課程代碼:30075004,授課教授:楊健威,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Course Outline:
課程代碼:30078400,授課教授:王正偉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的18點到20點,課程大綱:一、本課程係提供予曾通過:指南服務團社會服務與學習(一);或曾參加社會服務志工領有20小時證明者,以從事志願服務的企畫與領導為目標的進階服務課程。☆☆不具備前述資格者,不得修習。『參加社會服務志工領有20小時證明者』請自備佐證的相關資料,必須於第一週週二晚間指南(一)講習時,進行檢核!二、選課同學區分為校園服務組、山地服務隊,分別於學期中或寒、暑假期間,實施志願服務活動,活動內容有二大類:「校園服務組」以辦理文山區樟腳里(恆光橋旁邊)弱勢兒童課業輔導等為主要活動。(新冠肺炎防疫期間--樟腳里弱勢兒童課輔活動暫停)「山地服務隊」係於台中和平區大安溪上游之山地部落--雙崎部落、中坑村、南勢里(和平區公所附近的部落)與雲林縣古坑鄉華南村為主要服務範圍,活動內容主要為國小英語育樂營及社區活動為主。期中自主訓練及活動準備:40 %、 寒暑假教育志工實踐活動:50%、參與自主訓練之表現10%、積極參與討論:酌量加分至多10 %★★德芙蘭(博愛)服務隊第11期(113年1月)、中坑服務隊第28期(113年1月)、古坑華南服務隊第26期(113年1月)、和平服務隊第21期(113年1月),確實的服務日期,因寒假日程需要可能還會配合偏鄉小學做調整 。一、培養大學生參與社會志願服務之基本知識、服務態度以及服務組織之整合與訓練。二、以愛心提供服務,以服務傳播愛心。三、選課同學區分為校園服務組、山地服務隊,分別於學期中或寒暑假期間,實施志願服務活動,「校園服務組」以辦理文山區樟腳里(恆光橋旁邊)弱勢兒童課業輔導、藝文中心藝文活動志工等為主要活動。「山地服務隊」係於台中和平區大安溪上游之山地部落--松鶴部落,中坑村,南勢部落以及雲林縣古坑鄉為主要服務範圍,活動內容主要為國小英語育樂營及社區營造活動為主。
課程代碼:30078500,授課教授:王正偉,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的19點到21點,課程大綱:一、本課程係提供予:對於有意願多瞭解偏鄉學童學習情形‚或是有意願擔任協助偏鄉學童學習的教育志工參與機會;本課程為持續經營超過10年,與四所偏鄉小學長期合作‚帶領同學從事志願服務的企畫與領導為目標的服務課程。二、選課同學區分為校園服務組、山地服務隊,分別於學期中或寒、暑假期間,實施志願服務活動,活動內容有二大類:「校園服務組」以辦理文山區樟腳里(恆光橋旁邊)弱勢兒童課業輔導等為主要活動。(新冠肺炎防疫期間--樟腳里弱勢兒童課輔活動暫停)「山地服務隊」係於台中和平區大安溪上游之山地部落--松鶴部落、中坑村、南勢里(和平區公所附近的部落)與雲林縣古坑鄉華南村為主要服務範圍,活動內容主要為國小英語育樂營及社區活動為主。★★本學期各服務隊的預訂服務期間為:★★德芙蘭(博愛)服務隊第11期(113年1月)、中坑服務隊第28期(113年1月)、古坑華南服務隊第26期(113年1月)、和平服務隊第21期(113年1月),確實的服務日期,因寒假日程需要可能還會配合偏鄉小學做調整 。目標一、培養大學生參與社會志願服務之基本知識、服務態度以及服務組織之整合與訓練。二、以愛心提供服務,以服務傳播愛心。三、選課同學區分為校園服務組、山地服務隊,分別於學期中或寒暑假期間,實施志願服務活動,「校園服務組」以辦理文山區樟腳里(恆光橋旁邊)弱勢兒童課業輔導等為主要活動。「山地服務隊」係於台中和平區大安溪上游之山地部落--松鶴部落,中坑村,南勢部落以及雲林縣古坑鄉為主要服務範圍,活動內容主要為國小英語育樂營及社區營造活動為主。
課程代碼:30090601,授課教授:朴民佑,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is designed for undergraduate students who have already completed the one-year Principles of Economics course. It delves into the two fundamental pillars of Macroeconomics theories: Growth and Business Cycle, offering insights into the long-run and short-run dynamics of e conomies .In the Growth theory segment, students will learn the Solow and endogenous growth model to understand the factors that contribute to a nation's long-run economic growth. For the Business cycle theory segment, we will examine two widely employed tools in macroeconomic analyzes : the Real Business Cycle and New Keynesian models. We will construct these frameworks by carefully understanding the behaviors of consumers, firms, and governments. Then, we will explore how the economy reaches its equilibrium.Building upon this foundation, we will study various macroeconomic topics, including Credit Market Frictions, Financial Crises, Social Security Systems, Investments, Money and Banking, Inflation, and Monetary Policies including Quantitative Easing and Forward Guidance.Lectures will be given in English only.
課程代碼:30104600,授課教授:徐則謙,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:將消費平均分配於不同物品的傾向,以及不同物品的生產不平均地分配在不同地點,是產生貿易的主要原因。前者似乎和人的天性有關,而後者的成因較為複雜。貿易理論首在解釋生產活動無法平均分佈於不同地點的成因,進而勾勒出物品在不同地點及空間流動的方向 (貿易型態)。商品的流動滿足了人類平均消費的需要,也提升了生活的水準 (福利)。在理解商品流動的原因後,政府應採取何種政策調控商品流動的數量 (貿易政策) 將成為另一個討論的主題。
課程代碼:30177800,授課教授:陳富沛、蘇秋錦,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This is an online interactive simulation course of international trade. Students in NCCU, FSU (Florida State University College of Law) and SUIBE (Shanghai University of International Business & Economics) will simultaneously participate in the simulated trade transactions with one another.  Using a web-based software platform designed just for this course,students will play the roles of virtual trading companiesin their respective areas and seek to trade goods between Taiwan/USA and Taiwan/Shanghai.Trade Simulation, Business Review, Quiz and Board Meeting are the four segments of this course.-Trade SimulationBasically, every 3 students will make up a team and register a virtual company of their own. By browsing the ITS platform, students can be well informed of the domestic and overseas demand and supply, and then to decide what to sell or buy. Facing various situations in the trading environment, students will learn how to acquire competitive advantages, control business risks, so as to maximize trade profits. Gradually, keen market awareness, strong communication skills, good team spirit, rapid response style and logical analysis ability have been trained during the learning-by-doing process. During the simulation, the participants communicate mainly by E-mails with foreign counterparts. Moreover, real-time oral negotiations are conducted via live conference equipments among 3 ends.-Business ReviewDuring trade simulation, students will have weekly class meetings with the instructors to summarize and self-assess their own operations. The week's transactions will be reviewed, and any problems that cropped up can be analyzed and solved. Besides, effective communications within the team will also be strengthened.-QuizA couple of quizzes will be held close to the end of the class, so as to find out how much each student has learned from the class.-Board MeetingAt the end of simulation, students will write working reports according to their business achievements and submit to the board in advance. On the board meeting, students will give presentations to the board directors, which are composed of professional and experienced people from trading industry, and accept their questions and comments.
課程代碼:30103701,授課教授:郭炳伸,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:Please check out the attached syllabus.
課程代碼:30103300,授課教授:鄭濬浩,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course is designed to introduce students to the marketing practices of firms seeking market opportunities outside their home country, and to raise students’ awareness about the importance of viewing marketing management strategies from a global perspective. Students will learn to plan effectively for the marketing of consumer and business needs and wants on an international level. Emphasis on the cultural, environmental, and technological factors that influence the marketing of consumer and business goods.
課程代碼:30178900,授課教授:林信助,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:Financial markets create many time series for example stock prices and foreign currency exchange rates. How should we make use of these invaluable data for making investment decisions? In this course you'll learn advanced statistical techniques to handle financial time series data and to model the stochastic mechanism that generates the observed series.
課程代碼:30181000,授課教授:鄭濬浩,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This class will give you the theoretical understanding of the Internet marketplace necessary to adapt to its many changes, while also equipping you with the skills you’ll need to perform vital daily functions. By the end of the course, you will be able to walk into any company with an online presence and improve their use of the Internet.The course examines digital marketing strategy, implementation and executional considerations for BtoB and BtoC brands and provides a detailed understanding of all digital channels and platforms. Students will complete the course with a comprehensive knowledge of and experience with how to develop an integrated digital marketing strategy, from formulation to implementation.
課程代碼:30184000,授課教授:傅冶天,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:The aim of this course is to provide you with an introduction to the valuation of fixed income securities and the management of fixed income investment portfolios.  Hedging and speculating the interest rate exposures with financial derivatives of fixed income securities will be studied.  Securitization of the pool of mortgage loans will also be studied throughly.Pre-requisite for Fixed Income Securities: Analytics and Derivatives/固定收益證券:分析與創新: One-Semester (3-unit) undergraduate-level Economics AND One-Semester (3-unit) undergraduate-level Financial Management OR Consent from the Instructor.The following five modules are carefully covered from Frank Fabozz's Bond Markets, Analysis, and Strategies, Eighth Global Edition:Bond Math: CH02, CH03, CH04, CH05Bond Basics: CH06, CH07, CH08, CH09Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities: CH10, CH11, CH12, CH15Bond Portfolio Management: CH22, CH23, CH24, CH25Bond Derivatives: CH19, CH26, CH27, CH28, CH29Binomial Tree Valuation: CH17, CH27, CH28Pre-requisite for Fixed Income Securities: Analytics and Derivatives for Graduate Students 固定收益證券:分析與創新(硏究所): One-Semester (3-unit) undergraduate-level Economics AND One-Semester (3-unit) undergraduate-level Financial Management OR Consent from the Instructor.固定收益證券:分析與創新預修科目:三學分之(大學部)經濟學以及三學分之(大學部)財務管理或者是經由老師同意選修。Maximum Enrollment Limit: 60
課程代碼:30103700,授課教授:郭炳伸,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:Please check out the attached syllabus.
課程代碼:30104000,授課教授:楊光華,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程介紹當前國際經貿法規,以臺灣於2002年正式加入之世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization)之規範為主,並輔以相關之政策議題的討論,如貿易與金融、衛生及環境等。避免過份艱澀的國際條約條文之解讀,也減少太過複雜的爭端解決案例之法律演繹。重心將置於規範本身概念之掌握,以及爭端解決案例所帶來之啟發。為加深學生對規範適用之印象,案例挑選時,會盡可能以我國經貿實踐具體實例優先,俾學生能與之產生連接感。
課程代碼:30104601,授課教授:徐則謙,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:將消費平均分配於不同物品的傾向,以及不同物品的生產不平均地分配在不同地點,是產生貿易的主要原因。前者似乎和人的天性有關,而後者的成因較為複雜。貿易理論首在解釋生產活動無法平均分佈於不同地點的成因,進而勾勒出物品在不同地點及空間流動的方向 (貿易型態)。商品的流動滿足了人類平均消費的需要,也提升了生活的水準 (福利)。在理解商品流動的原因後,政府應採取何種政策調控商品流動的數量 (貿易政策) 將成為另一個討論的主題。
課程代碼:30193500,授課教授:傅冶天,開課院所:商學院的國際貿易學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:International Investments (the Course Code is 301935-001)(Thursdays 9:10-12 a.m. for Undergraduate Students; course covers global monetary economics and international financial derivatives markets)Please see the attached.
課程代碼:30282600,授課教授:張興華,開課院所:商學院的金融學系,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到15點,課程大綱:這門課雖然稱為「財務賽局」,但仍然是基礎的賽局理論課程,只是因為開在商學院,所以在課程範例的討論上會盡量偏重在財務金融上的應用。所以這是從頭開始的賽局理論,非進階課程。我們會介紹四種基本的賽局:完全資訊下的靜態賽局(static games of complete information)、完全資訊下的動態賽局(dynamic games of complete information)、不完全資訊下的靜態賽局(static games of incomplete information)、以及不完全資訊下的動態賽局(dynamic games of incomplete information)。
課程代碼:30204400,授課教授:楊曉文,開課院所:商學院的金融學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:The financial service industry plays a significant role in the economy and it continues to undergo dramatic changes. Financial institutions (FIs) perform the essential function and are subject to different risks. The risk management of FIs is crucial not only in maximizing shareholders’ value, but also in ensuring the stability of the whole financial system. In this course, we focus on the measurement and management of fundamental risks of FIs including banks, pension fund and insurance companies. In addition, the regulations on FIs and the impact of climate risk on FIs’management will be covered.
課程代碼:30278400,授課教授:楊曉文,開課院所:商學院的金融學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:Sustainable finance has become inextricably integrated into the capital markets in order to support economic growth and reduce environment problem. The financial system is integral to achieving a smooth transition to a low carbon economy. Sustainable innovation is a process where sustainability considerations (environmental, social, financial) are integrated into company systems from idea generation through to research and development and commercialization. The course is designed to help the students gain an understanding of the sustainability development goals (SDGs), initiatives and regulations that support to develop the sustainable financial systems. This applies to products, services and technologies, as well as new business and organization model that are able to embed environmental, social and governance considerations. In addition, sustainable finance includes a strong green finance and climate finance components that aim to support economic growth while reducing pressures on the environment, addressing green-house gas emissions and tackling pollution, minimizing waste and improving efficiency in the use of natural resources. Therefore, we will also cover the full scope of sustainable finance providing an integrated view on investing, banking, and insuranceTo absorb the knowledge and the experience of sustainable development from the leading financial institution, we will also invite their sustainable research teams to give lectures and mentoring the students in this course. They will cover and be arranged in the following fields:本課程將邀請業師參與授課Sustainable investing: 安聯、富達 (One lesson from each)(邀請中)Green financing: 銀行(邀請中)Green Insurance: 國泰產險(One lesson)(邀請中)
課程代碼:30381100,授課教授:李佳玲,開課院所:商學院的會計學系,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到19點,課程大綱:「策略管理」在探討企業整體與個別事業單位所面臨的策略性決策(strategic decisions),其思考與分析邏輯是相當重要。本課程教導學習成為一為管理會計專業人員所需相關的策略管理理論
課程代碼:30301900,授課教授:林宛瑩,開課院所:商學院的會計學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course provides an opportunity to understand the fundamentals of business analysis with foci on issues of financial reporting, accounting, financial analysis and valuation.The course will utilize a framework for financial statement analysis consisting of four key components, (1) business strategy analysis, (2) accounting analysis, (3) financial (ratio and cash flow) analysis and (4) prospective (forecasting and valuation) analysis.The most effective means for developing the analytical, interpretative and assessment skills is working closely and hard with numbers on your team. This takes time and effort. This is a course where you will get out of it what you put into it.
課程代碼:30302201,授課教授:張祐慈,開課院所:商學院的會計學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:Course DescriptionThis course is designed to provide students with an understanding of issues relevant to the public accounting profession, a brief introduction to audit testing and procedures, and the auditor’s decision-making process in a financial statement audit. Topics to be covered in the course include: role of auditing and the regulators, professional standards and procedures as applied to external and internal assurance engagements, risk assessment, evidence gathering, substantive testing, and reporting.
課程代碼:30381300,授課教授:許林舜,開課院所:商學院的會計學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:數位化時代下,大數據係企業經營管理或稽核的利器之一,課程將介紹大數據的緣由及發展,經由分享大數據於不同產業的應用實務,頗析管理或稽核的理論原則,並輔以數據視覺化分析工具(如Power BI)及數據自動化工具(如Alteryx)的實際操作應用,演練相關個案,使同學對大數據於企業營運管理與稽核之應用,能有廣泛的認識和真切的瞭解。
課程代碼:30382600,授課教授:吳安妮,開課院所:商學院的會計學系,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到17點,課程大綱:吳安妮講座教授將三十多年之管理會計研究成果整合為「整合性策略價值管理系統(ISVMS)」,於2012年及2015年取得臺灣及大陸與美國之商標權。本系統包含五大子系統,分別為1.策略形成子系統、2.策略執行子系統、3.作業管理子系統、4.作業價值管理(AVM)子系統及5.策略價值創造子系統。本課程主要教導1.策略形成系統--SO計分卡(SO Scorecard)及2.策略執行系統--平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard, BSC)之個案實務操作方向及內容,讓學生培養學理的基本知識與個案實務操作之能力。
課程代碼:30383000,授課教授:俞京和,開課院所:商學院的會計學系,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到19點,課程大綱:This course introduces the basics of programming and some well-established econometric methods with Python, a free and powerful programming language for scientific data analysis. This course emphasizes improving the logic and analytical thinking of students rather than coding itself. Practice in making codes in classes will help students enhance their logic ability and feel familiar with programming.This course starts with an introduction to Python, including program installment and the basic functions and methods. Then, we focus on data management and data analysis with Numpy, Pandas, and Seaborn. I will introduce regression analysis and statistical inferences if time allows.
課程代碼:30383001,授課教授:俞京和,開課院所:商學院的會計學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course introduces the basics of programming and some well-established econometric methods with Python, a free and powerful programming language for scientific data analysis. This course emphasizes improving the logic and analytical thinking of students rather than coding itself. Practice in making codes in classes will help students enhance their logic ability and feel familiar with programming.This course starts with an introduction to Python, including program installment and the basic functions and methods. Then, we focus on data management and data analysis with Numpy, Pandas, and Seaborn. I will introduce regression analysis and statistical inferences if time allows.
課程代碼:30304200,授課教授:周國華、許林舜,開課院所:商學院的會計學系,授課時間:禮拜一的9點到10點及禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:會計資訊系統是會計系最核心的科技相關課程,本學期由周國華老師及許林舜老師共同授課,課程將介紹AIS的基本概念、BPMN流程圖工具、概念資料庫模式及Access資料庫軟體的操作性知識、銷售收款循環及採購付款循環的系統概念及資料庫實作(以上由周老師講授),以及資訊系統內部控制概念、資訊安全與電腦舞弊、監控及稽核AIS系統(以上由許老師講授)等主題。此外,周老師也利用早上第2節課介紹會計系在112-1學期導入的SAP S/4HANA ERP系統,預計進行六次SAP ERP的實作。
課程代碼:30303300,授課教授:林禹銘,開課院所:商學院的會計學系,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到19點,課程大綱:本課程與中會關係密切,根據以往經驗,基礎不好同學修習本課程相當吃力且不及格機率極大,建議因中會被擋修同學,請加強補修好中會後,再修習本課程。本課程原則上老師不簽擋修單,但考慮被擋修的同學常有個人特殊狀況,仍有強烈修習本課程的希望,又有鑑於以前同學要求老師簽檔修單時的承諾,往往日後會跳票,因此本課程於開學第一週將針對有意請老師簽擋修單的同學,舉行中會考試,參加與否請視自身需要決定,相信實力的展現是最好的說服方式,同學的機會掌握在自己手中,請好好把握。本課程重要資訊:1.本課程與中會關係密切(重點如以上所示),根據以往經驗,基礎不好同學修習本課程相當吃力且不及格機率極大,請特別注意。2.本課程以課本內容為主,上課請務必攜帶課本相關內容 (本學期課本已改版為第九版,請參閱下方所列書目)。3.進行方式為不拘泥課本的文字,擷取精要資訊後,立刻看題目應證。4. 正課進行均設有進度,主要依據課本,但不包括動動腦單元,為免拖延課程進行,如有 "動動腦"相關問題建議下課再詢問討論。5.高會二課程,與高會一和中會也有極大關聯性,請同學特別注意。
課程代碼:30385000,授課教授:周建宏,開課院所:商學院的會計學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:透過介紹各產業之運作,讓學生瞭解各產業之營運模式、上中下游合作模式及其特殊之會計、審計及風險;除可加強自身之產業知識外,並可藉此培養自身蒐集/彙總資料的能力及個人 口條/台風的訓練,以增加自己的價值。課程主題包含:重點產業介紹、相關會計審計議題探討1.產業介紹皆由具豐富實務經驗之會計師與資深顧問主講,於課堂上與同學們一起探討並經驗分享。2.安排事務所參訪,邀請各部門人員做介紹,讓同學們瞭解事務所除會計審計業務之外,有更多元化的服務價值。本課程係採多元化教學方式,除課堂授課產業知識外,還透過實務操作、實地參訪及分組討論,將理論與實務結合,提升同學們自我價值,亦可作為邁入職場的前哨補給站。
課程代碼:30400400,授課教授:蔡紋琦,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:This is a one-­year course on fundamental concepts of  linear algebra .The topics for first semester include Linear System, Matrices, Determinants, and Vector Spaces.The topics for second semester include Coordinates and Change of Basis, Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation (a Matrix), Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalization, Quadratic Forms, and Linear Programming.
課程代碼:30403000,授課教授:張志浩,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到11點,課程大綱:This course introduces programming using two of the most popular languages in data science: R and Python.
課程代碼:30402101,授課教授:鄭宇庭,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:The topics include simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling, clustering sampling, multistage sampling, estimating the population size, ratio, regression and difference estimation.
課程代碼:30483800,授課教授:張志浩,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜四的11點到12點,課程大綱:This course applies the most popular languages in data science: R and Python to run simulations and analyze real data.
課程代碼:30402500,授課教授:陳立榜,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Probability is an important subject and helps us to understand the randomness of events. In this course, students will learn fundamental concepts of probability theory, including the classical probability, (univariate and multivariate) random variables and their properties, expectaiton and variance. This course will also introduce the basic idea of the stochastic process.
課程代碼:30402900,授課教授:劉惠美,開課院所:商學院的統計學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course is designed to cover some introductory theoretical knowledge of the probability and statistics. Although the primary focus is on a mathematical development of the subject, examples and exercises are oriented toward applications. After taking this course, students can gain solid mathematical understanding of probability theory fundamental to all future work in probability and statistics.
課程代碼:30502101,授課教授:曹銀愛,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:The purpose of this course is to help undergraduate students to develop a good understanding of organizational behavior (OB). To this end, students will learn about major concepts and theoretical frameworks in the field of OB and apply them to managerial problems in organizational settings.A variety of instructional techniques will be used in this class, including but not limited to lectures, in-class activities, discussion, case studies, quizzes, and student presentations.
課程代碼:30505100,授課教授:彭朱如,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:The fundamental concept of strategy and strategic management.Strategic planning and formulation process.Business strategy (competitive strategy/ competitive positioning and strategy)Resource, competence, and competitive advantages.Environmental and industry analysis.Corporate strategyStrategic alliances and cooperation strategy.Strategy and structure.
課程代碼:30567600,授課教授:黃國峯,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜三的16點到19點,課程大綱:同學們!想不想參與解決社會企業−鮮乳坊之經營問題呢?想不想瞭解再睡5分鐘、苗林行(birdy、LE GOUT、栗林裹)、寶島製造 (朱雀咖哩)、元榆牧場等新創企業品牌建立與創意發想的關鍵成功因素?沒錯!加入「新創經營策略思維:Z 世代品牌創新與實踐」(Entrepreneurship: Generation Z’s Innovative Branding, ZIB),你將有機會同時將上述學習變成你大學生活中最難忘與寶貴的經驗!ZIB是一門打破傳統創業教育之課程,著重創業實作之進行,由企業顧問與創業輔導經驗豐富之企管系黃國峯教授統籌與鮮乳坊 郭哲佑執行長規劃設計,透過業界專家們以客製化之方式逐一進行創業歷程評估建議,並透過參與式討論方式,讓創業家們與學生可以互相學習,並以建立長期創業夥伴關係為首要目標。同時,本課程並透過鮮乳坊的協助,培養學生在創意相關領域的實務能力,包括市場研究、品牌建立和管理、消費者行為分析等方面,提供學生實際操作和解決問題的機會,與合作企業進行案例實作。
課程代碼:30567700,授課教授:樓永堅,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜三的18點到21點,課程大綱:實際上課時間為18:30-21:30為了讓學生能與實務接軌,本課程特與亞洲數位指標合作,從基本的拍賣C2C(Consumer to consumer )到進階的電子商務B2C(Business-to-Consumer)都將邀請產業中各領域的高階主管擔任專題講座,分享傳授第一手經驗,教導同學們電子商務的知識。另外,以同學為主,組成執行團隊,擔任組織中的角色,經由實作中學習。再輔以業界專家擔任教練(coach)輔導實際執行電子商務。同時,特別規劃兩岸電商及跨境電商等專題,增加學生的國際視野。
課程代碼:30577600,授課教授:陳冠儒、樓永堅,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜四的18點到21點,課程大綱:創創入門為企管系之選修課、創新創業學程必修、創新創造力學程選修,課程內容皆由 政大創聯會安排設計。在為期一學期的課程中,每週邀請不同領域的新創業界講師,前來課堂 與同學分享各個創業主題,如「商業模式」、「精實創業」等等。同時,修課同學根據本身興趣與 能力尋找想法相近的同學一起組隊執行創業計畫,並於學期末進行Demo。另外,在學期當中也搭配「導師制」,讓同學及時得到新創業界導師的指導。
課程代碼:30583100,授課教授:王國樑,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到19點,課程大綱:在互動(Interdependence)關係越來越密切的數位經濟裡,管理經濟學(Managerial Economics)是介紹與探討家計(含個人)、廠商、政府決策官員及非營利組織執行長如何利用經濟理論與分析方法來有效地做好決策、指揮及監督(或管制)的一門社會科學,它其實是一門應用經濟學或決策行為科學(Decision Science)。
課程代碼:30500900,授課教授:許育瑋,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course aims to develop fundamental human resource management knowledge and skills of modern business managers. It focuses on two core human resource management capacities: talent management and performance management. The lessons and activities in this course are designed to cultivate HRM skills in these two broad areas. Students in this course will learn and foster their HRM skills through relevant theories, real-world examples, videos, case discussions, group assignments and presentations, and test assessments.
課程代碼:30504900,授課教授:陳立民,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:ourse is an introduction to quantitative models in managerial decision-making. Management Science, a well-established discipline in the field of business, can be defined as the application of a scientific method to managerial problems in order to make better decisions.  The applications of management science techniques cover a large area (industry, government, military, transportation, marketing, health care, etc.). Topics include Forecasting, Linear Programming, Transportation/Assignment, Network Optimization, PERT/CPM Models, Integer Programming, Goal Programming, Decision Analysis, Queueing Models, and Simulations. MS EXCEL will be the primary tool for the problem modeling and solving.
課程代碼:30505101,授課教授:郭曉玲,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:Strategic Management deals with the organization, management, and strategic positioning of the firm so as to gain long-term competitive advantage. Your previous coursework has primarily emphasized a specialized, functional perspective of business situations. In finance, you have been concerned with understanding how capital markets work and, in turn, affect the financing of a company’s on-going operations. In marketing, the focus has been on how to analyze, shape, and address the needs of consumers as well as how to manage a company’s marketing efforts. In operations management, you have learned about how to organize the production activities of a firm so it is able to produce quality goods and services at an attractive price. Finally, courses on the management of human resources have been concerned with the effective development and management of a company’s human assets. All of these functional disciplines play a critical role in the success of any company, but how do they fit together?In this course, we integrate these functions by taking a different perspective, that of the general manager or top management team. General managers are responsible for setting the goals, objectives, and strategies of the organizations they lead as well as the implementation and execution of such plans. To do this, the general manager must be capable of understanding and utilizing the knowledge from each of the organization’s functional areas to develop a cohesive and effective competitive strategy. In addition, the general manager must be able to analyze competitive situations within industries in order to understand the sources of the firm's competitive advantage. In today’s business environment, whether you are a new hire or the CEO of the company, you must be capable of thinking like a general manager.
課程代碼:30505200,授課教授:洪叔民,開課院所:商學院的企業管理學系,授課時間:禮拜五的14點到17點,課程大綱:This course is an introduction to the concepts, principles, problems, and practices of operations management. Emphasis is on managerial processes for effective operations in both goods-producing and service-rendering organization. Topics include operations strategy, capacity planning, process design, waiting line analysis, quality control, forecasting, sales and operations planning, and inventory control.
課程代碼:30601605,授課教授:洪為璽、陳恭,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜六的6點到9點,課程大綱:Students work in teams on selected projects that use information systems and computer applications.  The teams use systems analysis and design methods and techniques when implementing their selected project themes over three semesters.  The technologies used include Virtual Reality (VR) hardware, Unity, database, query languages, APP design, Javascript, HTML, Photoshop, etc.
課程代碼:30600500,授課教授:簡士鎰,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到11點,課程大綱:This course covers the history, conceptual structure, and computer organizations of computer science. The basic programming languages (e.g., HTML, CSS and JavaScript) will be introduced, which are designed to help students with little or no programming experience. In addition, the students will be asked to explore the principles, concepts and methodologies of the emerging technologies (such as humanoid robots) and present these topics in the final project presentation.
課程代碼:30601600,授課教授:蔡瑞煌、蕭舜文,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜六的6點到9點,課程大綱:HsiaoStudents work in teams on the selected projects and develop a system that can fulfill the desired goal. Before implementing the system, the system analysis method, and project management methods or tools should be applied. Detail specification and design should be prepared appropriately. Documentation should be maintained properly as well. The code of the system should be upload to a public repository. A code tracking system should be used, as well. The topic may include security and data analysis. Students should be familiar with some development tools or languages, such as HTML, CSS, Python, database, machine learning algorithms, etc.Tools:Web Framework: Python web framework (model/view/control), database system, frontend/backendDistributed Message Broker: open-source message brokerSoftware development: project management, code repository, bug/issue tracking system, documenting system,Virtualization Environment: virtual machine, virtualized network, automated balancer, DockerParadigms: Continuous delivery, continuous integration, agileBig Data Platform: Spark, HDFS
課程代碼:30601601,授課教授:洪為璽、陳恭,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜六的18點到21點,課程大綱:Students work in teams on selected projects that use information systems and computer applications.  The teams use systems analysis and design methods and techniques when implementing their selected project themes over three semesters.  The technologies used include Virtual Reality (VR) hardware, Unity, database, query languages, APP design, Javascript, HTML, Photoshop, etc.
課程代碼:30600701,授課教授:蕭舜文,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:The latest information is in our class website:https://sites.google.com/view/mikehsiao/teaching/networking-2023Business Data Communication is a mandatory course exclusively intended for senior students majoring in Management Information Systems.Onlystudents majoring in MIS, including those with a double major, are eligible to participate in this course. Students from other departments, IMBA students, and exchange students are kindly requested to unregister from this class.This course offers an introductory overview of essential principles related to the design and implementation of computer communication networks, protocols, and applications. The topics covered include layered network architecture, the physical layer, data link protocols, network layer design, transport protocols, routing protocols, and network applications. Illustrative examples will be drawn from the Internet TCP/IP protocol suite. Moreover, the course incorporates various programming assignments (previous coding experience is a prerequisite), allowing students to gain practical skills in basic network programming and the development of simple network applications.
課程代碼:30601600,授課教授:李曉惠、蔡瑞煌,開課院所:商學院的資訊管理學系,授課時間:禮拜六的18點到21點,課程大綱:Students work in teams on the selected projects and develop a system that can fulfill the desired functions. Before implementing the system, system analysis method and design methods or tools should be applied. Detail specification and design should be properly prepared. Documentation should be maintained properly as well. The code of the system should be upload to a public repository. The code tracking system should be used as well.The topic may include security, data analysis, and fintech. Students should be familiar with some development tool or language, such as HTML, CSS, Python, database, machine learning algorithm, etc.Tools:- Web framework: Python web framework (model/view/control), database system, frontend/backend- Message Broker: open source message broker- Software development: project management, code repository, bug/issue tracking system, documenting system,- Virtualization Environment: virtual machine, virtualized network, automated balancer, Docker- Paradigms: Continuous delivery, continuous integration, agile