課程代碼:35471400,授課教授:余清祥,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:The goal is to develop the skills needed by a statistical consultant. Emphasized topics include data analysis, problem solving, report writing, oral communication with clients, issues in planning experiments and collecting data, and practical aspects of consulting management.
課程代碼:35471900,授課教授:吳漢銘,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到14點,課程大綱:本課程主要分為兩個部分進行:(1) 本系所舉辦的學術演講,學生需要出席並參與問答及討論(具體的日期與次數請見教學進度)。(2) 上學期,碩一/博一生需練習閱讀學術文獻以及上台口頭報告。下學期,碩二/博二以上生需上台練習口頭報告自己的畢業論文。
課程代碼:35474500,授課教授:鄭宗記,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:The course offers a solid coverage of the most important parts of the theory and application of regression models.
課程代碼:35481400,授課教授:黃子銘,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜一的16點到19點,課程大綱:This course is for master students who plan to pursue a PhD in Statistic. Some topics in Probability theory will be covered, including probability spaces, integration with respect to a measure, Radon-Nikodym derivatives, and conditional expectation with respect to a sigma field.
課程代碼:35474900,授課教授:吳漢銘,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到15點,課程大綱:本課程主要分為兩個部分進行:(1) 本系所舉辦的學術演講,學生需要出席並參與問答及討論(具體的日期與次數請見教學進度)。(2) 上學期,碩一/博一生需練習閱讀學術文獻以及上台口頭報告。下學期,碩二/博二以上生需上台練習口頭報告自己的畢業論文。
課程代碼:35477000,授課教授:鄭宇庭,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:The topics include simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling, clustering sampling, multistage sampling, survey research methods, questionnaire design,standardized survey interviewing, non-response, CATI.
課程代碼:35635500,授課教授:洪光鈞、張凱棊,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜三的18點到21點,課程大綱:由於消費市場需求帶動之下,2025 年物聯網裝置使用量將 突破 750 億,因此物聯網設備將為駭客鎖定的攻擊目標,對物聯網的生態發展造成影響;本課程教學重點將涉及:物聯網資安趨勢簡介、國際資安法規與標準簡介、軟體供應鏈資 安議題、開源軟體資安議題、建議管理措施等內容,希望藉 此能協助學生瞭解對此相關議題的因應策略,並提供物聯網 資安產業實務上的管理與技術連結。
課程代碼:35635800,授課教授:向倩儀,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:In this course, students will gain practical experience in the field of data science with a focus on its applications in the business world. The class begins with an introduction to Python programming and covers essential Python libraries for data science, such as Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib. Additionally, students will learn about Scikit-learn, the most commonly used Python library for machine learning. This course utilizes a two-stage training approach to develop students' expertise in utilizing Python for data pre-processing, data management, and data analytics, as well as implementing machine learning algorithms to solve real-world business problems. The aim is to enhance students' comprehension of data science's practical applications in a business environment, ultimately improving their understanding of how data science can be applied to real-world situations.
課程代碼:35636000,授課教授:蔡瑞煌,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:The course objective is the introduction of Convolutional Neural Networks and the visual recognition with the infrastructure of PyTorch/TensorFlow and GPUs.
課程代碼:35639200,授課教授:張欣綠,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:The course collaborates with IBM to offer students a knowledge portfolio of Fintech innovation in the financial industry. It includes two modules --finance transformation and technology transformation. Each module will run for 4-5 weeks. The first module is concept sharing by professors and IBM principal consultants. The second module is practical case sharing or workshop or lab hosted by IBM senior consultant. In addition to the two modules, we also design a Hackathon as a capstone module. Students, working in groups, apply their knowledge learned through the semester to a particular project.
課程代碼:35600800,授課教授:周彥君,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This is a required course for graduate students in the department of MIS. Students will be exposed to different types of research in the field of information and operations management.
課程代碼:35602100,授課教授:洪為璽,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:Nowadays, we are in a very technology-centered world. Organizations are developing new systems every day. However, we have seen many unsuccessful cases in the IT development projects. One of the key reasons is the absence of appropriate data modelling. There is no common language between those system developers, and this is where the data modeler comes in. Also, some organizations may develop certain data model that are similar to others, which means they don’t have to develop it from scratch. Thus, this course tends to teach students how to conduct data modelling in order to save organizations’ time and money by leveraging the use of common or universal database structures.
課程代碼:35635900,授課教授:洪智鐸,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到16點,課程大綱:Process mining is a recent technology that combines data science and business process analysis. Unlike traditional business process management, which relies on workshops and interviews to create an idealized representation of a process, process mining uses data mining methods to generate a depiction of the process. Particularly, process mining produces and analyzes process models solely based on event logs recorded by corporate information systems. By inspecting these event logs, managers and analysts can obtain novel insights to address performance and compliance problems of business processes.This course introduces the fundamentals of process mining, enabling students to learn how these mining technologies work, when to apply them, and what their outcomes may be. We will cover three categories of analysis methods: (1) process discovery, which constructs a process model from an event log without a-priori information; (2) conformance checking, which checks if an existing process model conforms to the behavior of a business process and vice versa; (3) process enhancement, which improves a process model with additional information about the real process. All these categories provide data-centric techniques to support an analyst finding issues in business processes. We will also discuss process mining practices in application domains such as healthcare, financial auditing, and robotics. Finally, if time permits, we will introduce some useful mining tools developed in the literature.
課程代碼:35642500,授課教授:湯宗益,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:It is technically possible to connect everyone to everyone else either by wire or wireless means. But would this necessarily be a good democratic society or even a pleasant place to live in? The same technology that can provide surveillance for national security, law enforcement and commerce accountability can also be used for social and political control and the propaganda targeting of unpopular groups and individuals. The same technology that can bring instant and cheap communication can also bring pornography and hate speech.These challenges are so fundamental that in this course we will explore the essentials of e-marketing tools: personal branding, search engine optimization, social media marketing, conversion optimization, content marketing, and email marketing. We will also revisit the necessary traits of digital age, including media, competition, reality, time, matter, space, mind, destiny, religion, definition, knowledge, listening, happiness, grief, joy, spirituality, attachment, obsession, desire, authority, dependence, and compassion.
課程代碼:35647800,授課教授:尚孝純,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:二十一世紀新經濟企業面對強大智慧科技發展,時時需要創新服務並調整商業模式。今日新興商業模式強調個性化、服務化與多元化的跨界跨業服務。而其商業模式創新能力來自企業數據的洞察力與掌握萌發資訊技術的眼光。我們在這個課程裡,探討變動環境下的八大智慧創新商業模式與全球案例,包含:貼心創新模式、 隨意創新模式、共同創新模式、驚艷創新模式、遊戲創新模式、循環創新模式、免費創新模式、界接創新模式。將帶領學生研習數十個多元多樣的案例,解構每一個案的產品元素與服務體驗、瞭解客戶的需求缺口、情緒因子與接觸流程,分析產品價值與服務設計以驗證各不同商業模式的價值切入點與執行關鍵。
課程代碼:35601400,授課教授:陳恭、蔡瑞煌,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:The course objectives are the in-depth discussions on issues regarding the practice ofartificial Neural Networks on the infrastructure of TensorFlow and GPU.smart contract development for decentalized finance (DeFi).
課程代碼:35635700,授課教授:高大宇,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜四的18點到21點,課程大綱:1.金融科技的網路安全(1)金融資安行動方案(2)金融科技安全(3)人員、程序、科技與治理2.資訊安全管理(1)資安解壓縮Podcast(2)國際資安證照:Security+、CEH、CHFI(3)資安實習與攻防搶旗賽3.資訊安全管理與實務應用(1)CYBERSEC臺灣資安大會:勒索軟體、供應鏈資安、雲端安全、零信任資安、工控安全、金融資安、資安治理、人工智慧資安、Blue Team、Red Team、上市櫃資安標竿論壇。(2)資安治理與管理(3)資安事件分析與實務應用(4)網路犯罪偵查與數位鑑識蒐證
課程代碼:35681400,授課教授:陳恭,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程旨在協助學生了解與掌握一些當前重要的創新資訊科技的發展與實務應用,並透過適當的實作練習,培養學生的軟體素養與開發技能。本學期將就以下主題進行學習與探討。Blockchain and Smart ContractsTokenization and Decentralized FinanceDistributed systems and software modularityFinancial applications and systems
課程代碼:35682200,授課教授:湯宗益,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:Themobilecommercecoveragewillhelpstudentslearnaboutthesystemsandconsumerbehaviorsthatcombinetomakeuptheecosystem,marketplayer,andconsumerbehaviorstolearnhowmwebistes,mwallet,mpayment,mcoupon,andmvoucheroperatethroughdifferentsectorsincludingretail,transport,andconsumerbanking.Studentswillrecognizearangeofemergenttrendsandrelevantlawsandguidelines,includingprivacyanddataprotection.Thiscoursewillprovideabalancedviewoftheoryandpractice,whichshouldallowthestudenttouseandbuildpracticalbigdataanalyticsandmanagementsystems.Becauseofbigdata,managerscanknowmoreabouttheirbusinesses,anddirectlytranslatethatknowledgeintoimproveddecisionmakingandperformance.Asthetoolsandphilosophiesofbigdataspread,theywillchangelong-standingideasaboutthevalueofexperience,thenatureofexpertise,andthepracticeofmanagement.Attheendofthecourse,studentsshouldbeabletoanswerthefollowingquestions:@WhoaretheplayersinITstartups:Investors,leadersormanagers?TheCIO,theprojectmanager,thetechnicalstaff,andprocessmanager?@ What are the major management trends that affect mobility deployment and big data?@What are the variables that impact mobile commerce and big data management?
課程代碼:35702800,授課教授:李志宏,開課院所:商學院的財務管理學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course is to prepare students for familiarity with the theories and strategies relevant to corporate financial management. Students learn to apply financial concepts and tools to financial decision making through the analyses and discussions of case studies. Students also need to practice thinking about the relationship between corporate financial decisions and business strategies. In this course, we will touch on the topics including Working Capital Management and Business Strategies, Financial Diagnosis andAnalysis, Capital Budgeting and cost of Capital, Corporate Governance,Corporate IPO and Fund Raising Strategies, Capital Structure, Dividend Policy, Financial Distress and Restructuring,Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Sustainability Transformation, the Optimal Financial Decision and Value Creation, etc.
課程代碼:35701300,授課教授:盧敬植,開課院所:商學院的財務管理學系,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到17點,課程大綱:此課程不加簽。This course is application driven. We will introduce basic econometric methods to details, but only limited amount of derivation will be included. During the course of the semester, you will also build up your SAS skills toward portfolio construction and data processing skills.
課程代碼:35787100,授課教授:龔則立,開課院所:商學院的財務管理學系,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:財務報表分析本課程係為提供學生有基本閱讀及分析財務報表的能力,先修課程為中級會計學及財務管理課程。學生在修完初級會計學及中級會學之後,應有能力獨自完成財務報表編製及理解的財務報表所代表之意義,但實務上,公司管理階層如何運用財務報表進行決策? 投資人如何運用財務報表分析公司營運? 進而對公司進行評價?本課程亦特別重視實務經驗,從台灣及國際知名公司或爭議案件中,帶領同學重新思考,並從財務報表分析的角度來重新審視公司。本課程特別重視學生獨立思考及課堂參與討論。
課程代碼:35790700,授課教授:林烱垚,開課院所:商學院的財務管理學系,授課時間:禮拜四的18點到21點,課程大綱:The entrepreneurship and new venturing business investment management is the course to reveal the important concept and principles of managing the investment decisions for setting up a new start up new firm. I will explain the business paradigm and logics in structuring the deals for both sides of supply and demand parties in receiving the accomplishment of making the business. In summary, the course entails the comprehensive contents with including entrepreneurial investment, the venture capital, corporate venturing, private equity and hedge funds.
課程代碼:35801600,授課教授:蔡政憲,開課院所:商學院的風險管理與保險學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:The course is designed as an introductory course in corporate finance at the MBA level with emphasis on the application to insurance.  The chosen textbook covers the theory and practice of corporate finance.  The assignments, including mini cases, paper and book reading, and analyses on options versus insurance, will be used as thought provoking exercises.  The term project of insurance policy analysis requires the students to wrap up the course material and use the learned knowledge to analyze life insurance policies from the corporate finance perspective.
課程代碼:35806800,授課教授:謝明華,開課院所:商學院的風險管理與保險學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:To introduce financial markets, financial institutions and analyze fixed-income,equities, options, futures, and other financial instruments/alternative investments .
課程代碼:35807400,授課教授:陳俊元,開課院所:商學院的風險管理與保險學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course aims to equip students with fundamental understanding of Anglo-American Insurance Law and Cases.
課程代碼:35805201,授課教授:林建智,開課院所:商學院的風險管理與保險學系,授課時間:禮拜二的18點到21點,課程大綱:一、 政策保險基礎理論:意義、功能及類型二、 台灣政策保險之現況檢討與革新建議三、新型政策保險之制度設計與規劃四、政策保險之國際比較與綜合評析
課程代碼:35877600,授課教授:王儷玲,開課院所:商學院的風險管理與保險學系,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:近年來受到疫情爆發及極端氣候影響,世界經濟論壇WEF發表的《2020全球風險報告》警告環境氣候風險已成為全球必須面對的主要難題,ESG相關議題成為全球趨勢,全球許多政府和企業因應疫情、氣候及環境的改變,愈來愈重視永續金融,而金融市場也不斷提出因應策略與綠色創新商品,以協助企業及個人參與落實ESG。此外,全球最大的挪威主權基金GPFG以及各大政府退休基金、國際金融集團也都紛紛設立了ESG委員會,定時審核投資企業是否符合ESG標準,同時許多公司經營策略都將ESG納入企業經營理念中,使企業能夠長久穩定經營永續發展。本課程主要介紹全球ESG投資與綠色金融市場的發展趨勢,以CFA ESG 證照之相關教材內容為基礎,並邀請歐洲最大資產管理公司Amundi鋒裕匯理、BNP PARIS、Blackrock 貝萊德、Fidilty富達資產管理等國際知名金融集團產業專家分享該集團在ESG投資與商品創新的國際經驗,讓學生掌握當前市場最新ESG永續投資趨勢脈動,了解金融市場創新商品、如何透過AI結合投資篩選共聚集及建模、並分享國內外典範機構落實ESG投資之個案成功經驗。同學修習本課程,除了可瞭解最新的ESG永續投資與金融創新之基礎理論與國際脈動趨勢,並協助學員準備報考CFA ESG國際證照考試。
課程代碼:35877700,授課教授:謝明華,開課院所:商學院的風險管理與保險學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程與富邦人壽, 新光金控 等公司產學合作, 由公司的業師說明金融業實際需要解決的問題, 資料集,再由課程中學習到的方法來解決並在期末報告展現成果. 修課同學必須已經具備相當程度的 python 程式撰寫能力.
課程代碼:35882300,授課教授:林建智,開課院所:商學院的風險管理與保險學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程涵蓋基礎理論(Fundamental Theories)與個案專題研討(Cases Study),前者涵蓋:責任界定(定義、態樣、來源)、責任風險管理、責任保險(核保、理賠、費率及商品設計)等,後者結合當前國內外時事,分別針對當前社會顯著議題進行分組個案研討。本課程之設計,期使修課學生能充分瞭解責任風險管理與保險之基礎理論,並能兼顧當前責任保險市場實務與商品發展趨勢。
課程代碼:36394900,授課教授:周德宇,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到17點,課程大綱:1.        上課時間:TBA2.        上課日期:TBA
課程代碼:36300200,授課教授:李佳玲,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的12點到14點,課程大綱:This course focuses on firms’ internal accounting information systems and their use in decision making, planning and control, and performance evaluation.
課程代碼:36300800,授課教授:黃家齊,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程是一門培育企業管理人才的一般人力資源管理 (general HRM) 課程。希望讓不同專長領域的同學,都能夠了解人力資源管理領域的相關知識及觀念。與傳統一對多之單向教學不同,本課程偏重採取互動式與參與式的個案教學。所採用之個案部份雖然源自於哈佛大學或台灣其他公司,與學習者服務公司的經營現狀也許不盡相同。但個案僅是「個案教學」的媒介,並非主角。它的目的乃在提供參與者一個討論的舞台與情境,讓管理的知識、技能與經驗在此互動過程中傳遞。在這樣的教學過程中,老師當然扮演非常重要的角色。但另一方面,學生的積極參與更是不可或缺的因素之一。積極的參與包含了課前的個案閱讀與思考,以及進行過程中的聆聽與論辯,兩者缺一不可。討論過程中並不強調追求標準答案,而是去了解、省思不同參與者的想法。過去的教學經驗顯示,個案教學的成功和學生的事前準備與當下參與密不可分。
課程代碼:36301001,授課教授:譚丹琪,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:The objective of the course is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of international business, and to develop students' abilities to analyze problems in an international business context. In each section of the course, there will be a mix of lecture and discussion. I will provide you a reservoir of conceptual tools and possible approaches for exploring the issues involved in conducting business abroad.
課程代碼:36302202,授課教授:陳立民,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到17點,課程大綱:This is course provides an introduction to the field of production and operations management. It is designed to highlight the practical and applied techniques, which can improve the organization’s quality and productivity.
課程代碼:36388400,授課教授:羅明琇,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的14點到17點,課程大綱:大數據可以為供應商網絡 (Supplier Networks) 提供更好的數據準確性 (Accuracy)、清晰度 (Clarity) 和洞察力 (Insights),從而在共享的供應網絡中實現更多的情境智能 (Contextual Intelligence)。如今的製造商都立足於在準確性(Accuracy)、速度 (Speed) 和質量 (Quality) 方面展開市場競爭,這一定位迫使企業的供應商網絡必須具備一定程度的情景智能的能力。然而當今大多數企業還沒有將大數據技術引入其供應鏈管理當中,本課程將介紹如何將大數據應用於供應鏈管理之中。
課程代碼:36300502,授課教授:傅浚映,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到17點,課程大綱:1. Organizations and Organizational Effectiveness2. Stakeholders, Managers, and Ethics3. Organizing in a Changing Global Environment4. Basic Challenges of Organizational Design5. Designing Organizational Structure: Authority and Control6. Designing Organizational Structure: Specialization and Coordination7. Creating and Managing Organizational Culture8. Organizational Design and Strategy in a Changing Global Environment9. Types and Forms of Organizational Change10. Organizational Transformations: Birth, Growth, Decline, and Death11. Managing Conflict, Power, and Politics
課程代碼:36300802,授課教授:許育瑋,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course aims to develop fundamental human resource management knowledge and skills of modern business managers. It focuses on two core human resource management capacities: talent management and performance management. The lessons and activities in this course are designed to cultivate HRM skills in these two broad areas. Students in this course will learn and foster their HRM skills through relevant theories, real-world examples, videos, case discussions, group assignments and presentations, and test assessments.
課程代碼:36395000,授課教授:潘健民,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的12點到14點,課程大綱:This course is an introductory level Accounting course. It is designed to enhance students’ understanding of the financial reporting process. The focus of the course is on fundamental accounting concepts and principles. The course shows students how the economic transactions of a firm are prepared and reported in the financial statements and related disclosures. The objective of the course is to provide students with basic skills to prepare, read and use financial statements. This course also aims to further prepare students for more advanced financial accounting courses as well as to help students become both sophisticated preparer and users of financial accounting information.
課程代碼:36300500,授課教授:黃國峯,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到17點,課程大綱:請務必出席第一堂課確認修課。1.   Organizations and Organizational Effectiveness2.      The Evolution of Management Thoughts3.      Ethical Organizations and Corporate Social Responsibility4.      Resource Dependence and Transaction Cost Perspectives of Interorganizational Strategy5.      Basic Challenges of Organizational Design6.      Designing Organizational Structure: Authority and Control7.      Designing Organizational Structure: Specialization and Coordination8.      Creating and Managing Organizational Culture9.      Organizational Design and Strategy in a Changing Global Environment10.    Organizational Design, Competences, and Technology11.    Types and Forms of Organizational Change12.    Organizational Transformations: Birth, Growth, Decline, and Death13.    Decision Making, Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management14.    Innovation, Intrapreneurship, and Creativity15.    Managing Conflict, Power, and Politics16.    New/Trendy Issues
課程代碼:36302201,授課教授:洪叔民,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到17點,課程大綱:This course is an introduction to the concepts, principles, problems, and practices of operations management. Emphasis is on managerial processes for effective operations in both goods-producing and service-rendering organization. Topics include operations strategy, capacity planning, process design, waiting line analysis, quality control, forecasting, sales and operations planning, and inventory control.
課程代碼:36400500,授課教授:宋皇志,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到17點,課程大綱:本課程旨在協助同學建構完整的智財法體系。本課程會包含智慧財產法學總論、營業秘密法、專利法、商標法與著作權法。上述各部法律皆會以「適格標的」、「法定要件」、「取得方式」、「權利歸屬」、「權利內容」、「權利限制」、「權利實施」、「權利執行」、與「權利消滅」等九大課題展開,從而形成7 X 9矩陣的智財法體系。本課程將聚焦於我國法,先以我國法為主軸協助同學通盤理解智財法。至於國際或歐美等國智財法及智財相關課題(如智財管理、專利實務、智財授權、智財訴訟等),則會由本所後續課程銜接開展。
課程代碼:36476800,授課教授:莊弘鈺,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的10點到12點,課程大綱:While the business world and industry get promising, market competition also becomes vigorous. Government should therefore consider maintaining the market function or intervening in market operations. Meanwhile, companies should observe the government's economic policy and also face the government's competition regulation. While companies face different economic and competition regulations local or international, this course is designed for students to study competition law from comparative and international perspectives. The course will discuss from economic, social, and political backgrounds how different countries formulate their competition policy, and then compare the different countries' competition regulations in each subject matter. Facing different countries' focus and concerns, companies engaging in global business should also adopt different business strategies to meet different countries' requirements and regulations. Therefore, the course is designed for the students to study different competition laws and policies in the United States, European, and Asia. Also, the course encourages the students to explore the economic, social, and political issues behind the regulation. Based on this knowledge and thinking, lawyers and in-house counsels might provide much more appropriate legal advice for their clients and companies to compete legally in the global market.
課程代碼:36478200,授課教授:王立達,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到17點,課程大綱:本課程乃是有關市場競爭法律的專題課程,涵蓋兩個與科技創新、產業創意及其商業應用都密切相關的重要熱門課題:智慧財產權與公平交易法,以及數位平台市場力量的適當法律規範。這門課前半部的時間,將探討智慧財產權與公平交易法(包含限制競爭法與不公平競爭法兩大部分)彼此的交錯互動關係。由於智慧財產權賦與權利人專屬排他權利,在行使時有可能為了增進權利人利益而限制市場競爭;然而避免智慧財產遭到不當榨取與搭便車,卻又是公平交易法維護市場競爭秩序的重要環節。這兩個法律領域之間的交纏互動,在各種與無形資產相關的交易活動中,經常以不同面貌出現,既相生又相剋,確實具有一定複雜度,值得專門加以探究以建立洞察分析能力。這門課後半部的課程時間,將探討目前深受矚目的數位平台市場力量管制課題。這部分預計從數位平台幾個可能的力量來源出發,探討其市場力量如何形成及其常見行使方式,以及如何為害市場競爭。並且以此為基礎,審視目前的競爭法架構是否足以因應數位平台所帶來的挑戰,或是需要另外建立特殊的產業管制架構。※ 旁聽政策:須經授課教師同意,並得視修課同學人數是否充足,決定旁聽同學是否必須進行課堂報告。