You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Electrical conduction system of the heart) The conduction system consists of specialised heart muscle cells , and is situated within the myocardium . There is a skeleton of fibrous tissue that surrounds the conduction system which can be seen on an ECG . Dysfunction of the conduction system can cause irregular , fast , or slow heart rhythms . Document [1](Title: Cardiac cycle) is composed of myocytes which initiate their internal contractions without applying to external nerves—with the exception of changes in the heart rate due to metabolic demand. In an electrocardiogram, electrical systole initiates the atrial systole at the P wave deflection of a steady signal; and it starts contractions (systole) of the ventricles at the Q deflection of the QRS complex. (Completing the P wave represents the end of the "ventricular diastole" and the start of the "ventricular systole"—see cycle diagram). The cardiac cycle involves four major stages of activity: 1) "Isovolumic relaxation", 2) Inflow, 3) "Isovolumic contraction", 4) "Ejection". (See Document [2](Title: Electrical conduction system of the heart) The electrical conduction system of the heart transmits signals generated usually by the sinoatrial node to cause contraction of the heart muscle. The pacemaking signal generated in the sinoatrial node travels through the right atrium to the atrioventricular node, along the Bundle of His and through bundle branches to cause contraction of the heart muscle. This signal stimulates contraction first of the right and left atrium, and then the right and left ventricles. This process allows blood to be pumped throughout the body. Document [3](Title: Junctional rhythm) Junctional rhythm Junctional rhythm describes an abnormal heart rhythm resulting from impulses coming from a locus of tissue in the area of the atrioventricular node, the "junction" between atria and ventricles. Under normal conditions, the heart's sinoatrial node determines the rate by which the organ beats – in other words, it is the heart's "pacemaker". The electrical activity of sinus rhythm originates in the sinoatrial node and depolarizes the atria. Current then passes from the atria through the atrioventricular node and into the bundle of His, from which it travels along Purkinje fibers to reach and depolarize the ventricles. This Document [4](Title: Brugada syndrome) ventricular fibrillation or polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, but those with Brugada syndrome are also more likely to experience rapid heart rates due to less dangerous arrhythmias such as AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia and abnormally slow heart rhythms such as sinus node dysfunction. There are several mechanisms by which the genetic mutations causing this condition might produce these arrhythmias. Some argue that the main reason these arrhythmias arise is due to abnormally slow electrical conduction in areas of the heart, specifically the right ventricle. This slow conduction allows 'short circuits' to form, blocking the waves of electrical activity in some areas while Document [5](Title: Parasympathetic nervous system) a healthy heart, the main pacemaker is a collection of cells on the border of the atria and vena cava called the sinoatrial node. Heart cells exhibit automaticity which is the ability to generate electrical activity independent of external stimulation. As a result, the cells of the node spontaneously generate electrical activity that is subsequently conducted throughout the heart, resulting in a regular heart rate. In absence of any external stimuli, sinoatrial pacing contributes to maintain the heart rate in the range of 60-100 beats per minute (bpm). At the same time, the two branches of the autonomic nervous system Document [6](Title: Cardiac action potential) This is known as the electrical conduction system of the heart, see figure 4. Other than the SAN, the AVN and purkinje fibres also have pacemaker activity and can therefore spontaneously generate an action potential. However, these cells usually do not depolarize spontaneously, simply because, action potential production in the SAN is faster. This means that before the AVN or purkinje fibres reach the threshold potential for an action potential, they are depolarized by the oncoming impulse from the SAN This is called "overdrive suppression". Pacemaker activity of these cells is vital, as it means that if the SAN were Document [7](Title: Electrocardiography) Electrocardiography Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG) is the process of recording the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time using electrodes placed over the skin. These electrodes detect the tiny electrical changes on the skin that arise from the heart muscle's electrophysiologic pattern of depolarizing and repolarizing during each heartbeat. It is very commonly performed to detect any cardiac problems. In a conventional 12-lead ECG, ten electrodes are placed on the patient's limbs and on the surface of the chest. The overall magnitude of the heart's electrical potential is then measured from twelve different angles ("leads") and is Question: what is the property that allows the heart to generate and conduct electrical impulses on its own Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: American Revolutionary War) The British turned their attention to conquering the South in 1778 , despite their defeat at Saratoga . Prominent Loyalists with great influence in London had convinced them that Loyalist support was high in the South and that a campaign there would inspire an uprising , and the British centered their strategy upon this thinking . A southern campaign also had the advantage of keeping the Royal Navy closer to the Caribbean , where it would be needed to defend lucrative colonies against the Franco - Spanish fleets . Document [1](Title: American Revolution) campaign in the southern states. With fewer regular troops at their disposal, the British commanders saw the "southern strategy" as a more viable plan, as the south was perceived as being more strongly Loyalist, with a large population of recent immigrants as well as large numbers of slaves who might be captured or run away to join the British. Beginning in late December 1778, the British captured Savannah and controlled the Georgia coastline. In 1780, they launched a fresh invasion and took Charleston, as well. A significant victory at the Battle of Camden meant that royal forces soon controlled most Document [2](Title: American Revolutionary War) Loyalist military capability in the South. Upon the entry of France and Spain into the conflict, the British were forced to severely limit the number of troops and warships that they sent to North America in order to defend other key territories and the British mainland. As a result, King George III abandoned any hope of subduing America militarily while he had a European war to contend with. The small size of Britain's army left them unable to concentrate their resources primarily in one theater as they had done in the Seven Years' War, leaving them at a critical disadvantage. Document [3](Title: Napoleonic weaponry and warfare) of French troops. As the British army could be correspondingly smaller it was able to supply its troops by sea and land without having to live off the land as was the norm at the time. Further, because they did not have to forage they did not antagonise the locals and so did not have to garrison their lines of communications to the same extent as the French did. So the strategy of aiding their Spanish civilian allies in their guerrilla or 'small war' benefited the British in many ways, not all of which were immediately obvious. One of the Document [4](Title: France–United Kingdom relations) defeat at Saratoga, recognized the United States of America as an independent nation. Negotiating with Benjamin Franklin in Paris, they formed a military alliance. France in 1779 persuaded its Spanish allies to declare war on Britain. France despatched troops to fight alongside the Americans, and besieged Gibraltar with Spain. Plans were drawn up, but never put into action, to launch an invasion of England. The threat forced Britain to keep many troops in Britain that were needed in America. The British were further required to withdraw forces from the American mainland to protect their more valuable possessions in the West Document [5](Title: Loyalist (American Revolution)) up not only their allegiance to Britain but one of their most dearly held prejudices." Loyalist (American Revolution) Loyalists were American colonists who stayed loyal to the British Crown during the American Revolutionary War, often called Tories, Royalists, or King's Men at the time. They were opposed by the Patriots, who supported the revolution, and called them "persons inimical to the liberties of America". Prominent Loyalists repeatedly assured the British government that many thousands of them would spring to arms and fight for the crown. The British government acted in expectation of that, especially in the southern campaigns in 1780-81. Document [6](Title: Battle of Wahab's Plantation) The Loyalists were camped on the west side of the Catawba River while General Charles Cornwallis' army had camped on the east side. Davie opportunistically decided to attack the Loyalist camp, and succeeded in driving them back in complete surprise and with heavy casualties. He retreated before the British regulars arrived. The latter, in revenge for the attack, burned down Captain Walkup's house. Pursuant to the British "southern strategy" for winning the American Revolutionary War, British forces had captured Charleston, South Carolina early in 1780, and had driven Continental Army forces from South Carolina. Following his successful routing of a Document [7](Title: Loyalist (American Revolution)) British armies or joined uniformed Loyalist regiments. The British were forced out of Boston by March 17, 1776. They regrouped at Halifax and attacked New York in August, defeating George Washington's army at Long Island and capturing New York City and its vicinity, and they occupied the mouth of the Hudson River until 1783. British forces seized control of other cities, including Philadelphia (1777), Savannah, Georgia (1778–83), and Charleston, South Carolina (1780–82). But 90 percent of the colonial population lived outside the cities, with the effective result that Congress represented 80 to 90 percent of the population. The British removed Question: where was the second half of the american revolutionary war primarily fought Answer:
the South
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Portuguese discovery of the sea route to India) The discovery of the sea route to India is the description sometimes used in Europe and among the Portuguese for the first recorded trip made directly from Europe to India via the Atlantic Ocean . It was undertaken under the command of Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama during the reign of King Manuel I in 1497 - 1499 . Considered by Europe to be one of the most remarkable voyages of the Age of Discovery , it consolidated the Portuguese maritime presence in Indian Ocean and that country 's dominance of global trade routes . Document [1](Title: Portuguese Navy) of Brazil in the first expeditions that linked Europe, Africa, the New World, and Asia on a single voyage, such as the expedition of Pedro Álvares Cabral, and through the skills and experience of their navigators in the Atlantic, the Indian ocean, and in the Far East, also contributed to the technical and geographical advance of other European navies, such as the first circumnavigation by Ferdinand Magellan (including, in the expedition, other captains, sailors and pilots), sailing across the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. For the most of the 16th century, the Portuguese India Armadas and fleets, then the world Document [2](Title: Portuguese presence in Asia) Portuguese presence in Asia The Portuguese presence in Asia was responsible for what would be many first contacts between European countries and the East, starting on May 20, 1498 with the trip led by Vasco da Gama to Calicut (in modern-day Kerala state in India). Portugal's goal in the Indian Ocean was to ensure their monopoly in the spice trade, establishing several fortresses and commercial trading posts. Asia has always exerted a fascination on the Portuguese. Then came the much valued spices, luxury products like ivory, precious stones and dyestuffs. The inaccuracy of geographical knowledge before the discoveries led people Document [3](Title: History of India) prevalent. Villages paid a portion of their agricultural produce as revenue to the rulers, while their craftsmen received a part of the crops at harvest time for their services. In 1498, a Portuguese fleet under Vasco da Gama successfully discovered a new sea route from Europe to India, which paved the way for direct Indo-European commerce. The Portuguese soon set up trading posts in Goa, Daman, Diu and Bombay. Goa became the main Portuguese base until it was annexed by India in 1961. The next to arrive were the Dutch, with their main base in Ceylon. They established ports in Document [4](Title: Timeline of European exploration) Timeline of European exploration The following timeline covers European exploration from 1418 to 1957. The 15th century witnessed the rounding of the feared Cape Bojador and Portuguese exploration of the west coast of Africa, while in the last decade of the century the Spanish sent expeditions to the New World, focusing on exploring the Caribbean Sea, and the Portuguese discovered the sea route to India. In the 16th century, various countries sent exploring parties into the interior of the Americas, as well as to their respective west and east coasts north to California and Labrador and south to Chile and Document [5](Title: Iberian ship development, 1400–1600) the Portuguese, and its European neighbors, especially Spain. Apart from their religious and scientific aspects, these voyages of discovery were highly profitable. They had benefited from Guinea's connections with neighboring Iberians and north African Muslim states. Due to these connections, mathematicians and experts in naval technology appeared in Portugal. Portuguese and foreign experts made several breakthroughs in the fields of mathematics, cartography and naval technology. In 1434 the first consignment of African slaves was brought to Lisbon; "slave trading was the most profitable branch of Portuguese commerce until India was reached." Throughout the fifteenth century, Portuguese explorers sailed the coast Document [6](Title: History of navigation) 1447 and Sierra Leone in 1462. Combined with the empirical observations gathered in oceanic seafaring, mapping winds and currents, Portuguese explorers took the lead in the long distance oceanic navigation, opening later, at the beginning of the 16th century, a network of ocean routes covering the Atlantic, the Indian and the western Pacific oceans, from the North Atlantic and South America, to Japan and Southeast Asia. The Portuguese discovered the two large volta do mar (meaning literally "turn of the sea" but also "return from the sea") currents and trade winds of North and of South Atlantic ocean (approximately in Document [7](Title: Portugal–Spain relations) of Good Hope. An expedition headed by Vasco da Gama was sent on a diplomatic and trade mission to India. He followed the route of Dias until he reached Malindi (Kenya) in East Africa. Da Gama bombarded the town and took Indian hostages. Portugal was able to establish a commercial post in Cochin, a port southwest of India. In 1509, another Portuguese explorer, Diogo Lopes de Sequeira, successfully reached Malacca, an important trade center in Southeast Asia. Spain came into the scene much later. After completely defeating the last Moorish (Muslim) stronghold on the Iberian peninsula, King Ferdinand and Queen Question: who commanded the portuguese fleet that rounded the cape of good hope and reached india Answer:
Vasco da Gama
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Isaiah Thomas (basketball)) 2011 -- 2014 Sacramento Kings Document [1](Title: 2015–16 Sacramento Kings season) to finish 33–49. It was the first time since 2004–05 that the Kings were out of the bottom two in the Pacific Division, but the team remained eight wins short of a playoff berth. 2015–16 Sacramento Kings season The 2015–16 Sacramento Kings season was the 71st season of the franchise, its 67th season in the National Basketball Association (NBA), and its 31st in Sacramento. It was also their final season playing in the Sleep Train Arena (their home since 1988), as the Kings moved to the new Golden 1 Center in Downtown Sacramento the following season. Following seven consecutive seasons Document [2](Title: Sacramento Kings) two playoff matchups against the Stockton and Malone-led Jazz and the Dirk Nowitzki-led Dallas Mavericks, respectively, the Kings went on to play the archrival and two-time defending champion Los Angeles Lakers in the Western Conference Finals, regarded as one of the greatest playoff matchups in history. In a controversial series, the Kings lost in seven games, one game away from what would have been the first NBA Finals and professional sports championship in Sacramento history. This was a crushing blow to the Kings; after losing to their archrivals in a highly controversial series, the team would begin to decline and Document [3](Title: Duncan Keith) Angeles Kings to earn the award as the NHL's best defenceman in the off-season. As a result of several Blackhawks players, including Keith, entering the first year of lucrative contracts in the 2010–11 season, the team was forced to deal away several components of their Stanley Cup winning team to fit under the salary cap. With a diminished roster, Chicago qualified for the playoffs by two points as the eighth and final seed in the West. Keith's production decreased to seven goals and 45 points over 82 games. Facing the Canucks in the first round, the Blackhawks were eliminated in Document [4](Title: 2008–09 Los Angeles Kings season) 2008–09 Los Angeles Kings season The 2008–09 Los Angeles Kings season was the 42nd season (41st season of play) for the National Hockey League franchise. The Kings showed improvement while fielding the youngest team in the league (in terms of average age per player), but came up short of breaking a playoff drought that stretches back to the 2001–02 season. Despite a tough schedule that saw them play 17 of their final 24 games away from the Staples Center, the Kings managed to stay in the playoff hunt for much of the year. They played in 43 games decided by Document [5](Title: Sydney Kings) season. The team recruited big names Kevin Lisch, Brad Newley and Aleks Marić plus imports Greg Whittington and Michael Bryson for the 2016–17 season; however after starting the season with five wins in their opening six games, the Kings won just eight of their remaining 22 games and missed the playoffs. Before the 2017–18 season, the team recruited imports Perry Ellis and Travis Leslie plus small forward Todd Blanchfield; however fared no better, losing 16 of their first 21 games as Lisch suffered a calf injury that would force him to miss most of the regular season. Late in the Document [6](Title: 2003–04 Sacramento Kings season) the season second in the Pacific Division with a 55–27 record. Miller and Peja Stojaković were both selected for the 2004 NBA All-Star Game. In the first round of the playoffs, the Kings got the last laugh as they defeated their archrivals the Dallas Mavericks in five games, before falling to Kevin Garnett and the Minnesota Timberwolves in the second round as Webber missed a potential game-tying 3-pointer in Game 7. This ended the Kings' attempt at a championship as their core would be dismantled the following season, which included Vlade Divac re-signing as a free agent with the Los Document [7](Title: Kings–Sharks rivalry) Pavelski, and Marleau to take a 3–0 lead. The Kings threatened to tie the game after goals from Trevor Lewis and Luke Schenn, but it failed as San Jose won Game 4 3–2 and took a 3–1 series lead heading back to Los Angeles. Jones and Quick both made 26 saves during the game. San Jose had a chance to win the series in five games and they got off to a great start. Joonas Donskoi, Chris Tierney, and Matt Nieto scored for the Sharks, all at even-strength, to give their team a 3–0 lead. The Kings, however, rallied to Question: who did isiah thomas play for in 2014 Answer:
Sacramento Kings
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Los Angeles Olympics) 1932 Summer Olympics , games of the X Olympiad 1984 Summer Olympics , games of the XXIII Olympiad 2028 Summer Olympics , games of the XXXIV Olympiad Document [1](Title: American football at the 1932 Summer Olympics) various problems the IFAF has to solve in order to be accepted by the IOC are building a competitive women's division, expanding the sport into Africa, and overcoming the current worldwide competitive imbalance that is in favor of American teams. American football at the 1932 Summer Olympics American football was a demonstration sport at the 1932 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. On the evening of August 8, 1932, seniors from three Western universities (Cal, Stanford, and USC) were matched against those from the East Coast's "Big Three" (Harvard, Yale, and Princeton). In front of 60,000 spectators at the Los Angeles Document [2](Title: 1925 Workers' Summer Olympiad) 1925 Workers' Summer Olympiad The 1925 Workers' Summer Olympiad was the second edition of International Workers' Olympiads. The games were held from July 24 to July 28 at Frankfurt am Main in Germany. Total number of participants was more than 100,000 of which 3,000 were actual athletes from 12 countries. The rest were spectators who were invited to take part on mass gymnastics that underlined the ideas of worker sports. Motto of the 1925 Olympiad was "Nie wieder Krieg!" – No More War! The events mostly took place at the newly opened Waldstadion that is today known as Commerzbank-Arena. An Document [3](Title: Liu Changchun) administrator. Due to the Sino-Japanese War, the Kuomintang of the Republic of China decided to abstain from attending the Games of the X Olympiad (1932 Summer Olympic Games) in Los Angeles.The Japanese puppet state in Manchuria and eastern Inner Mongolia, Manchukuo, announced that two athletes, Liu Chang-chun and Yu Xi-wei would represent Manchukuo in the 1932 Summer Olympics through the de facto government-controlled newspaper. In May 1932, Liu proclaimed that as a Chinese person, he would never represent the puppet state of Manchukuo in the Olympic Games in Ta Kung Pao, a Chinese newspaper. Liu refused to represent Manchukuo, and Document [4](Title: Gymnastics at the 1932 Summer Olympics – Men's artistic individual all-around) Gymnastics at the 1932 Summer Olympics – Men's artistic individual all-around The men's individual all-around event was part of the gymnastics programme at the 1932 Summer Olympics. It was one of eleven gymnastics events for men. It was the eighth appearance of the event, which was established in 1900. The competition was held from Monday, August 8, 1932, to Wednesday, August 10, 1932. Twenty-four gymnasts from five nations competed. An obligatory and a voluntary exercise was performed on every of the five different apparatuses: horizontal bar, parallel bars, pommel horse, flying rings (rings), and long horse vaulting (vault). The results Document [5](Title: Léo Lagrange) the co-organisation of the People's Olympiad in Barcelona with the Spanish Second Republic. Nazi Germany had managed to gain the right to organise the Olympic Games in Berlin, against Barcelona, but anti-fascists refused to participate in these Games and went on with their own project. The trials for these popular Olympiads proceeded on 4 July 1936 in the Pershing stadium in Paris, which had been built in June 1919. Léo Lagrange chaired these days in person, along with Minister of Transport Pierre Cot, André Malraux, who later fought in the International Brigades, and other figures of the Popular Front. Through Document [6](Title: Avery Brundage) so sure but they were right." According to Butterfield, Brundage was suspicious of female athletes, suspecting that some were actually men in disguise. In 1931, the IOC awarded the 1936 Olympics to Germany, with the winter games in Bavaria and the summer games in the capital city of Berlin. After Germany had been selected to host the Olympics, several IOC members indicated that they were showing support for its democratic government, which was under attack from extremists in the hard economic times of the Great Depression. The Berlin Games were thrown in doubt, however, by the July 1932 elections for Document [7](Title: Bids for the 2016 Summer Olympics) Chicago, which was the first to be eliminated from the final 4, as well as the strong showing of Madrid, who was the last contender against Rio. Bids for the 2016 Summer Olympics Seven cities submitted bids for 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympics on September 13, 2007, aiming to host the "Games of the XXXI Olympiad". All of them were recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on September 14, 2007, becoming Applicant cities. Although several cities submitted to be in consideration to host the 2016 Olympics, including New York City and Los Angeles, on June 4, 2008, the IOC Question: when was the last time la hosted the olympics Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank) The bank is headquartered in Basseterre , St. Kitts , and is currently overseen by Mr. Timothy Antoine , the Bank Governor . Prior to assuming his post in February 2016 , the bank was overseen by the late Sir K. Dwight Venner . Document [1](Title: Financial District, Boston) the mutual fund companies Fidelity Investments, Putnam Investments, and DWS Scudder Investments; the world headquarters for State Street Bank and Eastern Bank; accounting firms Wolf & Company, P.C., RSM McGladrey, and BDO USA, LLP; loan advisor The Debt Exchange; the law firms of Bingham McCutchen, Goodwin Procter, WilmerHale, Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham, and Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky, and Popeo, PC; the local headquarters of Bank of America (formerly Fleet Bank) and Sovereign Bank; the Langham Hotel Boston and Hilton Hotel; and the local offices of Merrill Lynch and other brokerages. Dewey Square, One Financial Center, and the plaza Document [2](Title: Bank of Canada) to issue a directive" no such directive has ever been issued. The bank's earnings go into the federal treasury. The governor and senior deputy governor are appointed by the bank's board of directors. The Deputy Minister of Finance sits on the board of directors but does not have a vote. The bank submits its spending to the board of directors, while departmental spending is overseen by the Treasury Board with their spending estimates submitted to Parliament. Its employees are regulated by the bank and not the federal public service agencies. The bank has a zero book value policy on its Document [3](Title: Llandovery Bank) had more branches than any other private bank of its period in the county. The branch at Llandeilo was established by 1842, and by 1887 had moved into a purpose-built building, by J Calder of London, a plain but substantial building with iron-bound doors, denoting security. The original banking hall and vaults remain, and the building is now the office of a financial services company. The former ‘Nag’s Head’ hotel, to the left of the bank, was owned by the bank and remodelled in 1887, ‘to be convenient to those waiting to do business’. There was probably no bank of Document [4](Title: Bank of American Fork (financial institution)) Places in 1993. The historic building initially housed the original Bank of American Fork that closed after the 1929 stock market crash. The bank's headquarters is significant as the only surviving bank building and the "most visually impressive" of four surviving intact historic commercial buildings on Main Street. Bank of American Fork was established in 1913 as The People's State Bank of American Fork. In its early years, the bank found modest success servicing mostly sheep farmers in Utah County. Key to the bank's success was the leadership of Clifford E. Young, the Bank's manager from 1913 until the mid Document [5](Title: China Bohai Bank) investors included TEDA Holding, COSCO, Baosteel Group, State Development & Investment Corporation, with TEDA taking the lead role with a 25% shareholding. The first appointed official of the bank was from Standard Chartered, an Englishman, Mr Simon Page, the Chief Risk Officer who took up the post in October 2004. The Head of Wholesale Bank was a Swiss national, Mr Rolf Berweger. A group of officials and technical experts from Standard Chartered Bank joined the set up team and the preparation for the bank began under the guidance of the project director Mr Clive Haswell, pulling together business strategy, technical Document [6](Title: City National Bank (California)) a national bank, regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency of the United States Department of the Treasury. It has been a wholly owned subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Canada since 2015. The bank was founded in 1954 by Alfred S. Hart. He hired Benjamin N. Maltz as the first Chairman of the Board. Its offices were in Beverly Hills at 400 North Roxbury Drive until 2004 when its headquarters were relocated to Arco Plaza (later City National Plaza) in Los Angeles. In 1963, when Frank Sinatra's son was kidnapped, the bank put up the $240,000 Document [7](Title: Stephen Lange Ranzini) Stephen Lange Ranzini Stephen Lange Ranzini is president and CEO of University Bank and president and CEO of University Bancorp, Inc. (Listed OTCQB under symbol UNIB.) At the age of 23, after graduating from Yale University, Ranzini convinced Bank One Corporation to lend to a newly formed corporation of which he was president the monies necessary to buy a bank in a leveraged buyout. He then became the youngest bank holding company president in the U.S.A. in July 1988. Ranzini served as the U.S. delegate to the United Nations global financial services standards setting body, UN CEFACT TBG5, from April Question: where is the eastern caribbean central bank located Answer:
Basseterre , St. Kitts
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: GEICO Cavemen) Jeff Daniel Phillips and Ben Weber played the two earliest cavemen and continuously reprise their roles . Actor John Lehr appears most frequently as the caveman , while Ben Wilson has also portrayed one of the characters . The makeup effects for the caveman include facial prosthetics , dental veneers , lace hairpieces , and body hair , and were designed and created by Tony Gardner and his special effects company Alterian , Inc . In an online interview with Esquire , Joe Lawson said that one aspect of the ads is a critique of modern political correctness . The cavemen have been honored by the Madison Avenue Advertising Walk of Fame . Document [1](Title: GEICO advertising campaigns) therapists (portrayed in the commercials by two-time Oscar-nominated actress Talia Shire). The humor revolves around the relative normality of the cavemen's presence and their reactions to the stereotype represented in the ads, and their attempts at defending themselves from the stereotype. The ads were so successful that the commercial actors are appearing in a successful series of interactive websites written and produced by GEICO's in-house creative team at Caveman's Crib and most recently, iHeartcavemen. A spin-off TV series, titled "Cavemen" and starring new actors, debuted on ABC in October 2007 to overwhelmingly negative critical reaction. It was canceled after only Document [2](Title: Cavemen (TV series)) the Neanderthal. (In reality, Cro-Magnon were Homo Sapiens.) The writer and producers clearly intended to portray the protagonists as (or like) "Homo neanderthalensis", which is anatomically different from modern humans, but sufficiently closely related that they are not always classed as a separate species. Cavemen have prominent brow ridges and more body hair than "Homo sapiens", but beyond superficial differences in appearance they actually are not that much different from modern humans in terms of behavior or physical abilities. Male Cavemen are very hairy, have thick long beards and wear their head-hair shoulder-length. A Cavewoman that appeared on the show Document [3](Title: Nick Cave (performance artist)) Cave's "soundsuits" can telegraph many concepts simultaneously. Their meaning can therefore change based on their environment, movement, fixed state, and/or the inclusion of group choreography. The finished pieces bear some resemblance to African ceremonial costumes and masks. The suits also reference carnival costumes, Dogon costumes, Rococo, and ball culture. Cave's first "soundsuit" was created in 1992, as a reaction to the beating of Rodney King. Cave collected a large number of sticks and twigs from the ground and fashioned them into a suit that made sounds when worn. His suits are most often presented for public viewing as static sculptures, Document [4](Title: Cavemen (TV series)) ABC Medianet Seasonal ratings based on average total viewers per episode of "Cavemen" on ABC: + Information is current as of January 7, 2008. Cavemen (TV series) Cavemen is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from October 2 to November 13, 2007. The show was created by Joe Lawson and set in San Diego, California. Based on the GEICO Cavemen commercials, which were also written by Lawson, the show was described by the network as a "unique buddy comedy that offers a clever twist on stereotypes and turns race relations on its head". In the series, cavemen were never Document [5](Title: 20,000 Days on Earth) and said that "While the film is seemingly accessible as a portrait of an artist who seems particularly attuned to his own creative process, and particularly adept at describing this attunement, it's unlikely that many who aren't already whole-hog Bad Seeds fans would be able to stomach much of Cave's self-styled pomposity." Rob Nelson, in his review for "Variety", praised the film by saying that "This innovative study of Nick Cave playfully disguises itself as fiction while more than fulfilling the requirements of a biographical documentary." David Rooney in his review for "The Hollywood Reporter" said that "What makes "20,000 Document [6](Title: Professional wrestling) Famer who remained a babyface throughout his entire career). Sometimes a character's heel turn will become so popular that eventually the audience response will alter the character's heel-face cycle to the point where the heel persona will, in practice, become a face persona, and what was previously the face persona, will turn into the heel persona, such as when Dwayne Johnson first began using "The Rock" persona as a heel character, as opposed to his original "Rocky Maivia" babyface persona. Another legendary example is Stone Cold Steve Austin, who was originally booked as a heel, with such mannerisms as drinking Document [7](Title: Restoration spectacular) Cave is PROTEUS asleep on a rock adorned with shells, &c. like the Cave. ALBION and ACACIA seize on him; and while a symphony is playing, he sinks as they are bringing him forward, and changes himself into a Lion, a Crocodile, a Dragon, and then to his own shape again; he comes forward to the front of the stage, and sings." How were such effects produced, and how did they look? The crocodile etc. obviously used the floor trap, but was it an illusionistically painted figure worked with sticks, or a man in a crocodile suit? There are no Question: who played the caveman in the geico commercials Answer:
Ben Wilson
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Governors of Kogi State) Name Title Took Office Left Office Party Notes Danladi Mohammed Zakari Administrator 28 August 1991 January 1992 ( Military ) Abubakar Audu Governor January 1992 November 1993 NRC Colonel Paul Omeruo Administrator 9 December 1993 22 August 1996 ( Military ) Colonel Bzigu Afakirya Administrator 22 August 1996 August 1998 ( Military ) Augustine Aniebo Administrator August 1998 May 1999 ( Military ) Abubakar Audu Governor 29 May 1999 29 May 2003 APP ; ANPP Ibrahim Idris Governor 29 May 2003 6 February 2008 PDP Clarence Olafemi Governor 6 February 2008 29 March 2008 PDP Ibrahim Idris Governor 29 March 2008 January 2011 PDP Idris Wada Governor January 2012 PDP Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello Governor 27 January 2016 February 2019 APC Document [1](Title: Ekiti State) a military administrator (General Tunji Olurin) on Ekiti State in October 2006. On 27 April 2007, Olurin was replaced by Tope Ademiluyi. In the PDP primary of 2006, the first-place finisher Yinka Akerele and second-place finisher Prof. Adesegun Ojo were supposed to be in a run-off to determine who would be the nominee of the Nigerian ruling party when President Obasanjo summoned them to Abuja and imposed the candidate who came third, Engineer Segun Oni. He was later elected in the 2007 election as the governor of the state in an election marred by widespread irregularities although the APC candidate, Document [2](Title: Action Congress of Nigeria) formed in 2006 in order to form a larger political opposition to the federally dominant centrist People's Democratic Party and the Northern-based All Nigeria Peoples Party. On May 12, 2006, the provisional officers of the party (most of whom carried their seats from the Alliance for Democracy) were replaced at the Kaduna convention by ballot; Bisi Akande succeeded Hassan M. Zurmi as National Chairman, and Bashir Dalhatu replaced Bumi Omoseyindemi as National Secretary. The party ran Vice President Atiku Abubakar, who defected from the People's Democratic Party, as its presidential candidate in the 2007 presidential election. Abubakar was disqualified from Document [3](Title: Abdulmumini Aminu) the People's Democratic Party (Nigeria) (PDP) at the start of the Nigerian Fourth Republic. He later switched to the United Nigeria People's Party (UNPP). Aminu ran for governor of Katsina State in April 2003, but lost out to the incumbent Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, who later went on to become President of Nigeria. During the April 2003 elections, Aminu was arrested in Katsina for alleged electoral malpractices. In April 2004, Aminu rejoined the PDP, saying that the UNPP was in disarray. In June 2007 Aminu was in the running to become to succeed Bala Bawa Ka'oje as the Chairman of the Document [4](Title: History of Basilan) interim governor of Basilan together with Vice-Governor Ping A. Kasim, the members of the Provincial Board, the mayors of the seven municipalities and all municipal councilors in the province. This is preparatory to the local election in 1988. Prior to the appointment of Gov. Alano, the Department of Interior and Local Government installed government Operations Officer Pepito Pamolana as Officer-In-Charge of the province, through it lasted for only 2 hours. When the local officials filed their candidacy for the 1988 elections, Poe Reynera and Hji. Calama Ibama served as Governor and Vice-Governor respectively. The Board Members appointed with them were: Document [5](Title: Nasir Ahmad el-Rufai) Nasir Ahmad el-Rufai Malam Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai (born 16 February 1960) is a Nigerian politician who is the incumbent Governor of Kaduna State and the former Director General of The Bureau of Public Enterprises, the head privatisation agency in Nigeria. Minister of the He was the minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja from 16 July 2003 to 29 May 2007. He is a member of All Progressives Congress (APC) and was elected as the Executive Governor of Kaduna State during the 2015 general elections in Nigeria. EL-Rufai was born in Daudawa of Faskari Local Government Area in Katsina State. Document [6](Title: Ahmed Makarfi) Ahmed Makarfi Ahmed Mohammed Makarfi (born 8 August 1956) is a Nigerian politician and the former Chairman of the People's Democratic Party. He was governor of Kaduna State in Nigeria from 29 May 1999 to 29 May 2007, and was elected Senator for Kaduna North in April 2007. He is a member of the People's Democratic Party (PDP). Makarfi, a Muslim, is married and has four children. Born in Makarfi, Makarfi Local Government Area of Kaduna State (then part of the Northern Region), he attended primary school from 1965 to 1973. He then attended the Federal Government College in Enugu Document [7](Title: Adgur Lushba) became head of the Economical department of the Cabinet. In December 1999, following the re-election of President Vladislav Ardzinba and the appointment of Viacheslav Tsugba as Prime Minister, Lushba was appointed Minister for Economy. He initially kept his position after Tsugba was succeeded by Anri Jergenia, but on 28 May 2002 was transferred to the State Tax Service, succeeding Konstantin Ozgan who had been elected to the People's Assembly. In November 2002, Jergenia was replaced as Prime Minister by Gennady Gagulia, who transformed the State Tax Service into a Ministry, and on 18 December, Lushba was appointed as the first Question: who is the first governor of kogi state Answer:
Danladi Mohammed Zakari
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: All Creatures Great and Small (TV series)) All Creatures Great and Small Cast of All Creatures Great and Small , circa 1978 : Christopher Timothy , Robert Hardy , Peter Davison , Mary Hignett and Carol Drinkwater Genre Comedy - drama Created by Bill Sellars Written by James Herriot Starring Christopher Timothy Robert Hardy Peter Davison Carol Drinkwater Mary Hignett John McGlynn Margaretta Scott Lynda Bellingham ( list of characters ) Theme music composer Johnny Pearson Country of origin United Kingdom Original language ( s ) English No. of series 7 No. of episodes 90 ( list of episodes ) Production Producer ( s ) Bill Sellars Location ( s ) Yorkshire Dales Running time 48 minutes Release Original network BBC1 Picture format 4 : 3 Audio format Mono Original release 8 January 1978 ( 1978 - 01 - 08 ) -- 24 December 1990 ( 1990 - 12 - 24 ) Document [1](Title: Robert Hardy) Robert Hardy Timothy Sydney Robert Hardy (29 October 1925 – 3 August 2017) was an English actor who had a long career in the theatre, film and television. He began his career as a classical actor and later earned widespread recognition for roles such as Siegfried Farnon in the BBC television series "All Creatures Great and Small", Cornelius Fudge in the "Harry Potter" film series and Winston Churchill in several productions, beginning with the Southern Television series "". He was nominated for the BAFTA for Best Actor for "All Creatures Great and Small" in 1980 and "Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Document [2](Title: All Creatures Great and Small (franchise)) "James Herriot", and are set in the fictional town of "Darrowby", based on a combination of Thirsk, Richmond, Leyburn and Middleham.. In the books James Herriot work with fellow veterinary surgeons, Siegfried and Tristan Farnon, based on real-life counterparts, "Donald Sinclair" and his brother "Brian Sinclair" respectively. Wight also used the name "Helen Alderson" for his wife, Joan Danbury. In America the books were collected as pairs into omnibus volumes, as the publisher felt they were too short to publish independently. The title chosen for the first book in the series "All Creatures Great and Small" (and subsequently one of Document [3](Title: It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet) Released on VHS in the 1990s, the film has yet to see a commercial release on DVD in the UK (region 2) or US (region 1). It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet (in the US also known as All Things Bright and Beautiful), is a 1976 sequel to the 1975 film "All Creatures Great and Small". Although having the same title as James Herriot's second novel, the film is actually based on his third and fourth novels, "Let Sleeping Vets Lie" and "Vet in Harness", which in the US were released as a compilation Document [4](Title: Bob Godfrey) different animation techniques. Guests included Richard Williams and Terry Gilliam. The series has subsequently been acknowledged by a new generation of animators, including Nick Park, as a significant influence on them making animated films. With both "Roobarb" (1974–75), "Noah and Nelly in... SkylArk" (1976-77), Richard Briers was the voice-over artist. He was the director of the 1975 short film "Great", a humorous look at the life and works of the Victorian engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel. The film combined animation with some live action sequences. Richard Briers provided the voice of Brunel. In 1976 "Great" became the first British film to Document [5](Title: Birdsong (novel)) to those in Thomas Hardy novels. "Birdsong" was adapted as a radio drama of the same title in 1997, and as a stage play in 2010. The play adaptation was first directed by Trevor Nunn at the Comedy Theatre in London. In 2012 it was adapted as a two-part television drama for the BBC. The production starred Eddie Redmayne as Stephen Wraysford and Clémence Poésy as Isabelle Azaire, and was directed by Philip Martin, based on a screenplay by Abi Morgan. The historian Edward Madigan favourably compared the television adaptation to Steven Spielberg's "War Horse" as a successful evocation of Document [6](Title: James Cellan Jones) he began directing for the BBC, and by 1965 was directing several major productions a year there. In 1967 he directed seven episodes of the award-winning miniseries adaptation of "The Forsyte Saga", and his other period dramas have included numerous adaptations of works by Henry James and George Bernard Shaw. In the 1970s he directed two notable historical biographical sagas: the award-winning miniseries "Jennie: Lady Randolph Churchill" (1976), and the 13-episode miniseries "The Adams Chronicles" (1976), about the American Adams political family. From 1976 through 1979 Cellan Jones was Head of Plays at the BBC, where he was responsible for Document [7](Title: Kindle Entertainment) in the UK, it is also shown on Cyw in Wales, with a total of over 40 channels worldwide airing the show. To produce the show, Kindle Entertainment worked with 3J's Entertainment and Sixteen South for the BBC, Treehouse TV and Studio 100. "Big & Small" is a puppet comedy aimed at pre-school children following the characters Big and Small which, every episode, features a song. Both Big and Small are voiced by Lenny Henry, and Imelda Staunton voices the other main characters. Kindle and Start Licensing have made deals to merchandise the programme with indoor- and outdoor-clothing, nightwear and Question: where did all creatures great and small take place Answer:
Yorkshire Dales
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Patrick Mahomes) Patrick Lavon Mahomes II ( born September 17 , 1995 ) is an American football quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League ( NFL ) . He played college football at Texas Tech , and was drafted by the Chiefs with the tenth overall pick in the 2017 NFL Draft . Mahomes is the son of former MLB pitcher Pat Mahomes . Document [1](Title: Pat Mahomes) Pat Mahomes Patrick Lavon Mahomes (born August 9, 1970) is a former American professional baseball pitcher. He played in Major League Baseball from to for the Minnesota Twins, Boston Red Sox, New York Mets, Texas Rangers, Chicago Cubs, and Pittsburgh Pirates. He also pitched in two seasons in Nippon Professional Baseball, and , for the Yokohama BayStars. He most recently played for the Grand Prairie AirHogs of the independent American Association in . He is the father of NFL quarterback Patrick Mahomes. Mahomes attended Lindale high school. in Lindale, Texas, where he played varsity baseball, basketball and football. He did Document [2](Title: Chiefs–Raiders rivalry) victory over Kansas City since December 23, 2002. On September 14, 2008, the Raiders defeated the Chiefs 23–8 for the second straight time in Kansas City. Rookie Darren McFadden compiled 210 rushing yards and a touchdown. On November 30, 2008, the Chiefs defeated the Raiders for the sixth straight time in Oakland. On September 20, 2009, the Raiders defeated the Chiefs 13-10, in Kansas City for the third straight time. The Chiefs became one of the few teams to lose to quarterback JaMarcus Russell. On November 15, 2009, the Chiefs defeated the Raiders 16-10 in Oakland Coliseum for the Chiefs' Document [3](Title: Kalvin McRae) Kalvin McRae Kalvin McRae (born August 30, 1985) is a former American football running back. He was released by the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League prior to the beginning of training camp. He was originally signed by the Chiefs as an undrafted free agent on April 27, 2008. He played college football for the Bobcats of Ohio University. McRae is the son of Willie and Cheral. McRae attended Avondale High School in Avondale Estates, Georgia and was a student and a letterman in football, wrestling, and track. In football, he was named the teams' Most Valuable Player Document [4](Title: Steve Pelluer) He was the last quarterback to start and win a game for a Tom Landry-coached team. The next year, he asked to be traded, after Jimmy Johnson was hired as the new head coach and drafted two rookie quarterbacks (Troy Aikman and Steve Walsh). On October 17, 1989, he was traded to the Kansas City Chiefs in exchange for a third round draft choice in 1990 (#68-Ron Lewis) and a fourth round draft choice in 1991 (#106-Bill Musgrave). In 1989, he appeared in 5 regular season games with 3 starts. On November 5, he led his team to a 20–10 Document [5](Title: Warren McVea) in Kansas City, TV commentators referred to him as "The Flea", reflecting his small size and ability to avoid defenders. In 1970, the Chiefs began play in the National Football League as a result of the NFL-AFL merger. In McVea's third pro season, he totaled 61 carries for 260 yards (a 4.3 average) while catching five passes for 26 yards. He returned three kicks for 57 yards. In 1971, he rushed 68 times for 288 yards (a 4.2 average) and three touchdowns. He caught five passes but for -3 yards, and he returned nine kicks for 177 yards (a 19.7 Document [6](Title: 1986 Kansas City Chiefs season) 1986 Kansas City Chiefs season The Kansas City Chiefs season was the franchise's 17th season in the National Football League and the 27th overall. It ended with a 10–6 record, the most wins for the franchise since 1971. The Chiefs clinched a wild card playoff berth, but lost to the New York Jets 35-15. Former linebacker Willie Lanier was enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame on August 2. On the field, the pieces started coming together for head coach John Mackovic. His offense displayed plenty of scoring punch, while the club’s defense and special teams became increasingly effective. Document [7](Title: 1986 Kansas City Chiefs season) completed two touchdown pass: a 1-yarder to McNeil and an 11-yarder to wide receiver Al Toon. On the first play of the second half, Jets linebacker Kevin McArthur returned an interception 21 yards for a touchdown. Ryan later clinched the victory in the fourth period with a 6-yard touchdown pass to tight end Billy Griggs. The Chiefs' only scores in the second half was a blocked punt recovery in the end zone, and an intentional safety by the Jets. McNeil finished the game with 135 rushing yards, 3 receptions for 16 yards, and 2 touchdowns. 1986 Kansas City Chiefs season Question: where did kansas city's quarterback go to college Answer:
Texas Tech
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Acre) The acre is a unit of land area used in the imperial and US customary systems . It is defined as the area of 1 chain by 1 furlong ( 66 by 660 feet ) , which is exactly equal to ​ / of a square mile , 43,560 square feet , approximately 4,047 m , or about 40 % of a hectare . Document [1](Title: Acre) Acre The acre is a unit of land area used in the imperial and US customary systems. It is traditionally defined as the area of one chain by one furlong (66 by 660 feet), which is exactly equal to 10 square chains, of a square mile, or 43,560 square feet, and approximately 4,047 m, or about 40% of a hectare. The acre is a statute measure in the United States and was formerly one in the United Kingdom and almost all countries of the former British Empire, although informal use continues. The international symbol of the acre is ac. In Document [2](Title: Acre) Prairie Provinces and the US Midwest are on square-mile grids for surveying purposes. Acre The acre is a unit of land area used in the imperial and US customary systems. It is traditionally defined as the area of one chain by one furlong (66 by 660 feet), which is exactly equal to 10 square chains, of a square mile, or 43,560 square feet, and approximately 4,047 m, or about 40% of a hectare. The acre is a statute measure in the United States and was formerly one in the United Kingdom and almost all countries of the former British Empire, Document [3](Title: Land use statistics by country) wood or timber. Other lands are any lands not arable or under permanent crops; this includes permanent meadows and pastures, forests and woodlands, built-on areas, roads, barren land, etc. Percentage figures for arable land, permanent crops land and other lands are all taken from CIA World Factbook as well as total land area figures (note that total area of a country is a sum of total land area and total water area). All other figures, including total cultivated land area, are calculated on the basis of this mentioned data. Land use statistics by country This article includes the table with Document [4](Title: Quarter acre) nearby lifestyle farming blocks becoming popular. Most "quarter-acre" sections are not exactly a quarter of an acre. With urban growth, properties tend to be smaller with new sub-divisions averaging a half or less of the classic quarter-acre. Quarter acre In Australian and New Zealand English, a quarter acre is a term for a suburban plot of land. Traditionally, Australians and New Zealanders aspired to own a 3- or 4-bedroom house or bungalow on a section of around a quarter of an acre (about 1,000 square metres), also known locally as the Australian Dream or the New Zealand dream. The land Document [5](Title: The Little Acre) The Little Acre The Little Acre is an adventure game developed by Pewter Games Studios with Charles Cecil and published by Curve Digital. It was released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam on December 13, 2016. It was originally planned to be released November 22, 2016. Set in 1950’s Ireland, The Little Acre tells the story of a small family. The player controls Aidan a job-hunting engineer and his daughter Lily. One morning Aidan goes missing and Lily decides to go and find him. During her search, she discovers an entrance-way to a mysterious world in the family’s garden Document [6](Title: Mendrisio District) roads), or 0.4% is either rivers or lakes and or 1.0% is unproductive land. Of the built up area, industrial buildings made up 2.0% of the total area while housing and buildings made up 9.7% and transportation infrastructure made up 5.3%. Power and water infrastructure as well as other special developed areas made up 1.1% of the area Out of the forested land, 57.0% of the total land area is heavily forested and 3.6% is covered with orchards or small clusters of trees. Of the agricultural land, 11.9% is used for growing crops, while 4.0% is used for orchards or Document [7](Title: Golaten) used for agricultural purposes, while or 20.4% is forested. Of the rest of the land, or 8.2% is settled (buildings or roads), or 10.4% is either rivers or lakes and or 9.3% is unproductive land. During the same year, housing and buildings made up 5.7% and transportation infrastructure made up 1.4%. Out of the forested land, 19.3% of the total land area is heavily forested and 1.1% is covered with orchards or small clusters of trees. Of the agricultural land, 31.4% is used for growing crops and 13.2% is pastures, while 6.4% is used for orchards or vine crops. Of Question: how many feet in 1 acre of land Answer:
43,560 square feet
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Croatia at the FIFA World Cup) World Cup Round Opponent Score Result Venue Scorers 1998 Group stage Jamaica 3 -- 1 Lens Stanić , Prosinečki , Šuker Japan 1 -- 0 Nantes Šuker Argentina 0 -- 1 Bordeaux & -- Round of 16 Romania 1 -- 0 Bordeaux Šuker Quarter - final Germany 3 -- 0 Lyon Jarni , Vlaović , Šuker Semi-final France 1 -- 2 Saint - Denis Šuker Third place match Netherlands 2 -- 1 Paris Prosinečki , Šuker 2002 Group stage Mexico 0 -- 1 Niigata & -- Italy 2 -- 1 Ibaraki Olić , Rapaić Ecuador 0 -- 1 Yokohama & -- 2006 Group stage Brazil 0 -- 1 Berlin & -- Japan 0 -- 0 Nuremberg & -- Australia 2 -- 2 Stuttgart Srna , N. Kovač 2014 Group stage Brazil 1 -- 3 São Paulo Marcelo ( o.g. ) Cameroon 4 -- 0 Manaus Olić , Perišić , Mandžukić ( 2 ) Mexico 1 -- 3 Recife Perišić 2018 Group stage Nigeria 2 -- 0 Kaliningrad Etebo ( o.g. ) , Modrić Argentina 3 -- 0 Nizhny Novgorod Rebić , Modrić , Rakitić Iceland 2 -- 1 Rostov - on - Don Badelj , Perišić Round of 16 Denmark 1 -- 1 ( a.e.t. ) ( 3 -- 2 p ) Nizhny Novgorod Mandžukić Quarter - finals Russia 2 -- 2 ( a.e.t. ) ( 4 -- 3 p ) Sochi Kramarić , Vida Semi-finals England 2 -- 1 ( a.e.t. ) Moscow Perišić , Mandžukić Final France 2 -- 4 Moscow Perišić , Mandžukić Document [1](Title: 2008–09 FC Dinamo București season) position. UEFA Cup First round "Nijmegen won 1–0 on aggregate." Goalkeepers: Emilian Dolha (5/0), Bogdan Lobonţ (25/0), Florin Matache (4/0) Defenders: George Blay (17/0), Zie Diabaté (8/0), Lucian Goian (20/0), Dragoş Grigore (2/0), Sergiu Homei (10/0), Silviu Izvoranu (17/0), Júlio César (10/0), Cosmin Moţi (21/0), Nicolae Muşat (1/0), Cristian Pulhac (10/0), Adrian Scarlatache (12/0), Bruno Simão (10/0), Gabriel Tamaş (22/0) Midfielders: Anoh Attoukora (1/0), Papa Malick Ba (9/0), Gabriel Boştină (26/0), Gualberto Campos (2/0), Adrian Cristea (32/4), Mourtala Diakité (6/0), Nicolae Mitea (12/0), Ousmane N'Doye (12/3), Adrian Ropotan (15/0), Thiago (6/0), Gabriel Torje (30/3), Vojislav Vranjković (4/0), Zé Kalanga (10/0) Document [2](Title: History of the Brazil national football team) Mexico and Cameroon. In the opening match of the tournament, Marcelo gave the Croatians an early lead with an own goal. However, two goals from Neymar and one from Oscar turned the game around to get the "Seleção" off to a winning start in their first World Cup on home soil in 64 years. The team then drew 0–0 with Mexico, as Guillermo Ochoa produced a man of the match performance in the Mexican goal. Brazil confirmed qualification to the knockout stage by defeating Cameroon 4–1 – with Neymar again scoring twice, and Fred and Fernandinho providing further goals. Brazil Document [3](Title: 2011 Copa Libertadores knockout stages) (GD); 3. Goals scored (GF); 4. Away goals (AG); 5. Drawing of lots. In each tie, the higher-seeded team played the second leg at home. "Team 1" played the second leg at home. "Tied on points 3–3, Once Caldas won on goal difference." "Tied on points 3–3, Libertad won on goal difference." "Peñarol won on points 4–1." "Tied on points 2–2, Jaguares won on away goals." "Tied on points 2–2, Cerro Porteño won on penalties." "Universidad Católica won on points 6–0." "Vélez Sársfield won on points 6–0." "Santos won on points 4–1." "Team 1" played the second leg at home. Document [4](Title: 1982 FIFA World Cup qualification (CAF)) agg. and advanced to the Second Round." "Zaire won 7–3 on agg. and advanced to the Second Round." "Cameroon won 4–1 on agg. and advanced to the Second Round." "Guinea won 4–2 on agg. and advanced to the Second Round." "Nigeria won on penalties after 2–2 on agg. and so advanced to the Second Round." "Libya won 2–1 on agg. and advanced to the Second Round." "Zambia won 4–0 on agg. and advanced to the Second Round." "Niger advanced to the Second Round due on away goals after 1–1 on agg.." "Algeria won 5–3 on agg. and advanced to the Document [5](Title: 1998 FIFA World Cup Final) and a 3–2 success against Denmark, they reached the final with a penalty shoot-out victory over the Netherlands. As for France, they won their three group matches and defeated Paraguay in the knockout stages on golden goals. They had a penalty shoot-out with Italy in the quarter-finals, and defeated recently formed Croatia to reach the final. The match also saw speculation on the condition of the Brazilian striker Ronaldo, who suffered a convulsive fit on the eve of the match. After initially being left out of the team sheet, in spite of his physical state, it was announced just 72 Document [6](Title: 1934 FIFA World Cup) first round matches kicked off at the same time. Hosts and favourites Italy won handsomely, defeating the USA 7–1; "The New York Times" correspondent wrote that "only the fine goal-tending of Julius Hjulian of Chicago kept the score as low as it was". Internal disputes meant Argentina's squad for the tournament did not contain a single member of the team which had reached the final in 1930. Against Sweden in Bologna, Argentina twice took the lead, but two goals by Sven Jonasson and a winner by Knut Kroon gave Sweden a 3–2 victory. Fellow South Americans Brazil also suffered an Document [7](Title: Brazil v Germany (2014 FIFA World Cup)) France in the 1998 Final, and meant that they conceded a total of 14 goals throughout the tournament, which was the most Brazil had conceded in a single tournament, the most ever conceded by a World Cup host, and the most conceded by any team since Belgium allowed 15 during the 1986 tournament. Germany went on to win the World Cup for the fourth time, the first as a unified nation, after defeating Argentina 1–0 in the final match on 13 July at the Maracanã. Germany had the support of the Brazilian crowd despite having eliminated the home team, given Question: who scored for croatia in the world cup Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Fault in Our Stars) Hazel Grace Lancaster -- a 16 - year - old with cancer that has spread to her lungs -- attends a cancer patient support group at her mother 's behest . At first she hesitates because she feels like it has done her nothing . She thinks attending the support group could be the worst part of her life , until a particular support meeting , Hazel meets a 17 - year - old boy named Augustus Waters , whose osteosarcoma caused him to lose his right leg , which was replaced with a prosthetic . Augustus is at the meeting to support his friend , Isaac , whose only remaining eye is soon to be removed due to cancer . Hazel and Augustus strike a bond immediately and agree to read each other 's favorite novels . Augustus gives Hazel The Price of Dawn , and Hazel recommends An Imperial Affliction , a novel written by Peter Van Houten , who lives in Amsterdam , about a cancer - stricken girl named Anna that parallels Hazel 's own experience . After Augustus finishes reading her book , he is frustrated upon learning that the novel ends abruptly without a conclusion . Hazel explains the novel 's author had retreated following the novel 's publication and has not been heard from since . Document [1](Title: The Fault in Our Stars (film)) first time. The next day Augustus tells Hazel that his cancer has returned and spread throughout his body and is terminal. Hazel is heartbroken, expressing how unfair life can be. After their return to Indianapolis, Augustus' health worsens. He is taken to the ICU and realizes he is close to death. Augustus invites his blind best friend Isaac and Hazel to his pre-funeral, where they deliver eulogies that they have both prepared. Hazel tells him she would not trade their short time together for anything, since he "gave me a forever within the numbered days." Augustus dies eight days later Document [2](Title: OutDaughtered) 6, 2015. Shortly after birth, a heart murmur was detected in all five girls, which was treated with medication. Hazel's eye condition, congenital nystagmus, has been chronicled through the series. The condition causes Hazel to have uncontrolled eye movements and hold her head at unusual angles to compensate for her lack of clear vision. In 2016, Hazel underwent eye surgery in an attempt to improve her condition. In 2017, Hazel was diagnosed as having an astigmatism in her left eye, which may ultimately be responsible for it occasionally turn in as a result of being underdeveloped. She was prescribed glasses Document [3](Title: It Takes You Away) Grace. The Doctor deduces that they have encountered the Solitract, a sentient universe incompatible with and exiled from their own universe, which is seeking companionship from them. Hanne arrives and immediately identifies that the version of Trine within the Solitract is not her mother. Hanne is ejected back to the Antizone, just as the Doctor realises that multiple presences within the Solitract threaten to collapse it. While she convinces everyone to leave, Erik refuses to go. The Doctor offers to take Erik's place and give the Solitract her broad experience from travelling the universe. It agrees to her offer and Document [4](Title: Judith Rossner) story of 18-year-old Dawn Henley who undergoes psychoanalysis with Dr. Lulu Shinefeld, who has issues of her own, was a significant best seller, spending 19 weeks on the "New York Times" list. On page one of "The New York Times Book Review", Walter Kendrick wrote, "I know of no other account, imagined or factual, that gives such a vivid picture of the analytic experience, on both sides of its intense, troubled, ambiguous relationship." After publication of "August", Rossner became seriously ill with viral encephalitis. Diagnosis had been delayed: Rossner's mother had committed suicide, and Rossner thought initially that her symptoms Document [5](Title: Ellen Foster) one of domestic violence. Her mother has a heart condition caused by "Romantic" Rheumatic fever and, when the novel opens, has to stay in the hospital. From an early age on, Ellen's thoughts center on how she could get rid of her father—she imagines killing him one way or another. When her mother is released from hospital Ellen's father treats her as badly as before, and it is up to Ellen to protect her mother from him. Soon, however, she takes an overdose of pills and dies while Ellen is lying next to her. After her mother's premature death, Ellen, Document [6](Title: The Woodlanders) - Giles. The novel draws attention to the double standards prevailing in relation to sexual morality - when Fitzpiers returns after the death of Mrs Charmond he is outraged when he is led to believe (wrongly) that Grace has been cohabiting with Winterborne. In fact Winterborne has sacrificed his life to preserve Grace's good name. Fitzpiers clearly believes that Grace owes him fidelity even after he has had affairs with two women and deserted her. The affair with Suke Damson shocked his first publisher who insisted that the line "it was daybreak before Suke Damson and Fitzpiers returned to Little Document [7](Title: Drown (short story collection)) his difficult relationship with his strict father and his struggles with carsickness and anxiety as a result of his father’s abuse. This story discusses Lucero's life as a drug dealer and his romantic relationship with a heroin addict. Here, he dreams of having a normal life with Aurora, but her addiction presents major obstacles. This story focuses on the idea of love as something difficult to define. While the narrator hopes to have a normal relationship with Aurora, any semblance of normalcy is threatened by the characters' dangerous lifestyles. Yunior tells a series of anecdotes about his time living in Question: where does hazel meet augustus in the fault in our stars Answer:
a particular support meeting
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Saket) Saketa in Sanskrit , or Saket in Hindi , means Heaven , thus a place where God resides . Saket can be alternatively used for Heaven or Vaikuntha in Hindu mythology , where liberated souls dwell . Saketa is also an alternative name for the ancient city of Ayodhya , an important Hindu religious place , the capital of Kosala and the birthplace of Lord Rama , the hero of epic Ramayana . Also Ajanavana , an ancient forest ( deer park ) near Saket ( Ayodhya ) was where Gautam Buddha once stayed and preached . Document [1](Title: Ayodhya (Ramayana)) as the major cities of the Kosala region. The later texts such as the Puranas, which mention Ayodhya as the capital of Kosala, simply follow the legendary "Ramayana". According to Hans T. Bakker's analysis, the Sanskrit sources that mention Ayodhya but not Saketa are predominantly fictional in nature: these texts include "Mahabharata", "Ramayana", and "Purana-pancha-lakshana". On the other hand, the Sanskrit sources that mention Saketa but not Ayodhya are of "semi-scientific or factual nature". The Buddhist Pali-language texts name a city called Ayojjha or Ayujjha (Pali for Ayodhya), but suggest that it was located on the banks of the Ganges Document [2](Title: Saket College) Saket College Saket College also known as K. S. Saket PG College is situated at the holy land Ayodhya, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh. The college is affiliated to Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University. K. S. Saket Post Graduation College was established in the year 1951 Acharya Narendra Dev, Baba Raghav Das and Pandit Parmeshwar Nath Sapru. The institution was established to meet with its goal of empowering the youths with higher education. The college offers faculties Science, Arts, Social Sciences, Commerce, Computer Science, Education and Law. Under the aegis of its affiliate Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University the college Document [3](Title: Saket College) offers undergraduate and postgraduate course. Saket College Saket College also known as K. S. Saket PG College is situated at the holy land Ayodhya, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh. The college is affiliated to Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University. K. S. Saket Post Graduation College was established in the year 1951 Acharya Narendra Dev, Baba Raghav Das and Pandit Parmeshwar Nath Sapru. The institution was established to meet with its goal of empowering the youths with higher education. The college offers faculties Science, Arts, Social Sciences, Commerce, Computer Science, Education and Law. Under the aegis of its affiliate Dr. Ram Manohar Document [4](Title: Wat Si Saket) Wat Si Saket Wat Si Saket is a Buddhist wat in Vientiane, Laos. It is situated on Lan Xang Road, on the corner with Setthathirat Road, to the northwest of Haw Phra Kaew, which formerly held the Emerald Buddha. Wat Si Saket was built in 1818 on the order of King Anouvong (Sethathirath V.) "Si" is derived from the Sanskrit title of veneration Sri, prefixed to the name of Wat Saket in Bangkok, which was renamed by Anouvong's contemporary, King Rama I. Wat Si Saket was built in the Siamese style of Buddhist architecture, with a surrounding terrace and an Document [5](Title: Sapta Puri) to the Mother Goddess. Dwarka represents the place where God Krishna, after leaving Mathura spent 100 years before He left for His Divine Abode from here, according to the epic Mahabharata. Mathura is the embodiment of events in the life of Krishna during His childhood and young days. Haridwar with shrines of both Shiva and Vishnu, represents the gateway to Uttarakhand, as the sacred river Ganges emerges from the hills into the plains at this place. Varanasi is the place of salvation as it is strongly believed that death at this place will bring salvation. Varanasi is the holiest of Document [6](Title: Soma (deity)) Soma (deity) Soma () connotes the Moon as well as a medicinal deity in post-Vedic Hindu mythology. . In Puranic mythology, Soma is moon deity, but sometimes also used to refer to Vishnu, Shiva (as "Somanatha") , Yama and Kubera. In some Indian texts, Soma is a name of an Apsara, alternatively it is the name of any medicinal concoction, or rice-water gruel, or heaven and sky, as well as the name of certain places of pilgrimage. Soma is synonymous with Chandra, Indu (bright drop), Atrisuta (son of Atri), Sachin (marked by hare), Taradhipa (lord of stars) and Nishakara (the Document [7](Title: Samavasarana) The speech of the tirthankara is distinctly heard by every one present. Samavasarana In Jainism, Samavasarana or Samosharana ("Refuge to All") is the divine preaching hall of the Tirthankara. The word "samavasarana" is derived from two words, "sama", meaning general and "avasara", meaning opportunity. It is a place where all have an opportunity to acquire wisdom. The divine pavilion is built by heavenly beings ("devas") after the "tirthankara" attain omniscience ("Kevala Jnana"). The theme of Samavasaranas has been popular in Jain art. In samavasarana, the "tirthankara" sits on a throne without touching it (about two inches above it). Around the Question: what is the meaning of the name saket Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Death Note: Light Up the New World) Death Note : Light Up the New World ( デスノート Light up the NEW world , Desu Nōto Light up the NEW world ) is a 2016 Japanese detective supernatural psychological horror thriller film directed by Shinsuke Sato . The film is based on the manga series Death Note written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata and is a sequel to Death Note 2 : The Last Name ( 2006 ) , but thematically takes place after the Death Note : New Generation mini series . It premiered in Japan on October 29 , 2016 , by Warner Bros . Document [1](Title: Death Note (2017 film)) decides to trigger a world-wide massacre of criminals and terrorists, in order to change the world into a utopian society without crime, eventually attracting the attention of an enigmatic international detective, known only under the alias of "L", who determines himself in finding and apprehending Light. The film was released on Netflix on August 25, 2017. Upon release, "Death Note" received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. Much of the criticism was directed towards the incoherent writing, pacing, numerous changes from the source material as well as omissions of many of its crucial elements; however, Wingard's direction and the cast Document [2](Title: Death Note (2017 film)) were praised. A sequel is currently in the works, with Greg Russo attached to write the screenplay. In Seattle, Washington, high schooler Light Turner stumbles across the "Death Note", a mysterious leather-bound notebook with instructions that state that by writing a person's name down within it, that person will die in the manner prescribed. Light is sent to detention after confronting bully Kenny Doyle harassing cheerleader Mia Sutton, and there meets the death god Ryuk, the notebook's owner. Ryuk convinces Light to use the notebook; Light writes down Doyle's name and shortly witnesses him killed in a freak accident. That Document [3](Title: Dying Light 2) the day, but are brought into the forefront at night. A sequel to the 2015 original, "Dying Light 2" was announced at E3 2018 by Chris Avellone, who will serve as the game's narrative designer. The game has been expanded and introduces new choice-based mechanics. The first trailer was released on 10 June 2018. The developers are focusing on the choices and consequences of the game, shaping a unique path through the plot that will all depend on the player. Dying Light 2 Dying Light 2 is an upcoming survival horror action role-playing video game developed by Techland and published Document [4](Title: Dying Light: The Following) Dying Light: The Following Dying Light: The Following is an expansion pack for the open-world first-person survival horror video game "Dying Light". The game was developed by Techland, published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, and released for Microsoft Windows, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on February 9, 2016. The expansion adds characters, a story campaign, weapons, and gameplay mechanics. "Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition" includes "Dying Light", "Dying Light: The Following", and downloadable content released for the original game, except for three DLCs: Harran Ranger Bundle, Gun Psycho Bundle and Volatile Hunter Bundle. Set in a map Document [5](Title: Death Note) "Death Note" were found at the February 2013 suicide of a 15-year-old girl in Yekaterinburg, Russia, a local parents' group began campaigning to regulate all media based on the series, saying that it had an adverse effect on the minds of children. In March 2014, investigators concluded that the manga did not cause the girl to commit suicide. There have been various copycat crimes around the world which were based on "Death Note". On September 28, 2007, two notes written with Latin characters stating , were found near the partial remains of a Caucasian male in Belgium. The case has Document [6](Title: L (Death Note)) a number of criminals to continue carrying out his activities through the Death Note, while inducing himself into a medical coma, which seemingly proves Light's innocence and as a result, L is taken off the case by his superiors, for failing to apprehend "Kira". However, after finding out Light's girlfriend: Mia Sutton's connection with the serial-murders, L finds a hidden page of the Death Note within her home and out of a thirst for vengeance, contemplates writing Light's name in it, while elsewhere, Light is visited by Ryuk: the Death Note's original owner, who smilingly comments to Light in his Document [7](Title: Death Note (2006 film)) force. While Soichiro is slightly reluctant, L immediately grants his wish and it is hinted that he is still certain that Light is Kira. As a precursor to the second movie, Misa, an actress, is chased down an alley by a man wielding a knife, intent on killing her. As she screams for help, the man dies of a heart attack just like Kira's victims. A second Death Note lands beside her. In his production notes, director Shūsuke Kaneko explained his desire to convince audiences that, while the killing of bad humans may seem to be fair, it underestimates the Question: death note light up the new world uk release Answer:
October 29 , 2016
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Snowboarding at the Winter Olympics) Snowboarding is a sport at the Winter Olympic Games . It was first included in the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano , Japan . Snowboarding was one of five new sports or disciplines added to the Winter Olympic program between 1992 and 2002 , and was the only one not to have been a previous medal or demonstration event . In 1998 , four events , two for men and two for women , were held in two specialities : the giant slalom , a downhill event similar to giant slalom skiing ; and the half - pipe , in which competitors perform tricks while going from one side of a semi-circular ditch to the other . Canadian Ross Rebagliati won the men 's giant slalom and became the first athlete to win a gold medal in snowboarding . Rebagliati was briefly stripped of his medal by the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) after testing positive for marijuana . However , the IOC 's decision was reverted following an appeal from the Canadian Olympic Association . For the 2002 Winter Olympics , giant slalom was expanded to add head - to - head racing and was renamed parallel giant slalom . In 2006 , a third event , the snowboard cross , was held for the first time . In this event , competitors race against each other down a course with jumps , beams and other obstacles . On July 11 , 2011 , the International Olympic Committee 's Executive Board approved the addition of Ski and Snowboard Slopestyle to the Winter Olympics roster of events , effective in 2014 . The decision was announced via press conference from the IOC 's meeting in Durban , South Africa . A fifth event , parallel slalom , was added only for 2014 . Big air was added for 2018 . Document [1](Title: Winter X Games XXI) Jamie Anderson (USA) won the gold medal. Following that event was the Snowmobile SnoCross Adaptive Final, where Mike Schultz (USA) won his sixth gold medal. Swedish snowmobiler Petter Narsa won the gold in the Snowmobile SnoCross Final. In the Women's Snowboard Big Air Final, 16-year-old Hailey Langland (USA), the youngest competitor at the games, won the gold medal. Australian snowboarder Scott James won the gold medal in The Real Cost Men's Snowboard SuperPipe Final. On Friday, January 27, four final events were held. In its first year as an event, the Snow BikeCross final concluded with Canadian Brock Hoyer winning Document [2](Title: Snowboarding at the 2006 Winter Olympics – Men's snowboard cross) Snowboarding at the 2006 Winter Olympics – Men's snowboard cross The men's snowboard cross event in snowboarding at the 2006 Winter Olympics was held in Bardonecchia, a village in the Province of Turin, Italy. Competition took place on February 16, 2006. All competitors raced two qualification runs, with only the best of the two times used in the final ranking. The top 32 of the 36 competitors advanced to the 1/8 finals. Struck-through runs in the table below represent the discarded time for a competitor. Only one snowboarder, Michal Novotny, had first run that was faster than his second run. Document [3](Title: X Games) Research. The event also reached record highs in several demographic categories. To accommodate the first-time live coverage, nighttime competitions were added, resulting in record attendance for the Aspen/Snowmass venue in Colorado. The 2002 Winter X Games was a huge year for ESPN and the X Games. It was the first year that the games were held in Aspen at Buttermilk Mountain. The Games continued to add new events including the ski slopestyle event, ski superpipe event, snowboarding, skateboarding etc. The most memorable incident of the 2002 Games was when the entire 2002 U.S. Olympic freestyle snowboarding team showed up to Document [4](Title: Alpine skiing at the 2002 Winter Olympics – Men's slalom) Winter Olympics. Alpine skiing at the 2002 Winter Olympics – Men's slalom The event was held on February 23 at Deer Valley. Pre-race favorite Bode Miller fell off the course in the second run, and many of the other top competitors struggled with an extremely challenging course. Alain Baxter of Great Britain originally took the bronze, but was disqualified after testing positive for traces of methamphetamine. This apparently occurred because Baxter had used a Vicks inhaler from the U.S., which had a slightly different chemical content from the legal British Vicks inhaler. Complete results from the men's slalom event at Document [5](Title: Stephan Eberharter) in 2002 and 2003. His 2004 victory at the Hahnenkamm downhill in Kitzbühel is often regarded as one of the most impressive downhill victories in alpine skiing history, besting runner-up Daron Rahlves by a lengthy 1.21 seconds, an equivalent of at . Eberharter enjoyed success at the World Championships and Olympic Games as well. In 1991 in Saalbach, he won two gold medals in the super-G and combined events. Twelve years later, at St. Moritz in 2003, he took gold in the super-G event again. At the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan, he finished second in the giant slalom, Document [6](Title: FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 1950) won the downhill and giant slalom, and just missed a sweep of the gold medals; he finished 0.3 seconds behind in the slalom, taking the silver. Austria dominated the women's races: Dagmar Rom won the giant slalom and slalom, Trude Jochum-Beiser won gold in the downhill and silver in the GS, and Erika Mahringer took two silver medals, in the downhill and slalom. Aspen was in its fourth year as a ski area; it opened in December 1946 with a single chairlift. The Nordic world championships were also held in the U.S. in 1950, at Lake Placid, New York. Due Document [7](Title: Australia at the Winter Olympics) in the skeleton. In 2014 at the Sochi, Russia Olympic Winter Games Australia won three Olympic medals and a total of 15 top 10 performances were recorded, a significant increase from the nine achieved in Vancouver in 2010. In addition Australia recorded 27 top 16 performances compared to 15 in Vancouver four years earlier. This was a Team of history makers. Torah Bright became Australia's most successful female Winter Olympian by adding a silver medal to her gold from Vancouver in 2010. In Sochi, Bright was the only athlete to attempt three Snowboard events at the one Olympics: Slopestyle, Halfpipe Question: what are all the snowboarding events in the olympics Answer:
Big air
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Sinking of the RMS Titanic) The sinking of the RMS Titanic occurred on the night of 14 April through to the morning of 15 April 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean , four days into the ship 's maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City . The largest passenger liner in service at the time , Titanic had an estimated 2,224 people on board when she struck an iceberg at around 23 : 40 ( ship 's time ) on Sunday , 14 April 1912 . Her sinking two hours and forty minutes later at 02 : 20 ( 05 : 18 GMT ) on Monday , 15 April resulted in the deaths of more than 1,500 people , which made it one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in history . Document [1](Title: RMS Empress of Britain (1905)) transatlantic traffic, the ship was sometimes held in quarantine if a communicative disease was discovered amongst the passengers. Similarly, it would have been expected, for example, that the ship would notify authorities in Halifax that one passenger had died from pneumonia en route to Canada from Europe. Less than two weeks after disaster struck the RMS "Titanic" in the North Atlantic, "Empress of Britain" also struck an iceberg on 26 April 1912; but the reported damage was only slight. On 27 July 1912, "Empress of Britain" rammed and sank the British collier SS "Helvetia" in fog off Cape Magdelene in Document [2](Title: Rhoda Abbott) family boarded the RMS "Titanic" as third class passengers in Southampton on 10 April. On board, she befriended Amy Stanley, Emily Goldsmith, and May Howard, who had cabins nearby. On 15 April 1912, the family was already asleep when the "Titanic" hit an iceberg. By 12:15 AM, they were alerted by a steward to put on life jackets and retreat to the ship's deck. After waiting in line to follow other third-class passengers to the deck, Abbott and her sons waited at the second-class saloon area. There, her son Rossmore is said to have knelt in prayer asking that his Document [3](Title: RMS Titanic Lifeboat No. 1) purpose was to serve the crew in the event of an emergency, such as a man overboard, and were therefore already swung out from the rail to be launched quickly. Each standard clinker-built lifeboat on the ship had a capacity of 65, while the smaller emergency boat's capacity was 40. Boat No. 1 was the fourth lifeboat launched from the at approximately 1:05 am, well over an hour after the liner collided with an iceberg and began sinking on April 14, 1912. The lifeboat had a capacity of 40 people, but was launched with only 12 aboard, the fewest to Document [4](Title: Maritime history of the United Kingdom) with transatlantic liners competing for the "Blue Riband" for the fastest crossing. A significant event was the sinking of the "Titanic" in 1912. This led to the Global Maritime Distress Safety System and to the Iceberg Patrol. The rise of air travel led to a decrease in ocean travel but then, towards the end of the century, cruise ships became important again. During the 20th century new types of cargo ships appeared - the container ship, the oil tanker and the gas container ship. Specialised ports for handling these were also developed. Most warships used steam propulsion until the advent Document [5](Title: Sinking of the RMS Titanic) accordance with existing practice, "Titanic"s lifeboat system was designed to ferry passengers to nearby rescue vessels, not to hold everyone on board simultaneously; therefore, with the ship sinking rapidly and help still hours away, there was no safe refuge for many of the passengers and crew. Compounding this, poor management of the evacuation meant many boats were launched before they were completely full. As a result, when "Titanic" sank, over a thousand passengers and crew were still on board. Almost all those who jumped or fell into the water either drowned or died within minutes due to the effects of Document [6](Title: RMS Titanic) the starboard side of "Titanic" struck the iceberg, creating a series of holes below the waterline. The hull was not punctured by the iceberg, but rather dented such that the hull's seams buckled and separated, allowing water to seep in. Five of the ship's watertight compartments were breached. It soon became clear that the ship was doomed, as she could not survive more than four compartments being flooded. "Titanic" began sinking bow-first, with water spilling from compartment to compartment as her angle in the water became steeper. Those aboard "Titanic" were ill-prepared for such an emergency. In accordance with accepted Document [7](Title: Barbara West) Barbara West Barbara Joyce Dainton (née West; 24 May 1911 – 16 October 2007) was the penultimate remaining survivor of the sinking of the RMS "Titanic" on 14 April 1912 after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage. She was the last living survivor who travelled second-class on the ship. Barbara Joyce West was born in Bournemouth, England on 24 May 1911 to Edwy Arthur West and Ada Mary Worth. Ada had given birth to a daughter, Constance, in 1907, and was pregnant with a third child when she boarded the "Titanic". Edwy decided to start a new life in Question: where did the titanic sink in the atlantic ocean Answer:
the North Atlantic Ocean
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Three-point field goal) The three - point line was first tested at the collegiate level in a 1945 NCAA game between Columbia and Fordham but it was not kept as a rule . At the direction of Abe Saperstein , the American Basketball League became the first basketball league to institute the rule in 1961 . Its three - point line was a radius of 25 feet ( 7.62 m ) from the baskets , except along the sides . The Eastern Professional Basketball League followed in its 1963 -- 64 season . Document [1](Title: Basketball court) scoring by shortening the overall distance of the line to a uniform around the basket. It was moved back to its original distance after the 1996–97 season. FIBA and the NCAA both adopted the three-point line in 1985. In most high school associations in the United States, the distance is 19.75 feet. This was formerly the distance for college basketball as well. On May 26, 2007, the NCAA playing rules committee agreed to move the three-point line back one foot to 20.75 feet for the men. This rule went into effect for the 2008–2009 season. The three-point line for women Document [2](Title: Three-point field goal) introduced the three-point line in 1984, and it made its Olympic debut in 1988 in Seoul, South Korea. The NCAA's Southern Conference became the first collegiate conference to use the three-point rule, adopting a line for the 1980–81 season. Ronnie Carr of Western Carolina was the first to score a three-point field goal in college basketball history on November 29, 1980. Over the following five years, NCAA conferences differed in their use of the rule and distance required for a three-pointer. The line was as close as in the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC), and as far away as in the Document [3](Title: Three-point field goal) in June 1979, the NBA adopted the three-point line for a one-year trial for the despite the view of many that it was a gimmick. Chris Ford of the Boston Celtics is widely credited with making the first three-point shot in NBA history on October 12, 1979; the season opener at Boston Garden was more noted for the debut of Larry Bird (and two new Rick Barry of the Houston Rockets, in his final season, also made one in the same game, and Kevin Grevey of the Washington Bullets made one that Friday night The sport's international governing body, FIBA, Document [4](Title: National Basketball Association) of the decade, however, saw declining TV ratings, low attendance and drug-related player issues – both perceived and real – that threatened to derail the league. The league added the ABA's innovative three-point field goal beginning in 1979 to open up the game. That same year, rookies Larry Bird and Magic Johnson joined the Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers respectively, initiating a period of significant growth in fan interest in the NBA throughout the country and the world. The two had faced each other in the 1979 NCAA Division I Basketball Championship Game, and they later played against each Document [5](Title: Basketball court) (NCAA) moved back one foot to 20.75 feet at the start of the 2011–2012 season. The international distance, used in most countries outside the United States and in FIBA and WNBA competition, is currently 6.6 m (21.65 ft) to 6.75 m (22.15 ft). The perimeter is defined as the areas outside the free throw lane and inside the three-point line. Shots converted (successfully made) from this area are called "perimeter shots" or "medium-range shots." If a player's foot is on the three-point line, the shot is considered a perimeter shot. The low post is defined as the areas that are Document [6](Title: Rules of basketball) the ball-carrier. Goaltending became a violation in 1944, and offensive goaltending in 1958. Free throws were introduced shortly after basketball was invented. In 1895, the free throw line was officially placed fifteen feet (4.6 m) from the backboard, prior to which most gymnasiums placed one twenty feet (6.1 m) from the backboard. From 1924, players that received a foul were required to shoot their own free throws. One free throw shot is awarded to a player who was fouled while making a successful field goal attempt. If the field goal attempt is unsuccessful, two free throw shots are awarded (three Document [7](Title: Continental Basketball Association) 1946 to 2009. It billed itself as the "World's Oldest Professional Basketball League", since its founding on April 23, 1946 pre-dated the founding of the National Basketball Association by two months. The league's original name was the Eastern Pennsylvania Basketball League; it fielded six franchises – five in Pennsylvania (Wilkes-Barre, Hazleton, Allentown, Lancaster, and Reading) – with a sixth team in New York (Binghamton, which moved in mid-season to Pottsville, Pennsylvania). In 1948, the league was renamed the Eastern Professional Basketball League. Over the years it would add franchises in several other Pennsylvania cities, including Williamsport, Scranton, and Sunbury, as Question: when was the three point shot added to basketball Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Flag of Chicago) The first star represents Fort Dearborn . It was added to the flag in 1939 . Its six points symbolize transportation , labor , commerce , finance , populousness , and salubrity . The second star stands for the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 , and is original to the 1917 design of the flag . Its six points represent the virtues of religion , education , aesthetics , justice , beneficence , and civic pride . The third star symbolizes the World 's Columbian Exposition of 1893 , and is original to the 1917 design . Its six points stand for political entities Chicago has belonged to and the flags that have flown over the area : France , 1693 ; Great Britain , 1763 ; Virginia , 1778 ; the Northwest Territory , 1789 ; Indiana Territory , 1802 ; and Illinois ( territory , 1809 , and state , since 1818 ) . The fourth star represents the Century of Progress Exposition ( 1933 -- 34 ) , and was added in 1933 . Its points refer to bragging rights : the United States ' second largest city ( became third largest in a 1990 census when passed by Los Angeles ) ; Chicago 's Latin motto , Urbs in horto ( '' City in a garden '' ) ; Chicago 's '' I Will '' motto ; the Great Central Marketplace ; Wonder City ; and Convention City . Document [1](Title: Coat of arms of Valais) white, i.e. the inverse of the modern coat of arms. The stars remain six-pointed. This is evident in Hans Conrad Geiger's as well as in Matthäus Merian's "Topographia" of 1642 (). The 1686 map by Pierre Duval shows an early adoption of five-pointed stars. The use of (five-pointed) stars to enumerate the territories of a Republic was an innovation at the time, later notably embraced in the Flag Act of 1777 for the flag of the United States. Early evidence of counterchanging is found in the 1698 map by Johann Georg Bodenehr, but counterchanging remains optional throughout the 18th century Document [2](Title: Cubs Win Flag) are also sold. The flag is also available in dimension versions. The flag has become a celebratory symbol for Chicago Cubs fans who purchase reproductions and take them to games at home and on the road to show support. The fans wave them after victories at Wrigley Field, and they hang them in the stands during playoff series. Some fans fly a win flag in place of or in addition to the Flag of the United States on days when the Cubs win. Since 1998, the flags have become ever more popular, with demand reaching a level where they are Document [3](Title: Flag of the United States) to 13 so as to honor the original colonies. The act specified that new flag designs should become official on the first July 4 (Independence Day) following admission of one or more new states. The most recent change, from 49 stars to 50, occurred in 1960 when the present design was chosen, after Hawaii gained statehood in August 1959. Before that, the admission of Alaska in January 1959 prompted the debut of a short-lived 49-star flag. Prior to the adoption of the 48-star flag in 1912, there was no official arrangement of the stars in the canton, although the U.S. Document [4](Title: Gemini Giant) glory days," with the Gemini Giant remaining as a recognized Route 66 landmark. Both the Launching Pad and the Gemini Giant were inducted into the Illinois Route 66 Hall of Fame in 2000. The Gemini Giant (Owners' website.) Gemini Giant The Gemini Giant is a landmark statue on U.S. Route 66 at the eastern entrance to Wilmington, Will County, Illinois. Standing outside the Launching Pad drive-in restaurant, the 30 foot tall statue is one of many giant "Muffler Man" advertising props found throughout the USA in the Sixties. The Gemini Giant is named after the Gemini space program and holds Document [5](Title: Betsy Ross flag) Betsy Ross flag The Betsy Ross flag is an early design of the flag of the United States, popularly but very likely incorrectly attributed to Betsy Ross, using the common motifs of alternating red-and-white striped field with five-pointed stars in a blue canton. Grace Rogers Cooper noted that the first documented usage of this flag was in 1792. The flag features 13 stars to represent the original 13 colonies with the stars arranged in a circle. Even though this early version of an American flag is now commonly called the "Betsy Ross Flag," the claim by her descendants that Betsy Document [6](Title: Flags of the Confederate States of America) ensign. During the solicitation for a second Confederate national flag, many different types of designs were proposed, nearly all based on the battle flag, which by 1863 had become well-known and popular among those living in the Confederacy. The Confederate Congress specified that the new design be a white field "...with the union (now used as the battle flag) to be a square of two-thirds the width of the flag, having the ground red; thereupon a broad saltire of blue, bordered with white, and emblazoned with mullets or five-pointed stars, corresponding in number to that of the Confederate States." The Document [7](Title: Flag of Minnesota) According to the official statute, the flag contains a thin gold border and gold fringe, however, this is rarely used. A white circle in the center contains the word MINNESOTA across the bottom, four groups of four stars and one group of three stars spread out evenly around the edge, and designs from the state seal in the center. The star at the top symbolizes the North Star. The design in the center is surrounded by pink-and-white lady's slippers, the state flower. The border also contains the dates 1819 (founding of Fort Snelling), 1858 (date of statehood), and 1893 (adoption Question: what do the stars on the chicago flag represent Answer:
Fort Dearborn
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Vitamin D) Vitamin D from the diet or skin synthesis is biologically inactive ; enzymatic conversion ( hydroxylation ) in the liver and kidney is required for activation . As vitamin D can be synthesized in adequate amounts by most mammals exposed to sufficient sunlight , it is not an essential dietary factor , and so not technically a vitamin . Instead it could be considered a hormone , with activation of the vitamin D pro-hormone resulting in the active form , calcitriol , which then produces effects via a nuclear receptor in multiple locations . Cholecalciferol is converted in the liver to calcifediol ( 25 - hydroxycholecalciferol ) ; ergocalciferol is converted to 25 - hydroxyergocalciferol . These two vitamin D metabolites ( called 25 - hydroxyvitamin D or 25 ( OH ) D ) are measured in serum to determine a person 's vitamin D status . Calcifediol is further hydroxylated by the kidneys to form calcitriol ( also known as 1 , 25 - dihydroxycholecalciferol ) , the biologically active form of vitamin D. Calcitriol circulates as a hormone in the blood , having a major role regulating the concentration of calcium and phosphate , and promoting the healthy growth and remodeling of bone . Calcitriol also has other effects , including some on cell growth , neuromuscular and immune functions , and reduction of inflammation . Document [1](Title: Cholecalciferol) safe medicines needed in a health system. Cholecalciferol is available as a generic medication and over the counter. Cholecalciferol is a form of vitamin D which is naturally synthesized in skin and functions as a pro-hormone, being converted to calcitriol. This is important for maintaining calcium levels and promoting bone health and development. As a medication, cholecalciferol may be taken as a dietary supplement to prevent or to treat vitamin D deficiency. One gram is 40,000,000 (40x10) IU, equivalently 1 IU is 0.025 µg. Dietary reference intake values for vitamin D (cholecalciferol and/or ergocalciferol) have been established and recommendations vary Document [2](Title: Hypervitaminosis D) D produces rapid hepatic delivery of vitamin D and increases plasma calcifediol. It has been questioned whether to ascribe a state of sub-optimal vitamin D status when the annual variation in ultraviolet will naturally produce a period of falling levels, and such a seasonal decline has been a part of Europeans' adaptive environment for 1000 generations. Still more contentious is recommending supplementation when those supposedly in need of it are labeled healthy and serious doubts exist as to the long-term effect of attaining and maintaining serum 25(OH)D of at least 80nmol/L by supplementation. Current theories of the mechanism behind vitamin Document [3](Title: Michael F. Holick) Vitamin D has been called extreme, even speculating that the extinction of the dinosaurs could be caused by a lack of it in the reduced sunlight. As a graduate student, he identified the major circulating form of vitamin D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, which is the vitamin D metabolite that is measured by physicians worldwide to determine a patient's vitamin D status. He also identified the active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, as well as other metabolites including 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, 1,24,25-trihydroxyvitamin D3 and 25,26-dihydroxyvitamin D3. As a fellow, he participated in the first chemical synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and 1α-hydroxyvitamin D3 Document [4](Title: Ergocalciferol) D receptor. Unlike cholecalciferol, 25-hydroxylation is not performed by CYP27A1 for ergocalciferol. Ergocalciferol and metabolites have lower affinity to the vitamin D-binding protein compared to the D counterparts. The binding affinity of ercalcitriol to the vitamin D receptor is similar to that of calcitriol. Ergocalciferol itself and metabolites can be deactivated by 24-hydroxylation. Lichen Fungus, from USDA nutrient database (per 100g), D + D: Plantae The vitamin D content in mushrooms and "C. arbuscula" increase with exposure to ultraviolet light. Ergosterol (provitamin D) found in these fungi is converted to previtamin D on UV exposure, which then turns into vitamin Document [5](Title: Hypervitaminosis D) reasons as well as environmental ones. Possible ethnic differences in physiological pathways for ingested vitamin D, such as the Inuit, may confound across the board recommendations for vitamin D levels. Inuit compensate for lower production of vitamin D by converting more of this vitamin to its most active form. A Toronto study of young Canadians of diverse ancestry applied a standard of serum 25(OH)D levels that was significantly higher than official recommendations. These levels were described to be 75 nmol/L as "optimal", between 75 nmol/L and 50 nmol/L as "insufficient" and < 50 nmol/L as "deficient". 22% of individuals of Document [6](Title: Health effects of sunlight exposure) makes taking oral vitamin D ineffective are able, through exposure to an ultraviolet lamp that emits UV-B radiation, to achieve a 25 (OH) D blood level. Three benefits of UV exposure are production of vitamin D, improvement in mood, and increased energy. UVB induces production of vitamin D in the skin at rates of up to 1,000 IUs per minute. This vitamin helps to regulate calcium metabolism (vital for the nervous system and bone health), immunity, cell proliferation, insulin secretion, and blood pressure. In third-world countries, foods fortified with vitamin D are "practically nonexistent." Most people in the world depend Document [7](Title: Vitamin B6) than necessary for physiological demands. The absorption of pyridoxal phosphate and pyridoxamine phosphate involves their dephosphorylation catalyzed by a membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase. Those products and nonphosphorylated forms in the digestive tract are absorbed by diffusion, which is driven by trapping of the vitamin as 5′-phosphates through the action of phosphorylation (by a pyridoxal kinase) in the jejunal mucosa. The trapped pyridoxine and pyridoxamine are oxidized to pyridoxal phosphate in the tissue. The products of vitamin B metabolism are excreted in the urine, the major product of which is 4-pyridoxic acid. An estimated 40–60% of ingested vitamin B is oxidized to Question: the active form of vitamin d also known as a hormone is called Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Karl Urban) Karl - Heinz Urban ( born 7 June 1972 ) is a New Zealand actor . He is known for playing Julius Caesar and Cupid in Xena : Warrior Princess and Hercules : The Legendary Journeys , Éomer in the second and third instalments of Peter Jackson 's The Lord of the Rings trilogy , Vaako in the second and third instalments of the Riddick film series , Dr. Leonard '' Bones '' McCoy in Star Trek , Star Trek Into Darkness and Star Trek Beyond , and Judge Dredd in Dredd . He won acclaim for his performances in New Zealand films The Price of Milk and Out of the Blue . He also played the main character John Kennex in the short - lived television series Almost Human . He plays Skurge in the 2017 Marvel Studios film Thor : Ragnarok . Document [1](Title: Anthony Hopkins) don't know." On 21 September 2011, Peter R. de Vries named Hopkins in the role of the Heineken owner Freddy Heineken in a future film about his kidnapping. Hopkins portrayed Odin, the Allfather or "king" of Asgard, in the 2011 film adaptation of Marvel Comics' "Thor". Hopkins portrayed Alfred Hitchcock in Sacha Gervasi's biopic "Hitchcock", following his career while making "Psycho". The film was released on 23 November 2012. In 2013, he reprised his role as Odin in "" and again in 2017's "". In 2014, he portrayed Methuselah in Darren Aronofsky's "Noah". Since October 2016, Hopkins has been starring Document [2](Title: Judson Scott) roles include Lt. James in seven episodes of "V", and as Sacha Malenkov on "The Colbys". He also portrayed Peter Harrell on "General Hospital" in 1984–85. Other guest appearances include "" (as Ernst Graff in "The Legacy") "Voyagers!", "The Dukes of Hazzard", "The A-Team", "Babylon 5" (as "Knight One" in "And the Sky Full of Stars", 1994), "Charmed" (as "Necron" in episodes "A Witches Tale" 1 & 2), "The X-Files" and "The Greatest American Hero" (as Dak Hampton in the episode "Rock 'n' Roll"). He also made three appearances on "Matt Houston" as a Navajo shaman turned assassin. In the Document [3](Title: Éomer) is portrayed as a renegade. He does not have any lines and is not fully animated (seen as a live action individual painted over), but is still important to the plot. He also appears in the 1980 Rankin/Bass animated version of "The Return of the King", albeit without lines. In Peter Jackson's "The Lord of the Rings" film trilogy, Éomer was played by New Zealand actor Karl Urban. His role is somewhat diminished in comparison to the books. In "", he is exiled by Gríma before meeting Aragorn. As an outcast, he leads a troop of riders loyal to Théoden Document [4](Title: Faramir) is able to resist the One Ring, in direct contrast to the portrayal in Peter Jackson's "The Lord of the Rings" film trilogy. In Rankin/Bass' 1980 adaptation of "The Return of the King", a dark-haired man is shown next to Éowyn in greeting Aragorn as he arrives to Minas Tirith. This character could be interpreted as Faramir. In the "Lord of the Rings" movie trilogy directed by Peter Jackson, Faramir is played by David Wenham. The actor jokes that he got the role because he and Sean Bean, who played Boromir, both had large noses. Faramir and his brother's appearances Document [5](Title: Matt King (comedian)) starring in his own self-penned sketch show "Dogface", both available on Channel 4. His role as Super Hans in Peep Show spanned nearly a decade and earned him fans across the world. He has appeared in cult comedy series "Look Around You" and in the third series of "Skins", playing Cook's father. He co-starred in the film "Inkheart", appeared in the Guy Ritchie film "Rocknrolla" and the British film "Bronson", and had a lead role in the fantasy thriller "Malice in Wonderland". He also appeared in the third series of "Doctor Who" as Peter Streete in "The Shakespeare Code", and Document [6](Title: Simon Coates (actor)) appeared in 'A Touch of Frost', 'Eastenders', 'The Bill', 'Dream Team', 'Doctors', 'The Amazing Mrs Pritchard' and 'Holby City'. Among the roles he has played are: Leonid Gayev in 'The Cherry Orchard', King Philip in 'King John', Dr. Yealland in 'Regeneration', Parsons in '1984', Bishop of Ely in 'Richard III', Norman Tate in 'Donkeys Years', Philinte in 'The Misanthrope', Sir Epicure Mammon in 'The Alchemist', Friar Lawrence in 'Romeo and Juliet', Cleante in 'Tartuffe', Sir Andrew Charleson in 'Plenty', Colonel Hennings in 'The Prince of Homburg', Captain Anson in 'Arthur and George', Beralde in 'The Hypochondriac', Max in 'The Real Document [7](Title: Peter Firth) Ryder?" (1979); "Lifeforce" (1985); "Letter to Brezhnev" (1985); "Northanger Abbey" (1986), playing Henry Tilney; "The Hunt for Red October" (1990); "White Angel" (1993), playing mild-mannered dentist Leslie Steckler; "Amistad" (1997); "Mighty Joe Young" (1998); "Pearl Harbor" (2001); and "The Greatest Game Ever Played" (2005), playing Lord Northcliffe. Along with his film career, Firth has continued to appear in various television productions, with several notable credits in various high-profile dramas. He starred in two science-fiction episodes of the BBC's "Play for Today" anthology series as the eponymous time-traveller in the romantic "The Flipside of Dominick Hide" (1980), and its sequel, "Another Question: actor who plays eomer in lord of the rings Answer:
Karl - Heinz Urban
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Lightning Thief) The Lightning Thief is an American fantasy - adventure novel based on Greek mythology , the first young adult novel written by Rick Riordan in the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series . The manuscript was sold in an auction to Miramax Books , an imprint of Hyperion Books for Children and thus Disney Publishing ( succeeded by the Disney Hyperion imprint ) . Document [1](Title: The Lightning Thief) The Lightning Thief First edition cover Author Rick Riordan Cover artist Peter Bollinger John Rocco ( later edition matching the sequels ) Country United States Series Percy Jackson & the Olympians ( bk 1 ) Genre Fantasy , Greek mythology , young - adult novel Publisher Miramax Books Puffin Books , Disney - Hyperion Publication date July 1 , 2005 ( hardcover ) April 1 , 2006 ( paperback ) Media type Print ( hardcover ) , audiobook CD Pages 377 ISBN 0 - 7868 - 5629 - 7 OCLC 60786141 LC Class PZ7. R4829 Li 2005 Followed by The Sea of Monsters Document [2](Title: The Lightning Thief) and the Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Book Award in 2009. "Scholastic Parent & Child" magazine also included the novel within its 100 "Greatest Books for Kids." When asked about the various awards, Rick Riordan said: "The ultimate compliment for a children's writer is when the kids like it." In June 2004, 20th Century Fox acquired the feature film rights to the book. In April 2007, director Chris Columbus was hired to helm the project. The film, titled "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief", was released in the United States on February 12, 2010 and had Logan Lerman as Document [3](Title: Storm Thief) enters. They discover the artifact can open 'doors' though solid objects. As Rail and Moa escape, they meet a golem named Vago. He had escaped from his own master after getting beaten. The three proceed to discover the truth behind their unjust society.. Chris Wooding, Storm Thief, 2006, Scholastic Storm Thief Storm Thief is a 2006 dystopian science-fiction novel written by Chris Wooding and published by Scholastic Books. It also has elements of the Gothic, tech-punk, and alternate history genres. It is set on a futuristic island-city known as Orokos, which is plagued by deadly "probability storms." It features a Document [4](Title: The Heroes of Olympus) The Heroes of Olympus The Heroes of Olympus is a pentalogy of fantasy-adventure novels written by American author Rick Riordan. The novels detail a conflict between Greek and Roman demigods and Gaea, the earth goddess. The series is a sequel to "Percy Jackson & the Olympians", which dealt with Greek gods. Riordan introduces Roman mythology into his sequel series as well as several new characters. The first book of the series, "The Lost Hero", was published on October 12, 2010. The final entry in the series, "The Blood of Olympus", was published on October 7, 2014. "The Heroes of Olympus" Document [5](Title: Miramax Books) year, fiction and non-fiction, starting in 2000. Tina Brown, chair of Talk Media recruited a number of high profile authors, historian the British novelist Martin Amis and Simon Schama for the imprint. Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani was paid $3 million in advance for his autobiography prior to 9-11. By April 2002, Talk Miramax Books had published 30 books, five of which made a national best-seller lists. The unit generated $10 million in revenue in 2001 and was profitable. In 2004, Miramax Books won the auction for Riordan's "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" manuscript. When the Weinsteins broke from Disney in Document [6](Title: Thunder and Lightnings) Thunder and Lightnings Thunder and Lightnings is a realistic children's novel by Jan Mark, published in 1976 by Kestrel Books of Harmondsworth in London, with illustrations by Jim Russell. Set in Norfolk, it features a developing friendship between two boys who share an interest in aeroplanes, living near RAF Coltishall during the months in 1974 when the Royal Air Force is phasing out its English Electric Lightning fighters and introducing the SEPECAT Jaguar. Mark won the annual Carnegie Medal from the Library Association, recognising the year's best children's book by a British subject. She also won a prize for children's Document [7](Title: Thieves' World (book)) Thieves' World (book) Thieves' World is an anthology novel edited by Robert Asprin published in 1979, the first in the "Thieves' World" series. "Thieves' World" is a collection of stories set in the city of Sanctuary, a dying trading city on the southern tip of a peninsula, which has become a den of thieves. Greg Costikyan reviewed "Thieves' World" in "Ares Magazine" #1. Costikyan commented that "since fantasy role-playing involves the group production of a multi-hero fantasy story, role-playing fans especially will find "Thieves' World" enjoyable. [...] The stories themselves range from mediocre to excellent, but all are worth reading." Question: who wrote percy jackson and the lightning thief Answer:
Rick Riordan
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Automobile air conditioning) A company in New York City in the United States first offered installation of air conditioning for cars in 1933 . Most of their customers operated limousines and luxury cars . Document [1](Title: Willis Carrier) Today, air-conditioning and HVAC is a staple in many American homes. Ceiling fans and air conditioning are often used in conjunction; in summer, a ceiling fan allows the thermostat to be set several degrees higher; in winter, a fan can be set to a low speed on reverse direction to bring down stratified heat from the heating system. In 1930, Carrier started Toyo Carrier and Samsung Applications in Japan and Korea. South Korea is now the largest producer for air conditioning in the world. The Carrier Corporation pioneered the design and manufacture of refrigeration machines to cool large spaces. By Document [2](Title: Airedale International Air Conditioning) – Airedale moves to Park Mills, Rawdon, West Yorkshire. 1982 – In May 1982, Airedale Air Conditioning changed its name to Airedale International Air Conditioning Ltd. to reflect its growing export business. AIAC South Africa was formed in Johannesburg to manufacture precision air conditioning systems. 1984 – First UK manufacturer to develop a water cooling industrial chiller the ACC. 1994 – First manufacturer to use R407C refrigerant in both chillers and precision air conditioning units. 2003 – First precision air conditioning manufacturer in Europe to introduce electronic expansion valves to their product. 2005 – Airedale bought by US firm Modine, Document [3](Title: Air conditioning) (67%), and Quebec (54%) and lower use in Prince Edward Island (23%), British Columbia (21%), and Newfoundland and Labrador (9%). In Europe, home air conditioning is generally less common. Southern European countries such as Greece have seen a wide proliferation of home air-conditioning units in recent years. In another southern European country, Malta, it is estimated that around 55% of households have an air conditioner installed. In India AC sales have dropped by 40% due to higher costs and stricter energy efficiency regulations. Process applications aim to provide a suitable environment for a process being carried out, regardless of internal Document [4](Title: Acomb, North Yorkshire) the amalgamation of the York Gas Light Company and York Union Gas Light Company in 1844. Electricity was first supplied to Acomb in 1913 following the sanctioning of an application to the District Council and the Board of Trade. In 1920, the Corporation of York purchased Acomb Hall to provide maternity facilities in the city. The Maternity Hospital opened in 1922, but was re-classified for geriatric treatment in 1954, when maternity facilities were opened in Fulford. On 12 February 1934, the Regent Cinema opened in Acomb. It had 899 seats arranged over stalls and a single balcony. Along with many Document [5](Title: Parshvanath College of Engineering) building was planned. Even AC ducts were installed in the ceilings. But the system never became completely operational. Ultimately, ceiling fans had to be installed in all the rooms. Air-conditioning units were installed wherever they were needed (e.g. computer labs, seminar halls, etc.) Located in Kasarvadavali Naka on Ghodbunder Road, nearby places of interest include the shopping complex having HyperCity Mall, BIG MegaMart, McDonald's fast food restaurant, etc. Nearby, there are also commercial buildings (e.g. that of G-Corp), as well as many existing and under-construction residential areas. Various small local shops and restaurants also exist nearby. At some distance from Document [6](Title: Plaxton) car chassis. This activity continued through the 1920s, but the depression of 1929-1933 created difficulties for manufacture of luxury automobiles. As a result, the manufacture of charabanc, and later coach bodies became more important through the late 1920s and early 1930s. Customers during this time tended to be local to the Scarborough area, Scarborough being a popular seaside resort. By 1936 the company felt justified in constructing a large new manufacturing facility in Seamer Road, Scarborough. This allowed increased production, and Plaxtons became popular with many independent operators throughout Northern England. Many of these operators purchased their vehicles through independent Document [7](Title: Ford Motor Company) with the Model A, the first car with safety glass in the windshield. Ford launched the first low-priced car with a V8 engine in 1932. In an attempt to compete with General Motors' mid-priced Pontiac, Oldsmobile, and Buick, Ford created the Mercury in 1939 as a higher-priced companion car to Ford. Henry Ford purchased the Lincoln Motor Company in 1922, in order to compete with such brands as Cadillac and Packard for the luxury segment of the automobile market. In 1929, Ford was contracted by the government of the Soviet Union to set up the Gorky Automobile Plant in Russia Question: what year was air conditioning put in cars Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: United States Department of Health and Human Services) United States Department of Health and Human Services Seal of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Flag of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Hubert H. Humphrey Building , Department Headquarters Department overview Formed April 11 , 1953 ; 64 years ago ( 1953 - 04 - 11 ) ( as Department of Health , Education , and Welfare ) May 4 , 1980 ( 1980 - 05 - 04 ) ( as United States Department of Health and Human Services ) Preceding agencies Federal Security Agency United States Department of Health , Education , and Welfare Jurisdiction Federal government of the United States Headquarters Hubert H. Humphrey Building Washington , D.C. , U.S. Employees 79,540 ( 2015 ) Department executives Alex Azar , Secretary Eric Hargan , Deputy Secretary Website Document [1](Title: California Health and Human Services Agency) Health Services. The agency is divided into various departments and boards: California Health and Human Services Agency The California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) is the state agency tasked with administration and oversight of "state and federal programs for health care, social services, public assistance and rehabilitation" in the U.S. state of California. The agency is headed by the Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency, with headquarters in Sacramento. On December 7, 2010, Governor-Elect Jerry Brown nominated Diana Dooley to be Secretary of CHHS. CHHS was created from a reorganization of other California agencies, including the Document [2](Title: California Health and Human Services Agency) California Health and Human Services Agency The California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) is the state agency tasked with administration and oversight of "state and federal programs for health care, social services, public assistance and rehabilitation" in the U.S. state of California. The agency is headed by the Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency, with headquarters in Sacramento. On December 7, 2010, Governor-Elect Jerry Brown nominated Diana Dooley to be Secretary of CHHS. CHHS was created from a reorganization of other California agencies, including the California Health and Welfare Agency which included the California Department of Document [3](Title: Elizabeth Duke (administrator)) Elizabeth Duke (administrator) Elizabeth M. Duke was the administrator for the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) from March 6, 2002 to February 28, 2009. HRSA is one of 11 operating divisions in the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The agency uses its $7 billion annual budget (FY 2007) to expand access to quality health care for all Americans through an array of grants to state and local governments, community-based health care providers, and health professions training programs. These HRSA-supported grantees provide direct health care services to 20 million people each year. Duke led HRSA's implementation Document [4](Title: United States Public Health Service Building) United States Public Health Service Building The United States Public Health Service Building, also known as the Department of the Interior - South Building, is a historic government office building, the headquarters of the Office of Surface Mining. It is located at 1951 Constitution Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C., adjacent to the Eccles Building. The site was home to a YWCA. It was designed by Jules Henri de Sibour, for the Public Health Service in 1931. It was renamed to the Combined Chiefs of Staff Building on January 30, 1942. It was the site of the planning for the Manhattan Project; Document [5](Title: Health human resources) of increasing debate on international health worker recruitment, especially in some higher income countries, and its impact on the ability of many developing countries to deliver primary health care services. Although non-binding on the Member States and recruitment agencies, the Code promotes principles and practices for the ethical international recruitment of health personnel. It also advocates the strengthening of health personnel information systems to support effective health workforce policies and planning in countries. Health human resources Health human resources (HHR) – also known as human resources for health (HRH) or health workforce – is defined as "all people engaged in Document [6](Title: Assistant Secretary for Health) No. 3 of 1966. The plan allowed the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to restructure the Public Health Service to better serve public health. The office was renamed to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health following the Department of Education Organization Act in 1972. As of 2018, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health oversees 12 core public health offices, 10 regional health offices, and 10 presidential and secretarial advisory committees. Prior to 2010, the Office was known as the Office of Public Health and Science. Assistant Secretary for Health The Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH) Document [7](Title: Louis Wade Sullivan) The race promotes and Mrs. Sullivan's belief in the health benefits of daily exercise. The event celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2013 and approximately $300,000 to support the Martha's Vineyard Hospital. Louis Wade Sullivan Louis Wade Sullivan (born November 3, 1933) is an active health policy leader, minority health advocate, author, physician, and educator. He served as the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during President George H. W. Bush's Administration and was Founding Dean of the Morehouse School of Medicine. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, although his parents moved to rural Blakely, Georgia, shortly Question: when was the department of health and human services established Answer:
April 11 , 1953
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of extreme points of India) The extreme points of India include the coordinates that are further north , south , east or west than any other location in India ; and the highest and the lowest altitudes in the country . The northernmost point claimed by India is in territory disputed between India and Pakistan . With the exception of Kanyakumari ( Cape Comorin ) , the southern-most location of mainland India , all other extreme locations are uninhabited . But some consider Indira point as the extreme tip but the consideration is neither right nor wrong . Document [1](Title: Tamil Nadu) and is the eleventh largest state in India. The bordering states are Kerala to the west, Karnataka to the north west and Andhra Pradesh to the north. To the east is the Bay of Bengal and the state encircles the union territory of Puducherry. The southernmost tip of the Indian Peninsula is Kanyakumari which is the meeting point of the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean. The western, southern and the north western parts are hilly and rich in vegetation. The Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats meet at the Nilgiri hills. The Western Ghats traverse Document [2](Title: Tourism in West Bengal) some of marvelous landscape features and natural scenic beauty. Some of India's most preferred travel destinations like; the Darjeeling Himalayan hill region in the northern extreme of the state, the highest peak of the state Sandakphu () and the Sundarbans mangrove forests in the extreme south. During the British colonial era from 1700–1912, Kolkata enjoyed the privilege of being the capital of British India and witnessed a spate of frenzied construction of buildings, largely influenced by the conscious intermingling of Neo-Gothic, Baroque, Neo-Classical, Oriental and Islamic schools of design. Unlike many north Indian cities, whose construction stresses minimalism, the layout Document [3](Title: Indica (Megasthenes)) on the southern and the eastern side. The Indus river forms the western and the north-western boundary of the country, as far as the ocean. India's northern border reaches the extremities of Tauros. From Ariana to the Eastern Sea, it is bound by mountains that are called Kaukasos by the Macedonians. The various native names for these mountains include Parapamisos, Hemodos and Himaos (the Himalayas). Beyond Hemodos, lies Scythia inhabited by the Scythians known as Sakai. Besides Scythia, the countries of Bactria and Ariana bordered India. At the extreme point of India, the gnomon of the sundial often casts no Document [4](Title: Extreme points of the Faroe Islands) Extreme points of the Faroe Islands The extreme points of the Faroe Islands include the coordinates that are further north, south, east or west than any other location in the Faroe Islands; and the highest and the lowest elevations in the territory. The latitude and longitude are expressed in , in which a positive latitude value refers to the northern hemisphere, and a negative value refers to the southern hemisphere. Similarly, a positive longitude value refers to the eastern hemisphere, and a negative value refers to the western hemisphere. The coordinates used in this article are sourced from Google Earth, Document [5](Title: Climate of West Bengal) the minimum temperature can often drop to the 5 to 7 degree C mark. Occasionally slight rainfall occurs under the influence of low depressions in northwest India. These is known as' "western disturbances'." The Tropic of Cancer passes 6 km north of Nabadwip, so, according to latitude, the northern part of the state falls in the temperate belt and the southern part fall in the tropical belt. But the southern part receives adequate rainfall and because of maritime influence is not severely hot. Barring the mountainous parts of Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri, the entire state experiences a warm wet tropical monsoon Document [6](Title: Geography of Tamil Nadu) both the Western Ghat and the Eastern Ghat mountain ranges which both meet at the Nilgiri hills. The Western Ghats dominate the entire western border with Kerala, effectively blocking much of the rain bearing clouds of the South West Monsoon from entering the state. The eastern parts are fertile coastal plains. The northern parts are a mix of hills and plains. The central and the south-central regions are arid plains. Tamil Nadu has a coastline of about which is the country’s second longest coastline. Tamil Nadu's coastline bore the brunt of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami when it hit India, Document [7](Title: Indira Col) claimed by India. Indira Col The Indira Col (altitude ) is a col (mountain pass, also called "La" in the local language) on the Indira Ridge in the Siachen Muztagh in the Karakoram Range. It is within 3 km of Sia Kangri to the west, the summit of which is the tripoint where territories controlled by India, Pakistan, and China meet. The col is a saddle between the Siachen Glacier to the south and the Urdok Glacier to the north, on the watershed between the Indus River basin and the Tarim Basin. It is too steep to easily descend north Question: which was the southernmost point of the main land of india Answer:
Kanyakumari ( Cape Comorin )
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Route 66 (song)) Nat King Cole , as the King Cole Trio , first recorded the song the same year and it became a hit , appearing on Billboard magazine 's R&B and pop charts . Another version to reach the Billboard charts was that recorded by Bing Crosby with the Andrews Sisters on May 11 , 1946 and this reached the No. 14 position in 1946 . The song was subsequently recorded by many artists including Chuck Berry , the Rolling Stones , Them , Dr. Feelgood , Asleep at the Wheel , the Manhattan Transfer , Depeche Mode , The Brian Setzer Orchestra , The Cramps , John Mayer , and George Benson . Document [1](Title: John Collins (jazz guitarist)) his music career, working with Slam Stewart, Kenny Clarke, Ike Quebec, Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis, Erroll Garner, Billy Taylor, Tadd Dameron, Coleman Hawkins, Artie Shaw, and Vic Dickenson. Collins replaced Irving Ashby as the guitarist for the Nat King Cole trio. He was a member of the trio until Cole's death in 1965. Collins then worked with vocalist Patti Page, followed by several years with Bobby Troup. In the early 1970s, he worked with Ray Brown, Carmen McRae, and Snooky Young. Then he spent time teaching in Los Angeles. He appears on the 1983 album "Jackson, Johnson, Brown & Company" with Document [2](Title: September Song) recorded the song twice, on December 29, 1943 and again one month before his death in 1977 for his album "Seasons". The former opera singer Ezio Pinza recorded a version in the early 1950s, as did Billy Eckstine. In 1955, Johnny Hartman included the song on his debut album, "Songs from the Heart", with Howard McGhee backing on trumpet. Nat King Cole recorded a version with George Shearing (in addition to the latter's instrumental version discussed below) in 1962, and Jimmy Durante included the song on an album of pop standards in 1963. Other versions have been recorded during the Document [3](Title: Holly & Ivy) called it one of "the nicest, warmest Christmas albums that I've heard", and described the original version of the 1945 track "The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)" as "a darling sweet song" that has yet to be imitated by other original Christmas songs. In an interview with NPR, Cole said that: "it took 15 years into [her] career before [she] felt comfortable and confident enough to even attempt at singing my father's music." "Holly & Ivy" includes three cover version of Nat King Cole's songs: "Caroling, Caroling", "The First Noel", and "The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on Document [4](Title: (Do the) Mashed Potatoes) Brown's voice from being recognized, Stone overdubbed shouted vocals by Carlton "King" Coleman, a local radio DJ, onto the recording, though Brown's voice remains audible in the background. Leadership of the band was officially credited to Nat Kendrick, who was Brown's drummer at the time, while the writing was credited to "Dessie Rozier", a pseudonym for Brown. A simple twelve bar blues tune, "(Do the) Mashed Potatoes" became a Top Ten R&B hit in 1960 and fed what would eventually grow into a national dance craze. The band recorded several more singles under the Nat Kendrick & the Swans name, Document [5](Title: The Magic of Christmas (Nat King Cole album)) The Magic of Christmas (Nat King Cole album) The Magic of Christmas is a 1960 album by Nat King Cole, arranged and conducted by Ralph Carmichael. This was Cole's only full album of Christmas songs, although he had recorded several holiday singles earlier in his career. One of these, "The Christmas Song", originally recorded in 1946, was re-recorded for the 1961 album "The Nat King Cole Story". In 1963 "The Magic of Christmas" was reissued under the title The Christmas Song, with that recording added to the track list in place of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", and with new Document [6](Title: Rock music) record. Contenders include Goree Carter's "" (1949); Jimmy Preston's "Rock the Joint" (1949), which was later covered by Bill Haley & His Comets in 1952; and "Rocket 88" by Jackie Brenston and his Delta Cats (in fact, Ike Turner and his band the Kings of Rhythm), recorded by Sam Phillips for Sun Records in 1951. Four years later, Bill Haley's "Rock Around the Clock" (1955) became the first rock and roll song to top "Billboard" magazine's main sales and airplay charts, and opened the door worldwide for this new wave of popular culture. It has also been argued that "That's Document [7](Title: Atlantic Records) chart. Brown recorded more than eighty songs for Atlantic, becoming its bestselling, most prolific musician of the period. So significant was Brown's success to Atlantic that the label became known colloquially as "The House That Ruth Built". Joe Morris, one of the label's earliest signings, scored a hit with his October 1950 song "Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere", the first Atlantic record issued in 45rpm format, which the company began pressing in January 1951. The Clovers' "Don't You Know I Love You" (composed by Ertegun) became the label's first R&B No. 1 in September 1951. A few weeks later Brown's "Teardrops from Question: original singer of get your kicks on route 66 Answer:
Nat King Cole
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Great British Bake Off) The Great British Bake Off Genre Baking Reality Directed by Andy Devonshire ( 2010 -- 12 , 2014 -- ) Scott Tankard ( 2012 -- 13 ) Presented by Mel Giedroyc Sue Perkins Sandi Toksvig Noel Fielding Judges Mary Berry Paul Hollywood Prue Leith Theme music composer Tom Howe Country of origin United Kingdom Original language ( s ) English No. of series 9 No. of episodes 74 ( excluding 28 specials ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Anna Beattie ( 2010 -- ) Richard McKerrow ( 2010 ) Sarah Thomson - Woolley ( 2016 -- 2017 ) Kieran Smith ( 2012 ) Producer ( s ) Samantha Beddoes ( 2013 -- 2014 ) Amanda Westwood ( 2012 ) Production location ( s ) Cotswolds , Scone Palace , Sandwich , Bakewell , Mousehole , Fulham Palace ( all 2010 ) Valentines Mansion ( 2011 ) Harptree Court ( 2012 -- 13 ) Welford Park ( 2014 -- ) Running time 60 minutes Production company ( s ) Love Productions Distributor Channel 4 Release Original network BBC Two ( 2010 -- 13 ) BBC One ( 2014 -- 16 ) Channel 4 ( 2017 -- ) Picture format 16 : 9 Audio format Stereo Original release 17 August 2010 ( 2010 - 08 - 17 ) -- present Chronology Related shows The Great British Sewing Bee Bake Off : The Professionals The Great British Bake Off : An Extra Slice The Great Pottery Throw Down Junior Bake Off The Big Family Cooking Showdown External links Website Production website Document [1](Title: The Great British Bake Off (series 3)) The Great British Bake Off (series 3) The third series of "The Great British Bake Off" began airing on Tuesday 14 August 2012. The series was filmed at Harptree Court in East Harptree, Somerset. Seven thousand applied for the competition and twelve contestants were chosen. For the first time, all three finalists were male: Brendan Lynch, John Whaite and James Morton. The competition was won by John Whaite. No one was eliminated this week due to John having injured his finger and could not complete the last bake, and the judges thought it would be unfair to eliminate anyone. Two Document [2](Title: The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice) The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice (sometimes shortened to An Extra Slice) is a British television after-show to follow the series "The Great British Bake Off". Hosted by Jo Brand, the show features three celebrity panelist to discus the after-events of the week. Originally,the show began airing on BBC Two on 8th August 2014 two days after the premiere episode of the fifth series of the main show, and is filmed at The London Studios. In April 2017, it was announced that the series and Brand would follow "The Great Document [3](Title: The Generation Game) on her acting and writing career. On 11 May 2017, it was reported that Mel and Sue were linked to host a reboot for the BBC as part of a package for not staying with "The Great British Bake Off" after its move to Channel 4. On 23 July 2017, it was confirmed that Mel and Sue would host. However, on 7 February 2018, two episodes instead of the planned four was confirmed, with the BBC saying "During the production process it's not unusual for a new series to change length as the format evolves". Basil Brush was announced as Document [4](Title: Media in Cornwall) lasting 30 seconds or more. Advertisers included coal merchants, car dealers, department stores, garden centres, theme or tourist parks and solicitors. However, the number and frequency of Cornish advertisers on ITV Westcountry although not eliminated, are far less frequent in number. Current regional programmes include "John Nettles' Westcountry", "Country Ways" and "Coastal Ways", all independent productions, but all including some Cornish content (for example, an episode of the John Nettles programme was about the Cornish China clay industry, and "Coastal Ways", which has covered many Cornish resorts, including St. Ives). Despite very few programmes being produced by Westward, TSW or Document [5](Title: The Great Pottery Throw Down) The Great Pottery Throw Down The Great Pottery Throw Down is a television programme first broadcast on the BBC Two from 3 November 2015. It is a contest in the style of "The Great British Bake Off" and "The Great British Sewing Bee" but with the craft of pottery rather than baking or sewing. The presenter is Sara Cox and the expert judges are Kate Malone and Keith Brymer Jones. It was filmed in Middleport Pottery. Colour key: The second series began on 2 February 2017 on BBC Two. Some episodes will have a guest judge, these will include Emma Document [6](Title: Guthrie Theater production history) Call, Douglas Campbell, Tyrone Guthrie, Robert Lanchester, Philip Manor, John Olin, Stephen Porter, Mel Shapiro, Alan Schneider, Maurice Valency Actors (partial listing): Paul Ballantyne, Fran Bennett, Raye Birk, Zoe Caldwell, Douglas Campbell, Helen Carey, Len Cariou, Patricia Conolly, Hume Cronyn, David Feldshuh, Rita Gam, Ellen Geer, Peter Michael Goetz, George Grizzard, Charles Keating, Linda Kelsey, James Lawless, Michael Moriarty, Robert Pastene, Richard Russell Ramos, Ken Ruta, Gale Sondergaard, Jessica Tandy Artistic Directors: no named Artistic Director (1970), Michael Langham (1971–77), Alvin Epstein (1978–80) Stages: Thrust stage on Vineland Place, The Other Place, Guthrie 2 on the West Bank Directors (Vineland Document [7](Title: Noel Fielding) dance to "Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush for "Let's Dance for Comic Relief" reaching the finale. He has also appeared in a Kate Bush video for the remix version of "Deeper Understanding". In March 2017 it was revealed that Fielding would co-host the upcoming series of "The Great British Bake Off" alongside Sandi Toksvig. Fielding appeared as a contestant on Series 4 of the Dave comedy panel game "Taskmaster" in 2017, hosted by Greg Davies and Alex Horne: he was the overall series winner. He returned for a Taskmaster: Champion of Champions series in December, in which he came fourth. Question: where is the great british bake off filmed 2018 Answer:
Welford Park
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Naval Criminal Investigative Service) The United States Naval Criminal Investigative Service ( NCIS ) is the primary law enforcement agency of the United States Department of the Navy . Its primary function is to investigate criminal activities involving the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps , though its broad mandate includes national security , counter-intelligence , counter-terrorism , cyber warfare , and the protection of U.S. naval assets worldwide . NCIS is the successor organization to the former Naval Investigative Service ( NIS ) , which was established by the Office of Naval Intelligence after the Second World War . Document [1](Title: National Criminal Intelligence Service) were to include necessarily: The service received £138 million in funding during 1999. The unit was disbanded during 2006 and replaced by SOCA. The Director General had no responsibility for terrorist responses, which at the time was dealt with by the Security Service (MI5) and Constabulary Special Branches coordinated by the Metropolitan Police Special Branch (MPSB). National Criminal Intelligence Service The National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) was a United Kingdom policing agency. Following the Police and Criminal Justice Act 2001, NCIS returned to direct funding by the Home Office in 2002 and was a non-departmental public body. On 1 April Document [2](Title: United States Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Division) United States Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Division United States Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Division (USMC CID) is a federal law enforcement agency that investigates crimes against persons and property within the United States Marine Corps. CID Agent candidates must be currently serving as an enlisted active duty Marine between the grades of E-5 through E-9 or WO1 to CWO5. Civilian CID Agents must be employed in the government schedule (GS) 1811 series as a criminal investigator. All CID Agents must be able to obtain and maintain a Top Secret security clearance. Marine candidates must possess a GT score of 110 Document [3](Title: National Security Operations Center) National Security Operations Center The National Security Operations Center (NSOC) is the part of the United States National Security Agency responsible for current operations and time-sensitive signals intelligence (SIGINT) reporting for the United States SIGINT System (USSS). NSOC is an operations center on a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week basis, providing total situational awareness across the NSA/CSS enterprise for both foreign Signals Intelligence and Information Assurance, maintains cognizance of national security information needs, and monitors unfolding world events. In 1969, a U.S. Navy EC-121 patrol plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan. In the ensuing Document [4](Title: Stevens Institute of Technology) by the U.S. government: the National Center for Secure and Resilient (CSR) Maritime Commerce; the National Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC); and the Atlantic Center for the Innovative Design and Control of Small Ships (ACCESS). Stevens also features the Center for the Advancement of Secure Systems and Information Assurance (CASSIA), dedicated to advancements in cybersecurity. The center was developed in response to Stevens' designations by the Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education for the academic years 2003 through 2014, and as a National Center of Academic Document [5](Title: Naval Medical Research Center) Naval Medical Research Center The Naval Medical Research Center (NMRC) is an agency that performs basic and applied biomedical research to meet the needs of the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps. Its areas of focus include study of infectious diseases, biodefense, military medicine, battlefield medicine, and bone marrow research. NMRC is under the United States Department of the Navy's Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. NMRC was originally the Naval Medical Research Institute, founded in 1942, and was located on the campus of the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Besides researching health and safety issues for Document [6](Title: Dulles–Jackson–Correa Report) of Director of Central Intelligence. In addition to creating the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Act of 1947 established the United States National Security Council (NSC). The National Security Council was composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (now titled, Director of Central Intelligence), and other key members to advise the President on national security and foreign policy matters. The National Security Act of 1947 also modified the structure of the United States military. The Act created the Department of the Air Force from the existing United Document [7](Title: Security agency) Security agency A security agency is a governmental organization which conducts intelligence activities for the internal security of a nation. They are the domestic cousins of foreign intelligence agencies, and typically conduct counterintelligence to thwart other countries' foreign intelligence efforts. For example, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the internal intelligence, security and law enforcement agency, while the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an external intelligence service, which deals primarily with intelligence collection overseas. A similar relationship exists in Britain between MI5 and MI6. The distinction, or overlap, between security agencies, national police, and gendarmerie organizations varies Question: what does ncis stand for in law enforcement Answer:
Naval Criminal Investigative Service
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: 49ers-Cowboys rivalry) San Francisco 49ers - Dallas Cowboys San Francisco 49ers Dallas Cowboys Latest meeting October 22 , 2017 Cowboys 40 , 49ers 10 Next meeting TBD ( will not play in 2018 , unless they meet each other in playoffs ) Statistics Meetings total 36 All - time series Dallas leads 18 - 17 - 1 Postseason results Dallas Cowboys lead 5 -- 2 Most recent January 15 , 1995 Dallas Cowboys 28 , San Francisco 49ers 38 Largest victory San Francisco 49ers 14 , Dallas Cowboys 59 ( 1980 ) Current win streak Dallas Cowboys , 2 win ( 2017 ) Championship success during tenure of rivalry Super Bowl titles ( 10 ) Dallas Cowboys ( 5 ) -- 1971 , 1977 , 1992 , 1993 , 1995 San Francisco 49ers ( 5 ) -- 1981 , 1984 , 1988 , 1989 , 1994 NFC Championships ( 14 ) Dallas Cowboys ( 8 ) -- 1970 , 1971 , 1975 , 1977 , 1978 , 1992 , 1993 , 1995 San Francisco 49ers ( 6 ) -- 1981 , 1984 , 1988 , 1989 , 1994 , 2012 Super Bowl appearances ( 14 ) Dallas Cowboys ( 8 ) -- 1970 , 1971 , 1975 , 1977 , 1978 , 1992 , 1993 , 1995 San Francisco 49ers ( 6 ) -- 1981 , 1984 , 1988 , 1989 , 1994 , 2012 Document [1](Title: Dallas Cowboys) still exists today. In addition, both teams have national fan bases rivaled by few NFL teams, and both come from areas with a strong following for football at all levels. Dallas leads the all-time series 16–13 including the playoffs. The bitter rivalry between the Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers has been going on since the 1970s. The NFL Top 10 ranked this rivalry to be the tenth best in the history of the NFL. San Francisco has played Dallas in seven postseason games. The Cowboys defeated the 49ers in the 1970 and 1971 NFC Championship games, and again in Document [2](Title: National Football League rivalries) and controversial botched field goal attempt by the Giants. Recently, the rivalry has cooled down from its peak in the 1980s. However, during the 2011 NFC Championship game the two met at Candlestick Park. The Giants defeated the 49ers 20–17 in overtime to go to and eventually win Super Bowl XLVI. The Cowboys lead the all-time series 17–15, but the Steelers are 2–1 against the Cowboys in the Super Bowl. The Packers lead the all-time series 19–17. The Giants lead the all-time series 8–5. The Buccaneers lead the all time series 6–5. The Cowboys lead their series with the Texans Document [3](Title: 49ers–Seahawks rivalry) the 49ers in that span. 49ers–Seahawks rivalry The 49ers–Seahawks rivalry is an American football rivalry between the San Francisco 49ers and Seattle Seahawks in the National Football League (NFL). As of Week 13 of the 2018 season, the Seahawks lead the all-time series with a record of 25–16, including 1–0 in the playoffs. The two teams were inter conference rivals until , when the Seahawks returned to the NFC for the first time since their inaugural season. Prior to 2002, the 49ers led the all-time series 4–2, but since they became NFC West divisional rivals in 2002, the Seahawks lead Document [4](Title: San Francisco 49ers) they had high hopes and if he did not fill those hopes, questions would be brought up from the fans as why would they get rid of Joe Montana. But with the 5th Super Bowl Win in 1994 that eliminated many of the fans questions if he was good enough. The 49ers finished the 1993 season, the team's first without Joe Montana on the roster, with a 10–6 record and no. 2 seed in the playoffs. San Francisco defeated the New York Giants 44–3 in the divisional playoff game, but lost to the Dallas Cowboys 38–21 in the NFC championship Document [5](Title: Mike Singletary) members of the 1985 Chicago Bears in resurrecting the Super Bowl Shuffle for a Boost Mobile commercial broadcast during Super Bowl XLIV. The 49ers began the 2010 season with an 0–5 record, marking their worst start since 1979. The team's first win of the season came in Week 6 by defeating the Oakland Raiders. In Week 10, San Francisco narrowly defeated the St. Louis Rams, 23–20 in overtime. At home, the 49ers suffered their first home shut out since October 3, 1977, in a 21–0 loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on November 21. A rematch occurred with the Rams Document [6](Title: 2002 San Francisco 49ers season) to sub-mediocrity, the game at Texas Stadium nonetheless resembled Cowboy-49er clashes of yore. Despite intercepting Chad Hutchinson twice the 49ers saw the game lead change four times before the Cowboys surged to a 27–17 lead in the fourth quarter. Jeff Garcia then stormed the 49ers to the win on touchdowns to Tai Streets and a bobbling eight-yard catch by Terrell Owens with fifteen seconds remaining. In the 31–27 49ers win the two teams combined for 35 fourth-quarter points. San Francisco's struggles against Brett Favre continued despite a 45-yard Terrell Owens touchdown catch; following this score Owens took a pair of Document [7](Title: Oakland Raiders) Raiders hold the overall series advantage at 59–50–2. The San Francisco 49ers, located on the other side of San Francisco Bay, are the Raiders' geographic rivals. The first exhibition game, played in 1967, ended with the 49ers defeating the AFL Raiders 13–10. After the 1970 merger, the 49ers won in Oakland 38–7. As a result, games between the two are referred to as the "Battle of the Bay." Since the two teams play in different conferences, regular season matchups happen only once every four years. Fans and players of the winning team can claim "bragging rights" as the better team Question: who's winning between the cowboys and the 49ers Answer:
Dallas Cowboys
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Damon Salvatore) Damon Salvatore is a fictional character in The Vampire Diaries novel series . He is portrayed by Ian Somerhalder in the television series . Initially , Damon is the main antagonist in the beginning of the show and later became a protagonist . After the first few episodes , Damon begins working alongside his younger brother , Stefan Salvatore , to resist greater threats and gradually Elena begins to consider him a friend . His transition was completed after his younger brother Stefan , who is also a vampire , convinces him to drink blood . Damon thus vows to make his brother 's life sorrowful -- thus further causing a century - long rift between the two brothers , centering around Katherine and eventually a love triangle with Elena Gilbert . After on - again / off - agains with both brothers , Elena chooses to be with Damon in the finale episode . Document [1](Title: Welcome to Paradise (The Vampire Diaries)) Elena realizes that Caroline has feelings about Stefan and when she asks her later about it, Caroline does not deny it. In the meantime, Enzo takes Jay's body to Matt's truck telling him and Tyler that Jay was a vampire hunter and now he has to bury him. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Bonnie (Kat Graham) are still in the 1994 and Damon does not believe there is a way from them to get out since he does not believe that someone else is there with them despite all the signs. Bonnie tries to convince him that he is wrong and Document [2](Title: Damon Salvatore) that Silas can do a spell to swap his life with Bonnie as Silas wants to die. Silas had seen Qetsiyah going to the party therefore both Damon and Silas goes to the ball party at Whitmore College. Silas needs Damon to kill Stefan, so that he can get back his power. Stefan, after waking up, tricked Damon and snapped his neck. At Salvatore's mansion they bring a desiccated Silas, to trade Silas's life with Bonnie he must become mortal(witch). The only way is by the cure so Elena and Damon calls Katherine who has the cure in her blood Document [3](Title: Ian Somerhalder) Ian Somerhalder Ian Joseph Somerhalder (born December 8, 1978) is an American actor, model and director. He is known for playing Boone Carlyle in the TV drama "Lost" and Damon Salvatore in The CW's supernatural drama "The Vampire Diaries". Somerhalder was born and raised in Covington, Louisiana, the son of Edna, a massage therapist, and Robert Somerhalder, an independent building contractor. He is the second of three children, with an older brother, Robert, and younger sister, Robyn. He attended Mandeville High School, a public school in Mandeville, Louisiana. He embarked on a modeling career from age 10 to 13, and Document [4](Title: The Devil Inside (The Vampire Diaries)) tell him what Katherine is doing. Damon tries to get her back telling her that he messed up but Katherine, as Elena, tells him that the two of them are over for good and she walks away. She goes back to the tomb to find Nadia and tells her that she does not want to leave Mystic Falls but stay and get Stefan back. The episode ends with Enzo and Damon catching up on Aaron who was trying to get out of the town. Aaron tells Damon that he asked him to go away so he will be safe but Document [5](Title: The Night of the Comet) himself. He also seizes the opportunity to tell Elena about Stefan's ex, Katherine, and how she broke Stefan's heart. Stefan walks in and asks Elena to leave when Damon says that he will bring out the family album where there are also photos of Katherine. Vicki is out of the hospital and when she gets into the bar-restaurant, she runs into Damon, who she vaguely remembers. Damon follows her and attacks her once again. When Jeremy cannot find her anywhere, they all start looking for her, including Stefan, who hears her screaming from afar. Damon keeps her at the roof Document [6](Title: Pilot (The Vampire Diaries)) her diary. While writing, a crow appears and refuses to move even when she attempts to scare it away. Suddenly, fog begins to cover everything and Elena starts running, dropping her journal. She trips, gets hurt, and upon standing up, finds Stefan there. While they talk, the smell of blood from Elena's leg seems to cause some changes in Stefan's face who vanishes all of a sudden. He later goes to Elena's house to apologize for vanishing and returns her journal to her. At the Salvatore house, Zach (Chris William Martin), after seeing the news about the two people who Document [7](Title: Fool Me Once (The Vampire Diaries)) unconscious in the bathtub. She tries to help Bonnie and Elena informs her that Ben is with Anna and they want to open the tomb but they need a witch to do that. Meanwhile, Stefan (Paul Wesley) looks everywhere for Elena all over Mystic Falls but he cannot find her. He goes to Damon (Ian Somerhalder) asking for his help but Damon, who is still mad at him, does not want to help. Damon leaves Stefan alone and goes to Bonnie's grandmother, Sheila (Jasmine Guy), asking for Bonnie but Sheila knows really well who he is and tells him to Question: vampire diaries who does damon end up with Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Life's Been Good) '' Life 's Been Good '' is a 1978 song by Joe Walsh , which first appeared on the soundtrack to the film FM . The original eight - minute version was released on Walsh 's album But Seriously , Folks ... , and an edited 41/2 minute single version peaked at # 12 on the US Billboard Hot 100 , remaining his biggest solo hit . Document [1](Title: Tim Kasher) album was noted for its focus on melodies and lyrics, with Dan Ocean of "Punk News" describing the sound as "a slower paced Cursive with some electronica and an abundance of hooks." After using The Good Life as essentially a side project, Kasher decided to make The Good Life a full-fledged band. Kasher recruited Ryan Fox, Roger Lewis, and Stefanie Drootin-Senseney and released "Album of the Year" in 2004. Despite his intention to make The Good Life a band in its own right, Kasher still retained most creative control over the band for much of "Album of the Year" and Document [2](Title: Best Days of Your Life) melody and the lyrics are no more memorable than the music backing them up." Jim Malec of The 9513 gave the song a thumbs down, saying that "[The song] isn’t funny, nor poignant, nor empowering. It is solely, and wholly, and unapologetically concerned only with expressing its fury. “Best Days of Your Life” is essentially four minutes of Pickler venting, unbridled and unartful." The song debuted at number 56 on the U.S. "Billboard" Hot Country Songs chart for the week of November 20, 2008. The song has become her biggest hit on the "Billboard" Hot 100, debuting at number 50 Document [3](Title: In This Life (Delta Goodrem song)) premiered on Universal Music Group's YouTube channel on 15 May 2008. Throughout the video different leaves are created around her that can be compared with the way Goodrem's "Mistaken Identity" album cover was designed. According to the Australian "Today" show, "In This Life" was the number-one most added song on radio after it was released to radio. It also debuted at number six on the national airplay charts The week after it moved to number two. The song later hit #1, pushing Matchbox Twenty to #4. The debut at #6 currently gives Goodrem the highest debut on the airplay chart Document [4](Title: Good Life (Inner City song)) you wanna go/It's a good life,” she belts, creating the clearest picture of dance floor halcyon since Chic sang about 54 and its roller skates, roller skates." In "Time Outs 2015 list of The 20 Best House Tracks Ever"' "Good Life" was included at #11, adding: "One of Detroit techno don Kevin Saunderson's housier, poppier moments - under his Inner City project with singer Paris Grey - also became his most well-known. With its unashamedly upbeat vocals and colourful '80s synths all over the place, 'Good Life' showed that dance music wasn't all about heads-down raving in a dark basement Document [5](Title: The Good Life (2007 film)) dollars. The film was released January 20, 2007. The Good Life (2007 film) The Good Life is a 2007 film written and directed by Stephen Berra, starring Mark Webber, Zooey Deschanel, Patrick Fugit, Bill Paxton, Drea de Matteo, Harry Dean Stanton, and Chris Klein. A movie about the travails of Jason (Mark Webber), a young gas station attendant and movie projectionist living in Nebraska. His encounters with various social difficulties and with Frances (Zooey Deschanel), a beautiful and enigmatic young woman leads to dramatic changes and decisions in his life. "The Good Life" was shot primarily in Canada in March Document [6](Title: This Is the Life (Hannah Montana song)) week ending August 5, 2006, the song debuted at number ninety-two on the "Billboard" Hot 100; succeeding the appearance, the song dropped from the chart. Following the release of the "Hannah Montana" soundtrack, the song entered "Billboard"'s Hot Digital Songs Chart at number forty-four, which led to a reappearance on the "Billboard" Hot 100 on the week ending November 11, 2006. The record was later duplicated by Taylor Swift. The song also peaked at number sixty-three on the now-defunct Pop 100 Chart. "This Is the Life" peaked at number sixty-five on the Hot Canadian Digital Singles Chart, but failed to Document [7](Title: The Best Things in Life Are Free) and Jackson vocally swerve and weave around each other like they've been singing together for years. Added flavor comes from guest raps by Bell Biv DeVoe and Tresvant. The true kudos, however, go to the masterful Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, who have crafted a slammin' track that would work no matter what." In the United States, "The Best Things in Life Are Free" debuted at number 24 on the U.S. "Billboard" Hot 100 the week of May 30, 1992. Three weeks later, the song peaked at number 10 for three consecutive weeks and ended at number 41 on the Question: who sang lifes been good to me so far Answer:
Joe Walsh
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Roman de la Rose) Part of the story was translated from its original Old French into Middle English as The Romaunt of the Rose , which had a great influence on English literature . Chaucer was familiar with the original French text , and a portion of the Middle English translation is thought to be his work . Critics suggest that the character of '' La Vieille '' acted as source material for Chaucer 's Wife of Bath . There were several other early translations into languages including Middle Dutch ( Heinrik van Aken , c. 1280 ) . Il Fiore is a '' reduction '' of the poem into 232 Italian sonnets by a '' ser Durante '' , sometimes thought to have been Dante , although this is generally thought unlikely . Dante never mentions the Roman , but is often said to have been highly conscious of it in his own work . In 1900 , the pre-Raphaelite F.S. Ellis translated the whole of the poem into English verse . C.S. Lewis 's 1936 study The Allegory of Love renewed interest in the poem . Document [1](Title: Historia Caroli Magni) author is thought to be from Padua). The material also appears in the 14th-century Italian epic "La Spagna" (attributed to the Florentine Sostegno di Zanobi and likely composed between 1350-1360) Jean or Jehan Bagnyon's 15th century "La Conqueste du grand roy Charlemagne des Espagnes et les vaillances des douze pairs de France, et aussi celles de Fierabras" (also called "Fierabras") includes material from the "Historia Caroli Magni", probably via Vincent of Beauvais's "Speculum Historiale". This work knew a European success and was adapted into Castilian, Portuguese, German, and English. Matteo Maria Boiardo in Orlando Innamorato frequently mentions Turpin, sometimes as Document [2](Title: Roman d'Alexandre) also penned (probably) the very same decade a version of the saga, "Le roman de toute chevalerie", which is independent of Alexandre de Bernay's poem: Alexander's influence on the medieval imagination is thus shown as being as great, if not greater, than that of other pagan figures such as Hercules or Aeneas. In part "poème épique" and "roman", Alexandre's work explores in great detail (and ambiguity) the various facets of the character, combining both the "estoire rose" and "estoire noire". This results in a lush characterization that is absent in the previous poems. The poem also undertakes, like many medieval Document [3](Title: Dante Alighieri) a language he called "Italian", in some sense an amalgamated literary language mostly based on the regional dialect of Tuscany, but with some elements of Latin and other regional dialects. He deliberately aimed to reach a readership throughout Italy including laymen, clergymen and other poets. By creating a poem of epic structure and philosophic purpose, he established that the Italian language was suitable for the highest sort of expression. In French, Italian is sometimes nicknamed "la langue de Dante". Publishing in the vernacular language marked Dante as one of the first in Roman Catholic Western Europe (among others such as Document [4](Title: Frede Jensen (philologist)) Inc., Garland Library of Medieval Literature, Series A, Vol. 87 1992. I-CXXXVIII. 624 pp. (see review) 12. "Syntaxe de l'ancien occitan". Tübingen/West Germany: Max Niemeyer Verlag, "Beihefte zur Zeitschift für romanische Philologie", Vol. 257, 1994. 404 pp. 13. "Tuscan Poetry of the Duecento". New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., Garland Library of Medieval Literature, Series A, Vol. 99, 1994, I-XLV, 335 pp. 14. "Troubadour Lyrics. A Bilingual Anthology". New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Studies in the Humanities, vol. 39, 1998, 593 pp. 15. "A Comparative Study of Romance". New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Studies in the Humanities, vol. 46, Document [5](Title: John Ozell) In 1712, he translated Anne Dacier's French retelling of the "Iliad" into blank verse. He was also at pains to express his anti-Catholicism with a translation of the life of Veronica of Milan, whom he termed a saint, in 1716 (just after a Jacobite uprising), and he took a political stance by translating Paul de Rapin's "Dissertation sur les Whig et les Torys" with a pro-Whig slant. In 1728, the "Dunciad Variorum" appeared, and, the same year, Richard Bundy published a translation of "Histoire romaine, depuis la fondation de Rome," a work Ozell was planning to translate. Ozell wrote a Document [6](Title: Metamorphoses) majority of its stories do not originate with Ovid himself, but with such writers as Hesiod and Homer, for others the poem is their sole source. The influence of the poem on the works of Geoffrey Chaucer is extensive. In "The Canterbury Tales", the story of Coronis and Phoebus Apollo (Book II 531–632) is adapted to form the basis for The Manciple's Tale. The story of Midas (Book XI 174–193) is referred to and appears—though much altered—in The Wife of Bath's Tale. The story of Ceyx and Alcyone (from Book IX) is adapted by Chaucer in his poem "The Book Document [7](Title: De vulgari eloquentia) "To the perpetual shame and lowness of the wicked men of Italy, that praise somebody else's vernacular and despise their own, I say..." ("Convivio", treatise I, XI). Directly or indirectly, Dante came to read Saint Augustine's works, the "De Consolatione Philosophiae" by Boëthius, Saint Thomas Aquinas's works and some encyclopedic dictionaries like the "Etymologiae" by Isidore of Seville and the "Livre du Tresor" by Brunetto Latini. He takes also inspiration from Aristotelian philosophy, and references to texts by representatives of what is sometimes referred to as Radical Aristotelianism can be found in Dante's work. De vulgari eloquentia De vulgari eloquentia Question: who translated romance of the rose into english Answer:
F.S. Ellis
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Simba) Matthew Broderick provided the speaking voice of Adult Simba . The first actor to be assigned to The Lion King , Broderick learned of the role while he was on vacation in Ireland , where he received a telephone call from his agent informing him that the directors were interested in casting him as Simba . At the time , Broderick was well known for portraying the title character in Ferris Bueller 's Day Off ( 1986 ) . The directors decided to cast him as Simba because they felt that he was '' perfect '' for the role ; according to producer Don Hahn , Broderick 's voice resembled '' the kind of character who could be irresponsible and likeable , but you also felt that he could come back in a very heroic way . '' Jonathan Taylor Thomas , who was starring as Randy Taylor on the television sitcom Home Improvement at the time , was cast as the speaking voice of Young Simba . His appearance and personality would later serve as creative inspiration for supervising animator Mark Henn . Document [1](Title: Voice acting in the United States) stars began voice acting in movies, with some of the earliest examples being "Gay Purr-ee", starring the voices of Judy Garland, Robert Goulet, Red Buttons, Hermione Gingold, and Morey Amsterdam, and "The Jungle Book", which counted among its cast contemporary stars such as Phil Harris, Sebastian Cabot, Louis Prima, George Sanders and Sterling Holloway. On TV, the Rankin-Bass studio employed the voices of such notable performers as Burl Ives, James Cagney, Jimmy Durante, Danny Kaye, Mickey Rooney, and Buddy Hackett in their animated specials; Filmation used the talents of Ed Asner and Alan Oppenheimer; and popular comic actor Paul Lynde Document [2](Title: Ernie Sabella) programmer in their home town. Ernie Sabella Ernest "Ernie" Sabella (born September 19, 1949) is an American actor and voice actor, who is best known for his role as the voice of Pumbaa from "The Lion King" franchise. He is also known for his work in Broadway theatre, including starring roles in "Guys and Dolls" and "Man of La Mancha". Born in Westchester, New York, Sabella graduated from Westlake High School in Thornwood, New York and from the University of Miami, where he studied at the Department of Theatre Arts and performed at the university's Jerry Herman Ring Theatre. His Document [3](Title: Giorgio Lopez) Marx, John Hurt, Ian Holm and Bob Hoskins. His character roles include Garrick Ollivander in the "Harry Potter" films, Geoffrey Butler in "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", King Harold in the "Shrek" movies, Mr. Miyagi in "The Karate Kid" and since 1996, he has been the official voice of Scrooge McDuck, replacing Gigi Angelillo. Lopez has served as a dubbing director for a majority of Italian dubbed animated films and cartoons. Lopez is the father of voice actors Gabriele and Andrea Lopez. He is also the older brother of voice actor and "Trio" member Massimo Lopez. Giorgio Lopez Giorgio Lopez Document [4](Title: Jordan Rodrigues) Jordan Rodrigues Jordan Rodrigues (born July 20, 1992) is an Australian singer, dancer and actor best known for playing Jai Fernandez in "Home and Away", Christian Reed in "Dance Academy", and Mat Tan in "The Fosters. Rodrigues was born in Sydney, Australia, to Malaysian parents. He is the youngest of three children, with brother Shaun and sister Rachel. Rodrigues's first professional acting experience was when he played the role of the young Simba in "The Lion King"'s Australian tour at the Capitol Theatre starting in October 2003. He had no training prior to the audition but still got the role Document [5](Title: Henry Winkler) be sent to jail. In 2009, Winkler provided the voice of Willard Deutschebog, a suicidal German teacher, in the Fox comedy series, "Sit Down, Shut Up." In March 2010, Winkler was cast in a recurring role on USA Network's "Royal Pains", as Hank and Evan's ne'er-do-well father Eddy. Winkler joined the cast of Adult Swim's television adaptation of Rob Corddry's web series "Childrens Hospital," playing a stereotypically feckless hospital administrator. In late September 2010, Winkler provided the voice of Professor Nathaniel Zib in the "Lego Hero Factory" mini-series, "Rise of the Rookies." In 2011, Winkler guest starred as Ambush Bug Document [6](Title: Shawn Spencer) character in "Sybil". He also hybridizes movie quotes voiced by James Earl Jones in two separate films ("The Lion King" and "The Empire Strikes Back") when addressing a mountain lion: "Simba, I am your father." Running jokes on the show center around Shawn's love of Jerk Chicken and pineapples (even though he has a "distaste" for pointy objects), which he will often bring as a gift to people he is meeting for the first time; his frequent desire for Kit Kat bars, his inability to set his cell phone to vibrate, even when spying or infiltrating the homes of suspects; Document [7](Title: Recurring Saturday Night Live characters and sketches introduced 1991–1992) described by the announcer as produced by the "British-American Theatre Alliance", and centered around several English Shakespearean actors recounting acting experiences and anecdotes. However, one of the most memorable performances was Dana Carvey as embittered former American child star Mickey Rooney, complaining about how the film industry largely turned their back on him, and reminiscing on better times. Mike Myers played the host, Kenneth Rhys-Evans (aka "Cucumber Jones"), an English actor who discovered one day that he could not control the volume of his voice (a joke Myers later used in the first movie). Other characters included Steve Martin as Question: who does the voice of young simba in lion king Answer:
Jonathan Taylor Thomas
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Game of Thrones (season 7)) The seventh season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones premiered on HBO on July 16 , 2017 , and concluded on August 27 , 2017 . Unlike previous seasons that consisted of ten episodes each , the seventh season consisted of only seven . Like the previous season , it largely consisted of original content not found in George R.R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire series , while also incorporating material Martin revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series . The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss . Document [1](Title: Game of Thrones (season 6)) "Game of Thrones" was the most-pirated TV series in 2016. Game of Thrones (season 6) The sixth season of the fantasy drama television series "Game of Thrones" premiered on HBO on April 24, 2016, and concluded on June 26, 2016. It consists of ten episodes, each of approximately 50–60 minutes long, largely of original content not found in George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. Some story elements were derived from the novels and from information Martin revealed to the show-runners. The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. HBO ordered Document [2](Title: Works based on A Song of Ice and Fire) David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Called "Game of Thrones", it stars an ensemble cast including Sean Bean and Peter Dinklage. The series premiered on 17 April 2011. A critical and commercial success, it was most recently renewed for a seventh and eighth season to be aired in 2017–19. The series has itself given rise to several derived works, including soundtrack albums and a wide range of merchandise. After years of speculation about possible spin-off series, HBO in May 2017 commissioned five screenwriters – Max Borenstein, Jane Goldman, Brian Helgeland, Carly Wray and a fifth yet to be announced writer Document [3](Title: The Bear and the Maiden Fair) The Bear and the Maiden Fair "The Bear and the Maiden Fair" is the seventh episode of the third season of HBO's fantasy television series "Game of Thrones", and the 27th episode of the series overall. The episode was written by George R. R. Martin, the author of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels on which the series is based, and was directed by Michelle MacLaren, her directorial debut for the series. The plot of the episode advances the storylines of Daenerys's arrival to the city of Yunkai, the repercussions of the upcoming marriage of Tyrion Lannister and Document [4](Title: Game of Thrones) premiering in April 2019. Set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, "Game of Thrones" has several plot lines and a large ensemble cast but centers on three primary story arcs. The first story arc centers on the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms and follows a web of alliances and conflicts among the dynastic noble families either vying to claim the throne or fighting for independence from the throne. The second story arc focuses on the last descendant of the realm's deposed ruling dynasty, exiled and plotting a return to the throne. The third story arc centers on Document [5](Title: A Song of Ice and Fire) season premiered in April 2014, HBO renewed "Game of Thrones" for a fifth and sixth season. Season 5 premiered on April 12, 2015 and set a Guinness World Records for winning the highest number of Emmy Awards for a series in a single season and year, winning 12 out of 24 nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series. These episodes were watched by 8 million viewers, setting a record number for the series. The sixth season premiered on April 24, 2016. These episodes received the most nominations for the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards with 23, winning 12, including the award for Outstanding Document [6](Title: Max Borenstein) the sequel to "Godzilla", "Paladin" for Walt Disney Pictures, and "Mona" for New Regency. On May 4, 2017, HBO announced that Borenstein is one of four writers working on a potential pilot for a "Game of Thrones" spin-off. In addition to Borenstein, Carly Wray, Jane Goldman, and Brian Helgeland are also working on potential pilots. Borenstein has been working and communicating with George R. R. Martin, the author of "A Song of Ice and Fire", the series of novels upon which the original series is based. Current "Game of Thrones" showrunners D. B. Weiss and David Benioff would also be Document [7](Title: A Clash of Kings) the novel, fully illustrated by John Howe. The novel has been adapted for television by HBO as the second season of the TV series "Game of Thrones". "A Clash of Kings" is also the name of the first expansion to the "Game of Thrones" board game. "A Clash of Kings" depicts the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros in civil war, while the Night's Watch mounts a reconnaissance to investigate the mysterious people known as wildlings. Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen continues her plan to reconquer the Seven Kingdoms. With King Robert Baratheon dead, his alleged son Joffrey and brothers Renly and Stannis all Question: when is the game of thrones season 7 premier Answer:
July 16 , 2017
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Economic growth) Economic growth is the increase in the inflation - adjusted market value of the goods and services produced by an economy over time . It is conventionally measured as the percent rate of increase in real gross domestic product , or real GDP . Document [1](Title: Real gross domestic product) 100. It gives an indication of the overall level of price change (inflation or deflation) in the economy. Real GDP growth on an annual basis is the nominal GDP growth rate adjusted for inflation. It is usually expressed as a percentage. Nomenclature: "GDP" may refer to "nominal" or "current" or "historical" GDP, to distinguish it from the real GDP. The real GDP is sometimes called "constant" GDP because it is expressed in terms of constant prices. Depending on context, "GDP" may also refer to real GDP. Real gross domestic product Real gross domestic product (real GDP) is a macroeconomic measure Document [2](Title: Fei–Ranis model of economic growth) and states that agriculture has a very major role to play in the expansion of the industrial sector. In fact, it says that the rate of growth of the industrial sector depends on the amount of total agricultural surplus and on the amount of profits that are earned in the industrial sector. So, larger the amount of surplus and the amount of surplus put into productive investment and larger the amount of industrial profits earned, the larger will be the rate of growth of the industrial economy. As the model focuses on the shifting of the focal point of progress Document [3](Title: Technical change) level of creative destruction of a portion of the means of production and the increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the subject economy reflects the growth after the losses due to economic obsolescence have been reconciled. Accordingly, increases in GDP provides a substantive measurement that demonstrates that capitalism does not in effect create an economic construct where one party can only make a gain at the expense of the other party (i.e.: if one party could only profit at the expense of another party, then it would be impossible to achieve any nominal growth in GDP). The "natural process" Document [4](Title: Cambridge capital controversy) might be endogenous to demand. Additionally, there was no fiscal or other economic mechanism in the theory that could bring the warranted rate of growth in line with the natural rate of growth, i.e. for society to achieve full or fuller utilization of its resources. The question of whether the natural growth rate is exogenous, or endogenous to demand (and whether it is input growth that causes output growth, or vice versa), lies at the heart of the debate between neoclassical economists and Keynesian/post-Keynesian economists. The latter group argues that growth is primarily demand-driven because growth in the labor force Document [5](Title: History of capitalism) change of it. In cases such as China, where income inequality is clearly growing it is also evident that overall economic growth has rapidly increased with capitalist reforms. The book "The Improving State of the World", published by the libertarian think tank Cato Institute, argues that economic growth since the Industrial Revolution has been very strong and that factors such as adequate nutrition, life expectancy, infant mortality, literacy, prevalence of child labor, education, and available free time have improved greatly. Some scholars, including Stephen Hawking and researchers for the International Monetary Fund, contend that globalization and neoliberal economic policies are Document [6](Title: Economic history of Brazil) average annual rate of growth of GDP jumped to 11.1%, led by industry with a 13.1% average. Within industry, the leading sectors were consumer durables, transportation equipment, and basic industries, such as steel, cement, and electricity generation. As a result of the post-1964 policies, external trade expanded substantially faster than the economy as a whole. There was a significant growth in exports, especially manufactured goods, but also commodities. Yet, imports grew considerably faster, rapidly increasing the trade deficit. This did not present a problem, however, because massive inflows of capital resulted in balance of payments surpluses. The external sector contributed Document [7](Title: Gross domestic product) that the GDP in 2000 equals $300 million × one-half = $150 million, "in 1990 monetary terms." We would see that the country's GDP had realistically increased 50 percent over that period, not 200 percent, as it might appear from the raw GDP data. The GDP adjusted for changes in money value in this way is called the real, or constant, GDP. The factor used to convert GDP from current to constant values in this way is called the "GDP deflator". Unlike consumer price index, which measures inflation or deflation in the price of household consumer goods, the GDP deflator Question: which is the best measure to measure the economic growth in the country Answer:
real gross domestic product
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Lawsuit) Sometimes , the term '' lawsuit '' is in reference to a civil action brought in a court of law in which a plaintiff , a party who claims to have incurred loss as a result of a defendant 's actions , demands a legal or equitable remedy . The defendant is required to respond to the plaintiff 's complaint . If the plaintiff is successful , judgment is in the plaintiff 's favor , and a variety of court orders may be issued to enforce a right , award damages , or impose a temporary or permanent injunction to prevent an act or compel an act . A declaratory judgment may be issued to prevent future legal disputes . Document [1](Title: Cause of action) breach (of that duty), proximate cause (by that breach), and damages. If a complaint does not allege facts sufficient to support every element of a claim, the court, upon motion by the opposing party, may dismiss the complaint for failure to state a claim for which relief can be granted. The defendant to a cause of action must file an "Answer" to the complaint in which the "claims" can be admitted or denied (including denial on the basis of insufficient information in the complaint to form a response). The answer may also contain counterclaims in which the "Counterclaim Plaintiff" states Document [2](Title: Small claims court) cases in family law. For reasons having more to do with history than with the sort of case typically heard by a small-claims court, most US states do not allow domestic relations disputes in small-claims court. Winning in small-claims court does not automatically ensure payment in recompense of a plaintiff's damages. This may be relatively easy, in the case of a dispute against an insured party, or extremely difficult, in the case of an uncooperative, transient, or indigent defendant. The judgment may be collected through wage garnishment and liens. Most courts encourage parties with disputes to seek alternative dispute resolution, Document [3](Title: Vacated judgment) Vacated judgment A vacated judgment makes a previous legal judgment legally void. A vacated judgment is usually the result of the judgment of an appellate court, which overturns, reverses, or sets aside the judgment of a lower court. An appellate court may also vacate its own decisions. A trial court may have the power under certain circumstances, usually involving fraud or lack of jurisdiction over the parties to a case, to vacate its own judgments. A vacated judgment may free the parties to civil litigation to re-litigate the issues subject to the vacated judgment. Another means of having a vacated Document [4](Title: Lawsuit) will be asserted throughout the entire lawsuit. It is likewise important that the "plaintiff selects the proper venue with the proper jurisdiction to bring his lawsuit." The clerk of a court signs or stamps the court seal upon a summons or citation, which is then served by the plaintiff upon the defendant, together with a copy of the complaint. This service notifies the defendants that they are being sued and that they are limited in the amount of time of a reply. The service provides a copy of the complaint in order to notify the defendants of the nature of Document [5](Title: Dakota County v. Glidden) to dismiss the writ of error. While payment of the sum recovered in submission to the judgment is no bar to the right of reversal of the judgment when brought here by writ of error, a compromise and settlement of the demand in suit, whereby a new agreement is substituted in place of the old one, extinguishes the cause of action, and leaves nothing for the exercise of the jurisdiction of this Court. Evidence of facts outside of the record, affecting the proceeding of the court in a case on error or appeal, will be received and considered, when deemed Document [6](Title: Arbitral tribunal) may provide differently in the appointment of the arbitrator, the usual rule is that the parties are jointly and severally liable for the arbitrator's fees. If the arbitrator is not paid, then they may sue either or both parties for unpaid fees. In many jurisdictions, after making the award, the tribunal will order that the losing party pays the legal costs of the winning party, and this may include the arbitrator's fees. This does not affect the joint and several liability referred to above, but it does mean that the winning party may maintain a separate action against the losing Document [7](Title: Findlay v. McAllister) obstructed, and continue to obstruct, the collection of his judgment, and he avers that he has been damaged thereby to the amount of his judgment and interest; in other words, that by reason of the unlawful and malicious conduct of the defendants, his judgment has been rendered worthless. To reply to this that the judgment still remains in force on the records of the court is an inadequate answer to the plaintiff's cause of action. From the views expressed by the higher court, it was determined that the circuit court erred in sustaining the demurrer to the petition. Its judgment Question: what term would be used for persons who are being sued in a civil case Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Jamie Dornan) James Dornan ( born 1 May 1982 ) is an actor , model , and musician from Northern Ireland . He played Sheriff Graham Humbert in the ABC series Once Upon a Time ( 2011 -- 2013 ) , and serial killer Paul Spector in the BBC Two and RTÉ One crime drama series The Fall ( 2013 -- 2016 ) , the latter of which won him an Irish Film and Television Award for Best Actor in Television and was nominated for a British Academy Television Award for Best Actor . In film , he portrayed Axel von Fersen in Sofia Coppola 's Marie Antoinette ( 2006 ) , Christian Grey in the Fifty Shades franchise ( 2015 -- 2018 ) , and Jan Kubiš in Anthropoid ( 2016 ) . Document [1](Title: Eric Johnson (actor)) series "Alcatraz". In 2012, Johnson was cast as the voice actor and physical actor of Sam Fisher in "", replacing Michael Ironside, who voiced the character in previous installments. In 2013, Johnson was cast in Cinemax's original medical drama "The Knick" as a racist, but talented, young medic who is Clive Owen's protege; the series was directed by Steven Soderbergh. Johnson played villain Jack Hyde in the drama sequels "Fifty Shades Darker" (2017) and "Fifty Shades Freed" (2018). Johnson was born in Edmonton, Alberta, to a father, Fred, who managed a binding corporation, and a mother, Jane, who is a Document [2](Title: Jamie Dornan) released on 1 August 2014, the film was later rescheduled and released on 13 February 2015. On 27 August 2014, it was announced that Dornan would play Dr. Allan Pascal in a Miramax film titled "The 9th Life of Louis Drax", a supernatural thriller based on a book of the same name. It was released on 2 September 2016. In November 2014, Dornan was #3 in "People Magazine's" Sexiest Man Alive rankings. In February 2015, it was confirmed that Dornan had signed on to reprise his role in the second and third installments of the "Fifty Shades" film franchise, "Fifty Document [3](Title: David Aaron Baker) David Aaron Baker David Aaron Baker (born August 14, 1963) is an American actor whose credits stretch across theater, film, and television. On Broadway, he is most prominently known for his starring role as "Prince Dauntless" opposite Sarah Jessica Parker in the 1999 Tony Award nominated revival of "Once Upon A Mattress". He subsequently appeared in the 2004 revival of Lorraine Hansberry's "A Raisin in the Sun", opposite Phylicia Rashad, Audra McDonald, Sanaa Lathan, and Sean Combs. On film, he has appeared in Woody Allen’s "Melinda and Melinda". He is the voice of Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas on audio book. Document [4](Title: Marcia Gay Harden) have won the profession's three highest honors: the Academy Award (film), the Tony Award (stage), and the Emmy Award (television). In 2009, Harden co-starred with Ellen Page and Drew Barrymore in "Whip It", which proved a critical success. Harden also played in the comedy "The Maiden Heist" (2009) with Christopher Walken and Morgan Freeman. In 2013, Harden reunited with her former Broadway co-star Jeff Daniels as a new cast member on HBO's series "The Newsroom". From 2015 to 2018, she played Christian Grey's mother, Grace Trevelyan Grey, in the "Fifty Shades" film series. Also in 2015, she began a starring Document [5](Title: Fifty Shades Freed (film)) set to return in the lead roles. On February 8, 2016, Arielle Kebbel was cast in the film to play Gia Matteo, a beautiful architect who is hired by Christian to build his home, and on February 12, 2016, Eric Johnson was cast as Jack Hyde, Ana's boss at SIP and stalker. On February 20, 2016, Brant Daugherty signed on to play Sawyer, the personal bodyguard for Anastasia. In November 2015, Universal Studios announced that "Fifty Shades Darker" and "Fifty Shades Freed" would be shot back-to-back, with principal photography scheduled to commence in early 2016. Filming took place in Paris Document [6](Title: Isabella Blake-Thomas) "Married", in 2015. The following year she appeared in "Game Shakers", "Shameless" and ABC's "Once Upon a Time" as the recurring younger version of Rebecca Mader. In 2017 she re-appeared in "Once Upon a Time" and continued on as the lead role in "Keplers' Dream" with Holland Taylor, Kelly Lynch, Sean Patrick Flanery and Steven Michael Quezada. She also starred in "The League of Legend Keepers: Shadows and Pretty Outrageous". In 2018 Blake-Thomas appeared in the leading role of Sam in "Maybe I'm Fine" alongside Kelly Sullivan, Rob Mayes, Flex Alexander and Daniela Alonso. She can be seen as Jon Document [7](Title: Anastasia Griffith) Griffith returned on 17 June 2010, at the end from episode 3 season 2 from "Royal Pains", as Dr. Emily Peck. Griffith appeared in the Lifetime television movie "And Baby Will Fall" (2011), as Ivy Rose. She can be seen as Elizabeth Haverford Morehouse, the English wife of a wealthy businessman, on the BBC America series "Copper"." In 2011, she appeared in the first season of ABC's television series, "Once Upon a Time", playing Storybrooke's Kathryn Nolan and her counterpart Abigail. Anastasia Griffith Anastasia Griffith (born 23 March 1978) is a British actress known for her roles on the FX Question: who played grey in fifty shades of grey Answer:
James Dornan
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Ark of the Covenant) The Ark of the Covenant ( Hebrew : אָרוֹן הַבְּרִית ‬ , Modern Arōn Ha'brēt , Tiberian ʾĀrôn Habbərîṯ ) , also known as the Ark of the Testimony , is a gold - covered wooden chest with lid cover described in the Book of Exodus as containing the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments . According to various texts within the Hebrew Bible , it also contained Aaron 's rod and a pot of manna . Hebrews 9 : 4 describes : '' The ark of the covenant ( was ) covered on all sides with gold , in which was a golden jar holding the manna , and Aaron 's rod which budded , and the tables of the covenant . '' Document [1](Title: Torah ark) Torah was brought into the synagogue for reading purposes. Torah ark The ark in a synagogue (also called the Torah ark or holy ark) is a receptacle,or ornamental closet, which contains each synagogue's Torah scrolls ("Sifrei Torah" in Hebrew). "Aron kodesh" comes from Hebrew "ʼārōn qōdeš" (i.e. "aron kodesh"), "Holy Ark". This name is a reference to the "’ārōn haqqōdeš", the Hebrew name for the Ark of the Covenant which was stored in the Holy of Holies in the inner sanctuary of both the ancient Tabernacle and the Temple in Jerusalem. Similarly, Hekhál, also written "hechal", "echal" or "heichal" — Document [2](Title: Torah ark) comes from Hebrew [hēkhāl] ‘palace’, was used in the same time period to refer to the inner sanctuary. The hekhal contained the Menorah, Altar of Incense, and Table of the Showbread. Most arks feature a "parokhet" (curtain) placed either outside the doors of the holy ark (Ashkenazi and Mizrachi custom) or inside the doors of the ark (Spanish and Portuguese and Moroccan Sephardi custom). The ark is known in Hebrew as the "aron kodesh" ("holy ark") by the Ashkenazim and as the 'menjia" ("holy place") among most Sefardim. The ark is often placed on the wall of the sanctuary which Document [3](Title: Ark of the Covenant) priests and the Levites who carried it. God was said to have spoken with Moses "from between the two cherubim" on the Ark's cover. When at rest the tabernacle was set up and the holy Ark was placed in it under the veil of the covering, the staves of it crossing the middle side bars to hold it up off the ground. According to the Book of Exodus, God instructed Moses on Mount Sinai during his 40-day stay upon the mountain within the thick cloud and darkness where God was and he was shown the pattern for the tabernacle and Document [4](Title: Synagogue) towards Jerusalem. Occasionally synagogues face other directions for structural reasons; in such cases, some individuals might turn to face Jerusalem when standing for prayers, but the congregation as a whole does not. The Ark is reminiscent of the Ark of the Covenant, which held the tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments. This is the holiest spot in a synagogue, equivalent to the Holy of Holies. The Ark is often closed with an ornate curtain, the , which hangs outside or inside the ark doors. Other traditional features include a continually lit lamp or lantern, usually electric in contemporary synagogues, called Document [5](Title: Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church) the arrangements are based on Jewish tradition. Walls and ceilings are adorned with frescoes. A courtyard, circular or rectangular, surrounds the body of the church. Modern Ethiopian churches may incorporate the basilican or native styles and use contemporary construction techniques and materials. In rural areas, the church and outer court are often thatched, with mud-built walls. The Ethiopian church claims that one of its churches, Our Lady Mary of Zion, is host to the original Ark of the Covenant that Moses carried with the Israelites during the Exodus. Only one priest is allowed into the building where the Ark is Document [6](Title: Grand Synagogue of Paris) a verse from Genesis 28,17 : "This is none other than the House of God, the very gateway to Heaven", the same as is found on the entrance to the synagogue of Reims and that of Bar-le-Duc. The interior has a number of religious inscriptions above the doors. In the choir pulpit is written in French the names of the prophets. Above the Torah Ark is engraved with the words "ה 'ניסי" ("The Lord-is-my-banner" Ex 17:15) It also includes a series of 12 stained glass windows symbolising the Tribes of Israel. The choir is separated from the assembly by a Document [7](Title: Seventh-day Adventist Church Pioneers) may dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments therefore, even so shall ye make it." Exodus 25:8-9. "And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament." Revelation 11:19, they came to an understanding that there is a temple in heaven of which the earthly sanctuary was a pattern. This heavenly sanctuary is composed of two apartments; the first is the holy place, the second the most holy place. The revelation was greatly Question: what was the content of the ark of the covenant Answer:
Aaron 's rod
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Isles of Scilly) The population of all the islands at the 2011 census was 2,203 . Scilly forms part of the ceremonial county of Cornwall , and some services are combined with those of Cornwall . However , since 1890 , the islands have had a separate local authority . Since the passing of the Isles of Scilly Order 1930 , this authority has had the status of a county council and today is known as the Council of the Isles of Scilly . Document [1](Title: Isles of Scilly) of Scilly Order 1930, this authority has had the status of a county council and today is known as the Council of the Isles of Scilly. The adjective "Scillonian" is sometimes used for people or things related to the archipelago. The Duchy of Cornwall owns most of the freehold land on the islands. Tourism is a major part of the local economy, along with agriculture—particularly the production of cut flowers. The islands may correspond to the Cassiterides ('Tin Isles') visited by the Phoenicians and mentioned by the Greeks. However, the archipelago itself does not contain much tin. It is likely Document [2](Title: 2017 Council of the Isles of Scilly election) 2017 Council of the Isles of Scilly election The 2017 Council of the Isles of Scilly election took place on 4 May 2017 as part of the 2017 local elections in the United Kingdom. The council is a "sui generis" unitary authority within the ceremonial county of Cornwall. The whole council of 16 members was be up for election, with twelve members elected in the St Mary's electoral division and another four from the 'Off Islands'; one each from Bryher, St Martin's, St Agnes and Tresco. The total number of councillors was being reduced from 21, with each island electing Document [3](Title: Tresco, Isles of Scilly) St Mary's during its 23-day stay. Because of its geography and history, Tresco has often featured in fiction, most notably in the books of author Sam Llewellyn, a direct descendant of Augustus Smith who, after his appointment as Lord Proprietor of the Scillies in 1834 and living on the island, began to create the Abbey Gardens on land which surrounded the old Priory. Tresco, Isles of Scilly Tresco (, meaning "island of elder-trees") is the second-biggest island of the Isles of Scilly in Cornwall, England. It is in size, measuring about by . In early times one group of islands Document [4](Title: Duchy of Cornwall) use produce from farms on the ducal estate, with some proceeds going to his charities. Duchy Originals was licensed out to Waitrose in 2009 after losses in 2008. In 2006, Llwynywermod was purchased by the Duchy as a residence for the Duke in Wales. In 1995, the duchy granted a 99-year lease of the uninhabited islets of the Isles of Scilly, plus the untenanted land on the five inhabited islands, to the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust for an annual payment of a single daffodil. On 7 February 2005, the Duchy of Cornwall's finances came under public scrutiny by the Document [5](Title: Isles of Scilly Steamship Company) leased to the Isles of Scilly Steamship Company and would replace both "Scillonian III" and "Gry Maritha". This plan (named in its late stages as Option A) was halted because of local opposition to both the built elements of the scheme and the vessel design. A pressure group called upon the then Transport undersecretary Norman Baker to halt the scheme. Isles of Scilly Steamship Company The Isles of Scilly Steamship Company (ISSC) operates the principal shipping service from Penzance, in Cornwall, to the Isles of Scilly, located to the southwest. It provides a year-round cargo service together with a seasonal Document [6](Title: RMV Scillonian III) then performing a second return voyage in the afternoon. In 1990 it was decided to change the service and only run a seasonal operation. The Isles of Scilly Steamship Company Ltd. later purchased a smaller cargo vessel purely for freight and "Scillonian III" was put into maintenance and repair during the winter months. These days "Scillonian III" runs between Penzance and Hugh Town, St. Mary's for about eight months only, from early spring (March/April) until autumn (October/November). Through the winter months, she is laid up in Penzance harbour and a cargo-only service to the Isles of Scilly is then provided Document [7](Title: Bryher) by a storm beach and small dune system, and is the only natural brackish lagoon on Scilly with plants such as Saltmarsh Rush ("Juncus gerardii") and Beaked Tasselweed ("Ruppia maritima"). Covering of the southern part of the island is the Rushy Bay and Heathy Hill SSSI which has a number of nationally rare plants. An Isles of Scilly speciality is the Dwarf Pansy ("Viola kitaibeliana") which grows nowhere else in Great Britain. It is locally abundant on Bryher and thousands can be found in May in short turf and bare sand. Unfortunately a storm in 2008 reduced the numbers of Question: what is the population of the scilly isles Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Billy Bailey) Billy Bailey ( January 1947 -- January 25 , 1996 ) was a convicted murderer hanged in Delaware in 1996 . He became only the third person to be hanged in the United States since 1965 ( the previous two were Charles Rodman Campbell and Westley Allan Dodd , both in Washington ) and the first person hanged in Delaware in 50 years . Document [1](Title: Robert Anderson Evans) Robert Anderson Evans Robert Anderson Evans was an English executioner from 1873 to 1875. Evans, of Carmarthen, Wales, was trained as a physician but did not practice. He carried out seven hangings as the chief executioner and also assisted William Calcraft on various occasions. His most famous hanging was a triple hanging of murderers Mary Anne Barry, Edwin Bailey, and Edward Butt on 12 January 1874 at Gloucester Prison. For this hanging, which was done in the open courtyard, Anderson suggested that the platform of the gallows be mounted over a pit to make it level with the prison yard. Document [2](Title: John Joshua Webb) named John Allen burst into the jail to free Webb. The jailbreak was unsuccessful, but Rudabaugh did shoot and kill the jailer, Antonio Lino. Rudabaugh escaped capture but was later arrested, while working with Billy the Kid, on December 23, 1880. Webb's sentence was later commuted to life in prison, and he and Rudabaugh were held together in prison. Determined to escape, Rudabaugh, Webb and two other men named Thomas Duffy and H. S. Wilson, attempted to shoot their way out again on September 19, 1881, but again they were unsuccessful, and Duffy was killed by lawmen. Two months later, Document [3](Title: Murder at Cherry Hill) 24, 1827, Jesse Strang was hanged in the last public hanging in Albany. Most of the elite in Albany lauded this as justice served. Elsie continued to live at Cherry Hill. The murder and the stir it caused, not only Albany, but also the entire nation, and the verdict, were highly debated. Moore, Sean (2004). Husband Murder. Retrieved April 27, 2007, from Husband Murder, Seduction, and Female Violence Web site: Parker, E Retrieved May 3, 2007, Web site: Jones, Louis (1980). Murder at Cherry Hill: The Strang-Whipple Case, 1827. Historic Cherry Hill. Whodunnit teaches history. (1991, January 13). Document [4](Title: Fall Creek massacre) The cases were tried before a three-member circuit court panel, which consisted of Wick, Samuel Holliday, and Adam Winsell. Following the conclusion of other court business, a twelve-member jury was seated for the trials, which generated nationwide attention. The following morning, James Hudson was tried first. Andrew Jones was a key witness for the prosecution; however, the defense called no witnesses on Hudson's behalf. The jury deliberated only an hour before finding Hudson guilty. Some people were surprised by the verdict. Hudson was sentenced to death by hanging, with an execution date set for December 1, 1824. It was the Document [5](Title: Carroll Cook) who pleaded guilty to hanging without a jury trial, a sentence that the Appellate Court upheld. He also sentenced to death the medical student, Theodore Durrant, who was convicted in November 1895, for the murder of two young women nine days apart in a church. These became known as the "belfry murders". The defendant unsuccessfully appealed his sentence repeatedly during the three years before his eventual hanging in 1898. Carroll also presided over the 1908 trial of Jang In-hwan for the murder of former diplomat Durham Stevens. As an attorney, Cook defended John McNulty, on his appeal of his death Document [6](Title: Cheney Clow) that Clow actually killed the man was weak. However, this did not sway the jury. In May 1783, a jury convicted him of murder and the judge sentenced him to death. He was sentenced to be hanged by the neck until dead. It now fell on Delaware's governor Nicholas Van Dyke to set the time and place for the execution. The Governor wished he could pardon Clow but felt that he was unable to pardon him for political reasons and did nothing. He did, however, postpone the execution without ever appointing an actual date. He, in essence, postponed Cheney's execution Document [7](Title: Joseph Holt) 29, 1865, the eight were found guilty of conspiracy to kill the President. Arnold, O'Laughlen, and Mudd were sentenced to life in prison, Spangler to six years in prison, and Atzerodt, Herold, Powell, and Surratt to be hanged, the first woman ever to be executed by the US federal government. They were executed July 7, 1865. O'Laughlen died in prison in 1867. Arnold, Spangler, and Mudd were pardoned by Johnson in early 1869. Accusations still remain that Surratt's sentence of hanging had been reduced before the hanging. Holt's public image was besmirched by the trial and his prosecution of it, Question: when was the last execution by hanging in the us Answer:
Billy Bailey
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Riverdale (2017 TV series)) 14 '' Chapter Fourteen : A Kiss Before Dying '' Rob Seidenglanz Roberto Aguirre - Sacasa October 11 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 11 ) T13. 20801 2.34 Document [1](Title: 2009 Palanca Awards) – Liza C. Magtoto ("Paigan") 3rd – Jose Dennis C. Teodosio ("Asunto") Tulang Isinulat para sa mga Bata 1st – Eugene Y. Evasco ("May Tiyanak sa Loob ng Aking Bag") 2nd – Jesus M. Santiago ("Kuwentong Matanda, Bersong Bata") 3rd – Michael M. Coroza ("Munting Daigdig ng Dalit at Awit") Kabataan Essay 1st – Axcel L. Trinidad ("Si Ate Elsa, Si Aling Carmen, at Ako Laban sa mga Nangungunang Bansa sa Mundo") 2nd – Johanna Rose E. Calisin ("Nagkakaisang Isip, Damdamin at Lakas") 3rd – Maya Victoria S. Rojas ("Humabol Ka, Pilipino!") Maikling Kuwentong Pambata 1st – Genaro R. Gojo Document [2](Title: Kagetora) Swimsuit Competition <br> Chapter 17: Scary Person <br> Chapter 18: Weak Kagetora <br> Chapter 19: Reason for Smiling <br> Chapter 20: New Year's Wish Chapter 21: Rival Wolf <br> Chapter 22: Cool Guy <br> Chapter 23: From Kyoto with Love <br> Chapter 24: Butterfly Memories <br> Chapter 25: The Person I Love the Most Chapter 26: Kagetora and Aki on a Date? <br> Chapter 27: How to Spend a Hot Summer Day <br> Chapter 28: Rainy Kamakura <br> Chapter 29: Kamakura After the Rain <br> Chapter 30: Prelude to a Love Triangle Chapter 31: A Secret Night<br> Chapter 32: Restless Document [3](Title: Francisco Serrano (poet)) Cortázar (1993) • "Prosa del Popocatépetl", con Vicente Rojo (2003) • "La rosa de Ariadna" (1995) • "Orpheus in Underland" (1996) • "Anhelo de amor" (1997) • "En susurros los muertos" (1998) • "Sol de movimiento" (1999) • "La luciérnaga, antología para niños de la poesía mexicana" (1983) • "Los vampiritos y el profesor" (1986) • "La loquita frente al mar" (1991) • "Esplendor de la América Antigua" (1992) • "24 poetas latinoamericanos" (1997) • "Lecturas de poesía clásica", t. I (2000) • "Lecturas de poesía clásica", t. II (2001) • "El jardín de los pájaros" (2005) • "El rey Document [4](Title: Stefan Jaracz Theatre) by Mikolaj Grabowski), Aleksander Fredro's "Mr. Jovial" (dir. by Tadeusz Bradecki), Adam Mickiewicz's "The Forefather's Eve" (dir. by Maciej Prus) alongside of Hussakowski's own works - Bolesław Leśmian's "Savagery of Posthumous Habits", August Strindberg's "Easter" and Eugène Scribe's and Ernest Legouvé's "Adrienne Lecouvreur". In 1992 Waldemar Zawodziński, both a director and a stage designer, became the theare's artistic director and is handling its stages to this day. His works include Fernando de Rojas' "La Celestina", Georg Büchner's, "Woyzeck", William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream", Christopher Marlowe's "The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus", Friedrich Schiller's "Intrigue and Love", "Nijinsky" (a solo Document [5](Title: Khaak aur Khoon) the protagonist. It's all smiles and laughters, and there are a lot of fascinating yet hilarious events which make the reader addicted to the story-line. Saleem, being the benchmark of excellence in both academics and sports is brought with a great set of values. After receiving primary education in his village. In order to continue his further studies, he goes to a college where he meets with young enthusiastic individuals of All India Muslim League who have been working for the cause of an Independent State. This cause becomes his aspiration and he goes to the last extent for it. Document [6](Title: Basquash!) who worked for Sela's father he along with Garo and Bianco taught Sela how to play basketball. Garo is an old man who worked for Sela's father he along with Rosso and Bianco taught Sela how to play basketball. Bianco is an old man who worked for Sela's father he along with Rosso and Garo taught Sela how to play basketball. Price a.k.a. Price of Hell. He is a Legend hunter who kills people who are "legends". He is also the one who cut off Iceman's left arm and leg. An alternate version of Earth where the story is set. Document [7](Title: Mahoromatic) novel with full voiceovers and text accompanying pictures and minigames. The finale is set on a Saint-Earth colony world, 20 years after Mahoro's "death" and the mutual defeat of Vesper and Management. Suguru left Japan, deciding never to return, and is now a renegade half-cyborg hunter of the last "Management holdouts." He has only memories of Earth, and a sole companion who tries to kill him for the bounty on his head. As Suguru is in critical condition, Mahoro reappears alive, asking to take him home. The ending is set on Earth, 20 years after Mahoro's death and the defeat Question: when does chapter 14 of riverdale come out on netflix Answer:
October 11 , 2017
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Shirley Henderson) Shirley Henderson ( born 24 November 1965 ) is a Scottish actress . She played Gail in Trainspotting ( 1996 ) , Jude in Bridget Jones 's Diary ( 2001 ) and Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ( 2002 ) and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ( 2005 ) . Her other films include Topsy - Turvy ( 1999 ) , Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself ( 2002 ) , Bridget Jones : The Edge of Reason ( 2004 ) , Frozen ( 2005 ) , Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day ( 2008 ) , Anna Karenina ( 2012 ) and the Netflix film Okja ( 2017 ) . On television from 1995 - 1997 , she starred opposite Robert Carlyle in the BBC series Hamish Macbeth . In 2014 , she received a BAFTA TV Award nomination for the Channel 4 miniseries Southcliffe ( 2013 ) . She has also featured as Frances Drummond in the BBC drama Happy Valley ( 2016 ) . Document [1](Title: Érin Geraghty) in "Z-Cars" (1971); Jacquetta in "Whack-O!" (1972); Maureen Morahan in "Angels" (Series 1-3, 1975-76); Margaret MacAmnay in "Churchill's People" (1975); Florrie Bagster in "Clayhanger" (1976); Jane in "Raffles" (1979); Margaret Locke in "Fox" (1980); Iris in the TV biopic "Florence Nightingale" (1985); Sandra Marsh in "EastEnders" (1986); Mistress Goody the Hag in "Knightmare" (1990); Annie Jones in "The Bill" (1993); Vicar's wife in "Last of the Summer Wine" (2008); Nurse Scott in "Mistresses" (2010); Gail in "Birds of a Feather" (2015), and Diane Johnson in "Yellow Jacket" (2017). Her film roles include the young Beatrix Potter in "The Tales of Document [2](Title: Jennifer Prediger) She has also gone to Sundance with "The Foxy Merkins" in 2014 (dir. Madeleine Olnek) and "A Teacher" in 2013 (dir. Hannah Fidell). She has a co-starring role as love interest and obsessed fan in the Gotham Award nominated comedy "Red Flag" (dir. Alex Karpovsky), released by Tribeca Film. Prediger also has leading roles in microbudget films "Richard's Wedding" (dir. Onur Tukel) and "Pollywogs" (dir. Karl Jacob with co-star Kate Lyn Shiel). She has supporting roles in "The Strange Eyes of Dr. Myes" (dir. Nancy Andrews) and "Valedictorian" (dir. Matthew Yeager) premiering at the Rotterdam Film Festival January 2015. She Document [3](Title: Kelly Macdonald) Drummond, alongside Tommy Lee Jones and John Goodman; and "Skellig" (2009), as Louise. She played the lead in "The Merry Gentleman" (2008), as Kate Frazier. In 2010, she played her first comedy role, in the British independent romantic comedy film "The Decoy Bride". "The Decoy Bride" was released in 2012. In 2011, she played the "Grey Lady" (revealed to be Helena Ravenclaw) in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2", the final instalment of the "Harry Potter" film franchise. She replaced Nina Young, the original actress in the role. In 2012, she provided the voice of Merida, the Document [4](Title: Bonnie Wright) character and her mother Molly meet Harry Potter as four of her older brothers board the Hogwarts express. Her role became much more prominent in the second film, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", in which her character begins studies at Hogwarts and encounters a secret diary that begins to control her actions. Wright had limited screen time in the third film, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" but had a large supporting role in the fourth film, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". In "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" Wright played a central Document [5](Title: The Last Legion) to his work on "", which she produced. Filming took place in Tunisia and at Spiš Castle in eastern Slovakia in 2005. Valerio Massimo Manfredi helped adapt his novel to the screen, also acting as historical consultant. In an interview he states at least four hours of footage was shot but ultimately shortened or cut, including scenes of the heroes' journey through the Alps and the English Channel. For the role of Aurelius, executive producer Harvey Weinstein suggested Colin Firth, known for playing Fitzwilliam Darcy in "Pride and Prejudice" (1995) and more recently, Mark Darcy in the "Bridget Jones" films. Document [6](Title: June Flewett) June Flewett June Beatrice Freud, Lady Freud ("née" Flewett; born 22 June 1927 in West Kensington, London), is a British actress and theatre director. She is also known by her stage-name Jill Raymond, and was usually known as Jill Freud after her marriage to Clement Freud. As a war-time teenager, she was evacuated to C.S. Lewis's house in Oxford and she is said to have been the inspiration for Lucy Pevensie in the "Chronicles of Narnia". Flewett's family lived in Barnes, southwest London, where her father was the senior classics master at St Paul's school. A Catholic, she was educated Document [7](Title: Vanessa Kirby) the BBC's mini-series adaptation of "Great Expectations" alongside Ray Winstone, Gillian Anderson, and Douglas Booth. She played the lead role of Alice in Ridley Scott's mini-series adaptation of Kate Mosse's novel "Labyrinth". In late 2012, she filmed "The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman" with Shia LaBeouf and Mads Mikkelsen. Kirby then starred in Richard Curtis's film "About Time" as Rachel McAdams's best friend Joanna. She went on to play Masha in the acclaimed production by Benedict Andrews of "Three Sisters" at the Young Vic in September 2012, earning rave reviews, with Matt Trueman of Time Out stating. "In a super Question: who played moaning myrtle in the harry potter movies Answer:
Shirley Henderson
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Briard) Dennis the Menace - '' Ruff '' Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - '' Stevie '' My Three Sons - '' Tramp '' Bachelor Father - '' Jasper '' ( played by Briard mix '' Red '' 2nd Jasper 1960 -- 62 ) Get Smart - Agent K - 13 '' Fang '' ( played by Briard mix '' Red '' 1965 -- 66 ) Married ... with Children - '' Buck '' ( played by Briard '' Michael '' ) Dharma & Greg - '' Stinky '' ( played by Briard mix '' Chewy '' ) Addams Family - '' Them '' ( played by Briard mix '' Mayhem '' ) Top Dog - ( film starring Chuck Norris - 1995 ) - '' Reno '' Dennis the Menace ( 1993 ) - '' Rosie '' Buddy ( Starring Rene Russo - motion picture about a gorilla named Buddy ) ( 1997 ) The Karate Dog ( made - for - TV movie ) - ( voiced by Chevy Chase ) ( 2004 ) Tell No One ( Ne le dis à personne ) -- ( played by '' O P'tit Loup '' ) ( 2006 ) Easy A Sam Sheepdog of Looney Tunes fame Document [1](Title: Nathan Jung) colleague), "Joe Forrester", and "The New Mike Hammer". Jung has also appeared in the TV shows "" (in two episodes - "Chi of Steel" (1995) and "Illusions of Grandeur" (1994) - as "Jzuk-Mao"), "Martial Law" (as the villain Wen in the "Martial Law" pilot episode, "Shanghai Express" (1998)), as well as "Highway to Heaven" (as Yoji), "Burke's Law", "Dear John" and "Tour of Duty". Jung has acted in the films "Surf Ninjas" (as Leslie Nielsen's henchman, Manchu), as the henchman Bulkus in John Landis's first film, "Kentucky Fried Movie" (in the "Enter the Dragon" spoof segment entitled "A Fistful of Document [2](Title: Eduardo Garza) & Friends", Pinocchio in "Shrek 2" and "Shrek 3", Weevil in "Yu-Gi-Oh!", Jamie in "Daria", Tom in "Wheel Squad", Tommy in "3rd Rock from the Sun", Gaara, Gamatatsu, Shukaku and Akamaru in "Naruto", Parco Folgore in "Zatch Bell", Francis in "Malcolm in the Middle", Ichigo Kurosaki in "Bleach", Carl and Carl² in "Carl²", Budge in "Growing Up Creepie", Myron in "Wayside", Xandir in "Drawn Together" (Spanish language title is "La Casa de los Dibujos"), Logan in "Veronica Mars", Tom in "Studio 60" and the Martians of "Toy Story, Toy Story 2" and "". He also voiced Fancy-Fancy (A.K.A. Panza) in Document [3](Title: Eduardo Garza) most important works are the movies "Flawless", "The Exorcist", "Drake & Josh", "", "Veronica Mars", "Naruto", "Zatch Bell", "Studio 60" and "Growing Up Creepie". Of the characters voiced by Garza for Mexican TV, the more notable ones are Elmo and Big Bird in "Sesame Street" ("Plaza Sesamo"), Krillin in "Dragon Ball Z", Josh in "Drake & Josh", Fes in "That '70s show", David in "Six Feet Under", Brad in "Home Improvement", Skeeter in "Doug", Donatello in "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", Prince Adam in "He-Man", Bill in "Sitting Ducks", Enzo in "ReBoot", Henry the Green Engine in "Thomas the Tank Engine Document [4](Title: Police Academy (TV series)) animated series takes place chronologically between the and films of the series of films. Twelve characters are re-created for this animated version, including a team of Academy graduates led by Carey Mahoney, a likeable rogue bachelor boy, who unconsciously—and consistently—does his best to make life miserable for Captain Harris and his knucklehead assistant Sgt. Proctor. Mahoney's friends include the aptly named Moses Hightower, walking sound effects machine Larvell Jones, trigger-happy Eugene Tackleberry, sweet and timid Laverne Hooks, tough-as-nails Debbie Callahan, larger-than-life House, and the bread-&-butter duo of reformed gang member Zed McGlunk and his best buddy, Carl Sweetchuck. Eric Lassard Document [5](Title: Economy of North Carolina) under its belt. Some of the best-known films and television series filmed in the state include: "Forrest Gump", "Bull Durham", "Richie Rich", "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood", "All the Real Girls", "The Secret Life of Bees", "Being There", "Blue Velvet", "A Walk to Remember", "Glory", "The Color Purple", "Cabin Fever", "Super Mario Bros.", "Cape Fear", "Children of the Corn", "The Crow", "Cyborg", "Dawson's Creek", "Dirty Dancing", "Evil Dead II", "The Fugitive", "The Green Mile", "Hannibal", "The Last of the Mohicans", "Maximum Overdrive", "Nell", "One Tree Hill", "Patch Adams", "Junebug", "Shallow Hal", "", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III", "Leatherheads", "Nights Document [6](Title: Charlie Haden discography) Dizzy Gillespie With Jim Hall With Tom Harrell With Joe Henderson With Fred Hersch With Laurence Hobgood With Mark Isham With Keith Jarrett With Rickie Lee Jones With Lee Konitz and Brad Mehldau With David Liebman With Abbey Lincoln With Joe Lovano With Michael Mantler With Adam Makowicz With Harvey Mason With John McLaughlin With Helen Merrill With Pat Metheny With Mingus Dynasty With Paul Motian With Bheki Mseleku With Yoko Ono With Joe Pass With Art Pepper With Enrico Pieranunzi With Dewey Redman With Joshua Redman With Gonzalo Rubalcaba With Roswell Rudd With Pee Wee Russell and Henry "Red" Document [7](Title: Matt King (comedian)) starring in his own self-penned sketch show "Dogface", both available on Channel 4. His role as Super Hans in Peep Show spanned nearly a decade and earned him fans across the world. He has appeared in cult comedy series "Look Around You" and in the third series of "Skins", playing Cook's father. He co-starred in the film "Inkheart", appeared in the Guy Ritchie film "Rocknrolla" and the British film "Bronson", and had a lead role in the fantasy thriller "Malice in Wonderland". He also appeared in the third series of "Doctor Who" as Peter Streete in "The Shakespeare Code", and Question: what type of dog is fang from get smart Answer:
Briard mix
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Kyle Massey) Kyle Orlando Massey ( born August 28 , 1991 ) is an American actor , rapper , and singer from Atlanta , Georgia . He is perhaps best known for starring in the Disney Channel sitcoms That 's So Raven and its spin - off Cory in the House , in which he played Cory Baxter . Massey starred in the Disney Channel Original Movie Life Is Ruff . Massey has released several rap songs for Walt Disney Records and Hollywood Records . He provided the voice of Milo in the Disney animated series Fish Hooks and was the runner - up on the 11th season of ABC 's Dancing with the Stars . He is the younger brother of actor Christopher Massey . Document [1](Title: Cory in the House) Channel and on June 1, 2011, on Disney XD (Canada). In the United Kingdom and Ireland it premiered on January 28, 2007, on Disney Channel and on September 5, 2009, on Disney XD. It premiered on February 2, 2007, on Disney Channel (Australia and New Zealand), on April 27, 2007, on Disney Channel (Southeast Asia), and on June 9, 2007, on Disney Channel (India). Cory in the House Cory in the House is an American television series which aired on the Disney Channel from January 12, 2007, to September 12, 2008, and was a spin-off from the Disney show "That's Document [2](Title: Kyle Massey) Bells (a Hip-Hop Carol)". He sang the theme song for "Cory in the House". Massey also raps a song called "It's a Dog" on the "Life is Ruff" soundtrack. He also sang the theme song for "Yin Yang Yo!". Massey and his brother Christopher Massey have performed rap as the duo, The Massey Boyz. He also sang the music video for Disney's "Underdog". On June 12, 2016, Massey was featured using his surname as a mononym on the song 'Verse' by Lebanese-American rapper Skate, making it the first time in nearly 10 years since Massey has done anything musically. Massey Document [3](Title: Cory Edwards) where in 1987 he received a PhD. in Educational Policy and Leadership. Cory, Todd, and their younger sister Katie showed an interest in the arts from an early age. They would put on puppet shows and plays and used a tape recorder to create their own radio shows. Cory was around seven or eight years old when they first started experimenting with their family's Super 8 video camera. Their first film, succinctly titled "Movie Stuff", did not have a plot and was simply a chance for them to learn how to use the camera and try out special effects. As Document [4](Title: Hopsin) got his start in entertainment appearing as a background extra in movies and Disney Channel TV shows such as "John Tucker Must Die", "Even Stevens", "Lizzie McGuire", "Cold Case", "Malcolm in the Middle" and "Gilmore Girls" among many others. His most notable work was on "That's So Raven", which he worked on for several years, starting when he was 15. In the entire course of his appearances he only had a speaking part a single time. He also made an appearance in the 2009 film "Fame" as a rapper. In 2015, Hopsin co-starred in the second season of the TV Document [5](Title: Nore Davis) minor speaking role in HBO's "Boardwalk Empire". He has also been seen in many videos on CollegeHumor. On November 28, 2014, Davis released his first comedy album called, ""Home Game"." Davis is currently working with Comedy Central for his own show called, ""In Between with Nore Davis"." Davis resides in New York City. He has a transgender brother, Khalil. He is a fan of the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", with his favorite character being Raphael. His comedy influences include Tracy Morgan, Bill Cosby, Richard Pryor, Bill Burr, Eric Idle, Joan Rivers, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, and Patrice O'Neal. Nore Davis Document [6](Title: The Naked Brothers Band (TV series)) the music supervisor and co-executive producer, with Draper's brother, Tim, as the consulting producer. The show first aired two episodes in the United States on February 3, 2007 to an audience of roughly 3.7 million viewers. Viacom announced, it "delivered Nickelodeon's highest-rated premiere in seven years" and instantly became one of the most favorable for children aged 6–11. According to "New York Times" reporter Jacques Steinberg, the series' popularity is equivalent to Disney Channel's "Hannah Montana" and "Cory in the House". Three seasons aired and it concluded abruptly on June 13, 2009 due to the network placing high demands on Document [7](Title: Mitchel Musso) Mitchel Musso Mitchel Tate Musso (born July 9, 1991) is an American actor, musician, and singer, best known for his three Disney Channel roles as Oliver Oken/Mike Standley III in "Hannah Montana"; Jeremy Johnson in the animated series "Phineas and Ferb"; and his Disney XD role as King Brady on "Pair of Kings". He was the host of Disney Channel's "PrankStars". In some of his other works, he voiced DJ in the computer animated/motion capture film, "Monster House", and starred as Raymond Figg in the Disney Channel Original Movie, "Life Is Ruff", released in 2005. Musso's self-titled debut album was Question: who played cory in that's so raven Answer:
Kyle Orlando Massey
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of most-followed Instagram accounts) This list contains the top 25 accounts with the most followers on the social photo - sharing platform Instagram . As of July 2018 , the most followed user is Instagram 's own account , with over 241 million followers . Selena Gomez is the most followed individual , with over 138 million followers . Ten accounts have exceeded 100 million followers on the site . Document [1](Title: Social media marketing) and other audiences through social media. Sports personalities such as Cristiano Ronaldo have 40.7 million followers on Twitter and 49.6 million on Instagram, creating opportunities for endorsements. Social media marketing Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. Although the terms e-marketing and digital marketing are still dominant in academia, social media marketing is becoming more popular for both practitioners and researchers. Most social media platforms have built-in data analytics tools, which enable companies to track the progress, success, and engagement of ad campaigns. Companies address a range of stakeholders Document [2](Title: Counterfeit consumer goods) with luxury good brand names on Instagram are fakes, with 20% of the posts featured counterfeit goods from accounts, usually based in China, Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Ukraine. "It also highlights the scale, impact, and characteristics of infringement, and that sophistication from counterfeiters continues to grow through social media platforms." In 2016, in a span of 3-day period, Instagram has identified 20,892 fake accounts selling counterfeit goods, collectively responsible for 14.5 million posts, 146,958 new images and gaining 687,817 new followers, with Chanel (13.90%), Prada (9.69%) and Louis Vuitton (8.51%) being the top affected brands, according to "Social Media and Document [3](Title: Caitlyn Jenner) tweets by verified users from January 1 to November 10 of that year. Jenner amassed over one million Twitter followers in four hours and three minutes, setting a new Guinness World Record and surpassing United States President Barack Obama, who, a month before, accomplished the same feat in four hours and fifty-two minutes. Four days later Jenner was up to 2.37 million followers, with another 1.5 million followers on Instagram. However, Jenner was also mocked. Beginning in September 2015, she was depicted on the satirical American animated program "South Park", which parodied her supporters' political correctness, as well as her Document [4](Title: One Direction) an act globally like this before." Will Bloomfield, the group's manager, added, "These guys live online, and so do their fans." Their management employs a social media team and the members all tweet themselves, "which helps create the illusion that they couldn't be any closer to their fans," according to Caspar Llewellyn Smith, writing for "The Guardian". One Direction's Twitter account had amassed 10 million followers by February 2013, with the account gaining followers at an average of 21,000 per day. In an approach pioneered by The Beatles, each member is known for his feature; Horan is "the cute one", Document [5](Title: I Love U (Tila Tequila song)) social networking website Myspace, where she would constantly share photos, videos and music with her fans. Around that time, she first pursued her singing career as the lead singer of rock bands Beyond Betty Jean and Jealousy. After becoming one of the most popular people on the website with over 1.5 million Myspace friends, Tequila decided to focus on her solo career and was ready to release her debut single. She was allegedly offered recording contracts from Jive and Interscope, but refused because she wanted to have full control over her projects. Tequila later commented: "I really wanted to become Document [6](Title: Sorted Food) recent publishing efforts saw them create "Desserts in Duvets" with the aid of a KickStarter campaign, funded by their ever-growing online community. the YouTube channel has over 1.79 million subscribers and over 300 million video views. Sorted Food are influential in social media, with over 160,000 followers on Twitter (as of Jan 2018), over 265,000 followers on Facebook and over 180,000 followers on Instagram. They were listed 4th in "The Guardian"s "30 Under 30: The Top Young People in Digital Media" in 2014. "Best Online Program - Entertainment Award" 2011 Banff World Media Festival. "New Media Award" 2014 Guild of Document [7](Title: Twitter) upload a photo and attach it to a Tweet right from Users now also have the ability to add pictures to Twitter's search by adding hashtags to the tweet. Twitter also plans to provide photo galleries designed to gather and syndicate all photos that a user has uploaded on Twitter and third-party services such as TwitPic. A Twitterbot is a computer program that automatically posts on Twitter, they are programmed to tweet, retweet, and follow other accounts. According to a recent report, there were 20 million, fewer than 5%, of accounts on Twitter that were fraudulent in 2013. These Question: who is having the most followers on instagram Answer:
Instagram 's own account
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: H1Z1) The game was fully released out of early access on February 28 , 2018 . The launch included updates to scoring , combat , weapons , gameplay , UI a new gamemode , Auto Royale . The update also officially launched Season 1 , introducing a new updated scoring system that rewards players who get kills and place well in matches consistently . A week after release , it was announced that the game would be going back to free - to - play . It was released for the PlayStation 4 on May 22 , 2018 , gaining over 1.5 million players within a few days . Document [1](Title: Enter the Gungeon) 2015, where, during the PC Gaming Show, the co-op feature of the game was revealed. On March 2, 2016, it was announced that the game will release on April 5, 2016. The game is set to receive free post-release content, such as more weapons, enemies, and levels. The first of these, the "Supply Drop" update, which adds several new guns, enemies, and room layouts, was released for free on January 26, 2017. A port to the Xbox One, including cross-buy and cross-play support for Windows 10, was released a year later on April 5, 2017; it includes the "Supply Drop" Document [2](Title: Invisible, Inc.) was released for Windows, OS X, and Linux on May 12, 2015. A PlayStation 4 version was released on April 19, 2016, while a version for iOS devices was released on October 6, 2016. The game is a turn-based tactics based-game inspired by "X-COM", with emphasis on stealth and espionage. In each playthrough, the player takes on the role of an agent handler for covert operations and has three days to prepare for their final mission. This is done by performing various missions across the globe to retrieve information, valuables, equipment and personnel, keeping cognizant of the amount of time Document [3](Title: Darkest Dungeon) PlayStation Vita were originally planned for release in the second quarter of 2016, but was pushed back to Q3 2016 to improve playability with the Sony controllers as well as to prepare these versions to align with new features to be introduced in the personal computer versions prior to this release. This version was released on September 27, 2016. The game's first major update in May 2016 following its full release, "Everything Burns", which among bug fixes and other small improves, adds in Town Events, where upon return to the town the player may encounter a random reward, such an Document [4](Title: Zero Time Dilemma) 2016. The game was released digitally and physically on the Nintendo 3DS and the PlayStation Vita in North America, and digitally only in Europe. The PlayStation Vita version is compatible with the PlayStation TV. The Nintendo 3DS version does not support the system's stereoscopic 3D effect. A PlayStation 4 version with improved lighting and shading was released in Japan on August 17, 2017 and in North America one day later, and by Rising Star Games in Europe on September 8, 2017. In North America, a limited edition that includes a wristwatch was released. Because the watches were damaged in transit, Document [5](Title: Dual Universe) following E3. The game entered a closed alpha stage in September 2017, with an updated development roadmap planned to be released in Summer of 2018. The community site for the game launched in July 2016, allowing players to form organizations. The funding of the game partly comes from a Kickstarter campaign, completed in October 2016, which secured €565,983 from over 8000 backers in addition to several early-stage investors. As of May 2018, the game has been in a feature freeze to focus on server and client stability, until later in the month when a new build is planned to be Document [6](Title: Lifeless Planet) release the game in July 2012, delays meant it took until March 2014 for just the Steam Early Access release. The early access release included the first six chapters of the game, approximately one third of the game's content which corresponds to about two hours of gameplay. "PC Gamer" described that gameplay as "perfunctory", with some puzzle solutions being extremely obvious, a lot of time spent "just walking", and some gameplay elements feeling "contrived". The final version of the game has around 20 chapters and which was released June 6, 2014. It would also include features not present in early Document [7](Title: Bloodborne) to Sony Computer Entertainment wanting a new intellectual property (IP) for the PlayStation 4. "Bloodborne" was announced at Sony Computer Entertainment's 2014 Electronic Entertainment Expo media briefing on June 9, 2014. A trailer was shown. In January 2015, "Bloodborne" became "Game Informer"s readers' most anticipated game of 2015. The game was originally planned to be released on February 6, 2015, but it was delayed to March 2015. "Bloodborne" was released on March 24, 2015 in North America, March 25, 2015 in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, March 26, 2015 in Japan, and March 27, 2015 in the United Kingdom and Question: when does the full version of h1z1 come out Answer:
February 28 , 2018
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Ain't No Sunshine) '' Ai n't No Sunshine '' is a song by Bill Withers from his 1971 album Just As I Am , produced by Booker T. Jones . The record featured musicians Donald '' Duck '' Dunn on bass guitar , Al Jackson , Jr. on drums and Stephen Stills on guitar . String arrangements were done by Booker T. Jones , and recorded in Memphis by engineer Terry Manning . The song is in the key of A minor . Document [1](Title: I Don't Care if the Sun Don't Shine) and Jerry Lewis. The Patti Page recording is featured in the movie "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert". Guy Pearce also briefly sings excerpts of this song in the film, as does Terence Stamp and Hugo Weaving. The first Spanish-language version was recorded by Marco Tulio Sanchez, the precursor of rockabilly in his country Colombia during the 1980s. Canada's Reid Jamieson covers the song on his 1950s era tribute The Presley Sessions revisited (2015) I Don't Care if the Sun Don't Shine "I Don't Care If the Sun Don't Shine" is a popular song written by Mack David. Document [2](Title: I Ain't Got Nobody) Lucas as the arranger. The title of the song is given as "I Ain't Got Nobody and Nobody Cares for Me". Williams's copyright entry from 1916 under a shorter title attributes the composition to Davy Peyton and himself and the lyrics to publisher Roger Graham. In 1916, Frank K. Root & Co., a Chicago publisher "(né" Frank Kimball Root; 1856–1932), acquired the Craig & Co. copyright, and, later that year, also acquired the Warfield-Young copyright. Clarence E. Brandon, Sr. and Billy Smythe, both St. Louis musicians, both claim that they wrote the first version, words and music, of "I Ain't Document [3](Title: Do You Know You Are My Sunshine) and spent a total of eleven weeks on the country chart. Do You Know You Are My Sunshine "Do You Know You Are My Sunshine" is a song written by Don Reid and Harold Reid, and recorded by American country music group The Statler Brothers. It was released in March 1978 as the first single from the album "Entertainers On and Off the Record". "Do You Know You Are My Sunshine" was The Statler Brothers twenty-seventh country hit and the first of four number ones on the country chart, as well as the group's only number one with original tenor Document [4](Title: Boris Gardiner) (although it did not chart). Music journalist Ian McCann said that the album "sold respectably for a reggae LP" in the UK. Gardiner's music continued to be popular in Jamaica, but interest waned in the UK. During the 1970s he continued session work, including several recordings for Lee "Scratch" Perry including Junior Murvin's "Police and Thieves". "The Boris Gardiner Happening" recorded a version of "Ain't No Sunshine" in 1973 with Paul Douglas singing lead, and Boris Gardiner playing bass guitar, for the album "Is What's Happening". In 1986, Gardiner recorded the single "I Wanna Wake Up with You", which became Document [5](Title: New Steps) of Ra originals, and things get started with a stellar version of "My Favorite Things." The music quickly takes its only sharp turn toward outer space as Ra introduces listeners to "Moon People," the only track where Ra emphasizes synthesizer over piano. "Sun Steps" is a slow tune featuring some beautiful piano playing from Sun Ra. In fact, the remainder of the album is on the mellow side ("When There Is No Sun" is the only track with vocals), and features some great statements by John Gilmore and Ra. Michael Ray is in fine form as well, if somewhat less Document [6](Title: Richard Berry (musician)) version of René Touzet's "El Loco Cha Cha", and also influenced by Chuck Berry's "Havana Moon". Berry also stated he had Frank Sinatra's "One For My Baby" in mind when writing the lyrics. One night waiting backstage at the Harmony Club Ballroom, Berry took the rhythm of "El Loco Cha Cha" and began to add lyrics, writing them down on toilet paper. Richard Berry and the Pharaohs recorded and released the song as the B-side to his cover of "You Are My Sunshine" on Flip Records in 1957. It became a minor regional hit, selling 130,000 copies. It was re-released Document [7](Title: The Sun Always Shines on T.V.) (Art Director: Stefan Roman). A-ha performed this song at the Nobel Peace Prize concert in 1998 alongside the new song "Summer Moved On." A live version of "The Sun Always Shines on T.V." was the only single released from the 2003 A-ha album "How Can I Sleep With Your Voice In My Head", the music video for it being directed by Pal Waaktaar's wife Lauren Savoy. U2 stated that "The Sun Always Shines on T.V." heavily influenced the composition of their 2000 single release, "Beautiful Day." Bono paid tribute to it by combining the two songs together a concert in Question: who did ain't no sunshine when she's gone Answer:
Bill Withers
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Switzerland) Switzerland , officially the Swiss Confederation , is a sovereign state in Europe . It consists of 26 cantons , and the city of Bern is the seat of the federal authorities . The federal republic is situated in western , central and southern Europe , and is bordered by Italy to the south , France to the west , Germany to the north , and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east . Switzerland is a landlocked country geographically divided between the Alps , the Swiss Plateau and the Jura , spanning a total area of 41,285 km ( 15,940 sq mi ) ( land area 39,997 km ( 15,443 sq mi ) ) . While the Alps occupy the greater part of the territory , the Swiss population of approximately eight million people is concentrated mostly on the plateau , where the largest cities are to be found : among them are the two global cities and economic centres Zürich and Geneva . Document [1](Title: Municipalities of Switzerland) municipalities per canton. In addition to the municipalities as basic territorial political subdivisions, a number of other local subdivisions exist in several cantons. These include: Municipalities of Switzerland Municipalities (, ' or '; ; ; ) are the lowest level of administrative division in Switzerland. Each municipality is part of one of the Swiss cantons, which form the Swiss Confederation. In most cantons municipalities are also part of districts or other sub-cantonal administrative divisions. There are 2,222 municipalities . Their populations range between several hundred thousand (Zürich), and a few dozen people (Bister), and their territory between 0.32 km² (Kaiserstuhl Document [2](Title: Swiss Plateau) the southwest, the Swiss Plateau is confined by Lake Geneva, in the northeast, by Lake Constance and the Rhine. Geologically, the Swiss Plateau is part of a larger basin that extends beyond the border of Switzerland. At its southwestern end, in France, the plateau, in the Genevois, ends at Chambéry where Jura and Alps meet. At the other side of the Lake Constance, the plateau continues in the German and Austrian Pre-Alps. Within Switzerland, the Swiss Plateau has a length of about , and its width increases from the west to the east: In the Geneva region, it is about Document [3](Title: Canton of Zürich) 7.1% were non-Swiss women. Canton of Zürich The canton of Zürich ( ) is a Swiss canton in the northeastern part of the country. With a population of (as of ), it is the most populated canton in the country.. Its capital is the city of Zürich. The official language is German. The local Swiss German dialect, called "Züritüütsch", is commonly spoken. In English the name of the canton and its capital is often written without an umlaut. The Prehistoric pile dwellings around Zürichsee comprises 11 of total 56 Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps in Switzerland, that are located Document [4](Title: Swiss Alps) countries such as France, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein. The Swiss Alps comprise almost all the highest mountains of the Alps, such as Dufourspitze (4,634 m), the Dom (4,545 m), the Liskamm (4,527 m), the Weisshorn (4,506 m) and the Matterhorn (4,478 m). The other following major summits can be found in this list of mountains of Switzerland. Since the Middle Ages, transit across the Alps played an important role in history. The region north of St Gotthard Pass became the nucleus of the Swiss Confederacy in the early 14th century. The Alps cover 65% of Switzerland's total surface area, making Document [5](Title: Broc) population was 50.8% male and 49.2% female. The population was made up of 783 Swiss men (34.9% of the population) and 355 (15.8%) non-Swiss men. There were 845 Swiss women (37.7%) and 259 (11.6%) non-Swiss women. Of the population in the municipality, 659 or about 31.9% were born in Broc and lived there in 2000. There were 746 or 36.1% who were born in the same canton, while 215 or 10.4% were born somewhere else in Switzerland, and 336 or 16.2% were born outside of Switzerland. , children and teenagers (0–19 years old) make up 24.8% of the population, while Document [6](Title: Cantons of Switzerland) secession of the canton of Jura from Bern in 1979. The areas of the cantons vary from 37 km (canton of Basel-Stadt) to 7,105 km (canton of Grisons); the populations vary from 16,003 (canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden) to 1,487,969 (canton of Zürich). The term "canton", now also used as English term for administrative subdivisions of other countries, originates in French usage in the late 15th century (recorded in Fribourg in 1467), from a word for "edge, corner", at the time the literal translation of Early Modern High German "ort". After 1490, "canton" was increasingly used in French and Italian documents Document [7](Title: Canton of Fribourg) linguistic border, for in the past, denominational considerations were more important than linguistic when drawing Switzerland's cantons. The main centres of population are the capital Fribourg (34,300 inhabitants) and Bulle (18,200 inhabitants). Two thirds of the population speak French, the remainder speak Alemannic dialects of German. The French-speaking areas are in the west of the canton, the Alemannic-speaking areas in the east. The number of bilingual towns has attracted businesses such as telesales companies. The population of the canton (as of ) is . , the population included 43,838 foreign-born residents, or about 16.65% of the total population. Agriculture is Question: term for a member state of the swiss confederation Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: MS Voyager of the Seas) In October and November 2014 , Voyager of the Seas underwent dry dock refurbishment to receive '' Royal Advantage '' upgrades . These upgrades included the installation of an outdoor movie screen near the pool , replacing the inline skating track with a flowrider surf simulator , changing the Italian restaurant from Portofino to Giovanni 's Table , and adding the Izumi asian fusion restaurant , Chops steakhouse , Diamond Club , digital signage , and ship - wide Wifi . Document [1](Title: MV Oceana) photo gallery has also been divided into separate areas. Starlights, a show lounge, has been refitted, as has the gym which now includes interactive mountain bikes. The cabins have received similar treatment to that of other P&O ships. The Cafe Jardin menu has been changed to reflect French cuisine by Marco Pierre White. "Oceana" underwent another refit on December 5, 2012 which lasted 15 days. Passenger cabins were refreshed and new carpeting was fitted throughout. Select dining restaurant Cafe Jardin was relaunched with a new Marco Pierre White menu and onboard nightclub Le Club saw an extensive refurbishment with new Document [2](Title: MV Celestyal Nefeli) owner of the MS "Gemini" and the , has issued a statement saying that both ships will be available for sale or charter. After the crew went on strike in Gibraltar, MS Gemini was berthed on October 25, 2011, at Tilbury Docks, UK, while the MV Ocean Pearl left Tilbury Docks on April 17, 2012. Gemini has later be on charter to Petrofac, which is to build an £800 million gas plant for French company Total. She arrived in Shetland in the second week of July 2014, and berthed at Dales Voe where she is used to accommodate around 400 Document [3](Title: USS Parche (SSN-683)) as of late 2009, a vast majority of the missions undertaken remain classified. From 1987 to 1991, "Parche" underwent an extended refueling overhaul at Mare Island Naval Shipyard during which she was modified for research and development work. An extension measuring was added to her hull just forward of her sail. The added section was flat-topped (looking somewhat like the missile deck of a ballistic missile submarine) and provided the space required to support a larger crew and additional equipment. These additions included an extensive array of signals-intelligence-collecting antennas, electronic gear, and other navigational and ocean engineering equipment. The overhaul Document [4](Title: USS Halibut (SSGN-587)) to Mare Island for overhaul and installation of: side thrusters; hangar section sea lock; anchoring winches with fore and aft mushroom anchors; saturation diving (mixed gas) habitat; long and short range side-look sonar; video and photographic equipment; mainframe computer; induction tapping and recording equipment; port and starboard, fore and aft seabed skids ("sneakers"); towed underwater search vehicle ("fish") and winch; and other specialized oceanographic equipment. She returned to Pearl Harbor in 1970 and operated with the Pacific Fleet and Submarine Development Group One (SubDevGruOne) out of Naval Submarine Support Facility San Diego (present day Naval Base Point Loma / Ballast Document [5](Title: HMS Turbulent (S87)) a lighter, healthier menu employing the sous-vide method which also provides benefits in space-saving and freshness. The episode was partially filmed at the shore establishment HMS "Raleigh". "Turbulent" left Devonport in February 2011 for a 268-day deployment East of Suez, which was due to be her final before decommissioning. The deployment saw her operating in the Gulf of Sidra relieving HMS "Triumph" as part of the British contribution to the Libya intervention. She was then herself relieved by "Triumph", before heading through the Suez Canal in June to take up patrol in the Indian Ocean. The boat called into the Document [6](Title: PortMiami) port in the world. It accommodates the operations of such major cruise lines as Carnival, Royal Caribbean and Norwegian Cruise Line. It is home to the Symphony of the Seas, the largest cruise ship in the world. Currently the following ships are based in Miami: Carnival Vista, Carnival Sensation, Carnival Glory, Carnival Victory, Carnival Splendor, Enchantment of the Seas, Empress of the Seas, Navigator of the Seas, Norwegian Getaway, Norwegian Escape, Norwegian Sky, Disney Magic. In 2018, PortMiami became homeport for five more modern megaliners: Mariner of the Seas, Allure of the Seas, Symphony of the Seas, Carnival Horizon, and Document [7](Title: RMS Olympic) number of watertight compartments to seventeen. Improvements were also made to the ship's pumping apparatus. These modifications meant that "Olympic" could survive a collision similar to that of "Titanic", in that her first six compartments could be breached and the ship could remain afloat. At the same time, "Olympic"s B Deck underwent a refit, which included extra cabins (the parlour suites which proved popular on "Titanic" were added to "Olympic"), more cabins were fitted with private bathing facilities, and a "Cafe Parisian" (another addition that had proved popular on "Titanic") was added, offering another dining option to first class passengers. Question: when was the voyager of the seas refurbished Answer:
October and November 2014
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Across the Line (2015 film)) Across the Line is a 2015 , Canadian drama film directed by Director X . It was set and shot in Nova Scotia . Document [1](Title: Director X) Next Top Model Cycle 23", "X Marks The Spot", as the director for a Gypsy-Sports-themed music video. In addition to music video direction, Lutz has directed two feature films and a television film; he made his feature directorial debut in 2015 with "Across the Line." The film starred Stephan James and the storyline was inspired by the 1989 Cole Harbour District High School race riots. "Across the Line" was set and shot in Nova Scotia. The first screening of "Across the Line" was 19 September 2015 at the Atlantic Film Festival where it won the award for Best Atlantic Feature. Document [2](Title: And Then There Was One (1994 film)) was also issued in 2001., It was released onto DVD in July 2008 by Infinity Media. It was issued as a true story double film set alongside the 2002 film "Crossing the Line", starring Terry Farrell. Roxy and Vinnie Ventola are a successful television screenwriting couple, who are struggling to conceive a child. Aside from that the couple have the perfect, happy marriage. After years of fertility treatments, the couple manage to conceive a daughter, Miranda, who falls ill with what is at first believed to be the flu, and then pneumonia. However, the underlying cause is soon revealed when Document [3](Title: Crossing the Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus) 2014 for publicly criticizing the student senate president for participating in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge by pouring fake blood on herself and calling on Ohio University to divest from Israel. Sarah Turbow, Director of J Street wrote that the film was missing students who believe that even among BDS supporters and strong critics of Israel, not all are anti-Semitic. Crossing The Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus was released in New York City on February 25, 2015. Former member of the Dutch parliament Ayaan Hirsi Ali wrote that watching Crossing the Line 2 was “like having Document [4](Title: On Line) by Steven Osit and Kate Schaffer. The technological implementations have several components.<br> On Line On_Line is a 2002 American drama film directed by Jed Weintrob and executive produced by Richard D. Titus and Tavin Marin Titus. The film was selected to world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival and was released theatrically, on DVD and television worldwide. Roommates and pals John Roth (Josh Hamilton) and Moe Curley (Harold Perrineau) start an adult internet site named InterconX where Jordan Nash (Vanessa Ferlito) is one of their stars. John has recently gone through a disastrous break-up with his fiancé, and is now Document [5](Title: Canada Line) Canada Line begins in Downtown Vancouver at Waterfront Station () in a cut-and-cover subway tunnel beneath Granville Street. It quickly goes into twin-bored tunnels, heading southwest beneath Granville Street, then curving southeast to follow Davie Street through Yaletown. The tunnels then dive deeper to pass below False Creek before rising back up to Olympic Village Station (). There, the line transitions back to a cut-and-cover tunnel (which is noted by the tunnel changing from a circular to a square shape) heading south under Cambie Street, some portions of which have the two sets of tracks stacked vertically. The line emerges Document [6](Title: Crossing Over (film)) Crossing Over (film) Crossing Over is a 2009 American crime drama film written and directed by Wayne Kramer. It follows illegal immigrants of different nationalities struggling to achieve legal status in Los Angeles: dealing with the border, document fraud and extortion, the asylum and green card process, work-site enforcement, naturalization, the office of counter-terrorism, and the clash of cultures. The film is based on Kramer's similarly titled 1995 short film. He produced the film alongside Frank Marshall. After immigrant Mireya Sanchez is deported, ICE / Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Max Brogan takes care of her little son and brings Document [7](Title: The Line (2017 film)) nominated. The Line (2017 film) The Line (, ) is a 2017 Slovak-Ukrainian crime film directed by Peter Bebjak. In the border region near Ukraine, shortly before Slovakia joins the Schengen Area, criminal smugglers sneak contraband into the European Union. On 3 July 2017, "The Line" was released in Slovakia, as well as at the 52nd Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, where it was nominated for the Crystal Globe and won the Best Director Award for Bebjak. The film was also selected as the Slovak entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 90th Academy Awards, but it was Question: where was the movie across the line filmed Answer:
Nova Scotia
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: New York Yankees) The Yankees have won 27 World Series Championships . Their most recent one came in 2009 , under manager Joe Girardi , when they defeated the Philadelphia Phillies in six games . Document [1](Title: 1964 World Series) was unexpectedly saved by the Cardinals' dramatic pennant drive. This was also the last World Series that matched the Yankees up against the Cardinals; in the previous four meetings, each team had won twice, with the Yankees winning in 1928 and 1943, and the Cardinals in 1926 and 1942. This pennant for the Yankees concluded their remarkable run of 15 World Series appearances over 18 years. In total, they won 29 American League championships in the 44-year span from 1921 through 1964. The 1964 World Series, and the season leading up to it, later became the subject for the David Document [2](Title: World Series) appeared in 9 and won 5. As of 2018, no team has won consecutive World Series championships since the New York Yankees in , , and —the longest such drought in Major League Baseball history. Until the formation of the American Association in 1882 as a second major league, the National Association of Professional Base Ball Players (1871–1875) and then the National League (founded 1876) represented the top level of organized baseball in the United States. All championships were awarded to the team with the best record at the end of the season, without a postseason series being played. From Document [3](Title: History of the New York Yankees) Yankees completed the season by sweeping the Pittsburgh Pirates in the 1927 World Series. The 1927 Yankees squad is included among the great teams in baseball history. To begin the 1928 season, the Yankees went on a 34–8 run and took a sizable lead. The Athletics chased them for the AL pennant towards the end of the season, but New York won the title again and faced the Cardinals in the 1928 World Series, sweeping them in four games. Coming off a 54-home run regular season, Ruth had three more and a .625 batting average in the Series, while Gehrig Document [4](Title: Joe Torre) their first World Series since . After the Yankees defeated the Atlanta Braves, Steinbrenner tore up Torre's contract and gave him a new, more lucrative and longer contract as a reward. After losing to the Cleveland Indians in the AL playoffs in , the team won three straight World Series titles from to , and additional American League pennants in and . The season was Torre's most successful. Despite a slow start that included losing four of the first five games of the season, the Yankees set a then-American League record of 114 regular season wins, including David Wells' perfect Document [5](Title: 1985 World Series) outburst. Although it has been rumored that Herzog sent in Andújar specifically to bait Denkinger, Herzog himself has said several times Andújar was the only pitcher who still had anything left in his arm. The Royals became the first team ever to win the World Series after dropping Games 1 and 2 at home. Next year the New York Mets accomplished the same feat by defeating the Boston Red Sox in seven games. In the 1996 World Series, the New York Yankees lost their first two games at home against the defending 1995 World Series champion Atlanta Braves before winning Document [6](Title: Casey Stengel) next manager of the Yankees. Stengel's contract, his fifth two-year deal, was up after the 1958 season. As ownership debated whether to renew it, the Yankees led by as many as 17 games, and won the pennant by 10. The Braves were the opponent in the 1958 World Series. The Braves won three of the first four games, but the Yankees, backed by the pitching of Bob Turley (who got two wins and a save in the final three games) stormed back to win the Series. Firing Stengel under such circumstances was not possible, and ownership gave him another two-year Document [7](Title: 2009 New York Yankees season) victory since the 2004 ALDS. Rodriguez played a pivotal role in the Division Series, hitting two home runs (both of which were game-tying), batting .455 (5-for-11), and collecting 6 RBI. Before 2009, Rodriguez had only 4 postseason home runs in a Yankee uniform, and hadn't batted above .300 in a postseason since 2004. The Yankees defeated the Los Angeles Angels in six games in the ALCS. This marks the franchise's 40th American League pennant, and the first time the Yankees have defeated the Angels in a postseason series. Yankees ace CC Sabathia was named ALCS MVP, with a 2–0 record Question: when did the new york yankees last win a world series Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Climb Ev'ry Mountain) '' Climb Ev'ry Mountain '' is a show tune from the 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical The Sound of Music . It is sung at the close of the first act by the Mother Abbess . It is themed as an inspirational piece , to encourage people to take every step toward attaining their dreams . Document [1](Title: Climbing!) Climbing! Climbing!, also known as Mountain Climbing!, is the official debut studio album by American blues rock band Mountain. Released on March 7, 1970, the album featured the 'classic' Mountain lineup of Leslie West (guitar, vocals), Felix Pappalardi (bass, vocals, piano), Corky Laing (drums, percussion) and Steve Knight (keyboards) and followed the West solo album "Mountain" featuring Pappalardi and drummer Norman Smart, released in 1969 and often credited to the band. Produced by Pappalardi, the album reached number 17 on the American "Billboard" 200 albums chart and featured the band's best-known song, "Mississippi Queen". An early rendition of "For Yasgur's Document [2](Title: Jett Craze) rock-climbing documentary produced by Jett's friends, filmmakers Nick Rosen and Peter Mortimer of Sender Films. Along with the trio's album, Craze sent along some of his own self-written, performed and produced material including a song called "Story," which was used in the same film and garnered him attention as a solo artist. Given the success of the song and positive feedback, Craze went on to complete the project, finishing "Strategy for Sleeping" in 2008. Several songs off of his album were used in another of Sender Film's docs, "First Ascent" along with tracks from "Local Beauty," an EP released in Document [3](Title: Castle on the Hill) like "The River" by Bruce Springsteen, a song with similar reflective element. Jon Caramanica from "The New York Times" said, "'Castle on the Hill' has U2 influenced nervous guitar builds and wistful, largely generic lyrics about the people who shaped him." "Billboard"s Taylor Weatherby wrote about the song saying, "'Castle on the Hill' has a Train like vibe with a fast-paced, yet powerful melody that builds to an epic chorus that's just as Sheeran as all of his past singles. Needless to say, Sheeran is telling the world he's back in compelling fashion." Jeremy Gordon of "Spin" gave the song Document [4](Title: The Pacifier) Seth's performance, it is revealed that Shane has retired from the Navy and joined the school staff as the new wrestling coach. Murney, dressed as a nun, also performs in the play, singing "Climb Ev'ry Mountain" off-key. On Rotten Tomatoes, a review aggregator, the film has an approval rating of 20% of 129 reviews, with an average rating of 3.7/10. The site's critical consensus reads, "Vin Diesel parodies his tough guy image for the family audience, but the result is only moderately amusing." On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 30 out of 100, based on 27 Document [5](Title: Chance of a Start) Galtee Mountain Boy" is reworked as a folk ballad, and the traditional ballad "The Parting Glass" is given a dark setting, with polyrhythm. An original song, "The Morning Sun", has been characterized as a "sunny acoustic alt-country arrangement hid[ing a] down-on-his-luck character." The three remaining tracks-- "Pole to Pole", "Don't Look Now", and "Travel" are also original compositions. Initial critical response to "Chance of a Start" was positive. The music critic for the "Irish Voice" (New York) said that the album "showcases the talents of one of the most compelling singer/songwriters that has crossed my path in many a moon." Document [6](Title: Extreme Cello) Roof", originally sung by The Drifters, "Climb Every Mountain" from "The Sound of Music" (Rodgers and Hammerstein), "Hi Ho Silver Lining", originally sung by Jeff Beck; "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles"; and "Hey Jude" (Lennon & McCartney). Many of the pieces were arranged for cello trio performance by group member Jeremy Dawson. To date the Extreme Cellists have not released any recordings of their performances although some videos are available on various social media. Extreme Cello Extreme Cello is an extreme sport and a performance art in which people take a cello to an unusual, often outdoor, location and perform music. Document [7](Title: The Climb (song)) context or justification". Milliken gave the song a higher grade because "she’s a pretty good singer for someone her age". On the week ending March 7, 2009, "The Climb" debuted at number 48 on "Billboard"'s Hot Country Songs. It was, incidentally, the same week that "Back to Tennessee", by Cyrus's father, Billy Ray Cyrus, debuted at number 59, the first time a father and daughter had separate charting songs on the chart since Johnny and Rosanne Cash charted in 1990 with "Silver Stallion" and "One Step Over the Line", respectively. "The Climb" eventually peaked at number 25 on the country-genre Question: who was the person who sang climb every mountain in the sound of music Answer:
the Mother Abbess
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Jennifer Taylor (actress)) Jennifer Taylor ( née Bini , and sometimes credited as Jennifer Bini Taylor ; born April 19 , 1972 ) is an American actress , best known for her role as Chelsea Melini on CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men , and earlier , for three other female roles on the show . She appeared in the 1998 erotic thriller Wild Things . One of her earliest roles as a female lead was in a television series in the role of the character Laura in the short - lived television drama Miami Sands . Document [1](Title: Geraldine Jewsbury) 1848), John Bright, John Ruskin and G. H. Lewes. She never married, but had close personal relationships with men and women, some of them carnal, some platonic, the most significant of these being with Jane Carlyle. Another was with the actress Charlotte Cushman, a powerful, notably mannish figure, whom she admired for her wide experience of life, which contrasted with Jane's dutiful domesticity. (Jane Carlyle became jealous and upset about the relationship.) Cushman was the model for Bianca in "The Half Sisters". Sydney Owenson, also known as Lady Morgan, had helped Jewsbury when she first arrived in London, and Jewsbury Document [2](Title: Heather Graham) porn star, nicknamed Rollergirl, in Paul Thomas Anderson's critically acclaimed, award-winning "Boogie Nights" (1997). The cast received a nomination for the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture. The same year she also starred in the Gregg Araki film Nowhere, and had a cameo in the horror hit "Scream 2". She was subsequently cast in "Two Girls and a Guy", a film mainly based upon dialogue between the characters which was shot between 11 days during early 1997 and which co-starred Robert Downey Jr. and Natasha Gregson Wagner. In 1998, she appeared in Document [3](Title: Dynasty (season 1)) second season. Season one stars Elizabeth Gillies as heiress Fallon Carrington, Grant Show as her billionaire father Blake Carrington, Nathalie Kelley as Blake's new wife Cristal, and James Mackay as his gay son Steven, with Robert Christopher Riley as chauffeur Michael Culhane, Sam Adegoke as tech billionaire Jeff Colby, Rafael de la Fuente as Sam Jones, Cristal's nephew and later Steven's fiancé, and Alan Dale as Joseph Anders, the Carrington majordomo. Notable recurring characters introduced in season one include Alexis Carrington (Nicollette Sheridan), Blake's ex-wife and the estranged mother of Steven and Fallon; Claudia Blaisdel (Brianna Brown), the unstable wife Document [4](Title: Two Gals and a Guy) Two Gals and a Guy Two Gals and a Guy, also known as Baby and Me, is a 1951 comedy film directed by Alfred E. Green and starring Janis Paige, Robert Alda, James Gleason, Lionel Stander, Arnold Stang, The Three Suns, and Patty McCormack, in her film debut. The film was an independent production of the Weisner Brothers for Eagle-Lion Films and released by United Artists. A singing couple (Alda and Paige) co-host a weekly television show in New York City, but a strain jeopardizes their personal and professional relationships. Della Oliver wants to adopt a child. Deke does not. Document [5](Title: Chelsea Brady) and dies. The girls, with the help of Max Brady, bury Ford in the basement of the house. Chelsea's father Bo Brady is later admitted to the hospital for pancreatic issues. Chelsea is found to be a match and is scheduled for an experimental operation to graft some of her pancreas to save Bo. Bo's handsome and earth-friendly doctor, Dr. Daniel Jonas, (who is brought in by Victor Kiriakis) performs the surgery. He and Chelsea grew to become friends and their friendship turned into an attraction that went beyond "just friends". However Daniel fought it at first. He was older, Document [6](Title: Tatiana Maslany) She guest starred alongside Pharrell Williams and The Lonely Island. Maslany co-starred in the 2015 film, "Woman in Gold", in the World War II flashbacks as a younger version of Maria Altmann, Helen Mirren's character. She mostly spoke German in the film. Maslany starred in the independent film "The Other Half". The film, written by Joey Klein, was produced by Motel Pictures with A71 and Sienna Films and co-stars partner Tom Cullen. It had its world premiere at South by Southwest on March 12, 2016. Maslany played the leading role of Lucy in the 2016 indie drama film "Two Lovers Document [7](Title: Carly Craig) Tara Summers. Craig was listed as a "Vanities Girl" for the April 2011 edition of "Vanity Fair" along with Kristen Bell, Leslie Mann and Mila Kunis, and was also ranked #83 on the ""Maxim" Hot 100 List" in 2011. She has appeared in "Esquire" and appeared in Kevin Farley's film "Paranormal Movie" in 2013. In 2014, she appeared as a young Fraida Felcher in "Dumb and Dumber To", and also starred as a single air flight attendant in the Adult Swim series "Infomercials". In 2018, she co-created and starred in "Sideswiped", a comedy TV series. Carly Craig Carly Craig (born Question: who played chelsea on two and a half men Answer:
Jennifer Taylor
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Catechism of the Catholic Church) The decision to publish a catechism was taken at the Second Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops that was convened by Pope John Paul II on 25 January 1985 for the 20th anniversary of the close of the Second Vatican Council , and in 1986 , put a commission composed of 12 bishops and cardinals in charge of the project . The commission was assisted by a committee consisting seven diocesan bishops , experts in theology and catechesis . Document [1](Title: Pastoral council) Vatican II "Decree on Bishops" ("Christus Dominus", par. 27). The decree recommended that bishops establish diocesan pastoral councils with a threefold purpose. The purpose is to investigate pastoral matters, to ponder or reflect over them, and to reach conclusions that the council can recommend to the bishop. Six other official documents of the Church define the diocesan pastoral council in this threefold way: In a 1988 address to the bishops of Chile, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger spoke of Vatican II as a "pastoral council" with a modest intent, and not as a "rupture with tradition" as described by Marcel Lefebvre. Canon Document [2](Title: Diocesan Synod Nivariense) July the bishop decided the ten general themes that would form the basis of study to prepare the Synod is constituted. The Synod was officially opened on May 31, 1998 (Feast of Pentecost) in La Laguna Cathedral. Last night was held at the Church of La Concepción de La Laguna a prayer vigil led by Bishop Emeritus Damián Iguacen Borau and Bishop Felipe Fernández own. From that moment, the Synod Assembly over several months rushing eight intense sessions. The main objectives discussed were: The proper reception of Second Vatican Council a comprehensive and systematic way, entry into the third millennium Document [3](Title: Aggiornamento) of Canon law. The revised Code of Canon Law was not completed until 1983, though. The term describing the Canon law update was eventually broadened to refer to the larger process of Church reform sought at the second Ecumenical Council held at the Vatican. In June 1961, in an address to a group of Blessed Sacrament Fathers, John XXIII said The conciliar document most often associated with the aggiornamento is "Gaudium et spes". The document was not drafted before the council met, but arose from the floor of the council and was one of the last to be promulgated. French Document [4](Title: Roman Curia) for longer periods. The Standing Interdicasterial Commission for the Church in Eastern Europe, set up by Pope John Paul II on 15 January 1993, as of 2012 is presided over by the Cardinal Secretary of State. Its membership includes the Secretary and the Undersecretary for Relations with States, and the Secretaries of the Congregations for the Eastern Churches, for the Clergy, and for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, and of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. The Pontifical Commission for Latin America is a dicastery of the Roman Curia. Established by Pope Pius XII on Document [5](Title: Conference of Catholic Bishops of India) were revised and the Holy See permanently approved them on 3 December 2000 (Prot. 5242/00). The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India was registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. Regd. No.S/19920 of 1 May 1989. The Executive Committee acts as the Administrative Board. It meets at least once a year mainly to see that the decisions, resolutions and recommendations of the Conference are duly implemented. It is composed of: The Bishops of the Latin Catholic Church in India are the members of the Plenary Assembly of the Conference. The Ordinary Plenary Assembly of the Conference is held Document [6](Title: Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches) Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches The division between the Oriental Orthodox Churches and the Catholic Church can be traced to the years following the Council of Chalcedon (451) whose Christological teaching the Oriental Orthodox did not accept. Attempts were made to reconcile with some of the Oriental Orthodox Churches at the Council of Florence (1438-1445), but none of these provided a lasting solution. Relations began to improve dramatically, however, after the Catholic Church's Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). There were several important exchanges of visits between Popes and heads of the Document [7](Title: Francis Arinze) John Paul II in 1979 appointed Arinze pro-president of the Vatican's Secretariat for Non-Christians, later renamed the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Arinze continued as the ordinary of his archdiocese, and was elected unanimously as President of the Nigerian Bishops Conference in 1984. A year later, the people of Onitsha organized a pilgrimage to Rome when they learned that Archbishop Arinze would be named a Cardinal at the Consistory of 25 May 1985. On 8 April 1985, Arinze resigned from his post in Onitsha, and the Pope named him a Cardinal-Deacon of San Giovanni della Pigna in the consistory held Question: when was the catechism of the catholic church written Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Blue Bloods characters) In the first season , Frank is well regarded and respected by his officers and his city , to the point where the Mayor felt threatened by his popularity ; however , by season 6 , public opinion regarding the police -- and him personally -- has changed so drastically that he gets booed off - stage while speaking at Columbia University . However , in season 7 , new mayor Margaret Dutton affirms that his polls are better than any of the NY Mayors Document [1](Title: Thomas Menino) Menino enjoyed high approval ratings among Boston residents. An April 2008 Boston Globe–UNH poll indicated that the city was "smitten" with the mayor, with a 72% approval rating; 54% reported having personally met the mayor. Menino's perennial popularity garnered him the tongue-in-cheek epithet "Mayor for Life." In July 2012, it was reported that Menino had an 82% approval rating. Menino met with controversy several times during his political career. In 1993 when running for mayor, Menino pledged to serve "only two terms, and that's it for me." In 2001, when Menino ran for a third term, he clarified, "I promised Document [2](Title: White Night riots) strong enough to force Mayor Feinstein into a runoff election against conservative City Supervisor Quentin Kopp. Feinstein's promises to appoint more gay people to public office, and her heavy campaigning in the Castro, ensured that she won enough support from the gay community to give her a full term as Mayor. One of Mayor Feinstein's first actions upon being elected was to announce the appointment of Cornelius Murphy as the new Chief of Police. Murphy declared that police cars would no longer be colored powder blue, but instead would be repainted as "macho black-and-whites." This pleased the rank and file, Document [3](Title: City & State) to over 20,000 subscribers, and has been hailed by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who said: “My first read is Bloomberg View … but my second read every morning is "City & State"’s First Read.”# City & State City & State is a political journalism organization based in New York City. The company publishes a weekly magazine covering politics and government in New York City and New York State that is distributed to New York State legislators, county executives, municipalities, the New York Congressional delegation, New York City Council members and others leaders in New York business and government. Document [4](Title: Justified (TV series)) won't be as good as the second – or better." Emily Nussbaum of "The New Yorker" was critical of the third season, writing: "Extended storytelling has its own conventions and clichés, all of which appeared in Season 3... it echoed every cable drama, in the worst way." The fourth season received high acclaim from critics. Tom Gliatto of "People Weekly" wrote that, "What gives the show its kick is the gleefully childish lack of repentance shown by most of these rascals—countered by Olyphant's coolly amused control." Verne Gay of "Newsday" found that, "Character—as the old saying goes—is a long-standing habit, Document [5](Title: 1989 Pittsburgh mayoral election) just a few points ahead of Masloff. Tom Murphy, a State Representative (who would become mayor in 1993), also proved to be a viable contender, as he emphasized how his economic knowledge could guide the city toward a more diversified economy. Two other candidates with strong appeal to particular groups complicated the race: Tom Flaherty (who is unrelated to former Mayor Pete Flaherty), the City Controller, had strong support from the city's police and fire unions, while attorney and longtime civil rights activist Byrd Brown had a base in the black community. Masloff, who made many personal appearances and charmed Document [6](Title: Jeremy Travis) York City Mayor Edward Koch from 1986 to 1989. He has also served as Chief Counsel to the U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, (1990), before becoming the Deputy Commissioner for Legal Matters in the New York City Police Department from 1990 to 1994, where he created the Civil Enforcement Initiative, a program that combined civil and criminal remedies to address local crime conditions. Nominated by President Clinton and confirmed by the Senate, Travis served as the Director of the National Institute of Justice from 1994 to 2000, where he established major research initiatives to assess crime trends and Document [7](Title: Peter Rosenberg) a nearly two-year hiatus in Samoa. In an April 2014 "New Yorker" piece on Rosenberg, he explained: "Since I have a foot in both worlds, an artist can play me three tracks, and I can go, ‘This one only hip-hop heads like me will appreciate. This one could be big, but it’s corny. But this one could reach a lot of people, without you sacrificing who you are’". After becoming mayor of New York City in 2014, Bill de Blasio's debut traditional Friday morning mayoral radio interview was by phone with Rosenberg and Ebro on "The Hot 97 Morning Show". Question: who plays the new female mayor on blue bloods Answer:
Margaret Dutton
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Saifuddin Kitchlew) Dr. Kitchlew was opposed to the Muslim League 's demand for Pakistan and later in the 1940s became President of the Punjab Congress Committee . In 1947 he strongly opposed the acceptance of the Partition of India by the Congress Party . He spoke out against it at public meetings all over the country , and at the All India Congress Committee session that ultimately voted for the resolution . He called it a blatant '' surrender of nationalism for communalism '' . Some years after partition and Independence , he left the Congress . He began to come closer to the Communist Party of India . He was the founder president of the All - India Peace Council and also remained President of 4th Congress of All - India Peace Council , held at Madras in 1954 , besides remaining Vice President of the World Peace Council . Document [1](Title: Saifuddin Kitchlew) he left the Congress. He moved closer to the Communist Party of India. He was the founder president of the All-India Peace Council and remained President of 4th Congress of All-India Peace Council, held at Madras in 1954, besides remaining Vice President of the World Peace Council. Kitchlew moved to Delhi after his house burnt down during the partition of India riots of 1947, spending the rest of his life working for closer political and diplomatic relations with the USSR. He received the Stalin Peace Prize in 1952. In 1951, a Government Act made him, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Maulana Abul Document [2](Title: Partition of India) with civil servant V. P. Menon on the latter's suggestion for a separate dominion of Pakistan created out of Muslim-majority provinces. Communal violence in Bengal and Punjab in January and March 1947 further convinced Patel of the soundness of partition. Patel, a fierce critic of Jinnah's demand that the Hindu-majority areas of Punjab and Bengal be included in a Muslim state, obtained the partition of those provinces, thus blocking any possibility of their inclusion in Pakistan. Patel's decisiveness on the partition of Punjab and Bengal had won him many supporters and admirers amongst the Indian public, which had tired of Document [3](Title: Satyapriya Banerjee) and 1945, and a member of the Central Legislative Assembly 1946-1947. During the Partition Banerjee was active in the United Central Refugee Council. Banerjee served as president of the Bengal Provincial Trade Union Congress and vice-president of the All India Trade Union Congress. Banerjee stood as a candidate in Bowbazar in the 1952 West Bengal Legislative Assembly election. His candidature was supported by different left parties. Banerjee was defeated by the Congress candidate Bidhan Chandra Roy. Roy obtained 13,910 votes, whilst Banerjee got 9,799 votes (41.33%). The day following the elections, riots broke out. He was elected to the Rajya Document [4](Title: Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy) eventually failed which had earlier been facing the opposition of the Muslim League led by K. Nazimuddin , Congress Party, the Hindu Mahasabha and the Communist Party of India. Eventually, the Bengali Hindus voted for the partition that created the West Bengal joining the Union of India, and East Bengal was left with no choice but to join the Federation of Pakistan on 14 August 1947. On 14 August 1947, Suhrawardy lost the control of the Bengal Division of the Muslim League and lost the election when K. Nazimuddin was elected for the Chief Minister of East Bengal. After the Document [5](Title: Mian Shah Din) twenty-six, to preside over the next session of the All-India Mohammedan Educational Conference in 1894. The following year he was made a fellow of the University of the Punjab and in 1896 he began working as a Trustee of Aligarh College Mian Shah Din was one of the members of the Simla Deputation in 1906. After the All-India Muslim League was established, an active provincial branch was organised in the Punjab in November 1907 and Shah Din was elected its president. In October 1908 he was appointed as the first Muslim Judge of the Chief Court of the Punjab, and Document [6](Title: Nawabzada Syed Shams Haider) serving in the National as well as the Provincial Legislatures. He served as Member, District Council Jhelum for seven years. He remained Member, Provincial Assembly of the during 1993-96 and 1997–99; and also functioned as Parliamentary Secretary for Health during 1997-99. He has returned to the Punjab Assembly for the third term in general elections 2008. Nawabzada Syed Shams Haider Nawabzada Syed Shams Haider (born December 23, 1957) is a Pakistani politician of the Pakistan Muslim League (N). He is a former member of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab from Jhelum. He is the son of Nawabzada Syed Maqbool Document [7](Title: Direct Action Day) presidium of the Congress. On 10 July, however, Jawaharlal Nehru, the Congress President, held a press conference in Bombay declaring that although the Congress had agreed to participate in the Constituent Assembly, it reserved the right to modify the Cabinet Mission Plan as it saw fit. Fearing Hindu domination in the Constituent Assembly, Jinnah rejected the British Cabinet Mission plan for transfer of power to an interim government which would combine both the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress, and decided to boycott the Constituent Assembly. In July 1946, Jinnah held a press conference at his home in Bombay. Question: who characterised the partition of india as a surrender of nationalism in favour of communalism Answer:
Dr. Kitchlew
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Approximations of π) The English amateur mathematician William Shanks , a man of independent means , spent over 20 years calculating π to 707 decimal places . This was accomplished in 1873 , with the first 527 places correct . He would calculate new digits all morning and would then spend all afternoon checking his morning 's work . This was the longest expansion of π until the advent of the electronic digital computer three - quarters of a century later . Document [1](Title: Mathematical constant) the 16th century spent a major part of his life calculating the first 35 digits of pi. Using computers and supercomputers, some of the mathematical constants, including π, "e", and the square root of 2, have been computed to more than one hundred billion digits. Fast algorithms have been developed, some of which — as for Apéry's constant — are unexpectedly fast. Some constants differ so much from the usual kind that a new notation has been invented to represent them reasonably. Graham's number illustrates this as Knuth's up-arrow notation is used. It may be of interest to represent them Document [2](Title: William Shanks) his morning's work. To calculate "π", Shanks used Machin's formula: Shanks's approximation was the longest expansion of "π" until the advent of the electronic digital computer about one century later. Shanks also calculated "e" and the Euler–Mascheroni constant γ to many decimal places. He published a table of primes up to 60 000 and found the natural logarithms of 2, 3, 5 and 10 to 137 places. Shanks died in Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham, England in June 1882, aged 70, and was buried at the local Hillside Cemetery on 17 June 1882. William Shanks William Shanks (25 January 1812 – June Document [3](Title: William Rutherford (mathematician)) "The Mathematician", vol. i. 1845, vol. ii. 1847, vol. iii. 1850, to which he contributed many papers. He sent problems, solutions and papers to "The Ladies' Diary" from 1822 to 1869, and also contributed to the "Gentlemen's Diary". His mathematical studies were of a traditional type. Rutherford edited He published also: He also wrote mathematical pamphlets, including one on the solution of spherical triangles. William Rutherford (mathematician) William Rutherford (1798–1871) was an English mathematician famous for his calculation of 208 digits of the mathematical constant π in 1841. Only the first 152 calculated digits were later found to be correct; Document [4](Title: Gauss–Legendre algorithm) Gauss–Legendre algorithm The Gauss–Legendre algorithm is an algorithm to compute the digits of π. It is notable for being rapidly convergent, with only 25 iterations producing 45 million correct digits of π. However, the drawback is that it is computer memory-intensive and therefore sometimes Machin-like formulas are used instead. The method is based on the individual work of Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855) and Adrien-Marie Legendre (1752–1833) combined with modern algorithms for multiplication and square roots. It repeatedly replaces two numbers by their arithmetic and geometric mean, in order to approximate their arithmetic-geometric mean. The version presented below is also known Document [5](Title: Pi) slowly (that is, approaches the answer gradually), so it is not used in modern calculations. In 1706 John Machin used the Gregory–Leibniz series to produce an algorithm that converged much faster: Machin reached 100 digits of with this formula. Other mathematicians created variants, now known as Machin-like formulae, that were used to set several successive records for calculating digits of . Machin-like formulae remained the best-known method for calculating well into the age of computers, and were used to set records for 250 years, culminating in a 620-digit approximation in 1946 by Daniel Ferguson – the best approximation achieved without Document [6](Title: Squaring the circle) an approximate method, though less accurate, documented in the "Shulba Sutras". Archimedes proved the formula for the area of a circle (, where is the radius of the circle) and showed that the value of lay between 3 + 1/7 (approximately 3.1429) and 3 + 10/71 (approximately 3.1408). See Numerical approximations of π for more on the history. The first known Greek to be associated with the problem was Anaxagoras, who worked on it while in prison. Hippocrates of Chios squared certain lunes, in the hope that it would lead to a solution — see Lune of Hippocrates. Antiphon the Document [7](Title: Pi) that (a fraction that goes by the name "Milü" in Chinese), using Liu Hui's algorithm applied to a 12,288-sided polygon. With a correct value for its seven first decimal digits, this value of 3.141592920 remained the most accurate approximation of available for the next 800 years. The Indian astronomer Aryabhata used a value of 3.1416 in his "Āryabhaṭīya" (499 AD). Fibonacci in c. 1220 computed 3.1418 using a polygonal method, independent of Archimedes. Italian author Dante apparently employed the value . The Persian astronomer Jamshīd al-Kāshī produced 9 sexagesimal digits, roughly the equivalent of 16 decimal digits, in 1424 using Question: what english mathematician calculated the value of pi to 707 Answer:
William Shanks
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of tallest buildings in Richmond, Virginia) James Monroe Building 449 137 29 1981 Tallest building in Virginia by occupiable height Document [1](Title: USS President Monroe (AP-104)) USS President Monroe (AP-104) USS "President Monroe" (AP-104) was a President Jackson-class attack transport that served with the US Navy during World War II. "President Monroe" was the sixth of seven C3-P&C type vessels built for American President Lines around-the-world service just prior to the outbreak of World War II. She was laid down 13 November 1939 by Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company of Newport News, Virginia and launched 7 August 1940. The new SS "President Monroe" was just clearing San Francisco Bay on her maiden voyage around the world when word was flashed to her Master to return, Document [2](Title: Woodland Heights, Virginia) Woodland Heights, Virginia Woodland Heights, VA is a neighborhood in the city of Richmond, Virginia. It began as a trolleycar neighborhood in the early 1900s and was built up along the James River beside Forest Hill Park. Woodland Heights is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the Virginia Landmarks Registry. Woodland Heights was first advertised in 1891 as a luxury riverside retreat with proximity to downtown Richmond and Forest Hill Park. At this time, the "South Bank" of the James River was still mainly farms and woodlands along Old Manchester's western edge. Woodland Heights is the oldest Document [3](Title: Hilltop (Staunton, Virginia)) Hilltop (Staunton, Virginia) Hilltop is a historic building on the Mary Baldwin University campus in Staunton, Virginia. The original section was built about 1810, with a large brick wing added in 1904. It is a two-story, five bay, stuccoed brick building. It features a huge two-story hexastyle portico with massive Tuscan order columns. Originally built as a private dwelling, it was converted to dormitory use. In 1991, it was completely restored thanks to the patronage of heiresses Margaret Hunt Hill and Caroline Rose Hunt. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in 1979. Other NRHP-listed buildings Document [4](Title: APA Building, Melbourne) 12 storey Washington Building of 1887 was 67m to the roof, plus attic and cupola, and the 1885 Chelsea Hotel was 43m to the top of the 12th floor, with decorative gables adding greater height. In Chicago, soon to be the home of all the tallest buildings, the 12 storey Rookery Building completed in 1888 was 55m to the roof, and the tower portion of the 1889 Auditorium Building was 17 floors and 72m. The next year the very tall World Building was completed in New York, with at least 13 tall floors, a height of 70m up to the Document [5](Title: Mount Monroe) Mount Monroe Mount Monroe is a mountain peak southwest of Mount Washington in the Presidential Range of the White Mountains in New Hampshire, United States. It is named for American President James Monroe and is the fourth highest mountain on the 4000 footers list for New Hampshire. The Appalachian Trail skirts its summit, which is the next highest peak on or near the trail north of Mount Rogers in Virginia. The Lakes of the Clouds, and its AMC hut, lie nestled at the col between Mount Monroe and neighboring Mount Washington. Lying between Mount Washington and Mount Eisenhower, Mount Monroe Document [6](Title: West Virginia State Capitol) the Capitol are arranged through the West Virginia Culture Center. At a height of , the State Capitol is the tallest building in West Virginia. West Virginia State Capitol The West Virginia State Capitol is the seat of government for the U.S. state of West Virginia, and houses the West Virginia Legislature and the office of the Governor of West Virginia. Located in Charleston, West Virginia, the building was dedicated in 1932. Along with the West Virginia Executive Mansion it is part of the West Virginia Capitol Complex, a historic district listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Prior Document [7](Title: 100 North Main) elevators being inoperable and the fire safety systems not being up to code or functional.[4] It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2015. Finished in 1965, 100 North Main has remained a focal point of the Memphis riverfront skyline. The building was designed by Robert Lee Hall, the architect of Memphis' largest office building (based on square footage), Clark Tower, as well as Patterson Hall at the University of Memphis. 100 North Main is an almost identical, taller version of the 633 Building in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Due to its proximity to various municipal buildings, 100 Question: what is the tallest building in richmond virginia Answer:
James Monroe Building
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Wife-carrying) Wife Carrying World Championships are held annually in Sonkajärvi , Finland , since 1992 ( where the prize depends on the wife 's weight in beer ) . Document [1](Title: Bandy) eighteen. Since the number of countries playing bandy is not large, every country which can set up a team is welcome to take part in the World Championship. The quality of the teams varies; however, with only six nations, Sweden, the Soviet Union, Russia, Finland, Norway, and Kazakhstan, having won medals (allowing for the fact that Russia's team took over from the Soviet Union in 1993). Finland won the 2004 world championship in Västerås, Sweden, while all other championships have been won by Sweden, the Soviet Union and Russia. In February 2004, Sweden won the first World Championship for women, Document [2](Title: Bandy) hosted in Finland, without conceding a goal. In the 2014 women's World Championship Russia won, for the first time toppling the Swedes from the throne. In 2016 Sweden took the title back. In 2018 the tournament was played in a totally Asian country for the first time when Chengde in China hosted it. The same goes for the men's tournament (the area north and west of the Ural River is located in Europe, thus Kazakhstan is a transcontinental country), when Harbin hosted the 2018 Division B tournament. There are also Youth Bandy World Championships in different age groups for boys Document [3](Title: Finland) five European championships, and 24 world records. In addition to Kolehmainen and Nurmi, some of Finland's most internationally well-known and successful sportspeople are long-distance runners Ville Ritola and Lasse Virén; ski-jumpers Matti Nykänen and Janne Ahonen; cross-country skiers Veikko Hakulinen, Eero Mäntyranta, Marja-Liisa Kirvesniemi and Mika Myllylä; rower Pertti Karppinen; gymnast Heikki Savolainen; professional skateboarder Arto Saari; ice hockey players Kimmo Timonen, Jari Kurri, Teemu Selänne, and Saku Koivu; football players Jari Litmanen and Sami Hyypiä; basketball player Hanno Möttölä; alpine skiers Kalle Palander and Tanja Poutiainen; Formula One world champions Keke Rosberg, Mika Häkkinen and Kimi Räikkönen; four-time World Document [4](Title: Sport in Finland) league, Superpesis, has an attendance average of about 1,600 in men's and 500 in the women's league. Finland has always produced successful competitors in the disciplines of nordic skiing. Championship-winning male cross-country skiers from Finland include Veli Saarinen (winner of an Olympic gold and three World Championship titles in the 1920s and 1930s), Veikko Hakulinen (who won three Olympic and three World Championship golds in the 1950s and 1960s, as well as a World Championship silver medal in biathlon) and Juha Mieto (who won an Olympic gold medal in 1976 and two overall FIS Cross-Country World Cups). Among female athletes, Document [5](Title: Niina Koskela) Niina Koskela Niina Koskela (born 8 August 1971), married from 2004 to 2009 as Niina Sammalvuo, is a Finnish Woman Grandmaster (WGM, 2006) who since 2012 played for Norway. She is a three-time winner the Finnish Women's Chess Championship (1990, 2002, 2008). Niina Koskela is participant in numerous Finnish Women's Chess Championships, where winning three gold medals (1990, 2002, 2008) and three silver medals (1989, 1992, 1994). In 1991, in Subotica Niina Koskela participated in Women's World Chess Championship Interzonal Tournament and ranked in 34th place. In 2000, Niina Koskela participated in Women's World Chess Championship by knock-out system and Document [6](Title: Finland at the 2016 Summer Olympics) Olympic spot as one of top 34 individual shuttlers in the BWF World Rankings as of 5 May 2016. Finland has entered one boxer to compete in the women's lightweight division into the Olympic boxing tournament, signifying the nation's comeback to the sport since 2000. Mira Potkonen had claimed her Olympic spot with a quarterfinal victory at the World Championships in Astana, Kazakhstan. Finland has qualified one rider in the women's Olympic road race by virtue of a top 22 national finish in the 2016 UCI World Rankings. Finland has entered one eventing rider into the Olympic equestrian competition by Document [7](Title: Päivi Tommola) winner Anke Dannowski from Germany, and a gold medal in the relay together with Maija Lång and Kirsi Korhonen. She won a gold medal in the long distance at the 2005 World Championships in Banská Bystrica. When the 2006 World Championships were held in Joensuu in Finland, Tommola won a silver medal in the relay with the Finnish team. She placed seventh in the middle distance and sixth in the long distance. At the European Championships in Warsaw in August-September 2006, the Finnish team won gold medals in the relay, with Tommola, Ingrid Stengård and Maija Lång on the team. Question: where do the annual wife carring world championship take place Answer:
Sonkajärvi , Finland
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Bab-el-Mandeb) The Bab - el - Mandeb ( Arabic : باب المندب , lit . '' Gate of Tears '' ) is a strait located between Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula , and Djibouti and Eritrea in the Horn of Africa . It connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden . Document [1](Title: Geography of Yemen) Geography of Yemen Yemen is located in Southwest Asia at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula between Oman and Saudi Arabia. It is situated at the entrance to the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, which links the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean (via the Gulf of Aden) and is one of the most active and strategic shipping lanes in the world. Yemen has an area of , including the islands of Perim at the southern end of the Red Sea and Socotra at the entrance to the Gulf of Aden. Yemen's land boundaries total . Yemen borders Saudi Arabia to the Document [2](Title: Djibouti) Djibouti delegation also attended the inauguration ceremony of Somalia's new president. In recent years, Djibouti has improved its training techniques, military command and information structures and has taken steps to becoming more self-reliant in supplying its military to collaborate with the United Nations in peacekeeping missions, or to provide military help to countries that officially ask for it. Now deployed to Somalia and Sudan. Djibouti's strategic location by the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, which separates the Gulf of Aden from the Red Sea and controls the approaches to the Suez Canal, has made it a desirable location for foreign military bases. Camp Document [3](Title: History of Djibouti) History of Djibouti Djibouti is a country in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Somalia to the southeast, Eritrea and the Red Sea to the north and northeast, Ethiopia to the west and south, and the Gulf of Aden to the east. In antiquity, the territory was part of the Land of Punt. The Djibouti area, along with other localities in the Horn region, was later the seat of the medieval Adal and Ifat Sultanates. In the late 19th century, the colony of French Somaliland was established following treaties signed by the ruling Issa Somali and Afar Sultans Document [4](Title: Obock) Obock Obock (also Obok, ) is a small port town in Djibouti. It is located on the northern shore of the Gulf of Tadjoura, where it opens out into the Gulf of Aden. The town is home to an airstrip and has ferries to Djibouti City, while mangroves lie nearby. The French form Obock derives from Arabic "Oboh", deformation of Oboki, a name given to the Wadi Dar'i in its middle part, upstream of its coastal delta. Obock is located in east of the northern coast of the Gulf of Tadjoura, the door of the Bab el Mandeb Strait and Document [5](Title: Wars of Augustus) Sea against the Sabaeans of Arabia Felix (mod. Yemen). The key attraction was that this region produced aromatic substances such as frankincense and myrrh, which were greatly prized in Rome. In addition, occupation of Sabaea would give the Romans control of both sides of the entrance to the Red Sea, the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, since Cornelius Gallus had established a garrison at Arsinoe (near Assab, Eritrea) on the Ethiopian shore. The expedition consists of 10,000 troops including allies, and 130 freight-ships. Gallus was counting on the assistance of the Nabataean Arabs of NW Arabia, whose king Obodas was a Roman ally Document [6](Title: Coastline of Somalia) meets Djibouti in west and eastern tip meets Kenya in its south. There is a number of Islands in the coastal areas. Ras Caseyr (Cape Guardafui) is easternmost point of Somalia, this point joinins Indian Ocean to Gulf of Aden. Coast of Somalia has different conditions throughout its length. Being second longest in Africa, this coast is easternmost coast of continental Africa, north-western coast of Indian Ocean and nearest coast to Socotra Islands (Yemen). Its continental shelf is spread over 32500 km. Northern coast extends from Djibouti to east, and eastern coast extends from north-east to south-west, reaching to Kenya. Document [7](Title: Marrakesh) during the Almohad dynasty. The Berber name Agnaou, like Gnaoua, refers to people of Sub-Saharan African origin (cf. Akal-n-iguinawen – land of the black). The gate was called Bab al Kohl (the word "kohl" also meaning "black") or Bab al Qsar (palace gate) in some historical sources. The corner-pieces are embellished with floral decorations. This ornamentation is framed by three panels marked with an inscription from the Quran in Maghrebi script using foliated Kufic letters, which were also used in Al-Andalus. Bab Agnaou was renovated and its opening reduced in size during the rule of sultan Mohammed ben Abdallah. Bab Question: what is the name of the strait between djibouti and yemen Answer:
Bab - el - Mandeb
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Sita) Ravana took her back to his kingdom in Lanka and Sita was held as a prisoner in one of his palaces . During her captivity for a year in Lanka , Ravana expressed his desire for her ; however , Sita refused his advances and struggled to maintain her chastity . Hanuman was sent by Rama to seek Sita and eventually succeeded in discovering Sita 's whereabouts . Sita gave Hanuman her jewellery and asked him to give it to her husband . Hanuman returned across the sea to Rama . Document [1](Title: Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama) after the King joins his subjects and her caretaker leaves her alone, Sita then bursts into tears, pining for her husband, little knowing that Hanuman is watching her. He jumps down from a tree and introduces himself as Rama's friend, offering also to take her back. Hanuman also narrates that Rama is deeply upset to be separated from his wife for over a year now and that he cries every day. Sita magnanimously refuses, saying that Rama must defeat the strong Ravan to regain Sita. Hanuman assures her that Rama will defeat Ravan and release her, while urging her to Document [2](Title: Surasa) goddesses become his arrows and spears. When drops of the demon Andhaka blood multiplying into many demons, Surasa and other mother goddesses called matrikas aid Shiva to slay the demon, by drinking the blood. Surasa's encounter with Lord Hanuman in the "Sundara Kanda" Book of the "Ramayana" and its retellings, is the most popular tale related to Surasa. Hanuman, flies over the ocean to Lanka (identified with present-day Sri Lanka) in search of his master Rama's kidnapped wife Sita. When Hanuman leaves from land (identified with India), a mountain Mainaka appears in Hanuman's path, for him to rest but Hanuman Document [3](Title: Ritigala) sent by Lord Rama in search of his consort Sita. It was King Ravana, who seized Sita from Parnasali in India, the holy hut of Lord Rama and brought her to Asok Vana, a beautiful park at Seetha Eliya (close to Nuwara Eliya or Little England, as the British called it three millennia later) on the Pusparaga (Dadumonara) in an air chariot, without touching her. (The peacock logo of Air Lanka, the predecessor of SriLankan Airlines and successor of Air Ceylon, is a stylized version of Rawana’s air chariot.) Having found the location where Sita was held, Hanuman made use Document [4](Title: Ramcharitmanas) in the grove and Hanuman allows himself to be captured. He is brought in front of the king of Lanka, Ravana. Ravana orders his death, however, Vibhishan reminds him that Hanuman is an envoy and cannot be killed according to religious principle. Ravana decides to humiliate Hanuman by setting his tail on fire. Large amounts of clothes are tied to his tail and soaked in oil. Hanuman chants the name of Rama and his tail begins to get longer and more cloth and oil is used. He changes from his small form into a gigantic form and decides to torch Document [5](Title: Kabandha) Kabandha was a fierce cannibal and his arms were eight miles long. His huge face – which had no eyes or ears – was at his chest. He had no head or legs. The "Ramayana" narrates: Rama, his consort Sita and his brother Lakshmana were exiled to the forest for a 14-year period. While in the forest, Sita was kidnapped by the demon-king Ravana. Rama was informed of Sita's fate by the dying vulture Jatayu, who had been mortally wounded in trying to save her. Searching for Sita, Rama and Lakshmana reached the Krauncha forest, where Kabandha dwelt. Suddenly, Kabandha Document [6](Title: Siya Ke Ram) gives him his ring as mark of his well being to Sita. Hanuman goes to Lanka and meets Sita. He also gives the ring. Sita gets shocked when she came to know about Ram's condition. Ravan instructs his second son Akshayakumara to attack Hanuman. Mandodari knows about Hanuman's strength and fears because she didn't want to lose her son. Rather she wanted Akshayakumara to leave Lanka. Akshay heads his father's words and attempts to attack Hanuman. Hanuman, with his wit and power kills Akshayakumara. Soldiers bring the dead body to king. All get shocked to see this. Mandodari gets shattered Document [7](Title: Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama) away back to Lanka. Jatayu, an elderly vulture and a old friend of Rama,s father , hears Sita's cries for help and attacks Ravan, telling him to release Sita at once. But Ravan fatally injures Jatayu with his sword and continues on his journey home. The two brothers meet in the forest and Rama informs Lakshman that the cry for help was merely the imitation of his voice by the slain demon Maricha and says Sita is in danger. Fearing the worst, they hurry back home to find Sita gone. Rama is very upset at the fact his wife has Question: who was the first one to find where sita was being held captive Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Reuben sandwich) The Reuben sandwich is an American hot sandwich composed of corned beef , Swiss cheese , sauerkraut , and Russian dressing , grilled between slices of rye bread . Several variants exist . Document [1](Title: Sausage sandwich) hot dog, is particularly popular, especially at sporting events, carnivals, beaches, and fairs. They are also sold in many delis as well as food stands on street corners of large cities. Many American hot dog vendors also serve Polish, Italian, Mexican, and German (e.g. bratwurst) sausage sandwiches in addition to their regular fare. Sausage sandwiches that come on toast, a bagel, an English muffin, a biscuit, or kaiser roll are generally referred to as breakfast sandwiches. Sausage sandwich A sausage sandwich is a sandwich containing cooked sausage. It may consist of an oblong bread roll such as a baguette or Document [2](Title: Corned beef sandwich) by floating crumbs and lingering odors. Corned beef sandwich A corned beef sandwich is a sandwich filled with corned beef. The salt beef style corned beef sandwiches are traditionally served with mustard and a pickle. In the UK, pickle is a common addition to a corned beef sandwich. ("Corned beef" in the UK refers to what is called bully beef elsewhere.) Another variant more common in the United States has sauerkraut, known as a Reuben sandwich. A contraband corned beef sandwich on rye brought aboard the Gemini 3 spacecraft by John Young resulted in a minor controversy, for the risk Document [3](Title: Melt sandwich) Melt sandwich A melt sandwich is a type of sandwich containing bread, cheese (sometimes grated) and some type of filling such as meat or vegetables. The sandwich is then heated until the cheese is melted. It may be served as an open face sandwich or a closed face one. One common filling is tuna with mayonnaise; the result is a tuna melt sandwich. Other popular choices are ham, roast beef, chicken, turkey, or a hamburger patty, which is known as a patty melt. It is the filling that establishes the melt sandwich as a variation of the grilled cheese sandwich. Document [4](Title: Breakfast sandwich) Breakfast sandwich In North America, a breakfast sandwich is any sandwich filled with foods associated with the breakfast meal. Breakfast sandwiches are served at fast food restaurants and delicatessens or bought as fast, ready to heat and eat sandwiches from a store. Breakfast sandwiches are commonly made at home. Breakfast sandwiches are typically made using breakfast meats (generally cured meats such as sausages, patty sausages, bacon, country ham, Spam and pork roll), breads, eggs and cheese. These sandwiches were typically regional specialties until fast food restaurants began serving breakfast. Because the common types of bread, such as biscuits, bagels, and Document [5](Title: Roast beef sandwich) their Pastrami on rye sandwiches. Roast beef sandwich The roast beef sandwich is a sandwich that is made out of sliced roast beef or sometimes beef loaf. It is sold at many diners in the United States, as well as fast food chains, such as Arby's and Roy Rogers Restaurants. This style of sandwich often comes on a hamburger bun and may be topped with barbecue sauce and/or melted American cheese. The roast beef sandwich also commonly comprises bread, cold roast beef (either the leftovers from a homemade dinner or deli meat), lettuce, tomatoes, and mustard, although it would not Document [6](Title: Grilled cheese) a panini grill or sandwich toaster. This last method is more common in the United Kingdom, where the sandwiches are normally called "toasted sandwiches" or "toasties", and in Australia, where they are called "jaffles". Some restaurants, food carts and food trucks in the United States specialize in the grilled cheese sandwich. The Grilled Cheese Grill restaurants are a combination of reclaimed vehicle and food cart restaurants that focus on gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches in Portland, Oregon. The Grilled Cheese Truck is an American food truck company serving gourmet "chef driven" grilled cheese sandwiches. The company started in Los Angeles, California Document [7](Title: Croque monsieur) melting cheese, accompanied with chives, cucumber and salad. A ham and cheese sandwich snack, very similar to the croque-monsieur though not containing any béchamel or egg, is called a tosti in the Netherlands, and toast (pronounced "tost") in Italy and Greece. Similarly, in the United Kingdom a ham and cheese hot snack is called a 'toastie', and toastie makers are available to buy. In the United States, the Monte Cristo, a ham-and-cheese sandwich often dipped in egg and fried, is popular diner fare, and a 'grilled cheese sandwich' is a classic sandwich that has been enjoyed at home and in Question: what is the meat in a reuben sandwich Answer:
corned beef ,
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) 2016 National League Championship Series Teams Team ( Wins ) Manager Season Chicago Cubs ( 4 ) Joe Maddon 103 -- 58 , . 640 , 17.5 GA Los Angeles Dodgers ( 2 ) Dave Roberts 91 -- 71 , . 562 , 4 GA Dates October 15 -- 22 MVP Javier Báez and Jon Lester ( Chicago ) Umpires Ted Barrett , Gary Cederstrom , Eric Cooper , Ángel Hernández , Alfonso Márquez , Paul Nauert and Bill Welke . NLDS Chicago Cubs beat San Francisco Giants ( 3 -- 1 ) Los Angeles Dodgers beat Washington Nationals ( 3 -- 2 ) Broadcast Television FS1 ( English ) Fox Deportes ( Spanish ) TV announcers Joe Buck , John Smoltz , Ken Rosenthal and Tom Verducci ( English ) Carlos Álvarez and Duaner Sánchez ( Spanish ) Radio ESPN ( English ) ESPN Deportes ( Spanish ) Radio announcers Dan Shulman and Aaron Boone ( English ) Eduardo Ortega , José Francisco Rivera , and Orlando Hernández ( Spanish ) ← 2015 NLCS 2017 → 2016 World Series Document [1](Title: 2016 Major League Baseball All-Star Game) 2016 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 2016 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 87th edition of the Major League Baseball All-Star Game. The game was hosted by the San Diego Padres and was played at Petco Park on July 12, 2016. It was televised nationally on Fox. The American League All-Stars defeated the National League All-Stars by a score of 4–2 to win home field advantage for the 2016 World Series (which went to the Cleveland Indians). This was also the last time home-field advantage for the World Series was determined by the outcome of the All-Star Game. Document [2](Title: 2015 National League Division Series) to face him while the Mets captured their first win in a deciding game of a postseason series since the aforementioned Game 7 of the 1986 World Series. 2015 NLDS (3–2): New York Mets beat Los Angeles Dodgers 2015 National League Division Series The 2015 National League Division Series were two best-of-five-game series to determine the participating teams in the 2015 National League Championship Series. The three divisional winners (seeded 1-3) and a fourth team—the winner of a one-game Wild Card playoff— played in two series. TBS carried all the games in the United States, with Sportsnet simulcasting TBS coverage Document [3](Title: 1981 National League Division Series) in the 1981 National League Championship Series. In addition, the Dodgers avenged their loss to the Astros the previous year in a one-game playoff for the NL West title. They would meet again in the 2017 World Series. 1981 NLDS (3–2): Los Angeles Dodgers over Houston Astros In the other division series, the Expos, making their first and only playoff appearance in Montreal (they would make the playoffs again 31 years later, as the Washington Nationals), would have to defeat the defending World Champions, the Philadelphia Phillies. Steve Rogers faced Steve Carlton in Game 1 in Montreal, the first-ever MLB Document [4](Title: 2016 Major League Baseball All-Star Game) Tenors until further notice. 2016 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 2016 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 87th edition of the Major League Baseball All-Star Game. The game was hosted by the San Diego Padres and was played at Petco Park on July 12, 2016. It was televised nationally on Fox. The American League All-Stars defeated the National League All-Stars by a score of 4–2 to win home field advantage for the 2016 World Series (which went to the Cleveland Indians). This was also the last time home-field advantage for the World Series was determined by the outcome Document [5](Title: 2016 National League Division Series) the Nationals franchise. Their most recent meeting was in the 1981 National League Championship Series, in which the Dodgers won the National League pennant over the then-Montreal Expos in five games. The Dodgers defeated the Nationals in five games and reached the National League Championship Series for the first time since 2013. The Cubs and Giants also met for the second time in postseason play after the Giants defeated the New York Mets 3–0 in the National League Wild Card Game. Their last meeting was in the 1989 National League Championship Series, which the Giants won in five games. However, Document [6](Title: Freeway Series) Dodgers. They include: In addition to Scioscia, the following Angels managers played for the Dodgers: Additionally, retired Dodgers manager Joe Torre (2008–2010) was a broadcaster for the Angels from 1985–1990 Scioscia is the only man to have won three World Series with both teams (Dodgers in and and Angels in ). He led the effort in making the 2002 World Series a moment of peace in the rivalry. Aside from playing for both teams, Jerry Reuss also broadcast for the Angels from 1996-98 and for the Dodgers from 2006-08. As of , the two sides have never met in the Document [7](Title: Kundy Gutierrez) and Mexican Pacific League were invited to participate in an exhibition game versus Japan National Baseball Team for the Samurai Challenge. Mexico National Baseball Team for the first time in history defeated Japan National Baseball Team ending the two game series in a 1-1. In December 2016, they launched the Team Mexico Baseball platform to promote the game of baseball to create a transparent system to give equal opportunity to all the participants and a ranking system to help elevate the competition in Mexico. As well, as the development, instruction, and build a scouting department to identify talent. Gutierrez and Question: who did the cubs play in the nlcs last year Answer:
Los Angeles Dodgers
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: In the Garden (1912 song)) '' In the Garden '' ( sometimes rendered by its first line '' I Come to the Garden Alone '' is a gospel song written by American songwriter C. Austin Miles ( 1868 -- 1946 ) , a former pharmacist who served as editor and manager at Hall - Mack publishers for 37 years . According to Miles ' great - granddaughter , the song was written '' in a cold , dreary and leaky basement in Pitman , New Jersey that did n't even have a window in it let alone a view of a garden . '' The song was first published in 1912 and popularized during the Billy Sunday evangelistic campaigns of the early twentieth century by two members of his staff , Homer Rodeheaver and Virginia Asher . Document [1](Title: Virginia Healey Asher) and viewed their employment as only a temporary expedient before an anticipated marriage. Asher organized local churchwomen to serve as hostesses at luncheons for these young women. They would be served a simple five- to ten-cent lunch—perhaps a sandwich, a pickle, and coffee—before Asher spoke to them about such sins as promiscuity and drinking. They were also strongly encouraged to attend the Billy Sunday services in the evenings. At the evangelistic services, Virginia Asher often sang duets with music director Homer Rodeheaver, and their early recordings popularized such gospel songs as “The Old Rugged Cross” and “In the Garden". Meanwhile, Document [2](Title: The Garden of Your Heart) The Garden of Your Heart "The Garden of Your Heart" is a song composed by Francis Dorel and Edward Teschemacher. The first and only known recording was by American Tenor Charles Harrison in 1916 for Columbia Records. The song was published by Boosey & Co. in 1914, once more with the provision that while the music could be performed publicly without charge or copyright infringement, all public parodies of the song were strictly forbidden. The music was published in three versions, the first being in the key of "F", the second in the key of "A flat", and the third Document [3](Title: High Cotton (song)) grass was green / It didn't seem like things were all that bad."" The song references some the morals and customs characteristic of religious farming families, especially during the olden days, such as taking Sunday as a strict day of rest, whether or not there was work that could be done. The whole fourth stanza of the song references this ""When Sunday mornings rolled around / We dressed up in hand-me-downs / Just in time, to gather with the church / Sometimes I think how long it's been / And how it impressed me then / It was the only Document [4](Title: To Be a Pilgrim) of "Keeping Up Appearances" in autumn 1990. Flora sings in "The Frankenstein Chronicles", Season 1, Episode 5, circa minute 41 To Be a Pilgrim "To Be a Pilgrim" (also commonly known as "He who would Valiant be") is the only hymn John Bunyan is credited with writing, and is indelibly associated with him. It first appeared in Part 2 of "The Pilgrim's Progress", written in 1684. The hymn recalls the words of Hebrews 11:13: "...and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." The words were modified extensively by Percy Dearmer for the 1906 "The English Hymnal". At Document [5](Title: Robert Harling (typographer)) his last contributions being the House & Garden Book of Romantic Rooms (1985), and House & Garden Book of Classic Rooms (1989); in 1980 with Miles Hadfield he published British Gardeners: a biographical dictionary – this being a reworking of "Pioneers in Gardening" a book which he had developed with Miles Hadfield and Leonie Highton thirty five years earlier. Harling would admit that some of the fun of life diminished following the death of his friend Fleming in 1964, but he remained alert and active, and could still be found at The Sunday Times late on Saturday evenings until 1985. Document [6](Title: Some People Are on the Pitch They Think It's All Over It Is Now) Meek and others. Its creation took place from 30 November 1984 to 2 April 1985. Single "Strawberries Are Growing in My Garden (And It's Wintertime)" was also released that same year, ending up serving as the group's best-known song even years and years later. Critic Tim Sendra of AllMusic called it "a lost guitar pop classic". He specifically praised the mix of musical styles on the release, stating that the Dentists sound "like the Byrds if they had formed in the wake of the punk explosion of the '70s". Single "Strawberries Are Growing in My Garden (And It's Wintertime)" additionally Document [7](Title: Sing One for the Lord) Clapton, Bob Dylan and Doris Troy. While Billy Preston had been brought up in the Southern gospel tradition, gospel music was a new direction for Harrison at the time. When rehearsing with the Beatles at Twickenham Film Studios in early January 1969, Harrison had presented a new composition, "Hear Me Lord", saying it was a gospel song he had just written. Typical of the dysfunctional atmosphere in the group, the latter song received little interest from his bandmates. The film project, which evolved into the "Let It Be" documentary film, was salvaged by the band relocating to their own Apple Question: when was the hymn in the garden written Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Theme from The Greatest American Hero (Believe It or Not)) '' Theme from The Greatest American Hero ( Believe It or Not ) '' is a song composed by Mike Post with lyrics by Stephen Geyer , and sung by American singer Joey Scarbury . It serves as the theme song for the 1980s television series The Greatest American Hero . The track was later included on Scarbury 's 1981 debut album America 's Greatest Hero . Document [1](Title: Joey Scarbury) Joey Scarbury Joey Scarbury (born June 7, 1955) is an American singer best known for his hit song, "Theme from "The Greatest American Hero" (Believe It or Not)", in 1981. Scarbury was born in Ontario, California. Growing up in Thousand Oaks, he was continually encouraged in his ambition to sing by his mother. At the age of 14, after being spotted by songwriter Jimmy Webb's father, he was signed to a recording contract with Dunhill Records. Scarbury's first single, "She Never Smiles Anymore," flopped, and he was soon without a record label. He stayed around the music business throughout the Document [2](Title: Hero (Mariah Carey song)) how Carey created several versions of the track: There was a simpler performance on tape and a more difficult one, with Mariah singing out more, with more licks. But we chose a happy medium. The song really calls for not anything really fancy. But she's always fighting the forces inside of her because she's her own devil's advocate. She wants to do something that's so over the top and use her talents and the voice she has. But she also knows she has to restrain herself and do what the music really calls for. "Hero" is a mid-tempo ballad. It Document [3](Title: Hero (Mariah Carey song)) they told me the story, and you know it was kind of a moving concept or whatever. And I did it, and I was like you know it’s not necessarily what I like per se, but after doing the song over and over again and having people coming up to and saying, thank you for writing ‘Hero’ because it saved my life or it saved my father’s life or my brothers or sisters life, or something of that nature, I said I always have to sing that song when I’m performing because if I don’t, you never know who I’m Document [4](Title: Homerpalooza) the greatest – the satire on youth counterculture is well handled, and Homer's flashback to his youth is fabulous." and IGN said the episode was one of the best of season seven. In a list of the 25 greatest guest voices on the show, released September 5, 2006, IGN ranked the Hullabalooza performers 23rd. The noise rock version of the end credits performed by Sonic Youth has been ranked among the best versions of the theme by Matt Groening and also by Chris Turner in his book "Planet Simpson". Bill Oakley has said that Peter Frampton is one of his Document [5](Title: The Conquering Hero) The Conquering Hero The Conquering Hero is a musical with a music by Mark Charlap, lyrics by Norman Gimbel, and book by Larry Gelbart. The musical was based on Preston Sturges's 1944 film "Hail the Conquering Hero". The musical ran for only eight performances on Broadway in 1961. The musical was originally staged and choreographed by Bob Fosse, who was replaced during previews by Albert Marre as director and Todd Bolender as choreographer. "The New York Times" reported that Fosse quit over a disagreement "over the direction of the show's book." Settings and lighting were by Jean Rosenthal. Produced by Document [6](Title: Warner Bros. Inc. v. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.) Greatest American Hero were not substantially similar, and that even if they were, the latter was a parody of Superman and therefore protected under the fair use doctrine. The district court also determined that it was unlikely that the public would be confused as to the origin of the later work. Plaintiffs then appealed to the Second Circuit, which affirmed the denial or preliminary relief. The court acknowledged similarities, but said they fell within the scenes a faire doctrine. The case then returned to the district court. Judge Motley dismissed the claims on the merits by granting defendants' motion for Document [7](Title: Heroes and Villains) to the studio album "Smiley Smile". Parks said that he modeled the lyrics after "El Paso" (1959) and denied a popular theory claiming that "Heroes and Villains" was a song about the Vietnam war. Though the lyrics are distinctly Western with some allusions to the American Indian genocides, then-wife Marilyn Wilson said that Brian meant the "heroes" and "villains" to represent those in his life. Like "Good Vibrations", "Heroes and Villains" was produced using the same unorthodox method of recording a surplus of interchangeable musical sections at multiple Hollywood recording studios. Only during its final production stages would the song Question: who sang the theme to greatest american hero Answer:
Joey Scarbury
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Tampa Bay Rays) The Tampa Bay Rays are an American professional baseball team based in St. Petersburg , Florida . The Rays compete in Major League Baseball ( MLB ) as a member of the American League ( AL ) East division . Since its inception , the team 's home venue has been Tropicana Field . Document [1](Title: University of South Florida St. Petersburg Baseball Club) Bay Rays. However, when the Rays moved spring training to the Charlotte Sports Park, the Walter Fuller Baseball Stadium started hosting high school baseball teams and baseball tournaments. On June 5, 2014, the St. Petersburg City Council held a meeting to determine if future contracts with the USFSP team will be made. The council decided in favor for these future contracts to be written. Now, the team has a place to play for at least one more season. USF St. Petersburg has yet to build a stadium for any of the school's organized sports to be played on teams. The Document [2](Title: Sports in Florida) Rays began playing in 1998 at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg. After a decade of futility, the Rays won the 2008 American League Pennant and made it to the World Series. About half of all Major League Baseball teams conduct spring training in the state, with teams informally organized into the "Grapefruit League". Throughout MLB history, other teams have held spring training in Florida. Several Major League baseball teams conduct spring training in the state, and most also operate minor league teams in the Class-A Florida State League. The Miami Heat of the National Basketball Association was formed in 1988 Document [3](Title: 2008 Tampa Bay Rays season) was selected for the move. Neither the MLB — nor the Blue Jays, who were 10–17 at Tropicana Field over the previous three seasons — resisted the idea. The series move was successfully voted on by the City of St. Petersburg, who holds the lease to Tropicana Field, on January 24, 2008. This was similar to the 2007 series against the Texas Rangers, in which the Rays also won all three games. The Rays, with their off-season acquisitions and continued prospect development, fostered high hopes both within the organization and from analysts for the team to perform well during the Document [4](Title: Tampa Bay Rays) Field until 2027. Later in December 2018, the team sent a letter to St. Petersburg's mayor, Rick Kriseman, foregoing an extension to search for a new stadium outside of the city. The current Rays primary uniform has been used with little change since the team officially shortened its name from "Devil Rays" to "Rays" for the 2008 season. The home jersey is a traditional white with the name "Rays" in dark blue across the chest and a yellow "sunburst" on the letter "R". The Rays' road uniform is gray, also with a sunburst and the team name across the chest. Document [5](Title: Sports in the Tampa Bay Area) St. Petersburg. Many major league teams have trained in the Tampa Bay area over the ensuing decades. Current members of the spring training Grapefruit League include: The area also hosts five minor league baseball teams, all in the Class Single-A Florida State League. These teams all use stadiums also used by MLB teams for spring training. These teams are: Several other local minor league teams have come and gone over the years. Notable historical teams include: The NHL's Tampa Bay Lightning were established as an expansion franchise in 1992. They began play in the Florida State Fairgrounds' Expo Hall in Document [6](Title: Baseball in the Tampa Bay Area) home to several teams in the Florida State League (which is now a Class-A Advanced circuit), including the Tampa Tarpons, the Clearwater Threshers, the Dunedin Blue Jays, the Bradenton Marauders, and the Lakeland Flying Tigers. Several major league organizations also field squads in the rookie-level Gulf Coast League and the Florida Instructional League. Besides hosting actual baseball games, the corporate offices of Minor League Baseball have been located in St. Petersburg since 1973. St. Petersburg was the home of the St. Petersburg Pelicans in the short-lived Senior Professional Baseball Association in 1989–1990. The league featured former major league players who Document [7](Title: Rolando Arrojo) Tampa Bay Devil Rays in —one year before the team started playing, as that expansion team (along with the Arizona Diamondbacks) was permitted to start and maintain a minor league system starting that year. He made his debut with the expansion Devil Rays in 1998 and was an immediate sensation, becoming the team's first All-Star. He finished 1998 with a strong 14–12 record and a 3.56 ERA in 202 innings, for a team that finished 63-99. However, in , with teams and hitters more familiar with him and with his developing health problems (as critics claimed, these health problems were Question: what is the name of tampa bay's mlb team Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Ten Commandments) The Ten Commandments appear twice in the Hebrew Bible , in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy . Modern scholarship has found likely influences in Hittite and Mesopotamian laws and treaties , but is divided over exactly when the Ten Commandments were written and who wrote them . Document [1](Title: Honour thy father and thy mother) Honour thy father and thy mother "Honour thy father and thy mother" is one of the Ten Commandments in the Hebrew Bible. The commandment is generally regarded in Protestant and Jewish sources as the fifth in both the list in Exodus 20:1–21, and in Deuteronomy (Dvarim) 5:1–23. Catholics count this as the fourth. These commandments were enforced as law in many jurisdictions, and are still considered enforceable law by some. Exodus 20, 1 describes the Ten Commandments as being spoken by God, inscribed on two stone tablets by the finger of God, broken by Moses, and rewritten on replacement stones Document [2](Title: Divine command theory) This means that the commands of natural law do not depend on God's will, and thus form the first three commandments of the Ten Commandments. The last seven of the Ten Commandments do not belong to the natural law in the strictest sense. Whilst our duties to God are self-evident, true by definition, and unchangeable even by God, our duties to others (found on the second tablet) were arbitrarily willed by God and are within his power to revoke and replace (although, the third commandment, to honour the Sabbath and keep it holy, has a little of both, as we Document [3](Title: Ten Commandments) verse, is used for public Torah reading, while the "ta'am tachton" (lower accentuation), which divides the text into verses of more even length, is used for private reading or study. The verse numbering in Jewish Bibles follows the "ta'am tachton". In Jewish Bibles the references to the Ten Commandments are therefore and . The Samaritan Pentateuch varies in the Ten Commandments passages, both in that the Samaritan Deuteronomical version of the passage is much closer to that in Exodus, and in that Samaritans count as nine commandments what others count as ten. The Samaritan tenth commandment is on the sanctity Document [4](Title: Hugo Gressmann) Testament. He took a traditio-historical approach in examining these passages, aiming to examine individual units so as to glean from them their original setting and purpose. Gressmann was significant in that he disagreed with the ideas of Julius Wellhausen, another eminent Biblical scholar, on the dates of the Decalogue (more commonly known as the Ten Commandments). Whereas Wellhausen placed the date at a relatively late stage in the history of Israel, Gressmann argued that, as they bore no evidence of having been influenced by Canaan, they must have been composed at a far earlier stage in Israel's history. Furthermore, he Document [5](Title: Ten Commandments) of Mount Gerizim. The text of the Samaritan tenth commandment follows: Most traditions of Christianity hold that the Ten Commandments have divine authority and continue to be valid, though they have different interpretations and uses of them. The Apostolic Constitutions, which implore believers to "always remember the ten commands of God," reveal the importance of the Decalogue in the early Church. Through most of Christian history the decalogue was considered a summary of God's law and standard of behaviour, central to Christian life, piety, and worship. During his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus explicitly referenced the prohibitions against murder and Document [6](Title: Tablets of Stone) the Sages say ten on one tablet and ten on the other". Because the commandments establish a covenant, it is likely that they were duplicated on both tablets. This can be compared to diplomatic treaties of Ancient Egypt, in which a copy was made for each party. But the tablets may have contained not only the Ten Commandments but also additional precepts and words as can be inferred from the verses Exodus 31:18, Exodus 34:1, Exodus 34:27-28. Replicas of the tablets, known as tabots or sellats, are a vital part of the practice of Ethiopian Orthodox Church, which claims that Document [7](Title: Jewish history) forty years before conquering Canaan in 1400 BCE under the command of Joshua. While living in the desert, according to the Biblical writings, the nation of Israel received the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai from YHWH via Moses. After entering Canaan, portions of the land were given to each of the twelve tribes of Israel. However, archaeology reveals a different story of the origins of the Jewish people: they did not necessarily leave the Levant. The archaeological evidence of the largely indigenous origins of Israel in Canaan, not Egypt, is "overwhelming" and leaves "no room for an Exodus from Egypt Question: what book of the bible is the ten commandments in Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Painted turtle) Incubation lasts 72 -- 80 days in the wild and for a similar period in artificial conditions . In August and September , the young turtle breaks out from its egg , using a special projection of its jaw called the egg tooth . Not all offspring leave the nest immediately , though . Hatchlings north of a line from Nebraska to northern Illinois to New Jersey typically arrange themselves symmetrically in the nest and overwinter to emerge the following spring . Document [1](Title: Sternotherus odoratus) musk turtle occurs in the spring, and females lay two to 9 elliptical, hard-shelled eggs in a shallow burrow or under shoreline debris. An unusual behavior is the tendency to share nesting sites; in one case there were 16 nests under a single log. The eggs hatch in late summer or early fall after an incubation period of 100 to 150 days, making this turtle a species that displays delayed emergence. Egg predation is a major cause of mortality, as with many turtle species. In one Pennsylvania population, hatching success was only 15 percent, and predators alone destroyed 25 of Document [2](Title: Loggerhead sea turtle) Incubation temperatures generally range from 26–32 °C (79–90 °F). Sea turtle eggs kept at a constant incubating temperature of 32 °C become females. Eggs incubating at 28 °C become males. An incubation temperature of 30 °C results in an equal ratio of male to female hatchlings. Hatchlings from eggs in the middle of the clutch tend to be the largest, grow the fastest, and be the most active during the first few days of sea life. After incubating for around 80 days, hatchlings dig through the sand to the surface, usually at night, when darkness increases the chance of escaping Document [3](Title: Spiny softshell turtle) with his claws (unlike other turtles). A few months later, the female turtle quickly lays her eggs along a sunny sandbar or gravel bank in a flask-shaped cavity she has dug close to the water. The turtle nests more than once during a single season. She can lay between 9 and 38 round, calcareous-shelled eggs. The eggs are laid around August and September, and they hatch in the spring. Unlike in other turtles, in the spiny softshell turtle, the sex of the hatchlings is not determined by temperature variations; it is determined by genetics. The nesting sites are at risk Document [4](Title: Yangtze giant softshell turtle) enclosure that, if eaten, could endanger the health of the turtles. On June 15, 2010, the female laid a total of 63 eggs. Half of the eggs were left in the sand to incubate naturally, while the other half were moved to incubate at varying temperatures and humidities. Once again, they were infertile. In 2015 artificial insemination was attempted, a first for this species. In May 2015, the female was successfully inseminated. Semen was extracted from the sedated male using electro-ejaculation. The female should lay the eggs a few weeks after and fertility of the eggs can be determined a Document [5](Title: Spiny turtle) known of nesting behaviour in the wild. One, two, or rarely three eggs are laid per clutch; in captivity, laying usually occurs in the night or early morning. Females produce up to three clutches per year. A plastron hinge develops to ease laying. It has been bred in captivity several times; in three cases the incubation time was 106, 110, and 145 days. Spiny turtle The spiny turtle ("Heosemys spinosa") inhabits lowland and hill rainforest, usually in the vicinity of small streams, mainly in hill areas up to 900 m above sea level. The origin of its common and specific Document [6](Title: Painted turtle) drop below the spring set-point. During the winter, the turtle hibernates. In the north, the inactive season may be as long as from October to March, while the southernmost populations may not hibernate at all. While hibernating, the body temperature of the painted turtle averages . Periods of warm weather bring the turtle out of hibernation, and even in the north, individuals have been seen basking in February. The painted turtle hibernates by burying itself, either on the bottom of a body of water, near water in the shore-bank or the burrow of a muskrat, or in woods or pastures. Document [7](Title: Cedar waxwing) and forth. Sometimes the female will steal nest material from other species' nests to save time. The outer diameter of the nest is approximately . Usually 5 or 6 eggs are laid and the female incubates them for 11 to 13 days. The eggs are oval shaped with a smooth surface and very little, if any, gloss. The egg shells are of various shades of light or bluish grey with irregular, dark brown spots or greyish-brown splotches. Both parents build the nest and feed the young. Typically, there are one or two broods during the mating season. Young leave the Question: how long does it take for painted turtles to hatch Answer:
72 -- 80 days
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Better Call Saul) The first season , which premiered on AMC on February 8 , 2015 , consists of 10 episodes . The show 's 10 - episode second season premiered on February 15 , 2016 . The series was renewed for a 10 - episode third season , which premiered April 10 , 2017 . On June 27 , 2017 , the series was renewed by AMC for a 10 - episode fourth season that is planned to premiere in 2018 . Document [1](Title: BoJack Horseman) Season Episodes Originally released 12 August 22 , 2014 Special December 19 , 2014 12 July 17 , 2015 12 July 22 , 2016 12 September 8 , 2017 Document [2](Title: Sola (manga)) between April 7, 2007 and June 30, 2007, containing thirteen episodes, though aired on other networks at the same time with slightly different start and end dates. The series was released in five DVD compilation volumes in limited and regular editions,each containing three episodes. The first DVD volume was released on June 22, 2007, followed by the second on July 27, 2007, and the third on August 24, 2007. Two additional episodes were made available exclusively on DVD volumes four and five; the first was released on September 25, 2007, and the second was on October 26, 2007. A poll Document [3](Title: List of Attack on Titan episodes) Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 25 April 7 , 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 07 ) September 29 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 29 ) 12 April 1 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 01 ) June 17 , 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 17 ) 12 July 23 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 23 ) TBA Document [4](Title: List of Wynonna Earp episodes) Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 13 April 1 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 01 ) June 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 06 - 24 ) 12 June 9 , 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 09 ) August 25 , 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 25 ) Document [5](Title: List of Attack on Titan episodes) On June 17 , 2017 , a third season was announced at the close of the second season 's final episode , with a release date slated for 2018 . Document [6](Title: The Following) starred Kevin Bacon and James Purefoy in leading roles, as well as Shawn Ashmore, Natalie Zea, and Valorie Curry. The first season, comprising 15 episodes, premiered on January 21, 2013, and concluded on April 29, 2013. On March 4, 2013, the series was renewed for a second season, which premiered on January 19, 2014, and concluded on April 28, 2014. The series' renewal for a third season was announced on March 7, 2014, and the season premiered on March 2, 2015. On May 8, 2015, Fox canceled "The Following" after three seasons. The final episode aired on May 18, 2015. Document [7](Title: I Didn't Do It (TV series)) the story being told in flashbacks. This concept was abandoned in the second season. A pilot for the series was announced November 2012 with production of the pilot scheduled for January 2013. The series was picked up on June 18, 2013. The series started airing on January 17, 2014. On July 3, 2014, Disney ordered a second season of the series. The second season premiered on February 15, 2015. The series ended on October 16, 2015. The series premiered on Disney Channel in Australia and New Zealand on April 7, 2014. The series premiered on Disney Channel and Disney La Question: when are new episodes of better call saul Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: 2016 ICC World Twenty20 Final) Both teams were drawn into Super 10s Group 1 alongside Afghanistan , Sri Lanka and South Africa . They played each other in their opening game on 16 March at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai , with the West Indies winning by six wickets with 11 balls to spare . West Indian opener Chris Gayle scored an unbeaten 100 runs off 47 balls , including 11 sixes , becoming the first player to hit two T20 International centuries . Document [1](Title: West Indian cricket team in India, Pakistan and Ceylon in 1948–49) Control and was not selected. Hines Johnson, who had led the attack against England in 1947-48, was unavailable for business reasons. In the first international tour of Pakistan by an overseas team, West Indies played two first-class matches versus Sind at Karachi and a Pakistan XI at Lahore. Both matches were drawn. The West Indians visited Ceylon in February and played two first-class matches versus Ceylon. West Indies won the first match at Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu Stadium in Colombo by an innings and 22 runs after scoring 462 for two declared with centuries by Allan Rae, Everton Weekes and Clyde Walcott. Document [2](Title: Pakistani cricket team in the West Indies in 2005) 24 not out off 9 balls. Bradshaw, despite taking two wickets and bowling a maiden over, conceded 78 runs from his ten overs, but all the West Indian bowlers were hit around as Pakistan notched up 303 for 6. Shoaib Malik – the usual number three – did not bat. Slow accumulation was the word for the West Indian openers Chris Gayle and Wavell Hinds, as they were tied down by the Pakistani bowlers – as usual in this series. After ten overs, West Indies were 32 for 0, and needed nearly seven runs an over to win it. Chris Document [3](Title: 2013 Women's Cricket World Cup Final) Africa. In their first match, Australia defeated Pakistan by 91 runs, before winning their second match by three wickets (with 26 balls to spare) against South Africa. The final group match saw Australia beat New Zealand by seven wicket, and see them qualify for the Super Six section of the tournament. A narrow two-run victory over England was followed by a nine-wicket win against Sri Lanka and an eight-run defeat by the West Indies. The West Indies were drawn in Group A along with India, England and Sri Lanka. Despite losing to India and England, they finished in third place Document [4](Title: Ottis Gibson) they lost a five-match ODI series against Australia 4–0 and then lost both games of the two-match T20 series. However, the West Indies performed better in their ODI series against Zimbabwe, winning 4-1. Gibson led West Indies into the 2010 T20 World Cup and guided the team into the super eights stage, where they were eliminated. The West Indies endured a nightmare time when South Africa toured, losing the ODI series 5–0, the T20 series 2-0 and the three-match Test series 2-0. They performed better in the longer format of the game against Sri Lanka, earning a 0-0 draw, but Document [5](Title: 2006–07 DLF Cup) end of 12th over when Brian Lara walked to the crease. Chris Gayle and Brian Lara then put on a 151 run partnership at a rate of close to 7.8 runs per over and set the stage for the chase. Gayle scored 79 while Lara scored a match-winning 87 off 80 balls. Lara fell with West Indies still needing 31 off 9.4 overs. 3 quick wickets followed Lara's dismissal leaving West Indies at 255/7 in 43.4 overs. However Dwayne Bravo and Carlton Baugh played sensibly and guided West Indies to a 3 wicket win with 16 balls to spare. Australia's Document [6](Title: Carlisle Best) of Zimbabwe. He was selected for the West Indies squad for the [one-day] 1987 Cricket World Cup and made the team for two of West Indies' six matches, scoring 23 runs at an average of 11.5, with a high score of 18. He cemented his place in the one-day side in late 1989, playing 15 matches in just over a year, the highlight of which statistically was an innings of exactly 100, made off 119 balls against England. A recall to the full Test side was not to come until the 1990 home series, which, once again was against England. Document [7](Title: Virat Kohli) India won, but India could not progress to the final of the tournament. In July–August 2012, Kohli struck two centuries in the five-match ODI tour of Sri Lanka–106 off 113 balls at Hambantota and 128* off 119 balls at Colombo–winning man of the match in both games. India won the series 4–1 and on account of scoring the most number of runs in the series, Kohli was named player of the series. In the one-off T20I that followed, he scored a 48-ball 68, his first T20I fifty, and won the player of the series award. Kohli scored his second Test Question: whose 47-ball century against england was the only hundred of the main world t20 competition Answer:
Chris Gayle
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Big Hero 6: The Series) Khary Payton as Wasabi , a smart , slightly neurotic student at SFIT and member of Big Hero 6 who specializes in lasers , and has two laser - like blades on his arms when in action . He appreciates order and control in his life and work environment . Wasabi was voiced by Damon Wayans Jr. in the film . Document [1](Title: Teen Titans (season 4)) Melody Fox, Rob Hoegee, Greg Klein, Thomas Pugsley, Simon Racioppa, David Slack, and Amy Wolfram. Producer Murakami worked with Derrick Wyatt, Brianne Drouhard, and Jon Suzuki on character design while Hakjoon Kang served as the background designer for the series. The season employed a number of storyboard artists, including Eric Canete, Colin Heck, Kalvin Lee, Keo Thongkham, Scooter Tidwell, Alan Wan and Matt Youngberg. The five voice actors for the main characters - Scott Menville, Hynden Walch, Greg Cipes, Tara Strong, and Khary Payton, - reprise their roles in the fourth season as Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg, Document [2](Title: My Dream Is Yours) Lee Bowman as Gary Mitchell ( singing voice was dubbed by Hal Derwin ) Document [3](Title: Toshio Furukawa) Toshio Furukawa He became famous for his anime character roles in his career as Kagege ("Keroro Gunso"), Kai Shiden ("Mobile Suit Gundam"), Shin ("Fist of the North Star"), Asuma Shinohara ("Mobile Police Patlabor"), Piccolo ("Dragon Ball"), Ataru Moroboshi ("Urusei Yatsura") and Portgas D. Ace ("One Piece"). His debut voice role is a soldier in "Brave Raideen". Toshio is a veteran who has played a variety of characters from comedians like Ataru of "Urusei Yatsura" and Inumaru of "Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai!", to calm, serious ones like Shin from "Fist of the North Star" and Piccolo of the "Dragon Ball" series. Furthermore, Toshio Document [4](Title: Astro Boy (1980 TV series)) Uran in costumes. Uran is voiced by Masako Sugaya in the Japanese dub and by Becke Wilenski in the American version. After several robot design failures, Dr. Tenma created Astro Boy from a suggestion from his son, Tobio. Dr. Tenma zealously worked on creating a robot that would be able to act and behave like a real human. In his search to obtain his goal, Dr. Tenma neglected Tobio, forgetting his promise to take his son to the amusement park. As a result, Tobio decides to go on his own and crashes the robot car, dying from the accident. Dr. Document [5](Title: Klaus Nordling) and Clyde North. Quality Comics editor Gill Fox recalled Nordling as "a little guy. Good-looking. And involved in local theatre. He had a very vivid imagination and was a good writer. In later years I'd send some work in his direction. But if you did something for him, he'd think you wanted something back. We got to know each other socially, but he still mistrusted people. Even me. But I admired his cartooning. And he was a great guy to sit and talk to". Nordling created the feature "The Three Aces", also known as "Crash, Cork, and the Baron", in Document [6](Title: Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!) or something. He has trouble deciding if Otto, the team's mechanic, is a genius or an idiot. He despises bugs and someone who is smarter than him. Gibson pilots the Fist Rocket 4, the left hand of the Super Robot. His main weapon are his Cybovac Drill Fists, which contain a variety of different charges within them, giving him the widest choices of attacks. Voiced by Tom Kenny. NOVA-52 (or Nova) is the yellow monkey, the team's main fighter, and third in command. She was the only female on the team, until Jinmay became an honorary member, and has been Document [7](Title: Sentinel Prime) the characters from "Transformers: Dark of the Moon". Since OPTIMUS PRIME took over, I've had a lot more time to devote to rest and relaxation. Sure, I take time to knock a DECEPTICON block off now and again, but all these rivers on Earth aren't gonna fish themselves. Hobbies: Deep-sea fishing with the block and tackle. Napping between battles. Most Prized Possession: My indestructible battle hammer! Favorite Hangout: The shore of the nearest lake. Kreon Sentinel Prime appeared in the animated short "Last Bot Standing." Kreon Sentinel Prime appeared in the animated short "Bot Stars." Kreon Sentinel Prime appeared in Question: who plays wasabi in big hero 6 the series Answer:
Khary Payton
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Video game publisher) 2015 Name of Publisher Revenue in € bn Sony Interactive Entertainment 9.89 Tencent 7.73 Microsoft Studios 7.25 Nintendo 3.92 5 Activision Blizzard 3.32 6 Electronic Arts 3.25 7 Bandai Namco Entertainment 2.05 8 King Digital Entertainment 1.7 9 Nexon 1.55 10 Ubisoft 1.46 Document [1](Title: 2016 in video gaming) about 2.5% from 2015; hardware sales were down from $12.8 billion to $10.5 billion, while software and service revenues were up. Sony held about 57% of the market share during 2016, followed by Microsoft and Nintendo. Within the United States, revenues from the video game industry in 2016 was estimated at $30.4 billion by the Entertainment Software Association and NPD Group, slightly up from 2015's $30.2 billion. Of that, $24.5 billion was spent on video game software, an increase of 6% from 2015. Digital purchases, which included full game purchases, downloadable content, game subscriptions, and mobile game microtransactions, made up Document [2](Title: Indie game) retail platforms. Examples of such companies include Devolver Digital, Chucklefish, Gun Media, Raw Fury, 505 Games, Private Division, and Annapurna Interactive. Other boutique publishers have come from established properties, such as Double Fine Productions who offer publishing services atop their own development studio, and Cartoon Network's Adult Swim progaming that has expanded into games publishing. As the mainstream video game industry is comparable to the mainstream film industry, so is the indie game industry comparable to the independent film industry. However, game distribution is shifting towards online marketing. For developers, online marketing is much more profitable and more readily available Document [3](Title: 505 Games) a global games publisher, offering a broad selection of titles for players of all ages and levels. In March 2015, Digital Bros, through subsidiary 505 Games, purchased 2.67% stock of Swedish game developer Starbreeze Studios. Since its founding in E3 2006, the company has published several major titles such as "Sniper Elite III", "Payday 2", "Assetto Corsa", "", "Terraria", "How to Survive", "Defense Grid 2", "Deep Black", "ABZU", "ADR1FT," and "Virginia". The company found its early success through its video games such as "Cooking Mama" and "Zumba Fitness". In April 2015, 505 Games was awarded the title of "Best Indie Document [4](Title: Video game developer) for a video game publisher to develop a title. Both publisher and developer have considerable input in the game's design and content. However, the publisher's wishes generally override those of the developer. The business arrangement between the developer and publisher is governed by a contract, which specifies a list of milestones intended to be delivered over a period of time. By updating its milestones, the publisher verifies that work is progressing quickly enough to meet its deadline and can direct the developer if the game is not meeting expectations. When each milestone is completed (and accepted), the publisher pays the Document [5](Title: Monster Hunter: World) previous games in the series. According to "Famitsu", over a million copies were sold at retail in Japan during these three days, alongside an estimated million in digital sales; these were accompanied by a boost in PlayStation 4 console sales in the same week, with over 140,000 consoles sold. Two weeks after release, Capcom announced that its overall shipment numbers had risen to 6million, making "World" the fastest-selling "Monster Hunter" game and the fastest-selling game of any of their properties. With this, "World" became Capcom's fourth highest-selling game. NPD Group reported that "World" was the top-selling game in the United Document [6](Title: Accolade (company)) acquired a controlling stake in GT Interactive for a total investment of , and renamed it Infogrames, Inc. On September 11, 2000, Infogrames North America was acquired by Infogrames, Inc. for 28 million market shares transitioned to Infogrames Entertainment, effectively merging Infogrames North America into a newly founded, wholly owned subsidiary of Infogrames, Inc. In June 2017, Hong Kongese holding company Billionsoft announced that they had acquired the "Accolade" label, and announced "", in cooperation with developer Black Forest Games and publisher Tommo, to be the first game released under it. Accolade's revenues grew from $1.5 million in 1985 to Document [7](Title: Publishing) subscribers, through retail newsstands or are distributed as advertising-supported free newspapers. About one-third of publishers in the United States are newspaper publishers. Nominally, periodical publishing involves publications that appear in a new edition on a regular schedule. Newspapers and magazines are both periodicals, but within the industry, the periodical publishing is frequently considered a separate branch that includes magazines and even academic journals, but not newspapers. About one-third of publishers in the United States publish periodicals (not including newspapers). The global book publishing industry accounts for over $100 billion of annual revenue, or about 15% of the total media industry. Question: what is the biggest game company in the world Answer:
Sony Interactive Entertainment
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Wishin' and Hopin' (Grey's Anatomy)) '' Wishin ' and Hopin ' '' opens to a voice - over narration from Dr. Meredith Grey ( Ellen Pompeo ) about extraordinary events . The Denny Duquette Memorial Clinic has been opened , after a US $8 million funding from Dr. Izzie Stevens ( Katherine Heigl ) . Four of the hospital 's attending surgeons , Dr. Derek Shepherd ( Patrick Dempsey ) , Dr. Preston Burke ( Isaiah Washington ) , Dr. Addison Montgomery ( Kate Walsh ) , and Dr. Mark Sloan ( Eric Dane ) are all seen competing for the position of chief of surgery , after the current chief Dr. Richard Webber ( James Pickens , Jr . ) announces his plans for retirement . Meredith arrives to the Alzheimer 's support home that her ill mother Dr. Ellis Grey ( Kate Burton ) is living at , and to her surprise , her mother has become lucid , but faints . Ellis is taken to Seattle Grace Hospital , her former source of employment . Residents Dr. Cristina Yang ( Sandra Oh ) , Dr. Miranda Bailey ( Chandra Wilson ) , and Dr. Alex Karev ( Justin Chambers ) are awaiting the arrival of patients at the clinic , and Dr. George O'Malley ( T.R. Knight ) walks in to announce his unexpected marriage with Dr. Callie Torres ( Sara Ramirez ) . Document [1](Title: Wishin' and Hopin' (Grey's Anatomy)) for their new clinic, Dr. Richard Webber (James Pickens, Jr.) dealing with the repercussions of his upcoming retirement, and Dr. George O'Malley (T.R. Knight) facing negative response from colleagues on his unexpected marriage to Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez). Although the episode was fictionally set in Seattle, filming occurred in Los Angeles, California. Burton reprised her role as Dr. Ellis Grey in a guest star capacity, in addition to Sarah Utterback, who portrayed Olivia Harper. The title of the episode refers to the song "Wishin' and Hopin'", by British pop musician Dusty Springfield. The episode received mixed to favorable reviews, Document [2](Title: The Sound of Silence (Grey's Anatomy)) alone with the patient. The patient becomes violent as the result of post-seizure hyperaggression and assaults Meredith, leaving her battered and barely conscious on the floor. Penny finds Meredith and calls for help. The doctors rush to save Meredith's life, in the face of her injuries. As Dr. Richard Webber (James Pickens Jr.), Dr. April Kepner (Sarah Drew), Ben, Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez), Owen, Dr. Maggie Pierce (Kelly McCreary), Dr. Jackson Avery (Jesse Williams) and Dr. Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) address the injuries, Meredith realizes she is unable to speak. They soon discover that she's lost her hearing as Document [3](Title: Grey's Anatomy (season 13)) has a crush on Nathan, unaware of Nathan and Meredith's blossoming relationship, and asks him out, only to be rejected. Maggie is later faced with a bigger issue when she discovers that her adoptive mother has cancer and has come to Grey-Sloan for treatment; her mother eventually passes away. April Kepner (Sarah Drew) and Jackson Avery (Jesse Williams) work together to co-parent their newborn daughter, Harriet, while maintaining a platonic relationship; however, they sleep together when they travel to Montana to perform a surgery. As Chief of Surgery, Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson) appoints Meredith as Head of General Surgery and Document [4](Title: Losing My Religion (Grey's Anatomy)) decide to put Doc to sleep. The hospital staff begins to arrive at the prom and Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) and Dr. George O'Malley (T. R. Knight) discuss the status of their relationship, which leads to the former admitting her love and commitment. During the dance, Grey and Shepherd escape Dandridge and Montgomery to have a heated argument that leads to sexual intercourse. In the meantime, as Duquette waits for Stevens alone in his room, he experiences a sudden sense of pain, and unexpectedly dies. While Webber is sitting in the operating room gallery and reflecting on his career, Document [5](Title: Meredith Grey) baby is delivered via C-section. While stitching Meredith up, the obstetrician who operated on her is called away to another patient and intern Shane Ross completes the stitching. When blood begins to appear from everywhere, Meredith diagnoses herself in as being in DIC. Dr. Bailey performs a spleen removal, which saves her life. In return, Derek and Meredith name their son Bailey. As a spouse, surgeon, and mother, Meredith has cited a number times that she did not want to be like either of her parents: her father had followed her mother around pathetically before leaving to be happy, while Document [6](Title: Mark Sloan (Grey's Anatomy)) who served as one of the interns on his service when they started dating. Both he and Lexie sustained life-threatening injuries after an aviation accident in the eighth-season finale, which resulted in their deaths. Seattle Grace Mercy West is later renamed Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital in their memory. Mark first appears in season two, introduced as a highly respected otolaryngologist sub-specialized in plastic surgery and the childhood best friend of neurosurgeon Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey). In his first appearance, he flirts with Meredith Grey, and Derek punches him in the face. Derek explains that Mark had an affair with his wife, Document [7](Title: Grey's Anatomy) once being called the "Grey-Sloan 7". One of the changes they implement is renaming the hospital to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Robbins cheats on Torres with a visiting facial reconstruction surgeon. "Grey's Anatomy" then concluded its 10th season on ABC and saw the departure of one of its major players, Cristina Yang, played by Sandra Oh. Towards the end of the eleventh season, Derek Shepherd witnesses a car accident and pulls over to help the injured, but his car is hit by a truck with him inside as he attempts to leave the scene. He later dies at another hospital Question: when does ellis grey go to the hospital Answer:
Wishin ' and Hopin '
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Trinidad and Tobago) The island of Trinidad was a Spanish colony from the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1498 until the capitulation of the Spanish Governor , Don José María Chacón , with the arrival of a British fleet of 18 warships on 18 February 1797 . During the same period , the island of Tobago changed hands among Spanish , British , French , Dutch and Courlander colonizers , more times than any other island in the Caribbean . Trinidad and Tobago ( remaining separate until 1889 ) were ceded to Britain in 1802 under the Treaty of Amiens . The country Trinidad and Tobago obtained independence in 1962 , becoming a republic in 1976 . Document [1](Title: Tobago (1793 ship)) Tobago (1793 ship) Tobago was a ship launched in 1790. She came into British hands in 1793 and was probably a prize taken immediately after the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars in early 1793. She traded with Tobago for several years before new owners purchased her for whaling. She made two whaling voyages to the East Coast of Africa before her owners sold her to new owners. She then made two voyages as a slave ship. She was abandoned or condemned in 1802. "Tobago" first appears in "Lloyd's Register" in 1793 with owner J. Sampson, master T. Seward, and Document [2](Title: History of cricket in the West Indies to 1918) for each slave that they brought. Uniquely, was offered to each Free Coloured or Free Person of Colour and half as much for each slave they brought. In the tumult of the Haitian and French Revolutions, many people migrated from the French islands to Trinidad. This resulted in Trinidad having the unique feature of a large Free Coloured slave-owning class. By the time the island was surrendered to the British in 1797 the population had increased to 17,643: 2,086 whites, 1,082 free people of colour, 1,082 Amerindians, and 10,009 African slaves. Spanish rule over the island, which nominally began in Document [3](Title: Trinidad (ship)) Trinidad (ship) Trinidad was the flagship of Ferdinand Magellan's voyage of circumnavigation. Unlike Elcano's "Victoria", which returned to Spain sailing across the Indian Ocean, "Trinidad" tried and failed to sail east across the Pacific to New Spain or modern-day Mexico. "Trinidad" was a "nao" (ship) of 100 tons (or 110 tons, Morrison has both) with square sails on the fore and main masts and a lateen mizzen. Its original crew was 61. After Magellan's death and the burning of the "Concepcion", "Victoria" and "Trinidad" (the "San Antonio" and the "Santiago" being lost earlier) reached Tidore on 8 November 1521. In Document [4](Title: History of the Caribbean) War in 1898, after which Cuba attained its independence in 1902, and Puerto Rico became an unincorporated territory of the United States, being the last of the Greater Antilles under colonial control. Between 1958 and 1962 most of the British-controlled Caribbean was integrated as the new West Indies Federation in an attempt to create a single unified future independent state—but it failed. The following former British Caribbean island colonies achieved independence in their own right; Jamaica (1962), Trinidad & Tobago (1962), Barbados (1966), Bahamas (1973), Grenada (1974), Dominica (1978), St. Lucia (1979), St. Vincent (1979), Antigua & Barbuda (1981), St. Document [5](Title: HMS Tobago (1805)) sold her within the year. Notes Citations References HMS Tobago (1805) HMS "Tobago" was a schooner of unknown origin that the British Royal Navy purchased in 1805. In 1806 a French privateer captured her. The Royal Navy recaptured her in 1809 and took her into service as HMS "Vengeur" before selling her later that year. Lieutenant Donald Campbell was appointed 20 February 1805 to command "Tobago". He participated in a successful attack made in company with on two merchantmen, lying for protection under the batteries at Barcelona, on the coast of Caraccas. Campbell left "Tobago" in July. Lieutenant John Salomon Document [6](Title: Capture of the Bahamas (1782)) Capture of the Bahamas (1782) The Capture of the Bahamas took place in May 1782 during the Anglo-Spanish War when a Spanish force under the command of Juan Manuel Cajigal arrived on the island of New Providence near Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas. The British commander at Nassau, John Maxwell decided to surrender the island without a fight when confronted by the superior force. Spain had entered the American War of Independence in 1779 and launched a campaign to drive the British out of the Gulf of Mexico overrunning the British colony of West Florida and seizing its major Document [7](Title: Invasion of Tobago) Invasion of Tobago The Invasion of Tobago was a French invasion of the British-held island of Tobago during the Anglo-French War. On May 24, 1781, the fleet of Comte de Grasse landed troops on the island under the command of General Marquis de Bouillé. By June 2, 1781, they had successfully gained control of the island. In March 1781, France sent a large fleet consisting of 20 ships of the line and a convoy with 6,000 troops to the West Indies under the command of de Grasse. They arrived off the coast of Martinique on 28 April. The French drove Question: when did trinidad and tobago become an independent nation Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Bandipur National Park) Bandipur National Park established in 1974 as a tiger reserve under Project Tiger , is a national park located in the south Indian state of Karnataka , which is the state with the highest tiger population in India . It is one of the premier Tiger Reserves in the country along with the adjoining Nagarhole national park . It was once a private hunting reserve for the Maharaja of the Kingdom of Mysore but has now been upgraded to Bandipur Tiger Reserve . Bandipur is known for its wildlife and has many types of biomes , but dry deciduous forest is dominant . Document [1](Title: Nagarhole National Park) Nagarhole National Park Nagarhole National Park (also known as Rajiv Gandhi National Park), is a national park located in Kodagu district and Mysore district in Karnataka state in South India. It is one of India's premier Tiger Reserves along with the adjoining Bandipur Tiger Reserve. This park was declared the thirty seventh Project Tiger, Tiger reserves of India in 1999. It is part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. The Western Ghats Nilgiri Sub-Cluster of , including all of Nagarhole National Park, is under consideration by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee for selection as a World Heritage Site. The park has Document [2](Title: Nagarhole National Park) Bengaluru. Together with the adjoining Bandipur National Park (), Mudumalai National Park () and Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary (), it forms the largest protected area in Southern India, totalling . The park derives its name from "naga", meaning snake and "hole", referring to streams. The park was an exclusive hunting reserve of the kings of the Wodeyar dynasty, the former rulers of the Kingdom of Mysore. It was set up in 1955 as a wildlife sanctuary and later its area increased to . It was upgraded into a national park in 1988. The park was declared a tiger reserve in 1999. Document [3](Title: Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary) Sanctuary]] in Karnataka to its southeast and to [[Anshi National Park|Anshi Dandeli Tiger Reserve]] which has around 35 tigers to its southeast in Karnataka. Ramesh noted that the protected areas of Goa and their contiguous forests in Karnataka and Maharashtra are possibly some of the best tiger habitats in the Western Ghats and are in need of protection. Tigers are a [[Conservation Dependent|conservation dependent species]]. He suggested expanding the tiger reserve beyond the existing Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary. On July 22, 2011, [[National Board for Wildlife]] (NBW) member and conservationist, Prerna Singh Bindra, publicly supported the proposal to declare Mhadei wildlife Document [4](Title: Kali Tiger Reserve) Kali Tiger Reserve Kali Tiger Reserve (Kannada: ಕಾಳಿ ಹುಲಿ ಸಂರಕ್ಷಿತ ಪ್ರದೇಶ ) is a protected area and tiger reserve. It is located in Uttara Kannada district, in Karnataka, India. The park is a habitat of Bengal tigers, black panthers and Indian elephants, amongst other distinctive fauna. The Kali River flows through the tiger reserve and is the lifeline of the ecosystem and hence the name. The Tiger reserve is spread over an area of 1300 square kilometers. The forest in the area was declared the Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary on 10 May 1956. The state proposed carving out a section of Document [5](Title: Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve) Kalakad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve. Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve (KMTR), (Tamil:களக்காடு முண்டந்துறை புலிகள் சரணாலயம்) located in the Southern Western Ghats in Tirunelveli District and Kanyakumari District in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, is the second-largest protected area in Tamil Nadu State (behind only Sathyamangalam Wildlife Sanctuary in Erode). The Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve was created in 1988 by combining Kalakad Wildlife Sanctuary (251 km²) and Mundanthurai Wildlife Sanctuary (567 km²), both established in 1962. Notification of 77 km² of parts of Veerapuli and Kilamalai Reserve Forests in adjacent Kanyakumari district, added to the reserve in Document [6](Title: Sathyamangalam Wildlife Sanctuary) which was subsequently approved in 2010. In a wildlife survey conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu in 2010, 46 tigers were sighted in the Sathyamangalam forest area. In July 2010, the Minister of State for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh requested the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu to consider the possibility of proposing the Sathyamangalam wildlife sanctuary as a Project Tiger tiger reserve as per the provisions of the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 as the area is contiguous with the forests of Bandipur and Mudumalai tiger reserves. On 1 April 2010, the Government of Tamil Nadu announced that Document [7](Title: Melghat) forest department except the hotels and resorts at Chikhaldara which are operated by private. Facilities are comfortable and basic in nature suiting the forest atmosphere whe| name = Melghat Tiger Reserve re it is located. Melghat Melghat was declared a tiger reserve and was among the first nine tiger reserves notified in 1973-74 under the Project Tiger. It is located at in northern part of Amravati District of Maharashtra State in India. The Tapti River and the Gawilgadh ridge of the Satpura Range form the boundaries of the reserve. In 1985 Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary was created. The Tapi river flows Question: bandipur wildlife sanctuary is famous for which animal Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Godfather Part III) In 1979 , Michael Corleone , approaching 60 , is racked with guilt over his ruthless rise to power ; especially for having ordered Fredo 's assassination . He donates part of his tremendous wealth in charitable acts . Michael and Kay are divorced ; their children , Anthony and Mary , live with Kay . At the reception following a papal order ceremony in St. Patrick 's Old Cathedral in Michael 's honor , Anthony tells his father that he is leaving law school to become an opera singer . Kay supports his decision , but Michael wants Anthony to either complete his law degree or join the '' family business '' . Michael and Kay have an uneasy reunion when Kay reveals that she and Anthony know the truth about Fredo 's death . Vincent arrives at the reception . He is embroiled in a feud with Joey Zasa . When Connie arranges for Vincent to meet Zasa , who calls Vincent a bastard , Vincent bites Zasa 's ear . Although Michael is troubled by Vincent 's fiery temper , he is impressed by his loyalty , so agrees to include him in the business . Document [1](Title: Kay Adams-Corleone) Michael knows him, then stunned when he relates how his father "helped" his godson Johnny's early career by threatening to kill his manager unless he released Fontane from his contract. After a failed assassination attempt on his father, Michael murders the culprit, drug lord Virgil Sollozzo (Al Lettieri), and Captain Mark McCluskey (Sterling Hayden) a corrupt NYPD officer on Sollozzo's payroll. Michael flees to Sicily, where he falls in love with and marries a young local woman, Apollonia Vitelli (Simonetta Stefanelli). Kay has no knowledge of Michael's whereabouts or his marriage, and eventually returns to her hometown to work as Document [2](Title: Frank Pentangeli) and enters the bar alone. Once inside, Tony Rosato (Danny Aiello) ambushes Pentangeli with a garotte, telling him, "Michael Corleone says hello." A policeman steps inside, and the attack degenerates into a shootout in the street. Pentangeli disappears and is believed to be dead. Later, at a Senate hearing investigating organized crime and allegations of Michael's criminal activities, Michael learns that the committee intends to call Pentangeli as a surprise witness to contradict Michael's adamant denial that he is a crime boss. Both Pentangeli and Cicci have been in the protective custody of the FBI since the apparent attempt upon Document [3](Title: Claudia Zacchara) bogus, albeit convincing, testimony, while Claire, assuming that Michael's testimony would ensure Sonny's conviction, did everything in her power to find him, going so far as to force Claudia's brother Johnny to lie on the stand that Sonny routinely beat and abused Claudia, and to pull Morgan Corinthos out of school under false pretenses without his parents' knowledge to testify. After being pressured by Claire for months, Dante found Michael, who was hiding out on Sonny's private island. Michael tells Dante that he killed Claudia, not Sonny, and showed evidence to support his "confession". As Sonny's verdict was to be Document [4](Title: Al Neri) Tahoe, Neri shoots Fredo in the back of the head. By the time of "The Godfather Part III", with Michael's decision to "go legitimate" by selling off his casino interests and handing over control of his rackets to former subordinate Joey Zasa, Neri continues to serve as his bodyguard. When Zasa betrays Michael and attempts to have him murdered at a meeting of the Commission in Atlantic City, Neri saves Michael's life and later helps Michael's nephew, Vincent Mancini, to plan Zasa's murder. When Michael retires and transfers control of the family to Vincent, Neri is the second to pledge Document [5](Title: Michael Corinthos) April 2008 after being shot in the head when a sniper tries to kill Sonny. Carly, Sonny, and Jason all hope for Michael to wake up and come back to them. After the risky surgery, Michael wakes up exhibiting uncontrollable fits of rage. Carly, who is dealing with a high-risk pregnancy, agrees to send Michael to live with the Quartermaines. Believing his family will be better off, Michael and Kristina (Lexi Ainsworth) skip town when he mistakenly believes that he caused an accident that led to his stepmother, Claudia (Sarah Brown)'s miscarriage. The teens soon return, and Michael suddenly begins Document [6](Title: Prison Break) visiting Michael's grave with Lincoln, Sucre and Mahone. The final episode and television movie "" shows what happened between the take down of The Company and Michael's death. This story involves the incarceration of Sara in Miami-Dade county penitentiary for Christina's murder. The General and T-Bag are in the adjacent men's facility. The General wants Sara dead and has put a $100,000 bounty on her. Michael hears of the bounty and devises a plan to break Sara out. In the end, knowing that he is dying from a brain tumor, Michael sacrifices himself for Sara to escape. In June 2015, Document [7](Title: Vincent Clarkson) son Marty is still alive. Vincent plummets to his (apparent) death on August 30, 2007. A few episodes later, Vincent emerges from the ocean and goes to Valerie's house to attack her off-screen for exposing his secrets. In the show's final episode on NBC on September 7, 2007, Valerie removes her mask to reveal she is in fact Vincent; it is strongly implied that Vincent has dissociative identity disorder. In November 2007, Vincent runs a blood test on himself after experiencing what appears to be symptoms of morning sickness and discovers he is pregnant. Eve inspects Vincent (who is dressed Question: when does the godfather part 3 take place Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: 2017 Fiesta Bowl) 2017 PlayStation Fiesta Bowl CFP Bowl Game 47th Fiesta Bowl 2017 Fiest Bowl trophy Washington Huskies Penn State Nittany Lions ( 10 -- 2 ) ( 10 -- 2 ) Pac - 12 Big Ten 28 35 Head coach : Chris Petersen Head coach : James Franklin AP Coaches CFP 12 12 11 AP Coaches CFP 9 9 9 Total Washington 0 14 7 7 28 Penn State 14 14 7 0 35 Date December 30 , 2017 Season 2017 Stadium University of Phoenix Stadium Location Glendale , Arizona MVP Offense : Trace McSorley Defense : Marcus Allen Favorite Penn State by 3 Referee Mike Defee ( Big XII ) Halftime show Bands from participants Attendance 61,842 United States TV coverage Network ESPN & ESPN Radio Announcers Dave Pasch , Greg McElroy , and Tom Luginbill ( ESPN ) Bill Rosinski , David Norrie , Ian Fitzsimmons ( ESPN Radio ) Fiesta Bowl < 2016 ( Dec . ) 2018 > Document [1](Title: 2014 Fiesta Bowl (December)) 2014 Fiesta Bowl (December) The 2014 Fiesta Bowl was a college football bowl game played on December 31, 2014, at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. The 44th Fiesta Bowl was one of the New Year's Bowls of the College Football Playoff. It was one of the 2014–15 bowl games that conclude the 2014 FBS football season. The game was sponsored by the Vizio consumer electronics company and is officially known as the Vizio Fiesta Bowl. The game was televised on ESPN and ESPN Deportes, and broadcast on ESPN Radio and XM Satellite Radio, with the kickoff time at Document [2](Title: Fiesta Bowl) Fiesta Bowl Parade takes place in downtown Phoenix, which includes marching bands from high schools as well as the two universities participating in the Fiesta Bowl and the two universities participating in the Cactus Bowl, along with floats, equestrian units, and a seven-member queen and court. It started back in 1973. Past Grand Marshals include many celebrities from sports and entertainment. Rankings are based on the AP Poll prior to the game being played. "Italics denote a tie game." "Only teams with at least three appearances are listed." Through the December 2017 playing, there have been 47 games (94 total Document [3](Title: 2017 Liberty Bowl) 2017 Liberty Bowl The 2017 Liberty Bowl was a post-season American college football bowl game played on December 30, 2017, at Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium in Memphis, Tennessee. The 59th edition of the Liberty Bowl featured the Iowa State Cyclones of the Big 12 Conference against the Memphis Tigers of the American Athletic Conference. It was one of the 2017–18 bowl games concluding the 2017 FBS football season. Sponsored by automobile parts and accessories store AutoZone, it was officially known as the AutoZone Liberty Bowl. The game featured conference tie-ins from the Southeastern Conference and the Big 12 Conference. However, Document [4](Title: 1975 Fiesta Bowl) 1975 Fiesta Bowl The 1975 Fiesta Bowl matched the Arizona State Sun Devils and the Nebraska Cornhuskers. The Cornhuskers started the season off 10-0 and had risen from being ranked #6 in the preseason to #2 in the AP Polls and were set up for a Big 8 title and potential national championship hopes before losing to Oklahoma in the last game of the season that cost them a full share of the Big 8 Conference title. The Sun Devils won their 5th WAC title in six years and were appearing in their fourth Fiesta Bowl in five years. This Document [5](Title: 1973 Fiesta Bowl) 1973 Fiesta Bowl The 1973 Fiesta Bowl matched the Arizona State Sun Devils and the Pittsburgh Panthers. The Sun Devils were co champions of the WAC title after a loss to Utah, though they beat Arizona in the last game of the season to clinch the share. This was their fifth straight WAC title and their third straight Fiesta Bowl. This was Pittsburgh's first Fiesta Bowl in a season where twice they were ranked #20 and twice lost the following game after being ranked. Tony Dorsett gave Pittsburgh an early lead on his touchdown run. Woody Green would respond with Document [6](Title: 1975 Fiesta Bowl) five times and ASU twice. 1975 Fiesta Bowl The 1975 Fiesta Bowl matched the Arizona State Sun Devils and the Nebraska Cornhuskers. The Cornhuskers started the season off 10-0 and had risen from being ranked #6 in the preseason to #2 in the AP Polls and were set up for a Big 8 title and potential national championship hopes before losing to Oklahoma in the last game of the season that cost them a full share of the Big 8 Conference title. The Sun Devils won their 5th WAC title in six years and were appearing in their fourth Fiesta Document [7](Title: 2012 Arkansas State Red Wolves football team) victory over the Kent State Golden Flashes in the 2013 Bowl. 1st quarter scoring: ORE - Kenjon Barner 4-yard run (Dion Jordan pass from Jackson Rice); ORE - D. Thomas 12-yard pass from Marcus Mariota (Rob Beard kick); ORE - Josh Huff 4-yard pass from Mariota (Beard kick); ORE - Barner 17-yard run (Beard kick) 2nd quarter scoring: A-STATE - Brian Davis 43-yard field goal; ORE - Thomas 12-yard pass from Mariota (Beard kick); ORE - Thomas 33-yard run (Beard kick); ORE - Byron Marshall 3-yard run (Beard kick); A-STATE - Julian Jones 72-yard pass from Ryan Aplin (Davis, Question: when do the huskies play in the fiesta bowl Answer:
December 30 , 2017
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: A League of Their Own) In 1988 , Dottie Hinson ( Geena Davis ) attends the opening of the new All - American Girls Professional Baseball League ( AAGPBL ) exhibit at the Baseball Hall of Fame . She sees many of her former teammates and friends , prompting a flashback to 1943 . Document [1](Title: Dottie Hunter) the playoffs every year, including four Championship Titles. She also was one of three girls, along with Dottie Green (catcher/chaperone) and Dorothy Schroeder (infielder), to participate in all 12 seasons for the league. On November 5, 1988, Hunter was honored with the rest of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League during the opening of a permanent display at the Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown, New York. In 1998, she and other 10 girls from Manitoba who played in the AAGPBL were inducted into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and the Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame. Hunter Document [2](Title: Maxine Kline) Baseball League was unable to continue in 1955, its history and its significance were soon forgotten. Many people in the 1950s thought that women were not supposed to play baseball, so most female athletes competed on other fields of endeavor. Finally, in 1980, former pitcher June Peppas launched a newsletter project to get in touch with friends, teammates and opponents, that resulted in the league's first-ever reunion in Chicago in 1982. Starting from that reunion, a Players Association was formed five years later and many former players of the defunct league continued to enjoy reunions. The AAGPBL Players Association movement Document [3](Title: Therese McKinley) a variety of different sports teams before retiring in 1995. She later moved to Park Ridge, a suburb of Chicago, to remain in the area and enjoy time spent with her four grandchildren and participating in AAGPBL Players Association activities. The All American League folded at the end of the 1954 season, but there is a permanent display at the Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum at Cooperstown, New York since 1988 that honors the entire league rather than any individual figure. Therese McKinley Therese McKinley [Uselmann] (born February 28, 1928) is a former All-American Girls Professional Baseball League player. Document [4](Title: Jane Jacobs (baseball)) surgery and the follow up treatments, according she said. After recuperating from cancer, she ran a ceramics business for a long time. She is part of "Women in Baseball", a permanent display based at the Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown, New York, which was unveiled in 1988 to honor the entire All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. Though she did not attend the ceremony, she traveled to Cooperstown in 2009 to see her name in the hall. "I will definitely be back", said the proud AAGPBL veteran. The native of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio made the long pilgrimage along Document [5](Title: Catherine Bennett (baseball)) first season of the AAGPBL. Starring Geena Davis, Tom Hanks, Madonna, Lori Petty and Rosie O'Donnell, this film brought a rejuvenated interest to the extinct league. Bennett and 63 other girls who represented Canada in the AAGPBL form part of the aforementioned display at Cooperstown. They also gained induction into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame in . Catherine Bennett (baseball) Catherine Bennett (born September 4, 1920) was a female Canadian pitcher who played from through in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. Listed at 5' 5", 120 lb., she batted and threw right-handed. A native of Regina, Saskatchewan Bennett Document [6](Title: Beverly Armstrong) had a chance to really play, Armstrong went on to play basketball and softball. She later married and raised three children. In November 1988, Armstrong along with the rest of the AAGPBL received their long overdue recognition when the Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown, New York dedicated a permanent display to the entire league rather than any individual player. She currently lives in Kernersville, North Carolina. Beverly Armstrong Beverly Armstrong [Steuert] (born September 27, 1934) is an American former female pitcher who played in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. She batted and threw right-handed. Sometimes she Document [7](Title: Thelma Eisen) (9) along with Racine's Eleanor Dapkus and Rockford's Rose Gacioch. She ranked ninth in average (.256), tenth in total bases (120), and finished second in stolen bases behind Racine's Sophie Kurys, who set a league single-season record with 201 steals in 203 attempts. Eisen garnered All-Star status in the process as the third oufielder behind South Bend's Elizabeth Mahon and Grand Rapids' Merle Keagle. In addition, she piloted the Redwings briefly to become the first female manager in AAGPBL history. In 1947, AAGPBL teams flew from Miami, Florida to Havana, Cuba for spring training. All the teams stayed at the Question: who did geena davis play in a league of their own Answer:
Dottie Hinson
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Chinese characters) Chinese characters number in the tens of thousands , though most of them are minor graphic variants encountered only in historical texts . Studies in China have shown that functional literacy in written Chinese requires a knowledge of between three and four thousand characters . In Japan , 2,136 are taught through secondary school ( the Jōyō kanji ) ; hundreds more are in everyday use . Due to post-WWII simplifications of Kanji in Japan as well as the post-WWII simplifications of characters in China , the Chinese characters used in Japan today are distinct from those used in China in several respects . There are various national standard lists of characters , forms , and pronunciations . Simplified forms of certain characters are used in mainland China , Singapore , and Malaysia ; the corresponding traditional characters are used in Taiwan , Hong Kong , Macau , and to a limited extent in South Korea . Document [1](Title: Kanji) stands for "gaiji") There is no definitive count of kanji characters, just as there is none of Chinese characters generally. The "Dai Kan-Wa Jiten", which is considered to be comprehensive in Japan, contains about 50,000 characters. The "Zhonghua Zihai", published in 1994 in China contains about 85,000 characters; however, the majority of these are not in common use in any country, and many are obscure variants or archaic forms. Approximately 2,000 to 3,000 characters are commonly used in Japan, a few thousand more find occasional use, and a total of 13,108 characters can be encoded in various Japanese Industrial Standards Document [2](Title: Simplified Chinese characters) Simplified Chinese characters Simplified Chinese characters () are standardized Chinese characters prescribed in the "Table of General Standard Chinese Characters" for use in mainland China. Along with traditional Chinese characters, they are one of the two standard character sets of the contemporary Chinese written language. The government of the People's Republic of China in mainland China has promoted them for use in printing since the 1950s and 1960s to encourage literacy. They are officially used in the People's Republic of China and Singapore. Traditional Chinese characters are currently used in Hong Kong, Macau, and the Republic of China (Taiwan). While Document [3](Title: Shinjitai) in handwriting, and do not object to use of alternate characters in electronic text. In some compound characters, only a part was simplified, e.g. 驛 → 駅 (馬 was simplified to 马 in Chinese, the character 驛 was simplified to 驿 in Chinese). Another example is 關 → 関 (Simplified Chinese form: 关). In the 2,136 Jōyō Kanji, there are 364 pairs of simplified and traditional characters. Note that the kanji 弁 is used to simplify three different traditional kanji (辨, 瓣, and 辯). Of these 364 traditional characters, 212 are still used as Jinmeiyō Kanji in names. The Jinmeiyō Document [4](Title: Traditional Chinese characters) called several different names within the Chinese-speaking world. The government of Taiwan officially calls traditional Chinese characters standard characters or orthodox characters (). However, the same term is used outside Taiwan to distinguish standard, simplified "and" traditional characters from variant and idiomatic characters. In contrast, users of traditional characters outside Taiwan, such as those in Hong Kong, Macau and overseas Chinese communities, and also users of simplified Chinese characters, call them complex characters (). An informal name sometimes used by users of simplified characters is "old characters" (). Users of traditional characters also sometimes refer them as "Full Chinese characters" Document [5](Title: Kanji) Chinese characters made outside of China. Specifically, kanji made in Japan are referred to as . They are primarily formed in the usual way of Chinese characters, namely by combining existing components, though using a combination that is not used in China. The corresponding phenomenon in Korea is called "gukja" (), a cognate name; there are however far fewer Korean-coined characters than Japanese-coined ones. Other languages using the Chinese family of scripts sometimes have far more extensive systems of native characters, most significantly Vietnamese chữ Nôm, which comprises over 20,000 characters used throughout traditional Vietnamese writing, and Zhuang sawndip, which Document [6](Title: Chinese characters) the years after World War II, the Japanese government also instituted a series of orthographic reforms. Some characters were given simplified forms called ; the older forms were then labelled the . The number of characters in common use was restricted, and formal lists of characters to be learned during each grade of school were established, first the 1850-character list in 1945, the 1945-character list in 1981, and a 2136-character reformed version of the "jōyō kanji" in 2010. Many variant forms of characters and obscure alternatives for common characters were officially discouraged. This was done with the goal of facilitating Document [7](Title: Simplified Chinese characters) did not fit in with the "requirements as set out by the law" and it could potentially complicate the curricula. A similar proposal was delivered to the 1st Plenary Session of the 11th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in March 2008. Most, if not all, Chinese language text books in Hong Kong are written in traditional characters. Before 1997, the use of simplified characters was generally discouraged by educators. After 1997, while students are still expected to be proficient and utilize traditional characters in formal settings, they may sometimes adopt a hybrid written form in informal settings to speed up Question: how many chinese letters are in the alphabet Answer:
tens of thousands
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Digestion) In the human digestive system , food enters the mouth and mechanical digestion of the food starts by the action of mastication ( chewing ) , a form of mechanical digestion , and the wetting contact of saliva . Saliva , a liquid secreted by the salivary glands , contains salivary amylase , an enzyme which starts the digestion of starch in the food ; the saliva also contains mucus , which lubricates the food , and hydrogen carbonate , which provides the ideal conditions of pH ( alkaline ) for amylase to work . After undergoing mastication and starch digestion , the food will be in the form of a small , round slurry mass called a bolus . It will then travel down the esophagus and into the stomach by the action of peristalsis . Gastric juice in the stomach starts protein digestion . Gastric juice mainly contains hydrochloric acid and pepsin . As these two chemicals may damage the stomach wall , mucus is secreted by the stomach , providing a slimy layer that acts as a shield against the damaging effects of the chemicals . At the same time protein digestion is occurring , mechanical mixing occurs by peristalsis , which is waves of muscular contractions that move along the stomach wall . This allows the mass of food to further mix with the digestive enzymes . Document [1](Title: Digestion) cephalic phase in which saliva is produced in the mouth and digestive enzymes are produced in the stomach. Mechanical and chemical digestion begin in the mouth where food is chewed, and mixed with saliva to begin enzymatic processing of starches. The stomach continues to break food down mechanically and chemically through churning and mixing with both acids and enzymes. Absorption occurs in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, and the process finishes with defecation. The human gastrointestinal tract is around 9 meters long. Food digestion physiology varies between individuals and upon other factors such as the characteristics of the food and Document [2](Title: Extracellular digestion) the digestive tract or subjected to physical fragmentation. This fragmentation may occur through the chewing action of teeth (in the mouth of many vertebrates) or the grinding action of pebbles (in the gizzard of earthworms and birds). Chemical digestion then occurs, breaking down the larger food molecules of polysaccharides and disaccharides, fats, and proteins into their smallest sub-units. Chemical digestion involves hydrolysis reactions that liberate the sub unit molecules—primarily monosaccharides, amino acids and fatty acids—from the food. These products of chemical digestion pass through the epithelial lining of the gut into the blood, in a process known as absorption. Any Document [3](Title: Esophagus) esophagus, stomach, and intestines. The esophagus develops as part of the foregut tube. The innervation of the esophagus develops from the pharyngeal arches. Food is ingested through the mouth and when swallowed passes first into the pharynx and then into the esophagus. The esophagus is thus one of the first components of the digestive system and the gastrointestinal tract. After food passes through the esophagus, it enters the stomach. When food is being swallowed, the epiglottis moves backward to cover the larynx, preventing food from entering the trachea. At the same time, the upper esophageal sphincter relaxes, allowing a bolus Document [4](Title: Rumination syndrome) mechanisms that cause the regurgitation, which is a unique symptom to this disorder. While no theory has gained a consensus, some are more notable and widely published than others. The most widely documented mechanism is that the ingestion of food causes gastric distention, which is followed by abdominal compression and the simultaneous relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This creates a common cavity between the stomach and the oropharynx that allows the partially digested material to return to the mouth. There are several offered explanations for the sudden relaxation of the LES. Among these explanations is that it is Document [5](Title: Digestion) the release of pancreatic lipase from the pancreas and bile from the liver which helps in the emulsification of fats for absorption of fatty acids. Complete digestion of one molecule of fat (a triglyceride) results a mixture of fatty acids, mono- and di-glycerides, as well as some undigested triglycerides, but no free glycerol molecules. In humans, dietary starches are composed of glucose units arranged in long chains called amylose, a polysaccharide. During digestion, bonds between glucose molecules are broken by salivary and pancreatic amylase, resulting in progressively smaller chains of glucose. This results in simple sugars glucose and maltose (2 Document [6](Title: Chiton) digested by enzymes from a pair of large pharyngeal glands. The oesophagus, in turn, opens into a stomach, where enzymes from a digestive gland complete the breakdown of the food. Nutrients are absorbed through the linings of the stomach and the first part of the intestine. The intestine is divided in two by a sphincter, with the latter part being highly coiled and functioning to compact the waste matter into faecal pellets. The anus opens just behind the foot. Chitons lack a clearly demarcated head; their nervous system resembles a dispersed ladder. No true ganglia are present, as in other Document [7](Title: Gastric acid) network (called canaliculi) from which the hydrochloric acid is secreted into the lumen of the stomach. The pH of gastric acid is 1.5 to 3.5 in the human stomach lumen, the acidity being maintained by the proton pump H/K ATPase. The parietal cell releases bicarbonate into the bloodstream in the process, which causes a temporary rise of pH in the blood, known as an alkaline tide. The highly acidic environment in the stomach lumen causes proteins from food to lose their characteristic folded structure (or denature). This exposes the protein's peptide bonds. The gastric chief cells of the stomach secrete Question: what type of chemical digestion occurs in the stomach Answer:
protein digestion
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Also known as Law & Order : SVU SVU Genre Police procedural Legal drama Created by Dick Wolf Starring Mariska Hargitay Christopher Meloni Richard Belzer Dann Florek Michelle Hurd Stephanie March Ice - T B.D. Wong Diane Neal Tamara Tunie Adam Beach Michaela McManus Danny Pino Kelli Giddish Raúl Esparza Peter Scanavino Opening theme Theme of Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Composer ( s ) Mike Post Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 19 No. of episodes 415 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Dick Wolf Robert Palm ( season 1 ) David J. Burke ( season 2 ) Neal Baer ( seasons 2 -- 12 ) Ted Kotcheff ( seasons 2 -- 13 ) Peter Jankowski ( season 2 -- present ) Warren Leight ( seasons 13 -- 17 ) Michael Smith ( season 14 ) Julie Martin ( seasons 14 -- present ) Jonathan Starch ( season 15 -- present ) Arthur W. Forney ( season 17 -- present ) Rick Eid ( season 18 ) Mariska Hargitay ( season 18 -- present ) Michael Chernuchin ( season 19 -- present ) Running time 40 -- 44 minutes Production company ( s ) Wolf Films Studios USA ( 1999 -- 2002 ) Universal Television ( 2002 -- 04 , 2011 -- present ) NBC Universal Television Studio ( 2004 -- 07 ) Universal Media Studios ( 2007 -- 11 ) Distributor NBCUniversal Television Distribution Release Original network NBC Picture format NTSC ( 480i ) HDTV 1080i Original release September 20 , 1999 ( 1999 - 09 - 20 ) -- present Chronology Related shows Law & Order franchise External links Website Document [1](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 8)) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 8) The eighth season of the television series, "" premiered September 19, 2006 and ended May 22, 2007 on NBC. The series remained in its 10pm/9c Tuesday timeslot. With the introduction of a new partner for Detective Stabler, early episodes of season 8 took on a significantly different focus when compared to those of previous seasons. The eighth season began filming when Mariska Hargitay was in the final stages of her pregnancy. As a result, two episodes "Informed" and "Scheherazade" made use of desks, folders, and headshots to disguise Benson's abdomen. "Informed" became Document [2](Title: Law & Order (season 20)) season, "Law & Order's" notable guest stars included Annaleigh Ashford, Adam Driver, David Alan Basche, Ned Eisenberg, Camille Chen, John Bolger, Sean Nelson, Portia Reiners, Jim Gaffigan, Richard Thomas, Bill Sage, Deirdre O'Connell, Rob Corddry, Jenna Stern, Kate Burton, Elliott Gould, Raúl Esparza, Samantha Bee, Rebecca Creskoff, Aaron Shaw, Debra Winger, Adriane Lenox, Julito McCullum, Tammy Blanchard, Tony Hale, Tony Roberts, Robin Weigert, Mark Linn-Baker, Clea DuVall, Doug E. Doug, David Costabile, Anna Gunn, Lindsey Vonn, Kathy Baker, Ben Schnetzer, Jonathan Cake, Amy Madigan, Ernie Hudson, and Benjamin Bratt. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> Law & Order (season 20) The 20th and final Document [3](Title: Law & Order (season 18)) was then added to the cast. This remained the main cast until the end of the series. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> Law & Order (season 18) The 18th season of "Law & Order" premiered on NBC on January 2, 2008, and concluded on May 21, 2008. On May 13, 2007, NBC renewed "Law & Order" for an 18th season of 22 episodes as part of a deal made by series creator Dick Wolf and NBC. Though the series was originally scheduled to air on Sundays as a midseason replacement for "NBC Sunday Night Football", "TV Guide" reported on December 4, 2007, that Document [4](Title: Behave (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)) by long-time "Law & Order: SVU" writer, and was directed by Helen Shaver. It was inspired by the backlog of rape kits across the United States and the story of California rape victim, Helena Lazaro, whose evidence went unprocessed for years. Skeet Ulrich made a special guest appearance in this episode as his "" character, , who was on Vicki's rape case when she lived in Los Angeles. "Law & Order: Los Angeles" originally premiered on NBC directly after this episode. "Behave" was given generally positive reviews from critics, especially Hewitt's portrayal of Vicki Sayers, and according to the Nielsen Document [5](Title: John Munch) the "Law & Order" spinoff "". He appeared in the first fifteen seasons of that series from 1999 to 2014, and occasionally as a guest thereafter. On "SVU", Munch becomes a senior detective in the New York Police Department's Special Victims Unit, and is first partnered with Brian Cassidy (Dean Winters), followed by Monique Jeffries (Michelle Hurd), and Fin Tutuola (Ice-T). In the premiere, Munch is promoted to the rank of Sergeant and occasionally takes on supervisory functions within the department. In season 14, Munch is temporarily reassigned to the Cold Case Unit, after solving a decade-old child abduction case Document [6](Title: Homicide: Life on the Street) and "Law & Order" creator Dick Wolf became close friends in the 1980s while working as writers in the same building, at the same time, on the series "St. Elsewhere" (Fontana) and "Hill Street Blues" (Wolf). In the 1990s, the two friends decided to do a small crossover between their (then) current shows, with "Law & Order" NYPD Detective Mike Logan (Chris Noth) delivering a fugitive to "Homicide: Life on the Street"s BPD Detective Frank Pembleton during the prologue of the season 3 episode "Law & Disorder". The concept proved popular with fans and with both Fontana and Wolf. As Document [7](Title: Chester Lake (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)) Beach's fellow cast members, Richard Belzer and Ice-T. It was decided at the end of the to write Lake out of the series in an effort to bring the focus of the show back to the core cast. Neal Baer said the departure was mutual and amicable, and Beach said that he enjoyed his year on "SVU" but was looking forward to "new adventures." Reaction to Lake was negative. Susan Green and Randee Dawn, writers of "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: The Unofficial Companion", felt that Lake was never fully accepted by "SVU" viewers. They felt his presence seemed Question: what is the current season of law and order svu Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Youngblood (5 Seconds of Summer album)) Youngblood is the third studio album by Australian pop rock band 5 Seconds of Summer , released on 15 June 2018 . The band announced the release of the album on Twitter on 9 April 2018 . Along with the album 's announcement , the band also revealed they will embark on the Meet You There Tour to support the album , with 25 dates announced in North America to begin in late 2018 . The album was first announced for release on 22 June 2018 , but its release date was later brought forward to 15 June 2018 . The US Target edition of the album was made available with four covers , each featuring a member of the band . Document [1](Title: 5 Seconds of Summer) the top in the US. They went on the Meet You There Tour to support the album. 5 Seconds of Summer began in 2011 when Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, and Calum Hood, who all attended Norwest Christian College, started posting videos of themselves performing covers of popular songs together on Hemmings' YouTube channel. Hemmings' first video, a cover of Mike Posner's "Please Don't Go", was posted on 3 February in 2011. Their cover of Chris Brown's "Next to You" received over 600,000 hits. In December 2011, they were joined by drummer Ashton Irwin, and the four-man lineup was completed. The Document [2](Title: R5 (band)) being classified as a "chart-topper" on the iTunes End of the Year Album list. On December 25, 2013, the third single from "Louder" was released, titled "(I Can't) Forget About You" and, shortly after, the official video was released on the band's website. The band had songwriting credits on 6 of the 11 songs on "Louder". The album includes all four songs from the "Loud" EP. In March 2013, R5 embarked on a 50-date North American tour, and later that year they toured in Australia. On February 5, 2014, the band embarked on the first leg of its first world Document [3](Title: The Naked and Famous) Short became a performing member of the group. Knapp and Clark left the group in 2009 and were subsequently replaced with Jesse Wood and David Beadle. After recording "All of This", the group then set about recording the single "Young Blood" and their debut album, recording mostly at home and at Auckland studio The Lab. "Young Blood" debuted on the New Zealand chart at number one on 14 June 2010—the first New Zealand artist in three years to do so. The Naked and Famous released their debut studio album, "Passive Me, Aggressive You", on 6 September 2010 on their own Document [4](Title: Girls Talk Boys) Girls Talk Boys "Girls Talk Boys" is a song by Australian rock band 5 Seconds of Summer, taken from the soundtrack of 2016 American supernatural comedy film "Ghostbusters". The song was written by John Ryan, Teddy Geiger, Ammar Malik, along with Ricky Reed, who also handled the song's production. "Girls Talk Boys" was released on 15 July 2016 and has charted in multiple countries, reaching a peak of 21 in Australia, 6 in Scotland, and 28 in the United Kingdom. The song is written in the key of E minor with a common time tempo of 120 beats per minute. Document [5](Title: Bahari (band)) Nathan being released on April 13, 2017. In January 20, 2017 a cover of The Youngbloods, Get Together was put out as a single. Its music video, directed by Darnell Williams and Sam Sturges, was released on January 24, 2017 and the track was featured on TV series "Riverdale". After leaving Interscope, they released some independent singles through 2018; "Fucked Up" on February, which music video was directed by Zac Wolf and premiered on May; the promotional Buffalo Springfield cover "For What It's Worth" on March; "Savages" on April and "Chasers" on July. These releases marked an evolution from the Document [6](Title: We Come Running) We Come Running "We Come Running" is the debut single by American indie pop band Youngblood Hawke. The song was written by Samuel Martin, Simon Katz, and Matt Squire, and was produced by Katz and Squire. It serves as the lead single from their debut studio album, "Wake Up", and was also featured on their self-titled extended play. The song reached the top ten of the "Billboard" Alternative Songs chart in November 2012, peaking at number seven in December. The week of August 20, 2012, "We Come Running" was featured as the "Single of the Week!" by iTunes. The song Document [7](Title: The Young Blood Chronicles) its blood to splatter on "God". "The Young Blood Chronicles" was inspired, in part, by Daft Punk's "" (2003). Thematically, the film is intended to convey the "deceit within each of us that we have to uncover in the search for who we truly are." Release history The narrative film comprising all eleven videos, premiered as a 45-minute film on May 21, 2014 on Palladia. "The Young Blood Chronicles" was released as a limited edition DVD on July 14, 2014. The Young Blood Chronicles The Young Blood Chronicles is a 2014 American musical film composed of music videos produced by Question: when does 5 seconds of summer album come out 2018 Answer:
on 15 June 2018
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Home Alone (franchise)) Home Alone ( stylized as HOME ALONe ) is a series of Christmas family comedy films originally created by John Hughes , and directed by Chris Columbus ( 1 & 2 ) , Raja Gosnell ( 3 ) , Rod Daniel ( 4 ) and Peter Hewitt ( 5 ) . The films revolve around the adventures surrounding a child who is left home alone during the Holiday season and is faced with the challenge of defending their family 's house or themselves from invading intruders and burglars . Document [1](Title: Home Alone (video game)) Home Alone (video game) Home Alone is the title of several tie-in video games based on the film of the same name. Versions were released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy, Super NES, Master System, Genesis, Game Gear, Amiga and MS-DOS platforms. There are multiple versions of the game and each features a different style of gameplay, but all share the same plot and roughly the same objective: Kevin McCallister is left home alone when his family goes on vacation. He must prevent Harry and Marv, the "Wet Bandits", from burglarizing his home, using various household objects as traps Document [2](Title: Coming Home for Christmas (2017 film)) Coming Home for Christmas is a 2017 American - Canadian made - for - television romantic comedy film based on the novel of the same name by Jenny Hale , starring Danica McKellar and Neal Bledsoe . The film premiered on Hallmark Channel on November 18 , 2017 as part of the channel 's ' Countdown to Christmas ' season . Document [3](Title: Four Christmases) other promotional images of the film. It was released on November 25, 2008, by New Line Records. The compact disc format was released on October 6, 2009, by Watertower Music. Four Christmases Four Christmases (known as Four Holidays or Anywhere But Home in some territories) is a 2008 Christmas romantic comedy film about a couple visiting all four of their divorced parents' homes on Christmas Day. It stars Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon, with Sissy Spacek, Mary Steenburgen, Robert Duvall, Jon Voight, Jon Favreau, Tim McGraw, Dwight Yoakam, and Kristin Chenoweth as supporting cast. The film is director Seth Gordon's Document [4](Title: Three Came Home) ordeal. Played against realistic settings, which vividly convey the meanness of the jungle prisons, and directed by Jean Negulesco for physical and emotional credibility, "Three Came Home" is a comprehensive film. It will shock you, disturb you, tear your heart out. But it will fill you fully with a great respect for a heroic soul." "Three Came Home" was "Life" magazine's "Movie of the Week" for March 20, 1950. According to "Variety", "Agnes Newton Keith's deeply affecting ... has been turned from print to celluloid without any easing of the book's harrowing impact"; "Many of the scenes are tearjerkers in Document [5](Title: Home for Christmas (2010 film)) in thai language by Songsit Ohm Lertsethtakarn written and sung by Maria Mena Home for Christmas (2010 film) Home for Christmas () is a 2010 Norwegian comedy-drama film directed by Bent Hamer. “Home for Christmas” is based on a selection of short stories from the Norwegian author Levi Henriksen’s collection, ”Only Soft Presents Under the Tree”. These stories, which now and then intersect with each other, all take place in Henriksen’s fictitious small town of Skogli, over a couple of hours on Christmas Eve. Following a prologue set in war-torn former Yugoslavia, the film follows several different Christmas celebrations in Document [6](Title: Chloe Richards) join the regular cast of "Home and Away" as Chloe, after initially appearing as a background extra in the series. Several months into her role as Chloe, Wright began to find her fame hard to deal with at first. Of an encounter with a group of teenagers who began harassing her at a local mall, she said "So I just steer clear of places where young people hang out - shopping centres, McDonald's, cinema strips... Going out for dinner's fine but I haven't been shopping for a long time." In one storyline Chloe discovers that she is pregnant. Wright said Document [7](Title: Holidays at Home) Holidays at Home Holidays at Home is a 2005 program released by the BBC. The short-lived first series featured six episodes before it ceased production. Presenter Nicki Chapman went on trips with the families. Each was driven around for a while then back to their house. After getting them out of the car, she would tell them that they would be having a "Holiday at Home". She would present them with a clue about what they would be doing the next day. Each night every person did a video diary about that day. Each one had a different BBC production Question: how many home alone movies did they make Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Cecum) The cecum or caecum ( / ˈsiːkəm / , plural ceca / ˈsiːkə / ; from the Latin caecus meaning blind ) is an intraperitoneal pouch that is considered to be the beginning of the large intestine . It is typically located on the right side of the body ( the same side of the body as the appendix , to which it is joined ) . Document [1](Title: Large intestine) be easily accessed during surgery, such as a laparotomy. The average inner diameter of sections of the colon in centimeters (with ranges in parentheses) are cecum 8.7 (8.0-10.5), ascending colon 6.6 (6.0-7.0), transverse colon 5.8 (5.0-6.5), descending/sigmoid colon 6.3 (6.0-6.8) and rectum near rectal/sigmoid junction 5.7 (4.5-7.5). The cecum is the first section of the colon and involved in the digestion, while the appendix which develops embryologically from it, is a structure of the colon, not involved in digestion and considered to be part of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. The function of the appendix is uncertain, but some sources believe Document [2](Title: Equine nutrition) digestive organ where 50 to 70 percent of all nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream. Bile from the liver acts here, combined with enzymes from the pancreas and small intestine itself. Equids do not have a gall bladder, so bile flows constantly, an adaptation to a slow but steady supply of food, and another reason for providing fodder to horses in several small feedings. The cecum is the first section of the large intestine. It is also known as the "water gut" or "hind gut." It is a blind-ended pouch, about long that holds to . The small intestine opens Document [3](Title: Dugesia) nerve endings. "Dugesia" digestion tract consists of a central non-pigmented tubular pharynx. Like the other triclads "Dugesia" gut consists in three ramified branches. Each branch consists of ceca, which delivers the nutrients to the body. This worm has a sac digestive plan, that is, it does not have a separate opening for waste excretion. Subepidermal musculature is divided in four layers. In "Dugesia" the ovaries are ventrally situated, they start just behind the brain, usually at the level of the fourth intestinal branch. The bursal canal runs on the right side of the copulatory apparatus and above the atrium. Like Document [4](Title: Thoraco-abdominal nerves) the margin of the Rectus abdominis; the posterior branches pass backward to supply the skin over the Latissimus dorsi. Thoraco-abdominal nerves The anterior divisions of the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh thoracic intercostal nerves are continued anteriorly from the intercostal spaces into the abdominal wall; hence they are named thoraco-abdominal nerves (or thoracicoabdominal intercostal nerves). They have the same arrangement as the upper ones as far as the anterior ends of the intercostal spaces, where they pass behind the costal cartilages, and between the Obliquus internus and Transversus abdominis, to the sheath of the Rectus abdominis, which they perforate. Document [5](Title: Equine nutrition) rectum make up the remainder of the large intestine. The large colon is long and holds up to of semi-liquid matter. Its main purpose is to absorb carbohydrates which were broken down from cellulose in the cecum. Due to its many twists and turns, it is a common place for a type of horse colic called an impaction. The small colon is also long, holds about , is the area where the majority of water is absorbed, and where fecal balls are formed. The rectum is about one foot long, and acts as a holding chamber for waste, which is Document [6](Title: Rectum) the dentate line, again depending upon which definition is used. In humans, the rectum is followed by the anal canal which is about long, before the gastrointestinal tract terminates at the anal verge. The word rectum comes from the Latin " ", meaning "straight intestine". The rectum is a part of the lower gastrointestinal tract. The rectum is a continuation of the sigmoid colon, and connects to the anus. The rectum follows the shape of the sacrum and ends in an expanded section called the rectal ampulla, where feces are stored before their release via the anal canal. An ampulla Document [7](Title: Human digestive system) on the microvilli. The chylomicrons are small enough to pass through the enterocyte villi and into their lymph capillaries called lacteals. A milky fluid called chyle, consisting mainly of the emulsified fats of the chylomicrons, results from the absorbed mix with the lymph in the lacteals. Chyle is then transported through the lymphatic system to the rest of the body. The suspensory muscle marks the end of the duodenum and the division between the upper gastrointestinal tract and the lower GI tract. The digestive tract continues as the jejunum which continues as the ileum. The jejunum, the midsection of the Question: the blind-ended sac that is part of the large intestine is the Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Boston Massacre) The crowd eventually dispersed after Acting Governor Thomas Hutchinson promised an inquiry , but the crowd re-formed the next day , prompting the withdrawal of the troops to Castle Island . Eight soldiers , one officer , and four civilians were arrested and charged with murder . Defended by lawyer and future American president John Adams , six of the soldiers were acquitted , while the other two were convicted of manslaughter and given reduced sentences . The men found guilty of manslaughter were sentenced to branding on their hand . Depictions , reports , and propaganda about the event , notably the colored engraving produced by Paul Revere ( shown at top - right ) , further heightened tensions throughout the Thirteen Colonies . Document [1](Title: Boston Massacre) was able to minimally restore order, promising there would be a fair inquiry into the shootings if the crowd dispersed. Hutchinson immediately began investigating the affair, and by morning, Preston and the eight soldiers had been arrested. In a meeting of the governor's council held late the morning after the shootings, Boston's selectmen asked Hutchinson to order the removal of troops from the city to Castle William on Castle Island, while a town meeting at Faneuil Hall met to discuss the affair. The governor's council was at first opposed to ordering the troop withdrawal, with Hutchinson correctly claiming he did Document [2](Title: King Philip's War) They attacked three more settlements; Longmeadow (near Springfield), Marlborough, and Simsbury were attacked two weeks later. They killed Captain Pierce and a company of Massachusetts soldiers between Pawtucket and the Blackstone's settlement. Several colonial men were tortured and buried at Nine Men's Misery in Cumberland as part of the Indians' ritual torture of enemies. They also burned the settlement of Providence to the ground on March 29. At the same time, a small band of Indians infiltrated and burned part of Springfield while the militia was away. The settlements within the modern-day state of Rhode Island became a literal island Document [3](Title: Thomas Preston (British Army officer)) Thomas Preston (British Army officer) Thomas Preston (1722) was a British officer, a captain who served in Boston in the Province of Massachusetts Bay. He commanded troops in the Boston Massacre in 1770 and was tried for murder, but he was acquitted. Historians have never settled whether he ordered his men to fire on the colonists. Preston was originally from Ireland; his people were among the Protestants settled there. Thomas Preston was an officer of the 29th Regiment of Foot, part of the British garrison in Boston under the overall command of Thomas Gage. He was present at the Boston Document [4](Title: Anthony Burns) held Boston under martial law for the afternoon. The streets between the courthouse and the harbor were lined with federal troops to hold back the waves of protesters as Burns was escorted to the ship for return to his Virginia master. On June 2, throngs in the city witnessed Burns' being taken to the ship that would carry him back to slavery in Virginia. The matter did not end after Burns was transported south. The events generated strong opposition across the North to Pierce and his administration. Massachusetts residents formed an Anti-Man Hunting League; William Lloyd Garrison burned copies of Document [5](Title: John Hancock) officials filed two lawsuits stemming from the "Liberty" incident: an "in rem" suit against the ship, and an "in personam" suit against Hancock. Royal officials, as well as Hancock's accuser, stood to gain financially, since, as was the custom, any penalties assessed by the court would be awarded to the governor, the informer, and the Crown, each getting a third. The first suit, filed on June 22, 1768, resulted in the confiscation of the "Liberty" in August. Customs officials then used the ship to enforce trade regulations until it was burned by angry colonists in Rhode Island the following year. Document [6](Title: David Farnsworth) partner John Blair were among the best-known of these counterfeiters, having been caught with over $10,000 in fake Continental dollars in their possession. On October 8, 1778 in a court-martial held in Danbury by order of General Horatio Gates and Brigadier General John Paterson, Farnsworth and Blair were tried for, and convicted of, "being found about the Encampment of the Armies of The United-States as Spies and having a large sum of counterfeit Money about them which they brought from New-York". The sentence of execution was prescribed by a two-thirds vote. On October 23 in Fredericksburg, Virginia, Commander in Chief Document [7](Title: Whiskey Rebellion) and the Federal militia arrived in Philadelphia on Christmas Day. Some artillery was fired and church bells were heard as "... a huge throng lined Broad Street to cheer the troops and mock the rebels ... [Presley] Neville said he 'could not help feeling sorry for them. The captured rebels were paraded down Broad Street being 'humiliated, bedragged, [and] half-starved ...' " Other accounts describe the indictment of 24 men for high treason. Most of the accused had eluded capture, so only ten men stood trial for treason in federal court. Of these, only Philip Wigle and John Mitchell were Question: who defended the soldiers involved in the boston massacre during their trial Answer:
John Adams
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Help Me Make It Through the Night) '' Help Me Make It Through The Night '' is a country music ballad written and composed by Kris Kristofferson and released on his 1970 album Kristofferson . It was covered later in 1970 by Sammi Smith , on the album Help Me Make It Through the Night . Smith 's recording of the song remains the most commercially successful and most well - known version in the United States . Her recording ranks among the most successful country singles of all time in terms of sales , popularity , and radio airplay . It topped the country singles chart , and was also a crossover hit , reaching number eight on the U.S. pop singles chart . '' Help Me Make It Through The Night '' also became Smith 's signature song . Document [1](Title: Help Me Make It Through the Night (album)) It also went to #51 on the "RPM" Top Albums chart in Canada, Smith's only album to chart there. Help Me Make It Through the Night (album) Help Me Make It Through the Night is the debut studio album released by American country artist Sammi Smith. The album was originally released in September 1970 on Mega Records and was produced by Jim Malloy. The album was originally named "He's Everywhere" but was renamed "Help Me Make It Through the Night" due to the popularity of that track, which reached number one on the "Billboard" country music chart and the Top Document [2](Title: Grady Martin) Grady Martin Thomas Grady Martin (January 17, 1929 – December 3, 2001) was an American session guitarist in country music and rockabilly. A member of The Nashville A-Team, he played guitar on hits such as Marty Robbins' "El Paso", Loretta Lynn's "Coal Miner's Daughter" and Sammi Smith's "Help Me Make It Through the Night". During a nearly 50-year career, Martin backed such names as Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Johnny Burnette, Don Woody and Arlo Guthrie, Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline and Bing Crosby. He is a member of the Rockabilly Hall of Fame. Elected to the Country Music Hall of Fame, Document [3](Title: I Can Help) Memphis, in February 1987, but the recording was never released. Shakin Stevens also released a version of this song in 1994 on the Arcade label. In 2013, the indie band Part Time released a cover of this song with their single "I Want to Go". I Can Help "I Can Help" is a song written and performed by Billy Swan. Released in July 1974, the song was a big crossover smash, reaching No. 1 on both the "Billboard" Hot 100 and Hot Country Singles charts late that fall. Although Swan had other charting singles on both the Hot 100 and Document [4](Title: That's My Kind of Night) That's My Kind of Night "That's My Kind of Night" is a song written by Dallas Davidson, Chris DeStefano, and Ashley Gorley and recorded by American country music artist Luke Bryan. It was released in August 2013 as the second single from his fourth studio album "Crash My Party" (2013). The track has been successful commercially, with "That's My Kind of Night" helping Bryan set a record as the first male country music artist to top the "Billboard"<nowiki>'</nowiki>s Hot Country Songs and Top Country Albums charts simultaneously. In terms of the song's creation, co-songwriter Ashley Gorley has stated about working Document [5](Title: Making Believe) Making Believe "Making Believe" is a country music song written by Jimmy Work. Kitty Wells recorded a chart-topping version in 1955. The song is on many lists of all-time greatest country music songs and has been covered by scores of artists over the past fifty years, including Thorleifs, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Don Gibson, Roy Acuff, Lefty Frizzell, Wanda Jackson, Connie Francis, Ray Charles, Anita Carter, Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris, Merle Haggard, Ernest Tubb, Social Distortion, Skeeter Davis, The Haden Triplets and Volbeat. The song is occasionally called "Makin' Believe". Singer-songwriter Work released the song as a single in February Document [6](Title: Give Me the Night (George Benson song)) at number four on the US "Billboard" Hot 100 chart, making it his most successful pop entry. It also peaked at number two on the "Billboard" Hot Disco Singles chart and at number seven in the UK Singles Chart. "Give Me the Night" was one of the last disco singles to become a major success, with the steady decline of the genre in the early 1980s. Give Me the Night (George Benson song) "Give Me the Night" is a song recorded by American jazz musician George Benson, which he released from his 1980 studio album of the same title. It Document [7](Title: This Is My Night) This Is My Night "This Is My Night" is a song by Chaka Khan from the album "I Feel for You". The song went to number one for one week on the "Billboard" dance chart in 1985. The single also peaked at #60 on the "Billboard" Hot 100 and #11 on the R&B chart. "This Is My Night" was written by Mic Murphy and David Frank and produced by Arif Mardin. A variation of the song was used by HBO as its theme music for Next On bumpers and promos from May to November 1985 (as the centerpiece of the Question: who wrote help me make it through the night lyrics Answer:
Kris Kristofferson
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Willow Shields) Willow Shields is an American actress . She is best known for her role as Primrose Everdeen in The Hunger Games film series . Document [1](Title: Hannah Brand) Hannah Brand Hannah Brand (1754–1821) was an English actress and playwright. After her theater career, she became a governess. Hannah Brand was born in Norwich, where she ran a "young Ladies Boarding School, No. 18, St. Giles's Broad-street" with her sister, Mary, until she turned to the stage. Her historical tragedy "Huniades, or, The siege of Belgrave," was first produced in Norwich in 1791 and was, according to the "Norwich Mercury", "well received" by "a genteel audience." A subsequent production at the Haymarket, however, in which she herself appeared, was not successful. She shortened the play, retitled it "Agmunda" after Document [2](Title: Francine Prieto) played Queen Avria in "Etheria", the second book of "Encantadia". She has also done comic roles in "Bubble Gang", where she was one of the mainstays. She recently played Kuran, a villainess in "Kamandag". She also played a supporting role as Aureana in "". In early 2009, she played Sheila, one of the villains in "Ang Babaeng Hinugot Sa Aking Tadyang". As of 2012, she played Mrs. Smith in "Kung Tayo'y Magkakalayo". Prieto terminated her contract with GMA-7. She has a contract with Kapamilya, although it is non-exclusive. In 2010, she played a vampire co-revolutionary leader Imelda Fontanilla, in the Document [3](Title: Kayamkulam Kochunni (2018 film)) Priyanka plays the role of Suhra, his wife. Babu Antony confirmed his role in September 2017 as Ithingal Thangal, the mentor of Kochunni. In late 2017, Amala opted out from the film due to scheduling conflicts, who was replaced by Priya Anand. Andrrews said the rain effected their schedule and had to make changes, which conflicted with Amala's dates who had commitments in Tamil films. Priya cancelled three films for "Kayamkulam Kochunni"; she plays Janaki. According to Priya, Janaki's story is relevant to every woman. Priya's voice was dubbed by Raveena Ravi. Wayne plays the character named Keshavan, who is Document [4](Title: Carolee Carmello) Carolee Carmello Carolee Carmello (born September 1, 1962, in Albany, New York) is an American actress best known for her performances in Broadway musicals and for playing the role of Maple LaMarsh on the series "Remember WENN" (1996–1998). She is a three-time Tony Award nominee and a 5-time Drama Desk nominee, winning the 1999 Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actress in a Musical for her role in "Parade". Carmello made her Broadway debut in a small role in "City of Angels" and returned to close the show in the role of "Oolie/Donna". She left "City of Angels" to take the Document [5](Title: The Bad and the Beautiful) to write the film's script. Bartlow is not interested, but his shallow Southern belle wife, Rosemary (Gloria Grahame) is, so he agrees to do it for her sake. They go to Hollywood, where Shields is annoyed to find that her constant distractions are keeping her husband from his work. Shields gets his suave actor friend Victor "Gaucho" Ribera (Gilbert Roland) to keep her occupied. Freed from interruption, Bartlow is able to make excellent progress on the script. Rosemary, however, runs off with Gaucho and they are killed in a plane crash. When the script is completed, Shields has the distraught Document [6](Title: Gwendoline Christie) Gwendoline Christie Gwendoline Tracey Philippa Christie (born 28 October 1978) is an English actress and model. She is best known for portraying the warrior Brienne of Tarth in the HBO fantasy-drama series "Game of Thrones" since 2012, and the First Order stormtrooper Captain Phasma in "" (2015) and "" (2017). Gwendoline Tracey Philippa Christie was born in Worthing, West Sussex, to a housewife mother and a father who worked in sales and marketing. She grew up in a hamlet near the South Downs. She trained as a gymnast as a child: after a spine injury, she took up acting. Around Document [7](Title: Erin Shields) and "Beautiful Man". Her play "Paradise Lost", a theatrical adaptation of John Milton's "Paradise Lost", was a shortlisted finalist for the Governor General's Award for English-language drama at the 2018 Governor General's Awards. Erin Shields Erin Shields is a Canadian stage actress and playwright. She is best known for her play "If We Were Birds", which won the Governor General's Award for English-language drama at the 2011 Governor General's Awards, and was a nominee for the 2010 Dora Mavor Moore Award for Outstanding New Play. The play premiered at the Summerworks Festival in 2008 before being mounted by Tarragon Theatre Question: who played primrose everdeen in the hunger games Answer:
Willow Shields
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: King James Version) The King James Version ( KJV ) , also known as the King James Bible ( KJB ) or simply the Authorized Version ( AV ) , is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England , begun in 1604 and completed / published in 1611 . The books of the King James Version include the 39 books of the Old Testament , an intertestamental section containing 14 books of the Apocrypha , and the 27 books of the New Testament . Document [1](Title: Modern English Bible translations) are beginning to appear in print – especially given the development of "print on demand". Today, there is a range of translations ranging from the most literal, such as the "Young's Literal Translation" to the most free such as "The Message" and "The Word on the Street". The King James Version of 1611 (in its 1769 amended Oxford edition) still has an immense following, and as such there have been a number of different attempts to update or improve upon it. The English Revised Version and its derivatives also stem from the King James Version. The English Revised Version was Document [2](Title: Chapters and verses of the Bible) and verse numbers from existing translations. The number of words can vary depending upon aspects such as whether the Hebrew alphabet in Psalm 119, the superscriptions listed in some of the Psalms, and the subscripts traditionally found at the end of the Pauline epistles, are included. Except where stated, the following apply to the King James Version of the Bible in its modern 66-book Protestant form including the New Testament and the protocanonical Old Testament, not the deuterocanonical books. Chapters and verses of the Bible The Bible is a compilation of many shorter books written at different times by a Document [3](Title: Modern English Bible translations) Modern English Bible translations Many attempts have been made to translate the Bible into Late Modern ("c." 1700–1900) and present-day ("c." 1900–) English. The New Revised Standard Version is the version most commonly preferred by biblical scholars. In the United States, 55% of survey respondents who read the Bible reported using the King James Version in 2014, followed by 19% for the New International Version, with other versions used by fewer than 10%. The Wessex Gospels were the first translation of the four Gospels in English without accompanying Latin text. The Authorized King James Version of 1611 was sporadically altered Document [4](Title: Hebrews 8) Version New King James Version Citing New King James Version Hebrews 8 Hebrews 8 is the eighth chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. The name of the author is unknown, but it is a man and a friend of Saint Timothy based on the text in this book. This chapter appears under the subheading "Jesus, High Priest of a Better Covenant" in the "ESV" and "Mediator of a Better Covenant" in the NRSV English language translations of the New Testament. This chapter can be grouped (with cross references to other parts Document [5](Title: Revised Standard Version) Revised Standard Version The Revised Standard Version (RSV) is an English translation of the Bible published in 1952 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches. The RSV is a revision of the American Standard Version, and was intended to be a readable and literally accurate modern English translation which aimed to "preserve all that is best in the English Bible as it has been known and used through the centuries" and "to put the message of the Bible in simple, enduring words that are worthy to stand in the great Tyndale-King James tradition." The New Document [6](Title: Evangelical Heritage Version) Evangelical Heritage Version The Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV) is a project to create an accurate, balanced translation of the Bible into the English language. The Bible translation began in 2013 due to the relative lack of a commonly accepted translation, especially among Lutherans, compared to the historical popularity of the King James Version and New International Version, due in part to the replacement of the 1984 version of the New International Version by the 2011 version and the ageing language used in the King James Version. The group of translators consists mostly of trained pastors and professors from the Wisconsin Document [7](Title: Deuterocanonical books) of the original 1611 King James Bible and the Catholic deuterocanon, but the two are distinct. The Apocrypha section of the original 1611 King James Bible includes, in addition to the deuterocanonical books, the following three books, which were not included in the list of the canonical books by the Council of Trent: These books make up the Apocrypha section of the Clementine Vulgate: 3 Esdras (1 Esdras); 4 Esdras (2 Esdras); and the Prayer of Manasseh, where they are specifically described as "outside of the series of the canon". The 1609 Douai Bible includes them in an appendix, but Question: when was the 1st king james bible written Answer:
in 1611
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Super Mario Bros. 3) Super Mario Bros. 3 is a platform video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Entertainment System ( NES ) . It was first released in Japan on October 23 , 1988 , and later in North America on February 12 , 1990 . The game was developed by Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development , led by Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka . Enhanced remakes were later released on the Super NES in 1993 and the Game Boy Advance in 2003 . The game has been re-released as a Virtual Console title for the Wii , Nintendo 3DS , and Wii U consoles . Document [1](Title: Super Mario Bros.) Bros." has been ported several times since its release. A version of the game titled Super Mario Bros. Special developed by Hudson Soft was released in Japan in 1986 for the NEC PC-8801 and Sharp X1 personal computers. Despite featuring similar controls and graphics, the game has different level designs and new items, as well as brand new enemies based on enemies from "Mario Bros." and "Donkey Kong". A handheld LCD game under the same name was released as a part of Nintendo's Game & Watch line of LCD games. Vs. Super Mario Bros. is an arcade adaptation of the Document [2](Title: Super Mario World) for the SNES in December 1994. The game pack contains enhanced remakes of the first four "Super Mario" games released for the NES: "Super Mario Bros.", "Super Mario Bros. 2", "Super Mario Bros. 3" and "". "Super Mario World" was ported to the Game Boy Advance (GBA) as "Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2" between 2001 and 2002. It features the same number of levels as the original (albeit with a toned down difficulty), Game Link Cable support for four players, and the ability to save. In the United States, "Super Mario Advance 2" sold 2.5 million copies and Document [3](Title: Super Mario Bros. 2) is that of an enhanced "Super Mario Bros.", with the same basic game format but adding more complex level designs, character features, and weather features. Some of the advanced level content had been culled from "Vs. Super Mario Bros", a coin-operated arcade version of the original "Super Mario Bros." for NES. All of these factors combined to yield an incremental game design with significantly higher difficulty. Also that year, the young subsidiary Nintendo of America was just completing its test marketing of, and beginning its nationwide launch of, the new Nintendo Entertainment System and its flagship game, "Super Mario Bros." Document [4](Title: Super Mario) Based on existing games, several gameplay mechanics were introduced for the game, with existing ones also available to be used together in new ways. A Nintendo 3DS version of the game called "Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS", was released in December 2016. It features a few new pre-installed levels, but no online level sharing. "Super Mario Run" is a side-scrolling and auto-scrolling video game released in December 2016 for the iOS platform and March 2017 for Android. It is the first "Mario" game to be developed for mobile devices, and features simplified controls playable with only one hand. Released Document [5](Title: Super Mario Bros. 3) preparation of Super Mario Bros. 2, prevented Nintendo from performing various North American game releases according to their original schedules. The delayed products included "Super Mario Bros. 3" and, according to "Nintendo Power", "". The delay, however, presented Nintendo with an opportunity to promote the game in a feature film. In 1989, Tom Pollack of Universal Studios approached Nintendo of America's marketing department about a video game movie; inspired by Nintendo video game competitions, Pollack envisioned a video game version of "Tommy" for younger audiences. Nintendo licensed its products for inclusion in what would become the film "The Wizard". During Document [6](Title: Super Smash Bros.) Super Smash Bros. The original "Super Smash Bros.", released in 1999 for the Nintendo 64, had a small budget and was originally a Japan-only release, but its domestic success led to a worldwide release. The series achieved even greater success with the release of "Super Smash Bros. Melee", which was released in 2001 for the GameCube and became the bestselling game on that system. A third installment, "Super Smash Bros. Brawl", was released in 2008 for the Wii. Although HAL Laboratory had been the developer of the first two games, the third game was developed through the collaboration of several Document [7](Title: Super Mario Bros. 2) sales of at least 200,000 copies in the United Kingdom. "Super Mario Bros. 2" yielded ten million copies sold and was the third highest-selling game ever released on the Nintendo Entertainment System at that time. "Nintendo Power" listed "Super Mario Bros. 2" as the eighth best Nintendo Entertainment System video game, mentioning that regardless of its predecessor not being a "Mario" game, it was able to stand on its own merits and its unique takes on the series' signature format. "Super Mario Bros. 2" was ranked 108th out of 200 of the "Greatest Games of Their Time" by "Electronic Gaming Question: when did super mario bros 3 come out Answer:
October 23 , 1988
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Music of The Lord of the Rings film series) The music of The Lord of the Rings film series was composed , orchestrated , conducted and produced by Howard Shore . The scores are often considered to represent the greatest achievement in the history of film music in terms of length of the score , the size of the staged forces , the unusual instrumentation , the featured soloists , the multitude of musical styles and the number of leitmotifs used . Document [1](Title: Music of The Hobbit film series) did the orchestrations based on mock-ups and detailed sketches handed over from Shore. The London Voices and London Tiffin' Boys choir provided the choral and soloist parts for all films. Several of the end credits songs were orchestrated by Victoria Kelly (under Shore's supervision) and performed by the London Metropolitan Orchestra, conducted by Robert Ziegler. The London Voices, boy choir and Metropolitan Orchestra were recorded at Abbey Road and AIR Lyndhurst. In "The Lord of the Rings" original soundtrack releases, several pieces of music have been edited out of their film order so as to create a concert-like program, with Document [2](Title: Lord of the Rings (musical)) Lord of the Rings (musical) The Lord of the Rings is the most prominent of several theatre adaptations of J. R. R. Tolkien's epic high fantasy novel of the same name, with music by A. R. Rahman, Christopher Nightingale and the band Värttinä, and book and lyrics by Matthew Warchus and Shaun McKenna. Set in the world of Middle-earth, "The Lord of the Rings" tells the tale of a humble hobbit who is asked to play the hero and undertake a treacherous mission to destroy an evil, magic ring without being seduced by its power. The show was first performed Document [3](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (soundtrack)) entire score for the extended versions of the film on CD, along with an additional DVD-Audio disc that offers 2.0 stereo and 5.1 surround mixes of the soundtrack. The album also featured extensive liner notes by music journalist Doug Adams which reviews all of the tracks and provides information about the process of composing and recording the score, as well as a detailed list of all musical instruments, people and organizations involved. The cover artwork uses the film series' logo and an inscription in Tolkien's tengwar letters, over a background that depicts Rohan and Fangorn in dark blue. Additional music Document [4](Title: The Lord of the Rings) been adapted for radio four times. In 1955 and 1956, the BBC broadcast "The Lord of the Rings", a 13-part radio adaptation of the story. In the 1960s radio station WBAI produced a short radio adaptation. A 1979 dramatization of "The Lord of the Rings" was broadcast in the United States and subsequently issued on tape and CD. In 1981, the BBC broadcast "The Lord of the Rings", a new dramatization in 26 half-hour instalments. This dramatization of "The Lord of the Rings" has subsequently been made available on both tape and CD both by the BBC and other publishers. Document [5](Title: The Lord of the Rings (1978 film)) sound system. The screenplay was written by Peter S. Beagle, based on an earlier draft by Chris Conkling. Although Bakshi's "The Lord of the Rings" was a financial success, it received mixed reactions from critics, and there was no official sequel to cover the remainder of the story. Nonetheless, the film became a cult classic that continued to run as a matinee and a midnight movie for nearly two decades, and was an influence on Peter Jackson's trilogy, as detailed in the DVD extras of "". Early in the Second Age of Middle-earth, elven smiths forge nine Rings of Power Document [6](Title: The Lord of the Rings (1981 radio series)) The Lord of the Rings (1981 radio series) In 1981 BBC Radio 4 produced a dramatisation of J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" in 26 half-hour stereo installments. The novel had previously been adapted as a 12-part BBC Radio adaptation in 1955 and 1956 (of which no recordings are known to have survived), and a 1979 production by The Mind's Eye for National Public Radio in the USA. Like the novel on which it is based, "The Lord of the Rings" is the story of an epic struggle between the Dark Lord Sauron of Mordor, the primary Document [7](Title: A Elbereth Gilthoniel) and 1993, and the recording was released as a CD in 1993. The CD contained only the song cycle (including "A Elbereth Gilthoniël"), but not Tolkien's reading of the prayer. The BBC's 1981 radio dramatization of "the Lord of the Rings" included a version composed by Stephen Oliver which was released as the second track of soundtrack album, which itself is included in some commercial versions of the BBC's production. In Peter Jackson's films "" and "", the first few lines of the poem can be heard in the movie soundtrack when Frodo Baggins, or Bilbo Baggins', respectively, enter Rivendell. Question: who made the lord of the rings soundtrack Answer:
Howard Shore
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame) To be considered for induction by a screening committee , a player , retired coach , or referee must be fully retired from that role for at least three full seasons . This period had originally been five years , but was first changed to four years in December 2015 , and to three seasons in December 2017 . Prior to the induction class of 2018 , referees had been eligible for induction upon 25 years of full - time service , even if still active . Changes to the criteria for consideration of active coaches were announced at the same time as the most recent changes to the induction process . Currently , coaches become eligible upon 25 years of full - time service at the high school level or above , or three seasons after retirement . Effective with the class of 2020 , active coaches must meet the years of service requirement and be at least 60 years old . No years of service criterion is applied to those who have made a '' significant contribution to the game of basketball '' . Sportswriters and commentators are elected as full - fledged members ( in contrast to the Baseball Hall of Fame that places them in separate wings that are not considered in the '' real '' Hall of Fame ) . Document [1](Title: English Football Hall of Fame) on the panel. Two players have been inducted as the 'Fans' Choice', following polls on the BBC Sport and Sky Sports websites. Initially, there were three main categories of induction; a mass of 'Players' and 'Managers' from the men's game, together with one figure from the women's game (Sir Alf Ramsey is noted as the only figure to date honoured in both of the main male categories). To be considered for induction, players must be either retired or at least 30 years of age. All inductees must also have played/managed for at least five years in England. In 2007, two Document [2](Title: Italian Basketball Hall of Fame) Olympic Games, or a European-wide cup final for clubs, for either men or women. The awardee must have stopped officiating for at least five years, prior to the award. Only one can be designated per year. The "a life for basketball" honour (), is awarded to those who have contributed significantly to the development of Italian basketball, be it domestically or internationally. They receive recognition for their actions in either Italian or international sports organisations. Any contributor who has been involved in Italian basketball, for at least twenty years, can be designated. There is a single designation per year, unless Document [3](Title: 1906–07 Georgetown Hoyas men's basketball team) the following season, he and future head coaches for many years limited their role to that of teacher and faculty advisor, available to the team during games merely to offer advice if the players asked for it; it was not until the late 1920s that the modern role of the head coach as in-game leader emerged. The new basketball team began practices early in January 1907, and Murray arranged a game against highly rated Virginia and three against George Washington for the first season. The first intercollegiate game in Georgetown history took place on February 9, 1907, before a large Document [4](Title: New Mexico Sports Hall of Fame) to include other areas of the state. In 2014 the hall assumed its current name. Inducted in the 2016 class were multi-sport athlete and coach Adam Kedge; horse jockey Charmayne James; baseball pitcher Frank Castillo; American football coach Marv Levy; basketball player Danny Granger; baseball coach Jim Johns; and baseball outfielder Cody Ross. The 2015 class of inductees included college baseball coach Ray Birmingham; Olympic discus thrower Carla Garrett; basketball players Sam Lacey and Luc Longley; high school football coach Eric Roanhaus; high school basketball coach Marv Sanders; sportscaster Henry Tafoya; and high school volleyball coach Flo Valdez. New Mexico Document [5](Title: Major League Baseball transactions) list, who are on paternity leave for up to three days, or who are in the franchise's farm teams in Minor League Baseball. From September 1 through the end of the regular season, any player on the 40-man roster (also referred to as the "expanded roster") is eligible to play in an official regular season game. Many young players make their Major League debuts in this way, as "September call-ups." To be eligible for a team's postseason roster, a player must be on any of the following: (a) the 40-man roster, (b) the 60-day disabled list, or (c) the bereavement Document [6](Title: Pete Herrmann) Sharon, reside in Young Harris, Georgia. Pete Herrmann Pete Herrmann (born August 27, 1948) is an American retired basketball coach. He served as the head basketball coach at the United States Naval Academy from 1986 to 1992 and Young Harris College from 2010 to 2018. He was also the interim head men's basketball coach at the University of Georgia for the final 12 games of the 2008–09 season following the firing of Dennis Felton. Herrmann restarted the basketball program at Young Harris in 2010–11 after a 40-year hiatus. At Navy he coached future National Basketball Association (NBA) All-Star and Olympian Document [7](Title: Howard Hobson) coach at Southern Oregon for 1932 to 1934, tallying a mark of 12–7–1, and the head baseball coach at Oregon from 1936 to 1947, amassing a record of 167–75–1. Hobson was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame as a coach in 1965. Hobson played basketball for four years at Franklin High School in Portland, Oregon, from which he graduated in 1922. During his time there, he was team captain for two years, and led the state championship-winning team in 1921. He was captain of the University of Oregon's basketball team from 1924 to 1926, and in 1925, Question: how long after retirement hall of fame nba Answer:
at least three full seasons
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Charmian Carr) Charmian Carr ( born Charmian Anne Farnon ; December 27 , 1942 -- September 17 , 2016 ) was an American actress and singer best known for her role as Liesl , the eldest Von Trapp daughter in the 1965 film version of The Sound of Music . Document [1](Title: First Impressions (musical)) uncredited Herbert Ross. Fifteen-year-old Lauri Peters, who played Kitty Bennet, left a good enough first impression on Richard Rodgers that he invited her to audition for his next show, "The Sound of Music". Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II cast her in the role of Liesl, the eldest daughter, in the 1959 original Broadway production of "The Sound of Music". Peters shared a Tony Award nomination for the role, and stayed with the show for two years. Like the novel, the musical is concerned primarily with the rocky courtship between Elizabeth Bennet, a poor gentleman's daughter with four sisters, and Mr. Document [2](Title: Martina von Trapp) Martina von Trapp Martina von Trapp (17 February 1921 – 25 February 1951) was a member of the Trapp Family Singers and was the seventh child of Georg von Trapp and his first wife, Agatha Whitehead von Trapp. She was a member of the Trapp Family Singers, whose lives were the inspiration for the play and movie "The Sound of Music". She was portrayed as the character "Gretl". Named after the house she was born in, the "Martinsschlössel", Martina von Trapp had brown hair and brown eyes. She grew up in Klosterneuburg, and later in Salzburg with her siblings Rupert Document [3](Title: The Sound of Music) The Sound of Music The Sound of Music is a musical with music by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II and a book by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse. It is based on the memoir of Maria von Trapp, "The Story of the Trapp Family Singers". Set in Austria on the eve of the "Anschluss" in 1938, the musical tells the story of Maria, who takes a job as governess to a large family while she decides whether to become a nun. She falls in love with the children, and eventually their widowed father, Captain von Trapp. He is Document [4](Title: The Sound of Music Live!) "The Sound of Music" in 2013. On November 30, 2012, the network announced that country music and fourth season of "American Idol", winner performer Carrie Underwood would star as Maria von Trapp in the production. In a statement, Greenblatt justified Underwood's involvement, saying that "[Maria] was an iconic woman who will now be played by an iconic artist." On September 16, 2013, NBC revealed the full cast of the special, and released a promotional image depicting Underwood as Maria von Trapp, wearing blond braids and a dirndl, referencing one of Julie Andrews' "most iconic moments" from the film adaptation. Prior Document [5](Title: Portia Nelson) Portia Nelson Portia Nelson (born Betty Mae Nelson, May 27, 1920 – March 6, 2001) was an American popular singer, songwriter, actress, and author. She was best known for her appearances in the most prestigious 1950s cabarets, where she sang an elegant repertoire in a soprano noted for its silvery tone, perfect diction, intimacy, and meticulous attention to words. In 1965 she portrayed the cantankerous Sister Berthe in the film version of "The Sound of Music"; she also had a minor role as Sarah in the musical "Doctor Dolittle"; on TV's "All My Children" Nelson played the long-running role of Document [6](Title: June Bronhill) Telephone", Flotow's "Martha" and "Hansel and Gretel". Her roles in Offenbach's operas, with the Sadler's Wells company, included Eurydice in "Orpheus in the Underworld" and Gabrielle in "La Vie parisienne". In 1961 and 1962, she appeared as Maria von Trapp in "The Sound of Music" on the Australian stage. In 1964 she appeared as Elizabeth in the musical "Robert and Elizabeth" at the Lyric Theatre, London alongside Keith Michell as Robert Browning, a show she took to Australia in 1966. She also appeared in England in tours of two Ivor Novello musicals, "Glamorous Night" and "The Dancing Years", the latter Document [7](Title: The Story of the Trapp Family Singers) The Story of the Trapp Family Singers The Story of the Trapp Family Singers is a memoir written by Maria Augusta von Trapp, whose life was later fictionalized in Rodgers and Hammerstein's Broadway musical "The Sound of Music" in 1959. Maria never intended to write anything of her life. However, a friend persistently pleaded with her not to allow her story to be forgotten by others. Though she denied she had any writing skill whatsoever, her friend was not to be put off and kept on asking her whenever they saw each other. Finally, one day, in desperation, Maria excused Question: who played liesel in the sound of music Answer:
Charmian Carr
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Infrared) Infrared was discovered in 1800 by astronomer Sir William Herschel , who discovered a type of invisible radiation in the spectrum lower in energy than red light , by means of its effect on a thermometer . Slightly more than half of the total energy from the Sun was eventually found to arrive on Earth in the form of infrared . The balance between absorbed and emitted infrared radiation has a critical effect on Earth 's climate . Document [1](Title: Electromagnetic spectrum) including reflection and refraction. The study of light continued, and during the 16th and 17th centuries conflicting theories regarded light as either a wave or a particle. The first discovery of electromagnetic radiation other than visible light came in 1800, when William Herschel discovered infrared radiation. He was studying the temperature of different colors by moving a thermometer through light split by a prism. He noticed that the highest temperature was beyond red. He theorized that this temperature change was due to "calorific rays" that were a type of light ray that could not be seen. The next year, Johann Document [2](Title: Johann Wilhelm Ritter) by William Herschel (in 1800), Ritter looked for an opposite (cooling) radiation at the other end of the visible spectrum. He did not find exactly what he expected to find, but after a series of attempts he noticed that silver chloride was transformed faster from white to black when it was placed at the dark region of the Sun's spectrum, close to its violet end. The "chemical rays" found by him were afterwards called ultraviolet radiation. Some of Ritter's researches were acknowledged as important scientific contributions, but he also claimed the discovery of many phenomena that were not confirmed by Document [3](Title: William Herschel) elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society and grants were provided for the construction of new telescopes. Herschel pioneered the use of astronomical spectrophotometry, using prisms and temperature measuring equipment to measure the wavelength distribution of stellar spectra. In addition, Herschel discovered infrared radiation. Other work included an improved determination of the rotation period of Mars, the discovery that the Martian polar caps vary seasonally, the discovery of Titania and Oberon (moons of Uranus) and Enceladus and Mimas (moons of Saturn). Herschel was made a Knight of the Royal Guelphic Order in 1816. He was the first President of Document [4](Title: History of climate change science) the Earth. The angle of the Moon in the sky when a scientist took a measurement determined how much and water vapor the Moon's radiation had to pass through to reach the Earth's surface, resulting in weaker measurements when the Moon was low in the sky. This result was unsurprising given that scientists had known about infrared radiation absorption for decades. In 1896, Swedish scientist, Svante Arrhenius, used Langley's observations of increased infrared absorption where Moon rays pass through the atmosphere at a low angle, encountering more carbon dioxide (), to estimate an atmospheric cooling effect from a future decrease Document [5](Title: Infrared) than 4 micrometers. On the surface of Earth, at far lower temperatures than the surface of the Sun, almost all thermal radiation consists of infrared in the mid-infrared region, much longer than in sunlight. Of these natural thermal radiation processes, only lightning and natural fires are hot enough to produce much visible energy, and fires produce far more infrared than visible-light energy. In general, objects emit infrared radiation across a spectrum of wavelengths, but sometimes only a limited region of the spectrum is of interest because sensors usually collect radiation only within a specific bandwidth. Thermal infrared radiation also has Document [6](Title: Global warming) random changes in global temperatures for years to decades at a time, but long-term changes emanate only from so-called "external forcings." These forcings are "external" to the climate system, but not necessarily external to Earth. Examples of external forcings include changes in the composition of the atmosphere (e.g., increased concentrations of greenhouse gases), solar luminosity, volcanic eruptions, and variations in Earth's orbit around the Sun. The greenhouse effect is the process by which absorption and emission of infrared radiation by gases in a planet's atmosphere warm its lower atmosphere and surface. It was proposed by Joseph Fourier in 1824, discovered Document [7](Title: Edward P. Ney) became a significant presence in this nascent field. Infrared astronomy began at Minnesota under a severe competitive disadvantage: the lack of a nearby observatory. Because infrared radiation is primarily absorbed by atmospheric water vapor, infrared observatories were typically on mountain tops, above which there is minimal water. From his knowledge of atmospheric physics, Ney realized that, during its cold winters, the air above Minnesota was as free of water as that above a high mountain. Armed with this insight, he approached Nancy Boggess, who had just taken responsibility for NASA's infrared astronomy programs, and who quickly authorized funding for a Question: who discovered infrared waves in the electromagnetic spectrum Answer:
William Herschel
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: A Perfect Getaway) Flashbacks reveal that Cliff and Cydney are drug - addicted sociopaths who murdered the newlyweds . They kill people and steal their identities in order to , as Cliff explains , '' live a hundred different lives and achieve a kind of immortality '' . It is also revealed that '' Cliff '' had planted the bag of teeth in Kale and Cleo 's bag to frame them for the murders . Document [1](Title: A Perfect Getaway) not who they claim to be. Gina sets off after Nick and Cliff, while Cydney chases after Gina. Flashbacks reveal that Cliff and Cydney are drug-addicted sociopaths who murdered the newlyweds. They kill people and steal their identities in order to, as Cliff explains, "live a hundred different lives and achieve a kind of immortality". It is also revealed that "Cliff" had planted the bag of teeth in Kale and Cleo's bag to frame them for the murders. In the sea cave, Cliff suddenly reveals his true murderer identity and shoots Nick in the head. Gina witnesses this from the Document [2](Title: After the Deluge) Welsh Sergeant named Sid who sacrifices his own life but the former then has to endure years of captivity. Returning to Australia, Cliff discovers Margaret, thinking he was lost, has married another man. Cliff becomes a school-teacher, marries a co-worker and they have three sons. However the marriage is a strained one as Cliff, traumatised by the war, feeling trapped by his obligations as a family man and unhappy over losing Margaret and his chances at a music career, begins to take out his resentment on his family. Alex's wife leaves him and the stress affects his performance at work. Document [3](Title: Justin Brooks) "Brian took a plea deal because he was looking at 40 years in prison if he didn't and his lawyer told him, hey, it's 'he said, she said.' If you want to roll the dice and go to trial, you may never walk out of prison. And this is a 17-year-old kid who's got to make that decision." In July, 1987, Atkins was convicted of one count of murder and two counts of robbery. The police were led to Atkins when a woman named Denise Powell, a prostitute, told police that Atkins had confessed to her to being an accomplice Document [4](Title: A House Divided (Dallas)) broke his promise to marry her and gave her 24 hours to leave town. J.R. framed her for prostitution in response to business pressure she put on him. Dusty Farlow (Jared Martin) is Sue Ellen's lover. He was supposedly killed in a plane crash. Vaughn Leland (Dennis Patrick) is J.R.'s business partner. J.R. swindled him out of $20 million (equivalent to $ in ). Miss Ellie Ewing (Barbara Bel Geddes) is J.R.'s mother. J.R. mortgaged the family ranch, unbeknownst to his parents, and had plans to drill for oil on the property. Cliff Barnes (Ken Kercheval) is Bobby's brother-in-law and Document [5](Title: Vera Duckworth) that Paul was scamming Jack and Vera out of money, stealing money from Jack and blaming it on Tyrone. Vera was disappointed in Tyrone but Molly was adamant that Tyrone hadn't stolen the money. Vera refused to believe this of Molly and could never believe that her own flesh and blood could steal from her. Vera decided that she and Jack were to move to their dream place of Blackpool but Paul was forced to confess to Jack that he had stolen the money for the house. Jack was appalled but had to keep it secret from Vera as he Document [6](Title: J. R. Ewing) Cliff. With Katherine dead it only leaves her. It was said she entered Abu Dhabi with her husband in 1989. Bobby finally reveals that J.R's master plan was to frame Cliff for his death "from beyond the grave". He reveals that J.R., knowing that he only had days to live from terminal cancer, had Bum steal Cliff's pistol. J.R. knew that Cliff went to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico every year for a fishing competition. J.R. had Bum meet him there and kill him. His plan was to have the Ewing family plant the pistol and J.R.'s trademark belt buckle in Cliff's Document [7](Title: W. J. Burley) the scene of the crime, he too finds himself believing Cedric's protestations of innocence, and soon establishes a link between the current murder and that of a young woman twenty years ago, supposedly strangled by a cousin of Cedric's, who served fourteen years of a commuted death sentence. Two very different women, a nightclub singer and a nurse, have been strangled in their own homes, under the same efficient method, within the space of one week. Although the media and police are unanimous in the belief that these murders are the work of a psychopath, Wycliffe believes the solution may Question: who was the killer in the perfect getaway Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of NCAA football teams by wins) Measured in total wins , the Michigan Wolverines leads all other football programs across all divisions with 950 wins . The all - time win leaders in the FCS Subdivision and Divisions II and III are the Yale Bulldogs ( 902 wins ) , Pittsburg State Gorillas ( 687 wins ) , and the Mount Union Purple Raiders ( 784 wins ) , respectively . Document [1](Title: Michigan Wolverines football) Michigan Wolverines football The Michigan Wolverines football program represents the University of Michigan in college football at the NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (formerly Division I-A) level. Michigan has the most all-time wins in college football history. The team is known for its distinctive winged helmet, its fight song, its record-breaking attendance figures at Michigan Stadium, and its many rivalries, particularly its annual, regular-season-ending game against Ohio State, once voted as ESPN's best sports rivalry. Michigan began competing in intercollegiate football in 1879. The Wolverines joined the Big Ten Conference at its inception in 1896, and other than a Document [2](Title: Ivy League) country. In particular, Princeton won 26 recognized national championships in college football (last in 1935), and Yale won 18 (last in 1927). Both of these totals are considerably higher than those of other historically strong programs such as Alabama, which has won 15, Notre Dame, which claims 11 but is credited by many sources with 13, and USC, which has won 11. Yale, whose coach Walter Camp was the "Father of American Football," held on to its place as the all-time wins leader in college football throughout the entire 20th century, but was finally passed by Michigan on November 10, Document [3](Title: 1970 college football season) 31–21. #5 USC lost at Stanford 24–14. #6 Nebraska, which had tied USC earlier, rose to fifth after its 21–7 win over Missouri gave it a 4–0–1 record. Poll: 1.Texas 2.Ohio State 3.Notre Dame 4.Mississippi 5.Nebraska October 17: #1 Texas was idle. #2 Ohio State beat Minnesota at home, 28–8. #3 Notre Dame won at Missouri, 24–7. #4 Mississippi lost at home in Oxford to Southern Mississippi, 30–14. #5 Nebraska won at Kansas 41–20. #6 Michigan, which had beaten Michigan State 34–20 at home to reach 5–0, got into the top five. Poll: 1.Texas 2.Ohio State 3.Notre Dame 4.Nebraska 5.Michigan Document [4](Title: Michigan–Notre Dame football rivalry) Michigan–Notre Dame football rivalry The Michigan–Notre Dame football rivalry is an American college football rivalry between the Michigan Wolverines and Notre Dame Fighting Irish. Michigan football and Notre Dame football are considered to be among the most elite college programs. Michigan ranks #1 in all-time win percentage and all-time wins, while Notre Dame ranks #4 in all-time win percentage and #6 in all-time wins after receiving NCAA sanctions for a cheating scandal. The rivalry is heightened by the two schools' competition for all-time win percentage, which each has held during their history, as well as national championships, with each school Document [5](Title: Michigan Wolverines men's basketball) before losing to top-seeded Duke, 73–71. The 2010–11 Wolverines, who swept rival Michigan State for the first time since 1997, finished the season 21–14. In the 2011–12 season, Michigan split the season series with both Ohio State and Michigan State and went on to be co-Big Ten champs along with the Buckeyes and Spartans. It was the program's first Big Ten title for Michigan since 1986. The Wolverines finished the season 24-10 and 13-5 in conference play, losing in the opening round of the NCAA Tournament. The 2012–13 Michigan team earned a #1 ranking in the AP Poll on January Document [6](Title: 1968 college football season) 4.Michigan 5.Georgia November 16 #1 USC beat #13 Oregon State 17–13 in a game that decided the Pac-8 title; Oregon State finished 5–1 and USC 6–0 in the renamed conference, formerly the AAUW (but commonly referred to as the Pac-8). #2 Ohio State won at unranked Iowa 33–27. #3 Penn State won its eighth straight at Maryland 57–13, and #4 Michigan beat Wisconsin 34–9. #5 Georgia won 17–3 at #12 Auburn.<br>The poll was 1.USC 2.Ohio State 3.Penn State 4.Michigan 5.Georgia November 23 #1 USC beat UCLA 28–16 to stay unbeaten, as did #2 Ohio State, which hosted #4 Michigan; both Document [7](Title: SMU Mustangs football) Dykes' tenure started with a loss to the UNT Mean Green. The 46–23 loss showed that Mustangs quarterback Ben Hicks would have to adjust to the loss of new NFL wide receivers Courtland Sutton and Trey Quinn. SMU has won three national championships from NCAA-designated major selectors. SMU claims all three championships. SMU has won 11 conference championships, nine outright and two shared. † Co-champions SMU has won two division championships. † Co-champions SMU has participated in sixteen bowl games. The Mustangs have a record of 7–8–1 in these games. The SMU-TCU rivalry is the most intense one for SMU. Question: who has the most all-time wins in college football Answer:
Michigan Wolverines
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) The Lion , the Witch and the Wardrobe is a fantasy novel for children by C.S. Lewis , published by Geoffrey Bles in 1950 . It is the first published and best known of seven novels in The Chronicles of Narnia ( 1950 -- 1956 ) . Among all the author 's books it is also the most widely held in libraries . Although it was written as well as published first in the series , it is volume two in recent editions , which are sequenced by the stories ' chronology ( the first being The Magician 's Nephew ) . Like the others , it was illustrated by Pauline Baynes , and her work has been retained in many later editions . Document [1](Title: Adaptations of The Chronicles of Narnia) Adaptations of The Chronicles of Narnia The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of seven fantasy novels for children written by C. S. Lewis. It is considered a classic of children's literature and is the author's best-known work, having sold over 100 million copies in 47 languages. Written by Lewis between 1949 and 1954, illustrated by Pauline Baynes and published in London between October 1950 and March 1956, "The Chronicles of Narnia" has been adapted several times, complete or in part, for television, radio, the stage, film, in audio books, and as video games. "The Lion, the Witch and the Document [2](Title: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (video game)) The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (video game) The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is an action-adventure game released in 2005 by Traveller's Tales. The game is based on the novel-adapted . It was released in November before the movie for most major consoles including the GameCube, PC, Xbox, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, and Game Boy Advance. Also in 2005, a role-playing game with an identical name was released for wireless phone systems by Disney Mobile. A significant feature has William Moseley, Skandar Keynes, Anna Popplewell, Georgie Henley, Elizabeth Hawthorne, Document [3](Title: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1967 TV serial)) two episodes, the first and eighth, are known to still survive today. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1967 TV serial) The Lion The Witch & The Wardrobe is a ten-part serial adaptation of C. S. Lewis's fantasy novel "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", that aired on ITV in 1967. The series was produced by Pamela Lonsdale and adapted for television by Trevor Preston. Original music was provided by Paul Lewis and the programme, and the costumes, were designed by Neville Green. The programme was made for the ITV network by ABC Television. The animals were all Document [4](Title: The Chronicles of Narnia) the Emperor-Over-the-Sea. He is a wise, compassionate, magical authority (both temporal and spiritual) who serves as mysterious and benevolent guide to the human children who visit, as well as being the guardian and saviour of Narnia. C. S. Lewis described Aslan as an alternative version of Jesus as the form in which Christ might have appeared in an alternative reality. The four Pevensie siblings are the main human protagonists of "The Chronicles of Narnia". Varying combinations of some or all of them appear in five of the seven novels. They are introduced in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" Document [5](Title: The Horse and His Boy) The Horse and His Boy The Horse and His Boy is a novel for children by C. S. Lewis, published by Geoffrey Bles in 1954. Of the seven novels that comprise "The Chronicles of Narnia" (1950–1956), "The Horse and His Boy" was the fifth to be published; it is also one of four of the novels that Lewis finished writing before the first book in the series had been published. In recent editions of "The Chronicles of Narnia" that are sequenced according to the history of the fictional land of Narnia, "The Horse and His Boy" is the third book Document [6](Title: White Witch) comes at a cost: her skin is bleached white, and the evil in her heart causes her eternal misery. She cannot stand the sight of the tree that Aslan has Digory plant in Narnia from the fruit of the garden, and she thus stays to the north of Narnia, working to develop her magic. Meanwhile, the land of Narnia remains the domain of animals (chosen animals are given the ability to speak, and become pillars of society) and is not troubled by the Witch nor any other enemy for many hundreds of years. In "The Lion, the Witch and the Document [7](Title: Wand) into pigs. Italian fairy tales put them into the hands of the powerful fairies by the late Middle Ages. In the 1700s ballads "Allison Gross" and "The Laily Worm and the Machrel of the Sea", the villainesses use silver wands to transform their victims into animals, in emulation of the Odyssey that preceded them. In C. S. Lewis's 1950 novel "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", the White Witch's most feared weapon is her wand, whose magic is capable of turning people into stone. This, again, employs the Odysseyan motif of an evil female witch who uses a magic Question: who wrote the children's classic the lion the witch and the wardrobe Answer:
C.S. Lewis
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: 1966 FIFA World Cup Final) One minute before the end of play , the West Germans sent their defenders forward in a desperate attempt to score a last - minute equaliser . Winning the ball , Bobby Moore picked out the unmarked Geoff Hurst with a long pass , which Hurst carried forward while some spectators began streaming onto the field and Hurst scored moments later . Hurst later admitted that his blistering shot was as much intended to send the ball as far into the Wembley stands as possible should it miss , in order to kill time on the clock . Document [1](Title: Bobby Moore) up, but the Germans equalised in the final minute of normal time through Wolfgang Weber – as Moore appealed unsuccessfully for a handball decision – to take the match into extra time. Ramsey was convinced the Germans were exhausted, and after Hurst scored a controversial and heavily debated goal, the game looked over. With seconds remaining, and England under the pressure of another German attack, the ball broke to Moore on the edge of his own penalty area. Teammates shouted at Moore to just get rid of the ball, but he calmly picked out the feet of Hurst 40 yards Document [2](Title: History of the England national football team) midfield players rather than natural wingers) won the final 4–2 after extra time, with three goals from Hurst and one from Martin Peters. Hurst's second goal became the most talked-about and controversial in England football history, with West Germany's players protesting, to this day, that the ball from Hurst's shot did not fully cross the goal-line after bouncing down from the crossbar. Numerous attempts to decide the matter once and for all have not been fully conclusive, although the sporting consensus suggests that England were fortunate to be awarded a goal. In 1995, researchers from Oxford University announced the results Document [3](Title: Geoff Hurst) in a 5–0 victory over France, and was named in the Ramsey squad which played in Mexico to defend the World Cup in 1970. He scored the only goal of England's opening game against Romania after being sent through by a pass from Francis Lee. England progressed to the quarter finals, where once again they faced West Germany. Hurst played a part in the Martin Peters goal that put England 2–0 up. With England up 2-1, Hurst's contested header trickled inches past the post. Later, at 2–2, Hurst had what many thought was a legitimate goal ruled out for offside. Document [4](Title: Gordon Banks) efforts at acclimatization were not helped when Bobby Moore was falsely accused of stealing the infamous "Bogotá Bracelet". Despite this, a Geoff Hurst goal was enough to beat their first opponents, Romania. A far tougher test awaited on 7 June, when England faced Brazil. The day before the match Banks was informed that he had been awarded an OBE. Playing at pace, Brazil were putting England under enormous pressure and an attack was begun by captain Carlos Alberto who sent a low ball down the right flank for the speedy Jairzinho to latch on to. The Brazilian winger sped past Document [5](Title: 1983 European Cup Winners' Cup Final) cross. This time it was caught by Agustín. But the goalkeeper momentarily dropped the ball, but dove onto it before any Aberdeen players could take advantage of the mistake. Normal time finished at 1–1, sending the match into extra time. The winning goal came in the 112th minute. Weir passed the ball to Mark McGhee, who took the ball down the left wing. He crossed it into the box towards substitute John Hewitt. He threw himself into the path of the ball and connected with a glancing header to put Aberdeen ahead once more. The local police reported that only Document [6](Title: 1999 FA Cup Final) had flagged Anelka offside before the goal was scored. Roy Keane then received a second booking and was sent off for a cynical foul on Marc Overmars, leaving Manchester United to play out the match with 10 men. The match was heading for extra time when Phil Neville made a tired challenge on Ray Parlour inside the penalty area; Bergkamp stepped up to take the penalty, but Peter Schmeichel guessed the direction of his kick correctly and it was at a good height for him to make the save. The first half of extra time passed without incident, before Patrick Document [7](Title: 2008–09 Manchester United F.C. season) against Blackburn and the League Cup Final against Tottenham Hotspur). However, his clean sheet record finally came to an end after just 9 minutes as Peter Løvenkrands opened the scoring for Newcastle. Obafemi Martins should have put Newcastle 2–0 up, but he slid his shot wide and was made to pay as Wayne Rooney slotted home midway through the first half, which ended 1–1. The game was slightly marred by two questionable challenges, late in the first half, by Newcastle's Steven Taylor, who first appeared to hit Cristiano Ronaldo with his arm and then, moments later, slid a dangerous tackle Question: who scored the winning goal for england in the 1966 world cup final Answer:
Geoff Hurst
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics - Women's tournament) Sheet B 5 6 7 8 9 10 Final South Korea ( Kim ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 X Sweden ( Hasselborg ) 0 0 0 0 X 8 Document [1](Title: 2009–10 UEFA Europa League qualifying phase and play-off round) 2–1 on aggregate." "Brøndby won 4–2 on aggregate." "Kaunas 1–1 Sevojno on aggregate. Sevojno won on away goals." <div id="Polonia Warsaw v Juvenes/Dogana"></div> "Polonia Warsaw won 5–0 on aggregate." "Bnei Yehuda won 5–0 on aggregate." "FK Vėtra won 3–2 on aggregate." "MŠK Žilina won 3–0 on aggregate." "Elfsborg won 3–0 on aggregate." "Tromsø won 4–1 won aggregate." "Randers won 2–1 on aggregate." "Basel won 7–1 on aggregate." "Maccabi Netanya won 3–0 on aggregate." "Slaven Belupo won 12–2 on aggregate." "KR won 3–1 on aggregate." "Cherno More won 4–0 on aggregate." "Sarajevo won 2–1 on aggregate." "Vaduz won 2–1 on aggregate." Document [2](Title: 2010 Swedish Football Division 3) 2010 Swedish Football Division 3 Statistics of Swedish football Division 3 in season 2010. 1. Morön BK 22 16 2 4 66-29 50 Promoted 1. Junsele IF 22 14 3 5 56-40 45 Promoted 1. Kvarnsvedens IK 22 15 5 2 53-18 50 Promoted 1. BKV Norrtälje 22 13 6 3 53-23 45 Promoted 1. Rynninge IK 22 14 4 4 57-15 46 Promoted 1. Konyaspor KIF 22 13 6 3 37-17 45 Promoted 1. Assyriska IF Norrköping 22 18 0 4 51-21 54 Promoted 1. Skoftebyns IF 22 14 6 2 42-17 48 Promoted 1. Tibro AIK FK 22 Document [3](Title: 2007 Norwegian Football Cup) This was the last round in which the Norwegian FA determined match-ups. June 26, 2007 Vålerenga - Mo 4-1 June 27, 2007 Fredrikstad - Nybergsund 1-2 Moss - Strømsgodset 0-3 Drøbak Frogn - Viking 0-2 Manglerud Star - Start 0-1 Korsvoll - Stabæk 2-2 (Stabæk won 5-2 a.e.t) Notodden - Kongsvinger 1-1 (Notodden won 2-1 a.e.t) Odd Grenland - Tønsberg 4-1 Haugesund - Løv-Ham 4-0 Kopervik - Brann 0-5 Aalesund - Alta 2-0 Bodø/Glimt - Hønefoss 1-0 Tromsø - Tromsdalen 1-1 (Tromsø won 4-1 a.e.t) June 28, 2007 Skeid - Rosenborg 0-0 (Rosenborg won 2-0 a.e.t) Lillestrøm - Bærum 4-0 Document [4](Title: 1998 Swedish Football Division 3) 1998 Swedish Football Division 3 Statistics of Swedish football Division 3 in season 1998. 1. Bodens BK 22 17 2 3 51-19 53 Promoted 1. Friska Viljor FC, Örnsköldsvik 22 13 5 4 51-28 44 Promoted 1. Edsbyns IF 22 15 3 4 54-28 48 Promoted 1. FC Järfälla 22 15 4 3 47-29 49 Promoted 1. Älta IF 22 18 2 2 71-27 56 Promoted 1. FBK Karlstad 22 15 4 3 59-27 49 Promoted 1. IK Sleipner, Norrköping 22 16 4 2 54-16 52 Promoted 1. Skärhamns IK 22 13 5 4 49-21 44 Promoted 1. Ulvåkers IF Document [5](Title: 1935 in Norwegian football) champion Stord champion Voss champion Brann champion Høyanger champion Aalesund champion Molde champion Clausenengen champion Ranheim champion Freidig champion Steinkjer champion Namsos champion Mosjøen champion Glimt champion Svolvær champion Mjølner champion Skøelv champion Alta champion Gamvik champion Kirkenes champion Aalesund - Gjøvik/Lyn 5-1 Borg - Sarpsborg 3-5 (extra time) Brodd - Viking 0-4 Drammens BK - Ørn 3-1 Falk - Vålerengen 1-2 Freidig - Fram (Larvik) 1-2 Fredrikstad - Rollon 9-0 Moss - Fremad 4-1 Selbak - Frigg 3-1 Hardy - Tønsberg Turn 1-0 Jarl - Stavanger IF 1-2 Kvik (Halden) - Odd 1-4 Larvik Turn - Lisleby 2-4 Raufoss Document [6](Title: 1936–37 Swedish football Division 3) 1. Varbergs BoIS 18 15 3 0 64-16 33 Promotion Playoffs – Promoted 1. IFK Trelleborg 18 13 2 3 69-33 28 Promoted 1936–37 Swedish football Division 3 Statistics of Swedish football Division 3 in season 1936/1937. 1. Strands IF, Hudiksvall 16 12 1 3 45-23 25 Promotion Playoffs 1. Skutskärs IF 18 11 5 2 49-18 27 Promotion Playoffs – Promoted 1. Sundbybergs IK 18 13 3 2 51-18 29 Promoted 1. Katrineholms AIK 18 13 2 3 30-20 28 Promoted 1. Arvika BK 18 13 1 4 64-24 27 Promoted 1. Motala AIF 18 12 3 3 60-27 Document [7](Title: 1940 Norwegian Football Cup) the defending champions, but were eliminated by Fredrikstad in the semifinal. Rollon - Aalesund 0-2 Brann - Årstad 1-0 Djerv - Drafn 2-3 Fredrikstad - Nydalen 8-1 Freidig - Kvik (Trondheim) 3-7 Frigg - Lisleby 7-1 Gimsøy - Mjøndalen 1-2 Gjøvik/Lyn - Gjøa 3-2 Start - Grane (Arendal) 1-0 Moss - Skiens-Grane 3-1 Kvik (Halden) - Lyn 1-6 Lillestrøm - Pors 2-0 Neset - Ranheim 3-1 Skiold - Sarpsborg 1-2 Skeid - Snøgg 3-0 Stavanger IF - Viking 1-3 Drafn - Aalesund 1-2 Brann - Moss 0-7 Frigg - Fredrikstad 0-1 Kvik (Trondheim) - Neset 1-3 Lyn - Lillestrøm 3-0 Question: who won gold in womens curling 2018 olympics Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Chemical reaction) The substance ( or substances ) initially involved in a chemical reaction are called reactants or reagents . Chemical reactions are usually characterized by a chemical change , and they yield one or more products , which usually have properties different from the reactants . Reactions often consist of a sequence of individual sub-steps , the so - called elementary reactions , and the information on the precise course of action is part of the reaction mechanism . Chemical reactions are described with chemical equations , which symbolically present the starting materials , end products , and sometimes intermediate products and reaction conditions . Document [1](Title: Energy profile (chemistry)) which assists in drawing the energy of a transition state relative to a reactant, an intermediate or a product. It states that the transition state resembles the reactant, intermediate or product that it is closest in energy to, as long the energy difference between the transition state and the adjacent structure is not too large. This postulate helps to accurately predict the shape of a reaction coordinate diagram and also gives an insight into the molecular structure at the transition state. A chemical reaction can be defined by two important parameters- the Gibbs free energy associated with a chemical transformation Document [2](Title: Chemical reaction) For bimolecular reactions, two molecules collide and react with each other. Their merger is called chemical synthesis or an addition reaction. Another possibility is that only a portion of one molecule is transferred to the other molecule. This type of reaction occurs, for example, in redox and acid-base reactions. In redox reactions, the transferred particle is an electron, whereas in acid-base reactions it is a proton. This type of reaction is also called metathesis. for example Most chemical reactions are reversible, that is they can and do run in both directions. The forward and reverse reactions are competing with each Document [3](Title: History of chemical engineering) looks at the entire body of chemical reactions as having a personality of its own, independent of the particular chemical species or chemical bonds involved. The latter does contribute to this personality in no small measure, but to design and operate chemical reactors, a knowledge of characteristics such as rate behaviour, thermodynamics, single or multiphase nature, etc. are more important. The emergence of chemical reaction engineering as a discipline signaled the severance of the umbilical cord connecting chemical engineering to industrial chemistry and cemented the unique character of the discipline. History of chemical engineering Chemical engineering as a discipline that Document [4](Title: Chemical decomposition) Chemical decomposition Chemical decomposition, analysis or breakdown is the separation of a single chemical compound into its two or more elemental parts or to simpler compounds. Chemical decomposition is usually regarded and defined as the exact opposite of chemical synthesis. In short, the chemical reaction in which two or more products are formed from a single reactant is called a decomposition reaction. The details of a decomposition process are not always well defined but some of the process is understood; much energy is needed to break bonds. Since all decomposition reactions break apart the bonds holding it together in order Document [5](Title: Chemical reactor) money to purchase and operate. Normal operating expenses include energy input, energy removal, raw material costs, labor, etc. Energy changes can come in the form of heating or cooling, pumping to increase pressure, frictional pressure loss or agitation. Chemical reaction engineering is the branch of chemical engineering which deals with chemical reactors and their design, especially by application of chemical kinetics to industrial systems. The most common basic types of chemical reactors are tanks (where the reactants mix in the whole volume) and pipes or tubes (for laminar flow reactors and plug flow reactors) Both types can be used as Document [6](Title: Chemical reactor) Chemical reactor A chemical reactor is an enclosed volume in which a chemical reaction takes place. In chemical engineering, it is generally understood to be a process vessel used to carry out a chemical reaction, which is one of the classic unit operations in chemical process analysis. The design of a chemical reactor deals with multiple aspects of chemical engineering. Chemical engineers design reactors to maximize net present value for the given reaction. Designers ensure that the reaction proceeds with the highest efficiency towards the desired output product, producing the highest yield of product while requiring the least amount of Document [7](Title: Product (chemistry)) on the synthesis and characterization of beneficial products, as well as the detection and removal of undesirable products. Synthetic chemists can be subdivided into research chemists who design new chemicals and pioneer new methods for synthesizing chemicals, as well as process chemists who scale up chemical production and make it safer, more environmentally sustainable, and more efficient. Other fields include natural product chemists who isolate products created by living organisms and then characterize and study these products. The products of a chemical reaction influence several aspects of the reaction. If the products are lower in energy than the reactants, then Question: a change in which new products are formed is called a Answer:
Chemical reactions
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba) The building is most notable for its arcaded hypostyle hall , with 856 columns of jasper , onyx , marble , and granite . These were made from pieces of the Roman temple which had occupied the site previously , as well as other destroyed Roman buildings , such as the Mérida amphitheatre . The double arches were a new introduction to architecture , permitting higher ceilings than would otherwise be possible with relatively low columns . The double arches consist of a lower horseshoe arch and an upper semi-circular arch . The famous alternating red and white voussoirs of the arches were inspired by those in the Dome of the Rock. and also resemble those of the Aachen Cathedral , which were built almost at the same time . Horseshoe arches were known in the Iberian Peninsula since late Antiquity , as can be seen on the 3rd - century '' Estela de los Flavios '' , now in the arqueological museum of León . A centrally located honey - combed dome has blue tiles decorated with stars . Document [1](Title: Ancient Roman architecture) or portals to their cities. Surviving examples of Etruscan arches can still be seen at Perugia and Volterra. The two key elements of the triumphal arch – a round-topped arch and a square entablature – had long been in use as separate architectural elements in ancient Greece. The innovation of the Romans was to use these elements in a single free-standing structure. The columns became purely decorative elements on the outer face of arch, while the entablature, liberated from its role as a building support, became the frame for the civic and religious messages that the arch builders wished to Document [2](Title: Horseshoe arch) major work, the Great Mosque of Córdoba. This style of horseshoe arch then spread all over the Caliphate and adjacent areas, and was adopted by the successor Muslim emirates of the peninsula, the taifas, as well as by the Almoravid dynasty, Almohad Caliphate, and the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada, although also lobed, round, pointed and multifoil arches were also used at that time. The Mozarabs also adopted this style of arch into their architecture and illuminated manuscripts. Horseshoe arches were also used in the Great Mosque of Kairouan (the earliest surviving part being the mihrab of 862-863), the Mosque of Document [3](Title: Santa Maria Maggiore, Tuscania) arch on the left one features an ornament of the Sicilian-Norman style. At the top is spread between a lion and a griffin, the loggia above the entrance has nine columns and ten arches. The semicircular apse is covered by pilasters and bands of arches.The interior has columns and pillars with romanesque capitals also carved with plant and zoomorphic motifs. Along the walls of the aisles are blind arches that enclose blind arcades of half-pillars. The sanctuary is flanked by two transverse arches; the frontal of the altar, surmounted by a Gothic ciborium. There is a bishop's chair, which consists Document [4](Title: Arches of Claudius) in several of his coins of 41 A.D. (and following years) (Cohen, Nero Drusus 1‑6; Claud. 25‑29, 48; BM Imp. Claud. 2, 36, 95‑103, 121‑123, 187‑191). Whether it was actually erected, and if so, where, is uncertain (BM Imp. p. clii). Arches of Claudius A list of arches dedicated to or by the Roman emperor Claudius. One of the arches of the Aqua Virgo, which spanned an ancient street, and was restored in monumental form by Claudius (CIL VI.1252). This arch is still standing, in the court of No. 14 Via del Nazareno (Jord. I.1.472; HJ 457), and is probably Document [5](Title: Imperial Castle, Poznań) corridor with four statues of the following rulers: Margrave Gero, Emperor Otto I, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, and Duke Władysław II the Exile. The second floor was planned to be used by the crown prince (the so-called "prince rooms"). Most of rooms were connected by a foyer surrounding the inner yard. The most impressive room of the representative wing was the Throne Room in Byzantine style. The room was lighted by huge windows from three sides, positioned between the columns and the arches. Eight statues of Holy Roman Emperors were placed under the arches. The throne, designed in an oriental style, Document [6](Title: Aljafería) that ends in a horseshoe arch inspired by the Mosque of Córdoba but with S-shaped springers, a novelty that will imitate the Almoravid art and Nasrid art. This arch rests on two columns with capitals of leaves very geometricals, in the line of the realizations Granadan art of solutions in Mocárabe. Its alfiz is profusely ornamented with vegetal decoration and on it is arranged a frieze of half-point arcs crossed. Already inside the oratory there is a reduced space of square plant but with chamfered corners, that turns it into a false octagonal plant. In the southeast sector, oriented towards Document [7](Title: Tempio Malatestiano) Roman ruins in Sant'Apollinare in Classe (near Ravenna) and in Fano. The church is immediately recognizable from its wide marble façade, decorated by sculptures probably made by Agostino di Duccio and Matteo de' Pasti. Alberti aspired to renew and rival the Roman structures of antiquity, though here his inspiration was drawn from the triumphal arch, in which his main inspiration was the tripartite Arch of Constantine in Rome. But as Rudolf Wittkower remarked, he drew details (the base, the half-columns, the discs, mouldings) from the Arch of Augustus. The large arcades on the sides are reminiscent of the Roman aqueducts. Question: the interior of the mosque at cordova in spain is notable for containing hundreds of Answer: