2 values
My boyfriend ghosted me on Valentines day Shit sucks But he hasn't really been himself for about a week so he might be have something going on right now and just wants to keep to himself which I understand so I'll try to talk to him tomorrow
boyfriend ghost valentines day shit suck not week go right want understand try talk tomorrow
When will redditors realize most videos on hot are from tiktok? seriously like tik tok isnt that bad, u can literally make ur tik tok page whatever content u want.
redd tor realize video hot tito seriously like tip to not bad literally or tip to page content want
I don’t like peanut butter It’s sticky, overrated and smells weird. And it gets everywhere.
not like peanut butter sticky overrate smell weird get
Imagine be the best super smart good looking rockstar in the world Then boom cancer
imagine good super smart good look rock star world boom cancer
Something super embarrassing I made the mistake of going on Reddit during lunch last year and my friend saw the Reddit icon on my phone👍last time I’m making that mistake. Why the fuck am I on here
super embarrassing mistake go geddit lunch year friend see geddit icon phone last time make mistake fuck
Does anyone else see streaky lines when looking at lights Like whenever I look at headlights or a lamp or a traffic light there’s long lines of light, not a fade. If any of you have it its apparently a really common eye defect. It’s called astigmatism and I thought it always was supposed to look streaky.
streaky line look light like look headlight lamp traffic light long line light not fade apparently common eye defect call astigmatism think suppose look streaky
Short or long note?Should I leave a lengthy long note describing everything I feel and answer as many questions as I can, or just leave it short and to the point?
short long not should leave lengthy long note describe feel answer question leave short point
Lost all hopeI don't know why I have stuck around for as long as I have...I kept hoping that things would get better but it just gets worse everyday , I don't have anything to look forward to and I'm tired of this misery
lose hope i not know stick long have i keep hope thing well get bad everyday not look forward tired misery
Need some ideas about this book I'm writing I have to write a book about self-discovery and I'm planning to write about a father who raises his daughter in isolation with no government system, but I don't know how to add different problems that relate could relate to self-discovery and identity, can someone help me with some ideas?
need idea book write write book self discovery plan write father raise daughter isolation no government system not know add different problem relate relate self discovery identity help idea
God life is awful Guys fick this shit I'm outta this
god life awful guy fuck shit outta
How long will this lastSince i was 8 years old i have had some thoughts about kiling myself, but from 12 to 15 i thought about it daily. Then suddenly it stopped at 15, i didnt think about killing myself at all. And i thought that this was just some stupid "teenager depression" thing. For a year i thought, about how everything is going good. But now, suddenly i am starting to get more and more days filled with thoughts about killing myself, Then days where i think i am stupid for thinking that and that i am such a great human, and that i am better than most people on earth, and then again days where i hate myself even more. I have a pretty good life, i have friends, i dont look terrible, yet i want to kill myself even more now. What the fuck is wrong with me
long last since year old thought file think daily suddenly stop not think kill think stupid teenager depression thing year think go good suddenly start day fill thought kill day think stupid think great human well people earth day hate pretty good life friend not look terrible want kill fuck wrong
Tell me What is your favorite thing you ate today and why? if you haven’t eaten anything yet what would you want to eat and why? And if you have eaten but didn’t like anything you ate why didn’t you?
tell favourite thing eat today not eat want eat eat not like eat not
Guys please help I need a nut pass really really bad please pm me one
guy help need nut pass bad pm
Yooo you know what day it is Self love day so give yourself some love It's also my birthday but love yourself before you love someone else and i love you all
you know day self love day love birthday love love love
Hey I’d like to talk to someone I’m super bored so I’d love to chat to someone. I’m 16M and I’m happy to chat about anything or play the number game. Dm me!!
hey like talk super bored love chat a happy chat play number game do
Anyone to talk to?I'd appreciate it.
talk to i appreciate
Prince Phillip is dead Lmao that is the funniest shit EVER How old was that stinking pedi anyway? 99? Jeaus that's 1 off a queen's letter, damn mate Go rest with jeffrey and Jimmy in hell you sick fuck
prince phillip dead lao funniest shit old stink jedi jesus queens letter damn mate rest jeffrey jimmy hell sick fuck
I want to die but I want to get helpI want to tell someone I want to kill myself but I don't want to be hospitalized. I've been hospitalized before and it was not great. If I tell a doctor or a therapist I want to die, what will happen?
want die want help want tell want kill not want hospitalize hospitalize not great tell doctor therapist want die happen
Suicidal, but my life is fine.My life is actually kinda going pretty great now. But, for some reason, I still feel the desire to end my own life. You’d expect it to be scary or whatever, but it’s not. I’m doing a lot of stuff that I’ve wanted to for a while as of late and my birthday is coming up. But, for whatever reason, my brain is telling me that I want to die. It’s weird and hard to explain. Sorry for bad explanation.
suicidal life finely life actually kind go pretty great reason feel desire end life expect scary not lot stuff want late birthday come reason brain tell want die weird hard explain sorry bad explanation
I'm not a good enough mom.I take care of my step children full time. I'm never enough for them, because I'm not their real mom. Can't do this anymore.
not good mimi care step child time not real mon not anymore
Finally Did it After years of liking this girl, she finally confessed her feelings and now we are together. Havent felt this good for a while.
finally year like girl finally confess feeling not feel good
BananaDuck221 is cool Just thought I should say that. I’m bored and I should be doing other stuff rn
banana duck cool think bored stuff in
I don’t wanna fight no moreBut I don’t wanna fight no more ’Cause I’m not a fighter, I won’t no more But I don’t wanna fight no more ’Cause I’m not a fighter, I won’t no more Anybody wanna be my friend?
not want fight no more but not want fight no not fighter not no not want fight no not fighter not no anybody want friend
I just realised what a burden I amI kinda had a rough day, where I remembered everything. The only good thing I’ve ever done is given my mum emotional support, but that made me become emotionally exhausted and I had to stop. I’ve had a psychotic episode and it made me become so useless. Now I’m just a brat who can’t get over what happened two years ago. I just don’t wanna be a burden to anyone anymore. Sorry for wasting time. I’m just not sure if I should or not. :)
realise burden ami kind rough day remember good thing give mum emotional support emotionally exhausted stop psychotic episode useless brat not happen year ago not want burden anymore sorry waste time not sure not
My friend got diagnosed with covid Told him to stay positive... (x_x)
friend get diagnose ovid tell stay positive xxx
Begging anyone to just talk to me right now.Please.
beg talk right no please
I'm the most heartbroken I've ever been... I gave my dog a treat because she was being such a good girl. And she buried it in the pile of teddies on my bed and when she went back to get it for late, it was gone. And she searched and couldn't find it. :,(
heartbroken give dog treat good girl bury pile teddy bed go late go search not find
Yo I'm so fucking bored today Anyone wanna talk on discord or something? Cuz I'm just really bored today and have nothing to do
to fucking bored today want talk discord cut bored today
bruh let's talk im bored as shit in class so lets do it m16 if it matters
brush let talk bore shit class let a matter
Just a sandcastleDoes anyone else ever fee like a sandcastle? Like a beautiful one that people stare at in awe? Some may envy it. Then you realize that it’s nothing more than crumbled remains of stones and bones, bleached by then sun then left alone with no hope of a being anything more fleeting enjoyment to those who wander by? I am nothing and will be swept back to sea and everyone will forget that once, for a brief moment in time , I was something beautiful.
sandcastle doe fee like sandcastle like beautiful people stare awe envy realize crumble remain stone bone bleach sun leave no hope fleeting enjoyment wander sweep sea forget brief moment time beautiful
Update in my bead post It works because now that I have to take all of the beads off I'm really sad. I didnt notice that I was doing the thing until like i was sitting the doing it. Sadness
update bead post work bead sad not notice thing like sit sadness
Is there anybody listening?I feel I'm quite insane right now.
anybody listening feel insane right
This is rlly random but... Anyone down to play cold war on xbox for a youtube collab? I have 105 subs and i think it would be fun
rally random play cold war box youtube collar sub think fun
To those still giving their all...Keep going! The struggle is real and you are somehow able to give it your all, still... it’s beautiful that you do.
give all keep go struggle real able beautiful
How come the answers on a test are always overly complicated Why not just make simple answers instead of writing overly complicated answer choices that are confusing? It’s as if the teachers are trying their hardest to make us fail
come answer test overly complicated not simple answer instead write overly complicate answer choice confuse teacher try hard fail
Fucking roblox games AAAAAAAAAA IMMA WHINE ABOUT A CHILDRENS GAME NOW OAKY SO LETS GET STARTED Aethelborne is as balanced as North Korea is a democracy. Like, the block feature downs your character, and the katana is a one hit kill. FUCKING EVERYONE HAS A KATANA and yknow what the icing on the cake is? THE STARTER WEAPON IS WORSE THAN YOUR GODDAMN FISTS.
fucking rob lox games a a emma whine children game oak let start bethel borne balanced north korea democracy like block feature down character katanga hit kill fucking katanga know icing cake starter weapon bad goddamn fist
Female I am not. Male, I am. Mm yes. So anybody wanna talk star wars or geeky stuff? Sorry for so many posts, not horny or simpin just bored
female not male my yes anybody want talk star war geeky stuff sorry post not horny simp in bore
Always check if you are mute So today I was having Zoom meeting in art. I showed one of the drawing I made and unmuted my self to tell how I made it. Once I stopped sharing my screen I forgot to mute. Sometimes I whisper when I read/write so the class was hearing whispering and we were also in the discussion of ASMR. My teacher found out it was me and I immediately muted myself and said I had to go since either way I had to eat. This taught me a lesson to always check if you are mute or not.
check mute today have zoom meeting art show drawing uncut self tell stop share screen forget mute whisper read write class hear whisper discussion astr teacher find immediately mute say way eat teach lesson check mute not
ayo we hit 135 followers ily all *mwah*
ago hit follower fly was
Bro remember when you would like open the door for your homie and be like "ladies first" 😂😂😂😳🤪😎 That shit was comedy gold at like 10 years old
bro remember like open door homie like lady shit comedy gold like year old
I won't make it to 21People would kill to get the advantages I have had in my life, from a fairly wealthy and supportive family to being born in one of the most prosperous areas in the world. However, I can hardly get myself to attend my college classes, and it is my first year. I would have blown my brains out already if it wasn't for my parents supporting me, it would destroy them to have their son die. I just know I won't amount to anything in my life, I think I am just too lazy or maybe something is wrong in my head. I have tried to get better but it didn't work in high school and it isn't working now. The only place I see myself in 2-3 years is either as a bum leeching off of my parents or dead, and I am not sure what to do. I'm not sure what I expect from this post, but I guess it just helps to see my thoughts typed out and if anyone else feels the same way.
not people kill advantage life fairly wealthy supportive family bear prosperous area world hardly attend college class year blow brain not parent support destroy son die know not life think lazy maybe wrong head try well not work high school not work place year bum leech parent dead not sure not sure expect post guess help thought type feel way
Hedgehog is the only one left keeping me alive....My gf is debating whether or not to leave me so they can be poly. Gotta love giving everything u have to someone just to watch them decide if they want to leave. At least my hedgehog will always love me.
hedgehog left keep alive my of debate not leave poly get love give watch decide want leave hedgehog love
can we post selfies again i just want someone to simp for me tbh
post self in want simp tbs
The most relaxing thing ever Playing fallout new Vegas, with a low level and the radio in the background
relaxing thing play fallout new vegas low level radio background
"Your gender is what's in your pants" i guess my gender is shit 😎
gender pant guess gender shit
I am in so much painI have written my suicide note and I know how I want to do it, i dont want to deal with this pain anymore
pain write suicide note know want not want deal pain anymore
Send help I can't sleep Give advice for slep pls filler filler
send help not sleep advice sep plus
Well today's the day.I've had today picked out for awhile. And I have a mixture of emotions. But I plan on doing it tonight, but I still have to go buy my gun, and I'm so freaking lazy I'm worried I won't be motivated enough to go get it. The gun place opens so early and closes early so I won't be able to get any sleep if I want to go get it. It would be easier for me Thursday because I won't have work. I want to just ask to borrow some else's gun but everyone knows why I'd want it. I'm so sleepy. I just wanted to tell you guys that today was my last day. I'm going to play some Destiny and then go to bed. It's pretty bad that I actually do have a small amount of will power to live longer but it is 100% only because I want to play some more Destiny.
today day i today pick awhile mixture emotion plan tonight buy gun freak lazy worried not motivate gun place open early close early not able sleep want easy thursday not work want ask borrow else gun know want sleepy want tell guy today day go play destiny bed pretty bad actually small power live longer want play destiny
love body laser hair removal old expensive god like whf search price ridiculous a a
And feeling suicidal againJust great, theres half a bottle of Vodka in the freezer and a bunch of Oxycodone in my fathers room I could literally end myself right now I probably won't because I'm a bitch but I just wish I could, being drunk would really shutup that voice in my head that tells me "Hey keep being alive"
feel suicidal again just great half bottle vodka freezer bunch of codon father room literally end right probably not bitch wish drunk shut up voice head tell hey alive
TicktockFood. Cooking. Hungr. Watching her do nothing while i struggle. Watching her hurt, every day, with no hope in sight. Choosing between gas, cigarettes, or chicken. Cigarettes win and i walk. Brakes, oil, tires. "Get a real job" they think. "Leave her" they think. I hear your thoughts. I hear your message. "Always be happy". I want to k***. I want to eliminate my problems. I want to become a hurricane and devour the coast. I want to soar through the air like lightning and crash like thunder against a miserable sky. I want to fucking matter. I want to eat.
tickets food cooking hung watch struggle watch hurt day no hope sight choose gas cigarette chicken cigarette win walk brake oil tire real job think leave think hear thought hear message happy want a want eliminate problem want hurricane devour coast want soar air like lightning crash like thunder miserable sky want fucking matter want eat
Hey am I the only one bothered by YouTube's adds? Im seriously going to start watching demoniced channels only.
hey bother youtube add seriously go start watch demonized channel
Let’s make a fun chain. What would you do if I sand out of tune?
let fun chain sand tune
I went on a full out rant in my English report writing. Basically, whenever I am asked to write an essay on a "problem", I express my true feelings and go on a full out rant, turning what was supposed to be a 200 to 300 word essay into a 500 to 1,000 word lecture. Four pages is a bit excessive, but once I start, I can't stop rant-writing. Surprisingly, these rants actually positively surprise my teachers, making me get near perfect scores, so it might be a good thing after all. Apparently, the grammar, vocabulary, and content were exactly what my teachers were looking for. Every single time I do the same thing, and each time I get the same results.
go rant english report write basically ask write essay problem express true feeling rant turning suppose word essay word lecture page bit excessive start not stop ran write surprisingly rant actually positively surprise teacher make near perfect score good thing apparently grammar vocabulary content exactly teacher look single time thing time result
I would rather enjoy help. If you are so kind as to provide it. So here's my problem. Last night I was eating popcorn when a piece gets stuck IN MY GUMBS. The stuff that holds your teeth. It wont get out. I've made my gumbs bleed trying to remove it. I ALLMOST got it out but then my tongue accidentally shoved it back in the hole. I've ripped a small part of it off but theres still a lot in there. This is the biggest piece of popcorn kernal I've seen. It's super deep in. It's back to back on my teeth and my gumbs. Anyone got tips for removal?
enjoy help kind provide problem night eat popcorn piece get stick dumb stuff hold tooth not dumb bleed try remove almost get tongue accidentally shove hole rip small lot big piece popcorn kernel see super deep tooth dumb get tip removal
The smart kid called all of my classmates racists For context she snitches a lot and we don t really like her. She is the stereotypical 13 yo white girl who can t take jokes and is offended by everything. Btw she doesn t have any friends and she blames us for that(the school is in europe and we re the same nation.
smart kid call classmate racist context snitch lot don to like stereotypical to white girl to joke offend bow does to friend blame that the school europe nation
The Weeknd is goated I don’t get people who hate on him. One of the most talented singers of this generation, he’s phenomenal
weekend gate not people hate talented singer generation phenomenal
Finally going to the eye doctor I haven't gotten new glasses in over 3 years so it'll be nice to have glasses that actually work
finally go eye doctor not get new glass year nice glass actually work
Posting everyday until I get a girlfriend. Day: 161 Second day of really trying to spend time in school with this girl. So far it’s going pretty well. We have a lot of laughs together
post everyday girlfriend day second day try spend time school girl far go pretty lot laugh
Does anyone else feel empty and sad even after they had a great day? bruh what's wrong with me
feel sad great day brush wrong
lonelyi feel suicidal and pathetic, i have no friends nor love. im 20 and i do work, going to college and pay for some bills but i feel empty and stupid as life goes on, all i think about is wanting love, how ugly i am, and how my peers have accomplished more in life. ive always been the one picked on and unloved in school, i barely got any family and was abused as a child. i just hate my life im bored of life honestly im sick of it always being lonely it kills me inside.
lonely feel suicidal pathetic no friend love work go college pay bill feel stupid life go think want love ugly peer accomplish life pick unloved school barely get family abuse child hate life bore life honestly sick lonely kill inside
fucking doing it nowi can’t continue... thank you for everything. sorry.
fucking now i not continue thank sorry
Thank youHey, Last night I was seriously considering suicide, after murphy's law has pretty much been proven for me. Reading this subreddit however gave me some strength and got me in bed. This morning, one of the main reasons that made me feel like ending it all, has gone away, and I have hope now.. Thanks.
thank you hey night seriously consider suicide murphy law pretty prove read sub edit give strength get bed morning main reason feel like end go away hope thank
Today is my birthday but I don't have no ideas for gifts. Today is my birthday but I don't have no ideas for gifts. Does anybody have any suggestion?
today birthday not no idea gift today birthday not no idea gift anybody suggestion
Most of the people involved in the system are so fucking dumb and incompetentI would call the crisis support call number but half the times I call it’s a dumb person that doesn’t understand, and leaves me off worse than before. It’d be really nice if I had resources for recovering from disordered eating but no one’s fucking helping me out with this. I have a therapist and he’s really nice but he doesn’t tell me how to fix anything. I’m considering making a promise to myself that I’ll kill myself on 1/1/2022 if I’m not recovered or recovering by then
people involve system fucking dumb incompetent crisis support number half time dumb person not understand leave worse nice resource recover disorder eating no one fucking help therapist nice not tell fix consider make promise kill not recover recover
ideai feel like i’m probably gonna kill myself friday, i don’t even know why anymore
ideas feel like probably go kill friday not know anymore
Words of Positive Self-AffirmationI am worthy I am lovable I am kind I am humble I am capable I deserve respect, and I give respect in return I am smart I am not a disappointment I don't have to live up to my parents' or societal expectations I am independent I deserve happiness, and I deserve good things in life I choose peace I will succeed and achieve my goals My life has purpose I am beautiful in my own unique ways
word positive self affirmation worthy lovable kind humble capable deserve respect respect return smart not disappointment not live parent societal expectation independent deserve happiness deserve good thing life choose peace succeed achieve goal life purpose beautiful unique way
i’ve been sobbing in my room and my cat doesn’t give a single fuck i Hate her cats are supposed to be able to sense human emotions so now i feel even worse
sob room cat not single fuck hate cat suppose able sense human emotion feel bad
Do you know this situation? You ask someone something and he doesnt understand you and asks what you said but you dont understand him either because you are both wearing masks and now youre staring at each other and wait for the other one to reply to what youve said. Awkward.
know situation ask not understand ask say not understand wear mask stare wait reply say awkward
I just rickrolled my whole school We were outside and the teacher allowed us to request song. FOR THE REPUBLLIC!
rick role school outside teacher allow request song republic
I’ve always knownI’ve always know how my life will end, some people are born to be painters some basketball players but I’ve seem to be born to commit suicide, every day I think about it and everyday I ponder when it will happen. I’m only posting this because I’ve found peace in this world and just await the day my dad dies. He is the only person who I truly care about. This Isn’t something to be sad about it, but rather ceremony in that I’ve found something that is truly mine.
known be know life end people bear painter basketball player bear commit suicide day think everyday ponder happen post find peace world await day dad die person truly care not sad ceremony find truly
Day 1 of alphabet: A A is a vowel, a letter in the alphabet
day alphabet vowel letter alphabet
Some cool songs to check out Take the veil by the Mars volta Woman and man/your party by ween 10 miles high by nine inch nails Pushit by tool (the version from salival) Cassandra geminni by the Mars volta (it's the last 7 songs on Frances the mute) Buckingham green by ween Tried and true by ween Since we were wrong by the Mars volta Piggy by nine inch nails The fall by ministry I might add more in the future
cool song check veil mars volta woman man your party ween mile high inch nail push it tool version saliva cassandra gemini mars volta song france mute buckingham green try true ween wrong mars volta piggy inch nail fall ministry add future
Reasons not to date me: * I'm not Chad. * I'm me. * I'm not Chad.
reason not date not chad not chad
Guys, I have a confession to make... I don't like anime. What's the punishment for my warcrimes? And by warcrimes I mean the fact that I don't like anime, not the warcrimes I commited in Yugoslavia in the 90s.
guy confession not like anime punishment war crime war crime mean fact not like anime not war crime commit yugoslavia a
Is it selfish to die? Or is it selfish to ask someone to suffer? So that you wont have to say bye.I've lived so long for others, can't I have the right to leave if I choose?
selfish die selfish ask suffer not by i live long not right leave choose
Will a companion help me?I've been thinking lately about getting an animal to care for; I would like a chubby cat, since I'm still living with family. I think this will help me, make me understand the world more, help me understand emotions and just cuddling with something seems... calming. Perhaps I'm just extremely lonely, I am 16 so it would make complete sense but I normally don't let such feelings impact me. Since a cat won't judge me for my looks, voice, or body, I thought that it would be great. I do have four other cats but they are exactly mine. I want to have a cat that is mine, no one else's.
companion help me i think lately get animal care like chubby cat live family think help understand world help understand emotion cuddle calm extremely lonely complete sense normally not let feeling impact cat not judge look voice body think great cat exactly want cat no else
66/365 Beautiful Sunday’s, days of doing nothing, have a good night.
beautiful sunday day good night
I can't go onI've been thinking about it for awhile. The pain is just too much now. I spend every night crying myself to sleep. I've made decisions that affect my life drastically that I regret, but I can't go back on. I am not strong enough to continue on.
not olive think awhile pain spend night cry sleep decision affect life drastically regret not not strong continue
The reason you shouldn’t commit suicide, Breath of the wild 2 is coming out by the next year. If you don’t get to play it that’s just unfortunate because I don’t think There’s retailers or Nintendo E-Shop in the afterlife.
reason not commit suicide breath wild come year not play unfortunate not think retailer nintendo shop afterlife
Can anyone who’s fluent in human conversation help me out? So I like this girl, she’s new and we’ve only talked in zooms. I DM’d her on Instagram and we had the following convo: (she put a rickroll in her bio for context) Me: Aaand I just got rickrolled (she hearted this) Me: should’ve seen that coming (she hearted this) Her: HAHAHAHAHAH Her: woops Me: now I’ve gotta memorize the link 😭 (she hearted this) And bam, convo over. What do I do now? Am I really this shit at talking to people?
fluent human conversation help like girl new talk zooms did inst gram follow congo rick roll bio context a and get rick role heart see come heart yamaha sarah wood get memorize link heart am congo shit talk people
life sentences are overkill if they didnt kill anyone that is all also drug dealing sentences are big dumb thats what keep some of my family not homeless we need a reformed goverment that wasnt made by the founding big daddies.
life sentence overkill not kill drug dealing sentence big dumb family not homeless need reform government not found big daddy
I think its timeI have had a long 22 years of lifetime, I think its time to end it. I was an alcoholic for awhile and I relapsed, now my skin feels like it's crawling and my heart is like a racecar. I should call my doctor to get help but I don't want to, I have done it before and it helps but the thing is I drink because I find life pointless so eventually it happens again. Rather than embarrassing myself again by admitting I relapsed again I think I should just end it all. The sweat silence of death seems so enticing.
think time i long year lifetime think time end alcoholic awhile relapse skin feel like crawl heart like race car doctor help not want help thing drink find life pointless eventually happen embarrass admit relapse think end sweat silence death enticing
Feeling at my lowestI have been depressed and down before but lately my mind has been turning to suicide more and more. I get these thoughts when I am doing something like I wonder what it would be like to die like that. Like I was swimming and I wondered how it would be to drown. I don't want to die but I feel like suicide is inevitable.
feel lowest depress lately mind turn suicide thought like wonder like die like like swim wonder drown not want die feel like suicide inevitable
You ever just fall for someone just because they liked you first I remember liking this dude who *always* had greasy hair just bc he liked me first
fall like remember like dude greasy hair by like
Does anyone wanna be my Minecraft gf Jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk jk . . . . . Unless?
want min craft of jack jack jack jack jack jack jack jack jack jack jack
Man I miss Rhodesia Shit was full on hecker deckers, it was a great effort.
man miss rhodesia shit hacker decker great effort
WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK So i got a message request with a group, i meant to hit decline, and it accepted me. I immediatly left, but the most recent thing was a panty shot. What the fuck.
fuck fuck fuck get message request group mean hit decline accept immediately leave recent thing panty shoot fuck
Suicide letterIt's just a technical question, but should I leave a letter for the police, explaining why I did it? For statistics maybe? Honestly I don't want to write anything because I'm tired and I don't care anymore. I live in England, UK.
suicide letter it technical question leave letter police explain statistic maybe honestly not want write tired not care anymore live england us
I need cash I need money to go see my gf for Christmas, if you live in Renton, Kent or in the surrounding areas of king county Washington state, I will work for you Please blow this up
need cash need money of christmas live rent on kent surround area king county washington state work blow
I’m struggling tonightI can’t deal with the cycle of seeming so happy during the day and then at night I feel like my brain is torturing me with thoughts about how horrible I am, how ugly I am, how stupid I am, how worthless I am, how selfish I am. I feel so trapped. Night time is so scary. I don’t want to talk to anyone I know about this because I feel like such an attention seeker.
struggle tonight not deal cycle happy day night feel like brain torture thought horrible ugly stupid worthless selfish feel trap night time scary not want talk know feel like attention seeker
Life chained me. 17 years old souless breathing dead body.No friends: ✔️ No money: ✔️ No job: ✔️ No motivation: ✔️ Missing tooth: ✔️ Health Anxiety: ✔️ Dental Anxiety: ✔️ Panic Attack: ✔️ Fear of going blind: ✔️ Depression: ✔️ Overthinking: ✔️ Catastrophic thoughts: ✔️ Stressed Family: ✔️ Self Isolation: ✔️ Afraid of everything: ✔️
life chain year old soulless breathing dead body no friend no money no job no motivation miss tooth health anxiety dental anxiety panic attack fear go blind depression over think catastrophic thought stress family self isolation afraid
I accidentally killed a fly with olive oil I was making a salad and poured some olive oil to add flavor. I was holding the bottle kind of high from the plate, pouring a line when a fly came flying across the plate and ended just right under the splash of oil. I got it out of the salad, it couldn't fly and ended in the floor. When I looked back, it wasn't moving. I assume it drowned with the oil. No, I didn't step on it.
accidentally kill fly olive oil make salad pour olive oil add flavor hold bottle kind high plate pour line fly come fly plate end right splash oil get salad not fly end floor look not move assume drown oil no not step
I wonder what pussy juice feels like? 🤔 Like if a guy cums he let's out sticky sperm right? And if a girl cums she let's out an egg cell right? But I wonder what kind of texture it's like... Like is it a watery substance like piss or nah?
wonder pussy juice feel like like guy cum let sticky sperm right girl cum let egg cell right wonder kind texture like like watery substance like piss nah
Text post weekend, what are ur opinions on it? Jdidajhskaidkccjhwshwhaksfoxhawhwjdjdjdjajajaakaksksksksksskskakakeiejccjsiwowoeoifcucucjcdj.
text post weekend or opinion jdidajhskaidkccjhwshwhaksfoxhawhwjdjdjdjajajaakaksksksksksskskakakeiejccjsiwowoeoifcucucjcdj
I hate my body so much that it makes me want to die19M. I feel so scrawny. I’ve been lifting for awhile and I’ve gained a lot of weight but I feel so weak and scrawny. I feel like everyone looks at me and thinks that I don’t look masculine or attractive enough so I deserve to die. I feel like guys that are more muscular than me look at me and think about how skinny I am and how much better they are than me. I’m so anxious
hate body make want diem feel scrawny lift awhile gain lot weight feel weak scrawny feel like look think not look masculine attractive deserve die feel like guy muscular look think skinny well anxious
I just wanna understand wats wrong with me.I’m 20. My whole life I got bullied for nothing. I’ve always trying help other people. I love everyone and everything. Wish luck every single stranger that I see. I never got smile from other person. I never got hug from other person. I never got kiss from other person. I never got invite to the party or something. All what I got it’s just my dog and cat. Why?
want understand wat wrong me i life get bully try help people love wish luck single stranger get smile person get hug person get kiss person get invite party get dog cat
It's timeI think it's time. I'm so lost. Hate working I have no friends crazy sick narcissistic family and no girlfriend. I hate this money system. No college no skill just a loser who wasted his youth on video games and porn. But even though I quit nothing changes. I think it's time.
time i think time lost hate work no friend crazy sick narcissistic family no girlfriend hate money system no college no skill loser waste youth video game porn quit change think time
One of these daysOne of these days I'm going to put my baby in my mouth and pull her trigger. I'm going to man up for the last time. Can't wait to catch that impulse, that concentrated rage, fuck all of existence. Fuck living. Fuck breathing. Life is so overrated. Why don't you smash a concrete block onto my head while you're standing there?
days one day go baby mouth pull trigger go man time not wait catch impulse concentrate rage fuck existence fuck live fuck breathing life overrated not smash concrete block head stand
I have a good lifeseeing some of the posts here, there are so many people with actual problems in life and reasons to wanna die. I feel guilty since my life is actually pretty good yet I have suicidal thoughts daily for no reason
good life see post people actual problem life reason want die feel guilty life actually pretty good suicidal thought daily no reason