You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Orangutan) Orangutans Bornean orangutan ( Pongo pygmaeus ) Scientific classification Kingdom : Animalia Phylum : Chordata Class : Mammalia Order : Primates Suborder : Haplorhini Infraorder : Simiiformes Family : Hominidae Subfamily : Ponginae Genus : Pongo Lacépède , 1799 Type species Pongo borneo Lacépède , 1799 ( = Simia satyrus Linnaeus , 1760 ) Species Pongo pygmaeus Pongo abelii Pongo hooijeri † Range of the two orangutan species Synonyms Faunus Oken , 1816 Lophotus Fischer , 1813 Macrobates Bilberg , 1828 Satyrus Lesson , 1840 Document [1](Title: Orangutan) Europe. Battel's "Pongo", in turn, is from the Kongo word "mpongi" or other cognates from the region: Lumbu "pungu", Vili "mpungu", or Yombi "yimpungu" . The three orangutan species are the only extant members of the subfamily Ponginae. This subfamily also included the extinct genera "Lufengpithecus", which lived in southern China and Thailand 2–8 mya, and "Sivapithecus", which lived India and Pakistan from 12.5 mya until 8.5 mya. These apes likely lived in drier and cooler environments than orangutans do today. "Khoratpithecus piriyai", which lived in Thailand 5–7 mya, is believed to have been the closest known relative of the Document [2](Title: Hominidae) related to humans than to other great apes. Most taxonomists today encourage monophyletic groups—this would require, in this case, the use of Pongidae to be restricted to just one closely related grouping. Thus, many biologists now assign "Pongo" (as the "sub"family Ponginae) to the family Hominidae. The taxonomy shown here follows the monophyletic groupings according to the modern understanding of human and great ape relationships. Humans and close relatives including the tribes Hominini and Gorillini form the subfamily Homininae (see classification graphic below). (A few researchers go so far as to refer the chimpanzees and the gorillas to the genus Document [3](Title: Homininae) the tribe Hominini and subtribes Hominina and Panina (see the evolutionary tree below). There are two living species of Panina (chimpanzees and bonobos) and two living species of gorillas, but only one extant human species. Traces of hypothetical "Homo" species, including "Homo floresiensis" and "Homo denisova", have been found with dates as recent as 40,000 years ago. Organisms in this subfamily are described as hominine or hominines (not to be confused with the terms hominins or hominini). Until 1980, the family (and term) Hominidae meant humans only; the non-human great apes were assigned to the family Pongidae. Later discoveries led Document [4](Title: Fauna of Africa) elephant. Four species of pangolins can be found in Africa. African fauna contains 64 species of primates. Four species of great apes (Hominidae) are endemic to Africa: both species of gorilla (western gorilla, "Gorilla gorilla", and eastern gorilla, "Gorilla beringei") and both species of chimpanzee (common chimpanzee, "Pan troglodytes", and bonobo, "Pan paniscus"). Humans and their ancestors originated in Africa. Other primates include colobuses, baboons, geladas, vervet monkeys, guenons, macaques, mandrills, crested mangabeys, white-eyelid mangabeys, kipunji, Allen's swamp monkeys, Patas monkeys and talapoins. Lemurs and aye-aye are characteristic of Madagascar. See also Lists of mammals of Africa. Fauna of Africa Document [5](Title: Ornithoctoninae) gadgili" → "Poecilotheria regalis" "Ornithoctonus hainanus" → "Haplopelma hainanum" "Ornithoctonus huwenus" → "Haplopelma schmidti" "Phormingochilus" Type species: "P. everetti" Ornithoctoninae The Ornithoctoninae, also known as earth tigers, are a subfamily of Asian tarantulas, which were first erected in 1895 by Reginald Innes Pocock on basis of the genotype "Ornithoctonus andersoni" described in 1892 from former Burma, now Myanmar. The Ornithoctoninae comprise a theraphosid subfamily, which is widely distributed in Asia from Myanmar to South China in the north and as far as to Halmahera in the Indonesian archipelago in the south, and in all the ranges in between. Most species Document [6](Title: Taxonomy of lemurs) of primates within their own order, Dermoptera. Primates, together with their closest relatives, the treeshrews, colugos, and long-extinct plesiadapiforms, form the taxonomically unranked Euarchonta clade within the Euarchontoglires. Lorisids, some of which were originally placed in the genus "Lemur" by Carl Linnaeus, have since been moved into either their own infraorder (Lorisiformes) or their own superfamily (Lorisoidea) within Lemuriformes. For the Malagasy primate fauna, taxonomic nomenclature proliferated during the 1800s, with the aid of museum systematists, such as Albert Günther and John Edward Gray, as well as naturalists and explorers, such as Alfred Grandidier. This nomenclature was not sorted out Document [7](Title: Pinguicula moranensis) six of Casper's choices. "P. moranensis", therefore, remains in the section "Orcheosanthus", along with over a dozen synonyms it has inherited in its 200-year taxonomic history. The varying importance which different authors have placed on various morphological characteristics when determining the taxonomy of the genus has long made the resulting subdivision of the genus a subject of controversy. Ruiz (2001) supported his revision of the section "Orcheosanthus" with a phylogenetic analysis, using 20 morphological and phenological characteristics. In 2005, Cieslak et al. conducted the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the entire genus "Pinguicula". Using molecular data, they were able to Question: what is the scientific name for the borneo orangutan Answer:
Pongo pygmaeus
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Olympus Has Fallen) Former Army Ranger Mike Banning ( Gerard Butler ) is the lead U.S. Secret Service agent assigned to head the U.S. Presidential detail . Banning maintains a personal , friendly relationship with President Benjamin Asher ( Aaron Eckhart ) , First Lady Margaret ( Ashley Judd ) and their son Connor ( Finley Jacobsen ) . During a snowy Christmas evening drive from Camp David to a campaign fundraiser , the car transporting the First Family spins out of control on a bridge due to icy conditions ; Banning pulls Asher from the vehicle , but Margaret falls to her death while inside the car . Document [1](Title: Passenger 57) trial. John Cutter (Snipes) is a retired United States Secret Service agent who is trying to recover from the haunting memories of his wife's death in a convenience-store robbery, and has taken to training flight attendants in self defense, including Marti Slayton (Alex Datcher). After one class, Cutter is approached by an old friend, Sly Delvecchio (Tom Sizemore), who offers Cutter the vice presidency of a new antiterrorism unit for his company, Atlantic International Airlines. Cutter is reluctant, but Delvecchio and the company's president, Stuart Ramsey (Bruce Greenwood), convince him to accept the offer. Cutter boards as the 57th passenger Document [2](Title: Last Resort (TV series)) to become a reluctant ally with China, while trying to keep his own crew, led by Chief of the Boat Joseph Prosser (Robert Patrick), from rebelling against him. He must also combat the schemes of the local drug lord Julian Serrat (Sahr Ngaujah). The series also follows the efforts of Kylie Sinclair (Autumn Reeser), a weapons designer back home who allies with Christine Kendal (Jessy Schram), the wife of the "Colorado"s XO, to discern the truth behind the nuclear attack on Pakistan and the "Colorado"s fugitive status. An ongoing subplot involves a Navy SEAL named James King (Daniel Lissing) who, Document [3](Title: The Young and the Restless characters (1980s)) worked as one of Jabot's executive secretaries, mostly for Jack Abbott. Meanwhile, Skip Evans served as the company's photographer, replacing Joe Blair, who was Christine Blair's cousin. After falling in love, the couple married in 1989 with the support of the Abbotts. Carol survived a childhood illness that left her leg permanently disabled. The illness also prevented her from conceiving a baby, and adoption agencies refused to let them adopt. Carol and Skip then came into contact with a young, unwed pregnant mother, Nancy "Nan" Nolan, who was unsure whether the father of her baby was her boyfriend or the Document [4](Title: Olympus Has Fallen) by killing Vice President Charlie Rodriguez (Phil Austin). After Banning disables Kang’s communications, Kang tries to execute Secretary of Defense Ruth McMillan (Melissa Leo) outside the White House in front of the media, but Banning rescues her. With his forces dwindling, Kang fakes his and Asher's death by sacrificing several of his men and the remaining hostages. However, Banning sees through the ruse. Kang eventually cracks Asher’s code using brute-force attack and activates Cerberus. As Kang and his remaining men attempt to escape, Banning ambushes them and kills the remaining terrorists. During the fight, Asher tries to break free from Document [5](Title: Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell)) kidnapping recovery work. But when Coste is injured during the Blacklist attack at Anderson Air Base at Guam, he is then offered by President Patricia Caldwell as a commander of Fourth Echelon, which consisted of Sam himself, alongside civilian hacker Charlie Cole, former CIA officer Isaac Briggs and lastly his co-worker at Third Echelon Anna Grimsdottir. Sam's direct supervisor and handler in Third Echelon was Irving Lambert (Colonel, USA-Ret.) (deceased, 2008), who maintained constant radio contact with Sam during his missions, providing him with updates and support, and was even one of Fisher's oldest friends, especially the closest. Assisting Lambert Document [6](Title: Roy Kellerman) The driver was Secret Service Agent William Greer. Like all Secret Service agents assigned to protect the President of the United States, Kellerman was trained to use his own body as a shield, taking a bullet if necessary in the line of duty. Kellerman, along with Secret Service agents William Greer, Clint Hill, and Rufus Youngblood, provided testimony to the Warren Commission in Washington, D.C. on March 9, 1964. Kellerman testified, "I turned around to find out what happened when two additional shots rang out and the President slumped into Mrs. Kennedy's lap and Governor Connally fell to Mrs. Connally's Document [7](Title: Bride by Mistake) her in public. Longtime guardian Jonathan Connors (Edgar Buchanan) protects his ward's privacy zealously. During a ship launching, a press photographer takes Nora's picture, but Connors sees to it that the camera film is ruined. Sylvia tells Nora that she is quitting so that she can accompany her husband, Phil Vernon (Allyn Joslyn), whose job requires him to move to Washington. Nora decides to marry her fiance Donald (William Post Jr.) so that Sylvia can be her maid of honor at her wedding, but when Donald returns from military duty, he breaks the news that he has fallen in love Question: who plays mike banning in olympus has fallen Answer:
Gerard Butler
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Wind the Bobbin Up) Iona and Peter Opie traced this rhyme back to Netherlands in the 1890s . When they were collecting games in the 1960s and 1970s the version they encountered was : Document [1](Title: Crambo) Rhyming." The name comes from the Latin "crambe" and Greek κράμβη "krámbē", meaning "cabbage" (as in "crambe repetita", literally meaning "re-stewed cabbage"). Hence the players started with a rhyme and then "re-stewed" it. In the early versions of the game up to the eighteenth century, teams would vie with each other to find and express a rhyme for a word or line presented by the opposing player or team. Someone would offer the first rhyme often poking fun at a dignitary; the subsequent lines or couplets would then have to rhyme with this. The verse would be sung to a Document [2](Title: Clapping game) rhymes but generally different clapping patterns may be used to accompany different rhymes. The rhymes are generally very similar to a jump-rope rhymes. Some games are played without a rhyme, such as 'Slide', and not all require the players to clap each other's hands, such as 'Sevens.' Clapping games are a part of oral tradition. As such there are a variety of distinct clapping games or families of games. A game may be performed or played in various versions found in different areas and times and often according to ethnicity. For example, 'Hello, Operator' may be called 'Miss Susie' or Document [3](Title: Jack and Jill (nursery rhyme)) to have been first published in London around 1765. The rhyming of "water" with "after" was taken by Iona and Peter Opie to suggest that the first verse may date from the first half of the 17th century. A musical arrangement by Charles Burney was published in 1777. Several theories have been advanced to explain its origins and to suggest meanings for the lyrics. The game has traditionally been seen as a nonsense verse, particularly as the couple go up a hill to find water, which is often incorrectly thought to be only found at the bottom of hills. Vinegar Document [4](Title: String figure) cultures are familiar with string figures than with any other game. Over 2,000 individual patterns have been recorded worldwide since 1888, when anthropologist Franz Boas first described a pair of Eskimo string figures (Boas 1888a, 1888b, Abraham 1988:12)." String figures are probably one of humanity's oldest games, and is spread among an astonishing variety of cultures, even ones as unrelated as Europeans and the Dayaks of Indonesia; Alfred Wallace who, while traveling in Borneo in the 1800s, thought of amusing the Dayak youths with a novel game with string, was in turn very surprised when they proved to be familiar Document [5](Title: Old Dan Tucker) scenario, dance, and do another comedy bit. There was probably an element of competition to the various dance and music solos. The third-person verses also allowed for commentary to suggest to the audience how they were to judge the character and his antics. Individual companies probably selectively performed verses from the song or added new ones. For example, the Virginia Serenaders added verses about the Irish, Dutch, and French. At least four versions of the song were published with different lyrics during the 19th century. A parody called "Clar de Track" appears in some playbills and songsters. "Old Dan Tucker" Document [6](Title: Le Cid) feminine rhymes, as is typical of French drama. The opening lines are as follows: Chimène.<br> Elvire, m'as-tu fait un rapport bien sincère ?<br> Ne déguises-tu rien de ce qu'a dit mon père ?<br> Elvire.<br> Tous mes sens à moi-même en sont encor charmés : <br> Il estime Rodrigue autant que vous l'aimez, <br> Et si je ne m'abuse à lire dans son âme, <br> Il vous commandera de répondre à sa flamme. Some English translations of the play imitate the rhyme scheme, while others are written in prose. The play's meter is alexandrine (or "vers alexandrin"), which was popular in Document [7](Title: Sáhkku) and added a hypothetical ‘’Vandal track’’. The ‘’Varangian track’’ favored by Depaulis posits that Vikings who travelled in Eastern and Southeastern Europe between the 800s and 1000s may have learnt a game of the tâb family in Byzantium, brought it home, and that daldøs and sáhkku developed out of this. Depaulis notes that objections to this theory include that there is no evidence that the tâb type of games existed in the Middle East at such an early point in history, and that the east-faring Vikings were mainly from contemporary Sweden, whereas daldøs and sáhkku are generally known to have Question: where does the song wind the bobbin up come from Answer:
Netherlands in the 1890s
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: History of programming languages) In 1954 , language FORTRAN was invented at IBM by John Backus ; it was the first widely used high level general purpose programming language to have a functional implementation , as opposed to just a design on paper . It is still a popular language for high - performance computing and is used for programs that benchmark and rank the world 's fastest supercomputers . Document [1](Title: Pascal (programming language)) languages in the C family), allows nested procedure definitions to any level of depth, and also allows most kinds of definitions and declarations inside subroutines (procedures and functions). This enables a very simple and coherent syntax where a complete "program" is syntactically nearly identical to a single "procedure" or "function" (except for the heading, which has one of these three keywords). The first Pascal compiler was designed in Zürich for the CDC 6000 series mainframe computer family. Niklaus Wirth reports that a first attempt to implement it in Fortran in 1969 was unsuccessful due to Fortran's inadequacy to express complex Document [2](Title: PL/P) and the Fortran IV compiler in commercial applications. PL/P The PL/P programming language (an acronym of "Programming Language for Prime (computers)") is a mid-level programming language developed by Prime Computer to serve as their second primary system programming language after Fortran IV. PL/P was a subset of PL/I. Additions to the PRIMOS operating system for Prime 50 Series computers were written mostly in PL/P in later years. Certain PRIMOS modules written in Fortran IV during PRIMOS's early years were rewritten in PL/P. PL/P was the most widespread compiled programming language used for commercial PRIMOS applications, outpacing the use of the Document [3](Title: James G. Mitchell) in 1966. Mitchell began working with computers in 1962 while a student at the University of Waterloo. He and three other undergraduates developed a fast compiler for the Fortran programming language known as WATFOR ("Waterloo FORTRAN"), for the IBM 7040 computer. The project, initiated by Professor J. Wesley Graham, established Waterloo's early reputation as a centre for software and computer science research by assisting the first generation of computer science majors learn to program. He then graduated with a PhD in computer science from Carnegie-Mellon University in 1970. His dissertation was titled Conversational programming LCC. From 1971-84 Mitchell was at Document [4](Title: Coarray Fortran) following shortcomings: To address these shortcomings, the Rice University group is developing a clean-slate redesign of the Coarray Fortran programming model. Rice's new design for Coarray Fortran, which they call Coarray Fortran 2.0, is an expressive set of coarray-based extensions to Fortran designed to provide a productive parallel programming model. Compared to Fortran 2008, Rice's new coarray-based language extensions include some additional features: Coarray Fortran Coarray Fortran (CAF), formerly known as F--, started as an extension of Fortran 95/2003 for parallel processing created by Robert Numrich and John Reid in the 1990s. The Fortran 2008 standard (ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010) now includes Document [5](Title: IBM RPG) were executed by impulses emitted in a machine cycle; hence, FARGO and RPG emulated the notion of the machine cycle with the program cycle. RPG was superior to and rapidly replaced FARGO as the report generator program of choice. The alternative languages generally available at the time were Assembler, COBOL or FORTRAN. COBOL was a natural language-like business oriented language and FORTRAN was a language that facilitated mathematical applications. Other languages of the era included ALGOL and Autocoder and a few years later PL/I. Assembler and COBOL were more common in mainframe business operations (System/360 models 30 and above) and Document [6](Title: Fortress (programming language)) the "Hello, World!" words on the screen. Fortress (programming language) Fortress is a discontinued experimental programming language for high-performance computing, created by Sun Microsystems with funding from DARPA's High Productivity Computing Systems project. One of the language designers was Guy L. Steele Jr., whose previous work includes Scheme, Common Lisp, and Java. The name "Fortress" was intended to connote a secure Fortran, i.e., "a language for high-performance computation that provides abstraction and type safety on par with modern programming language principles". Language features included implicit parallelism, Unicode support and concrete syntax similar to mathematical notation. The language was not designed Document [7](Title: IBM 1130) simply ignored. The "*EXTENDED PRECISION" compiler option card told the FORTRAN compiler to use 40 bits instead of 32 bits for Floating Point data. Data to be manipulated and the instructions that manipulated them had to reside together in core memory. The amount of installed memory (from 4,096 to 32,768 words) was a key limitation. Fortran provided several techniques to write large programs despite this limitation. Fortran let any subprogram be designated as "LOCAL" (Load-on-Call). Each LOCAL subprogram was an overlay; it would be part of the disk-resident executable program but would only be loaded into core memory (if not Question: where was the first high-level language operating system created Answer:
at IBM
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Propaganda during the Reformation) Propaganda during the Reformation , helped by the spread of the printing press throughout Europe and in particular within Germany , caused new ideas , thoughts , and doctrine to be made available to the public in ways that had never been seen before the sixteenth century . The printing press was invented in approximately 1450 and quickly spread to other major cities around Europe ; by the time the Reformation was underway in 1517 there were printing centers in over 200 of the major European cities . These centers became the primary producers of Reformation works by the Protestants , and in some cases Counter-Reformation works put forth by the Roman Catholics . Document [1](Title: Global spread of the printing press) 19th century. On the effects of Gutenberg's printing Global spread of the printing press The global spread of the printing press began with the invention of the printing press with movable type by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany . Western printing technology was adopted in all world regions by the end of the 19th century, displacing the manuscript and block printing. In the Western world, the operation of a press became synonymous with the enterprise of publishing and lent its name to a new branch of media, the "press" (see List of the oldest newspapers). Gutenberg's first major print work Document [2](Title: Propaganda during the Reformation) propagandists, but not to the same effect. Protestant and Roman Catholic propaganda during the Reformation attempted to sway the public into adopting or continuing religious practices. Propagandists from both groups attempted to publish documents about church doctrine, to either retain their believers or influence new believers. Occasionally these printed texts also acted as manuals for lay people to refer to about the appropriate way to conduct themselves within the church and society. Printed texts and pamphlets were available to a large number of literate people, at a relatively affordable price. Furthermore, the ideas and beliefs of the reform writers, including Document [3](Title: History of printing) some considered his most ingenious invention: a special matrix which enabled the moulding of new movable types with an unprecedented precision at short notice. Within a year of printing the Gutenberg Bible, Gutenberg also published the first coloured prints. The invention of the printing press revolutionized communication and book production, leading to the spread of knowledge. Printing was rapidly spread from Germany by emigrating German printers, but also by foreign apprentices returning home. A printing press was built in Venice in 1469, and by 1500 the city had 417 printers. In 1470 Johann Heynlin set up a printing press in Document [4](Title: Argula von Grumbach) and became nearly an overnight sensation. It went through fourteen editions in two months, and became a bestseller. Argula wrote more letters and copies of the first one to other significant figures, including when Duke Wilhelm was to argue her case. In the early 16th century, the printing press was a new technology, not yet controlled by the State, leading to an information revolution, in which printers were spreading ideas that were disturbing to the establishment, faster than it could be controlled. If something sold well, like early Protestant writings, many printers would create their own editions, spreading often-subversive ideas Document [5](Title: Francis Trigge Chained Library) in the early 17th century, although such works are now among some of the rarest items. One, printed in Naples in 1476, is the only copy recorded in any library. The volumes were probably bought in the first place because they were offered cheaply. The theological mix is also indiscriminate. There are Lutheran propaganda, Calvinistic preaching, bitter attacks on papistry and equally bitter refutation of Protestant heresies. What survives is the whole history of the Reformation, set out in the writings of the men who brought it about or set themselves to oppose it. It is a remarkable collection for Document [6](Title: Renaissance humanism in Northern Europe) Renaissance humanism in Northern Europe Renaissance Humanism came much later to Germany and Northern Europe in general than to Italy, and when it did, it encountered some resistance from the scholastic theology which reigned at the universities. Humanism may be dated from the invention of the printing press about 1450. Its flourishing period began at the close of the 15th century and lasted only until about 1520, when it was absorbed by the more popular and powerful religious movement, the Reformation, as Italian Humanism was superseded by the papal counter-Reformation. Marked features distinguished the new culture north of the Alps Document [7](Title: Art in the Protestant Reformation and Counter-Reformation) Art in the Protestant Reformation and Counter-Reformation The Protestant Reformation during the 16th century in Europe almost entirely rejected the existing tradition of Catholic art, and very often destroyed as much of it as it could reach. A new artistic tradition developed, producing far smaller quantities of art that followed Protestant agendas and diverged drastically from the southern European tradition and the humanist art produced during the High Renaissance. The Lutheran churches, as they developed, accepted a limited role for larger works of art in churches, and also encouraged prints and book illustrations. Calvinists remained steadfastly opposed to art in Question: who helped spread the ideas of the reformation Answer:
printing press
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Shah Jahan Mosque, Woking) The Shah Jahan Mosque ( also known as Woking Mosque ) in Oriental Road , Woking , England , is the first purpose - built mosque in the United Kingdom . Built in 1889 , it is located 30 miles ( 50 km ) southwest of London . It is a Grade I listed building . Document [1](Title: Islam in the United Kingdom) reiterated by Gandhi in 1920. The Shah Jahan Mosque in Woking was the first purpose-built mosque, built in 1889. In the same year Abdullah Quilliam installed a mosque in a terrace in Liverpool, which became the Liverpool Muslim Institute. The first mosque in London was the Fazl Mosque established in 1924, commonly called the London mosque. The growing number of Muslims resulted in the establishment of more than 1,500 mosques by 2007. Muslim mass immigration to Britain began after World War II, as a result of the destruction and labour shortages caused by the war. Muslim migrants from former British Document [2](Title: Hajj Shahbazkhan Mosque) Hajj Shahbazkhan Mosque Haj Shahbazkhan Mosque (or Haj Shahbaz Khan Mosque) is a mosque located in the Ojagh Crossroads of Kermanshah, Iran. The founder of Haj Shahbazkhan Mosque is one of great ones of the Kalhor tribe, who in the Fathalishah reign gained the tribe’s Ghale beigy rank. He was a famous and valuable person in his era, and is held in great respect by the people in Kermanshah city. The mosque was built in 1235 AH (1818 CE). In the book “Ancient Kermanshahan” it is stated: “Haj Shahbazkhan and his six brothers, who were the founders of a well Document [3](Title: Mosque) a mosque, remains one of the holiest sites for Shia Muslims, as it honors the death of the third Shia imam, and Prophet Muhammad's grandson, Hussein ibn Ali. The Mosque of Amr ibn al-As was reportedly the first mosque in Egypt, serving as a religious and social center for Fustat (present-day Cairo) during its prime. Like the Imam Husayn Shrine, though, nothing of its original structure remains. With the later Shia Fatimid Caliphate, mosques throughout Egypt evolved to include schools (known as "madrasas"), hospitals, and tombs. The Great Mosque of Kairouan in present-day Tunisia was reportedly the first mosque built Document [4](Title: Glasgow Central Mosque) main building. The new Islamic Centre serves as a general purpose hall for public events and also provides sports and changing facilities, meeting rooms, library, cafeteria and facilities to offer education and welfare support to the community. The mosque was built at a cost of three million pounds. The land was acquired and the preferred architectural design meant that the architect had to travel to Turkey and Jeddah. The courtyard of the mosque is in keeping with the traditional Arabesque style. It is enclosed on one of its sides by gardens and on the other by a long façade of Document [5](Title: Mughal architecture) domes and the subtle intarsia decoration. Aurangzeb's mosque's architectural plan is similar to that of his father, Shah Jahan, the Jama Masjid in Delhi; though it is much larger. It also functions as an "idgah". The courtyard which spreads over 276,000 square feet, can accommodate one hundred thousand worshippers; ten thousand can be accommodated inside the mosque. The minarets are tall. The Mosque is one of the most famous Mughal structures, but suffered greatly under the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. In 1993, the Government of Pakistan included the Badshahi Mosque in the tentative list for UNESCO World Heritage Site. Document [6](Title: Mohri Sharif) visit and accommodation. Hazrat Khawaja Mohammad Masoom supervised the extension himself. Masjid Zareen Zarbakht is eighty feet long and thirty feet wide. In the middle of the mosque there is a marvellous dome in which ninety-nine names of Allah are carved in Mughal-style architecture. World-famous calligrapher Khursheed Aalam Gohar spent his precious time carving and engraving some of the best art pieces for the mosque’s decoration. His work has given the appeal to mosque as it is built with jewels. There are wide verandas around the mosque with arches on the entrance. The mosque has a huge courtyard which has Document [7](Title: Juma Mosque, Ganja) Juma Mosque, Ganja Juma Mosque of Ganja or Friday Mosque of Ganja – is a mosque located in the centre of Ganja. The mosque was built in 1606, according to a project of Sheykh Baheddin Mohammad Amil. The mosque is also often called “Shah Abbas Mosque”, because it was built on the instructions of Shah Abbas the Great during his reign. In 1776, two minarets were attached to the mosque. The mosque was built of red brick, which was traditional for Ganja. There was functioned a madrasah at the mosque for a long time, where the eminent Azerbaijani poet and Question: when was the first mosque built in britain Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Wyatt Earp (film)) Dennis Quaid as Doc Holliday Document [1](Title: DJ Qualls) series "Legit". DJ Qualls Donald Joseph Qualls (born June 10, 1978), known professionally as DJ Qualls, is an American actor, producer, and model. He is best known for his work in films including "Road Trip", "The New Guy", "Hustle & Flow", and "The Core" and for several appearances on television series such as "Breaking Bad", "Supernatural", "Scrubs", "Lost", "", and "The Big Bang Theory". He co-starred in the FX comedy series "Legit", and is co-starring in the Syfy horror series "Z Nation". He was cast in the Amazon Studios show "The Man in the High Castle". Qualls was born in Document [2](Title: Last of the Summer Wine) Mildred", where he played the hen-pecked husband to a strong-willed woman. In 2008, the BBC announced that Russ Abbot would join the cast in series 30 as a relatively youthful actor. Abbot was cast to allow Sallis and Thornton to reduce their role on the show to indoor scenes only. Abbot portrayed Luther "Hobbo" Hobdyke, who formed a new trio with Entwistle and Alvin. Entwistle, played by Burt Kwouk, had been a supporting character brought in to replace Wesley Pegden after the death of actor Gordon Wharmby, but his role on the show steadily increased in the previous two series. Document [3](Title: Joy Division (2006 film)) on his mission. He meets with his contact, Dennis (Bernard Hill), the main organiser of Steiner's former cell. Thomas does not report any suspicions to Tally-Ho, though Dennis made some unorthodox comments, seemingly on purpose, and decides to watch Dennis further. Yvonne, pleasantly intrigued by Thomas, persists to get familiar with him. The pair form a bond and discover they share a passion for art as well as a mutual attraction. Thomas becomes more acquainted with Dennis after several more meetings and eventually the two men discover they both share a dream for freedom. Nevertheless, Thomas assassinates with professional expertise Document [4](Title: James Ottaway) (1947); Soldier in "Edward II" (1947); Mr Brudenell in "The Devil's Disciple" (1949); Cibber in "Whirligig" (1950); "The Passing Show" (1951); Rev. Ambrose Wistons in "The Cathedral" (1952); "Sunday Night Theatre" (1952); Bates in "The Commonplace Heart" (1953); Dr Pennington in "Emergency – Ward 10" (1958); Second Doctor in The Blood Donor episode of "Hancock's Half Hour" (1961); Dr Cranston in "The Saint" (1963); Mr Roberts/Allan in "No Hiding Place" (1960-1965); Mr Martin/Frank Meek in "Dixon of Dock Green" (1956-1969); Thomas Anthem in "The Fellows (Late of Room 17)" (1967); Scrophulus in "Up Pompeii!" (1970); Member of Parliament in "Dad's Document [5](Title: Ryan O'Neal) enough to give a prognosis of full recovery. Based on various sources. Ryan O'Neal Charles Patrick Ryan O'Neal (born April 20, 1941) is an American actor and former boxer. O'Neal trained as an amateur boxer before beginning his career in acting in 1960. In 1964, he landed the role of Rodney Harrington on the ABC nighttime soap opera "Peyton Place". The series was an instant hit and boosted O'Neal's career. He later found success in films, most notably "Love Story" (1970), for which he received Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations as Best Actor, Peter Bogdanovich's "What's Up, Doc?" (1972) Document [6](Title: Jon Pertwee) "Spotty" in the 1980s cartoon series "SuperTed" and, in 1985, starred in "Do You Know The Milkyway?", a television adaptation of Karl Wittlinger's stage play in which Pertwee played Dr. Neuross and another nine characters. In 1995, he also had the key voice of Death and other voice characterisations in the PC and PlayStation renditions of "Discworld". Also in 1995, he played General Von Kramer in the "Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" episode "Attack of the Hawkmen". He returned to the role of the Doctor in 1983 for the 20th-anniversary television special "The Five Doctors" and in the 1993 charity special Document [7](Title: The Big Goodbye) are sent to open diplomatic ties with the Jaradan. While taking a break from preparations, a computer malfunction traps Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart), Lt. Cmdr. Data (Brent Spiner), and Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) in a 1940s-style gangster holodeck program with Captain Picard playing the role of detective Dixon Hill. "The Big Goodbye" is the first episode to significantly feature the holodeck. Tormé credited Gene Roddenberry with the idea for the detective novel, with Tormé employing the film noir style using references to "The Maltese Falcon" (1941). Lawrence Tierney, who previously appeared in film noir movies in the 1940s, Question: who played doc holliday in the wyatt earp movie Answer:
Dennis Quaid
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Cedar Rapids, Iowa) As of the 2010 United States Census , the city population was 126,326 . The estimated population of the three - county Metropolitan Statistical Area , which includes the nearby cities of Marion and Hiawatha , was 255,452 in 2008 . Cedar Rapids is an economic hub of the state , located in the core of the Interstate 380 . Document [1](Title: Cedar Rapids, Wisconsin) income for the town was $17,188. There were 14.3% of families and 8.3% of the population living below the poverty line, including 16.7% of under eighteens and none of those over 64. Cedar Rapids, Wisconsin Cedar Rapids is a town in Rusk County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 37 at the 2000 census. According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 35.7 square miles (92.4 km²), of which 35.2 square miles (91.1 km²) is land and 0.5 square mile (1.3 km²) (1.40%) is water. As of the census of 2000, there were 37 Document [2](Title: Elk Rapids, Michigan) did not last long; the Iron Works and all the other industrial operations had ceased by 1916, leaving the town economically depressed. Elk Rapids remained this way until the 1950s, when the town experienced a boom in tourism due to its location on the then newly constructed US 31. According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of , of which, of it is land and is water. As of the census of 2010, there were 1,642 people, 791 households, and 478 families residing in the village. The population density was . There were 1,179 Document [3](Title: Cedarville Township, Michigan) Cedarville Township, Michigan Cedarville Township is a civil township of Menominee County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 276 at the 2000 census. The township was established in 1863. According to the United States Census Bureau, the township has a total area of , of which is land and (0.13%) is water. Much of the land in the township is part of the Escanaba State Forest. As of the census of 2000, there were 276 people, 138 households, and 89 families residing in the township. The population density was 3.5 per square mile (1.3/km²). There were 384 Document [4](Title: Essex Township, Michigan) village of Maple Rapids. As of the census of 2000, there were 1,812 people, 635 households, and 509 families residing in the township. The population density was 50.9 per square mile (19.7/km²). There were 659 housing units at an average density of 18.5 per square mile (7.1/km²). The racial makeup of the township was 98.95% White, 0.11% African American, 0.28% Native American, 0.06% Asian, 0.06% Pacific Islander, 0.33% from other races, and 0.22% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 1.16% of the population. There were 635 households out of which 40.9% had children under Document [5](Title: Waterloo – Cedar Falls metropolitan area) Waterloo – Cedar Falls metropolitan area The Waterloo–Cedar Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area, as defined by the United States Census Bureau, is an area consisting of three counties in Iowa, anchored by the cities of Waterloo and Cedar Falls. As of the 2000 census, the MSA had a population of 163,706 (though a July 1, 2009 estimate placed the population at 164,913). As of the 2010 Census, the MSA had a population of 169,484. As of the census of 2000, there were 163,706 people, 63,527 households, and 41,855 families residing within the MSA. The racial makeup of the MSA was 90.62% Document [6](Title: Cedar Mills Township, Meeker County, Minnesota) Cedar Mills Township, Meeker County, Minnesota Cedar Mills Township is a township in Meeker County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 499 at the 2000 census. Cedar Mills Township was organized in 1870, and named after Cedar Mills, Minnesota. According to the United States Census Bureau, the township has a total area of , of which of it is land and of it (1.21%) is water. As of the census of 2000, there were 499 people, 177 households, and 135 families residing in the township. The population density was 13.0 people per square mile (5.0/km²). There were 191 housing units Document [7](Title: Ocheyedan, Iowa) the actual highest point in Iowa, Hawkeye Point, which has an elevation of 1,670 feet. The Ocheyedan River flows southwest of the city. As of the census of 2010, there were 490 people, 223 households, and 137 families residing in the city. The population density was . There were 252 housing units at an average density of . The racial makeup of the city was 95.7% White, 0.2% African American, 0.4% Native American, 0.2% Asian, 2.0% from other races, and 1.4% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 3.7% of the population. There were 223 Question: what is the population of cedar rapids iowa Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Depth of field) For a given subject framing and camera position , the DOF is controlled by the lens aperture diameter , which is usually specified as the f - number , the ratio of lens focal length to aperture diameter . Reducing the aperture diameter ( increasing the f - number ) increases the DOF because the circle of confusion is shrunk directly and indirectly by reducing the light hitting the outside of the lens which is focused to a different point than light hitting the inside of the lens due to spherical aberration caused by the construction of the lens ; however , it also reduces the amount of light transmitted , and increases diffraction , placing a practical limit on the extent to which DOF can be increased by reducing the aperture diameter . Document [1](Title: Depth of field) lenses, the pupil magnification changes with subject distance, and several measurements may be required. Most DOF formulas, including those discussed in this article, employ several simplifications: The lens designer cannot restrict analysis to Gaussian optics and cannot ignore lens aberrations. However, the requirements of practical photography are less demanding than those of lens design, and despite the simplifications employed in development of most DOF formulas, these formulas have proven useful in determining camera settings that result in acceptably sharp pictures. It should be recognized that DOF limits are not hard boundaries between sharp and unsharp, and that there is little Document [2](Title: Camera) an f-number or f-stop (derived from "focal ratio"), which is proportional to the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of the aperture. Longer focal length lenses will pass less light through the same aperture diameter due to the greater distance the light has to travel; shorter focal length lenses will transmit more light through the same diameter of aperture. The smaller the f/number, the larger the effective aperture. The present system of f/numbers to give the effective aperture of a lens was standardized by an international convention in 1963 and is referred to as the British Standard (BS-1013). Document [3](Title: Optics) as a single symbol, and specific values of # are written by replacing the number sign with the value. The two ways to increase the f-stop are to either decrease the diameter of the entrance pupil or change to a longer focal length (in the case of a zoom lens, this can be done by simply adjusting the lens). Higher f-numbers also have a larger depth of field due to the lens approaching the limit of a pinhole camera which is able to focus all images perfectly, regardless of distance, but requires very long exposure times. The field of view Document [4](Title: Depth of field) is the magnification; substituting this into the equation for formula_3 gives At moderate-to-large subject distances, formula_21 is small compared to unity, and the f-number can often be determined with sufficient accuracy using For close-up photography, the magnification cannot be ignored, and the f-number should be determined using the first approximate formula. As with the approximate formula for formula_41, the approximate formulas for formula_3 require only the focus spread formula_44 rather than the absolute image distances. When the far limit of DOF is at infinity, formula_173. On manual-focus small- and medium-format lenses, the focus and f-number usually are determined using the Document [5](Title: F-number) Trans Focus lenses by Minolta and Sony. An example of the use of f-numbers in photography is the "sunny 16 rule": an approximately correct exposure will be obtained on a sunny day by using an aperture of 16 and the shutter speed closest to the reciprocal of the ISO speed of the film; for example, using ISO 200 film, an aperture of 16 and a shutter speed of 1/200 second. The f-number may then be adjusted downwards for situations with lower light. Selecting a lower f-number is "opening up" the lens. Selecting a higher f-number is "closing" or "stopping down" Document [6](Title: Depth of field) be in focus, emphasizing the subject while de-emphasizing the background, perhaps giving only a suggestion of the environment (Langford 1973, 81). For example, a common technique in melodramas and horror films is a closeup of a person's face, with someone just behind that person visible but out of focus. A portrait or close-up still photograph might use a small DOF to isolate the subject from a distracting background. The use of limited DOF to emphasize one part of an image is known as "selective focus", "differential focus" or "shallow focus". Although a small DOF implies that other parts of the Document [7](Title: Hyperfocal distance) assume that the CoC limit is fixed and the aperture diameter scales with the focal length, giving a constant f-number. C. Welborne Piper may be the first to have published a clear distinction between "Depth of Field" in the modern sense and "Depth of Definition" in the focal plane, and implies that "Depth of Focus" and "Depth of Distance" are sometimes used for the former (in modern usage, "Depth of Focus" is usually reserved for the latter). He uses the term "Depth Constant" for "H", and measures it from the front principal focus (i. e., he counts one focal length Question: to control depth of field and amount of light what should be adjusted Answer:
the lens aperture diameter
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: 2010 United Kingdom government formation) 2010 United Kingdom government formation A polling station in Camberwell , London on 6 May 2010 . Date 7 May 2010 -- 12 May 2010 Location London , England , United Kingdom Cause Hung parliament following the 2010 general election Participants David Cameron Nick Clegg George Osborne William Hague Oliver Letwin Ed Llewellyn Chris Huhne Danny Alexander Andrew Stunell David Laws Outcome Conservative -- Liberal Democrat coalition agreement Cameron -- Clegg coalition Cameron premiership Document [1](Title: Planning gain) England and Wales on 6 April 2010. However, by that stage its future was already in doubt because a Conservative Party Green Paper of February 2010 indicated that were they to come to power they would scrap it in favour of a different mechanism (though many commentators indicated that they could not see much difference). By April 2010 the UK General Election was less than a month away; so few local authorities took steps to implement CIL until the new Government's intentions became clear. On 18 November 2010 the new UK Coalition Government indicated that it would in fact be Document [2](Title: 2010 United Kingdom general election debates) 2010 United Kingdom general election debates The United Kingdom general election debates of 2010 consisted of a series of three leaders' debates between the leaders of the three main parties contesting the 2010 United Kingdom general election: Gordon Brown, Prime Minister and leader of the Labour Party; David Cameron, Leader of the Opposition and Conservative Party; and Nick Clegg, leader of the third largest political party in the UK, the Liberal Democrats. They were the first such debates to be broadcast live in the run-up to a UK election. The debates ran without a break for 90 minutes and were Document [3](Title: 2009 United Kingdom local elections) held in October 2008. The referendum decided to replace the mayor and executive system with a council leader and cabinet system of local government. 2009 United Kingdom local elections The 2009 United Kingdom local elections were elections held to all 27 County Councils, three existing Unitary Authorities and five new Unitary Authorities, all in England, on 4 June 2009. The elections were due to be held on 7 May 2009, but were delayed in order to coincide with elections to the European Parliament. The elections produced a political landscape on the map of England that was a sea of Conservative Document [4](Title: 2010 Labour Party (UK) leadership election) 2010 Labour Party (UK) leadership election The 2010 Labour Party leadership election was triggered by a general election which resulted in a hung parliament. On 10 May, Gordon Brown resigned as Leader of the Labour Party. The following day, he stepped down as Prime Minister. The National Executive Committee decided the timetable for the election the result of which would be announced at the annual party conference. On 25 September, Ed Miliband became the new Leader of the Labour Party. The rules of the Labour Party stated in 2010 that "each nomination [for leader] must be supported by 12.5 per Document [5](Title: 2010 Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council election) contested, with the deputy leader of the council, Mahboob Hussain in Oldbury ward, being among the councillors standing for re-election. The results saw Labour increase their majority on the council after gaining 7 seats. Labour took 2 seats from the Conservatives, 1 from the Liberal Democrats, 2 from the British National Party and 2 from independents. This meant Labour had 56 seats, compared to 12 for the Conservatives and 4 for the Liberal Democrats. Meanwhile, the British National Party losses in Princes End and Tividale meant the party no longer had any seats on the council. 2010 Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Document [6](Title: ITV News) from ITV newscasters Etchingham, Nightingale and James Mates. Mark Austin and Katie Derham continued the ITN coverage following GMTV: "Election 2010" returned between 09:25 and 10:50. Alastair Stewart then returned with the programme at 12:30 until 15:00. ITV Wales, STV and UTV provided additional programming relevant to their coverage areas. The 2015 UK general election was held on Thursday 7 May 2015. Tom Bradby and Julie Etchingham anchored ITV's coverage of the results from the main ITV News studio at ITN from 21:55 on Thursday 7 May and continued through the night until 06:00 on Friday 8 May 2015. They Document [7](Title: Camberwell North (UK Parliament constituency)) Camberwell North (UK Parliament constituency) Camberwell North was a borough constituency located in the Metropolitan Borough of Camberwell, in South London. It returned one Member of Parliament (MP) to the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The constituency was created for the 1885 general election, and abolished for the 1950 general election. 1918-1950: The Metropolitan Borough of Camberwell wards of Coburg, Marlborough, North Peckham and St George's. General Election 1914/15: Another General Election was required to take place before the end of 1915. The political parties had been making preparations for an election to take place Question: when did the coalition government come into power Answer:
12 May 2010
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Veterans of Foreign Wars) The Veterans of Foreign Wars ( officially known as the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States ) is a U.S. war veterans organization established on September 29 , 1899 , whose membership consists of veterans who , as United States Army soldiers , United States Navy sailors , United States Marines , United States Coast Guard sailors , and / or United States Air Force airmen , served the U.S. in wars , campaigns , and expeditions on foreign soil or hostile waters . Document [1](Title: Veterans' organization) 'local' or club is often a well-known meeting place or restaurant in a locality. Notable veterans' organization are The American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW), Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL), and the Memorable Order of Tin Hats. Veterans' organization A veterans' organization, also known as an ex-service organisation, is an organization composed of persons who served in a country's armed forces, especially those who served in the armed forces during a period of war. The organization's concerns include benefits for spouses and children, veterans' claims, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) issues, and other topics Document [2](Title: Military Order of Foreign Wars) Grant. Five other presidents who lived prior to the Order's founding – John Tyler, James K. Polk, Abraham Lincoln, Rutherford B. Hayes, and Chester A. Arthur – had ancestors who had served as officers during the American Revolution or the War of 1812; and, thus, their descendants are eligible for hereditary membership in MOFW. Military Order of Foreign Wars The Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States (MOFW) is one of the oldest veterans' and hereditary associations in the nation with a membership that includes officers and their hereditary descendants from all of the Armed Services. Membership is Document [3](Title: Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation) readjust to Cambodia's lifestyle and culture. Through its services, the program provides orientation, assistance with employment and housing, drug, alcohol and HIV education, Khmer literacy classes, counseling and referral services, in order to support returnees who seek help in becoming independent and productive members of society. Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation The Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation (VVAF), established in 1980, now the Veterans for America (VFA), is a Washington, D.C.-based international humanitarian organization that addresses the consequences of war and conflict. The founder of VVAF is Bobby Muller, a former U.S. Marine lieutenant and Vietnam veteran. In 1980, co-founders Document [4](Title: United States Submarine Veterans of World War II) United States Submarine Veterans of World War II The United States Submarine Veterans of World War II is a congressionally chartered veterans organization that was established to "perpetuate the memory of those shipmates who gave their lives in submarine warfare" during World War II. In 1956 a group of Plankowners formulated and discussed thoroughly the "purpose of" a "motto" of the newly formed organization. 1956 version: "The purpose of this organization is to perpetuate the memory of those shipmates who voluntarily gave their lives in submarine warfare; to further promote and keep alive the spirit and unity that existed among Document [5](Title: Military history of Jewish Americans) group in the United States. It has an estimated 37,000 members. The Jewish War Veterans were established in 1896. The group holds a congressional charter under Title 36 of the United States Code. In the preamble to its National Constitution the purpose of the JWV is stated: To maintain true allegiance to the United States of America; to foster and perpetuate true Americanism; to combat whatever tends to impair the efficiency and permanency of our free institutions; to uphold the fair name of the Jew and fight his or her battles wherever unjustly assailed; to encourage the doctrine of universal Document [6](Title: History of the French Foreign Legion) mainstay. In 1920, decrees ordained the establishment of regiments of cavalry and artillery regiments. Immediately following the armistice, the Foreign Legion experienced increased enlistment which continued for the next few years. Many of the new volunteers for the Foreign Legion were of German and Russian extraction: the former being mostly veterans of World War I and the latter consisting of veterans of the failed White Russian movement. The Foreign Legion began the process of reorganizing and redeploying to Algeria. The Foreign Legion was heavily involved in World War II, playing a large role in the Middle East and the North Document [7](Title: French Foreign Legion Veteran Societies Federation) the general assembly is constituted of representatives of different associations of veteran legionnaires members at the prorata of their active members numbers. The functioning is governed by a bureau, the latter having a delegation of the administrative council elected during the course of general assembly. Each three years, the general assembly takes motion under the form of a national congressional session organized by one (or several) local(s) association(s) (congressional session: 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010). French Foreign Legion Veteran Societies Federation The French Foreign Legion Veteran Societies Federation () is an association of the "association law type of 1901" () Question: when was the veterans of foreign wars founded Answer:
September 29 , 1899
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations episodes) 7 '' Love and Potato Chips ! '' '' Koi to Potechi ... ! ! '' ( 恋 と ポテチ ... ! ! ) May 17 , 2017 Document [1](Title: Enchanta) Ivi duo — I know. / Alam ko. <br> Ivi este — I don't know. / Hindi ko alam. <br> Ivi kuntirunte — I am ordering you/Inuutusan kita. <br> Ivi musti paneya — I'm hungry. / Gutom na ako. <br> Ivneshe — Dream / Panaginip <br> Ivo ron, esra... — I know, but... / Alam ko pero... <br> Ivro — Return / Ibalik <br> Kanwu — Near / Malapit <br> Mashna/Mancha — General (Military) <br> Masne sera (name of person) — Peaceful night to you, (name of person) / Mapayapang gabi, (name of person) <br> Maste lesnu (name of person) Document [2](Title: Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Song) shù dāo cú dìguó, qǔxiāo bù píngděng tiáoyuē, ér zú shǐ zhī píng, shǐ jiāo wàng qiángdí wèi wēi huái dé, zhìjīn shàng yóu gǎnjītìlíng. Nányáng zhūgé, fén yángzi yí, yóu dāng kuì qí wèi zhī néng xíng! Yǐ xīn shēnghuó yù wǒ mín dé, yǐ xiànzhèng zhī zhì zhí wǒ mínzhǔ, yǐ jīngjì jiànshè hòu wǒ mínshēng, yǐ jiǔ nián guómín jiàoyù bǐ wǒ mínzhì yì zhēng. Lúnlǐ, mínzhǔ, kēxué, gémìng, shíjiàn, lìxíng, zhōnghuá wénhuà yú yān fùxīng! Nàihé jiān fěi pànluàn, dàlù rú fèi rú fén, zhōng huái jī nì, wò huǒ bào bīng, nǎi juàn xī gù, Document [3](Title: Prayer of Saint Ephrem) attempt to combine the two. "Kýrie kaí Déspota tís zoís mou, pnevma argías, periergías, filarchías, kaí argologías mí moi dós. Pnevma dé sofrosýnis, tapeinofrosýnis, ypomonís, kaí agápis chárisaí moi tó só doúlo. Naí, Kýrie Vasilef, dórisai moi toú orán tá emá ptaísmata, kaí mí katakrínein tón adelfón mou, óti evlogitós eí, eis toús aiónas tón aiónon. Amín." In English, this may be translated: "O Lord and Master of my life, grant me not a spirit of sloth, meddling, love of power, and idle talk. But give to me, your servant, a spirit of sober-mindedness, humility, patience, and love. Yes, O Document [4](Title: Ko Lanta District) has been relatively unaffected by the islands' tourism. Much of the cuisine has its origins in Malay, Indonesian, and Indian food. Favourite dishes from the south include Indian-style Muslim curry (massaman), rice noodles in fish curry sauce "(khanom chin)", and "khao mok kai" (chicken biryani). Pad Thai is one of the most favoured dishes and is available throughout the island group. The dog conch or wing shell (หอยชักตีน) fish is famous in Krabi's cuisine. Stir fried Spotted Babylon (หอยหวาน), a snail which is found in mangrove forests, with chilies and basil, is also famous. Ko Lanta District Ko Lanta (, Document [5](Title: Tropang Potchi) children are taught spelling, vocabulary, grammar, science, people, and nature, among other things. The game portion, on the other hand, features a giant game board that challenges the children's mental and physical abilities. Other regular segments in the show are "Video-OK!," where children send in videos of themselves or their friends and relatives; "Aprub!," a feature on people, events, and places that are remarkable and worthy of getting the Potchi "aprub" mark, "Dear Kapotchi," a portion where viewers can send feedback and even school activity announcements; and "Sabi ni Potchi," (lit. "Potchi says") a series of short stories featuring Potchi Document [6](Title: Pârsem Kût) has to offer rice beer to them. After dawn of the Pârsem Kût the celebration is wound up by singing and dancing which includes "KA CHIN ALA" (Ka chin song). This song is sung in groups which consist of 3 main sub-groups; these are:- 1. Siarsep i.e. Youth 2. Minmangngei i.e. married man 3. Tarpui i.e. old man. The three selected group will sing this same Ka Chin song one after the other and be judged by the other two groups. If mistakes are found during the song routine then the group is fined to offer rice beer to other Document [7](Title: Paris by Night 96) Chưa Mặc Một Lần (Nguyễn Ngọc Ngạn) – Thúy Nga, Bằng Kiều, Chí Tài & Bé Tí 23. Phỏng Vấn Thúy Nga & Bằng Kiều 24. Nhạc Kịch: Ði Tìm Nửa Vầng Trăng – Dương Triệu Vũ & Bảo Hân 25. Những Ðồi Hoa Sim (Dzũng Chinh, Thơ: Hữu Loan) – Mai Thiên Vân & Hoàng Oanh 26. Liên Khúc: – Duy Trường & Lý Duy Vũ 27. Phỏng Vấn Ca Sĩ Duy Trường & Lý Duy Vũ 28. Khi Người Xa Tôi (Lê Xuân Trường) – Nguyệt Anh & Chuyện Tình Thường Thế Thôi (Lê Quang) – Thùy Vân Question: when is episode 7 of boruto coming out Answer:
May 17 , 2017
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Sand dollar) The bodies of adult sand dollars , like those of other echinoids , display radial symmetry . The petal - like pattern in sand dollars consists of five paired rows of pores . The pores are perforations in the endoskeleton through which podia for gas exchange project from the body . The mouth of the sand dollar is located on the bottom of its body at the center of the petal - like pattern . Unlike other urchins , the bodies of sand dollars also display secondary front - to - back bilateral symmetry . The anus of sand dollars is located at the back rather than at the top as in most urchins , with many more bilateral features appearing in some species . These result from the adaptation of sand dollars , in the course of their evolution , from creatures that originally lived their lives on top of the seabed ( epibenthos ) to creatures that burrow beneath it ( endobenthos ) . Document [1](Title: Sand dollar) sand dollars, in the course of their evolution, from creatures that originally lived their lives on top of the seabed (epibenthos) to creatures that burrow beneath it (endobenthos). The common sand dollar, "Echinarachnius parma", is widespread from the intertidal zone to considerable depths in the ocean waters of the Northern Hemisphere. It can be found in temperate and tropical zones. The keyhole sand dollar (three species, genus "Mellita") is found on a wide range of coasts in and around the Caribbean Sea. According to World Register of Marine Species: The term "sand dollar" derives from the appearance of the tests Document [2](Title: Choana) In all but the most basal (primitive) tetrapodomorphs, the excurrent nostrils have migrated from the edge of the mouth to the interior of the mouth. In tetrapods that lack a secondary palate (basal tetrapods and amphibians), the choanae are located forward in the roof of the mouth, just inside the upper jaw. These internal nasal passages evolved while the vertebrates still lived in water. In animals with complete secondary palates (mammals, crocodilians, most skinks) the space between the primary and secondary palates contain the nasal passages, with the choanae located above the posterior end of the secondary palate. In animals Document [3](Title: Waldo (bivalve)) shell (the periostracum) can be thin to thick, and translucent to white in coloration. The mantle covers most of the outer shell surface and possesses small rounded protuberances (papillae). The mantle also has long, slender tentacles that extend well past the shell margin. The foot is elongated and thin, and triangular to cylindrical in shape. The heel of the foot may be strong to absent, with one demibranch (gill plate) on each side. All members of the genus "Waldo" are believed to be obligate commensal epibionts of echinoids (sea urchins). Adults are actively mobile, crawling freely about the external surfaces Document [4](Title: Sea urchin) the small and large intestines of sea urchins are in no way homologous to the similarly named structures in vertebrates. Digestion occurs in the intestine, with the caecum producing further digestive enzymes. An additional tube, called the siphon, runs beside much of the intestine, opening into it at both ends. It may be involved in resorption of water from food. The water vascular system leads downwards from the madreporite through the slender stone canal to the ring canal, which encircles the oesophagus. Radial canals lead from here through each ambulacral area to terminate in a small tentacle which passes through Document [5](Title: Waptia) of five somites, all of which lack appendages except the last. The back-facing margins of these somites bear small spines and four or more larger spines. The last abdominal somite forks into a pair of flattened spatulate appendages (the uropods) that function as a tail fan (caudal rami). In addition to stabilising the body while swimming, a quick flick of the tail fan can rapidly propel the animal backwards, which may have functioned as a means of escaping predators like in modern shrimp. Traces of four fused segments are evident in the three faint lines dividing each lobe of the Document [6](Title: Thelenota rubralineata) pattern, with papillae ending in white peaks. The podia are pale greenish-yellow, while the tentacles, twenty in number, are red. "Thelenota rubralineata" is found at on outer coral reef slopes with large rubble and coarse sand patches near islands 20 meters and deeper. This species is widespread throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Like other "Thelenota," "T. rubralineata" contains calcareous spicules in the form of granules and branched rods. Located throughout the body wall, these structures serve as both structural support and defense from predators. Two Polian vesicles provide the basis for locomotion. 5 longitudinal muscles are broad, V-shaped, and attached to Document [7](Title: Ampullae of Lorenzini) pore in the skin and ending blindly in a cluster of small pockets full of special jelly. The ampullae are mostly clustered into groups inside the body, each cluster having ampullae connecting with different parts of the skin, but preserving a left-right symmetry. The canal lengths vary from animal to animal, but the distribution of the pores is generally specific to each species. The ampullae pores are plainly visible as dark spots in the skin. They provide fish with an additional sense capable of detecting electric and magnetic fields as well as temperature gradients. The ampullae detect electric fields in Question: what type of symmetry do sand dollars have Answer:
radial symmetry
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Emblems of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement) The Red Cross on white background was the original protection symbol declared at the 1864 Geneva Convention . The ideas to introduce a uniform and neutral protection symbol as well as its specific design originally came from Dr. Louis Appia , a Swiss surgeon , and Swiss General Henri Dufour , founding members of the International Committee . Document [1](Title: International Committee of the Red Cross) an armed conflict. Furthermore, the convention defined two specific requirements for recognition of a national relief society by the International Committee: Directly following the establishment of the Geneva Convention, the first national societies were founded in Belgium, Denmark, France, Oldenburg, Prussia, Spain, and Württemberg. Also in 1864, Louis Appia and Charles van de Velde, a captain of the Dutch Army, became the first independent and neutral delegates to work under the symbol of the Red Cross in an armed conflict. Three years later in 1867, the first International Conference of National Aid Societies for the Nursing of the War Wounded Document [2](Title: Swiss Red Cross) July 1866 at the instigation of Federal Councillor Jakob Dubs and the Red Cross members Gustave Moynier and Guillaume-Henri Dufour. After its foundation, the SRC named itself as an "aid organisation ["Hülfsverein"] for Swiss soldiers and their families". Building the national organisation was, however, full of difficulties. For one thing, there was very little consistency in the organisation of Switzerland at the federal level at this time, and for another the organisation was hindered by political and confessional arguments. Also, Switzerland's neutrality and the existence of the International Committee of the Red Cross as an institution in Swiss civil-society posed Document [3](Title: Red coat (military uniform)) Jacobitism. Red coats were also worn by the Swiss Guard and other Swiss mercenary regiments in the French Army from the mid-17th to early 19th centuries. The North African spahi regiments wore red jackets until disbanded in 1962. Redshirts or Red coats is the name given to the volunteers who followed Giuseppe Garibaldi. The name derived from the colour of their shirts or loose fitting blouses, as complete uniforms were beyond the financial resources of the Italian patriots. The Garderegiment Fuseliers Prinses Irene of the Royal Netherlands Army wear red tunics based on the British style, in commemoration of the Document [4](Title: 169th Engineer Battalion) of the first. Attached below the shield is a silver scroll inscribed "MIND AND HAND" in black letters. Symbolism: Scarlet and white are the colors of the Corps of Engineers. The fleur-de-lis flowered was suggested by the coat of arms of Florence, Italy, where the battalion was activated after being reconstituted in 1944. The dovetail is used to allude to an engineering construction principle. The three points represent the organization's three battle honors awarded for service in Italy during World War II. Background: The distinctive unit insignia was approved on 26 Jan 1956. Shield: Scarlet and white are the colors Document [5](Title: International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement) committee adopted the name "International Committee of the Red Cross" (ICRC), which is still its official designation today. Five years later, the American Red Cross was founded through the efforts of Clara Barton. More and more countries signed the Geneva Convention and began to respect it in practice during armed conflicts. In a rather short period of time, the Red Cross gained huge momentum as an internationally respected movement, and the national societies became increasingly popular as a venue for volunteer work. When the first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1901, the Norwegian Nobel Committee opted to give it Document [6](Title: Special Service Battalion) would make up a fighting force beyond the country's borders. The volunteers were required to sign a document known as the 'Africa Oath', in which they declared that they would be prepared to fight anywhere in Africa. They were distinguished from other members of the UDF by orange-scarlet shoulder tabs worn on their uniforms and commonly referred to as 'red tabs'. According to Professor Andrè Wessels of the Department of History at the University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein, "the wearing of these tabs caused a lot of resentment, by stigmatising both those who were prepared to fight and Document [7](Title: Georg Streiter) trade unions in November 1912, Streiter took a firm stand in the so-called "trade union struggle" for the right to organize Christian workers. During the First World War, Streiter served as a nurse with the Red Cross in Belgium, Poland and Turkey and was decorated with the Iron Cross 2nd Class with White-Black Bands, the Prussian Order of Merit for war aid, the Prussian Red Cross Medal 2nd and 3rd class, and also the Austrian Medal of Honour of the Red Cross. After the dissolution of his association and the integration of the members into the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft of public enterprises Question: when was the red cross symbol first used Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Alexa & Katie) Alexa & Katie is a Netflix original sitcom created by Heather Wordham . Matthew Carlson serves as showrunner . The first season premiered on Netflix on March 23 , 2018 , and consists of 13 episodes . In April 2018 , Netflix renewed the series for a second season . Document [1](Title: Alexa & Katie) friends confront a crisis when Alexa discovers that she is ill and starts undergoing treatment for cancer, which leaves them feeling like outsiders at a time when what seems to matter most is fitting in. The girls try to navigate through high school while dealing with the illness. "Alexa & Katie" is the first multi-camera sitcom produced by Netflix. On April 9, 2018, Netflix renewed the series for a second season, with Wordham set to take over as showrunner. Alexa & Katie Alexa & Katie is a Netflix original sitcom created by Heather Wordham. Matthew Carlson serves as showrunner. The Document [2](Title: Amazon Echo) voice, instead of the Alexa voice. In November 2017, a Product Red version of the second-generation Echo was announced as a limited edition item. Another special version of Echo is the Alexa Super Skills Collectible edition, which was given to select Amazon Alexa developers who published five skills between July 22 and October 30, 2017. This special variant comes with a white mask, a blue cape, and a blue belt. , the Echo is available in 39 countries. In March 2016, Amazon unveiled the original Amazon Echo Dot, which is a hockey puck-sized version of the Echo designed to be Document [3](Title: Degrassi: The Next Generation) on the channel, having aired since the channel's launch in 2002. Seasons six and seven premiered on The N before they aired on CTV. In June 2015, both MTV Canada and TeenNick announced that they would not renew the show. On June 9, 2015, Epitome Pictures announced that a sequel, "", would premiere on Family Channel, a pay channel owned by DHX Media, in January 2016. In the United States (and internationally), first-run episodes will move to Netflix. Episodes will become available on Netflix in Canada following the conclusion of the season. In Australia, ABC1 screened the first three seasons Document [4](Title: The Only Way Is Essex) series began on 28 February 2016. Ahead of the series, it was announced that Jess Wright, who had appeared on the show since the first series had quit. It was also confirmed that Ferne McCann would be taking a break from the series. It will be the first series to include new cast members Chloe Meadows, Courtney Green, and Chris and Jon Clark. Jon previously appeared on ITV2's "Love Island". This series will also feature the show's 200th episode. Despite previously announcing that she'd quit the show, Gemma Collins appeared in this series. On 9 March 2016, it was announced Document [5](Title: Alexa Wilkinson) took up the acoustic guitar a year later. She graduated from Park City High School before taking up music as a full-time career. Alexa Wilkinson was "discovered" by Josh Kelley in 2006 after a chance meeting with Josh's then girlfriend and now wife, Katherine Heigl. Josh signed her his independent record label, DNK Records and cowrote several songs with Alexa. In June 2007, aged 20, she released her debut album, "Lullaby Appetite". Many of the songs on "Lullaby Appetite" were taken from the apparently independently released album "Just You Wait" (2006). Alexa's second album, "Lions", was released in April 2008. Document [6](Title: Alexa (name)) 431. Popularity continued to climb and Alexa was ranked in the top 100 in the mid-1990s. According to the Social Security Administration, its highest popularity, 39th, was achieved in 2006. Amazon Echo was deemed Alexa in 2014. Alexa (name) Alexa is a female form of Alexander. It is variously a given name in its own right or a short form of Alexandra, both of which come from the Greek, Alexandros. It can be broken down into "alexo" meaning "to defend" and "ander", meaning "man"' making both Alexa and Alexander mean defender of man. In the United States, the name Alexa Document [7](Title: Four Horsemen (Highlander)) mortal named Alexa Bond, a waitress who worked in Joe's bar, and who was terminally ill. Their relationship spanned three episodes ("Timeless", “Deliverance”, and "Methuselah's Gift") as well as multiple chapters (entitled:“Postcards From Alexa”) in the book "". At first, Alexa refused his proposition of dating, because she didn't want to disappoint him as she was dying. However, Methos was persistent, and waited for her under the rain and asked her out on a date. He mentioned to Alexa that the reason for asking her on a date was "[b]ecause the alternative is unthinkable." In his quest to make her Question: when did alexa and katie come on netflix Answer:
March 23 , 2018
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: United States presidential election, 1988) United States presidential election , 1988 ← 1984 November 8 , 1988 1992 → All 538 electoral votes of the Electoral College 270 electoral votes needed to win Turnout 50.2 % 3.1 pp Nominee George H.W. Bush Michael Dukakis Party Republican Democratic Home state Texas Massachusetts Running mate Dan Quayle Lloyd Bentsen Electoral vote 426 111 States carried 40 10 + DC Popular vote 48,886,597 41,809,074 Percentage 53.4 % 45.6 % Presidential election results map . Red denotes states won by Bush / Quayle , blue denotes those won by Dukakis / Bentsen , light blue is the electoral vote for Bentsen / Dukakis by a West Virginia faithless elector . Numbers indicate electoral votes allotted to the winner of each state . President before election Ronald Reagan Republican Elected President George H.W. Bush Republican Document [1](Title: Electoral vote changes between United States presidential elections) votes of the party that won in 1972: Republican Party <nowiki>*</nowiki> "Faithless elector in 1968" Electoral votes of the party that won in 1976: Democratic Party Electoral votes of the party that won in 1980: Republican Party <nowiki>*</nowiki> "Faithless elector in 1976" Electoral votes of the party that won in 1984: Republican Party Electoral votes of the party that won in 1988: Republican Party Electoral votes of the party that won in 1992: Democratic Party <nowiki>*</nowiki> "Includes the faithless elector in 1988 who originally pledged to vote for Dukakis but instead voted for his vice presidential running mate Lloyd Bentsen" Document [2](Title: 1984 United States presidential election in Texas) 1984 United States presidential election in Texas The 1984 United States presidential election in Texas took place on November 6, 1984. All fifty states and the District of Columbia, were part of the 1984 United States presidential election. Texas voters chose twenty-nine electors to the Electoral College, which selected the president and vice president of the United States. Texas was won by incumbent United States President Ronald Reagan of California, who was running against former Vice President Walter Mondale of Minnesota. Reagan ran for a second time with and incumbent Vice President and former C.I.A. Director George H. W. Bush Document [3](Title: Vice President of the United States) 1988 when Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis chose experienced Texas Senator Lloyd Bentsen; Bentsen was considered a more seasoned statesman in federal politics and somewhat overshadowed Dukakis. Questions about Dan Quayle's experience were raised in the 1988 presidential campaign of George H. W. Bush, but the Bush-Quayle ticket still won handily. James Stockdale, the choice of third-party candidate Ross Perot in 1992, was seen as unqualified by many and Stockdale had little preparation for the vice presidential debate, but the Perot-Stockdale ticket still won about 19% of the vote. In 2008, Republican John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate Document [4](Title: 1988 United States presidential election in Texas) has elsewhere in the United States. An exception to this lies in a group of almost entirely Mexican-American counties in South Texas, which were and remained overwhelmingly Democratic. Of these, Starr, Zavala, Duval and Brooks Counties gave Dukakis over eighty-one percent of the vote and were his four strongest counties outside the District of Columbia, with Starr being his strongest nationwide. , and despite Bill Clinton's two ensuing nationwide election victories, the 1988 election constitutes the last occasion when Lee County, Calhoun County and San Saba County have supported the Democratic presidential nominee. Bush won his home-state with a solid Document [5](Title: 1984 United States presidential election in Texas) during the 1984 presidential election, both in Texas, and across the nation at large. Many registered Democrats who voted for Reagan (Reagan Democrats) stated that they had chosen to do so because they associated him with the economic recovery, because of his strong stance on national security issues with Russia, and because they considered the Democrats as "supporting American poor and minorities at the expense of the middle class." These public opinion factors contributed to Reagan’s 1984 landslide victory, in Texas and elsewhere. 1984 United States presidential election in Texas The 1984 United States presidential election in Texas took place Document [6](Title: Reagan Democrat) Reagan Democrat A Reagan Democrat is a traditionally Democratic voter in the United States, referring especially to White working-class Rust Belt residents, who defected from their party to support Republican President Ronald Reagan at either or both of the 1980 and 1984 presidential elections as well as Republican Presidents George H. W. Bush at the 1988 presidential election and George W. Bush at either or both of the 2000 and 2004 elections. Part of this group also defected to Donald Trump, the Republican candidate at the 2016 presidential election, who won in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, all states Document [7](Title: 1984 United States presidential election in Florida) expense of the middle class." These public opinion factors contributed to Reagan's 1984 landslide victory, in Florida and elsewhere. 1984 United States presidential election in Florida The 1984 United States presidential election in Florida took place on November 6, 1984. All fifty states and the District of Columbia, were part of the 1984 United States presidential election. Florida voters chose twenty-one electors to the Electoral College, which selected the president and vice president of the United States. Florida was won by incumbent United States President Ronald Reagan of California, who was running against former Vice President Walter Mondale of Minnesota. Question: who received the democratic nomination for president in 1988 Answer:
Michael Dukakis
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Mauna Kea) Mauna Kea ( / ˌmɔːnə ˈkeɪ. ə / or / ˌmaʊnə ˈkeɪ. ə / , Hawaiian : ( ˈmɐwnə ˈkɛjə ) ) is a dormant volcano on the island of Hawaii . Its peak is 4,207 m ( 13,802 ft ) above sea level , making it the highest point in the state of Hawaii and the second - highest point above sea level of any island on Earth . Most of the mountain is under water ; when measured from its oceanic base , Mauna Kea is over 10,000 m ( 33,000 ft ) tall and is the tallest mountain on Earth , taller than Mount Everest in Nepal and China . Mauna Kea is about a million years old , and has thus passed the most active shield stage of life hundreds of thousands of years ago . In its current post-shield state , its lava is more viscous , resulting in a steeper profile . Late volcanism has also given it a much rougher appearance than its neighboring volcanoes ; contributing factors include the construction of cinder cones , the decentralization of its rift zones , the glaciation on its peak , and the weathering effects of the prevailing trade winds . Mauna Kea last erupted 6,000 to 4,000 years ago and is now considered dormant . Document [1](Title: Mauna Kea) one of five volcanoes that form the island of Hawaii, the largest and youngest island of the Hawaiian–Emperor seamount chain. Of these five hotspot volcanoes, Mauna Kea is the fourth oldest and fourth most active. It began as a preshield volcano driven by the Hawaii hotspot around one million years ago, and became exceptionally active during its shield stage until 500,000 years ago. Mauna Kea entered its quieter post-shield stage 250,000 to 200,000 years ago, and is currently dormant. Mauna Kea does not have a visible summit caldera, but contains a number of small cinder and pumice cones near its Document [2](Title: Mountain) possible candidates for the tallest mountain on land by this measure. The bases of mountain islands are below sea level, and given this consideration Mauna Kea ( above sea level) is the world's tallest mountain and volcano, rising about from the Pacific Ocean floor. The highest mountains are not generally the most voluminous. Mauna Loa () is the largest mountain on Earth in terms of base area (about ) and volume (about ). Mount Kilimanjaro is the largest non-shield volcano in terms of both base area () and volume (). Mount Logan is the largest non-volcanic mountain in base area Document [3](Title: Mauna Kea Trail) Mauna Kea Trail The Mauna Kea Trail is considered the easiest route to hike to the summit of Mauna Kea volcano, the highest volcano on the island of Hawai. The trail is long and loosely follows an unmaintained dirt road. Iron poles mark the path every . The trailhead begins at the Visitor Information Station at the Onizuka Center for International Astronomy at , at which can be reached by car from the Saddle Road (Hawaii route 200) and then turning north on the Mauna Kea Access Road. Registration is required and there is a drop box for hikers who Document [4](Title: Mauna Kea) of Mauna Kea was seen as the "region of the gods", a place where benevolent spirits reside. Poliahu, deity of snow, also resides there. In Hawaiian, Mauna Kea is a shortened form of "Mauna a Wakea" which denotes the mountain's connection to the sky father Wakea; however, the English translation of Mauna Kea is "white mountain" in reference to its seasonally snow-capped summit. Around AD 1100, natives established adze quarries high up on Mauna Kea to extract the uniquely dense basalt (generated by the quick cooling of lava flows meeting glacial ice during subglacial eruptions) to make tools. Volcanic glass Document [5](Title: Opposition to the Mauna Kea Observatories) the TMT. After studying photos for NASA's Apollo program that contained greater detail than any ground-based telescope, Gerard Kuiper began seeking an arid site for infrared studies. While he first began looking in Chile, he also made the decision to perform tests in the Hawaiian Islands. Tests on Maui's Haleakalā were promising but the mountain was too low in the inversion layer and often covered by clouds. On the "Big Island" of Hawaii, Mauna Kea is considered the highest island mountain in the world. While the summit is often covered with snow the air itself is extremely dry. Kuiper began Document [6](Title: Hilina Slump) northwest, carries the existing volcanoes away from the hotspot, new volcanoes form at the southeastern end. The newest and largest island is the Big Island of Hawaii, formed by the merger of seven volcanoes. The largest, at the trailing edge of the island, is Mauna Loa Volcano, and on its seaward flank is the younger Kīlauea, with the still submerged Lōʻihi Seamount just off-shore. The Hawaiian volcanoes are shield volcanoes, distinguished from the more familiar stratovolcanoes by their greater breadth and lower gradient slopes. (E.g.: Kilauea's average slope to the east is only 3.3°, and the south slope from the Document [7](Title: Shield volcano) contains at least 43 major volcanoes, and Meiji Seamount at its terminus near the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench is 85 million years old. The volcanoes follow a distinct evolutionary pattern of growth and death. The chain includes the second largest volcano on Earth, Mauna Loa, which stands above sea level and reaches a further below the waterline and into the crust, approximately of rock. Kīlauea, meanwhile, is one of the most active volcanoes on Earth, with the current ongoing eruption having begun in January 1983. The Galápagos Islands are an isolated set of volcanoes, consisting of shield volcanoes and lava plateaus, located Question: is mauna loa the tallest mountain in the world Answer:
Mauna Kea
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Scooby-Doo characters) This is a list of Scooby - Doo characters . Scooby - Doo is an American animated franchise based around several animated television series and animated , as well as live action , movies . There are five main characters in the franchise : Scooby - Doo Shaggy Rogers , Fred Jones , Velma Dinkley , and Daphne Blake -- known as '' Mystery Incorporated '' . There are also several recurring characters throughout the franchise , including their parents , friends , allies , and enemies . Document [1](Title: Scooby-Doo! and the Goblin King) Scooby-Doo! and the Goblin King Scooby-Doo and the Goblin King is a 2008 direct-to-DVD animated comedy horror fantasy film, and the twelfth in the series of "Scooby-Doo" direct-to-video films produced by Warner Bros. Animation (though it used a Hanna-Barbera logo at the end of the movie). It was dedicated to Paulette Oates, who helped resurrect Warner Bros. Animation in the late 1980s. All the main voice actors of Mystery, Inc. reprise their roles. The DVD was released on September 23, 2008. This is the first Scooby cartoon produced entirely without either one of the original creators, William Hanna and Joseph Document [2](Title: Scooby-Doo (film)) two telefilm prequels: "Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins" and "Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster", which both aired on Cartoon Network in 2009 and 2010 respectively. A spin-off film "Daphne & Velma" was released on May 22, 2018, and a reboot will be released on May 15, 2020. Scooby-Doo (film) Scooby-Doo (also known as Scooby-Doo: The Movie) is a 2002 American live-action/computer-animated family adventure film based on the long-running Hanna-Barbera animated television series of the same name. It is the first installment in the "Scooby-Doo" live-action film series, directed by Raja Gosnell, written by James Gunn, and starring Freddie Prinze Jr., Document [3](Title: Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins) Kiyoko as Velma and Nick Palatas as Shaggy. Scooby-Doo was created using computer-generated imagery and his voice is provided by Frank Welker, who also was a cast member of the animated series, "Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!" and "The Scooby-Doo Show", providing the voice of Fred. The music is scored by Academy Award-nominee David Newman, who had previously scored the theatrical films "Scooby-Doo" (2002) and "" (2004). The film is dedicated to Lorena Gale, who died during production. Its sequel, "Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster", was released on October 16, 2010. In Coolsville, Ohio, four teenagers are accidentally involved in Document [4](Title: The Scooby-Doo Show) in the United Kingdom until 2015. Like many animated series created by Hanna-Barbera in the 1970s, the show contained a laugh track created by the studio. When television executive Fred Silverman moved from CBS to ABC in 1975, the "Scooby-Doo" gang followed him, making their ABC debut in 1976 as part of "The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour". This hour-long package show featured 16 new half-hour adventures in the original "Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!" format, with Scooby's country cousin, the Mortimer Snerd-inspired Scooby-Dum joining the gang as a semi-regular character. In addition, Pat Stevens replaced Nicole Jaffe as the voice of Velma. The Document [5](Title: Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue!) movies, to be replaced with new digitally-recorded thunderclaps. In episode 8, there is one scene where actual footage from a few of the Scooby-Doo direct-to-video movies is used. Shaggy even converses about the events in that movie. Episodes from the first two volumes were re-released on multiple Scooby-Doo DVDs in 2010. Both seasons are available on the iTunes Store and Amazon Video. On September 27, 2018, both seasons were made available for streaming on Boomerang's SVOD subscription service. Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue! Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue! is an American animated comedy series produced by Warner Bros. Document [6](Title: Scooby-Doo) The first episode of Scooby - Doo , Where Are You ! '' What a Night for a Knight '' debuted on the CBS network Saturday , September 13 , 1969 . The original voice cast featured veteran voice actor Don Messick as Scooby - Doo , radio DJ Casey Kasem ( later host of radio 's syndicated American Top 40 ) as Shaggy , actor Frank Welker ( later a veteran voice actor in his own right ) as Fred , actress Nicole Jaffe as Velma , and musician Indira Stefanianna Christopherson as Daphne . Scooby 's speech patterns closely resembled an earlier cartoon dog , Astro from The Jetsons ( 1962 -- 63 ) , also voiced by Messick . Seventeen episodes of Scooby - Doo Where are You ! were produced in 1969 -- 70 . The series theme song was written by David Mook and Ben Raleigh , and performed by Larry Marks . Document [7](Title: Scooby-Doo) in 1997 and Casey Kasem, a strict vegetarian, relinquished the role of Shaggy after having to provide the voice for a 1995 Burger King commercial. Therefore, Scott Innes took over as both Scooby-Doo and Shaggy (Billy West voiced Shaggy in "Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island"). B.J. Ward took over as Velma, and Mary Kay Bergman voiced Daphne until her death in November 1999, and was replaced by Grey DeLisle. These first four direct-to-video films differed from the original series format by placing the characters in plots with a darker tone and pitting them against actual supernatural forces. "Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island", Question: what is the name of scooby doos gang Answer:
Mystery Incorporated
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The New Edition Story) Jahi Di'Allo Winston as Young Ralph Tresvant Document [1](Title: The Mexican) named Winston Baldry, and that the real Leroy was the man Winston killed. Samantha begins to realize that Leroy was not who he appeared to be when they first met. Jerry realizes that Nayman's plan was to make it look like Jerry double crossed Margolese. Shocked by this, Samantha decides to go home, but also decides to stay with Jerry to see the situation to the end. Jerry gets assaulted and taken to Margolese who was released from prison a few days earlier. He tells Jerry that he didn't double cross him as it was Bernie who wanted to sell Document [2](Title: Winston (Overwatch)) "Overwatch", pointing out Winston's cinematic teaser appearance: "The charisma of these avatars is established early on, in an introductory video featuring hyper-intelligent simian warrior Winston that establishes the game’s Earth-under-siege sci-fi premise – and proves to be a tour-de-force of digital animation." Schager also likened Winston to a character "out of a Pixar film (or a similarly gorgeous Disney effort like "Big Hero 6")." Within "Overwatch", Winston is generally considered to be a character than can disrupt an opposing team's organized strategy due to his jumping ability and wide spread of damage once within the team's ranks. Using Winston become Document [3](Title: Winston Smith) itself ends with Winston, still in the Chestnut Tree Café, contemplating and adoring the face of Big Brother. Winston is stated as being 39 years old at the beginning of the book. Like other major characters, he is a smoker and drinker (his gin and tobacco are of the low-quality "Victory" brand available to Outer Party members and Proles). It is mentioned that he has a wife, from whom it seems he has become estranged. Winston also has varicose ulcers on the back of his legs, a point repeatedly touched upon seemingly to exacerbate the sense of the poverty in Document [4](Title: The Night Before (1988 film)) of flashbacks. The movie opens with Winston regaining consciousness in an alley in the middle of the night with no idea of how he got there. Through a series of flashbacks, he remembers that he was waylaid on his way to the prom the night before. In the meantime, he has to figure out what happened to his wallet, his car keys, his prom date, and why a pimp named "Tito" wants him dead. After losing a bet on a football game, Tara has to go to prom with the flattered but clueless nerd Winston. In the hijinks that follow, Document [5](Title: Churchill (film)) Churchill (film) Churchill is a 2017 British historical war drama film directed by Jonathan Teplitzky about the actions of Winston Churchill in the hours leading up to D-Day. The film stars Brian Cox as the titular character with Miranda Richardson and John Slattery in supporting roles. The film was released on 2 June 2017. Exhausted by years of war, Winston Churchill awaits the 1944 Normandy landings, which he believes will be a disaster. On 4 November 2015 it was reported that Brian Cox would star as Winston Churchill in "Churchill" after Gary Oldman turned it down. Brian Welsh would direct Document [6](Title: Winston Kalengo) Winston Kalengo Winston Kalengo (born 29 August 1985) is a Zambian footballer who plays for Congo Brazaville club AC Léopards. Winston Kalengo has had longevity in the game that most other players only dream of. 11 seasons in the Primera Division de Zambia. His 103 goals speak volumes. Scoring more than 100 goals is a feat that escapes most strikers during their entire careers. Kalengo’s strength in the box and acceleration when he is next to a defender is extremely impressive, and on one on one situation’s with a goalkeeper trust Kalengo to bury the ball past the keeper most Document [7](Title: Conan the Destroyer) named. Sven-Ole Thorsen, who played Thorgrim in the first film, also returned, but this time he had to partially cover his face with a mask, as he was playing a different (yet more bearded) character. Singer Grace Jones performed the female warrior Zula, the last of her tribe. This was the first major role for seven-foot, one-inch-tall basketball player Wilt Chamberlain and the debut of Olivia d'Abo, who played the petulant teenaged princess. David L. Lander was originally cast to play the foolish thief Malak, but due to his deteriorating health from the onset of multiple sclerosis, he was forced Question: who played young ralph in the new edition story Answer:
Jahi Di'Allo Winston
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Pollution of the Ganges) The Ganges Action Plan ( GAP ) was launched by Shri Rajeev Gandhi , then by the Prime Minister of India , on 14 January 1986 . Its main objective was to improve the water quality by the interception , diversion and treatment of domestic sewage and to prevent toxic and industrial chemical wastes from identified polluting units from entering the river . The other objectives of the GAP are as follows : Document [1](Title: Water scarcity in India) when returned to the streams. The demand for freshwater is increasing with the growing population, but the decreasing amount of supply fails to meet the needs of the people. The increased amount of solid wastes in water systems such as lakes,canals and rivers also heavily pollute the water. To combat this problem, the government issued the Ganga Action Plan issued in 1984 to clean up the Ganges River. However, much of the river remains polluted with a high coli form count at many places. This is largely due to lack of maintenance of the facilities as well inadequate fees for Document [2](Title: Environmental personhood) which was also declared to possess full rights of a legal person. This development of environmental personhood has been met with scepticism as merely announcing that the Ganges and Yamuna are living entities will not save them from significant, ongoing pollution. There is a possible need to change long-held cultural attitudes towards the Ganges, which hold that the river has self-purifying properties. There is further criticism that the guardianship of the rivers was only granted to Uttarakhand, a region in northern India which houses a small part of the rivers’ full extent. The Ganges flows for 2,525km through Uttarakhand, Uttar Document [3](Title: Indian Rivers Inter-link) versus the year round demand for irrigation, drinking and industrial water creates a demand-supply gap, that has been worsening with India's rising population. Proponents of the rivers inter-linking projects claim the answers to India's water problem is to conserve the abundant monsoon water bounty, store it in reservoirs, and deliver this water – using rivers inter-linking project – to areas and over times when water becomes scarce. Beyond water security, the project is also seen to offer potential benefits to transport infrastructure through navigation, hydro power as well as to broadening income sources in rural areas through fish farming. Opponents Document [4](Title: James Broun-Ramsay, 1st Marquess of Dalhousie) network. In addition, the Ganges Canal was completed; and despite the cost of wars in the Punjab and Burma, liberal provision was made for metalled roads and bridges. The construction of massive irrigation works such as the 350-mile Ganges Canal, which contains thousands of miles of distributaries was a substantial project that was particularly beneficial for the largely agricultural India. In spite of damaging certain areas of farmland by increasing soil salinity, overall the individuals living along the canal were noticeably better fed and clothed than those who were not. Increasing irrigated area resulted in increase in population. Reforms to Document [5](Title: Bhimgoda Barrage) various waterbirds and tourists. The initial barrage was constructed between 1840 and 1854 to supply the Upper Ganges Canal with water and control flooding. This was done during a significant period of infrastructure development in India. Lord Dalhousie, the Governor-General of India at the time inaugurated the project. A permanent barrage was later erected upstream of the barrage between 1913 and 1920 to support the canal better. A new barrage was constructed downstream between 1979 and 1983 to replace the older barrage upstream. The Pathri and Mohanpur Mohammadpur Power Plants along the canal's length were commissioned in 1955 and 1952, Document [6](Title: Ganges) discharge of about , or . In other cases the average annual discharges of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna are given separately, at about for the Ganges, about for the Brahmaputra, and about for the Meghna. The maximum peak discharge of the Ganges, as recorded at Hardinge Bridge in Bangladesh, exceeded . The minimum recorded at the same place was about , in 1997. The hydrologic cycle in the Ganges basin is governed by the Southwest Monsoon. About 84% of the total rainfall occurs in the monsoon from June to September. Consequently, streamflow in the Ganges is highly seasonal. The Document [7](Title: SS Ganges (1906)) in 1928 to F. B. Saunders of London who sold her on the following year to Sea Products of London. She became "Seapro" in 1930 and served for a further four years before being sold for breaking to Thos W Ward in 1934. The parents of Fiji Indian businessman Sir Sathi Narain, Devara Suramma (Emigration Pass No. 52043) and Gompa Appalasamy (Emigration Pass No. 51617), arrived on this ship from India to Fiji in 1913. SS Ganges (1906) SS "Ganges" was the third Nourse Line ship to be named "Ganges". The first "Ganges" was built in 1861 and wrecked in Question: ganga action plan was started in which year Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Scotland at the FIFA World Cup) Year Final Tournament Qualification Round Pld Round Pld 1930 Did not enter 1934 1938 1950 Withdrew Group -- 2nd 0 10 1954 Round 1 0 0 0 8 Group -- 2nd 8 8 1958 Round 1 0 6 Group -- 1st 0 10 9 1962 Did not qualify Group -- 2nd 5 0 12 11 1966 Group -- 2nd 6 8 8 1970 Group -- 2nd 6 18 7 Round 1 0 Group -- 1st 0 8 1978 Round 1 5 6 Group -- 1st 0 6 1982 Round 1 8 8 Group -- 1st 8 9 1986 Round 1 0 Play - off 8 10 1990 Round 1 0 Group -- 2nd 8 12 12 Did not qualify Group -- 4th 10 14 13 1998 Round 1 0 6 Group -- 2nd 10 7 15 2002 Did not qualify Group -- 3rd 8 12 6 2006 Group -- 3rd 10 9 7 Group -- 3rd 8 6 11 2014 Group -- 4th 10 5 8 12 2018 Group -- 3rd 10 5 17 12 2022 TBD Total 8 / 21 23 7 12 25 41 125 62 28 35 192 136 Document [1](Title: West Texas A&M Buffaloes) 1991, 1994, 2018 National Semifinalist: 2018<br> National Quarterfinalist: 1998, 2018 <br> Regional Finalist: 1998, 2017, 2018 <br> Regional Semifinalist: 1994, 1998, 2001, 2017 <br> Regional Participant: 1987 (3rd Place), 1990 (3rd Place), 1991, 1994, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2017 <br> Regular Season Champions: 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1995, 1997, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 <br> South Division Champions: 1999, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 <br> Tournament Champions: 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1995, 1997, 2014, 2015, 2018 National Finalist: 1988, 2014 <br> National Semifinalist: 1988, 2014 <br> National Quarterfinalist: 1987, Document [2](Title: Efes Pilsen SK in European club competitions) Efes Pilsen SK in European club competitions Group Matches: "(finished bottom of Group D with 1-5)" Preliminary Round: Group Matches: "(finished bottom of Group A with 0-6)" Preliminary Round: Group Matches: "(finished bottom of Group D with 2-4)" Preliminary Round: Preliminary Round: First Preliminary Round: Second Preliminary Round: First Preliminary Round: Second Preliminary Round: Group Matches: "(finished 3rd in Group B with 2-4)" Preliminary Round: First Preliminary Round: Second Preliminary Round: First Preliminary Round: Second Preliminary Round: Group Matches: "(finished 1st in Group B with 4-2)" Quarterfinal: First Preliminary Round: Second Preliminary Round: First Preliminary Round: Second Preliminary Round: EUROPEAN Document [3](Title: 2016 CAF Confederation Cup qualifying rounds) end=Bracket /> The preliminary round included the 38 teams that did not receive byes to the first round. <section begin=Preliminary round /> "1–1 on aggregate. Vita Club Mokanda won 6–5 on penalties." "Police won 4–3 on aggregate." "Sagrada Esperança won 3–2 on aggregate." "MC Oran won on walkover after Wallidan withdrew." "SC Gagnoa won 2–0 on aggregate." "3–3 on aggregate. Kawkab Marrakech won 5–4 on penalties." "Bidvest Wits won 9–0 on aggregate." "Renaissance won 3–2 on aggregate." "Harare City won 6–3 on aggregate." "2–2 on aggregate. Stade Gabèsien won 4–3 on penalties." "Nasarawa United won 2–1 on aggregate." "Misr Lel Document [4](Title: 2006 UEFA European Under-21 Championship qualification) 6 + one group of 5 + one group of 7). The eight group winners played off against the eight group runners-up on a two-legged home-and-away basis to decide the eight qualifying teams. The allocation of teams into qualifying groups was based on that of 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification with several changes, reflecting the absence of some nations: This was the last time when this grouping schema was applied for U21 qualifying groups. " qualify as group winners" <br> " qualify as group runners-up" " qualify as group winners" <br> " qualify as group runners-up"<br>Russia (19pts) Slovakia (19pts) head-to-head: Document [5](Title: 2015 Copa Libertadores) to determine the winner (no extra time would be played). The six winners of the first stage advanced to the second stage to join the 26 automatic qualifiers. In the second stage, each group was played on a home-and-away round-robin basis. The teams were ranked according to points (3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 0 points for a loss). If tied on points, tiebreakers were applied in the following order: 1. Goal difference; 2. Goals scored; 3. Away goals scored; 4. Drawing of lots. The winners and runners-up of each group advanced to the round of Document [6](Title: 1986 Meath Intermediate Football Championship) the Drumbaragh Emmets and Kells Harps clubs in 1966, when they defeated Meath Hill 1-6 to 0-7 in the final at Kells. This ended their two-year absence from the S.F.C. The following teams have changed division since the 1985 championship season. Promoted to S.F.C. Relegated to J.A.F.C. Regraded from S.F.C. Promoted from J.A.F.C. There are 4 groups called Group A, B, C and D. The top two finishers in all groups will qualify for the quarter finals. Round 1: Round 2: Round 3: Round 4: Round 5: Round 1: Round 2: Round 3: Round 4: Round 5: Round 1: Round Document [7](Title: 12th Chess Olympiad) preliminary groups of eight or nine teams. The top three from each group advanced to Final A, the teams placed 4th–6th to Final B, and the rest to Final C. All groups and finals were played as round-robin tournaments. Group 1 was won by the Soviet hosts, well ahead of Bulgaria and Switzerland. Poland, Sweden, and Norway took the places 4–6, while Puerto Rico and Saar finished at the bottom of the group. Yugoslavia took first place in group 2, ahead of Israel and Denmark. Netherlands, Austria, and France made up the middle part of the group, while Mongolia and Question: when did scotland last play in the world cup Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: UAAP Season 71 volleyball tournaments) Rookie of the Year : Jelly Buan ( UST ) Document [1](Title: San Diego Aviators) Christina McHale, 16, Evan King, 17, and Alex Domijan, 17. Roger Smith, who played for the OTBzz in their inaugural 1995 season was named the new Buzz coach. After the roster draft, Buzz owner Nitty Singh said, “We are extremely excited to showcase America’s finest juniors on our New York Buzz team this season. This keeps with our tradition of presenting the game’s future stars such as Andre Agassi, Pete Sampras and Lindsay Davenport who also played tournaments here in the Capital Region during the early part of their careers.” With three of their four regular full-time players having other Document [2](Title: Boston Red Sox) MVP Award 12 times, most recently by Mookie Betts in 2018; the Cy Young Award seven times, most recently by Rick Porcello in 2016; Rookie of the Year six times, most recently by Dustin Pedroia in 2007; and Manager of the Year twice, most recently by Jimy Williams in 1999. The franchise's first spring training was held in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 1901, when the team was known as the Boston Americans. Since 1993, the city of Fort Myers, Florida, has hosted Boston's spring training, first at City of Palms Park, and since 2012 at jetBlue Park at Fenway South. In Document [3](Title: Austin Ainge) and was one of the best three-point shooters in the nation. At Highland High School in Gilbert, Arizona, Ainge averaged 22 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists as a senior. He was named Fiesta Conference First Team, Conference MVP,East Valley Region First Team, and East Valley MVP. Austin is the son of former Boston Celtics player and current Boston Celtics President of Basketball Operations, Danny Ainge. 1. 2. 3. 4. Red Claws name Austin Ainge coach 5. 6. 7. Austin Ainge Austin Ainge (born September 29, 1981) is a basketball coach, scout, and former Document [4](Title: John Overton High School) Bay Buccaneers (1996–2001, 2004–2005) and Detroit Lions (2002–2003). He was inducted into the Austin Peay Athletic Hall of Fame in 2002. Charles Holliday, Jr., football captain from class of 1966. He is former Chairman and CEO of DuPont. He was inducted into the Metro Nashville Public Schools Hall of Fame in 2006. John Mitchell, baseball player from class of 1983. He pitched for the New York Mets (1986–1989) and Baltimore Orioles (1990). He was inducted into the Metro Nashville Public Schools Sports Hall of Fame in 2008. Sandra Lipman is a community leader and volunteer. She is an alumnus of Document [5](Title: Nick Franglen) Nick Franglen Nick Franglen (born 1965 in Westminster, London) is a British musician, record producer and installation artist. He is best known as a founding member of the electronica duo Lemon Jelly. A classically trained musician and multi-instrumentalist, during the 1990s Franglen played keyboards, electronic instruments and drum programming on studio recordings with Björk, Primal Scream, Hole, Pulp and Blur, amongst others. As well as co-writing all of Lemon Jelly's music, he produced their first self-released recordings in 1997, and went on to produce all three Lemon Jelly albums released on XL Recordings. He also has produced records for other Document [6](Title: Antonio Burks (basketball, born 1982)) Antonio Burks (basketball, born 1982) Antonio Burks (born 30 May 1982) is an American professional basketball player who played for the Saint John Mill Rats of the National Basketball League of Canada. He was born in Texarkana, Arkansas. Burks is a 6'5" (1.96 m) and 220 lb (100 kg) guard-forward. Member of Omega Psi Phi. Burks played at Arkansas High School, Jacksonville College, Moberly Area Community College and Stephen F. Austin State University. A highlight of Burks's college career came on February 25, 2004, when as a member of the Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks, he scored 35 points, including 7 Document [7](Title: Darius Bazley) a letter of intent. On January 16, 2018, in his senior season, Bazley was named to the West team for the 2018 McDonald's All-American Boys Game. On January 19, he led his Princeton team with 24 points in a nationally televised game against top recruit Romeo Langford and New Albany High School. Bazley also took part in the Jordan Brand Classic and Nike Hoop Summit in April. On March 30, 2018, Bazley announced that he would skip college with plans to join the NBA G League directly from high school. In April, he hired sports agent Rich Paul of Klutch Question: uaap season 71 women's volleyball rookie of the year Answer:
Jelly Buan
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Twins (The Matrix)) The Twins have the power of intangibility : they can take on a translucent state in which they pass through physical objects such as floors or gunfire , float through the air , and instantly reset any physical damage to their bodies or clothing . They are also the ' ghosts ' the Oracle explains while talking to Neo before the ' Burly Brawl ' . In other words , their abilities as programs were still usable in exile . Document [1](Title: The Twins of Destiny) incident, the tablets were stolen, and the twins had to battle without their magic powers. The power comes in a blue light that emits from the twins' hands which, at first, is stationary. When a certain level of concentration is reached by the twins, the power will manifest into different superhuman abilities (see below) as it becomes brighter and bursts into rays. Also, in later episodes, the power manifests only when the twins say the words "We call upon the Xth of the seven powers to" and its intended purpose (ex. "We call upon the second of the seven powers Document [2](Title: First Family (comics)) twins both manipulate an unusual form of energy, and with them the First Family was officially born. When Natalie married Rex Zorus, the powerful, dinosaur-like son of another longtime enemy, he joined the group as well. The third generation includes Astra, Natalie and Rex's daughter, who is able to transform herself completely into energy, and Sasha and Karl, Nick's children - Sasha can assume animal-like forms and Karl can shape-shift due to his ability to transition in whole or part between normal and energy states. "Astro City" v. 2 #2 and 3 spotlight the Fursts, in particular Astra, who finds Document [3](Title: Abby and Brittany Hensel) as the latter, their choice of grammatical person is to use "I" when they agree, but use their names when their responses do differ. There is some concern about the twins' continued good health, because only four known sets of conjoined twins who share an undivided torso and two legs have ever survived into adulthood, and most have congenital heart defects or other organ anomalies. None has shown up in their case. They intensely dislike being stared at or photographed by strangers while going about their private lives. In interviews for the Discovery Channel in 2006, they, then 16, said Document [4](Title: Poto and Cabengo) his job, he told a caseworker at the unemployment office about his family; the caseworker advised him to put the girls in speech therapy. At the Children's Hospital of San Diego, in California, speech therapists Ann Koeneke and Alexa Kratze quickly discovered that Virginia and Grace, far from being mentally impaired, had at least normal intelligence and had invented a complex idioglossia. The language of the twins was spoken extremely quickly and had a staccato rhythm. These characteristics transferred themselves to the girls' English, which they began to speak following speech therapy. Linguistic analysis of their language revealed that it Document [5](Title: Mindwipe (Transformers)) work for them. For instance, when Shockwave's faction developed Trypticon, the Chaos Trinity tipped off the Autobots under Prowl where it was being tested. The Chaos Trinity came into the service of the Fallen, an ancient Transformer who betrayed Primus and was now an agent of Unicron. The Fallen promised to expand their mystic powers in return for their loyalty, after threatening to kill them if they didn't join him. Attacking a meeting between Jetfire and Shockwave, hypnotising the former and incapacitating the latter, they were then beaten by Grimlock, who had come because he believed that Jetfire was betraying Document [6](Title: Swordquest) parents were slain by King Tyrannus's guards, prompted by a prophecy by the king's wizard Konjuro that the twins would slay Tyrannus. The twins were then raised as commoners by thieves to avoid being slain by the king. When they go to plunder Konjuro's sea keep, they accidentally reveal their identities to him. The twins then start running from a demon summoned to kill them, but it appears that a jewel they stole attracts it. After smashing the stone to avoid the demon, two of Tyrannus's old advisers appear and tell the two about the "Sword of Ultimate Sorcery" and Document [7](Title: Mesoamerican ballgame) is decapitated by bats. His brother uses a squash as Hunahpu's substitute head until his real one, now used as a ball by the Lords, can be retrieved and placed back on Hunahpu's shoulders. The twins eventually go on to play the ballgame with the Lords of Xibalba, defeating them. However, the twins are unsuccessful in reviving their father, so they leave him buried in the ball court of Xibalba. In Maya Ballgame the Hero Twins myth links ballcourts with death and its overcoming. The ballcourt becomes a place of transition, a liminal stage between life and death. The ballcourt Question: who are the white guys in matrix reloaded Answer:
The Twins
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: 60 Days In) Seasons 3 and 4 saw the show 's setting moved to the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta , Georgia . Season 3 began airing March 2 , 2017 and Season 4 premiered on January 1 , 2018 . Document [1](Title: Jail (TV series)) Spike. The show ran initially for three seasons. The booking of former NFL Hall of Fame O.J. Simpson into the Clark County, Nevada Detention Center was featured in the show's February 11, 2008 episode. In 2014, Spike revived the series as "Jail: Las Vegas"; shifting focus to jails in the eponymous city. The network ordered a 22-episode season which premiered on January 10, 2015. In January 2016, it was announced on the show's Facebook page that Spike had renewed "Jail" for a fifth season. In April, the season's title was announced as "Jail: Big Texas"; focusing on jails in the Document [2](Title: List of Attack on Titan episodes) On June 17 , 2017 , a third season was announced at the close of the second season 's final episode , with a release date slated for 2018 . Document [3](Title: I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! (Australian TV series)) rates. On 1 August 2016 the series was renewed for a third season with Morris and Brown returning as hosts, which premiered on 29 January 2017. A fourth season commenced on 28 January 2018 and concluded 12 March 2018. A fifth season has been announced and will air from 13 January 2019. The show is set to be reduced from airing over a six week period to four weeks for the 2019 season. The premise of the show is that there is a group of well known personalities living together in a specially constructed camp site in a jungle. During Document [4](Title: Water Rats (TV series)) 1997. Season two also took the detectives to Melbourne, a change from Sydney harbour. It also introduced a new character, Constable Tayler Johnson, as well as a few minor ones, including: Major storylines included: Season three ran for 31 episodes and premiered on Monday, 9 February 1998. A couple of episodes into the season, it was moved to Tuesday nights. Steve Bisley is also added to the opening credits for a number of episodes near the end of the season. New characters included: Major storylines included: The fourth series began on Tuesday, 16 February 1999 and ran for 32 episodes. Document [5](Title: Zane Lamprey) of the deal resulted in the premiere of the first two episodes of the nineteen-episode season being pushed to June 5, 2009. However, on June 2, 2009, Lamprey reported that the deal was still not complete. On June 22, FLN finally made the official announcement that "Three Sheets" would begin airing July 20, 2009 and would air new episodes each Monday with rerun episodes scheduled to run Tuesday through Friday. Lamprey said on his website that the likelihood of the show being picked up for a fifth season would depend on the ratings of Season 4, with a focus on Document [6](Title: The Office (U.S. season 3)) by Reveille Productions and Deedle-Dee Productions, both in association with NBC Universal Television Studios. The show is based on the British series created by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, who are executive producers on the show and wrote the third-season episode "The Convict". "The Office" is produced by Greg Daniels, who is also executive producer and show runner. Returning writers from last season include Daniels, Michael Schur, Gene Stupnitsky, Lee Eisenberg, Jennifer Celotta, Mindy Kaling, Paul Lieberstein, and B. J. Novak. Joining the writing staff for the second season are Brent Forrester, Justin Spitzer, and Caroline Williams. Season three featured Document [7](Title: Atlanta (TV series)) Atlanta (TV series) Atlanta is an American comedy-drama television series created by and starring Donald Glover, who also serves as a writer and director. "Atlanta" portrays two cousins navigating the Atlanta rap scene in an effort to improve their lives and the lives of their families. FX ordered the pilot to a 10-episode season in October 2015. Two weeks after the series premiered on September 6, 2016, FX renewed the series for a second season. The second season, titled "Atlanta: Robbin' Season", premiered on March 1, 2018. In June 2018, the series was renewed for a third season, to premiere Question: when is 60 days in coming back on Answer:
January 1 , 2018
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Well-Tempered Clavier) The Well - Tempered Clavier , BWV 846 -- 893 , is a collection of two series of Preludes and Fugues in all 24 major and minor keys , composed for solo keyboard by Johann Sebastian Bach . In the German of Bach 's time Clavier ( keyboard ) was a generic name indicating a variety of keyboard instruments , most typically a harpsichord or clavichord -- but not excluding an organ either . Document [1](Title: Prelude and fugue) Prelude and fugue In classical music, the combination of prelude and fugue is one with a long history. Many composers have written works of this kind. The use of this format is generally inspired by Johann Sebastian Bach's two books of preludes and fugues — "The Well-Tempered Clavier" — completed in 1722 and 1742 respectively. Bach, however, was not the first to compose such a set: Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer wrote a 20-key cycle in his 1702 work "Ariadne musica". A number of composers wrote sets of pieces covering all 24 major and/or minor keys. Many of these have been Document [2](Title: The Well-Tempered Clavier) a 1744 copy primarily written by Johann Christoph Altnickol (Bach's son-in-law), with some corrections by Bach, and later also by Altnickol and others. Prelude and Fugue in C major, BWV 870. Prelude and Fugue in C-sharp minor, BWV 873. Prelude and Fugue in D minor, BWV 875. Prelude and Fugue in F minor, BWV 881. Prelude as a theme with variations. Fugue in three voices. Prelude and Fugue in G-sharp minor, BWV 887. Prelude and Fugue in B-flat minor, BWV 891. Prelude and Fugue in B minor, BWV 893. Musically, the structural regularities of the "Well-Tempered Clavier" encompass an extraordinarily Document [3](Title: Eight Short Preludes and Fugues) the fingers and feet, the rhythm, and overall texture are idiomatic on the clavichord but make little sense on the organ. Performer Harald Vogel has recorded the collection on a pedal clavichord along with an essay by Joel Speerstra (see liner notes) on the clavichordistic nature of these pieces and a discussion of the manuscript indications. These works continue to be performed frequently in Christian churches because of their short length (about 3 minutes each) and ease of performance compared to preludes and fugues attributed with greater certainty to J.S. Bach. In order, the eight preludes and fugues are: Eight Document [4](Title: Masaaki Suzuki) for solo harpsichord and is one of the few keyboard players to have recorded all four books of Bach's "Clavier-Übung" (including book 3, which is for organ). He and the Bach Collegium Japan have also recorded the Bach concertos for violin and his Brandenburg Concertos and Orchestral Suites. With his son Masato Suzuki (a harpsichordist, organist, conductor and composer), he and Bach Collegium Japan recently recorded Bach's complete concertos for two harpsichords. He has also begun recording a cycle of Bach's organ music for the BIS label; the first release was in 2015. Suzuki has also, with the Bach Collegium Document [5](Title: Ralph Kirkpatrick) the contemporary harpsichords being made at the time by the firm of JC Neupert of Bamberg. These days such instruments are called "revival" style instruments, their features including 'inauthentic' metal frames and robust, heavy construction. These recordings show Kirkpatrick's formidable keyboard technique to full advantage, and, unusually for recordings of the time, he observes almost all of the repeats. His performances of "The Well-Tempered Clavier" were recorded on both the harpsichord and the clavichord. His later Bach recordings used a reproduction French harpsichord by Hubbard & Dowd. He produced an edition of Bach's "Goldberg Variations" (1938, G. Schirmer, Inc. New Document [6](Title: Clavicytherium) built by Ferdinand Weber (1715-1784), Henry Rother (f. 1762-1774), and Robert Woffington (d. 1823). The instruments by Rother and Weber are pyramidal. The clavicytherium became temporarily extinct along with the horizontal harpsichord around the end of the 18th century. The 20th-century revival of the harpsichord has seen the construction of a small number of new instruments; Kottick, writing of the revival as of 1987, said "The clavicytherium does not seem to have caught on much at all", though a few modern builders, noted above, have constructed them. Keyboard instrument scholar A. J. Hipkins attributed the name "clavicytherium" to Virdung. It Document [7](Title: Twelve Little Preludes) of "P 804", is a copy by Johann Peter Kellner, produced around the middle of the 1720s or later. Peters published the "Twelve Little Preludes" in 1843 as "Douze petits Préludes ou Exercices pour les commençans", No. 16 in their 9th volume of Bach's complete (keyboard) works, edited by . Both this edition and pages 118 to 127 of Volume 36 of the Bach Gesellschaft edition, published in 1890, contained the pieces in this order: Additionally, p. 221 of BGA Vol. 36 contains No. 26 of the Klavierbüchlein (BWV 924a), a variant version of BWV 924 in W. F. Bach's Question: who composed the series of instrumental works known as the well-tempered clavier Answer:
Johann Sebastian Bach
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Colombia at the FIFA World Cup) Colombia has appeared in the finals of the FIFA World Cup on six occasions in 1962 , 1990 , 1994 , 1998 , 2014 and 2018 . Document [1](Title: Colombia at the 1994 FIFA World Cup) 29, 1993, Barranquilla, Colombia - 4 - 0 September 5, 1993, Lima, Peru - 2 - 2 September 5, 1993, Buenos Aires, Argentina - 0 - 5 Colombia qualified. "Argentina" advanced to the CONMEBOL / CONCACAF / OFC Intercontinental Play-off. The 1994 FIFA World Cup, the 15th staging of the World Cup, was held in the United States from June 17 to July 17. Colombia was placed in Group A with Romania, USA, and Switzerland. Before the World Cup began however the Colombians found themselves in a problematic situation. Colombia's preparations were conducted against a backdrop of rumors that betting Document [2](Title: History of the Colombia national football team) after a 3–1 defeat at the hands of Uruguay in Montevideo. On October 10, 2009, Colombia lost 4–2 in Colombia against Chile, losing any possibility of assisting to 2010 World Cup. After that, on October 14, 2009, they played their last qualification match against Paraguay, in Asunción, Paraguay, beating 2–0 and finishing in 7th place in the table standings with 23 points, one point behind Uruguay, who went on to compete in the play-offs, and eventually play in the World Cup Colombia failed to qualify for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, mainly because their constant change of formations and struggles Document [3](Title: 2011 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup) group stage of the tournament, meaning for the first time since the World Cup's inception in 1995, Uruguay will not be competing, leaving Brazil as the sole nation to have competed in every World Cup to date. With Uruguay's absence from the knockout stage, this allowed Venezuela to claim victory over surprise semi-finalists Colombia, to qualify for their third World Cup, after their last appearance in 2001. Italy qualified automatically as the hosts, although they still competed in the European qualifiers, being knocked out in the round of 16. These are the teams that have qualified for the 2011 FIFA Document [4](Title: Golden generation) in qualification. The current Colombia team are considered as the "Second Golden Generation" of Colombia, in reference to Colombia's from the 1980s and 1990s. Under key players James Rodríguez, Juan Cuadrado and Radamel Falcao, the team reached the 2014 FIFA World Cup knockout stage after topping a group featuring Greece, Ivory Coast and Japan, winning all three games. Colombia then beat Uruguay in the round of sixteen, before suffering a 1–2 defeat to host nation Brazil, in the quarter-finals. James Rodríguez was the tournament top goalscorer; and Colombia earned the FIFA Fair Play Award. At the Copa América Centenario, Colombia Document [5](Title: Colombia national basketball team) Colombia's standout player, Juan Palacios, Power forward in the Basketball Champions League returned to the national team for the first time since 2009. At the 2017 FIBA AmeriCup: Colombia national basketball team The Colombia national basketball team is the basketball team representing Colombia in international competitions, organized and run by the Colombia Basketball Federation ("Federación Colombiana de Baloncesto"). In South America, Team Colombia made some considerable improvements in the last decade but still stands in the shadow of the "Big Four" Basketball Powers (Team Argentina, Team Brazil, Team Venezuela and Team Uruguay). Its best result to date remains the 7th Document [6](Title: Atlético Nacional) becoming the first Colombian football club with corporate backing. Nacional left again the practise of a team with no foreign players in 2004, when the team signed the Venezuelan Jorge Rojas and the Argentine Hugo Morales. Nacional is the only Colombian club that has won the two domestic short-format tournaments in a single year, Apertura and Finalización, since the format was established in 2002, winning the titles of the 2007 and 2013 seasons. In 2009, Nacional played the worst season of its history, where the team placed 17th in the Torneo Apertura with three victories in eighteen matches. In the Document [7](Title: History of the Colombia national football team) in an away victory. Colombia won a comfortable 2–0 home victory against Paraguay during the qualifiers, ending the first half of the CONMEBOL qualification. In a duel with 2014 World Cup hosts Brazil, Colombia scored first in a game that ended 1–1. Continuing the second half the CONMEBOL qualifiers, Colombia enjoyed a comfortable 5–0 win over Bolivia. Colombia, however, suffered days later in a 1–0 loss to Venezuela at an away game, where Pékerman proposed a different formation, 4–4–1–1). In the match against South American leaders Argentina, Colombia played a very controversial match in which both teams were red carded Question: when was the last time colombia qualified for world cup Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Red Sparrow) Red Sparrow premiered at Newseum in Washington , D.C. on February 15 , 2018 , and was released in the United States on March 2 , 2018 . The film grossed $150 million worldwide and received mixed reviews from critics , who describe it as having '' more style than substance , '' and criticized the film 's length and over-reliance on graphic violence and sex , while praising Jennifer Lawrence 's performance . Document [1](Title: The Red Tent (miniseries)) with the memories and stories passed down through the generations. Finally at peace, she bids farewell to her extended family and returns to live the rest of her life at Thebes. Even though "The Red Tent" had been in development at Lifetime since 2011, production began in May 2014. The miniseries was filmed on location in Morocco. "The Red Tent" was met with mixed to positive reviews. Review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reports a 75% approval rating with an average rating of 7.1/10 based on 12 reviews. The website's consensus reads, "While its premise isn't yet fully realized, "The Red Document [2](Title: The Angry Birds Movie) a series of six Lego sets were used to promote the film. A balloon themed after Red debuted at the 2015 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. During the film's marketing campaign, the app icons for most "Angry Birds" games were changed to depict the cinematic version of Red. A series of free-to-play tie-in games were also produced: "Angry Birds Action!", "Angry Birds Evolution", and "Angry Birds Match". "The Angry Birds Movie" was released on digital HD on July 29, 2016, and on Blu-ray and DVD on August 16, 2016, from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, with four "Hatchlings" shorts included. The film Document [3](Title: Red fox sparrow) of distinct rufus and gray streaks on the back with a gray rump is diagnostic. Sexes are morphologically similar. Its voice is described as "a loud smack like Brown Thrasher". Red fox sparrows breed in a wide band that stretches through mostly taiga habitat, from Newfoundland to northern Alaska. Their preferred breeding habitats are dense willow and alder thickets as well as spruce and fir bogs. Red fox sparrows may nest on the ground, or in shrubs and trees. They typically nest less than 2 metres off the ground. Clutch consists of 3–5 pale blue to pale green eggs that Document [4](Title: Red Robin) August 28, 2014. Michael Snyder committed suicide in November, 2018 at the age of 68. Recently, Red Robin has added a "simplified" line of restaurants called Red Robin's Burger Works featuring quick service and with locations in Washington, D.C., Illinois, Ohio, and Colorado. Red Robin Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Brews, or simply Red Robin, is an American chain of casual dining restaurants founded in September 1969 in Seattle, Washington. In 1979, the first franchised Red Robin restaurant was opened in Yakima, Washington. Red Robin is now headquartered in Greenwood Village, Colorado, and, as of 2015, has 528 locations, including Document [5](Title: Redline (2007 film)) for failing to pay the US$845,000 advertising fee. The film was not screened for critics before it opened, and reviews after its premiere were universally unfavorable. On the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, 0% of critics gave the film positive reviews, based on 27 reviews, with the consensus being: ""Redline" has plenty of bad acting, laughable dialogue, and luxury cars." On Metacritic, the film had an average score of 24 out of 100, based on 12 reviews. Jalopnik ranked the film number one on their list of The 12 Worst Car Movies of All Time. "Redline" was released on DVD by Document [6](Title: Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising) 3,384 theaters in its opening weekend. The film grossed $1.7 million during its Thursday night previews (lower than the original's $2.5 million) and $8.7 million on its first day. In its opening weekend the film grossed $21.8 million, less than half both the previous film's opening ($49 million) and projections, and finished third at the box office behind "The Angry Birds Movie" ($38.2 million) and "" ($32.9 million). Internationally, where it is known as "Bad Neighbours 2", the film was released in a total of 56 countries. It was released in 16 markets on May 6, 2016, where it earned Document [7](Title: Clear and Present Danger) the chart for several years as well as its paperback edition. It became the best-selling novel of the 1980s, selling 1,625,544 hardcover copies. The book received wide critical acclaim. "The Washington Post" praised it as a “rousing adventure” and “a crackling good yarn”. "The New York Times" remarked in its review: “The issues raised are real ones, and a jump ahead of the headlines.” Publishers Weekly hailed it as Clancy's best work since "The Hunt for Red October". The book was adapted as a feature film, which was released on August 3, 1994. Harrison Ford reprised his role from the Question: when does red sparrow come out in theaters Answer:
on March 2 , 2018
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Game of Thrones (season 7)) The seventh season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones premiered on HBO on July 16 , 2017 , and concluded on August 27 , 2017 . Unlike previous seasons that consisted of ten episodes each , the seventh season consisted of only seven . Like the previous season , it largely consisted of original content not found in George R.R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire series , while also incorporating material Martin revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series . The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss . Document [1](Title: Game of Thrones (season 6)) "Game of Thrones" was the most-pirated TV series in 2016. Game of Thrones (season 6) The sixth season of the fantasy drama television series "Game of Thrones" premiered on HBO on April 24, 2016, and concluded on June 26, 2016. It consists of ten episodes, each of approximately 50–60 minutes long, largely of original content not found in George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. Some story elements were derived from the novels and from information Martin revealed to the show-runners. The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. HBO ordered Document [2](Title: Works based on A Song of Ice and Fire) David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Called "Game of Thrones", it stars an ensemble cast including Sean Bean and Peter Dinklage. The series premiered on 17 April 2011. A critical and commercial success, it was most recently renewed for a seventh and eighth season to be aired in 2017–19. The series has itself given rise to several derived works, including soundtrack albums and a wide range of merchandise. After years of speculation about possible spin-off series, HBO in May 2017 commissioned five screenwriters – Max Borenstein, Jane Goldman, Brian Helgeland, Carly Wray and a fifth yet to be announced writer Document [3](Title: The Bear and the Maiden Fair) The Bear and the Maiden Fair "The Bear and the Maiden Fair" is the seventh episode of the third season of HBO's fantasy television series "Game of Thrones", and the 27th episode of the series overall. The episode was written by George R. R. Martin, the author of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels on which the series is based, and was directed by Michelle MacLaren, her directorial debut for the series. The plot of the episode advances the storylines of Daenerys's arrival to the city of Yunkai, the repercussions of the upcoming marriage of Tyrion Lannister and Document [4](Title: Game of Thrones) premiering in April 2019. Set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, "Game of Thrones" has several plot lines and a large ensemble cast but centers on three primary story arcs. The first story arc centers on the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms and follows a web of alliances and conflicts among the dynastic noble families either vying to claim the throne or fighting for independence from the throne. The second story arc focuses on the last descendant of the realm's deposed ruling dynasty, exiled and plotting a return to the throne. The third story arc centers on Document [5](Title: A Song of Ice and Fire) season premiered in April 2014, HBO renewed "Game of Thrones" for a fifth and sixth season. Season 5 premiered on April 12, 2015 and set a Guinness World Records for winning the highest number of Emmy Awards for a series in a single season and year, winning 12 out of 24 nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series. These episodes were watched by 8 million viewers, setting a record number for the series. The sixth season premiered on April 24, 2016. These episodes received the most nominations for the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards with 23, winning 12, including the award for Outstanding Document [6](Title: Max Borenstein) the sequel to "Godzilla", "Paladin" for Walt Disney Pictures, and "Mona" for New Regency. On May 4, 2017, HBO announced that Borenstein is one of four writers working on a potential pilot for a "Game of Thrones" spin-off. In addition to Borenstein, Carly Wray, Jane Goldman, and Brian Helgeland are also working on potential pilots. Borenstein has been working and communicating with George R. R. Martin, the author of "A Song of Ice and Fire", the series of novels upon which the original series is based. Current "Game of Thrones" showrunners D. B. Weiss and David Benioff would also be Document [7](Title: A Clash of Kings) the novel, fully illustrated by John Howe. The novel has been adapted for television by HBO as the second season of the TV series "Game of Thrones". "A Clash of Kings" is also the name of the first expansion to the "Game of Thrones" board game. "A Clash of Kings" depicts the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros in civil war, while the Night's Watch mounts a reconnaissance to investigate the mysterious people known as wildlings. Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen continues her plan to reconquer the Seven Kingdoms. With King Robert Baratheon dead, his alleged son Joffrey and brothers Renly and Stannis all Question: when is game of thrones 7 coming out Answer:
July 16 , 2017
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Darth Vader) During production of Return of the Jedi , the casting crew sought an experienced actor for the role of Anakin Skywalker since his death was unquestionably the emotional climax of the film , and Sebastian Shaw was selected for the role . When Shaw arrived at the set for filming , he ran into his friend Ian McDiarmid , the actor playing the Emperor . When McDiarmid asked him what he was doing there , Shaw responded , '' I do n't know , dear boy , I think it 's something to do with science - fiction . '' His presence during the filming was kept secret from all but the minimum cast and crew , and Shaw was contractually obliged not to discuss any film secrets with anyone , even his family . The unmasking scene , directed by Richard Marquand , was filmed in one day and required only a few takes , with no alteration from the original dialogue . Lucas personally directed Shaw for his appearance in the final scene of the film , in which he is a Force Ghost of Anakin . Shaw 's image in this scene was replaced with that of Christensen in the 2004 DVD release . This last attempt to tie the prequel and original trilogies together proved to be possibly the most controversial change in the Star Wars re-releases . Shaw received more fan mail and autograph requests from Return of the Jedi than he had for any role in the rest of his career . He later reflected that he very much enjoyed his experience filming for Return of the Jedi and expressed particular surprise that an action figure was made of him from the film . Document [1](Title: Hayden Christensen) where he was inserted to replace Sebastian Shaw as the ghost of the redeemed Anakin Skywalker. This was one of the most controversial changes. Lucas wanted Anakin's inner person to return to who he was before he turned to the dark side. Christensen insisted this was done without his knowledge, an act that was confirmed by Lucasfilm itself in the featurette "Return of the Jedi: What has changed?" as seen on the official website to commemorate the 2006 DVDs. His performance in both "" and "" received generally mixed reviews by critics (earning him the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Document [2](Title: Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy) Jedi" scene where Luke Skywalker "jumps off the plank ... and somersaults onto the skiff", Skywalker "performs an all-out acrobatic routine with all sorts of jumps from the plank. It's hilarious". LucasArts producer David Perkinson said, "unless you've got the heart of the Emperor, you are going to chuckle at many of [the characters] the first time you see them – you just have to. They're so darn cute!" On 2 February 2006, images of the game were leaked to the Internet. However, they were quickly removed, and LucasArts, if telephoned, did not confirm or deny the game's development. The Document [3](Title: The People vs. George Lucas) etc.) without any changes. Philippe also stated that, to his knowledge, Lucas has never seen the documentary. However, Philippe has said that he would love to hold a private screening at Skywalker Ranch. The film begins with a brief history of Lucas' career leading up to the release of "Star Wars" in 1977. The rest of the film is structured by inter-cutting interviews with many different fans, academics, film critics, former colleagues of Lucas, well-known writers in the science fiction/fantasy genre and others. The narrative of the film shows the complex relationship between Lucas and his fans, as well as Document [4](Title: Kostas Seremetis) underground film festival in 2011, Seremetis edited this 126-minute film, taking the left third of Star Wars, the middle third of "" and the right third of "Return of the Jedi", synchronizing them into one film. He was invited to give a master class in Tangier, Morocco, showcasing the film. Seremetis contributed art projected in various scenes in "Traitors", a film written and directed by Sean Gullette, screened at the Tribeca Film Festival in April 2014. Seremetis's film, "The Resistance", opened for the band The Cult at Irving Plaza in New York in 2007. He also designed the stage backdrop Document [5](Title: Changes in Star Wars re-releases) Ian McDiarmid in "Return of the Jedi", and McDiarmid reprised the role for the prequel trilogy. To reflect this, the 2004 DVD release of "The Empire Strikes Back" replaced the woman with McDiarmid and new dialogue was written. Boba Fett's dialogue in "The Empire Strikes Back" was originally recorded by Jason Wingreen. Subsequently, revealed Boba to be a clone of Jango Fett, played by Temuera Morrison. To reflect this, Morrison re-recorded Boba's lines for the 2004 DVD release of the film. In a scene of "Return of the Jedi" where Darth Vader is unmasked, the 2004 DVD release digitally removed Document [6](Title: Palpatine) "I was the right age, ironically, for the first prequel when it was made. ... So I was in the very strange and rather wonderful paradox of playing myself when young at my own age, having played myself previously when 100-and-I-don't-know-what." Palpatine's role in the prequel films required McDiarmid to play two dimensions of the same character. Recalling the initial days of shooting "The Phantom Menace", McDiarmid stated, "Stepping onto the set of "Episode I" for the first time was like going back in time, due to my experience in "Jedi". Palpatine's an interesting character; he's conventional on the outside, Document [7](Title: Solo: A Star Wars Story) of some tight spots, the picture itself follows a safely predictable course. Missing here are the sort of plot-related or visual curveballs thrown by Rian Johnson's "The Last Jedi" or Gareth Edwards with "Rogue One"." For the "[[New York Post]]", Johnny Oleksinski gave the film one star out of a possible four, writing that while Glover was "amusing" in his role, Ehrenreich was "given an impossible task: to make us forget about Harrison Ford, easily the most iconic action hero in modern cinema." Matthew Rozsa of wrote that "Whenever "[[Star Wars]]" tries to develop one of the franchise's key Question: when do you see darth vader's face Answer:
Return of the Jedi
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Phase-contrast microscopy) Phase - contrast microscopy is particularly important in biology . It reveals many cellular structures that are not visible with a simpler bright - field microscope , as exemplified in the figure . These structures were made visible to earlier microscopists by staining , but this required additional preparation and killed the cells . The phase - contrast microscope made it possible for biologists to study living cells and how they proliferate through cell division . After its invention in the early 1930s , phase - contrast microscopy proved to be such an advancement in microscopy that its inventor Frits Zernike was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1953 . Document [1](Title: Phase-contrast microscopy) is weak and typically phase-shifted by −90° (due to both the typical thickness of specimens and the refractive index difference between biological tissue and the surrounding medium) relative to the background light. This leads to the foreground (blue vector) and background (red vector) having nearly the same intensity, resulting in low image contrast. In a phase-contrast microscope, image contrast is increased in two ways: by generating constructive interference between scattered and background light rays in regions of the field of view that contain the specimen, and by reducing the amount of background light that reaches the image plane. First, the Document [2](Title: Transmission electron microscopy) TEM in 1939. In 1986, Ruska was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for the development of transmission electron microscopy. In 1873, Ernst Abbe proposed that the ability to resolve detail in an object was limited approximately by the wavelength of the light used in imaging or a few hundred nanometers for visible light microscopes. Developments in ultraviolet (UV) microscopes, led by Köhler and Rohr, increased resolving power by a factor of two. However this required expensive quartz optics, due to the absorption of UV by glass. It was believed that obtaining an image with sub-micrometer information was not possible Document [3](Title: Lattice light-sheet microscopy) Lattice light-sheet microscopy Lattice light-sheet microscopy is a modified version of light sheet fluorescence microscopy that increases image acquisition speed while decreasing damage to cells caused by phototoxicity. This is achieved by using a structured light sheet to excite fluorescence in successive planes of a specimen, generating a time series of 3D images which can provide information about dynamic biological processes. It was developed in the early 2010s by Eric Betzig. According to the Washington Post, Eric Betzig believes that this development will have a greater impact than the work that earned him the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Document [4](Title: David G. Grier) operation. Grier’s achievements in this field have led to his being named one of the Scientific American 50 for 2004 and one of the World Economic Forum’s Technology Pioneers for 2005. His laboratory’s other achievements include developing state-of-the-art methods of digital video microscopy and introducing powerful new methods of holographic video microscopy. Using these techniques, the Grier group has demonstrated the first practical tractor beams, the first knotted force fields, and the first optically organized micromachines. The partnership of optical micromanipulation and optical characterization has revealed new principles in non-equilibrium statistical physics and is responsible for the still-controversial discovery that Document [5](Title: David Sayre) he came back to the goal of achieving lensless imaging, which he pursued the rest of his life. David Sayre David Sayre (March 2, 1924 – February 23, 2012) was an American scientist, credited with the early development of direct methods for protein crystallography and of diffraction microscopy (also called coherent diffraction imaging). While working at IBM he was part of the initial team of ten programmers who created FORTRAN, and later suggested the use of electron beam lithography for the fabrication of X-ray Fresnel zone plates. The International Union of Crystallography awarded Sayre the Ewald Prize in 2008 for Document [6](Title: Imaging particle analysis) images (optically formed), as opposed to "synthetic" (computed) images (computed tomography, confocal microscopy, SIM and other super resolution microscopy techniques, etc.). Given the above, the primary method for imaging particle analysis is using optical microscopy. While optical microscopes have been around and used for particle analysis since the 1600s, the "analysis" in the past has been accomplished by humans using the human visual system. As such, much of this analysis is subjective, or qualitative in nature. Even when some sort of qualitative tools are available, such as a measuring reticle in the microscope, it has still required a human to Document [7](Title: Contrast transfer function) delta function representing the non-scattered, transmitted, electron wave formula_15 = the Fourier transform of the wavefunction's phase formula_16 = the phase shift incurred by the microscope's aberrations, also known as the "Contrast Transfer Function:" formula_7 = the relativistic wavelength of the electron wave, formula_20 = The spherical aberration of the objective lens The contrast transfer function can also be given in terms of spatial frequencies, or reciprocal space. With the relationship formula_21, the phase contrast transfer function becomes: formula_5 = the defocus of the objective lens (using the convention that underfocus is positive and overfocus is negative), formula_7 = the Question: where would phase contrast microscopy improve image quality Answer:
cellular structures
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Good Witch) Although set in '' Middleton , USA '' , it was filmed in Hamilton and Niagara on the Lake , Ontario . In the sequel , The Good Witch 's Charm , the map on the wall in the police station shows Middleton north and west of Chicago , in the vicinity of DuPage County . The names of the suburbs and interstates that are west of Chicago can be clearly seen . Document [1](Title: The Good Witch's Wonder) The Good Witch's Wonder The Good Witch's Wonder is a 2014 Canadian/American family film and Hallmark Channel original movie written by G. Ross Parker and directed by Craig Pryce. The film stars Catherine Bell, Chris Potter, Catherine Disher, Matthew Knight, Hannah Endicott-Douglas, Ashley Leggat, Peter MacNeill, Rachel Wilson and Connor Price. "Wonder", the seventh film in "The Good Witch" film series, premiered on Hallmark Channel on October 25, 2014. Cassie Russell (Catherine Bell) is given little time to plan her stepson Brandon's (Matthew Knight) wedding to Tara (Ashley Leggat). In addition, Martha (Catherine Disher), Middleton's new mayor, wants Cassie to Document [2](Title: Good Witch (TV series)) Good Witch (TV series) Good Witch is an American / Canadian fantasy comedy-drama television series that is based on the made-for-TV movie series of the same name, produced by Whizbang Films in association with ITV Studios and the Hallmark Channel. Catherine Bell, who played Cassie Nightingale, the "Good Witch" in the movie series, both co-produces and stars in the series. "Good Witch" premiered on February 28, 2015, and was consecutively renewed through a fourth season, which aired from April 29 to July 1, 2018. Immediately following the fourth season's finale, Hallmark aired a teaser for a two-hour Halloween special, which Document [3](Title: Boq) while on their journey to the Emerald City. Though the novel initially depicts Dorothy meeting only three local Munchkin men when she first encounters the Good Witch of the North upon her unexpected arrival, she does come across a lavish banquet at Boq's Munchkin mansion while on the Yellow Brick Road (consisting of his family, his closest friends and five fiddlers) celebrating the demise of the Wicked Witch of the East. They welcome Dorothy as a guest of honor and thank her for freeing them. Boq is very impressed when he sees Dorothy is wearing the charmed Silver Shoes the Document [4](Title: Harry Potter (film series)) the above-mentioned interview with Heyman, added that the casting of the three major roles "is especially impressive in hindsight. The trio's selection was arguably one of the best show-business decisions over the past decade... they have shown admirable grace and steadiness in the face of teen superstardom." Filming of the series began at Leavesden Studios, Hertfordshire, England, in September 2000 and ended in December 2010, with post-production on the final film lasting until summer 2011. Leavesden Studios was the main base for filming "Harry Potter", and it opened to the public as a studio tour in 2012 (renamed as Warner Document [5](Title: Pleasant View, Toronto) Pleasant View, Toronto Pleasant View is a neighbourhood in the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada that is located in the district of North York at the northern end of the city. It is bordered by Victoria Park to the East, Sheppard Avenue to the South, Highway 404 to the west and the Finch hydro corridor to the north (north of Finch Avenue). The neighbourhood is home to several high-rise apartment and condominium buildings, such as The Clippers. This has become a popular area for immigrants and has a large number of Chinese arriving and settling in the area. The area Document [6](Title: Film industry in Hamilton, Ontario) Closing the Ring, a film directed by Richard Attenborough and starring Shirley MacLaine, Christopher Plummer and Neve Campbell was shot in Dundas and at the DeLuxe Restaurant. Also in 2007, CIBC Bank used the restaurant for a TV commercial shoot. After years of sitting closed and serving the film industry on occasion, the DeLuxe Restaurant underwent extensive renovations and opened as Thai restaurant Bangkok Spoon in 2009. All of the "Good Witch" films were filmed in and around Dundas. January 2014 saw the official opening of a new 4000 sq ft film, TV and web series production studio delivering a Document [7](Title: Charmed) sold in 2003, production for "Charmed" moved to the Paramount Studios lot for seasons seven and eight. Executive producer Brad Kern revealed that the show's eighth and final season was shot only on the Paramount Studios lot as they could not go out on location anymore due to budget cuts. The Innes House located at 1329 Carroll Avenue in Los Angeles was used as the exterior for the show's fictional Halliwell Manor, and has become popular with tourists over the years. The opening credits for "Charmed" was used to introduce the main and supporting cast members in each season. It Question: where is the movie the good witch filmed Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Wayne Newton) The road serving the main terminal of McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas is named Wayne Newton Boulevard in his honor . Document [1](Title: McCarran Airport Connector) in conjunction with the completion of I-215 between Interstate 15 and Warm Springs Road. McCarran Airport Connector The McCarran Airport Connector (MAC) is a limited-access roadway system located in Paradise, an unincorporated town in the Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada, United States. Composed of State Route 171 (SR 171), the Airport Tunnel, and arterial streets, the airport connector provides vehicular access to the passenger terminals at McCarran International Airport. The McCarran Airport Connector begins at an interchange with Interstate 215 (exit 10) in Paradise. From there, the route follows unsigned State Route 171 as it transitions to a below-ground Document [2](Title: McCarran International Airport) early history of aviation in Southern Nevada. The museum is named after former Nevada Senator Howard Cannon, who contributed to the development of aviation in the county. Its administrator is Mark Hall-Patton, who has appeared on the reality television show Pawn Stars. Road access to McCarran Airport is provided by Paradise Road to the north and by the McCarran Airport Connector to the south, which connects to the Las Vegas Beltway. Terminal 1 and Terminal 3 have their own parking garages. Each also has its own economy lot, which provides lower parking rates, and a separate lot for oversize vehicles. Document [3](Title: Las Vegas Beltway) Drive alignment west to the Pecos Road/Saint Rose Parkway (SR 146) interchange. The highway then curves northwest towards McCarran International Airport before turning west to cross under Las Vegas Boulevard and I-15. As the beltway passes under I-15, it changes from Interstate to county highway still maintaining freeway status as it heads nearly due west. Passing Decatur Boulevard, two one-way frontage roads (which formerly carried the initial beltway facilities) appear on either side of the highway. At Durango Drive, the roadway curves northward. The frontage roads end as the highway reaches Tropicana Avenue, but the freeway continues briefly west and Document [4](Title: Clark County Department of Aviation) Clark County Department of Aviation The Clark County Department of Aviation is a part of the government of Clark County, Nevada, United States. McCarran International Airport, the main commercial airport, and the five general aviation facilities in the Clark County Airport System are owned by Clark County, Nevada and operated under the policy direction of the Board of County Commissioners, the authority of the County Manager and the management of the Director and Deputy Director of Aviation. Henderson Executive Airport is located in Henderson. The airport functions mainly as a general purpose airport. Jean Sport Aviation Center is located in Document [5](Title: Downtown Las Vegas) Street, the Fremont Street Experience and Fremont East. The city defines the area as bounded by I-15 on the west, Washington Avenue on the north, Maryland Parkway on the east and Sahara Avenue on the south. Perhaps the earliest visitors to the Las Vegas area were nomadic Paleo-Indians, who traveled here 10,000 years ago, leaving behind petroglyphs. Anasazi and Paiute tribes came here at least 2,000 years ago. The area was named Las Vegas, which is Spanish for "the meadows", in the 1800s because it featured abundant wild grasses, as well as desert spring waters for westward travelers. The year Document [6](Title: California–Nevada Interstate Maglev) the scheme were seeking to revive interest in the proposal. In the late 1970s and 1980s, Nevada politicians talked of a "bullet train" to connect Southern California to Las Vegas. Since the 1997 termination of the Amtrak-run "Desert Wind", Las Vegas has been without any passenger train service. Plans to resume service using a Talgo train have failed to gain traction due to the high cost of upgrades to the existing track, much of it being only a single track as of 2006. With McCarran International Airport expected to reach capacity in a few years and I-15 upgrades for more Document [7](Title: Central Expressway (Dallas)) Central Expressway (Dallas) Central Expressway is a north–south highway in Dallas, Texas (USA) and surrounding areas. The best-known section is the North Central Expressway, a name for a freeway section of U.S. Highway 75 between downtown Dallas and McKinney, Texas. The southern terminus is at an intersection with "hidden" Interstate 345 (signed as Interstate 45) and Woodall Rodgers Expressway. From south of Main Street and its crossing under the Interstate 45 overhead in downtown Dallas, Central Expressway became the South Central Expressway, renamed César Chávez Boulevard on April 9, 2010. The North Central Expressway extends from Woodall Rogers freeway to Question: the road leading to the airport in las vegas is named after what entertainer Answer:
Wayne Newton
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Victorville, California) City of Victorville City Flag Seal Location of Victorville in San Bernardino County , California City of Victorville Location in the United States City of Victorville City of Victorville ( the US ) Show map of California Show map of the US Show all Coordinates : 34 ° 32 ' 10 '' N 117 ° 17 ' 28 '' W  /  34.53611 ° N 117.29111 ° W  / 34.53611 ; - 117.29111 Coordinates : 34 ° 32 ' 10 '' N 117 ° 17 ' 28 '' W  /  34.53611 ° N 117.29111 ° W  / 34.53611 ; - 117.29111 Country United States State California County San Bernardino Incorporated September 21 , 1962 Named for Jacob Nash Victor Government Mayor Gloria Garcia City manager Doug Robertson Area Total 73.89 sq mi ( 191.38 km ) Land 73.33 sq mi ( 189.92 km ) Water 0.56 sq mi ( 1.46 km ) 0.76 % Elevation 2,726 ft ( 831 m ) Population ( 2010 ) Total 115,903 Estimate ( 2016 ) 122,265 Rank 5th in San Bernardino County 48th in California Density 1,667.37 / sq mi ( 643.77 / km ) Time zone Pacific Time Zone ( UTC - 8 ) Summer ( DST ) PDT ( UTC - 7 ) ZIP codes 92392 -- 92395 Area codes 442 / 760 FIPS code 06 - 82590 GNIS feature IDs 1652806 , 2412156 Website Document [1](Title: Saint Victor Parish (San Jose)) Saint Victor Parish (San Jose) St. Victor Parish is a territorial parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Jose in California, located in the Berryessa neighborhood of San Jose, California. The parish was founded in 1961 by the Rev. James Prendeville, and was named for Pope Victor I. Its territory was taken from St. Patrick Parish and Saint John Vianney Parish in San Jose and Saint John the Baptist Parish in Milpitas. The first Mass was celebrated on October 29, 1961, the feast of Christ the King, in an old farm house that Mateo and Ann Sunseri made available Document [2](Title: Victorville, California) killed while hitchhiking near Victorville. In 2003, the Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Museum was moved from Victorville to Branson, Missouri. It closed before 2015. On November 3, 2007, Victorville hosted the DARPA Urban Challenge, a six-hour autonomous robot driving contest through the streets of the Southern California Logistics Airport. The $2 million first prize went to the Carnegie Mellon University team. Victorville is located at the southwestern edge of the Mojave Desert, northeast of Los Angeles, south of Barstow, east of Palmdale, and north of San Bernardino through the Cajon Pass on Interstate 15. Victorville is the location of Document [3](Title: California Southern Railroad) wrong eighty years later when SP built the Palmdale Cutoff in 1967 at a slightly higher elevation through the pass. In honor of his work through the pass, the city of Victorville was named after Victor. To reach Los Angeles, the Santa Fe leased trackage rights over the Southern Pacific from San Bernardino on November 29, 1885, at $1,200 per mile per year. Naturally, the Santa Fe sought ways to reduce the fees. On November 20, 1886, the Santa Fe incorporated the San Bernardino and Los Angeles Railway to build a rail connection between its namesake cities. California Southern track Document [4](Title: Calaveras County, California) Calaveras County, California Calaveras County, officially the County of Calaveras, is a county in the northern portion of the U.S. state, California. As of the 2010 census, the population was 40,171. The county seat is San Andreas. Angels Camp is the only incorporated city in the county. "Calaveras" is the Spanish word for skulls; the county was reportedly named for the remains of Native Americans discovered by the Spanish explorer Captain Gabriel Moraga. Calaveras County is in both the Gold Country and High Sierra regions of California. Calaveras Big Trees State Park, a preserve of Giant Sequoia trees, is in Document [5](Title: Sierraville, California) 144 people (72.0% of the population) lived in owner-occupied housing units and 56 people (28.0%) lived in rental housing units. In the state legislature, Sierraville is in , and . Federally, Sierraville is in . Sierraville, California Sierraville is a census-designated place in Sierra County, California, United States. It is at the southern end of the huge Sierra Valley which is used primarily as pasture and is also at the junction of California State Route 49 and California State Route 89 southwest of Loyalton. Sierraville has a post office with ZIP code 96126. The post office opened under the name Document [6](Title: Stanley Clark Meston) a choice of being paid a flat fee or a commission each time a new restaurant was built. He chose the fee. Meston's work has appeared in 28 of the world's countries and most of the world's principal cities, including Hong Kong, Tokyo, London, and Mexico City. In southern California and its vicinity, projects of his include the Verde Professional Building in Victorville, California; the San Bernardino County West End Courts Building; Wilbur Clark's Desert Inn in Las Vegas; and high schools in Visalia, Los Angeles, Gardena, Inglewood, Glendora, Palmdale, and several other southern California cities. Stanley Clark Meston Stanley Document [7](Title: Santa Barbara County, California) for the establishment of the holiday. On November 4, 2008, Santa Barbara County voted 53.1% against Proposition 8 which amended the California Constitution to ban same-sex marriages. It was the only county in Southern California to vote against it. In 1978, some residents of the northern area initiated an effort to create a "Los Padres County" out of the northern area of the county; in a referendum, this effort was defeated by a 3-1 margin. In 2006, northern county organizations initiated a similar secession proposal, to create a proposed "Mission County." Then Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed a formation commission to Question: what's the zip code for victorville ca Answer:
92392 -- 92395
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: First Amendment to the United States Constitution) This language was greatly condensed by Congress , and passed the House and Senate with almost no recorded debate , complicating future discussion of the Amendment 's intent . The First Amendment , along with the rest of the Bill of Rights , was submitted to the states for ratification on September 25 , 1789 , and adopted on December 15 , 1791 . Document [1](Title: Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution) requires government officials to follow fair procedures before depriving a person of life, liberty, or property, and substantive due process, which protects certain fundamental rights from government interference. The Supreme Court has also held that the Due Process Clause contains a prohibition against vague laws and an implied equal protection requirement similar to the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause. The amendment as proposed by Congress in 1789 reads as follows: On June 8, 1789, Congressman James Madison introduced several proposed constitutional amendments during a speech to the House of Representatives. His draft language that later became the Fifth Amendment was Document [2](Title: History of the United States Constitution) to Congress by the Constitution are reserved to the states to be exercised by them." New York, not to be outdone, appended a list of thirty-two requested amendments plus a lengthy statement of "impressions" and "explanations" about the new Constitution to their affirmative vote. The sharp Anti-Federalist critique of the Constitution did not abate after it became operational, and by the time the First Congress convened in March 1789, there existed widespread sentiment in both the House and Senate in favor of making alterations. That September, Congress adopted twelve amendments and sent to the states for ratification. Ten of these Document [3](Title: Proposed "Liberty" Amendment to the United States Constitution) editing this list includes states not listed below and Arizona's date of 1979 vs 1982 should be reconciled) Proposed "Liberty" Amendment to the United States Constitution The proposed "Liberty" Amendment to the United States Constitution was first proffered, pursuant to the Constitution's Article V, for the consideration of the 82nd United States Congress on June 28, 1952, in the form of House Joint Resolution No. 491 (""proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to calling of a convention to consider an amendment to the Constitution to prohibit the United States Government from engaging in business in Document [4](Title: Congressional Apportionment Amendment) Congressional Apportionment Amendment The Congressional Apportionment Amendment (originally titled Article the First) is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that addresses the number of seats in the House of Representatives. It was proposed by Congress on September 25, 1789, but was never ratified by the requisite number of state legislatures. As Congress did not set a time limit for its ratification, the Congressional Apportionment Amendment is still technically pending before the states. In the 1st United States Congress, James Madison put together a package of twelve constitutional amendments designed to address the concerns of Anti-Federalists, who were suspicious Document [5](Title: Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution) later ratify the Bill of Rights for sesquicentennial celebrations in 1939.) In February through June 1790, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island each ratified eleven of the amendments, including the Fourth. Virginia initially postponed its debate, but after Vermont was admitted to the Union in 1791, the total number of states needed for ratification rose to eleven. Vermont ratified on November 3, 1791, approving all twelve amendments, and Virginia finally followed on December 15, 1791. Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson announced the adoption of the ten successfully ratified amendments on March 1, 1792. The Bill of Rights originally only restricted Document [6](Title: Separation of church and state) letter, referencing the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, Jefferson writes: Another early user of the term was James Madison, the principal drafter of the United States Bill of Rights. In a 1789 debate in the House of Representatives regarding the draft of the First Amendment, the following was said: Madison contended "Because if Religion be exempt from the authority of the Society at large, still less can it be subject to that of the Legislative Body." Several years later he wrote of "total separation of the church from the state." "Strongly guarded as is the separation between Religion Document [7](Title: Earl Warren) Warren Court handed down a series of momentous rulings in the 1960s. The 1960s marked a major shift in constitutional interpretation as the Warren Court continued the process of the Incorporation of the Bill of Rights, whereby the provisions of the first ten amendments to the constitution were applied to the states. Warren saw the Bill of Rights as a codification of "the natural rights of man" against the government, and he believed that incorporation would bring the law "into harmony with moral principles." By the time Warren took office, most of the provisions of the First Amendment already applied Question: where is the first amendment found in the constitution Answer:
the Bill of Rights
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: United States embargo against Cuba) The United States embargo against Cuba ( in Cuba called el bloqueo , '' the blockade '' ) is a commercial , economic , and financial embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba . An embargo was first imposed by the United States on sale of arms to Cuba on March 14 , 1958 , during the Fulgencio Batista regime . Again on October 19 , 1960 ( almost two years after the Batista regime was deposed by the Cuban Revolution ) the U.S. placed an embargo on exports to Cuba except for food and medicine after Cuba nationalized American - owned Cuban oil refineries without compensation . On February 7 , 1962 the embargo was extended to include almost all imports . Currently , the Cuban embargo is enforced mainly through six statutes : the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 , the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 , the Cuban Assets Control Regulations of 1963 , the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 , the Helms -- Burton Act of 1996 , and the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 . The stated purpose of the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 is to maintain sanctions on Cuba so long as the Cuban government refuses to move toward '' democratization and greater respect for human rights '' . The Helms -- Burton Act further restricted United States citizens from doing business in or with Cuba , and mandated restrictions on giving public or private assistance to any successor government in Havana unless and until certain claims against the Cuban government were met . In 1999 , President Bill Clinton expanded the trade embargo by also disallowing foreign subsidiaries of U.S. companies to trade with Cuba . In 2000 , Clinton authorized the sale of '' humanitarian '' U.S. products to Cuba . Document [1](Title: United States embargo against Cuba) of the embargo.<ref name="A/71/L.3">A/71/L.3 – "Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba"</ref> The embargo has been criticized for its effects on food, clean water, medicine, and other economic needs of the Cuban population. Criticism has come from both Fidel Castro and Raúl Castro, citizens and groups from within Cuba, and international organizations and leaders. Some academic critics, outside Cuba, have also linked the embargo to shortages of medical supplies and soap which have resulted in a series of medical crises and heightened levels of infectious diseases. Academic critics have Document [2](Title: United States embargo against Cuba) Beyond criticisms of human rights in Cuba, the United States holds $6 billion worth of financial claims against the Cuban government. The pro-embargo position is that the U.S. embargo is, in part, an appropriate response to these unaddressed claims. The Latin America Working Group argues that pro-embargo Cuban-American exiles, whose votes are crucial in the U.S. state of Florida, have swayed many politicians to adopt views similar to their own. Some business leaders, including James E. Perrella, Dwayne O. Andreas, and Peter Blyth, have opposed the Cuban-American views, arguing that trading freely would be good for Cuba and the United Document [3](Title: Cuba–United States relations) significance. In November 2001, U.S. companies began selling food to the country for the first time since Washington imposed the trade embargo after the revolution. In 2002, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter became the first former or sitting U.S. president to visit Cuba since 1928. Relations deteriorated again following the election of George W. Bush. During his campaign Bush appealed for the support of Cuban-Americans by emphasizing his opposition to the government of Fidel Castro and supporting tighter embargo restrictions Cuban Americans, who until 2008 tended to vote Republican, expected effective policies and greater participation in the formation of policies Document [4](Title: Controversies at the 2006 World Baseball Classic) a house there and the rules allow players to compete for a nation based on permanent residency. On December 14, it was also reported that the United States Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control denied the Cuban National Team a license to play due to the continuing U.S. embargo against Cuba, the embargo being in place to prevent Cuba from making a profit at the expense of the United States. Afterward, Cuban President Fidel Castro announced publicly that any profit made by Cuba in the Classic would be donated to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Major League Baseball's commissioner's Document [5](Title: United States embargo against Cuba) and the United States was at a higher level than what it is today. 65% of Cuba's total exports were sent to the United States while imports from the U.S. totaled to 74% percent of Cuba's international purchases. After the formal implementation of the embargo and the passage of Proclamation 3355, there was a 95% decrease in Cuba's sugar quota, which canceled roughly 700,000 tons of the 3,119,655 tons previously allotted to the United States. A year later, Cuba's sugar quota was reduced to zero when President Eisenhower issued Proclamation 3383. This substantially affected Cuba's total exports as Cuba was Document [6](Title: Latin American economy) shifted quickly from reform within existing norms to the declaration that Cuba was a socialist nation. With Cuba's alliance with the Soviet Union, Cuba found an outlet for its sugar following the U.S. embargo on its longstanding purchases of Cuba's monoculture crop. Cuba expropriated holdings by foreigners, including large numbers of sugar plantations owned by U.S. and Canadian investors. For the United States, the threat that revolution could spread elsewhere in Latin America prompted U.S. President John F. Kennedy to proclaim the Alliance for Progress in 1961, designed to aid other Latin American governments with implementing programs to alleviate poverty Document [7](Title: Human rights in the United States) an embargo against Cuba that has been condemned as an illegal act by the United Nations General Assembly. The current exception to the ban on travel to the island, permitted since April 2009, has been an easing of travel restrictions for Cuban-Americans visiting their relatives. Restrictions continue to remain in place for the rest of the American populace. On June 30, 2010, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit on behalf of ten people who are either U.S. citizens or legal residents of the U.S., challenging the constitutionality of the government's "no-fly" list. The plaintiffs have not been told Question: when did the trade embargo start in cuba Answer:
March 14 , 1958
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Substrate-level phosphorylation) Substrate - level phosphorylation occurs in the cytoplasm of cells during glycolysis and in mitochondria either during the Krebs cycle or by MTHFD1L ( EC 6.3. 4.3 ) , an enzyme interconverting ADP + phosphate + 10 - formyltetrahydrofolate to ATP + formate + tetrahydrofolate ( reversibly ) , under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions . In the pay - off phase of glycolysis , a net of 2 ATP are produced by substrate - level phosphorylation . Document [1](Title: Kinase) Kinase In biochemistry, a kinase is an enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of phosphate groups from high-energy, phosphate-donating molecules to specific substrates. This process is known as phosphorylation, where the substrate gains a phosphate group and the high-energy ATP molecule donates a phosphate group. This transesterification produces a phosphorylated substrate and ADP. Conversely, it is referred to as dephosphorylation when the phosphorylated substrate donates a phosphate group and ADP gains a phosphate group (producing a dephosphorylated substrate and the high energy molecule of ATP). These two processes, phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, occur four times during glycolysis. Kinases are part of the Document [2](Title: Cori cycle) phosphoglucomutase. G-6-P is readily fed into glycolysis, (or can go into the pentose phosphate pathway if G-6-P concentration is high) a process that provides ATP to the muscle cells as an energy source. During muscular activity, the store of ATP needs to be constantly replenished. When the supply of oxygen is sufficient, this energy comes from feeding pyruvate, one product of glycolysis, into the Krebs cycle. When oxygen supply is insufficient, typically during intense muscular activity, energy must be released through anaerobic metabolism. Lactic acid fermentation converts pyruvate to lactate by lactate dehydrogenase. Most importantly, fermentation regenerates NAD, maintaining the Document [3](Title: Chemiosmosis) is the enzyme that makes ATP by chemiosmosis. It allows protons to pass through the membrane and uses the free energy difference to phosphorylate adenosine diphosphate (ADP), making ATP. The generation of ATP by chemiosmosis occurs in mitochondria and chloroplasts, as well as in most bacteria and archaea, an electron transport chain pumps H+ ions in the thylakoid spaces through thylakoid membranes. The energy from the electron movement through electron transport chains cross through ATP synthase which allows the proton to pass through them and use this free energy difference to photophosphorylate ADP making ATP. Peter D. Mitchell proposed the Document [4](Title: Malate dehydrogenase) out of the mitochondria, malate dehydrogenase reduces it to malate, and it then traverses the inner mitochondrial membrane. Once in the cytosol, the malate is oxidized back to oxaloacetate by cytosolic malate dehydrogenase. Finally, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) converts oxaloacetate to phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP). Kinetic studies show that malate dehydrogenase enzymatic activity is ordered. The cofactor NAD/NADH is bound to the enzyme before the substrate. The Km value for malate, i.e., the concentration at which the enzyme activity is half-maximal, is 2 mM. The Kcat value is 259.2 s. Additionally, pH levels control specificity of substrate binding by malate dehydrogenase due to Document [5](Title: Anaerobic exercise) system. High energy phosphates are stored in limited quantities within muscle cells. Anaerobic glycolysis exclusively uses glucose (and glycogen) as a fuel in the absence of oxygen, or more specifically when ATP is needed at rates that exceed those provided by aerobic metabolism. The consequence of such rapid glucose breakdown is the formation of lactic acid (or more appropriately, its conjugate base lactate at biological pH levels). Physical activities that last up to about thirty seconds rely primarily on the former, . Beyond this time both aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis-based metabolic systems begin to predominate. The by-product of anaerobic glycolysis, Document [6](Title: ATP synthase) more ADP and phosphate, ready for the next cycle of ATP production. Like other enzymes, the activity of FF ATP synthase is reversible. Large-enough quantities of ATP cause it to create a transmembrane proton gradient, this is used by fermenting bacteria that do not have an electron transport chain, but rather hydrolyze ATP to make a proton gradient, which they use to drive flagella and the transport of nutrients into the cell. In respiring bacteria under physiological conditions, ATP synthase, in general, runs in the opposite direction, creating ATP while using the proton motive force created by the electron transport Document [7](Title: Muscle fatigue) They include molecules such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), glycogen and creatine phosphate. ATP binds to the myosin head and causes the ‘ratchetting’ that results in contraction according to the sliding filament model. Creatine phosphate stores energy so ATP can be rapidly regenerated within the muscle cells from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate ions, allowing for sustained powerful contractions that last between 5–7 seconds. Glycogen is the intramuscular storage form of glucose, used to generate energy quickly once intramuscular creatine stores are exhausted, producing lactic acid as a metabolic byproduct. Substrate shortage is one of the causes of metabolic fatigue. Question: where does the most substrate level phosphorylation occur Answer:
in the cytoplasm of cells
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Law & Order) Law & Order is an American police procedural and legal drama television series , created by Dick Wolf and part of the Law & Order franchise . It originally aired on NBC and , in syndication , on various cable networks . Law & Order premiered on September 13 , 1990 , and completed its 20th and final season on May 24 , 2010 . At the time of its cancellation , Law & Order was the longest - running crime drama on American primetime television . Its record of 20 seasons is a tie with Gunsmoke ( 1955 -- 75 ) for the longest - running live - action scripted American prime - time series with ongoing characters . Although it has fewer episodes than Gunsmoke , Law & Order ranks as the longest - running hour - long primetime TV series . Gunsmoke , for its first six seasons , was originally a half - hour program . Document [1](Title: Law & Order (season 18)) was then added to the cast. This remained the main cast until the end of the series. <onlyinclude> </onlyinclude> Law & Order (season 18) The 18th season of "Law & Order" premiered on NBC on January 2, 2008, and concluded on May 21, 2008. On May 13, 2007, NBC renewed "Law & Order" for an 18th season of 22 episodes as part of a deal made by series creator Dick Wolf and NBC. Though the series was originally scheduled to air on Sundays as a midseason replacement for "NBC Sunday Night Football", "TV Guide" reported on December 4, 2007, that Document [2](Title: Law & Order: UK) Crown Prosecution Advocate in his talking directly to defendants and offering plea bargains was a step too far. Law And Order State Side is excellent, but the translation of that justice system into our own jurisdiction is not really possible – CPS lawyers do NOT invite defendants to CPS HQ, and do not run their own investigation. Law & Order: UK Law & Order: UK is a British police procedural and legal television programme broadcast from 2009–14 on ITV, adapted from the American series "Law & Order". Financed by the production companies Kudos Film and Television, Wolf Films, and Universal Document [3](Title: Law & Order: Criminal Intent) show was halted temporarily in December 2007 due to the writers' strike. For its move to the USA Network, the version of the "Law & Order" theme used for the show's opening credits was replaced by the version originally used on the short-lived "". On May 22, 2008, USA Network renewed "Criminal Intent" for an eighth season. Season 7 was the top-rated television series on basic cable, having more than quadrupled the audience for the 10 p.m. Thursday slot on USA Network when compared to the ratings from the previous year. Nielsen ratings for the week of July 13, 2008 Document [4](Title: TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time) Show", which first aired in 1948. The most recently premiered show is "The Sopranos", which first aired in 1999. The show with the shortest run is "An American Family", which aired only twelve episodes and two subsequent special episodes. The longest-running show on the list is "The Today Show", which has aired since 1952. 41 of the shows are prime time, five are daytime and four are late-night. NBC has the most shows on the list with 17, counting the final season of "Taxi"; otherwise, it ties with CBS at 16. ABC has eight, Fox, HBO and PBS each have Document [5](Title: Law & Disorder) would be transplanted to the series "" after the "Homicide" series finale in 1999. Law & Disorder "Law & Disorder" is the 15th episode of the of the American police drama television series "". It originally aired on NBC on February 24, 1995. The episode was written by Bonnie Mark and Julie Martin and directed by John McNaughton. The episode concludes elements of a storyline about the shooting of Beau Felton, Kay Howard, and Stanley Bolander. Because he responded to the call about the murder of Gordon Pratt—the prime suspect in the shooting of Bolander, Felton, and Howard— Tim Bayliss Document [6](Title: Law & Order: Criminal Intent (season 2)) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (season 2) The second season of "" premiered September 29, 2002 and ended May 18, 2003 on NBC. "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" was renewed a second season in May 2002 and production began in Summer 2002. Show runner/executive producer René Balcer became head writer this season, writing every episode of the season. Peter Jankowski was promoted to executive producer this season; last season Jankowski was a co-executive producer. Co-executive producers this season were Fred Berner, Arthur W. Forney, and Theresa Rebeck with John L. Roman and Michael Kewley serving as producers. Supervising producers were Document [7](Title: Divorce Court) all time. "Divorce Court" holds the record for longest running court show of all time, leading the second place show "The People's Court" by five years. Due to its number of temporary cancellations and varying arbitrators, however, "Divorce Court" does not boast the longest individual series run or longest arbitrator, records held by "Judge Judy". On September 8, 2015, "Divorce Court" entered its 36th season, marking the 17th season of its current production life. On April 9, 2014, "Divorce Court" was renewed for two more seasons, taking it into 2016–17. Prior to the premiere of the currently running version, all Question: when did law and order start on tv Answer:
September 13 , 1990
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: FIFA World Cup) The 21 World Cup tournaments have been won by eight national teams . Brazil have won five times , and they are the only team to have played in every tournament . The other World Cup winners are Germany and Italy , with four titles each ; Argentina , France and inaugural winner Uruguay , with two titles each ; and England and Spain with one title each . Document [1](Title: Germany at the FIFA World Cup) the FIFA World Cup, winning four titles, earning second-place and third-place finishes four times each and one fourth-place finish. If you consider 3rd place or better for a winning campaign, Germany's 12 victories in 19 tournaments add up to at least three more than any other nation. In addition, Germany are the only team which has stood on the podium (3rd place or better) every decade there was a tournament held—1930s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and 2010s. Along with Argentina, Brazil and Spain, they are one of the four national teams to win outside their continental confederation, with Document [2](Title: Brazil national football team) experts and former players have considered the Brazil team of 1970 to be the greatest football team ever. Other Brazilian teams are also highly estimated and regularly appear listed among the best teams of all time, such as the Brazil teams of 1958–62, with honorary mentions for the gifted 1982 side. Brazil is the only national team to have won the World Cup on four different continents: once in Europe (1958 Sweden), once in South America (1962 Chile), twice in North America (1970 Mexico and 1994 United States) and once in Asia (2002 Korea/Japan). They share with France and Argentina Document [3](Title: South American nations at the FIFA World Cup) who won their groups: Brazil, Spain, Sweden and 1930 champions Uruguay, who were making their first World Cup appearance since winning the inaugural tournament. The World Cup winner would be the team that managed to finish on top of this group. The final group's six matches were shared between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Brazil played all its final group matches at the Estádio do Maracanã in Rio while the games that didn't involve the host nation were played in São Paulo. Brazil won their first two matches with a 7–1 thrashing of Sweden and 6–1 rout of Spain. Document [4](Title: Cricket World Cup teams) Cricket World Cup teams This is a summary of the performances of various international teams in the Cricket World Cup (O)- Obsolete So far, 20 teams have competed in the Cricket World Cup at least once (excluding qualifying tournaments). Of these, seven teams have taken part in every competition and only five have won. Australia are the current champions, and had won four times before (1987, 1999, 2003 and 2007) The West Indies won the first two, India won two (1983 and 2011), Sri Lanka and Pakistan won one each. The West Indies and Australia are also the only nations Document [5](Title: FIFA World Cup) two titles each; and England and Spain with one title each. The World Cup is the most prestigious association football tournament in the world, as well as the most widely viewed and followed sporting event in the world, exceeding even the Olympic Games; the cumulative viewership of all matches of the 2006 World Cup was estimated to be 26.29 billion with an estimated 715.1 million people watching the final match, a ninth of the entire population of the planet. 17 countries have hosted the World Cup. Brazil, France, Italy, Germany and Mexico have each hosted twice, while Uruguay, Switzerland, Sweden, Document [6](Title: Football in Uruguay) América, they are the most successful team, having won 15 titles. Uruguay won the first FIFA World Cup in 1930, defeating fierce rivals Argentina in the final. In 1950, they won their second World Cup, defeating Brazil in the Maracanã in the final. They have also won two Olympic gold medals in 1924 and 1928. Finally, they also won the 1980 Mundialito, a competition in Montevideo for all of the countries that had ever won the World Cup. Between 1970 and 2010, they failed to reach the semi-finals of the World Cup until 2010, when they finished fourth. The women's Document [7](Title: 2002 FIFA World Cup Final) winning the Golden Boot award. It also marked Brazilian captain Cafu's third consecutive appearance in a World Cup Final, a feat that has yet to be accomplished by any other player in the history of the tournament. Both teams had won their respective groups before advancing to the knockout stage, where Germany shut out all of their opponents to reach the final, while Brazil only allowed a single goal from England. Germany overcame United States and co-host South Korea, while Brazil knocked out England and Turkey. The title marked Brazil's fifth World Cup championship, which is more than any other Question: who won the fifa world cup the most Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Konrad Adenauer) Konrad Hermann Joseph Adenauer ( German : ( ˈkɔnʁaːt ˈhɛɐ̯man ˈjoːzəf ˈaːdəˌnaʊ̯ɐ ) ( listen ) ; 5 January 1876 -- 19 April 1967 ) was a German statesman who served as the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany ( West Germany ) from 1949 to 1963 . He led his country from the ruins of World War II to a productive and prosperous nation that forged close relations with France , the United Kingdom and the United States . During his years in power West Germany achieved democracy , stability , international respect and economic prosperity ( '' Wirtschaftswunder '' , German for '' economic miracle '' ) . He was the first leader of the Christian Democratic Union ( CDU ) , a Christian Democratic party that under his leadership became one of the most influential parties in the country . Document [1](Title: Christian Democratic Union of Germany) the current Chancellor of Germany. The CDU is a member of the Centrist Democrat International, International Democrat Union and European People's Party (EPP). Immediately following the collapse of the Nazi dictatorship at the end of World War II, the need for a new political order in Germany was paramount. Simultaneous yet unrelated meetings began occurring throughout Germany, each with the intention of planning a Christian-democratic party. The CDU was established in Berlin on 26 June 1945 and in Rheinland and Westfalen in September of the same year. The founding members of the CDU consisted primarily of former members of the Document [2](Title: Ostpolitik) or West Germany) and the German Democratic Republic (GDR, or East Germany). Initially, both governments claimed that they represented the entire German nation. However, the Federal Republic saw itself as the only German government with democratic legitimacy. Later, at the end of the 1960s, the communist government of the GDR claimed that there was no longer a common German nation as the GDR had established a "socialist" nation. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) political party dominated West German governments from 1949 to 1969. These governments refused to have any contact with the GDR government due to its undemocratic character, and Document [3](Title: 1957 West German federal election) a very low unemployment, and most West Germans felt clearly more prosperous and more secure than in 1949 or 1953. Although the West German economic growth was more directly enhanced by the social market economy policies of Economics Minister Ludwig Erhard, most non-socialistically inclined West German voters gave Adenauer the credit for it. The All-German Bloc lost all of their seats. Konrad Adenauer led the CDU-CSU coalition to a landslide victory. The CDU-CSU won an outright majority—to date, the only time a German party has been elected to a majority government in a free election (the CDU and CSU sit Document [4](Title: President of Germany) was first established by the Weimar Constitution, which was drafted in the aftermath of World War I and the abdication of Emperor Wilhelm II in 1918. In Germany the new head of state was called the "Reichspräsident". Friedrich Ebert (SPD) served as Germany's first president, followed by Paul von Hindenburg. The office effectively came to an end upon Hindenburg's death in 1934 and its powers merged with those of chancellor. Adolf Hitler now ruled Germany as "Führer und Reichskanzler", combining his previous positions in party and government. The office, however, was not abolished and briefly revived at the end of Document [5](Title: Heinrich Trinowitz) of his right thumb. Prior to World War I, he encountered difficulties with the police by defamation of Emperor Wilhelm II in a public speech. Heinrich August Trinowitz represented the social democratic politicians and activists of the trade-unionism, who abolished the German Imperial Monarchy (Deutsches Kaiserreich) and established the first parliamentarian German Republic, known as the Weimar Republic or officially as Deutsches Reich. Also, he was a journalist for the party and union press. Heinrich Trinowitz Heinrich August Trinowitz (born 20 May 1879 in Fichthorst; died 10 January 1929 in Königsberg was a notable German unionist and social democratic politician Document [6](Title: Konrad Adenauer) public. When a rebellion in East Germany was harshly suppressed by the Red Army in June 1953, Adenauer took political advantage of the situation and was handily re-elected to a second term as Chancellor. The CDU/CSU came up one seat short of an outright majority. Adenauer could thus have governed in a coalition with only one other party, but retained/gained the support of nearly all of the parties in the Bundestag that were to the right of the SPD. For all of his efforts as West Germany's leader, Adenauer was named "Time" magazine's Man of the Year in 1953. In Document [7](Title: Adolf Hitler) of Versailles and promoting Pan-Germanism, anti-semitism and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda. He frequently denounced international capitalism and communism as part of a Jewish conspiracy. By July 1932 the Nazi Party was the largest elected party in the German Reichstag, but did not have a majority, and no party was able to form a majority parliamentary coalition in support of a candidate for chancellor. Former chancellor Franz von Papen and other conservative leaders persuaded President Paul von Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor on 30 January 1933. Shortly after, the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act of 1933, which Question: germany's economic miracle resurrection was led by which chancellor ​ Answer:
Konrad Hermann Joseph Adenauer
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Federal government of Nigeria) Federal Government of Nigeria Coat of arms of Nigeria Formation 1963 ; 55 years ago ( 1963 ) Founding document Constitution of Nigeria Jurisdiction Nigeria Legislative branch Legislature National Assembly Meeting place National Assembly Complex Executive branch Leader President of Nigeria Headquarters Aso Rock Presidential Villa Main organ Cabinet Judicial branch Court Supreme Court Seat Abuja , FCT Document [1](Title: Colony of Niger) of a quasi-independent state which controlled some purely internal administration. The Constitution of 25 February 1959 was created by and then ratified vote of the Constituent Assembly of Niger, a body created for this purpose from the elected Territorial Assembly of Niger in December 1958. On 12 March 1959 the Constituent Assembly became the Legislative Assembly of Niger, with the head of government, Hamani Diori, retaining the title of President of the Council. Nominal executive powers were vested in the Assembly. with the constitution establishing elements, such as the Flag of Niger, the National anthem of Niger and the Coat Document [2](Title: Supreme Court of Nigeria) 70 years. Supreme Court of Nigeria The Supreme Court of Nigeria (SCN), is the highest court in Nigeria, and is located in the Central District, Abuja, in what is known as the Three Arms Zone, so called due to the proximity of the offices of the Presidential Complex, the National Assembly, and the Supreme Court. In 1963, the Federal Republic of Nigeria was proclaimed and Nnamdi Azikiwe became its first President. Appeals from the Federal Supreme Court to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council were abolished at that point, and the Supreme Court became the highest court in Nigeria. Document [3](Title: Order of the Niger) Order of the Niger Nigeria became an independent country on 1 October 1960 and in 1963 became the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The republic instituted two orders of merit: the Order of the Niger and the Order of the Federal Republic. The two highest honours, the Grand Commander in the Order of the Federal Republic and Grand Commander in the Order of the Niger are awarded to the President and Vice-President respectively. The Presiding Judge in the Supreme Court and the Chairman of the Senate are qualitate and ex officio Commander in the Order of the Niger. The Nigerians have Document [4](Title: Constitution of Nigeria) restored democratic rule to Nigeria, and remains in force today. In January 2011, two amendments of the 1999 constitution were signed by President Goodluck Jonathan, the first modifications since the document came into use in 1999. Constitution of Nigeria The Constitution of Nigeria is the supreme law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Nigeria has had a series of constitutions. The current constitution was enacted on 29 May 1999, inaugurating the Nigerian Fourth Republic. Nigeria's first constitutions were enacted by order in council during the colonial era, when the country was administered as a Crown Colony. The constitutions enacted Document [5](Title: Constitution of Niger) State of Niger remained the former French Governor of Niger, Don-Jean Colombani, now titled High Commissioner of Niger. Powers including defense, foreign affairs, and currency were retained by France. On 12 March 1959 the Constituent Assembly became the Legislative Assembly of Niger, with the head of government, Hamani Diori, retaining the title of President of the Council. Executive powers were vested in the Assembly. The new Assembly was to have 60 deputies elected for 5-year terms. The constitution established elements, such as the Flag of Niger, the National anthem of Niger and the Coat of Arms of Niger, along with Document [6](Title: Government of Lagos State) of the people of the State. The state vision is "Making Lagos Africa’s Model Mega City And Global Economic and Financial Hub", and the state policy thrust is "Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Economic Growth through Infrastructure Renewal and Development." The Judiciary is one of the three co-equal arms of the Lagos State Government. It is concerned with the interpretation of the laws of Lagos State government. The judiciary is headed by the Chief Judge of Lagos State, appointed by the Lagos State Governor with the approval of the Lagos State House of Assembly. Distinguished members of the Judiciary include the Document [7](Title: Order of the Federal Republic) Order of the Federal Republic The Order of the Federal Republic (OFR) is one of two orders of merit, established by the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 1963. It is senior to the Order of the Niger. The highest honours where the Grand Commander in the Order of the Federal Republic and Grand Commander in the Order of the Niger are awarded to the President and Vice-President respectively. The Presiding Judge in the Supreme Court and the Chairman of the Senate are qualitate and ex officio Commander in the Order of the Niger. The Nigerians have followed the British example Question: when did nigeria adopt the presidential system of government Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Bicarbonate transporter protein) In molecular biology , bicarbonate transporter proteins are proteins which transport bicarbonate . Bicarbonate ( HCO ) transport mechanisms are the principal regulators of pH in animal cells . Such transport also plays a vital role in acid - base movements in the stomach , pancreas , intestine , kidney , reproductive organs and the central nervous system . Functional studies have suggested four different HCO transport modes . Anion exchanger proteins exchange HCO for Cl in a reversible , electroneutral manner . Na / HCO co-transport proteins mediate the coupled movement of Na and HCO across plasma membranes , often in an electrogenic manner . Na driven Cl / HCO exchange and K / HCO exchange activities have also been detected in certain cell types , although the molecular identities of the proteins responsible remain to be determined . Document [1](Title: Reuptake) and positively charged residues in the extracellular cavity and near the cytoplasmic ends of TM helices 1 and 8. The classic transporter proteins use transmembrane ion gradients and electrical potential to transport neurotransmitter across the membrane of the presynaptic neuron. Typical neurotransmitter sodium symport (NSS) transporters, which are Na and Cl ion dependent, take advantage of both Na and Cl gradients, inwardly directed across the membrane. The ions flow down their concentration gradients, in many cases leading to transmembrane charge movement that is enhanced by the membrane potential. These forces pull the neurotransmitter substrate into the cell, even against its Document [2](Title: Proximal tubule) bicarbonate ions in the filtrate; it is also responsible for secreting organic acids, such as creatinine and other bases, into the filtrate. Fluid in the filtrate entering the proximal convoluted tubule is reabsorbed into the peritubular capillaries. This is driven by sodium transport from the lumen into the blood by the Na/K ATPase in the basolateral membrane of the epithelial cells. Sodium reabsorption is primarily driven by this P-type ATPase. This is the most important transport mechanism in the PCT. Many types of medications are secreted in the proximal tubule. "Further reading: Table of medication secreted in kidney" Most of Document [3](Title: Bicarbonate buffer system) CO and released during exhalation. These hydration and dehydration conversions of CO and HCO, which are normally very slow, are facilitated by carbonic anhydrase in both the blood and duodenum. While in the blood, bicarbonate ion serves to neutralize acid introduced to the blood through other metabolic processes (e.g. lactic acid, ketone bodies); likewise, any bases (e.g. urea from the catabolism of proteins) are neutralized by carbonic acid (HCO). As calculated by the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, in order to maintain a normal pH of 7.4 in the blood (whereby the pKa of carbonic acid is 6.1 at physiological temperature), a 20:1 Document [4](Title: Intracellular pH) Intracellular pH Intracellular pH (pHi) is the measure of the acidity or basicity (i.e., pH) of intracellular fluid. The pHi plays a critical role in membrane transport and other intracellular processes. The mechanisms that regulate pHi are usually considered to be plasma membrane transporters of which two main types exist — those that are dependent and those that are independent of HCO. Physiologically normal intracellular pH is most commonly between 7.0 and 7.4, though there is variability between tissues (e.g., mammalian skeletal muscle tends to have a pHi of 6.8-7.1). Intracellular pH is typically lower than extracellular pH due to Document [5](Title: SLC10A1) SLC10A1 Sodium/bile acid cotransporter also known as the Na-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) or liver bile acid transporter (LBAT) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the "SLC10A1" (solute carrier family 10 member 1) gene. Sodium/bile acid cotransporters are integral membrane glycoproteins. Human NTCP contains 349 amino acids and has a mass of 56 kDa. s participate in the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids. Two homologous transporters are involved in the reabsorption of bile acids. One of these absorbs bile acids from the intestinal lumen, the bile duct, and the kidney with an apical localization (ileal sodium/bile acid cotransporter). Document [6](Title: Carbonic acid) out of the body by respiratory gas exchange. The hydration reaction of CO is generally very slow in the absence of a catalyst, but red blood cells contain carbonic anhydrase, which increases the reaction rate, producing bicarbonate (HCO) dissolved in the blood plasma. This catalysed reaction is reversed in the lungs, where it converts the bicarbonate back into CO and allows it to be expelled. This equilibration plays an important role as a buffer in mammalian blood. A 2016 theoretical report suggests that carbonic acid may play a pivotal role in protonating various nitrogen bases in blood serum. The oceans Document [7](Title: Acetazolamide) excreting bicarbonate, the blood becomes acidic, causing compensatory hyperventilation with deep respiration (Kussmaul respiration), increasing levels of oxygen and decreasing levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. In the eye this results in a reduction in aqueous humour. Bicarbonate (HCO) has a pK of 10.3 with carbonate (CO), far further from physiologic pH (7.35–7.45), and so it is more likely to accept a proton than to donate one, but it is also far less likely for it to do either, thus bicarbonate will be the major species at physiological pH. Under normal conditions in the proximal convoluted tubule of the Question: how does bicarbonate gets transported across the cell membrane Answer:
bicarbonate transporter proteins
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: United States presidential election, 1796) With incumbent President George Washington having refused a third term in office , incumbent Vice President John Adams from Massachusetts became a candidate for the presidency on the Federalist Party ticket with former Governor Thomas Pinckney of South Carolina as the next most popular Federalist . Their opponents were former Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson from Virginia along with Senator Aaron Burr of New York of the Democratic - Republicans . At this point , each man from any party ran alone , as the formal position of '' running mate '' had not yet been established . Document [1](Title: Presidency of John Adams) nominated Adams and Charles C. Pinckney for the presidency; the caucus did not explicitly indicate which individual was favored for the presidency or the vice presidency. The Democratic-Republicans meanwhile nominated Jefferson and Burr, their candidates in the previous election, but designated Jefferson as the party’s first choice. The campaign was bitter and characterized by malicious insults by partisan presses on both sides. Federalists claimed that the Republicans were radicals who would ruin the country through revolution. Republicans were the enemies of "all who love order, peace, virtue, and religion." They were said to be libertines and dangerous radicals who favored Document [2](Title: 1788–89 United States presidential election) constitution, although the job title that came with being vice-president was as the head of the senate, unrelated to the executive branch. However, the Constitution did stipulate the position would be awarded to the runner-up in the presidential election. Because Washington was from Virginia, many assumed that a vice president would be chosen from one of the northern states to ease sectional tensions. In an August 1788 letter, U.S. Minister to France Thomas Jefferson wrote that he considered John Adams and John Hancock, both prominent citizens from Massachusetts, to be the top contenders. Jefferson suggested John Jay, James Madison, and Document [3](Title: Congressional nominating caucus) candidates (prior to the ratification of the 12th Amendment in 1804 each party ran two presidential candidates). The Federalists secretly held their caucus in early May, but later made their ticket of President John Adams and Charles Cotesworth Pinckney public. The Democratic-Republicans also secretly met in May, and agreed to equally support Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr for president. The Federalists did not hold another caucus after 1800. In 1804, after the passage of the 12th Amendment, the Democratic-Republicans caucus met again. In a ballot of the caucus, George Clinton defeated John Breckinridge and was nominated as Jefferson's running mate. Document [4](Title: Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection, 1944) Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection, 1944 This article lists those who were potential candidates for the Republican nomination for Vice President of the United States in the 1944 election. At the start of the 1944 Republican National Convention, New York Governor Thomas Dewey seemed like the likely presidential nominee, but his nomination was not assured due to strong support for Ohio Governor John W. Bricker and former Minnesota Governor Harold Stassen. Though Dewey wanted California Governor Earl Warren as his running mate, Warren was convinced that Franklin D. Roosevelt would win re-election, and refused to be anyone's running mate. Document [5](Title: Grover Cleveland 1884 presidential campaign) incumbent Stalwart U.S. President Chester A. Arthur's attempt at renomination. In Arthur's place, Blaine himself was nominated as the Republican Party candidate for President in 1884. Meanwhile, U.S. Senator and former general John A. Logan was selected as Blaine's running mate after Robert Todd Lincoln withdrew his name from consideration. 1876 Democratic candidate and former New York Governor Samuel J. Tilden was initially the 1884 front-runner for the Democrats. Due to his poor health, however, Tilden withdrew his name from consideration for the 1884 Democratic nomination. After Tilden's withdrawal, then-current New York Governor and former Buffalo Mayor Grover Cleveland (known Document [6](Title: Republican Party presidential primaries) Fiorina, who had dropped out of the race after New Hampshire, was chosen as the first vice-presidential running mate of the campaign, in a highly unusual move by Cruz, six days before he dropped out. See Also Republican Party presidential primaries Presidential primaries have been held in the United States since 1912 to nominate the Republican presidential candidate. This was the first time that candidates were chosen through primaries. President William Taft ran to become the nominee, and faced the opposition of former President Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt won most of the states and received more than a half of popular Document [7](Title: Presidency of John Quincy Adams) own party structure. Many of his appointments were designed to mollify critics rather than to reward supporters. He attempted to woo former Federalists like Rufus King, but internal divisions among the Federalists, as well as the continuing unpopularity of Federalists among Democratic-Republicans, prevented Adams from winning their full support. Adams also failed to rally strong support from the fledgling Anti-Masonic movement or from the followers of influential New York Governor DeWitt Clinton. Outside of New England, many of the administration's supporters defined themselves more in their opposition to Jackson than in their support of Adams. While Jackson had wide support, Question: who was the federalist candidate for president in the election of 1796 Answer:
John Adams
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Dancing with the Stars (U.S. season 25)) Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews returned as hosts , while Carrie Ann Inaba , Len Goodman , and Bruno Tonioli returned as judges . Julianne Hough did not return as a judge this season . Document [1](Title: American Idol) 2016. In May 2017, ABC acquired the rights to the series and the program would return for the 2017–18 television season. The show had originally planned on having four judges following the "Pop Idol" format; however, only three judges had been found by the time of the audition round in the first season, namely Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell. A fourth judge, radio DJ Stryker, was originally chosen but he dropped out citing "image concerns". In the second season, New York radio personality Angie Martinez had been hired as a fourth judge but withdrew only after a few Document [2](Title: X Factor (Denmark season 7)) first group to win the show and Thomas Blachman became the winning metor for the first time. After the sixth live show of the sixth season on March 15, 2013, Ida Corr was asked if she would return as a judge for another season and said that she did not know. On 17 June, it was reported that former judge Remee, who appeared in the first three seasons, was in talks with DR1 to return as a judge for season 7. On August 16, it was announced that Eva Harlou would replace Signe Molde as host for the seventh season. Document [3](Title: The X Factor (UK series 9)) Cheryl Cole, as well as Katy Perry and Rihanna, were said to have turned down the role. As a fourth permanent judge was not found in time for the start of the auditions, guest judging roles were brought in. They were filled by Halliwell, series 3 winner Leona Lewis, Rita Ora, Nicole Scherzinger, Mel B and Anastacia. Scherzinger was announced as the fourth judge on 15 June 2012, filling the fourth seat from the Newcastle auditions onwards. Dermot O'Leary returned to present the main show on ITV for his sixth series, while Caroline Flack and Olly Murs returned to co-present Document [4](Title: Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa) season was judged by Madhuri Dixit, Karan Johar, who replaced Malaika Arora and Remo D'Souza. It was hosted by Manish Paul and Ragini Khanna. The contestants were: The sixth season was judged by Madhuri Dixit, Remo D'souza and Karan Johar. It was hosted by Manish Paul and Kapil Sharma. The contestants were: The seventh season was judged by Karan Johar, Madhuri Dixit and Remo D'souza. It was hosted by Ranvir Shorey and Drashti Dhami who was later replaced by Manish Paul. Maksim Chmerkovskiy was a guest judge for two weeks. The contestants were: The eighth season was judged by Karan Document [5](Title: The Final 1 (season 2)) based on the theme "Classics". Victor did not appear on the judging panel in this episode as she was away for her maternity leave, and was replaced by former judge Kit Chan who returned to the show as a guest judge. This week, the contestants were assessed on their interaction with the media via interviews with the practitioners. There were no eliminations based on the previous week's performances, as all top 5 contestants were allowed to sing their first song. The contestants were then ranked based on their performance of the first song, and the one with the lowest ranking Document [6](Title: American Idol (season 9)) judges take contestants one by one and tell them if they made the final twenty-four. One of the singers who was eliminated at the final cut was Lauren Daigle. Ellen DeGeneres made her first appearance as a judge (replacing Paula Abdul) at this time. The first seven were revealed on February 16, 2010 (during the second hour on the episode), and the rest were revealed on the following night's episode. The semi-final format used through the fourth through seventh seasons was revived for this season. Starting with 12 women and 12 men, the women and men perform on weekly separate Document [7](Title: Hey Gorgeous) Dasmond Koh and Ben Yeo serve as the hosts for all seasons. Fiona Xie was one of the main hosts for the first season, but did not appear in subsequent seasons after leaving MediaCorp. During the second season, other artists such as Shane Pow and Romeo Tan join them during the campus searches. In the third season, Vivian Lai and Kate Pang joined as main hosts. During the finals of the second season, Dai Xiangyu, Rebecca Lim and Zhang Zhenhuan formed the judging panel. Sheila Sim, Xu Bin and Kym Ng served as judges during the semifinals of the third Question: who are the judges for season 25 of dancing with the stars Answer:
Carrie Ann Inaba
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Two Guys and a Girl) Traylor Howard as Sharon Carter - Donnelly ( 1998 -- 2001 ) -- a complex woman who is good friends with Pete and Berg . She is known for her self - confidence , yet inability to commit to relationships . Eventually , she manages to move past her fears and marries her boyfriend Johnny Donnelly . Document [1](Title: Two Guys and a Girl) Pete flew to Paris after the night's events and returns completely over Sharon, with a new girlfriend who speaks only French and is revealed to be extremely racist. Berg and Ashley continue to build on their relationship and finally become doctors involved in psych rotations. The season portrays their relationship as unsteady and completely built on hate of one another. It leads to Berg breaking up with Ashley during the middle of the season. Ashley lives with Pete and Berg before moving into her own apartment, which was originally Sharon's and Johnny's, who move to the basement to become the Document [2](Title: Phil Mitchell) without him. Phil agonises over the loss of his son. To distract himself, Phil gets involved in a protection racket with Annie Palmer (Nadia Sawalha), who he is also having casual sex with, but grows tired of being bossed around by her and quits. He starts seeing Lisa Shaw (Lucy Benjamin), but the relationship stalls when Kathy returns briefly in 1999 and sleeps with Grant. Before Kathy returns to South Africa, she asks Phil to go with her but he declines as Grant has planned an armed robbery and Phil refuses to let him do the job alone. Infuriated by Document [3](Title: Kennedy family (Neighbours)) Tom Kennedy (Bob Hornery) made guest appearances between 1996 and 2007, and was the first major character on the show to suffer from Alzheimer's disease. In October 2014, Malcolm returned to visit his parents and tell them that he and Catherine were expecting their first child. Malcolm then asked his parents to consider moving to London to help out with the baby. The storyline marked Karl and Susan's 20th year in "Neighbours" and featured several flashbacks to previous episodes and storylines featuring the Kennedy family. Woodburne commented "It was scary seeing them – and astonishing that we've been on Ramsay Document [4](Title: History of As the World Turns) not happy about). Maggie would lose Tom to Margo, but would later marry policeman Frank Andropoulos (Jacques Perrault), a member of a large Greek family transplanted to the U.S. Maggie and Frank would later adopt a baby girl Maggie named, Jill, but would have to fight Jill's biological father, Cal Randolph (Luke Reilly). Cal at first seemed to be a former alcoholic who seemed to be a drifter with no purpose, but it would later be revealed he was an F.B.I. Agent. When it was revealed that Cal was with the F.B.I., Maggie and Frank were certain they would lose Document [5](Title: The Gathering (2003 film)) (Peter McNamara) and examines his belongings, which include a scrapbook containing news clippings that detail accusations of child abuse at a local orphanage, that were ignored by the townspeople. The orphanage turns out to be the house the Kirkmans now live in. Cassie finds that Argyle was one of the children who was abused and that he identifies himself with the young Michael. She discovers that Argyle is planning to take revenge on the people of the town for their cruelty to him. Cassie suspects that a catastrophe is imminent, but she is unable to persuade anyone else of the Document [6](Title: Sharon Watts) she accepts. Upon release from hospital, Sharon fears being attacked again. She steals Ronnie's gun for protection but is horrified when Dennis almost finds it. While attempting to dispose of the gun, she overhears Shirley reprimanding Phil for arranging the attack on her. She vows revenge and recruits Phil's former lawyer, Marcus Christie (Stephen Churchett), to help fleece Phil. She later recants when she sees Phil's caring side but, unbeknownst to her, Phil has already discovered her deception. He confides in Shirley who convinces him Sharon hates him and they begin an affair. Phil vows to humiliate Sharon by dumping Document [7](Title: CSI: Miami) And [they] said, 'Yeah, we'll have him come out for dinner, see what he's about.'" Caruso was later cast as Caine. He was the last pilot cast member to be contracted to series. Following the back-door pilot, Zuiker stated that he believed the series "needed a little more balance in terms of a leading woman". Executives offered Sela Ward the part of Megan Donner, a lieutenant and Horatio's former boss. Ward turned down the role, and producers later cast Kim Delaney. Ann Donahue described Delaney's casting as "a no-brainer," stating that "when Kim became available, we knew in a heartbeat Question: sharon two guys a girl and a pizza place Answer:
Traylor Howard
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Constituent Assembly of India) Constituent Assembly of India Seal of the Constituent Assembly . Type Type Unicameral History Founded 6 December 1946 ( 1946 - 12 - 06 ) Disbanded 24 January 1950 ( 1950 - 01 - 24 ) Preceded by Imperial Legislative Council Succeeded by Parliament of India Leadership Temporary Chairman Sachchidananda Sinha , INC President Dr. Rajendra Prasad , INC Chairman of the drafting committee Dr. B.R. Ambedkar , SCF Vice Presidents Harendra Coomar Mookerjee V.T. Krishnamachari Legal Advisor B.N. Rau Structure Seats 389 ( Dec. 1946 - June 1947 ) 299 ( June 1947 - Jan. 1950 ) Political groups INC : 208 seats AIML : 73 seats Others : 15 seats Princely States : 93 seats Elections Voting system First past the post Meeting place House of Parliament , New Delhi Document [1](Title: Constitution of Pakistan of 1956) the more necessary for the free citizens of a sovereign state. Therefore, the first Constituent Assembly was formed under the Independence Act and was entrusted with two separate functions: The powers and functions of the central legislature under the Government of India Act were conferred on the Constituent Assembly. The Constituent Assembly could, however, amend the Indian Independence Act, 1947 or the Government of India Act, 1935, and no Act of the British Parliament could be extended to Pakistan without legislation by the Constituent Assembly. The first Constituent Assembly originally consisted of 69 members; subsequently the number of members was Document [2](Title: Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma) the members should be elected and no more than one third should be officials. In the case of the Assembly, not less than 48 members were required to be elected. Of not more than 24 nominated members, 12 should be officials. The Assembly had 72 members while the "Sri Chitra State Council" had 37 members. This bicameral system continued to function till September 1947, until it gave way to a constituent assembly that later led to the merger of Cochin state and the eventual joining into the Indian Union. The new bodies started functioning from 1 January 1933. The Assembly Document [3](Title: 1952 Bombay Legislative Assembly election) 1952 Bombay Legislative Assembly election Elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Indian state of Bombay were held on 26 March 1952. 1239 candidates contested for the 260 constituencies in the Assembly. There were 1 three-member, 47 two-member constituencies and 212 single-member constituencies. On 1 November 1956, under States Reorganisation Act, 1956, Bombay state was enlarged by the addition of Saurashtra state and Kutch state, the Marathi-speaking districts of Nagpur Division of Madhya Pradesh, and the Marathi speaking Marathwada region of Hyderabad. The state's southernmost Kannada-speaking districts of Dharwar, Bijapur, North Kanara and Belgaum (excluding the Chandgad taluk) were transferred Document [4](Title: Dominion of India) Mahatma Gandhi's attempt to reconcile the two nations via a fast led to his assassination in 1948 by Nathuram Godse, further increasing tensions between the two new states. The Dominion of India began working towards a constitution based on liberal democracy immediately after independence. The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India, drafted by a committee headed by B. R. Ambedkar, on 26 November 1949. India abolished the role of the constitutional monarchy and became a federal, democratic republic after it's constitution came into effect on 26 January 1950; henceforth celebrated as Republic Day. The governmental structure was similar to Document [5](Title: 1952 Coorg Legislative Assembly election) 1952 Coorg Legislative Assembly election The 1952 Coorg Legislative Assembly election was held to constitute the Coorg Legislative Assembly, electing members of legislature for 18 constituencies of the erstwhile Indian State of Coorg. It took place on 27 March 1952 and a total of 87,947 people voted 24 out of 60 candidates to power. This was the only election to the assembly before the State was merged into Mysore (later renamed as Karnataka) as per the States Reorganisation Act in 1956. A total of 24 seats were up for election from 18 constituencies; six two-member constituencies and twelve single-member constituencies. Document [6](Title: Assam Province) provincial legislature to 108 elected members. In 1937 elections were held for the newly created Assam Legislative Assembly established in Shillong. The Indian National Congress had the maximum number of seats with 38 members but declined to form a government. Therefore, Sir Syed Muhammad Saadulla was invited to form the government. Saadulla's government resigned in September, 1938 and the Governor then invited Gopinath Bordoloi. Bordoloi's cabinet included future President of India Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed. In 1939, all of the Congress ministries in British Indian provinces resigned and a new government under Saadulla was formed. Sir Syed Muhammad Saadulla remained as Document [7](Title: Estimates Committee (India)) committee becomes a minister, he or she ceases to be a member from the date of such appointment. There are no members from Rajya Sabha Currently the committee is headed by Murli Manohar Joshi from the Bharatiya Janata Party. Although the committee existed pre-independence, post independence, it was established following directives by India's first Minister of Finance, John Mathai. In his speech presenting the budget of 1950-51, Mathai outlined the role that had been envisaged saying - Initially the membership of the committee was limited to 25 members, however, in 1956, the membership was expanded to 30 members. The functions Question: who presided over the first meeting of indian constituent assembly Answer:
Imperial Legislative Council
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Courage the Cowardly Dog) Courage the Cowardly Dog follows Courage ( Marty Grabstein ) , a pink and easily frightened dog . He was abandoned while a puppy after his parents were forcibly sent into outer space by a crazed veterinarian . He lives in a house with a connected garage near the fictional town of Nowhere , Kansas with Muriel Bagge ( Thea White ) , a friendly , sweet - natured Scottish woman , and her husband Eustace Bagge ( Lionel G. Wilson episodes 1 -- 33 , Arthur Anderson episodes 34 -- 52 ) , a grumpy , greedy farmer who regularly mistreats Courage and refers to him as '' stupid dog . '' Muriel found Courage in an alleyway and took him in as her own . Document [1](Title: John R. Dilworth) John R. Dilworth Jonathan Russell Dilworth (born February 14, 1963) is an American animator, actor, director, writer, producer and the creator of the animated television series "Courage the Cowardly Dog". His work has mainly appeared on CBS, Showtime, HBO, FOX, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and MTV. Dilworth attended the School of Visual Arts in New York, where he graduated in 1985 with a Bachelor of Arts. After graduation, Dilworth became an art director at Baldi, Bloom and Whelan Advertising, but continued to work on his own films in his spare time, providing much of his own funding. His animated short, "The Document [2](Title: Dogs On The Inside) the Southern United States, where shelters are overcrowded and euthanasia is common. After a devoted team of rescuers transports the dogs, they begin an 8- to 10-week program with prisoner inmates who supply the dogs with basic obedience skills as well as much needed attention. Following research in animal behavior and psychology by Marc Bekoff Ph.D., the program shows that connected by their troubled pasts, the dogs learn to have faith in people again while the inmates are reminded of their own humanity and capacity for love and empathy. Over the three-month period, the inmates find solace in the companionship Document [3](Title: Survivors (novel series)) 2015, all three of these stories were released together in a compilation book called "Tales from the Packs". A novella set before "The Empty City"/"Sweet's Journey" and before "Moon's Choice", released on 29 April 2014. Long before the Big Growl struck, the wolfdog who was yet to be the arrogant Alpha of the assorted Wild Pack grew up in a Pack of pureblooded wild gray wolves who worship a deity called the Great Wolf and are in minor conflict with a neighboring wolf pack known as the Far-Cliff Pack. His Pup Name was just simply Pup before he got his Document [4](Title: Marshall's Miracle) photography began on June 2, 2014, in Edwardsville, Illinois. Shooting also took place in Metro East, Troy, Il., and St. Louis, Missouri. A young boy named Finn rescues an injured dog from an abandoned property in St. Louis. 12-year-old Finn (Lucas Carroll) endures daily torment from the bullies at his school, but his life begins to change the day that he encounters a Labrador retriever named Marshall. When Finn first finds the dog, Marshall is being held in deplorable conditions by an animal hoarder who keeps 60 dogs penned up on her isolated ranch. The boy sees something of himself Document [5](Title: Jon Katz) books have described his relationships with dogs. He began writing about them after taking in a difficult Border Collie, whom Katz credited with changing his life by causing him to take up shepherding and move to a farm. He has written extensively on the way we train dogs, arguing that most approaches fail because they are too inflexible, and because—as dog owners—we over-anthropomorphize our companion animals: "we give them too much credit, make them too complex, muddying our communications" by treating them as "soul mates" rather than understanding and respecting their animal nature. "I can't imagine life without a dog", Document [6](Title: Emotion in animals) as an extension of his interest in depression: A further series of experiments showed that, similar to humans, under conditions of long-term intense psychological stress, around one third of dogs do not develop learned helplessness or long term depression. Instead these animals somehow managed to find a way to handle the unpleasant situation in spite of their past experience. The corresponding characteristic in humans has been found to correlate highly with an explanatory style and optimistic attitude that views the situation as "other than" personal, pervasive, or permanent. Since these studies, symptoms analogous to clinical depression, neurosis, and other psychological Document [7](Title: Radical behaviorism) research has attempted to clearly demonstrate the role of mental processes in psychology. A famous, but gruesome line of experimentation by noted psychologist Martin Seligman has been used to demonstrate behaviorism's inability to explain learned helplessness. Dogs, which had previously been placed in cages with fully electrified and inescapable floors, later never bothered to discover that newer cages they were placed in had a non-electrified section (separated by a short 'wall' that control dogs had no difficulty hopping). Instead, they laid down and quietly suffered. According to the critiques this demonstrated that, internally, the dogs perceived a lack of control Question: who does the voice of courage the cowardly dog Answer:
Marty Grabstein
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Calendar Girl (song)) '' Calendar Girl '' is a song by Neil Sedaka . The music was composed by Sedaka and the lyrics by Howard Greenfield . Recorded in 1960 and released in 1961 , it was a Top - 5 hit single for Sedaka , peaking at # 4 on the US charts and # 1 on the Canadian and Japanese charts . Document [1](Title: In the Summer of His Years (song)) and released the song as a single. Mahalia Jackson recorded the song on November 29, 1963 which was released by Columbia Records; Connie Francis recorded her own version on December 2, 1963, followed by its immediate release on MGM. The arrangement was provided by Claus Ogerman who also conducted the recording. Other artists to record the song included Kate Smith (for RCA Victor), Toni Arden (for Decca Records, Bobby Rydell, and Hettie Palance (for Palance Records). Of the various versions of "In the Summer of His Years," only Francis' and Martin's recordings achieved enough sales action to chart on "Billboard". Document [2](Title: My Life (Ronnie Milsap album)) song discusses such activities as waiting in traffic, drinking coffee, microwaving dinner, checking e-mail, watching television in a day, and then proceeding to repeat the cycle the following day, while commenting that it's "just a day, a day in the life of America". The ninth track, "Local Girls" was released as a single, charting at No. 54. The song describes a man's visit to a tropical location, and his discovery of a "local girl", whom he ultimately marries. A video was released with the track. It features Milsap performing the song in a party setting. The record peaked at No. Document [3](Title: Holiday (Girls' Generation song)) that enabled each of the member to shine. Idolator's Jacques Peterson wrote, "Even if you don’t listen to K-Pop, these tracks ["All Night" and "Holiday"] are absolute must-haves for any pop playlist this summer." Holiday (Girls' Generation song) "Holiday" is a song recorded by South Korean girl group Girls' Generation for their sixth studio album "Holiday Night" (2017). The song was released digitally on August 4, 2017 as the album's single alongside "All Night" by S.M. Entertainment. According to "Billboard"s Tamar Herman, "Holiday" is a bubblegum pop song that features "bright" funk elements and synthesizers in its composition. Jacques Peterson Document [4](Title: The January Man) that when the exterior positions of the windows are lined up together according to which floor they are on, they correlate to 11 notes in the chorus of the song "Calendar Girl". This enables them to identify where "The January Man" will next strike. Nick sets a trap with Bernadette as bait, outfitting her with a neck guard to prevent the killer from strangling her. The trio stake out the room in a supply closet and witness the killer picking the lock to get into the apartment. They intercept the apartment's resident and send Bernadette in, where she is attacked. Document [5](Title: Run the World (Girls)) from "4" each day was available to listen to on Beyoncé's official website, together with its accompanying photographs from the album packaging and a quote. On June 27, 2011, "Run the World (Girls)" was the twelfth song to be made available. In the accompanying quote, Beyoncé said: "I try to write songs that will bring out the best in all of us and keep us close together. I think about saying the things that women want to say but sometimes are not confident enough to say. I am going to continue to write those songs that give women strength." After Document [6](Title: John Cale) shares lead vocal duties with Reed, and "The Gift", a long spoken word piece written by Reed. Though Cale co-wrote the music to several songs, his most distinctive contribution is the electrically-amplified viola. He also played celesta on "Sunday Morning". Cale also played on Nico's 1967 debut album, "Chelsea Girl", which includes songs co-written by Velvet Underground members Cale, Reed and Morrison, who also appear as musicians. Cale makes his debut as lyricist on "Winter Song" and "Little Sister". Apart from appearing on the Velvet Underground's first two albums, he also played organ on the track "Ocean" during the practice Document [7](Title: Girl (The Time song)) are unmistakable, especially in the chorus. The U.S. 7" single was backed with an edit of album track, "The Stick", a funky number which was written by Revolution member Lisa Coleman (uncredited), who also provided background vocals. Another uncredited Revolution member was Doctor Fink, who provided synthesizer solos for the track. A 12" single was not released. Though not one of their biggest hits, "Girl" is often played in concert and a live version of the song recorded at the House of Blues in 1998 and was included on Morris Day's 2004 album, "It's About Time". Prince wrote a completely Question: when did the song calendar girl come out Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Beauty and the Beast (2017 film)) Beauty and the Beast is a 2017 American musical romantic fantasy film directed by Bill Condon from a screenplay written by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos , and co-produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Mandeville Films . The film is based on Disney 's 1991 animated film of the same name , itself an adaptation of Jeanne - Marie Leprince de Beaumont 's eighteenth - century fairy tale . The film features an ensemble cast that includes Emma Watson and Dan Stevens as the eponymous characters with Luke Evans , Kevin Kline , Josh Gad , Ewan McGregor , Stanley Tucci , Audra McDonald , Gugu Mbatha - Raw , Ian McKellen , and Emma Thompson in supporting roles . Document [1](Title: Stephen Chbosky) Choice Award for Best Dramatic Movie. Chbosky re-wrote Evan Spiliotopoulos's original script for the 2017 live action reboot of Disney's "Beauty and the Beast", directed by Bill Condon and starring Emma Watson as Belle. Chbosky and Watson developed a close relationship during the production of "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." The adaptation was faithful to the original 1991 animated film "Beauty and the Beast", with all the original musical numbers included. The film was released on March 17, 2017. Chbosky directed the 2017 film "Wonder", co-written by Chbosky, Jack Thorne, and Steve Conrad and based on the 2012 novel Document [2](Title: Belle (Beauty and the Beast)) Belle (Beauty and the Beast) Belle is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Pictures' animated feature film "Beauty and the Beast" (1991). Originally voiced by American actress and singer Paige O'Hara, Belle is the non-conforming daughter of an inventor who yearns to abandon her predictable village life in return for adventure. When her father Maurice is imprisoned by a cold-hearted beast, Belle offers him her own freedom in exchange for her father's, and eventually learns to love the Beast despite his unsightly outward appearance. Walt Disney Studios chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg commissioned "Beauty and the Beast" as an animated Document [3](Title: Beauty and the Beast (1991 film)) inventor rather than a merchant. In 2010, IGN named "Beauty and the Beast" as the greatest animated film of all time, directly ahead of "WALL-E", "The Incredibles", "Toy Story 2", and "The Iron Giant". Several critics regard the 1991 animated film as superior to the 2017 live-action remake. Michael Phillips of the "Chicago Tribune" said that the 1991 film "worked wonderfully because it was pure Broadway, written for the screen, blending comedy and romance and magic and just enough snark in the margins", while the 2017 remake got lost in translation since "The movie takes our knowledge and our interest Document [4](Title: Beauty and the Beast (Disney song)) Times", Candice Russel described it as an "irresistible highlight", while "The Globe and Mail"s Jennie Punter called the scene "glorious." David Parkinson of "Radio Times" identified the ballroom sequence as the scene in which the film's use of CGI is "seen to best advantage." The "Chicago Tribune"'s Dave Kehr praised both layout artist Lisa Keene and computer animator Jim Hillin's combined efforts on the scene, identifying it as the film's "most impressive setting." When "Beauty and the Beast" was re-released in 3D in 2012, Annlee Ellingson of "Paste" appreciated the way in which the sequence was adapted, describing it as Document [5](Title: Quebec City Film Festival) of Québec City. The jury awards the most original film among first-time filmmakers. In 2013, the award went to Don Jon, the debut by American actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Mommy by Xavier Dolan was presented as the opening film and attended by the film’s team. The North American premiere of Beauty and the Beast was screened at the awards ceremony and attended by the film’s writer and director Christophe Gans. The usual closing ceremony, which had been held on the last Saturday, is from then on replaced by a gala on the second Wednesday, during which the award ceremony takes place. Document [6](Title: Donkey Skin (film)) by helicopter and declare that they too are to be married. Jacques Demy, fascinated by Charles Perrault's fairy tale since childhood, was working on a script for the film as early as 1962. The involvement of Catherine Deneuve was instrumental in securing financing for the production. Numerous elements in the film refer to Jean Cocteau's 1946 fairy tale film "Beauty and the Beast": the casting of Jean Marais, the use of live actors to portray human statues in the castles, and the use of simple special effects such as slow motion and reverse motion. Shooting locations for the film included: Document [7](Title: The Beast and the Beauty) The Beast and the Beauty The Beast and the Beauty () is a 2005 South Korean romantic comedy film. Voice actor Gu Dong-gun (Ryoo Seung-bum) is in a predicament as his blind girlfriend Jang Hae-ju (Shin Min-a) suddenly receives surgery to regain her eyesight. Having lied to Hae-ju about his appearance, the insecure Dong-gun chooses to undergo extreme measures to change his appearance, while promising Hae-ju that he will return soon after a project in Hawaii. Meanwhile, Hae-ju bumps into Tak Joon-ha (Kim Kang-woo) - Dong-gun's high school friend whose appearance is how Dong-gun described himself to Hae-ju - and Question: who plays the beast in the beauty and the beast Answer:
Dan Stevens
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Orange Is the New Black) Orange Is the New Black Genre Comedy - drama Created by Jenji Kohan Based on Orange Is the New Black : My Year in a Women 's Prison by Piper Kerman Starring Taylor Schilling Laura Prepon Michael Harney Michelle Hurst Kate Mulgrew Jason Biggs Uzo Aduba Danielle Brooks Natasha Lyonne Taryn Manning Selenis Leyva Adrienne C. Moore Dascha Polanco Nick Sandow Yael Stone Samira Wiley Jackie Cruz Lea DeLaria Elizabeth Rodriguez Jessica Pimentel Laura Gómez Matt Peters Dale Soules Theme music composer Regina Spektor Opening theme '' You 've Got Time '' Composer ( s ) Scott Doherty Brandon Jay Gwendolyn Sanford Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 6 No. of episodes 78 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Jenji Kohan Liz Friedman ( pilot ) Sara Hess Tara Herrmann Producer ( s ) Neri Kyle Tannenbaum Production location ( s ) New York Camera setup Single - camera Running time 51 -- 92 minutes Production company ( s ) Lionsgate Television Tilted Productions Distributor Lionsgate Television Netflix Release Original network Netflix Picture format 1080p ( 16 : 9 HDTV ) 4K Audio format Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 with Descriptive Video Service track Original release July 11 , 2013 ( 2013 - 07 - 11 ) -- present External links Website Document [1](Title: Orange Is the New Black) Orange Is the New Black Orange Is the New Black (sometimes abbreviated to OITNB) is an American comedy-drama web television series created by Jenji Kohan for Netflix. The series is based on Piper Kerman's memoir, "" (2010), about her experiences at FCI Danbury, a minimum-security federal prison. Produced by Tilted Productions in association with Lionsgate Television, "Orange Is the New Black" premiered on Netflix on July 11, 2013. In February 2016, the series was renewed for a fifth, sixth, and seventh season. The sixth season was released on July 27, 2018. On October 17, 2018, it was confirmed that the Document [2](Title: Regina Spektor) Rowboats" was featured on The CW's "Ringer" in March 2012. The song "Your Honor" was used in the Season 2 premiere of HBO's series "Girls" on January 13, 2013, and the song "Laughing With" was featured on BBC drama "The Crash" in March 2013 as well as in HBO's The Leftovers in November 2015. Regina wrote and recorded "You've Got Time" to be the theme song for the Netflix Original Series "Orange is the New Black" which premiered in 2013. Spektor was approached by the show's creator, Jenji Kohan, to create the opening number. Her cover of "While My Guitar Document [3](Title: Netflix) Series and Outstanding Writing in a Drama Series. Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright were nominated for Outstanding Lead Actor and Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series. "Orange is the New Black" was nominated in the comedy categories, earning nominations for Outstanding Comedy Series, Outstanding Writing For A Comedy Series and Outstanding Directing For A Comedy Series. Taylor Schilling, Kate Mulgrew and Uzo Aduba were respectively nominated for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series, Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series and Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series (the latter was for Aduba's recurring role in season one, Document [4](Title: Federal Correctional Institution, Danbury) boyfriend, and an OIG special agent assigned to his case while at USP Coleman. He was sentenced to 90 years in federal prison. The fictional Litchfield Prison in Upstate New York in the Netflix original television series "Orange Is the New Black" is based in part on FCI Danbury, where Piper Kerman, who wrote the memoir on which the series is based, was incarcerated in 2004–2005 after her conviction for money laundering and drug trafficking. George Jung served a sentence at FCI Danbury. His incarceration was portrayed in the 2001 film "Blow" starring Johnny Depp. The "Weeds" character Nancy Botwin Document [5](Title: Orange Is the New Black) of 8.24 out of 10 . The site's critical consensus is ""Orange Is the New Black" is a sharp mix of black humor and dramatic heft, with interesting characters and an intriguing flashback structure." Hank Stuever, television critic for "The Washington Post", gave "Orange Is the New Black" a perfect score. In his review of the series, he stated: "In Jenji Kohan's magnificent and thoroughly engrossing new series, "Orange Is the New Black", prison is still the pits. But it is also filled with the entire range of human emotion and stories, all of which are brought vividly to life Document [6](Title: Vis a vis (TV series)) it was immediately compared to American television series "Orange Is the New Black" and some media accused it of being a mere copy. When the pilot episode was screened for critics, they noted both series are different in tone as "Vis a vis" is mostly a thriller while "Orange Is the New Black" is a comedy-drama. Besides the comparisons, the series received favourable reviews. Season 1 was broadcast in the United Kingdom from 17 May 2016 on Channel 4's Walter Presents video on demand service. In 2017, Prime Video acquired the first two seasons for the United States, and in Document [7](Title: Taylor Schilling) Taylor Schilling Taylor Schilling (born July 27, 1984) is an American actress. She is known for her role as Piper Chapman on the Netflix original comedy-drama series "Orange Is the New Black" (2013–present), for which she received a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series and two Golden Globe Award nominations for Best Actress – Television Series Musical or Comedy and Best Actress – Television Series Drama. She made her film debut in the 2007 drama "Dark Matter". Schilling also starred in the short-lived NBC medical drama "Mercy" (2009–10). Her other films include Question: what network is orange is the new black on tv Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Cape of Good Hope) A common misconception is that the Cape of Good Hope is the southern tip of Africa . This misconception was based on the misbelief that the Cape was the dividing point between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans . Contemporary geographic knowledge instead states the southernmost point of Africa is Cape Agulhas about 150 kilometres ( 90 mi ) to the east - southeast . The currents of the two oceans meet at the point where the warm - water Agulhas current meets the cold water Benguela current and turns back on itself . That oceanic meeting point fluctuates between Cape Agulhas and Cape Point ( about 1.2 kilometres ( 0.75 mi ) east of the Cape of Good Hope ) . Document [1](Title: Benguela Current) ecosystem. Source waters for the Benguela include cold upwelled waters from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean close inshore, joined further off-shore by nutrient poor water that has crossed the Southern Atlantic from South America as part of South Atlantic Gyre. Eddies from the warm South Indian Ocean Agulhas current along South Africa's east coast do round the Cape of Good Hope from time to time to join the Bengulela current. The Benguela current is 200 to 300 km wide and widens further as it flows north and northwest. Its western, seaward edge is well-defined, with many temporary and seasonal Document [2](Title: Cape of Good Hope (film)) child with her husband. Meanwhile, Congolese handyman Jean Claude finds himself torn between his growing love for a black South African single mother and his dreams of emigrating to Canada. Cape of Good Hope (film) The Cape of Good Hope is a 2004 South African comedy drama film written and produced by Suzanne Kay and Mark Bamford under the direction of Mark Bamford. It was Mark Bamford's first feature film after his critically praised short, "Hero" (2001). The film premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and the Cannes Film Festival in 2004. Afrikaner Kate runs a Cape Town animal shelter, Document [3](Title: Western Cape) along the southern slopes of the Outeniqua mountain range. Typical species are hardwoods of exceptional height, such as Yellowwood, Stinkwood and Ironwood trees. The Western Cape is also climatologically diverse, with many distinct micro- and macroclimates created by the varied topography and the influence of the surrounding ocean currents. These are the warm Agulhas Current which flows southwards along South Africa's east coast, and the cold Benguela Current which is an upwelling current from the depths of the South Atlantic Ocean along South Africa's west coast. Thus climatic statistics can vary greatly over short distances. Most of the province is Document [4](Title: Coastline of Somalia) meets Djibouti in west and eastern tip meets Kenya in its south. There is a number of Islands in the coastal areas. Ras Caseyr (Cape Guardafui) is easternmost point of Somalia, this point joinins Indian Ocean to Gulf of Aden. Coast of Somalia has different conditions throughout its length. Being second longest in Africa, this coast is easternmost coast of continental Africa, north-western coast of Indian Ocean and nearest coast to Socotra Islands (Yemen). Its continental shelf is spread over 32500 km. Northern coast extends from Djibouti to east, and eastern coast extends from north-east to south-west, reaching to Kenya. Document [5](Title: Pedro Álvares Cabral) May, the fleet veered eastwards towards Africa. On 23 or 24 May they encountered a storm in the South Atlantic's high-pressure zone, resulting in the loss of four ships. The exact location of the disaster is unknown—speculations range from near the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of the African continent to "within sight of the South American coast". Three "naus" and a caravel commanded by Bartolomeu Dias—the first European to reach the Cape of Good Hope in 1488—foundered, and 380 men were lost. The remaining vessels, hindered by rough weather and damaged rigging, were separated. One ship Document [6](Title: Agulhas Bank) which developed at the confluence of the Benguela Upwelling and Agulhas Current. According to what professor Curtis Marean calls the "Cape Floral Region – South Coast Model" for the origins of modern humans, the early hunter-gatherers survived on shellfish, as well as geophytes, fur seal, fish, seabirds, and wash-ups found on the exposed Agulhas Bank. The bank slopes into the sea and a reconstruction of how the coastline has changed over 440 kya shows that the coast during the Pleistocene was located as far as from the present coast. The present South African southern coastal plain (SCP) is still separated Document [7](Title: Agulhas Current) salinity in the Agulhas leakage is at least partly the result of variability in the composition in the current itself and can be a poor indicator of the strength of the leakage. The south-east coast of South Africa is on the main shipping route between the Middle-East and Europe/the U.S. and several large ships sustain major damage because of rogue waves in the area where these waves occasionally can reach a height of more than . Some 30 larger ships were severely damaged or sunk by rogue waves along the South African east-coast between 1981 and 1991. Directly under the Question: what is the name of the southern tip of africa Answer:
Cape Agulhas
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018) The 2018 Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election was held on March 10 , 2018 , due to the resignation of party leader Patrick Brown on January 25 , 2018 , following allegations of sexual misconduct . Winner Doug Ford narrowly defeated runner - up Christine Elliott on the third ballot with 50.6 % of allocated points . Document [1](Title: 2018 Ontario general election) 2018 Ontario general election The 2018 Ontario general election was held on June 7, 2018, to elect the 124 members of the 42nd Parliament of Ontario. The Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, led by Doug Ford, won a majority government with 76 of the 124 seats in the legislature. The Ontario New Democratic Party, led by Andrea Horwath, formed the Official Opposition. The Ontario Liberal Party, led by incumbent Premier Kathleen Wynne, lost official party status in recording both the worst result in the party's 161-year history and the worst result for any incumbent governing party in Ontario. The Green Document [2](Title: Christine Elliott) party leadership races and placed third in the 2009 race. She was a Progressive Conservative member in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario from 2006 to 2015. She represented the ridings of Whitby—Ajax and Whitby—Oshawa, east of Toronto. Elliott was a candidate in the 2009 Progressive Conservative leadership election and came in third place behind winner Tim Hudak and runner-up Frank Klees. She was appointed as the party's deputy leader in 2009. She was a candidate for 2015 leadership election but lost to former federal MP Patrick Brown. Following her second loss, Elliott resigned her seat in the legislature and was Document [3](Title: Jane McKenna) 2014 election on June 12, 2014. She supported Patrick Brown in his successful bid to become leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario. In December 2016, McKenna won the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario nomination by a margin of 41 votes for Burlington, her old riding. She will represent the PC party in the 2018 Ontario General Election. In the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadership election, 2018 McKenna supported Caroline Mulroney's unsuccessful bid. Jane McKenna Jane McKenna (born October 22, 1959) is a politician in Ontario, Canada. She is a Progressive Conservative member of the Legislative Assembly of Document [4](Title: Doug Ford) frustration with municipal politics. It was speculated at the time that Ford may be a Progressive Conservative (PC) candidate for a future Ontario election, or interested in the leadership of the Progressive Conservatives. On February 20, 2014, after meeting with Progressive Conservative leader Tim Hudak, Ford announced that he would not be a candidate in the next provincial election, which was called for June 12, 2014, so that he could focus on his brother's re-election campaign. Ford added that he did intend to be a candidate in a subsequent provincial election, saying: "The timing right now just doesn't work." After Document [5](Title: Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario candidates, 1999 Ontario provincial election) we had" ("Windsor Star", 4 June 1999). McCamon sought a federal Canadian Alliance nomination in 2000, but was defeated. He was appointed to the Windsor Police Services Board in 2002, and served until 2004 ("Windsor Star", 29 November 2002 and 30 November 2004). Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario candidates, 1999 Ontario provincial election The Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario ran a full slate of candidates in the 1999 provincial election, and elected 59 members in 103 constituencies to win a majority government. Many of these candidates have their own biography pages; information on others may be found here. Loreto was Document [6](Title: 1991 New Brunswick general election) Progressive Conservatives hindered their success. Additionally they had perceived internal problems having gone through four leaders since the last election: Hatfield, then two-year interim leader Malcolm MacLeod then Barbara Baird, and then Dennis Cochrane. A number of races were close 2 or 3 way contests with only a small fraction of votes separating the winner from the losers. The tables below highlight the seats that the three major parties missed by less than 10 percentage points (pp) and the margins between them and the winner. Legend Consisting of Victoria, Madawaska, Restigouche and Gloucester county ridings. Consisting of Carleton, York, Sunbury Document [7](Title: Lynn McDonald) entered federal politics and was elected in the by-election held to fill the vacancy created by Bob Rae's departure from federal politics to take the leadership of the Ontario NDP. She defeated senior party aide Gerald Caplan on the third ballot to win the NDP nomination. In the by-election she defeated former "Toronto Sun" editor Peter Worthington, who was running as an independent, by almost 2,000 votes. In the 1984 federal election, she increased her margin to over 3,500 votes again defeating Worthington who, this time, was running as the official Progressive Conservative candidate. In Parliament, McDonald championed women's equality Question: who is running for the conservative party in ontario Answer:
Doug Ford
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Vietnam War) Beginning in 1970 , American troops were withdrawn from border areas where most of the fighting took place , instead redeployed along the coast and interior , and US casualties in 1970 were less than half of 1969 casualties after being relegated to less active combat . At the same time that US forces were deployed , the Army of the Republic of Vietnam took over combat operations throughout the country , with casualties doubled US casualties in 1969 , and more than tripled US ones in 1970 . The post-Tet environment saw a rise in membership in Regional Force and Popular Force militias , now more capable of providing village security which the Americans could not under Westmoreland . In 1970 Nixon announced the withdrawal of an additional 150,000 American troops , reducing the number of Americans to 265,500 . By 1970 the Viet Cong forces were no - longer southern - majority , and nearly 70 % of units were northerners . Between 1969 to 1971 the Viet Cong and some PAVN units had reverted to small unit tactics typical of 1967 and prior instead of nation - wide grand offensives . In 1971 Australia and New Zealand withdrew their soldiers and U.S. troop count was further reduced to 196,700 , with a deadline to remove another 45,000 troops by February 1972 . The United States also reduced support troops and in March 1971 the 5th Special Forces Group , the first American unit deployed to South Vietnam , withdrew to Fort Bragg , North Carolina . Document [1](Title: William Westmoreland) battles in Vietnam were technically United States victories, with the United States Army in control of the field afterward; holding territory gained this way proved difficult, however. Public support for the war eventually diminished, especially after the Battle of Khe Sanh and the Tet Offensive in 1968. By the time he was re-assigned as Army Chief of Staff, United States military forces in Vietnam had reached a peak of 535,000 personnel. Westmoreland's strategy was ultimately politically unsuccessful. Growing United States casualties and the draft undermined United States support for the war while large-scale casualties among non-combatants weakened South Vietnamese support. Document [2](Title: Melvin Laird) administration cut authorized U.S. troop strength in Vietnam from 549,500 to 484,000, and by May 1, 1972, the number stood at 69,000. During this same period, from January 1969 to May 1972, U.S. combat deaths declined 95 percent from the 1968 peak, and war expenditures fell by about two-thirds. Laird publicized Vietnamization widely; in his final report as secretary of defense in early 1973, he stated: "Vietnamization ... today is virtually completed. As a consequence of the success of the military aspects of Vietnamization, the South Vietnamese people today, in my view, are fully capable of providing for their own Document [3](Title: Viet Cong and Vietnam People's Army logistics and equipment) the War, North Vietnam denied that any of its soldiers were even "in" the south, but it is clear that the Communist forces were able to place tens of thousands of troops in the southern war zone, including complete units of regular NVA, rather than simply individual fillers. North Vietnam did not take the Americans at their word that they were exercising restraint. Total war was preached from the beginning of the US intervention and a huge mobilization started as early as 1965 with population evacuation and construction of massive air defenses. In terms of stopping Hanoi's ruthless drive for Document [4](Title: Role of the United States in the Vietnam War) to succeed, U.S. troop levels in South Vietnam would have to be increased from 120,000 to 400,000. In a series of meetings between Westmoreland and the President held in Honolulu in February 1966, Westmoreland claimed that the U.S. presence had succeeded in preventing the immediate defeat of the South Vietnamese government but that more troops would be necessary if systematic offensive operations were to be conducted. The issue then became in what manner American forces would be used. The nature of the American military's strategic and tactical decisions made during this period coloured the conflict for the duration of the Document [5](Title: NLF and PAVN battle tactics) histories of the Vietnam War, some scholars argue tend to assign the Vietnamese a secondary role in terms of the developments that led to victory by the North. For example, while American combat deaths are often referenced in the large number of Western histories, comparatively little mention is made of the 275,000 combat deaths suffered by the South Vietnamese, almost 5 times the American total. Just the evacuation of Da Nang in March 1975 cost the South Vietnamese an estimated 60,000 deaths, more than total US military losses for the entire conflict. There is often heavy concentration on the American Document [6](Title: South Vietnam) and North Vietnamese. From 1969 to 1971 there were about 22,000 ARVN combat deaths per year. Starting in 1968, South Vietnam began calling up every available man for service in the ARVN, reaching a strength of a million soldiers by 1972. In 1970 they performed well in Cambodia and were executing 3 times as many operations as they had during the American war period. However, the officer corps was still the biggest problem, and after the 1973 Paris Peace Accords, the ARVN lacked necessary military supplies and weapons as a result of a cutback of US financial aid and assistance. Document [7](Title: United States Marine Corps) evacuate Saigon and attempt a rescue of the crew of the Mayagüez. Vietnam was the longest war for Marines; by its end, 13,091 had been killed in action, 51,392 had been wounded, and 57 Medals of Honor had been awarded. Due to policies concerning rotation, more Marines were deployed for service during Vietnam than World War II. While recovering from Vietnam, the Corps hit a detrimental low point in its service history caused by courts-martial and non-judicial punishments related partially to increased unauthorized absences and desertions during the war. Overhauling of the Corps began in the late 1970s, discharging the Question: when did the us leave the vietnam war Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Presidents of the United States by age) The median age upon accession to the presidency is roughly 55 years and 6 months , which is about how old Benjamin Harrison was at the time of his inauguration . The youngest person to assume the office was Theodore Roosevelt , who became president following William McKinley 's assassination , at the age of 7004156620000000000 ♠ 42 years , 322 days . The youngest person elected president was John F. Kennedy , who was inaugurated into office at the age of 7004159420000000000 ♠ 43 years , 236 days . Assassinated three years into his term , he became the youngest at the time of leaving office ( 7004169780000000000 ♠ 46 years , 177 days ) ; the youngest person at the time of leaving office after serving a full four - year term was Theodore Roosevelt ( 7004183900000000000 ♠ 50 years , 128 days ) . The oldest person at the time of entering office was Donald Trump , at the age of 7004257880000000000 ♠ 70 years , 220 days ; Ronald Reagan was the oldest person in office , at the age of 7004284730000000000 ♠ 77 years , 349 days when his presidency ended in January 1989 . Document [1](Title: Walter Mondale) history. On May 23, 2006, they had been out of office for 9,254 days (25 years, 4 months and 3 days), surpassing the former record established by President John Adams and Vice President Thomas Jefferson, both of whom died on July 4, 1826. On September 8, 2012, Carter surpassed Herbert Hoover as the President with the longest retirement from the office. On April 23, 2014, Mondale surpassed Richard Nixon as the Vice-President with the longest retirement from that office at 12,146 days (33 years, 3 months and 3 days). With George H. W. Bush's death on November 30, 2018, Mondale Document [2](Title: Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania) less than two years after leaving office. Franklin was also the longest-serving president, having held the office for slightly over three years. There is some question about the "de facto" end of his term, suggesting that the aging Franklin was not actively involved in affairs of state toward the end of his presidency. (This is certainly not a consensus view, as other sources report that all actions of the Council during his term had Franklin's approval, even if that meant convening the Council at Franklin's home.) The shortest term was that of George Bryan, who served as acting president for Document [3](Title: John C. Breckinridge) Thirty-six years old at the time of his inauguration on March 4, 1857, Breckinridge was the youngest vice-president in U.S. history, exceeding the minimum age required under the Constitution by only a year. Buchanan resented the fact that Breckinridge had supported both Pierce and Douglas before endorsing his nomination. Relations between the two were further strained when, upon asking for a private interview with Buchanan, Breckinridge was told to come to the White House and ask for Harriet Lane, who acted as the mansion's host for the unmarried president. Feeling slighted by the response, Breckinridge refused to carry out these Document [4](Title: List of the verified oldest men) The oldest man ever whose age has been verified is Jiroemon Kimura ( 1897 -- 2013 ) of Japan , who died at the age of 116 years , 54 days . Document [5](Title: Age of candidacy) an elected mayor, whether of London or a local authority. There are no higher age requirements for particular positions in public office. Candidates are required to be aged 18 on both the day of nomination and the day of the poll. This was reduced from 21 by the Electoral Administration Act 2006. In the United States, a person must be aged 35 or over to be President or Vice President, 30 or over to be a Senator, and 25 or over to be a Representative, as specified in the . Most states in the U.S. also have age requirements for Document [6](Title: Demographics of the Supreme Court of the United States) time of his confirmation in 1991. As of the beginning of the 2017–18 term, Neil Gorsuch is the youngest justice sitting, at 50 years of age. The oldest person to have served on the Court was Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., who stepped down two months shy of his birthday. John Paul Stevens, second only to Holmes, left the court in June 2010, two months after turning 90. The average age of the Court as a whole fluctuates over time with the departure of older justices and the appointment of younger people to fill their seats. The average age of the Document [7](Title: Presidency of Fidel Ramos) Presidency of Fidel Ramos The Presidency of Fidel V. Ramos, also known as the Ramos Administration spanned for six years from June 30, 1992 to June 30, 1998. At the time of his assumption into power, Fidel Ramos was the third oldest person following Sergio Osmeña to become President of the Philippines at the age of 64 (Rodrigo Duterte surpassed this record upon being elected president at the age of 71 on May 9, 2016). He is also the first Protestant President of the country and the only Filipino officer in history to have held every one hundred rank in Question: who was the oldest us president to be elected Answer:
Donald Trump
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Allied invasion of Italy) The Allied invasion of Italy was the Allied amphibious landing on mainland Italy that took place on 3 September 1943 during the early stages of the Italian Campaign of World War II . The operation was undertaken by General Sir Harold Alexander 's 15th Army Group ( comprising General Mark W. Clark 's Fifth Army and General Bernard Montgomery 's British Eighth Army ) and followed the successful invasion of Sicily . The main invasion force landed around Salerno on 9 September on the western coast in Operation Avalanche , while two supporting operations took place in Calabria ( Operation Baytown ) and Taranto ( Operation Slapstick ) . Document [1](Title: Henry T. Waskow) Allied invasion of Sicily, although in the event never used, was kept in reserve until September 9, when it landed on Red Beach near the ancient city of Paestum in the Campania region of Italy as part of "Operation Avalanche", the Allied invasion of Italy. The 36th Division was part of the U.S. Fifth Army. Waskow saw combat for the first time in the struggle to hold and enlarge the Salerno beachhead and for the Chiunzi Pass, where he commanded Company 'B'. His brother August was wounded during the battle and sent home. The 36th Division sustained very heavy casualties Document [2](Title: 1st Airborne Division (United Kingdom)) Italian port of Taranto, part of the Allied invasion of Italy in September 1943. The mission had been planned at short notice, following an offer by the Italian government to open the ports of Taranto and Brindisi on the heel of Italy to the Allies. The 1st Airborne Division was selected to undertake the mission, but at the time they were located in North Africa. A shortage of transport aircraft meant the division could not land by parachute and glider, and all the landing craft in the area were already allocated to the other landings: Operation "Avalanche" at Salerno on Document [3](Title: Royal Naval Commandos) naval commandos—'C', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'K', 'M' and 'N'—took part in the Allied invasion of Sicily, providing beach parties to 27 different beaches. In September 1943 parties from 'C', 'G', 'H', 'K', 'M', 'N' and ‘O’ Commandos took part in the landings on mainland Italy. Landing at Salerno and Anzio, they undertook tasks including clearing mines from the beaches. Later in June 1944, 'A' and 'O' parties suffered heavy casualties when they were involved in Operation Brassard, the capture of the island of Elba. Others took part in Allied operations in Yugoslavia and Greece. Also in June 1944, eight units—'F', Document [4](Title: 181st (Airlanding) Field Ambulance) twenty-four hours. On 13 July the 181st left Sicily for Tunisia. The 181st losses during Operation Ladbroke were one officer and sixteen men who were all drowned when their gliders had crashed into the sea. After Sicily the 1st Airlanding and 1st Parachute Brigade's casualties relegated them to the reserve for the initial landings in Operation Slapstick, the 1st Airborne Divisions part in the Allied invasion of Italy. The leading elements were drawn for the 2nd and 4th Parachute Brigades. They had to carry out an amphibious landing at the Italian port of Taranto. The landings on 9 September 1943, Document [5](Title: 1 Squadron SAAF) of "Operation Husky" and the subsequent exploitation, the Squadron moved to Sicily on 14 July. After 38 days in Sicily, the squadron again provided cover for the British landings in Italy on 3 September 1943 to be followed by them providing fighter cover at the Anzio landings on 22 January 1944. The Squadron then moved to Italy and supported the assault on Rome, claiming 16 enemy aircraft destroyed during this battle. 1 Squadron remained in Italy for the rest of the war operating as a fighter squadron but also flying ground attack sorties towards the end of the Italian campaign. Document [6](Title: 85th Test and Evaluation Squadron) until March 1943. By escorting bombers, attacking enemy shipping, and supporting ground forces, took part in the Allied operations that defeated Axis forces in North Africa, captured Pantelleria, and conquered Sicily. Assigned to Twelfth Air Force in August 1943 and continued to support British Eighth Army by attacking troop concentrations, gun positions, bridges, roads, and rail lines in southern Italy. Operated in the area of the Anzio beachhead, January–March 1944. Participated in the drive on Rome, March–June 1944, and converted to P-47 Thunderbolts during that time. Flew escort and strafing missions in southern France during August and September 1944, and Document [7](Title: 46th Infantry Division (United Kingdom)) First Army, taking part in the Battle of Sedjenane. The division, Brigadier Manley James's 128th Brigade in particular, later bore the brunt of a major German offensive, Operation Ochsenkopf. The campaign finally came to an end in May 1943, with the surrender of nearly 250,000 German and Italian soldiers becoming prisoners of war (POWs). From there on the 46th Division, from August under the command of Major-General John Hawkesworth, fought throughout the Italian Campaign in late 1943 with both the U.S. Fifth Army and the British Eighth Army, fighting in tough battles such as that at the initial Salerno landings Question: where did the invasion of italy take place Answer:
around Salerno
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film)) Filming began in early 2004 . The Hogwarts scenes were shot at the Leavesden Film Studios . Five days after its release , the film had grossed over US $102 million at the North American box office , which is the third - highest first - weekend tally for a Harry Potter film behind Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 and Part 2 . Goblet of Fire enjoyed an immensely successful run at the box office , earning $896 million worldwide , which made it the highest - grossing film of 2005 and the eighth - highest - grossing film of all - time at that time . As of April 2017 , it is the 46th highest - grossing film worldwide and the sixth - highest - grossing film in the Harry Potter series . Document [1](Title: Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith) the war in Iraq. Lucas did say, however, that "The parallels between Vietnam and what we're doing in Iraq now are unbelievable". The film was released in 115 countries. Its worldwide gross eventually reached $849 million—making it the second most financially successful film of 2005, behind "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". The film earned an estimated $16.91 million from 2,900 midnight screenings in North America upon its release. In total, it earned a record $50 million on its opening day. It was surpassed the following year by "", which earned $55.5 million on its opening day. With only Document [2](Title: The Twilight Saga (film series)) States and Canada) box office history, grossing an estimated $26.3 million in 3,514 theatres, before expanding to 4,024 theaters. The record was previously held by "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", which grossed $22.2 million domestically during its midnight premiere. The film grossed $72.7 million on its opening day domestically, becoming the biggest single-day opening in domestic history, beating "The Dark Knight"'s $67.2 million. This opening strongly contributed to another record: the first time that the top ten films at the domestic box office had a combined gross of over $100 million in a single day. The opening weekend of Document [3](Title: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) awards, including the 2001 Hugo Award for Best Novel. It won the 2002 Indian Paintbrush Book Award, the third after "Philosopher's Stone" and "Prisoner of Azkaban". The novel also won an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award for one of the best books, who claimed it was "more intense than the first three books". In addition, "Entertainment Weekly" listed "Goblet of Fire" in second place on their list of "The New Classics: Books – The 100 best reads from 1983 to 2008". "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" was adapted into a film, released worldwide on 18 November 2005, which Document [4](Title: Gnomeo & Juliet) it became the highest-grossing animated feature among those released in winter, until it was surpassed by "The Lego Movie" in 2014. In the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Malta, it topped the weekend box office by earning £2,900,000 ($4,700,000) on its opening. In total it has grossed $25,300,000, making the UK the only market, except North America, where it grossed more than $10,000,000. In March 2012, it was reported that a sequel titled "Sherlock Gnomes" was in development at Rocket Pictures. Andy Riley and Kevin Cecil, two of the nine writers on the first film, are writing the script for the Document [5](Title: Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham...) around 125 prints in the overseas markets, grossing a total of $8.9 million at the end of its theatrical run. It performed very well in the United Kingdom, with a gross of $689,000 in its opening weekend. It thus debuted at the third position at the British box-office. The total earnings of the film reached over $3.2 million in the UK. The film also had the biggest opening ever for a Bollywood film in North America, with a gross of $1.1 million in 73 screens. However, according to a report by Rediff, the numbers were so high that the official Document [6](Title: Saw III) The film took $80.2 million in the United States and Canada and $84.6 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $164.8 million. "Saw III" has the highest-grossing weekend in the series, holds the records of highest-grossing in the international market and is the second highest-grossing film in the series worldwide. It is also Lionsgate's fifth highest-grossing film in the United States and Canada. The film was not screened in advance for critics. Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a score of 28% based on reviews from 90 critics, and a rating average of 4.2 out of 10. Document [7](Title: Harry Potter (film series)) the above-mentioned interview with Heyman, added that the casting of the three major roles "is especially impressive in hindsight. The trio's selection was arguably one of the best show-business decisions over the past decade... they have shown admirable grace and steadiness in the face of teen superstardom." Filming of the series began at Leavesden Studios, Hertfordshire, England, in September 2000 and ended in December 2010, with post-production on the final film lasting until summer 2011. Leavesden Studios was the main base for filming "Harry Potter", and it opened to the public as a studio tour in 2012 (renamed as Warner Question: where was harry potter and the goblet of fire filmed Answer:
Leavesden Film Studios
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Lonesome Dove (miniseries)) The majority of the miniseries was filmed at the Moody Ranch located seven miles south of Del Rio , Texas . Other locations used for filming were ranches in Texas and New Mexico , and the series was shot over 90 days . Real ranch horses were used for authenticity during the filming of the movie . Tommy Lee Jones and Robert Duvall did their own stunts in the film , except for one brief scene that required Duvall to ride in the center of a herd of bison . Document [1](Title: Lonesome Dove (miniseries)) The majority of the miniseries was filmed at the Moody Ranch located seven miles south of Del Rio, Texas. Other locations used for filming were ranches in Texas and New Mexico, and the series was shot over 90 days. Real ranch horses were used for authenticity during the filming of the movie. Tommy Lee Jones and Robert Duvall did their own stunts in the film, except for one brief scene that required Duvall to ride in the center of a herd of bison. ION Television has shown a digitally remastered version of the miniseries starting the weekend of June 30, Document [2](Title: All Creatures Great and Small (TV series)) all the filming in real locations in Yorkshire. That was when it really started coming alive, because the cameras were in real situations." "In the first series, we had large animals in the studio, with sets for farm barns and cow sheds, which were later filmed on location," explains designer David Crozier. "There were all sorts of things you had to take into consideration, not least of which was how you are going to dispose of the animal's waste, so we were effectively building these stables and cow sheds in the studio for real." "If you light one scene in Document [3](Title: Corriganville Movie Ranch) Ritter, and of course Crash Corrigan himself. Estimates of the number of movies and television shows filmed there range from the hundreds to the thousands. The ranch was open to the public on weekends and holidays from 1949 to 1965. For an admission price of one dollar, visitors could experience a variety of stuntman shows, movie and TV actors (often Crash himself) signing autographs and posing for pictures, western street movie sets ("Silvertown"), frontier Army fort ("Fort Apache"), and Mexican village, many made up of real working buildings and not just set fronts as is common on many studio backlots. Document [4](Title: Westlake Village, California) Westlake Village was home to Russell Ranch which was used to film "Robin Hood" (1922), "Come On, Tarzan" (1932), "Buck Rogers" (1939), "King Rat" (1965), "Laredo" (1965–67), "Gunsmoke" (1955-1975) and "Bonanza" (1959-1973). "The Lash" (1930) was also filmed at Russell Ranch, while "Danger Ahead" (1940) was shot on Westlake Boulevard. Baxter was dubbed for a police station in the film "Demolition Man" (1993), while scenes from "Gridiron Gang" (2006) were shot at Westlake High School. Other movies filmed here include "The Karate Kid" (1984), "American Pie" (1999) and "Bridesmaids" (2011). Two episodes of "Charlie's Angels" (1976-1981) were filmed in Westlake Document [5](Title: La La Land (film)) who kind of just put it all on the line for that." Principal photography on the film officially began in the city on August 10, 2015, and filming took place in more than 60 locations both in and near Los Angeles, including the Angels Flight trolley in downtown, houses in the Hollywood Hills, the Colorado Street Bridge, the Rialto Theatre in South Pasadena, the Warner Bros. studio lot, the Grand Central Market, Hermosa Beach's Lighthouse Cafe, Chateau Marmont Hotel, and the Watts Towers, with many scenes shot in one take. It took 40 days to complete shooting, finishing in mid-September Document [6](Title: King Creole) to begin, Presley received his draft notice. Presley and Paramount had to request special permission to defer Presley's enlistment to allow him to finish the film. Both pointed out to the draft board that a delay in filming would cost them a large sum of money invested in the pre-production of the film. On December 27, Presley received a 60-day deferment. Filming took place between January 20 and March 10, 1958, mostly at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles, California, and on location in the French Quarter in New Orleans, Louisiana, while the scene of the bayou was filmed at Lake Document [7](Title: Ain't Them Bodies Saints) Filming began on July 9, 2012, in Shreveport, Louisiana. The main reason for basing the primary filming in Louisiana was 'huge tax incentives' on offer. The rest of the scenes were filmed on location in Meridian, Texas, and Austin, Texas. The film was not shot in chronological order but rather in a sequenced manner focusing on each of the primary actors. Affleck filmed his scenes first and then shooting moved to filming the scenes in which Affleck and Mara are together, with Mara's scenes being shot last. The conditions were very hot and humid, reaching 103 degrees most days, which Question: how long did it take to make the movie lonesome dove Answer:
90 days
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: London Bridge (Lake Havasu City)) London Bridge is a bridge in Lake Havasu City , Arizona . It was built in the 1830s and formerly spanned the River Thames in London , England . It was dismantled in 1967 and relocated to Arizona . The Arizona bridge is a reinforced concrete structure clad in the original masonry of the 1830s bridge , which was purchased by Robert P. McCulloch from the City of London . McCulloch had exterior granite blocks from the original bridge numbered and transported to America to construct the present bridge in Lake Havasu City , a planned community he established in 1964 on the shore of Lake Havasu . The bridge was completed in 1971 ( along with a canal ) , and links an island in the Colorado River with the main part of Lake Havasu City . The song '' London Bridge is Falling Down '' is a nursery rhyme that predates the bridge 's original 19th - century construction . Document [1](Title: Lake Havasu City, Arizona) Oscar winner Mark Bridges was awarded a Jet Ski and a trip to Lake Havasu for giving the shortest acceptance speech. The fictional town of Gateon Port in is based on Lake Havasu City. The following is a presentation of images of the London Bridge and its surrounding area. Different angles of the bridge are presented giving the reader different perspective of the same. The lamps which were emplaced on the London Bridge in 1831 were made from the melted-down cannons of Napoleon Bonaparte’s defeated army. Lake Havasu City, Arizona Lake Havasu City is a city in Mohave County, Arizona, Document [2](Title: Bridge Across Time) Bridge, London, England, 1888. Jack the Ripper dies in the Thames river. London Bridge, Lake Havasu City, Arizona, 1985. The last original stone used to rebuild London Bridge is laid, and all the city is happy. But from that moment on, some strange murders happen. The policeman, Don Gregory (David Hassellhoff) has some suspects, but his ideas are quite strange. He considers a revived Jack the Ripper, but nobody believes him. Bridge Across Time Bridge Across Time, also known as Terror at London Bridge is a 1985 made-for-television drama film. It was an NBC movie of the week, written by Document [3](Title: London Bridge Is Falling Down) popular culture. There is considerable variation in the lyrics of the rhyme. The most frequently used first verse is: <poem>London Bridge is falling down, Falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down, My fair lady.</poem> In the version quoted by Iona and Peter Opie in 1951 the first verse is: <poem>London Bridge is broken down, Broken down, broken down. London Bridge is broken down, My fair lady.</poem> The rhyme is constructed of quatrains in trochaic tetrameter catalectic, (each line made up of four metrical feet of two syllables, with the stress falling on the first syllable in a pair; Document [4](Title: Perth Bridge) Perth Bridge Perth Bridge (also known as Smeaton's Bridge, locally, the Old Bridge and in the local dialect of Scots, "the Auld Brig") is a toll-free bridge in the city of Perth, Scotland. It spans the River Tay, connecting Perth, on the western side of the river, to Bridgend, on its eastern side, carrying both automotive and pedestrian traffic of West Bridge Street (the A85). It is a Category A listed structure. The bridge was completed in October 1771, which places it in the Georgian era; however, its plaque states the year in which construction began, 1766, as its "built" Document [5](Title: U Bein Bridge) the lake is at its highest. The bridge was built from wood reclaimed from the former royal palace in Inwa. It features 1,086 pillars that stretch out of the water, some of which have been replaced with concrete. Though the bridge largely remains intact, there are fears that an increasing number of the pillars are becoming dangerously decayed. Some have become entirely detached from their bases and only remain in place because of the lateral bars holding them together. Damage to these supports have been caused by flooding as well as a fish breeding program introduced into the lake which Document [6](Title: Isis Bridge) Isis Bridge Isis Bridge is a modern road bridge across the River Thames just south of Oxford, England. It carries the Oxford Ring Road, part of the A423 road, across the Thames on the reach between Sandford Lock and Iffley Lock. The bridge was built in the 1960s and opened to road traffic in 1965 when the section of the ring road between South Hinksey and Heyford Hill was opened. It is a single arch structure, built of 5,000m² steel by British Constructional Steelwork Association for Oxfordshire County Council who are responsible for its maintenance. The bridge required a full Document [7](Title: River Torrens) in winter and spring. The first bridge was one of timber built in 1839 approximately west of the current City bridge, but destroyed by floods in September 1844. In 1849 £6000 was allocated to bridge the Torrens. Within four years three wooden bridges had been built and subsequently destroyed in floods. The bridges listed below are from up-river to down-river. The river was formerly a food source with yabbies, mussels and small fish, however the reduction in water quality, changing of the river's habitat, and introduction of European fish species has led to a reduction in fauna quantity and diversity. Question: where did the london bridge get moved to Answer:
Lake Havasu City , Arizona
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Phineas and Ferb characters) Phineas Flynn ( voiced by Vincent Martella ) Like other characters , he has red hair . His age is not mentioned . Phineas , along with his stepbrother Ferb Fletcher , star in the A-Plot of every episode . The series concerns Phineas 's attempts to avoid boredom by finding something new to do every day of the summer vacation . He does this with his less - talkative stepbrother Ferb , and often with many other neighborhood children . He is known to be very selfless and energetic . Phineas has many catch phrases like '' Oh , there you are , Perry '' or '' Hey , Ferb ! I know what we 're going to do today ! '' and '' Hey , where 's Perry ? '' . Document [1](Title: Phineas Flynn) constructing a shrine to his sister on the face of Mount Rushmore, a park ranger asks him "Aren't you boys a little young to be restoring a national monument?" Phineas generally answers "Yes, yes I am," though on a few occasions has responded "No" or "Well, I don't think so." In every episode, Phineas and Ferb's pet platypus, Perry, disappears to carry out his job as a secret agent. The kids almost always notice this, asking "Hey, where's Perry?" Then, when Perry comes home, they say, "Oh, there you are, Perry!" Discussing Perry, creator Povenmire cited the example of his Document [2](Title: Phineas Flynn) put him in. Phineas is also very modest. He tends to put Ferb's name on inventions. This may be because Ferb does most of the building. However, he never seems angry or resentful of giving his brother the credit. Phineas appears to be addicted to inventing. In "Bully Bromance Break Up" he goes into withdrawal when the other kids insist on climbing a mountain without using any crazy gadgets. On a few episodes, Phineas shows an angrier side of himself, first seen in the "" movie, where Phineas gets angry at Perry after finding out his secret identity because Perry Document [3](Title: Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!) Clancy Brown as a guest actor. One of the songs in the episode, "Little Brothers" was voted #4 on Phineas and Ferb's Musical Cliptastic Countdown. Phineas and Ferb Get Busted! "Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!", broadcast outside the United States and Canada as "At Last", is the forty-ninth broadcast episode of the animated television series "Phineas and Ferb". The episode aired in the United States as the premiere of the show's second season on February 16, 2009 on Disney XD. The episode follows Phineas and Ferb finally being caught by their mother and sent to reform school, where a harsh Document [4](Title: Flop Starz) keyboardist), and their friends, Isabella Garcia-Shapiro and Fireside Girls, Adyson Sweetwater, Gretchen and Milly (as back-up singers, referred by Phineas as "the Ferbettes"), who have effectively topped the charts with their song ""Gitchee Gitchee Goo"", becoming one-hit wonders. Being who she is, instead of joining them, Candace goes off to try and expose them to their mother, initially failing by mistaking the shadow on-stage of an anthropomorphic rabbit playing a blender as his instrument (known as Marty the Rabbit Boy and his musical blender) for her brothers and was taken to get glasses. Meanwhile, Perry enters Dr. Doofenshmirtz's lair (the Document [5](Title: Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation) the "Phineas and Ferb Holiday Favorites". The episode has the same plot as the original. An extended edition launched in December 2010 on Disney Channel and Disney XD, containing an extra song "What Does He Want?" This episode premiered on Disney XD (UK & Ireland) on December 7, 2009. The extended version premiered on Family Channel, Canada on December 4, 2010, on Disney XD (UK & Ireland) on December 6, 2010, and on December 18, 2010 on Disney Channel Asia. Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation" is a special Christmas-themed episode of the animated television series Document [6](Title: Will Ryan) in many other Pooh cartoons. He also provided the voice of Barnaby the Dog on the popular series "Dumbo's Circus". In 1987, Ryan became a fixture of the radio drama "Adventures in Odyssey", as Eugene Meltsner, Harlow Doyle, David Harley, Patrick O'Ryan and over 100 individual characters. He voiced Rabbit in "Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore", Digit in "An American Tail", Petrie in "The Land Before Time", and Willie the Giant in "Mickey's Christmas Carol". He continues to do voice work. In 2009, he was working on the third season of "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", the 21st season Document [7](Title: Little Fugitive (1953 film)) calls home and alerts Lennie. Lennie comes to Coney Island and, after a frantic search, finds little Joey. Their mother returns just after the two brothers arrive home. She is unaware of what happened, and, pleased that her two sons behaved so well during her absence, says they will have a treat that weekend: a trip to Coney Island! The lead character of Joey was played by Richie Andrusco, a nonprofessional actor who never appeared in any other film. The other actors in the film were also largely nonprofessionals. Actor Will Lee (who later played Mr. Hooper on "Sesame Street") Question: who does the voice of phineas on phineas and ferb Answer:
Vincent Martella
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: I Don't Want to Miss a Thing) '' I Do n't Want to Miss a Thing '' is a power ballad performed by American hard rock band Aerosmith for the 1998 film Armageddon which Steven Tyler 's daughter Liv Tyler starred in . Written by Diane Warren , the song debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 ( the first # 1 for the band after 28 years together ) . It is one of three songs performed by the band for the film , the other two being '' What Kind of Love Are You On '' and '' Sweet Emotion '' . The song stayed at number one for four weeks from September 5 to 26 , 1998 . The song also stayed at number 1 for several weeks in several other countries . It sold over a million copies in the UK and reached number four on the UK Singles Chart . Document [1](Title: I Don't Want to Miss a Thing) I Don't Want to Miss a Thing "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" is a ballad performed by American hard rock band Aerosmith for the 1998 film "Armageddon" which Steven Tyler's daughter Liv Tyler starred in. Written by Diane Warren, the song debuted at number one on the U.S. "Billboard" Hot 100 (the first #1 for the band after 28 years together). It is one of three songs performed by the band for the film, the other two being "What Kind of Love Are You On" and "Sweet Emotion". The song stayed at number one for four weeks from Document [2](Title: Love Is Your Name) Love Is Your Name "Love Is Your Name" is a song by Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler. Written by Eric Paslay and Lindsey Lee, it is the lead single from Tyler's debut solo album, "We're All Somebody from Somewhere", which was released on July 15, 2016. Like the album, the single is a country song. The song was recorded at Blackbird Studios in Nashville, Tennessee with backing band Loving Mary and was produced by Dann Huff. The single was released on May 13, 2015 to all digital platforms. Tyler moved to Nashville in January 2015 and has been working with songwriters Document [3](Title: Get Your Wings) songwriters, it's where Steven Tyler unveiled his signature obsessions with sex and sleaze...they're doing their bloozy bluster better and bolder, which is what turns this sophomore effort into their first classic." Ben Mitchell of "Blender" had the same impression and wrote that Aerosmith locked into their "trademark dirty funk" and "firmly established their simple lyrical blueprint: smut and high times" on this album. Canadian critic Martin Popoff praised the album and called it a "rich, inspired and consistently entertaining rock 'n' roller, a record much more intelligent than much metal to this point in time". Get Your Wings Get Your Document [4](Title: Dream On (Aerosmith song)) Dream On (Aerosmith song) "Dream On" is a power ballad by Aerosmith from their 1973 debut album, "Aerosmith". Written by lead singer Steven Tyler, this song was their first major hit and became a classic rock radio staple. Released in June 1973, it peaked at number 59 on the "Billboard" Hot 100 but hit big in the band's native Boston, where it was the number one single of the year on WBZ-FM, number five for the year on WRKO and number 16 on WMEX (AM). The song received immediate heavy airplay too on the former WVBF (FM), often showing up Document [5](Title: Music from Another Dimension!) Aerosmith released the first trailer for the album on YouTube. It included pro-shot live footage (possibly from the upcoming bonus DVD for the album), interviews with the band, scenes of the band inside the studio, and snippets from the single "Legendary Child". On September 7, 2012, Aerosmith released the second trailer for the album on Vimeo. The beginning of the video was made to look like a comic-book with pictures of Aerosmith recording and discussing the album, a new song, "LUV XXX" played in the background. After a thirty-five second clip of the new song, the video transferred into a Document [6](Title: Home Tonight) Home Tonight "Home Tonight" is a power ballad by American hard rock band Aerosmith. Written by lead singer Steven Tyler, the song is a ballad and is the last track on Aerosmith's hard rock album "Rocks". It was released as the second single from "Rocks" in 1976 and reached #71 on the "Billboard" Hot 100. "Home Tonight" is one of the two theme songs performed by Aerosmith used in the video game "Dead or Alive 3" for the Xbox created by Team Ninja. It is played during the extended/full ending credits. On VH1's "That Metal Show" with Eddie Trunk, the Document [7](Title: Keith Anderson) latter, the title track was remixed by Mark Hudson with Aerosmith lead singer Steven Tyler as a guest vocalist. After it failed to chart, "Podunk" was released as the album's final single and peaked at number 34. Anderson released a song called "Sunday Morning in America" in early 2007 as the lead-off single to a second album for Arista. This song peaked at No. 28, however, and the album was delayed. Later the same year, Anderson switched from Arista Nashville to Columbia Records Nashville. His first single for the label, "I Still Miss You", was released in 2008 and has Question: who sings i don't wanna close my eyes Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Micah Fowler) Micah D. Fowler ( born March 5 , 1998 ) is an American actor with cerebral palsy . He is most known for his roles in Labor Day and as JJ DiMeo in the television series Speechless . Fowler has also had minor roles in Blue 's Clues and Sesame Street . Document [1](Title: Tony Oller) Tony Oller Anthony Michael Oller (born February 25, 1991) is an American singer, songwriter and actor. He had roles as Walt Moore on the Teen Nick TV show "Gigantic", and as "Danny" on Disney Channel's "As the Bell Rings". He appeared in the films "Beneath the Darkness" and "The Purge". He is also half of the group MKTO with his co-star Malcolm David Kelley. Oller was raised in Houston, Texas, the son of Mary Anne (Brown) and Jeff Oller. He graduated with honors in Debate from Cy-Fair High School in 2009. He appeared in both seasons of the Disney Channel Document [2](Title: 14 Going on 30) was directed by Paul Schneider. 14-year-old Danny O'Neil (Gabey Olds) is madly in love with his teacher, Miss Peggy Noble (Daphne Ashbrook). Given the fact that she is engaged to the cold-tempered and vicious gym teacher, Roy Kelton (Rick Rossovich), who is nicknamed Jackjaw for his constant threat of breaking his pupils' jaws, Danny goes through his school days somewhat uninspired and suffers in silence. One day, he oversees his geeky friend Lloyd Duffy (Adam Carl), who happens to live next door with his uncle Herb (Harry Morgan) and aunt May (Irene Tedrow), growing fruits with an experimental growth accelerator. Document [3](Title: Speechless (TV series)) On May 11, 2018, ABC renewed the series for a third season and announced it would air on Fridays at 8:30 P.M. EST. On February 24, 2016, it was announced that Cedric Yarbrough had been cast in the pilot. In March 2016, it was reported that Minnie Driver and John Ross Bowie had also joined the pilot's main cast. "Speechless" received largely positive reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes, the series has a rating of 98%, based on 41 reviews, with an average rating of 8.2/10. The site's critical consensus reads, ""Speechless" speaks to a sensitive topic with a heartfelt Document [4](Title: Offspring (comics)) is called "Ernie" by Plastic Man, not Luke. In Week 40, he assists Steel in launching an attack on Lexcorp when Natasha is captured by Luthor. He's later involved with the storyline of "World War III". He tries to defeat the insane Black Adam by grasping his brain from the inside; this plan fails. He is able to recover fast, later joking with his father about the lack of humor of his superpowered foe. In "Countdown to Mystery" it is revealed that Ernie is his middle name, and Luke his first name, as Offspring criticizes his father for preferring to Document [5](Title: John Glover (actor)) Virginia, and later studied acting at the Beverly Hills Playhouse under Milton Katselas. Aside from his theatrical endeavours, Glover is also actively involved with the Alzheimer's Association. His inspiration for joining this cause was his own father's experience with Alzheimer's disease. He is openly gay. Glover began his career in television, playing a mentally disturbed kidnapper who kidnapped Joanne, the lead character on "Search for Tomorrow". One of his early film performances was a small but pivotal role as a U.S. diplomat in "White Nights". Other notable roles include Alan Raimy in "52 Pick-Up", Bryce Cummings in "Scrooged", Daniel Clamp Document [6](Title: Double act) the sketches (especially the Pete and Dud exchanges) Cook played the domineering know-it-all (who knows nothing) and Moore the put-upon dimwit (who also knows nothing). This dominance was accentuated by the difference in height between the two, and the speed of Cook's mind, which meant that he could ad-lib, and force Moore to corpse in a Pete and Dud dialogue, leaving him helpless to respond. As the partnership progressed into the often-improvised Derek and Clive dialogues, these light-hearted attempts to make Moore laugh became, as a result of Cook's growing insecurity and alcoholism, aggressive attacks on the defenceless Moore. However, Document [7](Title: Morag Bellingham) She returns in 2011 for Ross's funeral and to support Alf after he is accused of Penn Graham's (Christian Clark) murder. She tries to expose Will Smith (Zac Drayson) as the killer, but her interference results in Will escaping town and later getting arrested. Alf's name is later cleared. She then meddles with Nicole's plans to give her baby away, she has a go at her and reminds her that she gave her own child up. Morag then finds out about Elijah (Jay Laga'aia) and Grace Johnson's (Clare Chihambakwe) sham marriage, she agrees to keep quiet and helps Grace. Morag Question: who is the actor who plays jj on speechless Answer:
Micah D. Fowler
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Current members of the United States Senate) Affiliation Members Republican Party 51 Democratic Party 47 Independent Total 100 Document [1](Title: 34th Republican People's Party Ordinary Convention) from a Science, Culture and Executive quota as proposed by the party leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, for a total of 60 members. The members elected to the Party Council are as follows, with the number of votes they received in brackets. The members elected through the Science, Culture and Executive quota to the Party Council are as follows, with the number of votes they received in brackets. The 15 members elected to the High Disciplinary Board are as follows. 34th Republican People's Party Ordinary Convention The 34th Ordinary Convention of the Republican People's Party was held on 19 July 2012 in Document [2](Title: National Party (Uruguay)) the mid-20th century a very peculiar phenomenon occurred: a splinter group known as Independent National Party was active between 1931 and 1959 but, although they were de facto a separate party, they permanently insisted that "there is only one National Party". At the 2004 national elections, the National Party won 36 seats out of 99 in the Chamber of Deputies and 11 seats out of 31 in the Senate. Its presidential candidate, Jorge Larrañaga, obtained the same day 35.1% of the valid, popular vote. At the 2009 national elections, the National Party won 31 seats out of 99 in the Document [3](Title: House of Representatives (Netherlands)) member to hold a seat in the House of Representatives. Due to the nationwide party-list system and the low election threshold, a typical House of Representatives has ten or more factions represented. Such fragmentation makes it nearly impossible for one party to win the 76 seats needed for a majority in the House of Representatives. Indeed, since the current party-list proportional representation system was introduced in 1918, no party has even approached the number of seats necessary for an outright majority. The highest proportion of seats won by a single party since then has been 54 out of 150, obtained Document [4](Title: People's Party (United States)) accepted that comparison, the term "populist" began to apply to any anti-establishment movement. One definition of the term describes populists as "a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people." In the 21st century, politicians as diverse as Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have been labeled as populists. Approximately forty-five members of the party served in the U.S. Congress between 1891 and 1902. These included six United States Senators: The following were Populist members of the U.S. House of Representatives: 52nd United States Congress 53rd United States Congress 54th United States Congress 55th United States Congress 56th Document [5](Title: Communist Party of Ireland) The party provided most of the Irish volunteers on the government side in the 1936–39 Spanish Civil War, losing a number of members who were killed in action. The Communist Party of Ireland was also one of the key components in establishing the Republican Congress in 1934, bringing communists, republicans, trade unionists and tenants' organisations together. Historically, the party belonged to the wing of international communism that looked to the Soviet Union for inspiration. In the mid-1960s, the U.S. State Department estimated the party membership to be approximately 100. The party grew consistently through the 1960s and 1970s. In the Document [6](Title: Political ideologies in the United States) nearly every possible ideology being found in the general population. In the United States, the major parties overlap heavily in terms of ideology, with the Democrats more to the left and the Republicans more to the right. Social scientists Theodore Caplow et al. argue, "the Democratic party, nationally, moved from left-center toward the center in the 1940s and 1950s, then moved further toward the right-center in the 1970s and 1980s." Small parties such as the Libertarian Party play a minor role in American politics. The size of ideological groups varies slightly depending on the poll. Gallup/USA Today polling in June Document [7](Title: Libertarian Democrat) Libertarian Democrat In American politics, a libertarian Democrat is a member of the Democratic Party with political views that are relatively libertarian compared to the views of the national party. While other factions of the Democratic Party are organized in the Congress, like with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Blue Dog Coalition and the New Democrat Coalition, the libertarian faction is not organized in such a way. Nevertheless, groups made up of the party membership, such as the Democratic Freedom Caucus do exist. It was established in 1996 by Hanno Beck, Mike O'Mara and Andrew Spark. The caucus maintains a platform, Question: how many democrats are there in the senate Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: B. A. Baracus) In the 2010 film version , Baracus was played by mixed martial artist Quinton '' Rampage '' Jackson . Document [1](Title: Quinton Jackson) Quinton Jackson Quinton Ramone "Rampage" Jackson (born June 20, 1978) is an American mixed martial artist, actor and former professional wrestler who is currently signed with Bellator MMA. He is a former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion, a title he unified with the Pride Middleweight Championship (205 lbs). Due to his eccentric personality and aggressive fighting style, Jackson became a star in Japan during his stint with the Pride FC and following his move to the UFC, he helped pioneer MMA's growth into a worldwide sport. Jackson is from Memphis, Tennessee and had a difficult childhood. He began selling drugs from Document [2](Title: Frank Grillo) the following year, had a supporting role in the 2011 film "Warrior" as MMA trainer Frank Campana. In 2012, he played Diaz in the survival thriller "The Grey" with Liam Neeson and as Sarge in "End of Watch" with Jake Gyllenhaal. In 2013, he starred with Jaimie Alexander in the romantic thriller film "Collision" and had a bit role in the action film "Homefront" with Jason Statham. In 2014, Grillo was cast as HYDRA agent Brock Rumlow in the 2014 film "". The same year, he starred as Sergeant Leo Barnes in the sequel "", and reprised his role in Document [3](Title: Masakazu Imanari) "Lotus Paraestra", Setagaya branch of Paraestra. Consequently, Imanari became a member of Team Roken. Imanari is an A-level Shoot wrestler (better known as Catch wrestling in the west) under Yuki Nakai. He was later also presented a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt by Marco Barbosa of "Barbosa jiu-jitsu". Imanari is primarily a grappler, and is universally known for his skill and preference for leglocks, which gained him the nickname of "Ashikan Judan" ("The Great Master of Leg Submissions"). Though his striking game is considered inferior, Imanari often engages in stand-up battles in order to bait the opponent to the ground, usually Document [4](Title: The Martial Arts Kid) The Martial Arts Kid The Martial Arts Kid is a 2015 martial arts film directed by Michael Baumgarten and starring Don 'The Dragon' Wilson and Cynthia Rothrock as a couple who take in their nephew Jansen Panettiere, and teach him martial arts when he is bullied. The film has been given major rave for its anti-bullying message. Most of the supporting cast of the film are actual martial artists, some of whom appear as themselves in the film. Robbie Oakes is a Cleveland high schooler who after losing his mother, finds himself constantly in trouble with the law. When his Document [5](Title: Wallid Ismail) the corner of Paulo Thiago and Erick Silva in their UFC fights. KO PUNCHES Wallid Ismail Wallid Farid Ismail (born February 23, 1968) is a Brazilian mixed martial artist and promoter. Ismail holds a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) under Carlson Gracie, and is an IVC mixed martial arts world champion and BJJ Champion. In mixed martial arts, Ismail also competed for the UFC, and PRIDE, and most of wins in the sport came by way of submission. Ismail started training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu in 1980 in his home state of Amazonas in Brazil under Ary Almeida, and then, Document [6](Title: Robert Wall) Robert Wall Robert Alan Wall (born August 22, 1939) is an American actor and martial artist. Wall has studied Okinawan martial arts under Gordon Doversola. In 1966, Wall along with karate champion, Joe Lewis, opened the Sherman Oaks Karate Studio in Sherman Oaks, California. In 1968, Lewis sold his share of the studio to Chuck Norris. He is featured in a number of films, most notably three appearances with martial arts master Bruce Lee: the 1972 film "Way of the Dragon" Norris, as O'hara in "Enter the Dragon" in 1973, and "Game of Death", Bruce Lee's incomplete film re-cut in Document [7](Title: The Godfather) Caan also auditioned. Caan was well received by the Paramount executives and was given the part of Michael initially, while the role of Sonny Corleone was awarded to Carmine Caridi. Coppola still pushed for Pacino to play Michael after the fact and Evans eventually conceded, allowing Pacino to have the role of Michael as long as Caan played Sonny. Evans preferred Caan over Caridi because Caan was seven inches shorter than Caridi, which was much closer to Pacino's height. Despite agreeing to play Michael Corleone, Pacino was contracted to star in MGM's "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight", but the Question: who played b.a. baracus in the a-team Answer:
Quinton `` Rampage '' Jackson
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Biomass (ecology)) Terrestrial biomass generally decreases markedly at each higher trophic level ( plants , herbivores , carnivores ) . Examples of terrestrial producers are grasses , trees and shrubs . These have a much higher biomass than the animals that consume them , such as deer , zebras and insects . The level with the least biomass are the highest predators in the food chain , such as foxes and eagles . Document [1](Title: Aquatic ecosystem) by the organisms that occur. For example, wetland plants may produce dense canopies that cover large areas of sediment—or snails or geese may graze the vegetation leaving large mud flats. Aquatic environments have relatively low oxygen levels, forcing adaptation by the organisms found there. For example, many wetland plants must produce aerenchyma to carry oxygen to roots. Other biotic characteristics are more subtle and difficult to measure, such as the relative importance of competition, mutualism or predation. There are a growing number of cases where predation by coastal herbivores including snails, geese and mammals appears to be a dominant biotic Document [2](Title: Poaceae) the dominant vegetation in many habitats, including grassland, salt-marsh, reedswamp and steppes. They also occur as a smaller part of the vegetation in almost every other terrestrial habitat. Grass-dominated biomes are called grasslands. If only large, contiguous areas of grasslands are counted, these biomes cover 31% of the planet's land. Grasslands include pampas, steppes, and prairies. Grasses provide food to many grazing mammals—such as livestock, deer, and elephants—as well as to many species of butterflies and moths. Many types of animals eat grass as their main source of food, and are called "graminivores" – these include cattle, sheep, horses, rabbits Document [3](Title: Consumer–resource interactions) Consumer–resource interactions Consumer–resource interactions are the core motif of ecological food chains or food webs, and are an umbrella term for a variety of more specialized types of biological species interactions including prey-predator (see predation), host-parasite (see parasitism), plant-herbivore and victim-exploiter systems. These kinds of interactions have been studied and modeled by population ecologists for nearly a century. Species at the bottom of the food chain, such as algae and other autotrophs, consume non-biological resources, such as minerals and nutrients of various kinds, and they derive their energy from light (photons) or chemical sources. Species higher up in the food Document [4](Title: Buckaringa Sanctuary) Eucalyptus camaldulensis woodlands with areas of steep cliffs and rocky outcrops rising up to 100m above the riparian woodland (Hayward et al., 2011). Kingsley et al. (2012) state that in Australia over the past 150 years a third of all modern mammal extinctions has occurred. According to Kingsley et al. (2012) the major causes of this decline has included habitat change from land degradation by livestock and the introduction of predators such as feral cats ("Felis catus") and red foxes ("Vulpes vulpes"). Lethbridge and Alexander (2008) conclude that both predation from foxes and competition from introduced herbivores (such as goats Document [5](Title: Fauna of Borneo) of different feeding guilds, niche separation by stratification and different utilisation strategies by being diurnal or nocturnal. For example, vertebrate fauna (birds and mammals) can be defined into six communities based on vertical stratification of the rainforest. First, the small mammals and birds use the forest ground floor and underground. Second, the large herbivores and carnivorous animals range the ground floor of the forest searching for food, shelter and breed. Third, omnivorous and carnivorous mammals range up and down tree trunk from forest floor to the canopy level. Fourth, are mainly volant mammals such as bats and birds using the Document [6](Title: Carnivore) genera containing carnivorous plants (predominantly insectivores) and several phyla containing carnivorous fungi (preying mostly on microscopic invertebrates such as nematodes, amoebae and springtails). Carnivores are sometimes characterized by their type of prey. For example, animals that eat mainly insects and similar invertebrates are called insectivores, while those that eat mainly fish are called piscivores. The first tetrapods, or land-dwelling vertebrates, were piscivorous amphibians known as labyrinthodonts. They gave rise to insectivorous vertebrates and, later, to predators of other tetrapods. Carnivores may alternatively be classified according to the percentage of meat in their diet. The diet of a hypercarnivore consists of Document [7](Title: Grazing pressure) to defend themselves against the grazing pressure of herbivores. Carbon-based secondary metabolites inhibit digestion in herbivores. Tough leaves provide physical defense against herbivores. On the other hand, other features of plants may make them more susceptible to herbivores. For example, leaves that are high in nitrogen have a higher dietary value for herbivores. Also, taller plants and forbs are often more sensitive to grazing, while shorter herbs can avoid the grazing by being overlooked by the grazing animals. In the ocean, grazing pressure tends to increase with decreasing latitude. Many aquatic herbivores graze on phytoplankton: algae that float on the Question: who has the greatest biomass in a food chain Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Sport in Ecuador) Sports in Ecuador influence the culture and its people . Futbol the most popular sport , followed by baseball , volleyball , basketball , and tennis . Document [1](Title: Football in the Dominican Republic) Football in the Dominican Republic The sport of football in the country of the Dominican Republic is run by the Federación Dominicana de Fútbol. The association administers the national football team, as well as the Liga Dominicana de Fútbol. In the Dominican Republic, baseball is the most popular sport, followed by basketball or association football, depending on the area in the Dominican Republic. Football is considered to be in constant growth since 2012. This sport was usually played from middle to high-class high school students, specially in urban areas like Santo Domingo, Santiago, Puerto Plata, Moca and Jarabacoa, however, in Document [2](Title: 2009 Bolivarian Games) track, swimming (piscina de la zona de El Rollo), table tennis (Coliseo Jorge Revilla), taekwondo (Coliseo de Combates Poligimnasio Max Toledo), tennis (Complejo Deportivo La Madona), volleyball (Coliseo Jorge Revilla Aldana), water polo (piscina de la zona de El Rollo), weightlifting (Coliseo Universitario), wrestling (Coliseo Cerrado “Edgar Cojinto”) <br> Cochabamba, Bolivia: baseball (Estadio de Laguna Alalay), track cycling (Velódromo “Mariscal Santa Cruz”), road cycling, equestrianism (Country Club Cochabamba) Santa Cruz, Bolivia: bowling (Bolera: Cosmic Bowling), shooting (Polígono de Villa Victoria “Abraham Telchi”) Tarija, Bolivia: canoeing (el embalse de San Jacinto), triathlon (Represa de San Jacinto) Guayaquil, Ecuador: softball (Estadio Liga Document [3](Title: Baseball in Cuba) Baseball in Cuba Baseball is one of the most popular sports in Cuba. It was popularized in Cuba by Nemesio Guillot, who founded the first major baseball club in the country. It became the most played sport in the country in the 1870s, before the period of American intervention. Despite its American origin, baseball is strongly associated with Cuban nationalism, as it effectively replaced colonial Spanish sports such as bullfighting. Since the Cuban Revolution, the league system in Cuba has been officially amateur. Top players are placed on the national team, earning stipends for training and playing in international competitions. Document [4](Title: Baseball in Puerto Rico) players were active in the Puerto Rico Baseball League, in addition to the many hundreds who participated in the past. Some of the most famous baseball players from Puerto Rico include Hall of Famers Roberto Clemente, Orlando Cepeda, Roberto Alomar, and Iván Rodríguez; as well as Jose "Cheo" Cruz; Edgar Martínez; Juan González; Victor Pellot; Yadier Molina; and Bernie Williams. The game of baseball was introduced to the island in the late 19th century, by Puerto Ricans and Cubans who had learned the game in the United States. At first the sport was poorly received by the hard-working farmers, tobacco Document [5](Title: Panama) the country have had great importance such as the triathlon that has captured the attention of many athletes nationwide and the country has hosted international competitions. Flag football has also been growing in popularity in both men and women and with international participation in world of this discipline being among the best teams in the world, the sport was introduced by Americans residing in the Canal Zone for veterans and retirees who even had a festival called the Turkey Ball. Other popular sports are American football, rugby, hockey, softball and other amateur sports including skateboarding, BMX and surfing, because the Document [6](Title: Football in Honduras) have found success in South America. Football in Honduras Association football in Honduras is a national sport. It is the most popular sport among Hondurans, becoming popular in the 20th century. Honduras has memorable performances in three World Cups, Spain 1982, South Africa 2010, and Brazil 2014. The nation also competes in the Copa America, UNCAF Nations Cup, Olympic Games, and in FIFA U-20 World Cups. In the territories that are now Honduras, the Mayans in Copán played the game of Pok-ta-pok in fields within their cities. The game used a ball of rubber. This sport was practiced in the Document [7](Title: Hispanic and Latino Americans) influenced the growth in popularity of soccer in the United States. Soccer is the most popular sport across Latin America and Spain, and Hispanics brought the heritage of soccer playing to the United States. Major League Soccer teams such as Chivas USA, LA Galaxy, and the Houston Dynamo, for example, have a fanbase composed primarily of Mexican Americans. Association football players in the Major League Soccer (MLS) includes several like Tab Ramos, Claudio Reyna, Omar Gonzalez, Marcelo Balboa and Carlos Bocanegra. Boxing's first Hispanic world champion was Panama Al Brown. Some other champions include Oscar De La Hoya, Miguel Cotto, Question: what is the most popular sport in ecuador Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Pacific War) The Pacific War saw the Allies pitted against Japan , the latter briefly aided by Thailand and to a much lesser extent by the Axis allied Germany and Italy . The war culminated in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , and other large aerial bomb attacks by the Allies , accompanied by the Soviet declaration of war and invasion of Manchuria on 9 August 1945 , resulting in the Japanese announcement of intent to surrender on 15 August 1945 . The formal surrender of Japan ceremony took place aboard the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay on 2 September 1945 . Japan 's Shinto Emperor was forced to relinquish much of his authority and his divine status through the Shinto Directive in order to pave the way for extensive cultural and political reforms . Document [1](Title: 20th-century events) on the city of Hiroshima. Three days later, a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. The two bombing killed 129,000–226,000 people, most of them civilians. On 9 August, the Soviet Union also invaded Manchukuo in what was to be the last campaign of the war. On 10 August the "sacred decision" was made by Japanese Cabinet to accept the Potsdam terms and on 15 August Emperor Hirohito broadcast to the nation and to the world at large the rescript of surrender, ending the Second World War. The formal Japanese Instrument of Surrender was signed on 2 September 1945, on the Document [2](Title: Potsdam Declaration) in February, unilaterally abrogated the USSR's Neutrality Treaty with Japan (1941) and declared war on Japan on August 9, 1945, beginning the Soviet–Japanese War. The Soviets invaded Manchuria on three fronts. The Potsdam Declaration was intended from the start to serve as legal basis for handling Japan after the war. Following the surrender of the Japanese government and the landing of General McArthur in Japan in September 1945, the Potsdam Declaration served as legal basis for occupation reforms. Potsdam Declaration The Potsdam Declaration or the Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese Surrender was a statement that called for the surrender of Document [3](Title: Japan–United States relations) between the Japan's commitment to conquer China, and America's commitment to defend China. Japan's civilian government fell and the Army under General Tojo took full control, bent on war. Japan attacked the American navy base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941. In response, the United States declared war on Japan. Japan's Axis allies, including Nazi Germany, declared war on the United States days after the attack, bringing the United States into World War II. The conflict was a bitter one, marked by atrocities such as the executions and torture of American prisoners of war by the Imperial Japanese Document [4](Title: Carl Spaatz) assumed command of the U.S. Strategic Air Forces in the Pacific as part of the Pacific Theatre of Operations, with headquarters on Guam, in July 1945. From this command, Spaatz directed the strategic bombing of Japan, including the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Spaatz had been present at Reims when the Germans surrendered to the Americans on May 7, 1945; at Berlin when they surrendered to the Russians on May 9; and aboard the battleship in Tokyo Bay when the Japanese surrendered on September 2. He was the only man of general rank or equivalent present at all three Document [5](Title: History of Taiwan) targets of heavy American bombing. In 1942, after the United States entered the war against Japan and on the side of China, the Chinese government under the KMT renounced all treaties signed with Japan before that date and made Taiwan's return to China (as with Manchuria, ruled as the Japanese wartime puppet state of "Manchukuo") one of the wartime objectives. In the Cairo Declaration of 1943, the Allied Powers declared the return of Taiwan (including the Pescadores) to the Republic of China as one of several Allied demands. In 1945, Japan unconditionally surrendered with signing of the instrument of surrender Document [6](Title: Paul Aijirō Yamaguchi) 7, 1937. In August 1943, Yamaguchi was sent by the Civil Administration Office of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Southwest Area Fleet to the Japanese-occupied island of Flores in the Netherlands East Indies. Flores had a predominantly Roman Catholic population, and Yamaguchi struggled to obtain a lenient attitude from the Navy authorities towards the local population. After the end of the war, Yamaguchi returned to the ruins of atomic-bombed Nagasaki, where he devoted his efforts towards the reconstruction of churches destroyed by the bombing. In 1948, in an extraordinary session of the city council, he was appointed to the Nagasaki City Document [7](Title: Division of Korea) to three months after victory in Europe. On August 8, 1945, three months to the day after the end of hostilities in Europe, and two days after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan. As war began, the Commander-in-Chief of Soviet Forces in the Far East, Marshal Aleksandr Vasilevsky, called on Koreans to rise up against Japan, saying "a banner of liberty and independence is rising in Seoul". Soviet troops advanced rapidly, and the US government became anxious that they would occupy the whole of Korea. On August 10, 1945 two young officers Question: when did world war 2 in the pacific end Answer:
2 September 1945
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Himadri Station) Himadri Station is India 's first Arctic research station located at Spitsbergen , Svalbard , Norway . It is located at the International Arctic Research base , Ny - Ålesund . It was inaugurated on the 1st of July , 2008 by the Minister of Earth Sciences . It was set up during India 's second Arctic expedition in June 2008 . It is located at a distance of 1,200 kilometres ( 750 mi ) from the North Pole . Document [1](Title: Wasa Research Station) from the official site of the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat. Wasa Research Station The Wasa Research Station is a Swedish research facility in Antarctica, established in 1988/1989. It is situated next to the Finnish Aboa Research Station on the "Basen" nunatak in the Kraul Mountains in Queen Maud Land. The two stations cooperate, and are jointly referred to as the Nordenskiöld Base Camp. The Wasa Station is operated by the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat during the summer season, and accommodates 12-16 people. Its main building is , and constructed on top of long supporting cylinders to avoid accumulation of snow. Document [2](Title: Indian Human Spaceflight Programme) Minister on 15 August 2018. In March 2008 it was proposed that Russia would provide assistance in crew selection and training aboard a Soyuz capsule in preparation for the Indian mission. However, in October 2010 this option was discarded. MC Dathan, director of Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) stated that ISRO will set up a facility in Bangalore for training astronauts (Vyomanauts). ISRO is planning to build a third launch pad at Sriharkota for crewed missions with extra facilities like entry into the crew capsule and an escape chute. A site of nearby the Kempegowda International Airport has been identified. Document [3](Title: Dakshin Gangotri Glacier) Dakshin Gangotri Glacier The Dakshin Gangotri Glacier () is a small tongue of the polar continental ice sheet impinging on the Schirmacher Oasis of central Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. It was discovered by the Second Indian Expedition to Antarctica in 1983, and named for India’s first Antarctic research station. Since then its snout, and the area around it, has been regularly monitored and it has become a valuable site for tracking the impact of global warming through changes in the movement of the Antarctic ice sheet. The site is protected under the Antarctic Treaty System as Antarctic Specially Protected Area Document [4](Title: Trade during the Viking Age) in the Baltic region. Hedeby was the largest and most important trading center. Located along the southern border of Denmark in the inner part of the Schlei Fjord, Hedeby controlled both the north/south trade routes (between Europe and Scandinavia) and the east/west routes (between the Baltic and the North Seas). At its peak, Hedeby’s population was around 1000 people.Archaeological evidence from Hedeby suggests that the cities economic importance was of political significance as fortifications were erected in the tenth century to withstand numerous assaults. Ribe, located on the West coast of Denmark, was established in the early 8th century as Document [5](Title: HIMADRI) into other regions of the world. However, Indian Himalaya remained a gap which is being filled through HIMADRI network. HIMADRI The Himalayas are divided into three ranges . In those The Greater Himalayas , the first range is also known as "Himadri". And the Lesser Himalayas are known as "Himachal". The idea to monitor alpine plant communities was first discussed in 1996 during a workshop in Kathmandu. Scientists began running experiments in alpine habitats to determine what a good sample method might be. In 2001, GLORIA-Europe was launched. This initial project, with 18 sites in 13 different European nations, was Document [6](Title: Helsingborg) with its Danish sister city Helsingør. A tramway network was inaugurated in 1903 and closed down in 1967. Helsingborg has an oceanic climate typical of southern Sweden, although its winters are very mild for a location at such a high latitude. Although the temperature differences between seasons are significant, Helsingborg often lacks a meteorological winter with both January and February averaging just above the freezing point in terms of mean temperatures. Helsingborg is a major regional centre of trade, transport and business. In 2001 Campus Helsingborg, a branch of University of Lund, opened in the former Tretorn rubber factory buildings, Document [7](Title: Hisar Junction railway station) to Delhi once the under-construction Rohtak-Hansi rail link is completed. Hisar Junction railway station Hisar railway station (railway code: HSR) is an A-category railway station, under the Bikaner railway division of North Western Railway zone of Indian Railways, located at Hisar city in Hisar district of Haryana state of India. The station consists of 6 platforms, with 6 broad gauge mostly electrified tracks of Bathinda–Rewari line and Jakhal-Hisar-Sadalpur line, going in 4 directions at an average speed of 120 km/hours. Hisar is one of the 400 stations to be redeveloped with international and private partners for modernization on international standards Question: ok google what is the name of india's first arctic research station set up in 2008 Answer:
Himadri Station
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ( ARRA ) ( Pub. L. 111 -- 5 ) , nicknamed the Recovery Act , was a stimulus package enacted by the 111th U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama in February 2009 . Developed in response to the Great Recession , the ARRA 's primary objective was to save existing jobs and create new ones as soon as possible . Other objectives were to provide temporary relief programs for those most affected by the recession and invest in infrastructure , education , health , and renewable energy . Document [1](Title: Bristol Borough School District) in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) - Federal Stimulus money to be used in specific programs like special education and meeting the academic needs of low-income students. The funding was limited to the 2009-10 and 2010-2011 school years. Due to the temporary nature of the funding, schools were repeatedly advised to use the funds for one-time expenditures like: acquiring equipment, making repairs to buildings, training teachers to provide more effective instruction or purchasing books and software. U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced in March 2012, that the first-year data suggest student achievement is improving at campuses that Document [2](Title: Community Reinvestment Act) or facilitate projects or activities" that meet the criteria described in the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA) and are conducted in designated target areas identified under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program established by HERA and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Among other things, this would expand the range of persons served to include middle-income households. In 2009, The Federal Reserve Banks of Boston and San Francisco published "Revisiting the CRA: Perspectives on the Future of the Community Reinvestment Act", which assembles views from a wide range of academic researchers, regulators, community development practitioners and Document [3](Title: United School District (Pennsylvania)) Reform grants (discontinued effective with 2011-12 budget); nor the federal 21st Century Learning grants. United School District received an extra $2,035,169 in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) - Federal Stimulus money to be used in specific programs like special education and meeting the academic needs of low-income students. The funding was limited to the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school years. Due to the temporary nature of the funding, schools were repeatedly advised by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the Pennsylvania Senate Education Committee, the Governor and the Pennsylvania School Board Association, to use the funds for one-time expenditures Document [4](Title: Green job) rise. According to the 2015 National Solar Census 2015 marked the third consecutive year in which solar growth was at 20 percent. Additionally, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), passed in early 2009, includes provisions for new jobs in industries such as energy, utilities, construction, and manufacturing with a focus toward energy efficiency and more environmentally-friendly practices. In March 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama appointed Van Jones as Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Following Jones' resignation in September 2009, no further candidates appear to have been appointed Document [5](Title: Plug-in electric vehicles in the United States) increased PHEV battery capacity. In addition, the study determined that current federal subsidies are "not aligned with the goal of decreased gasoline consumption in a consistent and efficient manner." First the Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008, and later the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACES) granted tax credits for new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicles. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) also authorized federal tax credits for converted plug-ins, though the credit is lower than for new plug-in electric vehicle (PEV). As defined by the 2009 ACES Act, a PEV is Document [6](Title: Steel Workers Organizing Committee) called for aggressive action. Passage of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) on June 16, 1933, sparked widespread union organizing throughout the country, even in the steel industry. The AA's membership rose to more than 150,000 by February 1934 (although most had not become dues-paying members). In 1934, an opposition group known as the Rank and File Movement formed within the AA. A number of militant local affiliates had sprung up across the nation or had joined existing lodges in large enough numbers to elect their own, militant leaders. The locals coalesced into the Rank and File Movement and challenged Document [7](Title: Federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) increased government oversight of loans given by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Like the 2003 bill, it also died in the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, this time in the 109th Congress. A full and accurate record of the congressional attempts to regulate the housing GSEs is given in the Congressional Record prepared in 2005. The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008—passed by the United States Congress on July 24, 2008 with bipartisan support and signed into law by President George W. Bush on July 30, 2008 — enabled expanded regulatory authority over Fannie Mae and Freddie Question: when was the american recovery and reinvestment act passed Answer:
February 2009
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Solvated electron) A solvated electron is a free electron in ( solvated in ) a solution , and is the smallest possible anion . Solvated electrons occur widely , although it is difficult to observe them directly since their lifetimes are so short . The deep color of solutions of alkali metals in ammonia arises from the presence of solvated electrons : blue when dilute and copper - colored when more concentrated ( > 3 molar ) . Classically , discussions of solvated electrons focus on their solutions in ammonia , which are stable for days , but solvated electrons occur in water and other solvents ; in fact , any solvent that mediates outer - sphere electron transfer . The real hydration energy of the solvated electron can be estimated by using the hydration energy of proton in water combined with kinetic data from pulse radiolysis experiments . Document [1](Title: Alkali metal) NaH: it is unstable in isolation, due to its high energy resulting from the displacement of two electrons from hydrogen to sodium, although several derivatives are predicted to be metastable or stable. In aqueous solution, the alkali metal ions form aqua ions of the formula [M(HO)], where "n" is the solvation number. Their coordination numbers and shapes agree well with those expected from their ionic radii. In aqueous solution the water molecules directly attached to the metal ion are said to belong to the first coordination sphere, also known as the first, or primary, solvation shell. The bond between a Document [2](Title: Nonmetal) a colourless liquid −252.879 °C and freezes into an ice- or snow-like solid at −259.16 °C. The solid form has a hexagonal crystalline structure and is soft and easily crushed. Hydrogen is an insulator in all of its forms. It has a high ionisation energy (1312.0 kJ/mol), moderate electron affinity (73 kJ/mol), and moderate electronegativity (2.2). Hydrogen is a poor oxidising agent (H + 2"e" → 2H = –2.25 V at pH 0). Its chemistry, most of which is based around its tendency to acquire the electron configuration of the noble gas helium, is largely covalent in nature, noting it Document [3](Title: Alkaline water electrolysis) minerals to be present in solution. Tap, well, and ground water contains various minerals, some of which are alkaline while others are acidic. Water above a pH of 7.0 is considered alkaline; below 7.0 it is acidic. Electrolysis can occur only if the water is acidic or alkaline. The requirement is that there must be ions in the water to conduct electricity for the water electrolysis process to occur. The electrodes are typically separated by a thin porous foil (with a thickness between 0.050 to 0.5 mm), commonly referred to as diaphragm or separator. The diaphragm is non-conductive to electrons, Document [4](Title: Promethium) containing Pm ions with ammonia results in a gelatinous light-brown sediment of hydroxide, Pm(OH), which is insoluble in water. When dissolved in hydrochloric acid, a water-soluble yellow salt, PmCl, is produced; similarly, when dissolved in nitric acid, a nitrate results, Pm(NO). The latter is also well-soluble; when dried, it forms pink crystals, similar to Nd(NO). The electron configuration for Pm is [Xe] 4f, and the color of the ion is pink. The ground state term symbol is I. The sulfate is slightly soluble, like the other cerium group sulfates. Cell parameters have been calculated for its octahydrate; they lead to Document [5](Title: Color of water) on the optic nerves. The intrinsic colour of liquid water may be demonstrated by looking at a white light source through a long pipe that is filled with purified water and closed at both ends with a transparent window. The light turquoise blue colour is caused by weak absorption in the red part of the visible spectrum. Absorptions in the visible spectrum are usually attributed to excitations of electronic energy states in matter. Water is a simple three-atom molecule, HO, and all its electronic absorptions occur in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum and are therefore not responsible for Document [6](Title: Hydrogen anion) Hydrogen anion The hydrogen anion, H, is a negative ion of hydrogen, that is, a hydrogen atom that has captured an extra electron. The hydrogen anion is an important constituent of the atmosphere of stars, such as the Sun. In chemistry, this ion is called hydride. The ion has two electrons bound by the electromagnetic force to a nucleus containing one proton. The binding energy of H equals the binding energy of an extra electron to a hydrogen atom, called electron affinity of hydrogen. It is measured to be or (see Electron affinity (data page)). The total ground state energy Document [7](Title: Kosmotropic) instead act as chaotropes. Kosmotropic anions are more polarizable and hydrate more strongly than kosmotropic cations of the same charge density. A scale can be established if one refers to the Hofmeister series or looks up the free energy of hydrogen bonding (formula_1) of the salts, which quantifies the extent of hydrogen bonding of an ion in water. For example, the kosmotropes and have formula_1 between 0.1 and 0.4 J/mol, whereas the chaotrope has a formula_1 between −1.1 and −0.9. Recent simulation studies have shown that the variation in solvation energy between the ions and the surrounding water molecules underlies Question: the solution of alkali metal in liquid nh3 is blue coloured due to Answer:
the presence of solvated electrons
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: I Was Born to Love You (song)) '' I Was Born to Love You '' Single by Freddie Mercury from the album Mr. Bad Guy B - side '' Stop All the Fighting '' Released 8 April 1985 Format 7 '' single Recorded 1984 Musicland Studios , Munich Genre Pop rock , disco Length 3 : 37 ( 7 '' and album version ) 7 : 03 ( 12 '' extended version ) Label CBS Songwriter ( s ) Freddie Mercury Producer ( s ) Freddie Mercury and Reinhold Mack Freddie Mercury singles chronology '' Love Kills '' ( 1984 ) '' I Was Born to Love You '' ( 1985 ) '' Made in Heaven '' ( 1985 ) '' Love Kills '' ( 1984 ) '' I Was Born to Love You '' ( 1985 ) '' Made in Heaven '' ( 1985 ) Document [1](Title: Plácido Domingo) strong. In addition to his classical recordings, Domingo has released numerous crossover albums. His output of non-operatic recordings accelerated after his pop album, "Perhaps Love" (1981), went gold and eventually platinum. His other recordings of popular music include "My Life for a Song" (1983), "Save Your Nights for Me" (1985), and the British gold record, "Be My Love" (1990). His English-language version of "Besame mucho" from "My Life for a Song" received a Grammy nomination for Best Latin Pop Performance in 1984. The following year he won a Grammy in the same category for his collection of Ernesto Lecuona songs, Document [2](Title: Brian May) to Fall", "Flash", "Now I'm Here", "Brighton Rock", "The Prophet's Song", "Las Palabras de Amor", "No-One but You (Only the Good Die Young)" and "Save Me". After the Live Aid concert in 1985, Mercury rang his band members and proposed writing a song together. The result was "One Vision", which was basically May on music (the "Magic Years" documentary shows how he came up with the opening section and the basic guitar riff) and the lyrics were co-written by all four band members. For their 1989 release album, "The Miracle", the band had decided that all of the tracks would Document [3](Title: Keep Yourself Alive) solo, it would morph into Taylor's tympani drum solo followed by May's echo-plexed guitar solo spot before either segueing into the "Brighton Rock" finale or a drum and guitar climax or segued into a "Flash Gordon" medley (which consisted of "Battle Theme"/"Flash's Theme"/"The Hero"). The band would not play it again until 1984 on "The Works" tour as part of a medley of old songs (with "Somebody to Love", "Killer Queen", "Seven Seas of Rhye", and "Liar"). In live performances, Mercury would often sing the line "all you people keep yourself alive" (which is sung only two times in the Document [4](Title: Fred Mandel) was later invited to be a contributing musician on their 1984 album "The Works" (thus becoming the first significant guest performer on a Queen record). Mandel performed on 'Man on the Prowl' and three of the album's singles, "Radio Ga Ga", "Hammer to Fall", and "I Want to Break Free" (the famous synthesizer solo on the latter, often mistaken for guitar, is played by Mandel on a Roland Jupiter-8). Mandel also played on two Queen spinoffs: Brian May's 1983 mini album "Star Fleet Project" and Freddie Mercury's 1985 album "Mr. Bad Guy". Following this relationship Mandel went on tour with Document [5](Title: Messenger of the Gods: The Singles) Messenger of the Gods: The Singles Messenger of the Gods: The Singles is a compilation album of Freddie Mercury's singles. It was released three days before the 70th anniversary of Mercury's birth. As well as a two-CD compilation album, the album has been released on a 13-vinyl box set reproducing singles on 7" vinyl and the same artwork. The earliest single issued is The Beach Boys song "I Can Hear Music" and the last single in chronological order is the No More Brothers remix of "Living on My Own". Disc 1 (Blue)<br> Side A: "I Can Hear Music" (Larry Lurex)<br> Document [6](Title: Queen discography) Queen discography British rock band Queen consisted of vocalist Freddie Mercury (d. 1991), guitarist Brian May, drummer Roger Taylor, and bassist John Deacon (r. 1997). Founded in 1970, Queen released their self-titled debut album in 1973. Despite not being an immediate success, Queen gained popularity in Britain with their second album "Queen II" in 1974. Their 1975 song, "Bohemian Rhapsody", was number 1 for nine weeks (and a further five weeks in 1991) and is the third biggest selling single of all time in the UK. In the U.S., Bohemian Rhapsody hit the Billboard Top 40 charts in three different Document [7](Title: SHY & DRS) performed "Born Again" and their first official Top 40 Single "The Love is Gone" live on BBC Radio Scotland's Culture Show and interviewed by Janice Forsyth who dubbed them "Scottish HipHop's Most Exciting Export" revealing they were touring with Eminem's Band D12 in 2015. On 13 November 2015 they released the single "Beautiful to Me' featuring X-Factor's Janet Devlin. The song was the official single for the UK's National Anti-Bullying Week and charted at Number 25 on the official Scottish chart The song raised money for Childline UK and UK anti-bullying charity Ditch the Label. Their 2015 video "What's Wrong Question: who wrote i was born to love you Answer:
Freddie Mercury
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: The Voice (U.S. TV series)) Season twelve premiered on February 27 , 2017 and concluded on May 23 , with Gwen Stefani and Alicia Keys returning as coaches alongside Levine and Shelton . Cyrus will be taking a break from the show ; however , she will return as coach on the show 's thirteenth season . Document [1](Title: The Voice (U.S. season 1)) and Dia Frampton. In late February 2011, NBC began announcements of the coaches for the series. First to sign on were CeeLo Green and Adam Levine (frontman for Maroon 5). Christina Aguilera came on board in early March 2011. Blake Shelton was added as the final coach on March 7, 2011. Carson Daly was announced as the show's first host. Alison Haislip was announced as the show's "backstage online and social media correspondent" during the live shows. The first of two Blind Audition taped episodes was broadcast on April 26, 2011. The coaches performed coach CeeLo's song, "Crazy" at the Document [2](Title: Project Runway) The fourteenth season premiered on August 6, 2015. The judges included: Heidi Klum, Zac Posen and Nina Garcia. Tim Gunn returns for his 14th season as a mentor. Some of the celebrity judges for this season were Ciara, Tracee Ellis Ross, Kiernan Shipka, Ashley Tisdale, Kelly Osbourne, Coco Rocha, Melanie Brown and Hannah Davis. The designers are: Amanda Perna, Ashley Nell Tipton, Blake Patterson, Candice Cuoco, David Giampiccolo, Duncan Chambers-Watson, Edmond Newton, Gabrielle Arruda, Hanmiao Yang, Jake Wall, Joseph Poli, Kelly Dempsey, Laurie Underwood, Lindsey Creel, Merline Labissiere and Swapnil Shinde. Ashley Nell Tipton won the competition. Kelly Dempsey placed Document [3](Title: Vocea României (season 3)) is up to the contestant to decide which coach he or she wants to work with. Each coach can save two contestants, which means the battle round will end with nine singers on each team, rather than seven. The sing-off further reduces each team to eight singers for the live shows, rather than six as in the previous season. The season finale aired on December 26, 2013. , mentored by coach Horia Brenciu, was declared winner of the season. It was Brenciu's second consecutive victory as a coach. Pre-selections took place in the following cities: The first phase of the Document [4](Title: Maddie Morrison) the episode broadcast on 21 June 2011. In August 2011, it was revealed that Maddie, Tilly and Jono would form part of a new group of Sixth form students, along with George Smith (Steven Roberts), Neil Cooper (Tosin Cole) and Callum Kane (Laurie Duncan). Bowman exited the serial in November 2012 and her exit was not announced prior to it airing. Bowman said although the stunt that played out during her exit was used to cull cast members that "some people want to leave and move on to new ventures so it's not all just people getting culled and not Document [5](Title: The Voice UK) 2017. The last episode aired on the BBC on 9 April 2016. The ITV2 spin-off show was axed on 8 August 2016, but it could return in the future. After speculation in February, the show's air date was confirmed on 10 March 2012. Of this announcement, the show's Twitter account said, "Two weeks from now, something new will be on your television, something so great you'll want to run up and kiss the screen. Just FYI." "Britain's Got Talent" judge Alesha Dixon confirmed the launch date for the "Britain's Got Talent", with it being the same day as "The Voice Document [6](Title: The Voice (U.S. season 7)) The Voice (U.S. season 7) The seventh season of the American reality talent show "The Voice" premiered on September 22, 2014 and ended with the season finale on December 16, 2014 on NBC. This season also featured four artists in the finale, the first since season 2, and the first all-male finale. Craig Wayne Boyd was announced the winner of this season, marking Blake Shelton's fourth win as a coach. There were two changes to the coaching panel from season six. Veteran coaches Adam Levine and Blake Shelton were joined by Pharrell Williams and Gwen Stefani, who replaced Shakira and Document [7](Title: The Voice (U.S. season 9)) two 2-hour episodes and two 1-hour episodes each on October 12, 13, 19 and 20, 2015. Season nine's advisors are Missy Elliott for Team Pharrell, John Fogerty for Team Adam, Brad Paisley for Team Blake, and Selena Gomez for Team Gwen. The coaches can steal two losing artists from another coach. Contestants who win their battle or are stolen by another coach will advance to the Knockout rounds. Color key: For the Knockouts, Rihanna was assigned as a mentor for contestants in all four teams. As in previous seasons, the coaches can steal one losing artist. The top 20 contestants Question: when do they pick the winner of the voice 2017 Answer:
May 23
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Battle of the Atlantic) Battle of the Atlantic Part of World War II Officers on the bridge of an escorting British destroyer stand watch for enemy submarines , October 1941 Date September 3 , 1939 -- May 8 , 1945 ( 5 years , 8 months and 5 days ) Location Atlantic Ocean , Río de la Plata , North Sea , Irish Sea , Labrador Sea , Gulf of St. Lawrence , Caribbean Sea , Gulf of Mexico , Outer Banks , Arctic Ocean Result Allied Victory Belligerents United Kingdom Canada United States ( 1941 -- 45 ) France ( 1939 -- 40 ) Free France ( 1940 -- 45 ) Poland Brazil ( 1942 -- 45 ) Netherlands Norway Belgium Germany Italy ( 1940 -- 43 ) Commanders and leaders Martin E. Nasmith ( 1939 -- 41 ) Sir Percy Noble ( 1941 -- 42 ) Sir Max K. Horton ( 1943 -- 45 ) Frederick Bowhill ( 1939 -- 41 ) Philip de la Ferté ( 1941 -- 43 ) Sir John Slessor ( 1943 -- 45 ) Dudley Pound ( 1939 -- 43 ) Leonard W. Murray Ernest J. King Royal E. Ingersoll Erich Raeder Karl Dönitz Hans - Georg von Friedeburg Martin Harlinghausen Günther Lütjens † Angelo Parona Romolo Polacchini Casualties and losses 36,200 sailors killed 36,000 merchant seamen killed 3,500 merchant vessels 175 warships 741 RAF Coastal Command Aircraft lost in anti-submarine sorties ~ 30,000 U-boat sailors killed 783 submarines lost 47 other warships lost ~ 500 killed 17 submarines lost Document [1](Title: HMS Titania) Submarines at the Silver Jubilee Review at Spithead. 1936 attached to 6th Flotilla, Portland. 20 May 1937 Coronation Review at Spithead as Flag Officer Submarines' Flagship. 1939 based at Blyth with the 6th Flotilla. In 1940 she was refitted on the Tyne and transferred to Holy Loch for the remainder of the war. On 6 May 1942, HMS "H 28" (Lt. R.E. Boddington, RN), HMS "H 32" (Lt. J. Whitton, RN), HMS P 614 (Lt. Denis John Beckley, RN (29 Apr 1914 - 26 Aug 1978)) conducted practice attacks on a convoy made up of the submarine tenders HMS "Cyclops" Document [2](Title: Denys Rayner) Battle of the Atlantic" of his respect for one of his colleagues at the fort - First Officer Audrey Faith Parker, OBE, WRNS - for the seafaring experience she brought to her operational work. It was to her and her husband Gordon that Rayner, in 1946, after a stint as temporary commander of a Naval Air station at Kirkistown near Cloughy on the east coast of Northern Ireland, sold his yacht, laid up in north Wales for the duration, and moved his household to the first of several farms in the English home counties. During a campaign that had lasted Document [3](Title: History of the United States Navy) its soldiers so the Americans eventually won because of superior logistics. The Navy built up its forces in 1942-43, and developed a strategy of "island-hopping, that is to skip over most of the heavily defended Japanese islands and instead go further on and select islands to seize for forward air bases. In the Atlantic, the Allies waged a long battle with German submarines which was termed the Battle of the Atlantic. Navy aircraft flew from bases in Greenland and Iceland to hunt submarines, and hundreds of escort carriers and destroyer escorts were built which were specifically designed to protect merchant Document [4](Title: 20th-century events) support of the Axis. On September 8, the Italians formally surrendered, but most of Italy not in Allied hands was controlled by German troops and those loyal to Mussolini's (Mussolini had been freed by German paratroopers) new Italian Social Republic, which in reality consisted of the shrinking zone of German control. The Germans offered staunch resistance, but by June 4, 1944, Rome had fallen. The Battle of the Atlantic took place from 1942 to 1944 and was described as "longest, largest, and most complex naval battle in history". The Germans hoped to sever the vital supply lines between Britain and Document [5](Title: Clash of Wings) joined the British in their struggle for Europe. Aircraft featured: P-40E, CR.42 Falco, G.50 Frecchia, Fiat G.55, Folgore, Hurricane, Wellington, Swordfish, Ju 87 Stuka, Bf 109, P-38 Lightning, P-39 Airacobra and B-25 Mitchell. Battle of the Atlantic: The 3–4-year-long Battle of the Atlantic very nearly brought Britain to her knees and proved to be one of the most crucial extended campaigns of the war. This is the first of two programs detailing this desperate marintine war. Deadly weapons and auxiliary systems including RDF and H2S maritime search radar were developed to combat the German U Boat menace. Aircraft featured: Fairey Document [6](Title: HMS Mignonette (K38)) HMS Mignonette (K38) HMS "Mignonette" was a that served with the Royal Navy during the Second World War. She served as an ocean escort in the Battle of the Atlantic. The ship was commissioned on 31 August 1939 by Hall, Russell & Company from Aberdeen in Scotland. On 7 February 1943, HMS "Mignotte" along with rescued 37 survivors from the merchant "Afrika", which was torpedoed by the . On 15 July 1943 she contributed to the sinking of alongside and . On 21 January 1945 she helped sink alongside the destroyer . She was sold in 1946. In 1948, she Document [7](Title: HMS Versatile (D32)) at Sheerness and began convoy duty in the English Channel and Southwestern Approaches. On 27 June 1940, about 150 nautical miles (278 km) west of Ushant, France, at , she rescued 13 of the 40 survivors of the Royal Navy special service vessel , a submarine decoy vessel or "Q-ship" which the German submarine had sunk on 21 June 1940 at with the loss of 56 lives. In July 1940, "Versatile"s duties expanded to include anti-invasion patrols as the threat of a German invasion of the United Kingdom grew. She came under air attack again on 3 July, avoiding damage, Question: when did the battle of atlantic start and end Answer:
September 3 , 1939
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: NBA salary cap) The NBA had a salary cap in the mid-1940s , but it was abolished after only one season . The league continued to operate without such a cap until 1984 -- 85 season , when one was instituted in an attempt to level the playing field among all of the NBA 's teams and ensure competitive balance for the League in the future . Before the cap was reinstated , teams could spend whatever amount of money they wanted on players , but in the first season under the new cap , they were each limited to $3.6 million in total payroll . Document [1](Title: 1990 Major League Baseball lockout) compensated based on a ranking against their peers. Perhaps most importantly, a salary cap would be placed on each club. In the process, there would be a stipulation put in place that teams reaching the said cap could make no more free agent signings or salary increases. Owners claimed that under the plan, average player salaries would proceed to rise over 20% to $770,000 by the 1993 season. They cited rising attendance figures as well as solid television contracts with CBS and ESPN. Although revenue sharing of this type had worked considerably well in the National Basketball Association, Major League Document [2](Title: 1998–99 NBA lockout) NBA. The league became the first major sports organization in the U.S. to limit the salaries of its players. A rookie pay scale was introduced, with salary increases tied to how early a player was selected in the NBA Draft. The Larry Bird exception was retained, though maximum annual pay raises were capped. New "average" and "median" salary cap exemptions, which the NBPA had proposed, allowed teams to sign one player per category even if they were over the spending limit. For teams that wished to exceed the salary cap, a luxury tax was instituted requiring offenders to pay on Document [3](Title: Salary cap) Salary cap In professional sports, a salary cap (or wage cap) is an agreement or rule that places a limit on the amount of money that a team can spend on players' salaries. It exists as a per-player limit or a total limit for the team's roster, or both. Several sports leagues have implemented salary caps, using it to keep overall costs down, and also to maintain a competitive balance by restricting richer clubs from entrenching dominance by signing many more top players than their rivals. Salary caps can be a major issue in negotiations between league management and players' Document [4](Title: Luxury tax (sports)) Association (NBA), National Football League (NFL), and National Hockey League (NHL)), there are three different methods employed to limit individual teams payroll: hard salary cap, soft salary cap with luxury tax, and luxury tax. A hard salary cap is where the league sets a maximum amount of money allowed for player salaries, and no team can exceed that limit. A soft salary cap has a set limit to player salaries, but there are several major exceptions that allow teams to exceed the salary cap. For example, in the case of the NBA, teams can exceed the salary cap when keeping Document [5](Title: 2009–10 NBA season) ($0.98 million), while the tax level was $71.15 million ($1.23 million). Although the league-wide revenue increased by 2.5% in the previous season, the decrease in the salary cap and tax level was the result of the formula used to set the cap and tax under the terms of the collective bargaining agreement. The 2009–10 NBA season was broadcast in the United States by ABC, ESPN, TNT and NBA TV. A number of games were nationally televised by ABC, ESPN and TNT, while some games were televised by NBA TV. Four teams, the Minnesota Timberwolves, Houston Rockets, New Jersey Nets and Document [6](Title: Luxury tax (sports)) are under the tax threshold. There was no luxury tax implemented in the 2004-2005 season due to insufficient basketball-related income. Although exceeding the luxury tax threshold costs a team twice as much money, it does not seem to limit teams' willingness to spend big money on players. The Canadian Football League has a luxury tax. Penalties for teams that breach the salary cap regulations are: The National Football League (NFL) and the National Hockey League (NHL) both have hard salary caps, making it unnecessary to utilize the luxury tax. Several other leagues in the United States and abroad use salary Document [7](Title: National Rugby League) $7.1 million which covers the salary cap of $5.85 million and a minimum wage for $80,000 for the top twenty-five players at each club. The salary cap will increase to $6.3 million in 2014, $6.55 million in 2015, $6.8 million by 2016 and $7 million in 2017. The cap is actively policed and penalties for clubs found to have breached the NRL salary cap regulations include fines of lesser of half the amount involved or $500,000 and/or deduction of premiership points. For example, six clubs were fined for minor infractions in 2003. These infractions are usually technical in nature, and Question: when was the salary cap introduced to the nba Answer:
1984 -- 85 season
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Round Table Conferences (India)) The three Round Table Conferences of 1930 -- 32 were a series of conferences organized by the British Government to discuss constitutional reforms in India . They were conducted as per the recommendation of Jinnah to Viceroy Lord Irwin and Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald , and by the report submitted by the Simon Commission in May 1930 . Demands for swaraj , or self - rule , in India had been growing increasingly strong . By the 1930s , many British politicians believed that India needed to move towards dominion status . However , there were significant disagreements between the Indian and the British political parties that the Conferences would not resolve . Document [1](Title: Round Table Conferences (India)) was still Prime Minister of Britain, he was by this time heading a coalition Government (the "National Government") with a Conservative majority. It was held in London in September 1931. The discussion led to the passing of the Government Of India act of 1935. The second session opened on September 7, 1931. There were three major differences between the first and second Round Table Conferences. By the second: During the Conference, Gandhi could not reach agreement with the Muslims on Muslim representation and safeguards. At the end of the conference Ramsay MacDonald undertook to produce a Communal Award for minority Document [2](Title: Nehru Report) Nehru Report The Nehru Report of 28-30 August, 1928 was a memorandum outlining a proposed new dominion status constitution for India. It was prepared by a committee of the All Parties Conference chaired by Motilal Nehru with his son Jawaharlal Nehru acting as secretary. There were nine other members in this committee. The final report was signed by Motilal Nehru, Ali Imam, Tej Bahadur Sapru, Madhav Shrihari Aney, Mangal Singh, Shuaib Qureshi, Subhas Chandra Bose, and G. R. Pradhan. Shuaib Qureshi disagreed with some of the recommendations. British policy, until almost the end of the Raj, was that the timing Document [3](Title: Purna Swaraj) open session of Congress that sought a complete break with the British, Gandhi admonished the move: You may take the name of independence on your lips but all your muttering will be an empty formula if there is no honour behind it. If you are not prepared to stand by your words, where will independence be? The amendment was rejected, by 1350 to 973, and the resolution was fully adopted. On 31 October 1929, the Viceroy of India, Lord Irwin announced that the government would meet with Indian representatives in London for a Round Table Conference. To facilitate Indian participation, Document [4](Title: Round Table Conferences (India)) to a strong Centre. The British agreed that representative government should be introduced on provincial level. Other important discussions were the responsibility of the executive to the legislature and a separate electorate for the Untouchables as demanded by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. The Congress had boycotted the first conference was requested to come to a settlement by Sapru, M. R. Jayakar and V. S. Srinivasa Sastri. A settlement between Mahatma Gandhi and Viceroy Lord Irwin known as the Gandhi–Irwin Pact was reached and Gandhi was appointed as the sole representative of the Congress to the second Round Table Conference. Although MacDonald Document [5](Title: British Raj) the British government eventually gave in, and in 1931 Gandhi travelled to London to negotiate new reform at the Round Table Conferences. In local terms, British control rested on the Indian Civil Service (ICS), but it faced growing difficulties. Fewer and fewer young men in Britain were interested in joining, and the continuing distrust of Indians resulted in a declining base in terms of quality and quantity. By 1945 Indians were numerically dominant in the ICS and at issue was loyal divided between the Empire and independence. The finances of the Raj depended on land taxes, and these became problematic Document [6](Title: Mahatma Gandhi) the self-rule by Indians. The British side sought reforms that would keep Indian subcontinent as a colony. The British negotiators proposed constitutional reforms on a British Dominion model that established separate electorates based on religious and social divisions. The British questioned the Congress party and Gandhi's authority to speak for all of India. They invited Indian religious leaders, such as Muslims and Sikhs, to press their demands along religious lines, as well as B. R. Ambedkar as the representative leader of the untouchables. Gandhi vehemently opposed a constitution that enshrined rights or representations based on communal divisions, because he feared Document [7](Title: Direct Action Day) presidium of the Congress. On 10 July, however, Jawaharlal Nehru, the Congress President, held a press conference in Bombay declaring that although the Congress had agreed to participate in the Constituent Assembly, it reserved the right to modify the Cabinet Mission Plan as it saw fit. Fearing Hindu domination in the Constituent Assembly, Jinnah rejected the British Cabinet Mission plan for transfer of power to an interim government which would combine both the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress, and decided to boycott the Constituent Assembly. In July 1946, Jinnah held a press conference at his home in Bombay. Question: when was the first round table conference held Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Blue Bloods episodes) Season Episodes Originally aired Nielsen ratings First aired Last aired Rank Viewers ( in millions ) 22 September 24 , 2010 ( 2010 - 09 - 24 ) May 13 , 2011 ( 2011 - 05 - 13 ) 19 12.58 22 September 23 , 2011 ( 2011 - 09 - 23 ) May 11 , 2012 ( 2012 - 05 - 11 ) 22 12.16 23 September 28 , 2012 ( 2012 - 09 - 28 ) May 10 , 2013 ( 2013 - 05 - 10 ) 14 13.17 22 September 27 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 27 ) May 9 , 2014 ( 2014 - 05 - 09 ) 10 13.63 5 22 September 26 , 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 26 ) May 1 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 01 ) 13 13.77 6 22 September 25 , 2015 ( 2015 - 09 - 25 ) May 6 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 06 ) 10 13.07 7 22 September 23 , 2016 ( 2016 - 09 - 23 ) May 5 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 05 ) 8 14.07 8 22 September 29 , 2017 ( 2017 - 09 - 29 ) TBA TBA TBA Document [1](Title: List of Attack on Titan episodes) Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 25 April 7 , 2013 ( 2013 - 04 - 07 ) September 29 , 2013 ( 2013 - 09 - 29 ) 12 April 1 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 01 ) June 17 , 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 17 ) 12 July 23 , 2018 ( 2018 - 07 - 23 ) TBA Document [2](Title: List of Wynonna Earp episodes) Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 13 April 1 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 01 ) June 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 06 - 24 ) 12 June 9 , 2017 ( 2017 - 06 - 09 ) August 25 , 2017 ( 2017 - 08 - 25 ) Document [3](Title: Big Brother 8 (U.S.)) following Tuesday's show had the same rating. Tuesday shows are typically the highest rated among the three episodes every week, with Thursday in second and Sunday, a competitive night in television, in last among all three recap shows. Sunday, August 5's episode, became the first edition of the season that rated higher than the launch show and the first of the season to receive a 5.0 in preliminary ratings points. On August 23 another record was set: the first episode with 10% of the viewing audience and the first episode to read 5.3 in rating points and 8.1 million viewers, Document [4](Title: The Drew Carey Show) during the season; however, the ratings share was a drop of 3.5% from the second season. During its fourth season (1998–1999), the series finished the season in the Nielsen ratings higher in the Top 20 making it to 14th place but with an average rating of 9.9, a decrease of 10.8% from the third season. The show finished its fifth season (1999–2000) 24th in the Nielsen ratings, the first time since season one that the show was not in the Top 20, with an average rating of 9.5, a decrease of 4% from the fourth season. This was a smaller Document [5](Title: BoJack Horseman) Season Episodes Originally released 12 August 22 , 2014 Special December 19 , 2014 12 July 17 , 2015 12 July 22 , 2016 12 September 8 , 2017 Document [6](Title: Big Brother 11 (U.S.)) end of the season. The viewing public placed more than 24 million votes during the season including over 11 million votes for the seventh jury vote. "Rating" is the estimated percentage of all televisions tuned to the show, and "share" is the percentage of all televisions "in use" that are tuned in. "Viewers" is the estimated number viewers that watched a program either while it was broadcast or watched via DVR on the same day the program was broadcast. After two weeks into the season several news sites began to compare the American and British version of the show, which Document [7](Title: Criminal Minds) ratings hit for CBS, regularly featuring as one of the network's most-watched cable shows throughout its decade-long run. The show's success has spawned a media franchise, with several spinoffs, including a South Korean adaptation and a video game. Following the conclusion of the thirteenth season, CBS renewed the show for a fourteenth season, which premiered on October 3, 2018. Every episode includes one or more quotations that are tangentially connected to the crimes under investigation, recited by a main character. Most often, one quotation is heard after the opening credits, and another at the end of the episode. When the Question: when does season eight of blue bloods come out Answer:
September 29 , 2017
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Fraser River) The Fraser River / ˈfreɪzər / is the longest river within British Columbia , Canada , rising at Fraser Pass near Blackrock Mountain in the Rocky Mountains and flowing for 1,375 kilometres ( 854 mi ) , into the Strait of Georgia at the city of Vancouver . It is the 10th longest river in Canada . The river 's annual discharge at its mouth is 112 cubic kilometres ( 27 cu mi ) or 3,550 cubic metres per second ( 125,000 cu ft / s ) , and it discharges 20 million tons of sediment into the ocean . Document [1](Title: Grand Canyon of the Fraser) Grand Canyon of the Fraser The Grand Canyon of the Fraser is a short gorge on the Fraser River in central British Columbia about 30km upstream from the confluence of the Bowron River and about 100km due east of downtown Prince George, British Columbia. Just downstream of the canyon, which pierces a rocky ridge, is a stretch of water called Scow Rapids, where towropes from the gorge's banks dragged vessels and rafts upstream. The canyon is located in the section of the Sugarbowl-Grizzly Den Provincial Park and Protected Area that is about 6km south-southwest of Hutton. This stretch of the Document [2](Title: Moose River (British Columbia)) Moose River (British Columbia) The Moose River is a river in Mount Robson Provincial Park of British Columbia. It is the first "river" tributary of the Fraser, entering the Fraser just above the inlet to Moose Lake, which is along the course of the Fraser and not the Moose. The Moose River originates about southeast of "Moose Pass" and flows southeast for about before turning south at its confluence with Campion Creek. The river flows south briefly before gradually turning from south to southwest over a stretch of about . The river than goes south once again until its confluence Document [3](Title: Whitewater recreation in British Columbia) Whitewater recreation in British Columbia Whitewater recreation in British Columbia is available in most of the province. Except for north-central and northeast British Columbia, the province is mainly mountains with a correspondingly large number of rivers. The largest drainages are the Peace River in the northeast, the Fraser River from north central to southwest and the Columbia River which drains the southeast before flowing into the United States. In addition there is the massive drainage that flows into the Pacific Ocean along the entire length of the province's Coast Mountains. The listings of whitewater opportunities are organized in keeping with Document [4](Title: Moose Lake (British Columbia)) Moose Lake (British Columbia) Moose Lake is the only lake along the course of the Fraser River. It is located along the upper reaches of the river about 3.9 km downstream from the mouth of the Moose River. Moose Lake is a long, medium width lake that is wider at its inlet and the farther you move down toward the outlet, the thinner it gets. It is 11.7 km long and 1.9 km wide at its widest point which is near its inlet. At its east end, the Fraser flows into the lake after flowing through a marsh. The river Document [5](Title: Duncan River) Duncan River The Duncan River is a long river in the Canadian province of British Columbia. Its drainage basin is in area. It is part of the Columbia River basin, being tributary via Kootenay Lake to the Kootenay River, which is a tributary of the Columbia River. It forms part of the boundary between the Selkirk Mountains, to its west, and the Purcell Mountains, to its east (the boundary northwards is the Beaver River). The Duncan River originates near Mount Dawson and flows south through the Purcell Trench between the Selkirk Mountains and Purcell Mountains. It flows into Duncan Lake, Document [6](Title: Magaguadavic River) Magaguadavic River The Magaguadavic River is an historic Canadian river located in the province of New Brunswick. The name "Magaguadavic" is a Maliseet / Passamaquoddy term that is believed to translate into "River of Eels". It is most commonly pronounced "mack-uh-day-vick" or "mack-uh-day-vee". With a meander length of , the Magaguadavic River is the sixth longest river in the province. It rises as an outlet of Magaguadavic Lake in York County, flowing south through a low coastal mountain range called the St. Croix Highlands before emptying into Passamaquoddy Bay, a sub-basin of the Bay of Fundy. The river has 103 Document [7](Title: Nautley River) Features. The river is entirely on the Nadleh Whut'en First Nation reserve. Nautley River Nautley River (Dakelh: "Nadlehkoh") drains Fraser Lake into the Nechako River in the Central Interior of British Columbia, Canada. Only long, it is the shortest river in the province and one of the shortest rivers in the world, along with Powell River (also known as Powell Creek), the Wannock River at Rivers Inlet, and the Little River connecting Shuswap and Little Shuswap Lakes. There is a long-standing feud between proponents of Powell Creek and those of the Nautley River over which body is the shortest. However, Question: where does the fraser river in bc start Answer:
Fraser Pass near Blackrock Mountain
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Miss World 2017) Miss World 2017 Date 18 November 2017 Presenters Fernando Allende Angela Chow Megan Young Frankie Cena Barney Walsh Steve Douglas Entertainment Kristian Kostov Jeffrey Li Celine Tam Venue Sanya City Arena , Sanya , China Broadcaster E ! Direct TV Entrants 118 Placements 40 Debuts Armenia Laos Senegal Withdrawals Antigua and Barbuda Belarus DR Congo Costa Rica Czech Republic Guinea - Bissau Haiti Kyrgyzstan Latvia Malaysia Puerto Rico Sierra Leone Saint Lucia Uganda US Virgin Islands Returns Angola Bangladesh Cameroon Cape Verde Ethiopia Greece Hong Kong Liberia Macau Madagascar Norway Zambia Zimbabwe Winner India -- Manushi Chhillar ← 2016 2018 → Document [1](Title: Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters) World 2017 and Miss Universe 2017, but since the dates of the two pageants coincided, she was sent only to Miss Universe, held in Las Vegas, Nevada. In the final round Steve Harvey asked Nel-Peters, "What quality in yourself are you most proud of and how will you apply that quality to your time as Miss Universe?" She said:As Miss Universe you have to be confident in who you are as an individual. And Miss Universe is a woman that has overcome many fears and by that she is able to help other women to overcome their fears. She is Document [2](Title: Miss Universe 2012) host the pageant on 13 December. In July 2012, the Bangladeshi president announced that they will withdraw the host nation and will not host the pageant because they will find a new host in August. It was rumored that Guadalajara of Mexico, Isla Margarita of Venezuela, Sun City of South Africa, and Jakarta of Indonesia were to host the competition. But, in August 2012, the Dominican government received a proposal from the Miss Universe Organization to host the competition on 11 December. The Dominican Republic had once hosted the Miss Universe pageant in 1977 in Santo Domingo. The Miss Universe Document [3](Title: Miss T World) Miss International Queen 2015, and Rafaela Manfrini, Miss Trans Star International 2016. Miss T World Miss T World is a beauty pageant for transgender women. The event took place on September 23, in the Alberti Theater, in the village of Desenzano del Garda, near the city of Brescia, in the region of Lombardy, in Italy. The winner of the pageant, was Paula Bitushchini, the representative of Philippines, in the second place was for Sandy Lopes, the representative of Thailand. Alessia Cavalcanti was the representative of Italy. In the contest participated 16 candidates. The event counted with the presence of Marcela Document [4](Title: Miss Egypt) girls from across the country, The elimination took part over two rounds with 35 girls selected in round 1 and 20 final contestants are to enter the semi-finals (round 2), which was held at Citadel of Salah Ed-Din,then they participated in the qualifiers on the final round for the title of Miss Egypt 2014. The ceremony was held in Sharm el Sheikh on the 27 of September 2014. Lara Debbane was crowned Miss Egypt 2014 and will represent Egypt in Miss Universe 2014, Amina Ashraf was crowned Miss Egypt World 2014 and Nancy Magdy was crowned Miss Egypt Earth 2014. Document [5](Title: Big Four international beauty pageants) and 2015 (Miss Universe and Miss Earth). In Miss World, three back-to-back victories have been recorded. In its first two editions, Sweden recorded back-to-back with Kiki Hakansson and May-Louise Flodin in Miss World 1951 and Miss World 1952, respectively. United Kingdom contestants Ann Sidney and Lesley Langley duplicated this feat in Miss World 1964 and Miss World 1965, respectively, in London. The most recent back-to-back Miss World victories came from India, with Yukta Mookhey in Miss World 1999 and Priyanka Chopra in Miss World 2000 edition. In Miss Universe, Venezuela became the first country to win back-to-back in Miss Universe Document [6](Title: Miss Bangladesh) Bangladeshi contestant. Bangladesh has not sent a representative to Miss World since 2001. The pageant returned briefly for one year in 2007 and was organized by and sponsored by Motherland Group/Cinevision. However, the winner did not take part in Miss World. After 16 years later Antar Showbiz was created Miss World Bangladesh to give Bangladesh the opportunity to participate in the "Miss World" pageant again. Miss Bangladesh Miss Bangladesh or well-known as "Miss World Bangladesh" is a beauty pageant in Bangladesh. It sends a Bangladesh representative to Miss World. The Miss Bangladesh Contest was first organized in 1994, but Document [7](Title: Miss World Australia) Miss World Australia Miss World Australia is a national beauty pageant that has selected Australia's representative to the Miss World pageant since 2002. The current Miss World Australia is Taylah Cannon from Melbourne, Victoria who will compete at the international Miss World 2018. Should Miss World Australia win the Miss World title, she will be required to live in London during her reign. Two Australian representatives have won the Miss World title, in 1968 and 1972. Miss World Australia holds an annual pageant to identify young Australian women who exemplify beauty, talent, intelligence and compassion. It aims to create and Question: who was the host of miss world 2017 Answer:
Megan Young
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: List of Tokyo Ghoul characters) The main protagonist of the story , Ken Kaneki ( 金 木 研 , Kaneki Ken ) is a 19 - year - old university freshman that receives an organ transplant from Rize , who was trying to kill him before she was struck by a fallen I - beam and seemingly killed . After the operation Kaneki develops ghoul - like tendencies and characteristics , and his rationality begins to wane . As one that now does n't belong to humans or ghouls he struggles to keep his ghoul identity secret , always fighting against his ghoul side while trying to continue to live like a normal human . He later works as a waiter for Anteiku under Yoshimura 's guidance . After his fight with a CCG investigator named Amon he gains the name Eye Patch ( 眼帯 ) because of his mask 's design and becomes somewhat famous after a ghoul saw him defeating the investigator . He loves to read and is normally quiet and reserved but can also be calculating when fighting . He has a bad trait of easily trusting strangers which sometimes puts him in life - threatening situations . After being kidnapped by the ghoul run organization known as Aogiri Tree , he is mercilessly tortured by a sadistic ghoul named Yakumo Ōmori ( Yamori ) , and later develops similar traits to his torturer . While being tortured he has hallucinations of Rize in which she mocks him about his mother , which leads to him finally embracing his inner ghoul . His view on strength changes and he goes on a power hungry path by cannibalizing other ghouls in order to get stronger . The continued cannibalization led him to become a half kakuja , where he develops a centipede shaped kagune and gains the alias Centipede ( 百足 ) . After the incident at Kanō 's Lab , Kaneki begins to regret this path and begins reflecting on his actions and motives . Document [1](Title: Mein Ek Din Laut Kay Aaoon Ga) and forcibly take possession of all the property. But unknown to the Khans, Zoheb survives the fall at the cost of having his face mutilated. Enters his savior, plastic surgeon Dr Azim (Nadeem), who not only gives him a new face but a new name as well, Babar (Humayun Saeed). But Zoheb’s new identity also has a past and it is only when Sherry (Nausheen Sardar) enters the picture that he finds out about it. Sherry wants revenge over wrongs Babar had committed against her, and attempts to kill Zoheb, not realizing that the man with Babar's face is actually Document [2](Title: Battlefield Baseball) Their matches erupt into brutal battlefields, Gedo slaughtering its opponents in any way possible, and the competing team vainly struggling for their lives. The Gedo team is almost inhuman in its slaughter, and their bizarre weapons and attire coupled with their green-grey skin only increase this reputation. Understandably, Kocho is distressed—not only at the likely murder of his students, but at the loss of yet another chance to win the Koshien Stadium Tournament. Much to his delight, however, is the appearance of mysterious newcomer Jubeh, played by Tak Sakaguchi. Jubeh rescues Four Eyes (Megane, so named because of his eyeglasses.), Document [3](Title: Silence of the Slams) make this special "luchador" mask. Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) investigate when the body is discovered. Benito warns Goyo to only wear the mask in the ring, but Goyo cannot resist the power and wears it in his apartment and on the street. He encounters one of his opponents in an alley and, unable to control himself, kills him. Nick and Hank visit the scene of the killing and gain leads indicating Goyo and Benito's involvement. Meanwhile, Goyo seeks Benito's help to get the now-unremoveable mask off. Nick, Hank, Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell), and Rosalee (Bree Turner) enter Document [4](Title: Ken Arok) people were sent to catch him, but none were successful. One day Ken Arok met with Mpu Lohgawe, an Indian rishi who patiently taught Ken Arok to abandon his sinful life and start a new life. Lohgawe proclaimed Arok as an avatar of Vishnu. His effort was successful and later he managed to get Ken Arok to become an attendant of Tunggul Ametung, a powerful regional leader of the Tumapel area. By chance Ken Arok accidentally saw Ken Dedes, a beautiful wife of Tunggul Ametung, when she was taking a bath. Legend says when the wind blew over her dress Document [5](Title: Chopper (film)) one of his old victims, Neville Bartos (Vince Colosimo). He tracks Bartos down, shoots him and takes him to the hospital, unabashedly claiming that he has a "green light" courtesy of the Police "to exterminate scum". When Chopper learns that he is now the target of a death-contract, he goes after his old friend Jimmy, only to find him worn out and poverty stricken by drugs with a daughter and a junkie fiancée who is pregnant with another child. He kills a criminal known as Siam "Sammy the Turk" Ozerkam at a bar, but gets away with it by claiming Document [6](Title: Books of Swords) a powerful sorcerer and master of many demons. He will do anything to gain an upper hand over his enemies; as a younger man he gouged out his own eyes as a sacrifice in order to gain the power required to get revenge over those who had wronged him. Since then he uses minor demons kept in thrall to give him a bizarre form of telepathic vision. He traditionally wears black cloaks over stylized armor. He bears a ringlet of gold on his brow that keeps his long silver hair swept back. His eye sockets are empty—Vilkata wears no patches Document [7](Title: Phantom Blood) has been poisoning his father. Jonathan's search for an antidote takes him to London's dodgy Ogre Street, earning the friendship of a bowler-wearing mugger named Robert E. O. Speedwagon. Speedwagon leads him to Dio's accomplice: a black market apothecary named Wang Chan. At the same time, Dio intends to arrange a freak accident to kill Jonathan with the stone mask, testing the mask on a drunkard. However, the mask instead turns the drunk into a powerful vampire who nearly kills Dio before being destroyed by sunlight. Returning to the mansion and finding his scheme exposed, Dio attempts to kill Jonathan Question: what is the main characters name in tokyo ghoul Answer:
Ken Kaneki
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: A Century Is Not Enough) A Century is Not Enough : My Roller - coaster Ride to Success ( 2018 ) is an English experience - based ( not an autobiography ) book written by former Indian cricketer and captain Sourav Ganguly . The book was first published by Juggernaut on 24 February 2018 . Document [1](Title: Thunder Run (Kentucky Kingdom)) list. "Inside Track" magazine ranked "Thunder Run" as the "fourth best of its kind in the nation." In 2007, the "Lexington Herald-Leader" described the ride as having "a few nice drops and that jerky, clicking wooden coaster feel that some people love, but it never gets too wild." Tim O'Brien, formerly of "Amusement Business", rode the inaugural run of the ride in 1990, as well as the first cycle of the refurbished ride in 2013. O'Brien describes the updated ride as "a better ride today than it was back then," commending the ride's ability to give a classic wooden roller Document [2](Title: Rough Ride (book)) Rough Ride (book) Rough Ride is a William Hill Sports Book of the Year, written by Irish journalist Paul Kimmage in 1990. It is an autobiography that charts the author's upbringing in Dublin and his obsession with cycling, which started with his father being a top-level Irish amateur. Paul Kimmage was Irish junior champion before riding for an amateur squad in Paris and becoming a professional with a French team, RMO, in 1986. He rode the Tour de France in 1986, 1987 and 1989. His book tells of his disappointing experiences as a professional and he claims widespread use of Document [3](Title: Future (Future album)) holding pattern." Chase McMullen, an author for "The 405", said, "In a genre that's hard on longevity, and an era with an even shorter attention span, Future has refused to lose, time and again. He certainly doesn't end here. Yet, after a year of baited breathing, we seem to have arrived at an in-between. There's still plenty of fun to be had in the waiting room, but let's hope he has more in store for the next appointment." Sheldon Pearce of "Pitchfork", noted the album for being " ambitious Future exhibition" with "a pretty interesting array of textures, sonically." "Future" Document [4](Title: Millennium Roller Coaster) miles away. For the 2018 season opening the ride has been totally refurbished with a brand new Vekoma train and paint job. The track is now bright pink with lime green supports and the new train features LED strip lights down both sides. Millennium Roller Coaster Millennium Roller Coaster is a roller coaster at Fantasy Island in Ingoldmells, England. It was built by Vekoma, a Dutch roller coaster manufacturer, to celebrate the arrival of the new millennium but despite its name, was opened in May 1999. It was Fantasy Island's first "Extreme Thrill Ride", and circles the parks centre piece, Document [5](Title: Century ride) of the century ride are obscure, but Dora Rinehart did century rides in Denver, CO, in the 1890s. The TOSRV began in 1962 with two riders. The Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour started in 1972 with eighty riders. The Apple Cider Century dates back to 1974. Century ride A century ride is a road cycling ride of 100 miles (160.9 km) or more within 12 hours, usually as a cycling club-sponsored event. Many cycling clubs sponsor an annual century ride as both a social event for cyclists and as a fund-raiser for the club’s other activities. A "sanctioned" century ride is Document [6](Title: Echoes (Anggun album)) of a woman remembering painful momentsof her life. And yet, without any excess exoticism or pointless clichés, you find subtle traces of the singer’s Indonesian roots via the various subjects she tackles. "Eternal" talks of accepting the death of a loved one, without seeking to squeeze a tear out of the listener at any cost. On the other hand, the extremely sensual "Rollercoaster", composed by Axel Bauer, conjures up the passion and sense of drama that can be part of the singer's life as well. Many women will identify with the themes of the album: an upbeat girl’s power message Document [7](Title: The Centrifuge Brain Project) activity would decrease when "riding high-speed, vomit-inducing amusement park rides," and concluded that while they were unable to decide their favorite of the seven, they enjoyed how protagonist Dr. Nick Laslowicz "tries to convince us that 'gravity is a mistake' and that brain activity actually increases when a person experiences his terrifyingly impossible park rides. Obviously, as a joke, all logic is thrown out of the window." Casey Chan of "Gizmodo" praised the film, writing "I don't like riding roller coasters because I'm a big weenie when it comes to mechanical excitement. But I have no problem believing that I Question: who is the writer of a century is not enough Answer:
Sourav Ganguly
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Colony of Virginia) The founder of the new colony was the Virginia Company , with the first two settlements in Jamestown on the north bank of the James River and Popham Colony on the Kennebec River in modern - day Maine , both in 1607 . The Popham colony quickly failed due to a famine , disease , and conflict with local Native American tribes in the first two years . Jamestown occupied land belonging to the Powhatan Confederacy , and was also at the brink of failure before the arrival of a new group of settlers and supplies by ship in 1610 . Tobacco became Virginia 's first profitable export , the production of which had a significant impact on the society and settlement patterns . Document [1](Title: Colony of Virginia) Colony of Virginia The Colony of Virginia, chartered in 1606 and settled in 1607, was the first enduring English colony in North America, following failed proprietary attempts at settlement on Newfoundland by Sir Humphrey Gilbert in 1583, and the subsequent further south Roanoke Island (modern eastern North Carolina) by Sir Walter Raleigh in the late 1580s. The founder of the new colony was the Virginia Company, with the first two settlements in Jamestown on the north bank of the James River and Popham Colony on the Kennebec River in modern-day Maine, both in 1607. The Popham colony quickly failed due Document [2](Title: James River) first five years, despite many hopes of gold and riches, these ships sent little of monetary value back to the sponsors. In 1612, businessman John Rolfe successfully cultivated a non-native strain of tobacco which proved popular in England. Soon, the river became the primary means of exporting the large hogsheads of this cash crop from an ever-growing number of plantations with wharfs along its banks. This development made the proprietary efforts of the Virginia Company of London successful financially, spurring even more development, investments and immigration. Below the falls at Richmond, many James River plantations had their own wharfs, and Document [3](Title: London Company) attacked by Native Americans, and the settlers moved north. On 14 May 1607, these first settlers selected the site of Jamestown Island, further upriver and on the northern shore, as the place to build their fort. In addition to survival, the early colonists were expected to make a profit for the owners of the Virginia Company. Although the settlers were disappointed that gold did not wash up on the beach and gems did not grow in the trees, they realised there was great potential for wealth of other kinds in their new home. Early industries, such as glass manufacture, pitch Document [4](Title: Tobacco in the American colonies) harvested his inaugural crop for sale on the European market. Rolfe’s tobacco operation was an instant boom for American exports. As the English increasingly used tobacco products, tobacco in the American colonies became significant economic force, especially in the tidewater region surrounding the Chesapeake Bay. Vast plantations were built along the rivers of Virginia, and social/economic systems developed to grow and distribute this cash crop. In 1713, the General Assembly (under the leadership of Governor Alexander Spotswood) passed a Tobacco Act requiring the inspection of all tobacco intended for export or for use as legal tender. In 1730, the Virginia Document [5](Title: Thirteen Colonies) In 1606 , King James I of England granted charters to both the Plymouth Company and the London Company for the purpose of establishing permanent settlements in North America . The London Company established the Colony and Dominion of Virginia in 1607 , the first permanently settled English colony on the North American continent . The Plymouth Company founded the Popham Colony on the Kennebec River , but it was short - lived . The Plymouth Council for New England sponsored several colonization projects , culminating with Plymouth Colony in 1620 which was settled by the English Puritans , known today as the Pilgrims . The Dutch , Swedish , and French also established successful North American colonies at roughly the same time as the English , but they eventually came under the English crown . The Thirteen Colonies were complete with the establishment of the Province of Georgia in 1732 , although the term '' Thirteen Colonies '' became current only in the context of the American Revolution . Document [6](Title: Tobacco in the American colonies) crops and inept at managing their land, slaves, and assets. Washington excused his situation thusly: In conjunction with a global financial crisis and growing animosity toward British rule, tobacco interests helped unite disparate colonial players and produced some of the most vocal revolutionaries behind the call for American independence. A spirit of rebellion arose from their claims that insurmountable debts prevented the exercise of basic human freedoms. John Rolfe, a colonist from Jamestown, was the first colonist to grow tobacco in America. He arrived in Virginia with tobacco seeds procured on an earlier voyage to Trinidad, and in 1612 he Document [7](Title: Jamestown supply missions) two of grain-meal per day. Further, the worst drought in 700 years occurred in the area between 1606 and 1612, affecting the Jamestown colonist and local Powhatan tribe’s ability to produce food and obtain a safe supply of water. In addition to settling, the early colonists were expected to make a profit for the owners of the Company. The early settlers were excited by the apparent availability of gold, and from the outset settlers attempted to produce timber for export, given the seemingly inexhaustible supply within Virginia's virgin forests. However, they could not devote much time to developing commodity products, Question: what was the foundation of the virginia colony's early economy Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Jerry Douglas (actor)) Jerry Douglas ( born November 12 , 1932 ) is an American television and film actor . For 25 years Jerry Douglas reigned in fictional Genoa City as patriarch John Abbott on the daytime television serial The Young and the Restless . In 2006 , his character was killed off , however , he has made special appearances since then . Document [1](Title: Traci Abbott) to Jack that her return to Genoa City was sparked by issues with her marriage to Steve following Colleen's death. Traci Abbott Traci Abbott is a fictional character from the American CBS soap opera, "The Young and the Restless". Created and introduced by William J. Bell, the role has been portrayed by Beth Maitland since 1982. Traci is the youngest daughter of John Abbott and Dina Mergeron. Initially a short-term role that would last three months, Maitland impressed the series' producers and was placed on contract, remaining until 1996. Traci was known for her relationship with Danny Romalotti and her Document [2](Title: Paul Rauch) 1981. Following his stint on "Another World" (1972-1982), "Lovers and Friends", "For Richer For Poorer", "Texas" (1980-1981), he produced "One Life to Live" from 1983 to 1991 - and as executive producer from 1984 to 1991. In addition, he was the executive producer of the serial "Santa Barbara" from 1991 to 1993, and "Guiding Light" from 1996 to 2002. From 2003 to 2005, he was an executive consulting producer to a period-drama that aired on Russian television, called "Bednaya Nastya". From 2008 to 2011, he was the executive producer of the serial "The Young and the Restless". On the final Document [3](Title: Mariah Copeland) the character is." The following month, it was revealed that the character's name was Mariah Copeland, the ex-girlfriend of already established character Tyler Michaelson (Redaric Williams). In May 2014, Grimes announced that she was now on contract with "The Young and the Restless". In a featured interview with "Soaps in Depth", Grimes stated: "Looking back after a year, it's kind of crazy to see how things have developed. I'm playing a completely new character and I'm under contract — I would never have guessed that a year ago it would've turned into this!" Mariah experienced an "emotionally deprived youth", and Document [4](Title: Amber Moore) contract expired in June 2005. That October, it was announced that Frantz would reprise the role on "The Young and the Restless", introduced by former executive producer and head writer Lynn Marie Latham. When the character joined the show's sister soap, her intentions laid the same, to try and attract a handsome bartender Cane Ashby who was destined for a fortune (thought to be Phillip Chancellor III). In 2010, it was announced Frantz would be leaving "The Young and the Restless" and returning to "The Bold and the Beautiful". For her portrayal, Frantz has won a Daytime Emmy Award for Document [5](Title: Matt Young) in the Toronto Blue Jays organization, before being released a final time in September 1993. Matt Young Matthew John Young (born August 9, 1958) an American former professional baseball player. Young played eleven seasons in Major League Baseball for a variety of teams over his career, and is best known for his unofficial no-hitter against the Cleveland Indians while a member of the Boston Red Sox. Young was born in Pasadena, California in 1958. He attended the University of California Los Angeles. While at UCLA, he was drafted by the Seattle Mariners, in the second round of the 1980 amateur Document [6](Title: Tyler Michaelson) wrongly convicted for the murder of their mother, Belinda, and they changed their names, originally being Davis and Valerie. In August 2012, with the installation of new executive producer Jill Farren Phelps and head writer Josh Griffith, "The Young and the Restless" released a casting call for the contract role of "Tyler Douglas". A casting call released for the role of Lily led to speculation that the producers were recasting the role of Lily's brother, Devon Hamilton, portrayed by Bryton James. However, Phelps later confirmed that Tyler was a new character. Williams' audition tape would later surface revealing some very Document [7](Title: Thomas Dekker (actor)) at age six, Dekker was first seen in the soap "The Young and the Restless". He then appeared in "Star Trek Generations," two episodes of "Star Trek Voyager" and "Village of the Damned". Dekker has also appeared as a child actor on "Seinfeld" (season 5, episode 16, 1994) and as Bobby (season 7, episode 4, 1995.) In 1997, he became a regular on the Disney Channel show "" which is based on the movie of the same name where he played Nick Szalinski for three years. After the show ended in 2000, he went on to appear in "Run of Question: who played john abbott on the young and restless Answer:
Jerry Douglas
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: B.J. Penn) Recognized for his role in the resurgence of the lightweight division , Penn is considered to have been the division 's most influential figure , turning the weight class around ( in bouts with Sean Sherk , Kenny Florian , Diego Sanchez , Jens Pulver , and Joe Stevenson ) to become one of the UFC 's most popular , at a time when they had considered disbanding the division altogether and many publications had questioned whether lighter - weights could be successful . His nickname , The Prodigy originates prior to him competing in mixed martial arts , from accomplishing his extraordinary feat in the sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ( earning his black belt in just under three years and winning the black belt division in the World Jiu - Jitsu Championship only three weeks later ) . His biography on the UFC website expressed this accomplishment as '' an astonishing achievement in a sport where it takes the average athlete ten years or more to reach black belt status . Document [1](Title: B.J. Penn) against rival, Frankie Edgar for the 19th season of "The Ultimate Fighter". This move marked Penn's second appearance serving as a head coach for The Ultimate Fighter, his first being "The Ultimate Fighter 5", opposite Jens Pulver. The season aired on "Fox Sports 1" and featured middleweight and light heavyweight contestants. The two coaches faced each other for the third time on July 6, 2014 at . Penn returned to Nova União under coach Andre Pederneiras (who promoted Penn to black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in 1999) in preparation for his fight camp against Edgar; training alongside former UFC Bantamweight Document [2](Title: Oswaldo Fadda) Oswaldo Fadda Oswaldo Baptista Fadda (January 15, 1921 – April 1, 2005) was a practitioner of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, reaching the rank of "nono grau", a ninth grade red belt. He is known for being one of the highest ranked non-Gracie black belts and also for teaching students from the poorer areas of Rio de Janeiro, where jiu-jitsu was regarded as an upper-class sport. Fadda's lineage, the most prominent second to the Carlos Gracie lineage, still survives through his links with today's teams such as Nova União, Grappling Fight Team, as well as Deo Jiu-Jitsu (Deoclecio Paulo) and Equipe Mestre Wilson Document [3](Title: Eduardo de Lima) then on Carlos Gracie, Jr. was his instructor and awarded his brown and then black belt (the latter in 1997 after 8 years of training). As a purple belt, Eduardo was made an instructor for white belts and less experienced blue belts, but by the time he was promoted to brown belt, everyone was attending his class, including black belts. Once he reached the rank of black belt, Eduardo was made the head instructor of Gracie Barra. Roger Gracie, one of the most successful BJJ competitors today, was one of his pupils in the children's class during his tenure as Document [4](Title: Matt Serra) an early age. As a teenager he began competing in wrestling. At age of 18 he began Brazilian jiu-jitsu and won first place at the Brazilian jiu-jitsu Pan American games in 1999 and won third place at the 1999 World Championships in Brazil in the brown belt division. Continuing his Martial Arts career, he competed in the ADCC Submission Wrestling World Championship choking out Takanori Gomi, winning a decision over Jean-Jacques Machado, and placing 2nd in the 66–76 kg division after forfeiting the final against Marcio Feitosa due to being told to step down by Renzo Gracie as part of Document [5](Title: Roger Gracie) Roger Gracie Roger Gracie Gomes (born September 26, 1981) is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner and a mixed martial artist. A member of the Gracie family, he is the son of Reila Gracie (daughter of Carlos Gracie) and Mauricio Motta Gomes. Roger was awarded his black belt by his cousin Renzo Gracie at the behest of Carlos Gracie, Jr. whilst training in New York in 2003. He is currently a fourth degree black belt. Roger Gracie is the founder and head instructor at The Roger Gracie Academy located in Kensington, London, England. Notable Black belt promotions include Raymond Stevens (judoka), Nick Document [6](Title: Jack Johnson (boxer)) display some powerful moves and punches. There are films of his fights in which he can be seen holding up his opponent, who otherwise might have fallen, until he recovered. His style of playing with his opponents was very effective, but his style was also criticized by the press as being a cowardly fighting approach. In contrast, world heavyweight champion "Gentleman" Jim Corbett had used many of the same techniques a decade earlier, and was praised by the press as "the cleverest man in boxing". Johnson beat former black heavyweight champ Frank Childs on October 21, 1902. Childs had twice Document [7](Title: Midhun Jith) National Karate Champion, twenty-one-time State Karate Champion, and three-time National Open fight champion. He won the Indian National Open Kickboxing Championship. He won the King of Kumite title in 2012. Jith started his martial arts career at 7 years old with his younger brother Nithinjith. He trained in Shito-ryu Karate, and began to learn Taekwondo and Judo under koshy Gireesh PK (7th Dan Black belt )from an early age. His first achievement was in a Taekwondo district championship. He won gold in the championship. He won gold for judo at the District level in 2002. He won his first national Question: how fast did bj penn get his black belt Answer:
in just under three years
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Alex Vause) In the first episode , Vause promises Chapman that she will lie to protect her in the upcoming trial of her former boss Kubra Balik . She breaks this promise , however , and , after testifying against Balik , Vause manages to secure release from prison while Chapman remains incarcerated . After discovering that Balik was not imprisoned for his crimes , Vause fears for her life ; she is also unable to leave her apartment due to the terms of her parole . She visits Chapman in prison and confides in her that she is scared ; Chapman then gets Bloom to tell Vause 's parole officer that Vause is breaking her parole , which lands her back in prison , where she is safe from Balik 's retribution . Document [1](Title: Alex Vause) and Chapman's relationship, while "one has always had power over the other in some form or another now [Vause and Chapman] are more or less on an even playing field". Joshua Alston of "The A.V. Club" said that Vause's return to prison "lands with a surprisingly soft impact". The character Stella "appears right on time to drive a wedge between [Chapman] and [Vause] just as a functional relationship becomes possible", and the show "manages to make [the looming love triangle] feel consequential." In her review of the third season, Jessica Kiang of "Indiewire" wrote that Vause and Chapman "come spectacularly Document [2](Title: Orange Is the New Black (season 1)) then shocked to discover that Alex Vause, her former lover (who recruited her into carrying drug money) is in the same prison. The inmates must campaign among their races for a coveted spot as a prisoners' representative. Piper steers clear of the bizarre political process but might not have a choice but to get involved. Larry's editor wants him to write an article about Piper's incarceration. Former high school track star Janae Watson returns from solitary confinement. Piper wants to reopen the outdoor track but Healy forces her to fulfill several potentially dangerous tasks before he will consider it. Officer Document [3](Title: Alex Vause) Lawler in "USA Today" suggested that, as opposed to how Chapman painted her, Vause's legitimate concerns over the danger she is in makes her one of the most rational individuals on the show. Perri Nemiroff of "Collider" said that Vause's season three flashbacks on her witnessing what her drug cartel boss is capable of made her present situation "far more dynamic and tense", giving her anxiety full credibility. Alan Sepinwall of "Uproxx" felt that Vause's flashback, like Nichols' in an earlier episode, was "covering familiar territory solely to support prominent stories each was getting in the present", but at least Document [4](Title: Duane Chapman) barber. In a 2007 interview for Fox News, Chapman claimed that while serving his sentence he tackled an inmate about to be shot for attempting to escape, and a congratulatory remark by a Corrections Officer inspired him to become a bounty hunter later. Chapman was paroled in January 1979. Because of his felony conviction, Chapman is not allowed to own a firearm. He has also been refused entry to the United Kingdom as a result of his conviction. On June 18, 2003, Chapman made international news by capturing Andrew Luster, who had fled the United States in the middle of Document [5](Title: Badrinath Ki Dulhania) police car pulls up and takes them to the police station. At the police station, Vaidehi covers for Badri despite him having kidnapped her and attempted to choke her. Over the next few days, Badri stalks Vaidehi. Alok calls and tells him that Ambar has started looking for other brides. This terrifies Badri and he attempts entry into Vaidehi's workplace. She stops him and tells him she'll marry him only if he can convince Ambar to let her work and live in Singapore. Badri gets drunk that night and causes a scene outside Vaidehi's residential building and they have to Document [6](Title: Dog the Bounty Hunter) the prison, in addition to serving as the warden’s barber. When an inmate was attempting to escape, Chapman tackled him, which prevented the escapee from being shot at by guards. This, in addition to Chapman’s overall good behavior, led to him being paroled after only 18 months. Inspired by his tackle, Chapman decided to pursue becoming a bounty hunter once released. Dog was seen in 2016 making an appearance with his wife using a cane, which is surprising for the active bounty hunter we saw for so many years. Production and airing of the show was halted by A&E on Document [7](Title: Alexandra Cabot) of the early episodes had already been written before she was added. Plans were made for later episodes to explain Cabot's return to New York, plus a greater exploration of her personal life and past, but the cancellation of "Conviction" made this moot. The explanation of Cabot's return from witness protection to the DA's office in "Conviction" was finally revealed in the "SVU" season-10 episode, "", where she reveals to the SVU detectives that she has been asked by DA Jack McCoy (Sam Waterston) to step in for Kim Greylek (Michaela McManus), when Greylek was called back to the Justice Question: where did alex vause go in season 2 Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Jaime Pressly) Jaime Elizabeth Pressly ( born July 30 , 1977 ) is an American actress and model . She is best known for playing Joy Turner on the NBC sitcom My Name Is Earl , for which she was nominated for two Emmy Awards ( winning one ) as well as a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award . She has also appeared in films such as Poison Ivy : The New Seduction ( 1997 ) , Joe Dirt ( 2001 ) , The Oogieloves ( 2012 ) , DOA : Dead or Alive ( 2006 ) , and I Love You , Man ( 2009 ) . She is currently in the cast of the CBS sitcom , Mom . Document [1](Title: My Name Is Earl) but also contains items involving his family. Initially Joy plots to kill or blackmail Earl for his lottery winnings, but later gives up. Joy marries Darnell Turner, a mutual friend who works at a local restaurant called the Crab Shack, and with whom she had been having an affair. In the Season One finale, Earl discovers he had bought the lotto tickets using money he stole from another person, but when he tries to return his winnings to that person, the latter is inflicted with bad karma, so he returns the money to Earl. The second season has Earl continuing Document [2](Title: Dwight's Speech) March 2, 2006. The episode received a 4.4 rating/10 percent share among adults between the ages of 18 and 49. This means that it was seen by 4.4 percent of all 18- to 49-year-olds, and 9 percent of all 18- to 49-year-olds watching television at the time of the broadcast. The episode was viewed by 8.4 million viewers, and retained 88 percent of its lead-in "My Name Is Earl" audience. An encore presentation of the episode on August 15 received a 1.9 rating/6 percent share and was viewed by over 4.6 million viewers and retained 100 percent of its lead-in Document [3](Title: Kathleen Turner) Turner had roles in "The Accidental Tourist" (1988), "The War of the Roses" (1989), "Serial Mom" (1994) and "Peggy Sue Got Married" (1986), for which she was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress. Turner later had roles in "The Virgin Suicides" (1999), "Baby Geniuses" (1999), and "Beautiful" (2000), as well as guest-starring on the NBC sitcom "Friends" as Chandler Bing's cross-dressing father Charles Bing, and in the third season of Showtime's "Californication" as Sue Collini, the jaded, sex-crazed owner of a talent agency. Turner has also done considerable work as a voice actress, namely as Jessica Rabbit in Document [4](Title: Lauren London) That same year, she played the character Cammy Alcott in the Chris Columbus film "I Love You, Beth Cooper". London has appeared on the covers of magazines such as "King" and "Jewel" as well. She appeared in "Tyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy Family", which was released on April 22, 2011. She also made a cameo appearance in the premiere of VH1's "Single Ladies". London joined the cast of the hit BET show "The Game" as a series regular from the sixth season until the series finale. She played a character named Kiera, "a former child star who starred in a Document [5](Title: Gale Storm) occasional television appearances in later years, such as "Love Boat", "Burke's Law", and "Murder, She Wrote". In 1981, she published her autobiography, "I Ain't Down Yet", which described her battle with alcoholism. She was also interviewed by author David C. Tucker for "The Women Who Made Television Funny: Ten Stars of 1950s Sitcoms", published in 2007 by McFarland and Company. Storm continued to make personal appearances and autographed photos at fan conventions, along with Charles Farrell from the "My Little Margie" series. She also attended events such as the Memphis Film Festival, Cinecon, the Friends of Old-Time Radio and the Document [6](Title: Country Joy) Country Joy Country Joy is a Canadian soap opera television series which aired on CBC Television from 1979 to 1980. This series was produced in Edmonton. Its plot features Dick Brugencate (Howard Dallin), a real estate agent in the fictitious Alberta community of Coronet, lost his wife in an automobile crash. He campaigns to build a modern medical centre for the community believing that this could have prevented his wife's death. In the process, he meets and soon marries medical executive Joy Burnham (Judith Maby). Dick's mother Helen (Vernis McQuaig) and his teenaged children Pam (Debra Au Coin) and Bob Document [7](Title: Alyssa Milano) Alyssa Milano Alyssa Jayne Milano (born December 19, 1972) is an American actress, liberal activist, producer, and former singer. She appears in "Who's the Boss?", "Melrose Place", "Charmed", "My Name is Earl", "Mistresses", and the Netflix series "" and "Insatiable". Milano was born on December 19, 1972, in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, the daughter of fashion designer and talent manager Lin Milano and film-music editor Thomas M. Milano. She and her brother, Cory, who is seven years her junior, are of Italian ancestry. Her family remained in Bensonhurst until a neighborhood shooting prompted them to relocate to Great Kills, Staten Island. She Question: who is joy from my name is earl Answer:
Jaime Elizabeth Pressly
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Still Star-Crossed) Still Star - Crossed Genre Period drama Based on Still Star - Crossed by Melinda Taub Developed by Heather Mitchell Starring Grant Bowler Wade Briggs Torrance Coombs Dan Hildebrand Lashana Lynch Ebonée Noel Medalion Rahimi Zuleikha Robinson Sterling Sulieman Susan Wooldridge Anthony Stewart Head Composer ( s ) Photek Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons No. of episodes 7 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Shonda Rhimes Betsy Beers Heather Mitchell Michael R. Goldstein Michael Offer Mark Wilding Producer ( s ) José Luis Escolar Location ( s ) Extremadura , Spain Cinematography George Steel Editor ( s ) Gregory T. Evans Scott Ashby Matt Ramsey Running time 42 - 43 minutes Production company ( s ) ShondaLand ABC Studios Distributor Disney -- ABC Domestic Television Release Original network ABC Picture format 1080i ( 16 : 9 HDTV ) Original release May 29 ( 2017 - 05 - 29 ) -- July 29 , 2017 ( 2017 - 07 - 29 ) Website Document [1](Title: Crossing Swords) Crossing Swords Crossing Swords is an upcoming American adult animated comedy web television series, created by John Harvatine IV and Tom Root, that is set to premiere in 2020 on Hulu. The voice cast is set to consist of Nicholas Hoult, Luke Evans, Seth Green, Breckin Meyer, Tony Hale, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Adam Pally, Adam Ray, Tara Strong, and Alanna Ubach. "Crossing Swords" follows "Patrick, a goodhearted peasant who lands a coveted squire position at the royal castle. His dream job quickly turns into a nightmare when he learns his beloved kingdom is run by a hornet's nest of horny monarchs, Document [2](Title: Crossed (The Walking Dead)) central direction," while also stating that "I wasn't wowed by this episode, but it wasn't abysmal." Jeff Stone of Indiewire gave the episode a "B-". Alex Straker, writing for "The Independent", wrote that " 'Crossed' is an episode that highlights the strengths and flaws of the fifth series." Crossed (The Walking Dead) "Crossed" is the seventh episode of the fifth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series "The Walking Dead", which aired on AMC on November 23, 2014. It was written by Seth Hoffman and directed by Billy Gierhart. In the episode, Michonne and Carl Grimes stay at the barricaded Document [3](Title: Starcrossed (2014 film)) Starcrossed (2014 film) Starcrossed is a 2014 American drama film written and directed by Chase Mohseni. The films stars Mischa Barton, Eric Roberts, Grant Harvey, Ben Reed and Kristin Carey. The film premiered at the San Diego International Film Festival on 28 September 2014. This was followed by a limited theatrical release in Los Angeles in May 2016. Ben (Harvey) and Kat (Barton) meet in a bar and make an instant connection. Despite their youth, they both have older lovers, Anthony (Reed) and Lucy (Carey). Anthony and Lucy are married, and by pure coincidence they happen to show up at Document [4](Title: David Cross) Album. In 2003, he released his first tour film "Let America Laugh" and was named #85 on Comedy Central's list of the 100 greatest stand-ups of all time. He appears on Un-Cabaret compilation albums, including "Freak Weather Feels Different" and "The Good, the Bad and the Drugly". Cross announced a 51-date nationwide stand-up tour from Jan. 26, 2016, in San Diego through April 24, 2016, in Oklahoma City. Titled "Making America Great Again!", it was his first tour in six years. Cross began his professional television career as a writer on "The Ben Stiller Show". The series hired him toward Document [5](Title: Zachary Levi) sequels, "" (2013), after original actor Josh Dallas had scheduling conflicts of his own, and "" (2017). Levi made his Broadway debut in a production of the musical comedy "First Date" in August 2013. In January 2015, it was announced that Levi would be a lead member of the cast of NBC's 13-episode miniseries "Heroes Reborn" as Luke Collins. The show was not picked up for a second season. He also guest-starred as Abraham Lincoln in the Hulu original series "Deadbeat". In June 2015, it was confirmed that Levi and Mandy Moore, who portrayed Rapunzel in "Tangled", would reprise their Document [6](Title: Crosswits) fourth series up until the tenth series, the show aired on Monday to Friday mornings at 9:25am, just after TV-am/GMTV had finished. The eleventh series aired on Monday to Friday afternoons, but was not networked. Depending on the region, it aired at random times in certain areas. The twelfth series aired on Tuesday to Thursday afternoons at 1:50pm for the first 32 episodes from 6 January to 19 March. The last 3 episodes were aired from 21 to 23 December 1998. Crosswits Crosswits is a British game show produced by Tyne Tees in association with Cove Productions and Action Time Document [7](Title: Tina Cross) "Chicago", "Miss Saigon", the "Once Were Warriors" musical as Beth Heke and as twice as Grizabella in "Cats". In 2007, Cross was made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit (ONMZ) for services to the music industry. She was a contestant in the 2008 New Zealand series of "Dancing With The Stars". She is Patron of North Shore Music Theatre. In June 2014, she was named an Ambassador of Women's Refuge New Zealand. Her single "Walk Away" was written to raise funds and awareness for Women's Refuge and was featured in Huffington Post. In October 2014, she was Question: how many episodes are there in still star crossed Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Klondike Gold Rush) From 1898 , the newspapers that had encouraged so many to travel to the Klondike lost interest in it . In the summer of 1899 , gold was discovered around Nome in west Alaska , and many prospectors left the Klondike for the new goldfields , marking the end of the rush . The boom towns declined and the population of Dawson City fell . Gold mining activity lasted until 1903 when production peaked after heavier equipment was brought in . Since then the Klondike has been mined on and off , and today the legacy draws tourists to the region and contributes to its prosperity . Document [1](Title: Lindeman Creek) one meets en route to the Klondike." In 1898 the river had its moment in history, during the Klondike Gold Rush. After hauling their supplies to the top of the trail, prospectors waited for the ice to break up. On May 28th, 1898 it happened and the rush was on. In the first 24 hours 800 boats left down the river, with a total 7,000 boats carrying around 20,000 men leaving in the next two weeks for Dawson City. After the initial rush to Dawson, Bennett stabilized into a major service centre for the thousands of mostly men who continued Document [2](Title: Nome, Alaska) discovery of gold. In the summer of 1898, the "Three Lucky Swedes": Norwegian-American Jafet Lindeberg, and two naturalized American citizens of Swedish birth, Erik Lindblom and John Brynteson, discovered gold on Anvil Creek. News of the discovery reached the outside world that winter. By 1899, Nome had a population of 10,000 and the area was organized as the Nome mining district. In that year, gold was found in the beach sands for dozens of miles along the coast at Nome, which spurred the stampede to new heights. Thousands more people poured into Nome during the spring of 1900 aboard steamships Document [3](Title: Seattle Arctic drilling protests) 27, 2015 Shell announced that their exploration in the summer of 2015 was "disappointing" and that they would abandon further oil exploration in the Arctic "for the foreseeable future". Seattle has been a staging point for those seeking to exploit the natural resources of the Alaska region since the Klondike Gold Rush of 1896, when the city was the main supply center and departure point for prospectors heading to the gold fields of Alaska and the Yukon. The perception by some Alaskans that Seattle exerted undue influence on the Territory helped motivate their desire for Alaskan statehood, achieved in 1958. Document [4](Title: Chilkoot Trail) the gold rush, Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site in British Columbia merged with the U.S. park to create the Klondike Gold Rush International Historical Park. Tlingit Indians used the trail as a vital trade route to trade for resources available in the interior. As pressures from American settlers and the Hudson's Bay Company weakened the traditional Tlingit trading system, the Chilkoot Trail slowly became utilized by explorers and prospectors. The Klondike Gold Rush (1896–1899) transformed the Chilkoot Trail into a mainstream transportation route to Canada's interior. The gold rush was primarily focused in the region around Dawson City in Yukon Document [5](Title: Canyon City, Yukon) in 1887, George Mercer Dawson, noted the large number of salmon above the canyon — salmon were one of the fish that were important to the aboriginal population. During the Klondike Gold Rush, the thousands of stampeders travelling down the Yukon River to Dawson, Miles Canyon and the Whitehorse Rapids were the most treacherous obstacles on the entire route. Canyon City, at the upstream end of the canyon, was the place where people stopped to plan their next move. Many unloaded their boats and laboriously portaged their goods. By June 1898 a huge bottleneck had developed at Canyon City. Nearly Document [6](Title: Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt) the late 1890s due to the Klondike Gold Rush, as American and Canadian prospectors in Yukon and Alaska competed for gold claims. A treaty on the border between Alaska and Canada had been reached by Britain and Russia in the 1825 Treaty of Saint Petersburg, and the United States had assumed Russian claims on the region through the 1867 Alaska Purchase. The United States argued that the treaty had given Alaska sovereignty over disputed territories which included the gold rush boom towns of Dyea and Skagway. The Venezuela Crisis briefly threatened to disrupt peaceful negotiations over the border, but conciliatory Document [7](Title: Yukon Field Force) streamed from Forty Mile to the new town of Dawson and, once word got out to the wider world the next year, around 100,000 more rushed to the region in search of gold. Although no more than 40,000 successfully reached the Klondike, an estimated 60 to 80 percent of these newcomers came from the United States. The mounted police deployed to the region in increasing strength, in part due to concerns that the United States might take the opportunity to annex the Klondike. The first suggestion that a military force should be sent to the Yukon came from Nathaniel Wallace, Question: when did the gold rush start in alaska Answer:
the summer of 1899
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Christianity in Europe) Protestantism : European countries or areas with significant Protestant populations are Denmark , Estonia , Finland , the central , eastern and northern parts of Germany , Iceland , Latvia , Norway , Sweden , the United Kingdom , and the eastern , northern and western parts of Switzerland . There are significant Protestant minorities in France , the northeastern Piedmont region of Italy , Slovakia , the western and southern parts of Germany , the eastern part of Hungary , Austria , the Czech Republic , Poland , the Netherlands , Ireland , Serbia and Romania . Anglicanism ( or Episcopalianism , in Scotland ) is the largest denomination in the United Kingdom ( England and Wales ) , with a large minority in Northern Ireland , and smaller numbers in the Republic of Ireland , Malta , Scotland , Spain and Portugal . Communities also exist throughout Europe , particularly in large cities and other regions where British ex-pat communities live ( see Diocese of Gibraltar in Europe ) . Calvinism in forms of Continental Reformed Church , Presbyterianism and Congregationalism is predominant in North and West Switzerland , and there are minorities in Germany and Hungary . It is the main religion in Scotland and a large minority in Northern Ireland , and smaller numbers in England and Wales , Ireland and Malta . Lutheranism is prevalent in Norway , Sweden , Denmark , Iceland , Finland , Estonia , Latvia , Northern and Western Germany . There are also minorities throughout Europe , particularly in Southern Germany , Hungary and Alsace and Lorraine ( France ) , with smaller numbers in Austria , Poland , and the Netherlands , Romania ( among the German and Hungarian ethnic groups ) , Switzerland , Italy and the United Kingdom . Methodism is an important minority denomination in both Great Britain and Ireland . Document [1](Title: Northwestern Europe) of the British Isles and in Brittany. The region also has a history of Protestantism (Lutheranism, Calvinism and Anglicanism) that differentiates it from its Mediterranean / Southern European / Latin and Eastern European / Slavic neighbors. The definition of Northwestern Europe as correlating with Protestant Germanic Europe leads to somewhat the same definition as the geographical one above, but would tend to exclude northern France, Wallonia, Southern Netherlands, Catholic Belgium, southern Germany, Austria, and Ireland. This is because France and Wallonia, despite their historical Huguenot populations, are considered Catholic Romance language countries, while Belgium, Southern Germany, Austria and Ireland, though Document [2](Title: Demographics of the European Union) Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Sweden) has been noted and church attendance (percentage wise of the total population by country) in northern and western Europe is typically in the single digits. European indigenous (or native) religions are still alive in small and diverse minorities, especially in Scandinavia, Baltic states, Italy and Greece. The recent influx of immigrants to the affluent EU nations has brought in various religions of their native homelands, including Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and the Bahá'í Faith. Judaism has had a long history in Europe and has coexisted with Document [3](Title: Christianity in Ireland) which have experienced a rise in the relative Protestant population over the period 1861 to 1991. The counties which retain the highest proportion of Protestants tend to be those which started off with a large proportion. In Northern Ireland, only counties Londonderry, Tyrone and Armagh have experienced a significant loss of relative Protestant population, though at a lesser rate than in the Republic. The Church of Ireland is an autonomous province of the Anglican Communion, operating across the island of Ireland and the largest non-Catholic religious body on the island. Like other Episcopal churches, it considers itself to be both Document [4](Title: Demographics of Germany) than 1% of the population. Buddhism has around 200,000 adherents (0.2%), Judaism has around 200.000 adherents (0.2%), Hinduism 90,000 (0.1%), Sikhism 75,000 (0.1%) and Yazidis religion (45,000-60,000). All other religious communities in Germany have fewer than 50,000 (<0.1%) adherents. Protestantism is concentrated in the north and east and Roman Catholicism is concentrated in the south and west. According to the last nationwide census, Protestantism is more widespread among the population with German citizenship; there are slightly more Catholics total because of the Catholic immigrant population (including such groups as Poles and Italians). The former Pope, Benedict XVI, was born in Document [5](Title: Religion in the Netherlands) in 2015 is Roman Catholic. The rest is distributed over a multitude of Protestant churches making up the 12.8% of the population in 2012. The largest of which is the Protestant Church in the Netherlands (8.6%), which in fact is an alliance of three churches, two Calvinist and one Lutheran. Smaller churches make up about the 0.1% of the Dutch population. These churches have either been the result of conflicts within the Calvinist Church or been imported, mainly from the United States. Other Christians (Eastern Orthodox and Restorationists) make up only a small percentage. The remaining 7.7% of the population Document [6](Title: History of Scotland) population identified as Christian (declining from 65.1% in 2001). The Church of Scotland is the largest religious grouping in Scotland, with 32.4% of the population. The Roman Catholic Church accounted for 15.9% of the population and is especially important in West Central Scotland and the Highlands. In recent years other religions have established a presence in Scotland, mainly through immigration and higher birth rates among ethnic minorities, with a small number of converts. Those with the most adherents in the 2011 census are Islam (1.4%, mainly among immigrants from South Asia), Hinduism (0.3%), Buddhism (0.2%) and Sikhism (0.2%). Other minority Document [7](Title: Religion in Europe) period, Italy 84.1%:87.8%, Denmark 57.8%:62.1%. For a comprehensive study on Europe, see Mattei Dogan's "Religious Beliefs in Europe: Factors of Accelerated Decline" in "Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion". According to new surveys about Religiosity in the European Union in 2012 by Eurobarometer, Christianity is the largest religion in the European Union accounting 72% of EU citizens. Catholics are the largest Christian group in EU, accounting for 48% EU citizens, while Protestants make up 12%, and Eastern Orthodox make up 8%, and other Christians account for 4% of the EU population. Non believer/Agnostic 16%, Atheist 7%, and Muslim Question: where did most protestants live in northern or southern europe Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Live and Let Die (song)) Paul McCartney -- lead vocals , piano Linda McCartney -- backing vocals , keyboards Henry McCullough -- lead guitar Denny Laine -- backing vocals , bass guitar Denny Seiwell -- drums Ray Cooper -- percussion George Martin -- orchestral arrangement Document [1](Title: David Karsten Daniels) - Trumpet<br> Tim Phillips - Trumpet<br> John Ribo - Guitar (Electric), Vocals<br> Jason Sayers - Trombone (Tenor)<br> Joshua Snyder - Drums<br> Mara Thomas - Vocals<br> Erin Wright - Vocals<br> Perry Wright - Tambourine, Vocals<br> Joseph P. Zoller - Sax (Alto), Sax (Tenor) David Karsten Daniels - Bass, Guitar, Percussion, Drums, Keyboards, Programming, Vocals, Engineer, Mixing<br> Daniel Hart - Violin<br> Sara Morris - Vocals<br> John Ribo - Vocals<br> Wendy Spitzer - Oboe<br> Dylan Thurston - Drums<br> Perry Wright - Vocals, Handclaps David Karsten Daniels - vocals, acoustic guitar<BR> Bob Miller - trumpet, piccolo trumpet<BR> Jason Scott - clarinet, flute, saxophone<BR> John Document [2](Title: Tommy (soundtrack)) Pete Townshend – guitar, keyboards, vocals for "Narrator" John Entwistle – brass overdubs Pete Townshend – all other instruments Pete Townshend – all instruments Nicky Hopkins – piano Mike Kellie – drums Mick Ralphs, Caleb Quaye – guitar Chris Stainton – organ Phil Chen – bass Nicky Hopkins – piano Tony Newman – drums Nicky Hopkins – piano Vocal chorus – backing vocals Eric Clapton – vocals and guitar Kenney Jones – drums Arthur Brown -- vocals Kenney Jones – drums Nicky Hopkins – piano Ronnie Wood – guitar Phil Chen – bass Graham Deakin – drums Nicky Hopkins – Document [3](Title: Walter W. Naumburg Foundation) pianist Lorne Munroe, cellist Angelene Collins, soprano Esther Glazer, violinist Betty Jean Hagen, violinist Margaret Barthel, pianist June Kovach, pianist Laurel Hurley, soprano Joyce Flissler, violinist Diana Steiner, violinist Yoko Matsuo, violinist Lois Marshall, soprano Gilda Muhlbauer, violinist Lee Cass, bass-baritone Georgia Laster, soprano William Doppmann, pianist Jean Wentworth, pianist Jules Eskin, cellist Martha Flowers, soprano Ronald Leonard, cellist Mary MacKenzie, contralto Nancy Cirillo, violinist Donald McCall, cellist Wayne Connor, tenor George Katz, pianist Regina Sarfaty, mezzo-soprano Angelica Lozada, soprano Michael Grebanier, cellist Joseph Schwartz, pianist Shirley Verrett, mezzo-soprano Elaine Lee, violinist Howard Aibel, pianist Sophia Steffan, soprano Ralph Votapek, Document [4](Title: The Almighty Trigger Happy) Bass - Tim Hay Drums - Tim Grant Guitar - Mark Gibson Vocals - Al Nolan Sonic Unyon, 1996 / Bad Taste Records, 1997 Bass - Curt Drums - Ruston Baldwin Guitar - Mark Gibson Vocals - Al Nolan Bad Taste Records, 1999 Bass - Kevin James Drums - Ruston Baldwin Guitar - Mark Gibson Guitar - Johnny Shitbeard Vocals - Al Nolan Bad Taste Records, 2004 Bass - Kevin James Drums - Ruston Baldwin Guitar - Mark Gibson Guitar - Johnny Shitbeard Vocals - Al Nolan Bad Taste Records, 1998 Bad Taste Records, 1998 / Fearless Records, 1998 Bad Document [5](Title: Nat Reeves) (piano), Mark Templeton (piano), Pat Metheny (guitar), Mike LeDonne (piano), John Scofield (guitar), Jack Wilson (piano), Curtis Fuller (trombone), Eddie Henderson (trumpet), Joe Farnsworth (drums), Randy Johnston (guitar), Javon Jackson (tenor saxophone), Benny Green (piano), Benny Golson (tenor saxophone), Donald Byrd (trumpet), Arthur Taylor (drums), Mulgrew Miller (piano), Kenny Kirkland (piano), Jeff "Tain" Watts (drums), Walter Bishop, Jr. (piano), Ronnie Burrage (drums), Walter Davis, Jr. (piano), Kenny Drew (piano), George Coleman (tenor saxophone), Sting (bass and vocals), Vincent Herring (saxophones), Vanessa Rubin (vocals), Shawnn Monteiro (vocals), Lewis Nash (drums), Junko Onishi (piano), Alan Jay Palmer (piano), Steve Nelson (vibraphone), Roy Document [6](Title: Backing vocalist) his distinctive voice, can be heard singing backing vocals in such tracks as "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill" and "Carry That Weight". Examples of three-part harmonies by Lennon, McCartney and Harrison include "Nowhere Man", "Because", "Day Tripper", and "This Boy". The members of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and Bee Gees all each wrote songs and sang back-up or lead vocals and played various instruments on their albums and various collaborations with each other. Former guitarist John Frusciante and current guitarist Josh Klinghoffer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers sing nearly all backing vocals (few songs were recorded without Document [7](Title: Paul Motian discography) Paul Motian discography This is the discography of American jazz musician Paul Motian. Compilations Box Sets With Tethered Moon (Trio with Masabumi Kikuchi and Gary Peacock) With Michael Adkins With Geri Allen and Charlie Haden With Mose Allison With Tim Berne With Samuel Blaser With Paul Bley With Salvatore Bonafede With Jakob Bro With Bob Brookmeyer With Guillaume de Chassy and Daniel Yvinec With Anders Christensen With Marc Copland With Chick Corea and Eddie Gómez With Eddie Costa With Marilyn Crispell With Furio Di Castri plus Joe Lovano Quartet With Jakob Dinesen With Bill Evans With Pierre Favre With Anat Question: who sang the original song live and let die Answer:
Paul McCartney
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: St. Thomas Aquinas High School (Florida)) The Raiders have won 106 FHSAA state championships and have graduated such student athletes as Chris Evert , Michael Irvin and Sanya Richards - Ross . The school has been awarded the Broward County all - sports trophy by the Sun - Sentinel for 35 consecutive years . The athletic department has also won the FHSAA Dodge Sunshine Cup every year since the awards inception in 1995 . Document [1](Title: Metairie Park Country Day School) (LHSAA) All Sports Award that recognizes the leading overall athletic program in each of the LHSAA's seven classes. The competition is based on a school's performance in the 23 sports governed by the LHSAA; Country Day currently contends in 17 those sports. Any team that finishes in one of the top four places in the state earns points towards the School's quest for the Cup. At the end of the academic year, the school that has accumulated the most points in its class is recognized with this prestigious award. In the upper school, 70 to 80 percent of students participate Document [2](Title: American Football Coaches Association) follows recommendations made by the AFCA. Since 1945, the American Football Coaches Association has selected an All-American team. It is the only one selected exclusively by the coaches themselves. The AFCA National Championship Trophy is the trophy awarded by the American Football Coaches Association (AFCA) to the winner of college football's BCS National Championship Game, which determines the national champion for purposes of the Coaches Poll. The trophy has been awarded since 1986. Since 1940, the AFCA has awarded the annual Amos Alonzo Stagg Award to the "individual, group or institution whose services have been outstanding in the advancement of Document [3](Title: Louisiana High School Athletic Association) school year. Other disaster-area schools combined to form joint teams in fall of 2005 and spring of 2006. By the 2006 school year, most of the affected LHSAA schools were able to compete under their own school teams. The Southern Quality Ford Cup is the Louisiana High School Athletic Association's (LHSAA) All Sports Award that recognizes the leading overall athletic program in each of the LHSAA's seven classes. The competition is based on a school's performance in the 23 sports governed by the LHSAA. Any team that finishes in one of the top four places in the state earns points Document [4](Title: Farmersville High School (California)) sophomore through senior year factored into the overall student GPA at FHS. In addition, every student who graduates must pass the CAHSEE. FHS sports teams are called the Aztecs, and have their home games on campus. The Aztecs participate in the East Sierra League (Div. VI, CIF Central Section) and have varsity, JV, and frosh/soph teams. Below are all the sports that FHS participates in and their respective season: Fall Winter Spring Every year, FHS has the following clubs and organizations that students can participate in: Farmersville High School (California) Farmersville High School (abbr. FHS) is a public American senior Document [5](Title: Shawnee, Oklahoma) team has won the state title three times, the most recent was in 2003. Several SHS grads have gone on to play NFL football over the years, most notedly Darrien Gordon, a 1989 grad, who played in three Super Bowls, one with the San Diego Chargers and two with the Denver Broncos. Notably, since the year 2000, SHS has won seven state championships, two in baseball, one in girls' basketball, two in boys' cross country, one in boys' track and one in girls' track. The high school provides excellent facilities with Jim Thorpe Stadium, Memorial Park, softball field and the Document [6](Title: Thomas Richard Robinson High School) 9-1 record as district champions. Also reached state semi final and lost to Tallahassee Godby. in 2014, the Robinson High School girl's flag football team won the FHSAA State Championship and was runner up in 2015. The boys' baseball team also made it to the state final four in 2015. The girls' volleyball team went to the state final four in 2014, 2015, and 2017. In 2016, the girls' flag football team won the 1A FHSAA State Championship for the second time against Harmony High School 20, and in 2017, they defended their title, and won against Miami Edison. The Document [7](Title: Marshall Faulk) San Diego State University with many of the school's offensive records, among them 5,562 all-purpose yards and 62 career touchdowns, which is the 8th most in NCAA history. After his 1992 season at SDSU, Faulk finished second in the Heisman Trophy award voting, losing to quarterback Gino Torretta in what was considered a notable snub in the history of the award: Torretta's 1992 Miami Hurricanes football team had gone undefeated in the regular season and was ranked No. 1 in the country before the Heisman balloting, Faulk's team finished with a middling 5-5-1 record, continuing a trend of the Heisman Question: what division is st thomas aquinas high school Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Parkinson's disease) Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) is a long - term degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects the motor system . The symptoms generally come on slowly over time . Early in the disease , the most obvious are shaking , rigidity , slowness of movement , and difficulty with walking . Thinking and behavioral problems may also occur . Dementia becomes common in the advanced stages of the disease . Depression and anxiety are also common occurring in more than a third of people with PD . Other symptoms include sensory , sleep , and emotional problems . The main motor symptoms are collectively called '' parkinsonism '' , or a '' parkinsonian syndrome '' . Document [1](Title: Signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease) gait and posture disturbances such as decreased arm swing, a forward-flexed posture, and the use of small steps when walking; speech and swallowing disturbances; and other symptoms such as a mask-like facial expression or small handwriting are examples of the range of common motor problems that can appear. Four symptoms are considered cardinal in PD: bradykinesia, tremor, rigidity, and postural instability also referred to as parkinsonism. ... immobile patients who become excited may be able to make quick movements such as catching a ball (or may be able to suddenly run if someone screams "fire"). This phenomenon (kinesia paradoxica) suggests Document [2](Title: Causes of Parkinson's disease) the liver and is responsible for the enzyme cytochrome P450 2D6. A study showed that those who had a mutation of this gene and were exposed to pesticides were twice as likely to develop Parkinson's Disease; those that had the mutation and were not exposed to pesticides were not found to be at an increased risk of developing PD; the pesticides only had a "modest effect" for those without the mutation of the gene. Causes of Parkinson's disease Parkinson's disease (PD) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. Most people with PD have idiopathic Parkinson's disease (having no Document [3](Title: Parkinson's disease) either rigidity, resting tremor, or postural instability. Other possible causes of these symptoms need to be ruled out. Finally, three or more of the following supportive features are required during onset or evolution: unilateral onset, tremor at rest, progression in time, asymmetry of motor symptoms, response to levodopa for at least five years, clinical course of at least ten years and appearance of dyskinesias induced by the intake of excessive levodopa. When PD diagnoses are checked by autopsy, movement disorders experts are found on average to be 79.6% accurate at initial assessment and 83.9% accurate after they have refined their Document [4](Title: Corticobasal degeneration) CBD, it was found that all of them had at least one Parkinsonian sign, 95% having two and 93% had some higher order dysfunction (cognitive impairments like acalculia, sensory loss, dementia, neglect, etc.). In a separate study of 14 patients recorded 3 years after the onset of symptoms, many patients had high numbers of motor symptoms. 71% had Bradykinesia (slow movements), 64% showed apraxia, 43% reported limb dystonia, and although more cognitive 36% had dementia. In another study of 36, over half had a useless/alien arm and 27% had a gait impediment. From this we can see why CBD is Document [5](Title: Micrographia (handwriting)) is difficulty in routine activities due to lack of motor control. More specifically, patients have difficulty maintaining the scale of movements and have reduced amplitude of movement; also known as hypokinesia. These difficulties with scaling and controlling the amplitude of movement cause patients with PD to have difficulty with complex, sequential movements. This helps to explain why micrographia is a common symptom of the disease. Another reason is a lack of physical dexterity. James Parkinson may have been aware of micrographia in patients with shaking palsy (later renamed Parkinson's disease), when he described "the hand failing to answer with exactness Document [6](Title: Memory disorder) subcortical structures, and the executive dysfunction in PD, especially in processes that involve working memory. This has been shown to be related to decreased activation in the basal ganglia and frontal cortex. Elgh, Domellof, Linder, Edstrom, Stenlund, & Forsgren (2009) studied cognitive function in early Parkinson's disease and found that PD patients performed significantly worse than healthy controls in attention, episodic memory, category fluency, psychomotor function, visuospatial function and in several measures of executive function. Patients also exhibited greater difficulty with free recall that required a preserved executive function than with cued recall and recognition in tests of episodic memory. Document [7](Title: Parkinson's disease) the autonomic nervous system can lead to orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure upon standing), oily skin and excessive sweating, urinary incontinence, and altered sexual function. Constipation and impaired stomach emptying (gastric dysmotility) can be severe enough to cause discomfort and even endanger health. Changes in perception may include an impaired sense of smell, disturbed vision, pain, and paresthesia (tingling and numbness). All of these symptoms can occur years before diagnosis of the disease. Exposure to pesticides and a history of head injury have each been linked with Parkinson disease (PD), but the risks are modest. Never having smoked cigarettes, and Question: what are common early manifestations of parkinson's disease Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Cochlea) The lengthwise partition that divides most of the cochlea is itself a fluid - filled tube , the third duct . This central column is called the cochlear duct . Its fluid , endolymph , also contains electrolytes and proteins , but is chemically quite different from perilymph . Whereas the perilymph is rich in sodium ions , the endolymph is rich in potassium ions , which produces an ionic , electrical potential . Document [1](Title: Auditory system) Corti is located in this duct on the basilar membrane, and transforms mechanical waves to electric signals in neurons. The other two sections are known as the "scala tympani" and the "scala vestibuli." These are located within the bony labyrinth, which is filled with fluid called perilymph, similar in composition to cerebrospinal fluid. The chemical difference between the fluids endolymph and perilymph fluids is important for the function of the inner ear due to electrical potential differences between potassium and calcium ions. The plan view of the human cochlea (typical of all mammalian and most vertebrates) shows where specific frequencies Document [2](Title: Endolymph) Perilymph and endolymph have unique ionic compositions suited to their functions in regulating electrochemical impulses of hair cells. The electric potential of endolymph is ~80-90 mV more positive than perilymph due to a higher concentration of K compared to Na. The main component of this unique extracellular fluid is potassium, which is secreted from the stria vascularis. The high potassium content of the endolymph means that potassium, not sodium, is carried as the de-polarizing electric current in the hair cells. This is known as the mechano-electric transduction (MET) current. Endolymph has a high positive potential (80–120 mV in the cochlea), Document [3](Title: Human embryogenesis) otic vesicles then form ventral and dorsal components. The ventral component forms the saccule and the cochlear duct. In the sixth week of development the cochlear duct emerges and penetrates the surrounding mesenchyme, travelling in a spiral shape until it forms 2.5 turns by the end of the eighth week. The saccule is the remaining part of the ventral component. It remains connected to the cochlear duct via the narrow ductus reuniens. The dorsal component forms the utricle and semicircular canals. The tympanic cavity and eustachian tube are derived from the first pharyngeal pouch (a cavity lined by endoderm). The Document [4](Title: Ear) of the embryo, they form what will become the utricle and semicircular canals. Closer to the front of the embryo, the vesicles differentiate into a rudimentary saccule, which will eventually become the saccule and cochlea. Part of the saccule will eventually give rise and connect to the cochlear duct. This duct appears approximately during the sixth week and connects to the saccule through the ductus reuniens. As the cochlear duct’s mesenchyme begins to differentiate, three cavities are formed: the scala vestibuli, the scala tympani and the scala media. Both the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani contain an extracellular fluid Document [5](Title: Evolution of mammalian auditory ossicles) structures. The ossicles act as the mechanical analog of an electrical transformer, matching the mechanical impedance of vibrations in air to vibrations in the liquid of the cochlea. The net effect of this impedance matching is to greatly increase the overall sensitivity and upper frequency limits of mammalian hearing, as compared to reptilian hearing. The details of these structures and their effects vary noticeably between different mammal species, even when the species are as closely related as humans and chimpanzees. Living mammal species can be identified by the presence in females of mammary glands which produce milk. Other features are Document [6](Title: Spiral ganglion) Spiral ganglion The spiral (cochlear) ganglion is the group of nerve cells that serve the sense of hearing by sending a representation of sound from the cochlea to the brain. The cell bodies of the spiral ganglion neurons are found in the modiolus, the conical shaped central axis in the cochlea. Neurons whose cell bodies lie in the spiral ganglion are strung along the bony core of the cochlea, and send fibers (axons) into the central nervous system (CNS). These bipolar neurons are the first neurons in the auditory system to fire an action potential, and supply all of the Document [7](Title: Cochlea) length of the cochlea is stiffest nearest its beginning at the oval window, where the stapes introduces the vibrations coming from the eardrum. Since its stiffness is high there, it allows only high-frequency vibrations to move the basilar membrane, and thus the hair cells. The farther a wave travels towards the cochlea's apex (the "helicotrema"), the less stiff the basilar membrane is; thus lower frequencies travel down the tube, and the less-stiff membrane is moved most easily by them where the reduced stiffness allows: that is, as the basilar membrane gets less and less stiff, waves slow down and it Question: what is the fluid-filled space behind the oval window Answer:
cochlear duct
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Avesta) The Avesta / əˈvɛstə / is the primary collection of religious texts of Zoroastrianism , composed in the otherwise unrecorded Avestan language . Document [1](Title: Iran) "the first charter of human rights", is often seen as a reflection of the questions and thoughts expressed by Zoroaster, and developed in Zoroastrian schools of the Achaemenid era. The earliest tenets of Zoroastrian schools are part of the extant scriptures of the Zoroastrian religion in Avestan. Among them are treatises such as the Zatspram, Shkand-gumanik Vizar, and Denkard, as well as older passages of the Avesta and the Gathas. Iranian mythology consists of ancient Iranian folklore and stories, all involving extraordinary beings, reflecting attitudes towards the confrontation of good and evil, actions of the gods, and the exploits of Document [2](Title: Ameretat) the people before teaching them. Ameretat The word ' is grammatically feminine and the divinity Ameretat is a female entity. Etymologically, Avestan ' derives from an Indo-Iranian root and is linguistically related to Vedic Sanskrit "amṛtatva". In Sassanid Era Zoroastrian tradition, Ameretat appears as Middle Persian 𐭠𐭬𐭥𐭫𐭣𐭠𐭣 "Amurdad", continuing in New Persian as مرداد "Mordad" or "Amordad". Like the other Amesha Spentas also, Ameretat is already attested in the Gathas, the oldest texts of the Zoroastrianism and considered to have been composed by Zoroaster himself. And like most other principles, Ameretat is not unambiguously an entity in those hymns. Unlike Document [3](Title: Avestan) Avestan Avestan , also known historically as Zend, refers to two languages: Old Avestan (spoken in the 2nd millennium BCE) and Younger Avestan (spoken in the 1st millennium BCE). The languages are known only from their use as the language of Zoroastrian scripture (the Avesta), from which they derive their name. Both are early Iranian languages, a branch of the Indo-Iranian languages within the Indo-European family. Its immediate ancestor was the Proto-Iranian language, a sister language to the Proto-Indo-Aryan language, with both having developed from the earlier Proto-Indo-Iranian. As such, Old Avestan is quite close in grammar and lexicon with Document [4](Title: Daeva) only three in number. Moreover, the daemonization of the "asura"s in India and the daemonization of the "daeva"s in Iran both took place "so late that the associated terms cannot be considered a feature of Indo-Iranian religious dialectology". The view popularized by Nyberg, Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin, and Widengren of a prehistorical opposition of "*asura/daiva" involves "interminable and entirely conjectural discussions" on the status of various Indo-Iranian entities that in one culture are "asura"s/"ahura"s and in the other are "deva"s/"daeva"s (see examples in the Younger Avesta, below). In the Gathas, the oldest texts of Zoroastrianism and credited to Zoroaster himself, the "daeva"s Document [5](Title: Denkard) which once served as the basis for a speculation that only one quarter of the texts had survived. In the 20th century it was determined that the Denkard's divisions also took Sassanid-era translations and commentaries into account; these were however not considered to be a part of the Avesta. Book 8 also includes several, today mostly discredited, legends related to the "history" of the texts. Book 9 is a commentary on the gathic prayers of "Yasna" 27 and "Yasna" 54. Together, these make up Zoroastrianism's four most sacred invocations: the "ahuna vairya" (Y 27.13), the "Ashem Vohu" (Y 27.14), the Document [6](Title: Monotheism) is Akal Purakh (which means "the true immortal") or Waheguru, the Primal Being. Zoroastrianism combines cosmogonic dualism and eschatological monotheism which makes it unique among the religions of the world. Zoroastrianism proclaims an evolution through time from dualism to monotheism. Zoroastrianism is a monotheistic religion, although Zoroastrianism is often regarded as dualistic, duotheistic or bitheistic, for its belief in the hypostatis of the ultimately good Ahura Mazda "(creative spirit)" and the ultimately evil Angra Mainyu "(destructive spirit)". Zorastrianism was once one of the largest religions on Earth, as the official religion of the Persian Empire. By some scholars, the Zoroastrians Document [7](Title: Saoshyant) Saoshyant Saoshyant (Avestan: 𐬯𐬀𐬊𐬳𐬌𐬌𐬀𐬧𐬝 saoš́iiaṇt̰) is the Avestan language expression that literally means "one who brings benefit", and which is used in several different ways in Zoroastrian scripture and tradition. In particular, the expression is the proper name of "the" Saoshyant, an eschatological saviour figure who bring about "Frashokereti", the final renovation of the world in which evil is finally destroyed. The term was contracted to 'Soshans' in Zoroastrian tradition, and came to apply to three saviour figures that progressively bring about the final renovation. In the Gathas, the most sacred hymns of Zoroastrianism, believed to have been composed by Question: zend avesta is the holy book of which religion Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Conscription in Australia) In 1964 compulsory National Service for 20 - year - old males was introduced under the National Service Act ( 1964 ) . The selection of conscripts was made by a sortition or lottery draw based on date of birth , and conscripts were obligated to give two years ' continuous full - time service , followed by a further three years on the active reserve list . The full - time service requirement was reduced to eighteen months in October 1971 . Document [1](Title: Conscription in Taiwan) in regions under its control in order to fight the Japanese. Mandatory conscription was introduced to Taiwan in 1951. By 1954, the majority of conscripts served two years. Naval, air force and special forces conscripts served three years. In 1981, all conscripts began serving two years. Ten years later, the conscription period was reduced to twenty-two months, and alternative military service became an option. Between 2004 and 2007, two months were cut from mandatory military service each year, until a total of one year remained in 2008. Service time for men born after 1994 was cut to four months in Document [2](Title: Swedish Army Veterinary Corps) veterinarians and 2 battalion veterinarians. These were obliged for military service in war and when conscripts were called in for the defence of the kingdom, as well as in peace for a maximum of 50 days during each 2-year period of service after the age of 48 and for no more than 100 days of each 3-year period up to the age of 48. The reserve staff constituted veterinarians who, with the right to a supplementary pension, resigned from active service or applied to depart from such active service, were admitted to the reserve and veterinarians who received their first Document [3](Title: Conscription) Army. Britain and its colonies did not develop such pervasive administrative states, and therefore did not opt out for regulatory solutions, such as conscription, as a reliability. The abolition of conscription in Britain was announced on 4 April 1957, by new prime minister Harold Macmillan, with the last conscripts being recruited three years later. There is a mandatory service for all men and women who are fit and 18 years old. Men must serve 32 months while women serve 24 months with some exempt from mandatory service: All of the above can choose to volunteer to the IDF. Relatively large Document [4](Title: French war planning 1920–1940) in 1926, the government imposed a limit on the size of the army of 20 active divisions, with 106,000 professional soldiers to comprise a reservoir of trained men, on which reservists could form a mobilised wartime army. Reducing the size of the active army allowed a reduction in the number of conscripts and the term of compulsory service, from two years to one year by 1928. In 1928 a comprehensive series of laws had been passed for the recruitment and organisation of the army, which determined its peacetime nature; the cadre of professionals maintained the army ready for the mobilisation Document [5](Title: Reserve duty (Israel)) duty had an active reservist status. In the past, the age of exemption from reserve duty by the Defense Service Law (חוק שירות ביטחון [נוסח משולב], התשמ"ו-1986) was 54 for men and 38 for women; nevertheless, it was not possible to call up reservists over 41 years of age who had served in a combat unit in the last 10 years or more, or reserve soldiers over the age of 48 who had served in a combat unit for at least 20 years, unless they gave consent for this to happen. Over the years, the IDF has lowered the maximum Document [6](Title: Conscription in the Russian Empire) individuals to take extended leave for the last twenty-four months of their obligation for active duty. Once released from full-time service, a former conscript was still liable to be recalled to help bring a regular unit up to full strength in the event of general mobilization or to replace casualty losses. After six years with the reserve his commitment was reduced to service with a behind-the-lines garrison unit, unlikely to see actual battle. Families with only one son were exempted from conscription. Following the Russo-Japanese War major attempts were made at military reform, including the extension of the conscription system Document [7](Title: Swedish Armed Forces Conscript Medal) of at least 10-5-5 at discharge from active service. If the basic training is discontinued because of injury or disease received in the service, the medal is awarded if the conscript is deemed to achieve a passing grade on completion of service. The medal can be awarded only once. The medal can be awarded posthumously. The medal can also be ordered by anyone who has completed his military service before 26 August 2002. Approved grade shall be authenticated in connection with the order. In 2003 approximately 14,000 conscripts received the medal. The medal is awarded by the commanding officer (or Question: when was conscription introduced in australia during the vietnam war Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: America's Got Talent) During seasons one through six ( 2006 -- 11 ) , the live shows were filmed at Stage 36 of CBS Television City in Los Angeles . In season seven ( 2012 ) , the live shows were held at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark . From seasons eight through ten ( 2013 -- 15 ) , live performances were held at Radio City Music Hall in New York . From season eleven ( 2016 ) onwards the live shows are being held at the Dolby Theatre . Document [1](Title: Live from the Artists Den) Season Four premiered February 3, 2012. Season Five premiered October 5, 2012. Season Six premiered in July 2013 Season Seven premiered in January 2014 Season Eight premiered in July 2014 Season Nine premiered in January 2015 Season Ten premiered in April 2016 Season Eleven premiered in October 2016 Season Twelve premiered in September 2016 Live from the Artists Den Live from the Artists Den is a three-time New York Emmy-nominated music television series that features popular recording artists performing in non-traditional settings throughout North America. "Live from the Artists Den" broadcasts nationally on public television (now in its 11th season) Document [2](Title: The Who Tour 1969) East in New York City. Many shows on this tour were recorded in hopes of compiling a live album, but the band ultimately decided not to use these tapes and opted to record the "Live at Leeds" album the following year instead. They finished the year with various dates in England and France, including a show at the London Coliseum on 14 December. A typical set for these shows is as follows (all songs written by Pete Townshend unless otherwise specified): There were some set list substitutions, variations, and order switches during these shows. Also occasionally played were: The Who Document [3](Title: Homeland (TV series)) June through November 2014 in Cape Town, South Africa, while the fifth season moved production to Berlin, Germany. The sixth season began production in August 2016 and filmed in New York City and Morocco. The seventh season began production on September 11, 2017, and primarily filmed in Richmond, Virginia. Additional filming for season seven occurred in Budapest, Hungary, for episodes 11 and 12. Since the conclusion of season 2, several pieces of in-universe material have been published. The first season received near universal acclaim. Metacritic gave it a rating of 92 out of 100 based on 29 critics. "TV Guide" Document [4](Title: Effects of time zones on North American broadcasting) NBC, joined the Super Bowl and other major domestic and international sports telecasts in airing live in all time zones across the U.S. territories. Nowadays, most live shows are now being discussed openly at the same time online, as social media and television's interaction reached critical mass in the current century in relation to live television, which had gained renewed importance as being "DVR-proof" for ratings and social purposes amidst the decline of traditional television due to rise of online streaming of the majority of the recent scripted series. Until 2015, the Grammy Awards continued to air on delay for Document [5](Title: Dancing with the Stars (U.S. TV series)) it was announced that the series would begin airing on October 7, 2018, with filming taking place during August 2018. Professional skateboarder Sky Brown, junior pro JT Church and pro mentor Alan Bernsten were announced as the winners on December 9th, 2018. An unofficial live tour show called "Dancing Pros: Live!" toured with several "Dancing" pros since 2010. A "Dancing with the Stars: Live!" official tour was announced on November 3, 2014, for the 2014–2015 season starting on December 27, 2014, in Niagara Falls, New York and ending February 15, 2015, hitting 33 cities. A second tour, “Dancing with the Document [6](Title: X Factor (Bulgaria season 5)) 'yeses' from the four judges to progress to Bootcamp. Key: The live shows began on 22 October 2017, with the performance shows taking place every Sunday along with the results show on the same day. The live shows will be filmed at Global Group Studio in Sofia and will conclude on 17 December 2017. The thirteen finalists were revealed on 15 October 2017 immediately after the last judges' houses episode. Krisko with Pavell & Venci Venc' performed on the third live show, while DARA performed on the fourth live show. Nevena Peykova performed on the fifth live show, while Mihaela Document [7](Title: America's Got Talent (season 9)) The judges chose 47 of these acts, with the last contestant chosen by the general public. For the last slot, contestants uploaded their audition videos to the "Today" website, and the top 3 performed on Rockefeller Plaza. Viewers voted for their favorite act to be sent straight to the live shows. The producers' auditions began on October 26, 2013 in Miami. Other audition sites included Atlanta, Baltimore, Denver, Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, New York City and Providence, Rhode Island. Contestants could also submit a video of their audition online. Auditions in front of the judges were held February 20–22 at Question: when is the americas got talent live shows Answer:
Dolby Theatre
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Educational stage) At the secondary school level ( '' high school '' ) , grades 9 -- 12 are also known as freshman ( or '' first - year '' ) , sophomore , junior , and senior . At the post-secondary level ( college or university ) , these terms are used almost exclusively to refer to what would otherwise be grades 13 -- 16 , ending denoted as '' college senior '' . Then come post-graduate levels . Document [1](Title: Student) The first eight are solely referred to by numbers (e.g. 1st grade, 5th grade) so students may be referred to as 1st graders, 5th graders, then once in middle school before high school you are ratio referred to as 6th, 7th, 8th graders. Upon entering high school, grades 9 through 12 (high school) also have alternate names for students, namely freshman, sophomore, junior and senior. The actual divisions of which grade levels belong to which division (whether elementary, middle, junior high or high school) is a matter decided by state or local jurisdictions. Accordingly, college students are often called Freshmen, Document [2](Title: Society of the United States) is divided into three levels: elementary school, junior high school (also often called middle school), and high school. In almost all schools at these levels, children are divided by age groups into grades. Post-secondary education, better known as "college" or "university" in the United States, is generally governed separately from the elementary and high school system. In the year 2000, there were 76.6 million students enrolled in schools from kindergarten through graduate schools. Of these, 72 percent aged 12 to 17 were judged academically "on track" for their age (enrolled in school at or above grade level). Of those enrolled Document [3](Title: Education in the United States) one grade to the next as a single cohort or "class" upon reaching the end of each school year in late May or early June. Depending upon their circumstances, they may begin school in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten or first grade. They normally attend 12 grades of study over 12 calendar years of primary/elementary and secondary education before graduating and earning a diploma that makes them eligible for admission to higher education. Education is mandatory until age 16 (18 in some states). In the U.S., ordinal numbers (e.g., first grade) are used for identifying grades. Typical ages and grade groupings in contemporary, Document [4](Title: Eleventh grade) Upper Secondary School. Year 12, or Lower Sixth form, is comparable to the 11th grade in the US. It is the sixth and penultimate year of secondary education. For students who entered secondary school before September 2008, it is not compulsory to attend these last two years. During Year 12, three Advanced Subsidiary units are completed per subject (either written exams, coursework or a mixture, depending on subject). Often students choose four AS-Level subjects in Year 12 (some students may decide to take three or five). Students then enter Year 13 (equivalent to 12th grade) and may choose to drop Document [5](Title: Education in the United States) in graduation rates for wealthy students and low income students has widened significantly. 77% of the wealthiest quartile of students obtained undergraduate degrees by age 24 in 2013, up from 40% in 1970. 9% of the least affluent quartile obtained degrees by the same age in 2013, up from 6% in 1970. Like high school, the four undergraduate grades are commonly called freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years (alternatively called first year, second year, etc.). Students traditionally apply for admission into colleges. Schools differ in their competitiveness and reputation. Admissions criteria involve the rigor and grades earned in high school Document [6](Title: Middle school) kindergarten through to fifth grade, i.e., up to age 12, but some elementary schools have four or eight grades, i.e., up to ages 10 or 14 (also known as the intermediate grades). Basic subjects are taught and pupils often remain in one or two classrooms throughout the school day, except for physical education, library, music, and art classes. In 2001, there were about 3.6 million children in each grade in the United States. “Middle schools” and “junior high schools” are schools that span grades 5 or 6 to 8 and 7 to 8, respectively, but junior high schools spanning grades Document [7](Title: State-funded schools (England)) year, thus beginning school at age 4 or 4.5. Unless the student chooses to stay within the education system, compulsory school attendance ends on the last Friday in June during the academic year in which a student attains the age of 16. In the vast majority of cases, pupils progress from primary to secondary levels at age 11; in some areas either or both of the primary and secondary levels are further subdivided. A few areas have three-tier education systems with an intermediate middle level from age 9 to 13. Years 12 and 13 are often referred to as "lower Question: what are the four stages of high school Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Rusty Paul) Rusty Paul is the American mayor of Sandy Springs , Georgia , United States . Previously a Sandy Springs city councilman , Paul was elected to succeed Eva Galambos in November 2013 . He was sworn in as the city 's second Mayor on January 7 , 2014 . Document [1](Title: John Rousakis) John Rousakis John Paul Rousakis (January 14, 1929 – December 11, 2000) was a politician from Georgia, United States and was the first Greek-American to become Mayor of Savannah. He was a Democrat. He was born in Savannah, Georgia on January 14, 1929 and was a member of St. Paul's Greek Orthodox Church. After graduating from Savannah High School, he earned a basketball scholarship to the University of Kentucky. After a career-ending injury, he transferred to the University of Georgia, from which he graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in 1952. While a student, he was a member Document [2](Title: Madeline Rogero) Rogero faced fellow Democrat Padgett, the second-place finisher, in a runoff election that was held on November 8, 2011. During the weeks following the primary, Rogero picked up an endorsement from the local chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police, while Padgett was endorsed by all three of the other men who had been candidates in the primary; Jimmy "J.J." Jones, the Knox County Sheriff; the Knoxville Area Association of Realtors; and the Home Builders Association of Greater Knoxville. Rogero won the runoff with 58.6% of the vote. Rogero's election made her the first woman mayor of Knoxville. She also Document [3](Title: History of Atlanta) term. He was succeeded by Maynard Jackson who returned as mayor from 1990 to 1994. Bill Campbell succeeded Jackson as mayor in 1994 and served through 2002. In November 1994, the Atlanta Empowerment Zone was established, a 10-year, $250 million federal program to revitalize Atlanta's 34 poorest neighborhoods including The Bluff. Scathing reports from both the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Georgia Department of Community Affairs revealed corruption, waste, bureaucratic incompetence, and specifically called out interference by mayor Bill Campbell. In 1993-1996 about 250,000 people attended Freaknik, an annual Spring Break gathering for African Americans which Document [4](Title: 2010 United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona) Franks won re-election on November 2, 2010. This was an open seat, as Republican incumbent John Shadegg retired. Candidates were Republican nominee Ben Quayle, Democratic nominee Jon Hulburd, Libertarian nominee Michael Shoen (campaign site, PVS), and Green Party nominee Leonard Clark (campaign site, PVS). On January 14, 2010 8-term incumbent Shadegg announced his retirement at the end of his current term, making the third district an open seat. In the wake of Shadegg's retirement, several Republicans declared their candidacy, including state legislators Pamela Gorman, Jim Waring and Sam Crump, Paradise Valley mayor Vernon Parker and former mayor Ed Winkler, and Document [5](Title: 2014 United States House of Representatives elections in Georgia) has represented the Gwinnett County-based district since 2011, was mentioned as a candidate for the U.S. Senate, but he declined to run. Woodall will be opposed by Lilburn City Councilman Thomas Wight as the Democratic candidate. Incumbent Republican Representative Austin Scott, who has represented central Georgia since 2011, was mentioned as a candidate for the U.S. Senate, but he declined to run. He was unopposed in the primary election and was unopposed in the general election. Incumbent Republican Representative Doug Collins, who has represented northeastern Georgia since January 2013, was mentioned as a candidate for the U.S. Senate, but he Document [6](Title: Brad Dye) Paul B. Johnson Jr. He was elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives in 1960, later also serving in the Mississippi Senate and as Mississippi state Treasurer. He was a segregationist in the 1960s. Dye was elected as Lieutenant Governor in 1980. By then, he decided to "make his peace with integration, hiring African Americans onto his staff as lieutenant governor." In 1983, Dye won his second term as lieutenant governor by defeating Republican Gil Carmichael, an auto dealer from Meridian, who had been his party's nominee for governor in 1975 against Cliff Finch and in 1979 against William Winter. Document [7](Title: 2016 Bohol local elections) term and is ineligible to run. He is running for 2nd District board member His wife, Gisela Bendong-Boniel is running in his place. Rene Borenaga is the incumbent. Incumbent Allen Ray Piezas is running for reelection while his vice mayor, Velden Aparicio is unopposed. Incumbent mayor Natividad Gonzaga is not running. Her son, incumbent vice-mayor Louis Thomas Gonzaga is running for mayor unopposed. However, the latter Gonzaga died on May 6, 2016, 3 days before election at age 46. Incumbent mayor Natividad Gonzaga is expected to substitute on her son's vacated seat. Incumbent mayor Casey Shaun Camacho is running for Question: who is the mayor of sandy springs ga Answer:
Rusty Paul
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Matt Ryan (American football)) Matthew Thomas Ryan ( born May 17 , 1985 ) , nicknamed '' Matty Ice '' , is an American football quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League ( NFL ) . After playing college football for Boston College , Ryan was drafted by the Falcons with the third overall pick in the first round of the 2008 NFL Draft . Document [1](Title: Matthew Ryan (Australian rules footballer)) clubs, this time to the Brisbane Bears through the pre-season draft. He also averaged 21 disposals a game in 1991 but struggled to hold a place in the side the next year. Matthew Ryan (Australian rules footballer) Matthew Ryan (born 2 June 1967) is a former Australian rules footballer who played with Collingwood, the Sydney Swans and the Brisbane Bears in the Victorian/Australian Football League (AFL). His son Mackenzie Ryan has a friend (Blake) who will soon be one of the greats. Ryan, who was originally from Eltham, played just five games in his first two seasons but then had Document [2](Title: Matt Ryan (American football)) contract extension worth $103.75 million with the Falcons. On December 30, Ryan surpassed Steve Bartkowski for the all-time franchise leader in passing yards. The Falcons had a down year, where they limped to a 4–12 record, due to multiple injuries and losing key players on both sides of the ball. Some of Ryan's highlights in the down season were games against the New England Patriots and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Against the Patriots in Week 4, he was 34-of-54 for a then career-high 421 yards with two touchdowns and one interception in the 30–23 loss. Against the Buccaneers in Week 7, Document [3](Title: Sean Ryan (American football)) 2 touchdowns. He finished his career with 50 games (44 starts), 75 receptions for 950 yards, 12 touchdowns (second in school history for tight ends) and 19 special teams tackles. Ryan was selected by the Dallas Cowboys in the 5th round (144th overall) of the 2004 NFL Draft. On September 6, he was waived and signed to the practice squad two days later. On November 24, with starter Dan Campbell on injured reserve, he was promoted to the active roster and appeared in 6 games as the blocking tight end. He fractured his foot in training camp and missed all Document [4](Title: Ted Ryan (footballer, born 1921)) in 1946 and another two in 1947. Midway through the 1948 season, Ryan rejoined Williamstown, then in 1949 crossed to Stawell, where he was based on weekends, through his work as a truck driver. His brother, Phil, played for Hawthorn. Ted Ryan (footballer, born 1921) Edward Henry Ryan (17 July 1921 – 5 May 1960) was an Australian rules footballer who played with Collingwood in the Victorian Football League (VFL). Ryan, who went to Xavier College, was cleared to Collingwood from Williamstown, in the Victorian Football Association. In 1941, his debut season, Ryan was one of five Collingwood players to Document [5](Title: Giorgio Tavecchio) Giorgio Tavecchio Giorgio Tavecchio (born July 16, 1990), nicknamed "Italian Ice" is an Italian-born American football placekicker for the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League (NFL). He was born in Milan, Italy and was signed as an undrafted free agent by the San Francisco 49ers in 2012. He played his collegiate career at the University of California-Berkeley. Tavecchio's original plan was to attend UC Davis after they offered him a soccer scholarship. Because UC Davis was not also interested in him as a football place kicker, he considered other options. He then set up a workout at Cal but Document [6](Title: Matt Ryan (American football)) first player to average at least $30 million per year. In Week 2, a 31–24 victory over the Carolina Panthers, Ryan recorded two rushing touchdowns for the first time in his professional career. In addition, he had 272 passing yards, two passing touchdowns, and an interception in the win. In Week 3, in a 43–37 loss to the New Orleans Saints, Ryan passed for 374 yards and a career-high five touchdowns. In Week 4, against the Cincinnati Bengals, he had 419 passing yards and three touchdowns in the 37–36 loss. In Week 14, a 40-14 victory over the Arizona Cardinals, Document [7](Title: Ryan Mallett) Ravens. After Flacco suffered a concussion late in the second quarter of the Week 8 game against the Miami Dolphins, Mallet entered the game and completed 3 of 7 passes for 20 yards and 1 touchdown as the Ravens won by a score of 40–0. Source: NFL Ryan Mallett Ryan Mallett (born June 5, 1988) is an American football quarterback who is currently a free agent. He was drafted by the New England Patriots in the third round of the 2011 NFL Draft, and has also played for the Houston Texans and Baltimore Ravens. He played college football at Arkansas. Question: who is the quarter back for the atlanta falcons Answer:
Matthew Thomas Ryan
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Balrog) In The Fellowship of the Ring , the Fellowship ventured through Moria and were attacked in the Chamber of Mazarbul by Orcs and the Balrog . Gandalf faced the Balrog at the Bridge of Khazad - dûm and broke the Bridge , but was dragged down by the Balrog . He slew the Balrog but perished himself at the same time -- to be sent back as the more powerful Gandalf the White . Document [1](Title: Balrog) Balrog. As it fell, the Balrog wrapped its whip about Gandalf's knees, dragging him to the brink. As the Fellowship looked on in horror, Gandalf cried "Fly, you fools!" and plunged into the darkness below. After a long fall, the two crashed into a deep subterranean lake, which extinguished the flames of the Balrog's body; however it remained "a thing of slime, stronger than a strangling snake". They fought in the water, with the Balrog clutching at Gandalf to strangle him, and Gandalf hewing the Balrog with his sword, until finally the Balrog fled into ancient tunnels of unknown origin. Document [2](Title: Misty Mountains) reach heights of forty feet tall. The only surviving report of stone-giants was made by Bilbo and the thirteen Dwarves, as told in the Red Book of Westmarch in the chapter "Over Hill and Under Hill." Various races made their homes underneath the Misty Mountains. The Dwarf realm of Moria flourished from the First Age well into the Third. In the early Second Age, escapees from the War of Wrath established subterranean lairs: Orcs (e.g. at Goblin-town, Gundabad) and (as far as is known) one Balrog (under Moria). The Balrog was destroyed by Gandalf the Grey in . From time Document [3](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) to think this likely. Frodo proposes they take a company vote, but the discovery of Wargs on their trail forces them to accept Gandalf's proposal. They only realise the Dwarves are all dead once they reach Balin's tomb. The filmmakers chose instead for Gandalf to resist the Moria plan as a foreshadowing device. Gandalf says to Gimli he would prefer not to enter Moria, and Saruman is shown to be aware of Gandalf's hesitance, revealing an illustration of the Balrog in one of his books. The corpses of the dwarves are instantly shown as the Fellowship enter Moria. One detail Document [4](Title: Balrog) shortly afterward. In "The Lays of Beleriand", "The Lay of Leithian" mentions Balrog captains leading Orcs: "the Orcs went forth to rape and war, and Balrog captains marched before". Tolkien tells of two Balrogs slain by Elves in the fall of Gondolin. During the assault on the city, Ecthelion of the Fountain fought Gothmog, and "each slew the other." Glorfindel fought a Balrog who waylaid an escape party from the fallen city; both fell from the mountainside in the struggle and perished. In the War of Wrath that ended the First Age, most of the Balrogs were destroyed, although some Document [5](Title: Sauron) though he also secretly hoped to take the Ring for himself and use its power to supplant Sauron. Gandalf was held captive atop Orthanc for a time, but soon escaped with the help of one of the giant Eagles of Manwë. Having captured and tortured Gollum, Sauron learned that the Ring had been found by a Hobbit named "Baggins". Sauron sent the Nazgûl to the Shire, Bilbo's home, where they found that both Bilbo and Frodo had left. The Nazgûl pursued and nearly killed Frodo, but they were defeated near Rivendell by the Elf-lord Glorfindel and by Aragorn, Isildur's heir, Document [6](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) drags Gandalf down into the darkness with it. The rest of the Fellowship, now commanded by Aragorn, reaches Lothlórien, home to elves Galadriel and Celeborn. Galadriel privately informs Frodo that only he can complete the quest, and that one of his friends will try to take the Ring. Meanwhile, Saruman creates an army of Uruk-hai to track down and kill the Fellowship. The Fellowship leaves Lothlórien by river to Parth Galen. Frodo wanders off and is confronted by Boromir, who tries to take the Ring in desperation. Afraid of the Ring corrupting his friends, Frodo decides to travel to Mordor Document [7](Title: The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest) that they may have fled into nearby Fangorn Forest. Moving through Fangorn, the trio encounter Elder (Bob Joles), an Ent, who tells them the orcs of Isengard are using the wood of Fangorn to construct weapons and siege towers. They help Elder destroy two construction camps, before he goes to tell the other Ents of Saruman's treachery. Meanwhile, continuing to track Merry and Pippin, the trio encounter Gandalf, resurrected by the Valar to aid in the coming war. He tells them Merry and Pippin are safe with the Ents, and instead, they must travel to Edoras, where the king of Question: who does gandalf fight in the fellowship of the ring Answer:
the Balrog
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Big Bear Lake) In 1884 marshy , nearly flat Bear Valley was dammed with a single arch granite impoundment , which held back some 25,000 acre feet ( 31,000 dam ) of water for irrigation purposes in the Redlands area . Redlands citrus growers found that the 1884 dam produced insufficient water . The Bear Valley Mutual Water Company ( successor to Bear Valley Irrigation Company ) hired John S. Eastwood to design a new dam . In 1912 a 72 ft ( 22 m ) multiple arch dam was constructed about 300 ft ( 91 m ) downstream of the old dam and increased the lake capacity to 73,000 acre feet ( 90,000 dam ) . The original granite dam still remains , usually under about 20 feet of water . A highway bridge ( SR 18 ) was built over the arches of the new dam in 1923 . A new bypass bridge was built next to the old bridge in 2009 , and the old bridge on top of the new dam was removed ( 12 ) . Elevation at the surface is 6,750 ft ( 2,060 m ) , but this level fluctuates according to annual snowmelt and runoff . Big Bear Municipal Water District acquired the dam and other assets from the Mutual Water Company in 1977 . Document [1](Title: Bridge Canyon Dam) the encroachment of dams and reservoirs on protected lands, most notably O'Shaughnessy Dam, built in Yosemite National Park in 1924; the Glen Canyon Dam, completed in 1966, and the earlier controversy over the U.S. of Bureau of Reclamation's proposed Echo Park Dam, which would have flooded sections of Utah's Dinosaur National Monument. All of the proposals thus far for the dam have failed for one reason or another. In 1938, the state of Arizona attempted to gain federal permission to build the dam. Again in 1950, a bill was introduced in Congress for a Bridge Canyon Dam that would serve Document [2](Title: Powell, Arizona) Colorado River constructed at Eastbridge station in 1883 was washed out or undermined by the spring flooding of the river in 1884, 1886 and 1888. Finally they changed the railroad route southward Beal to Mellen, where from 1889 to May 1890 they built the Red Rock Bridge, a cantilever bridge, on rock foundations, unlike the previous site. The section of track between where the line changed direction to the new bridge, to the station of Powell and the bridge and station at Eastbridge, was abandoned in 1890. The site of Powell lies under the waters of Goose Lake in Topock Document [3](Title: Rocklands Reservoir) caused construction to cease, and construction was recommenced in 1950, with the dam being completed in 1953. A long cement gravity dam forms the main dam wall and is flanked by two embankment sections. At 100% operating capacity the dam wall holds back of water. The reservoir is capable of holding up to of water. At 100% capacity the surface area of Rocklands Reservoir is and the catchment area is . The spillway is capable of discharging . Rocklands Reservoir is a popular recreational boating location; with powered boating, water skiing and jet skiing allowed. Camping is permitted in designated Document [4](Title: Mackay Reservoir) dam face is 67 feet high. The reservoir covers 1,392 acres and has a storage capacity of 45,050 acre feet or 14.6 billion gallons of water. It is stocked annually with fish by the Bureau of Land Management. The reservoir sits between the Pioneer Mountains and the Lost River Range at the base of Mt. McCaleb. The dam was completed in 1918 by the Utah Construction Company. It served irrigation canals in the Lost River Valley. In June 1933, the control tower and diversions were attacked by "unknown persons" using dynamite. At the time, it was suspected that these residents Document [5](Title: Boulder Bridge) Boulder Bridge The Boulder Bridge is a historic bridge located in the Washington, D.C. portion of Rock Creek Park, an urban national park listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Boulder Bridge was constructed in 1902 and carries Beach Drive across Rock Creek, a tributary of the Potomac River. The reinforced concrete arch bridge was designed by architect W. J. Douglas and was built at a cost of $17,636. Boulder Bridge and Ross Drive Bridge were added to the National Register of Historic Places on March 20, 1980. In addition, the bridges are contributing properties to the Rock Creek Document [6](Title: Glen Canyon Dam) siltation. Because of the hundreds of bays and sinuous side canyons, including those formed by the San Juan, Escalante and Dirty Devil Rivers, Lake Powell has an exceptionally long shoreline for a lake of its size – about at full pool, longer than the entire west coast of the continental United States. Glen Canyon Dam's most vital purpose is to provide storage to ensure enough water flows from the Upper Colorado River Basin to the lower, especially in drought years. The 1922 Colorado River Compact requires annual delivery of to the Lower Basin states of Arizona, California and Nevada; the Document [7](Title: Hart Lake (Oregon)) In 1867, General George Crook decided to build a fort in the Warner Valley to prevent Indian raiding parties from passing through the area. To get his wagons across the wetlands, he had a bridge built across a narrow, marshy channel between Hart Lake and Crump Lake. Known as the Stone Bridge, the structure is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Hart Lake is named for the heart-shaped brand used by the pioneer Wilson and Alexander cattle ranch. The ranch was established in the Warner Valley near Hart Lake prior to 1878 by Henry C. Wilson and his Question: who owns the water in big bear lake Answer:
Big Bear Municipal Water District
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Gorillaz) Gorillaz are a British virtual band created in 1998 by musician Damon Albarn and artist Jamie Hewlett . The band primarily consists of four animated members : 2 - D ( lead vocals , keyboards ) , Murdoc Niccals ( bass guitar ) , Noodle ( guitar , keyboards ) , and Russel Hobbs ( drums and percussion ) . Their fictional universe is explored through music videos , interviews , and other short cartoons . In reality , Albarn is the only permanent musical contributor , and often collaborates with other musicians . Document [1](Title: Humanz Tour) Humanz Tour The Humanz Tour was a concert tour by the British alternative rock virtual band Gorillaz, in support of their fifth studio album "Humanz". Described as "a totally immersive interactive experience with the audience" by frontman Damon Albarn, the Humanz Tour utilizes a large screen behind the band to project music videos and visuals alongside live music, much like the band's previous tours. "Humanz" collaborators who are unable to present themselves for the concert are represented by pre-recorded video, a technique previously utilized in Demon Days Live. The set and production for the tour was designed by London-based design Document [2](Title: Noodle (Gorillaz)) Noodle (Gorillaz) Noodle (born 31 October 1990) is a fictional Japanese musician, singer, and member of the British virtual band Gorillaz. She provides the lead guitar, as well as some occasional lead and backing vocals for the band. Like all other band members of Gorillaz, she was created in 1998 by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett. Noodle has been voiced by Japanese actress Haruka Kuroda, singer-songwriter Miho Hatori of trip-hop group Cibo Matto., and Japanese English actress Haruka Abe. When first conceptualising the depiction of a guitarist for Gorillaz, Hewlett was initially considering depicting her as a 17-year-old adolescent girl Document [3](Title: Plastic Beach) on the cover of the UK edition of "Wired" magazine. On 14 January 2010, Albarn made an appearance as a guest DJ on BBC Radio 1, premiering demos of three new Gorillaz songs — "Electric Shock", "Broken" and "Stylo". "Stylo" was heavily edited for its final version, while "Broken" remained mostly unchanged. "Electric Shock" did not make the album, though samples of the song were used in "Rhinestone Eyes", as well as the intro orchestral separated into bonus track "Three Hearts, Seven Seas, Twelve Moons". On 20 January 2010, the official Gorillaz website was heavily revamped to fit the "Plastic Document [4](Title: The Good, the Bad & the Queen) of the band by UK chart compilers, and almost universally by record stores, music downloading services, concert promoters, fan sites and other media. Simon Tong and Paul Simonon both made appearances on Damon Albarn's next project, the third Gorillaz album "Plastic Beach" and Tony Allen collaborated with Albarn and Flea of Red Hot Chilli Peppers on the album, "Rocket Juice & the Moon" in 2012. In November 2011, the band played a show at London's Coronet Theatre marking the 40th anniversary of Greenpeace – the first time the band had played together in almost three years. Both Allen and Tong Document [5](Title: Humanz) featuring Brandon Markell Holmes, but was unable to convince him to appear on the song. On 6 March 2017, Gorillaz announced they were headlining their own festival called "Demon Dayz" at Margate, England. It took place on 10 June at the Dreamland amusement park, with free access to rides, and was also broadcast live, via Red Bull TV. The tickets were put on sale in the morning of 10 March, at 9:00am, and they sold out hours later. The festival was revealed to feature a number of collaborators from the album and other musicians that influenced the band, such as Document [6](Title: Demon Days) in their list of "The 300 Best Albums of 1985–2014". While Jamie Hewlett was working with his team on a script for a possible Gorillaz movie, Damon Albarn was still recording "Think Tank" with Blur. By the time Albarn was ready to start writing and recording material for the Gorillaz movie, the whole idea had already been scrapped, although ideas from the movie's script were still used, including the themes of being driven by ego and the world being trapped in an endless night. Despite this, the album's main source of inspiration actually came about as a result of Albarn's Document [7](Title: OJM (band)) album got positive reviews and feedbacks from the music critic (Kerrang!,, Stonedgods, Metal Hammer and others) and helped giving international visibility to the band. In 2003 the band sound became more influenced by rock'n'roll and garage rock and a split album featuring the British band Gorilla was released by Beard Of Stars Records. In October 2003 the band is back to the studio. Their second full-length album "The Light Album" was released in 2004 by Go Down Records, supported by the Italian distributor Audioglobe and the European distributors Sonic Rendezvous and Cargo. The videoclip of their first single, "Talking Question: who are the members of the band gorillaz Answer:
You are given a question and you MUST respond by EXTRACTING the answer (max 5 tokens) from one of the provided documents. If none of the documents contain the answer, respond with NO-RES. Documents: Document [0](Title: Ozone depletion) At Montreal , the participants agreed to freeze production of CFCs at 1986 levels and to reduce production by 50 percent by 1999 . After a series of scientific expeditions to the Antarctic produced convincing evidence that the ozone hole was indeed caused by chlorine and bromine from manmade organohalogens , the Montreal Protocol was strengthened at a 1990 meeting in London . The participants agreed to phase out CFCs and halons entirely ( aside from a very small amount marked for certain '' essential '' uses , such as asthma inhalers ) by 2000 in non-Article 5 countries and by 2010 in Article 5 ( less developed ) signatories . At a 1992 meeting in Copenhagen , the phase - out date was moved up to 1996 . At the same meeting , methyl bromide ( MeBr ) , a fumigant used primarily in agricultural production , was added to the list of controlled substances . For all substances controlled under the protocol , phaseout schedules were delayed for less developed ( ' Article 5 ( 1 ) ' ) countries , and phaseout in these countries was supported by transfers of expertise , technology , and money from non-Article 5 ( 1 ) Parties to the Protocol . Additionally , exemptions from the agreed schedules could be applied for under the Essential Use Exemption ( EUE ) process for substances other than methyl bromide and under the Critical Use Exemption ( CUE ) process for methyl bromide . Document [1](Title: Ozone depletion) protocol, phaseout schedules were delayed for less developed ('Article 5(1)') countries, and phaseout in these countries was supported by transfers of expertise, technology, and money from non-Article 5(1) Parties to the Protocol. Additionally, exemptions from the agreed schedules could be applied for under the Essential Use Exemption (EUE) process for substances other than methyl bromide and under the Critical Use Exemption (CUE) process for methyl bromide. Civil society including especially NGOs, played critical roles at all stages of policy development leading up to the Vienna Conference, the Montreal Protocol, and in assessing compliance afterwards. The major companies claimed that no Document [2](Title: Organofluorine chemistry) significant risks and dangers to health and the environment. CFCs and HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbon) deplete the ozone layer and are potent greenhouse gases. HFCs are potent greenhouse gases and are facing calls for stricter international regulation and phase out schedules as a fast-acting greenhouse emission abatement measure, as are perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulphur hexafluoride (SF). Because of the compound's effect on climate, the G-20 major economies agreed in 2013 to support initiatives to phase out use of HCFCs. They affirmed the roles of the Montreal Protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in global HCFC accounting and reduction. Document [3](Title: National Emissions Standards Act) of CFCs, halons, and methyl chloroform ended in the United States. There are still holes in the ozone that will take approximately 60 years to close up because of the chemicals that are already in the stratosphere. Congress added an operating permit program to the 1990 Clean Air Act for larger industries and commercial sources that release toxins into the air. These permits have information about which pollutants are emitted, how much may be emitted, and what actions the person in charge is taking to minimize the pollution. Permits must also state plans to measure and report the air pollution Document [4](Title: Montreal Protocol) adopted, but not in force). As a result of the international agreement, the ozone hole in Antarctica is slowly recovering. Climate projections indicate that the ozone layer will return to 1980 levels between 2050 and 2070. Due to its widespread adoption and implementation it has been hailed as an example of exceptional international co-operation, with Kofi Annan quoted as saying that "perhaps the single most successful international agreement to date has been the Montreal Protocol". In comparison, effective burden sharing and solution proposals mitigating regional conflicts of interest have been among the success factors for the ozone depletion challenge, where Document [5](Title: Ozone depletion) CFCs. HFCs, which contain no chlorine or bromine, do not contribute at all to ozone depletion although they are potent greenhouse gases. The best known of these compounds is probably HFC-134a (R-134a), which in the United States has largely replaced CFC-12 (R-12) in automobile air conditioners. In laboratory analytics (a former "essential" use) the ozone depleting substances can be replaced with various other solvents. Chemical companies like Du Pont, whose representatives even disparaged Greenfreeze as "that German technology," maneuvered the EPA to block the technology in the U.S. until 2011. Ben & Jerry's of Unilever and General Electric, spurred by Document [6](Title: Stratospheric aerosol injection) be spread across the globe instead of concentrated in a few nearby countries, and could lead to net reductions in the "air pollution" which the CLRTAP Convention is to reduce, it is uncertain how the convention's Implementation Committee and Executive Body would respond to such event. The stratospheric injection of sulfate aerosols would cause the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer to be applicable, due to their possible deleterious effects on stratospheric ozone. That treaty generally obligates its Parties to enact policies to control activities which "have or are likely to have adverse effects resulting from modification Document [7](Title: Greenhouse gas) limitations specified in the Kyoto Protocol expired in 2012. The Cancún agreement, agreed on in 2010, includes voluntary pledges made by 76 countries to control emissions. At the time of the agreement, these 76 countries were collectively responsible for 85% of annual global emissions. Although CFCs are greenhouse gases, they are regulated by the Montreal Protocol, which was motivated by CFCs' contribution to ozone depletion rather than by their contribution to global warming. Note that ozone depletion has only a minor role in greenhouse warming, though the two processes often are confused in the media. On 15 October 2016, negotiators Question: ozone layer depletion in antartica is due to which compound Answer: