2 values
Hope is an illusion for people like meThere's no hope for me. I've never had a real relationship with anyone. I've been scrapping by playing non-stop video games and working whatever dead end job I can find but now I'm 25 broke (soon to be homeless), ugly, alone, and no chance of anything getting better. I've tried anti-depressants and they don't work for me, therapy doesn't work for me, hell going to the gym doesn't work for me. To anyone out there who actually cares enough about me to understand my chronic misery. Please support assisted suicide because I wish I can die peacefully versus spattering my brains against the walls.
hope illusion people like me there no hope real relationship scrap play nonstop video game work dead end job find break soon homeless ugly no chance get well try antidepressant not work therapy not work hell go gym not work actually care understand chronic misery support assisted suicide wish die peacefully versus spatter brain wall
I don’t care if my friend is homophobic he’s still my friend I know this will get hate but screw it. My friend is homophobic and I don’t care and it’s never affected me and he’s never harmed anyone because of it. I’ll never let go of a friend because he has a bad opinion or something. What he says or does is more important to me than what he thinks.
not care friend homophobic friend know hate screw friend homophobic not care affect harm let friend bad opinion say important think
The dentist was so sweet I told him that I'm going to close my eyes until the end of the operation in case I see a needle or something that may scare me. While taking my tooth out he kept saying things like "it's okay" and "bless your soul" plus I felt nothing since he injected an anesthetic in the area.
dentist sweet tell go close eye end operation case needle scare take tooth keep say thing like okay bless soul plus feel inject aesthetic area
guys i have to get glasses oh god they are not gonna look good also also my library says i haven’t returned some books that i have returned like over a week ago and they’re gonna start to overcharge me like bruh i RETURNED THE BOOKS
guy glass of god not go look good library say not return book return like week ago go start overcharge like brush return book
Someone tell me to sleep then I will sleep I promise,
tell sleep sleep promise
Big reddit hack A bunch of moderator accounts got hacked recently and now most of the top subs are trump themed. You can't really see it in dark mode, because it's a custom theme, but the "Members" and "Online" things on the side are renamed to be trump themed, so now you can still see what subs got hit without burning your eyes
big geddit hack bunch moderator account get hack recently sub trump themed not dark mode custom theme member online thing rename trump theme sub get hit burn eye
What if I snuck out 😳 Jk I have cameras in my house
suck of camera house
gay rights human right
For those of you who swim, what do you think of while doing laps? For me it's usually * Self-loathing * Pondering my sexuality * Pondering my gender * Wondering if the boy the next lane over likes me * Wondering if I like him * Having a song stuck in my head
swim think lap usually self loathe ponder sexuality ponder gender wonder boy lane like wonder like have song stick head
I can’t find any good friends that will help me in life One of my friends just now was continuously roasting me about how ugly I am and how I cannot get girl, and ny friends just laughed and said “Ooohhhhhh” like I don’t know what to do man. I want to kill myself because I’m ugly
not find good friend help life friend continuously roast ugly not girl by friend laugh say ooh like not know man want kill ugly
People are so mean. Why must I be so sensitive in this world.I am so sensitive. I cry easily. I am emotionally affected by everything almost. I hate it. I have anxiety and can't talk to people. I can't handle aggression at all. I don't want to be here. The world feels so cold, cruel, and distant. I feel like a scared deer alone.
people mean sensitive world sensitive cry easily emotionally affect hate anxiety not talk people not handle aggression not want world feel cold cruel distant feel like scared deer
dont worry if you see a dark winged creature on ur roof tonight :) thats me. im just chilling there making sure that u are safe :)
not worry dark wing creature or roof tonight chill make sure safe
Will you marry me? I expect 200 people to be married to me soo
marry expect people married so
Why did I wake up this morning?Why can't I just die in my sleep already? I'm too much of a coward to kill myself.
wake morning why not die sleep coward kill
Playboi cartis album was a massive disappointment Like cmon bro you delayed your album 2 years and had some big names in the album and still it sucker fat butthole
playboy car is album massive disappointment like mon bro delay album year big name album sucker fat butt hole
I made a subreddit for people who need to share their stories with pedophiles and other horrible people
sub edit people need share story paedophile horrible people
Its that time of year! Where one number go up. And I have to make the other numbers go more up. So this is my lazy attempt to make number go up. And I just got a new kitten named echo but he my dog stepped on him and then he died of 'rona do now ik big sad and i felt the need to post.
time year number number lazy attempt number get new kitten name echo dog step die rona in big sad feel need post
doin' your mom rn just doin' your mom, what are you guys doing rn?
mourn mon guy in
Imagine participating in No Nut November Wow cannot relate, sorry I’m gonna stay healthy smh 😎
imagine participate no nut november wow not relate sorry go stay healthy sch
I just realized something In like 5y we'll be like: bro can u belive covid was 5y ago, feel old yet? The memes will b fire...
realize like a like bro be live ovid a ago feel old memes a fire
It hit me like a ton of bricksHe cheated. He doesn’t love me anymore but I let him use me because I’m still so in love with him even though I shouldn’t be I’m over my head with finances and I hate my job. I can’t even muster the energy to go in. I hate looking at myself in the mirror. I hate who I am and I don’t want to live another day in this body. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow. I want to stop hurting
hit like ton brick she cheat not love anymore let use love not head finance hate job not muster energy hate look mirror hate not want live day body not want wake tomorrow want stop hurt
Death seems so peaceful right now.There's nothing I want in life anymore and I'm 24, been like this for several years of my life and the wait is tiresome.
death peaceful right now there want life anymore like year life wait tiresome
Recommending a song everyday; Day 3: VIBEZ - Dababy LESS GOOOO
recommend song everyday day vibe dab aby goo
My dad is cool My dad approached me a few days ago and asked me if I wanted to watch the clone wars (The 3D animated 2008 version), even though he knows I watched the whole thing. I told him hell yea and let him know he's officially cool.
dad cool dad approach day ago ask want watch clone ward animate version know watch thing tell hell yea let know officially cool
Life isn't worth living with average IQNo potential for a fulfilling life
life not worth live average i no potential fulfil life
I have 8 projects and 2 tests next week cause the teachers simply are unable to fuck off. Fuck. Just, fuck. I literally have \*no\* idea how to do any of them, some dont even have instructions or a description.
project test week teacher simply unable fuck fuck fuck literally no idea not instruction description
A post from /NoSleep that I thought might be relevant. Stories from this sub are all supposed to be true.This guy apparently visits different kinds of afterlife in his dreams each night, and I thought the story he shared about one realm in particular might help people to not give up, since there might even be the SLIGHT possibility of it existing. [Here it is.](
post no sleep think relevant story sub suppose true this guy apparently visit different kind afterlife dream night think story share realm particular help people not slight possibility exist is
I finally have someone that cares about me which is all I ever wanted, so why does it make me even more miserable?Why is she so stubborn about keeping me around? I’m fucking worthless. Why can’t she just let me die? It genuinely makes me frustrated and annoyed. I just can’t figure out why she won’t give up on me and it’s literally driving me insane. I crave friendship, intimacy, and closeness. I begged every night to have someone in my life who would just give me a chance and wouldn’t give up on me. And I finally have that, but it’s an absolute joke. What a sick fucking joke that the thing I’ve wanted for years just makes me 10x more miserable. I’m worthless and I’m a lost cause I need to kill myself.
finally care want miserable why stubborn keep fuck worthless not let die genuinely make frustrate annoy not figure not literally drive insane crave friendship intimacy closeness beg night life chance not finally absolute joke sick fucking joke thing want year make a miserable worthless lost need kill
I swear to god if one more person tells me to volunteer after opening up about my suicidal thoughts I’m going to shoot myself and hope they get splatteredI get it, I put on a good f*cking facade, people probably think I’m just being full of myself. I don’t open up to people but the few times I have (suicide hotline, ER) I get this advice. I get it, for someone who is just down in the dumps volunteering is awesome but for someone who constantly gives their all to other people it’s bullsh*t. Its like their last attempt at helping once they’ve gone through the list of things I’ve already fucking tried. Guess what, I have volunteered and I hated it it felt forced and I already have a hard time doing anything for myself so spending what little I have on more people makes me incredibly depressed.
swear god person tell volunteer open suicidal thought go shoot hope splattered good fucking facade people probably think not open people time suicide hotline or advice dump volunteering awesome constantly give people bullshit like attempt help go list thing fuck try guess volunteer hate feel force hard time spend little people make incredibly depress
We should transform Christmas into something non-religious yeah
transform christmas nonreligious yeah
I need a girlfriend but im bad at relationships Im a nice dude but i cant get or keep a relationship
need girlfriend bad relationship nice dude not relationship
My life is so boring. It's gotten to the point that I find other people's lives more entertaining and interesting than my own, I have no friends, no funny or cool stories, no reason for anyone like like me in any way. So why should I even try to enjoy my own life
life boring get point find people live entertaining interesting no friend no funny cool story no reason like like way try enjoy life
If there is some being that is watching over me just please kill me in my sleep.thx
watch kill sleep the
Over here. In this school. In this crowded hallway. There are 2 girls at the front who refuse to move and thousands of the future changers of humanity is being slowed down by them.
school crowd hallway girl refuse thousand future changer humanity slow
h e l p I'm doing a DTA(Draw To Adopt) with Holiday designs, I already did Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas. I need some more Holidays around that time, any ideas? I need at least two.
he up it draw adopt holiday design thanksgiving halloween christmas need holiday time idea need
Hey guys! I want to make something (digitally) for my friend because she has been feeling down lately and she helped me get through 2020 so it’s the least I can do. She likes yellow, because it reminds her of happiness so I want to incorporate lots of yellow in it. She has been going through some stuff and I feel like she hates herself even more for it. She is depressed (like most of us are). I want to make her something digitally that she would appreciate. Do you guys have any ideas? I have all Adobe digital programs so throw them at me
hey guy want digitally friend feel lately help like yellow remind happiness want incorporate lot yellow go stuff feel like hate depressed like want digitally appreciate guy idea adobe digital program throw
horny horny horny show me your big cock please 🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭👍👍👍😩😩😩👍😎😎🤐🤫🤭🤔🥶🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
horny horny horny big cock
Ivy League Essay Examples Hi Guys, I recently did some research on some of the best essays which got gained admission to different Ivy League Colleges. I believe it would help students get a sense of what works and what not so I put this all together in this article: [](
ivy league essay example i guy recently research good essay get gain admission different ivy league college believe help student sense work not article
Add an 😏 emoji to the end of any sentence and it becomes funny (in a sexual sort of way) So today I was bored and I sent a message with the wrong emoji at the end, and I realised this. "Did you eat breakfast yet 😏" Try it, any ordinary sentence becomes funnier if you add that emoji to the end. Let's all have a good laugh.
add emo i end sentence funny sexual sort way today bored send message wrong emo i end realise eat breakfast try ordinary sentence funny add emo i end let good laugh
i am actually so stupid its not even funny
actually stupid not funny
New Suicide Date - January 31stI know you all are upset I am waiting so long but I have to. I don't have the needed supplies yet and I have some loose ends to tie up. Until then I have the privilege of: enjoying my life (impossible). Reliving good memories (none) or whatever else. Maybe if I meet some nice people here I can keep you company although that would require you to not hate me (unlikely)
new suicide date january st know upset wait long not need supply loose end tie privilege enjoy life impossible relive good memory maybe meet nice people company require not hate unlikely
So basically I'm possessed by a demon How do i know? So it was around 3:00 PM and i laid down the curtains . it was all dark.I'm a girl and i like to live in dark. I clicked a photo and if you see in the corner with all focus you'll see something serious or some shit stuff but it's in the photo only .[Click here]( to see that photo. DO THAT AT YOUR OWN RISK.
basically possess demon know pm lay curtain dark girl like live dark click photo corner focus shit stuff photo click here photo risk
I’ve lived long past my timeI’ve been contemplating suicide as long as I can remember I’ve done everything to get better, I got my diagnosis, and have been taking them for more than three months only to find out the best version of myself still sucks a lot. Last time I tried I was stopped because I left a note. This time I made no such mistake. I’ll be gone before my family comes home. I told a few of my friends some final words and my phone has been blowing up so I just turned it off. I scrubbed all of my presence on social media. It’s all done. I can finally go in peace. My first attempt was when I was 18, I’m finally succeeding. Honestly my life’s been going down hill from then anyway so it’s about time. I just needed to get my last word out without alarming any more people. It’s finally over. I’m glad I got to choose how I go. Goodbye
live long past time be contemplate suicide long remember well get diagnosis take month find good version suck lot time try stop leave note time no mistake go family come home tell friend final word phone blow turn scrub presence social medium finally peace attempt finally succeed honestly life go hill time need word alarm people finally glad get choose goodbye
how much karma will need? 5668990e22wdjurdcbnnndre67e 👁👄👁
karma need ewdjurdcbnndree
wanting to die but not having the ability to kill urselfcan anyone else relate? i literally have wanted to die for as long as I can remember. i do not really enjoy life and I feel as if I am only attempting to enjoy it for those around me but I am genuinely exhausted at this point. i do not want to keep going, however after several attempts I am finding that I am unable to go through with anything myself. does anyone else ever feel this way idk what to do I literally just want to be hit by a truck or something on my way home from work but it never works out that way
want die not have ability kill ourself an relate literally want die long remember not enjoy life feel attempt enjoy genuinely exhausted point not want go attempt find unable feel way not know literally want hit truck way home work work way
How do I change my reddit username? Is so cringe ._.
change geddit username cringe
WelpI’ve never felt so close to going thru with it but this week is the last straw I’m afraid. It just gets worse and worse and it feels like I shouldn’t be depressed or anxious bc my life is great, but I still feel like I can’t go on. One of the only friends I have is also depressed, but he has his reasons (shitty childhood, drugs, all that). I texted him a couple days ago saying I was close to going thru with it, we texted a bit, and suddenly he stopped. Hasn’t checked in with me since. I can’t help but think if I’d actually gone thru with it even he wouldn’tve given a shit. People say there’s no where to go but up, but right I’m in the never ending abyss.
we live feel close go week straw afraid get bad bad feel like not depressed anxious by life great feel like not friend depressed reason shitty childhood drug text couple day ago say close go text bit suddenly stop not check not help think actually go not give shit people no right end abyss
i really wish to feel happy again soon, i haven't been genuinely happy in like years i sweari really can't take living like this anymore
wish feel happy soon not genuinely happy like year swear not live like anymore
Planning on bringing a weapon to schoolJust the thought of me bringing a knife to school and stabbing myself infront of everyone, knowing that now they will know I have a problem People only care about you when you're dead, I've realized... So kill myself I will, stabbing myself in the main foyer would solve all my problems and finally get people to notice my fucking existence
plan bring weapon school just thought bring knife school stab in front know know problem people care dead realize kill stab main foyer solve problem finally people notice fucking existence
we have lost the ability to give a damn but i still ly
lose ability damn by
Finally made my choice.I am still staying with my parents, but when the times comes I will buy N and kill myself somewhere remote where noone can find me. I could give 0 fucks about a job, or a future (I can't work anyways). I will wait until the time comes.
finally choice stay parent time come buy a kill remote find fuck job future not work anyways wait time come
My favorite roblox game got shut down (yes I know roblox is cringe or whatever people are calling it) it was called Vivian's therapy there was only a few visits so it was always just me I loved this game you would just spawn in a relaxing living room with chairs and a fireplace. It really helped me because I could just talk to nothingness and just get all the bottled up thoughts and emotions out. If anyone know any other games like this please let me know
favourite rob lox game get shut yes know rob lox cringe people call call vivian therapy visit love game spawn relaxing living room chair fireplace help talk nothingness bottle thought emotion know game like let know
Feel like I'm about to make a bad decisionWent to a party, had some drinks, left to drive myself home. Thinking it would be so easy to get in a drunk accident right now. I'm so tired of pretending all the fucking time. I don't feel anything and life is just exhausting. I thought maybe the alcohol would help me feel something but nope no luck there. Fuck my life lmao.
feel like bad decision went party drink leave drive home think easy drunk accident right tired pretend fucking time not feel life exhaust think maybe alcohol help feel nope no luck fuck life lao
Let's raise awareness for Obsessive Love Disorder Not asking for advice but thinking back to a stage of "loving" someone that I went through, I wondered if infatuation could be seen as a mental condition or disorder. Turns out, it's a thing. If an attraction feels uncontrollable or consuming, it may be this.
let raise awareness obsessive love disorder not ask advice think stage love go wonder infatuation see mental condition disorder turn thing attraction feel uncontrollable consume
My AP World History teacher is a Redditor! So my school just went back today, but anyways I got to my 5th period class (AP World) and she just randomly starts talking ab Reddit. She’s also got a Nuka-Cola bottlecap clock, so it’s apparent that she’s a HUGE nerd. This should be a pretty fun school year, at least that class!
a world history teacher redd tor school go today anyways get the period class a world randomly start talk a geddit get nuke cola bottle cap clock apparent huge nerd pretty fun school year class
The pain. YES My ex that I still have feelings for is going to a party and talking about fucking this other kid. The pain is IMMENSE
pain yes sex feeling go party talk fuck kid pain immense
Ten more days - avicii'I'm torn between Fulfilling my wildest dreams To satisfy the beast inside of me Ten more days to find my way Ten more days 'till I'm awake Ten more days 'till I don't have to fight🎶 I'm in a bad place mentally and need someone to talk to is what I'm saying. Anyone please
day viii tear fulfil wildest dream satisfy beast inside day find way day till awake day till not fight bad place mentally need talk say
For all LGBTQ people I made art against homophobic Karens and Kyles It's called I wear my mask with pride
lgth people art homophobic karen kyle call wear mask pride
Got the best grade in my biology finals test Mom replied with “go do the dishes”
get good grade biology final test mon reply dish
Life is worthless when you have no oneI wish suicide was painless
life worthless no one i wish suicide painless
Happy Pi Day! Thats it
happy i day
Anyone in East Sussex help me?This is probably a really stupid thing to do because anyone could reply but I'm desperate for some support. A friend. Someone to fucking cry too. Tonight is the closest I've ever come to killing myself. I just want to cry to someone. I have a shitty living situation and I can't fucking take this shit anymore.
east sussex help me this probably stupid thing reply desperate support friend fucking cry tonight close come kill want cry shitty living situation not fucking shit anymore
Stop itI KNOW I have a "good" life. I KNOW I'm blessed with the things in my life. I KNOW the people around me care. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW but, it doesn't stop my brain from continuing to implode.
stop it i know good life know bless thing life know people care know know know not stop brain continue implode
Im so bored ffs dm me if u wanna Im in class rn so yeah bored af and we can chat about anything idc
bored of do want class in yeah bored of chat i d
My birthday is at April 12th mark it in your calendar kids
birthday april the mark calendar kid
Love you so much I wish I could W ha
love wish what
What do you do when the suicide prevention hotline doesn't think you're worth talking to?Thanks to them, I feel worse than before. Maybe if I shot myself while on the line with them. Maybe then they'd take me seriously.
suicide prevention hotline not think worth talk to thank feel bad maybe shoot line maybe seriously
Train to Busan: Peninsula or Disney's Mulan? I've watched the first Train to Busan and the animated Mulan so I'm not sure which movie to pick hmm
train susan peninsula disney milan watch train susan animate milan not sure movie pick hmm
i want a bf that wears a skirt but sadly that'll probably never happen for a whollee bunch of reasons and whatever mostly because a lot of them aren't straight
want of wear skirt sadly probably happen who lee bunch reason lot not straight
Anyone else...? Does anyone else have anxiety attacks here? I haven’t met someone who also has them. It’s always night when they happen, so my bf and my friends are asleep. I’ve tried the 5-4-3-2-1 thing and the finger tricks but nothing works. I’ve lit candles and put scents around but nothing works. Any other ideas..?
anxiety attack not meet night happen of friend asleep try thing finger trick work light candle scent work idea
Final postIf anyone wants to talk or something before it’s too late
final post if want talk late
Looking for Group Therapy EnvironmentI know about EA and haven't necessarily ruled that out as an option, I just wanted to know if there were any non-"Let go and let God" alternatives to comparable group therapy, just people talking. It's not even entirely for my sake or some overwhelming desire to share my story and experiences. Sometimes I like to just listen to other people rant, and there's no better feeling in the world, to me, than when I get to help them. EA's probably the only non-structured option, but any advice would be appreciated. In the Hartford, CT area, by the way.
look group therapy environment know a not necessarily rule option want know no let let god alternative comparable group therapy people talk not entirely sake overwhelming desire share story experience like listen people rant no well feeling world help as probably no structure option advice appreciate hartford it area way
I need some help y’all Ok so basically, I have been dating this girl for about 8 months and for the past maybe month? She has been texting me on and off for the week. Like most recently she randomly stopped texting me about 3 days ago and hasn’t responded since then and I’m starting to feel like I’m pretty much single again. She mentioned her phone was broken which is believable because it is a few years old I think so I have no reason not to trust her there but like, am I just being paranoid or what?
need help of basically date girl month past maybe month text week like recently randomly stop text day ago not respond start feel like pretty single mention phone break believable year old think no reason not trust like paranoid
so i got my dick stuck in the xbox 360 disc drive again what should i do? also i used super glue as lube so now it's really stuck well i guess that's my punishment for fucking my xbox 360
get dick stick box disc drive super glue lube stuck guess punishment fuck box
Day 9 Day 9 of doing 100 push ups every day until she likes me back. I can’t really express it in words but I can’t wait until she knows what she means to me. No stress tho, I can wait. In the mean time I’ll get some push ups in :)
day day push up day like not express word not wait know mean no stress tho wait mean time push up
I hate having empathetic friends. Letting myself be me is inherently harmful for them, but they're so nice. And I keep using them as an therapist and dropping all my problems in their DMs. Why am I such a piece of shit. And how understanding they are forces me to drop my mask, and all the parts of my personality I hate shine through. Fuck
hate have empathetic friend let inherently harmful nice therapist drop problem dos piece shit understanding force drop mask part personality hate shine fuck
A girl told me she had a crush on me a while back Waiting for her to ask me out, only for me to reject her since I'm gay. That would be funny I think.
girl tell crush wait ask reject gay funny think
Do y’all remember that old dude? I haven’t seen him in a while. Do y’all know his name? He would comment on posts saying “Nice Post -whatever name, age 72” It was something like that. Is he ok? I haven’t seen him leave a comment in a long time.
remember old dude not see know comment post say nice post age like of not see leave comment long time
I may be suicidal but I'm not depressedI've not been diagnosed with depression or anxiety, and I'm also not actively trying to kill myself. I just think that life isn't as precious as other people make it out to be, and that sometimes death sounds really appealing. I'm agnostic so I don't believe in any specific afterlife but honestly, most things sound better than living with emotions and expectations that I'll never be able to fulfil. I'm not trying to kill myself bc I have no reason to right now, but I also don't have a reason to live either, you feel?
suicidal not depress dive not diagnose depression anxiety not actively try kill think life not precious people death sound appeal agnostic not believe specific afterlife honestly thing sound better live emotion expectation able fulfil not try kill by no reason right not reason live feel
Some females are just assholes. Some females in my class kept through notes at me. That said I love you will you date me. I know there jokes but it's just annoying Im trying to learn and I have paper thrown at me
female ass hole female class keep note say love date know joke annoying try learn paper throw
Frustration and stress Is Taking a toll on my MentalityIdk If This Is normal for A kid but Sometimes Frustration Makes Me cry or even Scratch myself To the Point where I literally Say to myself "My life Is A living hell" It does some Damage to my mentality
frustration stress take toll mentality do normal kid frustration make cry scratch point literally life live hell damage mentality
Honestly, for the past week, I've been thinking of nothing but suicideI take my medication and I see my therapist tomorrow, but these thoughts just keep coming. While at work, all I can think of is wanting to go home and just hang myself. When I'm at home, I thinking of tying my bedsheets into a noose and ending it. I was doing fine for a while, but it's like all my progressive just hit reverse. I'm so tired and I just wish I had the courage to go through with it.
honestly past week think suicide medication therapist tomorrow thought come work think want home hang home think tie be sheet noose end fine like progressive hit reverse tired wish courage
Day 7 of posting until I get hugged 😔✌✨ I'm like really good at procrastinating Like seriously I think I am better than all of you and I don't even feel bad about it
day post hug like good procrastinate like seriously think well not feel bad
Welp then... fillerfillerfillerfiller Guess I'll spew my meaningless trash here until I can post in r/memes. Ah the disadvantages of starting a new account...
help guess spew meaningless trash post meme a disadvantage start new account
how to tret frogge? ich been treting my frogge for þe paste 2 weekes, and frogge hit not happi wiþ me. since þyne year ist 1202, ich hop my frogge not escayp me.
tree froggy ice tree froggy paste weeks froggy hit not happy tyne year is ice hop froggy not escape
I am so fucking pissed off it makes me want to finally kill myself.No body cares about me. I have no friends that give a fuck about me, nobody wants to put in any effort to spend time with me or make me feel special--and of course living this way my entire life comes crashing down on me and pisses me the fuck off sometimes. But I can't say shit about it because all that would do is drive people away, so I'm forced to just keep everything inside and hide it the best I can and pretend that I'm somewhat emotionally stable and friendly. It makes me want to kill myself, I've already been suicidal for so long because I'm such a fucking loser in life, at least now I realize the rest of the world sucks and hates me and sees me as disposable as much as I do.
fucking pissed make want finally kill myself no body care no friend fuck want effort spend time feel special and course live way entire life come crash piss fuck not shit drive people away force inside hide good pretend somewhat emotionally stable friendly make want kill suicidal long fucking loser life realize rest world suck hate see disposable
No titleEverytime I think I am starting to do better, I immediately hit rock bottom. I can’t help but feel like I have gone way past my expiration date and its only a matter of time now. I am not the type of person who is cut out for living, full of panic, anxiety and extreme suicidal thoughts. Nothing is worth it, nothing is going to change. It never has, and everything is only getting worse.
no title anytime think start well immediately hit rock not help feel like go way past expiration date matter time not type person cut live panic anxiety extreme suicidal thought worth go change get bad
Puberty moment. I recently started getting a lot more hair on my body, especially on my chest. I feel more manly now.
puberty moment recently start get lot hair body especially chest feel manly
I have important news man(nothing too special saying man is the american version of mate.
important news mann the special saying man american version mate
I CAME OUT TO MY DAD AND MY MOM AS TRANSGENDER AND THEY ACCEPTED ME! I also opened up to them about my depression which I've been struggling with for a long while, and they agreed to get me a therapist!!! I really thought they would hate me, I'm so happy!!!! My mom even asked me if I wanted to get a binder online, or if there was anything she could help with. Didn't change much for my brother tho- because we were always kinda 'bros'. ​ But then my alarm clock kinda rang and I woke up.
come dad mon transgender accept open depression struggle long agree therapist think hate happy mon ask want binder online help not change brother tho kind bro amp alarm clock kind rang wake
adopt mepls
adopt meals
How do I overcome my demons? I am at the brink of breaking down,the expectations my family and friends have for me,the words I have said,the things I’ve done,the lies I have said to make them happy,It’s all taking a toll on me these past few years,I want to make them all happy but the more I try the more I fail,I gave up my hobbies and passion to appease them,to show them I have matured and I can be relied on,yet nothing,they hate me for not meeting their expectations,I have nothing to cope with,I have no one to come and talk to.How do I overcome this situation? How do I get out from here? How? I’m all out of things I can do.
overcome demon brink break down the expectation family friend me the word said the thing done the lie say happy it take toll past years want happy try fail give hobby passion appease them to mature rely on yet nothing they hate not meet expectations cope with i no come talk to how overcome situation thing
It's so fucking hard to walk down the street and have nobody looking at me. Like people's dogs running towards me and people sitting outside staring towards me. I'm so fucking ugly bruh it makes my anxiety go up so fucking bad. Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
fucking hard walk street look like people dog run people sit outside stare fucking ugly brush make anxiety fucking bad
Answer honestly How are you doing rn? Is there anything bothering you? Has anything good happened to you this week or year.?
answer honestly in bother good happen week year
I am sad Someone just made a post that was bubble wrap but it got deleted where did it go I was having fun ;-;
sad post bubble wrap get delete have fun
How to confess feelings to crush? How do I even get their number?
confess feeling crush number
When a redditor sees a post about someone being dismembered and gutted ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣤⣶⠶⠛⠋⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠙⠛⠳⠶⣤⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣾⠟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠉⠛⣦⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⢀⣼⠟⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣀⣀⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣀⣤⣈⡳⡄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⢠⡾⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠠⣴⡾⠛⠉⠉⠂⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢀⡹⣆⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⡿⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⠉⢿⡿⠄⠄⠈⢻⡀⠄ ⠄⢸⠇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡀⠄⢠⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡇⠄⠄⠰⢎⡇⠄ ⠄⣼⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡈⠉⠄⡄⠄⠄⢀⣀⣤⣾⣧⣤⣄⣥⡾⣿⠄ ⠄⢸⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⠙⠶⠶⠶⠿⠟⠉⠁⠄⠄⠈⡹⠁⠄⣿⠄ ⠄⠈⢇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢠⠇⠄ ⠄⠄⠈⠑⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⡴⠏⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣀⣤⠟⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠁⠒⠄⠤⠄⢀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣤⣤⡤⠶⠞⠛⠉⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄
redd tor see post dismember gutted ddgfccdgdd data cd dded dded dec would diced add diced dec add del eddy dds add go
Anybody have a list of people of who they would date or have sex with? I do. Some people I see are like, "yeah rather fuck her than date her" and vise versa. Very odd but its true.
anybody list people date sex people like yeah fuck date vise versa odd true
Numbness in arm after suicide?My friend slit her wrist and is now suffering numbness in arm. I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask but are there any rehabilitation exercises for her to do? It’s her dorminant arm by the way.
numbness arm suicide my friend slit wrist suffer numbness arm not sure right place ask rehabilitation exercise dominant arm way
need to get this out i once again realized what a loner I am, at work i had a conversation with a girl for a while and it was the first real conversation (something longer than a few sentences) with someone my age in like more than a year. i got no friends and am always alone outside school. at first it didn't bother me now i wanna fckinfmg cry, i hate being alone, i feel like I'm caged in a weird way. i just can't really express how i feel. i hate my life for real
need realize loner work conversation girl real conversation long sentence age like year get no friend outside school not bother want fucking my cry hate feel like cage weird way not express feel hate life real