{ "brx": "सासे खुदियानि गाव - सामलायथि मावराहाफोरनि जौगानाय आरो मेलेम बाहायनायनि हाथिया ( जायखौ , जेब्ला मोननैखौबो लाफानाय जायो इनतारपारसनेल इनतारप्रेतेतिभ फांसोन आइ . आइ . एफ बुंनाय जायो ) बिसोरनि आगु खाथि सोमोनदोनि सायाव सोनारो ।", "eng": "A child s development of self regulating mechanisms and ability to mentalise which when taken together are called Interpersonal Interpretative Function IIF are dependent on their early attachment relation ." }
{ "brx": "गाहायसिन बिदिन्थिफोरा जादों जानोहाथाव आखल सायाव सिगिनायफोर जाय खुदियाया गैया खालामजानांगौ एबा जानगार खालायजानांगौ ।", "eng": "Prime examples are threats contingent upon behavior to have the child removed or taken away ." }
{ "brx": "\" फोसाबजानाय मोगामोगि बोसोन \" बेन'इत आरो गुबुनफोर ( 2001 ) ' । बे मावआगाना AMBIANCE ( atypical maternal behaviour instrument for assessment and classification ) याव जखालानाय बादियै थिनङै जोथोनहोग्रा आखुफोरखौ खमायनो थांखिलादोंमोन ।", "eng": "' Modified Interaction Guidance Benoit et al 2001 ' This intervention aimed to reduce inappropriate caregiver behaviours as measured on the AMBIANCE atypical maternal behaviour instrument for assessment and classification ." }
{ "brx": "बेखौ मोनदोंमोन दि समाजारि , गाव गोजोननायाव बेफोर खुदियाफोरा होबथा खुदियाफोरनिख्रुइ जोबोरैनो बांसिन बिबां मोनदोंमोन आरो गाबनायखौ खमायदोंमोन ।", "eng": "It was found that these infants scored significantly higher than the control infants on sociability self soothing and reduced crying ." }
{ "brx": "गथनि सानगोहोनि थिरांथाफोरनि सायाव नोजोर होनाय मोनसे थोंजों थांखिया लुबैजादों ।", "eng": "A direct policy focus on determinants of childhood cognitive ability has been urged ." }
{ "brx": "बेखौ हमना लानाय जादों दि 6 - 12 बोसोर बैसोनि 285 मिलियन गथफोरखौ दाजाबदेरनानै 2 बिलियन सुबुंफोरा आयदिन आंखालजों गोहोम खोक्लै जादों ।", "eng": "It is estimated that 2 billion people one third of the total global population are affected by iodine deficiency including 285 million 6 to 12 year old children ." }
{ "brx": "सासे गथआ सानसेयाव खावसे लितारनि गायखेरनि मुवाफोर जानांगौ ।", "eng": "A child must have about ½ litre of milk products per day ." }
{ "brx": "नोंनि गथखौ नों जेसेबांबो हामजानो लुबैया मानो , बिखौ अजन खमायनो दाथोनबाय दाथा ।", "eng": "No matter how much you long for your child to be slimmer don't keep telling her to lose weight ." }
{ "brx": "मोनब्रै गोहोमफोरनि गोरोबथिआ - दानआरि गनाय सम , फिसाख , निउत्रिएन्त बिदै आरो बेरामगैयै आथोन दै आरो आरजाथाव देहा जौथाय नेमखौ नोजोर होनाया , गोरबो थानाय आरो देहा गोनां गथ फेदेरनायाव गोनां ।", "eng": "A co ordination of the four factors menstrual period rithu the womb kshetra nutrient liquid rasa ambu and healthy semen beeja shukra and observance of a proper regimen are necessary for the conception and development of a healthy child ." }
{ "brx": "गिबि देहायारि हाबाफारियाबो दायरिया सामलायनाय , एनतिनेतेल जोथोन , गथनि निउत्रिसन , बेरामगैयै खालामनाय बायदि बायदि लाफादेरनानै समाजारि देहा जौगाहोयो ।", "eng": "Primary Healthcare Program also promotes community health covering diarrhoea management antenatal care child nutrition immunisation etc ." }
{ "brx": "सासे जोथोन लोगो हेफाजाबगिरिआ गलांनायनि थाखाय बिथांखिखौ हेफाजाब हीगीन आरो देहाफामसालिनिफ्राय नसिम मीनसे माहि सोलायथिखौ रोखा खालामनो गुबुन जोथोन राहागिरिफोरजों हेफाजाब होलायगोन ।", "eng": "A Care Coordinator will help plan for the discharge of your baby and will collaborate with other care providers to ensure a smooth transition from hospital to home ." }
{ "brx": "नोंनि खुदियाआ गावखौनो गाव निजोम थानो आरो रिंनाय , फहर , सामलायनाय , खामानि एबा गोजोन गैयैनि एखथुनायखौ दबथायनो जाय आखु आरो लोरिनायखौ बाहायो बेफोरनो गाव - दबथायनायनि इसारा ।", "eng": "Self regulation cues are behaviors and movements that your baby uses to help himself Or herself to stay calm and manage the stimulation of sound light handling activity or discomfort ." }
{ "brx": "बिमा - बिफा बिमुं होजानाया नखरारियाव सायख'जानाय , जेराव सानैबो बिमा - बिफाफोरा साफ्रामबो खुदियाफोरनि थाखाय खुदिया जोथोन जगायनायफोरखौ फोरमायनो नुजाना दं ।", "eng": "A designated parent is selected in households where both parents are present to report child care arrangements for each child ." }
{ "brx": "11 जुलाइ , 2006 आव , उन्दै खुदिया सोलोंनाय आरो गियाननि मिरु ( ECLKC ) नि जागायनायखौ हेड स्तार्ट नि मावखुलिआ फोसावो ।", "eng": "On July 11 2006 the Office of Head Start announced the launch of the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center ECLKC ." }
{ "brx": "सासे जोथोनगिरिया गामिफोरनि गेजेराव दावबायो , देहा मावथिफोरखौ हेफाजाबहोनानै आरो सोलोंथाय आरो मेदिकेल जोथोन जगायनानै ।", "eng": "A nurse travels between villages supporting the health workers and providing education and medical care ." }
{ "brx": "आंखालथियाव गथ'फोर आसनिया खोला भारतनि गिरजानि ( चि . एस . आइ ) मोनसे आसनि , भारताव थानाय जोंनि लोगो गिरजाफोरनि मोनसे ।", "eng": "The Children in Crisis project is a project of the Church of South India CSI one of our partner churches in India ." }
{ "brx": "जेब्ला हरखाब साग्लोबनाय हेपाटाइटिस - ए आरो इ नि थाखाय जायो , होबथानाय आरो दैदेननायनि राहाया एखे रोखोमनि जायो । सस", "eng": "Whether the outbreak is due to hepatitis A or E the measures for prevention and control are similar ." }
{ "brx": "दायरिया एबा टाइफयद जब्रानि बांगासिनो थानायखौ हमथानांगौ आरो भाइरेल हेपाटाइटिसनि हरखाब जाफ्लेबाय थानायखौ होबथानायनि गोरोन्थि गोयै राहाखौ आजावनांगौ ।", "eng": "Manage the existing increase in diarrhea and or typhoid fever cases and take corrective measures to prevent the impending outbreak of viral hepatitis ." }
{ "brx": "जेब्ला मोनसे हरखाब साग्लोबनाया नुजायो एबा जेब्ला बेबायदि हरखाब साग्लोबनायनि गिनांगौआ बांसिन जायो , गुबुन गुबुन सोरखारि बिफान , सोरखारि नङै गौथुम आरो समाजनि हेफाजाबखौ सम सम गोनां जानानै फैयो ।", "eng": "When an outbreak occurs or when the risk of such outbreaks is high the cooperation of other government departments non governmental agencies and the community often becomes necessary ." }
{ "brx": "मोनसे बिफान , हारिनि थान्दै आरो सरखारि नङै फसंथानफोरनि सिगाङाव बेराम बांलांनायनि बागै मोनसे सावरायमेल खुंनाया गोनांथि दं ।", "eng": "It might be useful to convene a meeting of the concerned departments community representatives and the NGOs before the expected seasonal increase in cases of diseases ." }
{ "brx": "जेब्ला फारिलाय थियारि खालामो सुबुं अनजिमानि आखु , बिदिन्थि बादियै बैसो आरो आथोखौ थि बादियै राननांगौ ।", "eng": "While preparing tables the population characteristics for example related to age and sex should be grouped accordingly ." }
{ "brx": "करेला भेकसिन फोरमानबिलाय थानाय दावबायारिखौ गंसेबो हादरनो गोनां जाया एबा नाङा ।", "eng": "No country requires travelers to have a cholera vaccination certificate ." }
{ "brx": "मोगथाङारि आबहावाजों लोबबा लाखिनानै , अखा हानाय , सिदोमा आरो बिदुंनि खारिथिया जिला बोथोर बिञान मिरुवाव गोबां दं ।", "eng": "With respect to physical environment the data on rainfall humidity and temperature are available in the district meteorological centers ." }
{ "brx": "मेलिरियाखौ हरखाब बेराम साग्लोबनायनि जाहोन होनना साननाय जादों ।", "eng": "Malaria is considered as the cause of the outbreak ." }
{ "brx": "जेब्ला बैसो गोरानियाव बाइरियानि आखुवा नुजायो गिथावना दिहाइद्रेसन एबा थैनायनि फिथायखौ फोरमाया ।", "eng": "While diarrhoeal episodes may also occur in adults these usually do not result in severe dehydration or death ." }
{ "brx": "देहा आन्जादखुलिया थोजासे गोदान दिहुन्थाय एबा गोरलैयै बाहायनो हानाय आगजुफोर थानांगौ जायखौ खैफोदनि समाव मदद खालामनो एबा बेराम जासावनायखौ हमदांनो आरो संदाननो थाखाय गोनां जानो हागौ ।", "eng": "Laboratory should have adequate inventory or access to basic material that may be needed for surveillance and investigation of outbreak or to provide support in times of disasters ." }
{ "brx": "मैला गोनां नाला दैखौनो बे बेराम गोसारनायनि गाहाय जाहोन महरै नों सनदे खालाम ।", "eng": "You suspect contaminated piped water as the major factor in this outbreak ." }
{ "brx": "जुदि हाथावना , कलेरनि थाथायखौ फोरमान खोलामनो खिनि नमुनाफोरखौ आनजादखुलियाव आनजाद खालामनो थाखाय दैथाहर ।", "eng": "Send stool samples for laboratory testing if possible to confirm the presence of cholera ." }
{ "brx": "बुहुम संफ्ल' फावनदेसननि राङारि हेफाजाबा गोबां - मुलै गोख्रों तिउबारकुलसिसखौ फोजोबस्रांनो एसियायाव गिबि फसंनथानखौ जोनोम होबाय ।", "eng": "World lung Foundation grant results in FIRST Center In Asia to Combat Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis ." }
{ "brx": "बेयो जानो हागौदि \" पेरासाइत \" सोदोबा गोरोबथावैबो जानो हागौ आरो थारैनो सनदे खालामजायै जथाय पेतेरतया खामानि गोनां , बे आयदानि सायाव गोबां मिथिनो थाखाय हेलमिनटिक थेरापिखौ नाय ।", "eng": "It may be that the term 'parasite' could turn out to be inappropriate and in fact a hitherto unsuspected symbiosis is at work For more information on this topic see Helminthic therapy ." }
{ "brx": "( एज्मा , इक्जिमा आरो एलार्जिक रिनितिस जहै ) 2 . 3 मिलियन ( फ्राय 3 . 7 % ) गोसारथिआ 2001 निफ्राय 2005 नि गेजेराव 48 . 9 % बारायबाय ।", "eng": "Asthma eczema and allergic rhinitis together 2 3 million about 3 7 prevalence has increased by 48 9 between 2001 and 2005 ." }
{ "brx": "गिबिआव नोजोरा गुबुन हादोरारिफोरखौ आनजाद खालामनायमोन , गुबैयै गुबुन हादोरारि फरायसाफोरखौ । लासैहै , बेनि नोजोरा थै बुथुमग्राफोरखौ आनजाद खालामनायाव बारलांङो । 1987 लागै , गुबै सोहोरारि ओनसोलफोराव एद्स . आइ . बि आनजाद खालामग्रा मिरुफोरनि हादारारि नेटवार्क गायस'न्नो मोनसे थांखि लादोंमोन ।", "eng": "Initially the focus was on screening foreigners especially foreign students Gradually the focus moved on to screening blood banks By early 1987 efforts were made up to set up a national network of HIV screening centers in major urban areas ." }
{ "brx": "नखरारि हाबाफारि बिखान्थिनि मोनसे फोनांजाब राहाया बे फसंथानफोरखौ हेफाजाब खालामो ।", "eng": "A network of domiciliary services system backs these institutions ." }
{ "brx": "रेद क्रस एम . सि . दाब्लिउ खोन्दोफोरा बेसादारि जोथोन लाग्रा हिनजाव , फिसा जागिहोग्रा सायनासालि आरो नआव जोथोन लाग्रा आयजोफोरनो फोरोंथाय होयो ।", "eng": "Red Cross MCW units impart training to auxiliary nurse midwives dais and housewives on home nursing ." }
{ "brx": "40 % बेगें सिंनि मगजु / हान्थु आरो थि रोखोमनि बेराम होबथानाय , सि एन एस थायोब्ला जर'खा फाहामथाय ।", "eng": "40 Bone marrow and systemic disease control specific treatment of CNS if involved ." }
{ "brx": "बेनि सोलाय बांसिन बिबांनि एदावग्रा बेरामखौ मोननो केन्सार बेरेखा साइक्ल'पसपामाइडनि राहाखौ बाहायो ।", "eng": "Instead higher response rates are achieved with the aggressive cyclophosphamide based regimens that are used for non Hodgkin's lymphoma ." }
{ "brx": "गोब्राब माइल'जेनास लिउकेमिआया ( ए . एम . एल ) सरासनस्रा बयनिख्रुइबो बैसोगोनांफोरनिआव नुजायो ; आयजोनिख्रुई हौवाफोरा बांसिन गाग्लोब जायो ।", "eng": "Acute Myelogenous Leukemia AML is most common for adults more men than women are affected ." }
{ "brx": "बांसिन अनक' ल 'जिस्तफोरा बेरामिनि मोननैबो थाखो आरो लैखोनफोरनि सायाव सिएलएल सिकितसाखौ बिथा खालामो ।", "eng": "Most oncologists base CLL treatment upon both the stage and symptoms of the patient ." }
{ "brx": "एजेनसिफोरहा गावसोरनि सोलिबायथानाय अपारेसोन बिथांखि बिथोनफोरनि सिङाव थानानै बे protocolखौ बुंफुरथिनो राहा दं ।", "eng": "Agencies have the flexibility to define this protocol within their continuity of operations plan guidelines ." }
{ "brx": "मानसिनिफ्राय मानसिनिसिम बारस्लायथिखौ खमायनो थाखाय मोनफ्रोमबो एजेनसिहा रायजोबेंगिरि आरो / एबा रायजोयारि देहा मावख'फोरनिफ्राय होनाय बिथोनफोरखौ हरखाबै बाहायनो ससिएल दिसतेनसिं पलिसि थानांगोन ।", "eng": "In order to minimize transmission from person to person each agency should have in place a Social Distancing Policy to implement immediately upon orders from the Governor and or Public Health officials ." }
{ "brx": "मोनसे जोबोर फोथायथाव टि . बि तिका , एम . भि . ए 85 एआ , अक्सफर्द भुमफरायसालिजों दैदेनजानाय मोनसे हानजाजों खोला आफ्रिखायाव दासानदि थाखो II आनजादफोराव दं , आरो मोनसे बंसआरियै गोदान खालामजाफिननाय भेकसिनिया भाइरास सायाव सोनारनाय ।", "eng": "A very promising TB vaccine MVA85A is currently in phase II trials in South Africa by a group led by Oxford University and is based on a genetically modified vaccinia virus ." }
{ "brx": "बेखौ फोथायनाय जायोमोनदि टि . बि भुगिगिरिफोरहा , जायफोरा महरगिरिमोन , बेराम बारायलांनायजों सोरजिलुगुना बेरखांसिनोमोन ।", "eng": "It was believed that TB sufferers who were artists had bursts of creativity as the disease progressed ." }
{ "brx": "गोबां गोरोनथिसानदांथिफोरा एइसआइभि / एड्स सोरगिदिं सोमजिबाय ।", "eng": "A number of misconceptions have arisen surrounding HIV AIDS ." }
{ "brx": "बेयो डायेरिया फाहामथायाव बाहायनाय बिखान्थिनिबो बिजाथाय 55 उफेरा जाउन जानो हागौ ।", "eng": "It may also be a side effect of antibiotics used to treat bacterial causes of diarrhea common for Clostridium difficile ." }
{ "brx": "उफेरायै , गोबां हादोरफोरा बिजिनि अधिकार ( Possession ) खौ गाज्रियै बाहायबाय आरो गनायथि ( prescription ) नङाबालानो मुलैगला - फोरनिफ्राय इनजेकसन बायनो हाथाव खालामबाय ।", "eng": "Additionally many nations have decriminalized needle possession and made it possible to buy injection equipment from pharmacists without a prescription ." }
{ "brx": "HIV जों सनदेरजानाय मानसिफोरा गुबुन गोबां बिखोगोनां गारायफोरजोंबो सनदेरजानो हागौ ।", "eng": "People who are infected with HIV can still be infected by other more virulent strains ." }
{ "brx": "दिनैनि कंगनि देमक्रितिक रिपाब्लिकनि बाहागो किन्सहासायाव जिव खुंनाय सासे बैसो गोरा हौवा मानसिनिफ्राय 1959 याव लाजिनाय मोनसे थैबिदाम नुमुना ।", "eng": "A plasma sample taken in 1959 from an adult male living in Kinshasa today part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo ." }
{ "brx": "नखरनि थोरफोयाव , AIDS - या नखरजों देहा जोथोनाव खामायनायनि लकसान आरो बांनाय खरसा मोननैखौबो सोमजिहोयो ।", "eng": "On the level of the household AIDS results in both the loss of income and increased spending on healthcare by the household ." }
{ "brx": "थुनलायनि मोनसे नायबिजिरफिननायया ( review ) फोरमोयोदि बैसोगोरा सोलोंथाय आरो गथ'निउत्रिसननि बांसिन आनजादफोरानो बिमा - फाफोरनि सायावल गोसो होदों ।", "eng": "A review of the literature revels that most studies of adult education and child nutrition have focused on parents only ." }
{ "brx": "बेयो मोजाङै गायसनजायोदि बिमाफोरनि सोलोंथायहा जौगालु हादोरफोराव गथ निउत्रिसन सायाव मोजां जाउन दं ।", "eng": "It is well established that mothers education has a positive effect on child nutrition in developing countries ." }
{ "brx": "आरोबाव , ओनसोलनि सायाव सोनारनानै , मोजाङै A , C एबा Dखौ गथनो होनानै भितामिन मानथाखोखौ रैखाथि होनाय जागोन ।", "eng": "Again depending on the region vitamin status will be safeguarded by administering to the baby A C or D as appropriate ." }
{ "brx": "रुजुथाव महरै गथ मेलनिउत्रिसननि गोजौ थाखोफोर गोनां गुबुन हादोरसाफोरा जादों मध्य प्रदेस आरो उत्तर प्रदेस ।", "eng": "Other states with relatively high levels of child malnutrition are Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh ." }
{ "brx": "आरोबाव , खायसे गोजोनग्लाय होनाय आदबफोरखौबो सरसा खालाम , जेरैबादि नोंनि खुदियाखौ दिनदांनानै लोर - सोर खालामनाय एबा बिजों गुरैयै रालायनाय एबा रोजाबनाय ।", "eng": "Also practice some comforting techniques such as rocking your baby or talking or singing softly to her ." }
{ "brx": "नोंनि खुदियाया सावसुबनायनि खायसे इसाराफोर दिनथिनो जागायजेनबायब्ला , नों बिनो सावसुबनाय रोंगुनखौ जौगाहोनो खामानि मावहोनो खायसे गथा मैगंफोर एबा रोज्जा सिरेल आदार होनो गोसो खालामनो हायो ।", "eng": "If your baby starts to show some signs of chewing you may want to give her some mashed vegetables or thick cereal to work on to improve chewing skills ." }
{ "brx": "अबथेथ्रिसियान आरो गायनेकलजिस्थनि बादिब्ला गोरबोआव थानाय आयजोफोरा गावसोरनि सारासनस्रा आदार रोखोम रोखोमनि आदारनि जानाय बिबांखौ बांहोनांगौ ।", "eng": "According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists pregnant women should increase their usual servings of a variety of foods ." }
{ "brx": "बांसिन बेराम फाहामगिरिया मानियोदि RDAsया , जाय आइरनखौ गारनानै , मोनसे थि खाजानि गेजेरजों मोन्नो हायो ।", "eng": "Most physicians agree that RDAs except those for iron can be obtained through a proper diet ." }
{ "brx": "भारताव बाबोसोर बैसो सिङाव थैथायफोरनि फ्राय 75 जौखोनदोयानो खुदिया थैथायफोर आरो इउ 5 गथ'फोरनि फ्राय खावसेया बिसोरनि जोनोमनि ब्रै दाननि गेजेरावनो थैयो ।", "eng": "About 75 per cent of under five deaths in India are infant deaths and about half of U5 children die within four weeks of their birth ." }
{ "brx": "लोथिबोरनाया भेकसिन होबथाथाव गथ' थैथायनि मोनसे गाहाय जाहोन ।", "eng": "Measles is one of the leading causes of vaccine preventable child mortality ." }
{ "brx": "1970 आरो 1990 नि गेजेराव बा बोसोर सिंनि थैनायनि बिबाङा जिबोसोरफ्रोमबो 20 % हायदों ; 1990 आरो 2000 नि गेजेराव 12 % ल' हायदों ।", "eng": "Between 1970 and 1990 the under five mortality rate dropped by 20 every decade between 1990 and 2000 it dropped by only 12 ." }
{ "brx": "एचआयभि आरो ऐय्दसनि गाज्रि गोहोम खोख्लैग्राया - नाथाय जिउ बासायग्रा गियानखौ गोहोम गोनां मावनायाव आरो समाजारि देहायाव थोजासे खथायनायाव आरो मोनसे खैफोद गोयै थासारियाव सोनानै होनो हायैनि जेननाय ।", "eng": "The destructive influence of HIV AIDS but also the failure to translate life saving knowledge into effective action and to invest adequately in public health and a safe environment ." }
{ "brx": "गोसो हमथा , नोंनि गथनिफ्राय इंगितखौ ला , आरो समय लायालासैनो नोंनि गथआ उनदुलांगोन ।", "eng": "Be patient take your cues from your baby and in no time at all your baby will be sleeping ." }
{ "brx": "सिनिया एल . पि . एलखौ ( लिप'प्रतिन लिपेस ) थुलुंगाहोयो जाय मोदोमखौ , आदारफोरखौ मेजेम महरै जमा खालामानायाव थुलुंगा होयो ।", "eng": "Sugar stimulates LPL lipoprotein lipase which encourages the body to store food as fat ." }
{ "brx": "थार खालामदि जाग्रा मुवाफोरखौ नों पस्तपारतामनि सपथायाव थाबैनो मोनो , मानोना नों नुनो मोननो हागौदि नों जासुलि ।", "eng": "Be sure that food is readily available to you in the weeks postpartum as you will likely discover that you are ravenous ." }
{ "brx": "जों बिसोरनि मुंदांखा खालामनायनिख्रुइ जोंनि गथफोरा बांसिन सरासनस्रायै साबसिन मिथिगौ ।", "eng": "Our children know best more often than we give them credit for ." }
{ "brx": "बेच्च बिबार फाहामनाया गथनि बिगुर थासारिनि आबेगयारि थाफानायखौ सिनायथिगोन ।", "eng": "Bach Flower Remedies will address the emotional component of a child s skin condition ." }
{ "brx": "गुबुन फाहामनायफोरा खामानियाव गोनां जानो हागौ , ग'थनि नांगौनि सायाव ।", "eng": "Other remedies may be useful depending on the needs of the child ." }
{ "brx": "थि जा उनाव बिसोरनि हाथायखौ मानजिनो मानोना बे एसिदिक भिटामिना हाथाय इनामेलखौ जामहोनो हागौ ।", "eng": "Be sure to brush their teeth afterward as this acidic vitamin can erode tooth enamel ." }
{ "brx": "नों नोंनि खुदियाखौ खेबसे मोनायाव साबसिन उनदुनाय होयोब्ला , होमबा नों दसे - उनदुनाय समाव मावनो हागोन ।", "eng": "Once you get your baby sleeping better at night you can then work on the naptime sleep ." }
{ "brx": "गथफोरा फरायसालियाव थांजासे बैसोसिम गरलैयैनो नआव थायो , मानोना स्नि बैसोनि सिंनि गथखौ फरायसालियाव हाबनो होनाय नङा ।", "eng": "Children simply stay at home till they are of school age as no child will be admitted to school under the age of seven ." }
{ "brx": "एलएमसिसि जों सायख'जानाय सेथि आसनि ओनसोला मोनसे सुबुं फोलेर जाय एददिस बिना कारखानानि खिथुआव एदिदिस आबाबानि दारिमिनारि मण्डलाव थायो ।", "eng": "The first project area selected by LMCC is a community living in the industrial zone of Addis Ababa behind the Addis lyre Factory ." }
{ "brx": "गथ'फोरा जानांयै आदारखौ जायो , केल'रिस नांनायनि बारा , आरो बारानिफ्रा बारा खनले खनले लोमजाबाय थायो ।", "eng": "Children eat the wrong food overhigh in calories and fall ill more and more often ." }
{ "brx": "प्रेतरियायाव मोननाय मजामबिकनि हिनजावसा गथफोरा दा गावसोरनि नखरफोरजों मजामबिकनि राजथावनियाव लोगो मोनफिनलायबाय , मापुटआ खामानि आरो सोलोंथाय होनायनि खोथा होनायजों सिमा बारैलिम लुबैहोजायो ।", "eng": "The Mozambican girls found in Pretoria now reunited with their families in the Mozambican capital Maputo had been lured across the border by the promise of work and an education ." }
{ "brx": "हेद्स आप स्कटलेन्दा स्कतिस एकजेकिउतिबनि मेलेम देहा आरो मोजां थानायखौ फोजौनाय हादोरारि हाबानि बाहागो ।", "eng": "Heads Up Scotland is part of the Scottish Executive's National Programme for Improving Mental Health and Well being ." }
{ "brx": "दाजाबफानाय गोनांथि मोननांगौ नखरफोरखौ सिनायनो मोननाया बैफोर बायदिनाव बारस्लायगोन जाय बेफोर बायदि खामानिखौ होयो ।", "eng": "The opportunity to identify families with additional needs will devolve to those who deliver these services ." }
{ "brx": "मोनसे गोसोमाव , आगु - सम खुदियाफोर गोनां लाइमोन बिमाफोरनि खम सोलोंथायारि मानथाय हानजा , बेखौ बिमा - बिफाफोरनि सिगाङाव दिनथिफुंनाय जादोंमोन ।", "eng": "In a black low educational standard group of teenage mothers with pre term babies this was demonstrated in front of the parent s ." }
{ "brx": "जिखिजादोया सुनदोरलेन्द खुदिया आसनिहा धाइनि खामानि एबा देहा नायनाय खामानिजों जेंनाफोरनि खैफोदाव थानाय बायदियै सिनायजानाय बिसोरनि गथ'जों बिमा - बिफाफोरखौ मुखुब खालामनो हाबाय ।", "eng": "The Sunderland Infancy Project has however been able to engage parents identified by the midwifery or health visiting service as being at risk of difficulties with their children ." }
{ "brx": "बियो मेगनजों रायज्लायनायखौ एंगारो आरो सिनायमोनै आरो जुदा जायो । बिनि नुनायया मेनद्ला जायो ; आरो बियो बायदि - रोखोमनिसालायनो हानाय गोहोनि असानतिखौबांहोयो , जेरै आखानथिफोर आरो आथिंफोरनि गावनोगाव मावनाय आरो बिनि आथिंनि - आसिजों थाबायनाय ।", "eng": "He avoids eye contact and becomes strange and aloof His vision becomes blurred and he develops various motor disturbances such as involuntary jerking of the arms and legs and walking on his toes ." }
{ "brx": "पारानि बे सुजानाय जैब दाथाया मेलेम आरो बिखा गेहेन जिख्रिफोरजों थाबै आजावजायो ।", "eng": "This injected organic form of mercury is readily taken up by brain and heart muscle cells ." }
{ "brx": "बेयाव गुबुन मारखारफोर दं नाथाय बेसोरो जोबोद बेसेनगोसा बेनिखायनो जों बे मारखारजों थांगोन ।", "eng": "There are other markers but they are very expensive so we go by this marker ." }
{ "brx": "टिकाफोरा खुगाजों हेजानो हागौ , जेरै पलिअ , आरो तायफ'इद टिकाफोर ; बेजि जों बिगुर आरो मोदोमाव ।", "eng": "Vaccines may be given by mouth like polio and typhoid vaccines by injection into the skin or muscles ." }
{ "brx": "नोंनि गथ'नो थि बेजि होनांगौ एबा होनांङैनि सोमोनदै फरायसालिफोर आरो गेलेग्रा फोथारफोराव रंजालु सावरायनायनि जुदि नों बाहागोमोन , नों आंनि ओंथिखौ नों थारैनो मिथिगोन ।", "eng": "If you ve been part of the animated discussions at schools and playgrounds about whether to give your child a particular shot or not you ll know exactly what I mean ." }
{ "brx": "देहा रैखा फारिखानथि सिंआव नुजानाय , गोनां आफाद ( गोरोबनाय ) गथ'फोरनो बिसोरनि जिउनि गिबि बोसोरनि सिंआव टिकाहोनायखौ जगायनो ।", "eng": "the necessary coordination occurring within the health delivery system to provide the vaccination to children within the first year of their life ." }
{ "brx": "बेयो बेखौ थफिनायाव सनदेरनायखौ फोजोबस्रांनो एबा होबथानोआव गासैबो गोनांसिन खालामो ।", "eng": "This makes it all the more important to either prevent or nip the infection in the bud ." }
{ "brx": "नोंनि गथ'आ नाजावगोन गोंबां बेजियावनो गोबां टिकाफोर थागोन , जेरै मोन 1 टिकायावनो मोन 5 ( जाय दिफतेरिआ , पलिअ , धनुस्टंकार - बेराम , पारतुसिस आरो हेम'फिलास इनफ्लुएनजा बि थाखो एबा ओएसआइबि बेरामनि बेरेखायै रैखाथि होयो ) ।", "eng": "Many of the shots your child will receive have several vaccines in them such as the 5 in 1 vaccine which protects against diphtheria polio tetanus pertussis and Haemophilus influenzae type B or Hib disease ." }
{ "brx": "बांसिन होबथाग्रा सिकितसाफोरहा स्तेरइदफोर दं आरो मोनसे मोनामसुखग्रा गेजेरजों बेफोरखौ लानाया फोरमायो दि जोबोर खमसिन स्तेरइदनि पालिया बाहायजायो आरो मानोना मोनामसुखजानाय मुलैया हांलामाफोरसिम थोंजोङै गाहायाव थाङो जेराव बेयो गोनांथि , जोबोर खमथारा आराव सोबखांजायो ।", "eng": "Most preventer treatments contain steroids and taking them through an inhaler means that a much lower dose of the steroid can be used and because the inhaled medicine goes straight down to the airways where it is needed very little is absorbed into the rest of the body ." }
{ "brx": "गासैबो रोंमोनदांथिगोनां बेराम - बिगियानगिरिफोरा मिनथियो दि मोनफ्रोमबो बेदर - बारायनाया माइक्रसकपिक दाथायनि गावनि असे गावआरिखौ दिनथिफुङो ।", "eng": "All experienced pathologists know that every tumour exhibits its own individuality of microscopic structure ." }
{ "brx": "लर्ड प्लाटनि अटबाय'ग्राफि फ्रायवेत आरो कनत्रभार्सियेला गोदान - मुगानि मुलैखौ 'माब्रै एंगारनो' आव उसिफावो ।", "eng": "Portmann talking of insect metamorphosis observes that the specific formation of the mature organism is prefigured in the egg though in what way we do not yet know ' ." }
{ "brx": "बेनिखायनो हासथायनो बेयो जुक्तिगोनां दि जोबोर जाउनगोनां केमथेरापिउतिक थानदैया बे मोनसेबो बेरामफोरजों बेरामिनि थांनायखौ साबसिन खालामनो हाया ; गमामायै , बेहा थांनायनि सायाव केमथेरापिनि जायखिदाया जाउनखौ रोखायै दिनथिनो दासिम हाथावजायाखैमोन ।", "eng": "Cancer in many of its facets is comprehensible and its behaviour is predictable at a herd level ." }
{ "brx": "थारैनो , बेनि मोनसे गुवार बाहागोया केनसारनि बेरामसंनाय , बेराम - संफिननाय , फाहामनाय आरो फाहामफिननायनि थाखाय थाथारनांगोन ।", "eng": "Surely a sizeable part of this must be for the diagnosis re diagnosis treatment and retreatment of cancer ." }
{ "brx": "मोनसे मानगोनां थैनायनि महराव नों नोंनि देहा आरो जिवमानो मोनसे हाबा मावनांगौ दं ।", "eng": "You owe a duty to your body and soul in the form of a dignified death ." }
{ "brx": "बेयो बेनि सोमजिनाय जायगानिफ्राय गुबुन जायगायाव बेरामनि ( केनसार , सनदेरथि ) गोसारनाय एबा बारस्लायनायखौबो एबा बेजों थोंजोङै सोमोन्दोथानायखौबो फोरमाया ।", "eng": "All humans can develop cancer only some do for in them the quantitative gene effect is sufficient enough to carry them beyond a certain genetic threshold ." }
{ "brx": "249 बेरामिफोरखौ जेरै मेरैनो रानबाय हाखावनोहायै ब्रंखाइल कार्सिन'माजों , सिमायाव दोननाय , जेरबा , मोनब्रै गुबुन बाहागोयाव , मोनोफ्रोमबो गुबुनै सिकितसा खालामहानाय ।", "eng": "Let us now consider the problem of a woman with a silent breast lump If it is non cancerous nothing need be done ." }
{ "brx": "बेरामनि आगुलैखोनसंनाय सोमोन्दै सरासनस्राखालामनाया जर'खा हानजाफोरनि गरफोराव सोनारनो आरो जर'खा जेंनाफोरनि थाखाय जानो हागौ ; थेवबो गुवार रोखोमफोरखौ जिउनि बुब्लियाव आरो मोनफ्रोम हानजानि गेजेराव दायबेतिसारि दाखोन नुजानाय एबा नुजायियाव मोनो ।", "eng": "Generalization with regard to prognosis may be based on averages in special groups and for special complications nevertheless wide variations are found in the duration of life and the presence or absence of diabetic sequelae within each group ." }
{ "brx": "गाज्रिजानायाव बिहोमाहोनाय गुबुन जाहोनफोरा जाबाय बांद्राय साहा , कफि , जौ आरो थांखु बाहायनाय , गोब्राब बिजिरनाय आरो जिरायहाबनाय हुदा जाय दोगोनजायि आरो सरासनस्रा लोरबांथि जाहोयो ।", "eng": "Other contributing factors to the disorder are excessive use of tea coffee alcohol and tobacco strenuous studies and sedentary habits which lead to indigestion and general debility ." }
{ "brx": "बेयो गोबां ट्रेफिक फेलें आरो जाथायफोर जाहोयो ।", "eng": "A person generally takes to drinking as a means to enliven social life to overcome anxiety or to induce sleep ." }
{ "brx": "बेफोराव दंफायो खर' साफ्लेबाय थानाय , माइग्रेन , खर' गिदिंनाय , उसु - खुथु , गिनाय , सिन्था जाहाबनाय , निउरलजिया , हारसिवनाय , दाव खाना , इसिजिमा , बाखा आलौनाय , गोरान लोमजानाय , दोगोनजायै , खि ख'सा जानाय , खिसावनाय , उदैयाव गेसजों गाराय जानाय , हाफानि , अ'जन बारायनाय , बांद्राय थै खारनाय , बिखा सानाय , बिखा गाग्लोबनाय , गुंग्राय गनाय , हां सरथेनाय , मोखां आरो मेगन बुनाय बायदि बायदि ।", "eng": "It is believed that the major cause of allergy is feeding babies such food as cereals meat corns whole milk etc before they reach the age of 10 to 12 months ." }
{ "brx": "बिथैनिनो गोरोनथि एबा आइरन , भितामिन आरो प्रतिनफोरनि थोजासेनङै आजावनायनि थाखाय बिथैयाव गोरजा थै जिबख्रिफोरनि लासै दाथाया आमावनि गाहाय जाहोनफोरनि मोनसे ।", "eng": "Slow formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow either due to defects in the bone marrow itself or to an inadequate intake of iron vitamins and proteins is one of the main causes of anaemia ." }
{ "brx": "बायजोआरि खोबथेनायनि सिङाव मोदोमारि बिदामनि मोनसे थोरफो दं आरो बेनि उनाव लिम्फयद बिदामनि मोनसे थोरफो दं ।", "eng": "There is a layer of muscular tissue under the outer covering and then a layer of lymphoid tissue ." }
{ "brx": "आयथिंआव थरगैयै आरो सुग्लिजोबनाय जानो हागौ आरो रेजें ब्याम खालायनायनि उनावबो आयथिंफोराव रम - रम मोननाय आरो सानायफोर ।", "eng": "There may be numbness and coldness in the feet and cramps and pains in the legs even after light exercise ." }
{ "brx": "बेयो हौवानिफ्राय हिनजावनाव थाम गुन बारा ।", "eng": "It is three times more common in women than in men ." }