1 value
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant administration of erythromycin and digoxin has been reported to result in elevated digoxin serum levels.
<erythromycin, mechanism, digoxin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
There have been reports of increased anticoagulant effects when erythromycin and oral anticoagulants were used concomitantly.
<erythromycin, effect, anticoagulants>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concurrent use of erythromycin and ergotamine or dihydroergotamine has been associated in some patients with acute ergot toxicity characterized by severe peripheral vasospasm and dysesthesia.
<erythromycin, effect, ergotamine>, <erythromycin, effect, dihydroergotamine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Erythromycin has been reported to decrease the clearance of triazolam and midazolam and thus may increase the pharmacologic effect of these benzodiazepines.
<Erythromycin, mechanism, triazolam>, <Erythromycin, mechanism, midazolam>, <Erythromycin, effect, benzodiazepines>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
There have been reports of interactions of erythromycin with carbamazepine, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, hexobarbital, phenytoin, alfentanil, cisapride, disopyramide, lovastatin, bromocriptine, valproate, terfenadine, and astemizole.
<erythromycin, int, carbamazepine>, <erythromycin, int, cyclosporine>, <erythromycin, int, tacrolimus>, <erythromycin, int, hexobarbital>, <erythromycin, int, phenytoin>, <erythromycin, int, alfentanil>, <erythromycin, int, cisapride>, <erythromycin, int, disopyramide>, <erythromycin, int, lovastatin>, <erythromycin, int, bromocriptine>, <erythromycin, int, valproate>, <erythromycin, int, terfenadine>, <erythromycin, int, astemizole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Erythromycin has been reported to significantly alter the metabolism of nonsedating antihistamines terfenadine and astemizole when taken concomitantly.
<Erythromycin, mechanism, terfenadine>, <Erythromycin, mechanism, astemizole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In addition, deaths have been reported rarely with concomitant administration of terfenadine and erythromycin.
<terfenadine, effect, erythromycin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
There have been postmarketing reports of drug interactions when erythromycin is coadministered with cisapride, resulting in QT prolongation, cardiac arrythmias, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrulation, and torsades de pointes, most like due to inhibition of hepatic metabolism of cisapride by erythromycin.
<erythromycin, effect, cisapride>, <cisapride, mechanism, erythromycin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Patients receiving concomitant lovastatin and erythromycin should be carefully monitored;
<lovastatin, advise, erythromycin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Because the tetracyclines have been shown to depress plasma prothrombin activity, patients who are on anticoagulant therapy may require downward adjustment of their anticoagulant dosage.
<tetracyclines, advise, anticoagulant>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Since bacteriostatic drugs, such as the tetracycline class of antibiotics, may interfere with the bactericidal action of penicillins, it is not advisable to administer these drugs concomitantly.
<tetracycline class, effect, penicillins>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concurrent use of tetracyclines with oral contraceptives may render oral contraceptives less effective.
<tetracyclines, effect, contraceptives>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Increases in prothrombin time have been noted in patients receiving long- term warfarin therapy after flutamide was initiated.
<warfarin, effect, flutamide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore, close monitoring of prothrombin time is recommended and adjustment of the anticoagulant dose may be necessary when EULEXIN Capsules are administered concomitantly with warfarin.
<EULEXIN, advise, warfarin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
in one man, the C max of terfenadine was 8.1 ng/mL with terfenadine alone and 7.2 ng/mL with terfenadine plus dirithromycin.
<terfenadine, mechanism, dirithromycin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The mean QT c interval (msec) was 369 with terfenadine alone and 367 with terfenadine plus dirithromycin.
<terfenadine, effect, dirithromycin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Thus, the interaction observed between erythromycin and terfenadine is not expected for dirithromycin.
<erythromycin, int, terfenadine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Serious cardiac dysrhythmias, some resulting in death, have occurred in patients receiving terfenadine concomitantly with other macrolide antibiotics.
<terfenadine, effect, macrolide antibiotics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In addition, most macrolides are contraindicated in patients receiving terfenadine therapy who have pre-existing cardiac abnormalities (arrhythmia, bradycardia, QT c interval prolongation, ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, etc.) or electrolyte disturbances.
<macrolides, advise, terfenadine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Antacids or H 2 receptor antagonists: When dirithromycin is administered immediately following antacids or H 2 -receptor antagonists, the absorption of dirithromycin is slightly enhanced.
<dirithromycin, mechanism, antacids>, <dirithromycin, mechanism, H 2 -receptor antagonists>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Triazolam: Erythromycin has been reported to decrease the clearance of triazolam and, thus, may increase the pharmacologic effect of triazolam.
<Erythromycin, mechanism, triazolam>, <Erythromycin, effect, triazolam>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Digoxin: Concomitant administration of erythromycin and digoxin has been reported to result in elevated digoxin serum levels.
<erythromycin, mechanism, digoxin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Anticoagulants: There have been reports of increased anticoagulant effects when erythromycin and oral anticoagulants were used concomitantly.
<erythromycin, effect, anticoagulants>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Ergotamine: Concurrent use of erythromycin and ergotamine or dihydroergotamine has been associated in some patients with acute ergot toxicity characterized by severe peripheral vasospasm and dysesthesia.
<erythromycin, effect, ergotamine>, <erythromycin, effect, dihydroergotamine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Other drugs Drug interactions have been reported with concomitant administration of erythromycin and other medications, including cyclosporine, hexobarbital, carbamazepine, alfentanil, disopyramide, phenytoin, bromocriptine, valproate, astemizole, and lovastatin.
<erythromycin, int, cyclosporine>, <erythromycin, int, hexobarbital>, <erythromycin, int, carbamazepine>, <erythromycin, int, alfentanil>, <erythromycin, int, disopyramide>, <erythromycin, int, phenytoin>, <erythromycin, int, bromocriptine>, <erythromycin, int, valproate>, <erythromycin, int, astemizole>, <erythromycin, int, lovastatin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The safety and efficacy of concomitant use of REVIA and disulfiram is unknown, and the concomitant use of two potentially hepatotoxic medications is not ordinarily recommended unless the probable benefits outweigh the known risks.
<REVIA, effect, disulfiram>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Lethargy and somnolence have been reported following doses of REVIA and thioridazine.
<REVIA, effect, thioridazine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Patients taking REVIA may not benefit from opioid containing medicines, such as cough and cold preparations, antidiarrheal preparations, and opioid analgesics.
<REVIA, effect, opioid>, <REVIA, effect, opioid analgesics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In an emergency situation when opioid analgesia must be administered to a patient receiving REVIA, the amount of opioid required may be greater than usual, and the resulting respiratory depression may be deeper and more prolonged.
<REVIA, effect, opioid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cholestyramine and colestipol resins: Absorption of hydrochlorothiazide is impaired in the presence of anionic exchange resins.
<hydrochlorothiazide, mechanism, anionic exchange resins>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Single doses of either cholestyramine or colestipol resins bind the hydrochlorothiazide and reduce its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract by up to 85 and 43 percent, respectively.
<cholestyramine, mechanism, hydrochlorothiazide>, <colestipol, mechanism, hydrochlorothiazide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Lithium: generally should not be given with diuretics.
<Lithium, advise, diuretics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Diuretic agents reduce the renal clearance of lithium and add a high risk of lithium toxicity.
<Diuretic agents, mechanism, lithium>, <Diuretic agents, effect, lithium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Refer to the package insert for lithium preparations before use of such preparations with Hydrochlorothiazide.
<lithium, advise, Hydrochlorothiazide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs: In some patients, the administration of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent can reduce the diuretic, natriuretic, and antihypertensive effects of loop, potassium-sparing and thiazide diuretics.
<non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, effect, loop diuretics>, <non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, effect, potassium-sparing diuretics>, <non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, effect, thiazide diuretics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore, when Hydrochlorothiazide and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents are used concomitantly, the patient should be observed closely to determine if the desired effect of the diuretic is obtained.
<Hydrochlorothiazide, advise, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Increased nephrotoxicity has been reported following concomitant administration of cephalosporins and aminoglycoside antibiotics.
<cephalosporins, effect, aminoglycoside antibiotics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Patients who are applying Panretin gel should not concurrently use products that contain DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide), a common component of insect repellent products.
<Panretin, advise, DEET>, <Panretin, advise, N-diethyl-m-toluamide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Sulfacetamide preparations are incompatible with silver preparations.
<Sulfacetamide, int, silver>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
However, iloprost has the potential to increase the hypotensive effect of vasodilators and antihypertensive agents.
<iloprost, effect, vasodilators>, <iloprost, effect, antihypertensive agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Since iloprost inhibits platelet function, there is a potential for increased risk of bleeding, particularly in patients maintained on anticoagulants.
<iloprost, effect, anticoagulants>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
RAPTIVA should not be used with other immunosuppressive drugs.
<RAPTIVA, advise, immunosuppressive drugs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Acellular, live and live-attenuated vaccines should not be administered during RAPTIVA treatment.
<Acellular vaccines, advise, RAPTIVA>, <live vaccines, advise, RAPTIVA>, <live-attenuated vaccines, advise, RAPTIVA>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Mineral oil interferes with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin D preparations.
<Mineral oil, mechanism, fat-soluble vitamins>, <Mineral oil, mechanism, vitamin D preparations>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Administration of thiazide diuretics to hypoparathyroid patients who are concurrently being treated with ergocalciferol may cause hypercalcemia.
<thiazide diuretics, effect, ergocalciferol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Netilmicin should not be administered concomitantly with potent loop diuretics such as furosemide and ethacrynic acid as the potential for ototoxicity is enhanced by the combination.
<Netilmicin, advise, loop diuretics>, <Netilmicin, advise, furosemide>, <Netilmicin, advise, ethacrynic acid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Bentiromide may interact with acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol), chloramphenicol (e.g., Chloromycetin), local anesthetics (e.g., benzocaine and lidocaine), para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA)-containing preparations (e.g., sunscreens and some multivitamins), procainamide (e.g., Pronestyl), sulfonamides (sulfa medicines), thiazide diuretics (use of these medicines during the test period will affect the test results), and pancreatic supplements (use of pancreatic supplements may give false test results).
<Bentiromide, int, acetaminophen>, <Bentiromide, int, Tylenol>, <Bentiromide, int, chloramphenicol>, <Bentiromide, int, Chloromycetin>, <Bentiromide, int, anesthetics>, <Bentiromide, int, benzocaine>, <Bentiromide, int, lidocaine>, <Bentiromide, int, para-aminobenzoic acid>, <Bentiromide, int, PABA>, <Bentiromide, int, multivitamins>, <Bentiromide, int, procainamide>, <Bentiromide, int, Pronestyl>, <Bentiromide, int, sulfonamides>, <Bentiromide, int, thiazide diuretics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
When amiloride HCl is administered concomitantly with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, the risk of hyperkalemia may be increased.
<amiloride, effect, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Lithium generally should not be given with diuretics because they reduce its renal clearance and add a high risk of lithium toxicity.
<Lithium, advise, diuretics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In some patients, the administration of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent can reduce the diuretic, natriuretic, and antihypertensive effects of loop, potassium-sparing and thiazide diuretics.
<non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, effect, loop diuretics>, <non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, effect, potassium-sparing diuretics>, <non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, effect, thiazide diuretics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore, when MIDAMOR and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents are used concomitantly, the patient should be observed closely to determine if the desired effect of the diuretic is obtained.
<MIDAMOR, advise, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Since indomethacin and potassium-sparing diuretics, including MIDAMOR, may each be associated with increased serum potassium levels, the potential effects on potassium kinetics and renal function should be considered when these agents are administered concurrently.
<indomethacin, effect, potassium-sparing diuretics>, <indomethacin, effect, MIDAMOR>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
- Drugs with ototoxic potential: Especially in the presence of impaired renal function, the use of parenterally administered bumetanide in patients to whom aminoglycoside antibiotics are also being given should be avoided, except in life-threatening conditions.
<bumetanide, advise, aminoglycoside antibiotics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
- Lithium: Lithium should generally not be given with diuretics (such as bumetanide) because they reduce its renal clearance and add a high risk of lithium toxicity.
<Lithium, advise, diuretics>, <Lithium, advise, bumetanide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
- Probenecid: Pretreatment with probenecid reduces both the natriuresis and hyperreninemia produced by bumetanide.
<probenecid, effect, bumetanide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
This antagonistic effect of probenecid on bumetanide natriuresis is not due to a direct action on sodium excretion but is probably secondary to its inhibitory effect on renal tubular secretion of bumetanide.
<probenecid, mechanism, bumetanide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Thus, probenecid should not be administered concurrently with bumetanide.
<probenecid, advise, bumetanide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
- Indomethacin: Indomethacin blunts the increases in urine volume and sodium excretion seen during bumetanide treatment and inhibits the bumetanide-induced increase in plasma renin activity.
<Indomethacin, mechanism, bumetanide>, <Indomethacin, effect, bumetanide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
- Antihypertensives: Bumetanide may potentiate the effect of various antihypertensive drugs, necessitating a reduction in the dosage of these drugs.
<Bumetanide, effect, antihypertensive drugs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The hypoglycemic action of sulfonylureas may be potentiated by certain drugs including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and other drugs that are highly protein bound, salicylates, sulfonamides, chloramphenicol, probenecid, coumarins, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and beta adrenergic blocking agents.
<sulfonylureas, effect, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents>, <sulfonylureas, effect, salicylates>, <sulfonylureas, effect, sulfonamides>, <sulfonylureas, effect, chloramphenicol>, <sulfonylureas, effect, probenecid>, <sulfonylureas, effect, coumarins>, <sulfonylureas, effect, monoamine oxidase inhibitors>, <sulfonylureas, effect, beta adrenergic blocking agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
A possible interaction between glyburide and ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, has been reported, resulting in a potentiation of the hypoglycemic action of glyburide.
<glyburide, int, ciprofloxacin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
A potential interaction between oral miconazole and oral hypoglycemic agents leading to severe hypoglycemia has been reported.
<miconazole, effect, hypoglycemic agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Although clinical studies have not established a cause and effect relationship, physicians should be aware that variable effects an blood coagulation have been reported very rarely in patients receiving oral anticoagulants and chlordiazepoxide.
<anticoagulants, effect, chlordiazepoxide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Azlocillin should not be administered concomitantly with amikacin, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, netilmicin, or tobramycin.
<Azlocillin, advise, amikacin>, <Azlocillin, advise, ciprofloxacin>, <Azlocillin, advise, gentamicin>, <Azlocillin, advise, netilmicin>, <Azlocillin, advise, tobramycin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
ZEBETA should not be combined with other beta-blocking agents.
<ZEBETA, advise, beta-blocking agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Patients receiving catecholamine-depleting drugs, such as reserpine or guanethidine, should be closely monitored, because the added beta-adrenergic blocking action of ZEBETA may produce excessive reduction of sympathetic activity.
<reserpine, effect, ZEBETA>, <guanethidine, effect, ZEBETA>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In patients receiving concurrent therapy with clonidine, if therapy is to be discontinued, it is suggested that ZEBETA be discontinued for several days before the withdrawal of clonidine.
<ZEBETA, advise, clonidine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
ZEBETA should be used with care when myocardial depressants or inhibitors of AV conduction, such as certain calcium antagonists (particularly of the phenylalkylamine [verapamil] and benzothiazepine [diltiazem] classes), or antiarrhythmic agents, such as disopyramide, are used concurrently.
<ZEBETA, advise, myocardial depressants>, <ZEBETA, advise, calcium antagonists>, <ZEBETA, advise, phenylalkylamine>, <ZEBETA, advise, verapamil>, <ZEBETA, advise, benzothiazepine>, <ZEBETA, advise, diltiazem>, <ZEBETA, advise, antiarrhythmic agents>, <ZEBETA, advise, disopyramide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concurrent use of rifampin increases the metabolic clearance of ZEBETA, resulting in a shortened elimination half-life of ZEBETA.
<rifampin, mechanism, ZEBETA>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Medications can interfere with folate utilization, including: anticonvulsant medications (such as phenytoin, and primidone) metformin (sometimes prescribed to control blood sugar in type 2 diabetes) sulfasalazine (used to control inflammation associated with Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis) triamterene (a diuretic) Methotrexate There has been concern about the interaction between vitamin B12 and folic acid.
<vitamin B12, int, folic acid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Antacids containing magnesium trisilicate, when administered concomitantly with nitrofurantoin, reduce both the rate and extent of absorption.
<magnesium trisilicate, mechanism, nitrofurantoin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The mechanism for this interaction probably is adsorption of nitrofurantoin onto the surface of magnesium trisilicate.
<nitrofurantoin, mechanism, magnesium trisilicate>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Uricosuric drugs, such as probenecid and sulfinpyrazone, can inhibit renal tubular secretion of nitrofurantoin.
<Uricosuric drugs, mechanism, nitrofurantoin>, <probenecid, mechanism, nitrofurantoin>, <sulfinpyrazone, mechanism, nitrofurantoin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concurrent administration of drugs possessing nephrotoxic (e.g., aminoglycosides, indomethacin), myelotoxic (e.g., cytotoxic chemotherapy), cardiotoxic (e.g., doxorubicin) or hepatotoxic (e.g., methotrexate, asparaginase) effects with PROLEUKIN may increase toxicity in these organ systems.
<aminoglycosides, effect, PROLEUKIN>, <indomethacin, effect, PROLEUKIN>, <cytotoxic, effect, PROLEUKIN>, <doxorubicin, effect, PROLEUKIN>, <methotrexate, effect, PROLEUKIN>, <asparaginase, effect, PROLEUKIN>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Hypersensitivity reactions have been reported in patients receiving combination regimens containing sequential high dose PROLEUKIN and antineoplastic agents, specifically, dacarbazine, cis-platinum, tamoxifen and interferon-alfa.
<PROLEUKIN, effect, antineoplastic agents>, <PROLEUKIN, effect, dacarbazine>, <PROLEUKIN, effect, cis-platinum>, <PROLEUKIN, effect, tamoxifen>, <PROLEUKIN, effect, interferon-alfa>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Myocardial injury, including myocardial infarction, myocarditis, ventricular hypokinesia, and severe rhabdomyolysis appear to be increased in patients receiving PROLEUKIN and interferon-alfa concurrently.
<PROLEUKIN, effect, interferon-alfa>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Exacerbation or the initial presentation of a number of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders has been observed following concurrent use of interferon-alfa and PROLEUKIN, including crescentic IgA glomerulonephritis, oculo-bulbar myasthenia gravis, inflammatory arthritis, thyroiditis, bullous pemphigoid, and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
<interferon-alfa, effect, PROLEUKIN>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Although glucocorticoids have been shown to reduce PROLEUKIN-induced side effects including fever, renal insufficiency, hyperbilirubinemia, confusion, and dyspnea, concomitant administration of these agents with PROLEUKIN may reduce the antitumor effectiveness of PROLEUKIN and thus should be avoided. 12 Beta-blockers and other antihypertensives may potentiate the hypotension seen with PROLEUKIN.
<glucocorticoids, effect, PROLEUKIN>, <Beta-blockers, effect, PROLEUKIN>, <antihypertensives, effect, PROLEUKIN>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Delayed Adverse Reactions to Iodinated Contrast Media: A review of the literature revealed that 12.6% (range 11-28%) of 501 patients treated with various interleukin-2 containing regimens who were subsequently administered radiographic iodinated contrast media experienced acute, atypical adverse reactions.
<interleukin-2, effect, radiographic iodinated contrast media>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cevimeline should be administered with caution to patients taking beta adrenergic antagonists, because of the possibility of conduction disturbances.
<Cevimeline, advise, beta adrenergic antagonists>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Aminosalicylic acid may decrease the amount of digoxin (Lanoxin, Lanoxicaps) that gets absorbed into your body.
<Aminosalicylic acid, mechanism, digoxin>, <Aminosalicylic acid, mechanism, Lanoxin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In the case that you are taking digoxin while taking aminosalicylic acid, higher doses of digoxin may be needed.
<digoxin, advise, aminosalicylic acid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Aminosalicylic acid may also decrease the absorption of vitamin B12, which can lead to a deficiency.
<Aminosalicylic acid, mechanism, vitamin B12>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore you may need to take a vitamin B12 supplement while taking aminosalicylic acid.
<vitamin B12, advise, aminosalicylic acid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
PROSTIN E2 may augment the activity of other oxytocic drugs.
<PROSTIN E2, effect, oxytocic drugs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Interactions for vitamin D analogues (Vitamin D2, Vitamin D3, Calcitriol, and Calcidiol): Cholestyramine: Cholestyramine has been reported to reduce intestinal absorption of fat soluble vitamins;
<Cholestyramine, mechanism, fat soluble vitamins>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Phenytoin/Phenobarbital: The coadministration of phenytoin or phenobarbital will not affect plasma concentrations of vitamin D, but may reduce endogenous plasma levels of calcitriol/ergocalcitriol by accelerating metabolism.
<phenytoin, mechanism, calcitriol>, <phenobarbital, mechanism, calcitriol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Some reports have shown that the concomitant administration of thiazides with vitamin D causes hypercalcemia.
<thiazides, effect, vitamin D>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Digitalis: Vitamin D dosage must be determined with care in patients undergoing treatment with digitalis, as hypercalcemia in such patients may precipitate cardiac arrhythmias.
<Vitamin D, advise, digitalis>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Ketoconazole: Ketoconazole may inhibit both synthetic and catabolic enzymes of vitamin D.
<Ketoconazole, mechanism, vitamin D>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Corticosteroids: A relationship of functional antagonism exists between vitamin D analogues, which promote calcium absorption, and corticosteroids, which inhibit calcium absorption.
<vitamin D analogues, mechanism, corticosteroids>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Magnesium: Magnesium-containing preparations (eg, antacids) may cause hypermagnesemia and should therefore not be taken during therapy with vitamin D by patients on chronic renal dialysis.
<Magnesium, advise, vitamin D>, <antacids, advise, vitamin D>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
May interact with the following: cholestyramine, colestipol (use with thiazide diuretics may prevent the diuretic from working properly;
<cholestyramine, effect, thiazide diuretics>, <colestipol, effect, thiazide diuretics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Other CNS depressant drugs (e.g. barbiturates, tranquilizers, opioids and general anesthetics) have additive or potentiating effects with INAPSINE.
<CNS depressant drugs, effect, INAPSINE>, <barbiturates, effect, INAPSINE>, <tranquilizers, effect, INAPSINE>, <opioids, effect, INAPSINE>, <anesthetics, effect, INAPSINE>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Following the administration of INAPSINE, the dose of other CNS depressant drugs should be reduced.
<INAPSINE, advise, CNS depressant drugs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Isoproterenol hydrochloride injection and epinephrine should not be administered simultaneously because both drugs are direct cardiac stimulants and their combined effects may induce serious arrhythmias.
<Isoproterenol hydrochloride, advise, epinephrine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
ISUPREL should be used with caution, if at all, when potent inhalational anesthetics such as halothane are employed because of potential to sensitize the myocardium to effects of sympathomimetic amines.
<ISUPREL, advise, anesthetics>, <ISUPREL, advise, halothane>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The effectiveness of progestin-only pills is reduced by hepatic enzyme-inducing drugs such as the anticonvulsants phenytoin, carbamazepine, and barbiturates, and the antituberculosis drug rifampin.
<progestin, effect, phenytoin>, <progestin, effect, carbamazepine>, <progestin, effect, barbiturates>, <progestin, effect, rifampin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant administration of FACTIVE and calcium carbonate, cimetidine, omeprazole, or an estrogen/progesterone oral contraceptive produced minor changes in the pharmacokinetics of gemifloxacin, which were considered to be without clinical significance.
<FACTIVE, mechanism, calcium carbonate>, <FACTIVE, mechanism, cimetidine>, <FACTIVE, mechanism, omeprazole>, <FACTIVE, mechanism, estrogen>, <FACTIVE, mechanism, progesterone>, <FACTIVE, mechanism, contraceptive>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant administration of FACTIVE with probenecid resulted in a 45% increase in systemic exposure to gemifloxacin.
<FACTIVE, mechanism, probenecid>