1 value
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Since apraclonidine may reduce pulse and blood pressure, caution in using drugs such as beta-blockers (ophthalmic and systemic), antihypertensives, and cardiac glycosides is advised.
<apraclonidine, advise, beta-blockers>, <apraclonidine, advise, antihypertensives>, <apraclonidine, advise, cardiac glycosides>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
When Bezalip or Bezalip retard is used at the same time as other medicines or substances the following interactions must be taken into account: - Bezalip and Bezalip retard may enhance the action of anticoagulants of the coumarin type.
<Bezalip, effect, anticoagulants of the coumarin type>, <Bezalip retard, effect, anticoagulants of the coumarin type>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
For this reason, the dose of the anticoagulant should be reduced by 30 - 50% at the start of treatment with Bezalip or Bezalip retard and then titrated according to the blood clotting parameters
<anticoagulant, advise, Bezalip>, <anticoagulant, advise, Bezalip>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
- The action of sulphonylureas and insulin may be enhanced by Bezalip or Bezalip retard.
<sulphonylureas, effect, Bezalip>, <sulphonylureas, effect, Bezalip retard>, <insulin, effect, Bezalip>, <insulin, effect, Bezalip retard>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
- In isolated cases, a pronounced though reversible, impairment of renal function (accompanied by a corresponding increase in the serum creatinine level) has been reported in organ transplant patients receiving immuno-suppressant therapy and concomitant bezafibrate.
<immuno-suppressant, effect, bezafibrate>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
- When Bezalip or Bezalip retard is used concurrently with anion-exchange resins (e.g. cholestryramine), an interval of at least 2 hours should be maintained between the two medicines, since the absorption of Bezalip or Bezalip retard is impaired
<Bezalip, advise, anion-exchange resins>, <Bezalip, advise, cholestryramine>, <Bezalip retard, advise, anion-exchange resins>, <Bezalip retard, advise, cholestryramine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
- Perhexiline hydrogen maleate or MAO-inhibitors (with hepatotoxic potential) must not be administered together with Bezalip or Bezalip retard.
<Perhexiline hydrogen maleate, advise, Bezalip>, <Perhexiline hydrogen maleate, advise, Bezalip retard>, <MAO-inhibitors, advise, Bezalip>, <MAO-inhibitors, advise, Bezalip retard>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Although there are no study data to evaluate the possibility, nitric oxide donor compounds, including sodium nitroprusside and nitroglycerin, may have an additive effect with INOmax on the risk of developing methemoglobinemia.
<nitric oxide donor compounds, effect, INOmax>, <sodium nitroprusside, effect, INOmax>, <nitroglycerin, effect, INOmax>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant oral administration of ketoconazole (a known inhibitor of CYP3A4 activity in the liver and in the intestinal mucosa) caused an eight-fold increase of the systemic exposure to oral budesonide.
<ketoconazole, mechanism, budesonide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
If treatment with inhibitors of CYP3A4 activity (such as ketoconazole, intraconazole, ritonavir, indinavir, saquinavir, erythromycin, etc.) is indicated, reduction of the budesonide dose should be considered.
<ketoconazole, advise, budesonide>, <intraconazole, advise, budesonide>, <ritonavir, advise, budesonide>, <indinavir, advise, budesonide>, <saquinavir, advise, budesonide>, <erythromycin, advise, budesonide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Tagamet, apparently through an effect on certain microsomal enzyme systems, has been reported to reduce the hepatic metabolism of warfarin-type anticoagulants, phenytoin, propranolol, nifedipine, chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, certain tricyclic antidepressants, lidocaine, theophylline and metronidazole, thereby delaying elimination and increasing blood levels of these drugs.
<Tagamet, mechanism, warfarin-type anticoagulants>, <Tagamet, mechanism, phenytoin>, <Tagamet, mechanism, propranolol>, <Tagamet, mechanism, nifedipine>, <Tagamet, mechanism, chlordiazepoxide>, <Tagamet, mechanism, diazepam>, <Tagamet, mechanism, tricyclic antidepressants>, <Tagamet, mechanism, lidocaine>, <Tagamet, mechanism, theophylline>, <Tagamet, mechanism, metronidazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
therefore, close monitoring of prothrombin time is recommended, and adjustment of the anticoagulant dose may be necessary when Tagamet is administered concomitantly.
<anticoagulant, advise, Tagamet>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
However, a crossover study in healthy subjects receiving either Tagamet 300 mg q.i.d. or 800 mg h.s. concomitantly with a 300 mg b.i.d. dosage of theophylline (Theo-Dur , Key Pharmaceuticals, Inc.) demonstrated less alteration in steady-state theophylline peak serum levels with the 800 mg h.s. regimen, particularly in subjects aged 54 years and older.
<Tagamet, mechanism, theophylline>, <Tagamet, mechanism, Theo-Dur>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant use of ELLENCE with other cardioactive compounds that could cause heart failure (e.g., calcium channel blockers), requires close monitoring of cardiac function throughout treatment.
<ELLENCE, advise, calcium channel blockers>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cimetidine increased the AUC of epirubicin by 50%.
<Cimetidine, mechanism, epirubicin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cimetidine treatment should be stopped during treatment with ELLENCE.
<Cimetidine, advise, ELLENCE>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
MAO inhibitors prolong and intensify the effects of antihistamines.
<MAO inhibitors, effect, antihistamines>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant use of antihistamines with alcohol, tricyclic antidepressants, barbiturates, or other central nervous system depressants may have an additive effect.
<antihistamines, effect, alcohol>, <antihistamines, effect, tricyclic antidepressants>, <antihistamines, effect, barbiturates>, <antihistamines, effect, central nervous system depressants>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
When sympathomimetic drugs are given to patients receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitors, hypertensive reactions, including hypertensive crises, may occur.
<sympathomimetic drugs, effect, monoamine oxidase inhibitors>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The antihypertensive effects of methyldopa, mecamylamine, reserpine, and veratrum alkaloids may be reduced by sympathomimetics.
<methyldopa, effect, sympathomimetics>, <mecamylamine, effect, sympathomimetics>, <reserpine, effect, sympathomimetics>, <veratrum alkaloids, effect, sympathomimetics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Beta-adrenergic blocking agents may also interact with sympathomimetics.
<Beta-adrenergic blocking agents, int, sympathomimetics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Increased ectopic pacemaker activity can occur when pseudoephedrine is used concomitantly with digitalis.
<pseudoephedrine, effect, digitalis>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Antacids increase the rate of absorption of pseudoephedrine, while kaolin decreases it.
<Antacids, mechanism, pseudoephedrine>, <pseudoephedrine, mechanism, kaolin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Dexbrompheniramine can interact with alcohol or other CNS depressants (may potentiate the CNS depressant effects of either these medications or antihistamines), anticholinergics or other medications with anticholinergic activity (anticholinergic effects may be potentiated when these medications are used concurrently with antihistamines), and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (concurrent use with antihistamines may prolong and intensify the anticholinergic and CNS depressant effects of antihistamines).
<Dexbrompheniramine, int, alcohol>, <Dexbrompheniramine, int, CNS depressants>, <Dexbrompheniramine, int, anticholinergics>, <Dexbrompheniramine, int, monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In a Phase I trial using escalating doses of TAXOL (110-200 mg/m2) and cisplatin (50 or 75 mg/m2) given as sequential infusions, myelosuppression was more profound when TAXOL was given after cisplatin than with the alternate sequence (ie, TAXOL before cisplatin).
<TAXOL, effect, cisplatin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Pharmacokinetic data from these patients demonstrated a decrease in paclitaxel clearance of approximately 33% when TAXOL was administered following cisplatin.
<TAXOL, mechanism, cisplatin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Reports in the literature suggest that plasma levels of doxorubicin (and its active metabolite doxorubicinol) may be increased when paclitaxel and doxorubicin are used in combination.
<paclitaxel, mechanism, doxorubicin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Hypersensitivity Reactions: Patients with a history of severe hypersensitivity reactions to products containing Cremophor EL (eg, cyclosporin for injection concentrate and teniposide for injection concentrate) should not be treated with TAXOL.
<cyclosporin, advise, TAXOL>, <teniposide, advise, TAXOL>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Immediate and Extended Release Tablets The hypoglycemic action of sulfonylureas may be potentiated by certain drugs including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, some azoles and other drugs that are highly protein bound, salicylates, sulfonamides, chloramphenicol, probenecid, coumarins, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and beta adrenergic blocking agents.
<sulfonylureas, effect, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents>, <sulfonylureas, effect, azoles>, <sulfonylureas, effect, salicylates>, <sulfonylureas, effect, sulfonamides>, <sulfonylureas, effect, chloramphenicol>, <sulfonylureas, effect, probenecid>, <sulfonylureas, effect, coumarins>, <sulfonylureas, effect, monoamine oxidase inhibitors>, <sulfonylureas, effect, beta adrenergic blocking agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
A potential interaction between oral miconazole and oral hypoglycemic agents leading to severe hypoglycemia has been reported.
<miconazole, int, hypoglycemic agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The effect of concomitant administration of fluconazole and glipizide has been demonstrated in a placebo-controlled crossover study in normal volunteers.
<fluconazole, int, glipizide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The mean percentage increase in the glipizide AUC after fluconazole administration was 56.9% (range: 35 to 81).
<glipizide, mechanism, fluconazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Interactions may occur with the following: adrenocorticoids (cortisone-like medicine), anticoagulants (blood thinners), carbamazepine, corticotropin (barbiturates may decrease the effects of these medicines), central nervous system (CNS) depressants (using these medicines with barbiturates may result in increased CNS depressant effects), divalproex sodium, valproic acid (using these medicines with barbiturates may change the amount of either medicine that you need to take), and oral contraceptives containing estrogens (barbiturates may decrease the effectiveness of these oral contraceptives, and you may need to change to a different type of birth control).
<barbiturates, effect, contraceptives>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
ACE-inhibitors Reports suggest that NSAIDs may diminish the antihypertensive effect of ACE-inhibitors.
<NSAIDs, effect, ACE-inhibitors>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
This interaction should be given consideration in patients taking NSAIDs concomitantly with ACE-inhibitors.
<NSAIDs, advise, ACE-inhibitors>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Aspirin: When Lodine is administered with aspirin, its protein binding is reduced, although the clearance of free etodolac is not altered.
<Lodine, mechanism, aspirin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
however, as with other NSAIDs, concomitant administration of Lodine and aspirin is not generally recommended because of the potential of increased adverse effects.
<Lodine, advise, aspirin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cyclosporine, Digoxin, Methotrexate Lodine, like other NSAIDs, through effects on renal prostaglandins, may cause changes in the elimination of these drugs leading to elevated serum levels of cyclosporine, digoxin, methotrexate, and increased toxicity.
<Lodine, mechanism, cyclosporine>, <Lodine, mechanism, digoxin>, <Lodine, mechanism, methotrexate>, <NSAIDs, mechanism, cyclosporine>, <NSAIDs, mechanism, digoxin>, <NSAIDs, mechanism, methotrexate>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Nevertheless, clinical studies, as well as postmarketing observations have shown that Lodine can reduce the natriuretic effect of furosemide and thiazides in some patients.
<Lodine, effect, furosemide>, <Lodine, effect, thiazides>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Lithium: NSAIDs have produced an elevation of plasma lithium levels and a reduction in renal lithium clearance.
<NSAIDs, mechanism, lithium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Thus, when NSAIDs and lithium are administered concurrently, subjects should be observed carefully for signs of lithium toxicity.
<NSAIDs, effect, lithium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Phenylbutazone: Phenylbutazone causes increase (by about 80%) in the free fraction of etodolac.
<Phenylbutazone, mechanism, etodolac>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Although in vivo studies have not been done to see if etodolac clearance is changed by coadministration of phenylbutazone, it is not recommended that they be coadministered.
<etodolac, advise, phenylbutazone>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Warfarin: The effects of warfarin and NSAIDs on GI bleeding are synergistic, such that users of both drugs together have a risk of serious GI bleeding higher than that of users of either drug alone.
<warfarin, effect, NSAIDs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Short-term pharmacokinetic studies have demonstrated that concomitant administration of warfarin and Lodine (etodolac capsules and tablets) results in reduced protein binding of warfarin, but there was no change in the clearance of free warfarin.
<warfarin, mechanism, Lodine>, <warfarin, mechanism, etodolac>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
However, caution should be exercised because there have been a few spontaneous reports of prolonged prothrombin times, with or without bleeding, in etodolac-treated patients receiving concomitant warfarin therapy.
<etodolac, effect, warfarin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In patients given very high doses (3900 mg) of aspirin daily, increases in serum salicylate levels were seen when nizatidine, 150 mg b.i.d., was administered concurrently.
<aspirin, mechanism, nizatidine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
If additional adrenergic drugs are to be administered by any route, they should be used with caution because the pharmacologically predictable sympathetic effects of BROVANA may be potentiated.
<adrenergic drugs, advise, BROVANA>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant treatment with methylxanthines (aminophylline, theophylline), steroids, or diuretics may potentiate any hypokalemic effect of adrenergic agonists.
<methylxanthines, effect, adrenergic agonists>, <aminophylline, effect, adrenergic agonists>, <theophylline, effect, adrenergic agonists>, <steroids, effect, adrenergic agonists>, <diuretics, effect, adrenergic agonists>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The ECG changes and/or hypokalemia that may result from the administration of non-potassium sparing diuretics (such as loop or thiazide diuretics) can be acutely worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded.
<non-potassium sparing diuretics, effect, beta-agonists>, <loop diuretics, effect, beta-agonists>, <thiazide diuretics, effect, beta-agonists>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Although the clinical significance of these effects is not known, caution is advised in the co-administration of beta-agonists with non-potassium sparing diuretics.
<beta-agonists, advise, non-potassium sparing diuretics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
BROVANA, as with other beta2-agonists, should be administered with extreme caution to patients being treated with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, or drugs known to prolong the QTc interval because the action of adrenergic agonists on the cardiovascular system may be potentiated by these agents.
<BROVANA, advise, monoamine oxidase inhibitors>, <BROVANA, advise, tricyclic antidepressants>, <beta2-agonists, advise, monoamine oxidase inhibitors>, <beta2-agonists, advise, tricyclic antidepressants>, <monoamine oxidase inhibitors, effect, adrenergic agonists>, <tricyclic antidepressants, effect, adrenergic agonists>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists (beta-blockers) and BROVANA may interfere with the effect of each other when administered concurrently.
<Beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists, effect, BROVANA>, <beta-blockers, effect, BROVANA>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Beta-blockers not only block the therapeutic effects of beta-agonists, but may produce severe bronchospasm in COPD patients.
<Beta-blockers, effect, beta-agonists>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Additive CNS depression may occur when antihistamines are administered concomitantly with other CNS depressants including barbiturates, tranquilizers, and alcohol.
<antihistamines, effect, CNS depressants>, <antihistamines, effect, barbiturates>, <antihistamines, effect, tranquilizers>, <antihistamines, effect, alcohol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Patients receiving antihistamines should be advised against the concurrent use of other CNS depressant drugs.
<antihistamines, advise, CNS depressant drugs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors prolong and intensify the anticholinergic effects of antihistamines.
<Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, effect, antihistamines>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Administration of doxapram to patients who are receiving sympathomimetic or monoamine oxidase inhibiting drugs may result in an additive pressor effect .
<doxapram, effect, sympathomimetic>, <doxapram, effect, monoamine oxidase inhibiting drugs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In patients who have received muscle relaxants, doxapram may temporarily mask the residual effects of muscle relaxant drugs.
<doxapram, effect, muscle relaxant drugs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The effects of ERGOMAR may be potentiated by triacetyloleandomycin which inhibits the metabolism of ergotamine.
<ERGOMAR, mechanism, triacetyloleandomycin>, <triacetyloleandomycin, mechanism, ergotamine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The pressor effects of ERGOMAR and other vasoconstrictor drugs can combine to cause dangerous hypertension.
<ERGOMAR, effect, vasoconstrictor drugs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Synergism between xanthine bronchodilators (e.g., theophylline), ephedrine, and other sympathomimetic bronchodilators has been reported.
<xanthine bronchodilators, effect, sympathomimetic bronchodilators>, <theophylline, effect, sympathomimetic bronchodilators>, <ephedrine, effect, sympathomimetic bronchodilators>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concurrent administration of dyphylline and probenecid, which competes for tubular secretion, has been shown to increase the plasma half-life of dyphylline .
<dyphylline, mechanism, probenecid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
However, in patients treated with oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, rare instances of drug interactions have occurred with high-dose salicylate therapy.
<carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, int, salicylate>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Effect of AEDs in Pediatric Patients There was about a 22% increase of apparent total body clearance of levetiracetam when it was co-administered with enzyme-inducing AEDs.
<levetiracetam, mechanism, AEDs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
When ertapenem is co-administered with probenecid (500 mg p.o. every 6 hours), probenecid competes for active tubular secretion and reduces the renal clearance of ertapenem.
<probenecid, mechanism, ertapenem>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Based on total ertapenem concentrations, probenecid increased the AUC by 25% and reduced the plasma and renal clearances by 20% and 35%, respectively.
<ertapenem, mechanism, probenecid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Because of the small effect on half-life, the coadministration with probenecid to extend the half-life of ertapenem is not recommended.
<probenecid, advise, ertapenem>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Using calcium acetate with digitalis glycosides (heart medicine) may cause hypercalcemia (too much calcium in the blood), which could increase the chance of developing an irregular heartbeat.
<calcium acetate, effect, digitalis glycosides>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
On the basis of the metabolism of bexarotene by cytochrome P450 3A4, ketoconazole, itraconazole, erythromycin, gemfibrozil, grapefruit juice, and other inhibitors of cytochrome P450 3A4 would be expected to lead to an increase in plasma bexarotene concentrations.
<ketoconazole, mechanism, bexarotene>, <itraconazole, mechanism, bexarotene>, <erythromycin, mechanism, bexarotene>, <gemfibrozil, mechanism, bexarotene>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Furthermore, rifampin, phenytoin, phenobarbital, and other inducers of cytochrome P450 3A4 may cause a reduction in plasma bexarotene concentrations.
<rifampin, mechanism, bexarotene>, <phenytoin, mechanism, bexarotene>, <phenobarbital, mechanism, bexarotene>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant administration of Targretin capsules and gemfibrozil resulted in substantial increases in plasma concentrations of bexarotene, probably at least partially related to cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibition by gemfibrozil.
<Targretin, mechanism, gemfibrozil>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant administration of gemfibrozil with Targretin capsules is not recommended.
<gemfibrozil, advise, Targretin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
If phenytoin or other hepatic enzyme inducers are taken concurrently with Norpace or Norpace CR, lower plasma levels of disopyramide may occur.
<phenytoin, mechanism, Norpace>, <phenytoin, mechanism, Norpace CR>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant administration of Norpace and quinidine resulted in slight increases in plasma disopyramide levels and slight decreases in plasma quinidine levels.
<Norpace, mechanism, quinidine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Patients taking disopyramide phosphate and erythromycin concomitantly may develop increased serum concentrations of disopyramide resulting in excessive widening of the QRS complex and/or prolongation of the Q-T interval.
<disopyramide phosphate, mechanism, erythromycin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Until data on possible interactions between verapamil and disopyramide phosphate are obtained, disopyramide should not be administered within 48 hours before or 24 hours after verapamil administration.
<disopyramide, advise, verapamil>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Taking amyl nitrite after drinking alcohol may worsen side effects and may cause severe hypotension and cardiovascular collapse.
<amyl nitrite, effect, alcohol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
5HT3 Antagonists: Based on reports of profound hypotension and loss of consciousness when apomorphine was administered with ondansetron, the concomitant use of apomorphine with drugs of the 5HT3 antagonist class (including, for example, ondansetron, granisetron, dolasetron, palonosetron, and alosetron) is contraindicated .
<apomorphine, effect, ondansetron>, <apomorphine, advise, 5HT3 antagonist class>, <apomorphine, advise, ondansetron>, <apomorphine, advise, granisetron>, <apomorphine, advise, dolasetron>, <apomorphine, advise, palonosetron>, <apomorphine, advise, alosetron>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Antihypertensive Medications and Vasodilators: The following adverse events were experienced more commonly in patients receiving concomitant antihypertensive medications or vasodilators (n = 94) compared to patients not receiving these concomitant drugs (n = 456): hypotension 10% vs 4%, myocardial infarction 3% vs 1%, serious pneumonia 5% vs 3%, serious falls 9% vs 3%, and bone and joint injuries 6% vs 2%.
<antihypertensive medications, effect, vasodilators>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Dopamine Antagonists: Since apomorphine is a dopamine agonist, it is possible that dopamine antagonists, such as the neuroleptics (phenothiazines, butyrophenones, thioxanthenes) or metoclopramide, may diminish the effectiveness of APOKYN.
<dopamine antagonists, effect, metoclopramide>, <phenothiazines, effect, APOKYN>, <butyrophenones, effect, APOKYN>, <thioxanthenes, effect, APOKYN>, <metoclopramide, effect, APOKYN>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Patients with major psychotic disorders, treated with neuroleptics, should be treated with dopamine agonists only if the potential benefits outweigh the risks.
<neuroleptics, advise, dopamine agonists>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The administration of local anesthetic solutions containing epinephrine or norepinephrine to patients receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants may produce severe, prolonged hypertension.
<epinephrine, effect, monoamine oxidase inhibitors>, <epinephrine, effect, tricyclic antidepressants>, <norepinephrine, effect, monoamine oxidase inhibitors>, <norepinephrine, effect, tricyclic antidepressants>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Phenothiazines and butyrophenones may reduce or reverse the pressor effect of epinephrine.
<Phenothiazines, effect, epinephrine>, <butyrophenones, effect, epinephrine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Drug-Drug Interactions Given the primary CNS effects of aripiprazole, caution should be used when ABILIFY is taken in combination with other centrally acting drugs and alcohol.
<ABILIFY, advise, centrally acting drugs>, <ABILIFY, advise, alcohol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
1- adrenergic receptor antagonism, aripiprazole has the potential to enhance the effect of certain antihypertensive agents.
<aripiprazole, effect, antihypertensive agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Agents that induce CYP3A4 (eg, carbamazepine) could cause an increase in aripiprazole clearance and lower blood levels.
<carbamazepine, mechanism, aripiprazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Inhibitors of CYP3A4 (eg, ketoconazole) or CYP2D6 (eg, quinidine, fluoxetine, or paroxetine) can inhibit aripiprazole elimination and cause increased blood levels.
<ketoconazole, mechanism, aripiprazole>, <quinidine, mechanism, aripiprazole>, <fluoxetine, mechanism, aripiprazole>, <paroxetine, mechanism, aripiprazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Ketoconazole: Coadministration of ketoconazole (200 mg/day for 14 days) with a 15-mg single dose of aripiprazole increased the AUC of aripiprazole and its active metabolite by 63% and 77%, respectively.
<ketoconazole, mechanism, aripiprazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
When concomitant administration of ketoconazole with aripiprazole occurs, aripiprazole dose should be reduced to one-half of its normal dose.
<ketoconazole, advise, aripiprazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Quinidine: Coadministration of a 10-mg single dose of aripiprazole with quinidine (166 mg/day for 13 days), a potent inhibitor of CYP2D6, increased the AUC of aripiprazole by 112% but decreased the AUC of its active metabolite, dehydroaripiprazole, by 35%.
<aripiprazole, mechanism, quinidine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Aripiprazole dose should be reduced to one-half of its normal dose when concomitant administration of quinidine with aripiprazole occurs.
<quinidine, advise, aripiprazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Carbamazepine: Coadministration of carbamazepine (200 mg BID), a potent CYP3A4 inducer, with aripiprazole (30 mg QD) resulted in an approximate 70% decrease in Cmax and AUC values of both aripiprazole and its active metabolite, dehydro-aripiprazole.
<carbamazepine, mechanism, aripiprazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
When carbamazepine is added to aripiprazole therapy, aripiprazole dose should be doubled.
<carbamazepine, advise, aripiprazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
When carbamazepine is withdrawn from the combination therapy, aripiprazole dose should then be reduced.
<carbamazepine, advise, aripiprazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
As with most psychoactive medications, patients should be advised to avoid alcohol while taking ABILIFY
<alcohol, advise, ABILIFY>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Dexbrompheniramine can interact with alcohol or other CNS depressants (may potentiate the CNS depressant effects of either these medications or antihistamines), anticholinergics or other medications with anticholinergic activity (anticholinergic effects may be potentiated when these medications are used concurrently with antihistamines), and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (concurrent use with antihistamines may prolong and intensify the anticholinergic and CNS depressant effects of antihistamines).
<Dexbrompheniramine, effect, alcohol>, <Dexbrompheniramine, effect, CNS depressants>, <Dexbrompheniramine, effect, anticholinergics>, <Dexbrompheniramine, effect, monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cholestyramine-Concomitant intake of cholestyramine and vitamin K may reduce the absorption of vitamin K.
<cholestyramine, mechanism, vitamin K>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Colestipol-Concomitant intake of colestipol and vitamin K may reduce the absorption of vitamin K.
<colestipol, mechanism, vitamin K>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Mineral Oil-Concomitant intake of mineral oil and vitamin K may reduce the absorption of vitamin K.
<mineral oil, mechanism, vitamin K>