課程代碼:20774600,授課教授:朱芳妮,開課院所:社會科學學院的地政學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程為總整課程(capstone course),帶領學生進行台灣不動產市場重要類型與議題之個案分析與討論。經由個案的研討,學生必須從進入大學學習以來的相關修習課程,如土地經濟、不動產經營管理、不動產投資、不動產估價等之專業知識及教材中,尋找相關理論以與個案中的問題相互呼應,目的在指導學生回顧過去課程之學習,使學生統整與深化大學之所學,對不動產相關議題進行深入剖析並提出有效對策或因應方案,讓學習得以穩固完成。
課程代碼:20775100,授課教授:范噶色,開課院所:社會科學學院的地政學系,授課時間:禮拜一的16點到19點,課程大綱:The course onSpatial Decision Makingdeals with the process of arriving at decisions based on the combined assessment of temporal, spatial as well as non-spatial data. Such assessments can, for example, be dealing with the identifcation of locations for placing energy installations, or they can be dealing with assessing hazard zones, or they might be dealing with the effect of changes in land use in order to develop new policies. Due to the complexity of such tasks computer support is needed and is commonly provided in the form of Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS). Such systems, however, have to be tailored to the respective needs.The course highlights the process of defining and developing workflows using Geographic Information System software, also in combination with third-party modeling software. It discusses the foundation of decision-making processes and establishes the connection between problem formulation, data management, workfow defnition, assessments and the decision itself.
課程代碼:20876600,授課教授:史蘭亭,開課院所:社會科學學院的經濟學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:The emergence of sharing economy and gig economy is seen as an economic revolution or a disruptive innovation to the capitalistic market-mediated exchange. This new economic paradigm marks the rise of crowd-based capitalism, enabled by the development of digital technologies. In about 10-years time, different models of sharing economy and gig economy sweep the world and change the human lifestyle.Despite the fact that various sharing economy and gig economy activities have penetrated into our daily lives, questions and debates about the legitimacy as well as the social and cultural impact brought by this new form of economic model continue.The development path, typology and business models of sharing economy and gig economy will be introduced in this course. Both non-for-profit and profit-oriented sharing practices will be discussed. The driving forces and consumer motivation, legal and cultural aspects, and emerging technologies enabling the development of the sharing economy and gig economy will also be presented in the course.The smart city development is an important movement in urbanization. The development path, planning and execution strategies and business models of the smart city will be introduced in this course. The PPP (public and private partnership) model, which is often adopted in the smart city operation, will also be discussed. At the same time, the relevant topics such as the environment protection, governance and sustainability will also be included in this course.This course aims to provide students’ with knowledge and insight about the new economic paradigm of sharing economy and gig economy, and understanding of the digital technologies, infrastructure, and social political forces shaping the future of our urban environments. We begin by defining smart cities through lectures and case studies, discussing the sharing economy application in smart cities and drill down into the technologies shaping new and existing cities.
課程代碼:20802101,授課教授:賴廷緯,開課院所:社會科學學院的經濟學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course aims to provide a basic understanding of the functioning of international finance.
課程代碼:20885500,授課教授:何靜嫺,開課院所:社會科學學院的經濟學系,授課時間:禮拜一的8點到10點及禮拜一的12點到13點,課程大綱:This is a two-semester course.We will teach you how to model and find solutions for the following games, which have been broadly used in many fields.[Ist semester]:
課程代碼:20801900,授課教授:徐士勛,開課院所:社會科學學院的經濟學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:此為一年計量經濟學課程中的第一學期課程,因此上學期課程將涵蓋基本的機率統計概念複習、單變量以及多變量迴歸等基本內容。在對應的課程內容中,也會搭配基本的 R 語言入門,讓同學能提早熟悉此程式語言。上課以搭配投影片等相關教材講授為主,同學討論、實作與報告為輔。其中,依課程進度,每一至兩週會依課程進度給予適當的手寫作業與電腦作業讓同學練習。藉由此課程的修習,除了可以讓同學對於計量經濟學的理論模型有一定程度的理解以方便接軌研究所進階課程外,同時也能有實證操作的經驗與基礎的分析能力運用於相關實務議題的資料分析上。提醒:1. 這門課的作業不少; 2. R 程式語言大多需同學自己額外花時間學習與嘗試(助教僅就課程作業進行輔助);3. 這不是一門給分很甜的課,但你的付出會有相對應的回報。 4. 為了保護智財權,這門課不會提供上課投影片,請同學上課視須要抄寫筆記或是直接參考教科書內容。
課程代碼:20902800,授課教授:謝力登,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:What is economic anthropology, and how is it different from the discipline of economics? One answer, the answer that this class is based on, is this: “economictransactions are always alreadysocialrelations” (Ho 2021). This means they are alsopoliticalrelations,moralrelations,ecologicalrelations, and alsocosmologicalrelations. A century of ethnographic research and anthropological theory has long challenged the assumptions of mainstream economics that people start as self-maximizing individuals and only enter into relationships to “trade and barter.” On the other hand, to say that economic transactions are always already relational and social, or that many peoples engage in “moral economies” does not mean these are necessarily equitable or devoid of self-interest. Furthermore, the world has long been interconnected, especially over the last few centuries, within global capitalism. Capitalism is also a form of relationality, but how is it different or similar to non-capitalist relations? In this class, we will examine the relationality of economic life at multiple scales, across times, and across geographical locations and cultural contexts. We will address key concepts such as exchange, production, labor, commodification, gender, land, racialization, infrastructure, colonialism, development, debt, inequality, value, and the work of nature. Through readings, discussion, films, guest speakers, fieldtrips, and participatory ethnographic work, students will learn to see the “economy” in terms of its social, political, ecological, and ethical stakes, and consider how economic anthropology sheds insights on the problem of living and surviving together on the same planet.
課程代碼:20905500,授課教授:劉子愷,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程介紹語言學的基本概念和理論發展,關注於語言的形式分析(句法、音韻、語意、構詞、語用)的研究傳統之外,也會介紹語言人類學家從事語言和文化研 究的學術歷史與重要性,以瞭解語言學和語言人類學研究發展的關聯性,並說明當代 語言學家與語言人類學家進行語言和文化研究的跨領域取向和對話方式。 這門大一必修課會以講課、作業、田野資料收集與語言資料分析、課堂報告等方 式,讓學生能瞭解語言學、語言人類學的學科知識的主要思潮發展與學術歷史背景。 本課程並會透過小組活動以及報告撰寫的方式,培養每一位學生能以書寫的方式清楚 表達他們對語言和文化議題的批判觀點。最後,本課程也欲培養學生具備獨立思考能 力與尊重多語或跨語間的差異觀點,對語言和文化為主的語言學和語言人類學研究有 一基礎的認識與瞭解。
課程代碼:20906000,授課教授:張中復,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到18點,課程大綱:本課程為民族學系學士班一學年民族語文群修課之一,旨在建立對於當代維吾爾語(Uighur Language)的認識,並奠定該語言學習之基礎。本課程不單純作為一種中國少數民族語文的基本教學,而是希望成為現代學生關注新疆議題與一千萬維吾爾族人的一個起點。尤其是當前中國大陸境內維吾爾語文的使用情境受到很大的制約與挑戰,這更凸顯在台灣學習維吾爾語、同時關注新疆情勢的意義。
課程代碼:20906900,授課教授:高雅寧,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:「民族學研究方法與實作」是民族學系專業必修之學年課程。授課教師引導 民族學領域的大二學生,閱讀與欣賞民族誌作品,分析民族誌所關心的議題與採 取的研究方法,並操作相關方法;培養學生獨立查找資料與主動學習精神,規劃 個人或小組的專題計畫;訓練學生具有專業的觀察、理解、討論、書寫、分析與 反思之能力,並運用民族誌方法收集的資料完成一份學年專題報告。
課程代碼:20961900,授課教授:陳乃華,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:藏學(Tibetology)是對西藏的(Bod-pa / Tibetan)相關研究領域,採取語文學、民族學、歷史學、宗教學或藝術學等視角對西藏社會進行考察,在對西藏及其周邊民族通過長時段的參與觀察,結合歷史文獻資料進行民族誌書寫(Ethnography)的方法路徑,並結合西藏民族「史/學/誌」學術傳統所進行的研究與探索。人類學的藏人及周邊民族研究(Anthropology of Tibetan studies)是一種研究視角或研究方法,是採取人類學的視角對藏族社會進行研究的手段,在對藏區、藏族及其周邊民族通過長時段的參與觀察,用田野中獲得的第一手資料,或結合歷史文獻資料撰寫研究成果民族誌(Ethnography)的研究路徑,可以說,其理論、方法和概念源於民族學與人類學。圍繞青藏高原周邊的諸地區是否具有某種共同的歷史與社會學特徵?人類學又能夠對這區域的歷史與文化過程提供哪些有益的理解?這些地帶的各個社會又分別和其他的國家或社會有著密切的交往,比如中原漢區、穆斯林社會、印度教化的東南亞各國等等,因而呈現出更加復雜的歷史與文化圖景。藏學人類學課程分為四個部分展開:第一單元、人文視野下的佛教與社會第二單元、西藏文明的自然聖境(sacred natural sites)與地景(landscape)第三單元、佛教與社會轉型(Social Transformation)第四單元、在佛教社會中反思宗教-政治(Religious-political)關係
課程代碼:20902600,授課教授:王雅萍,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:一 運用反思性的批判教學法,帶領同學從回顧己身與他人受教育經驗出發以貼近台灣教育現況二 尋求同理心了解原住民文化差異,進而學習民族教育的理論與實務.三.了解台灣原住民族文化差異與教育的關係四.了解民族教育的理論與實務
課程代碼:20963500,授課教授:陳怡萱,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程目的在於建立修課學生對大洋洲民族誌之認識,將透過民族志之閱讀與分析,本課程將帶同學們大洋洲多元文化與當代議題。本課程上課方式為教師授課、學生導讀、課堂討論,紀錄片賞析和專題演講。本課程教材將包含英文民族誌和英文紀錄片(見下列週次進度),請有意修課同學自行斟酌。※本堂課要求事前閱讀指定文獻並與課堂中一同討論※本課程修課生缺席次數不得超過三次(特殊情況除外)※課程會因應實際上課狀況調整!請注意!第一堂課因教師執行移地研究停課乙次,將於第二週與修課同學討論補課時間,如欲加簽者請寄email至[email protected]
課程代碼:20902500,授課教授:張駿逸,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程主要是以中國大陸少數民族的藝術為內容。一開始先由一般的藝術理論入門,再聚焦至原始藝術與少數民族的藝術理論。本課程設計盡量包含由簡入繁的藝術形式,例如從最原始的岩畫開始,逐漸進入最複雜的藏族唐卡畫。因為大陸少數民族藝術極其多樣化, 因此不可能涵蓋全部,僅能歸類為繪畫、建築、樂舞……乃至於少數民族藝術的現代化與創新等議題。
課程代碼:20975600,授課教授:陳乃華,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:博物館學Museology是以蒐藏品為核心,博物館以蒐藏品為核心,圍繞著蒐藏品作為一種「物」出發,進一步透過展覽、說明與舉辦活動,以博物館為載體與媒介,將蒐藏品連結到人、社區與社會,也就是建立起博物館與文化資產的關聯性。在這個連結的過程中,如何將蒐藏品這個「物」原本所處的文化脈絡,藉由博物館的展示與說明,重新被賦予一個當代社會的脈絡,與觀眾、社區與社會連結在一起。其中,最為核心的問題就是,這些蒐藏品作為「物」,原本所處的文化脈絡是什麼?其「社會生命史」又是什麼?本課程由四個部分展開:第一單元、博物館的歷史與發展第二單元、博物館與物質文化研究(Material Culture Studies)第三單元、批判的文化遺產研究:博物館化(museumification)/遺產化(heritagization)的現象與議題第四單元、博物館人類學(Museum Anthropology)視野下的族群文化
課程代碼:25268100,授課教授:戴士展,開課院所:社會科學學院的政治學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course is designed to introduce the essential concepts and ideas related to how the communication of information shapes our political lives. In the current digital age, the production, construction, and distribution of information have become even more influential in how politics works. Therefore, there is an increasing interest in unpacking the mechanisms of political communication. This course begins with familiarizing students with some of the fundamental concepts such as “power”, “mediatization”, “ideology”, “intentionality”, and “media channels.” I will also discuss the major theoretical and analytical frameworks in the following realms of political communication: media effects (agenda-setting, priming, framing, media malaise theory); politics-media relationships (theory of press-state relations, meditation of politics theory); comparative analysis of communication systems (heuristic model, comparing media systems); theories of new media (affordances, hyperlinked society, connective action, hybrid media system, technological optimism); and normative perspectives (public sphere, critical theory, cultural hegemony, authenticity, civility).The second part of this course highlights discussions on the different channels and actors of political communication. We focus on the roles played by political elites, the masses, influencers of social media, as well as activists and try to understand their behavioral patterns. Therefore, the second part of the course provides a detailed overview of these important topics: political elites’ electoral advertisements and negative campaigning; social movements and framing; interpersonal political communication and cross-cutting networks; social media and the spread of misinformation; mass media and political polarization.The third part of this course looks at how we can apply what we have learned in the first two parts of the class in real-world cases. These case studies are saliently special topics in the research of political communication of recent years. These cases include but are not limited to the following ones: media censorship in China, policy framing of LGBTQ rights in Taiwan, and former U.S. president Trump’s use of Twitter.
課程代碼:25291400,授課教授:蘇彥斌,開課院所:社會科學學院的政治學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:*The syllabus here is subject to change. Please find the most updated syllabus on Moodle. 本系統的課程大綱將不定期更新,請以Moodle的課程大綱為準。This course is an introduction to the empirical research of comparative politics. Through thematic discussions of theory-driven research on various issues of Latin American politics, the questions we address in this course include: What leads to regime change? Why do some countries achieve a higher level of economic development than others? Why do some political parties successfully adapt to the changing environment while others collapse? Why do some countries experience more protests while other countries do not? Why does China dominate infrastructure development in some countries but not others? To address these questions, we use analytical tools and theoretical orientations provided by political science and Latin American studies.
課程代碼:25201900,授課教授:黃紀,開課院所:社會科學學院的政治學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:Social Statistics (I)is designed to introduce to you some basic quantitative techniques frequently used in social and political research.
課程代碼:25280500,授課教授:葉陽明,開課院所:社會科學學院的政治學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:一  戰後歐洲統合運動興起背景二  歐洲共同體組織職權及運作三  歐體基礎及政策四  歐體立法五  歐洲政治合作六  歐洲貨幣體系七  歐體條約首次改革八  歐盟創建與邁向歐元之路九  歐盟東擴北擴及兩千年議程十  歐盟尼斯條約十一 歐盟向中東擴張版圖十二  歐盟制定憲法條約十三  迄今規範歐盟運作之里斯本條約十四  歐債危機與難民危機及歐盟之對策十五  英國退出歐盟十六  俄烏戰爭中歐盟援烏之立場與策略十七 歐洲統合理論之演進
課程代碼:25202000,授課教授:張其賢,開課院所:社會科學學院的政治學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程在本學期的主題是孔子政治思想。孔子政治思想是華人文化對人類政治思想的最重要貢獻之一,但卻是二十世紀以來最少被研究的政治思想領域。本課程希望帶領同學一起探討孔子政治思想,並思考孔子政治思想作為政治思想,與一般常見的政治思想有何不同。本學期作為對照組的常見政治思想,是Plato’s Republic。
課程代碼:25269100,授課教授:湯京平,開課院所:社會科學學院的政治學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:Online course link:
課程代碼:25270300,授課教授:周家瑜,開課院所:社會科學學院的政治學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course examines the continuing relevance of one of the greatest or most influential figures in the history of modern political philosophy, namely Thomas Hobbes. To do so, it examines the answers his work Leviathan suggests to various central questions that arise in reflecting on political life such as the scope of sovereign power, the legitimacy of the modern state and the relationship between religion and politics.
課程代碼:25281900,授課教授:翁燕菁,開課院所:社會科學學院的政治學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:Our seminars offer multi-disciplinary perspectives both on institutions and jurisprudences, addressing controversial issues and important debates. Our aim is to bridge international and national dialogues and encourage students to observe conflicting interests.This course is co-organized by the College of Law and the Department of Political Science, with Prof. Yao-ming Hsu and Prof. Vivianne Weng taking turns hosting each seminar. In view of students’ pragmatic needs for their future careers,Chinese Mandarin will be used as a supporting language for our discussions.Nota bene: We welcome every student from all faculties of NCCU to join us. However, to follow this advanced course for both graduates and undergraduates, students must have completed studies ofconstitutional laworpublic international law.
課程代碼:25476700,授課教授:王明聖,開課院所:社會科學學院的社會學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:The advanced undergraduate-level and undergraduate-level course will introduce and elaborate the crucial concepts, comparative policy analysis, and research findings (such as a systematic review) in transnational migration and care. Understanding the phenomena of international migration and care influences contemporary relations between individuals, families, communities, civil society groups, governments, and states (including sending and receiving countries). The course discusses issues related to the following:Migration theory and pattern.Varieties, im/mobilities, and precariousness of migrant workers, mainly migrant care workers.Care regimes: How are the lives of migrants/persons who move across national borders influenced by international laws, national policies, and social exclusion or inclusion practices?Rights and various abuse of migrant care workersRunaway/unaccounted-for migrant care workers, stateless children, and family members lag behindTo explore these above topics of migration,the classical and latest research published by major academic presses in recent years as well as reports from international organizations (such as International Labour Organization, ILO), will be examined carefully and critically to inquiry the complicated issues that migrant workers face with the lived experiences of those impacted by migration.
課程代碼:25485400,授課教授:關秉寅,開課院所:社會科學學院的社會學系,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到17點,課程大綱:This course introduces students to the essential tools of statistics and shows how these tools are used in the analysis of social science data. A fundamental understanding of statistics is a critical foundation for social science research in many fields. The course covers descriptive statistics, inference from samples, hypothesis testing, and the basics of regression analysis.
課程代碼:25476500,授課教授:彭保羅,開課院所:社會科學學院的社會學系,授課時間:禮拜四的16點到18點,課程大綱:The notion of Gaia-politics was introduced by Bruno Latour to challenge traditional approaches to sovereignty by taking more seriously thegeoof geopolitics, that is to say its environmental dimension. The ongoing climate emergency is a national security threat for every country if the web of life on Earth, which humans depend on, is to be destroyed at current pace.The Anthropocene implies a large range of man-made massive scale disasters, some of them sudden, but most are chronic, such as the impact of gases on global warming and the massive depletion of biodiversity caused by a combination of global warming, habitat loss, pesticides, antibiotics, plastics, etc. This situation looks very much like a war against other species.This course will thus focus on conflicts between humans and non-humans, or what classical Chinese literature called “the ten thousands beings” (wanwu萬物) which include humans, as well as plants (zhiwu植物), animals (dongwu動物) and all kinds of materialthings, such as stones, plastics and guns. The Chinese characterwu物 works for all these.However, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the growing military pressure that China puts on Taiwan are cruel reminders of how the appetite of imperial authoritarianism only adds fuel to the fire of global warming. How therefore can democracies vulnerable to authoritarian regimes address the twin challenges of the climate emergency and ensuring the protection of their sovereignty?
課程代碼:25477300,授課教授:陳柏良,開課院所:社會科學學院的社會學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:本課程以台灣為觀察範例,使來自台灣、東亞、中南美洲及歐洲學生,回顧東亞自19世紀中期起,至20世紀80年代後期止,在西方衝擊下,於政治、經濟、社會、文化四個面向近代化回應。本課程分為三個時期:近代化初期(1860-1895); 日治時期(1895-1945); 中華民國政府威權統治時期 (1945-1987)。近代化初期,本課程探討台灣在清領時期既存之政經結構及社會脈絡,以及中、日兩國於19世紀中後期啟動近代化歷程,對台灣及東亞之影響。其後,本課程介紹日本帝國統治台灣後,推行近代化治理及亞洲主義,對台灣與西太平洋各地的衝擊及其回應。最後,本課程介紹二次大戰後,台灣因冷戰結構以及國共對抗,進入威權統治及經濟、社會結構調整,逐步邁向民主化過程。本課程也探討19世紀中葉以來,分別探討西方在各時期,對東亞/西太平洋區域政治、經濟、社會、文化的衝擊、回應與相互調整,及對當代東亞政治、經濟、社會層面之影響。
課程代碼:25477400,授課教授:陳柏良,開課院所:社會科學學院的社會學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:Recent advances in computing may place us at the threshold of a unique turning point in human history. Soon we are likely to entrust management of our environment, economy, security, infrastructure, food production, healthcare, and to a large degree even our personal activities, to artificially intelligent computer systems.The prospect of "turning over the keys" to increasingly autonomous systems raises many complex and troubling questions. How will society respond as versatile robots and machine-learning systems displace an ever-expanding spectrum of blue- and white-collar workers? Will the benefits of this technological revolution be broadly distributed or accrue to a lucky few? How can we ensure that these systems respect our ethical principles when they make decisions at speeds and for rationales that exceed our ability to comprehend? What, if any, legal rights and responsibilities should we grant them? And should we regard them merely as sophisticated tools or as a newly emerging form of life?隨著近期AI與自動化設備之技術發展,已達到人類歷史發展之轉折點,人類非常可能大規模地將環境、經濟發展、安全、基礎設備、食物生產與分配、健康照護與保險交由AI與自動化設備安排與執行。本課程目標在介紹AI技術對於倫理與法律制度之衝擊。此次邀請國內外法學者與學生一同參與線上課程,營造國際化學習環境,豐富學生學習資源,增進臺灣與各國學生對於AI技術將造成的社會、政治、經濟與文化衝擊等議題,例如:AI與自動化設備取代白領與藍領勞工工作機會之社會衝擊評估與對應?AI與自動化設備之技術革命帶來之整體利益,是否能公平分配?如何在AI與自動化設備進行自動決策時,確保道德原則?法律是否該賦予AI與自動化設備法律權利與責任,抑或僅是工具或輔助物?進行學術與文化交流,並由臺灣學者介紹臺灣與美國現行與正在研擬之相關法律制度與政策以資比較,藉此使學生能瞭解AI所帶來的衝擊,增進學生到東協國進修或就業的動力,同時也能開展臺灣與東協國家間學術互動與合作的契機。
課程代碼:25503400,授課教授:吳文傑、連賢明,開課院所:社會科學學院的財政學系,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到17點,課程大綱:This course will cover a variety of econometric methods and softwares which are required skills for graduate students .
課程代碼:25583600,授課教授:彭喜樞,開課院所:社會科學學院的財政學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:貿易政策的議題,在傳統上,是聚焦在政府應否對外開放其本國的自由貿易、或應否對貿易作某種管制的討論上。而無論哪一種政策工具,一旦施行,便不可避免地會國際市場的供需產生或多或少的影響,也因此會影響到貿易的價格、貿易的數量、國內的生產、國內的消費、乃至所得分配等等的面向,而最終也將會影響到社會福利。The issues of trade policy are traditionally focused on whether the government should open its domestic market, or whether certain types of restrictions should be implemented. Once implemented, any type of trade policy tool will inevitably more or less affect the demand and supply of international market, and hence affect the prices and quantities of trade, domestic consumption, and income distribution, among others, and at last affect the social welfare.
課程代碼:25503101,授課教授:翁堃嵐,開課院所:社會科學學院的財政學系,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:經濟學是研究社會科學的基本課程,本課程主要教授個體經濟學,與大學部個體經濟學課程的差異,在於研究所的個體分析將著重在微積分等分析工具的應用。內容涵蓋:Consumer theory, theory of the firm, markets and social welfare等內容
課程代碼:25503301,授課教授:王智賢,開課院所:社會科學學院的財政學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:1. The Solow growth model2. Infinite-horizon and overlapping-generations model3. New growth theory4. Real-business-cycle theory6. Microeconomic foundations of incomplete nominal adjustment7. Inflation and monetary policy
課程代碼:25665600,授課教授:謝文琪,開課院所:社會科學學院的公共行政學系,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course is designed to introduce the benefits and methods of interdisciplinary study and research for exploring complex social problems and justice. Students will be guided through the process by learning and using critical thinking, problem identification, and problem-solving skills in order to discuss and explore creative policy approaches through the integration of differing perspectives.*First Day Attendance and regular participation are required. Please read and follow the course schedule carefully.*This syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice. Please pay attention to the newest course announcements, email notifications, and Moodle for updated course materials.*This course is highly participatory, integrative, and collaborative. All the assignments are designed to guide students to build your critical thinking, problem identification, and problem-solving skills.
課程代碼:25665700,授課教授:陳敦源,開課院所:社會科學學院的公共行政學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:To do research in social sciences is very different from in nature sciences. As a result, students in social sciences needs to learn from others to improve their research ability and skills. A good research is not only important, but interesting and valid as well. Student needs to build up their “insights” of doing good research by learning from others’ works as well as doing it by their own.
課程代碼:25666300,授課教授:王慧敏,開課院所:社會科學學院的公共行政學系,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到16點,課程大綱:The aim of this course is to give students a general background of environmental politics by theoretical explanations in order to understand the contemporary environmental challenges in the world. There is no doubt that environmental issues have brought a great influence on contemporary politics and society. Therefore, students will examine the environmental issues with a range of key concepts in the course: what political actors are reacting, how power is distributed in the environmental issues, and how the environmental issues / policies at both national and international levels are affecting our lives.
課程代碼:25601300,授課教授:陳敦源,開課院所:社會科學學院的公共行政學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:To do research in social sciences is very different from in nature sciences. As a result, students in social sciences needs to learn from others to improve their research ability and skills. A good research is not only important, but interesting and valid as well. Student needs to build up their “insights” of doing good research by learning from others’ works as well as doing it by their own.