課程代碼:25676600,授課教授:董祥開,開課院所:社會科學學院的公共行政學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程分為兩大部分,循序漸進地帶領同學了解統計學的內涵。學期前半將著重在介紹統計學的整體概念,並逐一深入相關主題,包括資料整理、機率論、抽樣分配、估計與信心區間等主題;學期後半段,將著重在提出研究假設之能力培養,同時訓練學生運用各種方法進行假設檢定,包括卡方檢定、t-test、變異數分析、簡單迴歸分析等等。過程中,將配合上機實作與練習等方式,讓同學們具備運用統計軟體達成分析目標之能力。[重要!!] Note:因應Covid-19疫情及學校相關防疫規定,本堂課如有需要才(將)會以線上方式進行。若學校規定遠距上課時,請各位同學於每週固定上課時間加入以下課程連結:課程(會議)連結:https://nccutw.webex.com/nccutw/j.php?MTID=m9c8766f8f323c9d248566cdb2082cd90會議號:2554 188 9095
課程代碼:25771000,授課教授:王國樑,開課院所:社會科學學院的地政學系,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到19點,課程大綱:在互動(Interdependence)關係越來越密切的數位經濟裡,管理經濟學(Managerial Economics)是介紹與探討家計(含個人)、廠商、政府決策官員及非營利組織執行長如何利用經濟理論與分析方法來有效地做好決策、指揮及監督(或管制)的一門社會科學,它其實是一門應用經濟學或決策行為科學(Decision Science)。
課程代碼:25771100,授課教授:鄭安廷,開課院所:社會科學學院的地政學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Dear all Welcome to Spatial Planning lecture I am your lecturer Dr. An-Ting Cheng Look forward to see you all An-Ting 各位同學 歡迎來到Spatial Planning 課程 我是教授各位課程的鄭安廷老師 期待與各位見面 鄭安廷老師
課程代碼:25772000,授課教授:范噶色,開課院所:社會科學學院的地政學系,授課時間:禮拜一的16點到19點,課程大綱:The course onSpatial Decision Makingdeals with the process of arriving at decisions based on the combined assessment of temporal, spatial as well as non-spatial data. Such assessments can, for example, be dealing with the identifcation of locations for placing energy installations, or they can be dealing with assessing hazard zones, or they might be dealing with the effect of changes in land use in order to develop new policies. Due to the complexity of such tasks computer support is needed and is commonly provided in the form of Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS). Such systems, however, have to be tailored to the respective needs.The course highlights the process of defining and developing workflows using Geographic Information System software, also in combination with third-party modeling software. It discusses the foundation of decision-making processes and establishes the connection between problem formulation, data management, workfow defnition, assessments and the decision itself.
課程代碼:25778000,授課教授:邱式鴻,開課院所:社會科學學院的地政學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Photogrammetry, the use of photography for survey , primarily facilitates the production of maps and geographic database from aerial photographs. It is one of important means to generate data for GIS. With the advent of computing and imaging technology photogrammetry has evolved from analog to analytical to digital (softcopy) photogrammetry. The benefits of digital photogrammetry have increased dramatically. This course offers the opportunities to understand the principles of digital photogrammetry also takes the deep investigation into the current development and the encounter problems. Through this course the students can think about how to resolve the possible problems and provide the possibilities to improve the existing functions of current digital photogrammetry.Course DescriptionChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Fundamental of Digital PhotogrammetryChapter 3 Automatic Aerial TriangulationChapter 4 Generation of DEM and DSMChapter 5 Production of Digital OrthoimageChapter 6 Topographic Object Extraction6.1 Building Extraction and Reconstruction6.2 Road Extraction and Reconstruction6.3 Other Topographic Object ExtractionChapter 7 3D VisualizationChapter 8 Close-Range Photogrammetry
課程代碼:25779100,授課教授:白仁德,開課院所:社會科學學院的地政學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:*為因應防疫與兼顧學生健康安全,本課程第一週、第二週改採線上教學方式(google meet),並會將google meet連結email給修課同學。*本課程的主要目的介紹如何以系統的科學方法模擬及分析旅運活動,客觀而深入的瞭解及預測旅運需求,進而研擬完善的交通運輸計畫。課程主要包括:交通運輸計畫的概念及規劃前的準備工作、運輸需求預測以及城際旅運需求分析、個體需求分析及土地使用預測模型等。
課程代碼:25870200,授課教授:王國樑,開課院所:社會科學學院的經濟學系,授課時間:禮拜二的16點到19點,課程大綱:在互動(Interdependence)關係越來越密切的數位經濟裡,管理經濟學(Managerial Economics)是介紹與探討家計(含個人)、廠商、政府決策官員及非營利組織執行長如何利用經濟理論與分析方法來有效地做好決策、指揮及監督(或管制)的一門社會科學,它其實是一門應用經濟學或決策行為科學(Decision Science)。
課程代碼:25870400,授課教授:黃柏鈞,開課院所:社會科學學院的經濟學系,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:The purpose of this course is to help students understand modern empirical techniques used in labor and public economics. We will focus on two topics:(1) econometric identification issues in empirical microeconomics--how economists estimate causal effects using observational data(2) sufficient statistics approach to welfare analysis--how integration of reduced-form estimates and economic theories can help inform the welfare analysis.Participants are expected to write a high-quality research proposal that will hopefully lead to thesis research.
課程代碼:25893200,授課教授:江豐富,開課院所:社會科學學院的經濟學系,授課時間:禮拜一的8點到10點及禮拜一的12點到13點,課程大綱:CLASS SCHEDULE:上課時間:Monday, 9:10-12:00 a.m.上課地點:社科院館, Room 209________This course is the first part of a four-course sequence in labor economics. The purpose of this course is to gain insights into life cycle aspects of labor economics. We thus first review the tools for decisions made in a dynamic framework, and apply them to understanding the enhancement of earnings capacity within the labor market. This entails learning the basic mathematical technique of optimal control theory and applying it to the allocation of resources used in the lifetime earnings augmentation process. After understanding this process, we shall deal with the application of this theory in explaining the earnings distribution and other labor market phenomena.The reading list is more comprehensive than necessary for this course. Part of the readings is listed for the needs in related studies on labor Economics. Thus those readings that are not required, but that merely enhance one's knowledge of the field are not marked with an asterisk (*). Those articles denoted with an asterisk are highly recommended. The schedule and selected readings are subject to. revision as the course progresses.
課程代碼:25800100,授課教授:王信實,開課院所:社會科學學院的經濟學系,授課時間:禮拜四的13點到16點,課程大綱:This is the first course in the sequence of graduate microeconomic theory for students in the graduate program of Economics. The course is intended for students who are interested in learning basic tools, techniques, and applications of microeconomics. While an intuitive appreciation of the principles will be the primary objective, mathematical tools will be employed to illustrate the implementation of these principles to practical cases. Any advanced mathematics that is used will be developed in class.
課程代碼:25870100,授課教授:廖仁哲,開課院所:社會科學學院的經濟學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to modern econometric methods commonly used in applied economics, with an emphasis on microeconometric issues based on cross-sectional and panel data.We will discuss linear regression, instrumental variables, simulation, robust inference, discrete choice analysis, panel data models, causal inference, and machine learning methods for econometrics. If time permits, we will discuss distributional methods.Rigor and understanding of empirical methods and techniques are emphasized as opposed to learning cookbook methods. We will use a computer program R to gain hands-on experience with working with real data and statistical/econometric programming.The prerequisite for the course is introductory econometrics and statistics.
課程代碼:25871200,授課教授:黃仁德,開課院所:社會科學學院的經濟學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:1.The Financial Services Industry: Depository Institutions 2. The Financial Services Industry: Insurance Companies 3. The Financial Services Industry: Securities Firms and Investment Banks 4. The Financial Services Industry: Mutual Funds 5. The Financial Services Industry: Finance Companies 6. Why are Financial Intermediaries Special? 7. Risks of Financial Intermediation 8. Midterm exam 9. Interest Rate Risk I 10. Interest Rate Risk II 11. Market Risk 12. Credit Risk: Individual Loan Risk 13. Credit Risk: Loan Portfolio and Concentration Risk 14. Off-Balance-Sheet Activities 15. Operational and Technology Risk 16. Foreign Exchange Risk 17. Sovereign Risk 18. Final exam
課程代碼:25885400,授課教授:李浩仲,開課院所:社會科學學院的經濟學系,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course is required for Master's students in the Economics Department. The course will be taught in English, and its main goal is to equip graduate students with the most commonly used math tools that are essential to modern applied economic analysis.IMPORTANT NOTICE: THIS COURSE WILL START ONE WEEK BEFORE THE SEMESTER OFFICIALLY STARTS AND WILL HAVE EXTRA CLASSES IN THE FIRST TWO WEEKS. PLEASE DO NOT ENROLL IF YOU CANNOT ACCOMMODATE THE SCHEDULE.
課程代碼:25800701,授課教授:林馨怡,開課院所:社會科學學院的經濟學系,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:This advanced course for first-year economics graduates provides a deep dive into econometric principles and methods. We begin with Matrix Algebra, a cornerstone for handling economic data, and then move to Least Squares and Normal Regression to establish a foundation for regression analysis. We'll then look at Heteroskedasticity and its impact on econometric models, followed by Time Series Analysis and Vector Autoregression, critical tools for economic forecasting and examining variable dynamics. The course also plans to cover Panel Data Models, Maximum Likelihood Estimation for robust model parameter estimates, and Quantile Regression for a full view of variable distribution. However, the exploration of these advanced topics will depend on time availability. Real-world applications of these concepts will be emphasized to prepare students for practical research. Active engagement with the course material is highly encouraged for success.
課程代碼:25891400,授課教授:廖郁萍,開課院所:社會科學學院的經濟學系,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:Industrial economics is the field of economics concerned with understanding the strategic behavior of firms in a variety of different market structures. This course covers some of the major topics in industrial economics.  Among the topics covered are:  (1) contracts between a manufacturer and a retailer --- such contracts that focus exclusively on the issue of price, such contracts that are designed to ensure cooperation on nonprice issues, such as the level of retail services or the amount of advertising that a retailer might do; (2) the analysis of research and development (R&D) --- market structure and the incentive to innovate, persistence of monopoly, R&D cooperation between competing firms, the design of patent policy, patent races and patent licensing; (3) markets with network externalities, compatibility and industry standards; (4) advertising, market power, and information.
課程代碼:25969400,授課教授:吳考甯,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:Course Description
課程代碼:25971100,授課教授:王雅萍,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜三的18點到21點,課程大綱:一 運用反思性的批判教學法,帶領同學從回顧己身與他人受教育經驗出發以貼近台灣教育現況二 尋求同理心了解原住民文化差異,進而學習民族教育的理論與實務.三 閱讀了解台灣原住民族文化差異的研究文本與教育民族誌四 參訪並撰寫民族教育重點學校的教育民族誌個案
課程代碼:25967200,授課教授:陳乃華,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:藏學(Tibetology)是對西藏的(Bod-pa / Tibetan)相關研究領域,採取語文學、民族學、歷史學、宗教學或藝術學等視角對西藏社會進行考察,在對西藏及其周邊民族通過長時段的參與觀察,結合歷史文獻資料進行民族誌書寫(Ethnography)的方法路徑,並結合西藏民族「史/學/誌」學術傳統所進行的研究與探索。人類學的藏人及周邊民族研究(Anthropology of Tibetan studies)是一種研究視角或研究方法,是採取人類學的視角對藏族社會進行研究的手段,在對藏區、藏族及其周邊民族通過長時段的參與觀察,用田野中獲得的第一手資料,或結合歷史文獻資料撰寫研究成果民族誌(Ethnography)的研究路徑,可以說,其理論、方法和概念源於民族學與人類學。圍繞青藏高原周邊的諸地區是否具有某種共同的歷史與社會學特徵?人類學又能夠對這區域的歷史與文化過程提供哪些有益的理解?這些地帶的各個社會又分別和其他的國家或社會有著密切的交往,比如中原漢區、穆斯林社會、印度教化的東南亞各國等等,因而呈現出更加復雜的歷史與文化圖景。藏學人類學課程分為四個部分展開:第一單元、人文視野下的佛教與社會第二單元、西藏文明的自然聖境(sacred natural sites)與地景(landscape)第三單元、佛教與社會轉型(Social Transformation)第四單元、在佛教社會中反思宗教-政治(Religious-political)關係
課程代碼:25968400,授課教授:陳怡萱,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:本課程目的在於建立修課學生對大洋洲民族誌之認識,將透過民族志之閱讀與分析,本課程將帶同學們大洋洲多元文化與當代議題。本課程上課方式為教師授課、學生導讀、課堂討論,紀錄片賞析和專題演講。本課程教材將包含英文民族誌和英文紀錄片(見下列週次進度),請有意修課同學自行斟酌。※本堂課要求事前閱讀指定文獻並與課堂中一同討論※本課程修課生缺席次數不得超過三次(特殊情況除外)※課程會因應實際上課狀況調整!請注意!第一堂課因教師執行移地研究停課乙次,將於第二週與修課同學討論補課時間,如欲加簽者請寄email至[email protected]
課程代碼:25967100,授課教授:黃季平,開課院所:社會科學學院的民族學系,授課時間:禮拜二的13點到16點,課程大綱:Intangible cultural heritage,台灣稱為「無形文化資產」,但常見的翻譯有「無形文化遺產」或「非物質文化遺產」,包括民俗、信仰、節日、知識、語言等等。2003年通過的《保護非物質文化遺產公約》是全球化與當代社會變革在面對無形文化遺產出現的威脅所做出的回應。各國政府也開始對本國的無形文化遺產清點整理,並提出相對應的保存維護的措施,這個與民族文化發展息息相關的概念應該是在「世界文化遺產」概念之後,最具有代表性的國際議題。本課程從無形文化資產的產生背景與概念開始,討論相關的研究與理論,其次藉由國內外的案例,探討無形文化資產的認定過程與如何實踐保存與維護的措施,進而分析台灣推動無形文化資產保存維護政策的作為。讓學生藉由理論與案例瞭解世界無形文化遺產的發展與反思台灣該如何找出適合自己的保存維護的方式。
課程代碼:26192400,授課教授:劉曉鵬,開課院所:社會科學學院的中山人文社會科學研究所,授課時間:禮拜三的9點到12點,課程大綱:Thisgraduate levelcourseistoexplorecurrentcontroversiesinthe developmentaid.
課程代碼:26187500,授課教授:魏玫娟,開課院所:社會科學學院的中山人文社會科學研究所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到17點,課程大綱:課程介紹/Introduction:「社會創新」是發展與治理領域的新興概念,相關討論的出現與歐美國家社區發展的自主創新模式與實踐經驗密切相關,相關研究可見於社區發展、創意研究、社會發展的挑戰與在地發展等議題研究文獻中。以學科領域而言,社會創新研究屬跨領域研究,同時受到企業管理與社會科學研究學者的關注,但兩者之問題意識有所差異。企業管理研究關注社會創新,主要受企業社會責任(CSR)之影響,強調企業經營或創業在營運獲利同時實踐社會價值,社會企業為其主要研究對象;社會科學研究關注社會創新,主要是著眼於因應全球化時代脈絡下發展的挑戰,強調兼顧經濟與社會發展之包容性發展的(inclusive development)重要性,社會經濟、治理是主要研究課題。本課程將以社會創新做為一個研究概念與社會實踐為主軸,以既有的創新與發展研究及相關理論為主要對話對象,介紹與討論相關文獻。
課程代碼:26104500,授課教授:何浩慈,開課院所:社會科學學院的中山人文社會科學研究所,授課時間:禮拜一的9點到10點及禮拜一的12點到14點,課程大綱:本課程從「發展研究」(Development Studies)角度規劃涵蓋理論、方法與實務的課題和進度,要求學生於課前預習教材、撰寫心得,教師則於課前批閱,並於課堂講授、與學生討論。另一方面,學生須分組完成學期報告,製作國際發展專案,內容需包括學術屬性之文獻評述,及實務屬性之專案研擬。形式則包括書面及口頭報告。
課程代碼:26187900,授課教授:何浩慈,開課院所:社會科學學院的中山人文社會科學研究所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到17點,課程大綱:The rapid development of artificial intelligence has created ethical debates about whether a robot, if one day it has self-consciousness, should be treated like a human being. Likewise, a growing demand for psychological therapies has resulted in/from the quest for meanings and purposes of being alive. Underlying these contemplations is a fundamental question: What makes a human a human? This course aims to facilitate discussions and provide potential answers from academic literature.Based on anthropological theory, ethnography, and cross-cultural comparison, this course introduces the formation of human society, life stages, and the phenomenology of ‘being human’. In the past ten years, there has been a trend of thought in the humanities and social sciences, debating the social and personal aspects of the positive sides of social life, such as expectations, dignity, values, ethics, empathy, care, freedom, and hope. This course will examine the subjective and objective conditions of well-being, reflecting on how well-being is perceived, defined, and created. Through lectures, class discussions, student presentations on the required readings, and documentaries/guest speeches, this course attempts to cultivate students’ ability to care for society and themselves.This course begins with introducing basic concepts and epistemology of anthropological theory and ethnography. We will unpack what anthropologists have called ‘culture’ and ‘society’ and consider how themes of this kind lead to a reconsideration of how anthropological theory and ethnographies might be useful for comprehending the development of humanity. After providing an overview, each week’s topic will focus on key issues discussed in the sub-fields of Cognitive and Psychological Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Religious Anthropology, Environmental Anthropology, and Positive Anthropology. Throughout, this course will focus on the relationship between self and society and that between mind, body, and the more intangible aspects such as emotion and spirit. We will look at how universal human capabilities develop and are used during different stages of life to create unique cultural understandings and practices
課程代碼:26189700,授課教授:蘇昱璇,開課院所:社會科學學院的中山人文社會科學研究所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economics provides a highly analytical and scientific framework to study the world. Applied Microeconomics builds on the theories of an introductory course by utilizing mathematics to more precisely model what we see in the world and including more examples related to economic and social development. The skills gained through this course will provide an opportunity to specialize in applied microeconomic fields, such as Development Economics, Pubic Finance, Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, International Trade and many others.
課程代碼:26190100,授課教授:黃兆年,開課院所:社會科學學院的中山人文社會科學研究所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course aims to provide students with a fundamental understanding of China's economic, social, and political development since 1978. Four main themes are involved. The first is the introduction. We will introduce this course with a discussion on the universality and particularity of the "China Model" from a comparative perspective. The second theme is economic transformation. We will explore China's industrialization and engagement with the world economy after the 1978 reform and opening up by examining the roles of the central government, local governments, the financial system, the fiscal system, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and foreign enterprises. The third theme is social changes. We will investigate the impacts that economic transformation brought to society in many aspects, including the urban-rural divide, social stratification, the one-child policy and its impact on demographics, as well as environmental issues. The fourth theme is political development. We will explore the implications of economic development for the prospect of democracy in China, as well as the impact that China's rise might bring to international political development. Moreover, we will show to and discuss with students three selected movies related to the topics in the course, with an aim to improve students' understanding of some critical scenarios in the processes of China's political and economic development.
課程代碼:26192600,授課教授:趙建民,開課院所:社會科學學院的中山人文社會科學研究所,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到17點,課程大綱:The class is designed to help students who do not possess profound understanding of China to get to know the country. The main focus is on political processes, leadership, power structure, and developments.
課程代碼:26110300,授課教授:林義鈞,開課院所:社會科學學院的中山人文社會科學研究所,授課時間:禮拜一的14點到17點,課程大綱:This course has a concern with the concept ofsustainable development, more than thirsty years on from the influential Brundtland Report (1987), and its applications for the conduct of public policy. By reflecting within the discussions on what sustainable development is, why it is advocated, who is responsible for it, how it can be achieved, and how it can be measure, the aim of this course is to provide ample demonstration of these. Many of these conversations stem from a shared concern about the development paths that both developed and developing countries are on. As the world’s development paths indeed reflect complex interactions between different intellectual disciplines and policy foci, mapping out the structure of this course is of multidiscipline and interdiscipline, mostly among Political Science, Economics, and Sociology. This course, therefore, attempts to offer a comprehensive, but accessible, portrait of the sustainable development literature, in which students from different disciplinary and work backgrounds can find of interest.
課程代碼:26110500,授課教授:蘇昱璇,開課院所:社會科學學院的中山人文社會科學研究所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:The goal of the course is to enable students from the interdisciplinary background to read development studies and policy analyses using quantitative research methods.  The course will introduce fundamental statistics and develop students’ ability to conduct new quantitative research.  Students will learn how to deal with data by using statistical software.
課程代碼:26279200,授課教授:丘周剛,開課院所:社會科學學院的勞工研究所,授課時間:禮拜一的16點到18點,課程大綱:隨者全球化、社會變遷與科技發展,諸多研究也開始從策略觀點,來探討企業與社會之間的複雜關係,Porter and Kramer(2006)建議可以從策略觀點,來重新思考企業與社會之間的關係,尤其對於社會企業的參與或投資可藉由評估價值鏈活動的社會影響,找尋一些可以讓企業與社會都獲得利益的機會,並將資源投入於這些活動。Porter and Kramer(2011)也進一步提倡共享價值shared value)的觀念,強調企業的政策及營運方式,在增強企業競爭力之餘,還可以進一步改善企業經濟與社會環境,這些具體呈現在利害關係人(stakeholder)的維護責任上,本課程將探討最新企業社會責任之研究論文,並結合勞資關係之發展趨勢,研究最新之社會議題。
課程代碼:26487800,授課教授:王明聖,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:The advanced undergraduate-level and undergraduate-level course will introduce and elaborate the crucial concepts, comparative policy analysis, and research findings (such as a systematic review) in transnational migration and care. Understanding the phenomena of international migration and care influences contemporary relations between individuals, families, communities, civil society groups, governments, and states (including sending and receiving countries). The course discusses issues related to the following:Migration theory and pattern.Varieties, im/mobilities, and precariousness of migrant workers, mainly migrant care workers.Care regimes: How are the lives of migrants/persons who move across national borders influenced by international laws, national policies, and social exclusion or inclusion practices?Rights and various abuse of migrant care workersRunaway/unaccounted-for migrant care workers, stateless children, and family members lag behindTo explore these above topics of migration,the classical and latest research published by major academic presses in recent years as well as reports from international organizations (such as International Labour Organization, ILO), will be examined carefully and critically to inquiry the complicated issues that migrant workers face with the lived experiences of those impacted by migration.
課程代碼:26400100,授課教授:林宜輝,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:對當下我們社工員最迫切的需要而言,即在面對複雜個案時,是否存在可茲運用的有效處遇模式?另許多社工員亦表示苦於如何設計有效的處遇計劃,乃至如何為其計劃做辯護。凡面臨此等挑戰,社工員皆期待有一理論指引,進而獲得相關問題之解決。本課程目的,便在呼應此一需求,嘗試提供同學學習西方重要社工理論之機會,協助其改善與精進實務工作時所需之知能。然而,社工理論與社工實務間關係並不如許多人想像地簡單。相關的課題,儼然成為國際社工界近二十年來重要的爭辯議題。在進入課程有關不同理論討論前,我們首先將探討「循證實務」(evidence-based model/ EBP)與「反思性實務」(reflective practice),兩種不同看待社工運用理論之觀點。在此討論基礎下,本課程將建議同學在社工理論應用上,可多加參考反思性的觀點。其後,課程便進入包括個人至社會層次之西方重要社工理論的討論。在此,我們將先透過研讀不同理論經典的方式,嘗試解析各理論的預設及其所提出的社會干預作法。其後,課程也會透過有關一系列本土個案研究的評析,反思不同理論在本土應用時可能面臨之挑戰。課程的最終,則將歸納在國際大環境的變遷下,社工理論已經歷的變遷,並反思在此條件下的社工員,應如何促進理論與實務間更深層的對話,應如何更客觀看待理論對實務工作之可能貢獻,乃至我們可如何更充實社工理論之內容。
課程代碼:26487200,授課教授:陳文良,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的14點到17點,課程大綱:Philanthropy is one of the major fields of social work practice. With the rapid development of globalization, internet, IOT, AI and social media, the whole picture of social change became interrelated and complicated. Therefore, Social Work Practice can no longer rely on traditional case work, group work and community engagement based on geographic related scale. Macro Social Work Practice perspective on promoting social change provide social work professionals a timely way of intervention when tackling issues related to larger communities such as national level, or international/global level.  This class will use the framework of Macro Social Work Practice while providing students with working papers, playbooks, white paper from government organizations, foundations or think tanks from UK, US and European Union to capture most updated progresses on philanthropy, civil society, social innovation, digital transformation, and data governance through which social work intervention should find appropriate intervention needs and opportunities in future context. Students will learn how to convey, debate, and discuss issues emerged on these areas during classes and will be required to accomplish a research paper on their-own insight of the future possible macro level intervention and how their strategy will be like based on the recommended materials provided.
課程代碼:26488400,授課教授:林宜輝,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到17點,課程大綱:Compared to their developing counterparts, most advanced industrial countries have provided more complete welfare provision for the child and adolescent population. Also, child policy implementation in these nations has often provided important lessons for welfare latecomers for policy-making. Acknowledging this, in addition to Taiwanese child policy practices, this course will incorporate child welfare provision in advanced industrial countries into the discussion.Regarding the course structure, the conception of childhood will first be considered in the context of Western history, because its conceptual change triggered the birth of modern child welfare provision in the 20thcentury. Also,Hardiker’s model will be introduced so as to analyze better multifaceted child welfare systems around the world. After that, we move on to study some important issues highly debated in international child policy scholarship. In this regard, both American and European country cases will be chosen for investigation in that their policy developments often have significantly impacted Taiwan’s policy-making. When turning to the research of specific child welfare policies, we will examine three core policy areas, including child protection, foster care and child poverty alleviation. Based on the Western policy lessons, the aim will be to figure out what solutions could help improve Taiwan’s service delivery. Finally, the last section will focus on recent reforms in international child welfare systems. These include integrated children's centres, the media's impact on children and service delivery under the principle of the child's best interests. Based on all the above accumulation of interchange between Western and Eastern policy knowledge, the course is aimed at determining how pro-child actors could be empowered to facilitate effective policy change.
課程代碼:26685100,授課教授:史蘭亭,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:The emergence of sharing economy and gig economy is seen as an economic revolution or a disruptive innovation to the capitalistic market-mediated exchange. This new economic paradigm marks the rise of crowd-based capitalism, enabled by the development of digital technologies. In about 10-years time, different models of sharing economy and gig economy sweep the world and change the human lifestyle.Despite the fact that various sharing economy and gig economy activities have penetrated into our daily lives, questions and debates about the legitimacy as well as the social and cultural impact brought by this new form of economic model continue.The development path, typology and business models of sharing economy and gig economy will be introduced in this course. Both non-for-profit and profit-oriented sharing practices will be discussed. The driving forces and consumer motivation, legal and cultural aspects, and emerging technologies enabling the development of the sharing economy and gig economy will also be presented in the course.The smart city development is an important movement in urbanization. The development path, planning and execution strategies and business models of the smart city will be introduced in this course. The PPP (public and private partnership) model, which is often adopted in the smart city operation, will also be discussed. At the same time, the relevant topics such as the environment protection, governance and sustainability will also be included in this course.This course aims to provide students’ with knowledge and insight about the new economic paradigm of sharing economy and gig economy, and understanding of the digital technologies, infrastructure, and social political forces shaping the future of our urban environments. We begin by defining smart cities through lectures and case studies, discussing the sharing economy application in smart cities and drill down into the technologies shaping new and existing cities.
課程代碼:26691300,授課教授:王信實、李浩仲、莊奕琦,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜二的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course provides a comprehensive overview of the modern Chinese economy, and discusses several important aspects of the Chinese growth and development, including the major shifts in economic philosophy through time, the macroeconomic trends, agriculture and the rural industrialization, the economic development of urban areas, international trade and foreign investment, as well as the economic challenges facing China today.This course will blend formal lectures with ample discussions on contemporary events, and students get to choose a topic for themselves to delve into. The course will introduce both the theoretical and empirical aspects of economic matters.  The goal of the course is to prepare students with sufficient background knowledge about Chinese economy, and also to kick start/complement their own research in related areas.
課程代碼:26684900,授課教授:卞中佩,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:Sustainable development has been ardently advocated by numerous international institutions, governments, NGOs, and corporations in recent years. Despite its growing prominence, the concept of sustainable development is broad and complex. One illustrative example of its scope is the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These cover a wide array of interconnected objectives, ranging from poverty eradication and climate action, to ensuring inclusive education and beyond.Navigating these multifaceted and often nebulous concepts can pose a significant challenge. The tasks of defining these goals, assessing progress, and crafting effective strategies are no small feats. Yet, the advent of advanced data analysis tools and techniques provides a promising pathway to address these complex issues.
課程代碼:26688500,授課教授:黃兆年,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:This course aims to provide students with a fundamental understanding of China's economic, social, and political development since 1978. Four main themes are involved. The first is the introduction. We will introduce this course with a discussion on the universality and particularity of the "China Model" from a comparative perspective. The second theme is economic transformation. We will explore China's industrialization and engagement with the world economy after the 1978 reform and opening up by examining the roles of the central government, local governments, the financial system, the fiscal system, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and foreign enterprises. The third theme is social changes. We will investigate the impacts that economic transformation brought to society in many aspects, including the urban-rural divide, social stratification, the one-child policy and its impact on demographics, as well as environmental issues. The fourth theme is political development. We will explore the implications of economic development for the prospect of democracy in China, as well as the impact that China's rise might bring to international political development. Moreover, we will show to and discuss with students three selected movies related to the topics in the course, with an aim to improve students' understanding of some critical scenarios in the processes of China's political and economic development.
課程代碼:26688800,授課教授:范噶色,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的16點到19點,課程大綱:The course onSpatial Decision Makingdeals with the process of arriving at decisions based on the combined assessment of temporal, spatial as well as non-spatial data. Such assessments can, for example, be dealing with the identifcation of locations for placing energy installations, or they can be dealing with assessing hazard zones, or they might be dealing with the effect of changes in land use in order to develop new policies. Due to the complexity of such tasks computer support is needed and is commonly provided in the form of Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS). Such systems, however, have to be tailored to the respective needs.The course highlights the process of defining and developing workflows using Geographic Information System software, also in combination with third-party modeling software. It discusses the foundation of decision-making processes and establishes the connection between problem formulation, data management, workfow defnition, assessments and the decision itself.
課程代碼:26693100,授課教授:關秉寅,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的14點到17點,課程大綱:This course introduces students to the essential tools of statistics and shows how these tools are used in the analysis of social science data. A fundamental understanding of statistics is a critical foundation for social science research in many fields. The course covers descriptive statistics, inference from samples, hypothesis testing, and the basics of regression analysis.
課程代碼:26600200,授課教授:蘇昱璇,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economics provides a highly analytical and scientific framework to study the world. Applied Microeconomics builds on the theories of an introductory course by utilizing mathematics to more precisely model what we see in the world and including more examples related to economic and social development. The skills gained through this course will provide an opportunity to specialize in applied microeconomic fields, such as Development Economics, Pubic Finance, Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, International Trade and many others.
課程代碼:26600700,授課教授:傅健豪,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜三的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course is designed for students who want to apply the knowledge of modern econometrics to practical research questions. We will learn key statistical concepts and research methods that are essential for conducting valid quantitative analysis in the social sciences. In addition to studying the fundamental principles of statistical inference, students will also gain hands-on experience in modern statistical packages and programming tools that are necessary for researchers to comprehend and implement these research designs.
課程代碼:26600800,授課教授:湯京平,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜一的13點到16點,課程大綱:This class is designed to provide solid training for graduate students to conduct qualitative research and publish the result accordingly.  It starts with the introduction of ontology, epistemology, methodology, and eventually research methods for decent qualitative research. It also covers the issues of identifying workable research topics from daily life observations.
課程代碼:26687100,授課教授:莊奕琦,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜四的9點到12點,課程大綱:The goal of this course is to examine the various fundamental issues of Asian regional development so that students will gain enough knowledge to understand the development characteristics as well as economic dynamics of the region.
課程代碼:26684800,授課教授:謝文琪,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:This course is designed to introduce the benefits and methods of interdisciplinary study and research for exploring complex social problems and justice. Students will be guided through the process by learning and using critical thinking, problem identification, and problem-solving skills in order to discuss and explore creative policy approaches through the integration of differing perspectives.*First Day Attendance and regular participation are required. Please read and follow the course schedule carefully.*This syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice. Please pay attention to the newest course announcements, email notifications, and Moodle for updated course materials.*This course is highly participatory, integrative, and collaborative. All the assignments are designed to guide students to build your critical thinking, problem identification, and problem-solving skills.
課程代碼:26685000,授課教授:廖仁哲,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的9點到12點,課程大綱:The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to modern econometric methods commonly used in applied economics, with an emphasis on microeconometric issues based on cross-sectional and panel data.We will discuss linear regression, instrumental variables, simulation, robust inference, discrete choice analysis, panel data models, causal inference, and machine learning methods for econometrics. If time permits, we will discuss distributional methods.Rigor and understanding of empirical methods and techniques are emphasized as opposed to learning cookbook methods. We will use a computer program R to gain hands-on experience with working with real data and statistical/econometric programming.The prerequisite for the course is introductory econometrics and statistics.
課程代碼:26685900,授課教授:黃柏鈞,開課院所:未知學院的未知系所,授課時間:禮拜五的13點到16點,課程大綱:The purpose of this course is to help students understand modern empirical techniques used in labor and public economics. We will focus on two topics:(1) econometric identification issues in empirical microeconomics--how economists estimate causal effects using observational data(2) sufficient statistics approach to welfare analysis--how integration of reduced-form estimates and economic theories can help inform the welfare analysis.Participants are expected to write a high-quality research proposal that will hopefully lead to thesis research.