課程代碼:36483400,授課教授:馮震宇,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到15點,課程大綱:隨著數位技術與行動商務的普及,再加上產品創新研發速度加快,產品生命週期縮短,企業競爭加劇,以及工業間諜與駭客日趨嚴重,為避免競爭對手知悉自己之營業秘密,使得營業秘密保護日趨重要。此外,員工離職他就,所出現的竊取、盜用或外洩原任職公司營業秘密的案件層出不窮,亦不可避免牽涉到原雇主的營業秘密之保護問題。這些問題,造成營業秘密訴訟案件不但快速增加,最有名的兩個案件就是美光告聯電以及Genetech告喜康。其中聯電一審判決不但對涉案員工給予嚴厲的處罰,也對聯電處以1億元罰款;至於喜康,則承諾退出其最重要的四個生物相似藥(biosimilar)藥品的後續研發與行銷,才換得與Genetech的和解。更值得關注的,就是營業秘密的侵害案件自從各國修法提高保護程度與刑罰後,都呈現案件成長率遠高於其他訴訟案件的情形,凸顯出營業秘密的保護已經成為各國經濟發展重要的議題。為了保護營業秘密,世界貿易組織(WTO)率先在與貿易有關的智慧財產權協定(TRIPS)中,將營業秘密作為受保護的智慧財產權標的之一,各國也紛紛訂定營業秘密的專法,來對營業秘密加以保護。例如我國雖領先各國於85年1月17日公布施行營業秘密法,但是由於並無刑責的規定,僅能依賴刑法第317條、第318條、第318條之1、第318條之2、第359條等規定,惟其行為態樣並不完整且法定刑過低,使得保護效果不足,因此政府於102年通過營業秘密法的修法,增訂第13-1~13-4條條文,大幅提高營業秘密的刑責與罰金。至於美國,首先由統一州法全國委員會(National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Law)在1979年制定了「統一營業秘密法(Uniform Trade Secret Act,UTSA)」,提供各州訂定其營業秘密法之基礎(目前美國僅有紐約州及麻薩諸塞州未根據UTSA制訂州法),以保護營業秘密。但是有感於州法保護的不足,美國於1996年訂定經濟間諜法(Economic Espionage Act, EEA),將保護營業秘密的法源提升到聯邦法的層次。隨後又在2012年修改經濟間諜法第1832(a)條之規定,2013年又修法加重同法第1831(a)條罰金刑額度,但是仍嫌不足。為了進一步保護營業秘密,美國國會在2016年5月通過2016年營業秘密防衛法(Defend Trade Secret Act of 2016, DTSA)」,再次強化營業秘密的保護,不但將營業秘密之「民事」救濟提昇至聯邦法層次,還增訂民事扣押命令之規定,並對秘密保持命令、法院保管含有營業秘密之物品、禁制令、賠償、惡意侵害加重賠償以及請求權時效加以規定。此外還一併修正第1839條、第1833條,並加重第1832條(b)罰金刑,將原本五百萬美元之罰金,修正為五百萬美元或被竊營業秘密三倍價值,以較高者為準。其實並不僅止於我國與美國,其他國家,例如日本、韓國也都有保護營業秘密的專法,甚至大陸也為了因應美中貿易戰而修改了大陸相關的立法。因此本學期將特別針對營業秘密之保護與各國相關立法加以介紹,重點在於台灣的營業秘密法與美國的營業秘密保護法制,包括USTA,EEA以及DTSA。另由於本課程為二學分課程,為深入討論各個議題,因此本課程將採集中上課的方式以每週上課三小時方式排課。
課程代碼:36487000,授課教授:許牧彥,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到19點,課程大綱:這是一們整合產業分析、企業策略、創新模式與智財管理的實作課程,引導學生協助焦點企業完成「全面創新管理」(Total Innovation Management, TIM)的規劃報告。這些焦點企業的特點是上櫃/上市公司,有進行全面品質管理(Total Quality Management, TQM) 或全面環境管理(Total Environment Management, TEM)的經驗,而且有導入台灣智慧財產管理規範(Taiwan Intellectual Property System, TIPS)。在這些焦點企業已有的管理基礎上,本課程將引導學生從產業動態演化的視野來擬定企業競合策略,再基於這些策略的意圖來設定智財的目標與創新的計畫。課程將分為以下五個段落:I. 企業地圖 MAPSII. 從TQM/TEM到TIPSIII. 智慧財產與產業架構的重組IV. 全面創新管理(TIM)V.個案研討
課程代碼:36489200,授課教授:宋皇志、詳備註,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到17點,課程大綱:主要討論內容包括:從Drug Discovery Today, Nature Biotechnology, JAMA Intern Med., N. Engl. J. Med., Nature Reviews Drug Discovery,..等的期刊中,所挑選出與最新科技、智慧財產權及相關判例、生技製藥產業經營管理、生技製藥創新創業、產學合作等議題相關的文章。
課程代碼:36405300,授課教授:陳秉訓,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程主要在介紹與專利申請過程有關的專利法議題。透過法院判決與專利審查基準的研讀與討論,讓學生學習相關的法律概念。在本課程後,學生應具備能力以分析專利申請案是否具可專利性。This course introduces the legal issues related to patent prosecution. Students will learn those issues through reading court cases and patent examination guidelines. After the course, the students should be able to evaluate the patentability issues of a patent application.
課程代碼:36476500,授課教授:宋皇志,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is a study of intellectual property management from the perspective of multinational corporations. Course content includes international intellectual property treaties, major national intellectual property policies, patent management, trademark management, copyright management, trade secret management, intellectual property rights planning, intellectual property sales and licensing, intellectual property financing, and intellectual property valuation.
課程代碼:36479000,授課教授:鄭菀瓊,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的12點到13點及禮拜四的12點到13點,課程大綱:請閱覽者留意,首先謝謝你/妳對本課程的興趣。預選成功後敬請留意信箱通知,並於第一次通知上課時間至實體教室參與,屆時將完整說明課程內容並確認同學修課意願(以便與實作單位溝通)。謝謝!本學期之『創新經濟與法律實作專題』課程因合作單位調整,將有所異動。詳細資訊將於第一次實體上課全面更新,故標註深紅色與底線「以外」之資訊已失效,謹供過往進行方式之參考(實作課程進行方式為每學期實體meeting 2-3次,其他時間分組獨立進行實作單位協力交付專案)。1. 2023年合作實作單位:財團法人資訊工業策進會 科技法律研究所2. 2023年合作實作主題:智財管理與公司治理3. 2023實績參考:實作單位邀請學生團隊就其實作成果,與企業進行分享交流#老王樂隊 #Your Woman Sleep with Others #校園民歌 #民歌搖滾 #政大金旋獎 #《吾十有五而志於學》 #〈我還年輕 我還年輕〉 #〈穩定生活多美好 三年五年高普考〉#〈Roadkill〉#壞鄰居有限公司 #著作權契約管理 #商標(品牌)管理 #肖像權 #藝文紓困 #新創法務 #商業計劃書(Business Plan)「打倒三明治Sandwich Fail給你充滿浪漫卻堅硬的靈魂安慰劑」(GQ,https://www.gq.com.tw/entertainment/content-40954,最後造訪:2020年7月27日)「就目前臺灣發展現況而言,獨立音樂的經營仍然困難重重,獨立音樂的市場也被許多大型音樂品牌公司及代理商虎視眈眈,反觀獨立樂團多爲學生團隊組成,背後缺乏經濟及專業知識的輔助,很容易陷入被動及虧損的局面。」(屠松煜,2020)如果讀者對以上#關鍵字,或是「」引用之文章段落毫無印象、亦無進一步探索的好奇心,則應非本門課的目標受眾(TA;Target Audience)—別擔心!一定有更適合的課等待被發現。反之,若修課者對藝術、文學天生喜愛,或經常關注文化科技(Cultural Technology)、跨域創新新知,且具有法律/智財、財務/會計、專案/創新管理3專長之任一項者,本動手實作課程,旨即在提昇修課者對實務、理論結合之專業臨場感。本課程開設初衷,旨在結合三者:1.實作單位—老王樂隊(含壞鄰居有限公司);2.授課教師;3.修課同儕(約5-10位)之團隊專業與熱情,透過現場參與觀察和定期密集討論之實作練習,為來自政大或相似之獨立/學生樂團提供音樂經紀相關(含法務、財會、商業計畫)等多面向經驗之累積與豐富化。請留意,因學習長度完整性與實作協調可行性因素,修課同學除有特殊理由(如:獲校內推薦至海外交換學生等),需同時選修上、下學期(全學年)總計3學分課程
課程代碼:36481800,授課教授:陳秉訓,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的12點到13點及禮拜二的12點到13點,課程大綱:注意:新選課同學請和授課老師討論後再選課。本課程為原「文化產業與智慧財產權」的延伸課程。透過和內容產業的合作,讓學生執行與智財權有關的專案,以從業師身上學習實務知識。不過,選修者不要求先修「文化產業與智慧財產權」。This course is originally an extension of “Cultural Industry and Intellectual Property.” Industrial experts will join the course to assign a project to each participating student. The project will be related to intellectual property. During the execution of the project, the student will learn practical knowledge from the expert. Notably, students are not required to take the course "Cultural Industry and Intellectual Property."
課程代碼:36492700,授課教授:沈宗倫,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到16點,課程大綱:(1)本課程延續智慧財產權法專題研究(三)之課程內容,繼續引領修習者由比較法的角度探索近年來智慧財產權法重要問題,分由智慧財產權相關理論以及美國法相關判決二方面開展,針對人工智慧相關核心議題以及近年美國聯邦最高法院重要判決加以研討與論析,期能作為未來我國法與司法判決下相關爭議解決之借鏡與參考。在此特別說明,本課程授課內容之設計與智慧財產權法專題研究(一)、(二)、(三)相互獨立,三者間並無修習次序或先修之要求。(2)修習者有於課前閱讀指定教材的義務 ;並分組擔任每週課程的助教 。(3) 期末提報之專題 應結合我國司法實務之相關發展 。(4) 期中助教組與期末報告組建議同一,一組以二至三人為度。為求公平起見,若分組超過三人,期末報告應加計 5000 字。
課程代碼:36493700,授課教授:陳秉訓,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的10點到12點,課程大綱:This course provides to students basic knowledge of U.S patent litigation in a procedural aspect. The topics cover “cease and desist letters,” declaratory judgment jurisdiction, Rule 12(b)(2) motion, Rule 12(b)(6) motion, venue, discovery, “attorney-client privilege and work product immunity,” Rule 11 sanction, expert witness, and joinder under 35 U.S.C. § 299.
課程代碼:93300500,授課教授:吳文傑,開課院所:商學院的國際經營管理碩士學程,授課時間:禮拜四的19點到22點,課程大綱:This course introduces how a business decision should be made based on economic analysis.
課程代碼:93301300,授課教授:傅浚映,開課院所:商學院的國際經營管理碩士學程,授課時間:禮拜三的19點到22點,課程大綱:Strategic management deals with the positioning, organization, and management issues facing firms in their pursuit of long-term superior economic performance. In this course, we take the perspective of top executives, who are responsible for formulating and executing strategy. With an emphasis on case discussions, this course introduces various analytical tools and conceptual lenses that can assist strategy formulation and execution.
課程代碼:93301600,授課教授:朴星俊、許育瑋、蘇威傑,開課院所:商學院的國際經營管理碩士學程,授課時間:禮拜日的19點到22點,課程大綱:The course is aimed to prepare you for the learning journey in the IMBA Program. Through this 3-day intensive workshop, you will learn the fundamental concepts of learning, team building and leadership, the foundation for leadership ventures in career and life.
課程代碼:93301800,授課教授:朴星俊、周玲臺、林月雲、許永明、羅明琇,開課院所:商學院的國際經營管理碩士學程,授課時間:禮拜六的12點到14點及禮拜六的17點到18點,課程大綱:Over the past two decades, business ethics and sustainability development have become increasingly important and attracted wide attention. This course primarily introducestheethical and sustainability issues possibly faced by firms and individuals. Students are first equipped with basic concepts and theories relateing to business ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. Then studentswill be involved in discussion of four cases and sustainabilty value ranking activity. Students are required to preview cases before attending the class and expected to actively participate in class discussions.
課程代碼:93393300,授課教授:詳備註,開課院所:商學院的國際經營管理碩士學程,授課時間:禮拜六的19點到22點,課程大綱:In order to properly assess performance on internship assignments, the IMBA office has created this checklist and supplemental forms to be filled by the student and the supervisor / manager.
課程代碼:93387700,授課教授:扈企平,開課院所:商學院的國際經營管理碩士學程,授課時間:禮拜五的19點到22點,課程大綱:The purpose of this course,Bond Market Analysis, is to provide a comprehensive understanding on the various types of bonds (oftentimes referred to as fixed-income securities) and the function of a bond market (fixed-income securities market).  A bond is a debt security issued by a government, a quasi-government agent, a corporation, or a special purpose truest.  The issuers of these bonds are debtors and the investors who purchase the bonds are creditors.  The place where bonds are issued initially and bought and sold thereafter by the various participants is called the bond market.The U.S. bond market, being the most sophisticated and the largest in the world both in the volume of issuance and trading, is used as an example for illustration throughout the course.At the outset, this course demonstrates the thinking process and the practical application of bond math to valuate a bond from different aspects of its cash flow.The bond math is fundamentalin understanding the basic operation of the“cash market”of bonds as instruments of financing as well as investment.  The bond math is also critical in the analysis of the“bond derivatives market,”where forwards, futures, and swaps are originated and traded.  These derivatives are bond-based transaction contracts used for the purpose of hedging, speculating, and managing risks.  This course will analyze the operation of both the bond cash market and the bond derivatives market.A unique feature of this course is the extensive and detailed explanation onasset securitization, alternatively termed structured finance.  Asset securitization is an innovative and efficient way of financing for lenders.  And asset-backed securities (structured finance securities) have become an important and attractive part of bond investment portfolios.  Over the past twenty years, they have been either the largest or the second largest sector of the U.S. bond market.The valuation of a bond involves more than just the mathematical calculation of the value of its cash flow.  The additional and critically important element of the bond valuation isthe credit rating of its issuer.  In credit ratings, the conceptual framework for rating a corporate bond differs fundamentally from that of an asset-backed security.  For that reason, the final element of this course will be a comprehensive discussion to compare the concept and methodology of corporatefinance and structured finance credit ratings.
課程代碼:93388400,授課教授:郭維裕,開課院所:商學院的國際經營管理碩士學程,授課時間:禮拜一的19點到22點,課程大綱:This is designed as an intermediate level course of investments. The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the operations of financial markets and the basic ideas and techniques of investments. The first half of this course will focus on the investment environment, the investment instruments, and the basic portfolio theory.  At the end of it, students should understand how financial markets operate and how to determine optimal risky portfolios.The second part of this course will concentrate on the asset pricing aspect of investments. Students will learn how to apply theoretical asset pricing models to determine fair values of equities and bonds in seemingly efficient financial markets.
課程代碼:93391000,授課教授:劉助,開課院所:商學院的國際經營管理碩士學程,授課時間:禮拜二的19點到22點,課程大綱:1. To look at business in a form of mathematical model2. Business is represented by a set of numbers: financial statements3. Make use of 16 numbers that represent a business model, work on those 16numbers, we will gain knowledge to4. learn how to manage by numbers, being able to identify strength and weakness.5. calculate business’s economic value ( or intrinsic value)6. comparing with stock market, students would be able to pick good stocks.
課程代碼:93391600,授課教授:李瑞華,開課院所:商學院的國際經營管理碩士學程,授課時間:禮拜日的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is designed to help participants understand Confucianism and its relevant concepts and principles on leadership, and its impacts and implications on leadership practices in Chinese Organizations.For more than 2500 years, Confucianism had a strong impact on the philosophy, culture, society, economy, and politics of China, (also Japan, Korea and Vietnam). It’s core values are also deeply rooted in overseas Chinese communities around the world. With China, and Asia in general, becoming more important and influential in the world, there is renewed interest in understanding Confucianism and its relevance to economic success.Given the shocking awakening to the importance of moral and ethical responsibilities of business leaders in the post-Enron era, the new challenges on leadership ethics, and the focus on ESG in recent years, Confucianism also provides a useful framework to re-examine our understanding of leadership, and reflect on our personal leadership behavior.We shall discuss how we can draw new inspirations from these time-tested ancient wisdoms, and their implications and applications on leadership in the 21st century.
課程代碼:93392000,授課教授:張永明,開課院所:商學院的國際經營管理碩士學程,授課時間:禮拜四的19點到22點,課程大綱:This course is designed to enhance students’ understanding of the knowledge and skills needed for international management, evaluate the impact of environmental changes on international business and derive strategies to respond to these changes. The format of class sessions includes lecture materials supplemented by cases for illustrating certain topics as well as current events in international media that affect business.
課程代碼:93394300,授課教授:冷則剛,開課院所:商學院的國際經營管理碩士學程,授課時間:禮拜一的19點到22點,課程大綱:This is a course on the transformation of Chinese business in the era of globalization and post-globalization. The course is organized around fifteen seminars, covering structural, institutional, environmental, technological and cultural transformation of Chinese business and Chinese economy.
課程代碼:93388700,授課教授:劉秀明,開課院所:商學院的國際經營管理碩士學程,授課時間:禮拜日的14點到17點,課程大綱:With today’s vibrant environment for public, social and commercial enterprises, leaders are compelled to acquire strategic orientation and the competencies to ensure the sustainability of any initiative. The course aims to provide learners with pedagogical learning of business processes and strategies for ensuring the sustainability of business initiatives. Furthermore, through the in-class experiential learning, the course will also focus on developing the learners’ strategic marketing orientation and self-efficacy in building business models based on the core competencies of individual organizations.
課程代碼:93401000,授課教授:宋皇志、詳備註,開課院所:商學院的生物科技管理學程,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到17點,課程大綱:主要討論內容包括:從Drug Discovery Today, Nature Biotechnology, JAMA Intern Med., N. Engl. J. Med., Nature Reviews Drug Discovery,..等的期刊中,所挑選出與最新科技、智慧財產權及相關判例、生技製藥產業經營管理、生技製藥創新創業、產學合作等議題相關的文章。
課程代碼:93401500,授課教授:詳備註,開課院所:商學院的生物科技管理學程,授課時間:禮拜四的10點到12點,課程大綱:我們整合了生物化學、 細胞生物學、分子生物學中最為基礎的內容.依主題編列成:基因訊息、蛋白質的結構與動態、以及細胞的結構與功能三大重元。其中第—個單元為生命科學總論(上)的主軸。內容包括:(1)生物學的基礎知識與概念; (2)遺傳訊息。
課程代碼:93453800,授課教授:詳備註,開課院所:商學院的生物科技管理學程,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:訓練學生閱讀原文書,尋找於閱讀課程延伸的科學原始著作與資料,撰寫學習的報告,以及自主學習等科學基本素養與能力。 學習基礎的生物之結構,以及生命現象之運作機制。內容主要包括,分子、細胞、遺傳與分子生物,發育與演化,動物構造與生理。
課程代碼:93463300,授課教授:詳備註,開課院所:商學院的生物科技管理學程,授課時間:禮拜一的10點到12點及禮拜四的10點到12點,課程大綱:介紹細胞內大分子 (醣類、脂質、氨基酸、核酸) 的結構及合成與代謝反應與其參與之酵素,除影響大分子功能,亦調控細胞生理功能。合成與代謝反應的缺失常造成許多疾病,故對疾病病理機制的基礎研究、臨床醫療發展應用有助益。主題 :1. 醣類結構與代謝2. 脂質結構與代謝3. 氨基酸結構與代謝4. 核酸結構與代謝This course aims to introduce structures, function and metabolisms of macromolecules (including carbohydrates, lipid, amino acids and nucleotides). It also covers enzymes involved in the catabolism and the anabolism of macromolecules. The defects in the metabolic pathways are often associated with diseases. Therefore, understanding of the metabolic pathways for macromolecules could be useful for the study of disease pathogenesis and be beneficial for development of clinical therapeutics.Topics:1. Carbohydrate and Carbohydrate Metabolism2. lipid and Lipid Metabolism3. Metabolism of Nitrogenous compounds4. Nucleotide Metabolism
課程代碼:35190700,授課教授:顏佑銘,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜一的16點到19點,課程大綱:Econometrics is a discipline based upon advanced economic theories and various quantitative methods. It focuses on the problems inherent in collecting and analyzing observational data, such as empirically estimating economic relationships, testing economic theories, evaluating and implementing government and business policies, and forecasting important macroeconomic indicators, etc.Econometrics now is indispensable for an economist to conduct serious empirical research. The one-semester course aims to introduce graduate level students some well-established econometric methods, in particular those for dealing withcross-sectionaldata.The course will cover the following topics:Multiple regression analysis: estimationMultiple regression analysis: inferenceMultiple regression analysis: OLS asymptoticsMultiple regression analysis: further issuesMultiple regression analysis with qualitative informationHeteroskedasticityInstrumental variables estimation and two stage least squaresSimultaneous equations modelsLimited dependent variable Models and sample selection correctionsInstructional Method: LectureCourse Requirements:Students need to be familiar with undergraduate level statistics, calculus and economics before taking the course. Students are required to attend lectures and finish assigned exercises.Note that the course will start frommultiple regression analysisrather thansimple regression analysis. Therefore students who are not familiar with simple regression analysis (or relevant statistical tools) need to study it by themselves in order to catch up with the course.
課程代碼:35178600,授課教授:顏佑銘,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到19點,課程大綱:The main course will focus on asset pricing and portfolio choice theories. In particular,the course will cover the following topics:1. Utility function and risk aversion2. Portfolio choice problem3. Stochastic discount factors4. Concepts of equilibrium and efficiency5. Mean-variance portfolio optimization6. Beta pricing models7. Representative agent in financial economics8. Asymmetric informationStudents are required to read selected chapters in the following book and present and summary of what they learn from it.Andrew Ang (2014): ''Asset Management: A Systematic Approach to Factor Investing'', Oxford University Press.
課程代碼:35179800,授課教授:何乾瑋,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:The purpose of this doctoral seminar is to provide students with some exposure to empirical modeling in business. After taking this course, students should have an understanding of the various issues surrounding data analysis and model building in international business. More importantly, they would know where to look for reference when modeling issues come up.
課程代碼:35202600,授課教授:江彌修,開課院所:商學院的金融學系,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:In this course, we invited academic speakers of outstanding academic records to give seminars on their current research interests.Detailed schedule will be announced at the beginning of each semester.
課程代碼:35273600,授課教授:林建秀,開課院所:商學院的金融學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is designed to survey the theories and methodologies used in foreign exchange studies. Topics will cover FX trading strategies; FX pricing factors; impacts of government policies on foreign exchange rates and comovement among asset prices across different markets.
課程代碼:35277200,授課教授:林靖庭,開課院所:商學院的金融學系,授課時間:禮拜二的18點到21點,課程大綱:This course will focus on the financial theories and empirical evidence in financial markets. Topics covers stock market, derivative markets, mutual funds, and ETFs. Student are exposed to a broad overview of modern finance, and gains a deep understanding of certain key theory.
課程代碼:35307400,授課教授:張祐慈,開課院所:商學院的會計學系,授課時間:禮拜二的17點到18點,課程大綱:本課程探討ESG評鑑揭露與審計品質間的關聯性之研究。本研究樣本採用美國上市公司,資料為Compustat。首先 Hammami, A., & Hendijani Zadeh, M. (2020)以加拿大為樣本,實證結果發現ESG透明度與審計品質及發佈公眾媒體資訊為正向關係,說明企業ESG與審計品質間可能存在間接關係。Hua, M., & Alam, P. (2021)則認為審計公費與ESG風險為正向關係,暗指企業若有較高的ESG風險更願意支付高額的審計公費。截至目前為止多數文獻僅考量ESG風險對審計品質的影響,然ESG評鑑及揭露延伸探討與審計品質之關聯性研究尚未完整,本研究將有助於學術界延伸ESG評鑑及揭露對企業財務報表及非財務報表的影響性,進而對審計品質所產生的影響。
課程代碼:35473400,授課教授:鄭宇庭,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:The topics include data warehousing, business performance management, data mining, text and web mining and business implementation.
課程代碼:35481500,授課教授:陳立榜,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:This is a PhD-level course, which is primarily designed for the instructor's PhD students. This course introduces some advanced tools about variable selection under various regression models and measurement error in datasets. Students are required to write programming code and a research-format final project. To improve English skill for the future presentation in international conferences, students will have weekly discussion and a final oral presentation in English. Students should get the instructor's permission before recruiting this course.
課程代碼:35471400,授課教授:余清祥,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:The goal is to develop the skills needed by a statistical consultant. Emphasized topics include data analysis, problem solving, report writing, oral communication with clients, issues in planning experiments and collecting data, and practical aspects of consulting management.
課程代碼:35471500,授課教授:吳漢銘,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜一的15點到16點,課程大綱:本課程主要分為兩個部分進行:(1) 本系所舉辦的學術演講,學生需要出席並參與問答及討論(具體的日期與次數請見教學進度)。(2) 上學期,碩一/博一生需練習閱讀學術文獻以及上台口頭報告。下學期,碩二/博二以上生需上台練習口頭報告自己的畢業論文。
課程代碼:35481600,授課教授:黃子銘,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:Various research topics on semiparametric and nonparametric function estimation willbe introduced in class, including kernel estimation, estimation based on spline approximation, model average and model selection methods, and so on. Reading assignments will be given in class and students are expected to discuss the reading material or make presentations in class.
課程代碼:35550600,授課教授:朴星俊,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜一的8點到10點及禮拜一的12點到13點,課程大綱:This course is designed to nurture a future scholar in the marketing discipline as an independent researcher. With this aim, students are asked to develop their research questions/hypotheses, design a survey/experiment, collect, analyze, and interpret data. At the end of this semester, students will be ready to present their findings at an international academic conference and have a working paper targeted to a journal.
課程代碼:35550800,授課教授:黃國峯,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:The primary objective of the course is to review some important theoretical perspectives (theories) in the organizational theory literature. The course is structured to allow students to develop research questions and students are expected to submit one academic paper at the end of this course.Class participation:The course is set up with a 3-hour lecture each week on Tuesday. Students are expected to prepare referee reports (in PowerPoint format) each week, and each person will be required to present the assigned paper each week. Moreover, one assigned person will be responsible for leading the discussion (including session opening, summarizing the whole papers, and preparing the hardcopy of handouts).When reading papers and preparing for your weekly referee reports, students are encouraged to pay attention to the following questions:What is the key research question?Why is this research question interesting and important? What’s the gap identified?Are these hypotheses (or propositions) convincing and well-developed?Are the context and research designs appropriate for testing these hypotheses?What are the main findings? Are there any alternative explanations for these findings?•  What limitations does this research have? How can you apply these findings in your term paper or even your own research?Readings:Each week we will cover a set of topics that are important in the organizational theory literature. You will need to read and understand the following papers to participate in class.Term paper:For the term paper, students are expected to conduct a literature review for a theory and develop propositions or testable hypotheses.
課程代碼:35550700,授課教授:許書瑋,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜一的8點到10點及禮拜一的12點到13點,課程大綱:The objective of this course is to equip students with the ability to read and conduct qualitative research. This course will be organized in three parts. In the first part, we will intensively immerse ourselves in the world of qualitative research by “reading a lot”. This would quickly familiarize us (particularly for those whose academic training involves only quantitative methodologies) with what qualitative research feels/tastes like. In the second part, we will then return to qualitative methodologies. Given that an exhaustive review is impossible, we will specifically focus on only four methodologies (i.e., grounded theory, case study, process theorizing, and system psychodynamics). In the last part, we will examine the general practices in qualitative research (e.g., coding, evaluating) and conclude our courses with a vision toward developing a more reflexive and thoughtful scholarship that we co-inhabit. In this semester, we are also honored to have a guest speaker to illustrate how a qualitative researcher develops ways into the phenomenon of interest.The first class will be started at 9:10 am (Sep 11, Monday).
課程代碼:35564200,授課教授:傅浚映、謝凱宇,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:The course introduces important theoretical perspectives (theories) in the strategy literature, as well as the main databases available at the NCCU library that can be used for strategy research. At the end of this course, students are required to submit a research paper.
課程代碼:35551900,授課教授:李怡慧、李曉惠、尚孝純、張欣綠,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程從四個面向探討智慧電子化創新轉型,分別為:(1) 智慧採用(Smart Adoption)、(2) 智慧轉型(Smart Transformation)、(3) 智慧創新(Smart Innovation)、及(4) 智慧營運(Smart Operation)。同學分為四組(A,B,C,D),每次上課有兩篇論文需要討論,同學需要在課前閱讀論文,並且每篇論文分配由一組同學報告論文內容,確保同學對內容有共同的理解,另一組同學則需要讀完論文之後,由審查人的角度評論論文的優缺點及可能需要進一步研究的課題。每篇論文的進行方式如下:
課程代碼:35601500,授課教授:陳恭,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程旨在協助學生了解與掌握一些當前重要的創新資訊科技的發展與實務應用,並透過適當的實作練習,培養學生的軟體素養與開發技能。本學期將就以下主題進行學習與探討。Blockchain and Smart ContractsTokenization and Decentralized FinanceDistributed systems and software modularityFinancial applications and systems
課程代碼:35637200,授課教授:李怡慧、李曉惠、尚孝純、張欣綠,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程從四個面向探討智慧電子化創新轉型,分別為:(1) 智慧採用(Smart Adoption)、(2) 智慧轉型(Smart Transformation)、(3) 智慧創新(Smart Innovation)、及(4) 智慧營運(Smart Operation)。同學分為四組(A,B,C,D),每次上課有兩篇論文需要討論,同學需要在課前閱讀論文,並且每篇論文分配由一組同學報告論文內容,確保同學對內容有共同的理解,另一組同學則需要讀完論文之後,由審查人的角度評論論文的優缺點及可能需要進一步研究的課題。每篇論文的進行方式如下:
課程代碼:35647800,授課教授:尚孝純,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:二十一世紀新經濟企業面對強大智慧科技發展,時時需要創新服務並調整商業模式。今日新興商業模式強調個性化、服務化與多元化的跨界跨業服務。而其商業模式創新能力來自企業數據的洞察力與掌握萌發資訊技術的眼光。我們在這個課程裡,探討變動環境下的八大智慧創新商業模式與全球案例,包含:貼心創新模式、 隨意創新模式、共同創新模式、驚艷創新模式、遊戲創新模式、循環創新模式、免費創新模式、界接創新模式。將帶領學生研習數十個多元多樣的案例,解構每一個案的產品元素與服務體驗、瞭解客戶的需求缺口、情緒因子與接觸流程,分析產品價值與服務設計以驗證各不同商業模式的價值切入點與執行關鍵。
課程代碼:35600300,授課教授:李曉惠,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到15點,課程大綱:This is a one credit seminar course. According to the rule of the MIS Department, all PhD students MUST take four times of this course before his/her graduation. Through these seminars, students will learn new theories, models, and topics in various academic areas. The interactions with guest speakers will also inspire students to develop their own research projects.
課程代碼:35682200,授課教授:湯宗益,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:Themobilecommercecoveragewillhelpstudentslearnaboutthesystemsandconsumerbehaviorsthatcombinetomakeuptheecosystem,marketplayer,andconsumerbehaviorstolearnhowmwebistes,mwallet,mpayment,mcoupon,andmvoucheroperatethroughdifferentsectorsincludingretail,transport,andconsumerbanking.Studentswillrecognizearangeofemergenttrendsandrelevantlawsandguidelines,includingprivacyanddataprotection.Thiscoursewillprovideabalancedviewoftheoryandpractice,whichshouldallowthestudenttouseandbuildpracticalbigdataanalyticsandmanagementsystems.Becauseofbigdata,managerscanknowmoreabouttheirbusinesses,anddirectlytranslatethatknowledgeintoimproveddecisionmakingandperformance.Asthetoolsandphilosophiesofbigdataspread,theywillchangelong-standingideasaboutthevalueofexperience,thenatureofexpertise,andthepracticeofmanagement.Attheendofthecourse,studentsshouldbeabletoanswerthefollowingquestions:@WhoaretheplayersinITstartups:Investors,leadersormanagers?TheCIO,theprojectmanager,thetechnicalstaff,andprocessmanager?@ What are the major management trends that affect mobility deployment and big data?@What are the variables that impact mobile commerce and big data management?
課程代碼:35703500,授課教授:陳鴻毅,開課院所:商學院的財務管理學系,授課時間:禮拜五的12點到13點,課程大綱:This is a seminar co-hosted by the departments of finance, banking, and international trade. Scholars will be invited to present their most concurrent research work. PhD students in the three departments are expected to join this seminar.
課程代碼:35704200,授課教授:盧敬植,開課院所:商學院的財務管理學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course introduces fundamental economic theories that basic asset pricing models are based on. After the derivation of CAPM, we will move on to a brief introduction on contingent claims and proceed with more modern setup of stochastic discount factor.