2 values
guys, i need some help asap how in the world do i make pizza. please reply as soon as possible, the fate of the universe is at stake.
guy need help soon possible world pizza reply soon possible fate universe stake
Why do I wanna be with my girl all the time I feel like she’s gonna get tired of me cause I’m always tryna hangout n what not...In my defense I enjoy her company! Thanks for listening to my ted talk.
want girl time feel like go tired try a hangout a not in defense enjoy company thank listen ted talk
do any of you never text your friends? i never start conversations with any of my friends except for like 2 because i dont feel like i can start conversations and im afraid of being annoying or something. so i usually just wait until they hit me up, but it's been like 3 days and i havent talked to anyone. is this normal?
text friend start conversation friend like not feel like start conversation afraid annoying usually wait hit like day not talk normal
I'd like to get an opinion on something. I'm hoping at least one person can give me some helpful insight. I'm currently 17, I'll be 18 In 3 monthsish. I have ran into an opportunity to join in on a new business ran by my step-father. I have mixed feelings due to the possibility of my credit score dropping significantly making it even harder for me to start a life. But if it succeeds.... that could set me up for my future. Any advice would be great.
like opinion hope person helpful insight currently months is run opportunity join new business run stepfather mix feeling possibility credit score drop significantly make harder start life succeed set future advice great
I’m worthless and a disappointment to everyone and I want to die and be forgottenI’m a disappointment to my friends my family and the one girl I ever loved. I have no real friends left and I wake up every day wishing I could just die. Nobody cares about me anymore and I have no future
worthless disappointment want die forgotten in disappointment friend family girl love no real friend leave wake day wish die care anymore no future
is sex real i don’t think it is
sex real not think
If you're here...Kill yourself, you worthless autists, no one will care. You are fucking worthless.
here kill worthless artist no care fuck worthless
do me if im wrong but trump won right? oh he didnt?? 😏😏😏😏
wrong trump win right of not
I don't know what to doI need help, recently i've been really depressed. Over the years i've lost almost all my friends and im slowly losing the ones i still have because im constantly sad and lame and they've just had enough. I lost my girlfriend 2 weeks ago and it's really hurting me, i loved her so much she was the world to me and now she's just gone. My depression is getting so bad, all i feel is pain and sadness or nothing at all, i constantly think about killing myself and ive been close to doing it multiple times recently, i just really want to be dead so i can be free of all of this.
not know do i need help recently depressed year lose friend slowly lose one constantly sad lame lose girlfriend week ago hurt love world go depression get bad feel pain sadness constantly think kill close multiple time recently want dead free
Friends?Can someone be friends with me? I’m so lonely and scared and I know I’m on my own now. I’m afraid and nobody is around anymore. Everyone hates me and I’m so pathetic.
friends can friend lonely scared know afraid anymore hate pathetic
"SoRry YoUr PoSt WaS tO sHoRt" Does it fucking matter if I didn't write a whole fucking paragraph just for one little meme. Does it matter if it's short
sorry post short fucking matter not write fucking paragraph little meme matter short
My friend is a huge simp So basically his ex-girlfriend cheated on him 6 monta ago and now she is texting him about how she feels really sad. Now he is forgiving her and he wants to get back togheter... He truly is the king of all simps (Sorry for bad english)
friend huge simp basically a girlfriend cheat month ago text feel sad forgive want together truly king simp sorry bad english
need someone to talk toneed someone mostly to listen and maybe give me advice
need talk to need listen maybe advice
please just kill mei cant stop crying no one will help me
kill me i not stop cry no help
I'm just doing this to get a chest so yea and btw download it if you want to it's a pretty good game Check out this awesome game I’m playing:
chest yea bow download want pretty good game check awesome game play
Should I suicide soon?I am thinking suicide might be the best answer now.
suicide soon think suicide good answer
Help for My fellow teens Dont ever have crushes If you want a bf/gf. You have to askel every person you know and dont know and then someone will propably go out with you. I just got a hot bf from omegle. Anything Works you know.
help fellow teen not crush want off asked person know not know probably get hot of omega work know
Not suicidal yet but getting damn closeI just texted my ex and it when as well as one would expect. I have stopped taking my meds and I'm alone at home. Started taking shots alone. Ok off to do another shot and we will see where the night goes.
not suicidal get damn close text sex expect stop take med home start take shot of shot night go
[Interactive Quiz] On a lighter note, see if you are an introvert, extrovert or a hybrid of both personality elements. It's fun. [](
interactive quiz light note introvert extrovert hybrid personality element fun
Starting to look like my only option.I am falling apart. I feel like I am melting. Everything hurts. I am confused and hurt. It feels as though someone is reaching through my chest and squeezing my heart. I am weak. My strength is a facade. I want to dissappear. I want to run away from my life, and go anywhere else. I want to start over, but I cannot because I am stuck. I want to be somewhere that nobody knows me. Everything is set. I just have to do it.
start look like options fall apart feel like melt hurt confused hurt feel reach chest squeeze heart weak strength facade want disappear want run away life want start not stuck want know set
current state of my mental health: just finished killing stalking in 1 day what the fuck. im so mad OMG it .... such a roller coaster ...... i cant believe i experienced that
current state mental health finish kill stalking day fuck mad org roller coaster not believe experience
Anyone know how to travel back in time to fix my mistakes? Because that my only option other than suicideI know this sounds stupid but I genuinely believe someone in this world knows time travel I don’t know if they’re a secret cult or a top secret government project I don’t care I’m depressed because of the decisions I’ve made and I have hope that one of you listening might actually know a way to time travel and fix everything if not I don’t know how I can live anymore
know travel time fix mistake option suicide know sound stupid genuinely believe world know time travel not know secret cult secret government project not care depressed decision hope listen actually know way time travel fix not not know live anymore
Why reach out? It doesn’t work.I’ve told two different people today that I’m not okay. My roommate just basically said “yeah I’ve noticed you’re depressed but I have a problem where I don’t feel normal people feelings” How is me reaching out for help send you the message that I want to hear about you can’t feel anything? All I do is feel sad, alone and like I can’t do anything. My boyfriend didn’t really say anything at all and after talking with him about how I don’t feel like I matter somehow I ended up apologizing. Why am I even alive? The two people I see the most are indifferent to me. I’m so small in their world to matter, how could I ever matter to anyone else? All I can think about is disintegrating into the darkness. I wish my body would slowly fade away into the dark like my mind already has.
reach not work tell different people today not okay roommate basically say yeah notice depressed problem not feel normal people feeling reach help send message want hear not feel feel sad like not boyfriend not talk not feel like matter end apologize alive people indifferent small world matter matter think disintegrate darkness wish body slowly fade away dark like mind
i like the moon the moonlight is so soothing
like moon moonlight soothing
I'm 13 and in a long-distance relationship with a 15-year-old girl, will it work out? Im from New York, she's from Switzerland. Just started dating her a week ago, and she's really nice, pretty, and is very similar to me. My best friend says that I shouldn't fall too deep in love because we both might meet someone else. I try to convince him it will work out, and he keeps me up at night because I think about her and her finding someone else. I really love her and I don't want it to end, so can someone please answer this question?
long distance relationship year old girl work new york switzerland start date week ago nice pretty similar good friend say not fall deep love meet try convince work keep night think find love not want end answer question
Happy International Kitchen Day! I know I may be a bit late, but better do it then never.
happy international kitchen day know bit late better
the audiotree live version of liquid smooth by mitski has made me believe in god again i never thought i could love a song so much but i’ve played it thirty times in the past week🧍🏾‍♀️
audio tree live version liquid smooth its i believe god think love song play time past week
I really don't want to go back to the hospital.I have difficulty expressing myself through text or in person. I've pretty much shut myself off from anything and everyone since before January and haven't been on any meds or therapy for over a year. Even when I am on treatment I think about suicide daily and get frustrated when I don't see any changes. Today my rent is due. I have the money but my landlord only accepts money orders. He seems to think it's the only secure way to make a payment. I can't seem to motivate myself to go to the bank and get it printed up. I'm going through all of my common arguments of why this is even worth the effort. I know it's a simple thing to do and I hate that I always have to somehow convince myself to do the simplest things. Part of me knows what I need to do but I just can't seem to find it in me to do it. Maybe posting this will help me to see how stupid I'm being and just pay the rent. I can try and deal with the other stuff if I can do that.
not want hospital difficulty express text person pretty shut january not med therapy year treatment think suicide daily frustrated not change today rent money landlord accept money order think secure way payment not motivate bank print go common argument worth effort know simple thing hate convince simple thing know need not find maybe post help stupid pay rent try deal stuff
jus wondering idk i maybe wrong wouldn't kids be better off spending their most creative years trying to find something they're passionate about instead of memorizing bullshit that isn't required?
jus wonder not know maybe wrong not kid well spend creative year try find passionate instead memorize bullshit not require
ever jus.. know whats wrong but dont know how to fix it... i know.. i got some form of depression but dont know how to deal with the shit. i know i have some severe anxiety but dont know how to deal with it jskdnmj o.o
jus know wrong not know fix know get form depression not know deal shit know severe anxiety not know deal used not of
I took an overdose and now I'm scaredI don't know how much I took but I had 2400mg citalopram laid out and I got part way through and I chickened out. And I've called 999 and a doctor is going to call me back and maybe an ambulance at some point but I'm so scared. What have I done? My parents. I love them so much.
take overdose scared not know take my city oprah lay get way chicken call doctor go maybe ambulance point scared parent love
helping a friend with suicidal thoughts i know this sub is a lot of shitposts but i dont really know where else to look. any ideas? dont want to make their situation worse. what should i say to them?
help friend suicidal thought know sub lot shit post not know look idea not want situation worse
I have reached a peak in my ever-going quest for self improvement, and the only way is down. Everything I try in life fails, and every time I try to improve I fall back down to my original situation.For a while I have been trying to make myself feel better. I have increased my social experiences greatly, I go to the gym 4-5 days a week, I eat very well, and I get 8 hours sleep every day. I do everything I can to make myself feel better, but nothing works. I have lost all attachment to my goals, and I always return to this low state of depression. I can't make any situation work out in my favor, and most of the things I attempt fail. What is really the point of trying to make yourself feel better if you are in a constant state of depression. Why live a hard life when you are guaranteed to die.
reach peak everyone quest self improvement way try life fail time try improve fall original situation for try feel well increase social experience greatly gym day week eat hour sleep day feel well work lose attachment goal return low state depression not situation work favor thing attempt fail point try feel well constant state depression live hard life guarantee die
Instead of just complaining about stuff on this sub... Complain about stuff on this sub AND find something we all can talk about. Yes i am hypocrite, no i am not going to help you Thank you for reading
instead complain stuff sub complain stuff sub find talk yes hypocrite no not go help thank read
GUYS SHE SAID YES!!! To be friends.....I fucking hate myself
guy say yes friends fucking hate
I have to do somethingI feel like I have to do something because I’m going to explode if I don’t. How do I remove myself without hurting others. I feel like I am being squeezed in a hydraulic press. I can’t hardly breathe or even think.
something i feel like go explode not remove hurt feel like squeeze hydraulic press not hardly breathe think
I'm about to go broke and homeless. I've lost hope in humanity.I'm sick and tired of reading stories about people with disposable income or making money that last me a year in a month. I can't work. My parents hate me. My girlfriend hates me. I have a rare ass panic disorder and nothing helps it. I've asked for help time and time again and everybody is perfectly okay watching me and millions of others wither away. We arent fucking animals. I drew the worst ticket in the lottery of life. Fuck it I'm out. I've tried. Hard. I've fought to make my way in the world and I fucking lost. Bye.
broke homeless lose hope humanity sick tired read story people disposable income make money year month not work parent hate girlfriend hate rare ass panic disorder help ask help time time everybody perfectly okay watch million wither away not fucking animal draw bad ticket lottery life fuck try hard fight way world fucking lose bye
Holy shit guys I need to keep up my fitness to still be attractive to the male variant cus I'm gay af Like fukin seriously I'd just eat all the cookies I want like no wtf eat proper meals dumb ass, you don't get a free pass cus u got pretty good genes and sorta attractive and lots of muscle. Fuk it ima start eating 3 meals a day with only healthy snacks and work out 😤 I swear to god I will fucking do this, I fucking swear to god.
holy shit guy need fitness attractive male variant us gay of like fukien seriously eat cookie want like no whf eat proper meal dumb ass not free pass us get pretty good gene sorta attractive lot muscle fun start eat meal day healthy snack work swear god fucking fucking swear god
Why do I have to be so lazy bruh like my phone is at 2% rn and I can’t make myself go upstairs and charge it smh
lazy brush like phone in not upstairs charge sch
WhyI fucked up... I tried to kill myself and now I’m sick to my stomach and can’t eat, I’ve lost most of my friends and it’s just making me wish I didn’t survive. The only person that is still there for me is my best friend and it’s weird bc I like her and she likes me and she doesn’t wanna date till high school but either way I’m glad she’s here bc I know I can’t lose her, she is the only person that will stick with me
why i fuck try kill sick stomach not eat lose friend make wish not survive person good friend weird by like like not want date till high school way glad by know not lose person stick
It’s my birthday So take some cake and stay a while 🍰
birthday cake stay
How to get a credit card as a teen and build credit and it is legit and its AMAZING Hey! I’ve been using Step to send and receive money. Get $3 when you use my link.
credit card teen build credit legit amazing hey step send receive money use link
Being rejected by your crush is sad... Bu, did it ever come out of your nose while drinking coke?
reject crush sad by come nose drink coke
I just asserted dominance on my dad I looked him straight in the eyes, grabbed an empty cardboard box out of his hand, took a bite, swallowed,handed back the box and left the room purely because he said I was to much of a coward to take anything from him
assert dominance dad look straight eye grab cardboard box hand take bite swallowed and box leave room purely say coward
hi help a guy just told me he would put me in a blender/leave me blended what does this mean
i help guy tell blender leave blended mean
Finally crossed over from “I don’t think I can do it” to “I’m ready to do it”Suicidal hanging that will result in decapitation. I’ve been doing a lot of research on this method because it seems to be a mostly painless, and very quick death. There’s a lovely lake in my neighborhood with a lot of pedestrian bridges. People have hung themselves from the bridges, and somehow the city still has not put any suicide prevention bars up yet. I’d only need to fall 6 feet for this to work, but the fall will be probably around 15 ft. I don’t want there to be any chance of this not working. I know women tend to not try as hard to kill themselves and end up surviving more often then men but god damn it, my head will be in the bottom of the lake and it will finally be over. Fuck the world.
finally cross not think ready i suicidal hang result decapitation lot research method painless quick death lovely lake neighbourhood lot pedestrian bridge people hang bridge city not suicide prevention bar need fall foot work fall probably it not want chance not work know woman tend not try hard kill end survive man god damn head lake finally fuck world
Sub kinda dead ima go See yall when its awake
sub kind dead awake
The only reason I haven't pulled the trigger is my gun has been taken from me. I want my G19 back so I can give myself the absolution I desire while not harming the ones I love.I don't want to leave a mess for my family and loved ones to find but I feel it it my right to take my own life. I seek only to minimize the impact on people that don't deserve to have to live with the consequences of my decision.
reason not pull trigger gun take want a absolution desire not harm one love not want leave mess family love one find feel right life seek minimize impact people not deserve live consequence decision
How do people care so littleRight so the other day I electrocuted myself, classic metal in a plug socket trick, clearly nothing much happened as I’m still here to type this but what really bothered me is the situation. It was in the middle of a chemistry lesson, and few people even noticed let alone cared, people always say “plug sockets kill” so what if I had fucking died in front of them. Would they care then? And if your wondering the teacher didn’t even notice until one girl shouted at me for knocking her arm whilst I was you know, getting electrocuted.
people care little right day electrocute classic metal plug socket trick clearly happen type bother situation middle chemistry lesson people notice let care people plug socket kill fuck die care wonder teacher not notice girl shout knock arm whilst know get electrocute
Don't be too sad about your first breakup. Remember Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender. His first girlfriend turned into the moon. You'll be alright.
not sad breakup remember so a avatar air bender girlfriend turn moon alright
I need dating advice okay so me and this girl have been flirting for a while but she keeps on sending random pictures of this guy and we exchange videos and pictures just like as a thing(sorta like snapping each other but I don't like snapping), But she also sends pictures of guys who snap her weirdly and like with tHiEr shirt off and shit (whenever we do this) but this guy is fairly attractive (no homo) and I'm not sure if I should be intimidated or something. I think we're flirting because we make jokes abt each other that are sexual in nature like I was asking her if she wanted to play among us and she responded with IM JERKING OFF and so I said "to me obv" and she responds with a yes.
need date advice okay girl flirt keep send random picture guy exchange video picture like thing sorta like snap not like snap send picture guy snap weirdly like the shirt shit guy fairly attractive no homo not sure intimidate think flirt joke at sexual nature like ask want play respond jerk say obj respond yes
Would it be wrong to duct tape a childs mouth shut This girl is 5 and has a grating voice and annoying laugh and wont shut up so im in the right, right
wrong duct tape child mouth shut girl grating voice annoying laugh not shut right right
A toast to being a depressed teen I'm stressed, I'm anxious, I'm depressed, I'm 13, I have shitty parents and a shitty little brother, and my fucking head hurts \*raises glass of mountain dew\* cheers to being a Depressed teen
toast depressed teen stress anxious depressed shitty parent shitty little brother fucking head hurt raise glass mountain dew cheer depressed teen
This is the link to my Youtube and SoundCloud, where I post music. Alot of the songs are recorded months ago so they're really bad. The bad ones are exclaim minute, ndd, and misconceptions. listen if you want to. [Youtube]( [Soundcloud](
link youtube sound cloud post music a lot song record month ago bad bad one exclaim minute add misconception listen want youtube soundcloud
Who needs to hug or cuddle a pillow to sleep? And I you do, do you know the reason why are you doing that?
need hug cuddle pillow sleep know reason
The only thing stopping me from killing myself is the fear of death.I've always been a piece of shit that can't do anything right. I've failed my way through life and make everything harder for the people around me. I can tell even my parents at least subconsciously recognize this due to how the treat me compared to my sibling. I know I will die alone and afraid. I want to kill my self but I am afraid of death. Of the nothingness that awaits me.
thing stop kill fear death piece shit not right fail way life hard people tell parent subconsciously recognize treat compare sibling know die afraid want kill self afraid death nothingness await
to a bacteria i must b a fucking cosmic horror fucking cthulu shit hope im not too scary for them
bacteria a fucking cosmic horror fucking cthulhu shit hope not scary
just want to talk to a person before I passhi this is. A throwaway im drunk and have a quick means to pass to the other side and I'd appreciate some company lost my gf months ago and my best friends recently mostly cuz of my own fuck ups just want to chat for a bit before I go to the other side Maybe no one will even see this, that's ok too rhanks
want talk person pass i throwaway drunk quick mean pass appreciate company lose of month ago good friend recently cut fuck up want chat bit maybe no of thank
Quarantine has been really long. Before quarantine started i hadn't even met my Anthro Husky gf, now im going to marry her. Wow. For me it started some time around march 20th, and i met her on march 28th. So she's been with me for almost all of quarantine.
quarantine long quarantine start not meet anthrop husky of go marry wow start time march the meet march the quarantine
I did the impossible boys (and not boys) I typed in my password wrong, then deleted just the wrong part and typed the rest of it in. I feel more accomplished than ever before.
impossible boy not boy type password wrong delete wrong type rest feel accomplished
On a break with my girlfriendMy already shaky mental health is now really bad after me and my girlfriend decided to go on a break. I miss her so much. The only reason why I’m not cutting myself right now is because I know she’d be disappointed/sad if I did that. I want to die really badly (although I know I’m not actually going to do anything about it). Usually whenever Im sad I’d talk to her but I can’t now because I don’t want it to seem like I’m emotionally manipulating her into getting back together with me, so now I don’t really have anyone to talk to
break girlfriend my shaky mental health bad girlfriend decide break miss reason not cut right know disappointed sad want die badly know not actually go usually sad talk not not want like emotionally manipulate get not talk
My friend touched a girl's tities My friend ThrGoldenP1gg touched a girl's tities on purpose and still has reddit.
friend touch girl title friend throw deng touch girl title purpose geddit
I was about to do it...I just got back home. Sitting on the couch thinking. I woke up this morning and decided to skip on heading to my classes. I lied in bed for a while and then sat around the house not doing anything. I eventually wrote out my suicide note and got in the car to head to the building where I used to hang out on the rooftop with some friends. I left my note in the car and took the elevator to the top. I got in the stairwell with the rooftop access and, for the first time ever, the door leading to the roof was locked. Not knowing what to do, I turned back around and headed back home. I sat in my car for a while thinking of other ways I could do it. But now I'm just back home, lying on the couch, doing nothing.
it i get home sit couch thinking wake morning decide skip head class lie bed sit house not eventually write suicide note get car head building hang rooftop friend leave note car take elevator get stairwell rooftop access time door lead roof lock not know turn head home sit car thinking way home lie couch
I guess y'all are right, maybe I am the i not their son? they (my parents) abused me when I do something that I think is right and it hurts me a lot. i think, now they don't care about me anymore. can I give up? give up on life? can i die now? im tired of this ;3
guess right maybe problem am not son parent abuse think right hurt lot think not care anymore life die tired
i think i'm done with Shy Away lyricposting now just gonna enjoy the song now and post "normal" things
think shy away lyric post go enjoy song post normal thing
I can’t believe I have to leave this out here... SUPER STRAIGHT ISN’T A SEXUALITY IT’S A PREFERENCE, 🙄STOP MOCKING THE ENTIRE LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITY WITH YOUR BULL. 😒 Plus your “flag” has PH colours...🤭
not believe leave super straight not sexuality preference stop mock entire get via community bull plus flag pm colour
Wish me luck bois A little context my whole family were kinda overconfident when handling the virus so im pretty sure were infectied because they had the bright idea to meet in person a familly member who has the virus in person without masks Hope I survive this
wish luck boys little context family kind overconfident handle virus pretty sure infective bright idea meet person family member virus person mask hope survive
guys what just happened so here's what happened, I woke up and checked my phone as usual. I had a text from my gf asking if my bird stepped on my keyboard due to my poor spelling in my last message. I didn't remember what my last message was so I checked it and it was supposed to say good night and I love you. it was spelled very bad. this wouldn't be a problem, except for the fact that the message was sent an HOUR AFTER I WENT TO SLEEP. guys I fucking sleep texted how the fuck did that happen I'm genuinely scared what if i text someone other than my gf or what if I text my gf something bad I dont know what to do ashhwbahsbfahwsfbajkbfrhhjasgfhjaesrgbhjfsgbewjhkrfbgjhe
guy happen happen wake check phone usual text of ask bird step keyboard poor spelling message not remember message check suppose good night love spell bad not problem fact message send hour go sleep guy fucking sleep text fuck happen genuinely scared text of text of bad not know ashhwbahsbfahwsfbajkbfrhhjasgfhjaesrgbhjfsgbewjhkrfbgjhe
I’m done I’m not worthy of lifeForget it
not worthy life forget
Do you guys think it's bad or weird to get a blowjob from another dude just for the fuck of it? Like why not? Long story short I'm a straight dude who's not having too much luck with the ladies right now. I have a good friend tho, he's gay and has kinda had a open crush on me since I've known him He uh... Offered to give me a BJ as a joke but I think he was hinting that he was actually pretty serious about it. And like... I'm kind of thinking to myself.... why not? I mean. A blowjob is a blowjob. I can just say no homo and be done with it right? Right...?
guy think bad weird blowjob dude fuck like not long story short straight dude not have luck lady right good friend tho gay kind open crush know us offer by joke think hint actually pretty like kind think not mean blowjob blowjob no homo right right
I learned something today that will change redditor forever. Today I learned that we technically never touch anything becausr of atoms. So when we lose our virginity, we are not technically losing it since the 2 parts never touches each other. Redditors can now "lose" their virginity without quitting reddit.
learn today change redd tor forever today learn technically touch because atom lose virginity not technically lose part touch redd tor lose virginity quit geddit
Probably goodbyeHi there I wish I didn't have to make a separate post for this but idk what to do. My parents are kicking me out on a few days. I have no job,my family is mostly jank,I have no where to go, and horrible social anxiety (autism and whatnot,never posted about that online before but whatever). Once it happens I'm probably just going to pack up some stuff,bring pills leave and die. If that happens then goodbye.
probably goodbye i wish not separate post not know parent kick day no job my family jan i no horrible social anxiety autism whatnot never post online happen probably go pack stuff re pill leave die happen goodbye
Aight so here’s my question Hey... GOD! If being gay is so wrong why do dudes have a G spot in their asshole? Outsmarted god B)
right question hey god gay wrong dude a spot ass hole outsmarted god a
is it just me or I have always loved everything to do with rain. kissing in the rain, laying in the rain, crying in the rain, swimming in the rain and like everything romantic in the rain. is it just a teen thing?
love rain kissing rain lay rain cry rain swimming rain like romantic rain teen thing
Figuring out how to get this shit over with.Let it be known in the hypothetical police investigation "Fuck you, you and you. I had absolutely fucking nothing to live for. Penis.
figure shit with let know hypothetical police investigation fuck absolutely fuck live penis
All speech should never be censored Doesn’t matter how messed up or wrong it is, it is their and our right to say what we want when we want. As long as nobody is being harassed or assaulted, you can say whatever you want
speech censor not matter mess wrong right want want long harass assault want
Someone just randomly DMed me a picture I posted yesterday of myself, edited as a girl. This is why DMs on Reddit scare me. If it’s not a pedo, a dude asking for pictures of thighs, a bot, or a douche, it’s a someone sending a picture of you as a girl. Come on, guys. Wtf even is this anymore?
randomly me picture post yesterday edit girl dos geddit scare not pedro dude ask picture thigh bot douche send picture girl come guy whf anymore
Can anyone talk me into telling my teacher about my suicidal thoughts?Background info: •I’ve been suicidal for a few years •I’m not that close to my parents so he’d be my most trusted adult atm •I’m really anxious, and I guess I need some convincing
talk tell teacher suicidal thought background info suicidal year not close parent trusted adult atm anxious guess need convincing
Goodnight bois I shall dream of anthro husky gf's warmth and love
goodnight boys shall dream anthrop husky gas warmth love
relatable lyrics pt. 2: "be kind to me, oh can't you see? im in misery." "its cold" "ive been feeling tired"
relatable lyric it kind of not misery cold feel tired
Bored in the car on my way back from snowboarding And bored as hell! yaaay. Anyone wanna talk?
bored car way snowboarding bore hell may want talk
Idk what to put here I started wearing my hood and just not participating in class at all not talking to anybody just being the “quiet kid” and since then my science teacher has started like calling me sir and shit and being like overly nice to me I think he thinks I’m gonna be a school shooter im not
not know start wear hood not participate class not talk anybody quiet kid science teacher start like call sir shit like overly nice think think go school shooter not
In an alternate timeline I'd make a wonderful mad scientist. Too bad I don't have a brain in this timeline. :(
alternate timeline wonderful mad scientist bad not brain timeline
Been feeling bad about myself, had to get an ego boost by curb stomping my 12 year old sister at chess The amount of power I feel forcing a queen blunder in 4 turns is amazing
feel bad ego boost curb stomp year old sister chess power feel force queen blunder turn amazing
Yay just decided to take a picture of the top of my head to see how much hair I still got I discovered I am an ugly 17 years old who is lucky enough to to get to 18 with any hair at all
may decide picture head hair get discover ugly year old lucky hair
i really want to die right now.i have over 16 mental disorders and so ,my mind is a , mess and because of that i hurt someone i really care about. i feel useless and i don't know what to do
want die right now i mental disorder mind mess hurt care feel useless not know
I had a strange dream yesterday... So basically I was standing in a dark room and suddenly Dwayne Johnson appeared and I accidentally stabbed him with a lightsaber I didn’t even know i had in my hand. Then suddenly everything was back to normal and I woke up. What did this mean exactly am I force sensitive?
strange dream yesterday basically stand dark room suddenly dwayne johnson appear accidentally stab lights be not know hand suddenly normal wake mean exactly force sensitive
Info/experiences on ECT ( Electroconvulsive Treatment )Anyone with info on ECT will be appreciated
info experience act electro convulsive treatment info act appreciate
Can anyone else "pop" their shoulder? I don't mean cracking it like knuckles, I mean pop it, like when you move your legs weird and they pop in your hips. Interestingly, I can only do it with my left shoulder and not my right.
pop shoulder not mean crack like knuckle mean pop like leg weird pop hip interestingly left shoulder not right
I don't know what triggered this huge influx of people asking their crushes out... But I'm happy for you all! May your days to come be filled with happiness. I'll join you all in the ranks of non single eventually brethren
not know trigger huge influx people ask crush happy day come fill happiness join rank non single eventually brother
I simply think I've lived long enoughI'm 21. I know that's not that old. I'll be 22 in a couple months. I just don't feel like it anymore. I've fucked too many things up. I don't think I have a chance at feeling content. I'm reaching a calm acceptance that I don't want my life to continue. It feels like it has run its course. I would like to be done
simply think live long enough in know not old couple month not feel like anymore fuck thing not think chance feel content reach calm acceptance not want life continue feel like run course like
I am an awful human beingI feel so guilty because I had sex a week ago. What if the person I did it with had Covid and they didn't know yet? What if I have Covid? What if I spread it to my grandparents? I would literally be responsible for their deaths. I feel like shit. I have fantasies of suicide but I can't really act on them. My anxiety has made it impossible for me to keep up a normal human relationship. Maybe it's time to start the downward spiral? There's no way I will ever feel like a functioning human being so I might as well give up? Give myself a year or so before I end it all? idk I just am tired of this shit.
awful human being feel guilty sex week ago person ovid not know ovid spread grandparent literally responsible death feel like shit fantasy suicide not act anxiety impossible normal human relationship maybe time start downward spiral no way feel like function human year end not know tired shit
Im bored and sad so please comment something nice. Yeah im just sad for no reason and want attenction.
bored sad comment nice yeah sad no reason want attention
I am going to get some peope their ass I feel like some people iknow can fuck off Look, im a tall and big guy but i realised im way too nice to some people. They are my “friends but in the mean while the comment on everything about me, like: ay ur have a big forehead, ay ur fits look trash, u will never get a gf and more. There was also this guy that exposed me to my crush and showed everything about me to her. I think i need to beat some people up. Im done with this bullshit and i do not care if i get in trouble for fighting because i got bullied.
go people ass feel like people i know fuck look tall big guy realise way nice people friend mean comment like a or big forehead a or fit look trash of guy expose crush show think need beat people bullshit not care trouble fighting get bully
Offering help I'm just putting this out there to see if anyone needs advice or something to rant at or anything like that. It doesn't matter what, I'll try to help if I can and at the very least be a listening ear. I can't say I've gone through everything, or even much, but I can do what I can from what I've seen. Just want to help someone (Just adding this at the end, I don't know if anyone has noticed but I've been trying to put this up daily to try to help people. So not spam but I am repeating post. Don't know if it has ever had any impact or help, but gonna keep doing it on the low chance it does. Was kind of debating doing it today because of some irl stuff, but decided to anyway, although my response time might be longer than id prefer.)
offering help put need advice rant like not matter try help listening ear not go see want help add end not know notice try daily try help people not spam repeat post not know impact help go low chance kind debate today real life stuff decide response time long would prefer
I don’t know what’s wrong with meI’ve never lived a hard life. I’m only 18. I have a decent support group around me and i feel like I would be doing no one but myself a favour by offing myself. I just don’t understand anymore. What’s the point in going on if we all just die in the end. I’ve considered just veering off the side of the road but the thought that i might vegetate myself scares me even more then that great beyond. I know this might come across as attention seeking but i literally don’t know what to do with myself. I just can’t seem to get happy anymore. I get false happiness from abusing, alcohol mostly where i’ve had my stomach pumped at least 5 times. I just don’t know how to feel anything anymore.
not know wrong live live hard life decent support group feel like no favour off not understand anymore point go die end consider veer road thought vegetate scare great know come attention seeking literally not know not happy anymore false happiness abuse alcohol stomach pump time not know feel anymore
I think this is itWell. Ive been thinking about it for a long time. And i feel like this time it really is the best option. I dont really know why im posting this. Maybe im seeking an answer that i havent discovered. Because i just dont think the issue is going to get any better. But only much worse. I have a plan. And i know this will work. Ive been walking all day thinking about it and preparing. Now im just waiting for i dont know.
think it well think long time feel like time good option not know post maybe seek answer not discover not think issue go well bad plan know work walk day think prepare wait not know
The girl that took over my life and told me that she loved me plays me....I got a verry best friend that i loves more then everything. Now shes away with some other guys and i know that like 4-5 of them also loves her. I cant handle this more, she dosent answear me and she only send me stuffs like shopping with them and so. Im planing to take my life like tonight or go to hospital. I want to end everything in my life right here right now....
girl take life tell love play me i get very good friend love away guy know like love not handle docent answer send stuff like shop plane life like tonight hospital want end life right right
I got two A grades and one B grade!! I just wanted to share my grades here. I'm really happy. At one point I was getting D grades in the subject I got B so I'm proud of my progress.
get grade a grade want share grade happy point get a grade subject get a proud progress
this post is for the girls with a youtube channel! i made some free outros to use !! []( i’m a girl myself and my target audience is mainly girls but if you’re free to watch it as a guy ^_^
post girl youtube channel free outdo use girl target audience mainly girl free watch guy