forms two consider of We organization. genome
We consider two forms of genome organization.
sexual the multi-chromosomed is exception the reproduction only for pathway The genome.
The only exception is the sexual reproduction pathway for the multi-chromosomed genome.
distribution, depth, habitat The to behaviour (water the coast), distance (i.e. temporal
The temporal distribution, habitat (water depth, distance to the coast), behaviour (i.e.
convincing. the most hypothesis was foraging advantage The
The foraging advantage hypothesis was the most convincing.
benefits the associations the mixed-species depend of appeared species. to However, on
However, the benefits of mixed-species associations appeared to depend on the species.
can if algorithm And we find so, construct an to one? effective
And if so, can we find an effective algorithm to construct one?
we paper give this case. the answer a complete to general In
In this paper we give a complete answer to the general case.
level-k special The main property of SN-sets a idea a to use network. is in
The main idea is to use a special property of SN-sets in a level-k network.
present the Topology Fuzzy extension the Intuitionistic Topologies. as Also, of we Neutrosophic an
Also, as an extension of the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topology we present the Neutrosophic Topologies.
In all is intractable. full summation terms over correction general,
In general, full summation over all correction terms is intractable.
similar \textit{et Reichenbach to of recent results These results al.} are
These results are similar to recent results of Reichenbach \textit{et al.}
below. with functional silicon neuronal is modeling presented proposed framework networks interfaced chips A for
A proposed modeling framework for functional neuronal networks interfaced with silicon chips is presented below.
A two-species parasitoids and system is studied. of extended hosts spatially
A two-species spatially extended system of hosts and parasitoids is studied.
metrics patterns thereof. characterize to introduce several the onset and We
We introduce several metrics to characterize the patterns and onset thereof.
experiments. can The be protocols implemented in behavioral
The protocols can be implemented in behavioral experiments.
errors. pyrosequencing generated reads the However, size contain are numerous in short by and
However, the reads generated by pyrosequencing are short in size and contain numerous errors.
has Furthermore, specific the a reference in position genome. each read
Furthermore, each read has a specific position in the reference genome.
alignment accuracy the from obtained The consensus multiple from confirmed the the alignments. is of
The accuracy of the alignment is confirmed from the consensus obtained from the multiple alignments.
of extended presented. autocatalytic systems spatially Analytical analysis hypercyclic and is
Analytical analysis of spatially extended autocatalytic and hypercyclic systems is presented.
stability are stationary of studied. Existence solutions and
Existence and stability of stationary solutions are studied.
that stable values proved spatially some solutions it For is parameter appear. non-uniform
For some parameter values it is proved that stable spatially non-uniform solutions appear.
data our to Littorina We the apply snail, marine algorithm saxatilis. from
We apply our algorithm to data from the marine snail, Littorina saxatilis.
set-up. results cognitive An emergent from capability this
An emergent cognitive capability results from this set-up.
different into Also translating are with them documentation along examples. programs for formats, provided and
Also provided are programs for translating them into different formats, along with documentation and examples.
the code are all for programs included. Source binaries and
Source code and binaries for all the programs are included.
will for reaction of thorough studies network space. the networks This library allow of
This library of networks will allow for thorough studies of the reaction network space.
divided reproduction into neutral followed can two by model selection. Such be phases:
Such model can be divided into two phases: reproduction followed by neutral selection.
correlations be underestimated. gene-history may situation, this significantly In the
In this situation, the gene-history correlations may be significantly underestimated.
the case. We why explain this is
We explain why this is the case.
our remains this In sparse. neuroanatomical of genomes, knowledge circuitry of era complete surprisingly
In this era of complete genomes, our knowledge of neuroanatomical circuitry remains surprisingly sparse.
basic for and knowledge into however clinical function. research brain Such is both critical
Such knowledge is however critical both for basic and clinical research into brain function.
and knowledge rationale We review briefly and techniques. experimental detail scientific medical and existing the
We detail the scientific and medical rationale and briefly review existing knowledge and experimental techniques.
being transition attractors, types called Their graph modeled. cycles, organism cell state the represent of
Their state transition graph cycles, called attractors, represent cell types of the organism being modeled.
finding checking. for We a present bounded an algorithm model SAT-based attractors which uses
We present an algorithm for finding attractors which uses a SAT-based bounded model checking.
of case consist (AEs). events pharmacovigilance The several involving drugs databases reports adverse and
The pharmacovigilance databases consist of several case reports involving drugs and adverse events (AEs).
consistently all methods are to Some signals, highlight i.e. applied
Some methods are applied consistently to highlight all signals, i.e.
drug AE. an significant and statistically a between associations all
all statistically significant associations between a drug and an AE.
for have as been Boolean networks useful models control. potentially proposed genetic
Boolean networks have been proposed as potentially useful models for genetic control.
uncorrelated approaches network assumed stability have structure. random Previous to
Previous approaches to stability have assumed uncorrelated random network structure.
from gene nontrivial have network paradigm. random different topology typically significantly Real networks the
Real gene networks typically have nontrivial topology significantly different from the random network paradigm.
to gene work the We application experimentally of networks. our discuss also possible inferred
We also discuss the possible application of our work to experimentally inferred gene networks.
the algorithm both decisional estimates data. REMAPF from The new and the epsilon-machine states
The new REMAPF algorithm estimates both the epsilon-machine and the decisional states from data.
for new we detection. object a paper, keypoint-based this In approach propose
In this paper, we propose a new approach for keypoint-based object detection.
in to Traditional pose discard classifying keypoint-based and using methods individual misclassifications. estimation points consist
Traditional keypoint-based methods consist in classifying individual points and using pose estimation to discard misclassifications.
video sequences experimental in Successful obtained real-time reported. detection are object for results
Successful experimental results obtained for real-time object detection in video sequences are reported.
a a to probe biomolecules. of new Translocation nanopore properties physical technique experimental is through
Translocation through a nanopore is a new experimental technique to probe physical properties of biomolecules.
a based Moreover, incorporates consolidation mining realistic a the data architecture memory process on algorithm.
Moreover, the architecture incorporates a realistic memory consolidation process based on a data mining algorithm.
However, to is domain for hard the domains, explicitly. ill-defined knowledge many define
However, for many ill-defined domains, the domain knowledge is hard to define explicitly.
death. out-of-phase and both model modes, oscillation in-phase exhibits The oscillatory and
The model exhibits both in-phase and out-of-phase oscillatory modes, and oscillation death.
as can oscillations. such Interactions oscillatory complex behaviours generate intermittent between modes
Interactions between oscillatory modes can generate complex behaviours such as intermittent oscillations.
direct logic axiomatisation over We a of give first this Minspaces.
We first give a direct axiomatisation of this logic over Minspaces.
procedure decision a a define of tableaux form We calculus. the in next
We next define a decision procedure in the form of a tableaux calculus.
algorithms with huge data. Data now to amount able deal are efficiently mining of
Data mining algorithms are now able to efficiently deal with huge amount of data.
patterns drawback. to be an may Post that of answer processing
Post processing of patterns may be an answer to that drawback.
aerial of populations fly hypothetical tsetse investigated. impact on spraying The is
The hypothetical impact of aerial spraying on tsetse fly populations is investigated.
extra while. be worth argued is to cost The
The extra cost is argued to be worth while.
does and uracil hypothesis between not thymine. wobble discriminate The
The wobble hypothesis does not discriminate between uracil and thymine.
the of Methylation in favor could form. uracil further stabilization keto
Methylation could favor further stabilization of uracil in the keto form.
up pair only and keto can form adenine. is present with Thymine in but
Thymine is present in keto form only and can pair up but with adenine.
enol can it pair. U-G is that form; why forms the Uracil easily the construct
Uracil can easily construct the enol form; that is why it forms the U-G pair.
we implications of phenomena. findings aggregation protein of discuss the our Finally, context possible in
Finally, we discuss possible implications of our findings in the context of protein aggregation phenomena.
XML. to new format extended networks propose represent constraint using We a
We propose a new extended format to represent constraint networks using XML.
or constraints This to extension either intension. defined format represent allows us in in
This format allows us to represent constraints defined either in extension or in intension.
constraints. allows global It also us reference to
It also allows us to reference global constraints.
pancreatic functional $\beta$-cells. motif in network controlling appears The of regulatory gene the activity the
The motif appears in the gene regulatory network controlling the functional activity of pancreatic $\beta$-cells.
appropriate model parameter exhibits hysteresis in and bistability regions. The
The model exhibits bistability and hysteresis in appropriate parameter regions.
the the reducing region. of has the loop of negative feedback bistable effect size The
The negative feedback loop has the effect of reducing the size of the bistable region.
the has withdrawn author been ali pourmohammad. by paper This
This paper has been withdrawn by the author ali pourmohammad.
A it is digraph. if with its cover regular isomorphic network is
A network is regular if it is isomorphic with its cover digraph.
work a consisted The game. developing present in plateau
The present work consisted in developing a plateau game.
ect.) cluedo, (monopoly, traditional the ones are There
There are the traditional ones (monopoly, cluedo, ect.)
uses partitioning The procedure, a trees. simple randomized variant RPtree k-d the regressor of
The regressor uses the RPtree partitioning procedure, a simple randomized variant of k-d trees.
otherwise planar Mathematically, protuberances an LD as modeled were ER spherical in membrane.
Mathematically, LD were modeled as spherical protuberances in an otherwise planar ER membrane.
we LD bud-off thermodynamically show cannot otherwise. addition, is demixing necessary In that as
In addition, we show that demixing is thermodynamically necessary as LD cannot bud-off otherwise.
typical This below of is diameter size far experimentally the LD. yeast determined
This diameter is far below the experimentally determined size of typical yeast LD.
the Refer to for updates. latest www.urdme.org
Refer to www.urdme.org for the latest updates.
came small-world networks and into of architecture Recently, focus. scale-free
Recently, networks of small-world and scale-free architecture came into focus.
are quantities a quadrupole moments dipole These the distribution. of charge and
These quantities are the dipole and quadrupole moments of a charge distribution.
model are that to more networks of yeast. structurally similar
model networks are structurally more similar to that of yeast.
stochastic was recently neural of formulated. at which A statistics all networks includes orders theory
A stochastic theory of neural networks which includes statistics at all orders was recently formulated.
Each yields the equations, of level i.e. closed approximation
Each level of the approximation yields closed equations, i.e.
use. presentations neither suitable are intended nor for Often these human
Often these presentations are neither intended nor suitable for human use.
patterns. these for We propagation specialised two algorithms design
We design specialised propagation algorithms for these two patterns.
inherit propagation a patterns these and constraints occurrence thus using specified algorithm. Counting directly
Counting and occurrence constraints specified using these patterns thus directly inherit a propagation algorithm.
copula--or "nonparanormal"--for to dimensional Gaussian show how semiparametric inference. high use a We
We show how to use a semiparametric Gaussian copula--or "nonparanormal"--for high dimensional inference.
satisfaction solving factor constraint in an Symmetry many problems. is important
Symmetry is an important factor in solving many constraint satisfaction problems.
of common we One type have is values. symmetric when symmetry
One common type of symmetry is when we have symmetric values.
we to break have of In methods papers, symmetries. value studied a recent series
In a recent series of papers, we have studied methods to break value symmetries.
computational symmetry. Our on eliminating value results identify limits
Our results identify computational limits on eliminating value symmetry.
that general. NP-hard all For in symmetric we is instance, values prove pruning
For instance, we prove that pruning all symmetric values is NP-hard in general.
that in value practice. symmetry can Nevertheless, show experiments broken much be
Nevertheless, experiments show that much value symmetry can be broken in practice.
requirements which analysis. for analysis exercise necessary the Our for the domain includes are reasoner
Our analysis includes requirements for the domain reasoner which are necessary for the exercise analysis.
This ali the paper author pourmohammad. been has by withdrawn
This paper has been withdrawn by the author ali pourmohammad.
cost We an online of problems. estimating the present SAT solving for method
We present an online method for estimating the cost of solving SAT problems.
trained linear gathered search. the uses method start Our of model at on data a
Our method uses a linear model trained on data gathered at the start of search.
problems. We the random of and this show effectiveness method structured using
We show the effectiveness of this method using random and structured problems.
be in that predictions. demonstrate made can improve to predictions later early restarts We used
We demonstrate that predictions made in early restarts can be used to improve later predictions.
on for scenario trees. We constraint stochastic semantics provide programs based a
We provide a semantics for stochastic constraint programs based on scenario trees.
conventional constraint can programs semantics, constraint this compile Using stochastic into programs. down (non-stochastic) we
Using this semantics, we can compile stochastic constraint programs down into conventional (non-stochastic) constraint programs.
allows the This us exploit of to power existing constraint full solvers.
This allows us to exploit the full power of existing constraint solvers.