Tôn Thất Thiện
This inclusion in the workings of the inner circle of the highest level of the Viet Minh leadership enabled him to observe at close quarters the core Viet Minh leadership in Hanoi including Ho Chi Minh, Võ Nguyên Giáp, Trường Chinh, Phạm Văn Đồng as well as many of the foreign officials in Hanoi at the time including Archimedes Patti of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS). It also allowed him to understand the Communist Party of Vietnam's manipulation of the nationalist front as a means to secure power.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Revolution and education: 1945–55.
Tôn Thất Thiện
He was one of the first few non-Communist Vietnamese to have this understanding at that time.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
{ "revid": 856290537, "timestamp": "2018-08-24T05:21:03", "parentid": 848738878, "pre_dump": true, "pageid": 21935943, "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tôn%20Thất%20Thiện&oldid=856290537" }
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Section::::Revolution and education: 1945–55.
Tôn Thất Thiện
Thien's work was varied. He translated and typed government documents, and served as an announcer and commentator for Hanoi Radio's English language service "The Voice of Viet Nam", thereby becoming practically the first Vietnamese to address the English speaking world.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Revolution and education: 1945–55.
Tôn Thất Thiện
He also was a major contributor to the magazine of the Vietnamese-American Friendship Association (VAFA) launched by Ta Quang Buu and General Gallagher at a time when Ho Chi Minh was courting American support for the Viet Minh government and its continued independence from French colonial rule.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Revolution and education: 1945–55.
Tôn Thất Thiện
Dismissive of communist ideology from his economics studies and unable to support the radical political aims of Ho Chi Minh which included on-going systematic persecution of Vietnamese nationalists, he left Hanoi and returned to Huế in late 1946. In 1947 he went abroad to study.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Revolution and education: 1945–55.
Tôn Thất Thiện
He continued to morally support the anti-French aims of the Viet Minh until 1950 when the Ho-led Viet Minh forces unreservedly turned to communist China for material and advisory support, and Ho Chi Minh publicly proclaimed Vietnam "the forward post of socialism in South-east-Asia" and the Vietnamese Communist Party re-emerged under the thin guise of the "Lao Dong" (Worker's) Party.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Revolution and education: 1945–55.
Tôn Thất Thiện
From then on Thien distanced himself from the Viet Minh government, remained aloof from the various political formations, and concentrated on his studies. He obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics at the London School of Economics and a master's degree in Political Science at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva. He maintained his political neutrality until 1953. In October of that year, he met Mr. Ngo Dinh Diem in Paris and judged him to be a true nationalist leader.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Revolution and education: 1945–55.
Tôn Thất Thiện
He also learned that Mr. Diem was going to be appointed by Bảo Đại as the next Prime Minister of the non-communist State of Viet Nam.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Revolution and education: 1945–55.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In May 1954, Thien joined the South Vietnamese delegation as an observer at the Geneva Conference. He then assisted at close quarters in the Vietnam-French negotiations in Paris regarding the transfer of control of major state organs to the new government. In Saigon he served as press secretary and official interpreter for Prime Minister, then President, Ngo Dinh Diem. For a brief period in 1955-1956 he went abroad, serving at the Vietnamese embassy in Paris where he got married.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Government service: 1954–64.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In the fall of 1955 he went to the U.S. where he was an instructor at Michigan State University which was initiating a major government contract to provide technical assistance to Ngo Dinh Diem's administration. Upon returning to Saigon in May 1956, he resumed his former duties. In his capacity as presidential press officer, he was the first government point of contact for American journalists reporting on the new state. He came to know almost all foreign correspondents posted in Viet Nam in those years.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Government service: 1954–64.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In October 1959, Thien returned to Geneva for doctoral studies, graduating in June 1963 with a Doctorate in Political Science. While there, he was a member of the South Vietnamese delegation to the Geneva Conference on Laos in 1961 and 1962. He returned to Saigon in mid-July 1963 as Director General of the Vietnam Press, a position he held until 1964.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Government service: 1954–64.
Tôn Thất Thiện
As a close aide to Ngo Dinh Diem, he was with the President on 1 November 1963 when the South Vietnamese military successfully launched a coup d'état which was condoned by the U.S. government. Ton That Thien witnessed the last meeting conducted between President Diem and Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge on the occasion of a courtesy call on the President by Admiral Harry Felt. Thien observed that the Ambassador kept the President preoccupied in discussions from 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. The coup was initiated at 01.00 p.m.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Government service: 1954–64.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In August 1964 Thien left government service to take up journalism. He worked for the respected English language newspaper the "Saigon Daily News", then for the "Viet Nam Guardian", owned by a like-minded friend. As managing editor and columnist at both papers, he was stubbornly independent of government bias with often blunt commentary that offered constructive criticism. Vietnamese and foreign journalists were attracted by his blunt candour, convictions and independent political analysis.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Journalism, teaching and government service: 1964–75.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In December 1966 the "Viet Nam Guardian" was ordered by the government of Nguyễn Cao Kỳ to suspend publication for several months. Thien learned that he was on a police blacklist and at one point escaped an assassination attempt. During this time he was writing for a number of foreign publications including "The Economist", and "The Far Eastern Economic Review".
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Journalism, teaching and government service: 1964–75.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In 1967 he was asked by the Buddhist hierarchy to help establish a Faculty of Social Sciences at the Buddhist Van Hanh University, and was appointed Dean of that faculty although he was well known as an unrepentant close aide of the late President Diem.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Journalism, teaching and government service: 1964–75.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In 1968, the war was brought home to Thiện personally and painfully during the "Tet" Vietnamese New Year. Both Vietnamese warring sides had agreed to observe the customary one-week holiday ceasefire. Although as a security precaution he usually avoided staying in Huế, on Tet's eve, Thiện and his elder brother Hanh flew from Saigon to visit his ailing father for a quick three-day visit.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Journalism, teaching and government service: 1964–75.
Tôn Thất Thiện
On the night of the second day, the communist forces staged a surprise general offensive and succeeded in occupying almost the entire city including the area of Thiện's family home. As a high-profile prisoner he risked execution or captivity in the North. Fortunately, a quick counter offensive by U.S. Marines through his area diverted his captors and he was able to escape.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Journalism, teaching and government service: 1964–75.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In later fighting in the area where Thiện's home was located, Thiện's mother, who had stayed behind, was wounded in the head by mortar shrapnel. With the central hospital still under communist occupation, and no other medical service available she died of cerebral hemorrhage and had to be buried on the spot, on the lawn of the old French Resident's office adjacent to the Huế bridge.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Journalism, teaching and government service: 1964–75.
Tôn Thất Thiện
Thien's sister-in-law, Thu Ba (Hanh's wife) risked her life to get a coffin with money given to Thiện's family by an American journalist who happened to be in the area. During the week he was stranded in Huế, he was a witness to the duplicity and brutality of the communists. After the battle it was found that up to five thousand people had been executed, many of whom had been on prepared target lists.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Journalism, teaching and government service: 1964–75.
Tôn Thất Thiện
This experience deepened his conviction that the communists could not be trusted. In April 1968, Thien was appointed Minister of Information by Prime Minister Trần Văn Hương. His first act was to remove all censorship of the press although South Viet Nam was facing a widespread long standing insurgency and invasion from the North. In his view the country's security and freedom would be strengthened by greater freedom of expression.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Journalism, teaching and government service: 1964–75.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In August 1968, the Philippine-based Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation awarded him the prestigious Magsaysay Award for journalism, literature and creative communication in recognition of "his enduring commitment to free inquiry and debate." The official citation read:
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Journalism, teaching and government service: 1964–75.
Tôn Thất Thiện
Ton That Thien relentlessly has sought to digest the essence of Western scientific method and wed it to Vietnamese cultural values. Freedom of thought and expression he found were essential to this pursuit. His convictions led him to act with perceptive courage and staunch individualism as writer and editor, professor and government official.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Journalism, teaching and government service: 1964–75.
Tôn Thất Thiện
At the end of 1968, he resigned his post after President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu twice failed to honor a pledge on a major policy issue. From 1968 to 1975 he continued to work as a journalist, newspaper editor and professor.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Journalism, teaching and government service: 1964–75.
Tôn Thất Thiện
Thiện's alternating roles as Presidential personal interpreter and press secretary, journalist and professor provided him with a platform for critical commentary on political events as well as the advocacy of the ideals he thought the country should uphold: traditional Confucian values which he considered to have universal and perennial value and basic to the good functioning of a society, namely: service to community, respect of traditions, honesty and faithfulness to recognized and honourable freely elected leaders.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Political and journalistic influences.
Tôn Thất Thiện
These roles also gave him reason for official or unofficial contact with a who's who of historic figures in that period of Viet Nam's history. These included, among government and political officials: Major Archimedes Patti, Edward Lansdale, Wesley Fishel, Wolfe Ladejinsky, Ted Serong, William Colby, Chester Cooper, Daniel Ellsberg, Douglas Pike, John Mecklin, Barry Zorthian, Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, General William Westmoreland, Dr. Tom Dooley and Senator Mike Mansfield.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Political and journalistic influences.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In 1965 Don Luce, the International Volunteer Service (IVS) field director arranged a private meeting with Senator Edward Kennedy during a fact-finding trip to Viet Nam.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Political and journalistic influences.
Tôn Thất Thiện
Among journalists he knew or met virtually the whole range of the Saigon foreign press corps over the course of twenty years, from 1954 to 1975. He often served as a respected source of information and insight on Vietnamese cultural sensibilities and political traditions.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Political and journalistic influences.
Tôn Thất Thiện
His press contacts included: Stanley Karnow, Robert Shaplen, Homer Bigart, Sol Sanders, Keyes Beech, Bernard Kalb, David Halberstam, Malcom Browne, Charles Mohr, Neil Sheehan, Denis Warner, Peter Arnett, Joel Blocker, François Sully, Ward Just, Marguerite Higgins, Frances FitzGerald, Beverly Deepe, Elisabeth Pond, R. W. Apple, Don Oberdorfer, William Tuohy, Arthur Dommen, Michael Field, Bernard Crozier, Bernard Fall, Olivier Todd, Richard Gwynn, Max Clos, and François Nivolon.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Political and journalistic influences.
Tôn Thất Thiện
He also was consulted by or became friends with several leading academics, including Joseph Buttinger, Gerald Hickey, Patrick J. Honey, Denis Duncanson and George Tanham.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Political and journalistic influences.
Tôn Thất Thiện
Thien believed that without the leadership of President Diem, South Vietnam would be doomed and this conviction remained with him following the 1963 coup d'état. By early 1975 as it became apparent that the anti-communist South's fall was inevitable, he knew too well that under communist rule a normal life - particularly one of independent political discourse – would be impossible.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Exile in Canada: 1975–2014.
Tôn Thất Thiện
Communist practice would require him to write a "confession" stating that he had betrayed his country and his people, and this was an act he could not accept. Due to his political background his daughter would not be allowed to access high school or university. He would have to undergo "socialist re-education" and would be barred from his journalism and teaching professions.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Exile in Canada: 1975–2014.
Tôn Thất Thiện
Although assured by a man known to have connections with Hanoi that he would be "welcomed by the Revolution", the painful memories of Tet 1968 in Huế were still fresh in his mind and he made plans for an emergency evacuation. At the same time, he felt it was his duty to fight on to keep South Vietnam free as long as possible and remained until the Fall of Saigon was imminent.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Exile in Canada: 1975–2014.
Tôn Thất Thiện
As the communist forces closed in on Saigon, Thien put his escape plan into effect: with the help of a foreign friend, he smuggled his family out of Vietnam to Paris. There, thanks to the connections of a brother-in-law, he was able to get asylum.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Exile in Canada: 1975–2014.
Tôn Thất Thiện
The husband of a sister of his wife who had settled in Canada happened to be in Paris at that time and urged him to move there. Fluent in both French and English, with a good educational background and a great deal of professional experience, he had no difficulty finding employment and settling down in his new country. Thiện became a professor in linguistics at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Exile in Canada: 1975–2014.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In these years he travelled extensively to academic conferences in Europe, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, China, the USSR, and Australia. He also served as a visiting professor at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, and a senior visiting fellow at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. In 1989 he wrote "The Foreign Politics of the Communist Party of Vietnam: A Study of Communist Tactics", published by Crane Russak, New York.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Exile in Canada: 1975–2014.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In 1990, a monograph was published in Singapore by the Information and Resource Centre titled ""Ho Chi Minh a Nationalist? Ho Chi Minh and the Comintern"". BBC Radio service occasionally invited him to make comments in the 1980s and 1990s as did BBC television for a documentary on Ho Chi Minh. In 1992, Thiện retired in Ottawa and continued to write articles on Vietnamese affairs for Vietnamese newspapers abroad.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Exile in Canada: 1975–2014.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In 2014, shortly before his death, he became a founding member of Vietnam Veterans for Factual History.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Exile in Canada: 1975–2014.
Tôn Thất Thiện
It is historically intriguing to compare Tôn Thất Thiện's life history with that of Bùi Tín, Thien's neighbour, who also grew up in Huế, and whose father was also a Minister in the Imperial cabinet of Emperor Bảo Đại.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Parallel life to Bùi Tín.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In August 1945, they both went to Hanoi. While Thien served in the office of the President, the younger Bui Tin joined the Viet Minh as a soldier in the first unit of the newly formed army and at one point served as a guard at the presidential office in which Thien worked. Bùi Tín went on to serve the communist regime in the north of Vietnam as journalist, writer and government officer, much as Ton That Thien was serving in the south.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Parallel life to Bùi Tín.
Tôn Thất Thiện
United by common beginnings in the central and perhaps most traditional region of the country, for thirty years their two lives followed parallel paths on either side of the communist North – nationalist South political division of the country. When their life histories are considered together it is evident they singly or jointly were present at all of the major political and historic events of Vietnam's tumultuous history.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Parallel life to Bùi Tín.
Tôn Thất Thiện
They were both present at the Proclamation of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Hanoi on 2 September 1945 and narrowly missed meeting again upon the Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975, at which Bùi Tín took the surrender of Dương Văn Minh, then President of South Vietnam. Thien had departed shortly before.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Parallel life to Bùi Tín.
Tôn Thất Thiện
While Tôn Thất Thiện came to recognize and reject the aims of the Communist Party-led Viet Minh in early 1946, Bùi Tín did not begin to question Party orthodoxy until after the unification under communist rule in 1975. When he claimed asylum in France in 1990 his life's path once again became conjoined with that of Ton That Thien in their common experience of exile and their shared political beliefs in multi-party democracy, individual freedoms and traditional cultural values.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Parallel life to Bùi Tín.
Tôn Thất Thiện
In his personal life Thiện followed the Confucianist–Western modernism which he adopted in his public life. In founding a family, he married a person with a clear Confucian background, "Lệ Vân" (Lovely Cloud), whose great grandfather was the well known Confucian scholar and mandarin Nguyen Trong Hiep.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Personal life.
Tôn Thất Thiện
Assigned by the emperor to negotiate with France after French troops had occupied the Imperial capital of Huế in 1883, he persuaded the French not to abolish the Nguyễn monarchy and annex Vietnam, but to accept it as a protectorate instead. Lệ Vân's grandmother was the daughter of a well-known poet, Cao Thi Ngoc Anh, herself daughter of a Confucian scholar, Cao Xuân Dục, well known as a great Minister of Education in the Imperial Government of Vietnam, a contemporary of Nguyen Trong Hiep.
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Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Personal life.
Tôn Thất Thiện
Unlike many young women of her generation, Lệ Vân not only went to college, but was allowed to travel to France for further study. Another "modern" side to this marriage: neither Thien nor Lệ Vân sought prior permission from their parents before their engagement. Another infringement of traditions was that they got married in Paris, in a simple ceremony with a small attendance instead of an elaborate and lavish wedding party involving a large gathering presided by the parents surrounded by all members of the two families.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Personal life.
Tôn Thất Thiện
When their daughter was born they usurped their parents' traditional prerogative by naming her themselves, "Thuỳ Lan" (Sweet Orchid). Professor Tôn Thất Thiện died peacefully at home in Ottawa, Canada, surrounded by his family on October 3, 2014.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Personal life.
Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- Anne Blair, "There to the Bitter End: Ted Serong in Vietnam", pp. 183–187, 224, 258, 273 BULLET::::- Daniel Ellsberg, "Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers", p. 176 BULLET::::- Frances Fitzgerald, "Fire in the Lake", p. 403 BULLET::::- Gerald Hickey, "Window On a War", pp. 210, 258, 259, BULLET::::- Ward Just, "To What End", pp. 67, 87
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Further reading.
Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- Crispin C. Maslog, "Ton That Thien: Asian Libertarian" in "Heroes of Asian Journalism", Ramon Magsaysay Award Book of Record, Vols. 1-10, BULLET::::- Michael Maclear. "The Ten Thousand Day War", p. 197 BULLET::::- Neil Jamieson, "Understanding Vietnam", p. 338 BULLET::::- Sophie Quinn-Judge, "Ho Chi Minh: The Missing Years", p. 3 BULLET::::- http://www.rmaf.org.ph/Awardees/Biography/BiographyThienTon.htm
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::Further reading.
Tôn Thất Thiện
Books by Ton That Thien: BULLET::::- "India and South East Asia: 1947-1960. A Study of India's Foreign Policy towards the South East Asian Countries in the Period 1947-1960", Geneva, Droz, 1963, 385 pages BULLET::::- "The War in Vietnam" in Sibnarayan Ray (ed.), "Vietnam Seen From East and West", Melbourne, Thomas Nelson, 1966.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- Ton That Thien and Reinhold Wepf (eds.) "Vietnam, Vom Mekongdelta zum Song Ben Hai", Bern, Kimmerly and Frey, 1968 BULLET::::- "The Foreign Politics of The Communist Party of Vietnam: A Study in Communist Tactics", Crane Russak, New York, 1989, 255 pages BULLET::::- "Was Ho Chi Minh a Nationalist? Ho Chi Minh and the Comintern" Information and Resource Centre, Singapore, 1990 Articles by Ton That Thien:
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
{ "revid": 856290537, "timestamp": "2018-08-24T05:21:03", "parentid": 848738878, "pre_dump": true, "pageid": 21935943, "url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tôn%20Thất%20Thiện&oldid=856290537" }
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Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- "The Geneva Agreements and Peace Prospects in Vietnam", "India Quarterly", October–December 1956. BULLET::::- "Vietnam: A Case of Social Alienation", "International Affairs" (London), July 1967. BULLET::::- "Neutralism in South East Asia" (Paper presented to the 7th World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Brussels, September 1967).
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- "Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam's First Communist", "The Asia Magazine" (Singapore), March 10, 1968. BULLET::::- "The Search for a New Identity: Vietnam Reaction to Western Impact" (Paper presented to a Panel on Asia, East-West Center, Honolulu, June 1968), Van Hanh Bulletin, Van Hanh University, Saigon, December 1969. BULLET::::- "Vietnam: Winner Takes Nothing", "Orientations", (Hong Kong), January 1970.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- "Saigon: A Tormented City Fighting Hard to Survive", "Orientations" (Hong Kong), August 1970. BULLET::::- "Understanding the War in Vietnam", "India Quarterly", July–September 1970. BULLET::::- "Social Mobilization and Political Participation: The Vietnamese Experience", (Paper read at the Academic Conference on 'Development in South East Asia: Issues and Dilemmas', 26–29 October 1971, Hong Kong, under the auspices of ASAIHL).
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- ""Asia's Longest War", "The Asian" (Hong Kong), November 28 – December 4, 1971. BULLET::::- ""Technology, the Social Sciences, Education and the Future of Vietnam", ASAIHL, Hong Kong, Newsletter, December 1971. BULLET::::- ""Phan Chu Trinh, or Where to Begin a Revolution", "Van Hanh Bulletin", Van Hanh University, Saigon, March–April 1970.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- ""The Supremacy of Human Freedom, or Buddhism, and Science and Technology", Graduation Address, Van Hanh University, Saigon, February 1972. BULLET::::- ""Higher Education in a Transitional Country Plagued by Colonialism and War: The Case of Vietnam", paper prepared for RIHED Bulletin, Singapore, July 1972.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- ""The Modernization Dream: Where One Should Tread Softly"", paper prepared for the Third International Conference on the Modernization of Asia, Penang, Malaysia, September 3–9, 1972. BULLET::::- "The Relevance of Existing Social Science Theories and Concepts for South East Asia", paper prepared for the Second Academic Conference on Social Science Research for Urban Development in South East Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, December 18–23, 1972.
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- "War is Peace", "Orientations", Hong Kong, August–October 1973. BULLET::::- "L'Asie dans l'après-guerre" in "Hommes d'État Célèbres", Éditions d'Art Lucien Mazenod, Paris, 1977 BULLET::::- "Ho Chi Minh", dans "Hommes d'Etat Célèbres", Éditions d'Art Lucien Mazenod, Paris, 1977
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- "Politics and Economic Development"", paper prepared for the Conference on Problems of Development in Asia, organised by the Center of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, April 7–9, 1975 BULLET::::- "Vietnam, 1975-1980: Reflections on a Revolution", "Contemporary Southeast Asia", Vol.2, No. 2, September 1980 BULLET::::- "Negotiation Strategy and Tactics of the Vietnamese Communists", "Negotiations in Asia", Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations, Geneva, 1984
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- "Southeast Asia's Post Cold War Geopolitics: The New Realities", in "Global Affairs", Winter, 1993 BULLET::::- "Luan Ban ve Tu Tuong Ho Chi Minh", (On Ho Chi Minh's Thoughts), June 1996 BULLET::::- "New Alignments, New Realities: East Asia in the Post-Cold War Setting" "World Affairs", Jan-Mar, 1997, Vol. 1, No.1
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- "The Year of the Hare: New Light on the Anti-Diem Coup", in "World Affairs", Vol. 3, No. 4, October–December 1999 BULLET::::- "Shadows and Wind in Vietnam", "Ngay Nay", Houston, 1 December 2000
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Tôn Thất Thiện
BULLET::::- "Sober Thoughts on April 30: The South Vietnam Liberation Front and Hanoi Myth and Reality" 29 April 2000. Presentation at the national conference organized by the Vietnamese Canadian Federation in Ottawa, "The arrival of Vietnamese refugees in Canada: What have we learned?" BULLET::::- "Cultural Issues in Vietnam's Transition" in "The Vietnamese Economy and its Transformation to an Open Market System". Wm. T. Alpert (ed.). M.E. Sharpe, New York, 2005
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Tôn Thất Thiện
The website http://tonthatthien.com presents a complete bibliography, excerpts from books, collected articles, editorials, letters, interview transcripts and poetry. Professor Tôn Thất Thiện Memorial Web Site https://sites.google.com/site/tonthatthienmemorial/
Ramon Magsaysay Award winners,People of the First Indochina War,2014 deaths,Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies alumni,Vietnamese dissidents,1924 births
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Section::::External links.
Alagie Sosseh
Alagie Sosseh (born 21 July 1986) is a Gambian football player who plays for Turkish club Fatih Karagümrük.
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Superettan players,Expatriate footballers in Iran,Hammarby Fotboll players,AFC Eskilstuna players,Hammarby Talang FF players,Mjøndalen IF players,Persian Gulf Pro League players,1. divisjon players,Allsvenskan players,Enskede IK players,IK Sirius Fotboll players,Landskrona BoIS players,IK Frej players,1986 births,Assyriska FF players,The Gambia international footballers,Swedish footballers,Swedish expatriate footballers,Gambian expatriates in Norway,Akropolis IF players,Eliteserien players,Living people,Expatriate footballers in Norway,Gambian footballers,Nest-Sotra Fotball players,Association football defenders,Swedish expatriate sportspeople in Iran,Association football forwards,Swedish people of Gambian descent
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Alagie Sosseh
Sosseh has played for Hammarby IF and Landskrona BoIS. In December 2015, Sosseh transferred to Siah Jamegan of the Persian Gulf Pro League.
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Alagie Sosseh
As of 31 March 2011, he has played seven internationals for the Gambian national football team.
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Section::::International career.
Thara Ak-Var
Thara Ak-Var is a fictional character appearing in comic books published by DC Comics, created by Geoff Johns and James Robinson. The character first appeared during the storyline in "Superman" #681 (October 2008). She is the latest character to take on the role of Flamebird. Along with the new Nightwing, Thara is the feature character in "Action Comics" beginning with issue #875 (May 2009).
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Thara Ak-Var
Thara Ak-Var's name is a reference to Ak-Var, who was the second pre-Crisis Flamebird, and his wife, Thara.
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Thara Ak-Var
In the Silver Age, Thara was the wife of Ak-Var, lab assistant to the Kandorian scientist Van-Zee, who was also Thara's uncle. At one point, Van-Zee donned the Nightwing costume in order to rescue a captured Superman. After Superman and Jimmy's departure from Kandor, Van-Zee took up the role of Nightwing full-time. Ak-Var later assumed the mantle of Flamebird. The two shared several distinct adventures, once teaming up with Superman and Jimmy.
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Silver Age.
Thara Ak-Var
Thara Ak-Var lived in Argo City and was a childhood friend of Kara Zor-El. While Kara’s parents were members of the Science Guild, Thara’s parents were both of the Military Guild and had served under General Zod.
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DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.
Thara Ak-Var
Thara was among the few survivors of Krypton’s destruction. Zor-El created a force field around all of Argo City to protect it using technology found after Brainiac’s capture of Kandor. Sensing his own technology being used, Brainiac tracked down Argo City and began to integrate it with Kandor, and killing those who tried to stop him, including Thara's parents. While Zor-El and Alura managed to assist their daughter in escaping, everyone else in Argo City was captured by Brainiac, including Thara.
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DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.
Thara Ak-Var
Life in the shrunken city continued, though at a slower rate than the rest of the universe. Despite her young age and inexperience in actual combat, Thara was made chief of security for Kandor. She was adamant that no one think she did not earn her position.
DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.
Thara Ak-Var
Shortly afterward, Thara was approached by Kandor's religious guild, who conducted a ceremony that granted Thara a vision of the Flamebird, a mythical Kryptonian creature. The religious guild, believing Thara to be the living avatar of the Flamebird, took her into their ranks. One day Thara felt her mind connect with that of Chris Kent's, who himself seemed to have some kind of connection to the Nightwing, the Flamebird's partner deity.
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DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.
Thara Ak-Var
Reclaiming her position as chief of Security, Thara used a protective suit invented by Zor-El to enter the Phantom Zone, free Chris, and bring him to Kandor in secret. When Superman discovered Kandor in Brainiac’s ship, the imprisoned Kryptonians were all freed. Thara was reunited with her friend, Kara.
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DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.
Thara Ak-Var
When the Kryptonians agreed to meet with the President of the United States in Metropolis, it was Thara who trained Zor-El and Alura's escorts. She also organized the evacuation of the area when Doomsday attacked the Kryptonian delegation. After Kara's father, Zor-El, was murdered by Reactron in Kandor, Alura came to blame Thara for her husband's death, as security within the city was her responsibility.
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DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:New Krypton.
Thara Ak-Var
Thara Ak-Var began operating on Earth as the superhero Flamebird, aided by Chris as Nightwing. Both heroes work from the Fortress of Solitude where they initially stood guard over the Phantom Zone projector to stop Kryptonian soldiers from releasing Zod.
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DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:New Krypton.
Thara Ak-Var
After all Kryptonians except for Superman are restricted from coming to Earth, Thara and Chris Kent remained behind in their guises of Flamebird and Nightwing. To further hide their Kryptonian origins, the duo began wearing powersuit versions of their costumes. The young heroes are tracking down Kryptonian sleeper agents operating on Earth by order of General Zod. Chris discovered the identities of these agents while his parents kept him prisoner in the Phantom Zone.
DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:A World Without Superman.
Thara Ak-Var
When Zod became aware of Flamebird and Nightwing's actions against his agents he sent Ursa to Earth to stop them. After a brutal attack by Ursa, Thara left gravely wounded by a frangible Kryptonite knife, and Chris was forced to bring her to Lois Lane for medical assistance. She was saved by the efforts of the JLA heroine, Doctor Light who used her powers to accelerate her sun absorption. Thara recovered, and joined Chris in an attempt to bring in a violent sleeper couple.
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DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:A World Without Superman.
Thara Ak-Var
Their battle was interrupted by a group of meta-human adversaries led by . During the fight, the sleepers escaped, pursued by Chris. Codename: Assassin's forces managed to pin Thara, and he used his psychic abilities to read her mind, learning about Chris and the sleepers. When Assassin threatened Chris's life, Thara's body erupted into flames, and she screamed "Get out of our mind!" in Kryptonian.
DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:A World Without Superman.
Thara Ak-Var
Thara went on to defeat her attackers, but left them alive, stating "We are not vengeful. But we will fight to protect what is ours, what we love. You are warned." After battling the sleeper couple, Chris and Thara become celebrity superheroes with an adoring public. Thara was uncomfortable with the female attention Chris got, especially after discovering a fan's phone number stuffed into Chris's armor. Thara denied feelings of jealousy, but Chris responded by kissing her.
DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:A World Without Superman.
Thara Ak-Var
The two were then attacked by the Kryptonian sleeper couple. They chased them into the subway, only to find that it was really Metallo and Reactron in disguise. Thara and Chris were then swiftly defeated and captured.
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DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:A World Without Superman.
Thara Ak-Var
However, Chris and Thara are teleported away, along with Supergirl. Supergirl attacks Thara, for killing her father and trying to kill her. However, Chris stops her and tells her he is her cousin. The three are attacked by Guardian and the Science Police, for apparently killing Mon-El. Chris tries to tell Guardian that they did not murder Mon-El, but Guardian ignores him. The three manage to escape to Paris. Chris, Thara and Kara talk about what has happened.
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DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:A World Without Superman.
Thara Ak-Var
They then discover that the two sleepers they were fighting were Metallo and Reactron. However, they are attacked by Squad K. Escaping from Squad K, the three go to Lana Lang's apartment. They decide to get Lois's help in clearing their names. Chris and Lana go to find Lois while Kara and Thara stay in Lana's apartment.
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DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:A World Without Superman.
Thara Ak-Var
Once more while being left alone the two girls argue over their perceived betrayals of another, with Supergirl blaming Thara for her father's death and Thara being angry due to Kara not believing her about the Flamebird entity. After a brief argument the two along with Chris are once more forced to flee. During the attempt to flee they once more encounter Squad K however the three opt to surrender in order to clear their names.
DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:A World Without Superman.
Thara Ak-Var
While they manage to persuade the Squad K commander, Reactron quickly murders his team-mates and attempts to kill the three.
DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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[ { "paragraph_id": 19, "start": 432, "end": 556 } ]
Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:A World Without Superman.
Thara Ak-Var
During their conflict Thara is injured while attempting to protect Supergirl. As Reactron is about to kill Chris and Kara, Thara manifests her Flamebird powers and personality in which she easily overpowers and defeats Reactron. The Flamebird decides to kill Reactron but is swayed to show mercy after Reactron reveals that Mon-El is alive and is talked down by Supergirl. The Flamebird is once more submerged after sharing a kiss with Chris. Following their battle Thara and Kara make up, deciding to renew their friendship.
DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:A World Without Superman.
Thara Ak-Var
Donning new costumes, Thara and Chris continue to protect the world, making sure to conceal their Kryptonian status. Thara shows slight jealousy over Chris getting fangirl attention, and in the ensuing argument, shares another kiss. On their return to their apartment, however, Chris undergoes another aging spurt becoming an old man. Under Kimiyo Hoshi's direction, Thara takes Chris to the renowned Dr. Pillings, who, unbeknownst to anyone, is actually the Kryptonian sleeper agent Jax-Ur.
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DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:A World Without Superman.
Thara Ak-Var
"Pillings" intentionally subjects Chris to a treatment that causes him extreme pain, causing enough emotional stress in Thara for the Flamebird to become dominant again. Realizing who the doctor really is, the Flamebird is forced into an unspecified agreement with Jax-Ur, after which he ensures Chris/the Nightwing's survival.
DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:A World Without Superman.
Thara Ak-Var
In the 2010 mini-series "", as Zod and the New Kryponians prepare to attack earth, General Lane, working with Lex Luthor, finds a way to turn Reactron into a living bomb that destroys all of New Krypton. At the same time, Lane and Luthor use elements from the Rao construct to turn the sun red, which depowers the Kryptonians, many of whom die in space.
DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:Superman: War of the Supermen.
Thara Ak-Var
Flamebird realizes that the only way to save the surviving Kryptonians is to unleash her power in the heart of the sun. It is implied by the dialogue that this act is Thara's final destiny, and the artwork shows her skeletal remains.
DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Fictional character biography.:Modern Age.:Superman: War of the Supermen.
Thara Ak-Var
Thara has all the standard abilities of a Kryptonian exposed to the light of a yellow sun: super strength, super speed, invulnerability, flight, heat vision, super-breath, x-ray vision, and super hearing. She also possesses an undefined connection to the mythic "Flamebird" entity, which gives her the ability to create flame, and gives her a psychic link to Chris Kent.
DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Powers and abilities.
Thara Ak-Var
This connection to the Flamebird seems to be symbiotic in nature, as Thara recently referred to herself as "we" when attacking the warriors who threatened Chris. The "Flamebird" entity further displays an immunity to gold kryptonite (if this immunity extends to other kryptonite forms remains to be seen) and is able to restore Thara to full health even after she was injured by Reactron. Furthermore, the "Flamebird" seems to be, like Thara, attracted to Chris Kent.
DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Powers and abilities.
Thara Ak-Var
Like all Kryptonians, Thara is weakened by Kryptonite radiation and fatally vulnerable to prolonged exposure.
DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::Powers and abilities.
Thara Ak-Var
Thara Ak-Var appears in The CW’s live-action Arrowverse series "Supergirl", portrayed by Esmé Bianco. She debuts in the third season episode "Not Kansas" and is portrayed as the police chief of Argo City, preserved after Krypton's explosion, and as the childhood friend of series protagonist, Kara Zor-El.
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DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::In other media.:Television.
Thara Ak-Var
Thara Ak-Var appears in "" voiced by Melissa Disney.
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DC Comics aliens,Comics characters introduced in 2008,DC Comics female superheroes,DC Comics superheroes,Extraterrestrial superheroes,Kryptonians,Characters created by James Robinson
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Section::::In other media.:Film.
Acronicta tritona
Acronicta tritona, the triton dagger moth, is a moth of the family Noctuidae. It is found in eastern North America, from Nova Scotia west to north-eastern Alberta, south to Florida and Texas, and west to Oregon. The wingspan is 35–40 mm. The larva feed on "Helonias bullata" and "Vaccinium" species, including "Oxycoccos" species and "Vaccinium stamineum".
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Acronicta,Moths described in 1818,Moths of North America
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Acronicta tritona
BULLET::::- Species info
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Acronicta,Moths described in 1818,Moths of North America
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Section::::External links.
"Macushla" is an Irish song that was copyrighted in 1910, with music by Dermot MacMurrough and lyrics by Josephine V. Rowe. The title is a transliteration of the Irish "mo chuisle" meaning "my pulse" as used in the phrase "a chuisle mo chroí" which means "pulse of my heart", and thus mo chuisle has come to mean "darling" or "sweetheart".
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In the 2004 film "Million Dollar Baby" trainer Frankie has "Mo Chuisle" embroidered on the silks of boxer Maggie Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank) for her first overseas fight, and it is subsequently chanted by the various crowds in the film numerous times. In the 1945 movie, "Christmas in Connecticut", starring Barbara Stanwyck, the cow was called Macushla. Recorded by operatic tenors, John McCormack, James McCracken, Christian Ketter,Kenneth McKellar and Josef Locke.
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Also used in historical drama, Michael Collins 1996.
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Holiest sites in Shia Islam
In addition to the three mosques accepted by all Muslims as holy sites, Shia Muslims consider sites associated with Muhammad, his family members (Ahl al-Bayt) and descendants (including the Shia Imams), After Mecca and Medina, Najaf, Karbala and Jerusalem are the most revered by Shias.
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Mosques in Saudi Arabia,Cemeteries in Saudi Arabia,Mosques in Iraq,Ziyarat,Mosques in Iran,Shia Islamic holy places
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