of the well-known in relationship number and the the between species. logistic-like results This area
This results in the well-known logistic-like relationship between the area and the number of species.
languages natural of generation. is services solution proposed, as ontology combination a reasoning A and
A solution is proposed, as a combination of ontology reasoning services and natural languages generation.
ubiquitous is cortex. neuronal a feature of Spontaneous activity
Spontaneous neuronal activity is a ubiquitous feature of cortex.
modulates output. future reflects organization past network and spatiotemporal Its input
Its spatiotemporal organization reflects past input and modulates future network output.
of to ability to respond range the stimuli. the greatest
the ability to respond to the greatest range of stimuli.
dynamic programming The interesting perspective suggests generalizations.
The dynamic programming perspective suggests interesting generalizations.
immunogold-labeled Ras membrane-bound into segregate domains. that shown micrographs nanocluster of Ras Electron molecules have
Electron micrographs of immunogold-labeled Ras have shown that membrane-bound Ras molecules segregate into nanocluster domains.
mass assumption is this law inconsistent with of the action. However,
However, this assumption is inconsistent with the law of mass action.
large-scale analysis of membrane proteins decades of task. Despite remains a difficult extensive the research,
Despite decades of extensive research, the large-scale analysis of membrane proteins remains a difficult task.
impossible? Taking [Santoni, review and Membrane proteins Rabilloud, un this proteomics: Molloy and amour
Taking this review [Santoni, Molloy and Rabilloud, Membrane proteins and proteomics: un amour impossible?
studies. used models In theoretical particular, stochastic are to widely simplify integrate-and-fire
In particular, stochastic integrate-and-fire models are widely used to simplify theoretical studies.
The the statistical current. the on of generated properties depend stimulating input spikes
The statistical properties of the generated spikes depend on the stimulating input current.
very the distribution of For good the a data. quasi-static slow provides inputs, description
For slow inputs, the quasi-static distribution provides a very good description of the data.
People make within decisions a frame. time important have to
People have to make important decisions within a time frame.
is or decision imperative effective to to making. employ Hence, aid means it strategy
Hence, it is imperative to employ means or strategy to aid effective decision making.
properties cognizance temporal adequate its Thus, management with highly is its of indispensable.
Thus, its adequate management with cognizance of its temporal properties is highly indispensable.
knowledge decision-problems perspective Our is respect in to projects EI. of with
Our perspective of knowledge is with respect to decision-problems projects in EI.
fly translational two types to stimuli, corresponding displacements. views of The rotational and
The fly views two types of stimuli, corresponding to rotational and translational displacements.
poor. for are stimuli expected, translational be reconstructions may As the rather
As may be expected, for translational stimuli the reconstructions are rather poor.
two This tools. framework on is based formal new
This new framework is based on two formal tools.
encode a combinatorial of a First, efficiently hierarchy pyramid partitions.
First, a combinatorial pyramid encode efficiently a hierarchy of partitions.
Secondly, the important geometric precisely of estimators measure regions. parameters geometric discrete some
Secondly, discrete geometric estimators measure precisely some important geometric parameters of the regions.
and are Some illustrating experiments framework discussed. shown our
Some experiments illustrating our framework are shown and discussed.
In step. the this we paper on focus reduction
In this paper we focus on the reduction step.
We algorithms: and two Tree algorithm. the introduce algorithm the HeightMap reduction new
We introduce two new reduction algorithms: the Tree algorithm and the HeightMap algorithm.
only algorithm mentioned briefly. Tree is The
The Tree algorithm is only mentioned briefly.
also discussed in detail in HeightMap The is algorithm code. pseudo given and
The HeightMap algorithm is discussed in detail and also given in pseudo code.
especially are HeightMap the our algorithms, show algorithm, that and We significantly faster.
We show that our algorithms, and especially the HeightMap algorithm, are significantly faster.
complexity HeightMap O(n^d). Such multivariate the has a of algorithm time version
Such a multivariate version of the HeightMap algorithm has time complexity O(n^d).
possess dendritic Such to cells activate the T capacity na\"ive cells. activated
Such activated dendritic cells possess the capacity to activate na\"ive T cells.
stimulate T the led to This cells. of activated to production dendritic unable cells
This led to the production of activated dendritic cells unable to stimulate T cells.
evaluation adaptive that Our regularization significantly shows methods. outperforms approach the variational standard
Our evaluation shows that the adaptive regularization approach significantly outperforms standard variational methods.
as semimodule Mnesors over min-plus of integers. defined are elements a the
Mnesors are defined as elements of a semimodule over the min-plus integers.
the decision following We sequential problem. consider
We consider the following sequential decision problem.
item at to selection Measurements (possibly a prior noisy) are cost. values known allowed, of
Measurements (possibly noisy) of item values prior to selection are allowed, at a known cost.
optimize the process sequential goal to measurements of and selection. is overall decision The
The goal is to optimize the overall sequential decision process of measurements and selection.
contour the of prior requires a curvature. estimation metric Building
Building the metric requires a prior estimation of contour curvature.
Random convex Forests, penalty is ensembles, Garrote-style trees particular for proposed. in A
A Garrote-style convex penalty for trees ensembles, in particular Random Forests, is proposed.
functional penalty of nodes in groups The the trees. selects
The penalty selects functional groups of nodes in the trees.
These as individual could of predictor variables. functions be simple as monotone
These could be as simple as monotone functions of individual predictor variables.
and This function visualization easily fit, a lends yields which itself interpretation. to parsimonious
This yields a parsimonious function fit, which lends itself easily to visualization and interpretation.
wide a array The demonstrated performance empirical datasets. on of is
The empirical performance is demonstrated on a wide array of datasets.
data, also Results given. disease are data, data Parkinson's and recognition microarray vowel on
Results on vowel recognition data, Parkinson's disease data, and microarray data are also given.
ceramic industry. an important in control issue the Quality tile is
Quality control is an important issue in the ceramic tile industry.
e.g. by are complex spaces with feature Most learning typically predictions obtained (as accurate machines
Most accurate predictions are typically obtained by learning machines with complex feature spaces (as e.g.
and analytically desirable illustrated simulations. FIRM are The in of investigated properties
The desirable properties of FIRM are investigated analytically and illustrated in simulations.
(ATP), triphosphate as adenosine releasing By tonically adenosine, transmission. suppressed synaptic accumulates which astrocytes
By releasing adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which accumulates as adenosine, astrocytes tonically suppressed synaptic transmission.
game reproducing of a the Evolutionary individuals. strategies describes population dynamics in of successful spreading
Evolutionary game dynamics describes the spreading of successful strategies in a population of reproducing individuals.
the recovered. from new selection, this process weak Moran under process is frequency dependent Additionally,
Additionally, under weak selection, from this new process the frequency dependent Moran process is recovered.
under natural selection. extension of usual makes it the weak dynamics evolutionary a This
This makes it a natural extension of the usual evolutionary dynamics under weak selection.
on optimization. segmentation predominately based are parameter-laden techniques Image
Image segmentation techniques are predominately based on parameter-laden optimization.
a painstaking, process. been weights Setting suitably has these empirical
Setting these weights suitably has been a painstaking, empirical process.
death receptor the is that domain) FADD adaptor apoptotic signal. (Fas-associated molecule main transmits death
FADD (Fas-associated death domain) is the main death receptor adaptor molecule that transmits apoptotic signal.
subcellular However, unknown. still localization FADD in of vivo was
However, in vivo subcellular localization of FADD was still unknown.
conditioning justified is how this in setting? But richer
But how justified is conditioning in this richer setting?
several subset we this creation. In vector for methods feature and iris selection paper propose
In this paper we propose several methods for iris feature subset selection and vector creation.
image. captures Contourlet intrinsic transform the iris of geometrical structures
Contourlet transform captures the intrinsic geometrical structures of iris image.
In ignore method fragile this bits. we
In this method we ignore fragile bits.
interval in negative plots restitution QT of displayed and Hysteresis biphasic regions vs slope. TQ
Hysteresis in QT vs TQ interval plots displayed biphasic restitution and regions of negative slope.
QT/TQ beta-adrenergically Ischaemic heart Conclusion: produces induced steeper failure restitution hysteresis. during slopes
Conclusion: Ischaemic heart failure produces steeper restitution slopes during beta-adrenergically induced QT/TQ hysteresis.
failing This could of underlie arrhythmias. to the propensity hearts
This could underlie the propensity of failing hearts to arrhythmias.
in side chains the Ca are the the different channels. and Na model of Only
Only the side chains are different in the model of the Ca and Na channels.
in are solutions. for channels all Parameters same the both
Parameters are the same for both channels in all solutions.
model. the structures used in No information from crystal is
No information from crystal structures is used in the model.
as are approximated spheres. grossly chains Side
Side chains are grossly approximated as spheres.
properties the and are of channels Ca very predicted Na different. The
The predicted properties of the Na and Ca channels are very different.
Structure forces model. in the of is the consequence computed this
Structure is the computed consequence of the forces in this model.
objective algorithm functions, optimality by two and i.e. The provides swapping between flexibility
The algorithm provides flexibility and optimality by swapping between two objective functions, i.e.
defense subtractive and when strategies the required. as preferential and
the preferential and subtractive defense strategies as and when required.
Threat-Asset TE Threat is stage, In pairing done. and Ranking
In TE stage, Threat Ranking and Threat-Asset pairing is done.
is translation invariant and to approach of scale, the hand. rotation The
The approach is invariant to scale, rotation and translation of the hand.
been the the undertaken proposed have experiments show to of effectiveness Some approach.
Some experiments have been undertaken to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
graphical associative models Collective exploit to accurate dependence output labelings. inter-instance more
Collective graphical models exploit inter-instance associative dependence to output more accurate labelings.
of models existing kind associativity gains. very accuracy limited support However restricts which
However existing models support very limited kind of associativity which restricts accuracy gains.
symmetric clique potentials. through encouraged is Agreement
Agreement is encouraged through symmetric clique potentials.
solution domain for provides inference-only This an adaptation.
This provides an inference-only solution for domain adaptation.
information reduction error over bibliographic extraction illustrate unseen test domains. Our on significant experiments
Our experiments on bibliographic information extraction illustrate significant test error reduction over unseen domains.
data. as is set" subsequently training "clean document-specific used This
This "clean set" is subsequently used as document-specific training data.
core of Assignment the (TEWA) SCR at and Evaluation sits system. Weapon Threat
Threat Evaluation and Weapon Assignment (TEWA) sits at the core of SCR system.
an and binarize We describe enhance image. a fingerprint to algorithm
We describe an algorithm to enhance and binarize a fingerprint image.
e.g. applications There many are computer cuts of vision, graph in
There are many applications of graph cuts in computer vision, e.g.
Multisite omnipresent proteins is of eukaryotic in cells. modification covalent
Multisite covalent modification of proteins is omnipresent in eukaryotic cells.
mechanism In a distributive processive mechanism. essence, rebindings turn can rapid enzyme-substrate a into
In essence, rapid enzyme-substrate rebindings can turn a distributive mechanism into a processive mechanism.
We support key model introduce to to the a transform. ray--based the modification
We introduce a key modification to the ray--based model to support the transform.
a valued source", negative We emitted rays. "virtual potentially certain insert with for light radiance
We insert a "virtual light source", with potentially negative valued radiance for certain emitted rays.
a field elements. look-up create of table light transformers optical We of canonical
We create a look-up table of light field transformers of canonical optical elements.
wavefronts coherence analyze free--space and propagation, For different possibilities. we
For free--space propagation, we analyze different wavefronts and coherence possibilities.
from optics concepts powerful formulation to wave This computer and brings graphics. vision
This formulation brings powerful concepts from wave optics to computer vision and graphics.
applications displays. cubic-phase imaging plate show in We and holographic
We show applications in cubic-phase plate imaging and holographic displays.
violation-based interval and task constraint new algorithms. This uses global sweep
This new global constraint uses sweep and task interval violation-based algorithms.
presentations and topic illustrate on the news corpora We scientific of articles. abstracts
We illustrate the topic presentations on corpora of scientific abstracts and news articles.
between interaction involves terms. This the neighboring
This involves interaction between the neighboring terms.
generalized propose a this stratified In order first-order we for structure. paper, ontology
In this paper, we propose a first-order ontology for generalized stratified order structure.
the then using the theory classify model-theoretic We models techniques. of
We then classify the models of the theory using model-theoretic techniques.
registration difficult Medical image a problem. is
Medical image registration is a difficult problem.
"dose-response" on curves generalizations were based proposed. Some more complicated
Some generalizations based on more complicated "dose-response" curves were proposed.
ecosystems experimental Violations were natural law also this and in reported. of
Violations of this law in natural and experimental ecosystems were also reported.
discussed. to econometrics data are interdisciplinary applications evidences are of empirical presented and Some
Some empirical data are presented and evidences of interdisciplinary applications to econometrics are discussed.
analysed many facets the categories. into of distinct have We two Consciousness
We have analysed the many facets of Consciousness into two distinct categories.
in we For the numerical include paper. completeness, simulations
For completeness, we include numerical simulations in the paper.