2 values
I just don't want to do it anymore.There's so many people around me, but all I feel is alone. Nobody cares about who I am, they only see who they want me to be. Im tired of it. I don't sleep. And no matter how much I try Im just never good enough for anybody. I feel so isolated. I just want to sink into the ground and never be found. I don't even know why I'm here, like some how typing it out to a whole bunch of strangers is gonna help. I'm not suicidal I just need to tell someone.
not want anymore there people feel care want tired not sleep no matter try good anybody feel isolated want sink ground find not know like type bunch stranger go help not suicidal need tell
Toads are better than frogs Nothing can change my mind
toad well frog change mind
Remember people If you ever feel useless is because you are useless
remember people feel useless useless
I want to die, and I'm gonna die in a few hours. But I don't want to die alone.If anyone is willing to talk to me and make sure I'm calm before I kill myself, I would so highly appreciate that.
want die go die hour not want die alone if willing talk sure calm kill highly appreciate
This looks like the endMy friends hate me because they think I’m a habitual liar, which I’m not anymore. I have changed, but there are some people who spread lies and convince my friends that it was me who did it or said something. They believe them too, and left me. My life is already going to shit, maybe I just might kill myself tonight. I’ve got a bottle of sleeping pills somewhere in the house. I just feel miserable right now. I don’t see any point in living life or any way that things will get better or change.
look like end my friend hate think habitual liar not anymore change people spread lie convince friend say believe leave life go shit maybe kill tonight get bottle sleep pill house feel miserable right not point live life way thing well change
Hey guys here’s a hard to swallow pill Banning guns only makes the problem worse.
hey guy hard swallow pill ban gun make problem bad
How do I blink please I suffocated with a French fries and got revived by Jesus itself. But now I forgot how to blonk
blink suffocate french fry get revive jesus forget block
the spanish fart fandom is dying updo(redacted) if you are a true pedophile
spanish fart fandom die updo redacted true paedophile
Can't go on, but too afraid to die.It's the same cycle over and over. I can't seem to permanently improve my mind or life. At this point, the task seems too daunting. I don't want to or think I can put in the work. I'm afraid of almost everything. I can't face anything. I'm soft as charming in a world shaped by the jungle. It's so much easier to just opt out, but I'm too afraid to die thanks to hundreds of millions of years of evolution. Pete Davidson makes one IG post about suicide and every famous person ever wants to help him out now. But nobody gives a fuck about us. Not in real way.
not afraid diet cycle not permanently improve mind life point task daunting not want think work afraid not face soft charming world shape jungle easy opt afraid die thank hundred million year evolution pete davidson make in post suicide famous person want help give fuck not real way
17f anyone wanna listen to me rant in pms so like yeah? I'll rant and expose my shitty life decisions while u judge the fuck out of me😎 who's down?
of want listen rant pms like yeah rant expose shitty life decision judge fuck
I might fail collegeI been trying my best and been putting as much effort as I can but everytime I do something It would be like taking 100 steps back . I watch other classmates percead onto the next task but I happen to not even finish the first task. I just want to make my parents proud but it seems as if I fail they will be disappointed. I sometimes want to die because I feel as if this would separate me from all this stress.
fail college try good put effort every time like take step watch classmate percent task happen not finish task want parent proud fail disappoint want die feel separate stress
Day 5 of posting till I get a gf Requirements: 1. Should be a girl(many people told me to mention that in the previous posts) 2. Should be human(optional) 3. Should be alive(no ghosts this time, sorry ghosts) 4. Should not know how to cook (I love cooking, I'll cook) 5. Should love me(most imp) 6. Its Nerf or Nothing
day post till of requirement girl many people tell mention previous post human optional alive no ghost time sorry ghost not know cook love cook cook love me most imp nerf
Would y’all listen to multi accent ASMR Just curious, like it’s not weird if you’re making money
listen multi accent astr curious like not weird make money
Not sure if I want to die or just have a different lifeHonestly. I know why you would say “just get help”. I truly do. I used to do the same. But, when literally everything in life has gone wrong or bad, what do you do? I’m not sure if I want to die or have a different life?
not sure want die different life honestly know help truly literally life go wrong bad not sure want die different life
I hate motivational speakers so fucking much they all have the exact same story and are just so annoying, I can't stand them.
hate motivational speaker fucking exact story annoying not stand
Anyone wanna chat? I’m bored so PM me if you wanna chat. Additional text
want chat bored pm want chat additional text
I’m a senior in highschool who recently turned 18 and I have a crush on a girl I work with who’s in college. So I’ve been working at this restaurant for about 8 months and about a month ago this new girl started waiting tables (I work in the kitchen) I introduced myself the second time I saw her because she was busy with training her first day and I try to strike up a conversation whenever we’re not busy. We have fun conversations and its all nice and stuff. She seemed impressed because I had a 4.5 gpa and gave me some tips about picking a college and a major and that stuff. The issue is I lowkey started liking her but she’s also like 20 so I’m pretty sure she’s definitely not feeling the same way about me. What do you guys think? Am I just second guessing myself or am I just a friend?
senior high school recently turn crush girl work college work restaurant month month ago new girl start wait table work kitchen introduce second time see busy train day try strike conversation not busy fun conversation nice stuff impressed spa give tip pick college major stuff issue low key start like like pretty sure definitely not feel way guy think second guess friend
Why do I change moods every fucking 2 hours? I fucking hate it, just be stable for a fucking week! A week! Stop CHANGING EVERY DAY STOP
change mood fucking hour fucking hate stable fucking week week stop change day stop
ok i am crossed i must drink water and go to bed ‼️ it always makes me kinda nauseous this is terrible. but im hella out of it 💪😼 this rocks i love gettin fucked up. im gonna make a fried egg ! bye
of cross drink water bed make kind nauseous terrible hello rock love get in fuck go fried egg bye
I'm sick of thisMy life for the past 5 years has been cyclin between really fucking depressed and feeling kinda okay. And my "kinda okay" is really just "i don't wake up every single morning wishing i were dead." I've tried to kill myself twice and I wish it worked. I relapsed on oxy and cutting recently and it's just another reason for me to fucking hate myself. I care deeply about my fiancé but part of me thinks i'm falling out of love with him. It's terrifying because he's my only friend and the only person who gives a shit about me. I don't want to keep living
sick this my life past year cycling fuck depressed feel kind okay kind okay not wake single morning wish dead try kill twice wish work relapse roxy cut recently reason fucking hate care deeply fiance think fall love terrifying friend person give shit not want live
Considering suicide...I’ve got enough of living as a whole. My grades are beyond unacceptable, and I’ve got mental disease (Asperger’s, to be precise). I don’t feel like there’s hope anymore... I’ve got a rope ready to strangle myself. Just asking for some support, otherwise I’ll hook it onto myself and then kill myself.
consider suicide get live grade unacceptable get mental disease asperger precise not feel like hope anymore get rope ready strangle ask support hook kill
When I hear happy Christmas it makes me uncomfortable Idk why it just does. Merry Christmas just rings better imo
hear happy christmas make uncomfortable not know merry christmas ring better go
My mom refused me to buy me a puzzle and she said I get easily bored and never finish them. 8 year old inside just died
mon refuse buy puzzle say easily bored finish year old inside die
It’s like I can’t even be happy anymoreEverything is fucked this whole online school thing made me not study for the longest time and I don’t even know what’s happening. My family is trying to make me happy and yes I do feel happy for some time but then it’s back to this feeling which makes me feel like I’m in hell. No matter how good things might be it’s like I won’t allow myself to be happy. There’s no point to being here if I can never be happy. I’m probably gonna go kms at this point
like not happy anymore everything fuck online school thing not study long time not know happen family try happy yes feel happy time feeling make feel like hell no matter good thing like not allow happy no point happy probably go ems point
we were wanderers from the beginning bounded only by the earth and the sky the frontier was everywhere
wanderer beginning bound earth sky frontier
Is this weird at all? I’m a 15m and I don’t really get horny at all, and I don’t want to have sex in the future for the pleasure aspect, I just want kids.
weird a not horny not want sex future pleasure aspect want kid
I want to die, but I'm afraid it'll kill someoneExactly what it says on the can. The couple people I'm close with also have serious issues with depression/anxiety/self-harm/EDs, including my dad, and I'm terrified that if I do anything at all it'll trigger someone else, but I also can't reach out to them because how could you heap more problems onto someone struggling that much?? But I honestly can't stand myself now, and I really want to hurt myself.
want die afraid kill someone exactly say couple people close issue depressionanxietyselfharmed include dad terrified trigger not reach heap problem struggle honestly not stand want hurt
Random things I like alot for no reason Eyes, windows, double decker trains, fishing towns, the feeling of lips, cold rooms so you can cover yourself when you sleep, forehead kisses for my dog, etc
random thing like a lot no reason eye window double decker train fishing town feeling lip cold room cover sleep forehead kiss dog etc
I have a question Do you amigos (not in a relationship) want to date someone and just give them your whole heart to them but also you are scared to try because you think that they will just throw it away and kill you emotionally?
question amigo not relationship want date heart scared try think throw away kill emotionally
Ok so aperently tin foil was apart of the wrapping of my burger. And I went to go microwave it and I guess you could say I made a #**𝓕𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮**
of apparently tin foil apart wrapping burger go microwave guess fucking mistake
I've had a plan for awhileFor over a year I've had a plan to kill myself, but I have always found a reason to hold on for one more day. Then everything fell apart. Health deteriorated to the point of basically debilitating me physically and financially, the amount of stress my job puts on me has me in tears everyday, my husband cheated on me and lies to me, my closest friend lives on the other side of the country, and my other closest friend is now keeping me at arms length. Everyone who has ever told me they loved me has either hurt me or abandoned me. Why the fuck would I want to keep doing this?
plan awhile for year plan kill find reason hold day fall apart health deteriorate point basically debilitate physically financially stress job put tear everyday husband cheat lie close friend live country close friend keep arm length tell love hurt abandon fuck want
advice for girls from a girl If the boy's hot but eight, it's worth the wait 😂😂😂😂😂😳🙄
advice girl girl boy hot worth wait
Too scaredI just tried to hang myself and I couldn't even last a minute. Idk if it was too painful or am I just being a pussy.
scared try hang not minute not know painful pussy
Care to chat?? Okay you read the text on top, go ahead I don’t care (-__-)
care chat okay read text ahead not care
Coping with clinical depression without health insurance?Im recovering from my first really bad episode and recently found out i will be losing my health insurance. I have tried celexa however it greatly worsened my symptoms and I have since avoided antidepressants. However, I always liked the idea of being able to turn doctors for new medication if it got really bad again. How do those of you without health insurance cope?
cope clinical depression health insurance recover bad episode recently find lose health insurance try helena greatly worsen symptom avoid antidepressant like idea able turn doctor new medication get bad health insurance cope
People in twitter really can't handle other's opinions My borderline nazi friend is more accepting than them so there's something seriously wrong with them
people twitter not handle opinion borderline nazi friend accepting seriously wrong
Any recommended VR games? I'm getting a VR headset soon and I'm wondering what games to buy.
recommend or game get or headset soon wonder game buy
anyone else numb?anyone else just don't care? Like, its hard for me to explain but like, i hate my existence and its one big circle i want to put an end too... but it doesn't feel like anything. I don't have any emotion or feeling anymore I have no energy like, most of the time i don't know what to do or how to react. I am also starting to notice im getting more and more insecure about my body and saying"im too skinny" bc thats what everyone tells me, it triggers me and holds me back but im not going anywhere in life so why let it? lmao. i needed to write this so at least someone knows how i feel
numb anyone not care like hard explain like hate existence big circle want end not feel like not emotion feeling anymore no energy like time not know react start notice get insecure body saying skinny by tell trigger hold not go life let lao need write know feel
Drowning myself in the toilet should do it.I plan to kill myself at school by drowning in the toilets tomorrow. I hate my new school and I hate my parents and I hate my teachers. Nobody at my school has the same interests as me. School doesn’t teach anything useful. I want to die.
drown toilet it i plan kill school drown toilet tomorrow hate new school hate parent hate teacher school interest school not teach useful want die
Ugh I have PE this semester He actually makes us appear on camera this class is going to be absolutely awful for my dysphoria
ugh be semester actually make appear camera class go absolutely awful dysphoria
help.i feel like there is a huge hole inside of me. i have no friends except my dog and most people think im a weirdo. i just feel sad and sick inside.. my children do not like me they moved out one by one and wont even answer the phone for me...they think i am just to much to bother with.. and all i want is just to talk not feel so lonely.. i feel so sad and not sure if i can go on much longer. i think of how life would be if i was dead...i am only here (alive) because i love my dog and i couldnt bare him being mistreated. but hes getting old and im getting weak.
help feel like huge hole inside no friend dog people think weirdo feel sad sick inside child not like move not answer phone me they think bother want talk not feel lonely feel sad alone not sure longer think life dead alive love dog not bare mistreat a get old get weak
Who is your favourite music artist? :D The questions is in the title. My favourite is juice WRLD :)
favourite music artist a question title favourite juice world
Anyone else not read books anymore Reading books used to be the only thing i would do I read books all the time even at school and my reading level was 7 years above everyone else but I don't do it anymore and whenever I try I just stop. Books are no longer fast enough, I can't stay focused.
not read book anymore read book thing read book time school reading level year not anymore try stop book no longer fast not stay focused
Anyone wanna chat? Just PM me If you do want to chat.
want chat pm want chat
imagine not being deathly afraid of dogs. couldn’t be me 🥱 ahahaha fr though don’t come near me with one of those virulent beasts i’ll start crying 🏃🏼‍♀️
imagine not deathly afraid dog not shah aha for not come near virulent beast start cry
FailureForever sleep needed.
failure forever sleep need
So much suffering. Makes me wonder what the point is.During this month alone: • Coworker's son in law dropped dead from a heart attack at 42 • Other coworker's dad is in hospice and not doing well • Another coworker's daughter was just diagnosed with cervical cancer • Older coworker has cancer himself • Member of our facility (16) was hit by a car and is in a coma All of this just within my workplace in a single month. I don't even work with that many people. There's so much suffering in this world, it feels like hell on Earth. Humans were a mistake, and I honestly don't want to be a part of this reality anymore.
suffering make wonder point issue month coworker son law drop dead heart attack coworker dad hospice not coworker daughter diagnose cervical cancer old coworker cancer member facility hit car coma workplace single month not work people suffering world feel like hell earth human mistake honestly not want reality anymore
For all you Metalheads of this subreddit What are your 5 favorite metal albums? Here’s mine: Cryptopsy - None So Vile In Flames - Whoracle Satyricon - Nemesis Divinia Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia Septicflesh - The Great Mass
metalhead sub edit favourite metal album cry topsy vile flame oracle satyr icon nemesis diving jimmy borgia puritanical euphoric misanthropic septic flesh great mass
That moment when your dad texts you “did you shower” And you didn’t shower. I’m scared if he finds out, shit.
moment dad text shower not shower scared find shit
Gyro is Jotaro 2 (yeehaw bogaloo) How you ask? Funky hat Say yare yare O r a a a Need I say more?
gyro potato seesaw boga loo ask funky hat yare yare or need
Bye bye So I'm 14 and my grades have dropped drastically due to online school with me not being able to focus on the subjects, instead I play video games or lurk Reddit. So I'm going to do the logical thing and delete my account and uninstall my games. It was fun while it lasted but everything has an end. If anyone sees this have a good day and strive to succeed. Ciao
bye bye grade drop drastically online school not able focus subject instead play video game lurk geddit go logical thing delete account uninstall game fun last end see good day strive succeed ciao
Hey I'm having a nice day so far Online school is going well, and the teachers aren't asking me too many things. Don't worry though, I keep up my work. Oh by the way, have some cake! 2 year gang!
hey have nice day far online school go teacher not ask thing not worry work of way cake year gang
I really thought this was the time for me to succeedLife is so complex and I can't deal with it. My brain can't contain it. I wanna sleep forever.
think time succeed life complex not deal brain not contain want sleep forever
I had a dream that I was gonna smash this cute boy but we kept being interrupted 😭 filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
dream go smash cute boy keep interrupt
How long can one run away from the truth. The reality of your circumstances.. I’ve been good at bullshitting for about 10 years but now I’m just so tired. I’m broke, jobless, hungry, and staring at the ceiling all dayIt really is a dog eat dog world. I have so many regrets. I’ve learned how naive I was for so many years. How trusting and helping so many others backfired and now when I need help, they all turn their backs. Survival of the fittest. And I knkw im not fit to play this stupid game for much longer.
long run away truth reality circumstance good bullshit year tired break jobless hungry stare ceiling day it dog eat dog world regret learn naive year trust help backfire need help turn back survival fit know not fit play stupid game longer
My gf look at me like 👁️👄👁️ h Hahaha you are so funni now please stop because that's what lame ngas do, Dhahaha sike I havE don't gf
of look like a hah aha funny stop lame gas dhaka a sike not of
To people who like apple jacks cereal Your shit arrived in australia pls take it back they are gross man they have remained in my cupboard un eaten for 7 months now
people like apple jack cereal shit arrive australia plus gross man remain cupboard in eat month
Normalize this If you ask out your crush and they say yes make sure to ask if they pet their dog for the enjoyment of themselves for the enjoyment of the dog
normalize ask crush yes sure ask pet dog enjoyment enjoyment dog
I refuse to believe my parents aren't virgins. Like it's gross if it's any other way. My parents? Sex? So fucking gross. Like how could I live with the thought that my parents have had sex atleast once? \*shutter\*
refuse believe parent not virgin like gross way parent sex fucking gross like live thought parent sex at least shutter
my life is entire life is shit. i have no friends, most people hate me for no reason. my family hates me because im not as good as they want me to be. i have no talents and no career. im utterly useless in every way. i cant even tell the one girl who actually gives a shit, she girl who i am madly in love with, how i really feel about her. my entire life is completely pointless and theres no way it will ever get better. im not going to see a counselor or a physiologist all i want is to just shut my eyes and never have to deal with how shitty i am or my life is. i want nothing more right now than just to die and im scared that it might come to that. what the fuck are you guys going to do to keep me from that? i need help reddit, please help me.
life shitty entire life shit no friend people hate no reason family hate not good want no talent no career utterly useless way not tell girl actually give shit girl madly love feel entire life completely pointless no way well not go counselor physiologist want shut eye deal shitty life want right die scared come fuck guy go need help geddit help
Ive been trying to find the name of a movie for the last two days! There's this English movie in which there are two boats, one is filled with prisoners and other with civilians and one of the boat has bomb on it. Ive been searching my ass off on the internet to find the name of the movie to I didn't get shit! Somebody help me!
try find movie day english movie boat fill prisoner civilian boat bomb search ass internet find movie not shit somebody help
ThIs Is GoNnA gEt LoSt In NeW Yeah right. I keep seeing those in best posts. Not that i don't like them, i like bread, but it hurts to see that. Thanks for reading.
go lose new yeah right see good post not not like like bread hurt thank reading
Ayoo we bumping the way life goes🥶🥶🥲😶 If u look at my other post u understand this post. “But i like this girl too much i wish i never met her” Yes
a you bump way life go look post understand post like girl wish meet yes
I am all alone.I wake up feeling sad, go to sleep feeling sad, and then repeat. In between I try to do things. I take my medication like I should. Some days I go out and do social things, some days I go to Dr. or therapist... but my days always start and end the same way. I have no friends. It's just me alone in my apartment. I probably ruined college. I ruined my relationships. I am just alone. I am tired of building myself up again and then having it all crash. I think this time I fell to far because I think about killing myself almost constantly.
alone wake feel sad sleep feel sad repeat try thing medication like day social thing day or therapist day start end way no friend apartment probably ruin college ruin relationship tired build have crash think time fall far think kill constantly
I need answers not help.I’m a 6’0 male that weighs 60kg, would 60 500mg tablets of paracetamol kill me? I’ve attempted multiple times in the past and every time an ambulance has gotten to me before it was too late. Would I be likely to die or be beyond saving in the event an ambulance got to me? Thanks.
need answer not help male weigh pkg my tablet paracetamol kill attempt multiple time past time ambulance get late likely die save event ambulance get thank
Anyone know what to do? So my friend of the opposite gender just snapped me hmu. I know what it means but i dont know what she wants me to say/ how to respond. Anyone smarter than me wanna help?
know friend opposite gender snap hmm know mean not know want respond smarter want help
Holy shit is did it Asked a girl out and she said yes, I never thought I’d make it this far. What am I suppose to do now?!
holy shit ask girl say yes think far suppose
My science teacher is adorable Also some kid asked him "what animal did monkeys have sex with to make humans?" He lost faith in us instantly
science teacher adorable kid ask animal monkey sex human lose faith instantly
Please help fill out my google form!! i am a dead inside robot who likes data sheets Its a google form asking things about you , more details in the introduction [Link to the google form]( [Spreadsheet statistics](
help fill google form dead inside robot like data sheet google form ask thing detail introduction link google form spreadsheet statistics
You know what guys? It is completely okay to forgive a person for his/her mistake and move on as long as they're actually trying to be better. What's not okay is to remind them and make them feel bad about it again and again when they have actually been trying. We're only human. We do make mistakes and it's fine.
know guy completely okay forgive person higher mistake long actually try well not okay remind feel bad actually try human mistake fine
My mum rickrolled me and I ain’t even mad Yeah during dinner my mum played some old music and I’m just hearing the beginning of never gonna give you up and she looks me deadass in the eye.
mum rick role not mad yeah dinner mum play old music hear beginning go look dead ass eye
I want to get my suicide out of the wayI will depressed for my whole life and I do not want to put my children through this trauma. I am terrified of killing myself, and traumatizing them for life. This is so morbid... but I think about it a lot, I am so scared
want suicide way i depressed life not want child trauma terrified kill traumatize life morbid think lot scared
I wanna make a parody of a song and I need some lyrical advice. So I want to write a parody of a song but I need some lyrical advice. Could you help?
want parody song need lyrical advice want write parody song need lyrical advice help
I’d rather date crush A but I’d rather have sex with Crush B. Who should I flirt with? I (F) am friends with with a girl (Crush A) at my school and I really like her. I’ve been flirting with her for a while and I think we’re hitting it off. (don’t worry I haven’t fallen for a straight girl, she’s also bisexual). Last night tho, I was messaging a friend and he was being kinda flirty and I flirted back, and I finally realized I want to f*ck him (hence, he is Crush B). But I don’t really want a relationship with him, and I definitely would want a relationship with Crush A. Should I keep flirting with both at the same time? I *was* planning on asking Crush A out as soon as I saw her again at school, but now I’m honestly not sure.
date crush sex crush a flirt of friend girl crush school like flirt think hit not worry not fall straight girl bisexual night tho message friend kind flirty flirt finally realize want fuck crush a not want relationship definitely want relationship crush flirt time plan ask crush soon see school honestly not sure
Any artists here? We should be art buddies and chat on Discord lol
artist art buddy chat discord low
Reasons to cutI sit and wonder if cutting is bad. I know some people cut to practice slitting their wrists but I may start again to avoid killing myself. I am broken. Maybe if I cut out the bad pieces I can be ok.
reason cut sit wonder cut bad know people cut practice slit wrist start avoid kill break maybe cut bad piece of
My memory sucks I feel like my brain has failed me. I had to recite the months of the year backwards for a neurologist televisit and I struggled, I also forgot March and September. I literally hate my memory and that is all I have to say.
memory suck feel like brain fail recite month year backwards neurologist tel visit struggle forget march september literally hate memory
One way to make me madMy mother just asked me what was wrong, after I said I wasn’t in a good mood. Then when I explain how on a daily basis I want to die, I get the whole shpeel, then she asks “do you want to get better?” What kind of question is that? Just fuck off with that bullshit
way madly mother ask wrong say not good mood explain daily basis want die speed ask want better kind question fuck bullshit
The 1 am loneliness just hit send help aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa
loneliness hit send help a a a a a a a a
I'm so tired and so sad. I just want to be good."You destroy everything And you never mean to"
tired sad want good you destroy mean
Why simp over girls when you can just simp over ✨me✨ I'll even love you back
simp girl simp love
Death By Cuttin Off My Shaft I decided to end it tonight no matter what. I bought a ton of meth to give me courage. Im going to inject the meth into my penis and once it hits, Im going to cut my penis off with garden sheers. I be damned if i dont bleed to death. Peace out yall
death cut in shaft decide end tonight no matter buy ton meth courage go inject meth penis hit go cut penis garden sheer damned not bleed death peace
I’m really strugglingI just need someone to tell me it is going to be ok. I’m really struggling and it really sucks. My husband is abusive and I don’t have anyone close by. I have a daughter and I’m just really struggling to get by. I’m just looking for help anywhere.
struggling need tell go of struggle suck husband abusive not close daughter struggle look help
I just overdosedI just ttok a cocktail of meds and this is my first attempt everything is getting blurry is that a good sign
overdosed took cocktail med attempt get blurry good sign
i want to DIEi just want to lay upside down wait for all the blood to get to my head and just fucking die
want die want lay upside wait blood head fucking die
Holidays are the worst.Not that I don’t want others to be happy, but for some reason seeing everyone laughing, having fun, & just actually... *living* reminds me of how empty life is for people like me and how much *I* have trouble living. I’m feeling the worst today and it’s only the *beginning* of the holidays.
holiday worst not not want happy reason see laugh have fun amp actually live remind life people like trouble live feel bad today beginning holiday
I'm so scared I might actually do it somedayI was so stressed during college, whenever I closed my eyes I could see myself jumping out of a building, hanging myself, or just lying down on my bed with blood coming out from my cut wrists. I also have sleep paralysis often, it was so fcking scary at first. But now, I'm just staying at our house and sometimes the thought of hanging myself crosses my mind, thinking which area of our house should I hang myself. No one in my family knew I've been suffering for years. My Dad is verbally abusing me since I was a kid. It really piles up. He is so great at making me feel so worthless. I'm so scared I might do it someday.
scared actually someday stressed college close eye jump building hang lie bed blood come cut wrist sleep paralysis fake scary stay house thought hang cross mind think area house hang no family know suffer year dad verbally abuse kid pile great make feel worthless scared someday
Maybe it’s just me Is it just me or does life seem to get less exciting ass you get older besides you know graduation for both high school and college marriage and stuff like that. I’m talking about stuff you used to enjoy as a kid like Christmas and birthdays but now there just part of my routine I can barley tell the difference between holidays and normal days any more.
maybe life exciting ass old know graduation high school college marriage stuff like talk stuff enjoy kid like christmas birthday routine barley tell difference holiday normal day
I'm not a furry but... and other lies I tell myself
not furry lie tell
I just confessed my love to my crush I was chatting with my friend and for some reason out of the blue i said "I love you!" He seemed shocked at first but after a few moments he said the exact same thing to me. I've never been happier in my life. Please someone make sure this dream never ends!!
confess love crush chat friend reason blue say love shocked moment say exact thing happy life sure dream end
Knowing what it would do to my kids the only thing keeping me from committing suicide...helpDepressed, stressed, lost my job (see post history), I'm 40 years old and Ive failed at life. Therapy hasn't helped, I'm at the end of my rope...
know kid thing keep commit suicidehelpdepresse stress lose job post history year old fail life therapy not help end rope
I'm sad yo. Das it. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk. This definitely isn't a cry for help. No idea what you're talking about.
sad to as thank come ted talk definitely not cry help no idea talk
Idea: We all should post the things that happened to us this year on 31st! I mean, a text post on how are we different from last year, how our looks and personalities have changed. What our last growth sprut did to us. Best and worst things happend this year. It would be a good way to leave any bad shit out of our mind before entering 2021 and sharing our happiness. After all, we are a community of people who are constatnly changing year by year to become a better or a worse person. I think mods should ban picture posts on 31st december and add a flair for these kinds of posts exclusive to that day. If you like my idea then please make sure it reaches to the mods and other people too.
idea post thing happen year st mean text post different year look personality change growth strut good bad thing happen year good way leave bad shit mind enter share happiness community people constantly change year year well bad person think mod ban picture post st december add flair kind post exclusive day like idea sure reach mod people
Guess it's time to change my flair today Have been 17 for 9 hours now and the only person to wist me a happy birthday yet has been my grandma. Thx grandma
guess time change flair today hour person wist happy birthday grandma the grandma
Is it normal to be feeling sad / empty every night? I have been experiencing this for many years now and I'm getting tired dealing with it everyday tbh
normal feel sad night experience year get tired deal everyday tbs
Just a challenge to train my brain Give me any real English word or name that's 5 or under 5 letters and I'll try to make an acronym out of it.
challenge train brain real english word letter try acronym
Ask 15 year old male anything I was born fifteen years ago btw
ask year old male bear year ago bow
Mmmmmmm chicken strips Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I like the chicken strips
my chicken strip minim like chicken strip
Do you say Yeah or Yea
yeah yea
i wish i could be erased from everyones memoriesthat is all
wish erase memories that