2 values
(My crush likes me!!! Don’t worry that’s not the main point) Any advice on dating? (M15 F15) For some reason I feel like it will be awkward now?? Idk why but any advice in keeping a good lasting fun relationship? Stuff to do? Idk
crush like not worry not main point advice date of reason feel like awkward not know advice keep good last fun relationship stuff not know
Creating a final playlist...I'm thinking of what song (or songs) to play on the way out. Not a religious person, nor an angry one, will want to recall the good times with people I care(d) for, but not get lost in melodrama or heartbreak. What suggestions have you got for me?
create final playlist think song song play way not religious person angry want recall good time people care not lose melodrama heartbreak suggestion get
Nobody cares that im suffering dude:/
care suffer dude
Potential Od?Just took 10mg of clonazapam mixed with 2 mg Ativan and white wine I got home and just wanted to die. Is this an overdose or will I just fall asleep? There’s a hospital just down the street. I could walk there. Asking for a friend.
potential adjust take my clonal pam mix my at van white wine get home want die overdose fall asleep hospital street walk ask friend
How in the fuck should I go about coming out to my friends? So basically I've had the suspicion that I may be trans for like 5 years or something and I have been keeping it to myself for this entire time in case I regret it or something but at this point I think that is complete bullshit and just my brain keeping me from getting happiness and skirts. I wanna tell someone about it so my life could be easier, but how should I go about doing it? With a question, meme, or just flat out saying it.
fuck come friend basically suspicion tran like year keep entire time case regret point think complete bullshit brain keep get happiness skirt want tell life easy question meme flat say
My phone is on a 37% It makes me nervous having it under 50 and it is annoying me
phone make nervous have annoy
Posting this so I can award myself. Nriebejuebe jejeiejebeuue you hebsoowbejrn r Anne xhdkeleoneidowk this is a true story.
post award erie beebe jejeiejebeuue hebron bern a anne xhdkeleoneidowk true story
Another interview for an entry level job, another gut feeling that I won't be hired.All I need is a chance
interview entry level job gut feeling not hire all need chance
In 24 hours I'll be 37. I want this to be my last day.I never wanted to be here and have to do all this. There is no way out. I'm so tired, I don't even want to explain myself anymore. I did everything I thought I had to do, can I go away, now, please? Can this be over?
hour want day i want no way tired not want explain anymore think away
Does anyone else get cuteness aggression? Like I’ll see something so freaking cute that I just wanna squeeze it or PUNCH IT. Yeah okay same.
cuteness aggression like freak cute want squeeze punch yeah okay
Do y'all ever just vibe to the existential crisis going on in you're head ? Like yeah I feel like complete shit and I'm getting super anxious but you play a good instrumental track and picture these thoughts as the lyrics and you got a good thing going
vibe existential crisis go head like yeah feel like complete shit get super anxious play good instrumental track picture thought lyric get good thing go
Something that you may need to remember. You're a good person and you are skilled in multiple ways. Don't let yourself be convinced otherwise.
need remember good person skilled multiple way not let convince
Bruh, imagine being Aaron Burr in the afterlife. Like you're just vibing in the afterlife and suddenly you learn a bunch of theater kids hate you for some reason.
brush imagine aaron burr afterlife like vibe afterlife suddenly learn bunch theatre kid hate reason
well this sucks it's my last year of school and all my friends are going to different universities and I won't see them for ages but 80% of my happiness comes from being around them. Not looking forward to it.
suck year school friend go different university not age happiness come not look forward
Guess something about me Litteraly anything, take a guess, il respond with the corect answer
guess literary guess in respond correct answer
Look what you all did!Its like im in the mirror and im begging my reflection to notice me but even i dont see me .
look did it like mirror beg reflection notice not
I'm going to do it within the next few days.All my life I have suffered. All they do is drug me up and send me off. Police found me on a bridge last night, sent me off to a hospital, "This will be the start of a new chapter, it'll get better" " Help is on the way" The doctors like to say. No. I'm done with this world and its lies. And you know what? I'm glad. I had an internal discussion within the past half hour and I'm certain this is what has to happen. Keeping me alive will make me worse off than dead. This pain is chronic. And it will only get worse, as it has done. No more. I want to be at peace. Shame I was dealt a shitty hand. But so some people's lives go. I'm just posting here because it wouldn't be bad if for once I could find someone who would really, really understand what I was going through. Before I go. Peace out, I hate this fucking world.
go days all life suffer drug send police find bridge night send hospital start new chapter well help way doctor like no world lie know glad internal discussion past half hour certain happen keep alive bad dead pain chronic bad no want peace shame deal shitty hand people live post not bad find understand go peace hate fucking world
Does anyone else just feel empty I don’t normally feel like that but lately I just feel so empty. Like I have no emotion, I’m not sad, mad, or happy I just feel like nothing. I guess I’m just seeing if I’m the only one
feel not normally feel like lately feel like no emotion not sad mad happy feel like guess see
2 days ago I took a inch of my hair Like a idiot me and my friend were messin at like 3 am dunking are Heads in water to keep are selfs awake I have this weird curly fringe bits that just hang over my glasses and I cut a inch of being dumb since it is normally curly it you have to do a dry cut but I was dunking my head in water And half a inch grew back so now I’m starting to look good again TLDR:I cut my hair like a idiot but it grew back real quick. is this normal ? Edit: my hair instead of curling is swooping to the side how to fix
day ago take inch hair like idiot friend mess in like dunk head water self awake weird curly fringe bit hang glass cut inch dumb normally curly dry cut dunk head water half inch grow start look good lori cut hair like idiot grow real quick normal edit hair instead curl swoop fix
I made a discovery. Don't let this get lost in new. If you check out Top Posts of all Time of the subreddit, you will really see how downhill we've gone. It's honestly heartbreaking. At least we weren't always like this.
discovery not let lose new check post time sub edit downhill go honestly heartbreak not like
Anyone interested in joining a discord server? 50+ members open to anyone PM for link filler filler filler filler
interested join discord server member open pm link
Anyone wanna cry and hug for a few hours? I have no particular reason. maybe we could eat some cookies together and maybe watch a movie or something?
want cry hug hour no particular reason maybe eat cookie maybe watch movie
Sed Lif: Episode 4 Welcome to a new episode. ​ Today's question is: What is the worst cuss word? ​ Leave your answers in the comments below and I'll pick my favorites in the next episode of Sed Lif.
see if episode welcome new episode amp today question bad cuss word amp leave answer comment pick favourite episode see if
Suicidal I don’t know why3 weeks ago my friend commit suicide. It really fucked me up. I’ve had bipolar all my life but ever since this happened I feel like I’m having disturbing thoughts. I don’t feel depressed or hopeless, I know that people care. But at the same time, I’m so overcome with apathy and I want to kill myself. I keep imagining how good it felt when he jumped and just left this earth. I feel like someone is trying to convince me to cross over to the other side. I’m confused and I don’t know if this is normal.
suicidal not know week ago friend commit suicide fuck bipolar life happen feel like have disturb thought not feel depressed hopeless know people care time overcome apathy want kill imagine good feel jump leave earth feel like try convince cross confused not know normal
I'm going to try again. Please, SW, you may be my last hope.I've tried to kill myself 9 times, two of which I asked for help here. Last time, I was sent to a mental hospital for six days. While I was there, I found out my girlfriend had also tried at the same time(and failed). She was an outpatient while I was an inpatient. I got help there. I learned to cope. I was prescribed to depression, bipolar, and ADD medicine, which has improved me in leaps and bounds. But for the past month, I've been pissed off for no reason. I finally broke today, and formulated a plan for my next attempt. In two hours I will take half of a bottle of Prozac. I will wait thirty minutes, then call the police. If they get me to a hospital in time, they win. If they don't, well, I guess I'll win.
go try so hope i try kill time ask help time send mental hospital day find girlfriend try time and fail outpatient inpatient get help learn cope prescribe depression bipolar add medicine improve leap bound past month piss no reason finally break today formulate plan attempt hour half bottle prozac wait minute police hospital time win not guess win
I’ve fucking had enough.None of this depression subs have helped me once. I’m an ugly, useless piece of shit and I’m going to fail at school. I thought about waiting a few years until after I graduated to kill myself but I think I’ll cut my time short. Speaking of cutting, I’ve started self harming again. Punching myself in the face till I’m black and blue, cutting up my biceps. I’ve had enough. I will end it soon.
fuck enough one depression sub help ugly useless piece shit go fail school think wait year graduate kill think cut time short speaking cut start self harm punch face till black blue cut bicep end soon
i have a cute ribbon tied around my neck and my thighs are soft hell yea apparently wanting to take care of someone you're in love with has something to do with obsessive love disorder and uh
cute ribbon tie neck thigh soft hell yea apparently want care love obsessive love disorder us
How ba-a-ad can i be? I’m just doin’ what comes naturally. How ba-a-ad can i be? # this song makes me feel like I’m on LSD
bad come naturally bad song make feel like ltd
I know no one here cares but anyways I was fighting sans in undertale and I was doing very good I had 39 hp and was gonna fully heal before his final attack because I had most of my healing items when I clicked fight I realized I fucked up because the dialogue for his final attack appeared and I got to the very last attack with 9 hp then died fml
know no care anyways fight san undertake good he go fully heal final attack healing item click fight realize fuck dialogue final attack appear get attack he die fol
My mom tried to kill herself today. I feel lost.It's the second time this happened. I am so tired. I feel like me and my siblings are making all the wrong choices. We tried to have her committed because we felt that she was going to try it again, and all that did was worsen things. I have been dealing with depression myself and I have had thoughts about killing myself too for a long time. I don't know how to get better myself and look after my mum. We don't know how to guarantee her safety in the long term I haven't slept for a while now, I am going to try to get some rest. Even if this isn't read by anyone I don't have where to share these feelings.
mon try kill today feel lost it second time happen tired feel like sibling make wrong choice try commit feel go try worsen thing deal depression thought kill long time not know better look mum not know guarantee safety long term not sleep go try rest not read not share feeling
I’m a fucking scummy person and I can’t change itEver since I was 5 I’ve been the kid who’d get in trouble all the time. Never got any awards for being good and always ended up with something big like suspension. My grades are bad at the moment and I just haven’t been doing hw because I just fucking conk out every time I start. So I’ve been getting scalded for it for about a month now. Obviously it’s well deserved but I just fucking hate myself and the way I am because I always do the same shit every time. I always end up doing the same thing over and over. I’m ungrateful, disrespectful, and really just scum that shouldn’t exist. The only problem is me and I can’t fucking change myself and I fucking hate myself for acting like a fucking prick. I fucking deserve it if I shoot myself in the head with a gun or jump in front of a train.
fucking scummy person not change it ever kid trouble time get award good end big like suspension grade bad moment not he fucking conk time start get scald month obviously deserved fucking hate way shit time end thing ungrateful disrespectful scum not exist problem not fucking change fucking hate act like fucking prick fucking deserve shoot head gun jump train
I did something today I went sledding with my friends. It may not seem like much but for me ot is a pretty big milestone after all that i am going through. I am proud of myself :)
today go sled friend not like of pretty big milestone go proud
If you don't like rock then your not going to get anything on this but here I go
not like rock not go
You how you can tell i have so many friends and is not lonely and everything deprived? I pre-bought little nightmares 2 and I count the days till it comes out
tell friend not lonely deprive are bought little nightmare count day till come
pee probably tastes like salty tea😏💦‼️ can someone who drank pee before confirm this🙄‼️
pee probably taste like salty tea drink pee confirm
I still haven't beaten the first boss in Hollow Knight. I've only fought it a few times and I always die really early in the fight. I'm terrible at this game y'all. :(
not beat boss hollow knight fight time die early fight terrible game