1 value
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Although no clinical studies have been conducted, it is likely that the metabolism of levobupivacaine may be affected by the known CYP3A4 inducers (such as phenytoin, phenobarbital, rifampin), CYP3A4 inhibitors (azole antimycotics e.g., ketoconazole;
<levobupivacaine, mechanism, phenytoin>, <levobupivacaine, mechanism, phenobarbital>, <levobupivacaine, mechanism, rifampin>, <levobupivacaine, mechanism, ketoconazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
however, in a study of 12 normal subjects, concurrent administration of aspirin decreased ketoprofen protein binding and increased ketoprofen plasma clearance from 0.07 L/kg/h without aspirin to 0.11 L/kg/h with aspirin.
<aspirin, mechanism, ketoprofen>, <aspirin, mechanism, ketoprofen>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore, concurrent use of aspirin and ketoprofen is not recommended.
<aspirin, advise, ketoprofen>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Diuretic: Hydrochlorothiazide, given concomitantly with ketoprofen, produces a reduction in urinary potassium and chloride excretion compared to hydrochlorothiazide alone.
<Hydrochlorothiazide, effect, ketoprofen>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Because prostaglandina play an important role in hemostasis and ketoprofen has an effect on platelet function as well, concurent therapy with ketoprofen and warfarin requires close monitoring of patients on both drugs.
<ketoprofen, advise, warfarin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Probenecid: Probenecid increases both free and bound ketoprofen by reducing the plasma clearance of ketoprofen to about one-third, as well as decreasing its protein binding.
<Probenecid, mechanism, ketoprofen>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore, the combination of ketoprofen and probenecid is not recommended.
<ketoprofen, advise, probenecid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Methotrexate: Ketoprofen, like other NSAIDs, may cause changes in the elimination of methotrexate leading to elevated serum levels of the drug and increased toxicity.
<Ketoprofen, mechanism, methotrexate>, <NSAIDs, mechanism, methotrexate>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Lithium: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents have been reported to increase steadystate plasma lithium levels.
<Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, mechanism, lithium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
It is recommended that plasma lithium levels be monitored when ketoprofen is coadministered with lithium.
<ketoprofen, advise, lithium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Interactions for Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Antihypertensive Therapy: Nicotinic acid may potentiate the effects of ganglionic blocking agents and vasoactive drugs resulting in postural hypotension.
<Nicotinic acid, effect, ganglionic blocking agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Aspirin: Concomitant aspirin may decrease the metabolic clearance of nicotinic acid.
<aspirin, mechanism, nicotinic acid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Co-administration of irbesartan reduced aliskiren Cmax up to 50% after multiple dosing.
<irbesartan, mechanism, aliskiren>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Co-administration of atorvastatin resulted in about a 50% increase in aliskiren Cmax and AUC after multiple dosing.
<atorvastatin, mechanism, aliskiren>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Ketoconazole: Co-administration of 200 mg twice-daily ketoconazole with aliskiren resulted in an approximate 80% increase in plasma levels of aliskiren.
<ketoconazole, mechanism, aliskiren>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Furosemide: When aliskiren was co-administered with furosemide, the AUC and Cmax of furosemide were reduced by about 30% and 50%, respectively.
<aliskiren, mechanism, furosemide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Acetaminophen: May increase plasma concentration of synthetic estrogens, possibly by inhibiting conjugation.
<Acetaminophen, mechanism, synthetic estrogens>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Combination hormonal contraceptives may also decrease the plasma concentration of acetaminophen.
<hormonal contraceptives, mechanism, acetaminophen>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Acitretin: Interferes with the contraceptive effect of microdosed progestin-containing minipill preparations.
<Acitretin, effect, progestin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Aminoglutethimide: May increase CYP metabolism of progestins leading to possible decrease in contraceptive effectiveness.
<Aminoglutethimide, mechanism, progestins>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Anticoagulants: Combination hormonal contraceptives may increase or decrease the effects of coumarin derivatives.
<hormonal contraceptives, effect, coumarin derivatives>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, felbamate, phenobarbital, phenytoin, topiramate): Increase the metabolism of ethinyl estradiol and/or some progestins, leading to possible decrease in contraceptive effectiveness.
<Anticonvulsants, mechanism, ethinyl estradiol>, <Anticonvulsants, mechanism, progestins>, <carbamazepine, mechanism, ethinyl estradiol>, <carbamazepine, mechanism, progestins>, <felbamate, mechanism, ethinyl estradiol>, <felbamate, mechanism, progestins>, <phenobarbital, mechanism, ethinyl estradiol>, <phenobarbital, mechanism, progestins>, <phenytoin, mechanism, ethinyl estradiol>, <phenytoin, mechanism, progestins>, <topiramate, mechanism, ethinyl estradiol>, <topiramate, mechanism, progestins>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Ascorbic acid: Doses of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 1 g/day have been reported to increase plasma concentration of synthetic estrogens by ~47%, possibly by inhibiting conjugation;
<ascorbic acid, mechanism, synthetic estrogens>, <vitamin C, mechanism, synthetic estrogens>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Atorvastatin: Atorvastatin increases the AUC for norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol.
<Atorvastatin, mechanism, norethindrone>, <Atorvastatin, mechanism, ethinyl estradiol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Benzodiazepines: Combination hormonal contraceptives may decrease the clearance of some benzodiazepines (alprazolam, chlordiazepoxide, diazepam) and increase the clearance of others (lorazepam, oxazepam, temazepam).
<hormonal contraceptives, mechanism, benzodiazepines>, <hormonal contraceptives, mechanism, alprazolam>, <hormonal contraceptives, mechanism, chlordiazepoxide>, <hormonal contraceptives, mechanism, diazepam>, <hormonal contraceptives, mechanism, lorazepam>, <hormonal contraceptives, mechanism, oxazepam>, <hormonal contraceptives, mechanism, temazepam>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Clofibric acid: Combination hormonal contraceptives may increase the clearance of clofibric acid.
<hormonal contraceptives, mechanism, clofibric acid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cyclosporine: Combination hormonal contraceptives may inhibit the metabolism of cyclosporine, leading to increased plasma concentrations;
<hormonal contraceptives, mechanism, cyclosporine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Griseofulvin: Griseofulvin may induce the metabolism of combination hormonal contraceptives causing menstrual changes;
<Griseofulvin, mechanism, combination hormonal contraceptives>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Morphine: Combination hormonal contraceptives may increase the clearance of morphine.
<hormonal contraceptives, mechanism, morphine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs): Nevirapine may decrease plasma levels of combination hormonal contraceptives;
<Nevirapine, mechanism, combination hormonal contraceptives>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Prednisolone: Ethinyl estradiol may inhibit the metabolism of prednisolone, leading to increased plasma concentrations.
<Ethinyl estradiol, mechanism, prednisolone>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Protease inhibitors: Amprenavir, lopinavir, nelfinavir, and ritonavir have been shown to decrease plasma levels of combination hormonal contraceptives;
<Amprenavir, mechanism, combination hormonal contraceptives>, <lopinavir, mechanism, combination hormonal contraceptives>, <nelfinavir, mechanism, combination hormonal contraceptives>, <ritonavir, mechanism, combination hormonal contraceptives>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Indinavir has been shown to increase plasma levels of combination hormonal contraceptives.
<Indinavir, mechanism, combination hormonal contraceptives>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Rifampin: Rifampin increases the metabolism of ethinyl estradiol and some progestins (norethindrone) resulting in decreased contraceptive effectiveness and increased menstrual irregularities.
<Rifampin, mechanism, ethinyl estradiol>, <Rifampin, mechanism, progestins>, <Rifampin, mechanism, norethindrone>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Salicylic acid: Combination hormonal contraceptives may increase the clearance of salicylic acid.
<hormonal contraceptives, mechanism, salicylic acid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Selegiline: Combination hormonal contraceptives may increase the serum concentration of selegiline.
<Combination hormonal contraceptives, mechanism, selegiline>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Theophylline: Ethinyl estradiol may inhibit the metabolism of theophylline, leading to increased plasma concentrations.
<Ethinyl estradiol, mechanism, theophylline>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, imipramine, nortriptyline): Metabolism may be inhibited by combination hormonal contraceptives, increasing plasma levels of antidepressant;
<Tricyclic antidepressants, mechanism, combination hormonal contraceptives>, <amitriptyline, mechanism, combination hormonal contraceptives>, <imipramine, mechanism, combination hormonal contraceptives>, <nortriptyline, mechanism, combination hormonal contraceptives>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
ETHANOL / NUTRITION / HERB INTERACTIONS: Food: CNS effects of caffeine may be enhanced if combination hormonal contraceptives are used concurrently with caffeine.
<combination hormonal contraceptives, effect, caffeine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The response to Factrel may be blunted by phenothiazines and dopamine antagonists which cause a rise in prolactin.
<Factrel, effect, phenothiazines>, <Factrel, effect, dopamine antagonists>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Diuretics: Patients on diuretics, especially those in whom diuretic therapy was recently instituted, may occasionally experience an excessive reduction of blood pressure after initiation of therapy with Lotensin.
<diuretics, effect, Lotensin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The possibility of hypotensive effects with Lotensin can be minimized by either discontinuing the diuretic or increasing the salt intake prior to initiation of treatment with Lotensin.
<diuretic, advise, Lotensin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Potassium Supplements and Potassium-Sparing Diuretics Lotensin can attenuate potassium loss caused by thiazide diuretics.
<Potassium-Sparing Diuretics, effect, thiazide diuretics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Lithium: Increased serum lithium levels and symptoms of lithium toxicity have been reported in patients receiving ACE inhibitors during therapy with lithium.
<ACE inhibitors, mechanism, lithium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
If a diuretic is also used, the risk of lithium toxicity may be increased.
<diuretic, effect, lithium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Benazepril, like other ACE inhibitors, has had less than additive effects with beta-adrenergic blockers, presumably because both drugs lower blood pressure by inhibiting parts of the renin-angiotensin system
<Benazepril, effect, beta-adrenergic blockers>, <ACE inhibitors, effect, beta-adrenergic blockers>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Geocillin (carbenicillin indanyl sodium) blood levels may be increased and prolonged by concurrent administration of probenecid.
<Geocillin, mechanism, probenecid>, <carbenicillin indanyl sodium, mechanism, probenecid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The hypoglycemic action of sulfonylurea may be potentiated by certain drugs including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and other drugs that are highly protein bound, salicylates, sulfonamides, chloramphenicol, probenecid, coumarins, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and beta adrenergic blocking agents.
<sulfonylurea, effect, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents>, <sulfonylurea, effect, salicylates>, <sulfonylurea, effect, sulfonamides>, <sulfonylurea, effect, chloramphenicol>, <sulfonylurea, effect, probenecid>, <sulfonylurea, effect, coumarins>, <sulfonylurea, effect, monoamine oxidase inhibitors>, <sulfonylurea, effect, beta adrenergic blocking agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Since animal studies suggest that the action of barbiturates may be prolonged by therapy with chlorpropamide, barbiturates should be employed with caution.
<barbiturates, effect, chlorpropamide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
A potential interaction between oral miconazole and oral hypoglycemic agents leading to severe hypoglycemia has been reported.
<miconazole, effect, hypoglycemic agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Aspirin: Concomitant administration of aspirin with valdecoxib may result in an increased risk of GI ulceration and complications compared to valdecoxib alone.
<aspirin, effect, valdecoxib>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
ACE-inhibitors:Reports suggest that NSAIDs may diminish the antihypertensive effect of ACE-inhibitors.
<NSAIDs, effect, ACE-inhibitors>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
This interaction should be given consideration in patients taking BEXTRA concomitantly with ACE-inhibitors.
<BEXTRA, advise, ACE-inhibitors>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Furosemide: Clinical studies, as well as post-marketing observations, have shown that NSAIDs can reduce the natriuretic effect of furosemide and thiazides in some patients.
<NSAIDs, effect, furosemide>, <NSAIDs, effect, thiazides>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Anticonvulsants (Phenytoin): Steady state plasma exposure (AUC) of valdecoxib (40 mg BID for 12 days) was decreased by 27% when co-administered with multiple doses (300 mg QD for 12 days) of phenytoin (a CYP 3A4 inducer).
<valdecoxib, mechanism, phenytoin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Patients already stabilized on valdecoxib should be closely monitored for loss of symptom control with phenytoin coadministration.
<valdecoxib, advise, phenytoin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Coadministration with valdecoxib (40 mg BID for 7 days) resulted in a significant increase in dextromethorphan plasma levels suggesting that, at these doses, valdecoxib is a weak inhibitor of 2D6.
<valdecoxib, mechanism, dextromethorphan>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Even so dextromethorphan plasma concentrations in the presence of high doses of valdecoxib were almost 5-fold lower than those seen in CYP 2D6 poor metabolizers suggesting that dose adjustment is not necessary.
<dextromethorphan, mechanism, valdecoxib>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Lithium: Valdecoxib 40 mg BID for 7 days produced significant decreases in lithium serum clearance (25%) and renal clearance (30%) with a 34% higher serum exposure compared to lithium alone.
<Valdecoxib, mechanism, lithium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Lithium serum concentrations should be monitored closely when initiating or changing therapy with BEXTRA in patients receiving lithium.
<BEXTRA, advise, lithium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Valdecoxib caused a statistically significant increase in plasma exposures of R-warfarin and S-warfarin (12% and 15%, respectively), and in the pharmacodynamic effects (prothrombin time, measured as INR) of warfarin.
<Valdecoxib, mechanism, R-warfarin>, <Valdecoxib, mechanism, S-warfarin>, <Valdecoxib, effect, warfarin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Anticoagulant therapy should be monitored, particularly during the first few weeks, after initiating therapy with BEXTRA in patients receiving warfarin or similar agents.
<BEXTRA, advise, warfarin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant single dose administration of valdecoxib 20 mg with multiple doses of ketoconazole and fluconazole produced a significant increase in exposure of valdecoxib.
<valdecoxib, mechanism, ketoconazole>, <valdecoxib, mechanism, fluconazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Plasma exposure (AUC) to valdecoxib was increased 62% when coadministered with fluconazole and 38% when coadministered with ketoconazole.
<valdecoxib, mechanism, fluconazole>, <valdecoxib, mechanism, ketoconazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Coadministration of valdecoxib (40 mg BID (day 1) and 40 mg QD (days 2-7)) with glyburide (10 mg glyburide BID) resulted in 21% increase in glyburide AUC0-12 and a 16% increase in glyburide Cmax leading to a 16% decrease in glucose AUC0-24.
<valdecoxib, mechanism, glyburide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Because changes in glucose concentrations with valdecoxib coadministration were within the normal variability and individual glucose concentrations were above or near 70 mg/dL, dose adjustment for glyburide (5 mg QD and 10 mg BID) with valdecoxib coadministration (up to 40 mg QD) is not indicated.
<glyburide, advise, valdecoxib>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Coadministration with valdecoxib increased exposure of omeprazole (AUC) by 46%.
<valdecoxib, mechanism, omeprazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Coadministration of valdecoxib and Ortho-Novum 1/35 increased the exposure of norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol by 20% and 34%, respectively.
<valdecoxib, mechanism, Ortho-Novum>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
These increased exposures of norethindrone and ethinyl estradiol should be taken into consideration when selecting an oral contraceptive for women taking valdecoxib.
<contraceptive, advise, valdecoxib>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Plasma exposure of diazepam (10 mg BID) was increased by 28% following administration of valdecoxib (40 mg BID) for 12 days, while plasma exposure of valdecoxib (40 mg BID) was not substantially increased following administration of diazepam (10 mg BID) for 12 days.
<diazepam, mechanism, valdecoxib>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Although the magnitude of changes in diazepam plasma exposure when coadministered with valdecoxib were not sufficient to warrant dosage adjustments, patients may experience enhanced sedative side effects caused by increased exposure of diazepam under this circumstance.
<valdecoxib, effect, diazepam>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Given the primary CNS effects of Clozapine, caution is advised in using it concomitantly with other CNS-active drugs or alcohol.
<Clozapine, effect, alcohol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Although it has not been established that there is an interaction between Clozapine and benzodiazepines or other psychotropics, caution is advised when clozapine is initiated in patients taking a benzodiazepine or any other psychotropic drug.
<clozapine, advise, benzodiazepine>, <clozapine, advise, psychotropic drug>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Clozapine may potentiate the hypotensive effects of antihypertensive drugs and the anticholinergic effects of atropine-type drugs.
<Clozapine, effect, antihypertensive drugs>, <Clozapine, effect, atropine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Phenytoin, nicotine, and rifampin may decrease Clozapine plasma levels, resulting in a decrease in effectiveness of a previously effective Clozapine dose.
<Phenytoin, mechanism, Clozapine>, <nicotine, mechanism, Clozapine>, <rifampin, mechanism, Clozapine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cimetidine, caffeine, and erythromycin may increase plasma levels of Clozapine, potentially resulting in adverse effects.
<Cimetidine, mechanism, Clozapine>, <caffeine, mechanism, Clozapine>, <erythromycin, mechanism, Clozapine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Although concomitant use of Clozapine and carbamazepine is not recommended, it should be noted that discontinuation of concomitant carbamazepine administration may result in an increase in Clozapine plasma levels.
<Clozapine, advise, carbamazepine>, <carbamazepine, mechanism, Clozapine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Paroxetine produced only minor changes in the levels of clozapine and its metabolites.
<Paroxetine, mechanism, clozapine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
However, other published reports describe modest elevations (less than two-fold) of clozapine and metabolite concentrations when clozapine was taken with paroxetine, fluoxetine, and sertraline.
<clozapine, mechanism, paroxetine>, <clozapine, mechanism, fluoxetine>, <clozapine, mechanism, sertraline>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore, such combined treatment should be approached with caution and patients should be monitored closely when Clozapine is combined with these drugs, particularly with fluvoxamine.
<Clozapine, advise, fluvoxamine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore, co-administration of clozapine with other drugs that are metabolized by this isozyme, including antidepressants, phenothiazines, carbamazepine, and Type 1C antiarrhythmics (e.g., propafenone, flecainide and encainide), or that inhibit this enzyme (e.g., quinidine), should be approached with caution.
<clozapine, advise, antidepressants>, <clozapine, advise, phenothiazines>, <clozapine, advise, carbamazepine>, <clozapine, advise, Type 1C antiarrhythmics>, <clozapine, advise, propafenone>, <clozapine, advise, flecainide>, <clozapine, advise, encainide>, <clozapine, advise, quinidine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Some quinolones, including ciprofloxacin, have also been shown to interfere with the metabolism of caffeine.
<quinolones, mechanism, caffeine>, <ciprofloxacin, mechanism, caffeine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Some quinolones, including ciprofloxacin, have been associated with transient elevations in serum creatinine in patients receiving cyclosporine concomitantly.
<quinolones, effect, cyclosporine>, <ciprofloxacin, effect, cyclosporine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Glyburide: The concomitant administration of ciprofloxacin with the sulfonylurea glyburide has, on rare occasions, resulted in severe hypoglycemia.
<ciprofloxacin, effect, sulfonylurea>, <ciprofloxacin, effect, glyburide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Methotrexate Renal tubular transport of methotrexate may be inhibited by concomitant administration of ciprofloxacin, potentially leading to increased plasma levels of methotrexate.
<methotrexate, mechanism, ciprofloxacin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore, patients under methotrexate therapy should be carefully monitored when concomitant ciprofloxacin therapy is indicated.
<methotrexate, advise, ciprofloxacin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Multivalent Cation-Containing Products: Concurrent administration of a quinolone, including ciprofloxacin, with multivalent cation-containing products such as magnesium or aluminum antacids, sucralfate, VIDEX chewable/buffered tablets or pediatric powder, or products containing calcium, iron, or zinc may substantially decrease the absorption of ciprofloxacin, resulting in serum and urine levels considerably lower than desired.
<quinolone, mechanism, magnesium>, <quinolone, mechanism, aluminum>, <quinolone, mechanism, antacids>, <quinolone, mechanism, sucralfate>, <quinolone, mechanism, VIDEX>, <quinolone, mechanism, calcium>, <quinolone, mechanism, iron>, <quinolone, mechanism, zinc>, <ciprofloxacin, mechanism, magnesium>, <ciprofloxacin, mechanism, aluminum>, <ciprofloxacin, mechanism, antacids>, <ciprofloxacin, mechanism, sucralfate>, <ciprofloxacin, mechanism, VIDEX>, <ciprofloxacin, mechanism, calcium>, <ciprofloxacin, mechanism, iron>, <ciprofloxacin, mechanism, zinc>, <ciprofloxacin, mechanism, ciprofloxacin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
This time window is different than for other oral formulations of ciprofloxacin, which are usually administered 2 hours before or 6 hours after antacids.
<ciprofloxacin, advise, antacids>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Phenytoin: Altered serum levels of phenytoin (increased and decreased) have been reported in patients receiving concomitant ciprofloxacin.
<phenytoin, mechanism, ciprofloxacin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Probenecid: Probenecid interferes with renal tubular secretion of ciprofloxacin and produces an increase in the level of ciprofloxacin in serum.
<Probenecid, mechanism, ciprofloxacin>, <Probenecid, mechanism, ciprofloxacin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Theophylline: As with some other quinolones, concurrent administration of ciprofloxacin with theophylline may lead to elevated serum concentrations of theophylline and prolongation of its elimination half-life.
<quinolones, mechanism, theophylline>, <ciprofloxacin, mechanism, theophylline>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Warfarin: Quinolones have been reported to enhance the effects of the oral anticoagulant warfarin or its derivatives.
<Quinolones, effect, warfarin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Bismuth: Bismuth subsalicylate, given concomitantly with enoxacin or 60 minutes following enoxacin administration, decreased enoxacin bioavailability by approximately 25%.
<Bismuth subsalicylate, mechanism, enoxacin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Thus, concomitant administration of enoxacin and bismuth subsalicylate should be avoided.
<enoxacin, advise, bismuth subsalicylate>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Caffeine: Enoxacin is a potent inhibitor of the cytochrome P-450 isozymes responsible for the metabolism of methylxanthines.
<Enoxacin, mechanism, methylxanthines>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In a multiple-dose study, enoxacin caused a dose-related increase in the mean elimination half-life of caffeine, thereby decreasing the clearance of caffeine by up to 80% and leading to a five-fold increase in the AUC and the half-life of caffeine.
<enoxacin, mechanism, caffeine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Trough plasma enoxacin levels were also 20% higher when caffeine and enoxacin were administered concomitantly.
<caffeine, mechanism, enoxacin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Caffeine-related adverse effects have occurred in patients consuming caffeine while on therapy with enoxacin.
<caffeine, effect, enoxacin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cyclosporine: Elevated serum levels of cyclosporine have been reported with concomitant use of cyclosporine with other members of the quinolone class.
<cyclosporine, mechanism, quinolone class>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Digoxin: Enoxacin may raise serum digoxin levels in some individuals.
<Enoxacin, mechanism, digoxin>