The equations expensive. show is optimization computationally that
The equations show that optimization is computationally expensive.
possible. approximation a is fast online However,
However, a fast online approximation is possible.
imagery Hough lines, in will spread Properly corrected less curved and have fewer therefore space.
Properly corrected imagery will have fewer curved lines, and therefore less spread in Hough space.
model. the case host--parasitoid We of simulations study by a two-species
We study the two-species case by simulations of a host--parasitoid model.
to case noise-sustained In leading oscillations. are the co-existence, patterns spatial there of
In the case of co-existence, there are spatial patterns leading to noise-sustained oscillations.
also overview A the behind brain is physiology sound of the in localization basic provided.
A basic overview of the physiology behind sound localization in the brain is also provided.
a implement projection. and subspace we with process approximations dimensionality reduction simultaneous sparse Next,
Next, we implement a dimensionality reduction process with simultaneous sparse approximations and subspace projection.
the makeup genetic of The forest concern. artificially regenerated is of some
The genetic makeup of the artificially regenerated forest is of some concern.
presents the algorithm. This Optimization parser a unique article Ant using Colony a design for
This article presents a unique design for a parser using the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm.
the grammar. to present allocate in node a given production rule each We corresponding
We allocate a node corresponding to each production rule present in the given grammar.
the path links the discovered carrying of amount concentration. optimum pheromone is maximum Eventually, by
Eventually, the optimum path is discovered by the links carrying maximum amount of pheromone concentration.
clustering an Data-stream of is knowledge extraction. subdomain ever-expanding
Data-stream clustering is an ever-expanding subdomain of knowledge extraction.
a the independence parameter. from in presentation This rigorous any results data or initialization ranking
This results in a rigorous independence from the data presentation ranking or any initialization parameter.
in assignment airport operations. of importance is Airport great gate
Airport gate assignment is of great importance in airport operations.
According et this by animal new (introduced al. Adoutte phylogeny to
According to this new animal phylogeny (introduced by Adoutte et al.
traditional, deuterostome fit of details do new reconstructions. However, not many the phylogeny morphology-based
However, many details of the new deuterostome phylogeny do not fit traditional, morphology-based reconstructions.
the chordate scenario, i.e. Therefore, on paper the focuses presented
Therefore, the paper presented focuses on the chordate scenario, i.e.
games study Here large but strategies populations of general we finite size. n in among
Here we study general games among n strategies in populations of large but finite size.
stochastic evolutionary but for selection, under mutation We explore weak rate. dynamics any
We explore stochastic evolutionary dynamics under weak selection, but for any mutation rate.
mutation these two combination any linear A of for holds rate. conditions
A linear combination of these two conditions holds for any mutation rate.
of allow a of complete characterization limit weak results games Our in the selection. n*n
Our results allow a complete characterization of n*n games in the limit of weak selection.
simulations Model calculated from were data. to these constrained fluxes
Model simulations were constrained to fluxes calculated from these data.
The Radial Multi-Layer of neural networks Basis investigated Function. types were and Perceptions,
The types of neural networks investigated were Multi-Layer Perceptions, and Radial Basis Function.
and these committee applied were techniques neural networks. Bayesian to
Bayesian and committee techniques were applied to these neural networks.
simulated in Each considered Matlab. methods of the was AI
Each of the AI methods considered was simulated in Matlab.
dynamics presented. is model An population agent-based of
An agent-based model of population dynamics is presented.
are Individuals and selection. at potential encounter foraging through optimal natural prey, arrived strategies
Individuals encounter potential prey, and optimal foraging strategies are arrived at through natural selection.
DNA We for single experiments. in mechanical a present the self-contained of response theory molecule
We present a self-contained theory for the mechanical response of DNA in single molecule experiments.
are experimental found good in They data. with agreement
They are found in good agreement with experimental data.
proof-of-concept a velocity attractor form These that may integration dMEC. continuous underlie findings in dynamics
These findings form a proof-of-concept that continuous attractor dynamics may underlie velocity integration in dMEC.
networks. further This property of the evolvability underscores the
This property further underscores the evolvability of the networks.
in in problems up come Such statistics. regularized machine and estimation learning
Such problems come up in regularized estimation in machine learning and statistics.
of In the requires of addition $V$. values QQMM $F$, to (sub)gradient
In addition to values of $F$, QQMM requires the (sub)gradient of $V$.
good search. the iterative provides control stopping First, QQMM over
First, QQMM provides good control over stopping the iterative search.
minimizers uses a for method QQMM determining of complex $F$. Secondly, trial
Secondly, QQMM uses a complex method for determining trial minimizers of $F$.
in stochastic this developments evolutionary we dynamics summarize of finite populations. game review, In recent
In this review, we summarize recent developments in stochastic evolutionary game dynamics of finite populations.
proposed the available implements estimator. is computer shrinkage that program A
A computer program is available that implements the proposed shrinkage estimator.
agreement are observations. results Our clinical in with
Our results are in agreement with clinical observations.
stochastic model. axons spike propagation within a myelinated in noise-assisted multi-compartment Hodgkin-Huxley We consider
We consider noise-assisted spike propagation in myelinated axons within a multi-compartment stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley model.
each Ranvier. from channels originates in The of finite ion of number node noise a
The noise originates from a finite number of ion channels in each node of Ranvier.
an exonizations effects can for Thus, negative organism. transcriptome the have of
Thus, exonizations can have negative effects for the transcriptome of an organism.
arbitrary The allows Metropolis-within-Gibbs implemented blocks. sampling update
The implemented Metropolis-within-Gibbs update allows arbitrary sampling blocks.
software and is uses C Lua written in language extension configuration. The a simple in
The software is written in C and uses a simple extension language Lua in configuration.
dihedral complexes. Our recent results allow us to for calculations rationalize
Our calculations allow us to rationalize recent results for dihedral complexes.
indicates crosstalk operates junctional mechanism between structures. that these a This
This indicates that a crosstalk mechanism operates between these junctional structures.
the In this to formation. causes stimulation which stress-fiber ROCK, actin turn, leads of
In turn, this leads to the stimulation of ROCK, which causes actin stress-fiber formation.
sufficient for permeability. to However, alone not account thrombin-induced is this
However, this alone is not sufficient to account for thrombin-induced permeability.
Ultimately, converge both junction cell-cell leakage. pathways cause and disruption to vascular provoke
Ultimately, both pathways converge to cause cell-cell junction disruption and provoke vascular leakage.
the regulatory on case ubiquitous illustrate method We linear nature: a in cascades.
We illustrate the method on a ubiquitous case in nature: linear regulatory cascades.
Some naturally "gaps" exist evolutionary among lines. evolutionary
Some evolutionary "gaps" naturally exist among evolutionary lines.
performance increases success evolutionary dynamics, game. with an in game the evolutionary reproductive In
In evolutionary game dynamics, reproductive success increases with the performance in an evolutionary game.
strategy performs will population. $B$, strategy If in spread $A$ than strategy $A$ better the
If strategy $A$ performs better than strategy $B$, strategy $A$ will spread in the population.
mean (or the We exit process. average with analyze times) associated this times fixation
We analyze the mean exit times (or average fixation times) associated with this process.
depends $v$. exit time on the only The mean term unconditional constant
The unconditional mean exit time depends only on the constant term $v$.
two this We for demonstrate finding evolutionary commonly processes. microscopic applied
We demonstrate this finding for two commonly applied microscopic evolutionary processes.
cortex. potentials relay fire cells to retina Thalamic from information that action transmit
Thalamic relay cells fire action potentials that transmit information from retina to cortex.
activity. factor influences however, input, neural only that is Sensory one
Sensory input, however, is only one factor that influences neural activity.
networks of dynamics, neurons, For modulate intrinsic pattern. example, such oscillations also of firing as
For example, intrinsic dynamics, such as oscillations of networks of neurons, also modulate firing pattern.
Here, neurons information help might oscillations if downstream. to asked to we retinal convey
Here, we asked if retinal oscillations might help to convey information to neurons downstream.
as multiplexed thalamic Our show spike trains results operate two that channels.
Our results show that thalamic spike trains operate as two multiplexed channels.
first. the conveyed information times, channel At more second than the even
At times, the second channel conveyed even more information than the first.
a we new present structure. generating method this for a work, In threshold
In this work, we present a new method for generating a threshold structure.
of number polyomino threshold values. a Each discrete contains fixed
Each polyomino contains a fixed number of discrete threshold values.
high visual structure images produced threshold quality. The with halftone have this
The halftone images produced with this threshold structure have high visual quality.
Autoencoder data. missing neural is implemented to network the estimate
Autoencoder neural network is implemented to estimate the missing data.
is implemented network Genetic data. for estimating algorithm and optimization the missing
Genetic algorithm is implemented for network optimization and estimating the missing data.
Missing Missing mechanism At data treated likelihood maximum implementing Random is by as algorithm.
Missing data is treated as Missing At Random mechanism by implementing maximum likelihood algorithm.
the calculating The determined network error performance prediction. square by mean network of is the
The network performance is determined by calculating the mean square error of the network prediction.
by Forest. Decision network is optimized The implementing further
The network is further optimized by implementing Decision Forest.
emotions involves classification expression emotions. the of standard of The categorizing
The standard classification of emotions involves categorizing the expression of emotions.
for disparity unreliable reliability used filter estimation of disparity map. A was eliminating increasing the
A filter eliminating unreliable disparity estimation was used for increasing reliability of the disparity map.
and compared. represented Obtained algorithms results by were
Obtained results by algorithms were represented and compared.
difference of is dynamics. mere not This of a difference evolutionary but state,
This difference is not a mere difference of state, but of evolutionary dynamics.
construct are in important an Aggregates that applications. many role an ASP plays
Aggregates are an ASP construct that plays an important role in many applications.
sample type, also tumor deletionsare observed. given Within amplifications specific any and
Within any given tumor type, sample specific amplifications and deletionsare also observed.
aberrations them. for method intuitive and prioritize to such define We an sought
We sought for an intuitive method to define such aberrations and prioritize them.
generating will a finite Typically, this automata. be mechanism
Typically, this generating mechanism will be a finite automata.
in optimal this way. detail algorithms We to sequences generated predict
We detail optimal algorithms to predict sequences generated in this way.
in classification are for tools powerful regression static Neural environments. and networks
Neural networks are powerful tools for classification and regression in static environments.
uses Discrete Transform sparsity the (DCT) in Cosine It the images domain. of
It uses the sparsity of images in the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) domain.
can also the pixels. and corrupted The correct proposed method detect
The proposed method can also detect and correct the corrupted pixels.
to and Practice Guideliens practices Health physicians. are recommendations unify supposed to propose
Health Practice Guideliens are supposed to unify practices and propose recommendations to physicians.
for developped task. this system a We present
We present a system developped for this task.
tool. with precise a We of conclude evaluation the
We conclude with a precise evaluation of the tool.
sensitive results sudden that The the chloroplast to showed microsatellites growth. of simulations population are
The results of the simulations showed that chloroplast microsatellites are sensitive to sudden population growth.
learning the research conducted real-world academia unrealistic ontology applications. remains in for on Most
Most research on ontology learning conducted in the academia remains unrealistic for real-world applications.
construction. in dependencies to progress work reports This paper aiming address ontology such undesirable during
This paper reports work in progress aiming to address such undesirable dependencies during ontology construction.
enhance anti-PIFs Conversely, protect VE-cadherin cell from and cohesion. disruption
Conversely, anti-PIFs protect from VE-cadherin disruption and enhance cell cohesion.
allow a completely of integration Grids in also data way. the distributed secured
Grids allow also the integration of distributed data in a completely secured way.
are cost, also features. low and favored user Speed, friendliness
Speed, low cost, and user friendliness are also favored features.
these Silver features, with but its staining MS many limited. is combines compatibility of
Silver staining combines many of these features, but its compatibility with MS is limited.
new staining We here, variant describe a is silver of completely that formaldehyde-free.
We describe here, a new variant of silver staining that is completely formaldehyde-free.
buffer in as used borate sugars are Reducing alkaline developers.
Reducing sugars in alkaline borate buffer are used as developers.
may that cells. migration experimentally interactions the of cancer It been shown influence contact has
It has been shown experimentally that contact interactions may influence the migration of cancer cells.
demonstrate proteins HI and facilitate study that We folding. several small
We study several small proteins and demonstrate that HI facilitate folding.
controlling the E. of network metabolism. dynamics scale We coli genetic study the large also
We also study the dynamics of the large scale genetic network controlling E. coli metabolism.
The issues families. exponential to associated the with these broader difficulties structure discrete relate of
The issues associated with these difficulties relate to the broader structure of discrete exponential families.
parts. in two issues the paper This re-examines
This paper re-examines the issues in two parts.
both to from theoretical its relevance and computational maximum a discuss We estimation, standpoint. likelihood
We discuss its relevance to maximum likelihood estimation, both from a theoretical and computational standpoint.
results analysis ERG to we Second, the our apply of models.
Second, we apply our results to the analysis of ERG models.