models. We decomposable component (PCA) Gaussian in consider analysis graphical principal
We consider principal component analysis (PCA) in decomposable Gaussian graphical models.
information We distribute to in the its order in exploit prior computation. models these
We exploit the prior information in these models in order to distribute its computation.
widely has ever result been This cited since.
This result has been widely cited ever since.
correspond of are the curve. to They regimes different to found species-area tri-phasic
They are found to correspond to different regimes of the tri-phasic species-area curve.
In in built. neutrosophic way, logic/set/probability such new operators are
In such way, new operators in neutrosophic logic/set/probability are built.
promote known Such type coexistence. is interactions of species to
Such type of interactions is known to promote species coexistence.
Reichenbach of al. Here, we recent generalize results et
Here, we generalize recent results of Reichenbach et al.
coexistence. general diffusion can destroy species Nevertheless, in fast
Nevertheless, in general fast diffusion can destroy species coexistence.
to We four-state reaction also generalize rates. varying the model slightly
We also generalize the four-state model to slightly varying reaction rates.
(SFA). role the spike-frequency Finally, we adaptation of investigate
Finally, we investigate the role of spike-frequency adaptation (SFA).
multiple Various objectives. search have problems scheduling under to applied approaches been machine recently local
Various local search approaches have recently been applied to machine scheduling problems under multiple objectives.
is of optimal the the Pareto set identification of Their foremost alternatives. consideration
Their foremost consideration is the identification of the set of Pareto optimal alternatives.
objective paper The operators presents search of flow multiple a neighbourhood for shop study scheduling.
The paper presents a study of neighbourhood search operators for multiple objective flow shop scheduling.
been of carried with out different Experiments have combinations twelve criteria.
Experiments have been carried out with twelve different combinations of criteria.
also We different phylogenetic with distinguishes reduced that networks it prove versions.
We also prove that it distinguishes phylogenetic networks with different reduced versions.
considerable is interest. the interaction lupine, another also root the host-parasitoid Near of of
Near the root of the lupine, another host-parasitoid interaction is also of considerable interest.
this system In the of a host-parasitoid first spatial work introduced. discrete-time is model
In this work a discrete-time spatial model of the first host-parasitoid system is introduced.
the that, success conservational the top metapopulation evaluates a of market. On model of
On top of that, a metapopulation model evaluates the conservational success of the market.
binding ligand-protein simple the binding. We here consider a kinetics four-state of in model
We consider here the binding kinetics in a simple four-state model of ligand-protein binding.
ligand. has protein conformations, the model, both which this bind the can In two
In this model, the protein has two conformations, which can both bind the ligand.
Nonetheless, remain essentially coalitions inequality. and societies ape weaken hierarchical, social rarely
Nonetheless, ape societies remain essentially hierarchical, and coalitions rarely weaken social inequality.
multiple concept tested The flow on is permutation objectives. successfully shop scheduling problems under
The concept is successfully tested on permutation flow shop scheduling problems under multiple objectives.
a framework The computer prototypically implemented system. in is
The framework is prototypically implemented in a computer system.
The optimization talk a multiple problems. for general objective describes approach genetic of algorithm a
The talk describes a general approach of a genetic algorithm for multiple objective optimization problems.
that, In the support maker. to provides addition the decision powerful to program decision
In addition to that, the program provides powerful decision support to the decision maker.
has a approach algorithmic system. been prototypically computer implemented The in
The algorithmic approach has been prototypically implemented in a computer system.
approximated single a several step. Often, by are reactions elementary
Often, several elementary reactions are approximated by a single step.
situations often concentrations. relative practical use require Furthermore, the
Furthermore, practical situations often require the use relative concentrations.
cycle reproduces times experiments. the in clustering Our of model analytical observed
Our analytical model reproduces the clustering of cycle times observed in experiments.
heavily scoring on alignment depend alignments sequence Optimal parameters.
Optimal sequence alignments depend heavily on alignment scoring parameters.
for parameter biologically correct {\em But all suboptimal} alignments be choices. might
But biologically correct alignments might be {\em suboptimal} for all parameter choices.
objectives. approximation packing bin under to the multiple proposes article heuristic a problem The approach
The article proposes a heuristic approximation approach to the bin packing problem under multiple objectives.
algorithm An presented to solve problem. is approximation extension the the Best-Fit of
An extension of the Best-Fit approximation algorithm is presented to solve the problem.
recent models. many cortical to Two challenge a observations experimental pose
Two recent experimental observations pose a challenge to many cortical models.
Here use of these a to reconcile activity simple we model observations. cortical
Here we use a simple model of cortical activity to reconcile these observations.
strong it receive many neurons neurons. other that predicts than more connections some
it predicts that some neurons receive many more strong connections than other neurons.
local The optima. procedure overcome based search Accepting to on is heuristic Threshold
The heuristic search procedure is based on Threshold Accepting to overcome local optima.
index content the in libraries. search Most of textual digital engines documents
Most search engines index the textual content of documents in digital libraries.
figure Therefore, figures and are data extracting searching important for problems.
Therefore, searching for figures and extracting figure data are important problems.
shapes different overlapping that We points. to also data segregate correspond
We also segregate overlapping shapes that correspond to different data points.
individual images. real-life demonstrate using algorithms, We combination of generated performance of and a
We demonstrate performance of individual algorithms, using a combination of generated and real-life images.
via results our We examples. illustrate theoretical several numerical
We illustrate our theoretical results via several numerical examples.
algebraic introduce of Here to we the exciting in biology new cophylogenetics. researchers field
Here we introduce researchers in algebraic biology to the exciting new field of cophylogenetics.
various statistics propose phylogenetics, We algebraic cophylogenetics. topics in review research for for and analogs
We review various research topics in algebraic statistics for phylogenetics, and propose analogs for cophylogenetics.
reconstruction, cophylogenetic we cophylogenetic propose trees, cophylogenetic invariants. of In and spaces particular
In particular we propose spaces of cophylogenetic trees, cophylogenetic reconstruction, and cophylogenetic invariants.
represents in a problem industrialized health overweight Significant countries. major
Significant overweight represents a major health problem in industrialized countries.
with obesity-associated pathology. additionally The interfering modes of novel insight present suggests
The present insight additionally suggests novel modes of interfering with obesity-associated pathology.
ones. of research models learning aimed at discriminative instead has reconstructive sparse been Recent purely
Recent research has been aimed at learning discriminative sparse models instead of purely reconstructive ones.
(ASP). extended introduce calculus for an tableau set programming We answer
We introduce an extended tableau calculus for answer set programming (ASP).
ASP Tableaux We empirically. of and power Extended theoretically investigate the both
We investigate the power of Extended ASP Tableaux both theoretically and empirically.
Theory appear To Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP). and in
To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).
of are systems technical Black purely models descriptive. box
Black box models of technical systems are purely descriptive.
works it why the explain system does. not way do They a
They do not explain why a system works the way it does.
problems. for models Thus, some black are insufficient box
Thus, black box models are insufficient for some problems.
essential in living and all processes Biological forces govern organisms. molecular cellular
Biological forces govern essential cellular and molecular processes in all living organisms.
changes repetitive cyclic biological machines, have those of generated components. conformational in
those generated in cyclic conformational changes of biological machines, have repetitive components.
stresses. mechanical repetitive process known about is how However, little proteins
However, little is known about how proteins process repetitive mechanical stresses.
a variation. associated particular the with Survival is probability typically 'fitness' of
Survival probability is typically associated with the 'fitness' of a particular variation.
Principles for also program decomposition are addressed.
Principles for program decomposition are also addressed.
Logic To in and Programming. Practice appear Theory of
To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.
DNA we this in apply to complexes kind with Here double-helical proteins. analysis of distorted
Here we apply this kind of analysis to distorted double-helical DNA in complexes with proteins.
with conformation are The to results respect uncertainty. robust and parameter
The results are robust with respect to parameter and conformation uncertainty.
and between complex of patterns reveal interaction They DNA. proteins the nano-mechanical
They reveal the complex nano-mechanical patterns of interaction between proteins and DNA.
in and Splines optimal smoothness higher have known to are one properties dimensions.
Splines are known to have optimal smoothness properties in one and higher dimensions.
The splines relationship is and to two shown dimensions. in one
The relationship to splines is shown in one and two dimensions.
includes against A study is benchmarking which methods. case given kriging
A case study is given which includes benchmarking against kriging methods.
residue. the force a have vectors each residuals vanishingly These on effect small on
These residuals have a vanishingly small effect on the force vectors on each residue.
proteins relevant of for biologically Implications of are study properties the discussed.
Implications for the study of biologically relevant properties of proteins are discussed.
related? quantities closely are so two these Why
Why are these two quantities so closely related?
inequality known with biological This in fits evolution. cases some well
This inequality fits well with some known cases in biological evolution.
engineering phase as an ISSAC in text preprocessing of implemented ontology a part system. is
ISSAC is implemented as part of a text preprocessing phase in an ontology engineering system.
homologous general is early for and colocalization recognition sequences of the A DNA proposed. model
A general model for the early recognition and colocalization of homologous DNA sequences is proposed.
novelties of small this Consequently, sub-field extraction. term in are rare
Consequently, novelties are rare in this small sub-field of term extraction.
empirically and addition, were existing mostly derived. work motivated In
In addition, existing work were mostly empirically motivated and derived.
not Deleterious the mutations, establish other a hand, sector are to permanently. on able
Deleterious mutations, on the other hand, are not able to establish a sector permanently.
reach front, thereby on "surf" frequencies. high can, and unusual the population They temporarily however,
They can, however, temporarily "surf" on the population front, and thereby reach unusual high frequencies.
that we heavy. show be Finally, transforms to pyramid fishing biomass inverted the bottom
Finally, we show that fishing transforms the inverted biomass pyramid to be bottom heavy.
spp. benthic We groups two spatial of (Adelosina analyze foraminifera the of distributions
We analyze the spatial distributions of two groups of benthic foraminifera (Adelosina spp.
study transition this velocity. the the to consequences of We properties cargo of
We study the consequences of this transition to the properties of cargo velocity.
we demonstrate inference for GLMMs. this the for SMC method performing use of In article
In this article we demonstrate use of the SMC method for performing inference for GLMMs.
domain-independent in way. present novel that a algorithm a macros We computes
We present a domain-independent algorithm that computes macros in a novel way.
itself magnitude responses of between be correlations of of stimulus-dependent. neurons pairs can stimulus-driven The
The magnitude of correlations between stimulus-driven responses of pairs of neurons can itself be stimulus-dependent.
rates. firing hold correlations relationships with Opposite when decrease
Opposite relationships hold when correlations decrease with firing rates.
We parametric multistability these leading bifurcation derive to in systems. trends the structure and
We derive the bifurcation structure and parametric trends leading to multistability in these systems.
modulated folding experiments agent is path time-resolved confirmed by apoflavodoxin's geometry. test-tube crowding that The
The test-tube experiments confirmed that apoflavodoxin's time-resolved folding path is modulated by crowding agent geometry.
have networks a and of impact. biological similar will likely alignment Comparison
Comparison and alignment of biological networks will likely have a similar impact.
Topology-based new, provide phylogenetic have a alignments potential source independent to completely of information. the
Topology-based alignments have the potential to provide a completely new, independent source of phylogenetic information.
of this We key general discuss more briefly of networks mechanism consequences for neurons. biophysical
We briefly discuss key consequences of this mechanism for more general networks of biophysical neurons.
transfer gene from of individuals. both and between recombination a pairs population We horizontal investigate
We investigate both horizontal gene transfer from a population and recombination between pairs of individuals.
these theory biology analytically solvable. nonlinear Somewhat surprisingly, to modern are generalizations of quasi-species
Somewhat surprisingly, these nonlinear generalizations of quasi-species theory to modern biology are analytically solvable.
rigid. recombination, two two-parent we of selected find For is spectrally one phases, which
For two-parent recombination, we find two selected phases, one of which is spectrally rigid.
quasi-species holds the hypothesis These for prove models. that results deterministic mutational
These results prove that the mutational deterministic hypothesis holds for quasi-species models.
numerical present as phase as analytical diagrams cases. results different well We the and for
We present numerical and analytical results as well as phase diagrams for the different cases.
the that Without surprisingly find we small. advantage of is exception, the filters ICA
Without exception, we find that the advantage of the ICA filters is surprisingly small.
scoring All on biological heuristic alignment on expertise. algorithms existing based rely schemes
All existing alignment algorithms rely on heuristic scoring schemes based on biological expertise.
and as build study to better. is classifiers The strong generalize critical can are that
The study is critical as to build classifiers that are strong and can generalize better.
The that function parameters the are varied. and nodes hidden activation the were
The hidden nodes and the activation function are the parameters that were varied.
shows relationship results The between structural is there observed accuracy. diversity and a that
The results observed shows that there is a relationship between structural diversity and accuracy.
increases as classification that observed an is ensemble the increases. of the accuracy diversity It
It is observed that the classification accuracy of an ensemble increases as the diversity increases.
when in rule AdaBoost's is minimizing update incremental viewed The by form. an loss derived
The update rule is derived by minimizing AdaBoost's loss when viewed in an incremental form.