You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Electric charge) Electric charge Electric field of a positive and a negative point charge Common symbols Q SI unit coulomb Other units elementary charge faraday ampere - hour In SI base units C = A s Extensive ? yes Conserved ? yes Dimension Document [1](Title: Vacuum permittivity) the system used to define the SI units. The new quantity "q" is given the name "rmks electric charge", or (nowadays) just "electric charge". Clearly, the quantity "q" used in the old cgs esu system is related to the new quantity "q" by One now adds the requirement that one wants force to be measured in newtons, distance in metres, and charge to be measured in the engineers' practical unit, the coulomb, which is defined as the charge accumulated when a current of 1 ampere flows for one second. This shows that the parameter "ε" should be allocated the unit Document [2](Title: Electric charge) through the closed surface "S" = ∂"V", which is in turn equal to the net current "I": Thus, the conservation of electric charge, as expressed by the continuity equation, gives the result: The charge transferred between times formula_2 and formula_3 is obtained by integrating both sides: where "I" is the net outward current through a closed surface and "Q" is the electric charge contained within the volume defined by the surface. Aside from the properties described in articles about electromagnetism, charge is a relativistic invariant. This means that any particle that has charge "Q", no matter how fast it goes, Document [3](Title: Stokes' theorem) integral forms are related by the Kelvin–Stokes theorem. Caution must be taken to avoid cases with moving boundaries: the partial time derivatives are intended to exclude such cases. If moving boundaries are included, interchange of integration and differentiation introduces terms related to boundary motion not included in the results below (see Differentiation under the integral sign): The above listed subset of Maxwell's equations are valid for electromagnetic fields expressed in SI units. In other systems of units, such as CGS or Gaussian units, the scaling factors for the terms differ. For example, in Gaussian units, Faraday's law of induction and Document [4](Title: Permittivity) per meter (F/m or A·s·kg·m). The displacement field is measured in units of coulombs per square meter (C/m), while the electric field is measured in volts per meter (V/m). and describe the interaction between charged objects. is related to the "charge densities" associated with this interaction, while is related to the "forces" and "potential differences". The vacuum permittivity (also called permittivity of free space or the electric constant) is the ratio in free space. It also appears in the Coulomb force constant, Its value is where The constants and are defined in SI units to have exact numerical values, shifting Document [5](Title: Maxwell's equations in curved spacetime) the presence of bulk matter, it is preferable to distinguish between free and bound electric charges. Without that distinction, the vacuum Maxwell's equations are called the "microscopic" Maxwell's equations. When the distinction is made, they are called the macroscopic Maxwell's equations. The electromagnetic field also admits a coordinate-independent geometric description, and Maxwell's equations expressed in terms of these geometric objects are the same in any spacetime, curved or not. Also, the same modifications are made to the equations of flat Minkowski space when using local coordinates that are not Cartesian. For example, the equations in this article can be used Document [6](Title: Field (physics)) J(r, "t"), there will be both an electric and a magnetic field, and both will vary in time. They are determined by Maxwell's equations, a set of differential equations which directly relate E and B to ρ and J. Alternatively, one can describe the system in terms of its scalar and vector potentials "V" and A. A set of integral equations known as "retarded potentials" allow one to calculate "V" and A from ρ and J, and from there the electric and magnetic fields are determined via the relations At the end of the 19th century, the electromagnetic field was Document [7](Title: Conserved current) which are required to define a foliation and thus an integrable system. The conservation law is expressed as the vanishing of a 4-divergence, where the Noether charge forms the zeroth component of the 4-current. The "conservation of charge", for example, in the notation of Maxwell's equations, where: ρ is the "free" electric charge density (in units of C/m³) J is the current density: v is the velocity of the charges. The equation would apply equally to masses (or other conserved quantities), where the word "mass" is substituted for the words "electric charge" above. Conserved current In physics a conserved current Question: what is the sl unit of electric charge Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Liv and Maddie characters) Reggie ( Herbie Jackson ) is one of Parker 's dojo buddies and also his best friend . He takes karate classes with Parker and Splat and is often seen at the Rooney house . He refers to Parker as '' Doctor P '' and is often up for Parker 's schemes . He assists Parker in creating a skin cream for Karen in exchange for baloney in '' Gift - a-Rooney '' . At the end of the episode , Karen tells Reggie Parker 's middle name as Parker 's punishment for creating a skin cream that grew long hair on her elbows and swelled up her feet . Document [1](Title: Reggie Mantle) tries to humiliate Chuck Clayton during a sledding contest, Reggie digs a pit for Chuck to fall into when he landed. Reggie fills the pit with sawdust to soften the blow, adding crankcase oil to make it stick and covering it with snow to conceal it. Reggie likes to chase girls, delighting in the pursuit, but is not usually interested in having a serious relationship with one girl. Reggie likes to play the field, and openly announces himself 'a true practitioner of the art'. He has expressed horror at the idea of being tied down to one solitary female, saying Document [2](Title: Laughing Gas (novel)) he may be able to sell Joey's tooth to the press (who in turn might be willing to give it to a souvenir hunter) at the considerable price of $5,000. Desperate for some cash, Reggie agrees but is cheated out of the money by Chaffinch, who takes the money and runs off to New York. Moreover, Reggie is very disturbed when he learns that Ann Bannister has been hired to serve as girl Friday for Joey. For example, her duties include bathing the boy, which Reggie categorically refuses. In the meantime, Joey, in Reggie's body, embarks on a tour of Document [3](Title: Dead Like Me) Reggie clings to the belief that George visits her, but she is starting to lie to cover this up. At the start of Season 2, the family begins to break apart as Joy and Clancy divorce. All of the main characters have issues with their life after death, but they cope with it in different ways: Mason (Callum Blue) resorts to alcohol and drugs; Daisy (Laura Harris) puts on a veneer of perkiness; and Roxy (Jasmine Guy) is physically and verbally aggressive. Rube (Mandy Patinkin) and George are more straightforward about their sadness. Bryan Fuller left early Season 1 because Document [4](Title: The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin) realises he loves her still. Elizabeth, seeing through his disguise, is happy to have him back. In the second series (novelised as "The Return of Reginald Perrin"), Reggie is tired of being Martin Wellbourne and wants to be Reggie again. He reveals his true identity to his family (though his wife and daughter already know). When CJ learns from Doc Morrisey that he is Reggie, he sacks them both. Elizabeth goes out to work at Sunshine Desserts and Reggie returns to the pig farm; but they are both sacked after Reggie's employer learns of his faked suicide and Elizabeth sends Document [5](Title: Spit & Eggs) Parker (Julie Gonzalo) calls attention to Mercer. In addition to a bomb threat against Hearst, Dean O'Dell notices his window being egged before a mysterious man enters and the Dean asks "What are you doing here?" Keith arrests Mercer and Moe. Logan intentionally gets himself arrested so he can go into the cell with Mercer and Moe. The episode was written and directed by series creator Rob Thomas, marking his seventh writing credit and second and final directing credit for the series (after "Donut Run"). Starting with this episode, Thomas and the crew's plan for the season changed—while they had Document [6](Title: Doc (2001 TV series)) often comes across as a bit of a dimwit. She keeps the team on their toes in a silly, geeky way. However, shining through Tippy's somewhat woolly mind is a heart of gold that loves, sacrifices, and longs to learn. Nate Jackson (Richard Leacock) is an officer with the New York Police Department. Nate Jackson is initially skeptical of Clint's country ways, but the two become close friends quickly. Nate is also a building supervisor, and arranges an apartment for Clint. He affectionately gives Clint the nickname "Country". Raul Garcia (Tyler Posey) is an orphaned boy who is 8 years Document [7](Title: Arthur Fancy) department with some Italian American and Jewish American but only a few African American police officers). Fancy's wife is Lillian (played by Tamara Tunie); they have two daughters when the show begins and a son, born during the run of the show. He loves his wife dearly, which causes him to be overprotective of her when learning of her last pregnancy (his son, Art Jr.), because of her diabetes, and it took some time for him to apologize to her. He has a younger brother, a hotheaded uniformed officer named Reggie (played by Michael Jai White) who is distrustful of Question: who plays parker's friend in liv and maddie Answer:
Herbie Jackson
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Internet Architecture Board) David D. Clark - 1981 to July 1989 Vint Cerf - July 1989 to July 1991 Lyman Chapin - July 1991 to March 1993 Christian Huitema - March 1993 to July 1995 Brian Carpenter - July 1995 to March 2000 John Klensin - March 2000 to March 2002 Leslie Daigle - March 2002 to March 2007 Olaf Kolkman - March 2007 to March 2011 Bernard Aboba - March 2011 to March 2013 Russ Housley - March 2013 to March 2015 Andrew Sullivan - March 2015 to March 2017 Ted Hardie - March 2017 to present Document [1](Title: Hans-Ulrich Obrist bibliography) issue: Stéphane Hessel and Pascal Lemaître (May 2010) 50. Christian Boltanski (September 2010) Special issue: Pierre Reimer (December 2010) 51. Dayanita Singh (December 2010) 1996 1995 1994 1993 1. Liliana Moro (17 February-21 March 1993) 2. Eva Marisaldi (Opened 2 March 1993) 3. Douglas Gordon (7 April-9 May 1993) 4. Rirkrit Tiravanija (29 June-11 July 1993) 5. Didier Trenet (19 December 1993 – 30 January 1994) 6. Stephen Pippin (18 February-19 March 1994) 7. Felix Gonzalez Torres (March–April 1994) 8. Bas Jan Ader (30 March-29 May 1994) 9. Koo Jeong-A (Opened 5 May 1994) 10. Elke Krystufek (15 June-13 July Document [2](Title: 2003 Baseball Hall of Fame balloting) Bartell – Ginger Beaumont – Glenn Beckert – Wally Berger – †Bobby Bonds – Ken Boyer – Harry Brecheen – Tommy Bridges – Pete Browning – Charlie Buffinton – Lew Burdette – George H. Burns – George J. Burns – Guy Bush – Dolph Camilli – Leo Cárdenas – Bob Caruthers – George Case – Norm Cash – Phil Cavarretta – Spud Chandler – Ben Chapman – Rocky Colavito – Walker Cooper – Wilbur Cooper – Mort Cooper – Doc Cramer – Del Crandall – Gavy Cravath – Lave Cross – Mike Cuellar – Bill Dahlen – Alvin Dark – Document [3](Title: Veterans Committee) White – Cy Williams – Ken R. Williams – Maury Wills – Wilbur Wood – Glenn Wright – Jimmy Wynn – Rudy York Contributors. Gene Autry – Buzzie Bavasi – Samuel Breadon – Charles Bronfman – Gussie Busch – George W. Bush – Roger Craig – Harry Dalton – Bill Dinneen – Charles Dressen – Barney Dreyfuss – Chub Feeney – John Fetzer – Charles O. Finley – John Galbreath – Larry Goetz – Calvin Griffith – Fred Haney – Doug Harvey – Garry Herrmann – Whitey Herzog – John Heydler – Ralph Houk – Bob Howsam – Fred Hutchinson Document [4](Title: Palgrave's Golden Treasury) Richard Crashaw – John Dryden – John Fletcher – William Habington – George Herbert – Robert Herrick – Ben Jonson – Richard Lovelace – Andrew Marvell – John Milton – John Norris of Bemerton – Francis Quarles – Sir Charles Sedley – John Shirley – Sir John Suckling – Henry Vaughan – Edmund Waller – John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester – George Wither – Sir Henry Wotton Anna Laetitia Barbauld – William Blake – Robert Burns – Henry Carey – Colley Cibber – John Collins – William Collins – William Cowper – Jane Elliott – John Gay – Oliver Goldsmith Document [5](Title: Veterans Committee) Derringer – Dom DiMaggio – Patsy Donovan – Larry Doyle – Jimmy Dykes • Bob Elliott – Del Ennis – Carl Erskine • Elroy Face – Wes Ferrell – Freddie Fitzsimmons – Curt Flood – Bill Freehan – Jim Fregosi – Carl Furillo • Mike Garcia – Junior Gilliam – Jack Glasscock – Joe Gordon – Dick Groat – Heinie Groh • Stan Hack – Mel Harder – Jeff Heath – Tommy Henrich – Babe Herman – John Hiller – Gil Hodges – Ken Holtzman – †Burt Hooton – Willie Horton – Elston Howard – Frank Howard – Dummy Hoy Document [6](Title: Dandenong Stingrays) Michael Ablett 1998 Craig Jacotine, Chris Fortnam 1997 Ben Lovett, Craig Black 1996 Anthony Hardie, Daniel Anderson 1995 Michael Agnello 1994 Brad Lloyd 1993 Ben Delarue 1992 Darren King 2016Thomas Glen/Myles Poholke 2015 Daniel Capiron 2014 Mirchell White 2013 Nathan Foote 2012 Tim McGenness 2011 Nick Haines 2010 Jake Batchelor 2009 Luke Parker 2008 Tom Gillies 2007 Matthew Clark 2006 Curtis Barker 2005 Greg Bentley 2004 Jarred Moore 2003 Marc Holt 2002 Michael Stinear 2001 Andrew Tuck 2000 Chris Newman 1999 Michael Burke 1998 Ashley Roberts 1997 Trent Croad 1996 Ben Lovett 1995 George Harrack 1994 Austinn Jones 1993 Shayne Document [7](Title: International Guild of Knot Tyers) on April, 17th. 1982.Those in attendance were Dr. Harry ASHER, Mr. Roy E. BAIL, Mr. C.G. BELLINGHAM, Mr. Geoffrey BUDWORTH, Mr. John CONSTABLE, Mr. Bernard J. CUTBUSH, Mrs. Anne DEVINE, Mr. Ron W.EVANS, Mr. Sid EVANS, Mr. Eric FRANKLIN, Mr. Frank HARRIS,Mr. John HAWES, Mr. Paul HERBERT, Dr. Edward HUNTER, Miss. Jill JENNER,Mr. Albert KIRBY, Mr. Allan McDOWALL, Mr. Desmond MANDEVILLE, Mr. Graham MOTT, Mr. Des PAWSON, Mrs. Liz PAWSON, Mr. Douglas PROBERT, Mr. W. Ettrick THOMSON, Mr. Don WOODS and Mr. Quinton WINCH. Mr. Robert CHISNALL of Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and Mr. Charles H.S. THOMASON of Queensland, Australia Both Question: who oversees the iab (internet architecture board) Answer:
Ted Hardie
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Earth's orbit) The following diagram shows the relation between the line of solstice and the line of apsides of Earth 's elliptical orbit . The orbital ellipse goes through each of the six Earth images , which are sequentially the perihelion ( periapsis -- nearest point to the Sun ) on anywhere from January 2 to January 5 , the point of March equinox on March 19 , 20 , or 21 , the point of June solstice on June 20 , 21 , or 22 , the aphelion ( apoapsis -- farthest point from the Sun ) on anywhere from July 3 to July 5 , the September equinox on September 22 , 23 , or 24 , and the December solstice on December 21 , 22 , or 23 . The diagram shows an exaggerated shape of Earth 's orbit ; the actual orbit is less eccentric than pictured . Document [1](Title: Apsis) are rarely, if ever used. Instead, the generic suffix of -apsis is used. The words perihelion and aphelion were coined by Johannes Kepler to describe the orbital motion of the planets. The words are formed from the prefixes "peri-" (Greek: "περί", near) and "apo-" (Greek: "ἀπό", away from) affixed to the Greek word for the sun, ἥλιος. Currently, the Earth reaches perihelion in early January, approximately 14 days after the December Solstice. At perihelion, the Earth's center is about astronomical units (AU) or from the Sun's center. In contrast, the Earth reaches aphelion currently in early July, approximately 14 days Document [2](Title: Sundial) position on the celestial sphere, being - on north hemisphere - at a positive declination in spring and summer, and at a negative declination in autumn and winter, and having exactly zero declination (i.e., being on the celestial equator) at the equinoxes. The Sun's celestial longitude also varies, changing by one complete revolution per year. The path of the Sun on the celestial sphere is called the ecliptic. The ecliptic passes through the twelve constellations of the zodiac in the course of a year. This model of the Sun's motion helps to understand sundials. If the shadow-casting gnomon is aligned Document [3](Title: Position of the Sun) in January than in July. On the graph, this makes the minima more acute than the maxima. Also, since perihelion and aphelion do not happen on the exact dates as the solstices, the maxima and minima are slightly asymmetrical. The rates of change before and after are not quite equal. The graph of apparent solar declination is therefore different in several ways from a sine wave. Calculating it accurately involves some complexity, as shown below. The declination of the Sun, δ, is the angle between the rays of the Sun and the plane of the Earth's equator. The Earth's axial Document [4](Title: Aberration of light) along a small ellipse. For illustration, consider a star at the northern ecliptic pole viewed by an observer at a point on the Arctic Circle. Such an observer will see the star transit at the zenith, once every day (strictly speaking sidereal day). At the time of the March equinox, Earth's orbit carries the observer in a southwards direction, and the star's apparent declination is therefore displaced to the south by an angle of formula_22. On the September equinox, the star's position is displaced to the north by an equal and opposite amount. On either solstice, the displacement in declination Document [5](Title: Flight dynamics (spacecraft)) ellipse, parabola or hyperbola) with the central body located at one focus. Orbital trajectories are either circles or ellipses; the parabolic trajectory represents first escape of the vehicle from the central body's gravitational field. Hyperbolic trajectories are escape trajectories with excess velocity, and will be covered under Interplanetary flight below. Elliptical orbits are characterized by three elements. The semi-major axis "a" is the average of the radius at apoapsis and periapsis: The eccentricity "e" can then be calculated for an ellipse, knowing the apses: The time period for a complete orbit is dependent only on the semi-major axis, and is Document [6](Title: Solstice) Solstice A solstice is an event occurring when the Sun appears to reach its most northerly or southerly excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere. Two solstices occur annually, around June 21 and December 21. The seasons of the year are determined by reference to both the solstices and the equinoxes. The term "solstice" can also be used in a broader sense, as the day when this occurs. The day of a solstice in either hemisphere has either the most sunlight of the year (summer solstice) or the least sunlight of the year (winter solstice) for any Document [7](Title: Milankovitch cycles) circular (with the lowest eccentricity of 0.000055) and mildly elliptical (highest eccentricity of 0.0679) Its geometric or logarithmic mean is 0.0019. The major component of these variations occurs with a period of 413,000 years (eccentricity variation of ±0.012). Other components have 95,000-year and 125,000-year cycles (with a beat period of 400,000 years). They loosely combine into a 100,000-year cycle (variation of −0.03 to +0.02). The present eccentricity is 0.017 and decreasing. Eccentricity varies primarily due to the gravitational pull of Jupiter and Saturn. However, the semi-major axis of the orbital ellipse remains unchanged; according to perturbation theory, which computes the Question: what is the shape of the earth's orbit around the sun Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: United States presidential election, 1824) Presidential candidate Party Home state Popular vote Electoral vote Count Percentage Andrew Jackson Democratic - Republican Tennessee 151,271 41.4 % 99 John Quincy Adams Democratic - Republican Massachusetts 113,122 30.9 % 84 William Harris Crawford Democratic - Republican Georgia 40,856 11.2 % 41 Henry Clay Democratic - Republican Kentucky 47,531 13.0 % 37 ( Massachusetts unpledged electors ) None Massachusetts 6,616 1.8 % 0 Other 6,437 1.8 % 0 Total 365,833 100.0 % 261 Needed to win 131 Document [1](Title: 1964 United States presidential election in Massachusetts) New York. Johnson carried Massachusetts in a landslide, taking 76.19 percent of the vote to Goldwater’s 23.44 percent, a Democratic victory margin of 52.74 percent. This made it the third most Democratic state in the nation, after Rhode Island and Hawaii. However, these three states traditionally go Democratic in other elections as well with much weaker Democratic candidates. Even in the midst of a massive nationwide Democratic landslide, Massachusetts still weighed in for this election as thirty percent more Democratic than the national average. Massachusetts had been a Democratic-leaning state since 1928, but had voted Republican as recently as 1956, Document [2](Title: Andrew Jackson 1828 presidential campaign) he [Crawford] was the regular democratic candidate". Gallatin criticized Jackson as "an honest man and the idol of the worshipers of military glory, but from incapacity, military habits, and habitual disregard of laws and constitutional provisions, altogether unfit for the office". Besides Jackson and Crawford, the Secretary of State John Quincy Adams and House Speaker Henry Clay were also candidates. Jackson received the most popular votes (but not a majority, and four states had no popular ballot). The electoral votes were split four ways, with Jackson having a plurality. Because no candidate received a majority, the election was decided by Document [3](Title: Bridgewater Township, New Jersey) voters (140 ballots were spoiled), for a turnout of 69.8%. In the 2008 presidential election, Republican John McCain received 11,346 votes (51.3% vs. 46.1% countywide), ahead of Democrat Barack Obama with 10,357 votes (46.8% vs. 52.1%) and other candidates with 267 votes (1.2% vs. 1.1%), among the 22,110 ballots cast by the township's 27,378 registered voters, for a turnout of 80.8% (vs. 78.7% in Somerset County). In the 2004 presidential election, Republican George W. Bush received 11,641 votes (55.5% vs. 51.5% countywide), ahead of Democrat John Kerry with 9,104 votes (43.4% vs. 47.2%) and other candidates with 170 votes (0.8% Document [4](Title: 1992 United States presidential election) of the vote to Bush's 30.39% (Clinton won Maine with 38.77%); in Utah, he collected 27.34% of the vote to Clinton's 24.65%. Bush won that state with 43.36%. The election was the most recent in which Georgia and Montana voted for the Democratic candidate, the last time the state of Florida backed the losing candidate, and the last time that Colorado voted Democratic until 2008. This was also the first time since Texas' admission to the Union in 1845 that a Democrat won the White House without winning the state, and the second time a Democrat won the White House Document [5](Title: Presidency of John Quincy Adams) the 261 electoral votes and just under 56 percent of the popular vote. No future presidential candidate would match Jackson's proportion of the popular vote until Theodore Roosevelt's 1904 campaign, while Adams's loss made him the second one-term president, after his own father. By 1828, only two states did not hold a popular vote for president, and the total number of votes in 1828 election was triple the number of votes in the 1824 election. This increase in votes was due not only to the recent wave of democratization, but also because of increased interest in the election and the Document [6](Title: Knowlton Township, New Jersey) received 833 votes (63.1% vs. 56.0% countywide), ahead of Democrat Barack Obama with 441 votes (33.4% vs. 40.8%) and other candidates with 19 votes (1.4% vs. 1.7%), among the 1,320 ballots cast by the township's 2,027 registered voters, for a turnout of 65.1% (vs. 66.7% in Warren County). In the 2008 presidential election, Republican John McCain received 918 votes (63.0% vs. 55.2% countywide), ahead of Democrat Barack Obama with 491 votes (33.7% vs. 41.4%) and other candidates with 25 votes (1.7% vs. 1.6%), among the 1,457 ballots cast by the township's 2,045 registered voters, for a turnout of 71.2% (vs. Document [7](Title: Mannington Township, New Jersey) a turnout of 70.8%. In the 2008 presidential election, Republican John McCain received 394 votes (52.0% vs. 46.6% countywide), ahead of Democrat Barack Obama with 349 votes (46.0% vs. 50.4%) and other candidates with 10 votes (1.3% vs. 1.6%), among the 758 ballots cast by the township's 1,018 registered voters, for a turnout of 74.5% (vs. 71.8% in Salem County). In the 2004 presidential election, Republican George W. Bush received 414 votes (55.3% vs. 52.5% countywide), ahead of Democrat John Kerry with 324 votes (43.3% vs. 45.9%) and other candidates with 5 votes (0.7% vs. 1.0%), among the 748 ballots Question: who won the popular vote in the presidential election of 1824 Answer:
Andrew Jackson
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Digital television transition in the United States) The DTV ( an abbreviation of digital television , also called digital broadcast ) transition in the United States was the switchover from analog ( the traditional method of transmitting television signals ) to exclusively digital broadcasting of free over-the - air television programming . According to David Rehr , then president and CEO of the National Association of Broadcasters , this transition represented '' the most significant advancement of television technology since color TV was introduced . '' For full - power TV stations , the transition went into effect on June 12 , 2009 , with stations ending regular programming on their analog signals no later than 11 : 59pm local time that day . Document [1](Title: ATSC tuner) DTV broadcast date was moved again to June 12, 2009, although stations were allowed to switch earlier. The delay enabled distribution of more coupons for purchase of converter boxes. Since June 12, 2009, TVs and other equipment with legacy NTSC tuners are unable to receive over-the-air broadcasts from United States TV stations, unless the broadcast is from a repeater or low-power transmitter. Canada had a similar analogue TV termination date set to September 1, 2011 (except in some remote northern regions). It was feared that the US switch-off would cause millions of non-cable- and non-satellite-connected TV sets to "go dark". Document [2](Title: Digital terrestrial television in the United States) Digital terrestrial television in the United States In the United States, digital television broadcasts, or DTV, can be received via cable, via internet, via satellite, or via digital terrestrial television - much like analog television broadcasts have been. Full-power analog television broadcasts, however, were required by U.S. federal law to cease by June 12, 2009. Low-power, Class A, and TV Translator stations are not currently required to cease analog broadcasts. Also by law, digital broadcasts - when transmitted as OTA signals - must conform to ATSC standards.; it is unclear whether satellite operators are free to use their own proprietary Document [3](Title: WCVB-TV) from analog to digital broadcasts under federal mandate. The station's digital signal continued to broadcast on its pre-transition UHF channel 20. Through the use of PSIP, digital television receivers display the station's virtual channel as its former VHF analog channel 5. Its analog signal provided nightlight service (DTV information loops) until July 12, 2009. Since 1972, WCVB-TV, as a part of its commitment to serving the community through extensive local programming, has run a series of different public service campaigns to help educate people on relevant issues and values of the day. Each campaign has had a different theme, ranging Document [4](Title: Digital television adapter) Digital television adapter A digital television adapter (DTA), commonly known as a converter box, is a television tuner that receives a digital television (DTV) transmission, and converts the digital signal into an analog signal that can be received and displayed on an analog television set. The input digital signal may be over-the-air terrestrial television signals received by a television antenna, or signals from a digital cable system. It normally does not refer to satellite TV, which has always required a set-top box either to operate the big satellite dish, or to be the integrated receiver/decoder (IRD) in the case of Document [5](Title: Television in South Africa) are carried both terrestrially on local analogue frequencies as well as nationally on pay-TV platforms, principally DStv. The first digital television implementation in South Africa was a satellite-based system launched by pay-TV operator MultiChoice in 1995. On 22 February 2007, the South African government announced that the country's public TV operators would be broadcasting in digital by 1 November 2008, followed by a three-year dual-illumination period which would end on 1 November 2011. On 11 August 2008, the Department of Communications announced its Broadcasting Digital Migration Policy. The policy will govern the switchover from analogue to digital transmission, and states Document [6](Title: Digital Satellite Service) Digital Satellite Service Digital Satellite System is the initialism expansion of the DSS digital satellite television transmission system used by DirecTV. Only when digital transmission was introduced did direct broadcast satellite (DBS) television become popular in North America, which has led to both DBS and DSS being used interchangeably to refer to all three commonplace digital transmission formats - DSS, DVB-S and 4DTV. Analog DBS services, however, existed prior to DirecTV and were still operational in continental Europe until April 2012. At the time of DirecTV's launch in 1994, the DVB-S digital satellite system in use in the majority of Document [7](Title: WMSN-TV) channels. The station's digital channel is multiplexed: WMSN-TV shut down its analog signal, over UHF channel 47, on June 12, 2009, the official date in which full-power television stations in the United States transitioned from analog to digital broadcasts under federal mandate. The station's digital signal remained on its pre-transition VHF channel 11. Through the use of PSIP, digital television receivers display the station's virtual channel as its former UHF analog channel 47. In September 2010, WMSN-TV established its first digital subchannel, adding TheCoolTV music video network to subchannel 47.2. The subchannel would go dark in September 2012 at the Question: when were tvs required to have digital tuners Answer:
June 12 , 2009
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Aldi) Aldi launched in Great Britain , on 5 April 1990 , when it opened its first store there in Stechford , Birmingham , using the wholly owned English registered company of Aldi Stores Limited and Aldi sales in Britain grew consistently . In October 2013 , Aldi opened the 300th store in Great Britain . By 2017 Aldi had over 600 stores there , and was opening them at a rate of more than one a week with the aim of having a thousand stores by 2022 . Document [1](Title: Galston, New South Wales) located on the ground level. Following the numerous graffiti attacks on the carpark, the carpark has been repainted and is now closed 15 minutes after the last store closes. ALDI which was recently opened on Wednesday 8 October, owns a fully functioning store although it only makes use of 3/4 of Franklins store space. The Galston ALDI is larger than the Round Corner ALDI. There is a variety of housing available in Galston. There are a number of recently built modern brick townhouses and home units close in to the shopping village and several hundred modern brick dwellings in subdivisions Document [2](Title: Aldi) Albrecht Diskont), which is pronounced . In Germany, Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd have been financially and legally separate since 1966, although both divisions' names may appear as if they were a single enterprise with certain store brands or when negotiating with contractor companies. The formal business name is Aldi Einkauf GmbH & Compagnie, oHG. Aldi's German operations consist of Aldi Nord's 35 individual regional companies with about 2,500 stores in western, northern, and eastern Germany, and Aldi Süd's 32 regional companies with 1,600 stores in western and southern Germany. Internationally, Aldi Nord operates in Denmark, France, the Benelux countries, Document [3](Title: Aldi) accept manufacturers' coupons, although some US stores successfully experimented with store coupons (e.g. $10 off a $25 purchase). In addition to its standard assortment, Aldi has weekly special offers, some of them on more expensive products such as electronics, tools, appliances, or computers, usually from in-house electronics brand Medion and workzone brand for tools. Discount items can include clothing, toys, flowers, and gifts. Specials have strict limits on quantities, and are for one week. Aldi's early computer offers in Germany (such as a Commodore 64 in 1987) resulted in those products selling out in a few hours. Aldi is the Document [4](Title: Burwood East, Victoria) as the East Burwood Plaza, will double the size of the complex, on the corner of Burwood Highway and Blackburn Road, from 15,000 square meters to 30,000 square metres. The new leasing floor plan can be viewed here. Pomeroy Pacific development manager Paul Chiodo said the $35 million extension will add about 30 specialty shops, a 5,500 square metre Coles Supermarket, a 333-seat restaurant, gymnasium and a First Choice bottle shop. The extension will be built over an existing car park, on the western side of the 6.3 hectare site. German discount supermarket chain Aldi has leased the 2,981 square Document [5](Title: M. A. Yusuff Ali) international group with operations spread over three continents. The group's flagship retail chain of LuLu Hypermarkets and Supermarkets is currently rated as one of the major players in the Middle East retail sector with more than 100 stores in Arab states of the Persian Gulf. Apart from the hypermarkets, supermarkets and department stores, the group also owns several shopping malls, namely, Khalidiyah Mall, Al Raha Mall, Al Wahda Mall, Mushriff Mall, Madinat Zayed Mall, Mazyad Mall, Ramli Mall, RAK Mall, Al Foah Mall, Al Khor Mall, Riyadh Avenue Mall in Saudi Arabia and Oman Avenues Mall spread across the GCC Document [6](Title: Persis Foster Eames Albee) Albee, who brought in other agents and saleswomen to expand the company business. She helped in developing new products, and the company expanded and took over all the floors of the building. Widowed in 1885, the town's census records showed her as a dealer in household and holiday goods. Her variety store was amalgamated with selling perfume and other products for women by the following year. Fifty years old in 1886, she ran the variety store from her home and did door-to-door sales in Winchester and Cheshire County, New Hampshire. She was a California Perfume Company businesswoman and had pioneered Document [7](Title: Aldens (department store)) and changed its name to Aldens, Inc. In 1957, sales were $102.4 million, they employed 4,795 employees, and operated catalog telephone stores in 68 cities. In 1961, the began selling life insurance via their subsidiary, the John Alden Life Insurance Company. In 1964, Gamble-Skogmo (which had previously purchased a 46% interest in Aldens), purchased the remaining stock in the company including the life insurance unit. The catalog operation was liquidated in 1985. Aldens (department store) Aldens was an American catalog merchant company. Aldens was founded by Benjamin J. Rosenthal in 1889 in Chicago under the name the Chicago Mail Order Question: where was the first aldi store in uk Answer:
Stechford , Birmingham
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: She Doesn't Mind) The music video had a special guest : Lisa Jackson from cycle 9 of America 's Next Top Model who acted as a TSA officer . Document [1](Title: America's Next Top Model (season 5)) her melancholy demeanor. "First aired October 26, 2005 The girls were coached in a black-and-white photo shoot with Tyra assisting them. They then went to a boot camp where they had to do all sorts of physical activities, including crawling in the mud, and then directly (without changing or showering) to a go-see with Elle Girl, a challenge which Lisa won, allowing her to meet and be taught by fashion stylist Todd Hallman. The contestants shot advertisements for Ford Fusion dressed as Vargas "pin-up" girls. They also learned that the future winner of the cycle would have her picture run Document [2](Title: Too Lost in You) passenger and begins to have fantasies about him, in which she positions him into a chair and touches his body. In subsequent scenes, the man is shown handcuffed. Buena fantasizes about a worker who she sees in the airport and touches his body with a sword, which she uses to cut the front of his shirt. Range gets the attention of a flight attendant and has dream sequences of touching and kissing him; she also throws a large bag full of ice onto him. Group member Keisha Buchanan considered the video to be the most challenging for her to film: Document [3](Title: What Have You Done for Me Lately) February 17, 1986. In the video, Jackson goes to a diner with her friends to talk about her relationship problems. Her boyfriend (played by Rudy Huston) shows up with his friends, and Jackson decides to share her feelings about their relationship. In the video, Jackson's reality is a dark world with faded colors. In a more dreamscape world, the colors are vibrant and everything is 2D. The video won a Soul Train Music Award for Best R&B/Soul or Rap Music Video in 1987. While reviewing the video, "Vanity Fair" magazine said in 1986 that Jackson "might be Michael's androgynous twin Document [4](Title: Hold My Hand (Michael Jackson and Akon song)) 2010, the filming for the official video began in Tustin, California, a main filming location being the airship hangars at Marine Corps Air Station Tustin. There was a casting call posted up on Jackson's official website, saying that they were "looking for his fans of all ages who want to be a part of this iconic event." On December 4, 2010, a 30-second teaser of the video was released on Michael Jackson's official YouTube channel and the official website. It featured clips from Jackson's "" DVD and clips of fans dancing. The video debuted at midnight December 9, 2010 on Document [5](Title: Bad Liar) since the "Stars Dance" era when "Come & Get It" and "Slow Down" took her to exotic locations." Alyssa Bailey of "Elle" praised Gomez's acting, saying that "Gomez may not be back to acting quite yet, but this mini-movie/music video situation definitely makes you want more"., while "LA Times"s Emily Mae Czachor praised the video visuals "With a directorial vision by Lemonheads bassist (and, more recently, TV director) Jesse Peretz, the video fuses a retro '70s aesthetic (Farrah Fawcett wigs and all) with an eerie, seductive atmosphere." Sam Reed of "The Hollywood Reporter" said, "Regardless, all of this means that Document [6](Title: New Zealand's Next Top Model (season 2)) suspended in midair while posing at the same time. Most girls struggled such as Amelia who was said to be too "hoochie" and Danielle who appeared to be completely lost but it was Aafreen who outshined all the other girls with her diverse poses and her great understanding of her angles. The girls then returned to the Top Model House and already girls have been segregated with girls talking about each other behind backs, especially Holly and Dakota who express their dislike for Amelia. The girls arrive at their first official photoshoot which is photographed by Rob Trathen. Michaela, Elza, Document [7](Title: The Wright Stuff) to appear on The Wright Stuff to defend himself. His request was eventually granted, but was cancelled shortly before the show was due to start. In 2003, Wright appeared in the video for "Proper Crimbo" the Christmas single released from the team behind "Bo' Selecta". In a spoof of the Michael Jackson video for "Thriller". In the video Wright took the place of the girl in the car, while instead of morphing into a wolf, the Michael Jackson character morphed into John Leslie who "wanted a word" with Matthew Wright, a reference to Wright revealing the John Leslie scandal by Question: sean paul she doesn't mind video model Answer:
Lisa Jackson
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Canada) Canada ( French : ( kanadɑ ) ) is a country located in the northern part of North America . Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean , covering 9.98 million square kilometres ( 3.85 million square miles ) , making it the world 's second - largest country by total area . Canada 's southern border with the United States is the world 's longest bi-national land border . As a whole , Canada is sparsely populated , the majority of its land area being dominated by forest and tundra . Consequently , its population is highly urbanized , with 82 percent of the 35.15 million people concentrated in large and medium - sized cities , many near the southern border . Its capital is Ottawa , and its three largest metropolitan areas are Toronto , Montreal , and Vancouver . Canada 's climate varies widely across its vast area , ranging from arctic weather in the north , to hot summers in the southern regions , with four distinct seasons . Document [1](Title: Southern Ontario) of over 5.5 million. Ottawa is Canada's fourth largest city and capital city. It is home to most federal government departments and the Parliament of Canada. It has a population of 964,743, and a metropolitan population of over 1.4 million. Southern Ontario contains the only city (but not the only community) in the nation from which one can travel north to the contiguous United States: Detroit, Michigan is north of Windsor, Ontario. Southern Ontario communities have 13 telephone area codes: 226, 249, 289, 343, 365, 416, 437, 519, 548, 613, 647, 705, and 905. Statistics Canada's measure of a "metro Document [2](Title: Quebec) Quebec Quebec (; ) is one of the thirteen provinces and territories of Canada. It is bordered to the west by the province of Ontario and the bodies of water James Bay and Hudson Bay; to the north by Hudson Strait and Ungava Bay; to the east by the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the province of Newfoundland and Labrador; and to the south by the province of New Brunswick and the U.S. states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York. It also shares maritime borders with Nunavut, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia. Quebec is Canada's largest province Document [3](Title: Montreal) Montreal Montreal ( ; ; officially Montréal) is the most populous municipality in the Canadian province of Quebec and the second-most populous municipality in Canada. Originally called "Ville-Marie", or "City of Mary", it is named after Mount Royal, the triple-peaked hill in the heart of the city. The city is centred on the Island of Montreal, which took its name from the same source as the city, and a few much smaller peripheral islands, the largest of which is Île Bizard. It has a distinct four-season continental climate with warm to hot summers and cold, snowy winters. In 2016, the Document [4](Title: 2002–06 municipal reorganization of Montreal) (CMM) ), in charge of planning, coordinating, and financing economic development, public transportation, garbage collection, etc., across the metropolitan area of Montreal. The Metropolitan Community of Montreal covers 3,839 km (1,482 sq. miles), with 3,431,551 inhabitants living inside its borders in 2002; it is thus larger in area and population than the city of Toronto (even after its 1998 merger). However, the city of Toronto is larger than the city of Montreal proper, and Toronto's metro area (not a legal entity) is larger than the Montreal Metropolitan Community, with and 5.8 million people. The president of the Montreal Metropolitan Community Document [5](Title: Demographics of Montreal) centre of Quebec, French-speaking Canada and French-speaking North America as a whole, and an important city in the Francophonie. The majority of the population is francophone. Montreal is the largest French-speaking city in North America, and second in the world after Paris when counting the number of native-language Francophones (third after Paris and Kinshasa when counting second-language speakers). The city is a hub for French language television productions, radio, theatre, circuses, performing arts, film, multimedia and print publishing. Montreal plays a prominent role in the development of French-Canadian and Québécois culture. Its contribution to culture is therefore more of a Document [6](Title: Saskatchewan) the east by Manitoba, and on the south by the U.S. states of Montana and North Dakota. Saskatchewan has the distinction of being the only Canadian province for which no borders correspond to physical geographic features (i.e. they are all parallels and meridians). Along with Alberta, Saskatchewan is one of only two land-locked provinces. The overwhelming majority of Saskatchewan's population is located in the southern third of the province, south of the 53rd parallel. Saskatchewan contains two major natural regions: the Canadian Shield in the north and the Interior Plains in the south. Northern Saskatchewan is mostly covered by boreal Document [7](Title: French diaspora) now estimated that more than 6 million Argentines have some degree of French ancestry (17% of the total population). Canada has the second largest community of people outside of France who have identified as being of French descent, close behind the United States. 8.5 million Canadians claim French heritage. The French-speaking province of Quebec has the highest concentration of people with French ancestry in the world: 90% of Quebecers have French roots. They are also found in large numbers in the province of New Brunswick where a third of the population can trace their roots back to France and in Question: is canada a city a country or a state Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Kabaddi) Kabaddi is a contact team sport . Played between two teams of seven players , the object of the game is for a single player on offence , referred to as a '' raider '' , to run into the opposing team 's half of a court , tag out as many of their defenders as possible , and return to their own half of the court , all without being tackled by the defenders , and in a single breath . Points are scored for each player tagged by the raider , while the opposing team earns a point for stopping the raider . Players are taken out of the game if they are tagged or tackled , but can be '' revived '' for each point scored by their team from a tag or tackle . Document [1](Title: Pro Kabaddi) viewers. Star Sports, the PKL's broadcaster, subsequently announced in 2015 that it would acquire a 74% stake in the league's parent company Mashal Sports. For the 2017 season, the PKL added four new teams, and changed its format to split the teams into two divisions known as "zones". The PKL's rules are similar to that of the indoor team version of Kabaddi, but with additional rules to encourage more scoring. Playing two "empty" raids in a row will trigger a "do-or-die raid", where the raider must score a point or they will be declared out. When a defensive side has Document [2](Title: Punjabi kabaddi) the Punjabi circle style of kabaddi. Some of the teams are owned or part owned by actors – Akshay Kumar (Khalsa Warriors), Rajat Bedi (Punjab Thunder), Sonakshi Sinha (United Singhs) and Yo Yo Honey Singh (Yo Yo Tigers). The inaugural league season was played from August 2014 to December 2014. United Singhs (Birmingham, England) won the finals defeating Khalsa Warriors (London, England) in the first season. There are over 1,000 kabaddi tournaments held in Punjab, some of which include the following Punjabi kabaddi Punjabi kabaddi, also called kauddi, is a contact sport that originated in the Punjab region. There are Document [3](Title: Eton wall game) plays must happen within the calx. After this, if the umpire says "Given", the scoring team can attempt a goal (worth a further nine points) by throwing the ball at a designated target (a garden door at one end of the field and a tree at the other end). A player can also score a kicked goal, worth five points, if he kicks the ball out and it hits a goal during the normal course of play. The main game consists of the two sets of players forming a rugby-style scrummage (called a "Bully") in which neither team may "furk" Document [4](Title: Super Dodge Ball Advance) compete against a clone version of their time for the final match. Each team consists of eight members, though only seven are allowed to play. The player assigns each member of their team by position, with four members within the inner court and three on the outer court. Each character has a stat for Throw Power, Throw Speed, Throw Control, Agility, Jump, Catch, Dodge, Toughness, Will and Stamina. Each character has two special attacks. The first can be performed by running and throwing the ball on the third step, or by doing a running jump and then pressing . There Document [5](Title: Capture the flag) may be tagged because they have the opposing team's flag. The objective of the game is for players to venture into the opposing team's territory, grab the flag and return with it to their territory without being tagged. The flag is defended mainly by tagging opposing players who attempt to take it. Within their territory players are "safe", meaning that they cannot be tagged by opposing players. Once they cross into the opposing team's territory they are vulnerable. The flag is usually placed in a visibly obvious location at the rear of a team's territory. In a more difficult version, Document [6](Title: Chinese checkers) or three teams of two. When playing teams, teammates usually sit at opposite corners of the star, with each team member controlling their own colored set of pieces. The first team to advance both sets to their home destination corners is the winner. The remaining players usually continue play to determine second- and third-place finishers, etc. The four-player game is the same as the game for six players, except that two opposite corners will be unused. In a three-player game, all players control either one or two sets of pieces each. If one set is used, pieces race across the Document [7](Title: Tag (game)) sport is called Kho Kho. Tag or flag rugby is a non-contact variation in which each player wears a belt that has two velcro tags attached to it, or shorts with velcro patches. The mode of play is also similar to rugby league with attacking players attempting to dodge, evade and pass a rugby ball while defenders attempt to prevent them scoring by tagging - pulling a velcro attached tag from the ball carrier. However, the "tag" in "tag rugby" is derived from the "tags" that the players wear and the children's game of tag more closely resembles touch rugby Question: how many players in kabaddi in one team Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Eric Steinberg) Eric D. Steinberg ( born August 26 , 1969 in Washington , D.C. ) is an American actor who played the role of Emily Fields ' father in the Freeform hit series Pretty Little Liars . Document [1](Title: Brandon Jones (actor)) role of Andrew Campbell. He appeared in the web series "If I Can Dream" alongside Justin Gaston. Jones also appeared in "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" as Cyndee's fiancé who turns out to be gay. Brandon Jones (actor) Brandon William Jones (born May 7, 1988) is an American actor, musician, and producer, best known for his role as Liam on "Lie to Me", his portrayal of Andrew Campbell in "Pretty Little Liars", Liam in "The Fosters" and his portrayal of Charlie Russell on "". Jones was born in the central Piedmont region of North Carolina. He was raised in the town of Document [2](Title: Emily Fields) television. However, there are some perceptual differences between the two versions, since the television series usually doesn't follows the books' scripts. As an example, Emily's parents on the screen have different names from the books ones; and, in the books, she has siblings, while in the television series she doesn't. Another noticeable difference between the two versions are the physical and psychological characteristics. For her portrayal, Mitchell was nominated twice in the Teen Choice Awards. "Pretty Little Liars" is a series of novels which follows the lives of four teenage girls nicknamed the Pretty little Liars or simply the Liars, Document [3](Title: Becky Simpson) in 2004 with an arts degree in Creative Writing. Simpson's first acting role came in a radio adaptation of "The Little Princess" in 1997. In 1997, she was offered the role of "Spoonface Steinberg" in a 60-minute monologue for BBC Radio 4. The play was written by Lee Hall (who went on to write "Billy Elliot") and was about a young Jewish autistic girl dying of cancer. The play later won the "Talkie of the Year" award and "Best Drama" of 1997. "Spoonface Steinberg" provided important exposure for Simpson, leading to her first TV role in "See How They Run" Document [4](Title: Lies My Father Told Me) disillusioned with the deceptions of all adults, David covers Mrs. Tannenbaum's steps with horse excrement. The police arrive and discover Zaida's stable is in violation of bylaws requiring stables to be located 100 yards from residences. The police give Zaida 30 days to move it, but he resolves not to. He instead becomes gravely ill, and David is sent to his uncle to avoid a spread of the illness. When he returns, Harry tells David that Zaida and Ferdeleh have both died. Distressed, David runs from home and imagines his grandfather returning. "Lies My Father Told Me" was entirely filmed Document [5](Title: Sean Faris) CBS film "The Lost Valentine", opposite Betty White and Jennifer Love Hewitt. On March 22, 2013, it was announced that Faris would portray Pennsylvania State Police Officer Gabriel Holbrook on "Pretty Little Liars". In 2011, Faris voiced the character Jack Rourke in the 2011 video game "". On February 25, 2014, it was reported that Faris had landed one of the lead roles in "", a spin-off of the CW series "Supernatural", with the twentieth episode of the latter's ninth season airing as a backdoor pilot. However, the pilot was not picked up as a series for the 2014–15 season. Document [6](Title: Nathan Darrow) Nathan Darrow Nathan Darrow (born June 21, 1976) is an American actor known for his role as Secret Service agent Edward Meechum in "House of Cards", John Custer in "Preacher", Andrew Madoff in "The Wizard of Lies", and as Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze in "Gotham". After attending Shawnee Mission North High School in Overland Park, Kansas, he earned his bachelor's degree from University of Evansville and attended graduate school at New York University. In 2003, Darrow returned to Kansas City, and performed in productions of Shakespeare's plays, including "Romeo & Juliet" and "Henry V". In 2006, he played a young William Document [7](Title: Bradford Meade) Bradford comfortably disappears into the white light, and presumably his soul is now at peace. He also appears in a video message for Alexis and Daniel in "Bananas for Betty", recorded weeks before his death. Bradford Meade Bradford Emerson Meade is a fictional character in the American dramedy series "Ugly Betty", portrayed by Alan Dale. Bradford Meade is a famous publishing mogul whose company, Meade Publications, publishes the popular fashion magazine "MODE". He is the ex-husband of recovering alcoholic Claire Meade and the father of Daniel Meade, the womanizing editor-in-chief of "MODE", and Alexis Meade, his post-op transsexual (male-to-female) daughter. Question: who plays emily's father on pretty little liars Answer:
Eric D. Steinberg
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Gettysburg Address) Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent , a new nation , conceived in Liberty , and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal . Document [1](Title: United States Declaration of Independence) nation's founding principles. He famously expressed this belief in the opening sentence of his 1863 Gettysburg Address: "Four score and seven years ago [i.e. in 1776] our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." Lincoln's view of the Declaration became influential, seeing it as a moral guide to interpreting the Constitution. "For most people now," wrote Garry Wills in 1992, "the Declaration means what Lincoln told us it means, as a way of correcting the Constitution itself without overthrowing it." Admirers of Lincoln such Document [2](Title: Early life and career of Thomas Jefferson) all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. This has been called "one of the best-known sentences in the English language", containing "the most potent and consequential words in American history". The passage came to represent a moral standard to which the United States should strive. This view was notably promoted by Abraham Lincoln, who based his philosophy on it, and argued for the Declaration as a statement of principles through which the United States Constitution should be interpreted. Intended also Document [3](Title: Spirit of '76 (sentiment)) the burden of oppression and ignorance to open their eyes to the rights of mankind, to overturn the power of tyrants, and to declare the triumph of equality over inequality." Thomas Jewett wrote that at the time of the American Revolution, there was "an intangible something that is known as the 'Spirit of '76.' This spirit was personified by the beliefs and actions of that almost mythical group known as the Founding Fathers, and is perhaps best exemplified by Thomas Jefferson." Jefferson and the Second Continental Congress believed the Spirit of '76 "included the 'self-evident' truths of being 'created equal' Document [4](Title: The Birth of a Nation) since its 1915 release. The restoration was released on a 2-Blu-ray set by the BFI, alongside a host of extras, including many other newly restored Civil War-related films from the period. I've reclaimed this title and re-purposed it as a tool to challenge racism and white supremacy in America, to inspire a riotous disposition toward any and all injustice in this country (and abroad) and to promote the kind of honest confrontation that will galvanize our society toward healing and sustained systemic change. Bibliography The Birth of a Nation The Birth of a Nation (originally called The Clansman) is a Document [5](Title: Virginia Declaration of Rights) of rights and the relationship between government and the governed. Article 1 states that "all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights of which ... they cannot deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety," a statement later made internationally famous in the second paragraph of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, as "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, Document [6](Title: Presidency of George Washington) nationhood, and which, along with the Constitution binds all Americans together and provides for the popular well being. Concerned about the obstacles and potential hazards that lay ahead for the nation, Washington urges the nation's people to cherish and safeguard their hard-won system of republican government despite their many differences. The address is largely a statement of his policies while in office, with some comments mixed in to highlight certain points, in which he builds a case for the steps needed to perpetuate the union, a concept that began to germinate among and between the states during the Revolutionary War. Document [7](Title: Girondin constitutional project) twenty-five million individuals, a constitution which, being founded solely on the principles of reason and justice, insures to citizens the fullest enjoyment of their rights; to combine the parts of this constitution, so that the necessity of obedience to the laws, the submission of individual wills to the general will, allow the subsistence in all their extent, of the sovereignty of the people, equality among citizens, and the exercise of natural liberty, such is the problem that we had to solve." Are subsequently exposed, in this order: The first article declares the natural, civil, and political rights of men which Question: what is the first word of the gettysburg address Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Prison Break (season 4)) Michael , Lincoln , Sucre , and Alex reunite to break out Sara , who is ordered by the General to be killed . Michael sacrifices himself to help Sara escape . In the last scene of the series , Lincoln and Sara watch the DVD Michael left them explaining why he did what he did . Document [1](Title: Michael Scofield) Sara try to call Lincoln, but they lose the signal and the back lifter is stuck so they smash a vending machine to open the side door and they escape with the guy chasing after them. Michael kills him and takes a note from him asking who sent him. The guy's last words were, "Not Krantz." He then dies. Michael and Sara stay at one of Sara's old friend, Deb's vacation apartment, with whom she went to med school. Michael and Sara check the note they took from their abductor. It reads: I10R4AZMS=I-10 near route 4 in Arizona Michael Scofield. Document [2](Title: Prison Break) visiting Michael's grave with Lincoln, Sucre and Mahone. The final episode and television movie "" shows what happened between the take down of The Company and Michael's death. This story involves the incarceration of Sara in Miami-Dade county penitentiary for Christina's murder. The General and T-Bag are in the adjacent men's facility. The General wants Sara dead and has put a $100,000 bounty on her. Michael hears of the bounty and devises a plan to break Sara out. In the end, knowing that he is dying from a brain tumor, Michael sacrifices himself for Sara to escape. In June 2015, Document [3](Title: Lincoln Burrows) with Michael having to decide between saving Sara or Linc. In the next episode he decides to save them both, and sends Mahone with an explosive device to kill Christina and rescue Lincoln while Michael saves Sara. The plan is successful. After they are unexpectedly contacted by Kellerman, he offers them complete exoneration if they hand over Scylla to a contact who is a member of the United Nations, which they do and are all exonerated. Following their exoneration, Michael’s nose begins to bleed, indicating that the tumor which was treated earlier in the series is back. In the series Document [4](Title: Sara Tancredi) his blood sugar). Michael's regular visits to the infirmary becomes an important plot point, as it represents a major step in his plan. Sara treats Michael after two of his toes are cut off in the episode "Cell Test", and the subsequent bonding between them turns their relationship into a more personal one. Most episodes feature Sara interacting with Michael during these visits, initially careful to deflect all his attempts to charm her. However, after Michael rescues Sara from inmates' intent to rape and kill her in "Riots, Drills, and the Devil", she begins to grow more comfortable around him. Document [5](Title: Sara Tancredi) find her nearly dead from a morphine overdose. The character's fate is left unresolved at the end of the first season. After recovering from her drug overdose in "Manhunt", Sara loses her medical license and becomes a target of The Company - the mysterious organization behind Lincoln's murder setup. Posing as Lance, a homosexual addict at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, Agent Kellerman (Paul Adelstein) attempts to befriend Sara to find out the whereabouts of Michael Scofield. Learning that six other convicts joined Michael's escape, Sara feels betrayed by him, and the two characters initially have a strained relationship. After her Document [6](Title: Brothers & Sisters (season 5)) support Sarah after discovering Brody is her real father and to help her plan her wedding. Later, it is revealed that Kitty is pregnant and she is very happy about it. But Nora and Seth are worried because of her previous experiences with cancer. In the end, it seems that Kitty has decided to continue with her pregnancy. Since the end of the last season and their surrogacy plans falling through, Kevin has been distant from Scotty and has kept himself busy with work. Scotty admits to having a one-night stand with another man and Kevin begins sleeping on the Document [7](Title: Misfits (TV series)) accidentally killed by Kelly in self-defence. The main plot of the first series is the five trying to stop anyone else finding out about the death. Tony's replacement Sally is revealed to be Tony's fiancée, and she suspects that the gang know more than they claim to. Sally's suspicion grows and she forms a relationship with Simon, secretly pretending to like him in order to get information from him about Tony's disappearance. She steals his mobile phone, which has the video of Nathan saying they killed Tony, sees it, and tries to convince Simon to go to the police. When Question: who dies at the end of season 4 prison break Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Ferris Bueller's Day Off) Ferris Bueller 's Day Off is a 1986 American teen comedy film written , co-produced , and directed by John Hughes , and co-produced by Tom Jacobson . The film stars Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller , a high - school slacker who spends a day off from school , with Mia Sara and Alan Ruck . Ferris regularly '' breaks the fourth wall '' to explain techniques and inner thoughts . Document [1](Title: Ferris Bueller's Day Off) Bueller's Day Off" are irrelevant and impotent. Ferris's nemesis, the school disciplinarian, Mr. Rooney, is obsessed with 'getting Bueller.' His obsession emerges from envy. Strangely, Ferris serves as Rooney's role model, as he clearly possesses the imagination and power that Rooney lacks. ... By capturing and disempowering Ferris, Rooney hopes to ... reduce Ferris's influence over other students, which would reestablish adults, that is, Rooney, as traditional authority figures." Nevertheless, Silverblatt concludes that "Rooney is essentially a comedic figure, whose bumbling attempts to discipline Ferris are a primary source of humor in the film". Thomas Patrick Doherty writes that "the Document [2](Title: Mia Sara) Mia Sara Mia Sarapochiello (born June 19, 1967) better known as Mia Sara, is a retired American actress. She is best known for her role as Sloane Peterson in the 1986 comedy film "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", and other films such as "Legend" (1985) and "Timecop" (1994). Sara was born Mia Sarapochiello in Brooklyn Heights, New York, of Italian-American descent. She is the daughter of Diana, a stylist and photographer, and Jerome Sarapochiello, a photographer and artist. She attended St. Ann's School, in Brooklyn, New York. Sara's breakthrough role was Princess Lili in Ridley Scott's 1985 fairy-tale film "Legend". Playing Document [3](Title: Gordie Howe) teams the same as his own No. 99. Howe played internationally on one occasion, at the 1974 Summit Series. In the 1986 film "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", the character Cameron Frye wears Howe's Red Wings jersey throughout most of the film, even though it is set in Chicago. Howe had provided one to the filmmakers personally. In 1993 a statue created by Michael Martin of Eston, Saskatchewan was installed across from Midtown Plaza and then moved to what is now SaskTel Centre in 2005. Following his death, Howe's ashes along with wife Colleen were interred below the statue. In May Document [4](Title: Mia Sara) the role of Ferris Bueller's girlfriend, Sloane Peterson, in the 1986 blockbuster film "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" made her even more popular. She also appeared in the 1987 miniseries "Queenie", a roman à clef on actress Merle Oberon, as well as 1992's "A Stranger Among Us", directed by Sidney Lumet. In 1994 she starred opposite Jean-Claude Van Damme in the blockbuster "Timecop", for which she won the Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress. She also played the part of Molly Connor in "The Impossible Elephant" (2001). Her television roles have included playing Annie Knox in the science fiction series "Time Document [5](Title: Sigue Sigue Sputnik) though in actual fact revealed to be £350,000. The band's first single, the Giorgio Moroder-produced "Love Missile F1-11", was released in February 1986, and reached number 3 in the UK Singles Chart, number 2 in South Africa and was a major hit in several countries in Europe and Asia. Its popularity was boosted by its inclusion in the John Hughes film "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". The samples used in the single had not received copyright clearance, and were replaced in the US version. The follow-up, "21st Century Boy" reached number 20 in the UK and, despite largely negative reviews, the Document [6](Title: School Days (1921 film)) inventor of a patent clothespin. Disgusted with society and realizing that money cannot buy him happiness or friends, Speck returns to his boyhood home and finds happiness there. According to Warner Bros records the film earned $546,000 domestically and $32,000 foreign. School Days (1921 film) School Days is a 1921 American comedy film directed by William Nigh, written by Walter DeLeon, Hoey Lawlor and William Nigh, and starring Wesley Barry, George Lessey, Nellie Parker Spaulding, Margaret Seddon, Arline Blackburn, and J.H. Gilmour. It was released by Warner Bros. on December 25, 1921 and was Warner's biggest grossing film until "The Document [7](Title: The Day of the Locust (film)) Mr. Schlesinger has filmed its key sequences." Jay Cocks of "Time" said; ""The Day of the Locust" looks puffy and overdrawn, sounds shrill because it is made with a combination of self-loathing and tenuous moral superiority. This is a movie turned out by the sort of mentality that West was mocking. Salt's adaptation... misses what is most crucial: West's tone of level rage and tilted compassion, his ability to make human even the most grotesque mockery." Roger Ebert of the "Chicago Sun-Times" called it a "daring, epic film... a brilliant one at times, and with a wealth of sharp-edged performances," Question: when was ferris bueller's day off made Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Daytime) Although the daytime length at the Equator remains 12 hours in all seasons , the duration at all other latitudes varies with the seasons . During the winter , daytime lasts shorter than 12 hours ; during the summer , it lasts longer than 12 hours . Northern winter and southern summer concur , while northern summer and southern winter concur . Document [1](Title: Sunshine duration) Sunshine duration Sunshine duration or sunshine hours is a climatological indicator, measuring duration of sunshine in given period (usually, a day or a year) for a given location on Earth, typically expressed as an averaged value over several years. It is a general indicator of cloudiness of a location, and thus differs from insolation, which measures the total energy delivered by sunlight over a given period. Sunshine duration is usually expressed in hours per year, or in (average) hours per day. The first measure indicates the general sunniness of a location compared with other places, while the latter allows for Document [2](Title: Climate of the Arctic) season, has a significant impact on the climate. The 24-hour days found near the poles in summer result in a large daily-average solar flux reaching the top of the atmosphere in these regions. On the June solstice 36% more solar radiation reaches the top of the atmosphere over the course of the day at the North Pole than at the Equator. However, in the six months from the September equinox to March equinox the North Pole receives no sunlight. The climate of the Arctic also depends on the amount of sunlight reaching the surface, and being absorbed by the surface. Document [3](Title: Tromsø (city)) By 21 February the sun is above the horizon from 7:45 am to 4:10 pm, and by 1 April it is above the horizon from 5:50 am to 7:50 pm (daylight saving time). If we include astronomical twilight as "not night", then Tromso only has 14 hours of night on the winter solstice. The combination of snow cover and sunshine often creates intense light conditions from late February until the snow melts in the lowland (usually late April), and sunglasses are essential when skiing. Because of these diametrically different light conditions in winter, Norwegians often divide it into two seasons: Document [4](Title: Climate of the United Kingdom) the summer. Average hours of sunshine in winter range from 38–108 hours in some mountainous areas and western Scotland, up to 217 hours in the south and east of England; while average hours of sunshine in summer range from 294–420 hours in northern Scotland and Northern Ireland, to 600–760 hours in southern English coastal counties. The most sunshine recorded in one month was 383.9 hours at Eastbourne (East Sussex) in July 1911. One of the greatest influences on the climate of the UK is the Atlantic Ocean and especially the Gulf Stream, which carries warm water up from lower latitudes Document [5](Title: Day) at various positions in their orbit, a solar day is not the same length of time throughout the orbital year. Because the Earth orbits the Sun elliptically as the Earth spins on an inclined axis, this period can be up to 7.9 seconds more than (or less than) 24 hours. In recent decades, the average length of a solar day on Earth has been about 86 400.002 seconds (24.000 000 6 hours) and there are about 365.2422 solar days in one mean tropical year. Ancient custom has a new day start at either the rising or setting of the Sun Document [6](Title: Relative hour (Jewish law)) overhead, or parallel (depending on the hemisphere). Those persons living in the Northern Hemisphere, the sun at noon time will appear overhead slightly towards the south, whereas for those living in the Southern Hemisphere, the sun at noon time will appear overhead slightly towards the north. From the 6th and a half hour to the 12th hour, the sun inclines towards the west, until it sets. The conclusion of a day at the end of twilight may slightly vary in minutes from place to place, depending on the elevation and the terrain. Typically, nightfall ushers in more quickly in the Document [7](Title: Equinox) On an equinox , day and night are of approximately equal duration all over the planet . They are not exactly equal , however , due to the angular size of the sun and atmospheric refraction . To avoid this ambiguity , the word equilux is sometimes ( but rarely ) used to mean a day in which the durations of light and darkness are equal . See Length of equinoctial day and night for further discussion . Question: how long is a day on the equator Answer:
12 hours
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Knocking on wood) The origin of the custom may be in German folklore , wherein supernatural beings are thought to live in trees , and can be invoked for protection . Document [1](Title: German folklore) during the National Socialist era. Folklore studies, Volkskunde, were co-opted as a political tool, to seek out traditional customs to support the idea of historical continuity with a Germanic culture. Anti-Semitic folklore such as the blood libel legend was also emphasized. German folklore German folklore is the folk tradition which has developed in Germany over a number of centuries. It shares many characteristics with Scandinavian folklore and English folklore due to their origins in a common Germanic mythology. It reflects a similar mix of influences: a pre-Christian pantheon and other beings equivalent to those of Norse mythology; magical characters (sometimes Document [2](Title: Sacred trees and groves in Germanic paganism and mythology) the northernmost extension of Germanic mythology, several sacred trees are mentioned. The most prominent of these trees is the holy tree central to the cosmos, Yggdrasil. Sacred trees and groves in Germanic paganism and mythology Trees hold a particular role in Germanic paganism and Germanic mythology, both as individuals (sacred trees) and in groups (sacred groves). The central role of trees in Germanic religion is noted in the earliest written reports about the Germanic peoples, with the Roman historian Tacitus stating that Germanic cult practices took place exclusively in groves rather than temples. Scholars consider that reverence for and rites Document [3](Title: Environmental inequality in Europe) that has seen significant degradation of Indigenous lands as a result of oil and gas development. According to Donahoe, The idea was that, by protecting folklore, they would also be protecting the environment within which the folklore was embedded. It was especially important that the law should 'link the perpetuation of living folklore traditions to specific communities and landscapes': Understood in its fullest sense, it means that sacred place myths cannot exist without sacred places, nor local legends without the sites to which they are attached. In short, folklore cannot meaningfully endure if separated from the specific enculturated environment that Document [4](Title: Modern Paganism) partially based upon those of ceremonial magic and freemasonry. The origins of modern Paganism lie in the romanticist and national liberation movements that developed in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries. The publications of studies into European folk customs and culture by scholars like Johann Gottfried Herder and Jacob Grimm resulted in a wider interest in these subjects and a growth in cultural self-consciousness. At the time, it was commonly believed that almost all such folk customs were survivals from the pre-Christian period. These attitudes would also be exported to North America by European immigrants in these centuries. The Document [5](Title: Galaxidi) origins of the custom are unclear, however it appears in its current form since the mid-19th century. Around noon, locals and visitors of all ages dressed up in old clothes rendezvous at a predefined location where flour is distributed in large quantities. Various types of coloring is added for effect while people paint their faces with charcoal. Then they march to the harbor which is usually split into a war zone and a neutral zone for the observers and the fight begins. The participants throw each other (and to unsuspected bystanders) colored flour until essentially they run out of supplies. Document [6](Title: Yuri Rozhdestvensky) societies lived comfortably with those genres, perfected them and crystallized the rules of their use. In folklore we find everything needed to govern human communication: rules prescribing to listen before speaking (god gave you one mouth and two ears!); rules prohibiting direct physical and emotional harm to the listener (don’t talk about the rope in the house of the hanged) and rules prescribing thinking before action (think before you leap). Folklore becomes the repository of culture because it is a form of speech that every member of a society is required to accept and heed as many times as the Document [7](Title: Beowulf (hero)) "more likely" meaning for the name would be the "wolf" of the Germanic god Beow. English philologist Walter William Skeat proposed an etymological origin in a term for "Woodpecker" citing the Old Dutch term "biewolf" for the bird. Skeat states that the black woodpecker is common in Norway and Sweden and further reasons that the "indominatable nature" and that the "bird fights to the death" could have potentially influenced the choice of the name. This etymological origin has been criticized as not being in accordance to Grimm's law and Skeat may have recanted the proposal at a later date. The Question: where did the superstition saying knock on wood come from Answer:
German folklore
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: 2022 Winter Olympics) The 2022 Winter Olympics , officially known as the XXIV Olympic Winter Games ( French : Les XXIVeme Jeux olympiques d'hiver ) ( Chinese : 第 二 十 四 届 冬季 奥林匹克 运动会 ; pinyin : Dì Èrshísì Jiè Dōngjì Àolínpǐkè Yùndònghuì ) , and commonly known as Beijing 2022 , is a multi-sport event that will take place in Beijing and towns in the neighboring Hebei province , China from 4 to 20 February 2022 . It will be the third consecutive Olympic Games held in East Asia , after Pyeongchang 2018 and Tokyo 2020 . Having previously hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics , Beijing will become the first city to ever host both the Summer and the Winter Olympic Games . It will also become the largest city ever to host the Winter Olympics , a distinction currently held by Vancouver which hosted the 2010 Winter Olympics . Document [1](Title: China at the Olympics) continued, with Hong Kong competing independently from the rest of the nation under the name "Hong Kong, China". The People's Republic of China has hosted the Games on one occasion, with a second Games scheduled for 2022. Beijing will be the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympics. Chinese athletes have won medals in most of the current Summer Olympics sports. The exceptions are triathlon, equestrian, rugby and water polo. Chinese athletes have won medals in 6 out of 15 current Winter Olympics sports. Most of the golds and half of the medals come from the sport of Document [2](Title: 2024 Summer Olympics) 2024 Summer Olympics The 2024 Summer Olympics (), officially known as the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad, (French: Jeux de la XXXIIIe Olympiade) and commonly known as Paris 2024, is a forthcoming international multi-sport event that is scheduled to take place from 26 July to 11 August 2024 in Paris, France. Having previously hosted the 1900 and 1924 Summer Olympics, Paris will become the second city to host the Olympic Games three times, along with London (1908, 1948, and 2012). The 2024 Games also mark the centennial of the 1924 Games. This will be the sixth overall Olympic Games held Document [3](Title: International Olympic Committee) of its core Olympic sports for the Summer Olympic programme for the 2020 Olympics. This decision was poorly received by the sporting and wrestling community. Wrestling was still part of the programme at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. This decision was later overturned, and wrestling will be a part of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. As planned, the alpine ski run and luge racing area of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will be built in the core area of Beijing Songshan National Reserves. A great number of valuable species such as Lonicera oblata and Cypripedium shanxiense Document [4](Title: List of Olympic Games host cities) List of cities that hosted multiple editions of the Olympic Games City Country Continent Summer Olympics Winter Olympics Total London United Kingdom Europe 3 ( 1908 , 1948 , 2012 ) 0 Paris France Europe 3 ( 1900 , 1924 , 2024 ) 0 Los Angeles United States North America 3 ( 1932 , 1984 , 2028 ) 0 Athens Greece Europe 2 ( 1896 , 2004 ) 0 Tokyo Japan Asia 2 ( 1964 , 2020 ) 0 Beijing China Asia 1 ( 2008 ) 1 ( 2022 ) St. Moritz Switzerland Europe 0 2 ( 1928 , 1948 ) Innsbruck Austria Europe 0 2 ( 1964 , 1976 ) Lake Placid United States North America 0 2 ( 1932 , 1980 ) Document [5](Title: Youth Olympic Games) list was then shortened to two finalists, Innsbruck and Kuopio, in November 2008. On 12 December 2008, it was announced that Innsbruck beat Kuopio to host the games. Nanjing, China was selected by the IOC over Poznan, Poland to be the host-city of the 2014 Youth Olympics. The election was held on 10 February 2010, two days before the start of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Lillehammer, Norway hosted the 2016 Winter Youth Olympics. Youth Olympic Games The Youth Olympic Games (YOG) is an international multi-sport event organized by the International Olympic Committee. The games are held every four Document [6](Title: Bids for the 2016 Summer Olympics) Chicago, which was the first to be eliminated from the final 4, as well as the strong showing of Madrid, who was the last contender against Rio. Bids for the 2016 Summer Olympics Seven cities submitted bids for 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympics on September 13, 2007, aiming to host the "Games of the XXXI Olympiad". All of them were recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on September 14, 2007, becoming Applicant cities. Although several cities submitted to be in consideration to host the 2016 Olympics, including New York City and Los Angeles, on June 4, 2008, the IOC Document [7](Title: National Speed Skating Oval) National Speed Skating Oval The National Speed Skating Oval (The Ice Ribbon) is an arena which is the only new venue planned to be built on Beijing's Olympic Green for the Winter Olympics. It will host the speed skating competitions at the 2022 edition of the Winter Olympics. It will be able to accommodate 12,000 spectators (6800 permanent and 5200 temporary seats) according to the bid book. After the games it is foreseen to use it as a public skating venue and for ice hockey clubs. It has been designed by architectural firm BIAD. Construction will begin mid-2017, and be Question: where will the 2020 winter olympics be held Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Monkey (character)) Monkey ( also known as The Monkey , ITV Digital Monkey or PG Tips Monkey , and often pronounced / ' muŋkε / in imitation of Johnny Vegas ' Lancashire accent ) , is an animated puppet advertising character in the form of a knitted sock monkey . He was first produced by The Jim Henson Company via their UK Creature Shop , puppeteered by Nigel Plaskitt and Susan Beattie and voiced by comedian Ben Miller . Document [1](Title: Monkgomery) Safari Monkgomery kit for Monkgomery Monkey was scheduled to be released in January 1987. The Hasbro dealer catalog shows a Monkgomery Monkey Clown Outfit and Rock Star Bingo Bear Outfit (unknown if released). The toys sold for about $70 and the extra word module kits for $20. Monkgomery has a rear opening that allows manipulation of mouth movements by hand. This opening also gave access to a pressure-sensitive switch on the top of the mouth and a solid mass at the bottom to engage the switch mechanism. Engagement triggers the electronic speech integrated circuit TMS5110ANL. Speech consisted of a set Document [2](Title: ITV Digital) business are "false and libellous". In June 2013 the Metropolitan Police decided to look into these allegations following a request by Labour MP Tom Watson. ITV Digital ran an advertising campaign involving the comedian Johnny Vegas as Al and a knitted monkey simply called Monkey, voiced by Ben Miller. A knitted replica of Monkey could be obtained by signing up to ITV Digital. Because the monkey could not be obtained without signing up to the service, a market for second-hand monkeys developed. At one time, original ITV Digital Monkeys were fetching several hundred pounds on eBay, and knitting patterns delivered Document [3](Title: Monkey (character)) free soft toy Monkey with their subscription. For a period during the advertising campaign and after ITV Digital's bankruptcy, the original promotional Monkey toy were in high demand and short supply. One sold for £150 at the bankruptcy auction and they were selling for several hundred pounds on eBay, where customers could also find replica Monkey knitting patterns delivered by email selling for several pounds. Later, The Gadget Shop purchased the remaining promotional toys from ITV Digital's liquidators and sold them through their retail stores. These saw a boost in popularity after an appearance in the second series of award-winning Document [4](Title: The Muppets) Rudman, Vogel and Peter Linz. The majority of the Muppets are designed as hand puppets, with several characters utilizing rods. Common design elements of the Muppets include wide mouths and large protruding eyes. The puppets are often molded or carved out of various types of foam and covered with any felt-like material. Muppets may represent humans; anthropomorphic characters; realistic animals; robots; extraterrestrial creatures; mythical beings; or other forms of abstract characters. The Muppets are distinguished from ventriloquist dummies, which are often animated only in the head and face, in that their arms or other features are also animated. Muppets are Document [5](Title: Japanese macaque) with one macaque recorded living in central Tokyo for several months. The Japanese macaque (snow monkey) has featured prominently in the religion, folklore, and art of Japan, as well as in proverbs and idiomatic expressions in the Japanese language. In Shinto belief, mythical beasts known as "raijū" sometimes appeared as monkeys and kept Raijin, the god of lightning, company. The "three wise monkeys", which warn people to "see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil", are carved in relief over the door of the famous Tōshō-gū shrine in Nikkō. The Japanese macaque is a feature of several fairy Document [6](Title: Kim Possible (video game series)) Legend of the Monkeys Eye was released for the PC on May 16, 2006. Monkey Fist has discovered the most potent mystic monkey power of all the Monkeys Eye. With the force of the Monkeys Eye, Monkey Fist is plotting to create an evil ape empire by transforming every human into a monkey. Players control Kim, in battles against the evil villain, Monkey Fist, including three boss battles. Players must defeat Monkey Fist and save the world. Players kick, punch, and jump their way through six different levels battling Monkey Ninjas and Mecha-Monkeys in three unique locations to crush Monkey Document [7](Title: The Monkeys (company)) international award shows including Cannes, D&AD, The One Show and Clio. Current clients include Parmalat, Telstra, Sydney Opera House, IKEA, Boost Mobile, Intel and UBank. The Monkeys (company) The Monkeys (formerly Three Drunk Monkeys) is a creative agency based in Sydney, Australia. Founded in 2006 by Justin Drape, Scott Nowell and Mark Green, they now employ over 130 full-time staff. The Monkeys create ideas that live within advertising, entertainment and technology. Clients include The University of Sydney, Telstra, IKEA, UBank and Parmalat. The Monkeys has numerous big brands on its books but this year's relaunch for Telstra marks among its Question: who voices the monkey in the pg tips advert Answer:
comedian Ben Miller
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Simla Conference) Sir Winston Churchill as prime minister and head of war cabinet proposed Field Marshal Wavell 's name to his cabinet in mid-June 1943 , as India 's next viceroy . General Sir Claude Auchinleck who had followed Wavell in his middle eastern command was to be the next commander in chief of Indian army after Lord Wavell . In October 1943 the British Government decided to replace Lord Linlithgow with Lord Wavell as the Viceroy of India . Before assuming the viceroyalty , Lord Wavell had been head of the Indian army and thus had an understanding of the Indian situation . On becoming Viceroy , Wavell 's most important task was to present a formula for the future government of India which would be acceptable to both Congress and the Muslim League . Document [1](Title: Viceroy's Executive Council) (key Congress demand). Sir Ramaswamy Mudaliar, a Tamil politician and Maharaja Jam Saheb Sri Digvijaysinhji Ranjitsinhji of Jamnagar were appointed to newly elevated positions as representatives of the Government of India to the Imperial War Cabinet in London and to Pacific War Council in Washington DC. The council now consisted of: As per the mid-June 1946 Cabinet Mission Plan, the Executive Council was expanded to consist of only Indian members except the Viceroy and the Commander-in-Chief intended to form the Interim Government of India until the transfer of power. The Viceroy, Viscount Wavell extended invitations for 14 members. The Interim Document [2](Title: Governor-General of India) Governor-General of India The Governor-General of India (or, from 1858 to 1947, officially the Viceroy and Governor-General of India, commonly shortened to Viceroy of India) was originally the head of the British administration in India and, later, after Indian independence in 1947, the representative of the Indian head of state. The office was created in 1773, with the title of "Governor-General of the Presidency of Fort William". The officer had direct control only over Fort William, but supervised other East India Company officials in India. Complete authority over all of British India was granted in 1833, and the official came Document [3](Title: August Offer) of the war). In return, it was hoped that all parties and communities in India would cooperate in Britain's war effort. Linlithgow attempted to solve the Congress-Raj stalemate over popular control of India’s defense. Linlithgow prefaced his proposal by re-iterating that the differences in ideologies that separated the All India Muslim League and the Indian National Congress must be bridged before any significant constitutional settlement is made. Nevertheless, the Viceroy announced that the British government was now willing to move forward with governmental changes that would “associate Indian public opinion with the conduct of the war.” Linlithgow was authorized to Document [4](Title: John Hext (admiral)) the Viceroy of India. He was received thanks from the Indian government for his work during the Burma annexation war of 1885-1886. He was appointed a Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire in 1897 for his work, during the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria he was knighted when he was promoted to a Knight Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire and also promoted to rear-admiral on the retired list on 10 May, although he had been on the retired list since 1889. Hext returned to England as continued in his interest in Naval affairs and was Document [5](Title: The Wavell School) The Wavell School The Wavell School is a coeducational community secondary school, located in Farnborough in the English county of Hampshire. The school serves the civilian and military communities of North Camp, Farnborough and Aldershot, and is administered by Hampshire County Council which coordinates the schools admissions. It is named after Archibald Wavell, 1st Earl Wavell, a senior commander in the British Army who went on to become Viceroy and Governor-General of India. The school was opened on 23 October 1970 led by Lady Pamela Humphrys, daughter of Archibald Wavell. At the beginning of the 21st-century the school gained specialist Document [6](Title: Montagu Stopford) planning to withdraw behind the Irrawaddy River, wished to surprise them, with XXXIII Corps being seen as the main threat, while British IV Corps, now commanded by Lieutenant General Frank Messervy in place of Scoones, approached stealthily through the Chin Hills with the intention of crossing the Irrawaddy in the south and west. On 15 December 1944 he and his fellow corps commanders, Christison and Scoones, were knighted and invested as Knights Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Lord Wavell, the Viceroy of India, at a ceremony at Imphal in front of Scottish, Gurkha and Punjab regiments. Document [7](Title: Zamindars of Bengal) for the British East India Company in the rich province of Bengal only, the Battle of Buxar is really the battle that secured its political ascendancy in India. The Viceroyalty and later direct Royal British Rule over Bengal started as the British being given the Jemmidarship (British dimilutive of the word "zamindari") by the Rulers of Bengal. In 1877, the title of Emperor of India of the Mughal Royal Family ("Imperial House of Timur") went to the British Royal family, first to Queen Victoria (1877-1901), King Edward VII (1901-1910), King George V (1910-1936), King Edward VIII (1936) and finally King Question: who was the viceroy of india when shimla conference took place Answer:
Lord Wavell
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Brainstem) The pons lies between the medulla oblongata and the midbrain . It contains tracts that carry signals from the cerebrum to the medulla and to the cerebellum and also tracts that carry sensory signals to the thalamus . The pons is connected to the cerebellum by the cerebellar peduncles . The pons houses the respiratory pneumotaxic center and apneustic centers . The pons co-ordinates activities of the cerebellar hemispheres . Document [1](Title: Inferior cerebellar peduncle) are mainly concerned with integrating proprioceptive sensory input with motor vestibular functions such as balance and posture maintenance. It consists of the following fiber tracts entering cerebellum: This peduncle also carries information leaving cerebellum: from the Purkinje cells to the vestibular nuclei in the dorsal brainstem located at the junction between the pons and medulla oblongata. Inferior cerebellar peduncle The upper part of the posterior district of the medulla oblongata is occupied by the inferior cerebellar peduncle, a thick rope-like strand situated between the lower part of the fourth ventricle and the roots of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. Each Document [2](Title: Central nervous system) involved in both arousal and alertness. The cerebellum lies behind the pons. The cerebellum is composed of several dividing fissures and lobes. Its function includes the control of posture, and the coordination of movements of parts of the body, including the eyes and head as well as the limbs. Further it is involved in motion that has been learned and perfected though practice, and will adapt to new learned movements. Despite its previous classification as a motor structure, the cerebellum also displays connections to areas of the cerebral cortex involved in language as well as cognitive functions. These connections have Document [3](Title: Human brain) and leaves the cerebrum at the start of the midbrain area. The brainstem includes the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla oblongata. Behind the brainstem is the cerebellum (). The cerebrum, brainstem, cerebellum, and spinal cord are covered by three membranes called meninges. The membranes are the tough dura mater; the middle arachnoid mater and the more delicate inner pia mater. Between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater is the subarachnoid space, which contains the cerebrospinal fluid. In the cerebral cortex, close to the basement membrane of the pia mater, is a limiting membrane called the glia limitans; this Document [4](Title: Pontine nuclei) learning motor skills. Pontine nuclei The pontine nuclei (or griseum pontis) are the nuclei of the pons involved in motor activity. The pontine nuclei are located in the ventral pons. Corticopontine fibres carry information from the primary motor cortex to the ipsilateral pontine nucleus in the ventral pons, and the pontocerebellar projection then carries that information to the contralateral cerebellum via the middle cerebellar peduncle. Extension of these nuclei in the medulla oblongata are named arcuate nucleus (medulla) which has the same function. They therefore allow modification of actions in the light of their outcome, or error correction, and are Document [5](Title: Human brain) putamen, and the globus pallidus, lie separated from the lateral ventricles and thalamus by the internal capsule, whereas the caudate nucleus stretches around and abuts the lateral ventricles on their outer sides. At the deepest part of the lateral sulcus between the insular cortex and the striatum is a thin neuronal sheet called the claustrum. Some sources include this with the basal ganglia. Below and in front of the striatum are a number of basal forebrain structures. These include the nucleus accumbens, nucleus basalis, diagonal band of Broca, substantia innominata, and the medial septal nucleus. These structures are important in Document [6](Title: Parabrachial nuclei) Parabrachial nuclei The parabrachial nuclei, also known as the parabrachial complex, are a group of nuclei in the dorsolateral pons that surrounds the superior cerebellar peduncle as it enters the brainstem from the cerebellum. They are named from the Latin term for the superior cerebellar peduncle, the "brachium conjunctivum". In the human brain, the expansion of the superior cerebellar peduncle expands the parabrachial nuclei, which form a thin strip of grey matter over most of the peduncle. The parabrachial nuclei are typically divided along the lines suggested by Baxter and Olszewski in humans, into a medial parabrachial nucleus and lateral Document [7](Title: Salivatory nuclei) to innervate the lacrimal gland and the mucosal glands of the nose, palate, and pharynx. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers are also distributed partly via the chorda tympani and lingual nerves to the submandibular ganglion, thence by postganglionic (vasodilator) fibers to the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands. The term "lacrimal nucleus" is sometimes used to refer to a portion of the superior salivatory nucleus. The inferior salivatory nucleus ( or nucleus salivatorius inferior) is a cluster of neurons in the pontine tegmentum (dorsal part of the pons), just above its junction with the medulla. It is the general visceral efferent (GVE) component Question: division of the brainstem that connects the medulla with the cerebellum Answer:
The pons
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Human spaceflight) Human spaceflight capability was first developed during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union ( USSR ) , which developed the first intercontinental ballistic missile rockets to deliver nuclear weapons . These rockets were large enough to be adapted to carry the first artificial satellites into low Earth orbit . After the first satellites were launched in 1957 and 1958 , the US worked on Project Mercury to launch men singly into orbit , while the USSR secretly pursued the Vostok program to accomplish the same thing . The USSR launched the first human in space , Yuri Gagarin , into a single orbit in Vostok 1 on a Vostok 3KA rocket , on 12 April 1961 . The US launched its first astronaut , Alan Shepard , on a suborbital flight aboard Freedom 7 on a Mercury - Redstone rocket , on 5 May 1961 . Unlike Gagarin , Shepard manually controlled his spacecraft 's attitude , and landed inside it . The first American in orbit was John Glenn aboard Friendship 7 , launched 20 February 1962 on a Mercury - Atlas rocket . The USSR launched five more cosmonauts in Vostok capsules , including the first woman in space , Valentina Tereshkova aboard Vostok 6 on 16 June 1963 . The US launched a total of two astronauts in suborbital flight and four into orbit through 1963 . Document [1](Title: Human spaceflight) flights with their own private, not NASA, astronauts on board. Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the Earth on April 12, 1961. Alan Shepard became the first American to reach space on Mercury-Redstone 3 on May 5, 1961. John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth on February 20, 1962. Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to orbit the Earth on June 16, 1963. Joseph A. Walker became the first human to pilot a spaceplane, the X-15 Flight 90, into space on July 19, 1963. Alexey Leonov became the first human to leave a spacecraft in Document [2](Title: Human spaceflight) Human spaceflight Human spaceflight (also referred to as crewed spaceflight or manned spaceflight) is space travel with a crew or passengers aboard the spacecraft. Spacecraft carrying people may be operated directly, by human crew, or it may be either remotely operated from ground stations on Earth or be autonomous, able to carry out a specific mission with no human involvement. The first human spaceflight was launched by the Soviet Union on 12 April 1961 as a part of the Vostok program, with cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin aboard. Humans have been continuously present in space for on the International Space Station. All Document [3](Title: Vostok 1) following the ground path taken by "Vostok 1". The resulting film, "First Orbit", was released online to celebrate the 50th anniversary of human spaceflight. Vostok 1 Vostok 1 (, "East" or "Orient" 1) was the first spaceflight of the Vostok programme and the first manned spaceflight in history. The Vostok 3KA space capsule was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome on April 12, 1961, with Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin aboard, making him the first human to cross into outer space. The orbital spaceflight consisted of a single orbit around Earth which skimmed the upper atmosphere at at its lowest point. The flight Document [4](Title: John Glenn) 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite. This damaged American confidence in its technological superiority, creating a wave of anxiety known as the Sputnik crisis. In response, President Dwight D. Eisenhower launched the Space Race. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was established on October 1, 1958, as a civilian agency to develop space technology. One of its first initiatives was announced on December 17, 1958. This was Project Mercury, which aimed to launch a man into Earth orbit, return him safely to the Earth, and evaluate his capabilities in space. While Glenn was Document [5](Title: Cold War (1953–1962)) most important forms of non-violent competition was the space race. The Soviets jumped out to an early lead in 1957 with the launching of Sputnik, the first artificial satellite, followed by the first manned flight. The success of the Soviet space program was a great shock to the United States, which had believed itself to be ahead technologically. The ability to launch objects into orbit was especially ominous because it showed Soviet missiles could target anywhere on the planet. Soon the Americans had a space program of their own but remained behind the Soviets until the mid–1960s. American President John Document [6](Title: Human spaceflight) compete with Gemini. They were able to launch two orbital flights in 1964 and 1965 and achieved the first spacewalk, made by Alexei Leonov on Voskhod 2 on 8 March 1965. But Voskhod did not have Gemini's capability to maneuver in orbit, and the program was terminated. The US Gemini flights did not accomplish the first spacewalk, but overcame the early Soviet lead by performing several spacewalks and solving the problem of astronaut fatigue caused by overcoming the lack of gravity, demonstrating up to two weeks endurance in a human spaceflight, and the first space rendezvous and dockings of spacecraft. Document [7](Title: Andriyan Nikolayev) was also the first person to make a television broadcast from space, in August 1962. Vostok 3 was part the first dual space flight, with Pavel Popovich on Vostok 4. In the early days of space travel, it was usual to place trainee astronauts into isolation chambers to see how long they could last alone. They sat in silence unable to gauge time. Many men cracked. One cosmonaut, Andriyan Nikolayev lasted the longest – four days – and became known as the Iron Man. On 3 November 1963, he married Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman to fly in space "(see Question: when did the us first go into space Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Computer hardware) Computer hardware includes the physical parts or components of a computer , such as the central processing unit , monitor , keyboard , computer data storage , graphic card , sound card , speakers and motherboard . By contrast , software is instructions that can be stored and run by hardware . Hardware is so - termed because it is '' hard '' or rigid with respect to changes or modifications ; whereas software is '' soft '' because it can be easily updated or changed . Intermediate between software and hardware is '' firmware '' , which is software that is strongly coupled to the particular hardware of a computer system and thus the most difficult to change but also among the most stable with respect to consistency of interface . Document [1](Title: Computer hardware) Computer hardware Computer hardware includes the physical, tangible parts or components of a computer, such as the central processing unit, monitor, keyboard, computer data storage, graphic card, sound card, speakers and motherboard. By contrast, software is instructions that can be stored and run by hardware. Hardware is so-termed because it is "hard" or rigid with respect to changes or modifications; whereas software is "soft" because it can be easily updated or changed. Intermediate between software and hardware is "firmware", which is software that is strongly coupled to the particular hardware of a computer system and thus the most difficult to Document [2](Title: Computer) Computer A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming. Modern computers have the ability to follow generalized sets of operations, called "programs." These programs enable computers to perform an extremely wide range of tasks. Computers are used as control systems for a wide variety of industrial and consumer devices. This includes simple special purpose devices like microwave ovens and remote controls, factory devices such as industrial robots and computer-aided design, and also general purpose devices like personal computers and mobile devices such as smartphones. Early computers Document [3](Title: Personal computer) processing unit (CPU) is a part of a computer that executes instructions of a software program. In newer PCs, the CPU contains over a million transistors in one integrated circuit chip called the microprocessor. In most cases, the processor plugs directly into the motherboard. The processor chip may have a heat sink and a fan attached for cooling. A large number of computers today are suited to run an x86-compatible microprocessor manufactured by Intel, AMD, or VIA Technologies. The motherboard, also referred to as system board or main board, is the primary circuit board within a personal computer, and other Document [4](Title: Video game) of consoles. The term "platform" refers to the specific combination of electronic components or computer hardware which, in conjunction with software, allows a video game to operate. The term "system" is also commonly used. The distinctions below are not always clear and there may be games that bridge one or more platforms. In addition to laptop/desktop computers and mobile devices, there are other devices which have the ability to play games but are not primarily video game machines, such as PDAs and graphing calculators. In common use a "PC game" refers to a form of media that involves a player Document [5](Title: Hardware architect) as systems become ever larger and more complex, and as their emphases move away from simple hardware components, the narrow application of traditional hardware development principles is found to be insufficient—the application of the more general principles of hardware architecture to the design of (sub) systems is seen to be needed. A Hardware architecture is also a simplified model of the finished end product—its primary function is to define the hardware components and their relationships to each other so that the whole can be seen to be a consistent, complete, and correct representation of what the user had in mind—especially Document [6](Title: Control unit) just software instructions to control/select/configure a computer's CPU hardware (via the CU) and eventually manipulates a program's data, is a significant reason most modern computers are flexible and universal when running various programs. As compared to some 1930s or 1940s computers without a proper CU, they often required rewiring their hardware when changing programs. This CU instruction decode process is then repeated when the Program Counter is incremented to the next stored program address and the new instruction enters the CU from that address, and so on till the programs end. Other more advanced forms of Control Units manage the Document [7](Title: Instruction set architecture) "atomic compare-and-swap". Any given instruction set can be implemented in a variety of ways. All ways of implementing a particular instruction set provide the same programming model, and all implementations of that instruction set are able to run the same executables. The various ways of implementing an instruction set give different tradeoffs between cost, performance, power consumption, size, etc. When designing the microarchitecture of a processor, engineers use blocks of "hard-wired" electronic circuitry (often designed separately) such as adders, multiplexers, counters, registers, ALUs, etc. Some kind of register transfer language is then often used to describe the decoding and sequencing Question: the physical part of a computer are called Answer:
Computer hardware
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Married at First Sight (Australian TV series)) Season Episodes Originally aired Season premiere Season finale 6 18 May 2015 22 June 2015 7 4 April 2016 27 April 2016 8 29 August 2016 13 September 2016 29 30 January 2017 3 April 2017 5 32 29 January 2018 21 March 2018 6 2019 2019 Document [1](Title: List of Attack on Titan episodes) Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 25 April 7 , 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 07 ) September 29 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 29 ) 12 April 1 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 01 ) June 17 , 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 17 ) 12 July 23 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 23 ) TBA Document [2](Title: BoJack Horseman) Season Episodes Originally released 12 August 22 , 2014 Special December 19 , 2014 12 July 17 , 2015 12 July 22 , 2016 12 September 8 , 2017 Document [3](Title: List of Wynonna Earp episodes) Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 13 April 1 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 01 ) June 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 06 - 24 ) 12 June 9 , 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 09 ) August 25 , 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 25 ) Document [4](Title: List of Attack on Titan episodes) On June 17 , 2017 , a third season was announced at the close of the second season 's final episode , with a release date slated for 2018 . Document [5](Title: Top Model Sverige (season 2)) - 10 Sibel Kara - 10 Sophie Angner - 9 Victoria Eriksson - 10 "(ages stated are at start of contest)" "Original Air Date: January 31, 2012" "Original Air Date: January 31, 2012" "Original Air Date: February 7, 2012" "Original Air Date: February 14, 2012" "Original Air Date: February 28, 2012" "Original Air Date: February 28, 2012" "Original Air Date: March 13, 2012" "Original Air Date: March 20, 2012" "Original Air Date: March 27, 2012" "Original Air Date: April 3, 2012" This episode was the recap episode, where highlights and never before seen scenes were shown. "Original Air Date: April Document [6](Title: Alice Isn't Dead) last episode of the first season, is voiced by Jasika Nicole. During its run, the podcast typically airs on every other Tuesday. The first season ended on July 12, 2016, with a second season premiering on April 4, 2017 which concluded on August 8th, 2017. Fink has stated that the third season would be the final season, and it began airing on April 24, 2018. On August 16, 2017, it was announced that a novel based on the series, written by Fink, will be released in autumn 2018 by Harper Perennial. Additionally, a television adaptation, executive produced by Fink, is Document [7](Title: Sola (manga)) between April 7, 2007 and June 30, 2007, containing thirteen episodes, though aired on other networks at the same time with slightly different start and end dates. The series was released in five DVD compilation volumes in limited and regular editions,each containing three episodes. The first DVD volume was released on June 22, 2007, followed by the second on July 27, 2007, and the third on August 24, 2007. Two additional episodes were made available exclusively on DVD volumes four and five; the first was released on September 25, 2007, and the second was on October 26, 2007. A poll Question: when does married at first sight new season start Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Aric Almirola) Aric A. Almirola ( born March 14 , 1984 ) is an American professional stock car racing driver . He currently drives the No. 43 Ford Fusion for Richard Petty Motorsports in the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series . He also drives the No. 98 Ford Mustang for Biagi - DenBeste Racing in the NASCAR Xfinity Series on a part - time basis . Almirola attended the University of Central Florida to work on a degree in mechanical engineering before leaving to pursue a career in racing . He is nicknamed '' The Cuban Missile '' due to his Cuban heritage . Document [1](Title: Aric Almirola) SS in the Nationwide Series. He returned to the Truck Series, driving part-time in the No. 15 Graceway Pharmaceuticals Tundra for Billy Ballew Motorsports, and had a seven-race streak of finishes eighth or better. He also made one attempt and one race in the No. 09 Phoenix Racing Chevrolet in the Sprint Cup Series. In October 2009, he filed paperwork in North Carolina Superior Court indicating that he has a breach-of-contract dispute with Earnhardt Ganassi Racing and Dale Earnhardt Inc. Almirola, competed in seven Sprint Cup races in 2009 for the team before his No. 8 Chevy car was parked Document [2](Title: Richard Petty Motorsports) his extended pairing with crew chief Owens would yield good results. However, after a strong 12th place showing in the 2016 Daytona 500, the team went into a slump, highlighted by last-place finishes at Martinsville, Kansas and in the season's final race at Homestead-Miami. Almirola finished the 2016 season with an average finish of just over 23rd and a 26th place points finish. After the 2016 season, RPM announced that they would lease the charter of the 44 team and focus solely on Almirola's effort. The one-car approach paid immediate dividends as Almirola recorded a top ten finish in the Document [3](Title: Tony Schumacher (drag racer)) the son of former funny car driver Don Schumacher and drives for his father's multi-team organization. He has been sponsored for several years by the U.S. Army and his intense personality and buzzcut hairstyle has earned him the nickname "Sarge". "The Sarge" nickname originally applied to the dragster, but soon came to be affiliated with the driver himself. At the end of the 2008 season, he parted ways with longtime crew chief Alan Johnson, who went on to form his own team, Al-Anabi Racing. Al-Anabi Racing consisted of Top Fuel driver Del Worsham and the driver Schumacher considers his biggest Document [4](Title: Michael Self) Piedmont Community College and UNC Charlotte. When he is not racing, he is a road racing coach and has worked with Chip Ganassi Racing. Michael Self Michael Self (born November 1, 1990) is an American professional stock car racing driver. He currently competes part-time in the ARCA Racing Series, driving the Nos. 15 and 55 Toyota Camrys for Venturini Motorsports. He was a former development driver for Richard Childress Racing, and has made seven NASCAR Xfinity Series starts for JD Motorsports. He has eight wins in the NASCAR K&N Pro Series West. Self started racing at age eleven in go-karts. Document [5](Title: Cole Custer) Cole Custer Cole Custer (born January 23, 1998) is an American professional stock car racing driver. He currently competes full-time in the NASCAR Xfinity Series, driving the No. 00 Ford Mustang for Stewart-Haas Racing and part-time in the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series, driving the No. 51 Ford Fusion for Rick Ware Racing in partnership with SHR. Custer began racing quarter midgets at age four. In 2011, Custer won the USAC National Focus Young Guns Championship. The following year, Custer began racing late models, winning ten races and earning Rookie of the Year honors. In 2013 Custer joined the K&N Document [6](Title: 2018 FIA Formula 2 Championship) for the team in GP3. Nobuharu Matsushita, who drove for the team in 2017, left the series and returned to Japan to race in the Super Formula Championship. Ralph Boschung left Campos Racing to join MP Motorsport. He is accompanied by Roberto Merhi, who previously competed selected rounds of the championship with Campos and Rapax in 2017. Jordan King, who raced for MP, moved to the United States to compete in the IndyCar Series. With Gelael's switch to Prema and Norman Nato's departure to the European Le Mans Series, Arden International promoted two rookie drivers. Former GP3 Series driver Nirei Document [7](Title: 1983 Formula One World Championship) Phoenix native Cheever to the factory team was a good promotional tool as there were 2 races in the United States and one in Canada). Alfa Romeo also kept their team leader, Andrea de Cesaris, but replaced Bruno Giacomelli with Mauro Baldi, signed from Arrows. Alfa had also moved into turbocharging with the 890T V8 engine replacing the V12 it had used for the previous four seasons. Arrows replaced Baldi with Chico Serra, signed from the remnants of the now defunct Fittipaldi team, while Marc Surer remained as the lead driver. Serra was replaced by World Champion Alan Jones in Question: who drives the 43 car in nascar 2017 Answer:
Aric A. Almirola
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: How Am I Supposed to Live Without You) '' How Am I Supposed to Live Without You '' was supposed to be recorded by the duo Air Supply . But when Arista President Clive Davis asked for permission to change the lyrics of the chorus , Bolton refused , and Davis let go of the song . Subsequently Laura Branigan recorded it as written , and it became the first major hit for the two songwriters . Bolton 's own rendition became a worldwide hit in early 1990 . Document [1](Title: Make a Way) dance-influenced pop song. He said he wrote it with Jeff Saltzman, who also produced it, and a minute-long sample was played. The full song was released as a download with tickets to the No Principals Tour in Spring/Summer 2013. Lyrically it includes lines about how "club life is living inside me, better not hide B, 'cos I wanna go oh, to the show, to the dance hall, so everyone knows." The chorus explores a meaningful relationship: "I wanna make a way, for us/'Cos I can't live without this in my universe". The song was featured on BBC Radio 2's Ken Document [2](Title: I Can't Live Without You in This Town) it was different from other tracks of the album, which more are pretty "danceable". Despite not being released as an official single, "I Can't Live Without You in This Town" charted at number 152 at the "Metropolis Chart", and it was featured on the eighth season of the Portuguese soap opera "Morangos com Açúcar". The first promotional concert for "Be Someone Else" toke place at the Cidade do Porto Shopping on 26 March 2010, where Slimmy sang a few songs from his album, including "I Can't Live Without You In This Town". Slimmy also promoted his song in Albufeira, at Document [3](Title: Live at Wood Hall) "Independence Day", Tori Amos' "Playboy Mommy", Counting Crows' "A Murder of One" - and classic rock - John Lennon's "Imagine" and "Me and Bobby McGee", a song penned by Fred Foster and Kris Kristofferson and recorded most famously by Janis Joplin. She also gives a nod to Broadway with "Bill" (from "Show Boat") and "I Dreamed a Dream" (from "Les Misérables"). Add in some jazz, "In Love in Vain", and a traditional Irish aire, "Believe Me, if All Those Endearing Young Charms", and the result is the sort of eclectic mix for which the artist is becoming known. Live at Document [4](Title: Lost Without You (Delta Goodrem song)) by Darren Hayes during the ARIA Awards Ceremony in 2003, due to Goodrem being too ill to perform. Contemporary Christian artist Jaci Velasquez has also recorded a cover version. In this version the lyrics of the song have been revised to tell of a dependence upon God, as opposed to a lover, as in the original. The song features on her album "Unspoken" (2003). Australian band Fido has also covered the song in a rockier way, and posted it on their MySpace. These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of "Lost Without You". Lost Without You Document [5](Title: Air (Tyson Ritter song)) but somehow this one found me there. It was special. It was the first time I had ever written and recorded a song by myself." The song was digitally released on November 5, 2013 onto iTunes and Amazon. It premiered on San Francisco-based modern rock radio station KITS on October 24, 2013 and was later uploaded to The All-American Rejects' official YouTube channel on October 28. The song received mixed to positive reviews from music critics. Nelipot stated upon the release of "Air" as "three minutes of catchy hooks, on-point vocals and an infectious drum-beat that would not be out Document [6](Title: Mark Gormley) really should be considered is his music, for all the right reasons, as credit is due...his voice and his song writing certainly shoot for the realms of greatness" adding that "his song writing and voice approach the league of rock's finest angelic singers", comparing his vocals to Jon Anderson, Bryan MacLean, and Tim Buckley. The music video for "Stars" shows Gormley performing the song while backed by footage of the night sky and the beaches of Perdido Key, Florida. Gormley's breakthrough music video is for "Without You", released in 2008. "Without You" is a love song about heartbreak and loneliness Document [7](Title: Michael J. Powell) R&B charts: "Ready for Your Love" and "I Just Wanna Be Your Girl". Ariola Records was bought by Arista. In 1983 Michael reunited with Anita Baker and had a hit single with “No More Tears” featured on her “Songstress” album. In 1986 choosing her friend Michael Powell, as her producer, they created 3 multi-million selling albums …“Rapture”, “Giving You the Best that I Got” and “Compositions”. Together with the musician Sir Gant, Michael J. Powell worked in 1987 as producer and arranger of the song "Without You", a composition of Lamont Dozier, that was recorded as a duet by the Question: original singer of how am i supposed to live without you Answer:
Laura Branigan
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Six Million Dollar Man) The Six Million Dollar Man Genre Science fiction Action Adventure Crime Drama Mystery Based on Cyborg by Martin Caidin Starring Lee Majors Richard Anderson Martin E. Brooks Composer ( s ) Jerry Fielding Stu Philips Mike Post Mark Snow Gil Mellé Oliver Nelson Benny Golson J.J. Johnson Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 5 No. of episodes 99 + 6 TV movies ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Harve Bennett Producer ( s ) Kenneth Johnson Running time 60 minutes Distributor MCA TV ( 1978 - 1979 ) NBCUniversal Television Distribution Release Original network ABC Original release March 7 , 1973 ( 1973 - 03 - 07 ) -- March 6 , 1978 ( 1978 - 03 - 06 ) Document [1](Title: Glen A. Larson) (where he had his first writing credit), Larson signed a production deal with Universal Studios. His first hit series was "Alias Smith and Jones", a 1971-1973 Western which described the activities of Hannibal Heyes and Jedediah "Kid" Curry, concentrating on their efforts to go straight. (George Roy Hill's film, scripted by William Goldman, about Butch Cassidy and the "Sundance Kid" is commonly believed to have been the inspiration for the series.) Larson was involved in the development for television of "The Six Million Dollar Man," based on Martin Caidin's novel "Cyborg," into the successful series, and was one of the Document [2](Title: High Crystal) a criminal organization also has their sights set on obtaining the power contained within the "High Crystal". High Crystal High Crystal is a science fiction/secret agent novel by Martin Caidin that was first published in 1974. It was the second sequel to Caidin's 1972 work "Cyborg", which in turn was the basis for the television series "The Six Million Dollar Man". Although published after the start of the television series, the book does not share continuity with it. Steve Austin, an operative for the US government who is part man, part machine, is sent to Peru to investigate a mysterious Document [3](Title: Martin Caidin) a different continuity from that of "The Six Million Dollar Man" franchise. Novelizations of several of the television episodes were written by other authors; these tend to imitate more closely Caidin's original version of the Steve Austin character than the less violent television series does. Caidin was credited in episodes of the original "The Bionic Woman" series, a "Six Million Dollar Man" spinoff, but not in the 2007 remake of "The Bionic Woman". Years later, Caidin would reference bionics, in a satirical manner, for his novel "", an adaptation of "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" in which Rogers is Document [4](Title: Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman) the ratings success of the prior movie, "The Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman" (1987), "Bionic Showdown" was quickly greenlit. All three reunion films were included alongside "The Six Million Dollar Man" in a 40-disc DVD set from Time Life on November 23, 2010 and a 35-disc DVD set from Universal Home Video on October 13th, 2015. Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman (often simply Bionic Showdown) is a made-for-television science fiction action film which originally aired on April Document [5](Title: The Six Million Dollar Man) In November 2011, Universal Studios Home Entertainment began releasing individual season sets of the series on DVD, available in retail stores. It has subsequently released all five seasons. The fifth and final season was released on February 18, 2014. Several episodes of "The Six Million Dollar Man" actually saw their North American DVD debut several weeks in advance of the box set, as Universal Home Video included the three "crossover" episodes that helped launch "The Bionic Woman" as bonuses on the October 19, 2010 DVD release of Season 1 of "The Bionic Woman". On October 13, 2015, Universal Studios released Document [6](Title: Lindsay Wagner) law professor Kingsfield. In 1975, arranged under an extended contract with Universal Studios, Wagner played the role of Jaime Sommers, a former tennis professional who was the childhood sweetheart of "Six Million Dollar Man" Colonel Steve Austin (played by Lee Majors). According to Kenneth Johnson, interviewed for a featurette included in the 2010 North American DVD release of "The Bionic Woman" season one, Wagner was cast in the role based upon her appeal and spontaneity after he saw her appearance in the pilot and a follow-up episode of "The Rockford Files". In the second-season, two-part episode, her character is critically Document [7](Title: Lew Grade) continued and had many internationally successful TV series, leading Howard Thomas, managing director of the Associated British Corporation (ABC), to complain that Grade distributed programming for "Birmingham, Alabama, rather than Birmingham, England". These series included "The Saint" (1962–69), which was sold to over 80 countries, and two featuring Patrick McGoohan: "Danger Man" (1960–68) and "The Prisoner" (1967–68). These series, exclusively thrillers, were normally used as summer replacements for American-made programmes until the mid-1960s. While many of Grade's series used American actors in lead roles ("The Baron" and "Man in a Suitcase", for example) it was those series which used an Question: when did the six million dollar man first air Answer:
March 7 , 1973
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Oviparity) Oviparous animals are animals that lay eggs , with little or no other embryonic development within the mother . This is the reproductive method of most fish , amphibians , reptiles , all birds , and the monotremes . Document [1](Title: Olm) exist, but it has been shown that the females possess a gland that produces the egg casing, similar to those of fish and egg-laying amphibians. Paul Kammerer reported that female olm gave birth to live young in water at or below and laid eggs at higher, but rigorous observations have not confirmed that. The olm appears to be exclusively oviparous. The female lays up to 70 eggs, each about in diameter, and places them between rocks, where they remain under her protection. The average is 35 eggs and the adult female typically breeds every 12.5 years. The tadpoles are long Document [2](Title: Maternal Behaviour in Vertebrates) chick once it is hatched. The parasitic birds do not display maternal behaviours and have therefor evolved ways to ensure the success of their offspring by having it be raised by a host. As a result, the host birds natural maternal behaviours are effected and they often neglect to care for their own offspring. "More information required" Reptiles have a large diversity of maternal behaviours that is very dependent on the species and the type of reproduction it displays. Most reptiles are viviparous, although oviparous reptiles do exist. Oviparous reptiles often display very little or no maternal behaviour after the Document [3](Title: Giant electric ray) predator, it exhibits a characteristic defense behavior in which it erupts from the bottom, arches its back, and performs a "somersault" in the water column. In one case, a diver was shocked when the ray landed on his back after such a maneuver. Reproduction is ovoviviparous, in which the developing embryos are nourished by uterine "milk" produced by the mother. The females give birth to 4-15 young, measuring 11–12 cm (4.3-4.7 in) long. The reproductive cycle is annual, with ovulation and fertilization taking place in July and August. Males may exceed 11 years of age, and females 15 years. Known Document [4](Title: Insect reproductive system) Ephemeroptera. Ovipositors take two forms: Insect reproductive system Most insects reproduce oviparously, i.e. by laying eggs. The eggs are produced by the female in a pair of ovaries. Sperm, produced by the male in one testis or more commonly two, is transmitted to the female during mating by means of external genitalia. The sperm is stored within the female in one or more spermathecae. At the time of fertilization, the eggs travel along oviducts to be fertilized by the sperm and are then expelled from the body ("laid"), in most cases via an ovipositor. Female insects are able to make Document [5](Title: Embryo) a sphere or sheet of cells, also called blastomeres. In a placental mammal, an ovum is fertilized in a fallopian tube through which it travels into the uterus. An embryo is called a fetus at a more advanced stage of development and up until birth or hatching. In humans, this is from the eleventh week of gestation. However, animals which develop in eggs outside the mother's body, are usually referred to as embryos throughout development; e.g. one would refer to a chick embryo, not a "chick fetus", even at later stages. During gastrulation the cells of the blastula undergo coordinated Document [6](Title: Hylodes japi) its movement and color is also important for visual communication. Courtship can be observed during the daytime or at night. The breeding behaviour begins with males calling near a stream, and waiting for a female to engage. Once it happens, a suitable oviposition is decided on. If the female accepts the male's offer, the latter digs up a tunnel and a chamber in the sand of the riverbed, big enough for the two frogs, in which the intercourse occurs. After oviposition, the tunnel is concealed by the male. The tadpoles are omnivorous, perhaps cannibalistic, and exotrophic. They feed more actively Document [7](Title: Egg) A recent proposal suggests that the phylotypic animal body plans originated in cell aggregates before the existence of an egg stage of development. Eggs, in this view, were later evolutionary innovations, selected for their role in ensuring genetic uniformity among the cells of incipient multicellular organisms. Scientists often classify animal reproduction according to the degree of development that occurs before the new individuals are expelled from the adult body, and by the yolk which the egg provides to nourish the embryo. Vertebrate eggs can be classified by the relative amount of yolk. Simple eggs with little yolk are called "microlecithal", Question: what are animals called when they lay eggs Answer:
Oviparous animals
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: A Fair to Remember (Modern Family)) Harold Grossman sings Foreigner 's '' I Want to Know What Love Is '' . Document [1](Title: Who You Love) that his relationship with Perry has been a private and "human" one. On writing the song, Mayer said: "Who You Love" is a sweet melody that tells the story of opening your heart up and allowing yourself to fully love the person in your life—or specifically to "love who you love, who you love." "It was a really great experience and the song is one of these like old FM '70s and '80s sort of like duets, and I listened back to it; it's, like, really convincing. And I watched it get made and I'm still kind of taken aback." Document [2](Title: Epiphany (BTS song)) the "Love Yourself" era thematically and narratively. It draws on the importance of self-love with lyrics such as, "I'm the one I should love in this world/Shining me, this precious soul of mine/I finally realize/So I love me/Not so perfect but so beautiful.” Other critics pointed out the symbolism throughout the video, such as the calla lily and notebook, the sense of going backward and forward, through time and through different versions of one's self, guiding oneself to self-love. The video also switches from black-and-white to color, showing contrast and symbolizing acceptance as well as resignation. In line with the Document [3](Title: My Darling Is a Foreigner) My Darling Is a Foreigner The books are published by Media Factory, Incorporated in Japan, and bilingual versions have been produced. The series is about Oguri's relationship with Tony László, an American writer of half-Hungarian half-Italian descent who lives in Tokyo. The book "Is He Turning Japanese?", a spin-off of the main manga written by László and illustrated by Oguri, was published by Digital Manga Publishing in North America. A film adaptation of the manga was produced in 2010. Official media related to the film version spell the title in English as "My darling is a foreigner". Mao Inoue and Document [4](Title: Trịnh Công Sơn) as the body of a sibling, will nourish the farmland. Love is the single biggest recurring theme in Trinh's work. His love songs constitute the majority of the songs. Most of them are sad, conveying a sense of despondence and solitude as in "Sương đêm", "Ướt mi". Songs are either about loss as in "Diểm xưa", "Biển nhớ", or nostalgia: "Tình xa", "Tình sầu", "Tình nhớ", "Em còn nhớ hay em đã quên", "Hoa vàng mấy độ". Other songs, additionally carry philosophical messages from a man to his lover: "Cỏ xót xa đưa", "Gọi tên bốn mùa", "Mưa hồng". The Document [5](Title: Rear Window) "To See You Is to Love You", originally from the 1952 Paramount film "Road to Bali". Also heard on the soundtrack are versions of songs popularized earlier in the decade by Nat King Cole ("Mona Lisa", 1950) and Dean Martin ("That's Amore", 1952), along with segments from Leonard Bernstein's score for Jerome Robbins' ballet "Fancy Free" (1944), Richard Rodgers' song "Lover" (1932), and ""M'appari tutt'amor"" from Friedrich von Flotow's opera "Martha" (1844), most borrowed from Paramount's music publisher, Famous Music. Hitchcock used costume designer Edith Head on all of his Paramount films. Although veteran Hollywood composer Franz Waxman is credited Document [6](Title: The Love Anthem) from the lyrics of the chorus from the song. Produced by Yuvan Shankar Raja and starring Harish Kalyan alongside Raiza Wilson, the film began production during November 2017. The Love Anthem "The Love Anthem" is an Indian song done by Silambarasan with a thought of spreading the message of love world over, written, sung and composed by the actor. A version of the song was officially released on 27 December 2011. In December 2011, Silambarasan revealed that he had recorded a promotional song promoting world peace, written in 96 different languages. Sony Music bought the rights of the song and Document [7](Title: Robin Hood (1973 film)) of Southern California and the University of Wisconsin. A record of the film was made at the time of its release in 1973, which included its songs, score, narration, and dialogue. Both "Oo-De-Lally" and "Love" appear on the CD collection, "". The full soundtrack of the film was released to the general public on August 4, 2017 as part of the series on compact disc and digital, and was a timed exclusive to the 2017 D23 Expo. The song "Love" is featured in the 2009 feature film "Fantastic Mr. Fox". The song "Whistle-Stop" was sped up and used in the Question: modern family singer i want to know what love is Answer:
Harold Grossman
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Columbian Exchange) The Columbian Exchange was the widespread transfer of plants , animals , culture , human populations , technology , and ideas between the Americas and the Old World in the 15th and 16th centuries , related to European colonization and trade after Christopher Columbus 's 1492 voyage . Invasive species , including communicable diseases , were a byproduct of the Exchange . The changes in agriculture significantly altered and changed global populations . However , the most significant immediate impact of the Columbian Exchange was the cultural exchanges and the transfer of people between continents . Furthermore , a byproduct of the Columbian Exchange was the Atlantic slave trade , where as many as 12.5 million enslaved African people were forcibly transferred as a labor source to other regions . Document [1](Title: Native American cultures in the United States) and shared by many tribes. Early European American scholars described the Native Americans as having a society dominated by clans. European colonization of the Americas had a major impact on Native American culture through what is known as the Columbian exchange. The Columbian exchange, also known as the Columbian interchange, was the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, and ideas between the Americas and the Old World in the 15th and 16th centuries, following Christopher Columbus's 1492 voyage. The Columbian exchange generally had a destructive impact on Native American culture through disease, and a 'clash of cultures', Document [2](Title: Atlantic slave trade) produced far more enslaved people than others. Between 1650 and 1900, 10.24 million enslaved Africans arrived in the Americas from the following regions in the following proportions: Although the slave trade was largely global, there was considerable intracontinental slave trade in which 8 million people were enslaved within the African continent. Of those who did move out of Africa, 8 million were forced out of Eastern Africa to be sent to Asia. There were over 173 city-states and kingdoms in the African regions affected by the slave trade between 1502 and 1853 when Brazil became the last Atlantic import nation Document [3](Title: Racism in the United States) of mineral wealth and crops, to be used to the colonizing country's advantage. Using Europeans for labor in the colonies proved unsustainably expensive, as well as harmful to the domestic labor supply of the colonizing countries. Instead, the colonies imported African slaves, who were "available in large numbers at prices that made plantation agriculture in the Americas profitable". It is also argued that along with the economic motives underlying slavery in the Americas, European world schemas played a large role in the enslavement of Africans. According to this view, the European in-group for humane behavior included the sub-continent, while African Document [4](Title: Middle Passage) was considered a time of in-betweenness for those being traded from Africa to America. The close quarters and intentional division of pre-established African communities by the ship crew motivated captive Africans to forge bonds of kinship which then created forced transatlantic communities. Traders from the Americas and Caribbean received the enslaved Africans. European powers such as Portugal, Britain, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Denmark–Norway, Sweden, and Brandenburg, as well as traders from Brazil and North America, took part in this trade. The enslaved Africans came mostly from eight regions: Senegambia, Upper Guinea, Windward Coast, Gold Coast, Bight of Benin, Bight of Document [5](Title: Early impact of Mesoamerican goods in Iberian society) to extract revenue back to their empires; utilizing forced labor. When the Pope banned the use of forced labor by the natives, Spanish and Portuguese entrepreneurs turned to the African Slavery. The demand for New World goods, such as chocolate, led to an enormous growth in the transatlantic slave trade during the 16th and 17th centuries.The slave trade had devastating effects on the societies of several African nations. The Spanish crown applied the tactic of extraction to keep cost at ultimate low, which led to political corruption in their colonies and back at home. Patch summarizes it as, “an entire Document [6](Title: Gbe languages) thought to be a somewhat mangled form of Gen. The relatively peaceful situation was profoundly changed with the rise of the transatlantic slave trade, which reached its peak in the late eighteenth century when as many as 15 000 slaves per year were exported from the area around Benin as part of a triangular trade between the European mainland, the west coast of Africa and the colonies of the New World (notably the Caribbean). The main actors in this process were Dutch (and to a lesser extent English) traders; captives were supplied mostly by cooperating coastal African states. The Bight Document [7](Title: Slavery among Native Americans in the United States) as one-fourth of the population were slaves. They were typically captured by raids on enemy tribes, or purchased on intertribal slave markets. Slaves would often be killed in potlatches, to signify the owners' contempt for property. When Europeans arrived as colonists in North America, Native Americans changed their practice of slavery dramatically. Native Americans began selling war captives to Europeans rather than integrating them into their own societies as they had done before. As the demand for labor in the West Indies grew with the cultivation of sugar cane, Europeans enslaved Native Americans for the Thirteen Colonies, and some were Question: what were the cultural exchanges to the americas from africa Answer:
Columbian Exchange
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: High-speed rail) State planning for high - speed railway began in the early 1990s , and the country 's first high - speed rail line , the Qinhuangdao -- Shenyang Passenger Railway , was built in 1999 and opened to commercial operation in 2003 . This line could accommodate commercial trains running at up to 200 km / h ( 120 mph ) . Planners also considered Germany 's Transrapid maglev technology and built the Shanghai Maglev Train , which runs on a 30.5 km ( 19.0 mi ) track linking the city and its international airport . The maglev train service began operating in 2004 with trains reaching a top speed of 431 km / h ( 268 mph ) , and remains the fastest high - speed service in the world . Maglev , however , was not adopted nationally and all subsequent expansion features high - speed rail on conventional tracks . Document [1](Title: High-speed rail) Over 1.713 billion trips were made in 2017, more than half of the China's total railway passenger delivery, making it the world's busiest network. State planning for high-speed railway began in the early 1990s, and the country's first high-speed rail line, the Qinhuangdao–Shenyang Passenger Railway, was built in 1999 and opened to commercial operation in 2003. This line could accommodate commercial trains running at up to . Planners also considered Germany's Transrapid maglev technology and built the Shanghai Maglev Train, which runs on a track linking the Pudong, the city's financial district, and the Pudong International Airport. The maglev train Document [2](Title: Shanghai maglev train) , making it the world's fastest train in regular commercial service since its opening in April 2004. During a non-commercial test run on 12 November 2003, piloted by Jonathan Texiera, a maglev train achieved a Chinese record speed of . The Shanghai Maglev has a length of , a width of , a height of and a three-class, 574-passenger configuration. The train set was built by a joint venture of Siemens and ThyssenKrupp from Kassel, Germany and based on years of tests and improvements of their Transrapid maglev monorail. The Shanghai Maglev track (guideway) was built by local Chinese companies Document [3](Title: High-speed rail in China) of different income levels choose HSR for its comfort, convenience, safety and punctuality." Notable HSR lines in China include the Beijing–Guangzhou High-Speed Railway which at is the world's longest HSR line in operation, the Beijing–Shanghai high-speed railway with the world's fastest operating conventional train services and the Shanghai Maglev, the world's first high-speed commercial magnetic levitation line, whose trains run on non-conventional track and reach a top speed of . High speed rail is officially defined as "newly-built passenger-dedicated rail lines designed for electrical multiple unit (EMU) train sets traveling at not less than (including lines with reserved capacity for Document [4](Title: Shanghai–Hangzhou maglev line) built: at the Expo 2010 site in east Shanghai; in south Shanghai; Jiaxing; and east Hangzhou. The proposed design speed is 450 km/h, which would allow the train to travel the 169 km total distance in just 27 minutes. The total budget of the project was to be 35 billion RMB (about US$5.0 billion as of April 2008). If built, the line would become the first inter-city maglev rail line in commercial service in the world and also the fastest inter-city train. The line would be an extension of the only maglev line in China (and the only commercial service Document [5](Title: Maglev) since April 2004 and now operates 115 daily trips (up from 110 in 2010) that traverse the between the two stations in 7 minutes, achieving a top speed of and averaging . On a 12 November 2003 system commissioning test run, it achieved , its designed top cruising speed. The Shanghai maglev is faster than Birmingham technology and comes with on-time – to the second – reliability greater than 99.97%. Plans to extend the line to Shanghai South Railway Station and Hongqiao Airport on the western edge of Shanghai are on hold. After the Shanghai–Hangzhou Passenger Railway became operational in Document [6](Title: Maglev) urban use. Shanghai – BeijingA proposed line would have connected Shanghai to Beijing, over a distance of , at an estimated cost of £15.5bn. No projects had been revealed as of 2014. Beijing MetroIn October 2017 a low-speed maglev line opened in Beijing. The S1 Line operates at speeds up to 110 km/h and serves as a suburban commuter line. Low speed maglev (urban maglev) is proposed for YangMingShan MRT Line for Taipei, a circular line connecting Taipei City to New Taipei City, and almost all other Taipei transport routes, but especially the access starved northern suburbs of Tien Mou Document [7](Title: High-speed rail in China) the brand China Railway High-speed (CRH). The China Railway High-speed (CRH) high-speed train service was introduced in April 2007 featuring high-speed train sets called Hexie Hao () and Fuxing Hao () running at speed from 250 km/h to 350 km/h on upgraded/dedicated high-speed track. The Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Rail, which opened in August 2008 and could carry high-speed trains at , was the first passenger dedicated HSR line. High-speed rail developed rapidly in China over the past 15 years with substantial funding from the Chinese government, especially the economic stimulus program during the Great Recession. The removal of Railway Minister Liu Question: who has the fastest bullet train in the world Answer:
Shanghai Maglev Train
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The True Law of Free Monarchies) The Reciprocal and Mutual Duty Betwixt a Free King and His Natural Subjects ( original Scots title : The Trve Lawe of free Monarchies : Or , The Reciprock and Mvtvall Dvtie Betwixt a free King , and his naturall Subiectes ) is a treatise or essay of political theory and kingship by James VI of Scotland ( later to be crowned James I of England too ) . It is believed James VI wrote the tract to set forth his idea of kingship , in contrast to the contractarian views espoused by , among others , George Buchanan ( in De Jure Regni apud Scotos , 1579 ) . James VI had the work published in 1598 . It is considered remarkable for setting out the doctrine of the divine right of kings in Scotland , and latterly England , for the first time . James saw the divine right of kings as an extension of the apostolic succession . Document [1](Title: Sir Alexander Seton, 1st Baronet) King James VII, he was deprived by that monarch of his seat on The Bench. He was at the same time removed from the Court of Justiciary. Upon the 1688 Revolution King William III offered to reinstate him as one of the Lords of Session, which Sir Alexander declined feeling it inconsistent with his previous Oaths of Allegiance to James VII. He then retired from professional life. In his private affairs he succeeded in recovering his family's estates from indebtedness, and possessed a vast library. He published an edition of Sir George Mackenzie's "Law of Scotland in matters Criminal", with Document [2](Title: Claim of Right Act 1689) on George Buchanan's argument on the contractual nature of monarchy. Later that month, the Convention adopted the Claim of Right and the Article of Grievances, enumerating what they saw as the contemporary requirements of Scottish constitutional law. It also declared that, because of his actions in violation of these laws, James had forfeited the Scottish throne. The effect of the Claim of Right was to "bolster the position of parliament within the Scottish constitution at the expense of the royal prerogative". The Convention proceeded to offer the crown on the basis of these documents to William and Mary, who accepted Document [3](Title: Poetry of Scotland) 1530–75), who wrote allegorical satires in the tradition of Douglas and courtier and minister Alexander Hume (c. 1556–1609), whose corpus of work includes nature poetry and epistolary verse. Alexander Scott's (?1520-82/3) use of short verse designed to be sung to music, opened the way for the Castilan poets of James VI's adult reign. Unlike many of his predecessors, James VI actively despised Gaelic culture. However, in the 1580s and 1590s he strongly promoted the literature of the country of his birth in Scots. His treatise, "Some Rules and Cautions to be Observed and Eschewed in Scottish Prosody", published in 1584 Document [4](Title: Renaissance in Scotland) the young James VI's tutors and although he helped in producing a highly educated Protestant prince, who would produce works on subjects including government, poetry and witchcraft, he failed to convince the king of his ideas about limited monarchy. James would debate with both Buchanan and Melville over the status of the crown and kirk. In the late fifteenth century, Scots prose also began to develop as a genre and to demonstrate classical and humanist influences. Although there are earlier fragments of original Scots prose, such as the "Auchinleck Chronicle", the first complete surviving work includes John Ireland's "The Meroure Document [5](Title: John Drummond, 1st Earl of Melfort) in Edinburgh were high, with the Catholic Duke of Gordon holding Edinburgh Castle and Viscount Dundee recruiting Highland levies. When the Convention opened on 16 March, a letter from James drafted by Melfort was read out, demanding obedience and threatening punishment for non-compliance. While committed Jacobites were a tiny minority, many Scots were unenthusiastic about the alternatives but the tone of the letter led to public anger and undercut what limited support James retained. It reflected an internal Jacobite dispute between Protestant 'Compounders,' who viewed concessions as essential for James to regain his throne, and mostly Catholic 'Non-Compounders' like Melfort, Document [6](Title: Convention of Estates (1689)) for replacing James VII with William II, and the proceedings of the Convention were challenged by figures such as John Paterson, the Archbishop of Glasgow. The Convention sought the extirpation of episcopacy and the reduction of the Scottish monarchy from an absolute monarchy to a limited monarchy as part of the revolutionary constitutional change. The Convention considered Union with England but the Presbyterians were wary of English episcopacy, and the matter was deferred. The Convention drew up two documents, the Claim of Right, which listed the alleged misdoings of James VII and indicated what they expected from William II, and Document [7](Title: James VI and I) Kingly Family of the House of Stuarts" (1652); Arthur Wilson's "History of Great Britain, Being the Life and Reign of King James I" (1658); and Francis Osborne's "Historical Memoirs of the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James" (1658). David Harris Willson's 1956 biography continued much of this hostility. In the words of historian Jenny Wormald, Willson's book was an "astonishing spectacle of a work whose every page proclaimed its author's increasing hatred for his subject". Since Willson, however, the stability of James's government in Scotland and in the early part of his English reign, as well as his relatively Question: who wrote trew law and what was it about Answer:
his idea of kingship
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Henry Danger episodes) 63 '' Sick & Wired '' TBA TBA October 21 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 21 ) 404 TBD Document [1](Title: WFWI) the format would move to an online webstream at; the show ended with "Happy Trails" by Van Halen), 92.3 began simulcasting WOWO as "News/Talk WOWO, AM 1190 and FM 92.3". The same day, the callsign was changed to WOWO-FM. On November 4, 2015, WOWO-FM changed their call letters back to WFWI. On December 14, WOWO began simulcasting on 107.5 W298BJ Fort Wayne; the simulcast would move to the frequency on January 1, 2016, as 92.3 began stunting with 2-minute clips of classic rock songs, with liners promoting to go to, which had a timer counting down to Monday Document [2](Title: Wired (magazine)) will try to stay hidden for 30 days." A $5,000 reward was offered to his finder(s). Ratliff was found September 8 in New Orleans by a team effort, which was written about by Ratliff in a later issue. In 2010, "Wired" released its tablet edition. In 2012, Limor Fried became the first female engineer featured on the cover of "Wired". In May 2013, "Wired" joined the Digital Video Network with the announcement of five original webseries, including the National Security Agency satire "Codefellas" and the animated advice series "Mister Know-It-All". The "Wired" website, formerly known as "Wired News" and "HotWired", Document [3](Title: G4 (U.S. TV channel)) site's schedule section, was a notice stating that "NBCUniversal has discontinued all operations for G4" seven days after the network left the air. In April 2015, the news section of the site, which features short capsule reports from several writers was rebranded as featuring 'news from G4'. Throughout the following years, the G4 website remained up, but with many links broken and all images removed and leaving 'broken image' frames. , the domain now redirects to the gaming section of Syfy Wire. Prior to shut down, the network's programming schedule consisted of past G4 programming such as "Web Document [4](Title: Dancin' on Air) at 10 a.m. WRDW-FM has been tapped as the official radio station for the program. Core group members include Brittainy Taylor, DeAnna Marie, Jeanna Zettler, Mikey P, Paulie Scalia, Anthony Vee, Anthony Franzzo (AKA DJ ZO), Nicole Peraino, Nicole Zell, Ian Ashanti, John Haslett, Kobi Kearney, Casey on Wired, and DJ Josiah. A full-length documentary on the show's history was produced and featured interviews with several regulars and crew members along with producer Michael Nise. As of 2014, it has yet to be released. On April 10, 2016, "Philadelphia" magazine published an article detailing a new feud between many of Document [5](Title: WROO) lifespan, faced serious competition from Barnstable Broadcasting (later Entercom Communications') WROQ and WTPT. On December 23, 2007, after modest performance from the rock format for over five years, the station entered 'stunt mode', urging listeners to tune in for a new format on December 25, 2007 (Christmas Day). The new format was a Christian CHR format called "Shine 96.7" with "Positive Hits", which was aimed at a younger audience than other stations in the market such as WLFJ. The station eventually switched to a satellite-fed Christian AC format from Salem Communications. In the fall of 2008, Shine 96.7 was the Document [6](Title: WRTN-LP) third subchannel on the weekend of September 11, 2015. On September 21, 2015, This TV (which was previously seen on WTVF's third subchannel) moved to WRTN's second subchannel of 6.2, replacing Rev'n, as WTVF replaced This TV with the new comedy oriented Network Laff. On Tuesday September 22, Antenna TV & This TV swapped channel positions with Antenna TV moving to Channel 6.2 & This TV moving to Channel 6.3. On September 30, 2015, Rev'n was readded to 6.2, with Antenna TV moving back to 6.3, and This TV moving to 6.6, replacing the localized classic movies channel that was Document [7](Title: G4 (U.S. TV channel)) its original shows back to its line-up as a way to fill up the lost timeslots originally occupied by those three shows. Certain cable operators reported that the network would end all on-air operations on November 30, 2014, and the aforementioned providers continued airing the network until the alleged cutoff date (or when their contracts with G4 were fully exhausted), ending all carriage of the network from cable providers and cable television services. Some providers kept the channel on past this point, but later replaced the channel with a gray screen with G4's audio feed still being heard before removing Question: when does the next episode of henry danger air Answer:
October 21 , 2017
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Road speed limits in the United Kingdom) The national speed limit is 70 mph ( 112 km / h ) on motorways , 70 mph ( 112 km / h ) on dual carriageways , 60 mph ( 96 km / h ) on single carriageways and generally 30 mph ( 48 km / h ) in areas with street lighting ( restricted roads ) . These limits may be changed by road signs and apply to cars , motorcycles , car - derived vans up to 2 tonnes maximum laden weight ( MLW ) , and to motorhomes or motor caravans not more than 3.05 tonnes maximum unladen weight . Other classes of vehicles are subject to lower limits on some roads . Document [1](Title: Speed limits in the Netherlands) Speed limits in the Netherlands The default speed limits in the Netherlands are 50 km/h (31 mph) inside built-up areas, 80 km/h (50 mph) outside built-up areas, 100 km/h (62 mph) on expressways ("autowegen"), and 130 km/h (81 mph) on motorways ("autosnelwegen"). On September 1, 2012, the motorway default speed limit was raised from 120 km/h (75 mph) to 130 km/h (81 mph) , but it applies to only 48% of all motorways with the intent of 60% of motorways. Additionally, lower speed limits may apply in speed zones. Motorways passing through urban areas are usually limited to 100 km/h Document [2](Title: Regional road (Ireland)) local councils has resulted in more frequent resurfacing of regional roads, as well as relaying and realignment on some routes. Regional roads are generally subject to a speed limit of 80 km/h (imperial equivalent 50 mph), rather than the 100 km/h (imperial equivalent 62.5 mph) for national roads. Prior to 20 January 2005, when Ireland adopted metric speed limits, national and regional roads had identical speed limits of 60 mph. Regional roads, however, pass through towns, villages and built-up areas frequently, so even lower local speed restrictions are often in place. However, certain regional roads, often sections of former national Document [3](Title: Speed limits in the Czech Republic) Speed limits in the Czech Republic Speed limits in the Czech Republic vary depending on the type of road, and whether the road is within a settlement or not. The top speed limit is for motorways outside of settlements, whereas on regular roads within a settlement the speed limit is . outside of the settlement and other than motorway the speed limit is 90 km/H. Various other special restrictions are applied for certain types and weight categories of vehicle. On 29 January 1900, a government ordinance limited the speed of vehicles inside settlements to the velocity of a hand-cantering horse. Document [4](Title: Speed limits in France) Those limits are not systematically signaled as they are the default limit. For instance the name of a city at its entry is an implicit limitation to 50 km/h; the crossed name at the output is the corresponding end of limit. However, additional 50 km/h speed limit signs might be added to make it more explicit. Vehicles over 3.5 metric tons of maximum total weight have lower speed limits. Lorries of more than 12 metric tons (except dangerous goods and trailers that may have lower limits) may not exceed 50 km/h in urban areas (even if the speed limit was Document [5](Title: Speed limits in the United States) the law as "unconstitutionally vague." The state legislature enacted a 75 mph daytime limit in May 1999. As of May 15, 2017, 41 states have maximum speed limits of 70 mph or higher. 18 of those states have 75 mph speed limits or higher, while 7 states of that same portion have 80 mph speed limits. In addition to the legally defined maximum speed, minimum speed limits may be applicable. Occasionally, there are default minimum speed limits for certain types of roads, generally freeways. Comparable to the common basic speed rule, most jurisdictions also have laws prohibiting speeds so low Document [6](Title: Speed limits in Australia) Wales's "prima facie" 50 miles per hour or 80 km/hr limit, often signed by derestriction signs, was only enforced in cases where a driver's speed could be demonstrated to be excessive or dangerous in the context of prevailing road conditions. This was somewhat similar in principle to "reasonable and prudent" limits in other jurisdictions. This led to the widespread but misleading belief that no limit applied, and that derestriction signs indicated an "unlimited" limit. This belief, coupled with repeated studies showing 85th percentile speeds in excess of 120 km/h on major routes, comparatively high road tolls, difficulty in prosecuting speeding Document [7](Title: Speed limit enforcement) who reported extreme speeds (80 km/h (50 mph) or more over the limit) or very severe fines (US$500 or more) were excluded. As older vehicle construction regulations allowed a speedometer accuracy of +/- 10%, in the United Kingdom ACPO guidelines recommend a tolerance level of the speed limit "×10% +2 mph" (e.g., a maximum tolerance in a zone of 30 + (30 × 10% = 3) + 2 = 35 mph). In Germany, at least a 3 km/h tolerance (3% of measured speed when speeding over 100 km/h) in favor of the offender is always deducted. This tolerance can increase Question: national speed limit on a single carriageway uk Answer:
60 mph
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Article Three of the United States Constitution) Article Three of the United States Constitution establishes the judicial branch of the federal government . The judicial branch comprises the Supreme Court of the United States and lower courts as created by Congress . Document [1](Title: United States Constitution) The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States . The Constitution , originally comprising seven articles , delineates the national frame of government . Its first three articles embody the doctrine of the separation of powers , whereby the federal government is divided into three branches : the legislative , consisting of the bicameral Congress ; the executive , consisting of the President ; and the judicial , consisting of the Supreme Court and other federal courts . Articles Four , Five and Six embody concepts of federalism , describing the rights and responsibilities of state governments and of the states in relationship to the federal government . Article Seven establishes the procedure subsequently used by the thirteen States to ratify it . It is regarded as the oldest written and codified national constitution in force . Document [2](Title: United States Constitution) Court. The article describes the kinds of cases the court takes as original jurisdiction. Congress can create lower courts and an appeals process. Congress enacts law defining crimes and providing for punishment. Article Three also protects the right to trial by jury in all criminal cases, and defines the crime of treason. Section 1 vests the judicial power of the United States in federal courts, and with it, the authority to interpret and apply the law to a particular case. Also included is the power to punish, sentence, and direct future action to resolve conflicts. The Constitution outlines the U.S. Document [3](Title: John E. Jones III) branch and the executive branch, respectively, as majoritarian—they are subject to the will of the people; they stand in popular elections. But article 3 is counter-majoritarian. The judicial branch protects against the tyranny of the majority. We are a bulwark against public opinion. And that was very much done with a purpose, and I think that it really has withstood the test of time. The judiciary is a check against the unconstitutional abuse and extension of power by the other branches of government." Judge Jones added that Alexander Hamilton himself remarked: "Enthusiasm is certainly a very good thing but religious Document [4](Title: Article Three of the Constitution of Puerto Rico) as establishing the post of Comptroller. Article Three of the Constitution of Puerto Rico Article Three of the Constitution of Puerto Rico describes the powers, structure, functions, responsibilities, and legal scope of the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico, the legislative branch of the government of Puerto Rico. The article establishes that the territorial legislature must be bicameral, and composed by the Senate as the upper house and the House of Representatives as the lower house. It also established the composition of each house, and that Puerto Rico must be divided into senatorial and representative districts for the purpose of elections. Document [5](Title: U.S. state) (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the supreme law of the land. It provides that state courts are bound by the supreme law; in case of conflict between federal and state law, the federal law must be applied. Even state constitutions are subordinate to federal law. States' rights are understood mainly with reference to the Tenth Amendment. The Constitution delegates some powers to the national government, and it forbids some powers to the states. Any powers not granted to the federal government or forbidden to Document [6](Title: Emergency Price Control Act of 1942) about Article III. Article III does not "require" Congress to create lower federal courts, but when Congress does--as they did in the Judiciary Act of 1789, establishing the federal court system we know today--they are subject to limitations emanating from Article III and other constitutional provisions. For example, Congress cannot prohibit all African Americans from bringing a lawsuit, as this would independently violate Equal Protection under the 14th Amendment. In addition, Congress potential could not, for example, allow discrimination cases to only be filed in-person in the District Court of Puerto Rico, as this might substantially burden the ability of Document [7](Title: Constitution of Singapore) source of legally binding constitutional law consists of the body of case law decided by the courts interpreting the Constitution, and laying down fundamental constitutional principles which are not expressly mentioned in the Constitution. In the exercise of its original jurisdiction – that is, its power to hear cases for the first time – the High Court carries out two types of judicial review: judicial review of legislation, and judicial review of administrative acts. Regarding the former, Article 4 of the Constitution states: "This Constitution is the supreme law of the Republic of Singapore and any law enacted by the Question: who has the power to create all courts lower than the supreme court Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Parent Trap (1961 film)) Identical twins Susan Evers and Sharon McKendrick ( Hayley Mills ) meet at Miss Inch 's Summer Camp for Girls , unaware that they are sisters . Their identical appearance initially creates rivalry , and they continuously pull pranks on each other , which ultimately leads to the camp dance being crashed by their mischief . As punishment , they must live together in the isolated '' Serendipity '' cabin ( and eat together at an '' isolation table '' ) for the remainder of their time at summer camp . After finding out that they both come from single parent homes , they soon realize they are twin sisters and that their parents , Mitch ( Brian Keith ) and Maggie ( Maureen O'Hara ) , divorced shortly after their birth , with each parent having custody of one of them . The twins , each eager to meet the parent she never knew , switch places . They drill each other on the other 's behavior and lives , and Susan cuts Sharon 's hair into the same style as hers . While Susan is in Boston , Massachusetts masquerading as Sharon , Sharon goes to Carmel , California pretending to be Susan . Document [1](Title: Mary Drake) a restaurant and ran into Peter Hastings. She took advantage of the moment to pose as her sister Jessica, whom Peter previously had an affair with. Drake ended up seducing him and their brief sexual encounter resulted in another pregnancy. Afterwards, Mary gave birth to identical twins. The first born Spencer Hastings, was taken from her much like Charles and later placed in the care of their biological father, along with his wife, Veronica. The existence of a second twin, Alex Drake, was unknown to them since Alex was born minutes after Spencer had already been given to Peter and Document [2](Title: Ridge Forrester) identical twin daughters, Steffy and Phoebe, are born. Several ordeals undermine his happiness during the marriage. His old lover, Morgan DeWitt, tricks him into getting her pregnant. A physical confrontation with Taylor leads to Morgan miscarrying, which in turn leads to her kidnapping Steffy, faking the child's death and passing the girl off as her own. Morgan eventually has both Taylor and the child held captive; but Ridge manages to save them both. Taylor is killed by Eric's ex wife, Sheila Carter. Ridge also learns he isn't Eric's son, but the son of billionaire shipping magnate Massimo Marone (even Stephanie Document [3](Title: Metamo Kiss) twin brother Konatsu. Through the series Kohanamaru develops feelings for Nanao. Also throughout the series it is revealed that if the partners switched, they must return to normal before sunset or they will be stuck in each other's bodies forever. This unfortunate event befell upon Kohanamaru and Nanao, and remained like that until they discovered a solution to return to normal. Near the end of the series Kohanamaru loses his memories of Nanao shortly after he confesses his love to her. Everyone in his family tries to help Kohanamaru remember, to no avail. His memories of her remain lost. Until Document [4](Title: Savannah (TV series)) and the first season revolves around the whodunit murder mystery and subsequent court case. There is also considerable intrigue surrounding the identity of Peyton's father (who turns out to also be Reese's father, Edward, making Peyton and Reese half-sisters) as well as the machinations of Tom Massick, a stranger in town with a score to settle. Cassandra "Cassie" Wheeler (Alexia Robinson), a longtime friend of the three other women, joined the cast in season two. George Eads later re-joined the cast as Nick, the identical twin of Travis. The show was filmed entirely on location in the U.S. state of Document [5](Title: Téa Delgado) the baby after Sam's husband, Jason, begins to suspect that Sam's baby was switched with Téa's. The DNA results are a match, and John goes to Llanview to tell Téa the truth. However, before he can tell her, Téa realizes that the baby and her nanny are gone. When John tells her that "Susan" is really Heather, a mental patient who escaped from Ferncliff, Téa is shocked. When Téa finds out that Heather is in Port Charles, she heads to Todd's house. Todd pretends to get a phone call from his P.I. telling him where Heather is, and he and Document [6](Title: Episode 3 (Twin Peaks)) identical cousin, the second role in the series played by Sheryl Lee. Lee had been a stage actor living in Washington, where "Pilot" was filmed, and had remained there after production moved to Los Angeles as she believed that, with her character dead, she would have no further part in the series. However, Lynch was impressed with her performance and called to ask her to return, telling her he would "figure [...] out" a way for her to continue appearing. Rathborne chose to open the episode with a shot centered on Sherilyn Fenn, finding the actress to be "seductive" and Document [7](Title: Shake, Rattle & Roll XI) guests clap for Kayla and Harold, the gown appears and walks towards them. Sheila (Jennica Garcia) is interrogated by a policeman (Archi Adamos) and a social worker (Julia Clarete) regarding her missing friends. She, her boyfriend Ryan (Mart Escudero), her best friend Chari (Bangs Garcia) and her childhood friend Archie (Rayver Cruz) went on a camping trip and met up with their friends Lia (Iya Villania) and twins Kiko (Felix Roco) and Pong (Dominic Roco). The twins destroy some anthills at the campsite despite Lia's warning not to, recalling stories of dwendes or lamang lupa. They are enraged when their Question: who played the mother in the original parent trap Answer:
Maureen O'Hara
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Climate of Salt Lake City) January is the coldest month with an average temperature of 29.2 ° F ( - 1.6 ° C ) . Salt Lake City 's record low maximum temperature is 2 ° F ( - 16.7 ° C ) , set on December 22 , 1990 , during an extended period of frigid Arctic air , and its overall record low temperature is - 30 ° F ( - 34.4 ° C ) , set on February 9 , 1933 during a historic cold air surge from the north . During spring , temperatures warm steadily and rapidly . Wintry weather is usually last experienced by early - to - mid April . Summery weather first arrives in early to mid May ; the earliest 90 ° F ( 32.2 ° C ) temperature on record was on May 2 . Major cold fronts typically stop arriving in late May or early June . Document [1](Title: La Plata) in the coldest month, July, is . Snowfall in the city is extremely rare. The last significant snowfall fell on 9 July 2007, while the previous one had taken place on 22 June 1918. Winters tend to be cloudier than summer, averaging around 10 overcast days from June to August, compared to 6 overcast days from December to February. Summers are warm to hot with a January high of while nighttime temperatures are cooler, averaging . Spring and fall are transition seasons, featuring warm daytime temperatures and cool nighttime temperatures, highly variable with some days reaching above and below . Document [2](Title: Pinnacles National Park) In comparison to the nearby coast, temperatures have a much larger daily range of depending on season. The typical rainfall is about per year. Snow can fall in small amounts at higher elevations between mid-December and January. The National Weather Service has a cooperative weather station at the park headquarters. January temperatures are a maximum of and a minimum of . July temperatures are a maximum of and a minimum of . The record high temperature was on July 15, 1972. The record low temperature was on January 2, 1960, and December 22, 1990. Average annual precipitation is . The Document [3](Title: Nome, Alaska) 2–4 days per month from December to March and there are 76 days annually of or lower temperatures, which have been recorded as early as October 12, 1996 and as late as May 5 in 1984. Average highs stay below freezing from late October until late April, and the average first and last dates of freezing lows are August 30 and June 9, respectively, a freeze-free period of 81 days. The warmest month is July, with an average of ; temperatures rarely reach or remain above the whole night. Snow averages per season, with the average first and last dates Document [4](Title: Climate of the United Kingdom) January 2015 were a little milder than the average; February 2015 was close to normal. The winter of 2016/17 was very nearly a very cold winter owing to the presence and position of high pressure, although ultimately only November 2016 was cold widely as a whole. Early December 2016 was cool and January 2017 was cold in the south-east, with much of the rest of England and Wales near the 1961-1990 average. At Northolt, the average daily minimum for January 2017 was below freezing for the first time since December 2010. December 2015 was the wettest calendar month ever recorded Document [5](Title: West Turin, New York) 2001. The coldest recorded temperature is -40 on January 25, 26, and 27 in 2004. The highest minimum temperature is 69 on July 18, 2005, July 19, 2013, and July 22, 2011. The lowest high on record is -15 on January 16, 2004. The low falls below freezing on an average of 190 days per year and it falls below 0 on 39. The average lowest temp in a year is -29, putting West Turin in hardiness zone 4A. The high stays below freezing on an average of 69 days per year and exceeds 90 on 1.6 days per year. Document [6](Title: Climate of the United States) shower and thunderstorm activity. Also, June is the highest-risk month for severe weather throughout North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and northern Illinois. The Pacific Northwest has an oceanic climate. The climate is wet and cool in autumn, winter, and spring, and stable and drier in the summer months, especially July and August. On average, the wettest month is typically November or December; the driest, July. In the summer months, average highs in cities like Seattle and Portland are from 70 to 79 °F (21 to 26 °C) with lows from 50 to 59 °F (10 to 15 °C), Document [7](Title: Sacramento metropolitan area) January is the coolest month for the entire region with an average maximum of 41.0 °F (5.0 °C) and an average minimum of 15.1 °F (-9.4 °C) in Lake Tahoe. The eastern portion of Greater Sacramento experiences a more varied climate with 90 °F (32.2 °C) temperatures in August to below freezing temperatures in winter. In higher elevations, freezing temperatures have been recorded every month. In the winter, below freezing temperatures are common in Sacramento and lower valley elevations although snowfall is scarce and usually melts on ground contact with significant snowfall occurring roughly every 3–5 years. However, blizzard conditions Question: when does it start to cool down in utah Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: President of the Philippines) President of the Philippines Pangulo ng Pilipinas Presidential Seal Presidential Standard Incumbent Rodrigo Duterte since June 30 , 2016 Style Mr. President ( informal ) His Excellency ( formal and in international correspondence ) Member of Cabinet National Security Council Residence Malacañan Palace Seat Manila , Philippines Appointer Direct popular vote Term length Six years Single term Constituting instrument 1987 Constitution of the Philippines Inaugural holder Emilio Aguinaldo ( official ) Manuel L. Quezon ( de jure ) Formation January 23 , 1899 ( official ) November 15 , 1935 ( de jure ) Deputy Vice President of the Philippines Salary ₱ 399,739 per month / ₱ 4,796,868 per year Website Document [1](Title: Manila) places only oversee the welfare of the city's constituents and cannot exercise their executive powers. The current mayor is Joseph Estrada, who served as the President of the Philippines from 1998 to 2001. He is currently on his second term in serving as the city mayor. The current vice mayor is Dr. Maria Shielah "Honey" Lacuna-Pangan, daughter of former Manila Vice Mayor Danny Lacuna. The mayor and the vice mayor are term-limited by up to 3 terms, with each term lasting for 3 years. Manila, being the seat of political power of the Philippines, has several national government offices headquartered Document [2](Title: Fidel Ramos) him to run for office so that 'Mindanao will finally have a Filipino president'. On 23 July 2016, Ramos was appointed by President Rodrigo Duterte as the Philippine Envoy to China to strengthen bilateral ties again after a much-heated diplomatic war over the West Philippine Sea. On 1 November 2016, however, Ramos, stating that he miscalculated the possibilities and effects of a Duterte presidency, sent his resignation due to Duterte's drug war which has killed at least 8,000 Filipino drug suspects at the time. President Duterte accepted his resignation from the post on the same day. He was replaced by Document [3](Title: Office of the Executive Secretary of the Philippines) established on October 12, 1936, with Jorge B. Vargas as the inaugural holder. The current Executive Secretary is Salvador Medialdea, serving in this position since June 30, 2016, when President Rodrigo R. Duterte was inaugurated. In Book III, Chapter 9, Section 27 of Executive Order No. 292, the Administrative Code of the Philippines, the role of the Executive Secretary was defined as: The Executive Secretary possesses much power since the holder of the office is the alter-ego of the President of the Philippines, the chief executive. The Executive Secretary can issue orders in the name of the President, can review Document [4](Title: History of the Philippines (1986–present)) office, reminiscent of the decision of his mother, who in 1986, was sworn into the presidency by Associate Justice Claudio Teehankee. Aquino refused to allow Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines Renato Corona to swear him into office, due to Aquino's opposition to the appointment of Corona by outgoing President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Davao City mayor Rodrigo Duterte of PDP–Laban won the 2016 presidential election by a landslide, garnering 39.01% or 16,601,997 of the total votes, becoming the first Mindanaoan to become president. On the other hand, Camarines Sur 3rd District representative Leni Robredo won with the second-narrowest Document [5](Title: Presidency of Fidel Ramos) Presidency of Fidel Ramos The Presidency of Fidel V. Ramos, also known as the Ramos Administration spanned for six years from June 30, 1992 to June 30, 1998. At the time of his assumption into power, Fidel Ramos was the third oldest person following Sergio Osmeña to become President of the Philippines at the age of 64 (Rodrigo Duterte surpassed this record upon being elected president at the age of 71 on May 9, 2016). He is also the first Protestant President of the country and the only Filipino officer in history to have held every one hundred rank in Document [6](Title: Philippine presidential inauguration) the oath of office in Cebu. Note: Vice President-elects usually take the oath of office with the President-elect, but Rodrigo Duterte broke tradition by requesting Vice President-elect Leni Robredo to hold inauguration rites separately. The only other instances that the Vice President was inaugurated separately, when Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo succeeded to the presidency and nominated Teofisto Guingona as Vice President. Guingona was confirmed by Congress on February 9, 2001 and took the oath of office the same day. Philippine presidential inauguration The inauguration of the President of the Philippines is a ceremonial event marking the commencement of a new six-year term Document [7](Title: Inauguration of Rodrigo Duterte) Inauguration of Rodrigo Duterte The inauguration of Rodrigo Duterte as the 16th President of the Philippines took place at around noon (PHT) on Thursday, June 30, 2016 at the Rizal Ceremonial Hall of the Malacañang Palace in Manila. The oath of office was administered by the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines, Bienvenido L. Reyes. Veronica Duterte, Duterte's daughter with Honeylet Avanceña, held the Bible of the president's mother Soledad for her father. Veronica was joined by her 3 siblings, Sara, Paolo and Sebastian. It was the fourth Philippine presidential inauguration that was held in Malacañang, the Question: who is the current leader of the philippines Answer:
Rodrigo Duterte
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Dickey Lee) Royden Dickey Lipscomb ( born September 21 , 1936 ) , known professionally as Dickey Lee ( sometimes misspelled Dickie Lee or Dicky Lee ) , is an American pop / country singer and songwriter , best known for the 1960s teenage tragedy songs '' Patches '' and '' Laurie ( Strange Things Happen ) . '' Document [1](Title: Dick Lee) married jazz singer Jacintha Abisheganaden and divorced in 1997. He is a Roman Catholic. Dick Lee Richard "Dick" Lee Peng Boon (born 24 August 1956) is a Singaporean singer-songwriter, playwright and film director. He was born to a Peranakan father, Lee Kip Lee, (who wrote for "The Straits Times"), and Elizabeth Tan. He was the eldest child in the family of five, with three brothers and a deceased younger sister. He received his early education at St. Michael's School (now SJI Junior) and his secondary education at St. Joseph's Institution. Dick Lee started his career in 1971 when, at the Document [2](Title: Dick Lee) Dick Lee Richard "Dick" Lee Peng Boon (born 24 August 1956) is a Singaporean singer-songwriter, playwright and film director. He was born to a Peranakan father, Lee Kip Lee, (who wrote for "The Straits Times"), and Elizabeth Tan. He was the eldest child in the family of five, with three brothers and a deceased younger sister. He received his early education at St. Michael's School (now SJI Junior) and his secondary education at St. Joseph's Institution. Dick Lee started his career in 1971 when, at the age of fifteen, participated in various talent contests with the group, Harmony, and Dick Document [3](Title: Earl Sinks) and “Loves Made A Fool of You." In 1959 he came to Nashville with his pal Bob Montgomery, where they worked together as songwriters with Acuff-Rose. He recorded under the names of Earl Sinks, Sinx Mitchell, Earl Richards and Earl "Snake" Richards. He wrote songs for artists such as Sue Thompson, the Everly Brothers, the Newbeats, Ernie Ashworth, Brenda Lee, Roy Orbison, Mel Tillis, as well as the Crickets and Buddy Holly. He would either play guitar or sing harmony over a majority of the sessions with artists such as Mel Tillis, Del Reeves, Mel Street, Charlie Pride, etc. When Document [4](Title: Albert Lee) for attracting celebrities to their gigs. Stars such as Eric Clapton, Tommy Emmanuel, Lonnie Donegan, Dave Edmunds, Nick Lowe, Marty Wilde, Willie Nelson, Nanci Griffith, Don Everly, Emmylou Harris, Sonny Curtis and Rodney Crowell have all jammed with the band at one time or another. In 1988 Lee toured Australia along with Vince Gill, then a comparative unknown, and has returned to tour the country on several subsequent occasions. In the early 2000s Albert Lee toured with Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings and usually appeared front of stage where he warmly smiled at the applause he received. In 2002, Lee appeared Document [5](Title: Lee Rocker) Lee Rocker Lee Rocker (born Leon Drucker, August 3, 1961) is an American double bass player. He is a member of the rockabilly band The Stray Cats. He is the son of the classical clarinetists Stanley Drucker (the retired principal clarinetist of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra) and Naomi Drucker. His sister Roseanne is a country music singer-songwriter. As a child, he played the cello and later learned bass guitar. Drucker's school friends included James McDonnell and Brian Setzer. The three of them played together regularly and widened their musical interests to include the blues and rockabilly. Drucker also learned Document [6](Title: Trouble (Keith Richards song)) digital single. Upon its release, music critics noted it was a rock and roll song, that includes elements of blues. According to Jon Blistein from "Rolling Stone", the "Trouble" lyrics "[seem] to be channeling [Richards'] inner Lou Reed". Marc Seliger said the lyrics "[appear] to be about a female friend who has landed behind bars." Rachel Brodsky from "Spin" said, "['Trouble'] sounds as solid and agreeable as it gets: edgy enough to make youngins do a brief double-take and classic rock enough to add it to your dad’s repertoire." Nick DeRiso wrote that Richards "moves with a loose-elbowed sense of Document [7](Title: Dickie Rock) Irish media some months later. Rock himself commented on the incident. Dickie Rock Richard Rock (born 10 October 1946) known as Dickie Rock is an Irish singer. He experienced much success on the Irish charts during the 1960s, but has continued on as a popular live act as well as occasionally hitting the charts ever since. Rock was born in the North Strand, Dublin and raised in Cabra on Dublin's Northside. Between 1963 and 1972, he was one of the frontmen of the Miami Showband (who were later in the headlines due to the Miami Showband killings incident). He had Question: who sang strange things happen in this world Answer:
Dickey Lee
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Atomic nucleus) The atomic nucleus is the small , dense region consisting of protons and neutrons at the center of an atom , discovered in 1911 by Ernest Rutherford based on the 1909 Geiger -- Marsden gold foil experiment . After the discovery of the neutron in 1932 , models for a nucleus composed of protons and neutrons were quickly developed by Dmitri Ivanenko and Werner Heisenberg . An atom is composed of a positively - charged nucleus , with a cloud of negatively - charged electrons surrounding it , bound together by electrostatic force . Almost all of the mass of an atom is located in the nucleus , with a very small contribution from the electron cloud . Protons and neutrons are bound together to form a nucleus by the nuclear force . Document [1](Title: Bohr model) quantum mechanics (1925) is often referred to as the old quantum theory. In the early 20th century, experiments by Ernest Rutherford established that atoms consisted of a diffuse cloud of negatively charged electrons surrounding a small, dense, positively charged nucleus. Given this experimental data, Rutherford naturally considered a planetary-model atom, the Rutherford model of 1911 – electrons orbiting a solar nucleus – however, said planetary-model atom has a technical difficulty. The laws of classical mechanics (i.e. the Larmor formula), predict that the electron will release electromagnetic radiation while orbiting a nucleus. Because the electron would lose energy, it would rapidly Document [2](Title: Nuclear physics) explain how the nucleus holds together. In the Yukawa interaction a virtual particle, later called a meson, mediated a force between all nucleons, including protons and neutrons. This force explained why nuclei did not disintegrate under the influence of proton repulsion, and it also gave an explanation of why the attractive strong force had a more limited range than the electromagnetic repulsion between protons. Later, the discovery of the pi meson showed it to have the properties of Yukawa's particle. With Yukawa's papers, the modern model of the atom was complete. The center of the atom contains a tight ball Document [3](Title: Semi-empirical mass formula) means in the nucleus is that as more particles are "added", these particles must occupy higher energy levels, increasing the total energy of the nucleus (and decreasing the binding energy). Note that this effect is not based on any of the fundamental forces (gravitational, electromagnetic, etc.), only the Pauli exclusion principle. Protons and neutrons, being distinct types of particles, occupy different quantum states. One can think of two different "pools" of states, one for protons and one for neutrons. Now, for example, if there are significantly more neutrons than protons in a nucleus, some of the neutrons will be higher Document [4](Title: Charge radius) that is coming back to the same side of the foil as the α-source. Rutherford was able to put an upper limit on the radius of the gold nucleus of 34 femtometres. Later studies found an empirical relation between the charge radius and the mass number, "A", for heavier nuclei ("A" > 20): where the empirical constant "r" of 1.2–1.5 fm can be interpreted as the proton radius. This gives a charge radius for the gold nucleus ("A" = 197) of about 7.5 fm. Modern direct measurements are based on precision measurements of the atomic energy levels in hydrogen and Document [5](Title: Nuclear binding energy) dominate and the nucleus will tend over time to break up. As nuclei grow bigger still, this disruptive effect becomes steadily more significant. By the time polonium is reached (84 protons), nuclei can no longer accommodate their large positive charge, but emit their excess protons quite rapidly in the process of alpha radioactivity—the emission of helium nuclei, each containing two protons and two neutrons. (Helium nuclei are an especially stable combination.) Because of this process, nuclei with more than 94 protons are not found naturally on Earth (see periodic table). The isotopes beyond uranium (atomic number 92) with the longest Document [6](Title: Nucleon) Nucleon In chemistry and physics, a nucleon is either a proton or a neutron, considered in its role as a component of an atomic nucleus. The number of nucleons in a nucleus defines an isotope's mass number (nucleon number). Until the 1960s, nucleons were thought to be elementary particles, not made up of smaller parts. Now they are known to be composite particles, made of three quarks bound together by the so-called strong interaction. The interaction between two or more nucleons is called internucleon interaction or nuclear force, which is also ultimately caused by the strong interaction. (Before the discovery Document [7](Title: Isotopes of helium) in the beam into nuclei. These nuclei then collided with a foil of lead. The second collision had the effect of exciting the nucleus into a highly unstable condition. As in the earlier experiment at Oak Ridge, the nucleus decayed into an nucleus, plus two protons detected exiting from the same direction. The new experiment showed that the two protons were initially ejected together, correlated in a quasibound S configuration, before decaying into separate protons much less than a nanosecond later. Further evidence comes from RIKEN in Japan and JINR in Dubna, Russia, where beams of nuclei were directed at Question: where is the nucleus found in the atom Answer:
the center
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: White blood cell) White blood cells ( WBCs ) , also called leukocytes or leucocytes , are the cells of the immune system that are involved in protecting the body against both infectious disease and foreign invaders . All white blood cells are produced and derived from multipotent cells in the bone marrow known as hematopoietic stem cells . Leukocytes are found throughout the body , including the blood and lymphatic system . Document [1](Title: Blood cell) in the human body in that they lack a nucleus (although erythroblasts do have a nucleus). The condition of having too few red blood cells is known as anemia, while having too many is polycythemia. White blood cells or "leukocytes", are cells of the immune system involved in defending the body against both infectious disease and foreign materials. They are produced and derived from multipotent cells in the bone marrow known as a hematopoietic stem cells. Leukocytes are found throughout the body, including the blood and lymphatic system. There are a variety of types of white bloods cells that serve Document [2](Title: Basophil) Basophil Basophils are a type of white blood cells. Basophils are the least common of the granulocytes, representing about 0.5 to 1% of circulating white blood cells. However, they are the largest type of granulocyte. They are responsible for inflammatory reactions during immune response, as well as in the formation of acute and chronic allergic diseases, including anaphylaxis, asthma, atopic dermatitis and hay fever. They produce histamine and serotonin that induce inflammation, and heparin that prevents blood clotting, although there are less than that found in Mast cell granules. It used to be thought that basophils that have migrated from Document [3](Title: Leukocytosis) in which lymphocyte count is elevated is lymphocytosis; leukocytosis in which monocyte count is elevated is monocytosis; and leukocytosis in which eosinophil count is elevated is eosinophilia. An extreme form of leukocytosis, in which the WBC count exceeds 100,000/µL, is leukostasis. In this form there are so many WBCs that clumps of them block blood flow. This leads to ischemic problems including transient ischemic attack and stroke. Leukocytosis is very common in acutely ill patients. It occurs in response to a wide variety of conditions, including viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infection, cancer, hemorrhage, and exposure to certain medications or Document [4](Title: Wandering cell) in the blood network. Two types of lymphocytes are present in the bloodstream, which are the B cells and the T cells. B cells are wandering cells that are antibody factories. They are capable of producing molecules that can recognize and bond to specific types of molecules present in infectious organisms or substances that the body identifies as foreign. Every individual B cell makes only one particular type of antibody, specific to only one type of foreign substance. For example, where one cell produces antibody against one of the many viral causes of a cold, another cell's antibodies will ignore Document [5](Title: Immune response) Immune response The Immune response is the body's response caused by its immune system being activated by antigens. The immune response can include immunity to pathogenic microorganisms and its products, as well as autoimmunity to self-antigens, allergies, and graft rejections. In this process the main cells involved are T cells and B cells (sub-types of lymphocytes), and macrophages (a type of leucocyte or white blood cell). These cells produce lymphokines that influence the other host cells' activities. B cells mature to produce immunoglobulins (also known as antibodies), that react with antigens. At the same time, macrophages process the antigens into Document [6](Title: Antibody) form. The B lymphocyte, in this ready-to-respond form, is known as a "naive B lymphocyte." The naive B lymphocyte expresses both surface IgM and IgD. The co-expression of both of these immunoglobulin isotypes renders the B cell ready to respond to antigen. B cell activation follows engagement of the cell-bound antibody molecule with an antigen, causing the cell to divide and differentiate into an antibody-producing cell called a plasma cell. In this activated form, the B cell starts to produce antibody in a secreted form rather than a membrane-bound form. Some daughter cells of the activated B cells undergo isotype Document [7](Title: Viral pneumonia) identified agents in children are "respiratory syncytial virus", "rhinovirus", "human metapneumovirus", "human bocavirus", and "parainfluenza viruses". Viruses must invade cells in order to reproduce. Typically, a virus will reach the lungs by traveling in droplets through the mouth and nose with inhalation. There, the virus invades the cells lining the airways and the alveoli. This invasion often leads to cell death either through direct killing by the virus or by self-destruction through apoptosis. Further damage to the lungs occurs when the immune system responds to the infection. White blood cells, in particular lymphocytes, are responsible for activating a variety of Question: where are white blood cells located in your body Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The White Queen (TV series)) Max Irons as Edward IV of England Document [1](Title: The Famous Chronicle of King Edward the First) only Prince Edward is King Edward's son, the others all "baselie borne begotten of a Frier." Jone learns of her illegitimacy and dies of grief at the foot of the queen's bed, but not before quoting, in the original Italian, a broadly comic couplet regarding destiny from Ludovico Ariosto's "Orlando Furioso" (XX.131.7-8). A messenger alerts Edward that Balioll is attacking Northumberland. Edward vows to defeat "false Balioll," leaving Gilbert, Earl of Gloucester to mourn the death of Jone. In the midst of Gloucester's grieving speech, Mortimor enters with Lluellen's head, and Gloucester decides it profits him none to weep like Document [2](Title: Æthelstan Ætheling) made on the day of his death, he left Edmund Ironside his most prized possession, a sword which had once belonged to Offa of Mercia, together with some of his estates and other pieces of his war gear. To his other full brother, Eadwig, he gave another piece from his large weapon collection, a silver-hilted sword. Much of his remaining land and wealth was divided between churches, friends and servants. He also made bequests to his sword-sharpener and stag huntsman. While he mentions his father, grandmother and foster-mother in his will, his own mother and her soul are completely omitted. Document [3](Title: Edward III of England) was opened in that language as late as 1377. The Order of the Garter, though a distinctly English institution, included also foreign members such as John IV, Duke of Brittany and Sir Robert of Namur. Edward III – himself bilingual – viewed himself as legitimate king of both England and France, and could not show preferential treatment for one part of his domains over another. Edward III enjoyed unprecedented popularity in his own lifetime, and even the troubles of his later reign were never blamed directly on the king himself. Edward's contemporary Jean Froissart wrote in his "Chronicles" that "His Document [4](Title: Remigius de Fécamp) was cleared after one of his servants performed the ordeal of hot iron, which he survived. The exact date of this event is unknown, and it might be connected with a rebellion in 1075 against William I. Another possibility is that it was part of the rebellion of Odo of Bayeux at the start of William II's reign. A third possibility is that it might not be connected to either rebellion. Possibly connected to this episode is an extant letter from Lanfranc to Remigius, reassuring the bishop that although some doubted his loyalty to the king, the king did not. Document [5](Title: Legendary kings of Scotland) Ferchar (i.e. Fergus I) and beyond, was in place by the middle of the 13th century, when it was recited at the 1249 inauguration of Alexander III of Scotland. In 1301 Baldred Bisset was involved in a hearing at the Papal Curia, on the Scottish side of the debate on Edward I of England's claims, and at least helped prepare material dealing with the mythological history that was being adduced as relevant, on both sides. The question of the antiquity of the Scottish royal lineage, and even the details of the associated origin myth, became particularly significant from 1542 when Document [6](Title: Henry VI, Part 3) as Edward, John Gielgud as George and Mary Kerridge as Queen Elizabeth. The film begins with the coronation of Edward IV, which happens between 3.1 and 3.2 of "3 Henry VI", and then moves into a shortened version of Act 5, Scene 7; the final scene from "3 Henry VI". The opening lines of the film are Edward's "Once more we sit in England's royal throne,/Repurchased with the blood of enemies./Come hither Bess, and let me kiss my boy./Young Ned, for thee, thine uncles and myself/Have in our armours watched the winter's night,/Went all afoot in summer's scalding heat,/That thou Document [7](Title: Edward Woodville, Lord Scales) Edward asked Henry to allow him to raise a force to support the Bretons. Henry was unwilling to commit to this, and so Edward collected men from the Isle of Wight on his own authority. He managed to gather a small force of between 400 and 700 archers along with 40 of the local gentry. He sailed to Saint-Malo, plundering a French ship on the way. The Bretons decided to make the English force seem larger by dressing 1,300 of their own men in English colours, possibly to frighten the French with the fearsome reputation of the English longbowmen. At Question: who plays king edward in the white queen Answer:
Max Irons
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of European Cup and UEFA Champions League top scorers) Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal 107 141 0.76 2003 -- Manchester United Real Madrid Document [1](Title: Cristiano Ronaldo) on 5 May 2010, his first in the Spanish competition. His first season at Real Madrid ended trophyless. Following Raúl's departure, Ronaldo was handed the number 7 shirt for Real Madrid before the 2010–11 season. His subsequent return to his Ballon d'Or-winning form was epitomised when, for the first time in his career, he scored four goals in a single match during a 6–1 rout against Racing Santander on 23 October. His haul concluded a goalscoring run of six consecutive matches—three in La Liga, one in the Champions League, and two for Portugal—totalling 11 goals, the most he had scored Document [2](Title: Rui Jordão) Rui Jordão Rui Manuel Trindade Jordão (; born 9 August 1952) is a retired Portuguese footballer. One of the most prolific strikers in the history of Portuguese football, his career was mainly associated with two of the biggest clubs in the country, Benfica and Sporting, winning the Silver Ball award twice, once with each team. Jordão represented the Portugal national side for 16 years, appearing with them at Euro 1984. Born in Benguela, Portuguese Angola, Jordão moved in his teens to Portugal's S.L. Benfica, making his professional debuts in 1971–72. He played 17 games and scored six goals in his Document [3](Title: Jimmy Hagan) become the first club in Portugal ever to win the championship without defeats and won 28 matches – 23 consecutively – out of 30, drawing the other two. In that year Eusébio also became Europe's top scorer with 40 goals, in what was his penultimate season as a Benfica player. The team scored 101 goals, breaking 100 only for the second time in their history. Jimmy Hagan separated from the club in September 1973 after an argument concerning the line-up for the testimonial match for Eusébio. Eusébio, with whom Hagan enjoyed a lifelong friendship since those days, described the coach Document [4](Title: Cristiano Ronaldo) win over rivals Fiorentina; with this goal, Ronaldo became the first Juventus player since John Charles in 1957 to score 10 goals in his first 14 league games for the club. After placing second in both the UEFA Men's Player of the Year and The Best FIFA Men's Player for the first time in three years, behind Luka Modrić, Ronaldo performances in 2018 also saw him voted runner-up for the 2018 Ballon d'Or on 3 December, finishing once again behind his former Real Madrid teammate. Ronaldo began his international career with Portugal at the 2001 European Youth Summer Olympic Festival, Document [5](Title: Cristiano Pereira Figueiredo) games during his only season. In summer 2012, Cristiano returned to Portugal and Braga, being again third-string with the main squad and competing with the re-created reserves in the second level. He made his debut as a professional on 11 August, playing the full 90 minutes in a 2–2 away draw against S.L. Benfica B. For the 2014–15 campaign, Cristiano went on loan to Académica de Coimbra in the Primeira Liga. He appeared in 28 games across all competitions, helping his team narrowly avoid relegation. On 5 January 2016, having been deemed surplus to requirements by manager Paulo Fonseca as Document [6](Title: 2011–12 APOEL F.C. season) leg which was held at Santiago Bernabéu on 4 April 2012, Real Madrid took a 2–0 lead in the first half by Cristiano Ronaldo's (26') and Kaká's (37') goals. Gustavo Manduca scored a goal for APOEL in the 67th minute after an excellent through ball from Aílton, but Ronaldo scored his second goal with a free-kick in the 75th minute to make it 3–1 for Real Madrid. Substitute José Callejón scored in the 80th minute but two minutes later APOEL won a penalty after Hamit Altıntop brought down Aldo Adorno and Esteban Solari beat Iker Casillas from the spot to Document [7](Title: Vítor Baía) minutes as Porto beat AS Monaco FC in the final (3–0) and, consequently, he was selected as the "UEFA Club Best Goalkeeper of the Year", being the first Portuguese goalkeeper to win this individual title. This was not, however, good enough for Euro 2004 – played on home soil – selection, with Sporting Clube de Portugal's Ricardo Pereira being controversially preferred. Later, in 2007, in a interview, Baía said: ""(...) It's kind of strange because I was voted as being the best goalkeeper in Europe in the 2003/04 season and a few days before the squad for UEFA EURO Question: most goals scored in ucl in one season Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: World's Columbian Exposition) The exposition covered more than 600 acres ( 2.4 km ) , featuring nearly 200 new ( but purposely temporary ) buildings of predominantly neoclassical architecture , canals and lagoons , and people and cultures from 46 countries . More than 27 million people attended the exposition during its six - month run . Its scale and grandeur far exceeded the other world 's fairs , and it became a symbol of the emerging American Exceptionalism , much in the same way that the Great Exhibition became a symbol of the Victorian era United Kingdom . Document [1](Title: The American Volunteer (statue)) the world by area, 1,876 feet (571.8 m) in length and enclosing 21.5 acres (8.7 ha). The colossal statue was erected atop a 15-foot granite pedestal in front of the Main Exhibition Building's north entrance, in the middle of the main promenade, the Avenue of the Republic, and directly opposite the Art Gallery (now Memorial Hall). President Grant was facing the statue when he declared the first American World's Fair open on May 10, 1876. More than 10 million people (one-fifth of the U.S. population) visited the Exposition, and nearly all of them would have seen the statue. Millions more Document [2](Title: Midway Plaisance) largely in its natural swampy state. The World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 was held in the underdeveloped parts of the South Park. The worldwide celebration of Columbus' transfer of "the torch of civilization to the New World" in 1492 was one of the most successful and influential of world's fairs. It covered over 600 acres (2.4 km²) and attracted exhibitors and visitors from all over the world. For the Exposition, the mile-long Midway Plaisance, running from the eastern edge of Washington Park on Cottage Grove Avenue to the western edge of Jackson Park on Stony Island Avenue, was turned over Document [3](Title: Ibero-American Exposition of 1929) final words and officially open the exposition. The purpose of the exposition was to improve relations between Spain and the countries in attendance, all of which have historical ties with Spain through colonization (parts of Spanish America and the United States) or political union (Portugal and its former colony Brazil). Other countries were represented at the "International section" in Barcelona. The exposition was smaller in scale than the International Exposition held in Barcelona during that same year, but it was not lacking in style. The city of Seville had prepared for the Exposition over the course of 19 years. The Document [4](Title: World's fair) under the title "Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations". The Great Exhibition, as it is often called, was an idea of Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's husband, and is usually considered to be the first international exhibition of manufactured products. It influenced the development of several aspects of society, including art-and-design education, international trade and relations, and tourism. These events have resulted in a remarkable form of Prince Albert's life history, one that continues to be reflected in London architecture in a number of ways, including in the Albert Memorial later erected to the Prince. This expo Document [5](Title: Eugène Farcot) statuary. In addition to the British capital, it was also displayed in the Paris "Exposition des beaux-arts appliqués à l’industrie" (1863), as well as in the major world's fairs held in Paris (1867 & 1878) and Philadelphia (1876). In his own words, Eugène Farcot explained the origins of his idea during the 1867 Paris universal exposition (translated from French): Each mystery clock of this one-of-a-kind series was individually made and therefore, no two are alike. They are distinguished for their artistic/horological excellence where foremost, award-winning people from various arts, crafts and sciences, created a masterpiece of Second Empire decorative arts. Document [6](Title: Targi Wschodnie) wounded. By 1928, the Fair could boast some 1,600 exhibitors, about 400 being foreign firms. That year, the event attracted 150,000 visitors. The exhibition grounds comprised some , with 46 pavilions and other buildings of some of total exhibit space, as well as some of outdoor show areas. The fairground had its own rail siding with freight station and warehouses, a customs area and customs office, a telephone exchange and post office, and tram connections to the city. The last fair took place in 1938. The next event was going to take place between September 2, and September 12, 1939, Document [7](Title: World's fair) platforms where the state-of-the-art in science and technology from around the world were brought together. The world expositions of 1851 London, 1853 New York, 1862 London, 1876 Philadelphia, 1889 Paris, 1893 Chicago, 1897 Brussels, 1900 Paris, 1901 Buffalo, 1904 St. Louis, 1915 San Francisco, and 1933–34 Chicago were landmarks in this respect. Inventions such as the telephone were first presented during this era. An important part of the image of world's fairs stems from this first era. The 1939–40 New York World's Fair diverged from the original focus of the world's fair expositions. From then on, world's fairs adopted specific Question: what did the white city constructed for the 1893 world’s columbian exposition in chicago represent Answer:
emerging American Exceptionalism
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Thirteen Colonies) The Thirteen Colonies were a group of British colonies on the east coast of North America founded in the 17th and 18th centuries that declared independence in 1776 and formed the United States of America . The Thirteen Colonies had very similar political , constitutional , and legal systems and were dominated by Protestant English - speakers . They were part of Britain 's possessions in the New World , which also included colonies in Canada and the Caribbean , as well as East and West Florida . Document [1](Title: Causes of the May Revolution) such developments. The United States had emancipated themselves from the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1776, which provided a tangible example that led Criollos to believe that revolution and independence from Spain could be realistic aims. In the time between 1775 and 1783 the Thirteen Colonies started the American Revolution, first rejecting the governance of the Parliament of Great Britain, and later the British monarchy itself, and waged the American Revolutionary War against their former rulers. The changes were not only political, but also intellectual and social, combining both a strong government with personal liberties. The text of the Declaration Document [2](Title: Dominion of New England) number of English colonies were established in North America and in the West Indies during the first half of the 17th century, with varying attributes. Some originated as commercial ventures, such as the Virginia Colony, while others were founded for religious reasons, such as Plymouth Colony and Massachusetts Bay Colony. The governments of the colonies also varied. Virginia became a crown colony, despite its corporate beginning, while Massachusetts and other New England colonies had corporate charters and a great deal of administrative freedom. Other areas were proprietary colonies, such as Maryland and Carolina, owned and operated by one or a Document [3](Title: State cessions) down the movement of people into the region and the making of new claims in it. Many, however, ignored the proclamation, and various frontier settlement enterprises, owing allegiance to disparate colonial governments, continued. By the time of the American Revolution, the boundaries between the Thirteen Colonies that became the United States had been for the most part surveyed and agreed upon. Their land claims also corresponded in varying degrees to the actual reality on the ground in the west at the eve of the Revolution. Kentucky, for instance, was organized into a county of Virginia in 1776, with Virginia serving Document [4](Title: Thirteen Colonies) In 1606 , King James I of England granted charters to both the Plymouth Company and the London Company for the purpose of establishing permanent settlements in North America . The London Company established the Colony and Dominion of Virginia in 1607 , the first permanently settled English colony on the North American continent . The Plymouth Company founded the Popham Colony on the Kennebec River , but it was short - lived . The Plymouth Council for New England sponsored several colonization projects , culminating with Plymouth Colony in 1620 which was settled by the English Puritans , known today as the Pilgrims . The Dutch , Swedish , and French also established successful North American colonies at roughly the same time as the English , but they eventually came under the English crown . The Thirteen Colonies were complete with the establishment of the Province of Georgia in 1732 , although the term '' Thirteen Colonies '' became current only in the context of the American Revolution . Document [5](Title: Names for United States citizens) of the Americas and subsequently to European settlers and their descendants. English use of the term American for people of European descent dates to the 17th century, with the earliest recorded appearance being in Thomas Gage's "The English-American: A New Survey of the West Indies" in 1648. In English, American came to be applied especially to people in British America and thus its use as a demonym for the United States derives by extension. The United States Declaration of Independence of 1776 refers to "the thirteen States of America", making the first formal use of the country name, which was Document [6](Title: Stamp Act 1765) the colonies declared independence, and four signed the Declaration of Independence; nine attended the first and second Continental Congresses, and three were Loyalists during the Revolution. New Hampshire declined to send delegates, and North Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia were not represented because their governors did not call their legislatures into session, thus preventing the selection of delegates. Despite the composition of the congress, each of the Thirteen Colonies eventually affirmed its decisions. Six of the nine colonies represented at the Congress agreed to sign the petitions to the King and Parliament produced by the Congress. The delegations from New York, Document [7](Title: United Empire Loyalist) 13 Colonies unlike the depiction of them in the Sandham painting which suggests the arrivals were upper-class immigrants dressed in their best and about to go the Ball. Loyalists soon petitioned the government to be allowed to use the British legal system, which they were accustomed to in the American colonies, rather than the French system. Great Britain had maintained the French legal system and allowed freedom of religion after taking over the former French colony with the defeat of France in the Seven Years' War. With the creation of Upper and Lower Canada, most Loyalists in the west could Question: when did the 13 colonies get their independence Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Coming Home (Diddy - Dirty Money song)) '' Coming Home '' is a song by American rapper and producer Diddy and his group Dirty Money , from their debut album Last Train to Paris ( 2010 ) . It was released on November 21 , 2010 , as the album 's fourth single . The contemporary hip - hop pop song was written by Jermaine Cole , Diddy , Jay - Z , Alex da Kid , and Skylar Grey . Kid and Jay - Z produced the song while Grey featured vocals on the song 's chorus . Jay - Z and Kid gifted the song to Diddy for Last Train to Paris . Autobiographically written , '' Coming Home '' is inspired by moments in Diddy 's life , the loss of his close friend , The Notorious B.I.G and references to classic songs by Dionne Warwick , McFadden & Whitehead , and Smokey Robinson & the Miracles . Document [1](Title: Coming Home (Diddy – Dirty Money song)) II)" is also used as the background music for the Kia Stinger commercial, featuring Bryce Dallas Howard. "Coming Home" was recorded at Chalice Recording Studios and End of Era Studios in Los Angeles, California. Coming Home (Diddy – Dirty Money song) "Coming Home" is a song by American rapper and producer Diddy and his group Dirty Money, from their debut album "Last Train to Paris" (2010). It was released on November 21, 2010, as the album's fourth single. The contemporary hip-hop pop song was written by J. Cole, Diddy, Jay-Z, Alex da Kid, and Skylar Grey. Kid and Jay-Z produced Document [2](Title: Coming Home (Diddy – Dirty Money song)) the top-ten in Austria, France, Ireland, New Zealand and Poland. On December 15, 2010 the single was added to the playlists on British mainstream radio and a week later to the playlists on British urban music radio. Following its release, "Coming Home" debuted at number four on the UK Singles Chart, becoming Diddy's most successful single in that country since 2006's "Come to Me" with Nicole Scherzinger. Additionally the single topped the UK R&B Chart and as a consequence, "Coming Home" is Diddy-Dirty Money's most successful single in the United Kingdom. In its second week, the single held on to Document [3](Title: Coming Home (Diddy – Dirty Money song)) early releases, saying that "'Coming Home' [welcomes] Diddy back to the upper ranks of pop-oriented hip hop artists". Additionally, Diddy told MTV that although the track had autobiographical elements, it was part of the album's "conceptual love story narrated by his character". When asked by Live Lounge's Trevor Nelson what "Coming Home" was based on, Diddy said: Upon release, "Coming Home" was generally met with a positive reception from music critics, who praised the autobiographical lyrics and composition of Skylar Grey's vocals with the Alex da Kid and Jay-Z production. Becky Bain of Idolator wrote, "We have to give some Document [4](Title: Come Home with Me) Come Home with Me Come Home with Me is the third studio album by Harlem rapper Cam'ron, it is also his debut on Roc-A-Fella Records. The album was released on May 14, 2002, by Roc-A-Fella Records, Diplomat Records and Def Jam Recordings. It served as an introduction of the Cam'ron-fronted rap group, The Diplomats, to the general public. There are featured guest appearances from The Diplomats, DJ Kay Slay, Daz Dillinger, Tiffany, Jay-Z, McGruff, Memphis Bleek, and Beanie Sigel. To date, it is his most commercially successful album, it peaked at number 2 on the "Billboard" 200 with first-week sales Document [5](Title: Chamber of Diaries) Diddy's debut with Interscope Records after he moved his label Bad Boy from Atlantic Records in 2009. The album cover is a photograph at Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris, France) taken by Australian photographer Jarrod "Jrod" Kimber. "Last Train to Paris" was generally well received by critics who praised the addition of Richard and Harper to help Diddy innovate a new sound and produce some unique records. The release was preceded by four singles "Angels", "Hello Good Morning", "Loving You No More" and "Coming Home", which received mixed success on the "Billboard" Hot 100. The latter has become the most successful, Document [6](Title: Coming Home (Busted song)) Coming Home (Busted song) "Coming Home" is a song by English pop rock band Busted from their third studio album, "Night Driver" (2016). It was released as a promotional single. It was written by the band and produced by John Fields. It was given much promotion by the band on their Twitter accounts, first tweeting the date of release with the caption '------ ----', to raise excitement and allow for fans to guess the title. The song (as well as a lyric video, directed by David Spearing) was released on 3 May 2016 as a free download, being Busted's first Document [7](Title: Not Without a Fight) Cyrus Bolooki further explained, "I think it just kind of goes in with the whole idea that we've been around for a while, and we really feel like a resurgence for us that after eleven years now we're still relevant. We're on tours with bands like Four Year Strong, A Day To Remember and you know, a lot of these bands maybe first got into bands like us, so it's almost like another generation." Musically, Gilbert explained that unlike the harmony-driven "Coming Home", the band wanted to return to a more energetic style both because of the embittered lyrics and Question: who sing the song i'm coming home Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Primus inter pares) Primus inter pares ( Ancient Greek : Πρῶτος μεταξὺ ἴσων , prōtos metaxỳ ísōn ) is a Latin phrase meaning first among equals . It is typically used as an honorary title for those who are formally equal to other members of their group but are accorded unofficial respect , traditionally owing to their seniority in office . Historically , the princeps senatus of the Roman Senate was such a figure and initially bore only the distinction that he was allowed to speak first during debate . Also , Constantine the Great was given the role of primus inter pares . However , the term is also often used ironically or self - deprecatingly by leaders with much higher status as a form of respect , camaraderie , or propaganda . After the fall of the Republic , Roman emperors initially referred to themselves only as princeps despite having power of life and death over their '' fellow citizens '' . Various modern figures such as the Chair of the Federal Reserve , the prime minister of parliamentary regimes , the Federal President of Switzerland , the Chief Justice of the United States , the Archbishop of Canterbury of the Anglican Communion and the Ecumenical Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church fall under both senses : bearing higher status and various additional powers while remaining still merely equal to their peers in important senses . Document [1](Title: Imperial cult of ancient Rome) legalise his succession, the Senate was compelled to constitutionally define his role, but the rites and sacrifices to the living "genius" of the emperor already acknowledged his constitutionally unlimited powers. The "princeps" played the role of "primus inter pares" only through personal self-restraint and decorum. It became evident that Caligula had little of either. He seems to have taken the cult of his own "genius" very seriously, and is said to have enjoyed acting the god – or rather, several of them. However, his infamous and oft-cited impersonations of major deities may represent no more than his priesthood of their Document [2](Title: Res publica) John Bostock translation from the Perseus website): When under an "Emperor", that is Vespasian or his predecessors, Pliny was not talking about the Roman Republic, but used "commonwealth"/"republic" in the meaning of "the state". The ambiguity of Rome still considering itself formally, or just "pro forma", a republic throughout the era of the principate, when a monarchic rule had already de facto been established, adds to the complexity of translating "res publica" in this context. As another example of the complexities of the meaning of the word "res publica" one can cite Tacitus, who in the early 2nd century described Document [3](Title: Consul (representative)) was a citizen of the host polity (in Greece, a city-state). The proxenos was usually a wealthy merchant who had socio-economic ties with another city and who helped its citizens when they were in trouble in his own city. The position of proxenos was often hereditary in a particular family. Modern honorary consuls fulfill a function that is to a degree similar to that of the ancient Greek institution. Consuls were the highest magistrates of the Roman Republic and Roman Empire. The term was revived by the Republic of Genoa, which, unlike Rome, bestowed it on various state officials, not Document [4](Title: Primicerius) word primicerius ("primikirii") is reserved for a junior cleric (sometimes a reader or subdeacon) holding a torch or a candle before officiating bishop during the divine service; usually he goes ahead in different pontifical processions, which may be an explanation for the choice of given word (the second part of the word in this case corresponds not to "wax (of a tablet)" but to "candle wax"). Primicerius The Latin term primicerius, hellenized as primikērios (), was a title applied in the later Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire to the heads of administrative departments, and also used by the Church Document [5](Title: Roman emperor) Roman emperor The Roman emperor was the ruler of the Roman Empire during the imperial period (starting in 27 BC). The emperors used a variety of different titles throughout history. Often when a given Roman is described as becoming "emperor" in English, it reflects his taking of the title "Augustus" or "Caesar". Another title often used was "imperator", originally a military honorific. Early Emperors also used the title "princeps" (first citizen). Emperors frequently amassed republican titles, notably "princeps senatus", "consul" and "pontifex maximus". The legitimacy of an emperor's rule depended on his control of the army and recognition by the Document [6](Title: Archon) Archon Archon (, "árchon", ἄρχοντες, "árchontes") is a Greek word that means "ruler", frequently used as the title of a specific public office. It is the masculine present participle of the verb stem αρχ-, meaning "to rule", derived from the same root as "monarch" and "hierarchy". In the early literary period of ancient Greece the chief magistrates of various Greek city states were called "Archon". The term was also used throughout Greek history in a more general sense, ranging from "club leader" to "master of the tables" at "syssitia" to "Roman governor". In Roman terms, "archontes" ruled by "imperium", whereas Document [7](Title: Servilius Rullus) not for the aristocrats or the optimantes: "I have been made consul, not by the zeal of the powerful citizens, nor by the preponderating influence of a few men, but by the deliberate judgment of the Roman people, and that, too, in such a way as to be preferred to men of the very highest rank, to avoid, both in this magistracy and throughout my whole life, devoting myself to the interests of the people." He presented himself as a man who stood in opposition against men who pretended to stand in the interests of the people but were in Question: what is the meaning of primus inter pares Answer:
first among equals
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Friday After Next) Bebe Drake -- Mrs. Pearly Document [1](Title: The Scarlet Letter (1995 film)) Jodhi May as Voice of Pearl Tallulah Belle Willis as Pearl ( infant ) Scout LaRue Willis as Toddler Pearl Document [2](Title: Jimmy Burney) Charlie Wilson: "Birthday Dress" (RCA Records) <br> Charlie Wilson: "I Still Have You" (RCA Records) <br> Danny Gokey: "Symptoms" (BMG) <br> Jacob Sartorius: "Last Text" <br> Jacob Sartorius: "By Your Side" <br> Mohombi: "Infinity" (Universal Music) <br> Magic Monday: "Say It Slow" (Universal Music) <br> Girls' Generation-TTS: "Baby Steps" (S.M. Entertainment) <br> EXO: "Love Love Love" (S.M. Entertainment) <br> Big Smo: "I Made This Road" (Warner Bros. Records) <br> 2PM: "Uneasy" (JYP Entertainment) <br> 2PM: "Red" (JYP Entertainment) <br> W-inds: "Addicted To Love" (Pony Canyon) <br> W-inds: "Million Dollar Girl" (Pony Canyon) <br> GOT7: "Around The World" (JYP Entertainment) <br> Document [3](Title: Three Dog Night) from the musical "Hair", Laura Nyro's "Eli's Comin'" (US #10), Randy Newman's "Mama Told Me Not to Come" (US #1), Paul Williams' "Out in the Country" (US #15), "The Family Of Man" (US #12), and "An Old Fashioned Love Song" (US #4), Hoyt Axton's "Joy to the World" (US #1) and "Never Been to Spain" (US #5), Arkin & Robinson's "Black and White" (US #1), Argent's Russ Ballard's "Liar" (US #7), Elton John and Bernie Taupin's "Lady Samantha" and "Your Song", Daniel Moore's "Shambala" (#3), Leo Sayer's "The Show Must Go On" (US #4), John Hiatt's "Sure As I'm Sittin' Document [4](Title: Goodbye, My Friend) and received a 3.8 rating/9 share among viewers in the 18–49 demographic. Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) befriends a pregnant teen, Becca (Phoebe Strole). When she sees Becca reading adoption literature and that she is upset with the baby's father, Liz realizes this may be her chance to adopt a baby. Liz creates a job for Becca as the "TGS with Tracy Jordan" youth consultant. Liz believes that encouraging Becca to follow her dream as a singer will lead her to give up her baby to Liz. However, when Becca's boyfriend, Tim (Christopher Nicholas Smith), comes to the 30 Rock building, Document [5](Title: Sunshine on Leith (film)) Ally's relationship has dissolved. Ally re-enlists, while Liz accepts an offer of a job nursing in Florida ("Letter from America"). After an argument with Davy, Yvonne prepares to leave Edinburgh. However, before she can reach Waverley railway station, Davy catches her and declares his commitment to her in Princes Street Gardens where they reconcile for a second time ("I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)"). The scene cuts to Jean & Rab singing verses of the song to each other; Ally on patrol with the army, presumably sings to Liz whom is shown at work in America opening a letter from Ally. Document [6](Title: China Moses) tribute to their mutual idol Dinah Washington, who was also the inspiration for the album "This One’s for Dinah" which was released in 2009 by Blue Note. After their worldwide tour which included Europe, India, Lebanon, Canada, and Japan, Moses and Lemonnier's next work was a tribute to the great blues and jazz female singers who have inspired Moses or have influenced her. They include Dinah Washington ("Resolution Blues", "You’re Crying") and some of her precursors and peers: Mamie Smith ("Crazy Blues"), Lil Green ("Why Don't You Do Right?"), as well as stars like Esther Phillips ("Cherry Wine (Little Esther Document [7](Title: The Neptunes production discography) Alyssa Bernal – "November 16 (Studio Session) (Unreleased)" (Produced By Pharrell Williams) Azealia Banks – "ATM Jam (CDS) (August 30th)" (Produced By Pharrell Williams) "ATM Jam (Promo) (Unreleased)" (Produced By Pharrell Williams) Beyoncé – "Beyoncé (December 13, US #1)" Beyoncé - "Beyoncé (Studio Session)" (Produced By Pharrell Williams, Went To Ariana Grande) * Bruno Mars – Gorilla (Promo) (September 10, US Hot 100 #22) Busta Rhymes – "Twerk It (Promo CDS) (June 17, US #4)" (All Tracks Produced By Pharrell Williams) "Twerk It (Promo) (June 17th, US #4)" (Produced By Pharrell Williams) Cassie – "RockaByeBaby (Studio Session) (Unreleased)" Cee-Lo Green Question: who played ms pearly on friday after next Answer:
Bebe Drake
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Breaking Benjamin) Breaking Benjamin is an American rock band from Wilkes - Barre , Pennsylvania , founded in 1999 by lead singer and guitarist Benjamin Burnley and drummer Jeremy Hummel . The first lineup of the band also included guitarist Aaron Fink and bassist Mark Klepaski . This lineup released two albums , Saturate ( 2002 ) and We Are Not Alone ( 2004 ) , before Hummel was replaced by Chad Szeliga in 2005 . The band released two more studio albums , Phobia ( 2006 ) and Dear Agony ( 2009 ) , before entering an extended hiatus in early 2010 due to Burnley 's recurring illnesses . Document [1](Title: Breaking Benjamin) feeling that "although it is repetitive and generic, it is undeniably addictive", ultimately scoring the album 2.5 out of 5. The disc received a favorable review from Schwegweb's Vin Cherubino, who noted, "The music has just as much quality as any popular artist in the same genre. Influences from bands such as Tool can be heard, making the music seem all so familiar and palatable." Breaking Benjamin returned to the studio in October 2003 with producer David Bendeth for their second album "We Are Not Alone". Burnley also worked with The Smashing Pumpkins front man Billy Corgan over the course Document [2](Title: Ember (album)) "Torn in Two" peaked at number one on the "Billboard" rock charts, giving the band their ninth number one hit to date. Credits adapted from the CD liner notes. Breaking Benjamin Additional musicians Technical Artwork Management Ember (album) Ember is the sixth studio album by American rock band Breaking Benjamin, produced by lead singer and guitarist Benjamin Burnley. It was released by Hollywood Records on April 13, 2018. The first single, "Red Cold River", was released on January 5, 2018. Four additional songs were released prior to the album's release, including "Feed the Wolf", "Blood", "Psycho", and "Save Yourself". A Document [3](Title: Breaking Benjamin) show. Breaking Benjamin followed with Spring and Fall tours alongside Three Days Grace, accompanied by Puddle of Mudd during the Spring tour, and Seether, Skillet, and Red during the Fall tour. "Phobia" received mixed critical reception. It received praise for general composition and musicianship but received criticism for a lack of originality. AllMusic's Corey Apar found the album "nothing if not consistent," and while generally regarding the disc with positive sentiments, noted a lack of distinction from the "rest of the post-grunge/alt-metal pack" aside from "a certain charm". IGN's Spence D. gave the disc a negative review, citing tedium and Document [4](Title: Polyamorous (song)) Polyamorous (song) "Polyamorous" is a song by American rock band Breaking Benjamin. It was released in July 2002 as the lead single from their debut album "Saturate". The song reached number 31 on the US "Billboard" Alternative Songs chart and number 19 on the Mainstream Rock Tracks chart. Two music videos were produced for "Polyamorous." The original version, directed by Gregory Dark, deals with a voyeuristic couple who, with the use of a joystick and various monitors for hidden cameras, are spying on other couples. The band is seen performing in the same chambers as these couples are as well Document [5](Title: Until the End (Breaking Benjamin song)) Until the End (Breaking Benjamin song) "Until the End" is a song by American rock band Breaking Benjamin. It was released in October 2007 as the third single from their third album, "Phobia". On February 11, 2014, "Until the End" was certified gold by the RIAA, which made the single the then-most commercially successful song by the band. Since then, the band have been awarded with more platinum and gold singles, and two double platinum singles. The song was posted on Breaking Benjamin's Myspace page and said to be a future single on July 10, 2007; its release was announced Document [6](Title: Angels Fall (song)) Angels Fall (song) "Angels Fall" is a song by American rock band Breaking Benjamin. Released soon after the album's lead single "Failure" on April 14, 2015, the track is the second single on their fifth studio album "Dark Before Dawn" and is the album's third track overall. "Loudwire" writer Chad Childers said the song "has a more moody vibe in the verses until the power of Ben Burnley's voice adds a sense of urgency during the chorus, delivering a message about not giving up and not giving in to obstacles that may stand in your way." Benjamin Burnley said of Document [7](Title: Midnite (band)) was started by Benjamin brothers Vaughn (vocals) and Ron (keyboard, but later switched to bass) circa 1989 according to an interview with former Midnite drummer Ambrose "Amby" Connor by Midnight Raver. The brothers were raised in St. Croix, Virgin Islands, the sons of Antiguan musician Ronnie Benjamin, Sr. Vaughn Benjamin cites Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Bunny Wailer, The Abyssinians, and bassist Flabba Holt as his earliest influences. "Bob Marley has had a big impact. And the drum and the bass from like Flabba Holt. Sometimes I listen to the bass man alone or the drummer alone." The group's debut album Question: who is the lead singer for breaking benjamin Answer:
Benjamin Burnley
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Five-pointed star) A five - pointed star ( ☆ ) , geometrically a regular concave decagon , is a common ideogram in modern culture . Comparatively rare in classical heraldry , it was notably introduced for the flag of the United States in the Flag Act of 1777 and since has become widely used in flags . Document [1](Title: Coat of arms of Valais) white, i.e. the inverse of the modern coat of arms. The stars remain six-pointed. This is evident in Hans Conrad Geiger's as well as in Matthäus Merian's "Topographia" of 1642 (). The 1686 map by Pierre Duval shows an early adoption of five-pointed stars. The use of (five-pointed) stars to enumerate the territories of a Republic was an innovation at the time, later notably embraced in the Flag Act of 1777 for the flag of the United States. Early evidence of counterchanging is found in the 1698 map by Johann Georg Bodenehr, but counterchanging remains optional throughout the 18th century Document [2](Title: Flag of Chile) upright in the center of the rectangular canton, instead the upper point appears slightly inclined toward the pole in such a way that the projection of its sides divide the length of the canton golden proportion. Additionally, in the center is printed the National Coat of Arms, known from the previous Flag of the Transition and adopted in 1817. The adoption of the star configuration goes back to the star used by the Mapuches. According to O'Higgins, the star of the flag was the Star of Arauco. In Mapuche iconography, the morning star or Venus, (Mapudungun: "Wünelfe" or the Hispanicized Document [3](Title: Pacific Star) of nine campaign stars was designed by the Royal Mint engravers. The stars all have a ring suspender that passes through an eyelet formed above the uppermost point of the star. They are six–pointed stars, struck in yellow copper zinc alloy to fit into a 44 millimetres diameter circle, with a maximum width of 38 millimetres and 50 millimetres high from the bottom point of the star to the top of the eyelet. The obverse has a central design of the Royal Cypher "GRI VI", surmounted by a crown. A circlet, the top of which is covered by the crown, Document [4](Title: Betsy Ross flag) Betsy Ross flag The Betsy Ross flag is an early design of the flag of the United States, popularly but very likely incorrectly attributed to Betsy Ross, using the common motifs of alternating red-and-white striped field with five-pointed stars in a blue canton. Grace Rogers Cooper noted that the first documented usage of this flag was in 1792. The flag features 13 stars to represent the original 13 colonies with the stars arranged in a circle. Even though this early version of an American flag is now commonly called the "Betsy Ross Flag," the claim by her descendants that Betsy Document [5](Title: Flag of the Solomon Islands) upper triangle is blue with five white five-pointed stars arranged in an X pattern and the lower triangle is green. In Blazon: "Per bend sinister azure and vert, a riband sinister or, in dexter chief five stars in saltire argent". The colours and symbols of the flag carry cultural, political, and regional meanings. The blue evokes the water, as well as its significance to the country in the form of rivers, rain, and the Pacific Ocean. The green alludes to the land, along with the trees and crops that grow on it. The yellow epitomizes the sun and its rays Document [6](Title: Star and crescent) 20th century, including the flags of Azerbaijan (1918), Pakistan (1947), Malaysia (1948), Singapore (1959), Mauritania (1959), Uzbekistan (1991), Turkmenistan (1991),Comoros (2001), and Maldives (1965). In the later 20th century, the star and crescent have acquired a popular interpretation as a "symbol of Islam", occasionally embraced by Arab nationalism or Islamism in the 1970s to 1980s, but often rejected as erroneous or unfounded by Muslim commentators in more recent times. Unicode introduced a "star and crescent" character in its Miscellaneous Symbols block, at U+262A (☪). Crescents appearing together with a star or stars are a common feature of Sumerian iconography, the Document [7](Title: Flag of the Soviet Union) five-pointed star bordered in gold above them. The ratio of width to length is 1:2.' On 19 August 1955 "Statute on the State Flag of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" was adopted by a decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. This resulted in a change of the hammer's handle length and the shape of the sickle. A final modification to the flag was adopted on 15 August 1980, which changed the flag field into a bright red. These modifications stayed in use until the disintegration of the USSR on 25 December 1991, at which Question: who came up with the shape of a star Answer:
United States
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Highest temperature recorded on Earth) The standard measuring conditions for temperature are in the air , 1.5 meters above the ground , and shielded from direct sunlight . The highest confirmed temperature on Earth recorded according to these measures was 54 ° C ( 129 ° F ) recorded in Mitribah , Kuwait on 21 July 2016 . Document [1](Title: 2013 extreme weather events) temperatures affected wildlife, delaying bird breeding and disrupting the bird migration. On January 10 Bangladesh faced the lowest temperature since country's independence, at in Saidpur. While Finland and most of Northern European countries got the record high, and even the highest temperatures at Europe during May and June, Western- and Middle Europe faced much cooler weather and even their wettest May and June ever. During summer prolonged heat waves in the Northern Hemisphere set new record high temperatures. On March 24, 2014, the secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization Michel Jarraud announced that "many of the extreme events of 2013 Document [2](Title: Humidity) points in the 80s degrees F in Iran and Saudi Arabia and have been interpolated from satellite readings of surface temperature in the Lut and Gobi deserts in excess of whereas heat indices dip below the actual air temperature in extremely dry air. Given the extreme lack of moisture reaching the area, as well as low temperatures, the lowest dewpoints as well as absolute and specific humidity, as well as instances of virtually 0% relative humidity or at least too small a fraction of a percent to calculate are found in Antarctica in places such as the South Pole and Document [3](Title: Nagrota) by the Himalayas on all sides. Winters are cool, with daytime temperature averaging to 2.5 °C (36.5 °F), and drops below freezing point at night. Moderate to heavy snowfall occurs in winter and the highway connecting Nagrota with the rest of India faces frequent blockades due to icy roads . Summers are warm with a July daytime average of 24.1 °C (75.4 °F). The average annual rainfall is around 720 millimetres (28 in). Spring is the wettest season while autumn is the driest. The highest temperature reliably recorded is 38.3 °C (100.9 °F) and the lowest is −20.0 °C (−4.0 Document [4](Title: Battles of Ramadi (1917)) orders. By 8 July the temperature had reached over 50°C (123°F) in the shade in Baghdad and was several degrees higher in tents and dug-outs. The temperature in the direct sun was measured at 71°C (160°F). One observer noted that the Baghdadis called it "the hottest season in the memory of man" and commented that the extreme heat made most things too hot even to touch: "The rim of a tumbler burnt one's hand in a tent. The dust and sand burn the soles of one's feet through one's boots." Maude considered postponing the operation but was advised by General Document [5](Title: West Turin, New York) 2001. The coldest recorded temperature is -40 on January 25, 26, and 27 in 2004. The highest minimum temperature is 69 on July 18, 2005, July 19, 2013, and July 22, 2011. The lowest high on record is -15 on January 16, 2004. The low falls below freezing on an average of 190 days per year and it falls below 0 on 39. The average lowest temp in a year is -29, putting West Turin in hardiness zone 4A. The high stays below freezing on an average of 69 days per year and exceeds 90 on 1.6 days per year. Document [6](Title: Cambridge) was July 2006 when the maximum reached at the Botanic Garden and at NIAB. Typically the temperature will reach or higher on over 25 days of the year over the 1981–2010 period, with the annual warmest day averaging over the same period. The absolute minimum temperature recorded at the Botanic Garden site was , recorded in February 1947, although a minimum of was recorded at the now defunct observatory site in December 1879. More recently the temperature fell to on 11 February 2012, on 22 January 2013 and on 20 December 2010. The average frequency of air frosts ranges from Document [7](Title: 2012 North American heat wave) The heat was so strong that Alamosa, Colorado broke their daily records for six consecutive days. In Galveston, Texas, the earliest 100 °F (38 °C) day ever was recorded. Hill City, Kansas was the warmest point in the United States on June 26, with the thermometer climbing to 115 °F (46.1 °C). Thousands of records were again broken on June 28. Fort Wayne, Indiana tied its all-time record high with 106 °F (41.1 °C) while Indianapolis broke its monthly record at 104 °F (40 °C). More monthly records that day included St. Louis, Missouri at 108 °F (42.2 °C) and Question: the hottest recorded temperature on earth occurred where Answer:
Mitribah , Kuwait
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Life Is Strange) Release Episode 1 WW : 30 January 2015 Episode 2 WW : 24 March 2015 Episode 3 WW : 19 May 2015 Episode 4 WW : 28 July 2015 Episode 5 WW : 20 October 2015 Document [1](Title: BoJack Horseman) Season Episodes Originally released 12 August 22 , 2014 Special December 19 , 2014 12 July 17 , 2015 12 July 22 , 2016 12 September 8 , 2017 Document [2](Title: DreamWorksTV) 2016 Episode 3: Unicorns and Kissing Gorillas 9 Jan 2016 Episode 4: Tooth Fairy in Court and Hamsters in Prison 10 Jan 2016 Episode 5: Pirates and Party Crashers 16 Jan 2016 Episode 6: Farting Fish and Talking Cats 17 Jan 2016 Episode 7: Zombie Shrek and Killer Cats 23 Jan 2016 Episode 8: Ugly Selfies and Other Funny Fails 24 Jan 2016 Episode 9: Jumping Monkeys and Fishy Tales 30 Jan 2016 Episode 10: Nightmares, Conspiracies, and the Ultimate Slap Fight 31 Jan 2016 Episode 11: Exploding Brains and the Fart Patrol 6 Feb 2016 Episode 12: Sneaky Pandas Document [3](Title: List of Attack on Titan episodes) Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 25 April 7 , 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 07 ) September 29 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 29 ) 12 April 1 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 01 ) June 17 , 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 17 ) 12 July 23 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 23 ) TBA Document [4](Title: List of Wynonna Earp episodes) Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 13 April 1 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 01 ) June 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 06 - 24 ) 12 June 9 , 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 09 ) August 25 , 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 25 ) Document [5](Title: List of Attack on Titan episodes) On June 17 , 2017 , a third season was announced at the close of the second season 's final episode , with a release date slated for 2018 . Document [6](Title: Sola (manga)) between April 7, 2007 and June 30, 2007, containing thirteen episodes, though aired on other networks at the same time with slightly different start and end dates. The series was released in five DVD compilation volumes in limited and regular editions,each containing three episodes. The first DVD volume was released on June 22, 2007, followed by the second on July 27, 2007, and the third on August 24, 2007. Two additional episodes were made available exclusively on DVD volumes four and five; the first was released on September 25, 2007, and the second was on October 26, 2007. A poll Document [7](Title: Hidamari Sketch) season, titled , aired between January 8 and March 26, 2010 and contained 12 episodes. Two special episodes for the third season aired in October 2010. This season was also picked up by Section23 Films and was released in North America on July 19, 2011. Two special episodes titled aired on October 29 and November 5, 2011, respectively, and were released on Blu-ray Disc and DVD on November 23, 2011 and has yet again been licensed by Sentai Filmworks. A fourth anime season titled aired on TBS and BS-TBS between October 5 and December 21, 2012 and has also been Question: when does the third episode of life is strange come out Answer:
19 May 2015
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Handmaid's Tale (TV series)) The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26 , 2017 , with the subsequent seven episodes added on a weekly basis every Wednesday . In May 2017 , it was renewed for a second season to premiere in 2018 . The series garnered extremely positive reviews and won eight Primetime Emmy Awards from thirteen nominations , including Outstanding Drama Series in 2017 . It is the first series on a streaming platform to win an '' Outstanding Series '' Emmy . Document [1](Title: Sola (manga)) between April 7, 2007 and June 30, 2007, containing thirteen episodes, though aired on other networks at the same time with slightly different start and end dates. The series was released in five DVD compilation volumes in limited and regular editions,each containing three episodes. The first DVD volume was released on June 22, 2007, followed by the second on July 27, 2007, and the third on August 24, 2007. Two additional episodes were made available exclusively on DVD volumes four and five; the first was released on September 25, 2007, and the second was on October 26, 2007. A poll Document [2](Title: List of Attack on Titan episodes) On June 17 , 2017 , a third season was announced at the close of the second season 's final episode , with a release date slated for 2018 . Document [3](Title: The Following) starred Kevin Bacon and James Purefoy in leading roles, as well as Shawn Ashmore, Natalie Zea, and Valorie Curry. The first season, comprising 15 episodes, premiered on January 21, 2013, and concluded on April 29, 2013. On March 4, 2013, the series was renewed for a second season, which premiered on January 19, 2014, and concluded on April 28, 2014. The series' renewal for a third season was announced on March 7, 2014, and the season premiered on March 2, 2015. On May 8, 2015, Fox canceled "The Following" after three seasons. The final episode aired on May 18, 2015. Document [4](Title: BoJack Horseman) Season Episodes Originally released 12 August 22 , 2014 Special December 19 , 2014 12 July 17 , 2015 12 July 22 , 2016 12 September 8 , 2017 Document [5](Title: Alice Isn't Dead) last episode of the first season, is voiced by Jasika Nicole. During its run, the podcast typically airs on every other Tuesday. The first season ended on July 12, 2016, with a second season premiering on April 4, 2017 which concluded on August 8th, 2017. Fink has stated that the third season would be the final season, and it began airing on April 24, 2018. On August 16, 2017, it was announced that a novel based on the series, written by Fink, will be released in autumn 2018 by Harper Perennial. Additionally, a television adaptation, executive produced by Fink, is Document [6](Title: Seinfeld (season 2)) considered too provocative by the network, as well as several cast and crew members. Two new writers joined the writing staff, Larry Charles and Peter Mehlman, who would continue to write for the show in later seasons. Even though season two started out with poor ratings, bringing the season to a two-month hiatus, the rest of the season was positively received by critics and was nominated for three Primetime Emmy Awards. A "Seasons 1 and 2" DVD box set was released by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment in the United States and Canada on November 23, 2004, 13 years after it Document [7](Title: Fargo (season 2)) acclaim and was cited as one of the strongest programs of the 2015 television season. It was a candidate for a multitude of awards, including the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Limited Series and Golden Globe Award for Best Miniseries or Television Film, and won several other honors recognizing outstanding achievement in acting, directing, writing, cinematography, editing, special effects, and creative direction. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Details of a new season first emerged in the media following a Television Critics Association (TCA) press event, and by July 21, 2014, FX commissioned ten episodes for "Fargo" second season. As an anthology, each season of Question: when does season 2 of handsmaids tale come out Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Kinect) The depth sensor consists of an infrared laser projector combined with a monochrome CMOS sensor , which captures video data in 3D under any ambient light conditions . The sensing range of the depth sensor is adjustable , and Kinect software is capable of automatically calibrating the sensor based on gameplay and the player 's physical environment , accommodating for the presence of furniture or other obstacles . Document [1](Title: IClone) such as characters, props and animation data with external 3D tools like Unity, Autodesk Maya, 3ds Max, Blender, ZBrush, Poser and many others through popular industry file formats like FBX, OBJ and BVH. Other applications include using iClone as a 3D simulator for education, industry and business since iClone's real-time capabilities allow for direct "WASD" controls through keyboards or other input devices. Motion capture, known as Mocap, is another iClone application allowing users to connect any infrared depth camera, or Microsoft Kinect sensor via a USB port in order to live capture body motions in real-time. These motions can then Document [2](Title: Microsoft) 29, 2013, Microsoft launched a Patent Tracker. The Kinect, a motion-sensing input device made by Microsoft and designed as a video game controller, first introduced in November 2010, was upgraded for the 2013 release of the Xbox One video game console. Kinect's capabilities were revealed in May 2013: an ultra-wide 1080p camera, function in the dark due to an infrared sensor, higher-end processing power and new software, the ability to distinguish between fine movements (such as a thumb movements), and determining a user's heart rate by looking at their face. Microsoft filed a patent application in 2011 that suggests that Document [3](Title: DRDO Netra) a high resolution CCD camera with a pan/tilt and zoom to facilitate wider surveillance and can also carry a thermal camera for night operations. The zoom-in camera can identify human activity up to 500 m away, and can send live video feed of objects within a radius of 5 km. The images are sent through a local wireless network to laptops for monitoring. Flight and navigation is independent of user-input, and is controlled by an on-board auto-pilot with the help of anti-collision sensors. The user interface offers waypoint navigation, in which the user specifies the location of the target and Document [4](Title: Media player (software)) Media Player has exclusive features for both audio and video material, although it cannot match the feature set of Media Player Classic and MediaMonkey combined. 3D video players are used to play 2D video in 3D format. A high-quality three-dimensional video presentation requires that each frame of a motion picture be embedded with information on the depth of objects present in the scene. This process involves shooting the video with special equipment from two distinct perspectives or modelling and rendering each frame as a collection of objects composed of 3D vertices and textures, much like in any modern video game, Document [5](Title: FrameForge 3D Studio) OS X and Windows Operating Systems. The software comes with an library of 3D objects that allow for the construction of precise 3D spaces (sets and locations) using a drag'n drop paradigm. These sets are viewed through virtual cameras which can exactly mimic the optical properties of real-world cameras. The User Interface simulates a ‘Multi-Camera Control Room’, a virtual studio where the user can build and amend rooms and spaces, place cameras, props and actors without any technical knowledge of 3D programs. FrameForge comes pre-set for standard and custom film sizes plus popular prime lens collections which obtain accurate data Document [6](Title: Boeing OC-135B Open Skies) to provide a wide sweep for each picture used for high-altitude photography at approximately . The data annotation and recording system (DARMS) processes navigational, altitude, time and camera signals to annotate each picture with correct position, altitude, time, roll angle and other information. In addition, this system records every picture taken according to camera, frame and navigational position. A keyboard with trackball is the input device for operation of this system. Two Barco VGA color monitors display camera annotation and other camera data on screen for the sensor operator and observer use. Camera control, located in the sensor operator's console, Document [7](Title: WiTrack) known gaming consoles, such as the Wii and Xbox Kinect, have long been praised for interacting with their players, involving them in physical activity. These gaming consoles require users to stand at a certain distance and can't stand behind furniture nor behind walls. Current attempts at trying to detect falls amongst the elderly require users to continuously wear sensors or place cameras around their home. These other Medical Alarms can detect the fall of a person through the use of 3-D motion sensors, similar to the WiTrack. A challenge would derive from multipath effects, which create errors in mapping the Question: the depth sensor of the kinect uses what type of projector Answer:
infrared laser projector
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Addison Montgomery) During season two , Addison punishes Alex Karev , by putting him on her service , because he almost got her arrested . However , by season three , she begins to feel an attraction towards Alex and eventually sleeps with him , only to discover that he is not interested in a relationship with her . Feeling alone , Addison decides to have a baby and visits Naomi , who is a fertility specialist . This introduces Addison 's transition from Grey 's Anatomy to its spin - off , as it serves as the backdoor pilot for Private Practice . Soon after , Addison decides to leave Seattle and move to Los Angeles , joining Oceanside Wellness , led by Sam and Naomi . This marks Addison 's departure from Grey 's Anatomy as a regular , although she makes later guest appearances . Document [1](Title: Addison Montgomery) Addison's presence, however, does reinvigorate their relationship, and ultimately leads to Derek choosing Addison over Meredith, despite Derek eventually admitting that he fell in love with Meredith. They attempt to return to their former life, taking residence in his trailer, and Addison becomes the head of a unique surgical service integrating neonatal surgery and obstetrics and gynecology. She realizes that Derek still has feelings for Meredith, and their marriage is tested further when Mark arrives in Seattle looking for Addison. Mark makes Addison realize that Derek is in love with Meredith and that he (Mark) does love her. Derek sleeps Document [2](Title: Addison Montgomery) Addison Montgomery Dr. Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery (formerly Montgomery-Shepherd) is a fictional character on the ABC television series "Grey's Anatomy" and "Private Practice" played by Kate Walsh. Addison is a world-class neonatal surgeon with board certifications in both Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Maternal and Fetal Medicine. Additionally, she is a medical genetics fellow. She works at the Oceanside Wellness Group, a fictional practice located in Santa Monica, California. Most of Addison's past is presented in a non-linear fashion, primarily revealed in the second season of "Grey's Anatomy" and the second and third season of "Private Practice". Addison is the daughter Document [3](Title: Mark Sloan (Grey's Anatomy)) attempted to get Addison back and earn Derek's friendship back. It is later revealed that Mark has at some point slept with all of Derek's sisters. Mark has a brief fling with Addison's friend, orthopedic surgeon Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez), and develops a friendship with Derek's girlfriend, intern Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo). It is revealed that after Derek left New York, Mark and Addison continued their relationship for two months, during which she conceived and aborted his child. Just weeks after moving to Seattle he quickly observes that Derek's true love was Meredith and tries to convince Addison that her Document [4](Title: Addison Montgomery) Jake had a wife, Lily, who was a drug addict and died from an overdose. He adopted her daughter Angela, who is featured in the final 2 seasons of the show. She is often shown advising her father and encourages him to pursue a relationship with Addison, whom he clearly has feelings for. Although Addison still has feelings for Sam, she also has feelings for Jake, the latter of whom wants to get married and have kids. On more than one occasion, Addison and Jake kiss, and both admit to have feelings for the other. However, Jake realizes that Addison Document [5](Title: Derek Shepherd) Carolyn approved as she felt Meredith's gray perspective of life complemented Derek's tendency to see everything in black and white. Derek's background was generally a mystery for the first season and source of speculation amongst his colleagues due to his sudden departure from an established and highly respected practice in New York. In the season one finale, his past eventually catches up with him when his estranged wife Addison moves to Seattle and is offered a position by Dr. Webber. Shortly thereafter, his childhood best friend Mark joins Seattle Grace as the new head of plastic surgery. Derek and Addison Document [6](Title: Grey's Anatomy) would be replaced, with no reason given for the change. The drama was titled "Private Practice", and its premiere episode followed the second part of the season debut of "Dancing with the Stars", and provided a lead-in to fellow freshman series "Dirty Sexy Money". "Pushing Daisies", a third new series for the evening, rounded out the lineup as a lead-in to "Private Practice". The series ended its run in January 2013 after six seasons. "Grey's Anatomy" had five crossover storylines with "Private Practice". There have also been several instances where Addison or Amelia travel to Seattle without there being a Document [7](Title: Lexie Grey) Alexandra Caroline '' Lexie '' Grey , M.D. is a fictional character from ABC 's medical drama television series Grey 's Anatomy , portrayed by actress Chyler Leigh . Created by showrunner Shonda Rhimes , the character is introduced in season three as protagonist Meredith Grey 's younger half - sister , who has transferred to Seattle Grace Hospital as a new surgical intern after her mother 's sudden death . Lexie is eventually named a surgical resident in season six . Leigh was originally contracted to appear for a multi-episode story arc , but ultimately received star billing from seasons four to eight . Leigh has also reprised her role as Lexie on the spin - off show Private Practice . Question: where does addison go in grey's anatomy Answer:
Los Angeles
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Daniel in the lions' den) The story of Daniel in the lions ' den ( chapter 6 in the Book of Daniel ) tells how Daniel is raised to high office by his royal master Darius the Mede , but jealous rivals trick Darius into issuing a decree which condemns Daniel to death . Hoping for Daniel 's deliverance , but unable to save him , the king has him cast into the pit of lions . At daybreak he hurries back , asking if God had saved his friend . Daniel replies that God had sent an angel to close the jaws of the lions , '' because I was found blameless before him . '' The king has those who had conspired against Daniel , and their wives and children , thrown to the lions in his place , and commands to all the people of the whole world to '' tremble and fear before the God of Daniel '' . Document [1](Title: Daniel in rabbinic literature) the latter refused the proffered divine honors, thus distinguishing himself favorably from his contemporary Hiram (the "prince of Tyre" ), who demanded honor as a god (Genesis Rabba xcvi.). The rabbis had difficulty reconciling Daniel's concern and apparent friendliness towards the man who had destroyed the Temple. They handled this in two ways. When Daniel explains to Nebuchadnezzar the dream of the tree that was cut down, the rabbis viewed it in the context of Isaiah 56:1, which is sometimes rendered "Do what is right, and give alms." The midrash explains that Daniel advised him (in Daniel 4:24), to atone Document [2](Title: Belshazzar's feast) tale has a double ending, in which Daniel is first showered with rewards and honours for interpreting the omen, and the king is then punished to fulfill the sentence pronounced by Daniel. "This summarizes the narrative, as found in C. L. Seow's translation of the text in his commentary on Daniel." King Belshazzar holds a great feast for a thousand of his lords, and commands that the Temple vessels from Jerusalem be brought in so that they can drink from them, but as the Babylonians drink, a hand appears and writes on the wall. Belshazzar calls for his magicians and Document [3](Title: Daniel (Old English poem)) a result, Daniel would overshadow the warnings of pride. Also, the accounts that are given in "Daniel" all have a message about pride and arrogance. In conclusion, "Daniel" is not just a poetic form of the Biblical book, but rather part of the same story with a different perspective. Daniel (Old English poem) Daniel is an anonymous Old English poem based loosely on the Biblical Book of Daniel, found in the Junius Manuscript. The author and the date of "Daniel" are unknown. Critics have argued that Cædmon is the author of the poem, but this theory has been since disproved. Document [4](Title: Daniel's final vision) Daniel's final vision Chapters 10, 11 and 12 in the Book of Daniel make up Daniel's final vision, describing a series of conflicts between the unnamed "King of the North" and "King of the South" leading to the "time of the end", when Israel will be vindicated and the dead raised to shame or glory. The Book of Daniel was written in reaction to the persecution of the Jews by the Greek king Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 167-164 BCE. Its authors were the "maskilim", the "wise", of whom Daniel is one: "Those among the people who are wise shall make Document [5](Title: The Dangerous Days of Daniel X) most of the inhabitants. Daniel escapes from a landing party and flees under the wreckage, where the few survivors live. After regaining his strength, Daniel goes after Seth again. During the fight, Daniel turns into a tick and enters Seth's head via his ear. He transforms into an elephant inside Seth's head, killing him instantly. Daniel leaves Alpar Nok and returns to Earth. Daniel X – The main character of the novel. His parents' deaths left him with a list of alien criminals that he is to terminate. His main target is Number 1 on the List, a dreadful alien Document [6](Title: Horae Apocalypticae) the argument, dating from Porphyry, that Daniel was 'prophecy after the event' for the following reasons:- But this still left unanswered a problem which had troubled Isaac Newton of how Jewish prophecies could be adapted to a Christian setting without simply excluding the Jews. He then considered a contrasting range of prophetic utterances from Isaiah, Joel, Ezekiel and Zechariah. "In summing up and comparing these several prophecies, the first conclusion that we are I think irresistibly led to respecting them, is that one and all refer to that same great crisis of the consummation: - that which is to be Document [7](Title: Daniel 8) the desecration). The Book of Daniel, and along with Revelation, formed one of the foundations of Christian eschatology. The authors of the Gospels identified Jesus with Daniel 7's "one like a son of man", and by the 3rd century CE the stone of Daniel 2 and the fourth figure in the furnace in Daniel 3 were interpreted as Christ, the fourth kingdom of Daniel 7 was Rome, and the "little horn" was the Antichrist (his identification as Antiochus was denied by Saint Jerome in a famous exchange with the pagan philosopher Porphyry). Daniel's timetable was reinterpreted to fit Christian expectations: Question: who was put in the lion's den in the bible Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Washington (state)) Washington is the 18th largest state , with an area of 71,362 square miles ( 184,827 km ) , and the 13th most populous state , with more than 7.4 million people . Approximately 60 percent of Washington 's residents live in the Seattle metropolitan area , the center of transportation , business , and industry along Puget Sound , an inlet of the Pacific Ocean consisting of numerous islands , deep fjords , and bays carved out by glaciers . The remainder of the state consists of : deep temperate rainforests in the west ; mountain ranges in the west , central , northeast , and far southeast ; and a semi-arid basin region in the east , central , and south , given over to intensive agriculture . Washington is the second most populous state on the West Coast and in the Western United States , after California . Mount Rainier , an active stratovolcano , is the state 's highest elevation , at almost 14,411 feet ( 4,392 m ) , and is the most topographically prominent mountain in the contiguous United States . Document [1](Title: Northwest Oregon) and east by the Columbia River which separates it from the state of Washington, on the west by the Pacific Ocean, and on the south by the rest of Oregon. Saddle Mountain, at an elevation of 3,288 feet, is the highest mountain in the region. It is part of the Oregon Coast Range, which takes up most of the interior of the region. Generally, the following three counties are considered to be part of Northwest Oregon. Sometimes, parts of Washington County are included as well. The total population of the region is 113,084. Politically, Northwest Oregon is divided. Clatsop County Document [2](Title: Pacific Northwest) Washington, is irrigated farmland. The Columbia River cuts a deep and wide gorge around the rim of the Columbia Plateau and through the Cascade Range on its way to the Pacific Ocean. Because many areas have plentiful rainfall and mild summers, the Pacific Northwest has some of North America's most lush and extensive forests, which are extensively populated with Coast Douglas fir trees, the second tallest growing evergreen conifer on earth. The region also contains specimens of the tallest trees on earth, the coast redwoods, in southwestern Oregon, but the largest of these trees are located just south of the Document [3](Title: Pinnacle Peak (Washington)) tends to be wet and heavy. Pinnacle Peak (Washington) Pinnacle Peak, is a 6,562 ft (2,000 m) peak located in Mount Rainier National Park in Lewis County, Washington. It is the second highest peak in the Tatoosh Range. There is also another Pinnacle Peak near Enumclaw, Washington, roughly 30 miles to the northwest. The trail to the saddle and summit has views of Rainier. Some scrambling and rock climbing is needed to attain the summit. The Castle is situated 0.2 mile to the east. Pinnacle Peak is located in the marine west coast climate zone of western North America. Most Document [4](Title: Mount Washington, Los Angeles) data. According to the Mapping L.A. project, Mount Washington is bordered on the north by Eagle Rock, on the east by Highland Park, on the south, southwest and west by Cypress Park and on the northwest by Glassell Park. Mount Washington is split between Los Angeles City Council districts 1 and 14 and is part of California's 31st congressional district. The neighborhood lies mostly within ZIP code 90065, with an eastern portion in 90042, and the area code is 323. Twenty-five percent of Mount Washington residents aged 25 and older had earned a four-year degree by 2000, an average figure Document [5](Title: Tatoosh Range) Tatoosh Range The Tatoosh Range is a mountain range located in Mount Rainier National Park and the adjacent Tatoosh Wilderness in the state of Washington, in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. The range runs roughly east–west, beginning with the southeastern Moon Mountain and concluding with the western Rainbow Mountain and Eagle Peak. The range includes 25 prominent named peaks. The peaks average nearly in summit elevation, with the highest, Unicorn Peak, measuring at a height of . Visitors to Mount Rainier can view the range from the Paradise area, and the range is popular with hikers. While Document [6](Title: Rainier Valley, Seattle) Rainier Valley, Seattle The Rainier Valley district in Seattle is located east of Beacon Hill; west of Mount Baker, Seward Park, and Leschi; south of the Central District and First Hill; and north of Rainier Beach. It is part of Seattle's South End. It is among the most culturally and economically diverse neighborhoods in the Pacific Northwest. The neighborhood's population is 34,241, with Asians making up the largest group (with Filipinos the largest within the Asian population of the Valley). However, there remains a large African American population, as well as Americans of European descent. Its zip code is 98118, Document [7](Title: Mount Challenger (Washington)) Mount Challenger (Washington) Mount Challenger () is in North Cascades National Park in the U.S. state of Washington. A difficult peak to approach due to its isolation, one of the most common routes to the summit involves ascending the Challenger Glacier on the north slopes of the peak. Mount Challenger is one of the taller peaks of the Picket Range. Mount Challenger is located in the marine west coast climate zone of western North America. Most weather fronts originate in the Pacific Ocean, and travel northeast toward the Cascade Mountains. As fronts approach the North Cascades, they are forced upward Question: how big is washington state in square miles Answer:
71,362 square miles
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: One Piece) On June 8 , 2004 , 4Kids Entertainment acquired the license for distribution of One Piece in North America . 4Kids contracted Viz Media to handle home video distribution . 4Kids ' in - house musicians wrote a new background score and theme song nicknamed '' Pirate Rap '' . 4Kids ' dub mandated edits for content and length , which reduced the first 143 episodes into 104 . Initially , 4Kids originally created an English version of the first opening theme , '' We Are ! '' It premiered in the United States on September 18 , 2004 , in first - run syndication on the Fox network as part of the weekend programming block Fox Box , and later aired on Cartoon Network on their weekday afternoon programming block Toonami in April 2005 . Production was halted in 2006 after episode 143 / 104 . Viz also ceased its home video release of the series after volume 11 . On July 22 , 2010 , an interview with Anime News Network and Mark Kirk , senior vice-president of digital media for 4Kids Entertainment , revealed that 4Kids acquired One Piece as part of a package deal with other anime , and that the company did not screen the series before licensing it . However , once 4Kids realized One Piece was not appropriate for their intended demographic , the company decided to edit it into a more child - oriented series until they had an opportunity to legally drop the license . Kirk said the experience of producing One Piece '' ruined the company 's reputation '' . Since then , 4Kids established a stricter set of guidelines , checks , and balances to determine which anime the company acquires . Document [1](Title: 4Kids TV) fully operational at that time; however it remained in beta testing by that month. However, 4Kids seemed to increase the number of shows that were added to the player at that point. The site fully launched on September 9, 2009, with the player receiving a revamp once again. The online network was shut down on November 2, 2012. The block had a somewhat unusual relationship to the Fox network. The programming was produced for Fox and offered to the network's owned-and-operated stations and affiliates first, so the Fox station in any given area had the right of first refusal. In Document [2](Title: 4Music) 4Music 4Music is a British pay music television channel launched on 15 August 2008, replacing The Hits. It is the only Channel 4-branded channel within The Box Plus Network. On 2 April 2013, all Box Television channels went free-to-air on satellite, apart from 4Music which went free-to-view. As a result, the channels were removed from the Sky EPG in Ireland. Eventually, 4Music also went free-to-air on 7 February 2017 and launched on Freesat, replacing The Box, but reverted back to being free-to-view on 12 December 2018. On 25 September 2017, 4Music received an update to its on-screen graphics, revolving around Document [3](Title: Sonic X) boldly, Naka hoped that "Sonic X" alone would cause the popularity of the "Sonic" series to skyrocket, as that of the "Pokémon" series did after its anime adaptation was first released. 4Kids Entertainment handled the show's American localization. The episodes were heavily edited for content and length; 4Kids has been described by Destructoid as being "infamous" among anime fans for this type of overzealous editing. 4Kids removed alcohol consumption and coarse language, instances of breaking the fourth wall, and numerous sexual scenes. Unlike some other series that 4Kids translated around the early- to mid-2000s, such as "", "Sonic X" suffered Document [4](Title: BBC Four idents) reflecting the new strands. The BBC's "cultural" channel BBC Four was launched on 2 March 2002 as a successor to BBC Knowledge. As a result, the channel was to show a broad variety of programming. To show this, Lambie Nairn devised the idea of an improvised ident that reacted to the frequencies of continuity announcers' voices or the background music of the ident. As a result, no idents were ever the same, however variations were produced featuring different visualisations, such as semi circles, vibrating lines or shafts extending from the bottom surface. The channel logo featured the new style of Document [5](Title: Yu-Gi-Oh!) code. Although 4Kids had managed to win the case in March 2012, they ended up selling their rights to the franchise, among other assets, to Konami. Konami currently distributes the series and its spin-offs, in addition to producing English dubs through its renamed subsidiary, 4K Media Inc. A complete DVD boxset, including all English episodes and the "Bonds Beyond Time" movie, was released on July 15, 2014 via Amazon. On July 11, 2015, 4K Media began releasing subtitled episodes to the Crunchyroll streaming site monthly. "Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters" is a twelve-episode spin-off miniseries commissioned, produced and edited by 4Kids Entertainment, Document [6](Title: Yu-Gi-Oh!) running for 224 episodes. A remastered version of the series, focusing on specific duels, began airing in Japan from February 7, 2015. In 2001, 4Kids Entertainment obtained the merchandising and television rights to the series from Nihon Ad Systems, producing an English-language version which aired in North America on Kids' WB! between September 29, 2001 and June 10, 2006, also releasing in various countries outside Japan. The adaptation received many changes from the Japanese version to tailor it for international audiences. These include different names for many characters and monsters, changes to the appearance of the cards to differentiate them Document [7](Title: Channel 4 Learning) service specifically for secondary schools in the UK, providing video clips across 16 subject areas with tools to assist teachers and students in using the content. While most of the video was originally sourced from Channel 4 television programmes, it has since been supplemented with content from ITN and BBC Motion Gallery. Channel 4 Learning also has an International division that license and distributes the rights to over 320 hours of educational programming, commissioned by Channel 4, into more than 40 countries worldwide. After the re-structuring of Channel 4 in 1993, ITV's obligations to provide educational programming on Channel 4's Question: when did one piece air on cartoon network Answer:
April 2005
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta) On February 16 , 2018 , VH1 announced the show 's return for the seventh season , which premiered on March 19 , 2018 . Document [1](Title: The O.C. (season 1)) seven-week mid-season hiatus, the remainder of the season aired on Wednesdays at 9:00 pm. The season was released on DVD as a seven disc boxed set under the title of "The O.C.: The Complete First Season" on September 26, 2004 by Warner Bros. Home Video. On June 17, 2008 the season became available to purchase for registered users of the US iTunes Store. In the United Kingdom the season premiere aired at 9:00 pm. Sunday March 7, 2004 on Channel 4 with the second episode airing immediately after, on sister station E4. After taking a hiatus over summer, the show Document [2](Title: 7th Heaven (season 11)) high costs, which were revealed to be due to a poorly negotiated licensing agreement by the WB network a few years earlier. The program's future was hanging in the balance and it was entirely in the hands of the newly established CW network whether to renew it for an additional season. In March 2006, the main cast of characters were approached about the possibility of returning for another season. After further consideration by the CW network, it was decided three days after the airing of its "series finale", that "7th Heaven" would be picked up for an eleventh season, which Document [3](Title: The Vampire Diaries) 2010. On April 26, 2011, The CW renewed the show for a third season. The third season premiered on September 15, 2011. The fourth season premiered October 11, 2012. The CW renewed the show for a fifth season on February 11, 2013. On February 13, 2014, The CW renewed the series for a sixth season. On January 11, 2015, the CW renewed the series for a seventh season. President of The CW, Mark Pedowitz, said in an interview at the summer TCA's that "The Vampire Diaries" didn't receive an extra episode order for the second season at the request of Document [4](Title: Sola (manga)) between April 7, 2007 and June 30, 2007, containing thirteen episodes, though aired on other networks at the same time with slightly different start and end dates. The series was released in five DVD compilation volumes in limited and regular editions,each containing three episodes. The first DVD volume was released on June 22, 2007, followed by the second on July 27, 2007, and the third on August 24, 2007. Two additional episodes were made available exclusively on DVD volumes four and five; the first was released on September 25, 2007, and the second was on October 26, 2007. A poll Document [5](Title: List of Attack on Titan episodes) On June 17 , 2017 , a third season was announced at the close of the second season 's final episode , with a release date slated for 2018 . Document [6](Title: I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! (Australian TV series)) rates. On 1 August 2016 the series was renewed for a third season with Morris and Brown returning as hosts, which premiered on 29 January 2017. A fourth season commenced on 28 January 2018 and concluded 12 March 2018. A fifth season has been announced and will air from 13 January 2019. The show is set to be reduced from airing over a six week period to four weeks for the 2019 season. The premise of the show is that there is a group of well known personalities living together in a specially constructed camp site in a jungle. During Document [7](Title: BoJack Horseman) Season Episodes Originally released 12 August 22 , 2014 Special December 19 , 2014 12 July 17 , 2015 12 July 22 , 2016 12 September 8 , 2017 Question: when does love & hip hop atlanta come on Answer:
March 19 , 2018
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Planet of the Apes characters) Dr. Zira is a chimpanzee psychologist and veterinarian , who specializes in the study of humans , in the novel and subsequent movie series Planet of the Apes . Zira was played in the first three Apes movies by actress Kim Hunter . Unique among the Apes characters , Zira has blue eyes . Document [1](Title: Escape from the Planet of the Apes) the council's ruling to have Zira's pregnancy be terminated and that both apes be sterilized. In their chambers, Cornelius labels Hasslein and the others savages for Zira's treatment as she reminds Cornelius that she did the same thing to humans and Taylor called them savages. Zira is relieved to have revealed the truth because she was tired of lying. Cornelius fears that the truth will get them killed. When an orderly arrives to offer the apes food, his playful reference to their unborn child as a "little monkey" made Cornelius lose his temper while knocking the orderly to the floor. Document [2](Title: Professor Bobo) "job" at a zoo, possibly unaware of his future role as a specimen. Professor Bobo Professor Bobo is a fictional character who appeared in the final three seasons of "Mystery Science Theater 3000", a comedy television series that mocks B-movies. Played by Kevin Murphy (who also voiced and operated robot Tom Servo on the show), Bobo is a sapient, speaking gorilla from the year 2525, an homage to the film "Planet of the Apes". According to his family tree, he is the son of Coco and heir to the great lineage of Godo, Mogo and Chim-Chim. Professor Bobo is a Document [3](Title: Kim Hunter) Kim Hunter Kim Hunter (born Janet Cole; November 12, 1922 – September 11, 2002) was an American film, theatre, and television actress. She won both an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award, each as Best Supporting Actress, for her performance as Stella Kowalski in the 1951 film "A Streetcar Named Desire". Decades later, she was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award for her work on the long-running soap opera "The Edge of Night". She also portrayed the character of chimpanzee Zira in the first three installments of the original film adaptation "Planet of the Apes". Hunter was born in Document [4](Title: Gamera vs. Zigra) grows larger and larger and finally halts the heroic turtle with a ray that suspends his cell activity. Immobilized, Gamera sinks into the sea. Zigra then makes contact with the people of Earth, saying that they should give up and surrender all the seas to it. Back at Sea World, the dolphin trainer and the facility's scientists discover a way to break the alien's hypnotic control with sonic waves. Thus, they manage to disable the Zigran woman, only to learn that she is actually an Earthwoman named Chikako Sugawara (Lora Lee in the English dubbed version), who had been in Document [5](Title: Daniel E. Freeman) The biography of Josef Mysliveček is partially the basis (along with material from the 2015 documentary film "Zpověď zapomenutého") of a screenplay "Il Boemo" written by Czech film director Petr Václav that is scheduled to be produced by Jan Macola of Mimesis Film with a planned release date of 2018. Freeman has taught music history at the University of Illinois, the University of Southern California, and the University of Minnesota, where he is a lecturer. Since 2002, he has appeared frequently as a resident associate of the Smithsonian Institution. His research has been supported by grants from the International Research Document [6](Title: Inferno (Brown novel)) She explains that Zobrist was a geneticist who advocated the halting of humanity's growth, due to its out of control population and that he was rumored to be working on a means to do so using an engineered disease. A man named Jonathan Ferris, with a large bruise on his chest which he hides from the two, and a severe rash on his face, claiming to be from the World Health Organization (WHO), comes and helps them escape the soldiers. They follow the riddle to Venice, where Ferris suddenly falls unconscious, with Brooks claiming he is suffering from massive internal Document [7](Title: Zorba (musical)) Oscar for her performance), in addition to Robert Westenberg, Debbie Shapiro, and Rob Marshall. "Zorba" has been produced professionally in Argentina (2003). Cast: Raúl Lavié, María Rosa Fugazot, Miguel Habud, Julia Zenko, Marcelo Trepat, Alejandro Viola (replaced by Gustavo Monje), Roberto Fiore, Rubén Ballester and Andrea Mango. "Zorba" was presented in the New York City Center Encores! staged concert series on May 6-10, 2015. The cast featured John Turturro, Zoe Wanamaker, and Marin Mazzie in the lead roles and direction by Walter Bobbie. Director Prince visited Crete and Mykonos, and the show's original design reflected the "peculiar color and light Question: who played zira on planet of the apes Answer:
Kim Hunter
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Price-sales ratio) Price -- sales ratio , P / S ratio , or PSR , is a valuation metric for stocks . It is calculated by dividing the company 's market cap by the revenue in the most recent year ; or , equivalently , divide the per - share stock price by the per - share revenue . Also , justified p / s is calculated as ( profit margin × payout × ( 1 + g ) / ( r - g ) ) . Document [1](Title: Valuation using multiples) enterprise value of a company, such as (EV/EBITDA, EV/EBIT, EV/NOPAT). These multiples reveal the rating of a business independently of its capital structure, and are of particular interest in mergers, acquisitions and transactions on private companies. Not all multiples are based on earnings or cash flow drivers. The price-to-book ratio (P/B) is a commonly used benchmark comparing market value to the accounting book value of the firm's assets. The price/sales ratio and EV/sales ratios measure value relative to sales. These multiples must be used with caution as both sales and book values are less likely to be value drivers than Document [2](Title: Investment) securities, a value investor uses analysis of the financial reports of the issuer to evaluate the security. Value investors employ accounting ratios, such as earnings per share and sales growth, to identify securities trading at prices below their worth. Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham are notable examples of value investors. Graham and Dodd's seminal work, Security Analysis, was written in the wake of the Wall Street Crash of 1929. The price to earnings ratio (P/E), or earnings multiple, is a particularly significant and recognized fundamental ratio, with a function of dividing the share price of stock, by its earnings per Document [3](Title: Stock dilution) process by redefining the conversion factor as the stock price declines, thus leading to a "death spiral". Options and warrants are converted at pre-defined rates. As the stock price increases, their value increases dollar-for-dollar. If the stock is valued at a stable price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) it can be predicted that the options' rate of increase in value will be 20 times (when P/E=20) the rate of increase in earnings. The calculation of "what percentage share of future earnings increases goes to the holders of options instead of shareholders?" is For example, if the options outstanding equals 5% of the issued Document [4](Title: Stock valuation) Assuming that two stocks have the same earnings growth, the one with a lower P/E is a better value. The P/E method is perhaps the most commonly used valuation method in the stock brokerage industry. By using comparison firms, a target price/earnings (or P/E) ratio is selected for the company, and then the future earnings of the company are estimated. The valuation's fair price is simply estimated earnings times target P/E. This model is essentially the same model as Gordon's model, if k-g is estimated as the dividend payout ratio (D/E) divided by the target P/E ratio. The Gordon model Document [5](Title: Accounting rate of return) evaluating investments of different size. where: Accounting rate of return Accounting rate of return, also known as the Average rate of return, or ARR is a financial ratio used in capital budgeting. The ratio does not take into account the concept of time value of money. ARR calculates the return, generated from net income of the proposed capital investment. The ARR is a percentage return. Say, if ARR = 7%, then it means that the project is expected to earn seven cents out of each dollar invested (yearly). If the ARR is equal to or greater than the required rate Document [6](Title: Market share) of each decision on the market share of their competitors. It is generally necessary to commission market research (generally desk/secondary research) to determine. Sometimes, though, one can use primary research to estimate the total market size and a company's market share. "Market share: "The percentage of a market accounted for by a specific entity."" "Unit market share: "The units sold by a particular company as a percentage of total market sales, measured in the same units."" "This formula, of course, can be rearranged to derive either unit sales or total market unit sales from the other two variables, as illustrated Document [7](Title: Stock dilution) for the period is divided by this increased number of shares. Notice that the conversion rates are determined by market values at the beginning, not the period end. The returns to be realized on the reinvestment of the proceeds are not part of this calculation. Value dilution describes the reduction in the current price of a stock due to the increase in the number of shares. This generally occurs when shares are issued in exchange for the purchase of a business, and incremental income from the new business must be at least the return on equity (ROE) of the old Question: what is p s ratio in stock market Answer:
Price -- sales ratio
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: New York Giants) The Giants were one of five teams that joined the NFL in 1925 , and is the only one of that group still existing , as well as the league 's longest - established team in the Northeastern United States . The team ranks third among all NFL franchises with eight NFL championship titles : four in the pre -- Super Bowl era ( 1927 , 1934 , 1938 , 1956 ) and four since the advent of the Super Bowl ( Super Bowls XXI ( 1986 ) , XXV ( 1990 ) , XLII ( 2007 ) , and XLVI ( 2011 ) ) , along with more championship appearances than any other team , with 19 overall appearances . Their championship tally is surpassed only by the Green Bay Packers ( 13 ) and Chicago Bears ( 9 ) . Throughout their history , the Giants have featured 28 Hall of Fame players , including NFL Most Valuable Player ( MVP ) award winners Mel Hein , Frank Gifford , Y.A. Tittle , and Lawrence Taylor . Document [1](Title: New York Giants) then has ended in a scoreless tie. The Giants were particularly successful from the latter half of the 1930s until the United States entry into World War II. They added their third NFL championship in 1938 with a 23–17 win over the Green Bay Packers. They did not win another league title until 1956, the first year the team began playing at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx borough of New York City. Aided by a number of future Pro Football Hall of Fame players such as running back Frank Gifford, linebacker Sam Huff, and offensive tackle Roosevelt Brown, as well Document [2](Title: 2007 New York Giants season) went just over the crossbar for the game-winning field goal, and the Giants became the 2007 NFC Champions. The Giants beat the Packers, 23–20. The Giants victory was the first championship win over the Packers since 1938. The Packers have a 4–2 record over the Giants in NFL/NFC Championship series. The win also marked the Giants' 10th straight road win and their 4th straight NFC Championship victory. For the Giants, Eli Manning went 21-40 for 251 yards. Although he didn't throw a touchdown, he avoided an interception for the third straight playoff game. It was generally agreed by critics after Document [3](Title: Philadelphia Eagles) Philadelphia. Bell, Chuck Bednarik, Bob Brown, Brian Dawkins, Reggie White, Steve Van Buren, Tommy McDonald, Greasy Neale, Pete Pihos, Sonny Jurgensen, Terrell Owens, and Norm Van Brocklin have been inducted to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. The team has an intense rivalry with the New York Giants. This rivalry is the oldest in the NFC East and is among the oldest in the NFL. It was ranked by NFL Network as the number one rivalry of all-time and "Sports Illustrated" ranks it amongst the Top 10 NFL rivalries of all-time at number four, and according to ESPN, it is Document [4](Title: History of the New York Giants (1925–78)) History of the New York Giants (1925–78) The history of the New York Giants from 1925 to 1978 covers the American football franchise from the team's inception until the conclusion of their tumultuous 1978 season. Currently members of the NFL's National Football Conference, the Giants were founded in 1925 by original owner Tim Mara in the then five-year-old NFL. Mara gave control of the team over to his two sons—Wellington and Jack—early in their lives. During this period in their history the Giants acquired four NFL championships, but also suffered some down times, including consecutive non-playoff seasons from 1964 to Document [5](Title: 1990 New York Giants season) by team|New York Giants]] [[Category:1990 in sports in New Jersey]] 1990 New York Giants season The 1990 New York Giants season was one of the most successful seasons in team history. The Giants, who play in the National Football Conference (NFC) of the National Football League (NFL), won their sixth championship and second Super Bowl. Led by linebacker Lawrence Taylor and quarterbacks Phil Simms and Jeff Hostetler, the Giants posted a 13–3 record before defeating the Chicago Bears and the two-time defending Super Bowl champion San Francisco 49ers in the NFC playoffs. In Super Bowl XXV, they defeated the Buffalo Document [6](Title: History of the New York Giants) In 1944, the Giants reached the championship game, where they faced the Green Bay Packers for the third time in ten seasons. They lost again, this time 14–7 as Ted Fritsch scored two touchdowns, and the Packers defense held on to the lead despite a fourth-quarter touchdown by the Giants. By 1946, Mara had given over complete control of the team to his two sons. Jack controlled the business aspects, while Wellington controlled the on-field operations. In 1946, the Giants again reached the Championship game, for the eighth time in 14 seasons. However, they were beaten by the Sid Luckman-led Document [7](Title: Super Bowl XXXVI) 10 different NFC teams appeared in the Super Bowl over the next 10 years. This trend was broken when the New York Giants earned a trip to Super Bowl XLVI after participating in Super Bowl XLII four years earlier. (The Giants defeated the Patriots in both games.) The loss signaled the beginning of the end of The Greatest Show on Turf era. The Rams finished with a 7-9 record the following year and have won only one playoff game since, following the 2004 season. Kurt Warner suffered a concussion on opening day in 2003, and was later demoted to backup Question: when was the last time the ny giants won the superbowl Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Beth Greene) Beth Greene is a fictional character from the American horror drama television series The Walking Dead , created by season two showrunner Glen Mazzara , and portrayed by Emily Kinney . She is the daughter of veterinarian and farmer Hershel Greene and the younger half - sister of Maggie . The character has no specific counterpart in the comic book series on which the show is based . Document [1](Title: Maggie Greene) twenty minutes." Maggie Greene Maggie Greene, later Maggie Rhee in the television series, is a fictional character from the comic book series "The Walking Dead", portrayed by Lauren Cohan in the television adaptation of the same name. In both media, Maggie and Glenn form a relationship and eventually marry. Maggie also succeeds Gregory as the leader of The Hilltop. In the comic book series, Maggie, Hershel's second daughter of seven children, becomes the surrogate mother to Sophia following the suicide of the girl's mother, Carol. Maggie is initially insecure and depressed, even attempting suicide at one point after her entire Document [2](Title: Emily Kinney) Fordham in the play "". She was then cast as Emily on Showtime's "The Big C". Later, Kinney appeared on NBC's "", where she guest starred as Jeannie Richmonds. Kinney made her film debut with "Aunt Tigress" playing Gina. Kinney continued acting in a variety of recurring guest and cameo roles in various films and television shows. In 2011, Kinney was cast as the recurring character Beth Greene on "The Walking Dead", an AMC television horror drama. Although she was actually 25 at the start of production, her character Beth was the 16-year-old sister of Maggie in Season 2. After Document [3](Title: Beth Greene) to live. During the initial outbreak and beyond, Beth is a sheltered girl, but is eventually forced into hard laboring survival after the downfall of the prison, a place that had been a safe haven. She forms a close bond with fellow survivor and group member Daryl Dixon. Her final arc revolves around being held captive under the service of Officer Dawn Lerner in Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, and the subsequent efforts of Rick's group to find and rescue her become the primary driving force behind the first half of the fifth season. Beth Greene is Hershel's (Scott Wilson) Document [4](Title: Deanna Monroe) Deanna Monroe Deanna Monroe is a fictional character from AMC's television series, "The Walking Dead", and is portrayed by Tovah Feldshuh. The character is an adaptation and gender-swap of Douglas Monroe from the comic book series, on which the show is based. Deanna was bitten by a walker after falling into sharp gear and reanimated as a walker; she was later found by her son, Spencer, and Michonne and was put down. The character, a former congressperson from Ohio, acts as the leader of the Alexandria Safe-Zone located in Washington, DC. and assigns its inhabitants job roles based on their Document [5](Title: The Walking Dead (season 9)) moments from the graphic novel. Life is coming out of death. Nature's taking over, while other things are crumbling." Most of the cast's contracts had to be renewed for the ninth season and beyond, and most of the cast did re-sign; the notable exception was Lauren Cohan who plays Maggie Greene. Cohan had sought a pay increase from AMC given her high demand from other networks; while she had signed on to star in a new series, "Whiskey Cavalier", for the ABC network, this contract would still enable her to participate on "The Walking Dead" in a limited role. In Document [6](Title: Melissa McBride) Melissa McBride Melissa Suzanne McBride (born May 23, 1965) is an American actress and former casting director, best known for her role as Carol Peletier on the AMC series "The Walking Dead". McBride has garnered critical acclaim and received multiple awards and nominations for her role on the show. McBride was born in Lexington, Kentucky to parents John Leslie McBride and Suzanne Lillian (née Sagley) (1937-2018). Her father owned his own business, and her mother studied at the historic Pasadena Playhouse. She had three siblings: John Michael (1957–1990), Neil Allen (1960–2008), and Melanie Suzanne (1962–2012). McBride began her acting career Document [7](Title: Amy (The Walking Dead)) Amy (The Walking Dead) Amy Harrison is a fictional character from the comic book series "The Walking Dead" and television series, where she is portrayed by Emma Bell. In both mediums she is the sister of Andrea, a close acquaintance of Dale, and one of the original Atlanta survivors. Andrea is greatly impacted by her sister’s early departure and group leader Rick is shown to feel underlying guilt when he hallucinates her voice on the phone. Amy was Andrea's youngest sister. She is a junior physical-education major, and was returning to college for the new school year. When the dead Question: who plays hershel's daughter on walking dead Answer:
Emily Kinney
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Quantal neurotransmitter release) Neurotransmitters are released into a synapse in packaged vesicles called quanta . One quantum generates what is known as a miniature end plate potential ( MEPP ) which is the smallest amount of stimulation that one neuron can send to another neuron . Quantal release is the mechanism by which most traditional endogenous neurotransmitters are transmitted throughout the body . The aggregate sum of many MEPPs is known as an end plate potential ( EPP ) . A normal end plate potential usually causes the postsynaptic neuron to reach its threshold of excitation and elicit an action potential . Electrical synapses do not use quantal neurotransmitter release and instead use gap junctions between neurons to send current flows between neurons . The goal of any synapse is to produce either an excitatory postsynaptic potential ( EPSP ) or an inhibitory postsynaptic potential ( IPSP ) , which generate or repress the expression , respectively , of an action potential in the postsynaptic neuron . It is estimated that an action potential will trigger the release of approximately 20 % of an axon terminal 's neurotransmitter load . Document [1](Title: Summation (neurophysiology)) amounts of neurotransmitter led to the "vesicle hypothesis" of Katz and del Castillo, which attributes quantization of transmitter release to its association with synaptic vesicles. This also indicated to Katz that action potential generation can be triggered by the summation of these individual units, each equivalent to an MEPP. At any given moment, a neuron may receive postsynaptic potentials from thousands of other neurons. Whether threshold is reached, and an action potential generated, depends upon the spatial (i.e. from multiple neurons) and temporal (from a single neuron) summation of all inputs at that moment. It is traditionally thought that the Document [2](Title: Excitatory postsynaptic potential) more complex and harder to interpret as the source and sinks are far less defined. In regions such as the striatum, neurotransmitters such as dopamine, acetylcholine, GABA and others may also be released and further complicate the interpretation. Excitatory postsynaptic potential In neuroscience, an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) is a postsynaptic potential that makes the postsynaptic neuron more likely to fire an action potential. This temporary depolarization of postsynaptic membrane potential, caused by the flow of positively charged ions into the postsynaptic cell, is a result of opening ligand-gated ion channels. These are the opposite of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs), Document [3](Title: Synapse) molecules (SAMs) projecting from both the pre- and post-synaptic neuron and sticking together where they overlap; SAMs may also assist in the generation and functioning of synapses. There are two fundamentally different types of synapses: Synaptic communication is distinct from an ephaptic coupling, in which communication between neurons occurs via indirect electric fields. An autapse is a chemical or electrical synapse that forms when the axon of one neuron synapses onto dendrites of the same neuron. Synapses can be classified by the type of cellular structures serving as the pre- and post-synaptic components. The vast majority of synapses in the Document [4](Title: Neuron) triggers the release of neurotransmitters is the action potential, a propagating electrical signal that is generated by exploiting the electrically excitable membrane of the neuron. This is also known as a wave of depolarization. Neurons are highly specialized for the processing and transmission of cellular signals. Given their diversity of functions performed in different parts of the nervous system, there is a wide variety in their shape, size, and electrochemical properties. For instance, the soma of a neuron can vary from 4 to 100 micrometers in diameter. The accepted view of the neuron attributes dedicated functions to its various anatomical Document [5](Title: Sam Schmidt Paralysis Foundation) produce a fatty substance called myelin, which wraps around axons in layers. Axon fibers insulated by myelin can carry electrical messages (also called action potentials) at a speed of 100 meters per second, while fibers without myelin can carry messages at a speed of only one meter per second. A spinal cord injury can compromise or destroy myelin. Messages are passed from neuron to neuron through synapses, small gaps between the cells, with the help of chemicals called neurotransmitters. To transmit a message across a synapse, neurotransmitter molecules are released from one neuron (the "pre-synaptic" neuron) and cross the gap Document [6](Title: Quantum point contact) ) There are several different ways of fabricating a QPC. It can be realized in a break-junction by pulling apart a piece of conductor until it breaks. The breaking point forms the point contact. In a more controlled way, quantum point contacts are formed in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), e.g. in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. By applying a voltage to suitably shaped gate electrodes, the electron gas can be locally depleted and many different types of conducting regions can be created in the plane of the 2DEG, among them quantum dots and quantum point contacts. Another means of creating a QPC Document [7](Title: LTP induction) LTP induction The induction of NMDA receptor-dependent long-term potentiation (LTP) in chemical synapses in the brain occurs via a fairly straightforward mechanism. A substantial and rapid rise in calcium ion concentration inside the postsynaptic cell (or more specifically, within the dendritic spine) is most possibly all that is required to induce LTP. But the mechanism of calcium delivery to the postsynaptic cell in inducing LTP is more complicated. The AMPA receptor (AMPAR) is the engine that drives excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs). While some forms of the AMPAR can conduct calcium, most AMPARs found in the neocortex do not. The AMPAR, Question: neurotransmitter filled packets in the presynaptic neuron are called Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Once Upon a Time (season 7)) The seventh season of the American ABC fantasy - drama Once Upon a Time was ordered on May 11 , 2017 . It will consist of 22 episodes and will air on Fridays , having premiered on October 6 , 2017 . Document [1](Title: Once Upon a Time (season 7)) Once Upon a Time (season 7) The seventh and final season of the American ABC fantasy-drama "Once Upon a Time" was ordered on May 11, 2017. It consisted of 22 episodes, airing on Fridays, having premiered on October 6, 2017. This season marked a significant change for the series, as it was announced at the end of the sixth season that the majority of the main cast members would not be returning for season 7. Lana Parrilla, Colin O'Donoghue, and Robert Carlyle were the only ones remaining. Andrew J. West and Alison Fernandez were announced as new regulars in May Document [2](Title: Homecoming (Once Upon a Time)) Homecoming (Once Upon a Time) "Homecoming" is the twenty-first episode of the seventh season and the 154th episode overall of the American fantasy-drama series "Once Upon a Time". Written by David H. Goodman, and directed by Steve Pearlman, it premiered on ABC in the United States on May 11, 2018. In the episode, Henry is forced into a deal by the Wish Realm Rumpelstiltskin by holding his family prisoner in order to retrieve the Dagger, but the plan also brings Regina, Hook, and a determined Weaver to the Wish Realm to find a way to stop him, not knowing that Document [3](Title: The Eighth Witch) The Eighth Witch "The Eighth Witch" is the tenth episode of the seventh season and the 143rd episode overall of the American fantasy-drama series "Once Upon a Time". Written by Jane Espenson & Jerome Schwartz and directed by Ralph Hemecker, it premiered on ABC in the United States on December 15, 2017. In the episode, which served as the mid season finale, Lucy's life hangs in the balance as Henry and Regina travel to San Francisco to bring back a former resident whom Regina is very familiar with, while Eloise and Ivy are ready to welcome Anastasia to the new Document [4](Title: The Guardian (Once Upon a Time)) Allison Fernandez and Mekia Cox are credited but don't appear in the episode. Although uncredited, archive sound of Emilie de Ravin is used. The episode received mixed to positive reviews, with the storylines fleshing out a lot more than in the previous outings. "TV Fanatic" gave the episode a 3.3 out of 5 stars. "Entertainment Weekly"'s Justin Kirkland gave the episode a B. The Guardian (Once Upon a Time) "The Guardian" is the eighteenth episode of the seventh season and the 151st episode overall of the American fantasy-drama series "Once Upon a Time". Written by David H. Goodman & Brigitte Document [5](Title: Greenbacks (Once Upon a Time)) of "TVOvermind" gave the episode a 3.0 out of 5 stars rating, stating that this episode was a mixed bag and would like to see less backstories like Tiana/Sabine and more focused storylines on Henry, Rogers and Roni. He also gave good reviews to Adelaide Kane's performance in this outing and saw the twist as the best highlight in the episode. Greenbacks (Once Upon a Time) "Greenbacks" is the fifth episode of the seventh season and the 138th episode overall of the American fantasy-drama series "Once Upon a Time". Written by Christopher Hollier & Adam Karp and directed by Geofrey Document [6](Title: Lady of the Lake (Once Upon a Time)) '' Lady of the Lake '' is the third episode of the second season of the American ABC fantasy / drama television series Once Upon a Time , and the show 's 25th episode overall , which aired on October 14 , 2012 . Document [7](Title: The Queen Is Dead (Once Upon a Time)) only 7.39 million viewers tuning in (placing it fifth among the number of viewers tuning in). The episode received positive reviews from critics. "Entertainment Weekly" critic Hilary Busis had praise for this episode, especially the stand-out performances from Madison and Sofer. Oliver Sava of "The A.V. Club" gave it a B: ""Once Upon A Time" is lucky to have the Disney connection, which puts the story in a context that their target audience knows very well, and the writers take advantage of the thrill viewers get when they see their favorite cartoon characters brought into three dimensions. This season started Question: when is season 7 of once upon a time coming on tv Answer:
October 6 , 2017
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Woody Woodpecker) Woody was created in 1940 by Lantz and storyboard artist Ben '' Bugs '' Hardaway , who had previously laid the groundwork for two other screwball characters , Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck , at the Warner Bros. cartoon studio in the late 1930s . Woody 's character and design evolved over the years , from an insane bird with an unusually garish design to a more refined looking and acting character in the vein of the later Chuck Jones version of Bugs Bunny . Woody was originally voiced by prolific voice actor Mel Blanc , who was succeeded by Danny Webb , Kent Rogers , Ben Hardaway and finally by Grace Stafford , wife of Walter Lantz . Document [1](Title: Box-Office Bunny) Box-Office Bunny Box-Office Bunny, released in 1991, is a 5-minute "Looney Tunes" short film starring Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd. It was shown in theaters alongside "", as well as on the subsequent home media releases for the film. This was Warner Bros.'s first Bugs Bunny theatrical release since 1964's "False Hare". It was issued to commemorate Bugs' 50th anniversary and is included as a special feature on the DVD for "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie". Jeff Bergman voiced the three main characters, thus becoming the first person besides the legendary Mel Blanc, who had died Document [2](Title: Show Biz Bugs) a match). Show Biz Bugs Show Biz Bugs is a 1957 Warner Bros. "Looney Tunes" animated short directed by Friz Freleng and featuring Mel Blanc as the voices of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. The basic setting and conflicts of this film were reprised for the linking footage for the television series "The Bugs Bunny Show". "Show Biz Bugs" was also re-worked as the climax of "The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" (1981). Arriving at the theater where he and Bugs are appearing, Daffy is furious to discover that the rabbit's name on the marquee is above his in Document [3](Title: Bob Clampett) after he left the studio, and increasing as years went on, Clampett repeatedly referred to himself as "the creator" of Bugs Bunny, often adding the side-note that he used Clark Gable's carrot-eating scene in "It Happened One Night" as inspiration for his "creation." (Clampett can be observed making this claim in "Bugs Bunny: Superstar".) A viewing of the early Bugs cartoons of the late 1930s and early 1940s, however, clearly demonstrates that the character was not "created" as a whole at one time, but rather evolved in personality, voice, and design over several years through the efforts of Tex Avery, Document [4](Title: Sheriff Woody) to Bonnie's house, where Andy passes them on to enjoy life with a new owner. As Andy drives away to college, Woody says an emotional and final farewell to him, saying "So long, partner". Woody made a cameo in the outtakes of Pixar's 1998 film "A Bug's Life" as a crew member, clapping the upside-down clapperboard. Then he appeared in the Andy's room sequence of "" where he was voiced by Jim Hanks (Tom Hanks' brother), and the Andy's room intro of the "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command" television series as a cameo. Later, he appeared in the end credit Document [5](Title: Beaky Buzzard) on Edgar Bergen's puppet Mortimer Snerd. The character first appeared in the 1942 cartoon "Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid", directed by Bob Clampett. The cartoon's plot revolves around the hopeless attempts of the brainless buzzard, here called Killer, to catch Bugs Bunny for his domineering Italian mother back at the nest. Beaky's voice was reminiscent of ventriloquist Edgar Bergen's character Mortimer Snerd (his in-studio name was in fact "Snerd Bird", bestowed by Bob Clampett himself; he was not named "Beaky" on-screen in this first appearance). The voice itself was provided by voice actor Kent Rogers. Clampett brought the character back Document [6](Title: Andy Panda) the 2018 "Woody Woodpecker" series. Andy also has a more mature voice with a Southern twang in this series. Andy Panda Andy Panda is a funny animal cartoon character who starred in his own series of animated cartoon short subjects produced by Walter Lantz. These "cartunes" were released by Universal Pictures from 1939 to 1947, and United Artists from 1948 to 1949. The title character is an anthropomorphic cartoon character, a cute panda. Andy became the second star of the Walter Lantz cartoons after Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. He achieved considerable popularity until being eventually supplanted by Woody Woodpecker. When Document [7](Title: Ali Baba Bunny) while tucking into the area's famous clams, casually wonders how Daffy's encounter with the genie worked out. Opening one clam and discovering a pearl inside, he soon finds out; Daffy, shrunk to a few inches in height, emerges from Bugs' burrow trail in the sand and claims the pearl for his own. Bugs lets the clam close by itself on the greedy duck by saying "Oh, brudder. Close sesame!" Mel Blanc as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Hassan, Sultan and Genie Ali Baba Bunny Ali Baba Bunny is a Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies short featuring Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, directed Question: who is the voice of woody the woodpecker Answer:
Kent Rogers
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Enoch (son of Cain)) Enoch Depiction of Cain establishing the city of Enoch , by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld . Children seventy - seven Parent ( s ) Awan and Cain Document [1](Title: Second Book of Enoch) Second Book of Enoch The Second Book of Enoch (usually abbreviated 2 Enoch, and otherwise variously known as Slavonic Enoch, Old Bulgarian Enoch or The Secrets of Enoch) is a pseudepigraphic text in the apocalyptic genre dating from the first century CE. It describes the ascent of the patriarch Enoch, ancestor of Noah, through ten heavens in an earth-centered cosmos. The cosmology of 2 Enoch corresponds closely with early medieval beliefs about the metaphysical structure of the universe. Though it may have been influential on the shaping of those beliefs, the text was lost after several centuries; it was recovered Document [2](Title: The Cainian Chronicle) The Cainian Chronicle The Cainian Chronicle is Ancient’s second full length release. On another note, the album’s length is 66 minutes and six seconds long. The concept of the first part of the record (tracks 1-4) is a retelling of the fall of Cain, based not on the traditional Biblical tale, rather on the supplement The Book of Nod of the roleplaying game. the first son of Adam and Eve and first murderer. It chronicles his casting out, his relations with the demon angel Lilith and the leading to the procreation of their children, the Disciplines of Cain. The three Document [3](Title: The Book of Giants) fragments were incomplete at this point, the Manichaean fragments tell of the hosts of God subduing the race of giants through battle. Most of the content in the Book of Giants is derived out of 1 Enoch 7:3-6 . This passage sheds light on the characterizing features of the Giants. It reveals that the Giants were born of the sons of god and daughters of man. The giants began to devour the works of men and went on to kill and consume them. They also sinned against the birds and beasts of the sky, creeping things and the fish of Document [4](Title: Generations of Adam) this include the solar symbolism of the seventh figure on each list (the Sumerian king Enmeduranna sharing his name with the city where worship of the sun god was focused, Enoch living 365 years). Like Enoch, Enmeduranna's advisor Utuabzu ascended to heaven. Fritz Hommel further argued that Amelon was Enosh (both third in the list with names meaning "mankind"), that Ammenon was Cainan/Cain (both fourth and connected to craftsmanship), and so on; noting that the tenth in each line was a hero who survived a world flood. Still, this position is argued against due to linguistic incompatibilities in half the Document [5](Title: Watcher (angel)) (1 Enoch 6–36) occurs in the Aramaic fragments with the phrase "irin we-qadishin", "Watchers and Holy Ones", a reference to Aramaic Daniel. The Aramaic "irin" "watchers" is rendered as "angel" (Greek "angelos", Coptic "malah") in the Greek and Ethiopian translations, although the usual Aramaic term for angel "malakha" does not occur in Aramaic Enoch. Some have attempted to date this section of 1 Enoch to around the 2nd–1st century BC and they believe this book is based on one interpretation of the Sons of God passage in Genesis 6, according to which angels married with human females, giving rise to Document [6](Title: Kenite) regional tribes were connected to monotheistic ritual at Sinai. German orientalist Walter Beltz believed the story of Cain and Abel was not originally about the murder of a brother, but a myth about the murder of a god's child. In his reading of Genesis 4:1, Eve conceived Cain by Adam, and her second son Abel by another man, this being Yahweh. Eve is thus compared to the Sacred Queen of antiquity, the Mother goddess. Consequently, Yahweh pays heed to Abel's offerings, but not to Cain's. After Cain kills Abel, Yahweh condemns Cain, the murderer of his son, to the cruelest Document [7](Title: Enoch, Texas) Enoch, Texas Enoch is an unincorporated community in Upshur County, Texas, United States. Enoch was established by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with Samuel O. Bennion's organization of the Enoch Branch in 1911. The first Latter-day Saint settlers had arrived in 1906. In 1908 a Sunday School was organized at Enoch. In 1910 a building was built for the Sunday School. In 1930 it was only one of eight communities in Texas where the church owned a chapel. By the mid-1930s, Enoch had one church and two stores. In 1938 it had a population of Question: who is the mother of enoch in the bible Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Meg Griffin) Meg Griffin Family Guy character First appearance 1998 Pilot Pitch of Family Guy ( Early version ) '' Death Has a Shadow '' ( Official version ) Created by Seth MacFarlane Voiced by Lacey Chabert ( 1999 -- 2000 , 2011 , 2012 ) Mila Kunis ( 1999 -- present ) Tara Strong ( singing voice ) Information Occupation High school student Family Peter Griffin ( father ) Lois Griffin ( mother ) Chris Griffin ( brother ) Stewie Griffin ( brother ) Brian Griffin ( dog ) Spouse ( s ) Dr. Michael Milano ( ex-fiancé ) Nationality American Document [1](Title: Death Has a Shadow) Death Has a Shadow "Death Has a Shadow" is the pilot episode of the American animated television series "Family Guy". Written by series creator Seth MacFarlane and directed by Peter Shin, a rough-cut version of this episode originally aired on December 20, 1998, on the Fox network in the United States, a final version was later aired on January 31, 1999, following Super Bowl XXXIII. In the episode, Peter loses his job after drinking too much at a stag party and falls asleep at work. He signs up for welfare to keep his wife Lois from finding out, but gets Document [2](Title: Death Has a Shadow) mind that lacks any reference point beyond other TV shows". Even before it aired the pilot had received some criticism from the Parents Television Council, a watchdog; the creator of this website L. Brent Bozell III wrote that he initially speculated that "Family Guy" would be "pushing the envelope". Death Has a Shadow "Death Has a Shadow" is the pilot episode of the American animated television series "Family Guy". Written by series creator Seth MacFarlane and directed by Peter Shin, a rough-cut version of this episode originally aired on December 20, 1998, on the Fox network in the United States, Document [3](Title: Deep Throats) storyline of Peter and Lois performing in pubs when they were younger relates to MacFarlane's father, who used to do stage performances in bars. When he was performing, the woman who was to be MacFarlane's mother, came into the bar and tracked his father down, asking for guitar lessons once she had found him. The song which Peter and Lois were singing when remembering their performances they hosted in their earlier years was created by Alec Sulkin and Patrick Megan, producers of "Family Guy". Alex Borstein, voice actor of Lois Griffin had originally wanted Meg to be wearing a business Document [4](Title: Meg Stinks!) Meg Stinks! "Meg Stinks!" is the nineteenth episode of the twelfth season of the animated comedy series "Family Guy" and the 229th episode overall. It aired on Fox in the United States on May 4, 2014, and is written by Danny Smith and directed by Bob Bowen. In the episode, Meg goes for a college interview and becomes the life of a party while Brian encounters a skunk and after getting sprayed, must learn to survive in the wild. Meg Griffin and her parents attend James Woods High School's College Fair where they find out that not only is Meg Document [5](Title: Cleveland Brown) source of a dirty joke Chris Griffin told at school. In the "Family Guy" episode "Life of Brian", Cleveland and Donna are seen mourning over Brian's (now undone) death. Again he appears for a full episode in season 10, Cool Hand Peter where him, Peter, Joe, and Quagmire go on a road trip to Louisiana together. Cleveland makes yet another short appearance in season 8, Episode 13 "Go Stewie Go", where Cleveland appears in the Griffins' house along with other characters just to investigate Meg's normal boyfriend. Another idea had been that Peter Griffin and possibly other "Family Guy" characters Document [6](Title: Fifteen Minutes of Shame) show, "The Real Live Griffins". Meg leaves the family, and the show. Her replacement is a teenage sex symbol who steals the show. Eventually, the whole family is replaced. The replacement cast is Tom Arnold as Peter, Fran Drescher as Lois, "that fat guy from "Boogie Nights"" as Chris, and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen as Stewie and Brian, forcing the real Griffins to live in a motel until the reality show contract expires. Peter gives Meg an ice cream as she is reunited with the family, and she ends the episode typing a diary entry into her computer. Stewie then Document [7](Title: Death Lives) Death Lives "Death Lives" is the sixth episode of the third season of the animated comedy series "Family Guy", another episode produced for Season 2. It originally aired on Fox in the United States on August 15, 2001. The episode features Peter after he is struck by lightning, and has a near-death experience, which involves him going back in time, and realizing his love for his wife, Lois, who he had ditched to play golf on their anniversary. Peter soon realizes his mistakes, and attempts to repair his relationship with his wife. The episode was written by Mike Henry and Question: who did the original voice of meg griffin Answer:
Lacey Chabert
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: 2016 ICC Women's World Twenty20) The 2016 ICC Women 's World Twenty20 was the fifth edition of the ICC Women 's World Twenty20 , the world championship of women 's Twenty20 International cricket . India hosted the event for the first time , with matches played from 15 March to 3 April 2016 . For the first time , the tournament was run simultaneously with the men 's World Twenty20 , with the final of each tournament played on the same day at the same venue ( at Eden Gardens , Kolkata ) . In the tournament final , the West Indies defeated defending champions Australia by eight wickets , claiming their first title . West Indian captain Stafanie Taylor was named player of the tournament , having scored more runs than any other player . Document [1](Title: 2016 ICC Women's World Twenty20) runs for the first wicket, setting a new team record for Twenty20 Internationals. Matthews and Taylor were both dismissed within the final five overs, but Deandra Dottin and Britney Cooper combined to carry the West Indies to victory with three balls remaining. Matthews, who turned 18 during the tournament, was named player of the final. By winning the tournament, the West Indies became only the fourth team to win a global women's cricket tournament, after Australia, England, and New Zealand. In all World Twenty20 matches, only one higher successful chase has been carried out. 2016 ICC Women's World Twenty20 The Document [2](Title: 2014 ICC Women's World Twenty20) 2014 ICC Women's World Twenty20 The 2014 ICC Women's World Twenty20 was the fourth ICC Women's World Twenty20 competition, taking place in Bangladesh from 23 March to 6 April 2014. The tournament was played in the cities of Sylhet and Dhaka – Cox's Bazar was originally intended to also host matches, but the venue was not available due to ongoing development. The tournament featured 10 teams, rather than the eight at previous tournaments, with all matches in the tournament accorded women's Twenty20 International (T20I) status. Bangladesh and Ireland made their first appearances at the event, which is being run concurrently Document [3](Title: West Indies women's cricket team) after its male counterpart), and its One Day International (ODI) in 1979. The West Indies currently competes in the ICC Women's Championship, the highest level of the sport, and has participated in five of the ten editions of the Women's Cricket World Cup held to date. At the most recent 2013 World Cup, the team made the tournament's final for the first time, but lost to Australia. At the ICC World Twenty20, the team won its first title at the 2016 tournament, having made the semi-finals in each of the preceding tournaments. The first Test series played by the West Document [4](Title: 2016 ICC World Twenty20 squads) to replaced him. 2016 ICC World Twenty20 squads The 2016 ICC World Twenty20 wasthe sixth ICC World Twenty20, and the first to be hosted by India. Sri Lanka were the defending champions, having won the 2014 edition. The following squads were chosen for the 2016 ICC World Twenty20. The player ages are as on 8 March 2016, the opening day of the tournament, and where a player plays for more than one team in Twenty20 cricket, only their domestic team is listed (for example, Jos Buttler plays for Lancashire Lightning in the T20 Blast and Mumbai Indians in the Indian Document [5](Title: South Africa women's cricket team in the West Indies in 2018–19) South Africa women's cricket team in the West Indies in 2018–19 The South Africa women's cricket team played the West Indies women's cricket team in September and October 2018. The tour consisted of three Women's One Day Internationals (WODIs), which formed part of the 2017–20 ICC Women's Championship, and five Women's Twenty20 Internationals (WT20I). The WODI series was drawn 1–1, after the second match finished in a no result. The WT20I series was drawn 2–2, with the third match of the series being abandoned. Ahead of the tour, Trisha Chetty and Shabnim Ismail were ruled of South Africa's squads, with Document [6](Title: ICC Africa Women's Twenty20 Championship) ICC Africa Women's Twenty20 Championship The ICC Africa Women's T20 Championship is an international cricket tournament contested between the national women's sides from the African development region of the International Cricket Council (ICC). The first African regional tournament for women's teams was played in Tanzania in 2004, and known simply as the Women's Championship. The next two regional tournaments, in 2006 and 2010, served as part of the qualification process for the Women's World Cup. All matches prior to 2011 were played in the 50-over format (as used in One Day Internationals), but since then, the Twenty20 format has been Document [7](Title: Claire Taylor) she played an attacking innings of 21, including 4 fours, before being bowled. England won the match by four wickets, to become ODI world champions. Taylor finished the tournament as the leading run-scorer, having made 324 runs, and her batting average was the highest amongst batsmen with over 100 runs. She was one of five England players to be named in the team of the tournament. Taylor's next international action came during the inaugural Women's World Twenty20 tournament, held in England. Despite not being required to bat in England's opening match against India, she was the second most prolific batsmen Question: who won women's t20 world cup 2016 Answer:
the West Indies
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Blue Lagoon: The Awakening) Indiana Evans as Emmaline '' Emma '' Robinson Brenton Thwaites as Dean McMullen Denise Richards as Barbara Robinson ( Emma 's mother ) Patrick St. Esprit as Jack McMullen ( Dean 's widowed father ) Frank John Hughes as Phil Robinson ( Emma 's father ) Alix Elizabeth Gitter as Lizzie ( one of Emma 's friends ) Carrie Wampler as Stacey Robinson ( Emma 's younger sister ) Hayley Kiyoko as Helen ( one of Emma 's friends ) Aimee Carrero as Jude ( one of Emma 's friends ) Annie Tedesco as Ms. Collier ( one of the teachers on the trip ) Christopher Atkins as Mr. Christiansen ( one of the teachers on the trip ) Document [1](Title: Trip with the Teacher) Trip with the Teacher Trip with the Teacher is a 1975 exploitation film written, produced and directed by Earl Barton. The film has been retitled several times and has been referred to as Deadly Field Trip (VHS release), Duell bis zum Verrecken (Germany), Kiss the Teacher... Goodbye (American promotional title), and Stupro selvaggio (Italy). Four teen-age girls (along with their teacher and bus driver) from Los Angeles are on a field trip in the desert. On the way to their destination their bus breaks down. While stranded they are approached by three bikers. When Jay (one of the bikers) tries Document [2](Title: Emma Montgomery McRae) Emma Montgomery McRae Emma Montgomery McRae (February 12, 1848 – September 21, 1919) was a Professor of English literature. Born Mary Emma Montgomery in Loveland, Ohio, she was the daughter of William Montgomery and Anna née Newton. Her family moved to Indiana when she was five. Emma completed her undergraduate work at Brookfield Academy, Indiana, then she taught at a school in Vevay, Indiana. She became a high school principal in 1867 at Muncie, Indiana and was married to Hamilton S. McRae on August 6, 1868, the local superintendent of public schools. She took the position of principal at Marion, Document [3](Title: Because You Left) Oxford University and find Daniel's mother, in order to help the survivors. Another jump occurs just before Daniel can give his mother's name. In 2007, back in Los Angeles, two lawyers deliver a court order to Kate Austen (Evangeline Lilly), demanding a maternity test for her and Aaron, Claire Littleton's (Emilie de Ravin) son, whom Kate is raising as her own, but refuse to reveal their client's identity. In London while en route to Los Angeles, Sun-Hwa Kwon (Yunjin Kim) is confronted by Charles Widmore (Alan Dale) at the airport. She tells him that she wants to kill Benjamin Linus Document [4](Title: King's Crossing) family relocating to King's Crossing, California. The father, Paul (Bradford Dillman), was a recovering alcoholic who was hoping for a fresh start with his family and career as an English professor at the town's college. His long-suffering wife Nan (Mary Frann) was also trying to reestablish a connection with her cold and distant Aunt Louisa Beauchamp (Beatrice Straight), who had never approved of Paul. Nan and Paul had two teenage daughters: Lauren (Hamilton), an aspiring pianist who fell into an affair with her piano teacher, symphony conductor Jonathan Hadary (Michael Zaslow), and Carey (Jones), a student curious about Aunt Louisa Document [5](Title: Pilot (Cold Feet)) She becomes even more frustrated when she sees Pete has brought Adam back; he missed his last bus home. Rachel Bradley's (Helen Baxendale) boyfriend Simon Atkinson (Stephen Mapes) breaks up with her over dinner after taking a job in Hong Kong. Rachel angrily leaves the restaurant and telephones her friend Karen Marsden (Hermione Norris), who has just asked her husband David (Robert Bathurst) if they can get a nanny to take care of their son Josh. Rachel crashes her car into Adam's on a supermarket car park. After a brief argument Adam suggests they exchange phone numbers, under the pretence Document [6](Title: Tiffany Butcher) trip to Manchester announces that her new boyfriend, Terry Spraggan (Terry Alderton), and his children, TJ (George Sargeant) and Rosie (Jerzey Swingler), are moving in. Tiffany and Morgan are later upset when they discover that their grandmother Carol has breast cancer, though she makes a full recovery. Tiffany's last day of primary school was ruined when she accidentally brought brownies containing drugs into school. Bianca agrees to move to Milton Keynes with Terry, taking Tiffany and Morgan with her. Tiffany and Morgan return for Whitney's wedding to Lee Carter (Danny-Boy Hatchard) and she tries on her bridesmaid dress. Tiffany acts Document [7](Title: The Bracelet of Bordeaux) the production budget. While several children earned speaking roles, most ended up as extras in the park montage or among the crowd at the bus station; sixty-seven girls are credited as Sprouts (the film's analogue to Brownies), most of whom only ever speak in unison. In addition to individuals who paid to appear in the film, Ally Claire Carson, who plays the role of Helen, is Eakin's daughter. Several other crew members and their families also have small parts or appear as extras, including Eakin himself as an airline passenger and producer Lorie Kapila and her family as the unnamed Question: who plays dean in blue lagoon the awakening Answer:
Brenton Thwaites as Dean McMullen
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: PAW Patrol) Skye is a cockapoo . She serves as an aviator . Her vehicle is a helicopter , and she has wings built into her backpack . She is voiced by Kallan Holley . Document [1](Title: Shiera Sanders Hall) Members of the show's nascent Justice League lay Carter to rest in an Egyptian tomb alongside the body of Shayera. As with Carter's, Shayera's helmet and mace are placed on top of her casket in honor and respect. Hawkgirl is a playable character in "", voiced by Jennifer Hale. She is seen with the rest of the Justice League battling villains on the "Prime" Earth. On the alternate Regime dominated Earth she is a member of the Regime. She and her world's Nightwing attack the "Prime" Joker and the rest of the Joker Clan and is defeated. She later battles Document [2](Title: Princess parrot) second is bright blue wings and bright blue head. Princess parrot The colourful princess parrot ("Polytelis alexandrae") is an Australian bird of the parrot family. Its name was given in honour of Princess Alexandra of Denmark, who later married the Prince of Wales Edward VII and eventually became Queen of the United Kingdom. Other names for the species include: Queen Alexandra parrot (or parakeet), Alexandra's parakeet, Princess of Wales parakeet, rose-throated parakeet, and spinifex parrot. Their plumage is mostly green with a pink throat, bluish crown and rump, and bright green shoulders. The princess parrot is a medium-sized parrot, 34 Document [3](Title: Love in the Time of Hydra) after May admits that Skye should be removed from S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson gives Skye a pair of gloves designed by Agent Jemma Simmons that are intended to negate her abilities, which create earthquakes. Coulson explains to her that though she may have new powers, she is still the same person to him. He then returns to S.H.I.E.L.D., leaving Skye to adjust to her new status quo. In an end tag, 33 and Ward learn of her past, including that her name is Kara, before brainwashing Bakshi themselves. In March 2015, Marvel announced that the fourteenth episode of the season would be Document [4](Title: Mothra) adult form to be capable of emitting beta-wave bioluminescence that can be projected through the intricate patterns on its wings and weaponized into destructive and blinding ‘god rays’. Promotional material also revealed narrower wings, a wider wingspan (at 803 feet or 244.75 meters, it is second only to her original 250-meter wingspan), long praying mantis-like forearms and legs as opposed to bird-like limbs, and a body design more reminiscent of real-life moths, with a smaller body and head. The markings on her wings are said to mark her as the "Queen of the Monsters", and that they apparently link Mothra Document [5](Title: Angel Salvadore) he win them back. According to a 2010 retcon, during this time period Angel served as a member of Beast's squad of X-Men trainees, the Exemplars Squad, though the identities of her teammates are currently unknown. Following the House of M event, Angel, Beak (thanks to the Exiles now back to his base reality) and their children (except Tito) lose their powers & unusual appearance and are now able to live happily together once more. Angel and Beak later resurface as members of the New Warriors. Now going by the name Tempest, Angel has gained fire, ice, and wind/flight powers Document [6](Title: Common raven) from its cousins, the crows, by having a larger and heavier black beak, shaggy feathers around the throat and above the beak, and a wedge-shaped tail. Flying ravens are distinguished from crows by their tail shape, larger wing area, and more stable soaring style, which generally involves less wing flapping. Despite their bulk, ravens are easily as agile in flight as their smaller cousins. In flight the feathers produce a creaking sound that has been likened to the rustle of silk. The voice of ravens is also quite distinct, its usual call being a deep croak of a much more Document [7](Title: Supermarine Spitfire) would take off and, once at circuit height, I would trim the aircraft and try to get her to fly straight and level with hands off the stick ... Once the trim was satisfactory, I would take the Spitfire up in a full-throttle climb at 2,850 rpm to the rated altitude of one or both supercharger blowers. Then I would make a careful check of the power output from the engine, calibrated for height and temperature ... If all appeared satisfactory, I would then put her into a dive at full power and 3,000 rpm, and trim her to fly Question: what type of dog is skye in paw patrol Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939 film)) The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a 1939 American film starring Charles Laughton as Quasimodo and Maureen O'Hara as Esmeralda . Directed by William Dieterle and produced by Pandro S. Berman , the film was based on Victor Hugo 's 1831 novel of the same name . Document [1](Title: The Hunchback (1997 film)) The Hunchback (1997 film) The Hunchback is a 1997 New Zealand fantasy television film based on Victor Hugo's iconic 1831 novel "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame", directed by Peter Medak and produced by Stephane Reichel. It stars Richard Harris as Claude Frollo, Salma Hayek as Esmeralda and Mandy Patinkin as Quasimodo, the titular hunchback of Notre Dame. In 1480 Paris, Dom Claude Frollo finds an abandoned, deformed baby boy on the steps of Notre Dame and takes pity on him, believing him to be sent by God. He names the baby "Quasimodo", and raises him as his son. Twenty-five years later, Document [2](Title: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996 film)) The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996 film) The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a 1996 American animated musical drama film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation for Walt Disney Pictures. The 34th Disney animated feature film, the film is based on the 1831 French novel written by Victor Hugo. The plot centers on Quasimodo, the deformed bell-ringer of Notre Dame, and his struggle to gain acceptance into society. Directed by Kirk Wise and Gary Trousdale and produced by Don Hahn, the film's voice cast features Tom Hulce, Demi Moore, Tony Jay, Kevin Kline, Paul Kandel, Jason Alexander, Charles Kimbrough, David Document [3](Title: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (franchise)) video games, and other merchandise that includes its characters and story alone. York Vision argues the relatively less successful nature of this franchise is "perhaps owing to the lack of a definable ‘Princess’ character," although some people classify her as a princess. "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" is a 1996 American animated musical drama film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released to theaters on June 21, 1996 by Walt Disney Pictures. The 34th Disney animated feature film, and the 7th Disney Renaissance, the film is based on Victor Hugo's 1831 novel of the same name. The plot centers Document [4](Title: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (franchise)) it". In 1996, to tie in with the original theatrical release, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Topsy Turvy Games" was released by Disney Interactive for the PC and the Nintendo Game Boy, which is a collection of mini games based around the Festival of Fools that includes a variation of Balloon Fight. "Disney's Animated Storybook: The Hunchback of Notre Dame" is a point-and-click video game released by Disney Interactive for the PC. It retells the film's plot in an abridged animated storybook form. A world based on "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," La Cité des Cloches (The City of Bells), Document [5](Title: The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse) Bros., but the studio had difficulty obtaining the movie rights even so, since Lyndon retained control of them. Carl Laemmle Jr., Paramount and MGM all bid for the rights, and Laemmle bought them for over $50,000. He then turned them around and sold them to Warners in return for the loan of Paul Muni for another adaptation of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", a film that was never made. Producer Robert Lord originally wanted Ronald Colman to play the part of Dr. Clitterhouse. The film was in production from late February to early April 1938 at Warner Bros. studios in Document [6](Title: John Fasano) a script doctor contracted to Cinergi Pictures, making major contributions to the screenplays for numerous films produced by the company, including "Die Hard with a Vengeance, Tombstone, Judge Dredd," and "Color of Night." Fasano was among the many writers attached to "Alien 3" during its long development. While Vincent Ward was still attached to the project, Fasano expanded the writer-director's story outline into a full screenplay that was ultimately unused. In 1997, he was nominated for a WGA Award for writing "The Hunchback", a television adaptation of Victor Hugo's novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame which stylistically hearkened back to the Document [7](Title: Pierre Gringore) he put severe restrictions on plays and playwrights in place. Gringore moved to Lorraine in 1518, where he married Catherine Roger. Despite the various works in which he attacked the papacy, Gringore was a devout Catholic. One of his later works, "Blazon des hérétiques" (1524) attacks heretics and leaders of the Protestant Reformation, up to and including Martin Luther. A loosely fictionalized vision of Gringoire appears as an important character in Victor Hugo's novel "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame" and films based on it, except the 1996 animated Disney film (in which his character is combined with Captain Phoebus) and its Question: who played quasimodo in the hunchback of notre dame Answer:
Charles Laughton
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Hey Arnold!) Hey Arnold ! stars nine - year - old Arnold ( voiced by Toran Caudell ; Phillip Van Dyke ; Spencer Klein ; Alex D. Linz and Mason Vale Cotton ) and his neighborhood friends : Gerald ( voiced by Jamil Walker Smith and Benjamin Flores Jr . ) , a street - smart character who generally serves as the leader of the group , and Helga ( Francesca Smith ) , a girl who bullies Arnold in order to hide the fact that she is in love with him . Bartlett drew inspiration from people he grew up with when creating the characters for the show . Document [1](Title: Francesca Marie Smith) Francesca Marie Smith Francesca Marie Smith (born ) is an American actress, voice actress and writer, best known for voicing Helga Pataki in the Nicktoons animated children's television series "Hey Arnold!". She studied at Pepperdine University, graduating in 2008. In 1998, Smith won the award for Best Performance in a Voice-Over – TV or Film: Young Actress at the 19th Youth in Film Awards for her role on "Hey Arnold!" She was nominated for Best Youth Actress in a Voice-Over Role: TV or Movie at the 15th Youth in Film Awards for "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and for Best Performance in Document [2](Title: Hey Arnold!: The Movie) jumbotron monitor to be destroyed. Helga denies ever having loved Arnold, claiming that she said those things in "the heat of the moment". Arnold, unconvinced, pretends to accept it as she returns home. In 1998, the Nickelodeon cable network renewed the original "Hey Arnold!" series for a fourth season, and gave creator Craig Bartlett the chance to develop two feature-length adaptations. As work on the fifth season was completing, in 2001, Bartlett and company engaged in the production of the first film, titled "Arnold Saves the Neighborhood". The "Neighborhood" project was originally produced for television and home video, but eventually Document [3](Title: Hercules in New York) name and to play off the name of fellow cast member comedian Arnold Stang, is credited as "Arnold Strong 'Mr. Universe'". According to Schwarzenegger's autobiography, he had all his lines dubbed due to his thick Austrian accent , although the Trimark DVD has an "Original English Dialogue" audio track with Arnold's voice. However, in that version's final scene, Schwarzenegger's voice is not restored when Hercules speaks to Pretzie through his small transistor radio. On October 19, 2006, the "San Francisco Chronicle" reported that Premiere Pictures was auctioning off the rights to the film on eBay for a minimum bid of Document [4](Title: Eduardo Garza) & Friends", Pinocchio in "Shrek 2" and "Shrek 3", Weevil in "Yu-Gi-Oh!", Jamie in "Daria", Tom in "Wheel Squad", Tommy in "3rd Rock from the Sun", Gaara, Gamatatsu, Shukaku and Akamaru in "Naruto", Parco Folgore in "Zatch Bell", Francis in "Malcolm in the Middle", Ichigo Kurosaki in "Bleach", Carl and Carl² in "Carl²", Budge in "Growing Up Creepie", Myron in "Wayside", Xandir in "Drawn Together" (Spanish language title is "La Casa de los Dibujos"), Logan in "Veronica Mars", Tom in "Studio 60" and the Martians of "Toy Story, Toy Story 2" and "". He also voiced Fancy-Fancy (A.K.A. Panza) in Document [5](Title: Tom Arnold (actor)) a percentage of the "Roseanne" ABC-TV series, but would not elaborate, citing a confidentiality clause. In 1994, Arnold appeared as the sidekick to Arnold Schwarzenegger's character in the James Cameron feature film "True Lies". From 2001 through 2005, he was one of the hosts of "The Best Damn Sports Show Period". He provided the voice for the Arby's "Oven Mitt" character in television commercials for the fast-food chain. Arnold had his first romantic leading man part in the 2005 movie "Happy Endings". That same year, Arnold starred in "The Kid & I". From 2008–11, he hosted the CMT show "My Document [6](Title: Hey Joel) Hey Joel Hey Joel is an American adult animated television series that aired on VH1 in 2003. It is about Joel Stein, the host of a three-minute rock-star interview show on VH1 called "3 minutes with Joel". However, he is anything but respectful to his famous guests, often badgering them with aggressive, pointless, irreverent, and often insulting questions. Jon Cryer provides the voicing for the part of Joel. His coworkers include Michele (Daphne Rubin-Vega), his producer, on whom he has a crush; Kevin (Jacob Tierney), his production assistant; Leif (Josh Alexander), his nemesis, who is VH1's star; and Z (Nancy Document [7](Title: Tim Arnold (musician)) the ages of eight and fourteen, he lived in France, Spain and the UK. Arnold has stated he believes in magic after meeting a Pagan “witch” at the age of nine. At fourteen years old, he enrolled as a bard in The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. The teachings inspired him to leave his mother's home in Spain and return alone to England to study at the Rudolf Steiner School, where he formed the band Jocasta with best friend Jack Reynolds. In 1994, Arnold and the band moved from Hertfordshire to London. Jocasta had chart hits with "Go" and Question: who did the voice of arnold in hey arnold Answer:
Toran Caudell
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: T-tubule) Transverse tubules ( T - tubules ) are extensions of the sarcolemma ( muscle cell membrane ) that penetrate into the centre of skeletal and cardiac muscle cells . T - tubules are highly specialised structures , that form within the first few weeks of life , containing large amounts of specific proteins known as ion channels that allow for electrical impulses ( action potentials ) travelling along the sarcolemma , to enter rapidly into the cell , to initiate muscle contraction . Document [1](Title: Neuromuscular junction) the motor end plate, and causes an influx of sodium ions. This influx of sodium ions generates the EPP (depolarization), and triggers an action potential which travels along the sarcolemma and into the muscle fiber via the transverse tubules (T-tubules) by means of voltage-gated sodium channels. The conduction of action potentials along the transverse tubules stimulates the opening of voltage-gated Ca channels which are mechanically coupled to Ca release channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The Ca then diffuses out of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to the myofibrils so it can stimulate contraction. The endplate potential is thus responsible for setting up Document [2](Title: Connecting tubule) Connecting tubule In the kidney, the connecting tubule (CNT, or junctional tubule, or arcuate renal tubule) is a tubular segment of the renal collecting duct system that connects the distal convoluted tubule to the cortical collecting duct. Many sources include the connecting tubule as part of the collecting duct system. However, the embryological origin is more similar to the nephron than it is to the rest of the collecting duct (which derives from the ureteric bud), and other sources therefore classify the connecting tubule with the nephron. Some connecting tubules, usually associated with juxtamedullary nephrons, arch upwards before reaching the Document [3](Title: Myocyte) red pigment that stores oxygen until needed for muscular activity. There are three types of myofilaments: Together, these myofilaments work to produce a muscle contraction. The sarcoplasmic reticulum, a specialized type of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, forms a network around each myofibril of the muscle fiber. This network is composed of groupings of two dilated end-sacs called terminal cisternae, and a single transverse tubule, or T tubule, which bores through the cell and emerge on the other side; together these three components form the triads that exist within the network of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, in which each T tubule has two Document [4](Title: Terminal cisternae) from a nervous impulse to an actual muscle contraction. Terminal cisternae Terminal cisternae are enlarged areas of the sarcoplasmic reticulum surrounding the transverse tubules. These discrete regions within the muscle cell store calcium (increasing the capacity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium) and release it when an action potential courses down the transverse tubules, eliciting muscle contraction. Because terminal cisternae ensure rapid calcium delivery, they are well developed in muscles that contract quickly, such as fast twitch skeletal muscle. Terminal cisternae then go on to release calcium, which binds to troponin. This releases tropomyosin, exposing active sites of the Document [5](Title: T-tubule) disease range from a complete loss of T-tubules to more subtle changes in their orientation or branching patterns. T-tubules may be lost or disrupted following a myocardial infarction, and are also disrupted in the ventricles of patients with heart failure, contributing to reduced force of contraction and potentially decreasing the chances of recovery. Heart failure can also cause the near-complete loss of T-tubules from atrial cardiomyocytes, reducing atrial contractility and potentially contributing to atrial fibrillation. Structural changes in T-tubules can lead to the L-type calcium channels moving away from the ryanodine receptors. This can increase the time taken for calcium Document [6](Title: Muscle) muscle cells (myocytes), and each cell is encased within its own endomysium of collagen fibers. Thus, the overall muscle consists of fibers (cells) that are bundled into fascicles, which are themselves grouped together to form muscles. At each level of bundling, a collagenous membrane surrounds the bundle, and these membranes support muscle function both by resisting passive stretching of the tissue and by distributing forces applied to the muscle. Scattered throughout the muscles are muscle spindles that provide sensory feedback information to the central nervous system. (This grouping structure is analogous to the organization of nerves which uses epineurium, perineurium, Document [7](Title: Peritubular myoid cell) and form several thin elongated layers, approximately 5-7 cell layers, and surround Sertoli cells. These are detected in the lamina propria of the seminiferous tubule and immunohistochemical studies have shown functional distinctions between these layers. The inner layers have been shown to express desmin, a smooth muscle phenotype, whereas the outer layers express vimentin, a connective tissue phenotype. In rodents, PTM cells are one layer thick. Both human and rodent PTM cells are joined by junctional complexes. Peritubular myoid cells are responsible for the contractile nature of the seminiferous tubule. This contraction helps move the spermatozoa and fluid to the Question: what allows the nerve impulses that initiate muscle contraction to travel along the sarcolemma Answer:
Transverse tubules
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) Funding for TANF underwent several changes from its predecessor , AFDC . Under AFDC , states provided cash assistance to families with children , and the federal government paid half or more of all program costs . Federal spending was provided to states on an open - ended basis , meaning that funding was tied to the number of caseloads . Federal law mandated that states provide some level of cash assistance to eligible poor families but states had broad discretion in setting the benefit levels . Under TANF , states qualify for block grants . The funding for these block grants are fixed and the amount each state receives is based on the level of federal contributions to the state for the AFDC program in 1994 States are required to maintain their spending for welfare programs at 80 percent of their 1994 spending levels , with a reduction to 75 percent if states meet other work - participation requirements . States have greater flexibility in deciding how they spend funds as long as they meet the provisions of TANF described above . Document [1](Title: 42 U.S.C. § 652(k)) this practice. Many states have interpreted this section to require the state agency to apply for these benefits. In 1975, federally funded child support collection mechanisms were first extended to parents that were not receiving AFDC (the predecessor to TANF) when part D of the Social Security Act was enacted as part of P.L. 93-647. Child support enforcement measures have been periodically enhanced since 1975. The legislative record on H.R. 3734 is silent on whether or why Congress intended to extend the federally funded, enhanced collection mechanisms to non-welfare recipients or if it even considered the issue. The House Ways Document [2](Title: Aid to Families with Dependent Children) expanded the scope of welfare entitlements to include black women. The welfare rolls racial demographics changed drastically. The majority of welfare recipients still remained white and most black women recipients continued to work. Starting in 1962, the Department of Health and Human Services allowed state-specific exemptions as long as the change was "in the spirit of AFDC" in order to allow some experimentation. By 1996 spending was $24 billion per year. When adjusted for inflation, the highest spending was in 1976, which exceeded 1996 spending by about 8%. In 1967 the federal government began requiring states to establish the paternity Document [3](Title: Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act) ways to increase employment by 20%. The waiver would allow states to provide assistance without having to enforce the work component of the program, which currently states that 50 percent of a state's TANF caseload must meet work requirements. The Obama administration stated that the change was made in order to allow more flexibility in how individual states operate their welfare programs. According to Peter Edelman, the director of the Georgetown Center on Poverty, Inequality and Public Policy, the waivers would reduce restrictions that increase the difficulty for states in helping TANF applicants find jobs. The change has been questioned Document [4](Title: Social programs in the United States) relief spending (in 1935 dollars, or $ million in dollars) was associated with a reduction of one infant death, one suicide, and 2.4 deaths from infectious disease. Virtually all food stamp costs are paid by the federal government. In 2008, 28.7 percent of the households headed by single women were considered poor. Before the Welfare Reform Act of 1996, welfare assistance was "once considered an open-ended right," but welfare reform converted it "into a finite program built to provide short-term cash assistance and steer people quickly into jobs." Prior to reform, states were given "limitless" money by the federal government, Document [5](Title: Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008) the law made the most significant federal improvements to the child welfare system in over a decade. The new law made a number of changes to the child welfare system, which is primarily the responsibility of the states (the Federal government supports the states through funding and legislative initiatives). Major changes include: According to the Congressional Budget Office, the new law will reduce deficits by $12 million between 2009 and 2018, although it will initially increase direct spending by $323 million between 2009 and 2013. In the House, Representative Jim McDermott (D-WA) and former Representative Jerry Weller (R-IL) were active Document [6](Title: CalWORKs) impacts. After 7 years, the employment rates and average wages were somewhat higher for AFDC recipients who had been placed in the reduced-benefit program than in the control group. This could be explained by participants having a greater need for employment income when their benefits are smaller. The average disposable incomes (including wages and benefits) for the reduced-benefit group stayed approximately equal to that of the control group, however, as increases in wages made up for decreases in benefits. This disposable income (for both groups) remained well below the poverty line. A key way the Federal government exerts its influence Document [7](Title: Block grant) Accounting Office, from 1980 to 2001, the number of federal block grant programs went from 450 to 700. The grants are aimed at a wide range of activities from education to healthcare, transportation, housing and counterterrorism. The formulas for how much money states receive favors small states. Most grant programs have a minimum amount per state, usually 0.5% or 0.75% of the total money given to states in the program. For instance, in 2003, under the state Homeland Security Grant Program and Critical Infrastructure Protection, the least populous state, Wyoming received $17.5 million and the most populous state, California, received Question: where does the money for tanf come from Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen of 1789) The Declaration was drafted by General Lafayette , Thomas Jefferson , and Honoré Mirabeau . Influenced by the doctrine of '' natural right '' , the rights of man are held to be universal : valid at all times and in every place , pertaining to human nature itself . It became the basis for a nation of free individuals protected equally by the law . It is included in the beginning of the constitutions of both the Fourth French Republic ( 1946 ) and Fifth Republic ( 1958 ) and is still current . Inspired by the Enlightenment philosophers , the Declaration was a core statement of the values of the French Revolution and had a major impact on the development of freedom and democracy in Europe and worldwide . Document [1](Title: Virginia Declaration of Rights) of rights and the relationship between government and the governed. Article 1 states that "all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights of which ... they cannot deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety," a statement later made internationally famous in the second paragraph of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, as "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, Document [2](Title: Freedom of speech) Chinese government's Ministry of Public Security that filters potentially unfavorable data from foreign countries. Freedom of speech and expression has a long history that predates modern international human rights instruments. It is thought that ancient Athenian democratic principle of free speech may have emerged in the late 6th or early 5th century BC. The values of the Roman Republic included freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Concepts of freedom of speech can be found in early human rights documents. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, adopted during the French Revolution in 1789, specifically affirmed Document [3](Title: Constitution of Ivory Coast) and experience in France, and Houphouët-Boigny himself had served in successive French governments in the 1950s. Not unexpectedly, the 1960 Constitution was largely taken (often verbatim) from the 1958 constitution of the Fifth Republic of France. Like its French counterpart, the Ivoirian Constitution declares that all power derives from the people and is expressed through universal suffrage. It also mandates the separation of executive and legislative authority with limits on the power of the former. In its preamble, the Constitution proclaims its dedication to liberal democratic principles and inalienable human rights as expressed in the 1789 Declaration of the Rights Document [4](Title: Olympe de Gouges) as illegitimate children. In these pamphlets she advanced the public debate on issues that would later be picked up by feminists, such as Flora Tristan. She continued to publish political essays between 1788 and 1791. Such as "Cry of the wise man, by a woman" in response to Louis XVI calling together the Estates-General". Gouges wrote her famous "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen" shortly after the French Constitution of 1791 was ratified by King Louis XVI, and dedicated it to his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette. The French Constitution marked the birth of the short-lived constitutional Document [5](Title: Girondin constitutional project) twenty-five million individuals, a constitution which, being founded solely on the principles of reason and justice, insures to citizens the fullest enjoyment of their rights; to combine the parts of this constitution, so that the necessity of obedience to the laws, the submission of individual wills to the general will, allow the subsistence in all their extent, of the sovereignty of the people, equality among citizens, and the exercise of natural liberty, such is the problem that we had to solve." Are subsequently exposed, in this order: The first article declares the natural, civil, and political rights of men which Document [6](Title: Early life and career of Thomas Jefferson) all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. This has been called "one of the best-known sentences in the English language", containing "the most potent and consequential words in American history". The passage came to represent a moral standard to which the United States should strive. This view was notably promoted by Abraham Lincoln, who based his philosophy on it, and argued for the Declaration as a statement of principles through which the United States Constitution should be interpreted. Intended also Document [7](Title: Saint-Domingue) on 26 August 1789, published the Declaration of the Rights of Man, declaring all men free and equal. The French Revolution shaped the course of the conflict in Saint-Domingue and was at first widely welcomed on the island. At first, wealthy whites saw it as an opportunity to gain independence from France. The elite planters intended to take control of the island and create trade regulations to further their own wealth and power. Between 1791 and 1804, the leaders François Dominique Toussaint-Louverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines led the revolution against the slave system established on the island; slavery in Saint-Domingue, along Question: who created the declaration of the rights of man and citizen Answer:
Thomas Jefferson
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Montage (filmmaking)) From the 1930s to the 1950s , montage sequences often combined numerous short shots with special optical effects ( fades , dissolves , split screens , double and triple exposures ) dance and music . They were usually assembled by someone other than the director or the editor of the movie . Document [1](Title: Film) is remembering a past self, an edit of compositions that causes a time transition. Montage is the technique by which separate pieces of film are selected, edited, and then pieced together to make a new section of film. A scene could show a man going into battle, with flashbacks to his youth and to his home-life and with added special effects, placed into the film after filming is complete. As these were all filmed separately, and perhaps with different actors, the final version is called a montage. Directors developed a theory of montage, beginning with Eisenstein and the complex juxtaposition Document [2](Title: Montage (filmmaking)) Montage (filmmaking) Montage () is a technique in film editing in which a series of short shots are edited into a sequence to condense space, time, and information. The term has been used in various contexts. It was introduced to cinema primarily by Sergei Eisenstein, and early Soviet directors used it as a synonym for creative editing. In French the word "montage" applied to cinema simply denotes editing. The term "montage sequence" has been used primarily by British and American studios, and refers to the common technique as outlined in this article. The montage sequence is usually used to suggest Document [3](Title: Film transition) Film transition A film transition is a technique used in the post-production process of film editing and video editing by which scenes or shots are combined. Most commonly this is through a normal cut to the next shot. Most films will also include selective use of other transitions, usually to convey a tone or mood, suggest the passage of time, or separate parts of the story. These other transitions may include dissolves, L cuts, fades (usually to black), match cuts, and wipes. Every film today, whether it be live-action, computer generated, or traditional hand-drawn animation is made up of hundreds Document [4](Title: Continuity editing) previous to the story present. The young boy scene would be a flashback. The montage technique is one that implies no real temporal continuity whatsoever. Montage is achieved with a collection of symbolically related images, cut together in a way that suggests psychological relationships rather a temporal continuum. Just as important as temporal continuity to overall continuity of a film is spatial continuity. And like temporal continuity, it can be achieved a number of ways: the establishing shot, the 180 degree rule, the eyeline match, and match on action. The establishing shot is one that provides a view of all Document [5](Title: Non-linear editing system) the play list could be done easily, and the results seen immediately. The Montage system generated significant interest and systems were installed in several post-production houses, primarily in Manhattan and LA. The system allowed tracking the 3/2 field pulldown when film was transferred to video via telecine so that a frame-accurate negative cutting list could be generated from a Montage play list. The first feature edited on the Montage was Sidney Lumet's "Power". Notably, Francis Coppola edited "Godfather III" on the system, and Stanley Kubrick used it for "Full Metal Jacket". It was used on several episodic TV shows ("Knott's Document [6](Title: 3D film) while newer rigs are paired with a beam splitter or both camera lenses built into one unit. While Digital Cinema cameras are not a requirement for 3D they are the predominant medium for most of what is photographed. Film options include IMAX 3D and Cine 160. In the 1930s and 1940s Fleischer Studio made several cartoons with extensive stereoscopic 3D backgrounds, including several "Popeye", "Betty Boop", and "Superman" cartoons. In the early to mid-1950s, only half of the major Animation film studios operation experimented with creating traditional 3D animated short subjects. Walt Disney Studio produced two traditional animation short for Document [7](Title: CombineZ) can be used in modifying images (frames) or sets of sequential images (stacks). It can take videos and split them into individual frames which are then manipulated as a stack. For instance, since version CombineZM one can take a movie through a microscope as you wind the focus up or down, and use it for focus stacking. Alternatively, one can convert a sequence of static frames into a movie (including generating intermediate transitional frames for smoothness) or a pseudo-3D 'rocker' image stack animation. Some images created with CombineZP and taken with a Nikon Coolpix P7000: Some images created with CombineZM/CombineZP Question: when did films start using different cuts/shots/montage to help tell a story Answer:
the 1930s
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Enlargement of the European Union) The EU 's predecessor , the European Economic Community , was founded with the Inner Six member states in 1958 , when the Treaty of Rome came into force . Since then , the EU 's membership has grown to twenty - eight , with the latest member state being Croatia , which joined in July 2013 . The most recent territorial enlargement of the EU was the incorporation of Mayotte in 2014 . The most notable territorial reductions of the EU , and its predecessors , were the exit of Algeria upon independence in 1962 and the exit of Greenland in 1985 . Document [1](Title: 2007 enlargement of the European Union) 2007 enlargement of the European Union The 2007 enlargement of the European Union saw Bulgaria and Romania join the European Union (EU) on 1 January 2007. Together with the 2004 enlargement of the European Union, it is considered part of the fifth wave of enlargement of the European Union. Romania was the first country of post-communist Europe to have official relations with the European Community. In 1974, a treaty included Romania in the Community's Generalized System of Preferences. Since the Romanian Revolution of 1989, membership of the EC, and its successor the European Union (EU), has been the main goal Document [2](Title: European Union) as the European Communities were the Inner Six: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany. The Communities and its successors have grown in size by the accession of new member states and in power by the addition of policy areas to its remit. The latest major amendment to the constitutional basis of the EU, the Treaty of Lisbon, came into force in 2009. While no member state has left the EU or its antecedent organisations, the United Kingdom signified the intention to leave after a membership referendum in June 2016 and is negotiating its withdrawal on 29 March Document [3](Title: European Union) agriculture, fisheries and regional development. For travel within the Schengen Area, passport controls have been abolished. A monetary union was established in 1999 and came into full force in 2002 and is composed of 19 EU member states which use the euro currency. The EU and European citizenship were established when the Maastricht Treaty came into force in 1993. The EU traces its origins to the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Economic Community (EEC), established, respectively, by the 1951 Treaty of Paris and 1957 Treaty of Rome. The original members of what came to be known Document [4](Title: Foreign relations of Portugal) and with the United Kingdom as a successor to England, it is still in place today. Other goals have also been constant such as the political stability of the Iberian peninsula and the affirmation of Portuguese interests in Europe and the Atlantic (also in the Indian and Pacific Oceans throughout different moments in history). Portugal was a founding member of NATO (1949), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (1961), and European Free Trade Area (1960); it left the latter in 1986 to join the European Economic Community, which would become the European Union (EU) in 1993. In 1996, it co-founded Document [5](Title: European Exchange Rate Mechanism) the ECU, meaning there was only a minor difference between pegging a currency against the ECU and pegging it against the D-mark. The eurozone was established with its first 11 member states on 1 January 1999. The first enlargement of the eurozone, to Greece, took place on 1 January 2001, one year before the euro had physically entered into circulation. The zone's next enlargements were with states that joined the EU in 2004, and then joined the eurozone on 1 January in the mentioned year: Slovenia (2007), Cyprus (2008), Malta (2008), Slovakia (2009), Estonia (2011), Latvia (2014), and Lithuania (2015). Document [6](Title: France) emerged even stronger than before) it announced a split between the French people and de Gaulle who resigned shortly after. In the post-Gaullist era, France remained one of the most developed economies in the world, but faced several economic crises that resulted in high unemployment rates and increasing public debt. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries France has been at the forefront of the development of a supranational European Union, notably by signing the Maastricht Treaty (which created the European Union) in 1992, establishing the Eurozone in 1999, and signing the Lisbon Treaty in 2007. France has also Document [7](Title: European Union) professing a belief in God. Across the EU, belief was higher among women, older people, those with religious upbringing, those who left school at 15 or 16, and those "positioning themselves on the right of the political scale". Through successive enlargements, the European Union has grown from the six founding states (Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands) to the current . Countries accede to the union by becoming party to the founding treaties, thereby subjecting themselves to the privileges and obligations of EU membership. This entails a partial delegation of sovereignty to the institutions in return for Question: which was the last country to join the eu Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Happy Days) Paramount Home Entertainment and CBS DVD have released the first six seasons of Happy Days on DVD in Region 1 , as of December 2 , 2014 . For the second season , CBS features music replacements due to copyright issues , including the theme song '' Rock Around the Clock '' . ( The Complete First Season retains the original opening , as it was released before CBS was involved ) . Each DVD release after season 2 has contained the original music . ( except for seasons 5 and 6 ) The Sixth Season was released on December 2 , 2014 . As of June 2016 , no more seasons have been planned for release . Document [1](Title: Happy Days (musical)) – A powerhouse rock and roll trip down memory lane". However, panned the musical in 2007, calling it bland. Happy Days (musical) Happy Days is a musical with a book by Garry Marshall and music and lyrics by Paul Williams, based on the ABC TV series of the same name. The story is set in approximately during Season 4 of the original sitcom. The story concerns the kids' plans to save Arnold’s from demolition by hosting a dance contest and wrestling match. It is 1959 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Richie Cunningham and his best friends Potsie Weber and Ralph Document [2](Title: Joanie Loves Chachi) song/music cue composer. A false urban legend circulated that the show was far more popular in Korea due to "chachi" being similar to a Korean word for "penis". The program was shown on the Armed Forces Network terrestrial channel 2, which was seen by the general population, but did not cause a stir because of the name and because the program was not very popular. Scott Baio later recalled that: All the "Happy Days" people had written the first four episodes, when the show got picked up for series, but then they left to go back to Happy Days, and Document [3](Title: Sola (manga)) between April 7, 2007 and June 30, 2007, containing thirteen episodes, though aired on other networks at the same time with slightly different start and end dates. The series was released in five DVD compilation volumes in limited and regular editions,each containing three episodes. The first DVD volume was released on June 22, 2007, followed by the second on July 27, 2007, and the third on August 24, 2007. Two additional episodes were made available exclusively on DVD volumes four and five; the first was released on September 25, 2007, and the second was on October 26, 2007. A poll Document [4](Title: Mickey J. Meyer) and Note Book which were released in 2006. Mickey’s breakthrough came through the movie Happy Days which was a huge hit with college goers and young crowds. At a time when music was commercial in nature, loud and jarring, Mickey brought in a fresh sound with his score. The music of Happy Days was a smash hit and changed the way composers looked at film score composing. Mickey brought in a revival with the sounds and composing structures through this score, and the music was a rage throughout South India. Mickey’s popularity grew over time with massive hits with albums Document [5](Title: The Method (album)) been a 1992 EP, "Happy Hour" – the title track of which they re-recorded for this release – and a 1995 EP, "Unavoidable", which contained versions of three of the songs on this album. Dean Rispler, bass player with fellow NYHC band, Murphy's Law co-produced the album with the band. The album also contains a cover version of a Major Conflict track, "Outgroup". Seven years on from "Brightside" and it would seem the band have not changed. The songs are, once again, short and brutal with not a single one clocking in at over three minutes. However, they had coped Document [6](Title: The Clock (TV series)) The Clock (TV series) The Clock is a 30-minute US anthology television series based upon the American Broadcasting Company radio series, which ran from 1946-48. The half-hour series mostly consisted of original dramas concerning murder, mayhem or insanity. Series narrator Larry Semon was the only regular; each week a new set of guest stars were featured. The title of the series was derived from a clock which was a major plot element in each story. The show's musical theme was "The Sands of Time". Ninety-one episodes aired from 1949 to 1952, most of them on NBC, except for the final Document [7](Title: The Mickey Mouse Club) the summer, when the kids had more time). During the final season, the concerts were replaced primarily by live performances that featured singing and dancing in front of the audience. This version maintained the "theme day" format from the previous two versions. When Disney decided to revamp the show for its final season, the show was reduced to a single weekly airing, shown only on Thursdays. Although still produced as a daily series during the final season taping in 1994, The Disney Channel, after cancelling the series once Season 7 production had concluded, decided to air the final season in Question: how many seasons of happy days are on dvd Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Susan Banks) In January 2014 , it was announced that Davidson would be returning to Days for a three - month story arc after having departed with the show in November 2013 . In late September 2014 , it was announced that Davidson would reprise her role as Susan Banks ; her first time portraying the character in 16 years . Davidson returned to the role once again on November 2 , 2017 . She reprised the role of Susan 's sister , Sister Mary Moira on November 21 , 2017 . Stacy Haiduk debuted as Susan on August 21 , 2018 . Document [1](Title: Eileen Davidson) appeared as Kristen Blake on "Days of Our Lives" beginning in May 1993. As originally conceived, Kristen was a heroine, who had an Achilles' heel in that the show's supervillain, Stefano, had raised her after the death of her parents. James E. Reilly, who assumed head writing reins in 1993, began to make Kristen more of a villainess. Reilly eventually developed an outrageous second role for Davidson, having her play Susan Banks, a Kristen look-alike. Reilly eventually penned three more roles for Davidson (Sister Mary Moira, Thomas, and Penelope). Her character, Kristen, intended to keep her other character, Susan, prisoner Document [2](Title: Susan Banks) let me change it or cut it or whatever I needed to do. It’s easy to write Susan broad, and it's easy to play her broad. So it's always, like, trying to pull it back, but also showing the flavor of her personality." On August 17, 2018, it was announced that Stacy Haiduk had been cast as Susan; she made her first appearance as Susan on August 21, 2018. While James E. Reilly created the character, Davidson was the driving force behind the character’s personality. “Susan was supposed to be insecure from a small town, not very worldly, basically kind Document [3](Title: Kristen DiMera) wanted Davidson on both "The Young and the Restless" and "Days of Our Lives", but that "Y&R" would not share the actress, leading to Sony terminating her contract with that show. Thus it was announced that Davidson would reprise her roles of Kristen Blake and Susan Banks on the NBC Daytime soap. "The Hollywood Reporter" later confirmed that Davidson had signed on to return to "Days of Our Lives" in the role of Kristen, and possibly some of her other characters. In a statement she said, "I'm thrilled to embark on this new adventure at Days and excited to revisit Document [4](Title: Karl Kennedy) Susan to share a drink with him at home. Jessica finds out about Karl and Susan spending the evening together and tells Karl that he can have her or Susan, but not both. They later end their relationship. Valerie sends Jimmy's drums to Karl and he decides to restart his band, The Right Prescription. He invites Adrian Pearce (Christopher Waters) and Ajay Kapoor (Sachin Joab) to join. Karl expresses a concern for Susan's health when he learns she has taken on extra work at the newspaper office, but she reassures him she is looking after herself. Susan informs Karl that Document [5](Title: Dead like Me: Life After Death) was posted on an entertainment industry website for the role of Daisy Adair, formerly played by Laura Harris, who was unable to reprise the role due to commitments with "Women's Murder Club". It noted that John Masius wrote the film and also confirmed that Mandy Patinkin, who starred in the original series, was not in the film. In August 2007, it was confirmed that Sarah Wynter would take over the role of Daisy Adair from Laura Harris. Harris and Wynter previously played sisters in the second season of "24". Henry Ian Cusick would play a new character named Cameron Kane. Document [6](Title: Susan Peters) Susan Peters Susan Peters (born Suzanne Carnahan; July 3, 1921October 23, 1952) was an American film, stage, and television actress who appeared in over twenty films over the course of her decade-long career. Though she began her career in uncredited and ingénue roles, she would establish herself as a serious dramatic actress in the mid-1940s. Born in Spokane, Washington, Peters was raised by her mother in Portland, Oregon and later, Los Angeles. Upon graduating from high school, she studied acting with Austrian theater director Max Reinhardt, and signed a contract with Warner Bros. Pictures. She appeared in numerous bit parts Document [7](Title: Donna Christanello) Susan Green defeated Christianello. In matches on both August 20 and 21, Susan Starr defeated Christianello. In 1987, she wrestled as part of Sensational Sherri's team at the Survivor Series pay-per-view. Christanello was born and raised in Pittsburgh and was of Italian descent. She lived with The Fabulous Moolah on-and-off for forty years, ending in May 1999 when she moved back to Pittsburgh. While living with Moolah, she helped train women wrestlers Sherri Martel and Brittany Brown. After retiring from the ring, she was employed by Wal-Mart in the accounting department. Her niece, Marie Minor, was trained by Christanello and Question: who is playing susan banks on days of our lives now Answer:
Stacy Haiduk
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Prime Minister of Mauritius) Prime Minister of Mauritius Coat of arms of Mauritius Flag of Mauritius Incumbent Pravind Jugnauth since 23 January 2017 Style The Honourable Residence Clarisse House ( Official ) Nominator The President who must appoint the MP supporting a clear majority in the National Assembly Appointer Ameenah Gurib Term length At The President 's Pleasure serving as long as the office holder has a majority in the National Assembly Inaugural holder Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Formation 12 March 1968 ; 50 years ago ( 1968 - 03 - 12 ) Salary Rs 3.66 Million Website Prime Minister Office Document [1](Title: Bangladesh–Mauritius relations) export of Bangladesh. In 2005, Bangladesh has signed an MoU with Mauritius to formulise the existing cooperation in the field of manpower export to Mauritius. As of 2013, there are about 10,000 Bangladeshi expatriates living in Mauritius. Bangladesh–Mauritius relations Bangladesh–Mauritius relations refer to the bilateral relations between Bangladesh and Mauritius. Mauritius recognized Bangladesh on February 20, 1972. In 1978, former Mauritius Prime Minister Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam paid an official visit to Dhaka. Former foreign minister of Mauritius Jaya Krishna Cuttaree visited Dhaka in 2005. In 2009, former Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dipu Moni paid an official visit to Port Louis and Document [2](Title: Seewoosagur Ramgoolam) streets and public places in Mauritius bear the name of Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam (SSR), such as a garden, a recreational centre for elderly people, college and the national airport. He also figures on every Mauritian Rupee coin and on the highest note tender of Rs2,000. A monument was constructed at the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden, a statue at the Caudan Waterfront in Port Louis and another one in the village of Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam's forefathers, near Patna, Bihar, India. Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport is the main international airport in Mauritius. Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam (Hindi: सर शिवसागर Document [3](Title: Mohamed Zahir Hussain) Mohamed Zahir Hussain Dr. Mohamed Zahir Hussain,(Dhivehi:ޑރ. މުޙައްމަދު ޒާހިރު ޙުސައިން) is the Chancellor of Maldives National University and the former Minister of Education as well as the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Maldives. He resigned from the post of Youth Minister in the year 2004 but was again appointed as a senior minister (a special advisor to the president) in 2006 and served in the cabinet of President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom until 2008 presidential election. In 2008, he was conferred the distinguished "Order of Izzuddin" by President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. He is also the Chairman/Owner of the newspaper Document [4](Title: Albadé Abouba) create their own political party called “MPR-Jamhuriya” (Patriotic Movement for the Republic). After the 2016 presidential elections, Albade Abouba’s Party won 13 seats at the parliament. Albade Abouba is since April 2016 the new Minister of State, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock. Albadé Abouba Albadé Abouba is a Nigerien politician who has been the Secretary-General of the National Movement for the Development of Society (MNSD-Nassara) since 2009. He served in the government of Niger as Minister of the Interior from 2002 to 2004 and again from 2007 to 2010. Abouba also served as Prime Minister in an acting capacity for Document [5](Title: Pravind Jugnauth) candidacy in the 8th constituency. On 2 March 2009, he beat out his own relative in the partial elections and gained back his seat in Parliament. His uncle was in the other camp and accepted his defeat humbly. The By-elections sealed the Labour Party and the Militant Socialist Movement alliance for the general elections in 2010. In 2010, he and the MSM joined hands with the Mauritian Labour Party and Mauritian Social Democrat Party and formed a coalition known as Ptr-MSM-PMSD which won the parliamentary elections. President Sir Anerood Jugnauth on the advice of Navin Ramgoolam then appointed him as Document [6](Title: St. Andrew's School (Mauritius)) of Clinique Mauricienne.) In May 1984, Rev. Rex Donat vacated his post to become Bishop of Mauritius and was succeeded by Mr Donald Runghen, B.A., P.G.C.E., as rector since the title of Warden was phased out. In 1995, Prof Goolam Mohamedbhai, former student of St Andrew's School was appointed as the Vice Chancellor of the University of Mauritius. On 1 October 2000, Mrs. Indira Manrakhan becomes the first lady rector of St Andrew's on the retirement of Mr Runghen and the Rev. Michael Chuttooa was appointed as Manager of the school. She was then succeeded by Mrs. Mirella Couronne in Document [7](Title: Kamalesh Sharma) served as UN Secretary General's special representative to East Timor. He was appointed as the High Commissioner of India to Britain in 2004. He is a Vice-President of the Royal Commonwealth Society. He has also been the Chancellor of Queen's University Belfast since July 2009. Sharma was elected to the position of secretary-general over Michael Frendo, foreign minister of Malta, during the biennial Commonwealth summit in Kampala, Uganda held from 22 to 24 November 2007. He took over from Sir Don McKinnon of New Zealand on 1 April 2008. Sharma was re-elected on 30 October 2011 at the 2011 CHOGM. Question: who is the prime minister of republic of mauritius Answer:
Pravind Jugnauth
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Blue (Da Ba Dee)) '' Blue ( Da Ba Dee ) '' is a song by Italian music group Eiffel 65 . It was first released in October 1998 in Italy and became internationally successful the following year . It is the lead single of their debut album Europop . The song is the group 's most popular single , reaching number one in many countries such as Ireland , the United Kingdom , the Netherlands , France , Sweden , Switzerland , New Zealand , Finland , Norway , Australia , Germany and Hungary , as well as reaching number six on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States . Document [1](Title: Blue (Da Ba Dee) (music video)) Blue (Da Ba Dee) (music video) The music video for Eiffel 65's "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" was released in 1999 by the BlissCoMedia, a computer graphics company of the Bliss Corporation, known at the time the video was produced and released as "BlissMultiMedia". The video featured computer graphics done in 3ds Max, and features Eiffel 65 members Maurizio Lobina and Gabry Ponte trying to save Jeffrey Jey from the aliens Zorotl and Sayok6. The video was later uploaded to the Bliss Corporation's official YouTube channel on September 2, 2009, where, as of October 2018, it has more than 165 million Document [2](Title: Liquid Blue) 1 hit "If I Were A Boy" for Beyoncé. Studio Albums Charting Singles Compilations Liquid Blue Liquid Blue is an American indie pop rock band/cover band formed in San Diego, California in 1996 by Scott Stephens & Michael Vangerov. The group has performed in more than 500 cities in 100 countries on six continents and have been recognized as "the world's most traveled band". They are more popular in parts of Asia and Europe than in their home country (USA). In 2010 the group scored their first hit in the United States with the song "Earth Passport", which reached No. Document [3](Title: Blue on Blue (song)) clothing company Gina Tricot. In 2017 Marc Almond released the song on his album of mainly cover songs called "Shadows & Reflections". Almond had previously sung the song at a Burt Bacharach evening at the London Palladium, which Bacharach performed in himself. Blue on Blue (song) "Blue on Blue" is a popular song composed by Burt Bacharach with lyrics by Hal David, first recorded by Bobby Vinton in 1963. Vinton's single spent 13 weeks on the "Billboard" Hot 100 chart, peaking at No. 3 on July 6, 1963, while reaching No. 2 on "Billboard"<nowiki>'</nowiki>s Middle-Road Singles chart. Vinton's single was Document [4](Title: All Rise (Blue album)) All Rise (Blue album) All Rise is the debut studio album by English boy band Blue, released on 26 November 2001 in the United Kingdom and on 27 April 2004 in the United States. It peaked at number one on the UK Albums Chart and was certified 4× Platinum in the UK. The album spent 63 weeks on the UK top 75 Albums chart. The album received mixed to positive reviews from critics. Sharon Mawer of AllMusic gave the album three and half stars out of five and noted, "The vocals were sung as if there was some real feeling, Document [5](Title: Gabry Ponte) Da Blitz was also one of many well known figures from Bliss Corporation to lend his hand in the production and mixing stages. Ultimately Sangwara was Gabry Ponte's big entrance into the world of music. Containing: Gabry Ponte Gabriele "Gabry" Ponte (born 20 April 1973) is an Italian DJ, remixer, record producer, and radio personality, best known for his membership in the Italian dance group Eiffel 65. With Eiffel 65's rise to fame in the late '90s, his celebrity status was established. He later went on to produce the Italian hit single "Geordie" (a cover of Fabrizio de André's song Document [6](Title: Barry Blue) in 1989 with a remix version of "Dancin' (On A Saturday Night)". Throughout 1973-74, Blue appeared on many major TV shows and tours alongside artist such as Queen, Abba and Status Quo. Blue achieved a million seller in 1975 with "Kiss Me Kiss Your Baby" recorded by Brotherhood of Man. Two years later (1977) he co-wrote "Devil's Gun" a song by C. J. & Company from the album of the same name. The song went to No. 1 for five weeks on the "Billboard" disco/dance chart. The single also peaked at No. 36 on the "Billboard" Hot 100 and No. Document [7](Title: W&W) Madness", so neither artists nor titles were announced. Hardwell also played the song at the Ziggo Dome for his "United We Are" tour on January 2015 while Tiësto played it at Ultra Buenos Aires. In the end, "Rave after Rave" was released as a solo track on 16 March 2015. During their set at the Ultra Music Festival, the duo debuted new songs, including collaborations with MOTi and Hardwell, as well as a remix of the 2000 hit "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" by Italian trio Eiffel 65. A second collaboration with Blasterjaxx was also debuted at the festival. It is Question: when was i'm blue da ba dee made Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: One World Trade Center) The building 's architect was David Childs , whose firm Skidmore , Owings & Merrill ( SOM ) also designed the Burj Khalifa and the Willis Tower . The construction of below - ground utility relocations , footings , and foundations for the new building began on April 27 , 2006 . One World Trade Center became the tallest structure in New York City on April 30 , 2012 , when it surpassed the height of the Empire State Building . The tower 's steel structure was topped out on August 30 , 2012 . On May 10 , 2013 , the final component of the skyscraper 's spire was installed , making the building , including its spire , reach a total height of 1,776 feet ( 541 m ) . Its height in feet is a deliberate reference to the year when the United States Declaration of Independence was signed . The building opened on November 3 , 2014 ; the One World Observatory opened on May 29 , 2015 . Document [1](Title: 2 World Trade Center) One World Trade Center, so the two towers -- even though they're not twinning -- by having a mutual relationship, the space between them is parallel, although at an incline." The tower has also been described to integrate Tribeca with the Financial District, as the design's cantilevers and terraces resemble the modern architecture known of the neighborhood. The first three floors of the office building, including the ground level, will feature about of retail space. The tower will be the second–tallest skyscraper on the World Trade Center site following One World Trade Center. After the pulling out of News Corp Document [2](Title: 875 North Michigan Avenue) in Chicago and the ninth-tallest in the United States, after One World Trade Center, the Willis Tower, 432 Park Avenue, the Trump Tower Chicago, the Empire State Building, the Bank of America Tower, 30 Hudson Yards and the Aon Center. When measured to the top of its antenna masts, it stands at . The building is home to several offices and restaurants, as well as about 700 condominiums. It also contains the third-highest residence in the world, after the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Trump Tower in Chicago. The building was named for John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, Document [3](Title: 2 World Trade Center) collapsed at 9:59 a.m. after burning for 56 minutes in the fire caused by the impact of United Airlines Flight 175 and the explosion of its fuel. The new 81-story building, if erected, will have a total height of . In comparison, the Empire State Building's roof at the 102nd floor is tall, with its antenna, and the original 2 World Trade Center (referred to as the South Tower) was . The tower was originally designed by Foster and Partners, based in London, but has since been redesigned by the Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG). In Foster and Partners' design, the Document [4](Title: Empire State Building) 1961, the same year that Helmsley, Wien, and Malkin had purchased the Empire State Building, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey formally backed plans for a new World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan. The plan originally included 66-story twin towers with column-free open spaces. The Empire State's owners and real estate speculators were worried that the twin towers' of office space would create a glut of rentable space in Manhattan as well as take away the Empire State Building's profits from lessees. A revision in the World Trade Center's plan brought the twin towers to each or Document [5](Title: Trump World Tower) Trump World Tower Trump World Tower is a residential condominium in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. The building was developed by Donald Trump and opened in 2001. The tower is located at 845 United Nations Plaza (First Avenue between 47th and 48th Streets, Manhattan). Construction began in 1999 and concluded in 2001. Designed by the architect Costas Kondylis, the building is high and has 72 constructed floors (but lists 90 stories on elevator panels) with curtain wall facades of dark, bronze-tinted glass. The resulting large windows allow for extensive views of the East River and Midtown Manhattan. The building is Document [6](Title: 5 World Trade Center) steel-framed nine-story low-rise office building built in 1970–72 at New York City's World Trade Center. The building was designed by Minoru Yamasaki and Emery Roth & Sons. The structure was 118 ft (36 m) tall and had a black exterior. It suffered severe damage and partial collapse on its upper floors as a result of the September 11 attacks in 2001. The remaining structure was demolished by the Port Authority in December 2001, making way for reconstruction. The building was L-shaped and occupied the northeast corner of the World Trade Center site. Overall dimensions were , with an average area Document [7](Title: DC Towers) on Feb 26, 2014 by Buzz Aldrin. DC Tower 2 is expected to be 168 metres high which will make it Vienna's fourth tallest building. Due to the global financial crisis 2007, ground breaking had to be delayed several times. Eventually construction was started on 17 June 2010. After slightly more than three years, DC Tower 1 is outwardly complete, while works inside the building are on-going. Work will start on DC Tower 2 after DC Tower 1 has been fully completed. Most of the available floor space will be used for offices. Baxter International has been confirmed as one Question: who is the architect of one world trade center Answer:
David Childs
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Queen of Katwe) Queen of Katwe is a 2016 American biographical sports drama film directed by Mira Nair and written by William Wheeler . Starring David Oyelowo , Lupita Nyong'o , and Madina Nalwanga , the film depicts the life of Phiona Mutesi , a Ugandan girl living in a slum in Katwe . She learns to play chess and becomes a Woman Candidate Master after her victories at World Chess Olympiads . Document [1](Title: Queen (2014 film)) in Telugu as "That is Mahalakshmi" with Tamannaah, and in Malayalam as "Zam Zam" with Manjima Mohan in the lead role. Queen (2014 film) Queen is a 2014 Indian comedy-drama film directed by Vikas Bahl and produced by Anurag Kashyap, Vikramaditya Motwane, and Madhu Mantena. The film stars Kangana Ranaut in the lead role, with Lisa Haydon and Rajkummar Rao playing supporting roles. Rani, an under-confident Punjabi girl from New Delhi embarks on her honeymoon to Paris and Amsterdam by herself after her fiancé calls off their wedding. Bahl co-wrote the script of "Queen" with Chaitally Parmar and Parveez Shaikh. Document [2](Title: Tamannaah) at the box office. She earned a nomination at the CineMAA Awards 2012 in the Best Actor Female category. She played the role of a village girl in Hari's "Venghai", co-starring Dhanush, whom she called a "subtle and underplayed" character. Both the film and her performance opened to mixed reviews from critics, with Pavithra Srinivasan of stating that Tamannaah "appears neatly attired in classy dresses but suddenly takes to wearing skimpy clothes that display her midriff" and looks "so dazzlingly white that you want to reach for your sun-glasses". Her next release "Oosaravelli", co-starring N. T. Rama Rao Jr. Document [3](Title: Arante Mulla Kochu Mulla) written by Madhu Alappuzha. arante mulla kochumulla Arante Mulla Kochu Mulla Arante Mulla Kochu Mulla is a Malayalam family film directed by Balachandra Menon, starring Balachandra Menon, Shankar, Srividya, and Laksmi. The film is noted for the performances of the late Srividya and Laksmi, who portray sisters-in-law. Sisters-by-marriage Maheswariyamma (Lakshmi) and Thankamani Kunjamma (Srividya), though feigning mutual affection, are in fact bitter rivals: when the rich, handsome bank manager Omanakuttan (Shankar) arrives in town they both plot alliances between him and their respective daughters, Kavitha and Bindu. The arrival of another stranger, Prabhakaran(*Balachandra Menon), transforms the story. The music was Document [4](Title: Lorry Girl) This role is done by Sharan, a well experienced actor from 1990, who has already won several awards for his performances. Kani is the innocent daughter of Lachu. Selvam loves her and she opens her mind only to him. This grows to be a sweet tie between them which illustrates the warmth of relations in Kerala culture in India. This role is done by Meghna, an upcoming artist. Aadarsh is another new face appears as Selvam, who is a model too. The main location of the shoot is Kava, Palakkad, Kerala, India. Most of the scenes of this short film Document [5](Title: Nonzee Nimibutr) about a young man who must leave the Buddhist monkhood and go to Muslim-dominated southern Thailand to attend to the affairs of his sister, who was killed in a train bombing. In 2005, he directed a short film, "The Ceiling" for the Asian Film Academy, in conjunction with the Pusan International Film Festival. The 18-minute, English-language film starred South Korean actors is the story of a young writer who climbs into the crawlspace above her apartment and spies on the woman living next door. His next film, "Queens of Langkasuka", is an epic historical-fantasy involving pirates and three princesses who Document [6](Title: Kati (book series)) Lindgren critically examines the racism in America. Her protagonist Kati is shocked about the racial segregation and the way black people were threatened. Gabrielle Cromme praises that Lindgren's Kati series does without any "pedagogical intervention". According to her many other girl novels during that time would try to educate the girls. In the Kati books the joy and cosmopolitanism are dominant. Jana Mikota adds that the Kati series don't correspond with "the traditional understanding of girls literature". The readers meet young women who are interested in literature, history and politics. The girls are quick-witted and can laugh at themselves. Birgitta Document [7](Title: Anuya Bhagvath) same name by Rabindranath Tagore. She later featured in the Doordarshan TV series, "Ek Tha Rusty" (2014), playing Maharani. Later in 2017, Anuya participated in the first season of "Bigg Boss Tamil", but became the first contestant to be evicted. She later claimed that her inability to speak Tamil fluently meant that other contestants were less accepting of her presence in the show. Anuya Bhagvath Anuya Y Bhagwat is an Indian film actress and model who has appeared in Tamil films. She is best known for her performances in Rajesh's romantic comedy "Siva Manasula Sakthi" (2009) and Shankar's "Nanban" (2012). Question: where does the movie queen of katwe take place Answer:
a slum in Katwe
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Spirit Riding Free) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Storyboarded by Original release date 34 '' Lucky and the Doubtful Drought '' Beth Sleven Rich Burns Jean Kang & Kimberly Jo Mills August 17 , 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 17 ) 35 '' Lucky and the Arabian Nightmares '' Beth Sleven Robert Taylor Kathryn Marusik & Kimberly Jo Mills August 17 , 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 17 ) 36 '' Lucky and the Fearless Fillies '' Joshua Taback Lauren Bradley Richard Gaines & Rick Lacy August 17 , 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 17 ) 37 '' Lucky and the Resolutionary Fever '' Julia '' Fitzy '' Fitzmaurice Laura Sreebny Marc Wasik & Kevin Wotton August 17 , 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 17 ) 38 5 '' Lucky and the Cousin Caper '' Beth Sleven Rich Burns Jean Kang & Kimberly Jo Mills August 17 , 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 17 ) 39 6 '' Lucky and the Wayward Wedding '' Joshua Taback Aury Wallington Richard Gaines & Rick Lacy August 17 , 2018 ( 2018 - 08 - 17 ) Document [1](Title: Stepping Out (play)) in London in October 1997, Bill Kenwright producing. The show has been adapted for American audiences by Astrid Ronning and Nina Seely as "One Night A Week". 2009 UK touring production Cast: Brian Capron "(Geoffrey)", Jessie Wallace "(Sylvia)", Rosemary Ashe "(Mrs Fraser)", Wendy Mae Brown "(Rose)", Carrie Ellis "(Maxine)", Susie Fenwick "(Vera)", Katie Kerr "(Lynne)", Johanne Murdock "(Andy)", Karen Traynor "(Dorothy)", Lucy Williamson "(Mavis)", Lucy Woolliscroft "(Fairy/Understudy)", Ian Ganderton "(Understudy)", Yasmin Pettigrew "(Understudy)", Felicity Butler "(Understudy)". 2010 UK touring production Cast: Brian Capron "(Geoffrey)", Anita Harris "(Vera)", Katie Kerr "(Sylvia)", Janet De Vigne "(Mrs Fraser)", Wendy Mae Brown "(Rose)", Natalie Document [2](Title: Feel Good Film Festival) FGFF schedule include James Darren, Sally Field, Jorja Fox, Gregory Harrison, Cliff Robertson ("Accidental Icon: The Real Gidget Story"), Greta Gerwig, Iggy Pop ("Art House"), Daniel Baldwin, Orson Bean, Willie Garson, Clint Howard, Craig Sheffer ("Ashley's Ashes"), Margot Farley], Mitzi Kapture, John Saxon, Tim Thomerson ("God's Ears"), Anne Hathaway, Leeza Gibbons ("10 Mountains 10 Years"), Beth Grant ("Herpes Boy"), James Hong, Jenna Jameson, Ken Jeong, Josh Meyers, Krysten Ritter, Ian Somerhalder ("How to Make Love to a Woman"), Tim Allen, Louis C.K., Tommy Davidson, Dana Gould, Kathy Griffin, Sarah Silverman ("I Am Comic") and Elaine Hendrix ("The Cloggers"). Also included Document [3](Title: The Only Way Is Essex) airing from 23 February 2014 consisting of 12 episodes, ending on 2 April 2014. This series was the first to include Fran Parman, Grace Andrews and Georgia Kousoulou but was the last to feature original cast member Sam Faiers as she departed to focus on her health. Mark Wright also made another cameo appearance during this series, and it also included the return of Lydia Bright who made a full-time return to the series during the series finale. The twelfth series began on 22 June 2014 with two "The Only Way Is Marbs" specials followed by 10 regular episodes, concluding Document [4](Title: National Book Award for Fiction) 1988: Pete Dexter — "Paris Trout" 1989: John Casey — "Spartina" 1990: Charles Johnson — "Middle Passage" 1991: Norman Rush — "Mating" 1992: Cormac McCarthy — "All the Pretty Horses" 1993: E. Annie Proulx — "The Shipping News" 1994: William Gaddis — "A Frolic of His Own" 1995: Philip Roth — "Sabbath's Theater" 1996: Andrea Barrett — "Ship Fever and Other Stories" 1997: Charles Frazier — "Cold Mountain" 1998: Alice McDermott — "Charming Billy" 1999: Ha Jin — "Waiting" 2000: Susan Sontag — "In America" 2001: Jonathan Franzen — "The Corrections" 2002: Julia Glass — "Three Junes" 2003: Shirley Hazzard Document [5](Title: Steven Elder) (2009) Tony (premiered 8 September 2009 Venice International Film Festival) "Echelon Conspiracy" (2009) Charles "Gallowwalker" (2009) Apollo Jones "Good" (2009) Adolf Eichmann "Trapped" (2008) David Jackson "He Said" (2007) Karl "Blackbeard" (2006) Jack Spector "" (2005) Dorian "Cold and Dark" (2005) Mabbs "The Defender" (2004) Tech 1 "Vanity Fair" (2004) Curzon Street Footman "Ten Minutes" (2003) Paul "Get Real" (1998) Bob Television "Endeavour (TV series)" (2018) Barker "Trauma" (2017) Steve Becket "George Gently" (2017) Tommy Norton "Vera (TV series)" (2017) Steve Devonshire "Rillington Place" (2016) Mr Hodges "Apple Tree Yard" (2016) George "Versailles" (2015) Rebel Soldier "Silent Witness" (2015) Mark Document [6](Title: Derek Hough) November 7, 2016 finishing in 6th place which is tied for his lowest finish. Season 5: celebrity partner Jennie Garth; average: 25.6; placed: 4th Season 6: celebrity partner: Shannon Elizabeth; average: 24.5; placed: 6th Season 7: celebrity partner: Brooke Burke; average: 27.1; placed: 1st Season 8: celebrity partner: Lil' Kim; average: 25.8; placed: 5th Season 9: celebrity partner: Joanna Krupa; average: 25.5; placed: 4th Season 10: celebrity partner: Nicole Scherzinger; average: 27.5; placed: 1st Season 11: celebrity partner: Jennifer Grey; average: 27.2; placed: 1st Season 13: celebrity Partner: Ricki Lake; Average: 26.7; Placed: 3rd Season 14: celebrity partner: Maria Menounos; Document [7](Title: Eric Roberts) credits, including "Raggedy Man" (1981), "The Pope of Greenwich Village" (1984), "The Specialist" (1994), "Cecil B. Demented" (2000), "National Security" (2003), "A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints" (2006), "The Dark Knight" (2008), "The Expendables" (2010) and "Inherent Vice" (2014). His equally varied television work includes three seasons with the sitcom "Less than Perfect", as well as recurring roles on the NBC drama "Heroes" and the CBS soap opera "The Young and the Restless", as well as "Saved by the Light", the legal drama "Suits", and Fox's "The Finder". His sisters Julia Roberts and Lisa Roberts Gillan, and daughter Emma Roberts, Question: when will spirit riding free season 6 come out Answer:
August 17 , 2018
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Solicitor General of India) Additional Solicitors General of India Term Maninder Singh 7 June 2014 -- 6 June 2017 ( incumbent ) Paramjit Singh Patwalia 7 June 2014 -- 6 June 2017 ( incumbent ) Aman Lekhi 28 June 2018 - 30 June 2020 ( incumbent ) Tushar Mehta 7 June 2014 -- 6 June 2017 ( incumbent ) Neeraj Kishan Kaul 7 June 2014 -- 6 June 2017 ( incumbent ) Pamidighantam Sri Narasimha 7 June 2014 -- 6 June 2017 ( incumbent ) Pinky Anand 9 July 2014 -- 8 July 2017 ( incumbent ) Anil C Singh 9 July 2014 -- 8 July 2017 ( incumbent ) Sanjay Jain 23 July 2014 -- 22 July 2017 ( incumbent ) G. Rajagopalan 28 July 2014 -- 27 July 2017 ( incumbent ) Prabhuling K Navadgi 8 April 2015 -- 7 April 2018 ( incumbent ) Rajdeepak Rastogi 28 July 2014 -- 27 July 2017 ( incumbent ) Ashok Mehta 10 October 2014 -- 9 October 2017 ( incumbent ) Satya Pal Jain 8 April 2015 -- 7 April 2018 ( incumbent ) Document [1](Title: Satya Pal Jain) Singh, National President, BJP. In May 2013, he was nominated as the Chairman of the six-member National Legal Working Group of the BJP formed by Rajnath Singh, National President, BJP to study comprehensively important legal issues and help the party to effectively formulate its stand on all legal subjects. In March 2015, he was re-nominated as a member of the National Executive Committee of the BJP for the 7th consecutive term by Amit Shah, National President, BJP. On 9 April 2015 he was appointed as the Additional Solicitor General of India in the Punjab and Haryana High Court at Chandigarh Document [2](Title: Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003) by Dr. Arvind Subramanian" Annexure 6 - "Rejoinder of the Committee to the Note of Dissent" Composition of the committee Members Mr N. K. Singh - Chairman Dr Urjit Patel Dr Rathin Roy Mr Sumit Bose Dr Arvind Subramanian Government officers Mr Srinivasan Ramanathan Raja, Undersecretary Mr Prashant Goyal, Joint Secretary (Budget) Mr Naresh Mohan Jha, Director (Budget) Mr L. Sidharth Singh, Director - Comptroller and Auditor General of India Mr Rangeet Ghosh, Officer on Special Duty to the Chief Economic Advisor Mr Kapil Patidar, Deputy Director Mr Syed Zubair Husain Noqvi, Deputy Director Mr Sunil Chaudhary, Deputy Director Specialist Document [3](Title: Puttalam Electoral District) 24 April 2004 for the district: The following candidates were elected: Ashoka Wadigamangawa (UNP), 40,792 preference votes (pv); Abeyrathna Mudiyanselage Indrani Dasanayake (UPFA), 32,508 pv; Antony Victor Perera Biyanwilage (UPFA), 30,525 pv; Kurugamage Sanath Nishantha Perera (UPFA), 26,283 pv; A. S. Sisira Kumara alias W.M.P.Hemantha Sisira Kumara (UNP), 24,478 pv; Anton Prabhath Sithara (UPFA), 23,720 pv; Appuhamilage Vincent (UPFA), 23,120 pv; Piyasiri Ramanayake (UPFA), 21,805 pv; Welikumburage Saman Pushpakumara (UPFA), 19,726 pv; Jude Sumal Thissera (UPFA), 19,653 pv; Arundika Fernando (UPFA), 17,997 pv; Abdeen Ehiya Seinool (UNP), 16,438 pv; Ayoob Khan Mohomed (UNP), 14,105 pv; Gunaherath Chandrasekara Sudath Chandrasekara (UNP), Document [4](Title: Chandrakant Kavlekar) Chandrakant Kavlekar Chandrakant Kavlekar also known as Chandrakant 'Babu' Kavlekar is an Indian Politician from the state of Goa.He is a three term member of the Goa Legislative Assembly. In the election for legislative assembly Babu kavleker successfully won against BJP candidate Prakash Velip and elected as MLA for fourth consecutive term. He is now appointed as Leader of Opposition in Legislative assembly and has become a strong hold in 7 constituencies where he was given responsibility. He represents the Quepem constituency. He was the chairman of the Goa industrial development corporation (GIDC). A case of allegedly having disproportionate wealth. Document [5](Title: 41st Filmfare Awards) Dulhaniya Le Jayenge – Aditya Chopra" "Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge – Aditya Chopra and Javed Siddiqui" "Rangeela - A. R. Rahman" "Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge – Anand Bakshi for Tujhe Dekha To" "Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge – Udit Narayan for Mehndi Laga Ke Rakhna" "Yaraana – Kavita Krishnamurthy for Mera Piya Ghar Aaya" "Mehboob" "Karan Arjun" "Prem – Bijon Dasgupta" "Rangeela – Ahmed Khan for Rangeela Re" "Barsaat – Santosh Sivan" "Rangeela – Manish Malhotra" "Karan Arjun – Sanjay Verma" "Barsaat – Rakesh Ranjan" "Ashok Kumar , Vyjayanthimala and Sunil Dutt" "Asha Bhosle" "Bombay" "Manisha Koirala – Bombay" "A Narmada Document [6](Title: Kurunegala Electoral District) held on 24 April 2004 for the district: The following candidates were elected: Athula Wijesinghe (UPFA), 71,298 preference votes (pv); S. A. Ranasinghe (UPFA), 50,949 pv; A. D. Sumanadasa (UPFA), 45,310 pv; K. M. Nimal Herath (UPFA), 44,141 pv; H. M. K. Manik Gunasekara (UPFA), 43,829 pv; S. N. Wickramasinghe (UPFA), 40,647 pv; Neil Priyantha Liyanage (UPFA), 38,344 pv; K. A. Gunadasa Khannangara (UPFA), 37,482 pv; R. D. Wimaladasa (UPFA), 36,660 pv; Adikari Mudiyanselage Tikiribandara Adikari (UPFA), 33,973 pv; R. B. S. W. M. Manjula C. R. Bandara (UNP), 30,757 pv; R. M. Nilantha Supun Rajapaksha (UPFA), 30,720 pv; Kumara Document [7](Title: Ramesh Pokhriyal) Committee. He is currently a representative of Haridwar constituency in the Lok Sabha and a senior member of Bhartiya Janta Party. He is Member of Vidhan Sabha of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand for five consecutive terms from 1991 to 2012. He was elected first time in 1991 from Karnaprayag ward for three consecutive terms. Pokhriyal was appointed Cabinet Minister for Uttaranchal Development in Shri Kalyan Singh’s Cabinet and in 1999 appointed for Cultural Fulfillment and Endowments in Shri Ram Prakash Gupta’s Cabinet. In 2000, after creation of Uttarakhand state, he was appointed for twelve departments including finance, revenue, tax and Question: who is the new solicitor general of india Answer:
Aman Lekhi
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Who's Lovin' You) '' Who 's Lovin ' You '' is a Motown soul song , written in 1960 by William '' Smokey '' Robinson . The song has been recorded by many different artists including The Miracles , who recorded the 1960 original version , The Temptations , The Supremes , Terence Trent D'arby , Brenda and The Tabulations , John Farnham , Human Nature , En Vogue , Michael Bublé and Giorgia Todrani and Jessica Mauboy . The most famous version is attributed to The Jackson 5 . Twelve - year - old singer Shaheen Jafargholi performed the song at Michael Jackson 's public memorial service in July 2009 . Document [1](Title: Hi... We're the Miracles) numerous others. "After All" - The Supremes and The Marvelettes. "Way Over There" - Edwin Starr, The Temptations, The Marvelettes, The Royal Counts, New Man, and Eddie Adams Jr. "(You Can) Depend on Me" - The Temptations, The Supremes, Mary Wells and Brenda Holloway. "Who's Loving You - The Temptations, The Supremes, The Jackson Five, Terence Trent-D'arby, Brenda and The Tabulations, John Farnham, Human Nature, and En Vogue. "Hi... We're the Miracles" was released on CD by Motown Records in the early 1990s, but is now a valuable out of print collector's item. "Hi... We're the Miracles" and four other Document [2](Title: The Tracks of My Tears) Miracles members Smokey Robinson (lead vocalist), Pete Moore (bass vocalist), and Marv Tarplin (guitarist). In the five-LP publication "The Motown Story", by Motown Records, Robinson explained the origin of this song in these words: "'Tracks of My Tears' was actually started by Marv Tarplin, who is a young cat who plays guitar for our act. So he had this musical thing [sings melody], you know, and we worked around with it, and worked around, and it became 'Tracks of My Tears'." Tarplin's guitar licks at the song's intro are among the most famous in pop music history. "The Tracks of Document [3](Title: Bobby Rogers) The Miracles scored many more hits over the years including the #1 classics "Tears Of A Clown", and "Love Machine". In addition to his work in the Miracles, Rogers was a part-time Motown songwriter; his most notable composition, authored with bandmate Smokey Robinson, was The Temptations' first hit single, "The Way You Do the Things You Do". Rogers also co-wrote The Temptations' 1965 hit "My Baby", Mary Wells' hit, "What Love Has Joined Together", The Contours' 1965 hit "First I Look at the Purse", (later covered by the J. Geils Band), Marvin Gaye's 1966 Top 40 hit, "One More Heartache" Document [4](Title: Take Me in Your Arms (Rock Me a Little While)) since it came out somewhere in the '60s. I just loved that song. So somewhere around '72 I started lobbying to get the band to do a cover of that. And I didn't get anywhere until '75. Then finally in 1975 we actually did it." Doobies member Jeff Baxter said of their recording, "That song was like a dream come true for us. Every musician I've ever known has at some point wanted to achieve Motown's technically slick soul sound - it's so dynamic. We sat down to try to duplicate it, and to see if our version could emerge Document [5](Title: Forever Came Today) The Jackson 5. The Jacksons had replaced the Supremes as the label's top-selling act during the early 1970s and by 1975 were going through problems with Motown and making plans to leave the company. In the US, The Jackson 5's version peaked at number six on the soul chart and at number sixty on the pop chart. On the "Billboard" dance chart, it was the first of two releases, by The Jacksons, to hit number one. The single's B-side, "All I Do Is Think of You", was later extensively covered and sampled by contemporary R&B and hip hop artists. Forever Document [6](Title: You Ain't Livin' till You're Lovin') Diana Ross and the Supremes and The Marvelettes. You Ain't Livin' till You're Lovin' "You Ain't Livin' till You're Lovin'" is a 1968 single released on the Tamla-Motown label by Motown vocal duo Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell. The song gave the duo a boost in the UK where the single was released. Motown's stateside headquarters issued the song as the b-side to the hit "Keep On Lovin' Me Honey". The song eventually reached the top thirty of the UK Top 50 peaking at number twenty-one there. It was the fourth and final release from the duo's best-selling album "You're Document [7](Title: The Tears of a Clown) song as a single in the United States, using a new mix of the song made in February 1970 (whereas the UK release had used the original 1967 stereo mix from the "Make It Happen" LP), where it became a #1 hit on both the pop and R&B charts within two months of its release. Despite the fact that the Miracles had been one of Motown's premier acts in the early and mid-1960s and its first successful group act, "The Tears of a Clown" was their first and only #1 hit while Smokey Robinson was lead singer. (The Miracles hit Question: who sings the song i wonder who's loving you Answer:
The Miracles
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Doggerland) Doggerland was an area now beneath the southern North Sea that connected Great Britain to continental Europe during and after the last glacial period . It was flooded by rising sea levels around 6,500 -- 6,200 BC . Geological surveys have suggested that it stretched from Britain 's east coast to the Netherlands and the western coasts of Germany and the peninsula of Jutland . It was probably a rich habitat with human habitation in the Mesolithic period , although rising sea levels gradually reduced it to low - lying islands before its final submergence , possibly following a tsunami caused by the Storegga Slide . Document [1](Title: Prehistoric Britain) but there was a cold spell around 6,200 BC which lasted about 150 years. The plains of Doggerland were thought to have finally been submerged around 6500 to 6000 BC, but recent evidence suggests that the bridge may have lasted until between 5800 and 5400 BC, and possibly as late as 3800 BC. The warmer climate changed the arctic environment to one of pine, birch and alder forest; this less open landscape was less conducive to the large herds of reindeer and wild horse that had previously sustained humans. Those animals were replaced in people's diets by pig and less Document [2](Title: Wales) allowing the area to become heavily wooded. The post-glacial rise in sea level separated Wales and Ireland, forming the Irish Sea. Doggerland was submerged by the North Sea and, by 8,000 BP, the British Peninsula had become an island. By the beginning of the Neolithic (c. 6,000 BP) sea levels in the Bristol Channel were still about lower than today. John Davies has theorised that the story of Cantre'r Gwaelod's drowning and tales in the Mabinogion, of the waters between Wales and Ireland being narrower and shallower, may be distant folk memories of this time. Neolithic colonists integrated with the Document [3](Title: Common minnow) In Great Britain occurs to 58°N and in Scandinavia and Russia occur up to the northernmost extremities. In western Europe the southern limit appears to be the Garonne and the upper Rhone. It has been recorded in the drainages of the Volga and the Ural, as well as in Lake Balkhash and the upper Syr-Darya drainage. Records else where require confirmation as this species is similar to a number of others. In Scotland it is regarded as an introduced non native species, and this is probably the case in Ireland. Introductions are likely to have occurred elsewhere, including Norway. The Document [4](Title: Timeline of prehistoric Scotland) of either a Neanderthal presence or of "Homo sapiens" during the Pleistocene interglacials, the first indications of humans in Scotland occurring only after the ice retreated in the 11th millennium BC. Since that time, the landscape of Scotland has been altered dramatically by both human and natural forces. Initially, sea levels were lower than at present due to the large volume of ice that remained. This meant that the Orkney archipelago and many of the Inner Hebridean islands were attached to the mainland, as was the present-day island of Great Britain to Continental Europe. Much of the present-day North Sea Document [5](Title: North Sea) grown and shrunk with the rise and fall of the eustatic sea level during geologic time. Sometimes it was connected with other shallow seas, such as the sea above the Paris Basin to the south-west, the Paratethys Sea to the south-east, or the Tethys Ocean to the south. During the Late Cretaceous, about , all of modern mainland Europe except for Scandinavia was a scattering of islands. By the Early Oligocene, , the emergence of Western and Central Europe had almost completely separated the North Sea from the Tethys Ocean, which gradually shrank to become the Mediterranean as Southern Europe Document [6](Title: Rhine) Atlantic Ocean. The English Channel, the Irish Channel and most of the North Sea were dry land, mainly because sea level was approximately lower than today. Most of the Rhine's current course was not under the ice during the last Ice Age; although, its source must still have been a glacier. A tundra, with Ice Age flora and fauna, stretched across middle Europe, from Asia to the Atlantic Ocean. Such was the case during the Last Glacial Maximum, ca. 22,000–14,000 yr BP, when ice-sheets covered Scandinavia, the Baltics, Scotland and the Alps, but left the space between as open tundra. Document [7](Title: Tunnel valley) Germany, Northern France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway. They have been studied in detail in Denmark, north Germany and north Poland where the thick ice sheet of the Weichsel and earlier Glaciations, having flowed down from the mountains of Scandinavia, began to rise up the north-European slope, driven by the altitude of the glacial ice accumulation over Scandinavia. Their alignment indicates the direction of ice flow at the time of their formation. They are found extensively in the United Kingdom with several examples reported from Cheshire for example. They are also to be found under Question: when did the land bridge between britain and europe disappear Answer:
around 6,500 -- 6,200 BC
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta (season 7)) The seventh season of the reality television series Love & Hip Hop : Atlanta will premiered on VH1 on March 19 , 2018 . The show was primarily filmed in Atlanta , Georgia . It is executively produced by Mona Scott - Young and Stephanie R. Gayle for Monami Entertainment , Toby Barraud , Stefan Springman , David DiGangi , Lashan Browning and Donna Edge - Rachell for Eastern TV , and Nina L. Diaz , Liz Fine and Vivian Gomez for VH1 . Document [1](Title: Love & Hip Hop: New York) Love & Hip Hop : New York ( also known as Love & Hip Hop ) is the original installment of the Love & Hip Hop reality television franchise on VH1 . The series premiered on March 6 , 2011 , and chronicles the lives of several people in New York City ( and nearby areas , including New Jersey , and Yonkers ) , involved with hip hop music . Its success has produced the spin - offs Love & Hip Hop : Atlanta , Chrissy & Mr. Jones , Love & Hip Hop : Hollywood , K. Michelle : My Life , Stevie J & Joseline : Go Hollywood , Leave It To Stevie and Love & Hip Hop : Miami . On October 2 , 2017 , VH1 announced the show 's return for an eighth season , which will premiere on October 30 , 2017 . Document [2](Title: Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta) "spoken to God" and he told her "it was the best thing to do". She was replaced by K. Michelle. On May 15, 2012, VH1 announced "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" would make its series premiere on June 18, 2012. "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" is a "docu-soap" that revolves around the everyday lives of women and men in hip hop's "dirty south". The first seasons focus on the personal and professional struggles of six women, two of which are known as girlfriends of famous R&B artists and rappers, and the other four are aspiring recording artists. Subsequent seasons expanded Document [3](Title: Love & Hip Hop) focused on the reality on being openly LGBT in the hip hop community, and coincided with the airing of the seventh episode "Truth", in which bisexual cast member Miles comes out to his ex-girlfriend Amber. On November 2, 2015, VH1 announced that "Love & Hip Hop: New York" would be returning for a sixth season on December 14, 2015. On December 2, 2015, VH1 announced the spin-off "", starring Stevie J and Joseline Hernandez, would make its series premiere on January 25, 2016, back-to-back with the second season of "K. Michelle: My Life". On March 8, 2016, VH1 announced that Document [4](Title: Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta) that there’s anybody who’s navigated that world who would deny that these things happen.” Despite the criticism, the franchise has dominated the ratings since its inception, and has been described as "riveting", "addictive" "bawdy and hilarious" and a "guilty pleasure". In 2014, Complex named Joseline Hernandez, Stevie J, K. Michelle, Momma Dee and Shay Johnson as some of the greatest VH1 reality stars of all time. "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" is often criticized for appearing to fabricate much of its storyline. Scott-Young has denied those claims: “I can’t stress enough that the stuff they deal with on ("Love & Document [5](Title: Love & Hip Hop: New York) Ma and Papoose, would air on December 18, 2017. On August 8, 2016, VH1 and 345 Games announced the release of "Love & Hip Hop: The Game", a mobile game for iOS and Android. It was released worldwide on September 22, 2016. On November 26, 2018, the show's ninth season would be accompanied by an official podcast, "Love & Hip Hop: The Tea", hosted by Jesse Janedy, TK Trinidad and Lem Gonsalves. "Love & Hip Hop" episodes air regularly on VH1 in the United States. Episodes in the first season run from around 21–24 minutes, episodes in subsequent seasons run Document [6](Title: Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood (season 4)) show to express her displeasure with producers, as well as threatening legal action and storming off set. Friends and family Hip hop music industry <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> "Love & Hip Hop Hollywood: Check Yourself", which features the cast's reactions to each episode, was released weekly with every episode on digital platforms. Deleted scenes from the season's episodes were released weekly as bonus content on VH1's official website. Several cast members had their music featured on the show and released singles to coincide with the airing of the episodes. Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood (season 4) The fourth season of the reality television Document [7](Title: Love & Hip Hop: Miami (season 1)) 2017, VH1 announced "Love & Hip Hop: Miami" would make its series premiere in January 2018. The series would star Trina, Trick Daddy, Afro-Latina singer Amara La Negra, Gunplay, Cuban-Venezuelan rapper Veronica Vega, party promoter Prince, ""s Shay Johnson and openly gay rapper Bobby Lytes, with stylist Jojo Zarur, Pleasure P, Baby Blue Whoaaaa, stripper-turned-rapper Miami Tip, producer Young Hollywood, DJ Michelle Pooch, Gunplay's girlfriend Keyara Stone, Trick Daddy's estranged wife Joy Young, JT Money's son Jeffrey White, stylist Malik Williams, Steph Lecor, Prince's girlfriend Liz Cifuentes, model Gabby Davis, socialite Chinese Kitty and her mother Chinese Nicky rounding out Question: when do love and hip hop atlanta come on 2018 Answer:
March 19 , 2018
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Rurouni Kenshin episodes) There were 95 episodes in the Rurouni Kenshin 's TV series , but there are also two original video animation ( OVA ) series which have respectively four and two episodes . The first of them , Rurouni Kenshin : Trust & Betrayal was released in 1999 in Japan and in 2003 was collected into a two - hour feature - length motion picture with new animated sequences and released in North America as a Director 's Cut DVD . The second OVA is Rurouni Kenshin : Reflection , composed of two episodes that were originally released on December 12 , 2001 in Japan . It was later released in the United States by ADV Films in DVD on March 25 , 2003 , while a Director 's Cut edition was later released . Both OVAs were eventually released on Blu - ray Disc by Aniplex of America in 2011 . Document [1](Title: Rurouni Kenshin) 23, 2012 and ran for three weeks in ten theaters. Aniplex of America announced at Otakon 2011 that they were in "negotiations" for the English language rights to the films. Aniplex released part I on DVD and Blu-ray on March 21, 2012 in Japan, while Part II was released on August 22, 2012. In 2013, North American licensor Sentai Filmworks released both films together on DVD and Blu-ray, editing them into a single movie. There are also two "Rurouni Kenshin" original video animation (OVA) series which was trailered at the end of season 3, Tales Of The Meiji, to begin Document [2](Title: Higurashi When They Cry) (at timestamp 0:55) the opening; it was replaced with an image of a van from the series' fictional junk yard. A three-arc, five-episode original video animation series, entitled "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei", began to be released on February 25, 2009, and is directed by Toshifumi Kawase. The OVA series also started a limited broadcasting in Bandai Channel prior to DVD release. Sentai Filmworks has licensed the "Rei" OVAs. The OVA contains three story arcs, "Hajisarashi-hen", "Saikoroshi-hen", and "Hirukowashi-hen", with "Saikoroshi-hen" concluding in three episodes, and the other two arcs concluding in one episode each. "Hajisarashi-hen" was originally a Document [3](Title: Oh My Goddess!) in Japan, on TBS, on January 6, 2005, and ended on July 7, 2005. Bandai Visual released the episodes in Japan between April and November 2005, as eight DVD compilations each containing three episodes. The two original video animations (OVAs), which had not been broadcast, were released on a special DVD on December 23, 2005. The series was licensed for a Region 1 release by Media Blasters. Six DVD compilations, containing all twenty-six episodes, were released between September 2005 and July 2006. Each DVD contained four episodes, excluding the first two, which contained five each. A premium complete season box Document [4](Title: Mermaid Saga) "Fire Tripper", and "Laughing Target"). The second OVA, "Mermaid's Scar", was released in Japan on VHS and Laserdisc by Madhouse on September 24, 1993. Viz media published a dubbed release on VHS on November 21, 1995. In 2003 the animation company Tokyo Movie Shinsha produced a 13 episodes TV series based on Takahashi's short stories as part of the Takahashi Rumiko Gekijō series. All but "Mermaid's Gaze" were animated. While closely following the story of the original manga (more so than the OVA versions), many of the violent aspects of the stories were toned down. Only eleven episodes were shown Document [5](Title: Yūkan Club) is licensed in Indonesia by Elex Media Komputindo. The manga was adapted into an original video animation. The first OVA's ending theme was "Shake Dance" by Toy Boys, while "Rainy Dance", also by Toy Boys, was the second OVA's ending theme. The first OVA was released on a VHS on July 25, 1991. The second OVA premiered on December 14, 1991 as a film, in Toho cinemas. The second OVA was released on April 25, 1992. Both of the VHSs were released by Madhouse Studios. Directed by Oya Taro, the drama's 10 episodes were broadcast on Nippon Television between October Document [6](Title: Steins;Gate) of "Newtype" and "Comptiq". The adaptation was produced by White Fox and aired in Japan between April 6, 2011 and September 14, 2011. The entire series was released in Japan on nine DVD/Blu-ray combo packs. Each set features 2–3 episodes, an art book, and a bonus disc containing music and radio dramas by the Japanese voice cast. An OVA episode was released with the final DVD/BD volume on February 22, 2012. The adaptation was directed by Hiroshi Hamasaki and Takuya Satō, with series' composition by Jukki Hanada and music by Takeshi Abo and Murakami Jun. Funimation has licensed the series Document [7](Title: Battle Royal High School) anime is considerably condensed when compared to its manga source material, making many characters seem out of place. The OVA was localized in English and released in North America by AnimEigo on VHS July 31, 1996 and on DVD September 23, 2003. The anime is out-of-print in the region since 2011. A story about a high school karate master possessed by a demon lord who is his doppelganger and wants to enslave the world but first needs to destroy a demonic fairy who also wants to enslave the world and is possessing a demon hunter, and the high-tech temporal security Question: how many episodes of rurouni kenshin are there Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Korea and the United Nations) The Republic of Korea ( commonly known as South Korea ) and the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea ( commonly known as North Korea ) were simultaneously admitted to the United Nations ( UN ) in 1991 . On 8 August 1991 , the UN Security Council passed United Nations Security Council Resolution 702 , recommending both states to the UN General Assembly for membership . On 17 September 1991 , the General Assembly admitted both countries under Resolution 46 / 1 . Document [1](Title: South Korea–Taiwan relations) of China recognized the Constitutional Korean government in the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula and opened an Embassy in Myeongdong, Seoul, on 4 January 1949, four months after the establishment of the Republic of Korea. The People's Republic of China (PRC) was founded in 1949 following the Chinese Civil War and Republic of Korea maintained relations with the Republic of China (ROC), whose government relocated to Taiwan. The United Nations condemned North Korea's military aggression against Republic of Korea in United Nations Security Council Resolution 82 and United Nations Security Council Resolution 84. The ROC voted in favor of Document [2](Title: United Nations General Assembly Resolution 377) at the time of the outbreak of hostilities in Korea, and had been since January 1950, owing to its discontent over the UN's refusal to recognize the People's Republic of China's representatives as the legitimate representatives of China, returning only on 1 August 1950 to assume the rotating role of Council President, for that month. This circumstance had meant that the Security Council was able to adopt its resolutions 83, of 27 June 1950, and 84, of 7 July 1950, thereby establishing a UN-mandated force for South Korea "to repel the armed attack" from the North. Had the Soviet Union Document [3](Title: North Korea–United States relations) Korea, relations between the U.S. and North Korea were conducted through the Soviet military government in the North. Because of North Korea's "submission" to Soviet pressures, and because of mass opposition to the U.S. occupation of the mortal enemy Japan, North Koreans in this period denounced the United States and began to form a negative view of the U.S. However, several American ministers and missionaries remained active in this period. On September 9, 1948, Kim Il-sung declared the Democratic People's Republic of Korea; he promptly received diplomatic recognition from the Soviet Union, but not the United States. The U.S. did Document [4](Title: Philippine Navy) the Philippine Navy organized the following units (aside from the Marines): On Sunday June 25 1950, the existence of the Republic of Korea as a democratic nation was shattered when armored and infantry elements of the North Korean People’s Army crossed the border into Seoul. The surprise attack caught off guard the Republic of Korea Armed Forces who lacked the equipment to withstand a massive communist invasion. On that same day, the United Nations Security Council Resolution Number 82 was enacted which calls for the immediate withdrawal of the belligerent forces from South Korea, after it went unheeded prompting the Document [5](Title: Korean reunification) President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong-un of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea at the Singapore Summit in May 2018. Prior to World War II, Korea was one country for over one thousand years, known previously as Goryeo and Joseon. After World War II, Korea was divided into two countries along the 38th parallel (now the Korean Demilitarized Zone). North Korea was administered by the Soviet Union in the years immediately following the war, with South Korea being managed by the United States. In 1950, North Korea invaded the South, beginning the Document [6](Title: Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea) time, the Security Council convened to address human rights in North Korea, but no resolution was adopted. With mounting evidence of human rights abuses in North Korea documented by NGOs and governments during the preceding three decades, since 2003 the UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) have repeatedly passed resolutions expressing their concerns about the violations of human rights in North Korea. The UN Commission on Human Rights (the predecessor of the HRC) established the mandate for the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in North Korea in 2004, issuing reports annually. North Korea Document [7](Title: United Nations Command) United Nations Command The United Nations Command (UNC) is the unified command structure for the multinational military forces, established in 1950, supporting South Korea (the Republic of Korea or ROK) during and after the Korean War. The United Nations Command and the Chinese-North Korean Command signed the Korean Armistice Agreement on 27 July 1953, ending the heavy fighting. The armistice agreement established the Military Armistice Commission (MAC), consisting of representatives of the two signatories, to supervise the implementation of the armistice terms, and the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) to monitor the armistice's restrictions on the parties' reinforcing or rearming Question: when did north korea join the united nations Answer:
17 September 1991
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Kroy Biermann) In May 2010 , Biermann participated in Dancing Stars Of Atlanta charity event to raise money for Alzheimer 's disease , where he met Kim Zolciak . Their meeting was later shown on season three of The Real Housewives of Atlanta . Their son , Kroy Jagger ( KJ ) , was born on May 31 , 2011 . The couple wed at their Roswell , Georgia home on November 11 , 2011 . Zolciak became pregnant again and son Kash Kade was born on August 15 , 2012 . On November 25 , 2013 , their twins Kaia Rose and Kane Ren were born . In March 2013 , Biermann filed to legally adopt Zolciak 's daughters , Brielle and Ariana , from her previous relationships . When the adoption became final in July 2013 , the girls changed their last names to Brielle and Ariana Biermann . Document [1](Title: Kim Zolciak-Biermann) in a criminal investigation, initially resulting in the officer's firing. The termination was later changed to a 45-day suspension without pay. She graduated from East Catholic High School in Manchester, Connecticut in 1996, and studied nursing at the University of Connecticut. At 21, she moved to Atlanta, Georgia, where her parents had moved, and eventually settled in the suburb of Johns Creek. Zolciak-Biermann first appeared on the reality television series "The Real Housewives of Atlanta", airing on Bravo, on October 7, 2008. Between seasons four and five, Zolciak and her then fiancé were the subject of a spinoff show, "Don't Document [2](Title: Andriy Kuzmenko) while his father was an engineer. Kuzmenko, an only child, graduated from music school and from the Faculty of Dentistry. He was not interested in dentistry, but finished his studies at the request of the parents. He was also actively involved in sports and participated in biathlons. On 14 September 1997, Kuzmenko and his wife Svitlana had a daughter, who was given the name Maria Barbara, in honor of the Polish actress Barbara Brylska, a childhood idol of Kuzmenko. According to him, his wife resembles Brylska. Kuzmenko's life heavily revolved around Skryabin during this period. In 2000, he became a Document [3](Title: Anna Maria Zieglerin) Angered by her rejection, he raped the fourteen-year-old Zieglerin and she became pregnant. Anna brought the baby to term in secret. After giving birth, she wrapped the baby in a linen cloth and threw it into the water. Anna did later marry a nobleman from Rothenburg when she was sixteen, but the marriage was short-lived. The marriage ended after only nine weeks when Zieglerin’s husband died in a horse riding accident. After the death of her first husband, Zieglerin ended up in Gotha. Her brother forced her to marry a court jester, Heinrich Schombach. The marriage was not a happy Document [4](Title: Bronislava Nijinska) during war and then in revolution. They continuously had worked together in dance productions. After Leon was born, Bronia and Sasha separated. He moved to Odessa. In 1921 Nijinska left Soviet Russia with her children and her mother. After meeting again briefly in 1921 in London, they were divorced in 1924. Their son Leon was killed in a traffic accident in 1935. Their daughter Irina, who'd become a ballet dancer, was seriously injured in that 1935 traffic collision. In 1946 Irina married Gibbs S. Raetz, and they had two children, Natalie and George. After her mother's death in 1972, she Document [5](Title: Princess Nathalie of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg) grandfather, whose middle name is Konstantin, and for his maternal grand-uncle, King Constantine II of Greece; Gustav for his maternal uncle and godfather; Heinrich for his paternal grandfather; and Richard for his maternal grandfather. Konstantin's godparents were Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, his aunt Ann-Kathrin Johannsmann, and his uncle Prince Gustav. On 13 August 2014, it was announced that Princess Nathalie was expecting her second child in February 2015. She gave birth to a daughter, Louisa Margareta Benedikte Hanna, on 28 January at Bad Berleburg, Germany. Princess Nathalie of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg Princess Nathalie of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg (Nathalie Xenia Margrethe Benedikte; born 5. Document [6](Title: Ezriel Auerbach) Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and Rabbi Elyashiv, it would appear that Rabbi Ezriel Auerbach tends to rule privately in accordance with his father, while avoiding a public stand, in deference to his father-in-law. Ezriel Auerbach Rabbi Ezriel Auerbach (born 1937), also known as Azriel Auerbach, is a prominent Haredi rabbi and posek. He is the son of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, and son-in-law of Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, two renowned poskim. He was considered Rabbi Elyashiv's right-hand man in matters of halakha. Auerbach married Leah Elyashiv (1938–2010), daughter of Rabbi Elyashiv, in 1960. They had no children. On October 11, 2012, Document [7](Title: Sharnee Zoll-Norman) (2nd place). In 2011-12, Zoll's CCC Polkowice team participated in EuroLeague Women. She led the competition in assists per game at 6.6 while playing alongside current Spark Jantel Lavender. In 2012-13, Zoll's CCC Polkowice team won PLKK Champions title and Polish Cup as well. In the 2013-2014 season, she signed with a Polish club named KSSSE AZS PWSZ Gorzów Wielkopolski. Sharnee Zoll-Norman Sharnee Zoll-Norman (born July 11, 1986) is an American point guard who plays professional basketball throughout Europe and most recently with the Chicago Sky of the WNBA. Zoll was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Cheryl and Tony Zoll. Question: real housewives of atlanta married to nfl player Answer:
Kim Zolciak
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Daytona 500) Daytona 500 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Venue Daytona International Speedway Location Daytona Beach , Florida , United States First race 1959 ( 1959 ) Distance 500 mi ( 800 km ) Laps 200 ( Stage 1 : 60 Stage 2 : 60 Final stage : 80 ) Previous names Inaugural 500 Mile International Sweepstakes ( 1959 ) Second Annual 500 Mile International Sweepstakes ( 1960 ) Daytona 500 by STP ( 1991 -- 1993 ) Daytona 500 by Dodge ( 2001 ) Daytona 500 by Toyota ( 2007 ) Daytona 500 ( 1961 -- 1990 , 1994 -- 2000 , 2002 -- 2006 , 2008 -- present ) Most wins ( driver ) Richard Petty ( 7 ) Most wins ( team ) Petty Enterprises ( 9 ) Most wins ( manufacturer ) Chevrolet ( 23 ) Circuit information Surface Asphalt Length 2.5 mi ( 4.0 km ) Turns Document [1](Title: 2001 NASCAR Winston Cup Series) Daytona International Speedway. Ken Schrader drew the pole. This was the first race broadcast on Fox. Top Ten Results The Gatorade 125s, qualifying races for the Daytona 500, were held February 15 at Daytona International Speedway. Bill Elliott and Stacy Compton started on pole for both races, respectively. The qualifying races were broadcast live for the first time; races prior to 2001 were broadcast on tape delay. Race One Top Ten Results Race Two Top Ten Results The 43rd Daytona 500 was held February 18, 2001 at Daytona International Speedway. Top 10 Results Failed to qualify: Dave Marcis (No. 71), Document [2](Title: Grand American) co-sanctioned with NASCAR, the Florida Citrus 250 at Daytona. 1969 championship results - 1. Tiny Lund: 1,947 points - 9 wins (Mercury Cougar) - 2. Buck Baker: 1,017 points - 3 wins (Chevrolet Camaro) - 3. Jack Ryan: 1,012 points - 0 wins (Porsche 911) - 4. Jim Vandiver: 938 points - 0 wins - 5. Roy Tyner: 881 points - 0 wins - 6. Al Straub: 875 points - 0 wins - 7. Billy Yuma: 710 points - 0 wins - 8. Ernie Shaw: 682 points - 0 wins - 9. Donnie Allison: 664 points - 5 wins - Document [3](Title: 2005 Daytona 500) 2005 Daytona 500 The 2005 Daytona 500, the 47th running of the event, was held on February 20, 2005 at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Florida as the first race of the 2005 NASCAR Nextel Cup season. Dale Jarrett won the pole and Jeff Gordon won the race, making this his third Daytona 500 win. Kurt Busch finished second and Dale Earnhardt, Jr. finished third. As the result of NASCAR's implementation of the green-white-checker finish rule the previous season, the race had three extra laps due to a caution with three laps to go, reaching a total distance of Document [4](Title: 2012 Daytona 500) 2012 Daytona 500 The 2012 Daytona 500 was the first stock car race of the 2012 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series season and the 54th iteration of the event. It was held between February 27–28, 2012 at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Florida, before a crowd of 140,000. The race, extended to 202 laps and due to a green-white-checker finish, was won by Matt Kenseth driving for Roush Fenway Racing as his first win of the season and his second Daytona 500 victory. Dale Earnhardt, Jr. finished second and Greg Biffle came in third. The race was scheduled for February Document [5](Title: 2014 Sprint Unlimited) International Speedway, Auto Club Speedway, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Pocono Raceway and Talladega Superspeedway. The standard track at Daytona International Speedway is a four-turn superspeedway that is long. The track's turns are banked at 31 degrees, while the front stretch, the location of the finish line, is banked at 18 degrees. Dale Earnhardt, Jr. was the fastest in the first practice session with a time of 45.358 and a speed of . Denny Hamlin was the fastest in the final practice session with a time of 45.030 and a speed of . Denny Hamlin led the field to the green flag Document [6](Title: 2010 Carfax 400) the season. The result maintained the first position in the Drivers' Championship and clinched him a position in the Chase. He remained 293 points ahead of second place driver Jeff Gordon and 353 ahead of Denny Hamlin. Chevrolet maintained its lead in the Manufacturers' Championship, thirty points ahead of Toyota and sixty-one ahead of Ford, with thirteen races remaining in the season. A total of 105,000 people attended the race, while 4.917 million watched it on television. Michigan International Speedway is one of six superspeedways to hold NASCAR races; the others are Daytona International Speedway, Auto Club Speedway, Indianapolis Motor Document [7](Title: Mario Andretti) Daytona 500 (1967) and the Formula One World Championship, and, along with Juan Pablo Montoya, the only driver to have won a race in the NASCAR Cup Series, Formula One, and an Indianapolis 500. No American has won a Formula One race since Andretti's victory at the 1978 Dutch Grand Prix. Andretti had 109 career wins on major circuits. Andretti had a long career in racing. He was the only person to be named United States Driver of the Year in three decades (1967, 1978, and 1984). He was also one of only three drivers to have won major races Question: who has the most wins at the daytona 500 Answer:
Richard Petty
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Game of Thrones (season 7)) The seventh season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones premiered on HBO on July 16 , 2017 , and concluded on August 27 , 2017 . Unlike previous seasons that consisted of ten episodes each , the seventh season consisted of only seven . Like the previous season , it largely consisted of original content not found in George R.R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire series , while also adapting material Martin revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series . The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss . Document [1](Title: Game of Thrones (season 6)) "Game of Thrones" was the most-pirated TV series in 2016. Game of Thrones (season 6) The sixth season of the fantasy drama television series "Game of Thrones" premiered on HBO on April 24, 2016, and concluded on June 26, 2016. It consists of ten episodes, each of approximately 50–60 minutes long, largely of original content not found in George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. Some story elements were derived from the novels and from information Martin revealed to the show-runners. The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. HBO ordered Document [2](Title: Works based on A Song of Ice and Fire) David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Called "Game of Thrones", it stars an ensemble cast including Sean Bean and Peter Dinklage. The series premiered on 17 April 2011. A critical and commercial success, it was most recently renewed for a seventh and eighth season to be aired in 2017–19. The series has itself given rise to several derived works, including soundtrack albums and a wide range of merchandise. After years of speculation about possible spin-off series, HBO in May 2017 commissioned five screenwriters – Max Borenstein, Jane Goldman, Brian Helgeland, Carly Wray and a fifth yet to be announced writer Document [3](Title: The Bear and the Maiden Fair) The Bear and the Maiden Fair "The Bear and the Maiden Fair" is the seventh episode of the third season of HBO's fantasy television series "Game of Thrones", and the 27th episode of the series overall. The episode was written by George R. R. Martin, the author of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels on which the series is based, and was directed by Michelle MacLaren, her directorial debut for the series. The plot of the episode advances the storylines of Daenerys's arrival to the city of Yunkai, the repercussions of the upcoming marriage of Tyrion Lannister and Document [4](Title: Game of Thrones) premiering in April 2019. Set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, "Game of Thrones" has several plot lines and a large ensemble cast but centers on three primary story arcs. The first story arc centers on the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms and follows a web of alliances and conflicts among the dynastic noble families either vying to claim the throne or fighting for independence from the throne. The second story arc focuses on the last descendant of the realm's deposed ruling dynasty, exiled and plotting a return to the throne. The third story arc centers on Document [5](Title: A Song of Ice and Fire) season premiered in April 2014, HBO renewed "Game of Thrones" for a fifth and sixth season. Season 5 premiered on April 12, 2015 and set a Guinness World Records for winning the highest number of Emmy Awards for a series in a single season and year, winning 12 out of 24 nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series. These episodes were watched by 8 million viewers, setting a record number for the series. The sixth season premiered on April 24, 2016. These episodes received the most nominations for the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards with 23, winning 12, including the award for Outstanding Document [6](Title: Max Borenstein) the sequel to "Godzilla", "Paladin" for Walt Disney Pictures, and "Mona" for New Regency. On May 4, 2017, HBO announced that Borenstein is one of four writers working on a potential pilot for a "Game of Thrones" spin-off. In addition to Borenstein, Carly Wray, Jane Goldman, and Brian Helgeland are also working on potential pilots. Borenstein has been working and communicating with George R. R. Martin, the author of "A Song of Ice and Fire", the series of novels upon which the original series is based. Current "Game of Thrones" showrunners D. B. Weiss and David Benioff would also be Document [7](Title: A Clash of Kings) the novel, fully illustrated by John Howe. The novel has been adapted for television by HBO as the second season of the TV series "Game of Thrones". "A Clash of Kings" is also the name of the first expansion to the "Game of Thrones" board game. "A Clash of Kings" depicts the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros in civil war, while the Night's Watch mounts a reconnaissance to investigate the mysterious people known as wildlings. Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen continues her plan to reconquer the Seven Kingdoms. With King Robert Baratheon dead, his alleged son Joffrey and brothers Renly and Stannis all Question: game of thrones season 7 start and end date Answer:
July 16 , 2017
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Powhatan) In 1665 , the House of Burgesses passed stringent laws requiring the Powhatan to accept chiefs appointed by the governor . After the Treaty of Albany in 1684 , the Powhatan Confederacy all but vanished . Document [1](Title: Indian massacre of 1622) the beginning of the increasingly precipitous decline of the once-powerful Powhatan. Its member tribes eventually left the area entirely, gradually lived among the colonists, or lived on one of the few reservations established in Virginia. Most of these were also subject to incursion and seizure of land by the ever-expanding European population. In modern times, seven tribes of the original Powhatan Confederacy are recognized in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Pamunkey and Mattaponi still have control of their reservations established in the 17th century, each located between the rivers of the same names within the boundaries of present-day King William Document [2](Title: Starving Time) felt the colony was sufficiently reinforced to engage the Powhatan directly with a diplomatic initiative aimed at securing at least a temporary respite from sniping, kidnapping, and assaulting. Taking a small escort they made their way through incessant attacks to the capital of the Powhatan Confederacy. During one legendary encounter with the warrior Opechancanough, his life was spared (according to Smith's later account) by the intervention of Pocahontas, the daughter of Chief Powhatan. This event proved fortuitous for the English, as Chief Powhatan was obviously unaware of the dire straits of the Colony. For shortly after Newport returned in early Document [3](Title: Anglo-Powhatan Wars) Powhatan's own daughter, Pocahontas, delivered into his hands by Japazaws, brother of the Patawomeck "weroance". This caused an immediate ceasefire from the Powhatan raids on the English, as they held her ransom for peace. In the meantime, English settlers had begun to expand to south of the rivers, building houses at City Point in what is now Hopewell, Virginia. In early 1609, Jamestown Island had been the only territory under English control. By the end of this period, the Powhatan had lost much of their riverfront property along the James to the English conquest; the Kicoughtan and Paspehegh subtribes had Document [4](Title: Powhatan (Native American leader)) Powhatan (Native American leader) Powhatan (c. 1547 – c. 1618), whose proper name was Wahunsenacawh (alternately spelled Wahunsenacah, Wahunsunacock or Wahunsonacock), was the paramount chief of Tsenacommacah, an alliance of Algonquian-speaking Virginia Indians in the Tidewater region of Virginia at the time English settlers landed at Jamestown in 1607. Powhatan, alternately called "King" or "Chief" Powahatan by the English, led the main political and military power facing the early colonists, was probably the older brother of Opchanacanough, who led attacks against the English in 1622 and 1644. He was the father of Pocahontas, who eventually converted to Christianity and married Document [5](Title: Powhatan's Chimney) through changes in settlement patterns. The Powhatan Confederacy and its people were largely displaced by English settlers by the middle of the 17th century. Legend tells that Powhatan's Chimney was from a house that Smith built at "Werowocomoco" for the chief. The chimney's collapse in 1888 led to the growth of a preservation movement, and the founding of Preservation Virginia (formerly known as the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities). It was organized to protect and preserve other historic resources. This organization reconstructed the chimney in the 1930s in the belief that it represented the historic site of Powhatan's Document [6](Title: Native American tribes in Virginia) the Conoy aka Piscataway.) When the English first established the Virginia Colony, the Powhatan tribes had a combined population of about 15,000. Relations between the two peoples were not always friendly. After Captain John Smith was captured in the winter of 1607 and met with Chief Powhatan, relations were fairly good. Powhatan sent food to the English, and was instrumental in helping the newcomers survive the early years. By the time Smith left Virginia in the fall of 1609, due to a gunpowder accident, relations between the two peoples had begun to sour. Their competition for land and resources led Document [7](Title: Gunpowder Incident) between Dunmore and the House of Burgesses continued to deteriorate. On June 8, Dunmore and his family fled the Governor's Palace in the middle of the night and took up residence aboard "Fowey". The Burgesses had been deliberating the Conciliatory Resolution, a proposal that was an attempt by the North Ministry to divide the colonies. In the wake of Dunmore's flight, the Burgesses rejected the proposal. Dunmore continued to make vigorous attempts to regain control of the colony, but after a decisive defeat of British forces at Great Bridge in December, he was reduced to raiding operations and eventually abandoned Question: what brought the powhatan confederacy to an end Answer:
Treaty of Albany
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Happy Tree Friends episodes) This is a list of Happy Tree Friends episodes . So far , there are total of 5 seasons that have been aired ( 4 on the internet and 1 on TV ) . In 1999 , the crew began the series with two pilot episodes . The very first pilot was named Banjo Frenzy , which featured a blue dinosaur , a sky - blue squirrel , a yellow rabbit and a purple beaver . The second pilot was named Spin Fun Knowin ' Ya ! and featured later versions of the dinosaur , the rabbit , the squirrel and the beaver and , from that on , the crew began introducing new characters to the show . It quickly became an internet phenomenon featuring millions of visits per episode . The TV series first aired in 2006 . Document [1](Title: Happy Tree Friends (TV series)) August 3, 2012. The complete season was released as a 4-disc box set on January 8, 2008 by BCI Eclipse Entertainment LLC. The series is available for streaming on YouTube, Hoopla and Amazon Instant Video. Happy Tree Friends (TV series) </noinclude></noinclude> "Happy Tree Friends" began as an animated video series, created and developed by Aubrey Ankrum, Rhode Montijo, Kenn Navarro and Warren Graff for Mondo Media. A single television season of "Happy Tree Friends" aired from September 25 to December 25, 2006, on the now-defunct G4 network. Each episode of the television series was a half-hour long, and consisted of Document [2](Title: Happy Tree Friends) Happy Tree Friends Happy Tree Friends is an American-Canadian adult animated video series disguised as a children's web show created by Aubrey Ankrum, Rhode Montijo, and Kenn Navarro and developed by Montijo, Navarro, and Warren Graff for Mondo Media. The show has been cited as an example of achieving a cult following. The series mixes cute cartoon anthropomorphic forest animals and extreme, graphic violence. Each episode revolves around the characters enduring accidental or deliberately inflicted pain, mutilation, and/or death. At one point, there was a warning given to the site "Cartoon Violence: Not recommended for small children or big babies". Document [3](Title: Kenn Navarro) Grizzly Bear from "Take a Hike". Kenn Navarro Kenn Navarro (born 1979 in Manila, Philippines) is a Filipino American animator known for creating the popular internet cartoon Happy Tree Friends. He did a one-time role as a green derby-hatted man from the Dick Figures episode "Kitty Amazing". Navarro partnered with friends Rhode Montijo and Aubrey Ankrum to create the internet cartoon Happy Tree Friends which debuted on in 1999. They also created the video for The Carpal Tunnel of Love by Fall Out Boy. In addition, he does the voices of Cuddles, Lifty & Shifty, Good Flippy and the Document [4](Title: The Happy Gang) The Happy Gang The Happy Gang was a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio lunchtime variety show that ran from 1937 to 1959. During the Golden Age of Radio and well into the 1950s, it was one of Canada's most popular programs. In its heyday, it had about two million listeners a day. The show was known for its "spontaneous humor, music, and corny jokes." "The Happy Gang" debuted on June 14, 1937 on station CRCT, a CBC affiliate in Toronto, later known as CBL. Originally intended as just a summer fill-in, it gained a following, and was moved to the CBC Document [5](Title: The Happy Go Lucky Show) The Happy Go Lucky Show The Happy Go Lucky Show is an Australian television variety series which aired from 30 October 1957 to 4 November 1959 on Melbourne television station GTV-9. Originally hosted by Happy Hammond, by 1958 the series was hosted by Bob Horsfall. Horsfall sometimes had a female co-host, these varied during the run of the series and included Pat McCormack, Susan Gaye Anderson, Patricia Rumbold, and (during 1959) Joy Fountain. The series aired at 1:00PM on Wednesdays. During 1958, one of the segments included "community singing". Other segments included guests and competitions. Early Australian television series often Document [6](Title: The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show) original series. "Fred Flintstone and Friends" (1977) followed a similar setup by borrowing elements from the previous spin-offs, including both "The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show" and "The Flintstone Comedy Hour". "The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show" was one of the first shows to use Hanna-Barbera's limited laugh track, as they stopped using a full laugh track by the fall of 1971. "The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show" was broadcast on CBS as part of their Saturday morning children's lineup between September 11, 1971 and January 1, 1972. Reruns of the series would later air again during 1975 and 1976. The reruns of Document [7](Title: Joanie Loves Chachi) song/music cue composer. A false urban legend circulated that the show was far more popular in Korea due to "chachi" being similar to a Korean word for "penis". The program was shown on the Armed Forces Network terrestrial channel 2, which was seen by the general population, but did not cause a stir because of the name and because the program was not very popular. Scott Baio later recalled that: All the "Happy Days" people had written the first four episodes, when the show got picked up for series, but then they left to go back to Happy Days, and Question: how many seasons of happy tree friends are there Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Little Rascals (film)) Release date August 5 , 1994 ( 1994 - 08 - 05 ) Document [1](Title: Piranha 3DD) to an unspecified 2012 release. On March 3, 2012, it was announced that the film would be released simultaneously to theaters and through video on demand services. On March 14, it was announced that the film would be released on June 1, 2012 in the United States. The movie was released on May 11, 2012 in the UK. In the United States, it received a limited release, being shown in only 75 theaters. The film made a small impact during its debut weekend of release in the United Kingdom; its box receipts during its opening weekend were just £242,889, placing Document [2](Title: Thirteen (Megadeth album)) date of November 1 being a bad omen; referring to the release of "Youthanasia" (which was released on the same date in 1994), when the band was "banned" from MTV, for playing the then-new track "À Tout le Monde" on a televised promotional show, because MTV believed the song to be about suicide. Mustaine revealed the album's North American release date as November 1, 2011. Mustaine previously said the label was "looking at November 1st. I don't know if it's supposed to be the 1st or the 31st for the release date, cuz [sic] they're trying to get us to Document [3](Title: Veronika Decides to Die (film)) The film was released in Poland on October 2, 2009, in Sweden on October 30, 2009, and in South Korea on November 19, 2009. It was released in Argentina on July 1, 2010, in Austria on November 18, 2010, in Germany on September 30, 2010, in Lithuania on April 23, 2010, and in Mexico on September 10, 2010. In Australia, it was released on a region free PAL DVD. It was never officially released in the UK. The film was released in select theaters and VOD on January 20, 2015 in the USA and DVD on March 17, 2015. To Document [4](Title: Common Courtesy (album)) the years". On January 21, 2013, the band announced they would go on the Right Back at It Again Tour, which started on March 20 and lasted until May 4. On May 17, the tour would be extended to include dates in Australia in July. Asked about a release date for the album in an interview with WGRD in April 2013, McKinnon said that "there's a date we've been–that I've heard–tossed around in the last week, but I mean we haven't really set anything in stone. But it's gonna be as soon as we possibly can. We're doing our best, Document [5](Title: Alludu Seenu) officially declared the film's release date as 24 July 2014. On 28 June 2014 reports emerged that Gemini TV secured the satellite rights of the movie for an undisclosed price. On 5 July 2014 a press note was issued which stated that the film would release a day later i.e. on 25 July 2014 in theaters. The film was awarded an 'A' certificate with few cuts by the Central Board of Film Certification on 23 July 2014. The first look posters were also released on the same day itself but none of them featured the title of the film. New Document [6](Title: The Three Musketeers (2011 film)) was released on 22 August 2011 in the UK. The film grossed $132,249,913. First released in Germany on 1 September 2011, it topped the box office with $3.38 million and has since grossed $16.20 million. It was released in Austria the same day, topping the box office with $503,239 on its opening weekend. It topped the box office during its opening weekends in Italy ($2,023,021), Brazil ($2,343,786) and Turkey ($219,645). In the UK, Ireland and Malta, it debuted with $2,312,509, when it was released on 12–14 October 2011. Its highest-grossing opening to date overseas was achieved in Japan ($3.86 million). Document [7](Title: Mr. Children) called '92–93 Kind of Love Tour started and lasted from December 7, 1992 till January 25, 1993. In 1993, with the completion of the band’s tour they began work on for their third album. The first single of the new year to be released was "Replay", released on July 1, 1993 and used in commercials. On September 9, 1993 their third album "Versus" was released, but failed to bring the group into the spotlight. They continued on and held a new tour. The '93 Versus Tour was held from September 23 until November 5 and had the band holding nine Question: when did the little rascals movie come out Answer:
August 5 , 1994
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Splish Splash (song)) '' Splish Splash '' is a 1958 song performed and co-written by Bobby Darin . It was written with DJ Murray the K ( Murray Kaufman ) , who bet that Darin could not write a song that began with the words , '' Splish Splash , I was takin ' a bath '' , as suggested by Murray 's mother , Jean Kaufman . The song was credited to Darin and '' Jean Murray '' ( a combination of their names ) to avoid any hint of payola . It was Darin 's first hit and the song helped to give him a major boost in his career , reaching No. 3 on the U.S. pop singles chart and No. 2 on the R&B Best Sellers chart . '' Splish Splash '' was Darin 's only entry on the C&W Best Sellers in Stores chart , where it peaked at No. 14 . In a 1967 interview , Darin claimed that he was so happy about having his first hit that his skin condition cleared up . Document [1](Title: Surfin') singing 'surfin', surfin', surfin'. It sounded stupid. But then Mike [Love] sang 'ba-ba-dippity-dippity-ba-ba.' He was fooling around, trying to spark a new idea with the same bass sounds he'd sung countless times before. For some reason, though, this time when he sang I pounded out a few chords to accompany him and then he took up the chant I'd been singing, 'surfin', surfin'." Brian continues that "twenty seconds later, I had the opening for the song that would become the Beach Boys' first hit single. A couple of hours later, I finished the song and called it 'Surfin'."The'ba-ba-dippity-dippity-ba-ba' were influenced Document [2](Title: Wet the Bed) Calling the song an "over-the-top hyper-sexual", Chad Grischow from IGN wrote that it is the "kind of excessively crude sludge that would have made "12 Play" era R. Kelly blush." Cristin Maher from PopCrush wrote that "it is almost shocking to hear the unbelievably lustful lyrics projecting from Brown as he sings the song". In the issue dated July 30, 2011, "Wet the Bed" debuted at number 89 on the US Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart, and peaked at number nine in the issue dated October 8, 2011. On the US "Billboard" Hot 100 chart, the song debuted at number 96 Document [3](Title: Sweetest Sin) he was a good vocal producer. Sal Cinquemani of Slant Magazine said, "[Sweetest Sin], the catchy tune, penned by Diane Warren, is a glossy, ever-so-slightly over-produced affair." Clem Bastow of Stylus Magazine noticed the song "is concerned with 'a picture of perfection... your skin upon my skin'." Abbey Goodman of MTV said Simpson "maintains the good-girl image that made her popular" with the song, while Joe D'Angelo, also of MTV, called it an "ode to booty knocking." The song was also a Track Pick from the AllMusic review of "In This Skin" by Stephen Thomas Erlewine, along with "Be", "I Document [4](Title: Disco) and "On the Radio", all very successful songs, landing in the top five or better, on the Billboard pop charts. The Bee Gees used Barry Gibb's falsetto to garner hits such as "You Should Be Dancing", "Stayin' Alive", "Night Fever", "More Than A Woman" and "Love You Inside Out". Andy Gibb, a younger brother to the Bee Gees, followed with similarly-styled solo singles such as "I Just Want to Be Your Everything", "(Love Is) Thicker Than Water" and "Shadow Dancing". In 1975, songs such as Van McCoy's "The Hustle" and Summer's version of "Could It Be Magic" brought disco further Document [5](Title: Splish Splash) Splish Splash Splish Splash is a water park in Calverton, New York. It features 30 rides and runs from May through September. Travel Channel ranked Splish Splash the third best water park in the United States. Splish Splash was built in 1989, headed by Chip Cleary with the original owners being the same as Adventureland. It opened in May 1991 with three body slides, two speed slides, two kiddie pools, two tube slides, a lazy river, and a restaurant. In 1995, the Lazy River opened. The park has been owned and operated by Palace Entertainment since 2001. Today the lazy Document [6](Title: Don't Touch Me (Throw da Water on 'Em)) Don't Touch Me (Throw da Water on 'Em) "Don't Touch Me (Throw da Water on 'Em)" is a promo single for rapper Busta Rhymes' album "Back on My B.S.". It was produced by Grind Music (LV & Sean C) for The Hitmen. The song samples "I Can Give You Love" by 1960s/1970s soul band The Diplomats (not to be confused with the rap crew). The official remix features Reek Da Villain, Spliff Star, Lil Wayne, Nas, The Game, and Big Daddy Kane. The song was in the YouTube dance battle between the Adam Chu Dance Crew vs Miley Mandy Dance Document [7](Title: The Association) (March 1968), with Bones Howe again at the controls. This album spawned "Everything That Touches You", the group's last Hot 100 Top 10 hit, and the more experimental "Time for Livin'", the group's final Hot 100 Top 40 hit. Later that year, the group released a self-produced single, the harder-edged "Six Man Band". This song would also appear on "Greatest Hits", released in November 1968. At the close of 1968, Alexander, who had returned from India and had done a stint with another band called Joshua Fox, returned to the group, which now made the Association a seven-man band. ("Six-Man Question: who sang the song splish splash i was taking a bath Answer:
Bobby Darin
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: UEFA Euro 2016 statistics) Antoine Griezmann received the Golden Boot award as the top scorer of the tournament with 6 goals , the most for a player at a single tournament since 1984 . Document [1](Title: European Golden Shoe) Ally McCoist (1991–92, 1992–93), Thierry Henry (2003–04, 2004–05), Lionel Messi (2011–12, 2012–13 and 2016–17, 2017–18), and Cristiano Ronaldo (2013–14, 2014–15) have won the award in consecutive years. Diego Forlán (Villarreal, Atlético Madrid), Luis Suárez (Liverpool, Barcelona), Mário Jardel (Porto, Sporting CP) and Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United, Real Madrid) are the only players to have won the award with two clubs. European Golden Shoe The European Golden Shoe or Golden Boot is an award that is presented each season to the leading goalscorer in league matches from the top division of every European national league. The trophy is a sculpture of Document [2](Title: Premier League Player of the Season) the Player of the Season award. Four of these players – Kevin Phillips, Henry, Ronaldo and Luis Suárez – went on to win the European Golden Shoe in the same season. 11 players have won the Premier League trophy with their respective clubs in the same year they received the award, with Ronaldo and Vidić each accomplishing the feat on two occasions with Manchester United. Ronaldo is the only player to be named Player of the Season and win the FIFA World Player of the Year; when he accomplished this in 2008, he became the first player from the Premier Document [3](Title: Eusébio) (subsequently equalled by Croatia in 1998). In addition to winning the Golden Boot (with nine goals) for the 1966 World Cup, Eusébio also set a record that year for the most penalties scored (shoot-out not included), with four. Eusébio's four goals against North Korea in the quarter-final match also helped Portugal tie the record for largest deficit overcome in a win (three goals, equaling Austria in 1954) and he became the fifth player to score as many goals in a FIFA World Cup match, a record he jointly held until Oleg Salenko scored five in the 1994 World Cup. The Document [4](Title: 2001 FIFA U-17 World Championship) of France won the Golden Shoe award for scoring nine goals. In total, 102 goals were scored by 59 different players, with two of them credited as own goals. 2001 FIFA U-17 World Championship The FIFA U-17 World Championship 2001, the ninth edition of the tournament, was held in the cities of Port of Spain, Malabar in Arima, Marabella in San Fernando, Couva, and Bacolet in Scarborough at Trinidad and Tobago between 13 and 30 September 2001. Players born after 1 January 1984 could participate in this tournament. Although France had only appeared once before at the FIFA U-17 World Document [5](Title: 1991 FIFA World Youth Championship) round. Serhiy Scherbakov of Soviet Union won the Golden Shoe award for scoring five goals. In total, 82 goals were scored by 54 different players, with none of them credited as own goal. 1991 FIFA World Youth Championship The 1991 FIFA World Youth Championship was the sixth staging of the FIFA World Youth Championship, an international football competition organized by FIFA for men's youth national teams, and the eighth since it was established in 1977 as the FIFA World Youth Tournament. The final tournament took place for the first time in Portugal, between 14 and 30 June 1991. Matches were Document [6](Title: 1972–73 S.L. Benfica season) the European Golden Shoe, as Müller was his main contestant. After another four wins and second draw, with Atlético, Müller and Eusébio were tied with 36 goals, leaving everything for the last match-day. With four goals in a 6–0 win over Montijo, Eusébio reached 40 and confirmed his second Golden Shoe. Benfica had ended the league undefeated with 28 wins and two draws, 58 points in 60 possible, 18 points ahead of second place, setting a new domestic record for difference over second place. They also scored 101 goals and conceded only 13, a goal difference of 88 goals. The Document [7](Title: TT Pro League Golden Boot) far recorded an average strike rate of at least two goals every three matches, and scored a minimum of 14 goals. In fact, combining the statistics for all winners, a Pro League Golden Boot winner scores an average of 20 goals from 24 games, a strike rate of around 0.83 goals per appearance. The Golden Boot winner has helped his respective team to the TT Pro League championship eight years during the award-winning season. Devorn Jorsling is currently the only player who has been able to win the TT Pro League Golden Boot multiple times with four. Thus, he became Question: who scored the most goals in euro 2016 Answer:
Antoine Griezmann
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Cigarette taxes in the United States) On February 4 , 2009 , the Children 's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 was signed into law , which raised the federal tax rate for cigarettes on April 1 , 2009 from $0.39 per pack to $1.01 per pack . The increase was to help cover the cost of increased coverage under the State Children 's Health Insurance Program ( SCHIP ) . Document [1](Title: Cigarette taxes in the United States) own citywide cigarette taxes. The combined federal, state, county, and local tax on a pack of twenty cigarettes in the city of Chicago, in Cook County, Illinois, is $7.42, the highest in the entire country. The lowest rate in the nation is in Missouri, at 17 cents, where the state's electorate voted to keep it that way in 2002, 2006, and 2012. On February 4, 2009, the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 was signed into law, which raised the federal tax rate for cigarettes on April 1, 2009 from $0.39 per pack to $1.01 per pack. The Document [2](Title: Ontario tobacco belt) sense of economic inequality in the area. The longstanding dominance of tobacco in the region has been on the wane in recent years. In 2002, politicians from the Ontario tobacco belt opposed several anti-smoking measures, causing a non-smoking group to give the Ontario government a failing grade at that time. The tobacco belt members of Provincial Parliament were responsible for scaling back a proposed tobacco tax from $10/carton to $5/carton. They failed to implement a public smoking ban (until the Smoke Free Ontario law was passed in 2006). On August 8, 2008, tobacco farmers in this region were given $300 Document [3](Title: Cigarette excise in Indonesia) and also taxes, contributes high revenue to the country. The proportion to total state revenues was 6.31 percent in 2007. This portion increased to 7.10 percent in 2012 with total excise revenues of Rp. 95.03 trillion. In 2015, the proportion was 9.59 percent of the total state revenue of Rp144.64 trillion. However, it should be understood that in addition to providing income, the government's burden in healthcare from cigarettes and tobacco consumpton is higher than the amount of tobacco excise contributions to state revenues. Economic losses due to tobacco, assessed by the Ministry of Health, showing an increasing trend. In Document [4](Title: Tony Thurmond) protecting undocumented immigrants. AB 768 bans use or possession of smokeless tobacco products in California's five professional baseball stadiums. AB 2X-9, the Tobacco-Free Schools Act, co-authored by Thurmond and Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian, bans tobacco use on all school district-owned or school-leased property. This bill also mandates that schools post signs reading "tobacco use is prohibited" at entrances. Thurmond's legislation AB 435 was the first piece of legislation sponsored by the First 5 Contra Costa Children and Families Commission. The bill was signed by Governor Brown and provides more subsidies to early childcare services for low-income families in multiple California counties. Document [5](Title: Marketing of electronic cigarettes) States, six large e-cigarette businesses spent $59.3 million on promoting e-cigarettes in 2013. Big tobacco heavily markets e-cigarettes to young people. The youth have been a primary target for the tobacco companies because the "use of tobacco products, no matter what type, is almost always started and established during adolescence when the developing brain is most vulnerable to nicotine addiction." According to the 2018 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS), there was a sharp increase of 1.5 million more middle and high school students using e-cigarettes compared to 2017. From the analysis of the 2016 NYTS, CDC and the FDA were Document [6](Title: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017) fewer people will have insurance coverage, resulting in the government giving fewer tax subsidies. It is estimated to increase premiums on the health insurance exchanges by up to 10%. It also expands the amount of out-of-pocket medical expenses that may be deducted by lowering threshold from 10% of adjusted gross income to 7.5%, but only for 2017 (retroactively) and 2018. Effective January 1, 2019, the threshold will increase to 10%. No changes are made to major education deductions and credits, or to the teacher deduction for unreimbursed classroom expenses, which remains at $250. The bill initially expanded usage of 529 Document [7](Title: Children's Health Insurance Program) proposal and the Kennedy-Hatch proposal. Senator Ted Kennedy, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) was intrigued by a children's health insurance plan in Massachusetts that had passed in 1996, and met with a Boston Medical Center pediatrics director and a Massachusetts state legislator to discuss the feasibility of a national initiative. Kennedy also saw using an increase in tobacco taxes as a way to pay for the expanded coverage. Thus, in October 1996, Kennedy introduced a bill to provide health care coverage for children of the working poor, to be financed via a 75 Question: how much federal tax is on a pack of cigarettes Answer:
$1.01 per pack
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: History of agriculture) Scholars have developed a number of hypotheses to explain the historical origins of agriculture . Studies of the transition from hunter - gatherer to agricultural societies indicate an antecedent period of intensification and increasing sedentism ; examples are the Natufian culture in southwest Asia , and the Early Chinese Neolithic in China . Current models indicate that wild stands that had been harvested previously started to be planted , but were not immediately domesticated . Document [1](Title: Civilization) a secondary products revolution in which people used domesticated animals not just for meat, but also for milk, wool, manure and pulling ploughs and carts – a development that spread through the Eurasian Oecumene. The earlier neolithic technology and lifestyle was established first in Western Asia (for example at Göbekli Tepe, from about 9,130 BCE), and later in the Yellow River and Yangtze basins in China (for example the Pengtoushan culture from 7,500 BCE), and later spread. Mesopotamia is the site of the earliest developments of the Neolithic Revolution from around 10,000 BCE, with civilizations developing from 6,500 years ago. Document [2](Title: Farm) business of agriculture, which was their principal revenue source, so to hold a manor by the tenure of "fee farm" became synonymous with the practice of agriculture itself. Farming has been innovated at multiple different points and places in human history. The transition from hunter-gatherer to settled, agricultural societies is called the Neolithic Revolution and first began around 12,000 years ago, near the beginning of the geological epoch of the Holocene around 12,000 years ago. It was the world's first historically verifiable revolution in agriculture. Subsequent step-changes in human farming practices were provoked by the British Agricultural Revolution in the Document [3](Title: History of bread) History of bread Bread was central to the formation of early human societies. From the western half of Asia, where wheat was domesticated, cultivation spread north and west, to Europe and North Africa. This in turn led to the formation of towns, as opposed to the nomadic lifestyle, and gave rise to more and more sophisticated forms of societal organization. Similar developments occurred in eastern Asia, centered on rice, and in the Americas with maize. Charred crumbs of a flatbread made by proto-Natufian hunter-gatherers from wild wheat, wild barley and plant roots between 14,600 and 11,600 years ago have been Document [4](Title: Sedentism) cattle breeding, and most researchers now believe that sedentism was a prerequisite for the first agriculture to occur. Sedentism usually meant more people, sturdier houses, new stone tools, more jewelry, burials or cemeteries, more long-distance goods and also clear signs of social stratification. At sedentary sites usually more people lived together for a longer time compared to earlier base camp sites or annual gathering sites. This created deeper cultural layers and thus generally richer archaeological materials. There are also indications that the use of rock art is connected to sedentism, both pre-agricultural and agricultural forms. In archaeology a number of Document [5](Title: History of sustainability) 21st century, there is increasing global awareness of the threat posed by the human-induced enhanced greenhouse effect, produced largely by forest clearing and the burning of fossil fuels. In early human history, although the energy and other resource demands of nomadic hunter-gatherers was small, the use of fire and desire for specific foods may have altered the natural composition of plant and animal communities. Between 8,000 and 10,000 years ago, agriculture emerged in various regions of the world. Agrarian communities depended largely on their environment and the creation of a "structure of permanence". Societies outgrowing their local food supply or Document [6](Title: History of agriculture) wild stands that had been harvested previously started to be planted, but were not immediately domesticated. Localised climate change is the favoured explanation for the origins of agriculture in the Levant. When major climate change took place after the last ice age (c. 11,000 BC), much of the earth became subject to long dry seasons. These conditions favoured annual plants which die off in the long dry season, leaving a dormant seed or tuber. An abundance of readily storable wild grains and pulses enabled hunter-gatherers in some areas to form the first settled villages at this time. Early people began Document [7](Title: Agrarian society) of transportation, major cities will tend to be located at trade nodes, and the demographic history of a society may depend on disease episodes. Until recent decades, the transition to farming was seen as an inherently progressive one: people learnt that planting seeds caused crops to grow, and this new improved food source led to larger populations, sedentary farm and town life, more leisure time and so to specialization, writing, technological advances and civilization. It is now clear that agriculture was adopted despite certain disadvantages of that lifestyle. Archeological studies show that health deteriorated in populations that adopted cereal agriculture, Question: where do scholars agree agriculture most likely emerged in asia Answer: