Edgar Pêra, Francisco Rocha, Lucia Sigalho, Luis Guerra, João Fiadeiro, João Brites, Michael Margotta, Miguel Borges, Miguel Moreira, Nuno Cardoso, Rui Gato, Rui Horta, Sara Ribeiro, Steve Bird and Steve Denton. His work has been exhibited in <nowiki>France</nowiki>, <nowiki>England</nowiki>, <nowiki>Wales</nowiki>, <nowiki>Germany</nowiki>, <nowiki>Senegal</nowiki>, <nowiki>Norway</nowiki>, and <nowiki>Spain</nowiki>. Since 1995 Garcia Miguel Question: what is the meaning of miguel in english Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: British North America Acts) Canada dates its history as a country to the British North America Act , 1867 , which came into effect on July 1 , 1867 . However , Canada was not established as fully independent , since the United Kingdom retained legislative control over Canada and full control over Canadian foreign policy . Canada did not have any foreign embassies until its first one was established in Washington , D.C. , in 1931 . Until 1949 , changes to the British North America Acts could be made only by the British parliament . The British North America ( No. 2 ) Act , 1949 , gave the Parliament of Canada the power to make limited constitutional amendments , but full Canadian control over the constitution was not achieved until the passage of the Canada Act 1982 . This long delay was in large part due to the inability to agree upon a procedure for making constitutional amendments that was acceptable to all of the provinces , in particular the Province of Quebec . Document [1](Title: James Armstrong Richardson) timeframe for Canada to bring home its constitution which was held by Britain. The constitution, then referred to as the British North America Act of 1867, was the act of British Parliament to bring the provinces of Canada together. This was Canadian Confederation. Britain intended to hand over the constitution in 1931, but Canada could not agree on a means to enact amendments. Richardson claimed that Trudeau was to allow Quebec perpetual veto power over "any future amendments to the constitution concerning language rights" Richardson was referring to a 1971 proposal which enabled Quebec or Ontario separate veto powers but Document [2](Title: Patriation) Patriation Patriation was the political process that led to full Canadian sovereignty, culminating with the Constitution Act, 1982. That Act was necessary because under the Statute of Westminster 1931, with Canada's agreement at the time, the British parliament had retained the power to amend Canada's Constitution Acts (Statute of Westminster sec. 7(1)), and to enact more generally for Canada at the request and with the consent of the Dominion (sec. 4). That authority was removed from the UK by the passing of the Canada Act 1982 on March 29, 1982, by the Parliament of the United Kingdom, as requested by Document [3](Title: Official bilingualism in Canada) British North America Acts in the decade following 1982. However, these versions were never ratified under the Constitution’s amendment procedure, and therefore have never been officially adopted. Section 57 states that the “English and French versions of this Act [ie. the "Constitution Act, 1982"] are equally authoritative.” The purpose of this provision is to clear up any ambiguity that might have existed about the equal status of the two versions as a result of the novel way in which this part of Canada's supreme law came into force. Had the "Constitution Act, 1982" been enacted as most preceding amendments to Document [4](Title: Constitution Act, 1886) of Canada in 1985 and reprinted in the Revised Statutes of Ontario in 1990. Constitution Act, 1886 The Constitution Act, 1886 (UK), 58 & 59 Vict, c 35, is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and forms part of the Constitution of Canada. It was originally known as the British North America Act, 1886, but it was renamed by the Constitution Act, 1982. Section 1 of the Constitution Act, 1886 provides that "the Parliament of Canada may...make provision for the representation in the Senate and House of Commons, or in either of them, of any territories which Document [5](Title: History of Canadian nationality law) period of residence required to qualify for naturalization was increased from three years to five years. A separate status of "Canadian national" was created under the "Canadian Nationals Act, 1921", which was defined as being any British subject who was a Canadian citizen as defined above, the wife of any such citizen, and any person born outside Canada whose father was a Canadian national at the time of that person's birth. After the passage of the Statute of Westminster in 1931, whereby each self-governing dominion of the British Empire was henceforth considered equal in status to all the others, with Document [6](Title: Canada–United Kingdom relations) colonies chose to federate in 1867, creating a new state, Canada, with the new title of "Dominion". The constitution of the new Canadian federation left foreign affairs to the Imperial Parliament in Westminster, but the leaders of the federal parliament in Ottawa soon developed their own viewpoints on some issues, notably relations between the British Empire and the United States. Stable relations and secure trade with the United States were becoming increasingly vital to Canada, — so much so that historians have said that Canada's early diplomacy constituted a "North Atlantic triangle". Most of Canada's early attempts at diplomacy necessarily Document [7](Title: Canada under British rule) the Canadas. With the Act of Union 1840, Upper and Lower Canada were joined to become the United Province of Canada. Later, with Confederation in 1867, the British maritime colonies of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia were joined with the Province of Canada to form the Dominion of Canada, which was subsequently divided into four provinces: Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. A number of other British colonies, such as Newfoundland and British Columbia, and large territories such as Rupert's Land, initially remained outside the newly formed federation. Over time, the remaining colonies and territories of British North America Question: when did the british north america act take effect Answer:
July 1 , 1867
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Bet (short story)) '' The Bet '' Author Anton Chekhov Original title '' Пари '' Country Russia Language Russian Published in Novoye Vremya Publisher Adolf Marks ( 1901 ) Publication date 14 January 1889 Document [1](Title: Nikolay Kostomarov) little influence on the development of Ukrainian theater. He also wrote prose in Russian (the novelette "Kudeyar", 1875), and Russian mixed with Ukrainian ("Chernigovka", 1881), but these also are considered insignificant. Nikolay Kostomarov Nikolay Ivanovich Kostomarov (, , Ukrainified: "Микола Іванович Костомарiв, Mykola Ivanovych Kostomariv"; May 16, 1817, vil. Yurasovka, Voronezh Governorate, Russian Empire – April 19, 1885, Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire) was one of the most distinguished Russian historians, a Professor of History at the St. Vladimir University of Kiev and later at the St. Petersburg University, an Active State Councillor of Russia, an author of many books, including Document [2](Title: Russian Little Booker Prize) book of short stories 1994 - "Volga" (Saratov) for the Russia's best provincial magazine 1995 - "Rodnik" (Riga) and "Idiot" (Vitebsk) for the best Russian-language literary magazine published in Russia's neighboring countries 1996 - Sergei Gandlevskii ("Trepanatsiia cherepa") for the best first book in prose 1997 - Mikhail Gasparov ("Izbrannye stat'i"), Alexander Goldstein ("Rasstavanie s Nartsissom") for a historical and philosophical study of Russian literature 1998 - Emma Gershtein ("Memuary"), Mikhail Bezrodnyi ("Konets tsitaty") for a memoir and an autobiography dealing with Russia's literary scene 1999 - Vladimir Bibikhin ("Novyi renessans") for an essay that contributed significantly to the development Document [3](Title: Alexander Yablonovsky) Alexander Yablonovsky Alexander Alexandrovich Yablonovsky (, born Снадский, Snadsky, 15 November 1870, Kitrosanovka village, Kherson Governorate, Imperial Russia, - 3 July 1934, Paris, France) was a Russian writer, journalist and publicist, a prominent figure of the Russian literary emigration in Paris. A Saint Petersburg University alumnus, Yablonovsky debuted as a published author in 1893, in "Russkoye Bogatstvo", with the short story "Posledyshi" (Youngest Children) and went on to contribute to "Mir Bozhy", "Syn Otechestva", "Rech", "Nasha Zhyzn", as well as "Obrazovaniye" magazine where he edited the satirical Common Images (Родные картинки) section. In 1905-1916 he worked for "Kiyevskaya Mysl" where Document [4](Title: Tolstoy family) Alexei Konstantinovich (1817–75) was a courtier but also one of the most popular Russian poets of his time. He wrote admirable ballads, a historical novel, some licentious verse, and satires published under the penname of Kozma Prutkov. His lasting contribution to the Russian literature was a trilogy of historical dramas, modelled after Pushkin's "Boris Godunov". Count Lev Nikolaevich (1828–1910), more widely known abroad as Leo Tolstoy, is acclaimed as one of the greatest novelists of all time. After he started his career in the military, he was first drawn to writing books when he served in Chechenya, and already his Document [5](Title: Alexander Pypin) 1–4, 1911–1913, posthumously). Alexander Pypin Alexander Nikolayevich Pypin (; 6 April 1833, in Saratov, Russian Empire – 9 December 1904, in Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire) was a Russian literary historian, ethnographer, journalist and editor; a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and (briefly, in 1904), its vice-president. Nikolai Chernyshevsky was his cousin on the maternal side. Pypin actively contributed to "Sovremennik" (which he edited in 1863–1866), "Vestnik Evropy", and "Otechestvennye Zapiski". Among his most acclaimed works are the History of Slavic Literatures (Vols. 1–2, 1879–1881, with Vladimir Spasovich), the History of Russian Ethnography (Vols. 1890–1892) and the History of Document [6](Title: A Dreary Story) re-worked version the novella was included into a collection called "Moody People" (Хмурые люди, Khmurye lyudi, 1890), then into Volume 5 of Chekhov's Collected Works, published by Adolf Marks in 1899-1901. Chekhov completed the story by the end of September. Still, in his 3 September letter he informed Alexey Pleshcheyev, then closely associated with "Severny Vestnik", that the story was almost ready, but in need of "polishing, varnishing and some additional pondering on". He added: "Never in my life have I written anything of the kind. Such themes are totally new to me, and I am a bit wary of Document [7](Title: Florenty Pavlenkov) 750 books which sold 3,5 million. Florenty Pavlenkov Florenty Fyodorovich Pavlenkov (Флорентий Фёдорович Павленков, 20 October 1839, Tambov Governorate, Russian Empire, - 20 January 1900, Nice, France) was a Russian publisher, librarian and philanthropist, founder of the All-Russian circuit of rural libraries, who compiled and edited the Illustrated Reader for Children which in 1873 received an honorable commendation at the Vienna Book exhibition. Pavlenkov is best known as a founder and publisher of an epic 200-plus biographical series "" (Жизнь замечательных людей) which never ceased after his death and continues in the 21st century. The Pavlenkov Publishing House (which functioned Question: where does the story the bet take place Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Dancing with the Stars (U.S. season 25)) On November 21 , 2017 , actor and singer Jordan Fisher and Lindsay Arnold were declared the winners , marking Arnold 's first win . Violinist and composer Lindsey Stirling and Mark Ballas finished second , while actor and race car driver Frankie Muniz and Witney Carson finished third . Having won at age 23 , Fisher is currently the youngest male winner of the show , surpassing short track speed skating competitor Apolo Anton Ohno ( season 4 ) . Fisher also currently holds the record for most perfect scores by a celebrity in a season ( 9 ) , surpassing Bindi Irwin ( season 21 ) and Laurie Hernandez ( season 23 ) . Document [1](Title: Skating's Next Star) Skating's Next Star Skating's Next Star is a reality television show that began airing on the WE tv on April 26, 2006. Twelve Professional Skaters competed for the first place prize $25,000, a feature article in International Figure Skating Magazine and a one year contract management contract with Major League Figure Skating. The show gained notority on the Today (NBC program) show which featured Natalia Kanounnikova setting the Guinness World Records for being the fastest spinner on ice. She set the record in episode 2. The Series was created by CEO of Major League Figure Skating and Former United States Document [2](Title: 2013 Four Continents Figure Skating Championships) a total of 131.04. Australia's Danielle O'Brien / Gregory Merriman cleanly skated an engaging circus themed free dance to earn a personal best score of 75.07 to finish in eighth place on 123.88, a personal best ranking and score. Medals awarded to the skaters who achieve the highest overall placements in each discipline: Small medals awarded to the skaters who achieve the highest short program or short dance placements in each discipline: Medals awarded to the skaters who achieve the highest free skating or free dance placements in each discipline: Table of medals for overall placement: Table of small medals Document [3](Title: Open Mic UK) the first time that the winning act came from the highest age category; with 28-year-old Heidi Browne from Shropshire taking the overall title. The judging panel for the National Grand Final included: Kerrang Radio, Planet Rock, and 4Music presenter Alex Baker; Sony Music Entertainment talent producer Eddie Evelyn-Hall; Mark Hill - who boasts four Ivor Novello Awards, a number one album, two number one singles and over 10 million record sales worldwide; managing director of River Studios, Gareth Henderson - who has produced for the likes of Alesha Dixon, Corinne Bailey Rae, Birdy and Luke Friend; Tanya Anderson - who Document [4](Title: Polina Tsurskaya) final. At the 2015–16 JGP Final, held on December in Barcelona, she won the gold medal with personal best scores in both segments and a total of 195.28 points. She broke the junior records in the free skate and total scores set by compatriot Elena Radionova. Competing on the senior level, Tsurskaya finished fourth later in December at the Russian Championships before winning her first junior national title in January. In February, Tsurskaya won gold at the 2016 Winter Youth Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway. In March, she was scheduled to compete at the 2016 World Junior Championships in Debrecen but Document [5](Title: Short track speed skating at the 2010 Winter Olympics – Men's 1500 metres) gold, three silver, and two bronze medals in the eight events. Their team at the 2010 games also included a number of skaters who were reigning world champions. Ohno received significant media attention both because of previous successes at the 2002 Winter Olympics and 2006 Games and because he was in a position to break two records, the most medals won by a short track speed skater, and the most medals won by any winter Olympian from the United States. Following the semifinal round, seven skaters qualified for the final medal round: Lee Jung-su, Lee Ho-suk and Sung Si-bak of Document [6](Title: Elena Radionova) first Grand Prix Final. At the event in Fukuoka, Japan, she finished fourth overall. Radionova won the bronze medal at the 2014 Russian Championships after placing third in both the short and long program. Though an injury caused her to miss the Russian junior nationals, she was later added to the Russian team for the 2014 World Junior Championships. At the event, Radionova became the first ladies' single skater to repeat as World Junior champion. Scoring 66.90 points in the short program, 127.39 in the free skate, and 194.29 for the combined total, she broke junior-level ladies' records previously held Document [7](Title: 2012 French Open) 2–6, 7–5 Maria Sharapova defeated Sara Errani, 6–3, 6–2 Max Mirnyi / Daniel Nestor defeated Bob Bryan / Mike Bryan, 6–4, 6–4 Sara Errani / Roberta Vinci defeated Maria Kirilenko / Nadia Petrova, 4–6, 6–4, 6–2 Sania Mirza / Mahesh Bhupathi defeated Klaudia Jans-Ignacik / Santiago González, 7–6, 6–1 Kimmer Coppejans defeated Filip Peliwo 6–1, 6–4 Annika Beck defeated Anna Karolína Schmiedlová, 3–6, 7–5, 6–3 Andrew Harris / Nick Kyrgios defeated Adam Pavlásek / Václav Šafránek, 6–4, 2–6, [10–7] Daria Gavrilova / Irina Khromacheva defeated Montserrat González / Beatriz Haddad Maia, 4–6, 6–4, [10–8] Stéphane Houdet defeated Shingo Kunieda, 6–2, Question: who won season 25 dancing with the stars Answer:
Jordan Fisher
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Numismatic history of the United States) The first coin minted under the act , and therefore the first official coin of the United States , was the half disme . According to legend these first half disme coins were minted from Martha Washington 's silverware . Document [1](Title: Half cent (United States coin)) Half cent (United States coin) The half cent is the smallest denomination of United States coin ever minted. It was first minted in 1793 and last minted in 1857. It was minted in five different appearances. First authorized by the Coinage Act of 1792 on April 2, 1792, the coin was produced in the United States from 1793 to 1857. The half-cent piece was made of 100% copper and was valued at five milles, or one two-hundredth of a dollar. It was slightly smaller than a modern U.S. quarter with diameters 22 mm (1793), 23.5 mm (1794–1836) and 23 mm Document [2](Title: Early American currency) creation of the first mint operated by the U.S. government, which struck the first coins of the United States, the Nova Constellatio patterns of 1783. The painful experience of the runaway inflation and collapse of the Continental dollar prompted the delegates to the Constitutional Convention to include the gold and silver clause into the United States Constitution so that the individual states could not issue bills of credit or "make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts." This restriction of bills of credit was extended to the Federal government, as the power to "emit Document [3](Title: Coinage Act of 1965) it was not until December 31, 1970, that President Richard Nixon signed legislation for a circulating half dollar and Eisenhower dollar, both silverless, with part-silver collector's versions of the dollar also authorized. The same bill authorized the sale of the remaining old silver dollars in government inventories, many from the Carson City Mint. The base metal dollar and half dollar were struck beginning in 1971. Both failed to circulate: the "Ike dollar" because of its size, and the half dollar because its place in commerce had been lost during its long absence. Coinage Act of 1965 The Coinage Act of Document [4](Title: Type set) piece, three-cent piece, twenty-cent piece and all gold coins. Designs were changed for a variety of reasons - historical, political, cultural, and as a reaction to public opinion. The Standing Liberty Quarter first minted in 1916 was immediately redesigned when it was noted that Liberty's breast was visible. This change created a separate design. The Indian Head nickel (Buffalo) appeared in 1913 but the "FIVE CENTS" began wearing away. The coin was immediately changed to lower the buffalo mound. In 1837, the dime was minted without stars drawing outrage and the offending stars were immediately returned. The denomination "FIVE CENTS" Document [5](Title: United States Mint) metal coins, mintmarks were temporarily dispensed with (including on the penny and nickel) in order to discourage the hoarding of coins by numismatists. Mintmarks were moved to the obverse of the nickel, dime, quarter, and half dollar in 1968, and have appeared on the obverse of the dollar coin since its re-introduction in 1971. Due to a shortage of nickel during World War II, the composition of the five-cent coin was changed to include silver. To mark this change, nickels minted in Philadelphia (which had featured no mintmarks until then) displayed a P in the field above the dome of Document [6](Title: United States Seated Liberty coinage) in New Orleans and San Francisco had featured their mintmarks inside the wreaths. Afterwards, the "O" and "S" (and, later, the "CC" for Carson City) mintmarks were located below the wreath next to the rim. On quarters, half dollars, and silver dollars, the mintmarks were always placed below the eagle but above the coin currency on the reverse. Many people collect Seated coinage by variety. This can range from a repunched mintmark to the position of a date on the coin to a die crack at various stages. This type of collecting has been popular with Bust half dollars for Document [7](Title: Two-cent billon) two-cent piece eventually became a regular issue, but with declining mintage numbers each year until it was discontinued officially in 1873. Two-cent billon The two-cent billon was a pattern US coin struck in 1836 and initially proposed as part of the Act of January 13, 1837. Versions exist with either a reeded edge and coin orientation or a plain edge and medal orientation; however, those with the former tend to be original strikes, whereas the latter are always proof restrikes (most from the 1850s). A two-cent piece had been proposed as early as 1806 by Connecticut Senator Uriah Tracy, along Question: what was the first coin minted in the united states Answer:
the half disme
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Big Bazaar) Big Bazaar Pvt. , Ltd Big Bazaar logo Type Private Industry Retail Founded 2001 ; 17 years ago ( 2001 ) Founder Kishore Laxminarayan Biyani Headquarters Mumbai , Maharashtra , India Number of locations 256 stores nationwide ( August 24 , 2017 ) Area served India Key people Kishore Laxminarayan Biyani ( Founder ) Sadashiv Nayak ( President & CEO ) Rakesh Biyani ( Director ) Products Electronics Movies and music Home and furniture Home improvement Clothing Footwear Jewellery Toys Health and beauty Pet supplies Sporting goods and fitness Auto Photo finishing Craft supplies Party supplies Grocery Services Future Pay Parent Future Group Website Document [1](Title: Laad Bazaar) Laad Bazaar Laad Bazaar or Choodi Bazaar is a very old market popular for bangles located in Hyderabad, India. It is located on one of the four main roads that branch out from the historic Charminar. "Laad" meaning lacquer is used to make bangles, on which artificial diamonds are studded. In this -long shopping strip, most of the shops sell bangles, saris, wedding related items, and imitation jewelry. This market is very old, in operation since the time of the Qutb Shahis and the Nizams. It is close to landmarks such as Charminar, Makkah Masjid and Chowmahalla Palace . Choodi Document [2](Title: Tajrish) small and large shops and passageways. Tajrish bazaar has been built according to architectural style which closely resembles the traditional bazaar located in downtown Tehran. Some of its arches have been destroyed due to construction of multi-story buildings and its traditional identity has been threatened by irregularity of window shops and external view of new stores. “According to ratification by Tehran Municipality, the bazaar will be organized according to a new plan which will be implemented in cooperation with Tehran Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization. ” The official further stated that the project will take 18 solar months and Document [3](Title: Zaveri Bazaar) recent 13 July 2011 Mumbai bombings. Zaveri Bazaar Zaveri Bazaar is a jewelry market and a major hub for B2B jewelry industry in Mumbai, India. Located at Bhuleshwar in South Mumbai, just north of Crawford Market, Zaveri Bazaar is a muddle of narrow lanes, dotted with hundreds of jewelry shops that sell gems and jewels, notably Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri (TBZ), Dwarkadas Chandumal, Dhirajlal Bhimji Zaveri & UTZ. 65% of all gold trading and dealing in India is estimated to originate from the market. During the early 19th century a jeweller named Ambalal Zaveri was very famous for his great quality Document [4](Title: Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri) Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri Ltd. (TBZ) is a noted Indian jeweller and jewellery retail chain based in India. Established in 1864 (153 years ago) by Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri in Zaveri Bazaar, the jewellery district of Mumbai, it was subsequently headed by his son, Gopaldas Tribhovandas Zaveri, and now Shrikant Zaveri, is the present chairman and managing director of the group. The company today, has 37 showrooms in 23 cities across eleven states, including Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Rajkot The company proposed an Initial Public Offer (IPO) in July 2011. The company has 37 showrooms under "Tribhovandas Bhimji Document [5](Title: Dastkar) Nature Bazaar" after environmentalist Valmik Thapar suggested the idea of promoting natural materials and fibres, along with nature-inspired products with nature motifs and images of birds and animals. Over the years, it has been held at various locations in Delhi, including the Dilli Haat, Crafts Museum, Delhi, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) and Kisan Haat in Mehrauli. In 2012, the Kisan Haat in Mehrauli was taken on a 15-year lease from Delhi Tourism to orgnanise where theme-based bazaars, this included South Asian Bazaar, Winter Weaves, and Basant Bazaar. Here regional and speciality cuisines from various parts of Document [6](Title: Nishat Group) of five companies which makes Nishat Chunian a well performer business entity of Pakistan. The group is involved in the power sector which is a big opportunity due to the shortfall of power in Pakistan. They recently entered the cinema industry and opened their biggest chain in Emporium Mall which is one of the biggest shopping malls of Pakistan. In February 2017, it was announced that both companies are venturing to assemble cars in Pakistan. In March 2017, it was announced that Nishat Group will setup their first plant in Faisalabad, Pakistan which will assemble electric cars. Nishat Group will Document [7](Title: Nirma) of about 400 distributors and over 2 million retail outlets across the country. This huge network enabled Nirma to make its products available to the smallest village. In November, 2007, Nirma purchased the American raw materials company Searles Valley Minerals Inc. - making it among Top-7 Soda Ash manufacturer in the world. The Logo of Girl which is mostly printed on the bags of detergent is drawn by Mr Khanvilkar who lives in Pune. Nirma Nirma is a group of companies based in the city of Ahmedabad in western India that manufactures products ranging from cosmetics, soaps, detergents, salt, soda Question: how many branches of big bazaar in india Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Saint Paul, Minnesota) Saint Paul ( abbreviated St. Paul ) is the capital and second-most populous city of the U.S. state of Minnesota . As of 2017 , the city 's estimated population was 309,180 . Saint Paul is the county seat of Ramsey County , the smallest and most densely populated county in Minnesota . The city lies mostly on the east bank of the Mississippi River in the area surrounding its point of confluence with the Minnesota River , and adjoins Minneapolis , the state 's largest city . Known as the '' Twin Cities '' , the two form the core of Minneapolis -- Saint Paul , the 16th - largest metropolitan area in the United States , with about 3.6 million residents . Document [1](Title: Dakota County, Minnesota) Paul–Mendota Heights–Eagan) and Independent School District 200 (Hastings). Dakota County is home to sites significant in the state's early history. At Mendota, the Treaty of Mendota was signed, opening much of Southern Minnesota to settlement, and there prominent Saint Paul businessmen built their grand mansions. Though linked with the state's capital for much of history via rail, Dakota County owes much of its current growth to the expansion of Minneapolis' population which accelerated during the post-World War II boom era of the 1960s. This demand for housing along with two major interstate highways linking Minneapolis (I-35W) and St. Paul (I-35E) Document [2](Title: Downtown Saint Paul) Downtown Saint Paul Downtown Saint Paul is an official neighborhood in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States. Its boundaries are the Mississippi River to the south, University Avenue to the north, US 52 to the east, and Kellogg Avenue to the west. It is bounded by the Dayton's Bluff, Summit-University, West Seventh, Frogtown, West Side, and Payne-Phalen neighborhoods. The West Side neighborhood is on the other side of the river, and can be accessed via the Robert Street Bridge or the Wabasha Street Bridge. Interstate 35E and Interstate 94 run through the north side of the neighborhood, providing a separation between Document [3](Title: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis () is a diocese of the Catholic Church in the United States. It is led by an archbishop who administers the archdiocese from the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. The archbishop has both a cathedral and co-cathedral: the mother church, the Cathedral of Saint Paul in Saint Paul and the co-cathedral, the Basilica of Saint Mary in Minneapolis. The archdiocese has 188 parish churches in twelve counties of Minnesota. It counts in its membership an approximate total of 750,000 people. It has Document [4](Title: St. Cloud, Minnesota) St. Cloud, Minnesota St. Cloud is a city in the U.S. state of Minnesota and the largest population center in the state's central region. Its population is 67,984 according to the 2017 US census estimates, making it Minnesota's tenth largest city. St. Cloud is the county seat of Stearns County and was named after the city of Saint-Cloud, France (in Île-de-France, near Paris), which was named after the 6th-century French monk Clodoald. Though mostly in Stearns County, St. Cloud also extends into Benton and Sherburne counties, and straddles the Mississippi River. It is the center of a small, contiguous urban Document [5](Title: St. James, Minnesota) over. St. James, Minnesota St. James is a city in and the county seat of Watonwan County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 4,605 at the 2010 census. Minnesota State Highways 4, 30, and 60 are three of the main routes in the city. In 1870, the directors of the St. Paul and Sioux City railroads chose the future townsite of St. James as the midpoint for a new railroad linking the two cities. Named for James Purington, an early settler, the new city was incorporated in 1871. It was the hometown of Minnesota Governor Winfield Scott Hammond, a Democrat Document [6](Title: Minnesota State Capitol) (including former U.S. Vice President Walter Mondale and Minnesota Lynx Head Coach Cheryl Reeve), a beer tasting event with more than 25 Minnesota craft brewers, and musical performances from Minnesota bands Poliça and Cloud Cult. Minnesota State Capitol The Minnesota State Capitol is the seat of government for the U.S. state of Minnesota, in its capital city of Saint Paul. It houses the Minnesota Senate, Minnesota House of Representatives, the office of the Attorney General and the office of the Governor. The building also includes a chamber for the Minnesota Supreme Court, although court activities usually take place in the Document [7](Title: 2008 United States House of Representatives elections in Minnesota) Saint Paul suburbs. It is held by the solidly progressive 4-term DFLer, Betty McCollum. The district is rated a secure D+13 on the CPVI scale, posing a formidable barrier to any potential Republican challengers. Ed Matthews, an attorney, was the Republican candidate. CQ Politics forecast the race as 'Safe Democratic'. McCollum won the 2008 race, garnering 68.4% of the vote. This district covers eastern Hennepin County, including the entire city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, along with parts of Anoka and Ramsey counties. With the 2007 retirement of Martin Sabo, the opportunity presented itself for Keith Ellison to compete for Sabo's seat Question: st paul is the capital of which usa state Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Hit Me with Your Best Shot) '' Hit Me with Your Best Shot '' is a song by American rock singer Pat Benatar . In 1980 , it was released as the second single from her second album Crimes of Passion . It hit No. 7 in Cash Box , and reached No. 9 on the Billboard Hot 100 , becoming her first Top 10 hit . Document [1](Title: Knight of the Phoenix) and nights of July 26 - August 18, 1982; and the detective scenes were filmed in Silicon Valley, California through the days and night of August 19–26, 1982. The pilot's soundtrack includes covers songs of Quarterflash's "Harden My Heart", The Eagles' "Take It Easy" and "Peaceful Easy Feeling"; Fleetwood Mac's "Don't Stop"; James Taylor's "Carolina In My Mind"; Pat Benatar's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot", and also features Deborah Ludwig Davis who performed "Proud Mary" in a cameo for the casino scene. There is also an extra scene featuring Willie Nelson's rendition of Elvis Presley's "Always On My Mind" Document [2](Title: Big Shot (song)) music gaming platform in both Basic rhythm, and PRO mode which allows the use of a real guitar / bass guitar, and MIDI compatible electronic drum kits / keyboards in addition to vocals. Big Shot (song) "Big Shot" was the second hit single from Billy Joel's 1978 album "52nd Street". The song was released in early 1979, just as his other hit single from that same album, "'My Life", was peaking at #3. It would soon become his second top-twenty hit of 1979, peaking at #14. The song is superficially about the protagonist mocking a woman with a severe hangover Document [3](Title: Last Shot) Last Shot "Last Shot" is a song by American country music singer Kip Moore. It is the second single to his third studio album "Slowheart". Moore wrote the song with Dan Couch and David Lee Murphy, and produced it himself. Moore told "Sounds Like Nashville" that the idea came about when writing with his frequent collaborator Dan Couch. He said that he wanted to give the song an "Aerosmith vibe", and when he started singing a melody to Couch, third writer David Lee Murphy offered the lyric ""If you were my last breath, I'd just want to hold you."" Upon Document [4](Title: Last Shot) box. Last Shot "Last Shot" is a song by American country music singer Kip Moore. It is the second single to his third studio album "Slowheart". Moore wrote the song with Dan Couch and David Lee Murphy, and produced it himself. Moore told "Sounds Like Nashville" that the idea came about when writing with his frequent collaborator Dan Couch. He said that he wanted to give the song an "Aerosmith vibe", and when he started singing a melody to Couch, third writer David Lee Murphy offered the lyric ""If you were my last breath, I'd just want to hold you."" Document [5](Title: John Wayne Shot Me) John Wayne Shot Me John Wayne Shot Me was an indie band from Ammerzoden, the Netherlands. John Wayne Shot Me was formed by Thijs van den Broek in 1998, originally as a one-man recording only project. When his songs received positive reviews in several small underground music magazines, John Wayne Shot Me was asked to perform live. Thijs then decided to form a band with his friends Merijn van Pelt, Geert van Beers and his sister Marieke van den Broek. Soon the band signed to the Belgian label Ines Boukov/62TV Records and many releases and shows all over Europe followed. Document [6](Title: Wilmer & the Dukes) Phoenix, Arizona and Bakersfield, California. However, nationally the record only peaked at #78 in "Cash Box" (in June), and at #80 on the "Billboard" Hot 100. Mike Gentile from Motown tried to sign Wilmer, but during a talk between Wilmer and Junior Walker at the "Warehouse" after Junior described how his hit "What Does It Take To Win Your Love" was suppressed by Motown, he decided not to sign. "Give Me One More Chance" was a slightly bigger hit in Canada than in the band's home country, peaking at #63 on the RPM charts in July 1968. In Toronto, the Document [7](Title: A Night at the Opera (Queen album)) his show 14 times, at which point audience demand for the song intensified and the band's label was forced to release it. It subsequently topped the UK charts for nine weeks and peaked at number nine in the US. A second single, "You're My Best Friend" was released on 18 May 1976, with "'39" as its B-side. It reached number sixteen in the US and number seven in the UK. The album was completed a week before the group were to embark on their A Night at the Opera Tour in support of the album. This resulted in a 36 Question: who sings the song hit me with your best shot Answer:
Pat Benatar
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: No Smoke Without a Fire) '' No Smoke Without a Fire '' is a song by British rock group Bad Company , released as the second single from their eighth studio album Dangerous Age . Document [1](Title: No Smoke Without a Fire) 11, 2001 attacks. No Smoke Without a Fire "No Smoke Without a Fire" is a song by British rock group Bad Company, released as the second single from their eighth studio album "Dangerous Age". Despite failing to match the success of the album's first single, "Shake It Up", "No Smoke Without a Fire" was played substantially with "Shake It Up" on rock radio stations at the time of its release, eventually reaching a peak of #4 on the "Billboard" Mainstream Rock Tracks chart. The song is one of the songs listed on Clear Channel's list of "songs with questionable lyrics" Document [2](Title: Straight Shooter (Bad Company album)) Straight Shooter (Bad Company album) Straight Shooter is the second studio album by the English supergroup Bad Company. The album was released in April 2, 1975, a month after the release of the single "Good Lovin' Gone Bad" and four months before the album's second single "Feel Like Makin' Love" (see 1975 in music). The album reached number 3 in the UK Albums Chart and the US "Billboard" 200. It was certified gold (500,000 units sold) by the Recording Industry Association of America a month after its release. The album was remastered and re-released in 1994. Mick Ralphs and Simon Document [3](Title: Cody Hanson) The album included two covers, "Dead To Me" which was a song done by Marshal's originally band Faktion and the song "Nothing Left To Lose" originally recorded by 9 Left Dead, whose debut album was produced by Hanson and Dutton at Back Lounge Productions. When The Smoke Clears debuted at number 4 on the iTunes rock charts and spawned the singles "Hit The Ground", "Letting Go" and the hit single "Intoxicated". Hinder spent most of 2015 touring in support of the album. In January 2016 Hanson and Dutton announced in an interview that they are already writing songs for the Document [4](Title: Like Moths to Flames) AltPress on September 26. They released a promotional single and title track, "Dark Divine" through Loudwire on October 6. A second promotional single, "Empty the Same" was released on October 13. A third promotional single, "Shallow Truths for Shallow Minds" was released on October 19 via The final promotional single, "From the Dust Returned" was released on October 27. Current members Former members Timeline Studio albums EPs Other songs Like Moths to Flames Like Moths to Flames is an American metalcore band from Columbus, Ohio, formed in 2010 by former members of various bands, including Agraceful, the Crimson Armada, Document [5](Title: Fire On Dawson) The sound of the band is characterised by their determination to not stick to one particular style which allows them to explore the entire spectrum. This, coupled with the vocal and lyrical ability of frontman Ankur Batra, has placed Fire on Dawson at the forefront of their genre in the European music scene. Fire on Dawson's second full-length album, '7 Billion and a Nameless Somebody' (released on 31 July 2012), has been highly lauded worldwide, with many leading magazines and music journalists particularly impressed by the band's creativity and original sound. The release is the follow-up to the band's critically Document [6](Title: Not a Bad Thing) 27 to its UK equivalent. "Not a Bad Thing" was released as a CD single in Austria, Germany and Switzerland; apart of the radio edit of the song it also featured the "TKO (Black Friday Remix)". "Not a Bad Thing" impacted the mainstream radio in Italy on June 4. "Not a Bad Thing" is a mid-tempo pop ballad, with a running duration of 11 minutes and 28 seconds; the album version has an included hidden track entitled "Pair of Wings". Critics noted the song's resemblance to songs by former boy band NSYNC, which Timberlake had previously been a member of. Document [7](Title: Young Fire, Old Flame) Young Fire, Old Flame Young Fire, Old Flame is a collaborative mixtape by British rappers Wretch 32 and Avelino, released for free download on 18 December 2015. It serves as Wretch's seventh and Avelino's third mixtape. The project features guest appearances from Sneakbo, Loick Essien and Fuse ODG among others. Its artwork was designed by Funny Tummy. On 8 September 2015, "Echoes" was uploaded to Jada's SoundCloud account for free download, prior to the announcement of "Young Fire, Old Flame". The mixtape release was preceded by a joint "Fire in the Booth" freestyle segment on Charlie Sloth's BBC Radio 1Xtra Question: who sings there's no smoke without a fire Answer:
Bad Company
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Fosters (season 5)) The fifth and final season of The Fosters premiered on July 11 , 2017 . The season will consist of 19 episodes and stars Teri Polo and Sherri Saum as Stef Foster and Lena Adams , an interracial lesbian couple , who have adopted a girl ( Maia Mitchell ) and her younger brother ( Hayden Byerly ) while also trying to juggle raising Latino twin teenagers ( Cierra Ramirez and Noah Centineo ) and Stef 's biological son ( David Lambert ) . Danny Nucci also returns as Mike Foster in a semi-series regular role . Document [1](Title: The Fosters (season 2)) Austin in the role of Jesus. He would later be replaced by Noah Centineo in season 3. The Fosters (season 2) The second season of "The Fosters" premiered on June 16, 2014 and ended on March 23, 2015. The season consisted of 21 episodes and stars Teri Polo and Sherri Saum as Stef Foster and Lena Adams, an interracial lesbian couple, who foster a girl (Maia Mitchell) and her younger brother (Hayden Byerly) while also trying to juggle raising Latinx twin teenagers, (Cierra Ramirez and Jake T. Austin), and Stef's biological son (David Lambert). In this season, Callie finds out Document [2](Title: Incest in film and television) to habitually dismiss her case. It's made even worse by the fact that the girl also has lost her mother already, and that the father has recently started abusing the girl's younger sister too. The television series "The Fosters" depicts an on-again-off-again incestuous relationship between foster/adoptive siblings Brandon Foster and Callie Jacobs-Foster, who fall in love but continually break up for the sake of Callie getting adopted by Brandon's family. In the CW television series "Riverdale", some time after Jason Blossom was murdered, Polly Cooper reveals she had been sleeping with Jason and is pregnant. Her father Hal goes nuts Document [3](Title: Foster (film)) Foster (film) Foster (also known as Angel in the House) is a 2011 British comedy-drama film written and directed by Jonathan Newman, based on his 2005 short film. Part of it was shot at Legoland Windsor in April 2010. The film stars Golden Globe winner Toni Collette, Ioan Gruffudd, Richard E. Grant, BAFTA Award winner Hayley Mills and Maurice Cole. The spouses Alec and Zoey, are a depressed couple, because of a tragedy of two years ago, the death of their only son Samuel, hit by a car, at the age of only 5 years old, dying in the blow, Document [4](Title: Otha Foster) Island and becoming a communications expert. He served in the Marines while playing football for two years at Pearl River Community College. He is the father of one daughter, Olavia K. Foster, born on April 16, 2010. Foster's Mother is Valerie Lee Foster Aikens. Foster's father, Otha Foster Jr., died January 9, 2010 after being a disabled dialysis patient for 19 years. Foster III was the main caregiver for his father since the age of eight. Even though Foster Jr. was on dialysis, he still managed to coach Foster III's little league football team. He lived to see him play Document [5](Title: Foster (film)) "sweet and very moving comedy with a happy ending" and praising Cole's performance, "caught in the shoes of a child – incredibly mature for his age". Foster (film) Foster (also known as Angel in the House) is a 2011 British comedy-drama film written and directed by Jonathan Newman, based on his 2005 short film. Part of it was shot at Legoland Windsor in April 2010. The film stars Golden Globe winner Toni Collette, Ioan Gruffudd, Richard E. Grant, BAFTA Award winner Hayley Mills and Maurice Cole. The spouses Alec and Zoey, are a depressed couple, because of a tragedy of Document [6](Title: Suranne Jones) her performance, Jones received the National Television Award for Best Drama Performance, the Broadcasting Press Guild Award for Best Actress, the Royal Television Society Award for Best Actor (female) and the British Academy Television Award for Best Actress at the respective 2016 ceremonies. In September 2017, the second series of "Doctor Foster" premiered, garnering positive critical reception. Jones, originally reticent to film another series, was persuaded after hearing writer Mike Bartlett's plans for the script. She also served as associate producer for the programme's second series, which was filmed in autumn 2016. From February to May 2018, Jones returned to Document [7](Title: Persona (1966 film)) Foster interpreted the film in feminist terms as a depiction of lesbianism, viewing the scene where Elisabet enters Alma's room as seduction. Professor Alexis Luko also felt that the characters' touching and resemblance in the scene, in addition to symbolizing their personalities merging, indicated intimacy and eroticism. Foster believed that Elisabet's gaze presents Alma with questions about her engagement to Karl-Henrik. According to Foster, sexual encounters between men and women are associated with abortion; lesbian romance has an increasingly shared identity. But if "Persona" dramatizes a lesbian relationship, it is not clearly favorable, as it is later characterized by narcissism Question: when does the fosters season 5 come on Answer:
July 11 , 2017
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Pleural cavity) In human anatomy , the pleural cavity is the thin fluid - filled space between the two pulmonary pleurae ( visceral and parietal ) of each lung . A pleura is a serous membrane which folds back onto itself to form a two - layered membranous pleural sac . The outer pleura ( parietal pleura ) is attached to the chest wall , but is separated from it by the endothoracic fascia . The inner pleura ( visceral pleura ) covers the lungs and adjoining structures , including blood vessels , bronchi and nerves . The pleural cavity can be viewed as a potential space because the two pleurae adhere to each other ( through the thin film of serous liquid ) under all normal conditions . Document [1](Title: Thoracic diaphragm) sacs can be clearly seen. They extend quite far caudally into the abdomen. Thoracic diaphragm The thoracic diaphragm, or simply the diaphragm (), is a sheet of internal skeletal muscle in humans and other mammals that extends across the bottom of the thoracic cavity. The diaphragm separates the thoracic cavity, containing the heart and lungs, from the abdominal cavity and performs an important function in respiration: as the diaphragm contracts, the volume of the thoracic cavity increases and air is drawn into the lungs. The term "diaphragm" in anatomy can refer to other flat structures such as the urogenital diaphragm Document [2](Title: Mesothelium) coelom (body cavity) in the embryo. It develops into the layer of cells that covers and protects most of the internal organs of the body. The mesothelium forms a monolayer of flattened squamous-like epithelial cells resting on a thin basement membrane supported by dense irregular connective tissue. Cuboidal mesothelial cells may be found at areas of injury, the milky spots of the omentum, and the peritoneal side of the diaphragm overlaying the lymphatic lacunae. The luminal surface is covered with microvilli. The proteins and serosal fluid trapped by the microvilli provide a slippery surface for internal organs to slide past Document [3](Title: Surface tension biomimetics) ongoing using these hierarchical structures in coatings on ship hulls to reduce viscous drag effects. A lung is composed of many small sacks called alveoli that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to diffuse in and out of the blood respectively as the blood is passed through small capillaries that surround these alveoli. Surface tension is exploited by alveoli by means of a surfactant that is produced by one of the cells and released to lower the surface tension of the fluid coating the inside of the alveoli to prevent these sacks from collapsing. Huh and his fellow researchers created a Document [4](Title: Intercostal space) N-A-V from superior to inferior). Invasive procedures such as thoracentesis are thus performed with oblique entry of the instrument, directly above the upper margin of the relevant rib. In reference to the muscles of the thoracic wall, the intercostal nerves and vessels run just behind the internal intercostal muscles: therefore, they are generally covered on the inside by the parietal pleura, except when they are covered by the innermost intercostal muscles, innermost intercostal membrane, subcostal muscles or the transversus thoracis muscle. Intercostal space The intercostal space (ICS) is the anatomic space between two ribs (Lat. costa). Since there are 12 Document [5](Title: Fascial spaces of the head and neck) enzymes which cause tissue lysis (e.g. hyaluronidase and collagenase). The spaces filled with loose areolar connective tissue may also be termed clefts. Other contents such as salivary glands, blood vessels, nerves and lymph nodes are dependent upon the location of the space. Those containing neurovascular tissue (nerves and blood vessels) may also be termed compartments. Generally, the spread of infection is determined by barriers such as muscle, bone and fasciae. Pus moves by the path of least resistance, e.g. the fluid will more readily dissect apart loosely connected tissue planes, such the fascial spaces, than erode through bone or muscles. Document [6](Title: Costodiaphragmatic recess) > 4 L may cause complete opacification of the hemithorax and mediastinal shift to the contralateral side. Costodiaphragmatic recess The costodiaphragmatic recess, also called the costophrenic recess or phrenicocostal sinus, is a potential space in the pleural cavity, at the posterior-most tips of the cavity, located at the junction of the costal pleura and diaphragmatic pleura (in the costophrenic angle). It measures approximately 5 cm vertically and extends from the eighth to the tenth rib along the mid-axillary line. The lungs expand into this recess during forced inspiration; however, the recess never fills completely. During expiration, it contains no lung Document [7](Title: Serous fluid) major salivary glands produce mixed (serous and mucus) saliva. Another type of serous fluid is secreted by the serous membranes (serosa), two-layered membranes which line the body cavities. Serous membrane fluid collects on microvilli on the outer layer and acts as a lubricant and reduces friction from muscle movement. This can be seen in the lungs, with the pleural cavity. Blood serum is the component of blood that is neither a blood cell, nor a clotting factor. Blood serum and blood plasma are similar, but serum does not contain any clotting factors, such as fibrinogen, prothrombin, thromboplastin and many others. Question: what is the name of the lining that immediately surrounds the lung Answer:
the pleural cavity
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Olympic medalists in snowboarding) Games Gold Silver Bronze 1998 Nagano details Gian Simmen Switzerland Daniel Franck Norway Ross Powers United States 2002 Salt Lake City details Ross Powers United States Danny Kass United States Jarret Thomas United States 2006 Turin details Shaun White United States Danny Kass United States Markku Koski Finland 2010 Vancouver details Shaun White United States Peetu Piiroinen Finland Scott Lago United States 2014 Sochi details Iouri Podladtchikov Switzerland Ayumu Hirano Japan Taku Hiraoka Japan 2018 Pyeongchang details Shaun White United States Ayumu Hirano Japan Scott James Australia Document [1](Title: Cross-country skiing at the 2006 Winter Olympics – Men's 4 × 10 kilometre relay) Anders Aukland, Estil, Kristen Skjeldal and Thomas Alsgaard winning gold in Salt Lake. At Nagano in 1998, the Norwegians beat the Italians by less than one tenth of a second, and in 1994 at Lillehammer the Italians beat the Norwegians by less than one tenth of a second. In the previous three Olympics, the winning team beat the silver medalists by a cumulative time of just under one tenth of a second. One further relay event was held before the Olympics, at Val di Fiemme on 15 January 2006, which was won by an Italian team consisting of Giorgio Di Document [2](Title: Swimming at the 2000 Summer Olympics – Women's 4 × 100 metre medley relay) record by 3.37 seconds. Capturing another relay title for the Americans, Thompson also picked up her eighth gold medal and tenth career as the nation's most successful female athlete in Olympic history. The Aussie team of Dyana Calub (1:01.83), Leisel Jones (1:08.08), Petria Thomas (57.39), and Susie O'Neill (54.29) finished behind their greatest rivals by over three seconds, but powered home with the silver in an Oceanian record of 4:01.59. Meanwhile, Japan's Mai Nakamura (1:02.08), Masami Tanaka (1:08.65), Junko Onishi (58.72), and Sumika Minamoto (54.71) moved from fifth at the start to produce a spectacular fashion for the bronze in Document [3](Title: Adam Rippon) Adam Rippon Adam Rippon (born November 11, 1989) is an American figure skater. He won the 2010 Four Continents Championships and the 2016 U.S. National Championships. Earlier in his career, he won the 2008 and 2009 World Junior Championships, the 2007–08 Junior Grand Prix Final, and the 2008 U.S junior national title. Rippon was selected to represent the United States at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. At the 2018 Winter Olympics, Rippon won a bronze medal as part of the figure skating team event, thus becoming the first openly gay U.S. male athlete to win a medal Document [4](Title: Lake Placid, New York) USA–USSR hockey game. Dubbed as the "Miracle on Ice", a group of American college students and amateurs upset the heavily favored Soviet national ice hockey team, 4–3, and two days later won the gold medal. Another highpoint during the Games was American speed-skater Eric Heiden's performance, who won five gold medals. Lake Placid was interested in bidding for the 2016 Winter Youth Olympics but decided against it; Lillehammer, Norway, was the only bidder and was awarded the games. Lake Placid shifted its interest toward bidding for the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics, but it again did not submit a bid. Lake Document [5](Title: 1975 Winter Universiade) – Carmen Rosoleni (Italy) Women: Combined <br> "Combined event is the overall standings of all disciplines on the Universiade program." <br> Gold – Irene Böhm (Switzerland) <br> Silver – Brigitte Jeandel (France) <br> Bronze – Carmen Rosoleni (Italy) Men: 15km <br> Gold – Yuriy Vahruzhev (Soviet Union) <br> Silver – Valeriy Isayev (Soviet Union) <br> Bronze – Yevgeniy Belyayev (Soviet Union) Men: 30km <br> Gold – Valeriy Isayev (Soviet Union) <br> Silver – Yuriy Vahruzhev (Soviet Union) <br> Bronze – Nikolay Gorshkov (Soviet Union) Men: 4 x 10 km Relay <br> Gold – Soviet Union <br> Silver – Czechoslovakia <br> Document [6](Title: 2006 European Figure Skating Championships) each country was allowed between one and three entries per discipline. National associations selected their entries based on their own criteria. Russia swept all four gold medals. In men's singles, Russia's Evgeni Plushenko won his fifth European title. Switzerland's Stéphane Lambiel and France's Brian Joubert won silver and bronze respectively. Russia's Irina Slutskaya won a record seventh European ladies' title, which put her ahead of Katarina Witt and Sonja Henie. Teammate Elena Sokolova took silver and Italy's Carolina Kostner the bronze. In the pairs' event, Russia's Tatiana Totmianina / Maxim Marinin won their fifth consecutive European title. Germany's Aliona Savchenko Document [7](Title: Gold medal) men are these against whom you have brought us to fight? Men who do not compete for possessions, but for honour". Hence medals were not awarded at the ancient Olympic Games. At the 1896 Summer Olympics, winners received a silver medal and the second-place finisher received a bronze medal. In 1900, most winners received cups or trophies instead of medals. The next three Olympics (1904, 1908, 1912) awarded the winners solid gold medals, but the medals themselves were smaller. The use of gold rapidly declined with the onset of the First World War and also with the onset of the Question: who won medals in the men's halfpipe Answer:
Shaun White
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: New York Mets) One of baseball 's first expansion teams , the Mets were founded in 1962 to replace New York 's departed NL teams , the Brooklyn Dodgers and the New York Giants . The Mets ' colors are composed of the Dodgers ' blue and the Giants ' orange , which also form the outer two bands of the New York City flag . During the 1962 and 1963 seasons , the Mets played their home games at the Polo Grounds . From 1964 to 2008 , the Mets ' home ballpark was Shea Stadium . In 2009 , they moved into their current ballpark , Citi Field . Document [1](Title: Citi Field) charity exhibition games. The first regular season home game was played on April 13, 2009, against the San Diego Padres. Citi Field hosted the 2013 Major League Baseball All-Star Game, marking the second time the Mets have hosted the event (the first being in 1964, the inaugural season of Shea Stadium). Since the 1990s, the Mets had been looking to replace Shea Stadium. It had originally been built as a multi-purpose stadium in 1964. While it had been retrofitted as a baseball-only stadium after the NFL's New York Jets left for Giants Stadium after the 1983 season, it was still Document [2](Title: Sports in the New York metropolitan area) Newark, New Jersey and opened the Prudential Center. In 2009, both the Mets and Yankees opened new baseball stadiums adjacent to their old homes, with the Mets replacing Shea Stadium with Citi Field and the Yankees building a new Yankee Stadium. In 2010, the Jets and Giants moved to a new shared facility called New Meadowlands Stadium (now MetLife Stadium) and the Red Bulls opened their own soccer-specific stadium in Harrison, New Jersey called Red Bull Arena (the three had previously shared Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey). In 2012, the Nets moved from New Jersey to the Barclays Document [3](Title: Shea Stadium) installed inside Citi Field's bullpen gate and was visible from outside, on 126th Street. In 2010, the original Shea apple was relocated outside the Citi Field, in front of the Jackie Robinson Rotunda. Four players in the National League named their children after Shea Stadium. Actor Kevin James, a devoted Mets fan, named his youngest daughter Shea Joelle. Shea Stadium Shea Stadium (; formally known as William A. Shea Municipal Stadium) was a stadium in Flushing Meadows–Corona Park, Queens, New York City. Built as a multi-purpose stadium, it was the home park of Major League Baseball's New York Mets for Document [4](Title: Logos and uniforms of the New York Mets) the road jersey), and the primary-logo patch on the left sleeve. The Mets' home alternate cap has the orange "NY" logo crest outlined in white, while the road alternate cap has a silver/grey crest outlined in orange, each matching the script, numerals and lettering on the corresponding alternate jerseys. There are, however, no alternate batting helmets; the team's standard batting helmets matching the primary caps are used in all games. The original Mets uniforms from 1962 were of essentially the same design as the team's current primary home and road uniforms. The home uniform was white with blue pinstripes, "Mets" Document [5](Title: 1962 New York Mets season) league affiliates during the 1961 season. New York had formal working agreements with three minor league baseball teams in 1961: The first game in franchise history was played on the road, at Busch Stadium, St. Louis, on Wednesday night, April 11, 1962. The Mets fell behind 5–0 early, then narrowed the deficit to one run, but ultimately lost to the St. Louis Cardinals, 11–4. Former Brooklyn Dodgers Gil Hodges and Charlie Neal homered for the Mets, whose home opener at New York's Polo Grounds would wait until their second-ever official game, on Friday, April 13, 1962. "Note: Pos = Position; Document [6](Title: Logos and uniforms of the New York Mets) uniform design in 1995. The original "Mets" script was restored to the home jersey, the original "NEW YORK" wordmark was restored to the road jersey along with the original blue piping, and the white outline was removed from the wordmark, numerals and lettering on the road jersey. The original shade of blue was also restored to the entire uniform. In 1997, the blue button on the top of the caps was changed to orange. The Mets introduced an alternate home uniform that was plain white with no pinstripes, and blue piping matching the road uniform. The team also introduced an Document [7](Title: Casey Stengel) the National League beginning in 1962, and to be known as the New York Mets. It was hoped that the new team would be supported by the many former Giant and Dodger fans left without a team when the franchises moved to California after the 1957 season. There were rumors through the 1961 season that Stengel would be the manager, but he initially showed no interest in managing a team that, given the rules for the expansion draft, was unlikely to be competitive. George Weiss had been forced out as Yankee general manager and hired by the Mets. He wanted Question: when did the new york mets became a team Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of The Boat Race results) The Boat Race The Cancer Research UK Boat Race Contested by CUBC OUBC First boat race 10 June 1829 Annual event since 15 March 1856 Current champion Cambridge ( 2018 ) Course Henley - on - Thames ( 1829 -- 44 ) The Championship Course ( 1845 -- present ) Smallest margin of victory Oxford , 1 foot ( 30 cm ) ( 2003 ) Current sponsor Cancer Research UK via BNY Mellon Trophy The Boat Race Trophy Number of wins Cambridge Oxford 83 80 Note : There has been one dead heat , recorded in 1877 Document [1](Title: The Boat Race 1868) has contributed mainly to our victory over Cambridge." Notes Bibliography The Boat Race 1868 The 25th Boat Race between crews from the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge took place on the River Thames on 4 April 1868. Oxford won by six lengths in a time of 20 minutes and 56 seconds, taking the overall record to 15–10 in their favour. Oxford cox Charles Tottenham became the first person in the history of the event to win five Boat Races, and Cambridge saw their first non-British rower compete. The Boat Race is a side-by-side rowing competition between the Document [2](Title: The Boat Race 1923) first win in five years. The victory took the overall record in the event to 40–34 in their favour. The Boat Race is a side-by-side rowing competition between the University of Oxford (sometimes referred to as the "Dark Blues") and the University of Cambridge (sometimes referred to as the "Light Blues"). The race was first held in 1829, and since 1845 has taken place on the Championship Course on the River Thames in southwest London. The rivalry is a major point of honour between the two universities and followed throughout the United Kingdom and worldwide. Cambridge went into the race Document [3](Title: The Boat Race 1996) the University of Cambridge (sometimes referred to as the "Light Blues"). First held in 1829, the race takes place on the Championship Course on the River Thames in southwest London. The rivalry is a major point of honour between the two universities and followed throughout the United Kingdom and broadcast worldwide. Cambridge went into the race as reigning champions, having won the 1995 race by four lengths, with Cambridge leading overall with 72 victories to Oxford's 68 (excluding the "dead heat" of 1877). The first Women's Boat Race took place in 1927, but did not become an annual fixture until Document [4](Title: The Boat Race 1895) record in the event to 29–22 in Oxford's favour. The Boat Race is a side-by-side rowing competition between the boat clubs of University of Oxford (sometimes referred to as the "Dark Blues") and the University of Cambridge (sometimes referred to as the "Light Blues"). The race was first held in 1829, and since 1845 has taken place on the Championship Course on the River Thames in southwest London. The rivalry is a major point of honour between the two universities; as of 2014 it is followed throughout the United Kingdom and broadcast worldwide. Oxford went into the 1895 race as Document [5](Title: The Boat Race 1960) Cambridge's favour. The Boat Race is a side-by-side rowing competition between the University of Oxford (sometimes referred to as the "Dark Blues") and the University of Cambridge (sometimes referred to as the "Light Blues"). First held in 1829, the race takes place on the Championship Course on the River Thames in southwest London. The rivalry is a major point of honour between the two universities; it is followed throughout the United Kingdom and, as of 2014, broadcast worldwide. Oxford went into the race as reigning champions, having won the 1959 race by six lengths, while Cambridge led overall with 58 Document [6](Title: The Boat Race 2011) The Boat Race 2011 The 157th Boat Race took place on 26 March 2011. Held annually, the event is a side-by-side rowing race between crews from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge along the River Thames. The race was won by Oxford. Of the eighteen competitors in the race, thirteen were British. The race was sponsored for the second time by Xchanging. Oxford won the Women's Boat Race by four lengths while Cambridge's Goldie beat Oxford's Isis in the reserve race. The Boat Race is a side-by-side rowing competition between the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. First Document [7](Title: The Boat Race 1997) The Boat Race 1997 The 143rd Boat Race between crews from the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge took place on the River Thames on 29 March 1997. Umpired by former Oxford rower Tom Cadoux-Hudson, Cambridge won in a time of 17 minutes and 38 seconds. In the reserve race, Cambridge's Goldie beat Oxford's Isis by six-and-a-half lengths. Cambridge won the 52nd Women's Boat Race. The Boat Race is a side-by-side rowing competition between the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. First held in 1829, the competition is a race along the River Thames in southwest Question: who won this year's oxford cambridge boat race Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Music of Spain) The music of Spain has a long history . It has played an important role in the development of Western music , and has greatly influenced Latin American music . Spanish music is often associated with traditional styles such as flamenco and classical guitar . While these forms of music are common , there are many different traditional musical and dance styles across the regions . For example , music from the north - west regions is heavily reliant on bagpipes , the jota is widespread in the centre and north of the country , and flamenco originated in the south . Spanish music played a notable part in the early developments of western classical music , from the 15th through the early 17th century . The breadth of musical innovation can be seen in composers like Tomás Luis de Victoria , styles like the zarzuela of Spanish opera , the ballet of Manuel de Falla , and the classical guitar music of Francisco Tárrega . Nowadays commercial pop music dominates . Document [1](Title: Spain) Ricardo Bofill as well as many others have gained worldwide renown. Spanish music is often considered abroad to be synonymous with flamenco, a West Andalusian musical genre, which, contrary to popular belief, is not widespread outside that region. Various regional styles of folk music abound in Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia, Castile, the Basque Country, Galicia, Cantabria and Asturias. Pop, rock, hip hop and heavy metal are also popular. In the field of classical music, Spain has produced a number of noted composers such as Isaac Albéniz, Manuel de Falla and Enrique Granados and singers and performers such as Plácido Domingo, José Document [2](Title: Suite Española No. 1, Op. 47) the most performed of Albéniz's piano works, a favorite of both pianists and audiences. In these works the first title refers to the geographical region portrayed, and the title in parentheses is the musical form or dance from that region. From Granada in Andalusia there is a Serenata, from Catalonia a Curranda or Courante, from Sevilla a Sevillanas and from Cuba (which was still part of Spain in the 1880s) a Notturno in the style of a habanera, from Castile a seguidillas, from Aragon a Fantasia in the style of a jota, and from Cadiz a "saeta". This last example, Document [3](Title: Classical guitar making) Contraguitar), which only remained localized in Germany, etc. On the other hand, Segovia was concertizing around the world popularizing his Spanish guitar, as well as a new style of music in the 1920s: Spanish romantic-modern style, with guitar works by Moreno Torroba, de Falla, etc. In fact, Segovia's Santos Hernandez (Ramirez) guitar from 1912, has a slightly different sound aesthetic, than the earlier Torres design. While the Torres is a guitar that some consider more appropriate to the salon style music of Tarrega, Arcas or Llobet (or arrangements of Granados, Albeniz), the later romantic-modern style of Moreno Torroba (whom Segovia Document [4](Title: New flamenco) New flamenco New flamenco (or nuevo flamenco) is synonymous with modern flamenco and is a derivative of traditional flamenco. It combines flamenco guitar virtuosity with musical fusion. Jazz, rumba, bossa nova, Gypsy, Latin, Middle Eastern, rock, Cuban swing, tango, salsa and especially blues have all been fused into flamenco by different artists to produce its sound. Traditional flamenco had been displaced in Spain in the 1950s and 1960s by rock-and-roll. Artists such as Camarón de la Isla worked with the music during that period, infusing it with new sound. However it was during the 1980s that revival really took off, Document [5](Title: Pedro Javier González) Pedro Javier González Pedro Javier González García (born 1962 in Barcelona) is a Spanish flamenco, jazz, and classical guitarist, composer, and record producer. He has produced and collaborated with El Último de la Fila, Joan Manuel Serrat, Alejandro Sanz, Manolo García and María del Mar Bonet, Victoria de los Ángeles, and Angelo Branduardi. He has also performed at festivals with other B.B. King, John McLaughlin, Pat Metheny, Paco de Lucía, John Williams, Tommy Emmanuel, and Tomatito. He is noted for his ability to perform popular standards in a flamenco jazz style, such as he did in his "Guitarra" album series. Document [6](Title: Carlos Montoya) flamenco singing and dancing, for such artists as Antonio de Bilbao, Juan el Estampío, La Macarrona and La Camisona in Madrid, Spain. In the 1920s and 1930s he performed extensively in Europe, North America, and Asia with the likes of La Teresina. The outbreak of World War II brought him to the United States where he began his most successful days as a musician, and frequently toured with the dancer La Argentina, bringing his fiery style to concert halls and universities. He also accompanied orchestras. During this period he made a few recordings for several major and independent labels including Document [7](Title: Folk music) the Celtic music of Galicia. French classical composers, from Bizet to Ravel, also drew upon Spanish themes, and distinctive Spanish genres became universally recognized. Folk music revivals or roots revivals also encompass a range of phenomena around the world where there is a renewed interest in traditional music. This is often by the young, often in the traditional music of their own country, and often included new incorporation of social awareness, causes, and evolutions of new music in the same style. Nueva canción, a similar evolution of a new form of socially committed music occurred in several Spanish speaking countries. Question: what type of dance is madrid known for Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Tell-Tale Heart) The relationship between the old man and the narrator is ambiguous . Their names , occupations , and places of residence are not given , contrasting with the strict attention to detail in the plot . The narrator may be a servant of the old man 's or , as is more often assumed , his son . In that case , the '' vulture - eye '' of the old man as a father figure may symbolize parental surveillance , or the paternal principles of right and wrong . The murder of the eye , then , is a removal of conscience . The eye may also represent secrecy : only when the eye is found open on the final night , penetrating the veil of secrecy , is the murder carried out . Document [1](Title: Polina Zherebtsova) a ruthless eye of a child, as a miraculously survived note of a contemporary. But it is also an extremely talented and thoughtful narration, in which are intertwined stories of growing up, love and death. You can say that this is: "a document of the era", "adventure novel","war prose", a "drama of growing up", "a love saga" ... But all these definitions are not accurate, these pages are about: the value of individual human life above any geopolitical considerations, national differences and global concepts, and the love and the will to live is stronger than a call of blood and Document [2](Title: Film (film)) sudden he wakes and stares straight into the camera lens. He looks very much like the man in the seventh photograph only much older. He still has the eye patch. He half starts from the chair, then stiffens. Gradually, the horrified look we have seen before on the couple and the old woman's faces appears on his. He is looking at himself, but not the scruffy, wearish man we have been watching. The man before him, standing with a big nail beside his head, has a look of “acute "intentness"” on his face. O slumps back into the chair and Document [3](Title: Let the Great World Spin) the same book. In fact, no fewer than eleven different protagonists are introduced throughout the course of the book, each in their own dedicated chapters. Additionally, the various protagonists are sometimes cast in roles which are naturally in conflict or tension with one another: for example, first a prostitute, and then the judge who must pass sentence upon her. In this particular case, first an earlier chapter of the book presents the courtroom story through the eyes of the prostitute, later in the book the same story is retold through the eyes of the judge. Throughout the book the author Document [4](Title: The Bow (film)) An old man (Jeon Seong-hwang) maintains it as a fishing platform for tourists with the help of a beautiful 16-year-old girl (Han Yeo-reum) who appears to be mute. Visitors to the boat chat about the rumors. He brought her out when she was just six years old. Her parents are looking for her. He plans to marry her on her 17th birthday. The stories sound farfetched, as does the idea that the old man is also a fortune teller, but they all turn out to be basically true. She is everything to him: a kidnap victim/daughter/girlfriend/fiancée. The old man fends Document [5](Title: Don't Open till Christmas) an eye on him. A Santa is assaulted by a group of teenagers, and runs into the London Dungeon, where he and an employee are killed. In an effort to catch the murderer, several officers go undercover as Santas, and two of them are butchered at a carnival. The killer then abducts Sherry, intending for her to be "the supreme sacrifice to all the evil that Christmas is". Meanwhile, Harris is taken off the case, and when Kate calls him, she is informed by his housekeeper that he is visiting Parklands, a mental institution. A Santa is chased into a Document [6](Title: Black Water (novella)) that The Senator and his wife are separated, his children grown, and that their affair is causing no harm. She remembers an article she wrote arguing against the death penalty in which she details the more gruesome and torturous aspects of different methods of execution; this underscores the cruelty and horror of her death. As she grows closer and closer to death, her hallucinations become more vivid until she is imagining her parents, very old, watching her being pulled from the water in horror. She imagines herself as a child reaching up to be carried. The book ends with a Document [7](Title: The Fall of the House of Usher) the story. It is the first "character" that the narrator introduces to the reader, presented with a humanized description: its windows are described as "eye-like" twice in the first paragraph. The fissure that develops in its side is symbolic of the decay of the Usher family and the house "dies" along with the two Usher siblings. This connection was emphasized in Roderick's poem "The Haunted Palace" which seems to be a direct reference to the house that foreshadows doom. L. Sprague de Camp, in his "Lovecraft: A Biography", wrote that "[a]ccording to the late [Poe expert] Thomas O. Mabbott, [H. Question: what does the eye stand for in the tell tale heart Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Bottled water) Although vessels to bottle and transport water were part of the earliest human civilizations , bottling water began in the United Kingdom with the first water bottling at the Holy Well in 1621 . The demand for bottled water was fueled in large part by the resurgence in spa - going and water therapy among Europeans and American colonists in the 17th and 18th centuries . The first commercially distributed water in America was bottled and sold by Jackson 's Spa in Boston in 1767 . Early drinkers of bottled spa waters believed that the water at these mineral springs had therapeutic properties and that bathing in or drinking the water could help treat many common ailments . Document [1](Title: St. Ann's Well, Malvern) Cure. The unusual octagonal extension was erected in 1841. Queen Adelaide visited St. Ann's Well in September 1842. In the 1850s, water from St Ann's Well was bottled by John and William Burrow at the Bottling Works Spring in Robson Ward's yard on Belle Vue Terrace in Great Malvern. Bottling ceased here in the 1950s and the former bottling works are now furniture showrooms. Water for the Bottling Works Spring is piped from St Ann's Well. In 1866, John Down established a photographic studio at St Ann's Well, and used the spring water for processing. He also constructed a camera Document [2](Title: History of bottle recycling in the United States) owned and small. At the beginning of the 19th century, people still reused bottles many times, also to store homemade drinks and foods. By the end of the century, however, innovation led to bottles increasingly being mass-produced by machines which slowly replaced bottle blowers. Customers started to buy bottled drinks to consume liquor and carbonated beverages at home and bottles were sold in one-serving sizes. Most bottles had an engraving that urged consumers to return the bottles once they were empty: "This bottle to be washed and returned". Bottles were still expensive and manufacturers made a loss if they were Document [3](Title: Water pricing) Water pricing Water pricing is a term that covers various processes to assign a price to water. These processes differ greatly under different circumstances: Prices for bottled water are set in the market, but must be seen not as much as a price of water, than the price of the convenience, bottle and transportation. It is comparable to other bottled cheap beverages (soda, beer, ...). Retail prices vary widely between countries, brands, bottle sizes (0.33 liter to 20 liters) and place of sale (supermarket, fair, restaurant etc.). They range from US$ 0.05 to US$6 per liter, equivalent to US$ 50 Document [4](Title: John Henes Sr.) Henes patented the Henes-Keller bottling machine in 1897, and it became the leading bottling machine in the beer industry after it was introduced in 1903. The device transferred beer from barrels to bottles without loss of carbonation, and it featured a revolving filler and air pump. Henes served as president of the Henes & Keller Company, which manufactured the bottle-filling machines, and the equipment was marketed globally. An improvement of the machine was later patented by his son, John E. Henes (1881–1948), who managed the company after his father's death. The plant, which stood at 14th Avenue and 6th Street Document [5](Title: Water bottle) While several concepts have been introduced, none are currently available commercially. Hydration reservoirs, also known as ‘hydration bladders,’ are large volume, flexible bags typically carried in a backpack system. Users access water via a 'sipping tube.' This system allows the user to remain engaged in activity without having to stop and unscrew a water bottle. Due to growing concern over the environmental impact and cost of disposable plastic water bottles, more people are choosing to fill multi-use water bottles. However, the popularity and availability of disposable plastic water bottles continues to rise. In 2007, Americans consumed 50 billion single-serve bottles Document [6](Title: Bottled water) average of 314 per litre. There have been no major outbreaks of illness or serious safety concerns associated with bottled water in the past decade, an FDA official stated in testimony before a 9 July 2009 Congressional hearing. Conversely, as noted in the Drinking Water Research Foundation's (DWRF) 2013 report, "Microbial Health Risks of Regulated Drinking Waters in the United States", EPA researchers reported an estimated 16.4 million cases of acute gastrointestinal illness per year are caused by tap water. Subsequent research has estimated that number of illnesses to be closer to 19.5 million cases per year. In addition, the Document [7](Title: Alexander Nowell) was credited by Thomas Fuller (and his later revisers), with the accidental invention of bottled beer. "Without offence it may be remembered, that leaving a bottle of ale, when fishing, in the grass, he found it some days after, no bottle, but a gun, such the sound at the opening thereof : and this is believed (casualty is mother of more inventions than industry) the original of bottled ale in England." He was also a keen angler, and Izaak Walton says, "this good man was observed to spend a tenth part of his time in angling ; and also (for Question: when did bottled water start being sold in the uk Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Great Salt Lake) Great Salt Lake contributes an estimated $1.3 billion annually to Utah 's economy , including $1.1 billion from industry ( primarily mineral extraction ) , $136 million from recreation , and $57 million from the harvest of brine shrimp . Document [1](Title: Lake Shore, Utah) versus $16,429 for females. The per capita income for the CDP was $22,329. About 2.3% of families and 4.3% of the population were below the poverty line, including 7.7% of those under age 18 and none of those age 65 or over. Lake Shore, Utah Lake Shore is a census-designated place (CDP) in Utah County, Utah, United States. It is part of the Provo–Orem Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 817 at the 2010 census. According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of , of which is land and 0.08% is water. As of Document [2](Title: Great Salt Lake) most popular Salt Lake resort until Saltair was built in 1893. The resort was eventually put out of service by a fire in 1904. Great Salt Lake The Great Salt Lake, located in the northern part of the U.S. state of Utah, is the largest salt water lake in the Western Hemisphere, and the eighth-largest terminal lake in the world. In an average year the lake covers an area of around , but the lake's size fluctuates substantially due to its shallowness. For instance, in 1963 it reached its lowest recorded size at 950 square miles (2,460 km²), but in Document [3](Title: South Jordan, Utah) there were 100.4 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 97.3 males. The median income for a household in the city was $91,199, Salt Lake County was $58,004 and Utah was $56,330. Males had a median income of $65,722 versus $41,171 for females. The per capita income for the city was $28,387. About 1.6% of families and 2.7% of the population were below the poverty line, including 2.7% of those under age 18 and 2.4% of those age 65 or over. In Salt Lake County, 10.3% of the population were below the poverty line and 10.8% Document [4](Title: Golmud) natural resources from nearby salt lakes. Thus, industries involving salt lake chemicals have sprung up. Qarham Salt Lake to the northeast of Golmud proper boasts an area of , making it the biggest inland salt lake in the world. Qarham Salt Lake resources are estimated to be worth over 15 trillion yuan. The lake is also China's largest production base for potassium, magnesium, and salt. Golmud also possesses natural gas reserves of 1 trillion m³ (35 trillion cu. ft.) plus over 50 varieties of minerals like gold, copper, jade and precious stones, lead, and zinc. Other important industries in Golmud Document [5](Title: Lake Michigan) mussels and quagga mussels, continue to cause major changes in water clarity and fertility, resulting in knock-on changes to Lake Michigan's ecosystem, threatening the vitality of native fish populations. Fisheries in inland waters of the United States are small compared to marine fisheries. The largest fisheries are the landings from the Great Lakes, worth about $13 million in 2003. Michigan’s commercial fishery today consists mainly of 150 tribe-licensed commercial fishing operations through the Chippewa-Ottawa Resource Authority (CORA) and tribes belonging to the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC), which harvest 50 percent of the Great Lakes commercial catch Document [6](Title: Timber Lakes, Utah) was $60,395. Males had a median income of $44,286 versus $30,625 for females. The per capita income for the CDP was $22,214. None of the families and 3.0% of the population were living below the poverty line, including no under eighteens and 42.9% of those over 64. Timber Lakes, Utah Timber Lakes is a census-designated place (CDP) in Wasatch County, Utah, United States. The population was 607 at the 2010 census, up from 289 at the 2000 census. According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of , of which is land and (3.58%) is Document [7](Title: Salt Lake County, Utah) 99.70 males. The median income for a household in the county was $48,373, and the median income for a family was $54,470. Males had a median income of $36,953 versus $26,105 for females. The per capita income for the county was $20,190. About 5.70% of families and 8.00% of the population were below the poverty threshold, including 9.00% of those under age 18 and 5.50% of those age 65 or over. The Census' 2005 American Community Survey indicated that 11.4% of Salt Lake County's population living in households (as opposed to group arrangements such as college dormitories) spoke Spanish at Question: where does the salt come from in utah Answer:
Great Salt Lake
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: California lieutenant gubernatorial election, 2018) The 2018 California lieutenant gubernatorial election will be held on November 6 , 2018 , to elect the Lieutenant Governor of California . Incumbent Democratic Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom is ineligible to run for reelection due to term limits and is running for Governor instead . Democrats Eleni Kounalakis and Ed Hernandez will face each other in the general election , as no Republican finished in the top two positions of the nonpartisan blanket primary . Document [1](Title: John H. Cox) reportedly contributed $4.4 million to his campaign. On June 5, 2018, Cox finished second in the top-two nonpartisan blanket primary for Governor of California. He faced Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom in the general election. On November 6, 2018 he conceded to his opponent. Although his perspective has evolved, Cox stated in 2006: "abortion is murder--plain and simple--and that should be regulated by state law." During the Values Voter presidential debate in 2006, Cox said that he would nominate only judges who are committed to reversing prior court decision where allegedly activist judges "strayed from the judicial role and legislated from Document [2](Title: 2013 Mexican state elections) 2013 Mexican state elections Elections in some states in Mexico were held on July 7, 2013. Only 14 states held elections, with the other 17 states and the Federal District not holding elections. There were elections for 11 mayors and 18 local councillors. There were elections for the governor, 5 mayors and 25 councillors. The PAN candidate, Francisco Vega de Lamadrid narrowly defeated PRI candidate Fernando Castro Trenti, and became the next governor of Baja California. The election count was temporarily halted after local officials believed there was an error with an counting algorithm. There were elections for 67 mayors Document [3](Title: 2018 Vermont elections) 2018 Vermont elections A general election was held in the U.S. state of Vermont on November 6, 2018. All of Vermont's executive officers were up for election as well as Vermont's Class I Senate seat and at-large seat in the United States House of Representatives. Primary elections were held on August 14, 2018. Independent incumbent Bernie Sanders is running for a third term. Democratic incumbent Peter Welch is running for a seventh term. Incumbent Republican Phil Scott is running for a second term. Incumbent Progressive/Democratic Lieutenant Governor Dave Zuckerman (since 2017) is running for reelection to a second term. Zuckerman Document [4](Title: 2014 Vermont gubernatorial election) 2014 Vermont gubernatorial election The 2014 Vermont gubernatorial election took place on November 4, 2014, to elect the Governor of Vermont, concurrently with elections to the United States Senate in other states and elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local elections. Incumbent Democratic Governor Peter Shumlin ran for reelection to a third term in office against Republican businessman Scott Milne, Libertarian businessman Dan Feliciano and several other minor party and independent candidates. Based on election polling, Shumlin's large financial advantage and the state's strong Democratic lean in presidential elections, Shumlin was expected to win Document [5](Title: Ed Lee (politician)) Ed Lee (politician) Edwin Mah Lee (; May 5, 1952 – December 12, 2017) was an American politician and attorney who served as the 43rd Mayor of San Francisco, and was the first Asian American to hold the office. Born in Seattle, Lee was a member of the Democratic Party. He took office as San Francisco city administrator in 2005 and was appointed on January 11, 2011 by the Board of Supervisors to serve out the remaining term of former Mayor Gavin Newsom after Newsom resigned to become Lieutenant Governor of California. On November 8, 2011, he won the election Document [6](Title: 2020 North Carolina lieutenant gubernatorial election) 2020 North Carolina lieutenant gubernatorial election The 2020 North Carolina lieutenant gubernatorial election is scheduled to take place on November 3, 2020, to elect the Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, concurrently with the 2020 U.S. presidential election, as well as elections to the United States Senate and elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local elections. Primary elections would be held in May under current law. In North Carolina, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor are elected separately. Incumbent Republican Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest was re-elected to a second term in 2016, despite Republican Governor Pat Document [7](Title: 2018 California Insurance Commissioner election) 2018 California Insurance Commissioner election The 2018 California Insurance Commissioner election was held on November 6, 2018, to elect the Insurance Commissioner of California. Under California's nonpartisan blanket primary law, all candidates appear on the same ballot, regardless of party. In the primary, voters may vote for any candidate, regardless of their party affiliation. The top two finishers — regardless of party — advance to the general election in November, even if a candidate manages to receive a majority of the votes cast in the primary election. Incumbent Democratic Commissioner Dave Jones was term-limited and could not seek re-election to Question: who is running for lt gov of ca Answer:
Eleni Kounalakis
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen of 1789) The Declaration was drafted by General Lafayette , Thomas Jefferson , and Honoré Mirabeau . Influenced by the doctrine of '' natural right '' , the rights of man are held to be universal : valid at all times and in every place , pertaining to human nature itself . It became the basis for a nation of free individuals protected equally by the law . It is included in the beginning of the constitutions of both the Fourth French Republic ( 1946 ) and Fifth Republic ( 1958 ) and is still current . Inspired by the Enlightenment philosophers , the Declaration was a core statement of the values of the French Revolution and had a major impact on the development of freedom and democracy in Europe and worldwide . Document [1](Title: Virginia Declaration of Rights) of rights and the relationship between government and the governed. Article 1 states that "all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights of which ... they cannot deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety," a statement later made internationally famous in the second paragraph of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, as "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, Document [2](Title: Freedom of speech) Chinese government's Ministry of Public Security that filters potentially unfavorable data from foreign countries. Freedom of speech and expression has a long history that predates modern international human rights instruments. It is thought that ancient Athenian democratic principle of free speech may have emerged in the late 6th or early 5th century BC. The values of the Roman Republic included freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Concepts of freedom of speech can be found in early human rights documents. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, adopted during the French Revolution in 1789, specifically affirmed Document [3](Title: Constitution of Ivory Coast) and experience in France, and Houphouët-Boigny himself had served in successive French governments in the 1950s. Not unexpectedly, the 1960 Constitution was largely taken (often verbatim) from the 1958 constitution of the Fifth Republic of France. Like its French counterpart, the Ivoirian Constitution declares that all power derives from the people and is expressed through universal suffrage. It also mandates the separation of executive and legislative authority with limits on the power of the former. In its preamble, the Constitution proclaims its dedication to liberal democratic principles and inalienable human rights as expressed in the 1789 Declaration of the Rights Document [4](Title: Olympe de Gouges) as illegitimate children. In these pamphlets she advanced the public debate on issues that would later be picked up by feminists, such as Flora Tristan. She continued to publish political essays between 1788 and 1791. Such as "Cry of the wise man, by a woman" in response to Louis XVI calling together the Estates-General". Gouges wrote her famous "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen" shortly after the French Constitution of 1791 was ratified by King Louis XVI, and dedicated it to his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette. The French Constitution marked the birth of the short-lived constitutional Document [5](Title: Girondin constitutional project) twenty-five million individuals, a constitution which, being founded solely on the principles of reason and justice, insures to citizens the fullest enjoyment of their rights; to combine the parts of this constitution, so that the necessity of obedience to the laws, the submission of individual wills to the general will, allow the subsistence in all their extent, of the sovereignty of the people, equality among citizens, and the exercise of natural liberty, such is the problem that we had to solve." Are subsequently exposed, in this order: The first article declares the natural, civil, and political rights of men which Document [6](Title: Early life and career of Thomas Jefferson) all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. This has been called "one of the best-known sentences in the English language", containing "the most potent and consequential words in American history". The passage came to represent a moral standard to which the United States should strive. This view was notably promoted by Abraham Lincoln, who based his philosophy on it, and argued for the Declaration as a statement of principles through which the United States Constitution should be interpreted. Intended also Document [7](Title: Saint-Domingue) on 26 August 1789, published the Declaration of the Rights of Man, declaring all men free and equal. The French Revolution shaped the course of the conflict in Saint-Domingue and was at first widely welcomed on the island. At first, wealthy whites saw it as an opportunity to gain independence from France. The elite planters intended to take control of the island and create trade regulations to further their own wealth and power. Between 1791 and 1804, the leaders François Dominique Toussaint-Louverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines led the revolution against the slave system established on the island; slavery in Saint-Domingue, along Question: who was the declaration of the rights of man and citizen written by Answer:
Thomas Jefferson
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Lift Me Up (Five Finger Death Punch song)) '' Lift Me Up '' is the first single from The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell , Volume 1 , the fourth studio album from Five Finger Death Punch , and is the fifteenth single overall from the band . The song features Rob Halford , lead vocalist for Judas Priest . Halford joined the band at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards on May 2 , 2013 to premiere the tune , with lead singer Ivan L. Moody referring to himself as being '' the guest ( vocalist ) '' on the song . Document [1](Title: Five Finger Death Punch) Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Volume 1" (2013), "The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Volume 2" (2013), and "Got Your Six" (2015) — have all been certified Gold, making Five Finger Death Punch one of the most successful heavy metal bands of the decade. The band has played international music festivals including Mayhem Festival in 2008, 2010 and 2013, and Download Festival in 2009, 2010, 2013, 2015, and 2017. The band released their seventh studio album, "And Justice for None," in 2018. Five Finger Death Punch are the recipients of the RadioContraband Rock Document [2](Title: Between Heaven 'n Hell) Between Heaven 'n Hell Between Heaven 'N Hell is the seventh studio album, from American Christian rock band Resurrection Band, released in 1985. This is the first album on which Resurrection Band shortened its moniker to "REZ", and it also marks the band's final album for Sparrow Records. On REZ' follow-up to "Hostage", the band jettisons much of the new wave, keyboard-driven musical stylings from that album in favor of the band's traditional hard rock sound. Glenn Kaiser takes over the majority of the songwriting once again, while his wife and co-lead singer Wendi Kaiser makes her most significant songwriting Document [3](Title: God Will Lift Up Your Head) God Will Lift Up Your Head "God Will Lift Up Your Head" is a song recorded and performed by Jars of Clay. The song is a remake of a traditional hymn of the same name that was written by the 17th-century German hymnwriter Paul Gerhardt. Jars of Clay wrote the music and altered the translated lyrics (of John Wesley) slightly for the version that appears on "Redemption Songs". The song is the first of two radio singles in promotion of the album which hit number one on the Christian CHR radio charts in 2005. It also appears on the "WOW Document [4](Title: Rob Halford) Halford stated that he would continue to move forward with his solo band. Despite the "final tour" announcement in 2011, Halford and Judas Priest (minus K. K. Downing, who left the group prior to the Epitaph tour) recorded another album, "Redeemer of Souls", which was released in 2014, the album supported by a concert tour. In 2017, Judas Priest began to work on another studio album with Halford. The album, "Firepower", was released March 9, 2018. Halford has performed as the vocalist for Black Sabbath at three shows. He replaced Ronnie James Dio for two nights in November 1992, when Document [5](Title: Between Heaven 'n Hell) Glenn Kaiser unless otherwise noted Production Between Heaven 'n Hell Between Heaven 'N Hell is the seventh studio album, from American Christian rock band Resurrection Band, released in 1985. This is the first album on which Resurrection Band shortened its moniker to "REZ", and it also marks the band's final album for Sparrow Records. On REZ' follow-up to "Hostage", the band jettisons much of the new wave, keyboard-driven musical stylings from that album in favor of the band's traditional hard rock sound. Glenn Kaiser takes over the majority of the songwriting once again, while his wife and co-lead singer Wendi Document [6](Title: Long Hard Road Out of Hell) body of water in which Manson tested some of his tricks". Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic praised the song for being "a good bridge between the goth-industrial "Antichrist Superstar" and the electronically tweaked glam of "Mechanical Animals"." MetalSucks' Axl Rosenberg said that "Long Hard Road Out of Hell" is "fine" and "basically sounds like "Antichrist Superstar"-era Manson with female backing vocals." Rosenberg found the track superior to other cuts from "Spawn: The Album" such as the DJ Spooky remix of Metallica's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" (1985) and "Satan" (1998) by Kirk Hammett and Orbital. Dowd of "The A.V. Club" Document [7](Title: Move (Third Day album)) and shame, guilt and pain, pride and your conceit / Here and now lay them down at the Savior's feet". "I'll Be Your Miracle" has a country rock sound and features instrumentation from banjo and pedal steel guitar. "Sound of Your Voice", a worship song, features vocals from guest vocalist Kerrie Roberts. "Don't Give Up Hope" has "Allman Brothers-style interplay" between the slide guitar and piano instruments. Four singles were released from "Move". Lead single "Lift Up Your Face" was released to Christian AC and Christian CHR radio on July 11, 2010. It peaked at number twelve on the "Billboard" Question: who sings lift me up with five finger death punch Answer:
Ivan L. Moody
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Seattle Seahawks starting quarterbacks) 2017 Russell Wilson ( 3 ) Document [1](Title: Eric Wilson (linebacker, born 1994)) basketball. Wilson redshirted for the Northwestern Wildcats of Northwestern University in 2012. He transferred to the University of Cincinnati in 2013, where he played for the Cincinnati Bearcats from 2013 to 2016. He sat out the 2013 season due to NCAA transfer rules. He was named Second Team All-AAC in 2015 and First Team All-AAC in 2016. He played in 38 games, starting 24, during his college career. He graduated from Cincinnati in December 2016 with a degree in sports management. Wilson was rated the 21st best outside linebacker in the 2017 NFL Draft by The website also predicted Document [2](Title: Addison Russell) of attending Auburn. He was also the first high school athlete selected by the A's in the first round of the draft since Jeremy Bonderman in 2001. Russell started his career with the Arizona League Athletics, where he hit .415/.488/.717 with six home runs and 29 runs batted in in 26 games. He was then promoted to the Vermont Lake Monsters and hit .340/.386/.509 with one home run in 13 games. He finished the season with the Class-A Burlington Bees, hitting .310/.369/.448 in 16 games. Overall, he finished his first season hitting .369/.432/.594 with seven home runs and 45 runs Document [3](Title: De'Runnya Wilson) yards, and touchdowns. Wilson was listed on the 2014–15 men's basketball roster, but did not appear in any games. Wilson's career as a basketball player is presumably finished. Wilson had 8 catches and a touchdown in a 21-19 loss to LSU. He had 102 yards and 2 touchdowns in a rainy 31-13 win over Missouri and a career-high 10 receptions in a 51-50 thriller over Arkansas. Wilson ranks 5th in school history with 133 receptions, 6th with 1,949 yards, and 2nd with 22 touchdowns. On January 1, 2016, Wilson announced via Instagram that he would enter the 2016 NFL Draft. Document [4](Title: Marquess Wilson) suffered a broken clavicle. He would be placed on injured reserve/recall on September 2, 2014. On November 14, 2014, he was activated from injured reserve. On December 15, 2014, Wilson caught his first career touchdown in Week 14 against the New Orleans Saints. On December 21, 2014, Wilson caught a career-high 7 receptions for a career-high 66 yards against the Detroit Lions. At just 22 years old, Wilson was the third youngest player on the Bears final 2014 53-man roster behind cornerback Al Louis-Jean and running back Ka’Deem Carey. On September 13, 2015, Wilson caught a career-long 50 yard pass Document [5](Title: Kyren Wilson) 147, the 133 in competitive history, to force a decider against Martin Gould in the second round of the International Championship, but eventually lost 5-6. In January 2018, Wilson reached the final of The Masters, becoming the first person born in the 1990s to appear in any Triple Crown final. He was beaten by Mark Allen in a close match. Wilson also reached two ranking finals that season, losing to Ding Junhui and Ronnie O'Sullivan, and also enjoyed his career-best run at the World Championship as he reached the semi-finals (beating Allen 13-6 in the last eight) before losing 17-13 Document [6](Title: Ramik Wilson) as a sprinter, running the 200-meter dash, and as a shot putter and discus thrower. In addition, he also bench-pressed 350 pounds and squatted 470 pounds. Regarded as a four-star recruit by "", Wilson was ranked as the No. 229 player in the country, No. 58 player in Florida and No. 12 linebacker. According to "", he was rated a three-star recruit, and was ranked as the No. 27 outside linebacker in the country. He committed to play college football at the University of Georgia in January 2011. Wilson was a backup his first two seasons at Georgia. He appeared Document [7](Title: Russell Wilson) and Dak Prescott in 2016 (104.9). He threw for 3,118 yards and 26 touchdowns, tying Peyton Manning's record for most touchdowns thrown by a rookie, and rushed for 489 yards and four touchdowns. Wilson's scrambling mobility and ability to extend plays outside the pocket with his legs earned numerous comparisons to Hall of Fame quarterback Fran Tarkenton. Wilson led the Seahawks to the postseason in his rookie year. He made his postseason debut in the NFC Wild Card Round against the Washington Redskins, passing for 187 yards and rushing for 67 yards as the Seahawks rallied for a 24–14 comeback Question: who is the starting quarterback for the seattle seahawks Answer:
Russell Wilson
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: American Idol (season 1)) American Idol : The Search for a Superstar Season 1 Broadcast from June 11 -- September 4 , 2002 Judges Paula Abdul Simon Cowell Randy Jackson Host ( s ) Ryan Seacrest Brian Dunkleman Broadcaster Fox Finals venue Kodak Theatre Winner Kelly Clarkson Origin Burleson , Texas , U.S. Song '' A Moment Like This '' Genre ( s ) Pop , pop rock Runner - up Justin Guarini Chronology 2002 ▶ Document [1](Title: American Idol controversies) judge Simon Cowell. On the April 21, 2010 "Idol Gives Back" special, the show went over its scheduled 2-hour slot to 10:24 PM EST. Seacrest did warn viewers at the end of the previous night's performance show that the episode would run overtime. Due to this, Tim Urban, the contestant that was eliminated that night, did not get to sing his final song. Immediately after winning "American Idol" on September 4, 2002, Kelly Clarkson was arranged to sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" by her then management company, 19 Entertainment, at a special commemoration the following week for the first anniversary of Document [2](Title: Kelly Clarkson) and "Idol" season two runner-up Clay Aiken co-headlined the 2004 Independent Tour throughout the US. Clarkson made her film debut with Guarini with the release of the musical romantic comedy film "From Justin to Kelly" in June 2003. The film was poorly received by critics and was unsuccessful at the box office, with Clarkson explaining that she was "contractually obligated" to do the film. Between 2002, Clarkson, along with "American Idol" judges Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson and hosts Brian Dunkleman and Ryan Seacrest, participated in the season premiere of the eighth season of the television comedy series "MADtv". She Document [3](Title: Fame (2003 TV series)) Fame (2003 TV series) Fame is a reality television competition series that ran on NBC in the summer of 2003. The show was essentially NBC's attempt to duplicate the success of mega-hit "American Idol", right down to their selection of judges. Former pop star Carnie Wilson was similar in her judgements to "American Idol's" Paula Abdul, Johnny Wright, the veteran music producer, was the show's analogue of Randy Jackson, and JoJo Wright was, like Simon Cowell, the judge who says things to stir people up. The show retained the original "Fame" theme music (with a new vocal), as well as Document [4](Title: Jordin Sparks (album)) Taylor Hicks, Blake Lewis) or RCA (Kelly Clarkson, Bo Bice, Clay Aiken, Katharine McPhee, Chris Daughtry, Diana DeGarmo and idol successor David Cook) labels, with the exception of Carrie Underwood signed to Arista Nashville. Sparks has stated that she recorded some songs for the album but the bulk of the recording was done in Los Angeles after the tour was over. She said the album would be "Top 40, radio-friendly, uplifting stuff" hopefully mixing "the pop rock sound of inaugural "Idol" Kelly Clarkson with the R&B edge of Beyoncé". Jordin confirmed on her MySpace that the official track listing as Document [5](Title: Pop Idol) Pop Idol Pop Idol is a British music competition television series created by Simon Fuller which ran on ITV from 2001 to 2003. The aim of the show was to decide the best new young pop singer (or "pop idol") in the UK based on viewer voting and participation. Two series were broadcast—one in 2001–2002 and a second in 2003. "Pop Idol" was subsequently put on an indefinite hiatus after series judge Simon Cowell announced the launch of "The X Factor" in the UK in April 2004. The show has become an international TV franchise since, spawning multiple "Idol" series Document [6](Title: Pop Idol (series 2)) contestants would be eliminated instead of the standard one. Theme: Songs from contestant's birth year Theme: Elton John Theme: Disco songs Theme: The Beatles Theme: Big band Theme: Christmas songs Theme: Judges' song choice Pop Idol (series 2) The second series of British reality television show Pop Idol began airing on ITV on 13 September 2003 and ended on 20 December 2003. Michelle McManus was announced as the winner and received a £1 million recording contract to release her debut album. Ant & Dec returned to present the show on ITV, whilst Simon Cowell, Neil Fox, Nicki Chapman and Pete Document [7](Title: American Idol (season 10)) American Idol (season 10) The tenth season of "American Idol" premiered on January 19, 2011 and concluded on May 25, 2011, on the Fox television network. The show underwent a number of changes from the ninth season, including the return of Nigel Lythgoe as executive producer. Randy Jackson returned as judge for his tenth season while Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler joined the judging panel following the departures of Simon Cowell, Kara DioGuardi and Ellen DeGeneres. Interscope Records, which is part of Universal Music Group, replaced Sony Music Entertainment as "Idol"s official partner record label. Interscope's Chairman Jimmy Iovine, a Question: who were the judges on american idol season 1 Answer:
Paula Abdul
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Mescalero) Mescalero or Mescalero Apache is an Apache tribe of Southern Athabaskan Native Americans . The tribe is federally recognized as the Mescalero Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Apache Reservation , located in south central New Mexico . Document [1](Title: Tribal chief) have Native American tribes. The money that this generates has engendered some political scandal. For example, the Tigua tribe, which fled their ancestral lands in New Mexico during the Pueblo revolt of 1680, and who then settled on land in El Paso County, Texas, has paid for a low probable return to the tribe because of the Jack Abramoff publicity. Many of the tribes use professional management for their money. Thus, the Mescalero Apache renovated their Inn of the Mountain Gods to include gambling as well as the previous tourism, lodging, and skiing in the older Inn. The Navajo nation Document [2](Title: Geronimo) U.S. citizens and property. According to "National Geographic", "the governor of Sonora claimed in 1886 that in the last five months of Geronimo's wild career, his band of 16 warriors slaughtered some 500 to 600 Mexicans." In 1873 the Mexicans once again attacked the Apache. After months of fighting in the mountains, the Apaches and Mexicans decided on a peace treaty at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico. After terms were agreed, the Mexican troops gave mescal to the Apaches and, while they were intoxicated, they attacked and killed 20 Apaches and captured some. The Apache were forced to retreat into the Document [3](Title: Mexifornia) struggle with the pressures of growth"". "Time" magazine. This is a topic of a heated debate between the advocates of amnesty for illegal immigrants on one side and those wishing to enforce immigration laws on the other side. Mexifornia Mexifornia (also Calexico or Califaztlán) is a portmanteau of Mexico and California. Mexifornia refers to what some see as the Mexicanization/Hispanicization of the U.S. state of California as a result of increased documented and undocumented migration of Mexican and other Hispanic people into California and the transformation of many aspects of the culture of the state. Mexifornia is seen as a Document [4](Title: Zacateco) assimilation and mestizaje of the Mexican people. However many of their direct descendants still live in large concentrations in central Mexico. Taking all this into account, it is extremely difficult to even approximate the population of their descendants. It is equally hard to elaborate on their culture, language, art, and traditions. Zacateco The Zacatecos (or Zacatecas) is the name of an indigenous group, one of the peoples called Chichimecas by the Aztecs. They lived in most of what is now the state of Zacatecas and the northeastern part of Durango. They have many direct descendants, but most of their culture Document [5](Title: Ski Apache) Ski Apache Ski Apache is a ski resort in southern New Mexico, on the slopes of Sierra Blanca. It is owned and operated, since 1963, by the Mescalero Apache Tribe. Ski Apache is the only ski resort in New Mexico with its own gondola lift. Runs in the resort include Apache Bowl, an intermediate run on the upper west side of the mountain known for its wide, open space, and views from the top of Chairlift 6; Capitan, a steep, challenging pitch that drops 475 feet; and the Gondola Liftline, a steep and narrow advanced run that runs from the Document [6](Title: Mescalerolemur) but slightly younger in age. Mescalerolemur Mescalerolemur (meaning "Mescalero Apache's lemur") is an extinct genus of adapiform strepsirrhine from late Middle Eocene (Uintan age) deposits of Brewster County, Texas. It is known from the holotype TMM 41672-232, associated left and right maxillae with partial and complete teeth and from the referred specimens TMM 41672-230, TMM 41672-233 and TMM 41672-236. It was found from the Purple Bench locality of the Devil’s Graveyard Formation, Big Bend region. It was first named by E. Christopher Kirk and Blythe A. Williams in 2011 and the type species is "Mescalerolemur horneri". Its closest relative is Document [7](Title: Mezquital Valley) This probably means that it was at least semi-autonomous from Teotihuacan. The archeological site was opened to the public in 2012. Mezquital Valley The Mezquital Valley (Nahuatl: Teotlalpan and Otomi: B’ot’ähi) is a series of small valleys and flat areas located in Central Mexico, about north of Mexico City, located in the western part of the state of Hidalgo. It is part of the central Mexican highlands, with altitudes between and above sea level. It is one of Mexico's main semi-arid/area regions, whose native vegetation is dominated by cactus species, mesquite trees, and maguey with pine and oak trees in Question: where have the mescalero apache settled in new mexico Answer:
Mescalero Apache Reservation
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Ryan Hurst) Ryan Douglas Hurst ( born June 19 , 1976 ) is an American actor , best known for his roles as Gerry Bertier in Disney 's Remember the Titans , Tom Clark in Taken , Opie Winston in the FX network drama series Sons of Anarchy , as Sergeant Ernie Savage in We Were Soldiers , and as Chick in Bates Motel . Document [1](Title: Remember the Titans) Remember the Titans Remember the Titans is a 2000 American biographical sports drama film produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by Boaz Yakin. The screenplay, written by Gregory Allen Howard, is based on the true story of African-American coach Herman Boone, portrayed by Denzel Washington, and his attempt to integrate the T. C. Williams High School football team in Alexandria, Virginia, in 1971. Will Patton portrays Bill Yoast, Boone's assistant coach. Real-life athletes Gerry Bertier and Julius Campbell are portrayed by Ryan Hurst and Wood Harris, respectively. The film was co-produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Films and Document [2](Title: Ethan Zobelle) Ethan Zobelle Ethan Zobelle is a fictional character on the FX television series "Sons of Anarchy", played by Adam Arkin. He is one of two main antagonists in season two (the other being A.J. Weston) and is the head of the League of American Nationalists (L.O.A.N.), a white separatist gang who desires to gain a legitimate foothold in Charming and force SAMCRO out. Zobelle moved into Charming and presented himself to the townspeople and local law enforcement as the owner of the newly opened Impeccable Smokes cigar shop on the town's Main Street. Zobelle was introduced to Deputy Chief David Document [3](Title: David Jason) by Buster Merryfield). In 1989 Jason starred as Ted Simcock in the ITV drama series "A Bit of a Do", aired from January to December. In 1999, Jason starred as Captain Frank Beck in BBC's feature-length drama "All the King's Men" about the Sandringham regiment lost in World War I. He earned acclaim for a string of straight roles. These include Skullion in "Porterhouse Blue" (for Channel 4), Sidney "Pop" Larkin in the rural idyll "The Darling Buds of May" (Yorkshire Television/ITV) and based on the H. E. Bates novel, which featured Catherine Zeta-Jones in an early role. In 1992, Document [4](Title: The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part) Chris Pratt as Emmet Brickowski , an everyman , construction worker , and Master Builder from Bricksburg , and Wyldstyle 's new boyfriend . Pratt also voices Rex Dangervest , a spoof of Star - Lord from the Marvel Cinematic Universe , Owen Grady from the Jurassic Park series , and Joshua Faraday from The Magnificent Seven , all played by Pratt . He is a space - traveling archaeologist , cowboy , raptor trainer and casino gambler . Document [5](Title: George Peppard) that Forsythe did "a better job than I could have done." In 1982, Peppard auditioned for and won the role of Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith in the TV action adventure series "The A-Team", acting alongside Mr. T, Dirk Benedict and Dwight Schultz. In the series, the A-Team was a team of renegade commandos on the run from the military for "a crime they did not commit" while serving in the Vietnam war. The A-Team members made their collective living as soldiers of fortune, but they helped only people who came to them with justified grievances. As Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith, Document [6](Title: Michael Bates (actor)) in the UK. Bates's film roles include "Bedazzled" (1967) as the flirtatious police inspector, "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush" (1967) as Mr. McGregor, "Battle of Britain" (1969) as Warrant Officer Warwick, "Oh! What a Lovely War" (1969) as a Lance-Corporal, "Patton" (1970) as Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery (to whom he bore a striking resemblance), "A Clockwork Orange" (1971) and "Frenzy" (1972). On stage, he played Shakespearean roles at Stratford and at the Old Vic, and made a big impression as Inspector Truscott in the West End production of "Loot" by Joe Orton in 1966. In 1954, Bates Document [7](Title: 9th Irish Film & Television Awards) Michael Fassbender — Shame Saoirse Ronan — Hanna Chris O'Dowd — Bridesmaids ""'Fionnula Flanagan — "The Guard" Bernadette: Notes on a Political Journey — Lelia Doolan Corp + Anam – Paddy Hayes The Boy in the Bubble – Kealan O'Rourke Foxes – Lorcan Finnegan Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Ryan Gosling — "Drive" Glenn Close — "Albert Nobbs" "Love/Hate" — Suzanne McAuley, Steve Mattews David Caffrey — Love/Hate Stuart Carolan — Love/Hate Aidan Gillen — Love/Hate Ruth Negga — Shirley Tom Vaughan-Lawlor — Love/Hate Denise McCormack — Love/Hate Consolata Boyle — The Iron Lady Seamus McGarvey — We Need to Talk Question: who played gerry bertier in remember the titans Answer:
Ryan Douglas Hurst
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Gods of Egypt (film)) Élodie Yung as Hathor , the Egyptian Goddess of Love and Horus ' lover . Document [1](Title: Hathor) versus beautiful and joyful—reflected the Egyptian belief that women, as Carolyn Graves-Brown puts it, "encompassed both extreme passions of fury and love." Egyptian religion celebrated the sensory pleasures of life, which Egyptians believed were among the gods' gifts to humanity. Egyptians ate, drank, danced, and played music at their religious festivals. They perfumed the air with flowers and incense. Many of Hathor's epithets link her to these elements of celebration; she is called the mistress of music, dance, garlands, myrrh, and drunkenness. In hymns and temple reliefs, musicians play tambourines, harps, lyres, and sistra in Hathor's honor. The sistrum, a Document [2](Title: Hathor) be worshipped in Egypt during the New Kingdom, with Hathor. Some Canaanite artworks depict a nude goddess with a curling wig taken from Hathor's iconography. Which goddess these images represent is not known, but the Egyptians adopted her iconography and came to regard her as an independent deity, Qetesh, whom they associated with Hathor. Hathor's solar character may have played a role in linking her with trade: she was believed to protect ships on the Nile and in the seas beyond Egypt, as she protected the barque of Ra in the sky. The mythological wandering of the Eye goddess in Document [3](Title: Hatim Tai (1956 film)) his charity and kindness. In this Arabian Nights style fantasy Hatim Tai, referred to as Shehzada (Prince) from Yemen, undertakes a perilous journey in order to save a young fairy turned to stone. He can do this by answering seven questions posed to him on the way. While dispensing charity, Hatim Tai (P. Jairaj), a kind-hearted Shehzada (Prince) of Yemen meets a young beggar who is the rich Shezada Munir. The girl Munir loves, Husn Bano, has been cursed by a fairy, Gulnar Pari (Shakila), that if she gets married she will turn to stone due to her father Saudagar Document [4](Title: LGBT themes in mythology) Prince Lohiau to Pele after his death. During his life Lohiau was the lover of both the female Pele and male Paoa. Other Polynesian LGBT gods include the gay couple Pala-Mao and Kumi-Kahi, and the bisexual goddess Haakauilanani, who was both servant and lover of the "Earth mother" creator goddess Papa and her husband Wakea. Non-divine LGBT characters also exist in Polynesian mythology, such as the (male) shaman Pakaa and his chief and lover Keawe-Nui-A-'umi, and the famed fisherman Nihooleki, who was married to a woman but also had a relationship with the pig god Kamapua'a. Kamapua'a was also responsible Document [5](Title: Hathor) of the divine entourage that accompanied Ra as he sailed through the sky in his barque. She was commonly called the "Golden One", referring to the radiance of the sun, and texts from her temple at Dendera say "her rays illuminate the whole earth." She was sometimes fused with another goddess, Nebethetepet, whose name can mean "Lady of the Offering", "Lady of Contentment", or "Lady of the Vulva". At Ra's cult center of Heliopolis, Hathor-Nebethetepet was worshipped as his consort. Hathor was one of many goddesses who took on the role of the Eye of Ra, a feminine personification of Document [6](Title: Solar deity) in Egypt, there was a religion that worshipped the sun directly, and was among the first monotheistic religions: Atenism. Sun worship was prevalent in ancient Egyptian religion. The earliest deities associated with the sun are all goddesses: Wadjet, Sekhmet, Hathor, Nut, Bast, Bat, and Menhit. First Hathor, and then Isis, give birth to and nurse Horus and Ra. Hathor the horned-cow is one of the 12 daughters of Ra, gifted with joy and is a wet-nurse to Horus. From at least the 4th Dynasty of ancient Egypt, the sun was worshipped as the deity Re (pronounced probably as Riya, meaning Document [7](Title: The High Priestess) identified with the Shekhinah, the female indwelling presence of the divine. She wears plain blue robes and sits with her hands in her lap. She has a lunar crescent at her feet, "a horned diadem on her head, with a globe in the middle place" similar to the crown of the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor, but with the horns having a shape more like half-crescents, and a large cross on her breast. The scroll in her hands, partly covered by her mantle, bears the letters TORA (meaning "divine law"). She is seated between the white and black pillars—'J' and 'B' Question: who plays goddess of love in gods of egypt Answer:
Élodie Yung
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Coca-Cola) Coca - Cola , or Coke , is a carbonated soft drink produced by The Coca - Cola Company . Originally intended as a patent medicine , it was invented in the late 19th century by John Pemberton and was bought out by businessman Asa Griggs Candler , whose marketing tactics led Coca - Cola to its dominance of the world soft - drink market throughout the 20th century . The drink 's name refers to two of its original ingredients , which were kola nuts ( a source of caffeine ) and coca leaves . The current formula of Coca - Cola remains a trade secret , although a variety of reported recipes and experimental recreations have been published . Document [1](Title: Frank Mason Robinson) the official Georgia Corporation named the Coca-Cola Company with Asa G. Candler, his brother John S. Candler, Frank M. Robinson and two other associates. Robinson served as treasurer and secretary and changed the Coca-Cola syrup formula so as not to include any faint traces of cocaine by the time of the Pure Food and Drug Act initiated by the Federal Government in 1906. The starting capitalization for the company was at $100,000. Robinson overall was responsible for the early advertising of Coca-Cola before and after Candler bought the name and syrup formula from Pemberton, the first ads appearing in "The Document [2](Title: Coca-Cola) John Pemberton, who was wounded in the American Civil War and became addicted to morphine, began a quest to find a substitute for the problematic drug. The prototype Coca-Cola recipe was formulated at Pemberton's Eagle Drug and Chemical House, a drugstore in Columbus, Georgia, originally as a coca wine. He may have been inspired by the formidable success of Vin Mariani, a French-Corsican coca wine. It is also worth noting that a Spanish drink called "Kola Coca" was presented at a contest in Philadelphia in 1885, a year before the official birth of Coca-Cola. The rights for this Spanish drink Document [3](Title: Charles Leiper Grigg) Charles Leiper Grigg Charles Leiper Grigg (May 11, 1868 – April 16, 1940) was the inventor of "Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime" soda, better known by its later name, 7 Up. He invented the drink in October 1929. Grigg became acquainted with the carbonated beverage business after moving to St. Louis, Missouri. Prior to inventing 7 Up, Grigg had created an orange soft drink named "Whistle" for the Vess Soda Company. It is still made and sold in St. Louis. Charles Leiper Grigg was born in 1868 in Prices Branch, Missouri to Charles L. S. Grigg (1822-1883) and Mary Elizabeth Leiper Grigg Document [4](Title: Coca-Cola Zero Sugar) various countries are based on the same flavoring formula, and all are carbonated. One liter of Coca-Cola Zero contains 96 mg caffeine. Additionally, artificial sweeteners are used. In the U.S., this includes aspartame and acesulfame potassium. However, the exact combination of sweeteners and preservatives used varies from market to market. Sodium cyclamate, a relatively inexpensive artificial sweetener banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since 1969 and once believed to be a carcinogen, has been used in the Coca-Cola Zero versions produced in Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Venezuela, Chile, and some Central American countries. It was used for Document [5](Title: Carbonated water) still used for the Japanese soft drink Ramune and in the Indian drink called Banta. Soda makers or soda carbonators are appliances that carbonate water with multiple-use carbon dioxide canisters. Soda makers may reach a higher level of carbonation than home soda siphons. A variety of systems are produced by manufacturers and hobbyists. The commercial units may be sold with concentrated syrup for making flavored soft drinks. One major producer of soda carbonators is SodaStream. Their products were popular during the 1970s and 1980s in the United Kingdom, and are associated with nostalgia for that period and have experienced a Document [6](Title: Coca-Cola formula) is very similar to the one found in Pemberton's diary. Coca-Cola archivist Phil Mooney acknowledged that the recipe "could ... be a precursor" to the formula used in the original 1886 product, but emphasized that the original formula is not the same as the one used in the current product. The secret 7X flavor (use 2 oz of flavor to 5 gals syrup): On January 23, 2011, in a commercial aired during the NFL Football AFC Championship Game, Coca-Cola teased that they would share the secret formula, only to flash a comical "formula" for a few frames. This required the Document [7](Title: Summerfield Johnston Jr.) Summerfield Johnston Jr. Summerfield Johnston Jr. (born August 28, 1932), aka Skey Johnston, is an American businessman and polo player. He served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Coca-Cola Enterprises from 1991 to 2001. Summerfield Johnston Jr. was born in 1932 and grew up on the 4,000-acre Bendabout Farm in McDonald, Bradley County, Tennessee. His grandfather was James F. Johnston, the founder of the Coca-Cola Bottling Company, the first Coca-Cola franchisee. His father, Summerfield Johnston Sr., worked for the family business. He graduated from the University of Virginia, where he played polo in 1951. He joined Question: where does the caffeine in coca cola come from Answer:
kola nuts
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Hurricane Andrew) Hurricane Andrew was a Category 5 Atlantic hurricane that struck the Bahamas and Florida in mid-August 1992 , the most destructive hurricane to ever hit the state until Hurricane Irma surpassed it 25 years later . It was the strongest in decades and the costliest hurricane to make landfall anywhere in the United States until it was surpassed by Katrina in 2005 . Andrew caused major damage in the Bahamas and Louisiana , but the greatest impact was felt in South Florida , with sustained wind speeds as high as 165 mph ( 270 km / h ) . Passing directly through the city of Homestead in Dade County ( now known as Miami - Dade County ) , it stripped many homes of all but their concrete foundations . In total , it destroyed more than 63,500 houses , damaged more than 124,000 others , caused $26.5 billion in damage , and left 65 people dead . Document [1](Title: Effects of Hurricane Irma in Florida) at in Fort Pierce. Heavy rainfall – and storm surge, in some instances – caused at least 32 rivers and creeks to overflow, resulting in significant flooding, especially along the St. Johns River and its tributaries. Many homes and businesses were damaged or destroyed, including over 65,000 structures in West Central and Southwest Florida alone. Agriculture was also hit hard, suffering about $2.5 billion (2017 USD) in damage. It was estimated that the cyclone caused at least $50 billion in damage, making Irma the costliest hurricane in Florida history, surpassing Hurricane Andrew. The hurricane left at least 84 fatalities across Document [2](Title: 1928 Okeechobee hurricane) people homeless in Florida; property damage was estimated at $25 million ($). It is estimated if a similar storm were to strike as of the year 2003, it would cause $18.7 billion in damages. The cyclone remains one of three Atlantic hurricanes to strike the southern mainland of Florida with a central pressure below 940 mbar (27.76 inHg), the others being the 1926 Miami hurricane and Hurricane Andrew of 1992. In addition to the human fatalities, 1,278 livestock and 47,389 poultry were killed, respectively. Agriculture was significantly affected, with the storm destroying what may have been the largest "citrus crop Document [3](Title: 1960 Atlantic hurricane season) no casualties are directly blamed on the storm, at least one traffic-related death took place. According to an American Red Cross Disaster Service report encompassing eight Florida counties, 11 houses sustained significant damage, while 567 suffered more minor damage. Around 590 families were affected overall. Total monetary damage in Florida is placed at nearly $5 million. Further north, other states reported strong winds and locally heavy rainfall, though no significant damage occurred. A strong tropical wave produced rainfall and gusty winds in The Bahamas and the Greater Antilles in mid-August. The wave was closely monitored for possible tropical cyclogenesis and Document [4](Title: Atlantic hurricane) 1996–2005 has the second most damage among the past 11 decades, with only the decade 1926–1935 surpassing its costs. The most damaging single storm is the 1926 Miami hurricane, with $157 billion of normalized damage. Often in part because of the threat of hurricanes, many coastal regions had sparse population between major ports until the advent of automobile tourism; therefore, the most severe portions of hurricanes striking the coast may have gone unmeasured in some instances. The combined effects of ship destruction and remote landfall severely limit the number of intense hurricanes in the official record before the era of Document [5](Title: 1928 Atlantic hurricane season) citrus crop was hampered by the strong winds and heavy rain. Several of Florida's lakes, including Lake Okeechobee, rose past their banks, inundating coastal areas. Damage to infrastructure was less in inland regions than at the coast, though power outages caused a widespread loss of communication. At the hurricane's second landfall, wind damage was relatively minor, though torrential rainfall, aided by orthographic lift, caused extensive flooding as far north as the Mid-Atlantic states. Overall, the hurricane caused $235,000 in damages, primarily in Florida, and two deaths. A tropical wave developed into a tropical depression near Tobago on August 7. The Document [6](Title: Hurricane Andrew) from offshore drilling platforms. The storm damaged 241 oil and gas facilities and toppled 33 platforms off the coast of Louisiana, causing significant disruptions in production. Additionally, 83 pipeline segments suffered damage to some degree. The oil industry lost about $12 million per day in the days following Andrew and $4 million daily by three weeks later. Initially, a production loss of 240,000 to 270,000 barrels per day occurred – approximately one-third of production throughout the Gulf of Mexico. Overall, Hurricane Andrew caused about $500 million in damage to oil facilities. As Andrew moved ashore in Louisiana, its outer fringes Document [7](Title: 1941 Atlantic hurricane season) trees and power lines, and wind-driven salt water damaged vegetation well inland across Dade County, though the storm was characterized by unusually light rainfall. Storm surge in the Everglades region flooded local streets, particularly at Everglades City. As the storm progressed northward, the city of Tallahassee suffered widespread power outages and damage to numerous vehicles. Throughout the state, the hurricane inflicted $675,000 (1941 USD) in damages. The cyclone later killed one person in Georgia. A tropical storm formed on October 15, and passed through the southern Bahamas. It crossed the Florida Straits, and reached its peak intensity with winds of Question: where did hurricane andrew do the most damage Answer:
South Florida
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Canadian Shield) The Canadian Shield , also called the Laurentian Plateau , or Bouclier canadien ( French ) , is a large area of exposed Precambrian igneous and high - grade metamorphic rocks ( geological shield ) that forms the ancient geological core of the North American continent ( the North American Craton or Laurentia ) . Composed of igneous rock resulting from its long volcanic history , the area is covered by a thin layer of soil . With a deep , common , joined bedrock region in eastern and central Canada , it stretches north from the Great Lakes to the Arctic Ocean , covering over half of Canada ; it also extends south into the northern reaches of the United States . Human population is sparse , and industrial development is minimal , while mining is prevalent . Document [1](Title: Geology of the United States) ice ages left their mark on the Rockies, forming extensive glacial landforms, such as U-shaped valleys and cirques. Every continent has a core of very ancient metamorphic rocks. The Superior Upland Province is the southern extension of the Laurentian Upland Province, part of the nucleus of North America called Canadian Shield. The basement rocks of the Laurentian Upland Province were metamorphosed about 2500 million years ago in a mountain-building collision of tectonic plates called the Kenoran Orogeny. The rocks of the Superior Upland are mostly Precambrian metamorphic rocks and overlying Paleozoic rocks (Cambrian) covered by a thin veneer of glacial Document [2](Title: Laurentide Ice Sheet) Laurentide Ice Sheet The Laurentide Ice Sheet was a massive sheet of ice that covered millions of square kilometers, including most of Canada and a large portion of the northern United States, multiple times during the Quaternary glacial epochs— from 2.588 ± 0.005 million years ago to the present. The last advance covered most of northern North America between c. 95,000 and c. 20,000 years before the present day, and among other geomorphological effects, gouged out the five Great Lakes and the hosts of smaller lakes of the Canadian shield. These lakes extend from the eastern Northwest Territories, through most Document [3](Title: Shield (geology)) this type of geographic region, appears in the 1901 English translation of "Eduard Suess's Face of Earth" by H. B. C. Sollas, and comes from the shape "not unlike a flat shield" of the Canadian Shield which has an outline that "suggests the shape of the shields carried by soldiers in the days of hand-to-hand combat." Shields occur on all continents. A shield is that part of the continental crust in which these usually Precambrian basement rocks crop out extensively at the surface. Shields themselves can be very complex: they consist of vast areas of granitic or granodioritic gneisses, usually Document [4](Title: Canadian Shield) As mountains erode, their roots rise and are eroded in turn. The rocks that now form the surface of the Shield were once far below the Earth's surface. The high pressures and temperatures at those depths provided ideal conditions for mineralization. Although these mountains are now heavily eroded, many large mountains still exist in Canada's far north called the Arctic Cordillera. This is a vast deeply dissected mountain range, stretching from northernmost Ellesmere Island to the northernmost tip of Labrador. The range's highest peak is Nunavut's Barbeau Peak at above sea level. Precambrian rock is the major component of the Document [5](Title: Geology of the United States) called glacial drift that covers much of the Superior Upland landscape. The Interior Plains is a vast region that spreads across the stable core of North America. This area had formed when several small continents collided and welded together well over a billion years ago, during the Precambrian. Precambrian metamorphic and igneous rocks now form the basement of the Interior Plains and make up the stable nucleus of North America. With the exception of the Black Hills of South Dakota, the entire region has low relief, reflecting more than 500 million years of relative tectonic stability. Throughout the Paleozoic and Document [6](Title: Geology of New England) lakes that are “steep-sided, bowl-shaped depressions in glacial drift deposits" where large blocks of ice melted as the glacier recessed. Other notable glacial features include cirques, which are visible in mountains such as Mt. Katahdin and Crocker Mountain, indicative of glacial erosion. The Laurentide Ice Sheet, which covered Canada and what is currently the New England landscape, was a massive sheet of ice and the primary feature of the Pleistocene epoch in North America. Geologists are currently working on calculating the thinning of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, which can improve the accuracy in de-glacial paleoclimate models and ice margins. Geologic Document [7](Title: The Rove Formation) province (a microcontinent) was converging with the proto-North American continent to the east. This convergence applied compressional forces to the rift, preventing the complete splitting apart of the proto-North American continent. This rift was the last of volcanic or mountain-building activity in present-day Minnesota. The solidified lava flows have sagged, tilted and faulted; this created a basin up to deep along the rift zone. Proto-Lake Superior filled the basin. The Puckwunge Formation has buff to grey sandstone which comes from sediments deposited during the early stages of the Midcontinent rift; zircon dating shows a time period of 1200 to 1100 Question: what types of rocks are in the canadian shield Answer:
high - grade metamorphic
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Britain's Got Talent (series 7)) Britain 's Got Talent Series 7 Broadcast from 13 April ( 2013 - 04 - 13 ) -- 8 June 2013 ( 2013 - 06 - 08 ) Judges Simon Cowell Amanda Holden Alesha Dixon David Walliams Presenter ( s ) Ant & Dec ( ITV ) Co-presenter ( s ) Stephen Mulhern ( ITV2 ) Broadcaster ITV ITV2 ( Britain 's Got More Talent ) Winner Attraction Origin Budapest , Hungary Genre ( s ) Shadow theatre Runner - up Jack Carroll Chronology ◀ 2013 ▶ Document [1](Title: Britain's Got Talent (series 6)) by "Britain's Got More Talent" host Stephen Mulhern via a live YouTube stream from backstage at the London auditions, in which the YouTube community voted on their favourites between 6 and 13 February, with the winning acts later performing before the judges after the results of the vote on 18 February. Between 25 and 31 January, the sponsors of the show for this series, Virgin Media, ran addition auditions for the show via videos made on YouTube and/or Vimeo, which, while adhering to the same rules, were restricted to only Virgin Media customer, with the five winning acts later performing Document [2](Title: The Voice UK) 2017. The last episode aired on the BBC on 9 April 2016. The ITV2 spin-off show was axed on 8 August 2016, but it could return in the future. After speculation in February, the show's air date was confirmed on 10 March 2012. Of this announcement, the show's Twitter account said, "Two weeks from now, something new will be on your television, something so great you'll want to run up and kiss the screen. Just FYI." "Britain's Got Talent" judge Alesha Dixon confirmed the launch date for the "Britain's Got Talent", with it being the same day as "The Voice Document [3](Title: Britain's Got Talent (series 12)) show, to the overall tone of the performance itself, and the "feminist double standard" it featured. In response, the broadcaster refuted the criticism, stating that the live final's content was suitable for young viewers and had met "compliance guidelines". Britain's Got Talent (series 12) Britain's Got Talent is a British talent competition series. The 12th series began broadcasting in the UK during 2018, from 14 April to 3 June 2018. For this series, the live episodes were broadcast from Hammersmith Apollo, and presented by Declan Donnelly only; while Anthony McPartlin suspended his TV commitments on 19 March 2018, he still Document [4](Title: Got Talent) It has been broadcast in Italy on TV8 and Sky Uno. Then Slovenia had made a show as same as the British one. Got Talent Got Talent is a British talent show television format conceived and owned by Simon Cowell's SYCOtv company. It has spawned spin-offs in over 58 countries (as of April 2014), in what is now referred to as the 'Got Talent' format, similar to that described by FremantleMedia of the "Idol" and "The X Factor" formats. Unlike those shows, "Got Talent" showcases several artistic disciplines in addition to singing. In April 2014, the format was named the Document [5](Title: Simon Cowell) magicians, comedians, novelty acts, and so on. The origins of the "Got Talent" format can be traced to the British show "Opportunity Knocks". Cowell is the executive producer of "America's Got Talent", which debuted in June 2006, along with Fremantle producers of the "Idol" series, but for some time he did not appear on the show due to the terms of his contract with Fox. The show was a huge success for NBC, drawing around 12 million viewers a week, and beating "So You Think You Can Dance" on Fox (produced by rival and "Idol" creator Simon Fuller). "Britain's Got Document [6](Title: Britain's Got Talent) Sharon Osbourne on "The X Factor". At the same time, the broadcaster also announced that the show would be accompanied by a sister show on ITV2, entitled "Britain's Got More Talent", with Stephen Mulhern as its presenter. The show holds two rounds of auditions for contestants. The first round, referred to as the "open auditions", are held across several different cities around the UK during the Autumn months. The second round, referred to as the "Judges' Auditions", are held the following year during January and February, prior to the broadcast of the show later that year during spring or early Document [7](Title: Australia's Got Talent) Nine had axed "Australia's Got Talent" due to low ratings. On 8 July 2015, Nine announced that the show would be returning in 2016 for an eighth season. On 1 February 2016, Australia's Got Talent aired for an eighth season on the Nine Network. In December 2018, Seven announced the series would be returning to their network in 2019 for a ninth season. "Australia's Got Talent" is a talent show that features singers, dancers, magicians, comedians and other performers of all ages competing for a top prize of A$250,000 In the first season there were four heats which saw about Question: who won britain's got talent in 2013 Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Batman: Knightfall) '' Knightfall '' is the title given to a major Batman story arc published by DC Comics that dominated Batman - related serial comic books in the spring and summer of 1993 . '' Knightfall '' is also an umbrella title for the trilogy of storylines that ran from 1993 to 1994 , consisting of '' Knightfall '' , '' Knightquest '' , and '' KnightsEnd '' . The story takes place over approximately six months . Bruce Wayne ( Batman ) suffers burnout and is systematically assaulted and crippled by a '' super steroid '' - enhanced genius named Bane . Wayne is replaced as Batman by an apprentice named Jean - Paul Valley ( a.k.a. Azrael ) , who becomes increasingly violent and unstable , tarnishing Batman 's reputation . Eventually , Wayne is healed through paranormal means , and reclaims his role as Batman . Document [1](Title: Batman: Knightfall) made use of all of the Batman-related titles at their disposal, such as "Catwoman", "Robin" and "Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight" (normally an anthology title with stories set in the past). "KnightsEnd" was collected in trade paperback as "Knightfall Volume 3" soon after completion. The serial nature of the Batman titles continued beyond the end of KnightsEnd, with the "Prodigal" and "Troika" storylines, and into subsequent unbannered stories. This setup resurfaced in later arcs such as "", "", "", "", and "", and has on occasion continued into the present. The intent of "Knightfall"'s writers was to counter the Document [2](Title: Batman) Batman following "Crisis", DC launched a new Batman title called "Legends of the Dark Knight" in 1989 and has published various miniseries and one-shot stories since then that largely take place during the "Year One" period. Subsequently, Batman begins exhibiting an excessive, reckless approach to his crime-fighting, a result of the pain of losing Jason Todd. Batman works solo until the decade's close, when Tim Drake becomes the new Robin. Many of the major Batman storylines since the 1990s have been inter-title crossovers that run for a number of issues. In 1993, DC published "". During the storyline's first phase, Document [3](Title: Bane in other media) Origins". The album Knightfall by multinational Swedish band Silent Images, is based on the story arc, with Bane cast as a central character. Throughout the course of the album and its lyrics, he is referred to as "The Venomous One", and is depicted as a militaristic Übermensch, with an uncanny and almost homoerotic connection to Batman. Bane in other media Bane was originally a comic book character and Batman's adversary, but has appeared in several other forms of media. He has been portrayed by Robert Swenson in "Batman & Robin", Tom Hardy in "The Dark Knight Rises", and Shane West Document [4](Title: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight) drug-steroid, later used by Bane. First "Legends of the Dark Knight" story to be referenced in-canon in the main Batman titles, during "Knightfall". By Mike W. Barr, Bart Sears, and Randy Elliott A drug addict is rescued from a fatal beating by Batman, which inspires him to organize a group of neighborhood vigilantes to take up Batman's cause. However, his addled dreams convince him that he must supplant Batman. Meanwhile, Dr. Leslie Thompkins discovers Bruce Wayne's secret identity. Note: tells the previously-unseen story of Leslie Thompkins discovering that Bruce Wayne is Batman. Also, first "Legends of the Dark Knight" story Document [5](Title: Superhero fiction) vigilante, necessarily at odds with official social authority figures, illustrated both by the relationship between Batman and retiring police commissioner James Gordon, and by the symbolic slugfest between the Dark Knight and Superman, now an agent/secret weapon of the Federal government of the United States. Miller continued his treatment of the Batman character with 1987's "" (Batman issues #404-407) and 2001's "The Dark Knight Strikes Again" (also known as "DK2"). "DK2," the long-awaited follow-up to "The Dark Knight Returns," contrasts the traditional superhero-crimefighter character with the politicized characters that evolved during the 1990s; this was, perhaps, epitomized by "The Authority" Document [6](Title: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight) Following a devastating earthquake and the manipulations of Lex Luthor, Gotham City is disowned by the United States government. Batman and his allies must try to keep what is left of civilization intact in the madness, while solving the mystery of who the new Batgirl is. Note: for the course of nearly an entire year (11 issues) "Legends of the Dark Knight" abandoned its anthology format and became a regular continuity Batman book, crossing over with its fellow Batman titles ("Batman", "Detective Comics" and "Shadow of the Bat") and spin-offs ("Azreal", "Catwoman", "Robin", and "Nightwing") for the duration of the Document [7](Title: Robin in other media) and spelunking gear, before she tells him that he should use the name "Robin" more often. At the end of the film, Blake follows the coordinates, and finds the Batcave. Gordon-Levitt has stated that the ending of "The Dark Knight Rises" is not a set up for a spin-off film and is the true conclusion of Christopher Nolan's Batman series. Jason Todd is confirmed to exist and currently deceased in the DC Extended Universe, with his suit covered in Joker graffiti making its first appearance in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice". Director Zack Snyder later confirmed Robin was killed Question: who was batman when bane broke his back Answer:
Bruce Wayne
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Dave Martinez) David Martinez ( born September 26 , 1964 ) is an American professional baseball coach and former outfielder who is currently the manager for the Washington Nationals of Major League Baseball ( MLB ) . He previously served as the bench coach for the Tampa Bay Rays and Chicago Cubs . He played in MLB for the Cubs , Montreal Expos , Cincinnati Reds , San Francisco Giants , Chicago White Sox , Devil Rays , Texas Rangers , Toronto Blue Jays , and Atlanta Braves from 1986 to 2001 . Martinez had a . 276 career batting average , 1,599 hits , 91 home runs , 795 runs scored , and 580 runs batted in . Document [1](Title: Denny Bautista) Pedro Martínez. The Florida Marlins signed him in 2000 but traded him to the Baltimore Orioles before Bautista reached the major leagues. He debuted with the Orioles in 2004, appearing in two games before getting traded to the Kansas City Royals. Bautista was ranked Kansas City's number two prospect by "Baseball America" entering the 2005 season, but he made just seven starts before missing the rest of the season with an injury. He posted a 5.66 earned run average (ERA) for the Royals in 2006 before getting traded to the Colorado Rockies. He appeared in nine games (all in relief) Document [2](Title: Nick Martinez (baseball)) .295 with 4 HR, 66 RBI, 167 hits, and 22 stolen bases over three seasons and 148 games. Martinez also played in a collegiate summer baseball league, the New England Collegiate Baseball League, for the Vermont Mountaineers. He is the seventh Mountaineer to make it to the MLB. Martinez was drafted by the Texas Rangers in the 18th round of the 2011 Major League Baseball Draft, out of Fordham University. Martinez was named the Rangers' fifth starter on March 26, 2014. In his first career start against the Tampa Bay Rays, Martinez went six innings, struck out three and allowed Document [3](Title: Pedro Martínez) taking the loss. Before his second start of the Series, Martínez called himself and opposing pitcher Andy Pettitte "old goats", and acknowledged that Red Sox fans were rooting for him: "I know that they don't like the Yankees to win, not even in Nintendo games." However, Martínez allowed 4 runs in 4 innings, falling to 0–2 as the Phillies lost the sixth game and the 2009 World Series to the New York Yankees. Following the Series, Martínez announced that he had no intention of retiring, but the 2010 season came and went without his signing with a team. Media reports Document [4](Title: Carlos Martínez (pitcher, born 1982)) whole season with Greensboro; in 40 games, he went 2-3 with a 3.17 ERA and 6 saves. Martínez moved to the Jupiter Hammerheads of the High-A Florida State League for the season. There, he became the team's closer, earning 22 saves to go with a 4-5 record and 3.12 ERA. He was also able to see some time with the Marlins' two top minor-league affiliates; he played in one game for the Double-A Carolina Mudcats, earning the save, and two games for the Triple-A Albuquerque Isotopes. Martínez started the 2006 season in relative obscurity, since he had played only three Document [5](Title: Pat Listach) and Philadelphia Phillies before retiring. Listach became a manager in the Chicago Cubs minor league system. He managed the Double-A West Tennessee Diamond Jaxx in , the Tennessee Smokies in , and the Triple-A Iowa Cubs in . In 2008 Listach was honored as Pacific Coast League Manager of the Year by peers and league media representatives for leading the Iowa Cubs to an 83-59 record and a playoff appearance. Listach became the Washington Nationals' third-base coach starting with the season. Listach served as bench coach for the Chicago Cubs for the 2011 season, replacing Alan Trammell who left to Document [6](Title: Dennis Martínez) games while going 1–5 with a 7.71 ERA in 49 innings. He struck–out 17 batters and walked 29 batters before being released on May 24, three days after allowing 7 runs on 7 hits with two walks in 1.2 innings against the Anaheim Angels in an 18–3 loss. Martínez spent his final season in 1998 with the Atlanta Braves. He went 4–6 with a 4.45 ERA, appearing in 53 games while making five starts and having two saves within 91 innings. He had 62 strikeouts and 19 walks. He made four appearances in the postseason for the Braves, all in Document [7](Title: Ramón Martínez (pitcher)) Ramón Martínez (pitcher) Ramón Jaime Martínez (born March 22, 1968) is a former pitcher in Major League Baseball. He won 135 games over a 13-year career, mostly with the Los Angeles Dodgers. He is the older brother of Hall of Fame pitcher Pedro Martínez, and is currently a senior advisor in Latin America for the Baltimore Orioles. Martínez was signed by the Los Angeles Dodgers as an amateur free agent on September 1, 1984 and was the youngest player in the National League when he made his major league debut on August 13, 1988 against the San Francisco Giants. He Question: who is the manager of the washington nationals baseball team Answer:
David Martinez
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Oldest people) According to this criterion , the longest human lifespan is that of Jeanne Calment of France ( 1875 -- 1997 ) , who lived to the age of 122 years , 164 days . She met Vincent van Gogh when she was 12 or 13 . She received news media attention in 1985 , after turning 110 . Subsequent investigation found documentation for Calment 's age , beyond any reasonable question , in the records of her native city , Arles , France . More evidence of Calment 's lifespan has been produced than for any other supercentenarian , such that her case serves as an archetype in the methodology for verifying the ages of the world 's oldest people . Document [1](Title: Old age) the over-65 population, accidents and disease claimed many people before they could attain old age, and health problems in those over 65 meant a quick death in most cases. If a person lived to an advanced age, it was due to genetic factors and/or a relatively easy lifestyle, since diseases of old age could not be treated before the 20th century. In October 2016, scientists identified the maximum human lifespan at an average age of 115, with an absolute upper limit of 125 years. However, the concept of a maximum lifespan in humans is still widely debated among the scientific Document [2](Title: Longevity) should be clarified when necessary. Reflections on longevity have usually gone beyond acknowledging the brevity of human life and have included thinking about methods to extend life. Longevity has been a topic not only for the scientific community but also for writers of travel, science fiction, and utopian novels. There are many difficulties in authenticating the longest human life span ever by modern verification standards, owing to inaccurate or incomplete birth statistics. Fiction, legend, and folklore have proposed or claimed life spans in the past or future vastly longer than those verified by modern standards, and longevity narratives and unverified Document [3](Title: List of the verified oldest men) The oldest man ever whose age has been verified is Jiroemon Kimura ( 1897 -- 2013 ) of Japan , who died at the age of 116 years , 54 days . Document [4](Title: Raymond Abescat) several documentaries. In one he recounts visiting the Exposition Universelle of 1900. Abescat became the oldest living French man upon the death of 110-year-old Alexis Daigneau on 3 April 2001. He died on 25 August 2001, just 16 days before his 110th birthday, and was succeeded as the oldest living French man by 109-year-old Polish-born Joseph Rabenda. Raymond Abescat Raymond Abescat (September 10, 1891 in Paris – August 25, 2001 in Rueil-Malmaison) was one of the last surviving veterans of World War I in France, its oldest living man and its oldest living veteran when he died aged 109 years, Document [5](Title: Li Ching-Yuen) ravages of old age" and which he continued to use throughout his life. Li Ching-Yuen Li Ching-Yuen or Li Ching-Yun () (died 6 May 1933) was a Chinese herbalist, martial artist and tactical advisor, known for his supposed extreme longevity. He claimed to have been born in 1736, while disputed records suggest 1677, implying an age at death of 197 and 256 years, respectively. Both far exceed the highest verified ages on record. His true date of birth was never determined, and his claims have been dismissed by gerontologists as a myth. While his claims have never been verified, they Document [6](Title: Supercentenarian) Demographic Research found 663 validated supercentenarians, living and dead, and showed that the countries with the highest total number (not frequency) of supercentenarians (in decreasing order) were the United States, Japan, England plus Wales, France, and Italy. The first verified supercentenarian in human history, was Dutchman Geert Adriaans Boomgaard (1788-1899), and it was not until the 1980s that the oldest verified age surpassed 115. The term "supercentenarian" has been in existence since at least the nineteenth century. The term "ultracentenarian" has also been used to describe someone well over 100 – Norris McWhirter, editor of "The Guinness Book of Records", Document [7](Title: Supercentenarian) Supercentenarian A supercentenarian (sometimes hyphenated as super-centenarian) is someone who has lived to or surpassed their 110th birthday. This age is achieved by about one in 1,000 centenarians. Anderson "et al." concluded that supercentenarians live a life typically free of major age-related diseases until shortly before maximum human lifespan is reached. In 2003, the Gerontology Research Group estimated that there were 300–450 living supercentenarians in the world (an estimate not updated ), while they had validated approximately 40. Adding those mentioned in other sources results in over 100 incidences. A study conducted in 2010 by the Max Planck Institute for Question: where did the oldest person in the world live Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Disulfide) In chemistry , a disulfide refers to a functional group with the structure R -- S -- S -- R ' . The linkage is also called an SS - bond or sometimes a disulfide bridge and is usually derived by the coupling of two thiol groups . The connection is a persulfide , in analogy to its congener , peroxide ( R -- O -- O -- R ' ) , but this terminology is rarely used , except in reference to hydrodisulfides ( R -- S -- S -- H or H -- S -- S -- H compounds ) . Document [1](Title: Protein-disulfide reductase) of enzymes, with PDB accession codes , , , , , , , and . Protein-disulfide reductase In enzymology, a protein-disulfide reductase () is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction The 3 substrates of this enzyme are protein dithiol, NAD, and NADP, whereas its 4 products are protein disulfide, NADH, NADPH, and H. This enzyme belongs to the family of oxidoreductases, specifically those acting on a sulfur group of donors with NAD+ or NADP+ as acceptor. The systematic name of this enzyme class is protein-dithiol:NAD(P)+ oxidoreductase. Other names in common use include protein disulphide reductase, insulin-glutathione transhydrogenase, disulfide reductase, Document [2](Title: Lower sulfur oxides) Disulfur monoxide (SO) is an unstable analogue of sulfur dioxide. Like SO as well as ozone (O), and trisulfur (S), it adopts a bent structure. The S-S bond length is 188.4pm, the S-O bond is 146.5pm and the SSO angle is 117.88. The two dipole moment components are μa = 0.875D and μb = 1.18D This species decomposes to give a polymeric sulfur oxides ("PSO's") with the approximate formula [SO]. PSO's decompose at room temperature to elemental sulfur and SO. PSO's have been proposed to be responsible for the colour of Io. Trisulfur monoxide, SO is an unstable molecule. It Document [3](Title: Thioredoxin reductase) is located on one of these helices and thus the active disulfide bond is located in the FAD domain and not the NADPH domain as in "E. coli" and other prokaryotes. In "E. coli" ThxR the spatial orientation of the FAD and NADPH domains are such that the redox-active rings of FAD and NADPH are not in close proximity to each other. When the FAD domain of "E. coli" is rotated 66 degrees with the NADPH domain remaining fixed the two prosthetic groups move into close contact allowing electrons to pass from NADPH to FAD and then to the active Document [4](Title: Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate) Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate is the organosulfur compound with the formula NaSCN(CH). This salt is obtained by treating carbon disulfide with diethylamine in the presence of sodium hydroxide: Other dithiocarbamates can be prepared similarly from secondary amines and carbon disulfide. They are used as chelating agents for transition metal ions and as precursors to herbicides and vulcanization reagents. Oxidation of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate gives the disulfide, also called a thiuram disulfide (Et = ethyl): This disulfide is marketed as an anti-alcoholism drug under the labels Antabuse and Disulfiram. Chlorination of the above-mentioned thiuram disulfide affords the thiocarbamoyl chloride. The diethyldithiocarbamate ion Document [5](Title: Sodium polysulfide) these salts are dense solids with strong association of the sodium cations with the anionic termini of the chains. Sodium polysulfide can produced by dissolving sulfur in a solution of sodium sulfide. Alternatively they are produced by the redox reaction of aqueous sodium hydroxide with sulfur at elevated temperatures. Finally they arise by the reduction of elemental sulfur with sodium, a reaction often conducted in anhydrous ammonia. These salts are used in the production of polysulfide polymers, as a chemical fungicide, as a blackening agent on copper jewellery, as a component in a polysulfide bromide battery, as a toner in Document [6](Title: Transsulfuration pathway) active form (pyridoxal phosphate or PLP). Three of these enzymes (cystathionine γ-synthase excluded) are part of the Cys/Met metabolism PLP-dependent enzyme family (type I PLP enzymes). Transsulfuration pathway The transsulfuration pathway is a metabolic pathway involving the interconversion of cysteine and homocysteine, through the intermediate cystathionine. This is in contrast to the direct sulfurylation pathways for the synthesis of cysteine or homocysteine via the replacement of the acetyl/succinyl group with free sulfide (via the "cysK" or "cysM" -encoded cysteine synthase and the "metZ" or "metY" -encoded homocysteine synthase, respectively). Two transsulfurylation pathways are known: the forward pathway and the reverse. Document [7](Title: 1,3,2,4-Dithiadiphosphetane 2,4-disulfides) together in space by the rigid naphthalene unit. The reactivity of these compounds is very different from that of 1,3,2,4-dithiadiphosphetane 2,4-disulfides. The dithiophosphine ylides are normally attacked at the phosphorus atom by a nucleophile, for instance the reaction of an alkoxide, phenolate, alcohol or phenol with a 1,3,2,4-dithiadiphosphetane 2,4-disulfide can form a new compound with a phosphorus-oxygen bond. Such a reaction has been used in the formation of metal binding agents and in the synthesis of insecticides. The reaction of an electrophile with 1,3,2,4-dithiadiphosphetane 2,4-disulfides is less common, but the reaction of an alkyl halide with a 1,3,2,4-dithiadiphosphetane 2,4-disulfide forms Question: the conversion of a thiol into a disulfide occurs by what type of chemical reaction Answer:
coupling of two thiol groups
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Great British Bake Off (series 1)) Series 1 of The Great British Bake Off , aired on BBC 2 saw ten home bakers take part in a bake - off to test every aspect of their baking skills as they battled to be crowned the Great British Bake Off 's best amateur baker . Each week the nationwide tour saw keen bakers put through three challenges in a particular discipline . The rounds took place in various locations across the UK following a theme , for example , the episode on puddings would take place in Bakewell , bread baking would take place near Sandwich . This first series had a voiceover by Stephen Noonan ; for the subsequent series this role was taken by the on - screen presenters Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins . The competition was won by Edd Kimber . Document [1](Title: The Great British Bake Off) from the contestants, who are all amateurs. The applicants to the show are assessed by a researcher, followed by an audition in London with two of their bakes. They then undergo a screen test and an interview with a producer. A second audition involves the applicants baking two recipes for the judges in front of the cameras. Ten contestants were chosen for the first series, twelve for the following two series, thirteen for the fourth, and back to twelve from series five onwards. In each episode, the amateur bakers are given three challenges: a signature bake, a technical challenge, and Document [2](Title: The Great British Bake Off (series 3)) The Great British Bake Off (series 3) The third series of "The Great British Bake Off" began airing on Tuesday 14 August 2012. The series was filmed at Harptree Court in East Harptree, Somerset. Seven thousand applied for the competition and twelve contestants were chosen. For the first time, all three finalists were male: Brendan Lynch, John Whaite and James Morton. The competition was won by John Whaite. No one was eliminated this week due to John having injured his finger and could not complete the last bake, and the judges thought it would be unfair to eliminate anyone. Two Document [3](Title: The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice) The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice (sometimes shortened to An Extra Slice) is a British television after-show to follow the series "The Great British Bake Off". Hosted by Jo Brand, the show features three celebrity panelist to discus the after-events of the week. Originally,the show began airing on BBC Two on 8th August 2014 two days after the premiere episode of the fifth series of the main show, and is filmed at The London Studios. In April 2017, it was announced that the series and Brand would follow "The Great Document [4](Title: The Great American Baking Show (season 2)) January 12, 2017, after eight weeks of competition, Amanda Faber won the season with Stephanie Chen as runner-up. This is the first season in "Bake Off" history to have two voluntary exits and a final two instead of a final three on finale week. Color key: In their first signature bake, the ten bakers created a winter-themed Bundt cake in under two hours. The cakes required a swirl or filling on the inside, with frosting and lace on the outside. Mary Berry's apple almond cake served as the first technical bake of the season. Lastly, in the showstopper, the bakers Document [5](Title: The Great British Bake Off (series 6)) had to make 16 iced buns, of which there must be two kinds, in three hours. In the technical, the judges decided to use one of Paul's recipes; the bakers had to bake raspberry-flavoured mille-feuille in two hours. The recipe involved pastry - something all of the bakers had struggled with. In the final Showstopper, the bakers were given four hours to make classic British cakes in a multi-layered presentation. Mary and Paul show how to bake some of their favourite recipes and technical challenges. As the show was pre-recorded, the winner of the show would have been known by Document [6](Title: The American Baking Competition) of the oven, the start time for the bakers was staggered so that each bake can be judged immediately after it was baked. The bakers were each given an hour and 45 minutes. For the final challenge, the bakers were required to produce a layered dessert featuring meringue in five hours. Episode six aired on July 3, 2013. It was the semi-finals of the competition. The theme of the episode was French pastries, often called patisserie. The tarte tatin was the signature bake. The contestants were required to complete it in two hours and fifteen minutes. For the technical bake, Document [7](Title: The Great British Bake Off (series 9)) all identical, and said something about them and a place in the British Isles. For the first technical challenge of this series, they are tasked to make one of Paul's childhood favourites - Wagon Wheels. Finally, for the showstopper, the bakers had to create a spectacular 3D biscuit self-portrait that needed to be constructed with layers of biscuits and judged while placed upright on an easel stand. For their signature bakes, the bakers were required to create a traybake sliced into 16 identical pieces. The technical challenge was set by Prue, which featured a cake with an unusual ingredient: Le Question: who won series 1 great british bake off Answer:
Edd Kimber
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Threepence (British coin)) The physical dimensions of the brass threepence remained the same in the reign of Queen Elizabeth II . The effigy of the queen produced by Mary Gillick was used , with the inscription ELIZABETH II DEI GRA BRITT OMN REGINA FD used in 1953 , and ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA FD used in all other years . The reverse shows a Tudor portcullis with chains and a coronet , with the inscription THREE PENCE date . This coin was produced in all years from 1953 to 1967 , and in 1970 ( in proof sets only ) . Document [1](Title: History of the threepence) the Royal Mint announced that a new design of one pound coin will be introduced in 2017, reprising the twelve-sided shape. The new coin is designed to be more difficult to counterfeit. History of the threepence The threepence or threepenny bit was a denomination of currency used by various jurisdictions in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, valued at 1/80 of a pound or ¼ of a shilling until decimalisation of the pound sterling and Irish pound in 1971. It was also used in some parts of the British Empire (later known as the Commonwealth), notably Australia, New Zealand and South Document [2](Title: History of the threepence) Great Britain. Likewise, the coin was usually referred to in conversation as a , , bit. The three pence coin – expressed in writing as "3d" – first appeared in England during the "fine silver" coinage of King Edward VI (1547–1553), when it formed part of a set of new denominations. Although it was an easy denomination to work with in the context of the old sterling coinage system, being a quarter of a shilling, initially it was not popular with the public who preferred the groat (four pence). Hence the coin was not minted in the following two reigns. Document [3](Title: Threepence (British coin)) (George Orwell comments on this in "Keep the Aspidistra Flying"), but it remained popular in Scotland. It was consequently decided to introduce a more substantial threepenny coin which would have a more convenient weight/value ratio than the silver coinage. The silver threepence continued to be minted, as there may have been some uncertainty about how well the new coin would be accepted. The Edward VIII era saw the planned introduction of a new, larger, nickel-brass (79% copper, 20% zinc, 1% nickel) twelve-sided threepence coin. This coin weighed 6.6 grams and the diameter was 21 mm across the sides and 22 Document [4](Title: History of the threepence) 1967, and in 1970 (in proof sets only). Following decimalisation, the brass threepence ceased to be legal tender after 31 August 1971. A three pence coin was also used in the pre-decimalisation currencies of Commonwealth of Nations countries such as Fiji, Australia, and New Zealand. It was called a tickey in South Africa and Southern Rhodesia. No. 1 Croydon was known for many years as the "threepenny bit building" for its resemblance to a stack of threepenny coins. After the coins were phased out (beginning in 1970) the building eventually gained a new nickname: the "50p building”. In March 2014, Document [5](Title: History of the threepence) and 1763, the coin was obviously produced for general circulation as examples are generally found well worn; on the other hand, coins from the late issue (1817–20) are usually found in very fine condition, indicating that they were probably issued as Maundy money. Over the length of the reign there were several different designs of obverse and reverse in use. Threepences were issued in 1762–3, 1765–6, 1770, 1772, 1780, 1784, 1786, 1792, 1795, 1800, 1817, 1818, and 1820. From 1817 the dimensions of the coin were reduced to a weight of 1.4 grams and diameter of 16 millimetres, following the Document [6](Title: Farthing (English coin)) and Mary II, being dated 1689–1692, but the coins were rapidly becoming unpopular as the problems of the corrosion of tin became apparent. In 1693 and 1694 copper farthings were produced again, weighing 4.7–6.2 grams and with a diameter of 22–25 millimetres. In both issues, the obverse shows the conjoined heads of the co-monarchs, with the inscription . Following the death of Queen Mary in 1694, the production of coins continued under the same contract as before, with farthings of King William III being produced for all years between 1695 and 1700. However it soon became apparent that the manufacturers Document [7](Title: Halfpenny (British decimal coin)) portrait the Queen wears the 'Girls of Great Britain and Ireland' Tiara. Annual number of coins released into general circulation (excludes proof sets) A decimal quarter-penny coin (to be struck in aluminium) was also proposed (which would have allowed the pre-decimal threepence to continue to circulate with a value of new pence), but was never produced. Halfpenny (British decimal coin) The British decimal halfpenny (p) coin was introduced in February 1971, at the time of decimalisation, and was worth one two-hundredth of a pound sterling. It was ignored in banking transactions, which were carried out in units of 1p. The Question: when did threepenny bits go out of circulation Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Salivary gland) The sublingual glands are a pair of major salivary glands located inferior to the tongue , anterior to the submandibular glands . The secretion produced is mainly mucous in nature ; however , it is categorized as a mixed gland . Unlike the other two major glands , the ductal system of the sublingual glands does not have intercalated ducts and usually does not have striated ducts either , so saliva exits directly from 8 - 20 excretory ducts known as the Rivinus ducts . Approximately 5 % of saliva entering the oral cavity comes from these glands . Document [1](Title: Sublingual gland) developing submandibular gland. These buds branch and form into cords that canalize to form the sublingual ducts associated with the gland. The rounded terminal ends of the cords form acini. Ranulas are the most common pathologic lesion associated with the sublingual glands. Sublingual gland The paired sublingual glands are major salivary glands in the mouth. They are the smallest, most diffuse, and the only unencapsulated major salivary glands. They provide only 3-5% of the total salivary volume. There are also two other types of salivary glands; they are submandibular and Parotid glands. They lie anterior and superior to the submandibular Document [2](Title: Salivatory nuclei) to innervate the lacrimal gland and the mucosal glands of the nose, palate, and pharynx. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers are also distributed partly via the chorda tympani and lingual nerves to the submandibular ganglion, thence by postganglionic (vasodilator) fibers to the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands. The term "lacrimal nucleus" is sometimes used to refer to a portion of the superior salivatory nucleus. The inferior salivatory nucleus ( or nucleus salivatorius inferior) is a cluster of neurons in the pontine tegmentum (dorsal part of the pons), just above its junction with the medulla. It is the general visceral efferent (GVE) component Document [3](Title: Salivary gland fistula) Salivary gland fistula A salivary gland fistula (plural "fistulae") is a fistula (i.e. an abnormal, epithelial-lined tract) involving a salivary gland or duct. Salivary gland fistulae are almost always related to the parotid gland or duct, although the submandibular gland is rarely the origin. The fistula can communicate with the mouth (usually causing no symptoms), the paranasal sinuses (giving rhinorrhea) or the facial skin (causing saliva to drain onto the skin). The usual cause is trauma, however salivary fistula can occur as a complication of surgery, or if the duct becomes obstructed with a calculus. Most parotid fistulae heal by Document [4](Title: Duodenum) duodenum has a villous mucosa. This is distinct from the mucosa of the pylorus, which directly joins to the duodenum. Like other structures of the gastrointestinal tract, the duodenum has a mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, and adventitia. Glands line the duodenum, known as Brunner's glands, which secrete mucus and bicarbonate in order to neutralise stomach acids. These are distinct glands not found in the ileum or jejunum, the other parts of the small intestine. The duodenum is largely responsible for the breakdown of food in the small intestine, using enzymes. The duodenum also regulates the rate of emptying of the Document [5](Title: Gland) number of branches is limited, in others (salivary, pancreas) a very large structure is finally formed by repeated growth and sub-division. As a rule, the branches do not unite with one another, but in one instance, the liver, this does occur when a reticulated compound gland is produced. In compound glands the more typical or secretory epithelium is found forming the terminal portion of each branch, and the uniting portions form ducts and are lined with a less modified type of epithelial cell. Glands are classified according to their shape. Glands are divided based on their function into two groups: Document [6](Title: Scent gland) Scent gland Scent glands are exocrine glands found in most mammals. They produce semi-viscous secretions which contain pheromones and other semiochemical compounds. These odor-messengers indicate information such as status, territorial marking, mood, and . The odor may be subliminal—not consciously detectable. Though it is not their primary function, the salivary glands may also function as scent glands in some animals. The even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla) have many specialized skin glands, the secretions of which are involved in semiochemical communication. These glands include the sudoriferous glands (located on the forehead, between the antlers and eyes), the preorbital glands (extending from the medial Document [7](Title: Salivary duct stricture) before the first meal of the day. After several hours, the swelling goes down suddenly with a rush of foul tasting saliva. Strictures are more common in the parotid duct system compared to the submandibular duct system. Chronic inflammation of the duct system (sialodochitis) may cause some segments of the duct to narrow due to fibrosis, and others to dilate. Saliva stagnates and forms a mucus plug behind the stricture during sleep when the salivary output of the parotid is reduced. Then, when salivary secretion is stimulated, the mucus plug becomes stuck in the stricture. The backlog of saliva behind Question: what gland is also known as the mixed gland Answer:
The sublingual glands
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Neuroscience) Neuroscience ( or neurobiology ) is the scientific study of the nervous system . It is a multidisciplinary branch of biology , that deals with the anatomy , biochemistry , molecular biology , and physiology of neurons and neural circuits . It also draws upon other fields , with the most obvious being pharmacology , psychology , and medicine . Document [1](Title: Neuroscientist) hemispheres of the brain to neurotransmitters and synapses occurring in neurons at a micro-level. Some fields that combine psychology and neurobiology include cognitive neuroscience, and behavioural neuroscience. Cognitive neuroscientists study human consciousness, specifically the brain, and how it can be seen through a lens of biochemical and biophysical processes. Behaviorial neuroscience encompasses the whole nervous system, environment and the brain how these areas show us aspects of motivation, learning, and motor skills along with many others. Some of the first writings about the brain come from the Egyptians. In about 3000 BC the first known written description of the brain Document [2](Title: Neurophilosophy) Neurophilosophy Neurophilosophy or philosophy of neuroscience is the interdisciplinary study of neuroscience and philosophy that explores the relevance of neuroscientific studies to the arguments traditionally categorized as philosophy of mind. The philosophy of neuroscience attempts to clarify neuroscientific methods and results using the conceptual rigor and methods of philosophy of science. Below is a list of specific issues important to philosophy of neuroscience: Many of the methods and techniques central to neuroscientific discovery rely on assumptions that can limit the interpretation of the data. Philosophers of neuroscience have discussed such assumptions in the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging, dissociation Document [3](Title: Neuroanatomy) Neuroanatomy Neuroanatomy is the study of the structure and organization of the nervous system. In contrast to animals with radial symmetry, whose nervous system consists of a distributed network of cells, animals with bilateral symmetry have segregated, defined nervous systems. Their neuroanatomy is therefore better understood. In vertebrates, the nervous system is segregated into the internal structure of the brain and spinal cord (together called the central nervous system, or CNS) and the routes of the nerves that connect to the rest of the body (known as the peripheral nervous system, or PNS). The delineation of distinct structures and regions Document [4](Title: Neuromechanics) imperative in directing skeletal muscles in motor movements. Neuromechanics is the field of study that combines neuroscience and biomechanics in an effort to understand movement and its relationship with the brain. Neuromechanics is an area that attempts to combine the efforts of muscles, sensory organs, pattern generators in the brain, and the central nervous system itself to explain motion. Neuromechanics applications include easing health problems and designing and controlling robotic systems. Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system. The nervous system is divided into two sub-systems: the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system. The peripheral nervous system Document [5](Title: Clinical neurophysiology) Clinical neurophysiology Clinical neurophysiology is a medical specialty that studies the central and peripheral nervous systems through the recording of bioelectrical activity, whether spontaneous or stimulated. It encompasses both research regarding the pathophysiology along with clinical methods used to diagnose diseases involving both central and peripheral nervous systems. Examinations in the clinical neurophysiology field are not limited to tests conducted in a laboratory. It is thought of as an extension of a neurologic consultation. Tests that are conducted are concerned with measuring the electrical functions of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves in the limbs and muscles. It can give Document [6](Title: Physiological psychology) The nervous system can be described as a control system that interconnects the other body systems. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and other nerve tissues throughout the body. The system's primary function is to react to internal and external stimuli in the human body. It uses electrical and chemical signals to send out responses to different parts of the body, and it is made up of the nerve cells also called neurons. Through the system, messages are transmitted to body tissues such as a muscle. There are two major subdivisions in the nervous system known as the central Document [7](Title: Neuroethology) uses in robotics. In all this, neuroethologists must use the right level of simplicity to effectively guide research towards accomplishing the goals of neuroethology. Critics of neuroethology might consider it a branch of neuroscience concerned with 'animal trivia'. Though neuroethological subjects tend not to be traditional neurobiological model systems (i.e. "Drosophila", "C. elegans", or "Danio rerio"), neuroethological approaches emphasizing comparative methods have uncovered many concepts central to neuroscience as a whole, such as lateral inhibition, coincidence detection, and sensory maps. The discipline of neuroethology has also discovered and explained the only vertebrate behavior for which the entire neural circuit has Question: is the original name for the field which involves the study of the physiology of behavior Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: FIFA Women's World Cup) FIFA Women 's World Cup Founded 16 November 1991 ; 26 years ago ( 1991 - 11 - 16 ) ( as the FIFA Women 's World Championship ) Region FIFA ( International ) Number of teams 24 ( finals ) Current champions United States ( 3rd title ) Most successful team ( s ) United States ( 3 titles ) Website FIFA Women 's World Cup 2019 France Document [1](Title: 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup qualification – UEFA Group 3) 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup qualification – UEFA Group 3 The 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup qualification UEFA Group 3 was a UEFA qualifying group for the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup. The group comprised Denmark, Iceland, Israel, Malta, Serbia and Switzerland. The group winners qualified directly for the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup. Among the seven group runners-up, the four best (determined by records against the first-, third-, fourth- and fifth-placed teams only for balance between different groups) advanced to the play-offs. After winning 9–0 at home against Israel on 14 June 2014, Switzerland qualified for the 2015 Women's Document [2](Title: 2016 CONCACAF Women's U-17 Championship qualification) 2016 CONCACAF Women's U-17 Championship qualification The 2016 CONCACAF Women's U-17 Championship qualification was a women's under-17 football competition which decided the participating teams of the 2016 CONCACAF Women's U-17 Championship. Players born on or after 1 January 1999 were eligible to compete in the tournament. A total of eight teams qualified to play in the final tournament, where the berths were allocated to the three regional zones as follows: The top three teams of the final tournament qualified for the 2016 FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup in Jordan. A total of 27 CONCACAF member national teams entered the tournament. Document [3](Title: Major women's sport leagues in North America) per year, including regular-season and postseason play. Each conference has its own schedule and determines its respective champion. Once conference champions are declared, they advance to the U Sports National Championship Tournament. The majority of games are played on weekends. This accommodates the academic responsibilities of student athletes. Women's soccer is especially developed in the United States, and to a lesser extent in Canada. The United States women's national soccer team was established in 1985, the Canada women's national soccer team in 1986, the first continental women's league in 1995, then a professional league in 2001. Of 900 000 in Document [4](Title: Israel women's national football team) (, lit. Israeli Club for Women's Football)), which continued touring and playing exhibition matches in Israel and abroad. During this period a team representing Israel played a match against Netherlands, losing 0–12. In 1997, following FIFA orders, the IFA established a women's national team ahead of the 1999 FIFA women's World Cup. Rony Schneider was appointed as team manager and supervised a series of trials, which resulted in a 26 women squad, which played its first official match against Romania on 2 November 1997. As of April 2015, the national team played 95 matches (31 wins, 7 draws, 57 loses), Document [5](Title: Canadian Soccer Association) Canadian Soccer Association. Canada hosted the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup and reached the quarter-finals. The team reached international prominence at the 2003 FIFA Women's World Cup, losing in the third place match to the United States. Canada qualified for its first Olympic women's soccer tournament in 2008, making it to the quarterfinals. Canada are two-time CONCACAF women's champions as well as Olympic bronze medallists from London 2012 where they defeated France 1–0 and the 2016 Olympics in Brazil. Canadian women's soccer fans are also closely linked to the U-20 team (U-19 prior to 2006), partly due to Canada hosting Document [6](Title: Seychelles women's national football team) country with one coaching a men's team and another umpiring international matches. There are other development issues for the sport that are ones facing the whole of Africa. The Seychelles Football Federation was founded in 1979, and became a FIFA affiliate in 1986. Women's football is represented in the federation by specific mandate and currently they employ one full-time employee to look after the women's game. Football is the third most-popular women's sport in the country. In 2006, there were overall 185 registered female players (100 adult players and 85 youth players). There are also a few women's clubs, eight Document [7](Title: Argentina women's national football team) the 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup qualifier matches against Panama. The following players have been called up in the last 12 months. Champions Runners-up Third place Notes Citations Argentina women's national football team The Argentina women's national football team represents Argentina in international women's football. Since there is no professional league in Argentina, almost all its members were amateur players until 1991. Women's football in Argentina remains largely in the shadow of the men in terms of play development and fan support; in women's sports in Argentina, field hockey and volleyball are also more popular. The Argentina–Brazil football rivalry in Question: who won the last fifa women's world cup Answer:
United States
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Lagavulin distillery) Lagavulin 16 is the preferred scotch of Ron Swanson , a character on NBC 's Parks and Recreation . In '' London Part II '' , the second episode of the show 's sixth season , he visits the distillery itself . Nick Offerman , the actor who plays the character , is a Lagavulin drinker in real life , referring to it in an interview as '' mother 's milk '' . In the show 's finale , Ron purchases a 51 % share in the distillery when urged to diversify his personal portfolio of assets . Document [1](Title: Ron Swanson) written." So Ron left the Parks Department and began his construction company. He and Leslie are eventually able to settle their differences and rekindle their friendship. In a series of flash-forwards in the final episode, it is shown that Ron decides to leave his now-successful construction company. He is shown talking to Ben Wyatt about having diversified his funds by selling half his gold. The flash-forward reveals that Ron purchased 51% interest in the Lagavulin distillery. Feeling his life lacks purpose, he asks Leslie for advice and she arranges for him to be the new superintendent of the Pawnee National Document [2](Title: Nick Offerman) Mullally later had a recurring role on "Parks and Recreation" as Ron Swanson's second former wife, Tammy 2. The couple have also appeared together in films such as "The Kings of Summer" and "Smashed", as well as performing voice work together in "Hotel Transylvania 2". Offerman and Mullally did a live comedy tour in 2016, the theme of which was their sex life. On whether he is a libertarian like his character Ron Swanson, Offerman has stated, "While I admire the philosophy of the libertarian mindset, I think it's proven to be ineffectual in actual governance. So no, I'm not. Document [3](Title: Wonderfalls) Ron, a cow creamer that had communicated with Jaye mysteriously seems to prove that they really have been talking to his sister. When Jaye asks him to gather all of the animals, he attempts to talk to them himself, exhibiting a desire to be proven wrong about his belief that there is no higher power. William Sadler as Darrin Tyler, a highly respected physician, and Jaye, Sharon, and Aaron's father. Darrin is a loving father to his children, meddling particularly in Jaye's life, as he worries that she isn't doing anything to reach her potential. He bails both Jaye and Document [4](Title: Ron & Tammy: Part Two) as Tom's ex-wife, Wendy. When the episode first broadcast, NBC ran a commercial advertising "April and Andy's wedding registry" on the official "Parks and Recreation" website. Although apparently a mistake intended to refer to Ron and Tammy's registry, some commentators suggested it could be indicative of future events in the series. According to Nielsen Media Research, "Ron & Tammy: Part Two" was seen by 5.03 million household viewers, a slight increase from the previous episode, "Time Capsule". It received critical acclaim, with several commentators praising the re-pairing of Ron and Tammy, as well as Nick Offerman's performance. Ron's (Nick Offerman) Document [5](Title: 94 Meetings) also featured three deleted scenes from the episode. In the first, 80-second clip, Leslie and Jessica get into a fight about the gazebo, and Jessica reveals she has trimmed the mansion's historic hedges into the shape of elephants. The second clip, which lasted one minute, features several more of Ron Swanson's meetings, including one where he tries to literally will a man away with his mind. Andy also tells Ron he accidentally agreed to sell the recreation center to the Quiznos fast food restaurant chain. In the third, 90-second clip, Leslie tries to end Nick Newport Sr.'s birthday party by Document [6](Title: Jameson Clark) Jameson Clark Jameson Clark (1907, Kirriemuir, Angus, Scotland – 4 January 1984, Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland) was a Scottish character actor who appeared in 22 films and made many appearances on television. His first appearance in a major film was the British production "Whisky Galore!" (1949), playing Constable Macrae, a role he would reprise in the sequel, "Rockets Galore!" (1957) His early roles were all to a Scottish typecast, and he made 13 films, including "The Maggie" (1954) and "X the Unknown" (1956) in which he portrayed Scottish characters, before he was given the part of an English tugboat captain in Document [7](Title: Soda Tax (Parks and Recreation)) Soda Tax (Parks and Recreation) "Soda Tax" is the second episode of the fifth season of the American comedy television series "Parks and Recreation", and the 70th overall episode of the series. It originally aired on NBC in the United States on September 27, 2012. In the episode, Leslie (Amy Poehler) faces obstacles while trying to pass a soda tax, while Andy (Chris Pratt) trains for his upcoming police physical examination. In Washington, D.C., Ben (Adam Scott) tries to connect with his interns. Leslie (Amy Poehler) has proposed a soda tax on restaurants in an effort to curb Pawnee's obesity Question: what whiskey does ron swanson drink on parks and recreation Answer:
Lagavulin 16
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) No. of seasons 5 Document [1](Title: I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! (Australian TV series)) rates. On 1 August 2016 the series was renewed for a third season with Morris and Brown returning as hosts, which premiered on 29 January 2017. A fourth season commenced on 28 January 2018 and concluded 12 March 2018. A fifth season has been announced and will air from 13 January 2019. The show is set to be reduced from airing over a six week period to four weeks for the 2019 season. The premise of the show is that there is a group of well known personalities living together in a specially constructed camp site in a jungle. During Document [2](Title: Outlander (TV series)) Starz renewed the series for a fifth and sixth season, which will adapt "The Fiery Cross" and "A Breath of Snow and Ashes", respectively, and each season will consist of 12 episodes. Moore said of the pilot: "There's a lot of things we did in the first thirty to forty minutes that aren't in the book or are compilations of things that happened in the book". He emphasised that he did not want to present the time-travel dimension in a traditional special effects-laden science fiction manner. Describing the adaptation of the first season as "straightforward", he explained: "it was always Document [3](Title: One Tree Hill (TV series)) characters are aged sixteen. The first and second seasons cover one year, and the third and fourth seasons another, so the main teenage characters are nearly eighteen at the end of the fourth season. The timeline was further complicated in the fifth season, when the show was "dramatically retooled and set four years into the future – after the characters [had] already graduated from college". The fifth season began shooting on July 30, 2007, and premiered January 8, 2008. In it, the characters were stated to be aged twenty-two. In 2009, Schwahn altered the timeline again, setting the seventh season Document [4](Title: Game of Thrones (season 4)) is adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. HBO ordered the fourth season on April 2, 2013, which began filming in July 2013. The season was filmed primarily in Ireland, Northern Ireland and Croatia. The story takes place in a fictional world, primarily upon a continent called Westeros, with one storyline occurring on another continent to the east known as Essos. Like the novel, the season like the previous seasons mainly centres around the war of the five kings; after the death of Robb Stark at The Red Wedding, all three remaining kings in Westeros believe to Document [5](Title: Spooks (series 3)) of fine moments." Mackenzie ended up rating the series eight stars out of ten. David Blackwell of the American review site Enterline Media said, ""MI-5" really impressed me with the first two seasons. The third season does start out for the first three episodes before it reaches some highs and lows until it stabilizes with the last two episodes of season 3." He felt that Tom Quinn's exit was his favourite moment in the first two episodes, and that Adam is "just [as] cold" as Tom. He also praised the character development, stating "character development is excellent in this season. Document [6](Title: Amor e Sexo) Leo Jaime went to the streets to complement the material exhibited throughout the eight episodes of the program. The musician interviewed the Brazilians on the same themes discussed by Fernanda Lima, showing a different look on the subject. The fifth season was aired between January 31, 2012 and March 6, 2012, with 6 episodes. The sixth season was aired from September 6, 2012 to October 25, 2012 with 8 episodes. This season presented a new format, inspired by the classic auditorium programs with references in presenters like Chacrinha and Flávio Cavalcanti. The episodes became more thematic, dealing with the stages Document [7](Title: Turbo Fast) his brother Chet, and his friends Whiplash, Burn, Skidmark, White Shadow, and Smoove Move. The series premiered on December 24, 2013, when the first five episodes of the first season were released. Following batches of five episodes were released on April 4, 2014, June 27, 2014, September 12, 2014, and December 1, 2014. Five-episode release is a departure from previous Netflix release strategy, where an entire season of a series was released at once. Netflix explained the change of the strategy: "Production on animation is on a different timetable, so we chose to make the episodes that are ready now Question: how many seasons of marvel's agents of shield is there Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1925 film)) The Wizard of Oz is a 1925 American silent film directed by Larry Semon , who also appears in a lead role -- that of a farmhand disguised as a Scarecrow . The only completed 1920s adaptation of L. Frank Baum 's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz , this film features Oliver Hardy as the Tin Woodman . Dorothy is portrayed by Dorothy Dwan . Document [1](Title: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film)) later followed by the sequels "Dorothy and the Scarecrow in Oz", "The Land of Oz", and "John Dough and the Cherub", all 1910 and are all considered to be lost films. Other Oz silent films include "The Patchwork Girl of Oz", "The Magic Cloak of Oz", and "His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz" (all released in 1914) and The Wizard of Oz (1925). The Selig Polyscope sequels are known only from their catalog descriptions, derived from press releases printed in "Motion Picture World": Dorothy and the Scarecrow are now in the Emerald City. They have become friendly with the Wizard, Document [2](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1942 musical)) his new rocket ship. "The Wizard of Oz" was first turned into a musical extravaganza by L. Frank Baum himself. It was a loose adaptation of Baum's 1900 novel that had no Wicked Witch, Toto, magic slippers or yellow brick road, but had several new characters and subplots. It first played in Chicago in 1902 and was a success on Broadway the following year. It then toured for seven years. Other early stage and film adaptations and versions of the novel followed, including a 1925 film. The 1939 film adaptation of the novel bore a closer resemblance to the novel's Document [3](Title: Dorothy Gale) tornado in Irving, Kansas, in May 1879 which included the name of a victim, Dorothy Gale, who was "found buried face down in a mud puddle." In Baum's 1902 stage musical adaptation, Dorothy was played by Anna Laughlin. In 1908 L. Frank Baum adapted his early Oz novels as "The Fairylogue and Radio-Plays", with Romola Remus as Dorothy. This was followed by "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", a motion picture short that Otis Turner, one of the directors of "Fairylogue", made without Baum as part of a contract fulfillment. In this 1910 film, Dorothy was played by Bebe Daniels. It Document [4](Title: Wicked Witch of the West) the Witch" (Compare the character Mombi from "The Marvelous Land of Oz"). In the film, Momba has an unspecified hold over the Wizard, who promises his crown to anyone who can release him from Momba's power. Momba captures Dorothy and her companions, evoking the events in Baum's original novel, and is destroyed when Dorothy throws a bucket of water over her. Mombi's likeness and costume in the 1914 silent film, "His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz" is based on Denslow's illustrations of the Wicked Witch of the West. In the 1939 version of "The Wizard of Oz", Margaret Hamilton plays Document [5](Title: Copyright status of The Wizard of Oz and related works in the United States) Oz Film Manufacturing Company movies entered public domain in 1942. and then the 1925 Larry Semon movie version of "The Wizard of Oz" entered the public domain in 1954. These films remain the only Oz live action movies in the public domain. The 1939 version of "The Wizard of Oz" is the most well-known adaptation of "The Wizard of Oz"; in many respects, its popularity surpassed the original book. Its copyright was renewed in 1967, so it will remain copyrighted for a 95-year term, entering the public domain in 2035. This has caused issues for most subsequent Oz adaptations, especially Document [6](Title: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (musical)) musical of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" that was truer to Baum's original intentions, and as such, was able to incorporate various influences from the many adaptations of the story produced throughout the 20th century, including the original 1903 musical, the famous 1939 MGM film, the musical "The Wiz" and several others. In writing the libretto for the new musical, Cascone made Baum a character in the play as a narrator, also doubling as the Wizard. Composer and lyricist James Patrick Doyle was a long time Oz admirer who restored some of the music from Baum's "The Maid of Arran", Document [7](Title: Storm) island. The British colonists claimed the island and quickly settled Bermuda. In May 1610, they set forth for Jamestown, this time arriving at their destination. The children's novel "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", written by L. Frank Baum and illustrated by W. W. Denslow, chronicles the adventures of a young girl named Dorothy Gale in the Land of Oz, after being swept away from her Kansas farm home by a tornado. The story was originally published by the George M. Hill Company in Chicago on May 17, 1900 and has since been reprinted numerous times, most often under the name Question: who portrayed dorothy in 1925 wizard of oz Answer:
Dorothy Dwan
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: George (Rainbow)) George is an effeminate anthropomorphic pink Hippo and a character of the popular children 's television programme Rainbow , voiced by Roy Skelton and operated by Malcolm Lord , Tony Holtham and later Craig Crane . Document [1](Title: George and Junior) to his rear end. The characters' looks and voices were altered for their fourth appearance. Later they were brought back to life by Pat Ventura on the Hanna-Barbera anthology franchise "What a Cartoon!" in the 1990s voiced by John Rubinow and Tony Pope. A grey-purple version of George made a cameo appearance in a headshot during the final scene of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" (the octopus from "Half-Pint Pygmy" also made a cameo as the bartender at The Ink and Paint Club). Later they would make appearances in Dark Horse Comics with Tex Avery's "Wolf and Red" and "Screwy Squirrel". Document [2](Title: Rainbow Archer) Rainbow Archer Rainbow Archer (Albrecht Raines) is a fictional supervillain published by DC Comics. He first appeared in "Adventure Comics" (March 1958), and was created by France Herron and George Papp. He is primarily an adversary of Green Arrow. Albrecht Raines is an artist who has seen very little profit from his work. To make ends meet, he began counterfeiting money using his creative talents, only to have them be spotted as fakes because of his poor use of color. He was tracked down by Oliver Queen, the first Green Arrow, and was forced to escape, leaving his entire operation Document [3](Title: Nag Nag Nag) where the presence of Boy George, checking out Pink Grease last week, didn't even merit a double take." Popular among London's celebrities, stars such as Kate Moss, Alexander McQueen, Björk, Keith Flint, Gwen Stefani, Cilla Black, Zoë Ball and regular Boy George were documented partying there , and acts such as Ellen Allien, Vitalic, Miss Kittin and My Toys Like Me performed. Jonny Slut told "The Guardian" in 2005 that "one reason I started the night was that music was becoming more interesting again. It might not entertain 4,000 people at Ministry of Sound, but it certainly entertains my crowd. Document [4](Title: Misterjaw) Misterjaw Misterjaw is a 34-episode cartoon television series, produced at DePatie-Freleng Enterprises in 1976 for "The Pink Panther Laugh and a Half Hour and a Half Show" television series on NBC. Misterjaw (voiced by Arte Johnson) was a blue-colored great white shark (who wore a purple vest with white collar, a black bow tie and black top hat) who liked to leap out of the water and shout "HEEGotcha!" or "Gotcha!" at unsuspecting folks who would run off in terror. He spoke with a German accent and was known to mispronounce words, such as "knucklehead" pronounced as "ka-nucklehead". He also Document [5](Title: Rainbow Girl) she felt they lacked enough publicity to do her any good. Dori again works with the Substitute heroes, who become a resistance cell when Earth becomes a closed off and xenophobic society. Dori and the Substitutes assist in overthrowing the speciest Justice League and saving Earth from an invasion of an alien coalition. Rainbow Girl wields the powers of the mysterious emotional spectrum resulting in unpredictable mood swings. She was able to tap red (anger), blue (hope) and green (willpower) when she and other substitutes came to the aid of Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes in their battle against Document [6](Title: George (M*A*S*H)) gay people were prohibited from serving in the United States armed forces; all recruits had to certify that they were not homosexual and had not committed homosexual acts, and could be prosecuted for fraudulent enlistment if they lied. Gay television historian Stephen Tropiano notes the continued relevance of "George" because it "expos[es] the ignorance behind the discrimination of homosexuals in the military". He notes that, unlike other gay-themed episodes of the era, "George" does not make its gay character the target of jokes except from the bigoted Frank Burns. George (M*A*S*H) George is the 46th episode of the "M*A*S*H" television Document [7](Title: Rainbow Brite) Pays de l'Arc-en-Ciel (The Blonde Girl from the Land of the Rainbow) or just Blondine for short. In German speaking countries and regions, she was called Regina Regenbogen (Regina Rainbow). In Italy she was called Iridella which came from her iridescent dress. In both Spanish and Portuguese speaking markets she was called Arco Iris (also Rainbow). In Spain, she was also called Rubita (a diminutive for Blonde). The other characters in the Rainbow Brite universe also had language-specific names. The French names for everyone in Rainbow Land in Canadian French were different than the names used in European French. In Question: who did the voice of george in rainbow Answer:
Roy Skelton
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: 1936 Summer Olympics) The 1936 Summer Olympics ( German : Olympische Sommerspiele 1936 ) , officially known as the Games of the XI Olympiad , was an international multi-sport event held in 1936 in Berlin , Germany . Berlin won the bid to host the Games over Barcelona , Spain , on 26 April 1931 , at the 29th IOC Session in Barcelona ( two years before the Nazis came to power ) . It marked the second and final time the International Olympic Committee gathered to vote in a city that was bidding to host those Games . Document [1](Title: Avery Brundage) so sure but they were right." According to Butterfield, Brundage was suspicious of female athletes, suspecting that some were actually men in disguise. In 1931, the IOC awarded the 1936 Olympics to Germany, with the winter games in Bavaria and the summer games in the capital city of Berlin. After Germany had been selected to host the Olympics, several IOC members indicated that they were showing support for its democratic government, which was under attack from extremists in the hard economic times of the Great Depression. The Berlin Games were thrown in doubt, however, by the July 1932 elections for Document [2](Title: Léo Lagrange) the co-organisation of the People's Olympiad in Barcelona with the Spanish Second Republic. Nazi Germany had managed to gain the right to organise the Olympic Games in Berlin, against Barcelona, but anti-fascists refused to participate in these Games and went on with their own project. The trials for these popular Olympiads proceeded on 4 July 1936 in the Pershing stadium in Paris, which had been built in June 1919. Léo Lagrange chaired these days in person, along with Minister of Transport Pierre Cot, André Malraux, who later fought in the International Brigades, and other figures of the Popular Front. Through Document [3](Title: People's Olympiad) novel, is a fictionalized account of the author's experience traveling to Barcelona to cover the People's Olympiad as a journalist, and her subsequent political awakening as she witnesses the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. People's Olympiad The People's Olympiad (Catalan: "Olimpíada Popular", Spanish: "Olimpiada Popular") was a planned international multi-sport event that was intended to take place in Barcelona, the capital of the autonomous region of Catalonia within the Spanish Republic. It was conceived as a protest event against the 1936 Summer Olympics being held in Berlin, which was then under control of Nazi Germany. Despite gaining the support Document [4](Title: German Olympic Decoration) German Olympic Decoration The German Olympic Decoration () was a civil decoration of Nazi Germany awarded to administrators of the IV Olympic Winter Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and the Games of the XI Olympiad in Berlin 1936. The award was not intended for actual participants in the Olympic Games, but rather in recognition of those who had orchestrated the "behind the scenes" preparations and work for the events. Several members of the SS, including Reinhard Heydrich, Karl Wolff and Heinrich Himmler were awarded the Olympic Games decoration for providing security during the event. Hermann Fegelein was awarded the decoration for overseeing Document [5](Title: Polo at the 1936 Summer Olympics) Polo at the 1936 Summer Olympics Polo returned to the Olympic program at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, after not being contested at the 1928 Games or 1932 Games. The 1936 tournament was the last time that the sport was contested at the Olympic Games. Note: The International Olympic Committee medal database shows also only these players as medalists. They all played at least one match during the tournament. The reserve players are not listed as medalists. Each country was allowed to enter one team of 8 players and they all were eligible for participation. A total of 21"(*)" Document [6](Title: Diving at the 1936 Summer Olympics) men. Meanwhile, women still dived from both 10 and 5 metre heights. A total of 69 divers (39 men and 30 women) from 21 nations (men from 20 nations - women from 11 nations) competed at the Berlin Games: Diving at the 1936 Summer Olympics At the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, four diving events were contested, two for men, and two for women. The competitions were held from Monday August 10, 1936 to Saturday August 15, 1936. The events are labelled as 3 metre springboard and 10 metre platform by the International Olympic Committee, and appeared on the 1937 Document [7](Title: 1972 Summer Olympics) after the Games became a Munich landmark. The competition sites, designed by architect Günther Behnisch, included the Olympic swimming hall, the Olympics Hall ("Olympiahalle", a multipurpose facility) and the Olympic Stadium ("Olympiastadion"), and an Olympic village very close to the park. The design of the stadium was considered revolutionary, with sweeping canopies of acrylic glass stabilized by metal ropes, used on such a large scale for the first time. Munich won its Olympic bid on April 26, 1966, at the 64th IOC Session at Rome, Italy, over bids presented by Detroit, Madrid, and Montréal. Montréal would eventually host the following Question: when were the olympic games held in berlin Answer:
1936 Summer Olympics
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Fortnite) Fortnite is an online video game first released in 2017 and developed by Epic Games . It is available as separate software packages having different game modes that otherwise share the same general gameplay and game engine . The game modes include Fortnite : Save the World , a cooperative shooter - survival game for up to four players to fight off zombie - like creatures and defend objects with fortifications they can build , and Fortnite Battle Royale , a free - to - play battle royale game where up to 100 players fight to be the last person standing . Both game modes were released in 2017 as early access titles ; Save the World is available only for Windows , macOS , PlayStation 4 , and Xbox One , while Battle Royale has been released for those platforms in addition for Nintendo Switch , iOS and Android devices . Document [1](Title: Fortnite Battle Royale) them to reduce development efforts on these games, particularly "Paragon". By the end of January 2018, Epic announced it was shutting down "Paragon" by April of that year, providing refunds to all players. Similarly, Epic announced it had halted development of the planned free-to-play "Unreal Tournament" game, its team transitioned to "Fortnite", though the game will remain available, playable, and open to end-user modifications. Players on a "Fortnite"-dedicated Reddit forum had expressed concerns that a similar fate could befall the "Save the World" mode of "Fortnite", as externally, the "Save the World" mode has not received the same attention in Document [2](Title: Fortnite: Save the World) build a toolkit for players to interact with as to create emergent gameplay solutions based on the situation of the missions, from which they can continue to expand upon with new items throughout the life of the game. By November 2013, Epic confirmed that "Fortnite" would not release that year, nor offered a target released date, though affirmed the game was still in development by several of its studios. Epic Games Vice President of Publishing Mike Fischer said in 2015 that Epic recognized that they "announced this game too soon", and that its lengthy development period was due to "very Document [3](Title: Battle pass) passes are purchased through an in-game currency (V-bucks) which either must be purchased with real-world funds via microtransactions, or earned via the "Fortnite: Save the World" cooperative game mode. Analyst Michael Pachter estimated that on the first day of the third season, in February 2018, Epic sold more than five million battle passes, generating over in revenue in a single day. With expansion of "Fortnite" to mobile devices in March 2018, revenue estimates from the game were in the hundreds of millions of dollars per month in the following months, primarily from battle pass sales. At the same time as Document [4](Title: Battle royale game) format as a consultant for "" before becoming the creative developer at Bluehole of a standalone game representing his vision of the battle royale genre, "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds". While "Battlegrounds" was not the first battle royale game, its release to early access in March 2017 drew a great deal of attention, selling over twenty million units by the end of the year, and is considered the defining game of the genre. In September 2017, the game broke the previous record for highest number of concurrent players on Steam, with 1,348,374 players on the game simultaneously. "Battlegrounds" explosive growth and how it Document [5](Title: Fortnite Battle Royale) seen as a disruptive element within the classroom and affecting students' ability to complete homework assignments. Epic has since added warnings on the game's loading screens to discourage students from playing it during classes. The UK's Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Matt Hancock, expressed concern at how much time children were playing "Fortnite Battle Royale" and similar video games without a balance of physical exercise and social interactions. Other agencies, including the United States' Center on Media and Child Health and the United Kingdom's National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children have cautioned parents Document [6](Title: Fortnite Battle Royale) a more limited progression for weapons, a small subset of traps, and a smoother, more natural terrain for the maps. They also wanted to aim for games not taking longer than 25 minutes, which led to some decisions of which elements from "Save the World" would not carry over. They had including "Fortnite"s building mechanic for fortifications, not sure how players would use that since the safe zone would continue shrinking, but found quickly that the mechanic helped to distinguish the game from "Battlegrounds" and was used by expert players frequently to win matches, and had since implemented more features Document [7](Title: Battle Royale (novel)) Battle Royale (novel) It was previously entered into the 1997 Japan Horror Fiction Awards but was eventually rejected in the final round due to its content. Upon publication in 1999, the novel became a surprise bestseller. In 2000, one year after publication, "Battle Royale" was adapted into a manga series, written by Takami himself, and a feature film. The film was both controversial and successful, becoming one of the year's highest-grossing films as well as prompting condemnation by Japan's National Diet. The film spawned , and two more brief manga adaptations were also created. "Battle Royale" takes place in a Question: how many players is fortnite save the world Answer:
up to four players
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: That '70s Show) Opening theme '' In The Street '' by Big Star as performed by ; Todd Griffin ( season 1 ) Cheap Trick ( seasons 2 -- 8 ) Document [1](Title: Big Brother 14 (U.S.)) season's twist first aired June 17, 2012, on CBS. This season is being slated to promote a "super sized" season, indicating the most HouseGuests entering to date and four huge surprises to be revealed on the premiere, being the four ex-HouseGuests competing as mentors. By July 2, 2012, several media outlets such as and Yahoo! TV officially released house photos. The season's main House theme is the 80s and "Tokyo Pop". The overall layout of the house remained the same as to recent previous seasons, in addition to various refurbishments to the appliances and a new paint job in Document [2](Title: The Man with Two Brians) were both based on drawings by creator Seth MacFarlane. New Brian was supposed to be a Golden Retriever, but his color was changed so that he would stand out from the yellow kitchen. In the scene when Peter wears the costume from "The Greatest American Hero", the theme from "E.T." was originally used. Several scenes were cut when the episode aired on television, mostly due to lack of time. The song New Brian sang to Peter was written by series writer Alec Sulkin. The original ending for the episode was a "Beverly Hills, 90210" basketball joke, but it was cut. Document [3](Title: Hardcastle and McCormick) an excellent pursuit vehicle for their needs. The series premise was somewhat recycled from a previous Cannell series, "Tenspeed and Brown Shoe". It was created by Patrick Hasburgh and Stephen J. Cannell, serving as the executive producers, and produced by Stephen J. Cannell Productions for ABC. The opening theme song during season one was entitled "Drive". It was composed by Mike Post and Stephen Geyer and sung by David Morgan. For the first 12 episodes of season two, the theme song was "Back to Back", also composed by Post and Geyer, but sung by Joey Scarbury (who also sang Post Document [4](Title: Lassie (1954 TV series)) in an episode shoot: a stand-in for rehearsals, a stunt double, and a "fighter" for scenes involving battles with other animals. "Lassie" used several pieces of theme music during its long broadcast history. For the first season, "Secret of the Silent Hills (Theme from the Lassie TV series)", is used for both the opening and ending theme. Composed by William Lava, the orchestral theme was originally created for the 1940 radio show "The Courageous Dr. Christian".<ref name="Lassie /Jeffs Collie /Timmy and Lassie">Lassie /Jeffs Collie /Timmy and Lassie</ref> For the second and third season a variation of this theme, titled simply Document [5](Title: Trick It Out) on the projects. Official page for the TV Show Trick It Out "Trick It Out: MTV's Tuner Challenge", is an MTV reality television show focusing on automobile modification. The show airs primarily on MTV2 and is hosted by award-winning car tuner, RJ de Vera, and narrated by MTV news personality, Sway Calloway. The show is a tournament-style competition to find out who is the "most creative, resourceful, and ingenious Tuner in the nation". Each crew of four Tuners from rival car modification shops in Southern California gets a similar car to start with, 14 days, and $15,000 to do their Document [6](Title: The Polyphonic Spree) network in commercials for its upcoming season. In the autumn of 2007, Adidas commissioned artists to write theme songs for MLS teams as part of a campaign called "MLS Represent", and the Polyphonic Spree was chosen to write a song for FC Dallas. The result was the song "H-O-O-P-S Yes!" In September 2007, the Polyphonic Spree performed three songs: "Light and Day / Reach for the Sun", "Soldier Girl", and "Light to Follow", at Oscar de la Renta's Spring 2008 Fashion Show for New York Fashion Week. They recorded the opening track to the Showtime series Weeds for season 2 Document [7](Title: The Be Good Tanyas) episode of the third season, in which Frazey Ford was featured as a nun and played the song in the opening sequence. The song "The Littlest Birds" was played during the first season of the Showtime series "Weeds" and was included in that season's soundtrack. The band's music has also been included in the CTV series "The Eleventh Hour" and in the feature film "Because of Winn-Dixie". Their cover of Townes Van Zandt's "Waiting Around to Die" was also used in an episode of AMC's "Breaking Bad". On the episode "Searchers" of the AMC series "Hell on Wheels", their rendition Question: who sings the theme song for that 70's show Answer:
Todd Griffin
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Doctrine of lapse) With the increasing power of the East India Company , discontent simmered among many sections of Indian society and the largely indigenous armed forces ; these rallied behind the deposed dynasties during the Indian Rebellion of 1857 , also known as the Sepoy Mutiny . Following the rebellion , in 1858 , the new British Viceroy of India , whose rule replaced that of the British East India Company , renounced the doctrine . Document [1](Title: India–United Kingdom relations) in 1757 led to the conquest of Bengal while by 1857, following various treaties and wars with Indian kingdoms (such as the Anglo-Mysore Wars with Tipu Sultan, the Anglo-Maratha Wars and the Anglo-Sikh wars), the East India Company controlled most of the Indian subcontinent. Following the Indian Mutiny of 1857, where Indian sepoys rebelled against their British officers, the East India Company was dissolved the following year. The assets of the British East India Company became so huge that the British government decided to step in. India served as the main base for the British Empire's expansion across Asia and Document [2](Title: Siege of Cawnpore) place on 23 June 1757 and was one of the pivotal battles leading to the expansion of British rule in India. One of the driving forces of the sepoy rebellion was a prophecy which predicted the downfall of East India Company rule in India exactly one hundred years after the Battle of Plassey. This prompted the rebel soldiers under Nana Sahib to launch a major attack on the British entrenchment on 23 June 1857. The rebel soldiers of the 2nd Bengal Cavalry led the charge, but were repulsed with canister shot when they approached within 50 yards of the British Document [3](Title: British Indian Army) has its origins in the years after the Indian Rebellion of 1857, often called the Indian Mutiny in British histories, when in 1858 the Crown took over direct rule of British India from the East India Company. Before 1858, the precursor units of the Indian Army were units controlled by the Company and were paid for by their profits. These operated alongside units of the British Army, funded by the British government in London. The armies of the East India Company were recruited primarily from Muslims in the Bengal Presidency, which consisted of Bengal, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, and high Document [4](Title: Murree rebellion of 1857) Murree rebellion of 1857 The Murree Rebellion of 1857, sometimes termed a war of Independence, was part of the Indian Rebellion of 1857. It was a rebel skirmish between the tribes surrounding the Hill Station of Murree (in modern-day Pakistan) and the colonial government of British India. Resentment toward colonial rule had been mounting for many years following the British establishment in the subcontinent. There had been occasional isolated uprisings toward the British. The significance of the 1857 events was that, although not centrally coordinated, the uprisings had the feel of something much larger with real anticipation that colonial rule Document [5](Title: International relations, 1648–1814) officers were British; the soldiers were "Sepoys" (Indians). Parts of the Sepoys revolted in 1857—after heavy loss of life, the British prevailed. The British government abolished the East India Company and set up the British Raj, which ruled most of India directly, and the rest indirectly through semi-autonomous princely states. International relations, 1648–1814 International relations from 1648–1814 covers the major interactions of the nations of Europe, as well as the other continents, with emphasis on diplomacy, warfare, migration, and cultural interactions, from the Peace of Westphalia to the Congress of Vienna. It is followed by International relations of the Great Document [6](Title: T Battery (Shah Sujah's Troop) Royal Artillery) were manned by sepoys (native Indian soldiers) and two mutinied: 4th Troop, 1st Brigade at Neemuch and 4th Troop, 3rd Brigade at Multan. Shah Sujah's Troop remained loyal and it took part in the Siege of Delhi where its commander, George Renny, won the Victoria Cross. All four Native Bengal batteries were promptly reformed as European units. As a result of the Rebellion, the British Crown took direct control of India from the East India Company on 1 November 1858 under the provisions of the Government of India Act 1858. The Presidency armies transferred to the direct authority of the Document [7](Title: Economy of India under Company rule) Economy of India under Company rule The Economy of India under Company rule describes the economy of those regions (contemporaneously British India) that fell under Company rule in India during the years 1757 to 1858. The British East India Company began ruling parts of the Indian subcontinent beginning with the Battle of Plassey, which led to the conquest of Bengal Subah and the founding of the Bengal Presidency, before the Company expanded across most of the subcontinent up until the Indian Rebellion of 1857. A number of historians point to the colonization of India as a major factor in both Question: doctrine of lapse was one of the case for which rebellion Answer:
Indian Rebellion of 1857
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Oz the Great and Powerful) Mila Kunis as Theodora , a naïve good witch who has the Land of Oz 's best interests at her heart . She believes that Oscar is the wizard prophesied to defeat the seemingly evil Glinda from the Dark Forest , developing an attraction to him in the process . Evanora gradually manipulates Theodora into thinking Oscar has betrayed her for Glinda , ushering her transformation into the Wicked Witch of the West . Document [1](Title: Clara Blandick) characters from the beginning of the movie, in black-and-white Kansas, not to have alter ego characters in the Land Of Oz.) Blandick beat out May Robson, Janet Beecher, and Sarah Padden for the role, and earned $750 per week. Some believed Auntie Em's alter ego was to be Glinda, the Good Witch of the North but the studio opted to use different actresses for each role rather than have a dual role for this. The reason was they wanted someone younger looking to contrast the good witch from the bad witches, although Billie Burke, who played Glinda, was only eight Document [2](Title: Glinda the Good Witch) expert on Oz, but this statement made by Guph once again foreshadows a much later cinematic rendition of Glinda, in the film version of the Broadway musical "The Wiz" in which Glinda (played by Lena Horne) is responsible for the twister that brings Dorothy's house to Oz and sets all subsequent events into motion. Of all the characters in L. Frank Baum's Oz, Glinda is the most enigmatic. Despite being titled "Glinda the Good," she is not a one-dimensional caricature whose sole purpose is to embody and generate all that is generically considered "good," as indicated above. She ultimately becomes Document [3](Title: Zelena (Once Upon a Time)) fire. However, Dorothy counters her assailant with water, causing Zelena to physically melt away. Despite being seemingly dead, Zelena reemerges at the Wizard's Emerald City palace. Glinda offers Dorothy the opportunity to join the sisterhood, but she declines since she only wants to go home. Assuming the Wizard's voice, Zelena sends Dorothy back to Kansas with the silver slippers, and then reveals herself to a shocked Glinda. Zelena reaffirms her goal of changing her own past, and to keep Glinda from finding another sorceress to fulfill the prophecy, she banishes the Witch of the South to the Enchanted Forest. " Document [4](Title: Mila Kunis) was surprising to learn about Kunis was her ability to make references to the cult animation film "Rejected". Judge said: "As beautiful as Mila is, you could believe that maybe she would cross paths with you in the real world." After seeing Kunis perform in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall", Judge wanted to cast her in the role of Cindy in "Extract": "I just thought, 'Wow, this girl's perfect.' And she really wanted to do it, which was fantastic." Kunis herself stated that "I'm a huge fan of Mike Judge's from "Office Space", so I was, like, 'Okay, this is a very Document [5](Title: The Witch (short story)) power, he touches her plait, then her neck. She responds by giving him an elbow kick right between his eyes. "The Witch was discarded by many. So what? There is not much things around to write about, and the devil is always beside you, nudging you towards this sort of thing," Chekhov complained to his friend and regular correspondent Viktor Bilibin soon after the story appeared in "Novoye Vremya". In his 14 March letter, Bilibin replied: "They say (notably, Leykin), Suvorin liked your The Witch immensely, was enraptured by it. I'd hesitate to say the same about myself. What I Document [6](Title: Meinhardt Raabe) the role of the coroner in "The Wizard of Oz" in 1939. Raabe, however, was uncredited in the role, which lasted only 13 seconds. In the film, the coroner confirms the death of the Wicked Witch of the East, with Raabe's lines being: These lines, like most of those delivered by the Munchkins, were dubbed over with the speeded-up voices of other performers. In addition to his role in the film, Raabe worked for many decades as a spokesman for Oscar Mayer, where he was known as "Little Oscar, World's Smallest Chef". He traveled in the first Wienermobile, which was Document [7](Title: The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz) approaches her saying that he is very conflicted between good and evil. He thinks that Carlota can fix his problems, and proposes to marry her. In the meantime, Archibaldo pursues another woman, Lavinia (Miroslava), whom he met in an antique shop, and later a bar. Lavinia works as a model for mannequins, and also shows American tourists around town. Archibaldo invites Lavinia to his home under false pretenses. He tells her that when they met, she reminded him of Joan of Arc being consumed by flames. He plots to strangle her and burn her in a kiln, but unexpectedly, the Question: who played the good witch in oz the great and powerful Answer:
Mila Kunis
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Meet the Fockers) Robert De Niro as Jack Byrnes Ben Stiller as Gaylord '' Greg '' Focker Dustin Hoffman as Bernard '' Bernie '' Focker Barbra Streisand as Rosalin '' Roz '' Focker Teri Polo as Pam Byrnes - Focker Blythe Danner as Dina Byrnes Spencer and Bradley Pickren as '' Little '' Jack Banks Alanna Ubach as Isabel Villalobos Ray Santiago as Jorge Villalobos Tim Blake Nelson as Officer Vern LeFlore Shelley Berman as Judge Ira Owen Wilson as Kevin Rawley Document [1](Title: Jeepers Creepers 3) Jonathan Breck as the Creeper Meg Foster as Gaylen Brandon Gabrielle Haugh as Addison Brandon Stan Shaw as Sheriff Dan Tashtego Joyce Giraud as Deputy Dana Lang Jordan Salloum as Kenny Brandon Ryan Moore as Kirk Mathers Brandon Smith as Sergeant Davis Tubbs Gina Philips as Patricia '' Trish '' Jenner ( cameo ) Document [2](Title: Sex (play)) original production was directed by Edward Elsner, produced by C. William Morganstern, and stage managed by Alfred L. Rigali. The original cast featured Mae West as Margy LaMont, Al Re Alia as Curley, Conde Brewer as Condez, Gordon Earle as Waiter, D. J. Hamilton as Jones, Frank Howard as Jenkins, Michael Markham as Spanish Dancer, Constance Morganstern as Marie, Mary Morrisey as Red, Barry O'Neill as Lieutenant Gregg, Ann Reader as Agnes Scott, Pacie Ripple as Robert Stanton, George Rogers as Captain Carter, Warren Sterling as Rocky Waldron, Eda Von Buelow as Clara Smith, and Lyons Wickland as Jimmy Stanton. Document [3](Title: The Magical Place) Hooks directing. In December 2014, Marvel revealed that main cast members Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Brett Dalton, Chloe Bennet, Iain De Caestecker, and Elizabeth Henstridge would star as Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Grant Ward, Skye, Leo Fitz, and Jemma Simmons, respectively. It was also revealed that the guest cast for the episode would include Saffron Burrows as Agent Victoria Hand, Ron Glass as Dr. Streiten, Ruth Negga as Raina, Rob Huebel as Lloyd Rathman, Aiden Turner as Vanchat, Felisha Terrell as Emily Deville, Cullen Douglas as Po. Burrows, Glass, Negga, and Douglas reprise their roles from earlier in the series. Document [4](Title: Michael Culver) Thatcher), William Hoyland (as John Major and Geoffrey Robertson), Jeremy Clyde (as Alan Clark), Raad Rawli (as Alan Moses QC), Thomas Wheatley (as William Waldegrave), Robert East (as J. K. Galbraith and Tristan Garel-Jones) and David Robb (as Michael Heseltine). Michael Culver played Roald Amundsen. The rest of the cast was: Robert Powell (Captain Robert Falcon Scott), Stephanie Beacham (Kathleen Scott), Bill Stewart (Lieutenant Henry Robertson Bowers, "Birdie"), Donald Gee (Dr Edward Adrian Wilson, "Bill"), Neil Philips (Captain Lawrence Oates, "Titus") and David Troughton (Petty Officer Edgar Evans). Michael Culver as Lord Goring. Other cast members included: Lucinda Curtis (as Document [5](Title: The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (film)) lead. On May 23, 2013, Cruise dropped out of the film, due to his commitment to "". British actor Henry Cavill replaced Cruise. Elizabeth Debicki was cast in a femme fatale role on July 31, 2013; Rose Byrne and Charlize Theron were earlier considered for the same part. On August 8, 2013, Hugh Grant joined the cast as Alexander Waverly, the head of United Network Command for Law and Enforcement (U.N.C.L.E). Jared Harris was cast as Sanders on September 4, 2013, and Luca Calvani was cast as a villain, Alexander. Simona Caparrini was also cast to play Contessa. Principal photography Document [6](Title: Borderlands (series)) portrayed in video by Brittani Johnson) is in the sequel revealed to be Jack's daughter. Also appearing across multiple games are several NPCs who act as vendors and quest-givers. They include the erratic researcher Patricia Tannis (Colleen Clinkenbeard), the garage owner and mechanic Scooter (Michael Neumann), the bartender and entrepreneur Mad Moxxi (Brina Palencia), the 13-year-old demolitions expert Tiny Tina (Ashly Burch), the gun company founder Mr. Torgue High-Five Flexington (Chris Rager), the gentleman hunter Sir Alistair Hammerlock (J. Michael Tatum), the junk dealer Janey Springs (Catherine Moore), the shady surgeon Dr. Zed (Ric Spiegel) and the gun merchant Marcus Document [7](Title: Legends of the Fall) Brad Pitt as Tristan Ludlow Keegan MacIntosh as Young Tristan Ludlow Anthony Hopkins as Col. William Ludlow Aidan Quinn as Alfred Ludlow Julia Ormond as Susannah Fincannon - Ludlow Henry Thomas as Samuel Ludlow Karina Lombard as Isabel '' Isabel II '' Decker / Isabel Decker Ludlow Sekwan Auger as Young Isabel II Decker Gordon Tootoosis as One Stab Christina Pickles as Isabel Ludlow Paul Desmond as Roscoe Decker Tantoo Cardinal as Pet Decker Robert Wisden as John T. O'Banion John Novak as James O'Banion Kenneth Welsh as Sheriff Tynert Bart the Bear as the Bear Question: who played little jack in meet the fockers Answer:
Spencer and Bradley Pickren
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Over the Rainbow) '' Over the Rainbow '' is a ballad , with music by Harold Arlen and lyrics by Yip Harburg . It was written for the movie The Wizard of Oz and was sung by actress Judy Garland , in her starring role as Dorothy Gale . It won the Academy Award for Best Original Song and became Garland 's signature song , as well as one of the most enduring standards of the 20th century . Document [1](Title: Sophie Evans (performer)) and a centenary documentary about the Tonypandy Riots (BBC Wales). Evans auditioned for "Over the Rainbow", a reality show in which young actress/singers competed to play the role of Dorothy Gale in Andrew Lloyd Webber's 2011 production of "The Wizard of Oz". She advanced to the final along with Danielle Hope and Lauren Samuels. The final aired in two parts on 22 May 2010. Hope was the declared the winner and Evans the runner-up. Lloyd Webber elected to assist Evans, with the aid of casting director Bill Kenwright, to start her professional career, funding her continued training as a performer Document [2](Title: End of the Rainbow) from "End of the Rainbow". The film will star Renée Zellweger and is slated for a 2019 release. A cast recording of the London production was released on January 31, 2011 by Angel Recording Studios featuring Tracie Bennett's renditions of both the play's songs and other Garland numbers. All tracks performed by Tracie Bennett, unless noted. 4 Olivier Award nominations in London's West End in 2011 - BEST NEW PLAY, Best Actress, Best Sound, and Best Supporting Actor. End of the Rainbow End of the Rainbow is a musical drama by Peter Quilter, which focuses on Judy Garland in the Document [3](Title: Princess Ozma) played by Jessie May Walsh, appears briefly to preside over Ojo's trial. At the beginning of this film, as well as Baum's "His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz", Ozma's smiling countenance (being the face of Vivian Reed) appears. Annette Funicello played her in a 1957 pilot segment for the proposed Walt Disney production, "Rainbow Road to Oz". Shirley Temple, having reportedly been considered for the role of Dorothy Gale in the 1939 movie musical "The Wizard of Oz" but passed over in favor of Judy Garland, eventually portrayed Princess Ozma in a 1960 television production of "The Marvelous Land of Document [4](Title: Salvatore Ferragamo) due to bad management and economic pressures, Ferragamo nonetheless expanded his operation during the 1950s to a workforce of around 700 expert artisans that produced 350 pairs of handmade shoes a day. "The Rainbow" was created by Salvatore Ferragamo in 1938 and was the first instance of the platform shoe returning in modern days in the West. The platform sandal was designed for American singer and actress Judy Garland. The shoe was a tribute to Judy Garland's signature song "Over the Rainbow" performed in "The Wizard of Oz" (1939) feature film. The shoe was crafted using shaped slabs of cork Document [5](Title: Judy Garland) Tammy Blanchard (young Judy) and Judy Davis (older Judy) in "" (2001), and Sigrid Thornton in "" (2015). Harvey Weinstein optioned "" and a stage show and film based on it were slated to star Anne Hathaway. Renée Zellweger is set to portray Garland in the upcoming biopic "Judy", which is expected to be released in 2019. On stage, Garland is a character in the musical "The Boy from Oz" (1998), portrayed by Chrissy Amphlett in the original Australian production and by Isabel Keating on Broadway in 2003. "End of the Rainbow" (2005) featured Caroline O'Connor as Garland and Paul Document [6](Title: Count On Me (Bruno Mars song)) a folk and tropical record that lyrically details the importance of friendship and convey a positive message. It received generally mixed to positive reviews. Some music critics noted the resemblance to "Over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwoʻole, praising its arrangement and "uplifting" vibe, others criticized its "saccharine sound" and cheesy lyrics. The single peaked at number two in the Czech Republic and it was able to reach the position of 19 in Australia and 13 in New Zealand. It was certified three and two times platinum by the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) and Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), Document [7](Title: My Way Home (Scrubs)) gaining the "heart" his ailing patient needs; Carla (Lion) discovers "courage" to be a good parent; and J.D. (Dorothy) gets to go home. The episode is a homage to the 1939 MGM musical film adaptation of L. Frank Baum's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". Some references are obvious, such as: The Worthless Peons singing both "We're Off to See the Wizard" and "Over the Rainbow"; the "yellow brick road" painted on the hospital floor; J.D.'s red shoes. Several memorable lines from the film are echoed, such as: Dr. Cox saying to Elliot that her endocrinology answers are "falling from the Question: who wrote the music for somewhere over the rainbow Answer:
Yip Harburg
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: When You Say Nothing at All) '' When You Say Nothing at All '' is a country song written by Paul Overstreet and Don Schlitz . It is among the best - known hit songs for three different performers : Keith Whitley , who took it to the top of the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart on December 24 , 1988 ; Alison Krauss , whose version was her first solo top - 10 country hit in 1995 ; and Irish pop singer Ronan Keating , whose version was his first solo single and a chart - topper in the United Kingdom and Ireland in 1999 . Document [1](Title: Nothin' at All (Heart song)) has a harmonic solo with Wilson. Drum treatment was mixed with restraint in the original, with heavy reverb as to blend with other instruments; louder, dryer & "cuts-through" on the remix. But while these two versions greatly differ from one another, the underscoring rhythm tracks are exactly the same, most notable in the strong bass line, hence it appears the two final mixes do not derive from different basic track recording sessions. The UK 12" and CD single releases of "Nothin' At All" featured an extended remix clocking in at 5:20. Nothin' at All (Heart song) "Nothin' at All" is Document [2](Title: Alison Krauss) "Oh Atlanta", The Foundations' & Dan Schafer's "Baby, Now That I've Found You", which was used in the Australian hit comedy movie "The Castle", and The Beatles' "I Will". A cover of Keith Whitley's "When You Say Nothing at All" reached number three on the "Billboard" country chart; the album peaked in the top fifteen on the all-genre "Billboard" 200 chart, and sold two million copies to become Krauss' first double-platinum album. Krauss also was nominated for four Country Music Association Awards and won all of them. "So Long So Wrong", another Union Station album, was released in 1997 and Document [3](Title: Turn It On) record the duet "Last Thing on My Mind". He also recorded an updated version of "This is Your Song", one of four main recordings of the track, which have featured on Keating's releases across the years. The British version of the album contains two additional tracks. It was intended to include a hidden track "Getting Started", however this remains unreleased. The Latin American version of the album features the duet "The Flight", featuring Latin superstar Zucchero, and an updated version of "When You Say Nothing at All", featuring Spanish singer-songwriter Paulina Rubio, which was later released in the United Kingdom Document [4](Title: Whatever You Say, Say Nothing) Whatever You Say, Say Nothing Whatever You Say, Say Nothing is the fourth studio album by Deacon Blue. Changing from producer Jon Kelly to the team of Steve Osborne and Paul Oakenfold, this album presented a change in musical style for Deacon Blue. While the band's songwriting remained based in rock and blues, many of the tracks moved into alternative rock territory in their presentation. The album peaked at no. 4 in the UK Albums Chart. All songs written by Ricky Ross, except where noted: All songs written by Ricky Ross, except where noted: Side 1 Side 2 A deluxe Document [5](Title: All or Nothing (Cher song)) All or Nothing (Cher song) "All or Nothing" is the third international single by American singer-actress Cher from her twenty-second studio album, "Believe". It was released in 1999 by Warner Bros, and WEA. "All or Nothing" was used as the third international single release from American singer/actress Cher's twenty third album "Believe". After "Strong Enough" didn't do well on the Billboard Hot 100, "All or Nothing" was released and cracked the top 40 on the Hot 100 Singles Sales chart at number 38. The music video for "All or Nothing" was shot while Cher was on tour for her album, Document [6](Title: Seamus Heaney Collected Poems) Whatever You Say Say Nothing i 33. Whatever You Say Say Nothing ii 34. Whatever You Say Say Nothing iii 35. Whatever You Say Say Nothing iv 36. Freedman 37. Singing School (Epigraphs) 38. Singing School 1. The Ministry of Fear 39. Singing School 2. A Constable Calls 40. Singing School 3. Orange Drums, Tyrone, 1966 41. Singing School 4. Summer 1969 42. Singing School 5. Fosterage 43. Singing School 6. Exposure Disc 5: Field Work – 1979 01. Oysters 02. Triptych I After a Killing 03. Triptych II Sibyl 04. Triptych III At the Water's Edge 05. The Toome Document [7](Title: Brooks & Dunn) 50 singles, of which 20 went to No. 1 on the Hot Country Songs charts and 19 more reached Top 10. Two of these No. 1 songs, "My Maria" (a cover of the B.W. Stevenson song) and "Ain't Nothing 'bout You", were the top country songs of 1996 and 2001, respectively, according to the Billboard Year-End charts. The latter is also the duo's longest-lasting No 1 single on that chart at six weeks. Several of their songs have also reached the Billboard Hot 100, with the No. 25 peaks of "Ain't Nothing 'bout You" and "Red Dirt Road" being their Question: when was when you say nothing at all written Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Port Harcourt Refining Company) Located at Alesa Eleme , the company operates two oil refineries including an old plant commissioned in 1965 that can process 60,000 barrels of oil per stream day and the new plant commissioned in 1989 , which has a capacity of 150,000 bpsd . Both oil refineries possess a combined capacity of 210,000 barrels per stream day making PHRC the '' biggest oil refining company in Nigeria '' . Document [1](Title: Reliance Petroleum) Marshall Islands and owned by Deepwater Pacific Inc., a subsidiary of Transocean. With an annual crude processing capacity of per stream day (BPSD), RPL is the largest refinery in the world. It will have a complexity of 14.0, using the Nelson Complexity Index, ranking it one of the highest in the sector. The polypropylene plant will have a capacity to produce 0.9 million metric tonnes per annum. The refinery project is being implemented at a capital cost of Rs 270,000 million being funded through a mix of equity and debt. This represents a capital cost of less than US$10,000 per Document [2](Title: Baton Rouge Refinery) workers spread across these sites, including 4,000 direct employees (the rest are contractors). Genesis Energy LP recently invested $125 million to improve ExxonMobil's existing assets in the Baton Rouge area. The investment includes plans to build an 18-mile, 20-inch diameter crude oil pipeline that connects Genesis Energy's Port Hudson terminal, to ExxonMobil's Baton Rouge refinery. The Baton Rouge refinery's tank farm has a capacity of 502,500 barrel-per-day (bpd). Baton Rouge Refinery ExxonMobil's Baton Rouge Refinery in Baton Rouge, Louisiana is the fourth-largest oil refinery in the United States and twelfth-largest in the world, with an input capacity of per day Document [3](Title: Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People) Department of Petroleum Resources indicate that between 1976 and 1996 a total of 4,835 incidents resulted in the spillage of at least 2,446,322 barrels (102.7 million U.S. gallons), of which an estimated 1,896,930 barrels (79.7 million U.S. gallons; 77 percent) were lost to the environment. Another calculation, based on oil industry sources, estimates that more than 1.07 million barrels (45 million U.S. gallons) of oil were spilled in Nigeria from 1960 to 1997. Nigeria's largest spill was an offshore well blowout (well drilling) in January 1980, when at least 200,000 barrels of oil (8.4 million U.S. gallons), according to oil Document [4](Title: History of Tulsa, Oklahoma) had increased to 18,182. The first petroleum refinery in Tulsa, built by Texaco, went onstream in 1910 in West Tulsa, across the Arkansas River from Tulsa. Texaco continued to operate the plant until 1983, when the facility was sold to Sinclair Oil Company. At the time the refinery was sold to Sinclair, the refinery capacity was rated at per day. The second refinery was built in West Tulsa two miles (3 km) upstream on the Arkansas River in 1913 by Joshua Cosden, who also founded the Cosden Petroleum Company. The refinery later operated as the Sunray D-X and Sunoco brands. Document [5](Title: Wood River Refinery) in two Alberta oil sands (bitumen) heavy oil projects: Christina Lake (Alberta) and Foster Creek. ConocoPhillips’ interest was sold to Cenovus in May 2017, leaving Cenovus the sole owner and operator of the assets. Cenovus uses SAGD (steam-assisted gravity drainage) technology at those sites. The complex is capable of refining of crude oil per day and is the largest refinery operated by Phillips 66. Oil is supplied from the Gulf of Mexico, Canada, and domestic sources through pipelines. The facility produces of gasoline, of diesel and jet fuels, as well as other products including asphalt, propane, and chemical feedstocks. A Document [6](Title: National Refinery Limited) was incorporated in 1963 and first lube refinery was constructed in June 1966. Hydroskimming fuel refinery was commissioned in April 1977 and its capacity was increased in 1985. BTX (petrochemical) plant was constructed in April 1979 which was the first petrochemical unit of the country. Second lube refinery was constructed in February 1992. Since then various expansions of the refinery have been made. In 2005, the company was privatized and Attock Group acquired 51% share holding of National Refinery Limited. The company's major purchases are made from Saudi Aramco, an oil company based in Saudi Arabia, with a history of Document [7](Title: Bongaigaon Refinery) became a subsidiary of IndianOil (IOC) on 29 March 2001 after disinvestments of share by Govt of India. BRPL has the distinction of being the first indigenous grass root Refinery in the country integrated with a Petrochemical complex at one location. At present, the Refinery is processing crude available from the oil fields of ONGC and OIL located in the North-East India and Ravva crude oil from the Krishna Godavari basin off the coast of Andhra Pradesh. The capacity of the Refinery was augmented in 1995 to 2.35 MMTPA (51,400 barrels per stream day ) through expansion of the Refinery Question: eleme refinery in portharcourt was built by which company and in what year Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Beast and the Harlot) The actual song is about the fall of Babylon , The Great from the Book of Revelation ( particularly chapter seventeen ) , from which many quotes are taken , such as '' Seven headed beast , ten horns raise from his head '' , '' hatred strips her and leaves her naked '' , and other references . The Harlot referred to in the song is Great Babylon , quoted in the song , '' Fallen now is Babylon The Great . '' On Avenged Sevenfold 's All Excess DVD , Tony Petrossian , who directed the video , says that M. Shadows ' lyrics for this song about the fall of Babylon is comparing Babylon to Hollywood , showing many Hollywood clichés such as the young , innocent boys being corrupted and losing their souls . In the music video the Harlot was played by actress Elizabeth Melendez . Document [1](Title: Works inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien) and the Grey Havens), and others, feature Tolkien-themed songs. "This Day We Fight!", a song by thrash metal band Megadeth from the album "Endgame", was based on the mythos of Tolkien. Also, the Italian progressive band Ainur have composed several album inspired by Silmarillion stories in early 2000s. The Irish Celtic metal band Cruachan released a song called the "Fall of Gondolin" on their album "Pagan". The band Sabaton has a song named "Shadows" (of Mordor), focus based on the "Black King" following orders from Sauron to take back the ring. Some bands and certain musicians used Tolkien legendarium for Document [2](Title: Survivalism (song)) off to investigate, then return to their activities. At this point, a number of cameras have been turned off and show static. The band is no longer in their room. It has been torn asunder and a large smear of blood is visible on the floor. The final shot shows a bleeding corpse being dragged around a corner and out of sight. The Bible passage referenced by the door is from the Book of Revelation, a passage describing the fallen city-nation of Babylon and how she has been corrupted by luxury and adultery, and how people are being called to Document [3](Title: Works based on A Song of Ice and Fire) the Thrones" and "A Voice in the Dark" and are part of their 2010 "At the Edge of Time" album. British alternative rock band Dark Stares based their name on Ser Gerold Dayne, known as Darkstar. Their song "Blackfyre" from EP "Octopon" is a homage to House Blackfyre and the Blackfyre Rebellion. In 2012, the Canadian band Irish Moutarde adapted the song "The Bear and the Maiden Fair", sung at various times in the novels, as a celtic punk rock song. The metal band, The Sword, has a song on the album Gods of the Earth called "To Take the Document [4](Title: Book of Judith) ahistorical. The fictional nature "is evident from its blending of history and fiction, beginning in the very first verse, and is too prevalent thereafter to be considered as the result of mere historical mistakes." Thus, the great villain is "Nebuchadnezzar, who ruled over the "Assyrians"" (1:1), yet the historical Nebuchadnezzar II was the king of "Babylonia". Other details, such as fictional place names, the immense size of armies and fortifications, and the dating of events, cannot be reconciled with the historical record. Judith's village, Bethulia (literally "virginity") is unknown and otherwise unattested to in any ancient writing. Nevertheless, there have Document [5](Title: Beware (Big Sean song)) themes of infidelity and breaking up. Upon release "Beware" was met with generally positive reviews from music critics; who praised the song's musical direction and the inclusion of Jhene Aiko. Commercially the song fared well reaching the top forty of US "Billboard" Hot 100 and the top ten of the US Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart, since its release the song has been certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America. An accompanying music video was directed by Matthew Williams and premiered on August 16, 2013, on Vevo, the video was later named one of "The 15 Best Hip-Hop Videos Document [6](Title: Rivers of Babylon) In the Rastafarian faith , the term '' Babylon '' is used for any governmental system which is either oppressive or unjust . In Jamaica , Rastafarians also use '' Babylon '' to refer to the police , often seen as a source of oppression because they arrest members for the use of marijuana ( which is sacramental for Rastafarians ) . Therefore , '' By the rivers of Babylon '' refers to living in a repressive society and the longing for freedom , just like the Israelites in captivity . Rastafarians also identify themselves as belonging to the Twelve Tribes of Israel . The original version specifically refers to Rastafarian belief in Haile Selassie , by changing references to '' the Lord '' in the Biblical text to '' Far - I '' and '' King Alpha '' . Both terms refer to Selassie ( Selassie 's wife Menen Asfaw is known as Queen Omega ) . In addition , the term '' the wicked '' replaces the neutral '' they '' of Psalm 137 in the line '' they that carried us away captive required of us a song ... '' . According to David Stowe , Document [7](Title: White Horse (Jessica 6 song)) Guardian", Michael Cragg felt that the song creates a "fresh take on 70s disco and filtered house with a dash of funk. But while Hercules & Love Affair sound like they now lack a distinctive vocalist, Jessica 6 are elevated by Ruiz's smoky, melancholic voice." Likewise, Robin Murray of "Clash" noticed a "definite pop touch, but that doesn’t discredit some fantastic production." The music video for "White Horse" was directed by Marco Avando and aided by Ava Sanjurjo. Nomi Ruiz explained in an interview with Brightest Young Things, the main idea behind the music video of "White Horse." She said Question: girl from beast and the harlot music video Answer:
Elizabeth Melendez
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: History of the Philippines (1521-1898)) The history of the Philippines from 1521 to 1898 , also known as the Spanish colonial period , a period that spans during the Captaincy General of the Philippines located in the collection of Islands in Southeast Asia that was colonized by Spain known as ' Las Islas Filipinas ' , under New Spain until Mexican independence which gave Madrid direct control over the area . It was also known as Spanish East Indies to the colonialist . It started with the arrival in 1521 of European explorer Ferdinand Magellan sailing for Spain , which heralded the period when the Philippines was a colony of the Spanish Empire , and ended with the outbreak of the Philippine Revolution in 1898 , which marked the beginning of the American colonial era of Philippine history . Document [1](Title: History of the Philippines (1521-1898)) The history of the Philippines from 1521 to 1898 , also known as the Spanish Colonial Period , began with the arrival in 1521 of European explorer Ferdinand Magellan sailing for Spain , which heralded the period when the Philippines was a colony of the Spanish Empire , and ended with the outbreak of the Spanish -- American War in 1898 , which marked the beginning of the American Colonial Era of Philippine history . Document [2](Title: Spanish influence on Filipino culture) Spanish influence on Filipino culture The Spanish influence on Filipino culture has been profound, having originated from the Spanish East Indies. A variety of aspects of the customs and traditions in the Philippines today can be traced back to this influence. Spanish settlement in the Philippines first took place in the 1500s, during the Spanish colonial period of the islands. The conquistador Miguel López de Legazpi founded the first Spanish settlement in Cebu in 1565, and later established Manila as the capital of the Spanish East Indies in 1571. The Philippine Islands are named after King Philip. Spaniards are referred Document [3](Title: Christianity in the Philippines) came across the Philippines while searching for the Spice Islands. Ferdinand Magellan and his men landed in Cebu Island in central Philippines. At this time period, almost nothing was known to the West of the Philippines and so information on most pre-Hispanic societies in the islands date to the early period of Spanish contact. Most Philippine communities, with the exception of the Muslim sultanates in Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago, were fairly small and lacking in complex centralised authority. This absence of centralised power meant that a minority of Spanish explorers were able to convert larger numbers of indigenous peoples Document [4](Title: History of the Philippines) and gave the name Las Islas Filipinas (after Philip II of Spain) to the islands of Samar and Leyte. The name was then extended to the entire archipelago later on in the Spanish era. European colonization began in earnest when Spanish explorer Miguel López de Legazpi arrived from Mexico in 1565 and formed the first European settlements in Cebu. Beginning with just five ships and five hundred men accompanied by Augustinian monks, and further strengthened in 1567 by two hundred soldiers, he was able to repel the Portuguese and create the foundations for the colonization of the Archipelago. In 1571, Document [5](Title: Chinese Filipino) the waning years of Spanish colonization in the Philippines in the 19th century, the Philippines was referred to as an "Anglo-Chinese colony with a Spanish flag" in reference to the majority of the colony's trade and industry being conducted by the Chinese while exports were controlled by British merchants. It was during this period that the population of the "Mestizos de Sangley" (Chinese mestizos) greatly increased. During the Philippine Revolution of 1898, they would eventually refer to themselves as "Filipino", which during that time referred to Spaniards born in the Philippines. The Chinese mestizos would later fan the flames of Document [6](Title: Juan Sebastián Elcano) Antonio" mutinied and returned to Spain. On 28 November 1520, three ships set sail for the Pacific Ocean and about 19 men died before they reached Guam on 6 March 1521. Conflicts with the nearby island of Rota prevented Magellan and Elcano from resupplying their ships with food and water. They eventually gathered enough supplies and continued their journey to the Philippines and remained there for several weeks. Close relationships developed between the Spaniards and the islanders. They took part in converting the Cebuano tribes to Christianity and became involved in tribal warfare between rival Filipino groups in Mactan Island. Document [7](Title: Multiracial) native culture will be adopted, but this is not always the case. These Sino-natives are usually fluent in Malay and English. A smaller number are able to speak Chinese dialects and Mandarin, especially those who have received education in vernacular Chinese schools. The Philippines was a Spanish colony for almost four centuries or 333 years, and by the United States for 46 years. This is the cause of many mixed race Filipinos of Spanish Filipino and Philippine-American descent. After the defeat of Spain during the Spanish–American War in 1898, the Philippines and other remaining Spanish colonies were ceded to the Question: when did the spanish arrived in the philippines Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: If You Could See Me Now (1946 song)) '' If You Could See Me Now '' is a 1946 jazz standard , composed by Tadd Dameron . He wrote it especially for vocalist Sarah Vaughan , a frequent collaborator . Lyrics were written by Carl Sigman and it became one of her signature songs , inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 . Document [1](Title: I See It Now (song)) I See It Now (song) "I See It Now" is a song written by Larry Boone, Paul Nelson and Woody Lee, and recorded by American country music artist Tracy Lawrence. It was released in August 1994 as the first single from his album of the same name. It peaked at number 2 on the U.S. "Billboard" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart and reached number 5 on the Canadian "RPM" Country Tracks chart. It also peaked at number 84 on the U.S. "Billboard" Hot 100 chart. The music video was directed by Marc Ball, and premiered in late 1994. It Document [2](Title: If You See Her) Ronnie Dunn. The album is a counterpart to Reba McEntire's album "If You See Him" (released on the same day), which shared the track "If You See Him/If You See Her". A bonus limited edition EP was made available when consumers bought both "If You See Him" and "If You See Her" at the same time. As listed in liner notes. If You See Her If You See Her is the fifth studio album by country music duo Brooks & Dunn, released in 1998 on Arista Nashville. The album featured five chart singles: "If You See Him/If You See Her" Document [3](Title: Now You See It… (Now You Don't)) Now You See It… (Now You Don't) Now You See It… (Now You Don’t) is Michael Brecker's third album as a leader. It was recorded at the Power Station in New York City. AllMusic awarded the album with 4 stars and its review by Scott Yanow states: "Most of the originals (either by Brecker, Beard, or producer Don Grolnick) project moods rather than feature strong melodies, but Michael Brecker's often-raging tenor makes the most of each opportunity". The album cover is based on a woodcut by the Dutch artist M. C. Escher called "Sky and Water I" (1938). All tracks Document [4](Title: If You Could See Her Through My Eyes) own. Irisa finally tells him what is going on and Nolan reassures her that he will help her and be there for her till they find out what exactly is going on. In the "If You Could See Her Through My Eyes" we can hear the songs: In its original American broadcast, "If You Could See Her Through My Eyes" was watched by 1.48 million; down by 0.13 from the previous episode. "If You could See Her Through My Eyes" received positive reviews. Rowan Kaiser from "The A.V. Club" gave a B rating to the episode saying that the episode Document [5](Title: See You Again (Carrie Underwood song)) of three songs written for the 2010 feature film "". Of the three songs that Underwood, Hodges, and Lindsey co-wrote for the film, the workers behind the project opted to choose "There's a Place For Us." Underwood pushed to include "See You Again" on her fourth studio album, "Blown Away", during the writing process of the album. See You Again is written in the key of A-flat major, with a vocal range from F3 to D5. The song has received positive reviews from music critics. described the song to be "truly a taste of heaven." Kevin John Coyne of Document [6](Title: When Can I See You Again?) video game themes" and clips from "Wreck-It Ralph". Young told AOL Music, "The funniest thing has been actually standing in front of the arcade game with controls, putting the quarter in. It's great to be back and feel like I'm 12 years old again in the arcade." When Can I See You Again? "When Can I See You Again?" is a song recorded by Owl City for the 2012 Walt Disney Animation Studios film "Wreck-It Ralph". It was written and produced by Adam Young, with additional writing from Matt Thiessen and Brian Lee. "When Can I See You Again?" is Document [7](Title: If You Were Still Around) If You Were Still Around "If You Were Still Around" is a song by Welsh musician and composer John Cale. It was written by John Cale together with playwright Sam Shepard. It was originally released on Cale's 1982 album "Music for a New Society". On 27 October 2014, a year after the death of his The Velvet Underground–bandmate Lou Reed, Cale released a new version of this song. For this version was also released music video directed by Abigail Portner. At the beginning of the video Cale is lying on the floor in a fetal position and after he views Question: who wrote the song if you could see me now Answer:
composed by Tadd Dameron
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Dog (zodiac)) Start date End date Heavenly branch 14 February 1934 3 February 1935 Wood Dog 2 February 1946 21 January 1947 Fire Dog 18 February 1958 7 February 1959 Earth Dog 6 February 1970 26 January 1971 Metal Dog 25 January 1982 12 February 1983 Water Dog 10 February 1994 30 January 1995 Wood Dog 29 January 2006 17 February 2007 Fire Dog 16 February 2018 4 February 2019 Earth Dog 2 February 2030 22 January 2031 Metal Dog 22 January 2042 9 February 2043 Water Dog Document [1](Title: Public holidays in South Africa) Date Name Instituted 1 January New Year 's Day 1910 21 March Human Rights Day The Friday before Easter Sunday Good Friday 1910 The Monday following Easter Sunday Family Day 1980 27 April Freedom Day 1 May Workers ' Day 1910 16 June Youth Day 1995 9 August National Women 's Day 1995 24 September Heritage Day 1995 16 December Day of Reconciliation 1995 25 December Christmas Day 1910 26 December Day of Goodwill ( formerly Boxing Day ) 1910 Document [2](Title: Kimeru) 4, 2004 - E.L.L., Nagoya September 5, 2004 - Big Cat, Osaka September 11, 2004 - Shibuya O-East, Tokyo November 3, 2004 - Shibuya-AX, Tokyo November 7, 2004 - E.L.L., Nagoya November 14 - Big Cat, Osaka "Kimeru Tout 2005 "Pleasure!"" February 27, 2005 - Shibuya-AX, Tokyo March 5, 2005 - Ma.Ca.Na, Sendai March 12, 2005 - E.L.L., Nagoya March 13, 2005 - Big Cat, Osaka March 21, 2005 - Drum Be-1, Fukuoka "K's Ark 2005" May 21, 2005 - Shibuya Public Hall, Tokyo "Kimeru-Land Summer Eruption 2005" August 6, 2005 - Drum Be-1, Fukuoka August 7, 2005 - Namikijan Document [3](Title: Doomsday rule) years and January 4 a doomsday during leap years, which can be remembered as "the 3rd during 3 years in 4, and the 4th in the 4th year". For March, one can remember the pseudo-date "March 0", which refers to the day before March 1, i.e. the last day of February. For the months April through December, the even numbered months are covered by the double dates 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, and 12/12, all of which fall on the doomsday. The odd numbered months can be remembered with the mnemonic "I work from 9 to 5 at the 7-11", i.e., Document [4](Title: List of Attack on Titan episodes) Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 25 April 7 , 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 07 ) September 29 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 29 ) 12 April 1 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 01 ) June 17 , 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 17 ) 12 July 23 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 23 ) TBA Document [5](Title: Ooh, Aah & You) -- original air date March 24, 2006 18. Friendship Day (long format) -- original air date April 14, 2006 20. Pirate Day (short format) -- original air date May 5, 2006 2. Loud & Quiet (short format) -- original air date July 29, 2005 3. Banana Power (short format) -- original air date August 12, 2005 4. I Spy Bananas (short format) -- original air date August 30, 2005 8. Monkercise (short format) -- original air date November 4, 2005 9. Monkey Dance (short format) -- original air date December 9, 2005 10. Monkey See, Monkey Do (short format) -- Document [6](Title: Hebrew calendar) 14 June. Because of the displacements, it actually begins on Saturday, 15 June. Odd months have 30 days and even months 29, so the starting dates are 2, 15 July; 3, 13 August; 4, 12 September; 5, 11 October; 6, 10 November; 7, 9 December, and 8, 8 January. The rules are based on the theory that Maimonides explains in his book "Rabbinical Astronomy" – no allowance is made for the secular (centennial) decrease of ½ second in the length of the mean tropical year and the increase of about four yards in the distance between the earth and the Document [7](Title: 2013 Tim Hortons Brier) 2, 1:30 pm" "Saturday, March 2, 6:30 pm" "Sunday, March 3, 8:30 am" "Sunday, March 3, 1:30 pm" "Sunday, March 3, 6:30 pm" "Monday, March 4, 1:30 pm" "Monday, March 4, 6:30 pm" "Tuesday, March 5, 1:30 pm" "Tuesday, March 5, 6:30 pm" "Wednesday, March 6, 1:30 pm" "Wednesday, March 6, 8:00 pm" "Thursday, March 7, 8:30 am" "Thursday, March 7, 1:30 pm" "Thursday, March 7, 7:30 pm" "Friday, March 8, 8:30 am" "Friday, March 8, 1:30 pm" "Friday, March 8, 7:30 pm" "Saturday, March 9, 1:30 pm" "Saturday, March 9, 6:30 pm" "Sunday, March 10, 8:30 am" "Sunday, March Question: when does year of dog start in 2018 Answer:
16 February 2018
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Badge of the Royal Air Force) The badge of the Royal Air Force is the heraldic emblem used to represent the RAF which features an Eagle superimposed on a circlet which is surmounted by a crown . Document [1](Title: Heraldic badges of the Royal Air Force) Heraldic badges of the Royal Air Force Heraldic badges of the Royal Air Force are the insignia of certain commands, squadrons, units, wings, groups, branches and stations within the Royal Air Force. They are also commonly known as crests, especially by serving members of the Royal Air Force, but officially they are badges. Each badge must be approved by the reigning monarch of the time, and as such will either have a King's or Queen's Crown upon the top of the badge, dependent upon which monarch granted approval and the disbandment date of the unit. The approval process involves a Document [2](Title: Royal Air Force Ensign) an RAF vessel on the basis that the RAF Ensign it displayed was illegal. After the incident, air force vessels continued to display the RAF Ensign. The RAF Ensign is flown from the flagstaff of every Royal Air Force station during daylight hours. Ordinarily, it is hoisted and hauled down by the station's duty NCO and saluted by the station's orderly officer. The Ensign may also be hoisted or hauled down during a parade. As the professional head of the RAF, the Chief of the Air Staff may fly the RAF Ensign. Air Attachés and the Heads of RAF Missions Document [3](Title: Royal Air Force Ensign) may also fly the RAF Ensign. It is also flown daily from the Ministry of Defence building in Whitehall, London. In the general British flag precedence, the Royal Air Force Ensign is just below the Royal Navy's White Ensign and just above the Blue and Red Ensigns. The only exception to this rule is when the RAF Ensign is being flown in place of the Union Flag when it takes that flag's precedence. The RAF Ensign may not be used as bunting or decoration, or draped over a coffin, except at civilian funerals. In the latter case, only the Union Document [4](Title: St Clement Danes) altar are plaques listing the names of RAF, Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Service personnel awarded the Victoria Cross and the George Cross. In the gallery hang the Queen's Colours and Standards of active RAF squadrons, (these Colours/Standards having been retired and replaced by newer versions), along with standards of several now disbanded squadrons plus the Royal Banner of the Royal Observer Corps, (most standards of disbanded squadrons hang in the rotunda of the RAF College Cranwell). Pulpits, pews and chairs in the body of the church have been presented by various people, including past chiefs of the Document [5](Title: Operational Service Medal (United Kingdom)) the inscription , on top of a four pointed star representing the four cardinal points of the compass; in between the points, in line with the saltire of the Union Flag, are four coronets, representing the Crown and the three armed services - Royal (top left), Naval (Royal Navy, top right), Mural (British Army, bottom left), and Astral (Royal Air Force, bottom right). The ribbon for each version of the medal follows the same format, with a wide red bar in the centre, flanked on each side by navy blue, and then light blue bars, representing the three services, with Document [6](Title: Aircrew Badge (Nazi)) Air Sports Association used gliders to train men who were still officially civilians for the future Luftwaffe. It was the first qualification badge recognized by the Luftwaffe. The badge came into existence in 1933. To be placed on the lower part of the left breast pocket, it was worn by pilots and observers. It had the national eagle clutching a Nazi swastika at the top and a wreath around the outside rim. The left side of the wreath was composed of oak leaves and the right side of laurel leaves. The wreath pattern was reversed in 1935. The badge was Document [7](Title: Aircrew brevet) (FS), air ordnanceman (AO), and parachute jump instructor (a parachute). Air electronics operator (AE) and Helicopter crewman (HC) are obsolete. <section end=content/> </onlyinclude> Aircrew brevet <onlyinclude> An aircrew brevet (officially known as an aircrew badge) is the badge worn on the left breast, above any medal ribbons, by qualified aircrew in the Royal Air Force, British Army, Indian Air Force, Pakistan Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force, Australian Army, Royal Australian Air Force, Royal New Zealand Air Force, South African Air Force and Sri Lanka Air Force. <section begin=content/> In the RAF, the aircrew brevet, commonly referred to as wings, Question: what is the bird on the raf badge Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Blind Side (film)) The Blind Side is a 2009 American biographical sports drama film written and directed by John Lee Hancock , based on the 2006 book The Blind Side : Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis . The storyline features Michael Oher , an offensive lineman who was drafted by the Baltimore Ravens of the NFL . The film follows Oher from his impoverished upbringing , through his years at Wingate Christian School ( a fictional representation of Briarcrest Christian School in Memphis , Tennessee ) , his adoption by Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy , to his position as one of the most highly coveted prospects in college football , then finally becoming a first - round pick of the Ravens . Document [1](Title: The Blind Side (film)) number of nominees. The change was interpreted as a response to films like "The Blind Side" being nominated for Best Picture to fill up the set number of spots. The movie features 23 songs by artists including Les Paul, Young MC, Lucy Woodward, The Books, Canned Heat, Five for Fighting, and the film's co-star Tim McGraw. However, while the score soundtrack by Carter Burwell was released on CD, none of the featured songs were included. "The Blind Side" was released on DVD and Blu-ray on March 23, 2010. "The Blind Side" was available exclusively for rental from Blockbuster for 28 Document [2](Title: Blind Spot (1958 film)) Blind Spot (1958 film) Blind Spot is a 1958 British drama film directed by Peter Maxwell and starring Robert MacKenzie, Delphi Lawrence, Gordon Jackson, John Le Mesurier and Michael Caine in an early screen appearance. Laid up in a military hospital waiting for an operation, U.S. Army Captain Dan Adams (Robert MacKenzie), has lost his sight due to a head injury. While his doctors are waiting for his injury to heal before proceeding, Adams is driven off the base to a party but is dropped off at the wrong address. Entering the house, he stumbles over a body and startles Document [3](Title: Colour Blind (film)) Colour Blind (film) Colour Blind is a 2009 short film starring Wil Johnson and Robert Cavanah. The premise of the film is based on the suggestion that "white people often never see skin colour, but black people always do". "Colour Blind" had its official press screening at the Odeon Leicester Square on Monday 23 March 2009 and its UK premiere at the British Urban Film Festival on Saturday 3 October 2009 at Oxford House Cinema Bethnal Green London. Through a chance encounter, two men meet through a mutual friend, Peter, who is arriving late for their meeting. John (Robert Cavanah) Document [4](Title: Blinder (film)) shoot beginning 20 February 2012 in Torquay, Victoria, Australia, before moving to Boston, Massachusetts, US. Well Go USA released "Blinder" in US theaters and on digital HD simultaneously on 7 November 2014. "Blinder" was not a commercial success, taking $47,394 on its opening weekend. The film was shown on 99 screens, giving it an average of $478 per screen. The film was negatively reviewed by critics. SBS critic Don Groves gave the film 2 stars out of 5, saying it was "an uninspiring, B-grade effort". Film critic Luke Buckmaster, writing for Crikey, said, "Without a trace of self-awareness, Blinder stakes Document [5](Title: Royal National College for the Blind) football team, which is supported by the Football Association and coached by former professional footballer Tony Larkin. The game is played as a five-a-side match using a ball filled with ballbearings to enable players to hear its position. Teams consist of four blind players and a sighted goalkeeper who offers directions along with the coach and a sighted guide behind the opposition goalpost. RNC is helping to develop a national blind football league. In 2010 RNC hosted the World Blind Football Championship at its campus. The tournament got under way on Saturday 14 August with the opening match between England Document [6](Title: Michael Cornacchia) Michael Cornacchia Michael Cornacchia (born February 23, 1975) is an American actor. Michael graduated from Conestoga High School in Berwyn, Pennsylvania, and the University of Southern California with a degree in theatre. He has appeared on television shows including "ER", "The Practice", "Six Feet Under", and "". He did a pilot for CBS called, "Blind Men" and one for NBC called, "Spellbound". Michael was also in the famous internet series, "", which was written and directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber. Michael was also in the Academy Award Nominated Short, "Our Time is Up", written and directed by Rob Pearlstein. He Document [7](Title: 2008 Maryland Terrapins football team) while 2008 was more forgiving by comparison, several key players were injured. Starting cornerback Kevin Barnes suffered a season-ending scapular fracture against Wake Forest and missed the last six games. Sophomore LaQuan Williams and true freshman Kevin Dorsey, both wide receivers, sat out the entire season due to leg and foot injuries, respectively. Leading receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey sat out the Boston College game due to a calf injury, and leading rusher Da'Rel Scott suffered a left shoulder injury in the third game against California, which plagued him throughout the season, although he missed just one game. Running back Morgan Green, Question: who is the film the blind side based on Answer:
Michael Oher
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Dennis the Menace (film)) Mason Gamble as Dennis Mitchell , a mischievous 5 - year - old boy Walter Matthau as George Wilson , a neighbor and Martha 's husband Joan Plowright as Martha Wilson , George 's wife Christopher Lloyd as Switchblade Sam , a burglar Robert Stanton as Henry Mitchell , Alice 's husband and Dennis ' father Lea Thompson as Alice Mitchell , Henry 's wife and Dennis ' mother Amy Sakasitz as Margaret Wade , Dennis ' friend Kellen Hathaway as Joey McDonald , Dennis ' friend Paul Winfield as Chief of Police Ben Stein as Boss ( only as a cameo shot at a meeting ) Natasha Lyonne as Polly Devin Ratray as Mickey Hank Johnston as Gunther Beckman Melinda Mullins as Andrea Billie Bird as Edith Butterwell Bill Erwin as Edward Little Arnold Stang as the Photographer Jeannie Russell as Neighbor Document [1](Title: The Magical Place) Hooks directing. In December 2014, Marvel revealed that main cast members Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Brett Dalton, Chloe Bennet, Iain De Caestecker, and Elizabeth Henstridge would star as Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Grant Ward, Skye, Leo Fitz, and Jemma Simmons, respectively. It was also revealed that the guest cast for the episode would include Saffron Burrows as Agent Victoria Hand, Ron Glass as Dr. Streiten, Ruth Negga as Raina, Rob Huebel as Lloyd Rathman, Aiden Turner as Vanchat, Felisha Terrell as Emily Deville, Cullen Douglas as Po. Burrows, Glass, Negga, and Douglas reprise their roles from earlier in the series. Document [2](Title: Criminal Minds (season 1)) Kids", Will Rothhaar guest-starred as Cory Bridges, a cult killer who murdered two high school students. In the episode "Blood Hungry", Kris Lemche guest-starred as cannibalistic spree killer, Eddie Mays, and Lindsay Crouse played his mother, Mary. In the episode "What Fresh Hell?", Ned Vaughn guest-starred as Donald Curtis, a pedophile who abducts an eleven-year-old girl named Belinda Copeland. In the episode "Poison", Nick Jameson guest-starred as Edward Hill, a serial killer who murders people with poisonous drugs. In the episode "Riding the Lightning", Jeannetta Arnette guest-starred as Sarah Jean Mason, an inmate on death row who is determined to Document [3](Title: Last Man Standing (U.S. TV series)) Paul F. Tompkins as Chester McAllister Cassandra Peterson as Elvira Nick Jonas as Ryan in his first appearance Tony Hawk as himself Jamie - Lynn Sigler as Gabriella Alzate , one of Ed 's five daughters ( not including the war baby ) Andrew Daly as Mr. Peckem Kim Kardashian as herself Tony Stewart as himself Mike Rowe as Jimmy Baxter , Mike 's younger brother Frankie Muniz as Richard , who works at the bank where Mike and his brother Jimmy go to ask for a loan Melanie Paxson as Liz Richard Karn as Bill McKendree . Karn portrayed Al Borland , co-worker and friend to Tim Allen 's character on Home Improvement Si Robertson as Uncle Ray Willie Robertson as Brody Michael Gross as Mr. Hardin Patricia Richardson as Helen Potts , the Baxters ' widowed neighbor . Richardson portrayed Jill Taylor , the wife of Tim Allen 's character in Home Improvement Jere Burns as Victor Vogelson , Ryan 's estranged father Blake Clark as Clark , the owner of a club in which Eve performed . Clark played Harry Turner , Tim 's friend and owner of the hardware store on Home Improvement Robin Roberts as Teresa , a tank mechanic and Persian Gulf War veteran Reba McEntire as Billie Cassidy , Mike 's mountain - climbing former girlfriend Bill Engvall as Reverend Paul , the new pastor of the Baxter family 's church . Nancy Travis played Bill 's wife Susan on three seasons of The Bill Engvall Show . Brad Leland as Wayne Sizemore Document [4](Title: Borderlands (series)) portrayed in video by Brittani Johnson) is in the sequel revealed to be Jack's daughter. Also appearing across multiple games are several NPCs who act as vendors and quest-givers. They include the erratic researcher Patricia Tannis (Colleen Clinkenbeard), the garage owner and mechanic Scooter (Michael Neumann), the bartender and entrepreneur Mad Moxxi (Brina Palencia), the 13-year-old demolitions expert Tiny Tina (Ashly Burch), the gun company founder Mr. Torgue High-Five Flexington (Chris Rager), the gentleman hunter Sir Alistair Hammerlock (J. Michael Tatum), the junk dealer Janey Springs (Catherine Moore), the shady surgeon Dr. Zed (Ric Spiegel) and the gun merchant Marcus Document [5](Title: Orientation (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)) those kind of powers and have great limitations and they're separated to a certain extent, so finding a way to reestablish themselves as a team is a big, big part of the beginning.” In October 2017, Marvel confirmed that principal cast members Gregg as Phil Coulson, Ming-Na Wen as Melinda May, Chloe Bennet as Daisy Johnson / Quake, Iain De Caestecker as Leo Fitz, Elizabeth Henstridge as Jemma Simmons and Henry Simmons as Alphonso "Mack" MacKenzie. They are joined by Natalia Cordova-Buckley as Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez, who is promoted from her recurring role in the third and fourth seasons. Jeff Document [6](Title: Chicago Crossover) on September 29, 2014 that three members of "Chicago P.D.'s" cast would be guest starring in the "SVU" hour; Sophia Bush (portraying Detective Erin Lindsay), Jesse Lee Soffer (portraying Detective Jay Halstead), and Jason Beghe (portraying Sergeant Henry "Hank" Voight). On November 10, 2014, "TV Guide" noted that Lou Taylor Pucci would be portraying Lindsay's estranged half-brother, Teddy Courtney. Pucci guest starred in a Warren Leight written episode of "", "Cruise to Nowhere" as Joey Frost. The showrunners mention in their interviews that the same togetherness the cast showed on-screen, they had it behind the scenes as well. "The most Document [7](Title: Face My Enemy) series to be directed by Tancharoen, the brother of showrunner Maurissa Tancharoen. In September 2014, Marvel revealed that main cast members Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Brett Dalton, Chloe Bennet, Iain De Caestecker, Elizabeth Henstridge, and Nick Blood would star as Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Grant Ward, Skye, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, and Lance Hunter, respectively. It was also revealed that the guest cast for the episode would include Henry Simmons as "Mack", Adrian Pasdar as Talbot, Simon Kassianides as Bakshi, Maya Stojan as Agent 33, Diego Serrano as Gabriel Soto, Lance Irwin as Guard, Isaac Montgomery as Guard #2, Alyce Question: who played mrs wilson in dennis the menace movie Answer:
Joan Plowright
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: History of mental disorders) Asylum superintendents sought to improve the image and medical status of their profession . Asylum '' inmates '' were increasingly referred to as '' patients '' and asylums renamed as hospitals . Referring to people as having a '' mental illness '' dates from this period in the early 20th century . Document [1](Title: Straitjacket) meant to be places of refuge, were called "insane asylums". Between 1825 and 1865, the number of asylums in the United States increased from nine to sixty-two. The establishment of asylums did not mean treatment improved. Because doctors did not understand what caused the behavior of their patients, they often listed the possible causes of mental illness as religious excitement, sunstroke, or even reading novels. They believed the patient had lost all control over their morals and strict discipline was necessary to help the patient regain self-control. Asylums often employed straitjackets to restrain patients who could not control themselves. Many Document [2](Title: Lunatic asylum) Lunatic asylum The rise of the lunatic asylum and its gradual transformation into, and eventual replacement by, the modern psychiatric hospital, explains the rise of organised, institutional psychiatry. While there were earlier institutions that housed the "insane", the conclusion that institutionalisation was the correct solution to treating people considered to be "mad" was part of a social process in the 19th century that began to seek solutions for outside families and local communities. In Britain at the beginning of the 19th century, there were, perhaps, a few thousand "lunatics" housed in a variety of disparate institutions but by the beginning Document [3](Title: Homelessness and mental health) with the proliferation of immigrants throughout industrialization, the original purpose of asylums as small facilities transformed into their actualized use as "large, custodial institutions" throughout the late 1840s. Overcrowding severely inhibited the therapeutic capacity, inciting a political reassessment period about alternatives to asylums around the 1870s. The legislative purpose of state asylums soon met the role society had funneled them toward; they primarily became institutions for community protection, with treatment secondary. As debates regarding the deteriorating role of American asylums and psychiatry amplified around the turn of the century, new reformation arose. With the founding of the National Committee for Document [4](Title: Asylum architecture in the United States of America) Asylum architecture in the United States of America Asylum Architecture in the United States, including the architecture of psychiatric hospitals, affected the changing methods of treating the mentally ill in the nineteenth century: the architecture was considered part of the cure. Doctors believed that ninety percent of insanity cases were curable, but only if treated outside the home, in large-scale buildings. Nineteenth-century psychiatrists considered the architecture of asylums, especially their planning, to be one of the most powerful tools for the treatment of the insane, targeting social as well as biological factors to facilitate the treatment of mental illnesses. The Document [5](Title: Yarra Bend Asylum) in October 1867. From its establishment until 1905 the institution at Yarra Bend was known as an asylum. This title emphasised its function as a place of refuge rather than a hospital which provided treatment for mentally ill people who could possibly be cured. The Lunacy Act 1903 (No.1873) changed the title of all "asylums" to "hospitals for the insane". This Act came into operation in 1905. Despite the change in designation the function and structure of the agency was unchanged. The title was altered to reflect the community's changing attitude towards mental illness and the Victorian Government's approach to Document [6](Title: Parramatta Female Factory and Institutions Precinct) the staff: "great cleanliness and order were evident in every part; no doubt the best is done for the patients, under the existing circumstances". The evolution of mental health care is reflected in the changing names of the Lunatic Asylum; it was renamed progressively the Hospital for the Insane in 1869, Parramatta Mental Hospital in 1915, Parramatta Psychiatric Centre and then finally the Cumberland Hospital in 1983. Reforms, constructions and staff changes followed many instances of public discussion, scandal and debate. However, the most significant change occurred following the broader public debates and government inquiries into mental health treatment in Document [7](Title: Psychiatric hospital) or campaigned against conditions in mental hospitals or their use, voluntarily or involuntarily. The mental patient liberation movement emphatically opposes involuntary treatment but generally does not have any issue with any psychiatric treatments that are consensual, provided that both parties are free to withdraw consent at any time. "To see lists of individual establishments: view the categorical index for Psychiatric hospitals; which appears at the very bottom of this article." Psychiatric hospital Psychiatric hospitals, also known as mental hospitals, mental health units, mental asylums or simply asylums, are hospitals or wards specializing in the treatment of serious mental disorders, such Question: when was the term mental illness first used Answer:
the early 20th century
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)) '' Much Too Young ( To Feel This Damn Old ) '' is a debut single recorded by American country music artist Garth Brooks . It was released in March 1989 as the first single from his self - titled debut album . It was also featured on The Garth Brooks Collection , The Hits and The Ultimate Hits . It was co-written by Garth Brooks and Randy Taylor . In the U.S. , the song peaked at # 8 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart . Document [1](Title: More Than a Memory) on radio airplay alone. Since airplay usually builds at a more gradual rate than record sales do, very high debuts are less likely to occur on airplay-only charts such as Hot Country Songs. In addition to its chart-topping debut, the song was Brooks's first #1 single on "Billboard" since "To Make You Feel My Love" in 1998 (see 1998 in country music). After its debut week, "More Than a Memory" fell to #8, and after slipping to #10, it began to climb, eventually rebounding to #2 for the chart weeks of December 8 and 15 before falling out of the Document [2](Title: Old Enough to Know Better (song)) male narrator tells of how a lifestyle of nighttime partying leaves him short on money and criticized by his boss. The narrator then concludes that he is "old enough to know better, but still too young to care". Alanna Nash of "Entertainment Weekly", in her review of the album, called the song "a born-to-win dance number", and Charlotte Dillon of Allmusic called it "an impressive honky-tonk [number]". "Old Enough to Know Better" debuted at number 64 on the U.S. "Billboard" Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the week of November 19, 1994. Old Enough to Know Better (song) "Old Enough Document [3](Title: It's Too Late (Carole King song)) It's Too Late (Carole King song) "It's Too Late" is a rock ballad from Carole King's 1971 album "Tapestry". Toni Stern wrote the lyrics and King wrote the music. It was released as a single in April 1971 and reached number 1 on the "Billboard" Hot 100 and Adult Contemporary charts. Sales were later gold-certified by the RIAA. "Billboard" ranked "It's Too Late" and its fellow A-side, "I Feel the Earth Move", as the No. 3 record for 1971. The lyrics describe the blameless end of a loving relationship. Music critic Dave Marsh saw implicit feminism because the woman left Document [4](Title: It's Too Late (Carole King song)) and the song is included in Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. The song has been covered by "It's Too Late" has been featured in Hollywood films, including "Fandango" (1985), "The Lake House" (2006), and "Invincible" (2006). "It's Too Late" was the third promotional (US), and fourth overall single released by Gloria Estefan on her fourth studio album "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me". It's Too Late (Carole King song) "It's Too Late" is a rock ballad from Carole King's 1971 album "Tapestry". Toni Stern wrote the lyrics and King wrote the music. It was released as a Document [5](Title: World Tour (Garth Brooks)) leaves the stage once again. Brooks then returns, often unaccompanied, for what he dubs the "housekeeping segment", in which he scans the crowd for fans with signs requesting songs, performing them acoustically. In some instances (such as the Atlanta concerts in September 2014), he may also perform acoustic covers of songs like "Amarillo By Morning", "Night Moves", and "Piano Man". Regardless, the encore set commonly concludes with the band returning to perform "Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)", or another classic song. During the second concert of the tour in Rosemont, Illinois on September 5, 2014, Kelly Clarkson Document [6](Title: I Feel So Bad (Chuck Willis song)) No.15 on Billboard's Top 20 R&B Singles chart the same year. The song, which was released on a double A-side single in the UK (c/w "Wild in the Country"), reached No.4 on the UK singles chart, also in 1961. Blues singer Little Milton recorded a soul blues version, titled simply "Feel So Bad," in 1967. It rose to #7 R&B and #91 pop. The band Cactus recorded it on their 1971 Atco release "One Way... or Another". This song has since been covered by Delbert McClinton (Plain' From The Heart 1981), Rory Gallagher (BBC Sessions 1972 ), & Big Dave Document [7](Title: Too Much Fun) She goes on to say that the track has "lots of energy and is highlighted by some blazing harmonica, and Singletary's voice rides the crest of fun with good-old fashioned down-home charm." The music video was directed by Steven T. Miller with R. Brad Muranoand and premiered in November 1995. "Too Much Fun" debuted at number 63 on the U.S. "Billboard" Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the week of December 9, 1995. Too Much Fun "Too Much Fun" is a song written by Curtis Wright and Jeff Knight, and recorded by American country music singer Daryle Singletary. It was Question: who wrote much too young to feel this old Answer:
Garth Brooks
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: World War II) World War II ( often abbreviated to WWII or WW2 ) , also known as the Second World War , was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945 , although conflicts reflecting the ideological clash between what would become the Allied and Axis blocs began earlier . The vast majority of the world 's countries -- including all of the great powers -- eventually formed two opposing military alliances : the Allies and the Axis . It was the most global war in history ; it directly involved more than 100 million people from over 30 countries . In a state of total war , the major participants threw their entire economic , industrial , and scientific capabilities behind the war effort , blurring the distinction between civilian and military resources . World War II was the deadliest conflict in human history , marked by 50 to 85 million fatalities , most of whom were civilians in the Soviet Union and China . It included massacres , the genocide of the Holocaust , strategic bombing , premeditated death from starvation and disease and the only use of nuclear weapons in war . Document [1](Title: World War II) marked by 50 to 85 million fatalities, most of whom were civilians in the Soviet Union and China. It included massacres, the genocide of the Holocaust, strategic bombing, premeditated death from starvation and disease, and the only use of nuclear weapons in war. Japan, which aimed to dominate Asia and the Pacific, was at war with China by 1937, though neither side had declared war on the other. World War II is generally said to have begun on 1 September 1939, with the invasion of Poland by Germany and subsequent declarations on Germany by France and the United Kingdom. From Document [2](Title: World War III) destruction, could potentially make Earth's surface uninhabitable. Prior to the beginning of the Second World War, the First World War (1914–1918) was believed to have been the "war to end all wars," as it was popularly believed that never again could there possibly be a global conflict of such magnitude. During the inter-war period between the two world wars, WWI was typically referred to simply as "The Great War." The outbreak of World War II in 1939 disproved the hope that mankind might have already "outgrown" the need for such widespread global wars. With the advent of the Cold War Document [3](Title: Russia) "Great Patriotic War". The Soviet Union together with the United States, the United Kingdom and China were considered as the Big Four of Allied powers in World War II and later became the Four Policemen which was the foundation of the United Nations Security Council. During this war, which included many of the most lethal battle operations in human history, Soviet military and civilian deaths were 10.6 million and 15.9 million respectively, accounting for about a third of all World War II casualties. The full demographic loss to the Soviet peoples was even greater. The Soviet economy and infrastructure suffered Document [4](Title: Aftermath of World War II) Aftermath of World War II The Aftermath of World War II was the beginning of an era defined by the decline of all European colonial empires and the simultaneous rise of two superpowers: the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (USA). Allies during World War II, the USA and the USSR became competitors on the world stage and engaged in the Cold War, so called because it never resulted in overt, declared hot war between the two powers but was instead characterized by espionage, political subversion and proxy wars. Western Europe and Japan were rebuilt through the American Marshall Document [5](Title: British Armed Forces) defeat of the Central Powers, the end of the German Empire, the Treaty of Versailles and the establishment of the League of Nations. Although Germany had been defeated during the First World War, by 1933 fascism had given rise to Nazi Germany, which under the leadership of Adolf Hitler re-militarised in defiance of the Treaty of Versailles. Once again tensions accumulated in European relations, and following Germany's invasion of Poland in September 1939, the Second World War began (1939–1945). The conflict was the most widespread in British history, with British Empire and Commonwealth troops fighting in campaigns from Europe and Document [6](Title: The Second World War (book)) The Second World War (book) The Second World War is a narrative history of World War II by British historian Antony Beevor. The book starts with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931, and covers the entire Second World War ending with the final surrender of Axis forces. In the introduction, Beevor tells the tale of Yang Kyoungjong, a Korean soldier forcibly conscripted by the Kwantung Army, then in turn taken prisoner by the Red Army and the Wehrmacht, eventually being captured by American troops. He also discusses the background of the war, including the rise of Nazism in post-World Document [7](Title: Pacifism) only person to vote no to America's entrance into both World Wars. After the immense loss of nearly ten million men to trench warfare, a sweeping change of attitude toward militarism crashed over Europe, particularly in nations like Great Britain where many of its citizens questioned why it was involved in the war. After World War One's official end in 1918, peace movements across the continent and the United States renewed, gradually gaining popularity among young Europeans who grew up in the shadow of Europe's trauma over the Great War. Organisations formed in this period included the War Resisters' International Question: in which year did the second world war start Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Tom and Jerry) William Hanna and Joseph Barbera were both part of the Rudolf Ising unit at the MGM cartoon studio in the late 1930s . After the financial disaster of a series of MGM cartoons based upon the Captain and the Kids comic strip characters , Barbera , a storyman and character designer , was paired ( out of desperation ) with Hanna , an experienced director , to start directing films for the Ising unit . In their first discussion for a cartoon , Barbera suggested a cat - and - mouse cartoon titled Puss Gets the Boot . '' We knew we needed two characters . We thought we needed conflict , and chase and action . And a cat after a mouse seemed like a good , basic thought , '' as he recalled in an interview . Hanna and other employees complained that the idea was n't very original ; nevertheless , the short was completed in late 1939 , and released to theaters on February 10 , 1940 . Puss Gets The Boot centers on Jasper , a gray tabby cat trying to catch a mouse named Jinx ( whose name is not mentioned within the cartoon itself ) , but after accidentally breaking a houseplant and its stand , the African American housemaid Mammy has threatened to throw Jasper out if he breaks one more thing in the house . Naturally , Jinx uses this to his advantage , and begins tossing any and everything fragile , so that Jasper will be thrown outside . Puss Gets The Boot was previewed and released without fanfare , and Hanna and Barbera went on to direct other non-cat - and - mouse related shorts such as Gallopin ' Gals ( 1940 ) and Officer Pooch ( 1941 ) . '' After all , '' remarked many of the MGM staffers , '' have n't there been enough cat - and - mouse cartoons already ? '' Document [1](Title: William Hanna) cartoons. Surprised by the success of "Puss Gets the Boot", Hanna and Barbera ignored Quimby's resistance and continued developing the cat-and-mouse theme. By this time, however, Hanna wanted to return to working for Ising, to whom he felt very loyal. Hanna and Barbera met with Quimby, who discovered that although Ising had taken sole credit for producing "Puss Gets the Boot", he never actually worked on it. Quimby then gave Hanna and Barbera permission to pursue their cat-and-mouse idea. The result was their most famous creation, "Tom and Jerry". Modeled after the "Puss Gets the Boot" characters with slight differences, Document [2](Title: Puss Gets the Boot) differ from the later entries in the series, which named Tom and Jerry after a holiday cocktail; in "Puss Gets the Boot", Jerry has not yet been named publicly (design sheets referred to the mouse by the name Jinx), while the cat, for the first and only time in the series, bears the name Jasper. Blu-ray DVD VHS Puss Gets the Boot Puss Gets the Boot is a 1940 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the first short in the "Tom and Jerry" cartoon series, though the duo are not identified as such in this short. It was directed by Document [3](Title: Puss n' Toots) Puss n' Toots Puss n' Toots is a 1942 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the 6th "Tom and Jerry" short. It was produced in Technicolor and released to theatres on May 30, 1942 by Metro-Goldwyn Mayer and re-issued on April 24, 1948 and again on August 8, 1958. It was animated by Pete Burness, George Gordon, Jack Zander, Irven Spence, and Bill Littlejohn with additional animation by Ray Abrams. The name of the short is an allusion to the fairy tale Puss 'n' Boots. Tom is watching Jerry fruitlessly trying to escape a bowl until the doorbell rings. Tom Document [4](Title: The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show) The version by Filmation (Hanna-Barbera's leading competitor for TV animation at the time) was able to restore the familiar slapstick chase format, and reintroduced not only Tyke and Nibbles, but also some of the other MGM stars. Half hour shows would consist of two seven-minute Tom and Jerry episodes, plus one Droopy cartoon in the middle, featuring some other characters such as Barney Bear. Spike from Tom and Jerry was used in many of these Droopy episodes as well, filling in for the other "Spike" bulldog created by Tex Avery for the old Droopy films, who was not used as Document [5](Title: Ken Spears) on-staff writers for Hanna-Barbera, Sid and Marty Krofft Television Productions and DePatie–Freleng Enterprises. For Hanna-Barbera, Spears and Ruby created "Scooby-Doo", "Dynomutt, Dog Wonder", and "Jabberjaw", among other programs. At Depatie-Freleng, they created "The Barkleys" and "The Houndcats". In the early 1970s, CBS president of children's programming Fred Silverman hired Spears and Ruby to supervise the production of CBS's Saturday morning cartoon lineup, a position they assumed at ABC when Silverman defected to that network. Wanting to create competition for Hanna-Barbera, ABC set Ruby and Spears up with their own studio in 1977, as a subsidiary of Filmways. Ruby-Spears Productions produced Document [6](Title: Cartoon Alley) Turner's hands by this point), but during the show's first season "Cartoon Alley" featured shorts from the Gaumont Film Company. Many recognizable characters have been featured in at least one episode such as Bugs Bunny, Woody Woodpecker, Popeye, Felix The Cat, Porky Pig, Andy Panda, Tom and Jerry, Droopy, Screwy Squirrel, Barney Bear, Spike, George and Junior, and others not so famous such as Goopy Geer and The Captain and the Kids. The shorts often appeared uncut and uncensored (a few cartoons utilized cuts for content), and the more controversial cartoons (such as "Hiawatha's Rabbit Hunt" and "Half-Pint Pygmy") were Document [7](Title: Mr. & Mrs. J. Evil Scientist) Snooper and Blabber cartoons, including "Snap Happy Saps", "Surprised Party", and "Chilly Chiller". They also appeared in a February 20, 1961 "Snagglepuss" cartoon titled "Fraidy Cat Lion". A second version of the Evil Scientist family named The Gruesomes appeared as "The Flintstones'" next-door neighbors. A third incarnation of the family, which combined elements of both the Evil Scientists and Gruesomes, named The Creepleys appeared on "Laff-A-Lympics". A couple based on Mr. and Mrs. J. Evil Scientist appear in an episode of "A Pup Named Scooby-Doo" titled ""Snow Place Like Home"". In the episode, Scooby-Doo and the gang travel on a Question: when did the first tom and jerry cartoon air Answer:
February 10 , 1940
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Hot in Herre) '' Hot in Herre '' Single by Nelly from the album Nellyville Released April 16 , 2002 ( 2002 - 04 - 16 ) Format 12 '' CD MCD Genre Hip hop Length 3 : 49 Label Universal Fo ' Reel Songwriter ( s ) Cornell Haynes , Jr . Pharrell Williams Chad Hugo Charles L. Brown Producer ( s ) The Neptunes Nelly singles chronology '' # 1 '' ( 2002 ) '' Hot in Herre '' ( 2002 ) '' Dilemma '' ( 2002 ) '' # 1 '' ( 2002 ) '' Hot in Herre '' ( 2002 ) '' Dilemma '' ( 2002 ) Document [1](Title: Sweatsuit (album)) Sweatsuit (album) Sweatsuit is a compilation album by American rapper Nelly, released on November 22, 2005. The album consists of tracks from his 2004 simultaneous album releases, "Sweat" and "Suit". The US edition of the compilation also includes four extra tracks, including "Fly Away" from the soundtrack of the 2005 film "The Longest Yard", the single "Grillz" featuring rappers Paul Wall and Ali & Gipp, The Notorious B.I.G. single "Nasty Girl" and "Tired" featuring Avery Storm. "Sweatsuit" charted on the US "Billboard" 200 chart, peaking at number 26. Internationally, the compilation peaked at number 22 on the Australian Albums Chart, Document [2](Title: Nelly) Awards in 2003 and 2004 and had a supporting role in the 2005 remake film "The Longest Yard" with Adam Sandler and Chris Rock. He has two clothing lines, Vokal and Apple Bottoms. He has been referred to by Peter Shapiro as "one of the biggest stars of the new millennium", and the RIAA ranks Nelly as the fourth best-selling rap artist in American music history, with 21 million albums sold in the United States. On December 11, 2009, "Billboard" ranked Nelly the number three Top Artist of the Decade. Nelly was born in Austin, Texas, where his father was Document [3](Title: Hot Rap Songs) Hot Rap Songs Hot Rap Songs (formerly known as Hot Rap Tracks and Hot Rap Singles, and also known as Rap Airplay) is a chart released weekly by "Billboard" in the United States. It lists the 25 most popular hip-hop/rap songs, calculated weekly by airplay on rhythmic and urban radio stations and sales in hip hop-focused or exclusive markets. Streaming data and digital downloads were added to the methodology of determining chart rankings in 2012. From 1989 through 2001, it was based on how much the single sold in that given week. The most weeks at number one was "Hot Document [4](Title: Kuya Productions) developing their craft as songwriters and producers. In 2004, Kuya Productions had produced on two U.S. Top 10 albums including the No.1 Grammy nominated Album Suit (album) for hip hop artist Nelly, as well as Mase's Welcome Back (Mase album) album. Both would do extremely well with Nelly reaching 3 million in sales world wide (3x platinum) and Mase hitting gold (500 000 units). Big Jon Platt from EMI Music Publishing signed them on in 2005. Kuya Production's official releases include Jesse McCartney, Kandi Burruss, Big Time Rush, Jordin Sparks, Girlicious, and Slim (singer) of 112 among others. The year Document [5](Title: Hot Tottie) Hot Tottie "Hot Tottie" is a song by recording artist Usher. It was written by Usher, Ester Dean, Jay-Z and Polow da Don, with the latter producing it. The song features guest vocals from rapper Jay-Z and background vocals by Ester Dean. It is the second single in the United States and Canada from his EP, "Versus", which is an extension of his sixth studio album, "Raymond v. Raymond". The song was sent to rhythmic and urban airplay on August 9, 2010. "Hot Tottie" samples Big Tymers's "Big Ballin'" off their 1998 album "How You Luv That Vol. 2". "Hot Document [6](Title: Lost Without U) atop the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay chart. The single was also popular in the United Kingdom, where it peaked at number 11 in the UK Singles Chart in July 2007. The single has been credited to have caused the significant spike in the sales of "The Evolution of Robin Thicke", helping the album to be certified platinum by the RIAA. As of July 12, 2013, the song has sold 954,000 copies in the United States. The single was certified Platinum in digital sales by the RIAA on May 09,2013. The official remix of the song features rapper Busta Rhymes. In 2008, Document [7](Title: The Notorious B.I.G.) hit songs such as "Foolish" and "Realest Niggas" by Ashanti in 2002, and the song "Runnin' (Dying to Live)" with Shakur the following year. In 2005, "" continued the pattern started on "Born Again", which was criticized for the lack of significant vocals by Wallace on some of its songs. Its lead single "Nasty Girl" became Wallace's first UK No. 1 single. Combs and Voletta Wallace have stated the album will be the last release primarily featuring new material. A duet album, "The King & I", featuring Evans and Notorious B.I.G., was released on May 19, 2017, which largely contained Question: who wrote it's getting hot in here Answer:
Cornell Haynes , Jr .
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: NBA regular season records) 25 by the Cleveland Cavaliers at the Atlanta Hawks on March 3 , 2017 Document [1](Title: Villa Rica High School) 122–117 win over the Brooklyn Nets.[36] He appeared in the team's first four games of the season, but then missed eight straight games with a sprained left ankle.[37] He returned to action on November 19, scoring nine points in a 94–92 win over the Detroit Pistons.[38] On March 17, 2017, he recorded season highs with 24 points and 12 rebounds in a 98–95 win over Brooklyn.[39] On March 26, 2017, he set a new season high with 25 points in a 112–108 win over the Miami Heat.[40] In Game 1 of the Celtics' Eastern Conference semifinal match-up with the Washington Document [2](Title: Kyrie Irving) 135–130 win over the Atlanta Hawks. In the game, the Cavaliers set the NBA regular-season record with 25 three-pointers. On March 19, he had a 46-point effort in a 125–120 win over the Los Angeles Lakers. On April 9, he had a 45-point effort in a 126–125 overtime loss to Atlanta. In Game 4 of the Eastern Conference Finals against the Boston Celtics, Irving scored a playoff career-high 42 points to lead the Cavaliers to a 112–99 win, taking a 3–1 lead in the series. With 24 points in Game 5 of the series, he helped the Cavaliers defeat the Document [3](Title: 2015 NBA Playoffs) with 30 points. After missing the last two games against the Hawks, Irving made his return to the lineup. The Cavaliers routed the Hawks by 30 points, dominating from start to finish. The Cavs led 32–20 after the first quarter and never looked back. After leading by 17 at halftime, the Cavs controlled the entire second half. The Cavs led 85–60 heading into the fourth quarter, a quarter where very few starters logged minutes. The Cavaliers went on to win 118–88 as the franchise clinched their second Eastern Conference Championship in franchise history and returned to the Finals for the Document [4](Title: 2015 NBA Playoffs) made threes in a playoff game. The game was tied 63–63 in the 3rd quarter. However, the Cavs, led by Smith's hot shooting, went on a 22-4 run (including an 11–0 run to start the fourth quarter) as they went up 85–67 and seized control. The Hawks would attempt to mount a rally, cutting an 18-point deficit down to 4 with under 50 seconds remaining. However, James drove through the lane and made a dunk to put the Cavs up 6. After Paul Millsap missed a three that would have made it a one possession game with 23 seconds remaining, Document [5](Title: Stanley Johnson (basketball)) to attend a pre-draft workout hosted by the Charlotte Hornets, in hope of being drafted by the Detroit Pistons with the eight overall pick, or the Miami Heat with the 10th selection. On June 25, 2015, he was selected with the eighth overall pick by the Pistons. In his debut for the Pistons on October 27, he recorded seven points, four rebounds and three assists off the bench in a 106–94 win over the Atlanta Hawks. On November 9, he recorded 20 points and seven rebounds in a 109–95 loss to the Golden State Warriors. On February 4, while starting Document [6](Title: Iman Shumpert) went on to win the series in seven games to become the first team in NBA history to win the championship after being down 3–1. Cavaliers' coach Tyronn Lue started using Shumpert at backup point guard early on in the 2016–17 season. On March 14, 2017, he scored a season-high 18 points in a 128–96 win over the Detroit Pistons. Shumpert helped the Cavaliers go 12–1 over the first three rounds of the playoffs to reach the NBA Finals for a third straight season. There the Cavaliers matched-up with the Golden State Warriors, but lost the series in five games. Document [7](Title: 1937–38 Chicago Black Hawks season) 97 goals, while giving up the 2nd most goals in the league at 139. The Hawks were a .500 team at home with a 10–10–4 record, but would only have a record of 4–15–5 on the road. Paul Thompson would lead the Hawks offensively, setting a club record with 44 points, along with a club high 22 goals, and tying Doc Romnes for the team lead with 22 assists. Johnny Gottselig would have another solid season, earning 32 points, tying Romnes for 2nd on the team scoring list. Earl Seibert would lead the defense with 21 points, and had a Question: most 3 pointers in an nba game by a team Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Messi-Ronaldo rivalry) Competition Games played Messi wins Draws Ronaldo wins Messi goals Ronaldo goals La Liga 18 10 12 9 Champions League 5 0 Copa del Rey 5 0 5 Supercopa de España 5 6 Friendly 0 Total official matches 35 16 9 10 22 19 Document [1](Title: Lionel Messi) his win to the votes from the international coaches and captains. Towards the end of the season, Barcelona played four "Clásicos" in the span of 18 days. A league match on 16 April ended in a draw after a penalty from Messi. After Barcelona lost the Copa del Rey final four days later, Messi scored both goals in his side's 2–0 win in the first leg of the Champions League semi-finals in Madrid, the second of which – a slaloming dribble past three Real players – was acclaimed as one of the best ever in the competition. Although he did Document [2](Title: Lionel Messi) 2–2 draw; Messi had scored from a penalty kick, netting his only goal in the tournament. Following a 1–0 win against defending champions Uruguay, Messi earned his 100th cap for his country in the final group match, a 1–0 win over Jamaica, becoming only the fifth Argentine to achieve this milestone. In his 100 appearances, he had scored a total of 46 goals for Argentina, 22 of which came in official competitive matches. As Messi evolved from the team's symbolic captain into a genuine leader, he led Argentina to the knockout stage as group winners. In the quarter-final, they created Document [3](Title: 2013–14 FC Barcelona season) a ticket to the quarter-finals. On 11 January, Barcelona were held to a scoreless draw by Atlético Madrid at the Vicente Calderón a gripping game between the two league leaders ended without score. On 16 January, Barcelona qualify for the Quarter-finals of the Copa del Rey after defeating 2-0 Getafe at the Coliseum Alfonso Pérez a brace from messi gave Barça the win and Xavi features in his 700th match for the team. On 19 January, Barcelona drew their second league match in a row. A 1–1 draw against Levante at the Ciutat de València saw Gerard Piqué scoring the Document [4](Title: 2015–16 Real Madrid C.F. season) from Bale and Ronaldo snapped a two-game losing streak in the league with a 2–0 victory over Eibar. Madrid started the cup season in style with a 3–1 victory over Cádiz by a brace from Isco and a goal from Denis Cheryshev. The match was controversial, however, as Cheryshev was suspended from the previous season but played the game nonetheless. Therefore, Madrid was disqualified from the 2015–16 Copa del Rey two days later by the competition judge. A brace from Benzema and goals from Bale and Ronaldo gave Madrid the edge to win 4–1 over Getafe. Four goals from Ronaldo, Document [5](Title: Lionel Messi) position. In eight qualifying matches under Maradona's stewardship, Messi scored only one goal, netting the opening goal in the first such match, a 4–0 victory over Venezuela. During that game, played on 28 March 2009, he wore Argentina's number 10 shirt for the first time, following the international retirement of Riquelme. Overall, Messi scored four goals in 18 appearances during the qualifying process. Ahead of the tournament, Maradona visited Messi in Barcelona to request his tactical input; Messi then outlined a 4–3–1–2 formation with himself playing behind the two strikers, a playmaking position known as the "enganche" in Argentine football, Document [6](Title: 2015–16 Copa del Rey de Balonmano) 2015–16 Copa del Rey de Balonmano The 2015–16 Copa del Rey de Balonmano was the 41st edition of this tournament, organized by Liga ASOBAL. The tournament began on October 3 and 4, 2015, with the matches of the first round. FC Barcelona Lassa won its 17th Copa del Rey title after defeating host team Helvetia Anaitasuna in the Final 33–30. Matches were played on 1, 3 and 4 October 2015. All times are CEST. <br> The second round was drawn with the first one. Matches were played on 27 and 28 October 2015. All times are CET. <br> The draw Document [7](Title: Lionel Messi) the first leg against Bayern Munich and was unable to play at all during the second, as Barcelona were defeated 7–0 on aggregate by the eventual champions. These matches gave credence to the notion of "Messidependencia", Barcelona's perceived tactical and psychological dependence on their star player. Messi continued to struggle with injury throughout 2013, eventually parting ways with his long-time personal physiotherapist. Further damage to his hamstring sustained on 12 May ended his goalscoring streak of 21 consecutive league games, a worldwide record; he had netted 33 goals during his run, including a four-goal display against Osasuna, while becoming the Question: who won more la liga titles messi or ronaldo Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Mary Elizabeth Lease) Mary Elizabeth Lease ( September 11 , 1850 -- October 29 , 1933 ) was an American lecturer , writer , and political activist . She was an advocate of the suffrage movement as well as temperance but she was best known for her work with the Populist party . She was born to Irish immigrants Joseph P. and Mary Elizabeth ( Murray ) Clyens , in Ridgway , Pennsylvania . In 1895 , she wrote The Problem of Civilization Solved , and in 1896 , she moved to New York City where she edited the democratic newspaper , World . In addition , she worked as an editor for the National Encyclopedia of American Biography . Mary Elizabeth Lease was also known as Mary Ellen Lease . She was called '' Queen Mary '' ( after the British Queen consort , Mary of Teck ) , '' Mother Lease '' by her supporters and '' Mary Yellin '' by her enemies . Lease died in Callicoon , New York . Document [1](Title: Mary Elizabeth Lease) removed stemmed from her determination to have women's suffrage and temperance as her main focus at the Populist Party's next state convention. Her public outrage at the attempt to remove her prompted other Populist parties to distance themselves from her. By 1896, Lease had become alienated from the Populist Party, and historian Gene Clanton cites her split with the Populist Party as being a major contributor to the Populist party's defeat in 1894. Despite her fallout with—and the eventual destruction of—the Populist Party, Lease felt that their work and efforts were ultimately rewarded with the election of Theodore Roosevelt and Document [2](Title: Mary Ritter Beard) As an important contributor to the CU, Beard helped plan strategy, organized and participated in demonstrations, lectured, wrote articles, and testified before Congress on multiple occasions. Mary and Charles Beard published a number of books together, for which their contemporaries often overlooked Mary's contributions. The first book appeared in 1914 and was a high school textbook called "American Citizenship". In 1915 Mary published the first of six books that she would publish alone, "Woman's Work in Municipalities". She believed strongly in writing about women's history because as she declared: "We cannot know how our own society has been built up Document [3](Title: Iris Calderhead) advancement of women. In 1910, she published an article in the journal "Modern Language Notes" and began graduate studies at Bryn Mawr, having won a fellowship there. From 1910 to 1911, she was a Graduate Scholar in English, and from 1912 to 1913 was a resident fellow in English. She spent the summer of 1913 at the University of Chicago and returned to Marysville to teach English and Science. In 1916, her work on Middle English appeared in "Modern Philology", publishing for the first time several fragments of early morality plays. Calderhead became involved in the women's suffrage movement after Document [4](Title: Lillian Mary Harris) Lillian Mary Harris Lillian Mary Harris, better known as Lillian Thring, was an English militant suffragette active in Australia and England from the early 20th century until a few years before her death in 1964. Lillian was born on Thursday 8 December 1887 in St Pancras, London, England. She was the eldest of seven children born to Benjamin Harris, a marine store keeper and Elizabeth Tasker who had married in Marylebone, Middlesex earlier that year. In the early 20th century Lillian became an active member of the suffragette movement and also around this time she was working as a shop Document [5](Title: Elizabeth Young (journalist)) Elizabeth Young (journalist) Elizabeth Jesse Young (6 February 1950 – 18 March 2001) was a London-based literary critic and author, who wrote principally on cult writers for a range of British newspapers and magazines. In particular she championed transgressive fiction, for which she received some criticism in the press, not least for her defence of A. M. Homes' "The End of Alice", which dealt with themes of paedophilia from what was seen as an uncomfortably neutral perspective. Born to Scottish parents in Lagos, Nigeria where her father was an executive for Rowntrees, Elizabeth Young's parents were members of the Free Document [6](Title: Mary Miller (Colorado)) Mary Miller (Colorado) Mary E. Miller (1843–1921) settled in the Territory of Colorado in 1863 with her husband, Lafayette Miller. After her husband died, she founded the town of Lafayette, Colorado, named for her husband. Miller was called the "Mother of Lafayette. She was the first woman bank president in the United States, a philanthropist and an astute businesswoman. In 2002, she was inducted into the Colorado Women's Hall of Fame, having noted: "Her financial acumen and business leadership helped Lafayette flourish and increased respect for women in business." Mary Elizabeth Foote, nicknamed "Molly", was born in Geneseo, New York Document [7](Title: Helen H. Gardener) Gardener's brain is part of the Wilder Brain Collection at Cornell University. Helen H. Gardener Helen Hamilton Gardener (1853–1925), born Alice Chenoweth, was an American author, rationalist public intellectual, political activist, and government functionary. Gardener produced many lectures, articles, and books during the 1880s and 1890s and is remembered today for her role in the freethought and women's suffrage movements and for her place as a pioneering female in the top echelon of the American civil service. Alice Chenoweth, best remembered by her pen name, Helen Hamilton Gardener, was born near Winchester, Virginia, on January 21, 1853. She was the Question: was the most famous female orator of the farmer's alliance and populist party in the late 1800s Answer:
Mary Elizabeth Lease
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Government of India) The President , as Head of State also receives the credentials of Ambassadors from other countries , whilst the Prime Minister , as Head of Government , receives credentials of High Commissioners from other members of the Commonwealth , in line with historical tradition . Document [1](Title: Global Affairs Canada) of Canada (including, on occasion, credentials written in French as an official language of Canada); Canadian ambassadors now present credentials signed by the Governor General of Canada as representative of the Canadian monarch. Other traditions remain, such as the exchange of high commissioners, instead of ambassadors, between Commonwealth countries. (High commissioners present credentials from the head of government, as the head of state was historically shared, and would not accredit a representative to one's self). Nonetheless, by the time the change in terminology was effected in 1993, Canada's foreign affairs had been conducted separately from the United Kingdom in most Document [2](Title: Government of Uttar Pradesh) remains the ceremonial head of the state with the day-to-day running of the government is taken care of by the chief minister and his or her council of ministers in whom a great deal of legislative powers is vested. The council of ministers consists of cabinet ministers and ministers of state. The Secretariat headed by the chief secretary assists the council of ministers. The chief secretary is also the administrative head of the government. Each government department is headed by a Minister, who is assisted by an additional chief secretary or a principal secretary, who usually is an officer of Document [3](Title: Prime Minister of India) to prove majority when instructed by the president. India follows a parliamentary system in which the prime minister is the presiding head of the government and chief of the executive of the government. In such systems, the head of state, or, the head of state's official representative (i.e., the monarch, president, or governor-general) usually holds a purely ceremonial position and acts—on most matters—only on the advice of the prime minister. The prime minister—if they are not already—shall become a member of parliament within six months of beginning his/her tenure. A prime minister is expected to work with other central ministers Document [4](Title: Politics of India) Prime Minister, is the body with which the real executive power resides. The Prime Minister is the recognized head of the government. The Union Council of Ministers is the body of ministers with which the PM works with on a day-to-day basis. Work is divided between various ministers into various departments and ministries. The Union cabinet is a smaller body of ministers which lies within the Council of Ministers, which is the most powerful set of people in the country, playing an instrumental role in legislation and execution alike. All members of the Union Council of ministers must be members Document [5](Title: Parliamentary republic) form one office (as in Botswana, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, South Africa and Suriname), but the president is still selected in much the same way as the prime minister is in most Westminster systems. This usually means that they are the leader of the largest party or coalition of parties in parliament. In some cases, the president can legally have executive powers granted to them to undertake the day-to-day running of government (as in Austria and Iceland) but by convention they either do not use these powers or they use them only to give effect to the advice of the Document [6](Title: United Kingdom) head of government, belongs to the person most likely to command the confidence of the House of Commons; this individual is typically the leader of the political party or coalition of parties that holds the largest number of seats in that chamber. The prime minister chooses a cabinet and its members are formally appointed by the monarch to form Her Majesty's Government. By convention, the monarch respects the prime minister's decisions of government. The cabinet is traditionally drawn from members of the prime minister's party or coalition and mostly from the House of Commons but always from both legislative houses, Document [7](Title: General State Administration) for the President, or because it is a government fruit of an alliance between different parties, and for that reason, has to go to this position as a way for the minority party to accede to the Government. The Secretariats of State are departmental superior organs of management and sectorial management that occupy the superior level in the hierarchy of intermediate commands between the Minister and the official apparatus, above the General Director and of the General Secretary. When it is a position of strict political trust, his appointment is free, as is his removal. It should be noted that, Question: who is the constitutional head of government of india Answer:
Prime Minister
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Wright brothers) The Wright brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright in 1905 Nationality American Known for inventing , building , and flying the world 's first successful airplane Signatures Orville Wright Born ( 1871 - 08 - 19 ) August 19 , 1871 Dayton , Ohio Died January 30 , 1948 ( 1948 - 01 - 30 ) ( aged 76 ) Dayton , Ohio Education 3 years high school Occupation Printer / publisher , bicycle retailer / manufacturer , airplane inventor / manufacturer , pilot trainer Wilbur Wright Born ( 1867 - 04 - 16 ) April 16 , 1867 Millville , Indiana Died May 30 , 1912 ( 1912 - 05 - 30 ) ( aged 45 ) Dayton , Ohio Education 4 years high school Occupation Editor , bicycle retailer / manufacturer , airplane inventor / manufacturer , pilot trainer Document [1](Title: Aviation in Pennsylvania) to Europe and the Middle East. Aviation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania dates back over 100 years. The state has been in the for front of the aviation development and growth. In the early 1900s the state was home to substantial growth. After the Wright brothers first flight the opportunity of flight raced across the nation. Especially in Pennsylvania, many inventors began working on designs for their own flying machines. The public thought flying was abnormal. So these inventors across the state held public air shows to show off their machines to the public and media. Around this time in Document [2](Title: Wright Glider) display at the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum in Denver, Colorado. A team led by Nick Engler of the Wright Brothers Aeroplane Company has also built replicas of all three gliders. A replica of the 1911 glider was built by Ernest Schweizer for the 75th anniversary of Orville's soaring flight. It has hung in the National Soaring Museum, Elmira NY since 1986. Wright Glider The Wright brothers designed, built and flew a series of three manned gliders in 1900–1902 as they worked towards achieving powered flight. They also made preliminary tests with a kite in 1899. In Document [3](Title: Wright brothers) a pilot and the capability of his flying machine, which far surpassed those of all other pioneering aircraft and pilots of the day. The French public was thrilled by Wilbur's feats and flocked to the field by the thousands, and the Wright brothers instantly became world-famous. Former doubters issued apologies and effusive praise. "L'Aérophile" editor Georges Besançon wrote that the flights "have completely dissipated all doubts. Not one of the former detractors of the Wrights dare question, today, the previous experiments of the men who were truly the first to fly ..." Leading French aviation promoter Ernest Archdeacon wrote, "For Document [4](Title: Wright brothers) at the Wright family home on May 30. His father wrote about Wilbur in his diary: A short life, full of consequences. An unfailing intellect, imperturbable temper, great self-reliance and as great modesty, seeing the right clearly, pursuing it steadfastly, he lived and died. Orville succeeded to the presidency of the Wright Company upon Wilbur's death. Sharing Wilbur's distaste for business but not his brother's executive skills, Orville sold the company in 1915. After 42 years living at their residence on 7 Hawthorn Street, Orville, Katharine and their father, Milton, moved to Hawthorn Hill in the spring of 1914. Milton Document [5](Title: 1910 Los Angeles International Air Meet at Dominguez Field) there with their lawyers in an attempt to prevent Paulhan and Curtiss from flying. The Wrights claimed that the ailerons on their aircraft infringed patents. Notwithstanding their allegations, Paulhan and Curtis still made flights. Paulhan gave William Randolph Hearst his first experience of flight. However, William Boeing, who had been enthused by the new invention of the airplane, was unable to get a ride on any aircraft at the air meet: "While attending the first American Air Meet in Los Angeles, Boeing asked nearly every aviator for a ride, but no one said yes except Louis Paulhan. For three days Document [6](Title: Katharine Wright) She died on March 3, 1929 at 54 years old. Katharine Wright Katharine Wright Haskell (August 19, 1874 – March 3, 1929) was the only sister who lived past infancy of aviation pioneers Wilbur and Orville Wright. She was a high school teacher and later became an international celebrity when she accompanied her famous brothers in Europe. She was born on August 19, 1874, exactly three years after Orville Wright, as the only surviving girl of Milton Wright and Susan Koerner. She was especially close to Wilbur and Orville, and when their mother died in 1889, she took over the Document [7](Title: Matthew Piers Watt Boulton) surfaces, possibly serving as further inspiration to Boulton aside from Count d'Esterno. Another technique for lateral flight control, wing warping, was also described or experimented with by several people including Jean-Marie Le Bris, John Montgomery, Clement Ader, Edson Gallaudet, D. D. Wells, and Hugo Mattullath. Aviation historian C. H. Gibbs-Smith wrote that the aileron was "... one of the most remarkable inventions ... of aeronautical history, which was immediately lost sight of". In an apparent oversight by the U.S. Patent Office, the Wright brothers, on their second attempt, obtained a patent in 1906, not for the invention of an airplane Question: who built the first plane in the world Answer:
The Wright brothers
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Nawabs of Bengal and Murshidabad) In 1765 , Robert Clive , of the British East India Company , became the first British Governor of Bengal . He secured in perpetuity for the Company the Diwani ( revenue and civil justice ) of the then Bengal subah from the then Mughal Emperor , Shah Alam II and thus the system of Dual Government was established and the Bengal Presidency was formed . In 1772 the Dual Government system was abolished and Bengal was brought under direct control of the British . In 1793 , when the Nizamat ( military power and criminal justice ) of the Nawab was also taken away from them , they remained as the mere pensioners of the British East India Company . After the Revolt of 1857 , Company rule in India ended and the British Crown took over the territories which were under the direct rule of the British East India Company in 1858 , which marked the beginning of the British Raj . These territories , including the territory of the Nawab Nazims came under the direct rule of the British Crown and British Raj was established in India . Thus , the Nawab Nizams remained just the titular heads of their territory , which was now ruled by the British Crown , and they had no political or any other kind of control over the territory . The last Nawab of Bengal , Mansoor Ali Khan abdicated on 1 November 1880 in favour of his eldest son . Document [1](Title: Economy of India under Company rule) Economy of India under Company rule The Economy of India under Company rule describes the economy of those regions (contemporaneously British India) that fell under Company rule in India during the years 1757 to 1858. The British East India Company began ruling parts of the Indian subcontinent beginning with the Battle of Plassey, which led to the conquest of Bengal Subah and the founding of the Bengal Presidency, before the Company expanded across most of the subcontinent up until the Indian Rebellion of 1857. A number of historians point to the colonization of India as a major factor in both Document [2](Title: History of India) in India. The British East India Company extended its control over the whole of Bengal. After the Battle of Buxar in 1764, the company acquired the rights of administration in Bengal from de jure Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II; this marked the beginning of its formal rule, which within the next century engulfed most of India. The British East India Company monopolised the trade of Bengal. They introduced a land taxation system called the Permanent Settlement which introduced a feudal-like structure in Bengal, often with taluqdars and zamindars set in place. As a result of the three Carnatic Wars, the Document [3](Title: India–United Kingdom relations) in 1757 led to the conquest of Bengal while by 1857, following various treaties and wars with Indian kingdoms (such as the Anglo-Mysore Wars with Tipu Sultan, the Anglo-Maratha Wars and the Anglo-Sikh wars), the East India Company controlled most of the Indian subcontinent. Following the Indian Mutiny of 1857, where Indian sepoys rebelled against their British officers, the East India Company was dissolved the following year. The assets of the British East India Company became so huge that the British government decided to step in. India served as the main base for the British Empire's expansion across Asia and Document [4](Title: Nawabs of Bengal and Murshidabad) (provincial viceroy or governor), also called a Nizam was in-charge of the "Nizamat". There was a chain of subordinate officials under the Nizams on the executive side and under "Diwans" on the revenue and judicial side. As the Mughal empire began to decline, the Nawabs grew in power, although nominally subordinate to the Mughal emperor. They wielded great power in their own right and finally became independent rulers of the Bengal region, for all practical purposes, by the early 1700s. Murshid Quli Khan arrived as the Diwan of Bengal in 1717 AD. Before his arrival, there were four Diwans. And, Document [5](Title: Modern history) of India commenced in 1757, after the Battle of Plassey, when the Nawab of Bengal surrendered his dominions to the British East India Company, in 1765, when the Company was granted the "diwani", or the right to collect revenue, in Bengal and Bihar, or in 1772, when the Company established a capital in Calcutta, appointed its first Governor-General, Warren Hastings, and became directly involved in governance. The Maratha states, following the Anglo-Maratha wars, eventually lost to the British East India Company in 1818 with the Third Anglo-Maratha War. The rule lasted until 1858, when, after the Indian rebellion of 1857 Document [6](Title: British Raj) the turn of the 20th century, British India consisted of eightprovinces that were administered either by a governor or a lieutenant-governor. During the partition of Bengal (1905–1913), the new provinces of Assam and East Bengal were created as a Lieutenant-Governorship. In 1911, "East Bengal" was reunited with Bengal, and the new provinces in the east became: Assam, Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. In addition, there were a few minor provinces that were administered by a Chief Commissioner: A Princely State, also called a Native State or an Indian State, was a British vassal state in India with an indigenous nominal Indian Document [7](Title: Bangladesh) rule. Several rebellions broke out during the early 19th century (including one led by Titumir), but British rule displaced the Muslim ruling class. A conservative Islamic cleric, Haji Shariatullah, sought to overthrow the British by propagating Islamic revivalism. Several towns in Bangladesh participated in the Indian Mutiny and pledged allegiance to the last Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar, who was later exiled to neighboring Burma. The challenge posed to company rule by the failed Indian Mutiny led to the creation of the British Indian Empire as a crown colony, and the first railway was built in 1862. Syed Ahmed Khan Question: who introduced dual system of administration in bengal Answer:
Robert Clive
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Ross Martin) Ross Martin ( born Martin Rosenblatt , March 22 , 1920 -- July 3 , 1981 ) was a Polish - born American radio , voice , stage , film and television actor . Martin was known for portraying Artemus Gordon on the CBS ' Western series The Wild Wild West , which aired from 1965 to 1969 . He was the voice of Doctor Paul Williams in 1972 's Sealab 2020 , additional characters in 1973 's Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kids , and additional character voices in 1978 's Jana of the Jungle . Document [1](Title: Pat Paulsen) on "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson". In 1968, Paulsen appeared as timid, tenderfoot Federal Agent Bosley Cranston in "The Night of the Camera," Season 4/Episode 10 of "The Wild Wild West". Pat's character had a photographic memory and ended up with the "girl(s)," much to the surprise of agents James West (Robert Conrad) and Jeremy Pike (Charles Aidman). During the inaugural season of "Sesame Street" (1969–1970), Paulsen appeared in a series of comical skits: reciting the alphabet, and fumbling on a few of the letters; counting to 10 and to 20, and forgetting a few of the numbers; and Document [2](Title: Artemus James) Ep, Valley Young, and Lp, Upright In The Sunlight, with producer Bryce Goggin (Phish, Pavement, Akron/Family, The Lemonheads) at Trout Recording in Brooklyn, NY. Among the cast of musicians who played on the Ep and album are Parker Kindred (Jeff Buckley, Antony and the Johnsons, Joan as Police Woman) on drums, Royston Langdon (Spacehog) on bass and Richard Steel (Spacehog) on lead guitar. James was born in Knoxville, Tennessee and was raised in Cumberland Gap, Tennessee and Salisbury, North Carolina. He is known for his nomadic tendencies and has often lived out of his touring van. Artemus James Artemus James Document [3](Title: George "Wild Child" Butler) began recording with record producer Mike Vernon in England, which resulted in two albums released on Bullseye Blues. Butler died on March 1, 2005, in Windsor, Ontario, of a pulmonary embolism, at the age of 68. George "Wild Child" Butler George "Wild Child" Butler (October 1, 1936 – March 1, 2005) was an American blues harmonica player, and vocalist. Butler was born in Autaugaville, Alabama, and began playing blues music in bands in the late 1950s, but it was not until 1966 that he began to receive notice, after moving to Chicago and signing with Jewel Records. His early sessions Document [4](Title: Beba Lončar) another actress already cast for the role leaving the set. Forced to scramble, Cardiff looked for a local replacement and ended up casting blonde Lončar whose physical features fit the requirements of the Viking woman role. Another foreign production in Yugoslavia Lončar took part in was the West German-funded, English-language, musical western "Freddy in the Wild West", directed by Sobey Martin, with the young actress in the female lead role opposite Austrian singer-actor Freddy Quinn. In between she also starred along with Milena Dravić (another young Belgrade actress whose career path resembled Lončar's) as well Ljubiša Samardžić, Boris Dvornik, and Document [5](Title: Dub Taylor) early 1960s, he demonstrated his considerable talent for playing the xylophone on several television shows, including an episode on the syndicated series "Ranch Party" hosted by Tex Ritter. In 1939, he appeared in the film "Taming of the West", in which he originated the character of "Cannonball, a role he continued to play for the next ten years, in over fifty films. "Cannonball" was a comic sidekick to "Wild Bill" Saunders (played by Bill Elliott), a pairing that continued through thirteen features, during which Elliott’s character became Wild Bill Hickok. During this period, a productive relationship with Tex Ritter as Document [6](Title: Katt Williams) 'n Out", in which he appeared for several seasons. Williams also appeared in the official music video for Wild 'n Out colleague Nick Cannon's single 'Gigolo' in 2003. In 2007, he provided the voice of A Pimp Named Slickback in "The Boondocks"; he plays himself as an on-stage stand-up comedian in "Grand Theft Auto IV" performing several routines, including an abbreviated version of one of his routines from ""; and Williams has appeared in several episodes of "My Wife and Kids" as character Bobby Shaw. He was also the roastmaster of the Comedy Central Roast of Flavor Flav. Williams has Document [7](Title: Timothy Brown (actor)) was still an active player, with a guest appearance on the Season 3 premiere of "The Wild Wild West" as Clint Cartwheel in the episode titled "The Night of the Bubbling Death", which originally aired on September 8, 1967. Following his retirement from the NFL, he became a full-time actor, appearing in such films as "MASH" (1970), "Sweet Sugar" (1972), "Black Gunn" (1972), "Bonnie's Kids" (1973), "Girls Are for Loving" (1973), "Dynamite Brothers" (1974), "Nashville" (1975), "Zebra Force" (1976), "Black Heat" (1976), "Gus" (1976) and "Midnight Ride" (1990). He also appeared in a half-dozen episodes of the first season of Question: who played artemus gordon in wild wild west Answer:
Ross Martin
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: MKS system of units) The MKS system of units is a physical system of units that expresses any given measurement using base units of the metre , kilogram , and / or second ( MKS ) . Document [1](Title: Metric system) ohm using definitions based on the metre, kilogram and second. In 1901, Giovanni Giorgi showed that by adding an electrical unit as a fourth base unit, the various anomalies in electromagnetic systems could be resolved. The metre–kilogram–second–coulomb (MKSC) and metre–kilogram–second–ampere (MKSA) systems are examples of such systems. The International System of Units ("Système international d'unités" or SI) is the current international standard metric system and is also the system most widely used around the world. It is an extension of Giorgi's MKSA system—its base units are the metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, candela and mole. The MKS (Metre, Kilogram, Second) Document [2](Title: Metric system) Metric system The metric system is an internationally recognised decimalised system of measurement. It is in widespread use, and where it is adopted, it is the only or most common system of weights and measures (see metrication). It is now known as the International System of Units (SI). It is used to measure everyday things such as the mass of a sack of flour, the height of a person, the speed of a car, and the volume of fuel in its tank. It is also used in science, industry and trade. In its modern form, it consists of a set Document [3](Title: System of measurement) applications. US customary units, however, are still the main system of measurement in the United States. While some steps towards metrication have been made (mainly in the late 1960s and early 1970s), the customary units have a strong hold due to the vast industrial infrastructure and commercial development. While imperial and US customary systems are closely related, there are a number of differences between them. Units of length and area (the inch, foot, yard, mile etc.) are identical except for surveying purposes. The Avoirdupois units of mass and weight differ for units larger than a pound (lb). The imperial system Document [4](Title: Coherence (units of measurement)) magnitude that is independent of any system of units. This list catalogues coherent relationships in various systems of units. The following is a list of coherent SI units: The following is a list of coherent centimetre–gram–second (CGS) system of units: The following is a list of coherent foot–pound–second (FPS) system of units: Coherence (units of measurement) A coherent system of units is a system of units based on a system of quantities in such a way that the equations between the numerical values expressed in the units of the system have exactly the same form, including numerical factors, as the Document [5](Title: Area) can be measured by comparing the shape to squares of a fixed size. In the International System of Units (SI), the standard unit of area is the square metre (written as m), which is the area of a square whose sides are one metre long. A shape with an area of three square metres would have the same area as three such squares. In mathematics, the unit square is defined to have area one, and the area of any other shape or surface is a dimensionless real number. There are several well-known formulas for the areas of simple shapes such Document [6](Title: Metrology) has evolved into the International System of Units (SI) as a result of a resolution at the 11th Conference Generale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM) in 1960. Metrology is divided into three basic overlapping activities. The first being the definition of units of measurement, second the realisation of these units of measurement in practice, and last traceability, which is linking measurements made in practice to the reference standards. These overlapping activities are used in varying degrees by the three basic sub-fields of Metrology. The sub-fields are scientific or fundamental metrology, which is concerned with the establishment of units of measurement, Document [7](Title: Decimalisation) Decimalisation Decimalisation or decimalization is the conversion of a measurement system to units related by powers of 10, replacing traditional units that are related in other ways, such as those formed by successive doubling or halving, or by more arbitrary conversion factors. Units of physical measurement, such as length and mass, were decimalised with the introduction of the Metric System, which has been adopted by almost all countries with the prominent exception of the United States. Thus a kilometer is 1000 meters, while a mile is 5,280 feet. Electrical units are decimalised worldwide. Common units of time have never been Question: the unit of area in mks system is Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Still of the Night (song)) David Coverdale -- vocals John Sykes -- guitar , bowed guitar Neil Murray -- bass guitar Aynsley Dunbar -- drums Don Airey -- keyboards Document [1](Title: Whitesnake (album)) schedule, especially when Coverdale underwent surgery and a six-month-long rehabilitation program. Sykes grew impatient and suggested bringing in a new vocalist and carrying on without Coverdale, which eventually led to the end of Coverdale's relationship with both John Sykes and producer Mike Stone. After Coverdale recovered, he started work on his vocal tracks with Ron Nevison, before soon switching to Keith Olsen, who also helped mixing the album. Keyboard players Don Airey and Bill Cuomo were brought in to record some keyboard parts, as well as Dutch guitar player Adrian Vandenberg to record the guitar solo for the re-recorded version Document [2](Title: David Karsten Daniels) - Trumpet<br> Tim Phillips - Trumpet<br> John Ribo - Guitar (Electric), Vocals<br> Jason Sayers - Trombone (Tenor)<br> Joshua Snyder - Drums<br> Mara Thomas - Vocals<br> Erin Wright - Vocals<br> Perry Wright - Tambourine, Vocals<br> Joseph P. Zoller - Sax (Alto), Sax (Tenor) David Karsten Daniels - Bass, Guitar, Percussion, Drums, Keyboards, Programming, Vocals, Engineer, Mixing<br> Daniel Hart - Violin<br> Sara Morris - Vocals<br> John Ribo - Vocals<br> Wendy Spitzer - Oboe<br> Dylan Thurston - Drums<br> Perry Wright - Vocals, Handclaps David Karsten Daniels - vocals, acoustic guitar<BR> Bob Miller - trumpet, piccolo trumpet<BR> Jason Scott - clarinet, flute, saxophone<BR> John Document [3](Title: New Oxford Book of Australian Verse) – Rod Moran – Ian Mudie – Les Murray – E. G. Murphy ('Dryblower') – T. H. Naisby – Smiler Narautjarri – Narranyeri people – John Shaw Neilson – Oodgeroo Noonuccal – Nunggubuyu people – Mark O'Connor – Bernard O'Dowd – E. J. Overbury – Jan Owen – Geoff Page – Vance Palmer – Pambardu – Charmaine Papertalk-Green – A. B. ('Banjo') Paterson – Grace Perry – J. A. Phelp – John Philip – Hal Porter – Peter Porter – Craig Powell – Pudjipangu – Jennifer Rankin – Vicki Raymond – Alan Riddell – Elizabeth Riddell – Nigel Roberts – Document [4](Title: Pike Place Market) Dave Dederer and Andrew McKeag (guitarists of the Presidents of the United States of America or PUSA); Mike Musberger (drummer of The Posies and The Fastbacks); Jeff Fielder (bassist for singer/songwriter Sera Cahoone); and Ty Bailie (keyboard player of Department of Energy). Other performers included Chris Ballew (also of PUSA), Sean Nelson of Harvey Danger, Choklate, Paul Jensen of the Dudley Manlove Quartet, Rachel Flotard of Visqueen, Shawn Smith of Brad, Stone Gossard and Mike McCready of Pearl Jam, John Roderick of the Long Winters, Evan Foster of the Boss Martians, Artis the Spoonman, Ernestine Anderson, and the Total Experience Document [5](Title: Slip of the Tongue) the album better. With Vai on board the recording process began. Coverdale had asked his old friend and former Deep Purple bandmate Glenn Hughes to fly in and do some of the backing vocals, but unfortunately at this time, due to Hughes's ongoing drug problem, Hughes was in no shape to sing properly. Even though some of Hughes' material was used (Hughes stated that his backing vocals appear in three songs) most of the backing vocals are by Tommy Funderburk and Mr. Mister lead singer Richard Page. Once again, keyboardist Don Airey, along with session musicians Claude Gaudette and David Document [6](Title: Allniters) Top 40 on the Australian charts. The line-up were Ayers, Crysell, Fabok, Hill-Travis, Pattinson and Taylor, and new members, Perry Andronos on bass guitar, Julie Conway on vocals, Dave Lennon on drums and Stephen Luke on trombone. In 1984, a new line-up of studio band, The Igniters, containing Crysell, Fabok, Luke and Taylor, together with Toni Allaylis on vocals, Simone Dee on vocals, Cliff Griggs on drums (Spy vs Spy), Patou Powell on vocals (Carribe), Phillip Ayres (saxophone) Steven Luke (trombone) Dave Kimber (keys on 'Man through the door') Kate Swadling on vocals and Mike Weiley on guitars (Spy vs Document [7](Title: Tommy (soundtrack)) Pete Townshend – guitar, keyboards, vocals for "Narrator" John Entwistle – brass overdubs Pete Townshend – all other instruments Pete Townshend – all instruments Nicky Hopkins – piano Mike Kellie – drums Mick Ralphs, Caleb Quaye – guitar Chris Stainton – organ Phil Chen – bass Nicky Hopkins – piano Tony Newman – drums Nicky Hopkins – piano Vocal chorus – backing vocals Eric Clapton – vocals and guitar Kenney Jones – drums Arthur Brown -- vocals Kenney Jones – drums Nicky Hopkins – piano Ronnie Wood – guitar Phil Chen – bass Graham Deakin – drums Nicky Hopkins – Question: who played guitar on still of the night Answer:
John Sykes
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Tardy for the Party) '' Tardy for the Party '' is a song by American television personality Kim Zolciak ; it was independently released on September 1 , 2009 . The track was written and produced by her fellow The Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member Kandi Burruss , and saw additional lyrical contributions from Zolciak , Brandon Joel Bowles , and Darnell Richard . Document [1](Title: Party Doll) Petty. Knox's sister and two of her friends, Iraene Potts of Amarilo and a neighbor, sang background vocals on the song and a girl from the marching band of Clovis High School was recruited to play cymbal. After pressing copies of the record, a DJ in Amarillo began playing "Party Doll" in 1956 and it soon became a regional hit. After being contacted by Roulette Records in New York City, the song was distributed around the U.S. and became a chart-topping hit, spending a week at No. 1 on the Top 100 chart, the precursor to the "Billboard" Hot 100, Document [2](Title: Sandy B) Dezrok. The same year, she also released "The Beat Is Inside You", credited to DJ Exacta & Sandy B. In 2005, Sandy co-wrote a song "Risen" with Janice Robinson, which went platinum in Belgium for the pop artist, Natalia. In 2006, her "Being True To Her Groove" was used in the Disney animation "Kronk's New Groove". In 2011, Sandy contributed vocals to the song "Party of the Year" which appears on the album Bandoozle by LGBTQ rapper Jipsta. The song was produced by Grammy nominated producer and remixer Chris Cox (DJ) and reached #10 on the Billboard Club Play chart. Document [3](Title: Party Crowd) Tracks for the week of March 18, 1995. Party Crowd "Party Crowd" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist David Lee Murphy. It was released in February 1995 as the third single from his debut album "Out with a Bang". It peaked at number 6 in the United States, and number 7 in Canada, thus becoming his first top ten hit. The song was written by Murphy and Jimbeau Hinson. The song is an uptempo, in which the narrator talks about how his lover just broke up with him, though she could not help but cry Document [4](Title: Zombie Terrorist) photo by Stephen D. Melkisethian<br> Design by Hussy Musk/Angela Zombie Terrorist Zombie Terrorist is the first full-length album by Partyline, released on October 24, 2006 on Retard Disco. Michael Cotterman provides bass guitar on all tracks; additional backing vocals were contributed by Hugh McElroy (formerly of Black Eyes) and Chris Paul Richards. Recorded May 26–28, 2006 at Inner Ear Studios.<br> Engineered by Don Zientara<br> Produced by Christopher Paul Richards, Don Zientara, and Partyline.<br> Mastered by Chad Clark at Silver Sonya.<br> "Partyline" is a Government Issue song.<br> All songs (except "Partyline") copyright/R/TM by Partyline 2006 and Baby Donut Music, Hussy Musk, Document [5](Title: A Certain Ratio) tour of the UK with dates in Ireland and Finland. In November 2018 they recorded a session for Marc Riley's BBC Radio 6 Music show, performing new song "Dirty Boy", "Mickey Way", and "Flight". "Wild Party" was used in the soundtrack of the 1985 film "Letter to Brezhnev". "Shack Up" was used in the soundtrack of Patrice Chéreau's "Intimacy" (2001). The band are featured in the 2002 film "24 Hour Party People" where Tony Wilson (played by Steve Coogan) describes them as "having all the energy of Joy Division but better clothes". Martin Moscrop was musical supervisor of the film. Document [6](Title: (She's So) Selfish) anybody else but herself." This version was accidentally included on the initial compact disc release of "Get the Knack" in the United States, despite the fact that according to Fieger the tape with the altered lyrics was in a box with big red letters stating "NOT MASTER! NOT TO BE USED! ONLY CANADIAN RADIO!." "(She's So) Selfish" was a staple of the Knack's live shows and was included in several of the band's live albums, generally towards the end of the set right before "My Sharona." It was included on the 2012 live album "Havin' a Rave-Up! Live in Los Document [7](Title: Party or Go Home) on Trina Braxton's VEVO account on October 9, 2012. The video features cameos from sisters Traci and Towanda Braxton. Credits adapted from Discogs. Party or Go Home "Party or Go Home" is the debut single performed by American singer Trina Braxton. The song was released on March 22, 2012, through Sol Tri Entertainment. The song was written by Trina Braxton, Herman "P-Nut" Johnson and Ahmad Jamal McGhee and produced by Johnson, McGhee, Braxton and Ronnie Garrett. On February 6, 2012, Braxton performed the song for the first time at the Bass Mint SuperBowl Party in Atlanta, GA. On April 9, Question: who wrote dont be tardy for the party Answer:
Brandon Joel Bowles
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of career achievements by Michael Jordan) Recorded 31 triple - doubles ( 28 regular season , 2 postseason , 1 All - Star ) Document [1](Title: Double (basketball)) A quintuple - double is the accumulation of a double - digit number total in all five categories in a game . Two quintuple - doubles have been recorded at the high school level , by Tamika Catchings and Aimee Oertner , but none have occurred in a college or professional game . A similar accomplishment is the five - by - five , which is the accumulation of at least five points , five rebounds , five assists , five steals , and five blocks in a game . In the NBA , only Hakeem Olajuwon and Andrei Kirilenko have accumulated multiple five - by - fives since the 1984 -- 85 season . Document [2](Title: Stan Hack) hits in the 8–3 Game 4 loss. In he batted .298 and tied for the NL lead in steals with 17, also finishing second in runs (112) and pacing the league in putouts (177). He had another outstanding campaign in , topping the league in putouts (175), assists (302) and double plays (27), finishing fourth with a .317 batting average, and tying for the NL lead in hits (191). He was one behind the league leader with 21 steals, and was fourth in doubles (38, a personal best), fifth in runs (101), and sixth in on-base percentage (.395) and total Document [3](Title: Doug Kramer) college, amateur, and professional basketball. During the 2011-2012 PBA Philippine Cup 14-game Eliminations with the Powerade Tigers, Kramer registered a career best 9 double doubles (which included 6 straight double doubles), with conference highs of 18 points against Petron and career best 20 rebounds against Talk and Text. His 9 double doubles is 2nd most for the conference and is only behind Arwind Santos, who registered 11 double doubles. He averaged a double double during that All-Filipino conference with 11.64 points/game and 10.57 rebounds/game in 30.79 minutes/contest, all of which were career highs in averages. He was also 6th best Document [4](Title: Curtis Granderson) at home despite the fact Comerica Park has seen more triples since it opened in 2000 than any other ballpark in baseball. Granderson joined the 20-20-30-20 club, having more than 20 triples, 20 home runs, 30 doubles, and 20 stolen bases. The last player to accomplish the feat was Wildfire Schulte in 1911. Granderson's 23 triples were as much or more than six entire teams managed in 2007; the Chicago White Sox, Cincinnati Reds, Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, Oakland Athletics, Seattle Mariners and St. Louis Cardinals all had no more than 23 team triples. Prior to the start of Document [5](Title: Jimmy Rollins) played for Team USA in the 2013 World Baseball Classic (WBC), and was the only player from Team USA to make the event's all-star team; it was his second WBC, and second placement on the all-star team. He was back to the Phillies in time for opening day, and made his 13th consecutive start on opening day. Overall, he tied for fifth in the NL in games (160), and led the team with 600 at-bats, 151 hits, 36 doubles, and 59 walks. He achieved several career milestones during the season, including his 800th RBI (April 22), his 433 double (breaking Document [6](Title: Juan Encarnación) at bats (557), was third in runs scored (74), second in hits (155), fourth in doubles (25), tied for first with Aaron Miles in triples (5), tied for fourth with Jim Edmonds in home runs (19), third in RBI (79), third in total bases (247), tied for eighth with Chris Duncan in walks (30), third in strikeouts (86), sixth in steals (6), second in caught stealing (5), 11th in on-base percentage (.317), sixth in slugging average (.443), and seventh in batting average (.278). He also had 265 put-outs, 4 assists, and 6 errors in 275 total chances, for a .978 Document [7](Title: Jason Crowe (basketball)) and 5.4 assists per game. He returned to the Pistons for the 2008 New Zealand NBL season and had a career-best stint. His season began with a Waikato club record 16 assists in a win over the Nelson Giants, just hours after arriving from Los Angeles. He followed that up with three triple-doubles throughout the year, recording his first with 25 points, 11 rebounds and 12 assists against Taranaki in round three, his second with 30 points, 12 rebounds and 10 points against Wellington in round 10, and third against the Canterbury in round 12 with 44 points, 11 rebounds Question: how many triple doubles did mj have in his career Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Internet Message Access Protocol) IMAP was designed with the goal of permitting complete management of an email box by multiple email clients , therefore clients generally leave messages on the server until the user explicitly deletes them . An IMAP server typically listens on port number 143 . IMAP over SSL ( IMAPS ) is assigned the port number 993 . Document [1](Title: Email client) users with possibly different access rights. Typically, the "Sent", "Drafts", and "Trash" folders are created by default. IMAP features an "idle" extension for real time updates, providing faster notification than polling, where long lasting connections are feasible. See also the remote messages section below. In addition, the mailbox storage can be accessed directly by programs running on the server or via shared disks. Direct access can be more efficient but is less portable as it depends on the mailbox format; it is used by some email clients, including some webmail applications. Email clients usually contain user interfaces to display and Document [2](Title: Email box) Usually, anyone can send messages to a mailbox while only authenticated users can read or delete from their own mailboxes. An email client retrieves messages from one or more mailboxes. The database (file, directory, storage system) in which the client stores the messages is called the "local mailbox". Popular client–server protocols to retrieve messages are: IMAP and webmail can go along with each other more or less seamlessly. POP, if configured to leave messages on server, can be compatible with them. Internet message format, currently defined by RFC 5322, dates back to 1982 (RFC 822). That is what POP and Document [3](Title: Message transfer agent) can usually be overridden by configuring the MTA software with specific routes. An MTA works in the background, while the user usually interacts directly with a mail user agent. One may distinguish initial submission as first passing through an MSA – port 587 is used for communication between an MUA and an MSA, while port 25 is used for communication between MTAs, or from an MSA to an MTA; this distinction is first made in RFC 2476. For recipients hosted locally, the final delivery of email to a recipient mailbox is the task of a message delivery agent (MDA). For Document [4](Title: Post Office Protocol) is to provide simple support for mainly download-and-delete requirements of mailbox handling. The extensions are termed capabilities and are listed by the CAPA command. Except for APOP, the optional commands were included in the initial set of capabilities. Following the lead of ESMTP (RFC 5321), capabilities beginning with an X signify local capabilities. The STARTTLS extension allows the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to be negotiated using the "STLS" command, on the standard POP3 port, rather than an alternate. Some clients and servers instead use the alternate-port method, which uses TCP port 995 (POP3S). Document [5](Title: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) information established by TLS. Servers also often support the non-standard "LDAPS" ("Secure LDAP", commonly known as "LDAP over SSL") protocol on a separate port, by default 636. LDAPS differs from LDAP in two ways: 1) upon connect, the client and server establish TLS before any LDAP messages are transferred (without a StartTLS operation) and 2) the LDAPS connection must be closed upon TLS closure. Some "LDAPS" client libraries only encrypt communication; they do not check the host name against the name in the supplied certificate. The Abandon operation requests that the server abort an operation named by a message ID. Document [6](Title: Cyrus IMAP server) can access mail through the IMAP/IMAP-S, POP3/POP3-S or KPOP protocols. The Cyrus IMAP server supports server-side mail filtering through the implementation of a mail filtering language called Sieve. The private mailbox database design gives the server considerable advantages in efficiency, scalability, and administratability. Multiple concurrent read/write connections to the same mailbox are permitted. The server supports access control lists on mailboxes and storage quotas on mailbox hierarchies. As of version 2.4.17, there is support for CalDAV and CardDAV to provide an integrated calendaring and email solution, and also support for viewing email via an RSS reader. Prior to 1994, Carnegie Document [7](Title: Port (computer networking)) service listens on TCP port number 110. Both services may be running on the same host computer, in which case the port number distinguishes the service that was requested by a remote computer, be it a user's computer or another mail server. While the listening port number of a server is well defined (IANA calls these the well-known ports), the client's port number is often chosen from the dynamic port range (see below). In some applications, the clients and the server each use specific port numbers assigned by the IANA. A good example of this is DHCP in which the Question: what port is used by the imapv4 protocol Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: My Three Sons) William Demarest , Charles Leslie '' Uncle Charley '' O'Casey , Bub 's brother ( 1965 -- 1972 ) Document [1](Title: Fifth Business) older brother Willie's illness. Willie had suffered internal injuries in an accident while working at their father's newspaper. Dunstable stays with him while the rest of the town attends the Fall Fair. Willie apparently dies and his younger brother panics. But instead of getting a doctor, he brings Mary Dempster to the scene; she prays by Willie's bed and restores the young man to life. Dunstable is convinced that he has seen a miracle. The doctor says that Willie had not died. Learning of the events later, Mrs. Ramsay is outraged that Dunstable brought Mary Dempster into her home. 14. Document [2](Title: Willie "The Lion" Smith) to his mother telling him he was born on November 23. Smith had 10 brothers and a sister (including half-siblings). His older brother Jerome died at the age of 15. His other older brother, George, became an officer in Atlantic City, and died in 1946. Willie said of George, "Our paths didn't cross very often in later life. His friends and connections were always on the other side of the fence from mine." His half-brother Robert owned a bar on West Street in Newark. His half-brother Melvin lived on Mulberry Street in Manhattan. Smith had no idea what became of Document [3](Title: John Dick (politician)) an Opposition Party candidate to the 34th Congress. In 1856, Dick was reelected as a Republican to the 35th Congress. He was renominated by the Republican Party in 1858 but withdrew his name from the election and resumed business interests. He was married, November 16, 1830, to Jane Torbett, and had six children. Son George was as cadet at West Point in 1850, assigned to duty in Texas in Col. Robert E. Lee’s regiment, and died in 1856. Son J. Henry died at the age of eighteen. His son, Samuel Bernard Dick, was a Union Colonel in the Civil War. Document [4](Title: William Denning) of: He died in New York City in 1819; interment was in St. Paul's Churchyard. Through his son William, he was the grandfather of Emily Denning, who married Jacob Rutsen Van Rensselaer, the son of Cornelia De Peyster and Jacob Rutsen Van Rensselaer (1767–1835). Through his daughter Hannah, he was the grandfather of Denning Duer (1812–1891), who married Caroline King (1813–1863), daughter of James Gore King, and Elizabeth Denning Duer (1821–1900), who married Archibald Gracie King (1821–1897), a son of James Gore King. William Denning William Denning (April 1740 – October 30, 1819) was a merchant and United States Representative Document [5](Title: John W. Johnston) child of Dr. John Warfield Johnston and Louisa Smith Bowen. His grandfather was Judge Peter Johnston, who had fought under Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee during the Revolutionary War, and his great-grandmother was the sister of Patrick Henry. His mother was the sister of Rees T. Bowen, a Virginia politician, and his paternal uncles included Charles Clement Johnston and General Joseph Eggleston Johnston. His first cousin was U. S. Congressman Henry Bowen. Johnston's ancestry was Scottish, English, Welsh, and Scots-Irish. Johnston attended Abingdon Academy, South Carolina College at Columbia, and the law department of the University of Virginia at Charlottesville. Document [6](Title: The Marrying Man) Vicki walks out. In the meantime, their wedding photo pops up on the front page of the morning newspaper—with Charley's engagement announcement to Lew Horner's daughter appearing on a later page. Charley apologizes and still wants to marry Adele. He agrees to get an annulment from Vicki and to pay a considerable sum to charity if he should dare disappoint Horner's daughter again. Charley runs into Vicki again and can not help himself. Charley remarries Vicki, again leaving his fiancee in the lurch. Lew Horner stops just short of killing Charley, instead sending a couple of thugs to beat him Document [7](Title: Casey Braxton) that Casey does try to "break out of the mould set by his older brothers". Casey is a mixed up young man; Younes said that portraying Casey's confusion "screwed" with his head because he had previously been in a similar situation. Casey was the first of the Braxton brothers to befriend some of the locals of Summer Bay. He forges friendships with Ruby Buckton (Rebecca Breeds), Xavier Austin (David Jones-Roberts) and Dexter Walker (Charles Cottier). Casey is also the first to display "softer emotions"; which often surface when he shares scenes with Ruby, who becomes Casey's love interest. Younes told Question: who played uncle charlie on my 3 sons Answer:
William Demarest
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Phantom of the Opera (2004 film)) Gerard Butler as The Phantom Document [1](Title: Love Never Dies (musical)) that the title would be "Love Never Dies". In other workshop readings, Raoul and Christine were played by Aaron Lazar and Elena Shaddow. On 3 July 2009, Lloyd Webber announced that Karimloo (who had played the Phantom in the West End) and Sierra Boggess (who had originated the role of Christine in "Phantom – The Las Vegas Spectacular") had been cast as the Phantom and Christine and that the role of Meg Giry would be played by Summer Strallen, Madame Giry by Liz Robertson, and Raoul by Joseph Millson. "I'd Do Anything" finalist Niamh Perry was given the role of Document [2](Title: The Phantom of the Opera (1986 musical)) New Zealand, Panama, Poland, Romania, and the 25th Anniversary UK and US Tours, these productions have all been "clones", using the original staging, direction, sets, and costume concepts. Notable international productions include the following: A film version, directed by Joel Schumacher and starring Gerard Butler as the Phantom, Emmy Rossum as Christine, Patrick Wilson as Raoul, Minnie Driver as Carlotta, and Miranda Richardson as Madame Giry, opened on 22 December 2004 in the US. An edited production renamed "Phantom: The Las Vegas Spectacular" opened 24 June 2006 at The Venetian in Las Vegas, Nevada, in a theatre built specifically for Document [3](Title: The Phantom of Manhattan) As Christine lay dying, she confesses the truth to Pierre. The Phantom is heartbroken. The Vicomte De Chagny picks up Christine's body and tells Pierre he must make a choice. Pierre removes the Phantom's mask and declares that he will stay with him. The Vicomte goes back to France to bury his wife and love. The epilogue states that Raoul never married again. Pierre and the Phantom stayed in New York, and when war broke out they changed their family name and alerted people to the causes of deformity and injury due to the war. The Phantom never wore the Document [4](Title: The Phantom of the Opera (2004 film)) November 1990 at both Babelsberg Studios in Munich, Germany and Barrandov Studios in Prague, Czech Republic. Production for "The Phantom of the Opera" was stalled with Lloyd Webber and Brightman's divorce. "Everything got tied up in settlements", Schumacher reflected. "Then my career took off and I was really busy." As a result, "The Phantom of the Opera" languished in development limbo for Warner Bros. throughout the 1990s. In February 1997, Schumacher considered returning, but eventually dropped out in favour of "Batman Unchained", "Runaway Jury" and "Dreamgirls". The studio was keen to cast John Travolta for the lead role, but also Document [5](Title: Anne Hathaway) mixed reviews. Hathaway sang three songs on the film's soundtrack, including a duet with singer Jesse McCartney. In 2003, Hathaway declined the role for Joel Schumacher's "The Phantom of the Opera" (2004), because the production schedule of the film overlapped with "" (2004). Hathaway was initially hesitant and nervous about starring in the sequel, but agreed to it after Marshall convinced her that she was not repeating anything. The film was released in August 2004 to negative reviews, but made $95.1 million against a $40 million budget. In a 2008 article, Hathaway said that "anybody who was a role model Document [6](Title: Keye Luke (film)) that Luke shares a hometown with Lee (Seattle, Washington) and has several other similarities with Lee as well. Luke also played Detective James Lee Wong in the "Phantom of Chinatown" (1940), taking over the role of "Mr. Wong" (played by Boris Karloff) and becoming the first leading Asian American detective character in U.S. cinematic history. This role is covered in the film, as well as Luke's work in films such as "Secret Agent X-9". Feodor Chin plays Keye Luke, Archie Kao plays Edwin Luke, the brother of Keye Luke, and Kelvin Han Yee plays Lee Luke, Keye Luke's father. Other Document [7](Title: Paul Williams (director)) of the Body," a seminal work in the area of expressive body communication. He read Fine Arts at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, in 1966. He was a founding partner in 1966 of Pressman Williams Enterprises, with Edward Pressman, that produced such films as Terrence Malick's first film "Badlands", Brian DePalma's early films "Sisters" and "Phantom of the Paradise", and others. As an actor, he appeared several TV movies, and a few films that he also directed, including "The November Men" (1994) and "Mirage" (1996) and he has collaborated with director Henry Jaglom "Tracks" and writer [Stephen Eckelberry], as well as Eckelberry's Question: who sang the part of the phantom in the movie Answer:
Gerard Butler
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: I Can Only Imagine (film)) Jake B. Miller as Michael W. Smith Document [1](Title: Teen Wolf) Michael J. Fox as Scott Howard Document [2](Title: Pike County, Ohio shootings) during the killings. On June 20, 2017, Ohio police announced that they were seeking additional information on Jake Wagner, as well as his parents Billy and Angela and brother George. The family is believed to be living in Alaska now and police want to learn of interactions that members of the public had with the family, specifically conversations pertaining to vehicles, firearms and ammunition. On November 13, 2018, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine announced that George "Billy" Wagner, Angela Wagner, George Wagner IV, and Edward "Jake" Wagner had been arrested and charged with planning and carrying out the murders. On Document [3](Title: James Whitmore Jr.) in episodes of "", "" (including the Dean Stockwell reunion episode), and "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." He also directed David Boreanaz in both "Angel" and "Bones". "The Pretender" reunited Whitmore with many of the same writing staff as "Quantum Leap". James Whitmore Jr. James Allen Whitmore III (born October 24, 1948), better known as James Whitmore Jr., is an American actor best known for his role as Captain Jim Gutterman on the television program "Baa Baa Black Sheep", and (since the 1980s) a television director. He is the son of actor James Whitmore. Born in Manhattan, New York, Whitmore has Document [4](Title: Cillian Murphy) also his own wife. Christian Toto of "The Washington Times" referred to the film as "a handsomely mounted psychological drama with an arresting lead turn by Cillian Murphy", and noted that although Murphy wasn't a stranger to playing in drag, his work in the film set a "new standard for gender-bending performances". Murphy next starred in Christopher Nolan's "Inception" (2010), playing entrepreneur Robert Fischer, whose mind is infiltrated by DiCaprio's character Cobb to convince him to dissolve his business. That year, Murphy also made an uncredited cameo appearance as programmer Edward Dillinger Jr., son of original "Tron" antagonist Ed Dillinger Document [5](Title: Operation: Broken Feather) the idea. Jake and Amy (Melissa Fumero) are then assigned to investigate a hotel where the rooms are robbed. During a stakeout, Jake finds that Amy has been offered to transfer to Major Crimes, which upsets him. They manage to identify the perp, who is attending an auction in the hotel. They catch him but Jake gets into a conflict with Adam Sandler and ends up injuring Joe Theismann. After being scolded by Holt, Jake decides to apologize to Amy but she reveals she turned down the offer. The episode ends as they retaliate on the Vulture by letting him Document [6](Title: Nancy Hayton) arrangements but Jake still "keeps on pushing and pushing and she gives in". Sacre said that Nancy regrets marrying Jake as soon as she has gone through with the wedding. Jake "ends up trying to force himself on her on their wedding night". Sacre commented that in reaction to this Jake "plays the victim and tries to blame Nancy for what's happened". The actor revealed that while Jake is in "a desperate state" he accidentally tells Nancy that he made allegations that she was having a sexual relationship with a pupil. Nancy is "incensed", and Fox explained that this revelation Document [7](Title: The Office (U.S. TV series)) (Amy Ryan) transferred to the office as Toby's replacement. She acts as a love interest for Michael, as they share very similar personalities. Jo Bennett (Kathy Bates) is the CEO of Sabre and Gabe Lewis (Zach Woods), introduced in the middle of season six, is a Sabre employee who is assigned to the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch as the regional director of sales. In season seven, Bennett's friend Nellie Bertram (Catherine Tate) is interviewed to replace Scott, and later serves as a replacement regional manager for Bernard in season eight. In season nine Clark Green (Clark Duke) and Pete Miller Question: who played michael smith in i can only imagine Answer:
Jake B. Miller
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Step Up (franchise)) A Chinese - language film in the series is planned for release in 8 October 2017 , with principal photography beginning back in December 2016 . Document [1](Title: Dragon Ball Super) on April 4, 2016. Viz Media began posting free English translations of the manga chapters to their website on June 24, 2016. A print release of the first volume followed in spring 2017. The animated film, "", is the first film in the franchise to be produced under the "Dragon Ball Super" title. The film will be released on December 14, 2018. It will be a continuation to the series that will act as a new arc. A poster showcasing the film's new art style was released on March 12, 2018. A teaser depicting Goku facing off against Broly was Document [2](Title: Descendants of the Sun) plot, and kept with the terrestrial tradition of being overly predictable. In the tables below, the blue numbers represent the lowest ratings and the red numbers represent the highest ratings. A Chinese film adaptation produced by Huace Film & TV and directed by Zhang Yibai is planned. A book based on the script is also planned for release. A Philippine television adaption produced by GMA Entertainment Content Group is planned. As per KBS's Head of Drama, Jung Sung-ho, said the sequel is in planning, and filming would likely to take place in Greece. The sequel, this time, will be co-produced Document [3](Title: School Days with a Pig) together with the announcement of this film on 25 August 2008. This film was first released at the 21st Tokyo International Film Festival, where it was one of the films participating in the competition. It was then released in Japan cinemas on 1 November 2008. Later, this film was released in Singapore on 8 April 2009. It was also released in Taiwan on 10 April 2009 and in Hong Kong on 27 August 2009 under the name of (). The home video was released in DVD (Region 2) format on Amazon Japan on 4 October 2009. A special limited 2-disc Document [4](Title: Bruce Lee Fights Back from the Grave) in March 2011. The version of the film seen on UK and US video and DVDs comes from an American edit of an English dub prepared in Hong Kong. Although the film was released in Korea in 1976, it is unknown as to whether or not the film had a release in Chinese markets. The music score for the English-language version contains music lifted from the soundtracks to "Rocky" and "Rollercoaster", two films not released until after the Korean release date of this film. The sound effects on this version are typical of those often found in Hong Kong martial Document [5](Title: Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale) Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay Area. The film premiered in Beijing on 6 May 2012, and released nationwide on 10. Chinese online reviews find the battle scenes moving, and identify with the people's faith. In Japan, the film premiered in March 2012 on a film festival. Wider screening began on 20 April 2013. In South Korea, the movies were screened in 5 theaters in 2014. Only about 8000 people saw the part one, and 10 the part two. Lim Dae-Guen noted that the films received relatively high score on portal website Naver. Lim argued that the most Korean Document [6](Title: Hong Kong Trilogy: Preschooled Preoccupied Preposterous) rising China." Hong Kong Trilogy: Preschooled Preoccupied Preposterous The film had its world premiere in the "Contemporary World Cinema" section at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival, where it was described in the Toronto Globe and Mail as a "hybrid of fiction and documentary [which] doesn't use a traditional narrative, but it's not entirely abstract either – it's a contemplative sort of parallel storytelling, one where the elliptical space between fact and fiction combines to make a third creature that is no less true." It was subsequently released in theatres in Hong Kong on 28 September 2015 to mark the Document [7](Title: White Boy Rick) Merritt, Jonathan Majors, YG, Taylour Paige, Piper Laurie and RJ Cyler joined the cast of the film. Principal photography began on March 14, 2017. Following audience testing, in which the film scored quite high—in the 90s—director Yann Demange was given the go-ahead to shoot extra scenes. The film was originally scheduled to be released on January 12, 2018, but was pushed back two weeks from its original release date of January 12, 2018, to January 26, 2018, and was pushed back again from January 26, 2018, to August 17, 2018, after successful test screenings. In April 2018 it was pushed Question: when is the new step up coming out Answer:
8 October 2017
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Estates of the realm) The best known system is the French Ancien Régime ( Old Regime ) , a three - estate system used until the French Revolution ( 1789 -- 1799 ) . Monarchy was for the king and the queen and this system was made up of clergy ( the First Estate ) , nobles ( the Second Estate ) , and peasants and bourgeoisie ( the Third Estate ) . In some regions , notably Scandinavia and Russia , burghers ( the urban merchant class ) and rural commoners were split into separate estates , creating a four - estate system with rural commoners ranking the lowest as the Fourth Estate . Furthermore , the non-landowning poor could be left outside the estates , leaving them without political rights . In England , a two - estate system evolved that combined nobility and bishops into one lordly estate with '' commons '' as the second estate . This system produced the two houses of parliament , the House of Commons and the House of Lords . In southern Germany , a three - estate system of nobility ( princes and high clergy ) , ritters ( knights ) , and burghers was used . Document [1](Title: French Revolution) each estate should verify its own members' credentials and that the king should act as arbitrator. The middle class were the ones who fanned the flames of revolution. They established the National Assembly and tried to pressure the aristocracy to spread their money evenly between the upper, middle and lower classes. On 10 June 1789 Abbé Sieyès moved that the Third Estate, now meeting as the "Communes" (English: "Commons") proceed with verifying its own powers and invite the other two estates to take part, but not to wait for them. They proceeded to do so two days later, completing the Document [2](Title: Estates General (France)) The Estates General met intermittently until 1614 and only once afterwards, but was not definitively dissolved until after the French Revolution. It is comparable to similar institutions across Europe, such as the States General of the Netherlands, the Parliament of England, the Estates of Parliament of Scotland, the Cortes of Portugal or Spain, the Imperial Diet ("Reichstag") of the Holy Roman Empire or Germanic Empire, the Diets () of the "Lands", and the Swedish Riksdag of the Estates. In 1302, expanding French royal power led to a general assembly consisting of the chief lords, both lay and ecclesiastical, and the Document [3](Title: States and Social Revolutions) who were privileged and those that weren’t (57). It all relied on “proprietary wealth” and taking the form of land exploited through rents from tenants who held or used pieces of domains, farms and other forms of land (59). The divisions between the different estates were the true barrier at the middle level of the social order based largely on wealth and office holding of the noble class over that of the peasantry class (58). The fourth problem with France were the wars and fiscal dilemmas held within the state (60). The monarchy could not financially maintain the military yet Document [4](Title: Manorialism) a hierarchy of localised power centers. The word derives from traditional inherited divisions of the countryside, reassigned as local jurisdictions known as manors or seigneuries; each manor being subject to a lord (French "seigneur"), usually holding his position in return for undertakings offered to a higher lord (see Feudalism). The lord held a manorial court, governed by public law and local custom. Not all territorial seigneurs were secular; bishops and abbots also held lands that entailed similar obligations. By extension, the word "manor" is sometimes used in England to mean any home area or territory in which authority is held, Document [5](Title: Gentry) to. The exception was the Medieval Church, which was the only institution where competent men (and women) of merit could reach, in one lifetime, the highest positions in society. The first estate comprised the entire clergy, traditionally divided into "higher" and "lower" clergy. Although there was no formal demarcation between the two categories, the upper clergy were, effectively, clerical nobility, from the families of the second estate or as in the case of Cardinal Wolsey, from more humble backgrounds. The second estate was the nobility. Being wealthy or influential did not automatically make one a noble, and not all nobles Document [6](Title: Serfdom in Poland) In the early days of the Kingdom of Poland under the Piast Dynasty in the 10th and 11th centuries, the social class of peasantry was among the several classes that have developed. The peasants had the right to migrate, to own land, and were entitled to certain forms of judicial recourse in exchange for specific obligations toward their feudal lords. Over time, more peasants became dependent on feudal lords. This occurred in various ways; the granting of lands together with their inhabitants to a lord by the king, debt bondage, and peasants subjecting themselves to a local lord in exchange Document [7](Title: States Provincial (France)) States Provincial (France) In France under the Ancien Régime, a states provincial or estates provincial ("états provinciaux") was an assembly of the three estates of a province, "regularly constituted, periodically convoked and possessing certain political and administrative functions, of which the main one was to vote on the "impôt"". Only the "pays d'état" had rights to such estates. This arose from the specific legal conditions of their historical incorporation into the royal domain (e.g., Burgundy, Foix, Languedoc) or into France itself (e.g., Béarn, Corsica, Dauphiné). Within a "pays d'état", regions could have their own particular estates, the "états particuliers" ("estates Question: who made up the third estate in the french revolution Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Blue Bloods (season 7)) Blue Bloods ( season 7 ) Country of origin United States No. of episodes 22 Release Original network CBS Original release September 23 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 23 ) -- May 5 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 05 ) Season chronology ← Previous Season 6 Next → Season 8 List of Blue Bloods episodes Document [1](Title: Blue Bloods (season 6)) receives an "and" billing at the close of the main title sequence. Marisa Ramirez, as Danny's partner Detective Maria Baez, and Vanessa Ray, as Jamie's partner Eddie Janko, continue to receive "also starring" billing for season 6. Appearing regularly and receiving "special guest star" billing are Gregory Jbara as Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Garrett Moore, Robert Clohessy as Lt. Sidney Gormley, and Abigail Hawk as Detective Baker, Frank's primary aide. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Blue Bloods (season 6) The sixth season of "Blue Bloods", a police procedural drama series created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, premiered on CBS on September 25, Document [2](Title: Blood-C) 2011, with its core staff and its approximate air date in July. The series began broadcasting on July 7, 2011. While scheduled for June 7, its late night slot meant that the first episode's actual broadcast was on July 8. In celebration of the anime's release, an autographed copy of the first episode's script was offered in a competition through the anime's official website. A special web radio series featuring actors from the show also began broadcast in July alongside the series. Dubbed ""Blood-R"", it ran for eleven episodes. It first began broadcasting on Mainichi Broadcasting System (MBS) on July Document [3](Title: The Field of Blood (TV series)) first series "impressive" and said it was "a cut above the usual summer schedule-filling fare." Lucy Mangan, another journalist for "The Guardian" said "this potent brew of corruption, conflict and car coats is nevertheless a waste of David Morrissey's talents" when talking about the second series. The Field of Blood (TV series) The Field of Blood is a British crime drama television series, broadcast between 8 May 2011 and 9 August 2013, adapting the novels of Denise Mina. Jayd Johnson stars as the protagonist, Paddy Meehan. The first series was released on DVD on 5 September 2011. A complete box Document [4](Title: Blue Heelers) their original unedited state. The drama proved very popular in Ireland and rated very well. "Blue Heelers" aired briefly in the United States of America in the early 2000s on the short-lived cable channel Trio (carried primarily by DirecTV). No episode after number 76 was ever shown in the United States, and when Trio changed their programming in 2004, "Blue Heelers" was dropped from the schedule. "Blue Heelers" was broadcast on Showcase in Canada, last airing on 15 May 1998. "Blue Heelers" is broadcasting on IRIB. All episodes were dubbed in Persian. In Italy "Blue Heelers" was broadcast on Italia Document [5](Title: New Blood (TV series)) sister. Kowolski is a junior investigator with the Serious Fraud Office, while Sayyad is a uniformed constable in London's police service, with ambitions of becoming a detective. In the first case, he secures a second posting as a Trainee Detective Constable (T/DC), having obtained poor reviews in an earlier attempt. The main cast for the first series include: New Blood (TV series) New Blood is a British television drama series created by Anthony Horowitz and produced by Eleventh Hour Films for BBC One. The first three episodes of the programme were made available on BBC iPlayer on 2 June 2016, Document [6](Title: Bang Goes the Theory) series began airing on 12 March 2012 on BBC One and in HD on BBC One HD, in England and Scotland. It is shown a day later, on BBC Two in Northern Ireland and Wales. The seventh series began airing on 4 March 2013 on BBC One and in HD on BBC One HD, in England, at the same time but on BBC Two in Scotland, and a day later on BBC Two in Northern Ireland and Wales. The eighth and final series began airing on 10 March 2014 on BBC One and in HD on BBC One HD, in Document [7](Title: America's Game: The Super Bowl Champions) a 53-person panel of "Blue Ribbon" experts on the NFL. The first 18 episodes aired on NFL Network beginning in November 2006 and the final two programs on CBS the day before Super Bowl XLI in February 2007. The remaining 20 champions' episodes aired during the NFL's off-season, February through April, before the 2007 season began. The first episode of the remaining 20 champions aired on Thursday, February 8, 2007. The show began its run with a one-hour "preview special" at 8:30 p.m. Eastern time on November 17, 2006, followed by the first of the countdown shows the following week. Question: how many episodes on season 7 of blue bloods Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Society and culture of the Han dynasty) Although the social status of nobles , officials , farmers , and artisan - craftsmen were considered above the station of the lowly registered merchant , wealthy and successful businessmen acquired huge fortunes which allowed them to rival the social prestige of even the most powerful nobles and highest officials . Slaves were at the bottom of the social order , yet they represented only a tiny portion of the overall population . Retainers attached themselves to the estates of wealthy landowners , while medical physicians and state - employed religious occultists could make a decent living . People of all social classes believed in various deities , spirits , immortals , and demons . While Han Daoists were organized into small groups chiefly concerned with achieving immortality through various means , by the mid 2nd century CE they formed large hierarchical religious societies that challenged imperial authority and viewed Laozi ( fl . 6th century BCE ) as a holy prophet . Document [1](Title: Women in Daoism) where divine women, including goddesses, shamanesses, and cultic founders, grew in stature and often became objects of pilgrimages undertaken equally by men and women (Schafer 1973). Daoist texts often described the integration of regional divinities into the official pantheon as conquests, and praised female Daoists for their exceptional powers as prophets, healers, and saviors (Despeux 2000: 390). The lesser-known Qingwei (清微, Pure Subtlety) school, a tradition that emphasized therapy and exorcism, incorporated a local cult founded by the Daoist priestess Zu Shu (祖舒, fl. 889-904) from Lingling (near present-day Yongzhou, Hunan) (Despeux 2008: 172). Unlike the well-documented biography of Wei Document [2](Title: The Religion of China: Confucianism and Taoism) feudal states of the Warring States period to the unified empire with patrimonal rule. Confucianism emerged to dominate the other schools that had developed in the fertile social upheavals of pre-imperial China such as Daoism (Taoism), Mohism, and Legalism, all of which had criticised Confucianism (c. 400–c. 200 B.C.). One of Confucius's disciples, Mencius, (c. 372–c. 289 B.C.) developed a more idealistic version of Confucianism, while Xunzi (Hsün Tzu, c.313–c.238 B.C.) argued that all inclinations are shaped by acquired language and other social forms. Confucianism rose to the position of an official orthodoxy during the Han dynasty (206 B.C.–A.D. 220). Document [3](Title: Buddhism in Japan) being more the domain of learned priests whose official function was to pray for the peace and prosperity of the state and imperial house. This kind of Buddhism had little to offer to the illiterate and uneducated masses and led to the growth of "people’s priests" who were not ordained and had no formal Buddhist training. Their practice was a combination of Buddhist and Daoist elements and the incorporation of shamanistic features of indigenous practices. Some of these figures became immensely popular and were a source of criticism towards the sophisticated academic and bureaucratic Buddhism of the capital. The Late Document [4](Title: Vietnamese folk religion) devoted to the worship of Confucius that in imperial times also functioned as academies. Taoism is believed to have been introduced into Vietnam during the first Chinese domination of Vietnam. In its pure form it is no longer practiced in Vietnam, but elements of its doctrines have been absorbed into the Vietnamese folk religion. Taoist influence is also recognisable in the Caodaist and Đạo Mẫu religions. According to Professor Liam Keelley during the Tang dynasty native spirits were subsumed into Daoism and the Daoist view of these spirits completely replaced the original native tales. Buddhism and Daoist replaced native narratives Document [5](Title: East Asian religions) the "every-moment". In the Tang period Taoism incorporated such Buddhist elements as monasteries, vegetarianism, prohibition of alcohol, the doctrine of emptiness, and collecting scripture into tripartite organisation. During the same time, Chan Buddhism grew to become the largest sect in Chinese Buddhism. The Buddha's "Dharma" seemed alien and amoral to conservative and Confucian sensibilities. Confucianism promoted social stability, order, strong families, and practical living, and Chinese officials questioned how monastic lifestyle and personal attainment of enlightenment benefited the empire. However, Buddhism and Confucianism eventually reconciled after centuries of conflict and assimilation. Ideological and political rivals for centuries, Taoism, Confucianism, and Document [6](Title: Gentry) that the Confucian scholar gentry that would – for the most part – make up most of the bureaucracy. This caste would comprise both the more-or-less hereditary aristocracy as well as the meritocratic scholars that rise through the rank by public service and, later, by imperial exams. Some sources, such as Xunzi, list farmers before the gentry, based on the Confucian view that they directly contributed to the welfare of the state. In China, the farmer lifestyle is also closely linked with the ideals of Confucian gentlemen. In Japan, this caste essentially equates to the samurai class. In the Edo Document [7](Title: History of citizenship) widely seen as a watershed event in modern politics. Up until then, the main ties between people under the Ancien Regime were hierarchical, such that each person owed loyalty to the next person further up the chain of command; for example, serfs were loyal to local vassals, who in turn were loyal to nobles, who in turn were loyal to the king, who in turn was presumed to be loyal to God. Clergy and aristocracy had special privileges, including preferential treatment in law courts, and were exempt from taxes; this last privilege had the effect of placing the burden of Question: which group was considered the backbone of chinese society Answer:
wealthy and successful businessmen
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Pirates of the Caribbean (attraction)) Pirates of the Caribbean is a dark ride at Disneyland , the Magic Kingdom , Tokyo Disneyland , and Disneyland Park in Paris . The original version at Disneyland , which opened in 1967 , was the last attraction whose construction was overseen by Walt Disney ; he died three months before it opened . The ride , which tells the story of a band of pirates and their troubles and exploits , was replicated at the Magic Kingdom in 1973 , at Tokyo Disneyland in 1983 , and at Disneyland Paris in 1992 . Each of the initial four versions of the ride has a different façade but a similar ride experience . A reimagined version of the ride , Pirates of the Caribbean : Battle for the Sunken Treasure , opened at the Shanghai Disneyland Park in 2016 . Document [1](Title: Pirates of the Caribbean (attraction)) 18, 1967, three months after his death. It was originally envisioned as a walk-through wax museum attraction; however, with the success of the boat ride concept of It's a Small World at the 1964 New York World's Fair, Disney decided to employ a similar concept on Pirates of the Caribbean. It is located within the New Orleans Square portion of Disneyland, its facade evoking antebellum era New Orleans, topped by a 31-star United States flag (which would indicate the 1850s). The ornate initials of Walt Disney and Roy Disney (W.D. and R.D.) can be seen entwined in the wrought iron Document [2](Title: Sid Meier's Pirates!) South America), Central America and the Yucatán Peninsula, the entire Gulf of Mexico, Florida, and all Caribbean islands, plus Bermuda. The player is free to sail to any part of the above-mentioned lands, stopped by an invisible barrier southeast of Trinidad, all the way north to just northeast of Bermuda. The game was widely ported from the original Commodore 64 version to numerous other systems. The "Pirates! Gold" remake, with minor improvements and better graphics, was released in 1993. An enhanced remake, also named "Sid Meier's Pirates!", was released in 2004. Versions for mobile devices have also been released. "Pirates!" Document [3](Title: Pirates of the Caribbean (video game)) have reported seeing it at random points in the game. The ship can be found randomly around the world, normally mostly near towns. There will also be warnings in town if the Black Pearl is sighted nearby. In the final end game mission, Captain Hawk is confronted by the Black Pearl. Only during this fight can the Black Pearl be damaged. When the fight ends, the game is complete. "Pirates of the Caribbean" received "mixed or average reviews" on both platforms according to video game review aggregator Metacritic. The "Armchair Empire" gave a game 7.7 out of 10 praising its Document [4](Title: Hook (film)) on December 11, 1991, earning $13,522,535 in its opening weekend. It went on to gross $119,654,823 in North America and $181,200,000 in foreign countries, accumulating a worldwide total of $300,854,823. It is the sixth-highest-grossing "pirate-themed" film, behind all five films in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" film series. In North America totals, it was the sixth-highest-grossing film in 1991, and fourth-highest-grossing worldwide. It ended up making a profit of $50 million for the studio, yet it was still declared a financial disappointment, having been overshadowed by the release of Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" and a decline in box-office receipts Document [5](Title: Pirates World) amusement park games owned and run by Cindy and Joe Dickman along with the petting zoo and seal pond. Members of the Miami Dolphins played the Football Toss. There was also a shooting gallery. The games at Pirates World were a Hi-Striker, Tip the Cats, Tic Tac Toe, ring toss, Football Toss, Can Can and a Watergun game. The petting zoo had an elephant (in 1972 there were deer instead as the elephant had grown too large for the enclosure) and a seal pond where one could feed fish to the seals. Also at Pirates World was the "Grand National Document [6](Title: Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)) place exclusively in Australia, being the largest production to ever shoot in the country. Village Roadshow Studios and Port Douglas were officially confirmed as filming locations. Production began in Australia on February 17, 2015 and wrapped on July 9, 2015. The "Pirates of the Caribbean" film series was successful at the box office, with each film grossing over $650 million, and all but "Dead Men Tell No Tales" at some point ranking among the fifty highest-grossing films of all time. It also became the first ever series to have multiple films passing the billion dollar mark in box office revenues Document [7](Title: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game) while 6.0/10 for PlayStation Portable, Nintendo 3DS, and Nintendo DS. IGN gave 7.5/10 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, and Nintendo DS, while 8.0/10 for Nintendo 3DS. GameZone gave the Wii version an 8/10, stating ""LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean" is an impressive action-adventure game that's fun throughout its entirety. Fans of past games or the "Pirates" license should play this game without hesitation." Eurogamer rated the game an 8/10, stating that "It's true that those who've played the last two or three Lego titles might experience a little déjà vu, but the rest will likely find that a pirate's Question: when did pirates of the caribbean ride open in disney world Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Marcano) Marcano family name originated in Spain . The Italian version of this surname is '' Marciano '' . It was a military family that came to the New World with Christopher Columbus . The Family later grew and spread throughout the Caribbean , where the surname became rooted in the countries of Puerto Rico , Cuba and Venezuela ( Margarita Island ) and eventually Trinidad & Tobago . Document [1](Title: Luis Fernando Castillo Mendez) a native of Venezuela, Castillo Méndez's family name (patronym) is "Castillo", with "Méndez" being his mother's family name. In Spanish-speaking countries, people normally have two surnames. One is inherited from the father, the other from the mother. The father's surname is written before the mother's surname and, when addressing a person formally, one usually uses the father's surname (e.g. "Señor Castillo"). "(See article Spanish naming customs)" However, as an immigrant to Brazil, where the custom is to place the father's surname in the final position, Castillo Méndez was normally addressed as "Méndez", even though this is technically his mother's surname. Document [2](Title: Basque surnames) spelling variants. Outside the Basque Country, Basque surnames are often found in Spain and France, the former Spanish colonies in parts of South America and the Philippines and parts of the United States such as Idaho where substantial numbers of Basques emigrated to. These are Basque surnames that are well-known or famous around the world. Basque surnames Basque surnames refer to surnames with a Basque-language origin or a long, identifiable tradition in the Basque Country. They can be divided into two main types, patronymic and non-patronymic. The patronymics such as Munioitz, Santxez or Santxitz, and Diaitz (Spanish spellings: Muñoz, Sánchez, Document [3](Title: Filipino name) have had interacted with Spaniards and lowlanders for trade who were given a name that follows the binomial "first name"-"surname" system, such as Mateo Cariño and Mateo Carantes. It was only at the turn of the 20th century and the advent of the American occupation of the Philippines that the naming customs of the Igorots slowly conformed with the national legal naming system used to today, aided by the evangelization efforts of American Protestant missionaries. Most older people, however, still keep the singular given name given to them by their parents while also using the so-called "Christian names" to conform Document [4](Title: Camões family) Camões family The Camões family were descendants of the 14th-century Portuguese nobleman Vasco Pires de Camões. It seems that this surname had its origin from the Palace of Camauda, of which makes mention Gonzalo Argote de Molina, which is in the Kingdom of Navarre in land of the Basques, corrupted from "Camanda" to "Camoens", from where they passed to Galicia and then to Portugal. Some say this surname came from a bird named "Camão", others from the Castle of Camoens, old in the Kingdom of Galicia, next to Cape Finisterre. The first one that can be found with this surname Document [5](Title: Robert) a common name in many Germanic languages, including English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Icelandic. It can be used as a French, Irish, Scottish, Finnish, and Estonian name as well. "Robert", and also the name "Joseph", were in the top 10 most given boys' names in the US for 47 years, from 1925 to 1972. The name "Robert" was also used in the royal houses of Europe. "Robert" was the name of several kings, dukes, and other rulers and noblemen. In Italy during the Second World War, the form of the name, Roberto, briefly acquired a new meaning derived Document [6](Title: Italian name) "Pier–", as in "Gianfranco, Gianluca, Gianluigi, Gianmaria, Giampaolo (Gianpaolo), Giampiero (Gianpiero), Giambattista" "Pierangelo, Pierantonio, Pierfranco, Pierluigi, Piermaria, Pierpaolo, " and so on. Italian unisex names are very rare (e.g. "Celeste"), but the feminine name "Maria" is common as a masculine second name, as in "Gianmaria, Carlo Maria, Anton Maria" etc. Italy and Italians have the largest collection of surnames ("cognomi") of any ethnicity in the world, with over 350,000. Men—except slaves—in ancient Rome always had hereditary surnames, i.e., "nomen" (clan name) and "cognomen" (side-clan name). However, the multi-name tradition was lost by the Middle Ages. Outside the aristocracy, where surnames Document [7](Title: Rubén Darío) San Marcos de Colón, in Choluteca, Honduras. Rubén Darío was born in Metapa, Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Although, according to his baptism, Rubén's true surname was García, his paternal family had been known by the surname Darío for many years. Rubén Darío explained it as follows in his autobiography: According to what some of the old people in that town of my childhood have referred to me, my great-grandfather had Darío as his nickname or first name. In this small town he was known by everyone as "Don Darío" and his entire family as the Daríos. It was in this way that Question: where does the last name marcano come from Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: RuPaul's Drag Race (season 10)) Contestant 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Aquaria SAFE SAFE SAFE WIN SAFE SAFE WIN LOW HIGH LOW WIN SAFE Asia O'Hara SAFE SAFE WIN LOW SAFE SAFE LOW BTM2 WIN HIGH HIGH SAFE Eureka SAFE BTM2 HIGH SAFE WIN WIN HIGH SAFE BTM2 HIGH HIGH SAFE Kameron Michaels SAFE HIGH LOW HIGH SAFE HIGH SAFE WIN BTM2 BTM2 BTM2 SAFE Miz Cracker HIGH HIGH SAFE HIGH HIGH LOW SAFE SAFE LOW WIN ELIM Monét X Change SAFE HIGH SAFE BTM2 BTM2 HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH ELIM The Vixen SAFE WIN SAFE SAFE LOW BTM2 BTM2 ELIM Monique Heart SAFE LOW SAFE SAFE HIGH SAFE ELIM Blair St. Clair HIGH HIGH HIGH SAFE SAFE ELIM Mayhem Miller WIN HIGH BTM2 SAFE ELIM Dusty Ray Bottoms LOW SAFE SAFE ELIM Yuhua Hamasaki HIGH SAFE ELIM Kalorie Karbdashian Williams BTM2 ELIM Vanessa Vanjie Mateo ELIM Document [1](Title: Million Star) contender will be selected randomly. After both contestants have performed their songs, the judges will decide who will be advanced based on the number of votes for the contestant (Team Red or Team Blue). After each episode, they will decide three eliminated contestants that will be saved among the six. The 18 contestants will be selected by the producers to be grouped into 9 pairs. After the contestants' performance, the judges will cast their votes. Both contestants will be advanced if they get three or more votes. At the end of the episode, the judges will select two potential contestants Document [2](Title: Airtel Super Singer 3) show to promote the release of the then-recently released film, 180. At the end of this round, all 8 international contestants were safe from eliminations while contestant Shakthi and contestant Malavika were placed in the danger zone from the top 11 contestants. However, the permanent judges decided not to eliminate either contestant this week. This round required the initial top 11 local contestants (as well as the 8 international contestants) to perform songs featured in films directed by P. Bharathiraja. At the end of this round, all top 11 contestants were safe from eliminations. However, the permanent judges eliminated contestant Document [3](Title: Singapore Idol) immediately and the other contestant which was in the "bottom two" together with Faizal was not revealed. On the results show, Gurmit Singh first revealed that Tabitha and Charles were in the "bottom two". However, the two contestants were then declared safe together with Sylvia and Sezairi and no one was eliminated. Gurmit Singh stated that it was a surprise non-elimination round and votes for that week would be carried over to the following week. The contestant with the lowest combined votes over the two weeks would be eliminated the following week. Of the thirteen semi-finalists, only the Top 3 Document [4](Title: Pass the Buck (U.S. game show)) any single row. The three eliminated contestants stayed onstage to observe the round, as the winner's performance dictated whether or not they could continue playing. As long as the winning contestant matched at least one answer on a row, he/she advanced to the next one and was given a new category. If he/she failed to match any answers, the round ended and he/she received $100 for every revealed answer. All four contestants then began a new game. To win the round, the contestant had to either match all of the answers on any one row or match at least one Document [5](Title: Pakistan Music Stars) judge each episode, while the remaining two appear as the team captains. The judges are Fariha Pervez, Sheraz Uppal, Haroon (singer) Rashid, Faakhir Mehmood, Rahim Shah, and Rameez Mukhtar (Fuzön). Haroon (singer) joined & replaced Ahmed Jahanzeb, who was unavailable for the show. Twenty-six contestants were selected after the auditions for the main event. The names of the contestants are: Twenty-four contestants out these twenty-six were selected, but Imran Ali and Nazia were sent home. There are six teams in the show. The names of the teams are: Nineteen episodes of the show has been announced. The first episode aired Document [6](Title: Dandenong Stingrays) Michael Ablett 1998 Craig Jacotine, Chris Fortnam 1997 Ben Lovett, Craig Black 1996 Anthony Hardie, Daniel Anderson 1995 Michael Agnello 1994 Brad Lloyd 1993 Ben Delarue 1992 Darren King 2016Thomas Glen/Myles Poholke 2015 Daniel Capiron 2014 Mirchell White 2013 Nathan Foote 2012 Tim McGenness 2011 Nick Haines 2010 Jake Batchelor 2009 Luke Parker 2008 Tom Gillies 2007 Matthew Clark 2006 Curtis Barker 2005 Greg Bentley 2004 Jarred Moore 2003 Marc Holt 2002 Michael Stinear 2001 Andrew Tuck 2000 Chris Newman 1999 Michael Burke 1998 Ashley Roberts 1997 Trent Croad 1996 Ben Lovett 1995 George Harrack 1994 Austinn Jones 1993 Shayne Document [7](Title: Pilipinas, Game Ka Na Ba?) selected, the champion gets a question. If the player doesn't get it right, more players are randomly chosen to answer the question until someone gets it right. The 5 players go on to the next round, anyone who did not get chosen to answer a question do get to return the next episode to compete again. The next round is the "Pick-A-Word" round, wherein an LED screen features 9 clue words to 9 different questions, each with a different value (either P1,000, P3,000 and P5,000). The first question and amount is chosen at random, and all others are chosen by Question: who is left in season 10 of rupaul's drag race Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (TV special)) After the script , concept designs and storyboards for Rudolph were done by Arthur Rankin , Jr. and his staff of artists at Rankin / Bass in New York City , the company 's trademark stop motion animation process , known as '' Animagic '' , was filmed at MOM Productions in Tokyo with supervision by Tadahito Mochinaga and associate direction by Kizo Nagashima . Besides Rudolph , Mochinaga and the rest of the Japanese puppet animation staff are also known for their partnership with Rankin / Bass on their other '' Animagic '' productions almost throughout the 1960s , from The New Adventures of Pinocchio , to Willy McBean and his Magic Machine , to The Daydreamer and Mad Monster Party ? . Document [1](Title: Rankin/Bass Productions) Rankin/Bass Productions Rankin/Bass Productions, Inc. (founded as Videocraft International, Ltd. and later known as Rankin/Bass Animated Entertainment) was an American production company, known for its seasonal television specials, particularly its work in stop motion animation. Rankin/Bass stop-motion features are recognizable by their visual style of doll-like characters with spheroid body parts, and ubiquitous powdery snow using an animation technique called "Animagic". Often, traditional cel animation scenes of falling snow would be projected over the action to create the effect of a snowfall. Nearly all of the studio's animation was outsourced to at least five Japanese animation companies: MOM Production, Toei Document [2](Title: Rankin/Bass Productions) the narration for the specials, Rankin/Bass had its own company of voice actors. For the studio's early work, this group was based in Toronto, Ontario, where recording was supervised by veteran CBC announcer Bernard Cowan. This group included actors such as Paul Soles, Larry D. Mann, and Paul Kligman. Maury Laws served as musical director for almost all of the animated films. Romeo Muller was another consistent contributor, serving as screenwriter for many of Rankin/Bass's best-known productions including "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "The Little Drummer Boy", and "Frosty the Snowman". One of Videocraft's first projects was an independently produced series, Document [3](Title: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) derivative of the Rankin/Bass adaptation of the story than the original tale and song (the characters of Stormella, Zoey, Arrow, Slyly, and Leonard parallel the Rankin/Bass characters of the Bumble, Clarice, Fireball, Hermey, and Yukon, respectively). The movie amplifies the early backstory of Rudolph's harassment by his schoolmates (primarily his cousin Arrow) during his formative years. GoodTimes Entertainment, the producers of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie", brought back most of the same production team for a CGI animated sequel, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys" (2001). Unlike the previous film, the sequel featured the original Document [4](Title: Katsudō Shashin) that should even be called animation in the contemporary sense". Katsudō Shashin , sometimes called the Matsumoto fragment, is a 1907 Japanese animated filmstrip that is the oldest known work of animation from Japan. Its creator is unknown. Evidence suggests it was made before 1912, so it may predate the earliest displays of Western animated films in Japan. It was discovered in a collection of films and projectors in Kyoto in 2005. The three-second filmstrip depicts a boy who writes "", removes his hat, and bows. The frames were stencilled in red and black using a device for making magic Document [5](Title: Yevgeniy Migunov) — Merry Hunters". It was based on the original screenplay, with main characters inspired by the popular Russian clown Karandash and his dog. In order to accomplish it, he basically reinvented the whole production process by designing a device for shooting in statics, with a horizontally moving camera and attachable dolls. He also suggested to use ball-jointed dolls and latex for puppet faces. Together with a mechanic Semyon Etlis he organized the technical base, constructed and patented all devices and dolls. The film turned very successful, and all Migunov's inventions and technical devices have been used by other Soyuzmultfilm directors Document [6](Title: Hayao Miyazaki) film rights. Around that time, Miyazaki was also approached for a series of magazine articles by the editorial staff of "Animage". During subsequent conversations, he showed his sketchbooks and discussed basic outlines for envisioned animation projects with editors Toshio Suzuki and Osamu Kameyama, who saw the potential for collaboration on their development into animation. Two projects were proposed: , to be set in the Sengoku period; and the adaptation of Corben's "Rowlf". Both were rejected, as the company was unwilling to fund anime projects not based on existing manga, and the rights for the adaptation of "Rowlf" could not be Document [7](Title: Muppet Mobile Lab) two animatronics characters and the special effects aboard the vehicle are controlled remotely by puppeteers, thanks to an advanced control system that allows the controllers to be located up to several miles away from the show location. On-board cameras, microphones and speakers allow the puppeteers to see and hear guests and interact with them. Muppeteers Dave Goelz and Steve Whitmire assisted in the development of the project. The project began as a continuation of Disney's "Living Character Initiative," a program that has generated other interactive shows at Disney theme parks including Lucky the Dinosaur, Turtle Talk with Crush, Monsters, Inc. Question: rudolph the red nosed reindeer how it was made Answer:
stop motion animation