2 values
I've given upIn the past, when I wanted to kill myself, a part of me was still trying... But after losing the only person who ever really made me happy... I have given up. I can't fix things with her, everything else without her is fucking meaningless. Every day the only reason I'm not killing myself is because I've failed so many times and the only thing that keeps me going is the tiny sliver of hope that she'll love me again, as much as I love her... But why would she... I'm so tired of everyone's advice. I'm so tired of 'do you want to talk about it?' No... I don't... All I want is her... It's too late tonight, but it's time to put a plan in motion and get out of this life...
give up in past want kill try lose person happy give not fix thing fuck meaningless day reason not kill fail time thing keep go tiny sliver hope love love tired advice tired want talk no not want late tonight time plan motion life
I’m scared. I don’t want it to stop.Recently my family has received a contact tracing email about how we were exposed to the plague from a guy we gave pie to on thanksgiving, during this time I’ve realized something. I’m scared. I am absolutely terrified and I want to hold onto that for as long as I can. Now this is really a will to live but fear of death is a start, we all start somewhere.
scared not want stop recently family receive contact trace email expose plague guy give pie thanksgiving time realize scared absolutely terrified want hold long live fear death start start
I can't do this anymore.I can't do it. I can't pay my debts, I can't borrow any more money. No-one will help. It's bullshit, I have close relatives who have the money to help, but won't. But you can guarantee that once I'm gone they would have 'done anything to save me.'. Bullshit.
not anymore not not pay debt not borrow money help bullshit close relative money help not guarantee go save bullshit
How are you guys doing? Just wanted to ask everyone how they are doing bc why tf not
guy want ask by of not
I have a reverse boner Went to r/mylittleponyporn as a joke because I thought it would be funny. Nope. Don't go there. Ever. Please. I need to cut my dick off and gouge out my eyes, bye.
reverse boner go rmylittleponyporn joke think funny nope not need cut dick gouge eye bye
I'm considering offing myself tomorrow.I can even go to school tomorrow to not make it suspicious. I'm only there until 10 for my first lesson. I don't want to do this but I am done with depression. It's sad because I have almost everything handed to me on a plate, yet it's not enough.
consider off tomorrow school tomorrow not suspicious lesson not want depression sad handed plate not
How do you want to kill yourself?Sometimes I just want to find the easiest least painful way. But mostly, I want to kill myself in a way that will make people remember. Like pouring gasoline all over myself, then lighting myself on fire. Or I wish I had been brave enough to kill myself when I visited my grandma for Christmas. She has these neighbors that have overly protective pitbulls. I would have liked to climb over their fence, and let them rip me apart. But I wouldn't want the dogs killed because of me. I don't know if all dogs that kill a human would be killed. Maybe just stabbing myself in the chest would be ok, or slitting my throat.
want kill yourself sometime want find easy painful way want kill way people remember like pour gasoline light fire wish brave kill visit grandma christmas neighbour overly protective pit bull like climb fence let rip apart not want dog kill not know dog kill human kill maybe stab chest of slit throat
Freshman year I remember a girl in 10th grade getting a nose job I’m jealous of her bruh imagine having parents that don’t shit on you for having insecurities can’t relate
freshman year remember girl the grade get nose job jealous brush imagine have parent not shit have insecurity not relate
I regret not killing myselfEvery day I regret not killing myself I don't even know why I keep going on. Fuck this life. The people who say they want you around really don't. They convenience you not to kill yourself before the leave and abandone you. They say it's not that bad but they don't fucking know what your feeling the pain inside the suffering. It's not even hard to kill myself anymore. It used to be a feeling of what if I leave something or someone behind who cares. It turns out those people don't exist. The sooner I go away the better.
regret not kill myself very day regret not kill not know go fuck life people want not convenience not kill leave abandoned not bad not fucking know feel pain inside suffering not hard kill anymore feeling leave care turn people not exist sooner away well
Rest In Peace Nye Newman (aka Nye Brewman) On this day 4 years ago we lost you at the young age of 17. You inspired so many others, including me, to do parkour. You were an amazing teacher and an amazing kid and we’re all hurting without you here. Thank you for all the happiness you brought us in your 17 years here. Until we meet again bro ✊🏻
rest peace eye newman aka eye crewman day year ago lose young age inspire include parkour amazing teacher amazing kid hurt thank happiness bring year meet bro
I feel like I am going to drown myself tomorrow.I just dont have a reason to keep going everyone betrays me and replaces me and it just hurts me so much and i dont want to be hurt anymore and its just so fucking hard
feel like go drown tomorrow not reason go betray replace hurt not want hurt anymore fucking hard
I’m scaredI’m not responding to any of my medications. I’ve tried all 3 antidepressants that I can use at my age in my state. None of it’s worked. Will I get forced into a mental hospital? I have an appointment with my psychiatrist in a week or so and I feel like that’s what he’s going to say.
scare dim not respond medication try antidepressant use age state work force mental hospital appointment psychiatrist week feel like go
I have my sleeping pills ready. Gonna get some booze tomorrow. I also have plan B and C, just in case.Tonight I'm testing how strong they are, to find a proper dose. I want to go to permanent sleep without a liver damage. Wish me luck I don't reincarnate in this cosmic asylum once again. I'm gonna be pissed
sleeping pill ready go booze tomorrow plan by case tonight test strong find proper dose want permanent sleep liver damage wish luck not reincarnate cosmic asylum go piss
Thursday the 14thI've been planning my suicide for Thursday the 14th for about a month now. It's the day before mock exams take place, I don't even feel an ounce of stress for anything which stops me from ever putting work into anything, I've got no future. I'm too scared to take a single step out of my comfort zone and I am too anxious to ask for help. The past week I've spent the nights in bed wanting to cry so badly but nothing comes, I'm just this void of nothingness, I don't even want to talk to close friends about this because I'll just come across as attention seeking. I'm just going to see how the school day is and most probably end it all finally.
thursday thrive plan suicide thursday the month day mock exam place not feel ounce stress stop put work get no future scared single step comfort zone anxious ask help past week spend night bed want cry badly come void nothingness not want talk close friend come attention seek go school day probably end finally
This is just the mood right now [](
mood right
I feel so aloneSo just the other day I lost my ex fiancé and her daughter which I was apart of her life for the 7 months of the little ones life.. now she decided to leave me and live with her friend and friends husband.. I’ve harmed my liver severely 6 years ago and now I just want to finish everything off.. I loved the kid and I loved her more than anything and I feel so empty without Them.. I have no one to talk to and no one understand what I’m going through like I wanna ball my eyes out but I’m just so numb..
feel alone so day lose sex fiance daughter apart life month little one life decide leave live friend friend husband harm liver severely year ago want finish love kid love feel no talk no understand go like want ball eye numb
No more fortnite No more cards No more 19 dollar cards 😳
no footnote no card no dollar card
I don’t know whether I want to die or notThe thought of dying gives me so much pleasure and makes me feel good because all the pain will end but knowing that I’ll be dead forever is just so terrifying. It fucking makes me so sad that my life has to turn out like this and I wish things would just get better. I wish dying didn’t have to be an option. I hate when people say “suicide is never an option” but it’s the only one for me, everything is a mess right now. I know I’m such a terrible person and things will probably just get worse. I feel like the issues I deal with are so different to everybody else. I don’t know whether to commit suicide or not, I’m really young but I can’t tell if things will get better.
not know want die not the thought die give pleasure make feel good pain end know dead forever terrifying fucking make sad life turn like wish thing well wish dying not option hate people suicide option mess right know terrible person thing probably bad feel like issue deal different everybody not know commit suicide not young not tell thing well
The greatest debate ever known to man... If your parents ever catch you masturbating, should you first close down the porn or pull up you pants?
great debate know man parent catch masturbate close porn pull pant
Being smart isn’t a blessing It’s a fucking curse. One second you’re taking an IQ test and the next you’re in mostly AP classes for your sophomore year of high school. This shit sucks! I miss my free time where I’d y’all to people and help them. Now I can’t do that. I have so much homework, that when I’m done with it, IT’S TIME FOR ME TO GO TO SCHOOL *AND GET MORE HOMEWORK*. I fucking hate this. I want to quit school. This isn’t beneficial. It just makes me depressed. Wtf is wrong with the education system?
smart not blessing fucking curse second take in test a class sophomore year high school shit suck miss free time people help not homework time school homework fucking hate want quit school not beneficial make depressed whf wrong education system
I wish I could find love I would Never gonna give her up Never gonna let her down Never gonna run around and desert her Never gonna make her cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt her I really just wanna be loved and don't be lonely all the time
wish find love go go let go run desert go cry go goodbye go tell lie hurt want love not lonely time
What happened to the chatroom things on reddit I swear a while ago you could join a group chat with like 5 or so other teenagers and just chat for a while. Did they get rid of that?
happen chatroom thing geddit swear ago join group chat like teenager chat rid
Can 30 Tylenol 3 pills kill you?My boyfriend just tryed to overdose. Idk where he is. He just texted me saying he took 30. Now he's not responding. I need to know if he's just asleep.
tylenol pill kill you my boyfriend try overdose not know text say take not respond need know asleep
If I'm being honest, if I had a gun right now, I wouldn't be here.The thoughts going through my head now are how to do it the quickest and most painless way.
honest gun right not her the thought go head quick painless way
20thI've been thinking about it for a while now and hahaha wouldnt it be an epic if i killed myself on my 20th birthday hahahaha that would be real funny epic moment
thrive think hah aha not epic kill the birthday a yamaha real funny epic moment
Fuck it Dm im m14 straight its 3:30 am and I lack basic cognitive function. Just dm me for something idek what yet
fuck dam straight lack basic cognitive function do idea
Why headache? Why must I deal with this pain?
headache deal pain
Hey everyone I just want to tell you that you are evoluted cum
hey want tell volute cum
How many rich people from Florida hate the military? I heard Trump and his son Trump Jr made fun of veterans. How many rich people in Florida make fun of military people? I opposed the war in Iraq but believe people like that do not deserve their wealth and power.
rich people florida hate military hear trump son trump or fun veteran rich people florida fun military people oppose war iraq believe people like not deserve wealth power
It's my birthday and all I can think is that I have absolutely no reason to live.I am unhappily married, unemployed and have no idea how to get myself out of this situation, that I feel stuck in. I am a worthless loser with nothing to contribute to the world. I hate my life and I can't seem to get myself to do anything about it. I wish that I could just stop breathing. Why should I live when there are so many more useful people in this world. Don't we have to many useless people?
birthday think absolutely no reason live unhappily married unemployed no idea situation feel stuck worthless loser contribute world hate life not wish stop breathe live useful people world not useless people
Racing thoughtsLast year When the ambulance came to my house after i ODd i was shaking and crying uncontrollably and then the paramedic comes into my room and laughs at me and looks into my eyes and said "your hurting your mother look at her" i looked and saw my mom crying too but i already felt like absaloute shit why did this man do this like i dont understand now i cant stop bthinking about this moment , mabye it was all my fault , mabye he thought i was a attention seeker as everyone else thinks i am
race thought last year ambulance come house odd shake cry uncontrollably paramedic come room laugh look eye say hurt mother look look see mon cry feel like absolute shit man like not understand not stop think moment maybe fault maybe think attention seeker think
I came to know something interesting I don't remember what I do and how I spend my 1/3rd time of the day.
come know interesting not remember spend re time day
I'm done. Goodnight.I've had enough of it all. Godspeed.
goodnight godspeed
I'm done with this constant fighting from the most insignificant thingsI'm so done. I fight constantly with my mother from the most stupid things. There's not a day that goes by without her trying to argue just for the sake of arguing. Online school has me stressed enough and her trying to have me even more stressed and getting upset just so she can get upset's bringing me to my tipping point, I'm so done. My grandmother called me yesterday to berate me as well. Now, the both of them stopped talking to me and my mom is doing a lot of petty things to inconvenience me even more... God I just wanna end it all and be done with this quarantine, fights, online school, tests and all that. I get the constant feeling no one here likes me. My birthday's this month and I'll be stuck with my parents.
constant fighting insignificant thing sim fight constantly mother stupid thing not day go try argue sake argue online school stress try stressed get upset upset bring tipping point grandmother call yesterday berate stop talk mon lot petty thing inconvenience god want end quarantine fight online school test constant feeling no like birthday month stick parent
What is to be done about anonymous suicide threats online?Every now and again I'll see a threat of suicide pop up here or on other websites (It used to happen a lot on /b/ many years ago when I was on there) and I was wondering what should be done with such threats. Is there anything that can be done in terms of getting somebody involved or is it best just to try to talk the person down?
anonymous suicide threat online very threat suicide pop website happen lot a year ago wonder threat term get somebody involve good try talk person
Man, when I see girls who act like bitches I really want to say something about their appearance. For example, if I see a girl with a small butt I will tell her that mine is better, if she has big boobs I just tell her that the only good thing about her is her personality. Is it bad? I mean, when people insult me I don't think I should just take it.
man girl act like bitch want appearance example girl small butt tell well big boob tell good thing personality bad mean people insult not think
I'm looking for information about an old imported cashmere coat. It's an old hand sown 100% cashmere coat with a label saying "Royal Rajah 100% Imported Cashmere Maurice L Rothschild & co" The label also has red stone on it and the coat looks beige but it's in great condition and has a silk looking inside of the same color. It seems similar to the kinds of coats my grandma used to inspect when she worked in a coat factory in her youth. I've been trying to look for information about it but I can't find anything about it. if you can find anything about it please let me know.
look information old import cashmere coat old hand sown cashmere coat label say royal rajah import cashmere maurice a rothschild amp co label red stone coat look beige great condition silk look inside color similar kind coat grandma inspect work coat factory youth try look information not find find let know
Please help me. I just want to talk to somebody.I'm really just feeling shitty right now.... I am alone and I want to die. I'm ready to do it tonight.
help want talk somebody feel shitty right want die ready tonight
Still lovin' having three mandatory meetings on my day off filler filler filler filler filler
love have mandatory meeting day
I am horny And I am proud of it
horny proud
My mom and dad always ask me what i want to do with my life I dont know the only thing i can think of where i see myselfe in a few years is 1.8-2.2m under the earth.
mon dad ask want life not know thing think myself year a earth
When she got thicc thighs, big tiddies, and a floofy tail 💕❤💞💕❤💕💞❤💞❤💕❤💕❤💞❤💕❤ ______________________________________________
get thick thigh big kiddie floozy tail
People say my girlfriend (16) looks 13, and while she's only one year younger than me, a couple of people have pointed it out. What do I do? I'm 17, and while to me she doesn't look so much younger than what she is, some other people think so. She's basically perfect for me, but looks youngish. Like that I'm attracted to someone who looks younger, could it be a serious issue? I'll be deleting this soon, but I want to hear you people's inputs on this.
people girlfriend look year young couple people point not look young people think basically perfect look youngish like attract look young issue delete soon want hear people input
1am thoughts do people with a foot fetish ever think about the foot emoji when they can't find any real feet to masturbate to
thought people foot fetish think foot emo i not find real foot masturbate
Why?Why can’t I move on? Why can’t I be a normal person? Why am I a monster? Why am I a burden to everyone around me? Why do I ruin everything? Why do I destroy my relationships with my friends and family? Why can’t I be a better person? Why am I completely insane? Why can’t I motivate myself to do anything positive? Why am I the parasite in everyone’s life? Why am I an awful excuse for a human being? Why do I hurt the people I care the most? Why can’t I enjoy life? Why can’t I be happy? Why can’t I just kill myself already?
why why not not normal person monster burden ruin destroy relationship friend family not well person completely insane not motivate positive parasite life awful excuse human hurt people care not enjoy life not happy not kill
Is it just me? Or do we all hate people in Among Us that go like "how do I vent like (this color) im new"???
hate people like vent like color new
Why do we live just to die Eve why the frick dod you eat that apple you fricken frick, adam could do better
live die eve rick do eat apple fri ken rick adam better
I'm very suicidal and I think I should do it.I feel completely hopeless. If I don't graduate this year, I won't graduate at all. I'm struggling with PTSD, and I can't get better. Meds don't help, nothing helps. I don't see why I shouldn't. There's nothing left for me.
suicidal think it i feel completely hopeless not graduate year not graduate struggle pts not well med not help help not not leave
Today I had a test at a subject I wasn't so good at and my teacher is so cool he told us the answers Thanks to that fucker I'm in advanced arabic
today test subject not good teacher cool tell answer thank fucker advanced arabic
3D Pen Creations Hello, I have a 3D pen art channel. 🎨 There are tutorials on how to make video game characters. ▶️ **Channel Link:** [3D ART LAB]( 😶 Video | [3D Pen Fall Guys - Bits Meme]( 🔴 Video | [3D Pen Paper Mario - Bits Meme]( 🌱 Video | [3D Pen Blue Pikmin](
a pen creation hello a pen art channel tutorial video game character channel link dart lab video a pen fall guy bit meme video a pen paper mario bit meme video a pen blue pitman
Anybody Else Feel Like Teens Are Getting Their Innocence Taken Away Too Soon? Like bro when I was 14 all I cared about was Minecraft and Roblox and now other kids are calling other virgins while they’re like 14 like wtf
anybody feel like teen get innocence take away soon like bro care min craft rob lox kid call virgin like like whf
Why is america so weird Like yall have the weirdest people (no offence, but I've seen one too many American joker wannabes) Yall have the weirdest measurements Its funny cause in Europe we make jokes about America but more every american is like that, I know some Americans who joke about how dumbs Americans are. But why is it like that? The education system?
america weird like weird people no offence see american joker wannabes weird measurement funny europe joke america american like know americans joke dumb americans like education system
omeglei was talking to someone on omegle and they were talking about cutting themselves. later on they said that they were going to kill themselves and they disconnected. i don’t know what to do
omega i talk omega talk cut later say go kill disconnect not know
Dying is overrated Like just imagine wanting to die
die overrate like imagine want die
What is this fbi n.e.e.t that comes in those loli memes and stuff? i tried finding in google it just shows loli dance memes and NEET exam.
fri next come coli meme stuff try find google show coli dance meme next exam
um not this weird guy in my class saying he fucked sumones mum then making sex noises right next to me 🧐 he always does weird shit like that I hate this dude sm wish I could slap him across the face but hes like a foot taller than me so I'd be beat up and dead. also he said he wants to give me stds so yeahh chile what can I do about this weirdo
us not weird guy class say fuck simone mum make sex noise right weird shit like hate dude so wish slap faces like foot tall beat dead say want std yeah chile weirdo
How many people on here actually play Fortnite un-ironically? I’m one of them😳
people actually play footnote ironically
I wasn’t able to post it this morning, but I ate breakfast It mentally wasn’t great afterwards, but I still did it and that’s what matters.
not able post morning eat breakfast mentally not great matter
Does love make me stronger? I want to become stronger so I started doing full body workout, but I heard that love makes people stronger, is that true and if yes how strong does it make you ?
love strong want strong start body workout hear love make people strong true yes strong
In a few hours I’m gonna go take the COVID test Dad got COVID so me and mom are gonna get the test to make sure we don’t have it. I don’t think I have it because I have my smell and taste but who knows. I’ll make an update post after the results come in
hour go ovid test dad get ovid mon go test sure not not think smell taste know update post result come
Since the mods refuse to allow polls, I created a subreddit for teenager polls. Feel free to join and post on r/Teenager_Polls and let other teenagers know about it :D
mod refuse allow poll create sub edit teenager poll feel free join post teenager poll let teenager know a
Currently sat outside A&E, too anxious to go in.I need help.. but I can’t go in there.
currently sit outside name anxious in i need help not
Just turned 18. Here's a piece of advice For anyone who is still a kid, please live it up while you can. Go out with friends and vandalize shit and make memories bc it's gonna end sooner than you think.
turn piece advice kid live friend vandalize shit memory by go end sooner think
Anyone here play Geometry Dash? I have some friends that do, but they dont like it as much as me. I am kinda looking to see if anyone wants to talk about Geometry Dash.
play geometry dash friend not like kind look want talk geometry dash
For anyone that wants someone to talk toI understand that a lot of people are struggling with their mental health due to quarantine. If you need or want someone to talk to during this time please send me a message, I'm more than willing to talk to you or allow you to vent to me. Due to where I live (NZ) and the fact that I stay up pretty late I might be here even if not many people are around you are awake. I just want to try and help, as many people have helped me from this community in the past.
want talk to i understand lot people struggle mental health quarantine need want talk time send message willing talk allow vent live no fact stay pretty late not people awake want try help people help community past
Who yall got playing the final game of the world series My bet would Dodgers VS Yankees
get play final game world series bet dodger is yankee
jojo fans still exist in 2020?? y’all go outside and touch some grass🙄🙄🙄
mojo fan exist outside touch grass
Day 1 of telling y'all random stuff I have in my room I have a hotdog costume hanging up on my door :)
day tell random stuff room hotdog costume hang door
2021 might be my last yearFor a year or 2 now i have been thinking about ending all at the end of next year if my life doesn't turn around, because by then if nothing changes ill be 21, jobless and without a drivers license, and i dont think that i can handle that for another year, i dont know how ill end it but im thinking of jumping off something, or seeing if i can od on something and if all else fails ill just slit my wrists when i know no one will be home for a while so i can die in peace, TLDR: Im probably going to kill myself by the end of next year if i cant turn my life around.
year for year think end end year life not turn change ill jobless driver license not think handle year not know ill end think jump see of fail ill slit wrist know no home die peace old probably go kill end year not turn life
Help me boyos I need to ask someone out and I'm freaking out. So last Saturday, after a college entrance exam me and a friend went out to eat, just us 2. We talked for like 2 hours over just 1 pizza. We told each other our secrets and fears etc... So ever since, I haven't been able to stop thinking about her and I really wanna ask her to be my girlfriend. I'm 18 and I've never had a girlfriend (I'm a guy btw). HOW DO I DO THIS?? We won't be seeing each other anytime soon btw, because of covid. So my only option is text. HALP ME PLISS
help boys need ask freak saturday college entrance exam friend go eat talk like hour pizza tell secret fear etc not able stop think want ask girlfriend girlfriend guy bow not see anytime soon bow ovid option text help piss
Depressed friend is gonna ruin life not by suicide but running away because of abuse from parents and self loathingHi, this is gonna be really weird, but i have a friend who has no job and money in ohio. They are being kicked out of the house because of their parents in 3 hours or so. I know this isn't exactly suicide but i don't know where I could post that people would respond and want to help. What I'm asking for is does anybody know of a homeless shelter or something close to Winchester, ohio? Also Do you know of any other resources or places that they could find help? They are underage and can't work because of that BTW.
depressed friend go ruin life not suicide run away abuse parent self loathing i go weird friend no job money ohio kick house parent hour know not exactly suicide not know post people respond want help ask anybody know homeless shelter close winchester ohio know resource place find help underage not work bow
I already know how this is going to go. This is my cycle:Wake up feeling bad for no reason Realize how meaningless everything is Contemplate suicide Decide to do it Back down like the coward I am Pretend everything's okay Repeat in about a month. Over, and over again. It never ends.
know go cycle wake feel bad no reason realize meaningless contemplate suicide decide like coward pretend everything okay repeat month end
concince me to wash my hair it’s been two weeks. i don’t even like it being clean but i know i should. please help
convince wash hair week not like clean know help
Should I ask my crush out? I've been thinking for a while about telling my crush how I feel but I'm just so scared he won't look at me the same way and that I'll ruin our friendship. And even though I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me back, I feel it'd be a wasted opportunity if I don't say anything. And who knows maybe we'll become better friends or he might even say yes. Anyways thx for the 5 people who read this, and sorry this was so boring
ask crush think tell crush feel scared not look way ruin friendship pretty sure not like feel waste opportunity not know maybe well friend yes anyways the people read sorry boring
Free award Whoever first comments on this post will receive my free award
free award comment post receive free award
Send some anime tiddies my way Boutta be emptier than a jc pennys at 4 am
send anime kiddie way outta empty pc penny
No body expects the Spanish Inquisition So uh today in history class I wasn’t paying attention as always and I randomly heard my teacher say “Spanish inquisition” and I kid you not I just shouted “nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition” and then I had to explain the whole concept of a meme to my 60 year old history teacher
no body expect spanish inquisition us today history class not pay attention randomly hear teacher spanish inquisition kid not shout expect spanish inquisition explain concept meme year old history teacher
Guess who just brought their mark down from a 95 to a 76? This guy!!!! Such a epic gamer moment.
guess bring mark guy epic gamer moment
i saw it in a youtube video about mental disorders on cinema: Two kinds of ambivalence >> The category when it doesn't matter just make me better, The category of I just don't care; I give up. And this really fucking spoke to me today.
see youtube video mental disorder cinema kind ambivalence get category not matter well category not care fucking speak today
xpost r/drugs, throwaway - I tried to end my life via Valium, Codeine, Endone and bourbon 3 days ago. Today my moods and emotions are beyond erratic. Does anyone know if these swings are fallout from what I tried, or chemicals rolling through my system?I was told by a user in r/drugs to post here. I hope that's okay? Wordy title explains most of it. By "fallout", I mean an emotional fallout. Ive read people in this situation can experience an emotional drop and Im trying to ascertain if that's what I'm feeling or if it's potentially a side effect of the substances leaving my body Im asking so I know if I need to be further mindful of my mental state, or if I can just wait for it to roll through
post drug throwaway try end life valium codeine undone bourbon day ago today mood emotion erratic know swing fallout try chemical roll system tell user drug post hope okay wordy title explain fallout mean emotional fallout read people situation experience emotional drop try ascertain feel potentially effect substance leave body ask know need mindful mental state wait roll
Thanks you!!! Thank u everyone for making this year a lot less boring than it would have been!!!
thank thank make year lot boring
What is it like to have a kiss? I’m 16m and I’ve never experienced a kiss or even cuddling. In your best words could you describe it?
like kiss a experience kiss cuddle good word describe
in grade 11 i went around and put small photos of peppa around my high school i was praised by the younger grades
grade go small photo poppa high school praise young grade
My mom wont get my little brother the covid 19 vaccination My mom (step mom to be exact) said that my little brother will not get the covid 19 vaccination because in her own words “it will give him AUTISM” what do I do, I don’t want my little brother to infect millions and die, and since she isn’t my real mother she said that I can get a shot with a tracker and die if I want but your brother isn’t.
mon not little brother ovid vaccination mon stepmom exact say little brother not ovid vaccination word autism not want little brother infect million die not real mother say shot tracker die want brother not
I like men... And women and any other gender you wanna identify as I just wanted to say this because I can’t say this to my dad so I guess you all are the only ones I can tell
like man woman gender want identify want not dad guess one tell
I’m afraid to share things about myself because I’m not sure if I actually mean them, or if I’m just trying to get attention if I say that I’m sad, am I really that sad, or am I just trying to get people to comfort me. Do I actually want people to help me be happy or do I think it feels good when other people try
afraid share thing not sure actually mean try attention sad sad try people comfort actually want people help happy think feel good people try
r/TheBigWasteLand Check out r/TheBigWasteLand please. Do it for me.
the wasteland check the wasteland
This is my timeline now bitch 🔫🦝 Perish‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍
timeline bitch perish
I'm so numbBeyond 2020 my future is blank. I can't imagine myself living any longer. It's like offing myself is a prophecy. I've only tried to kill myself 3 times in 8 years and narrowly pulled through but it feels like this is finally the end. I started cutting for the first time two months ago and my arms look like candy canes and its the only time i feel joy because of how much i hate myself and how awesome it is to give myself pain like I deserve. I really dont care. I feel nothing besides hatred for myself. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to do. i fucked up
numb beyond future blank not imagine live longer like off prophecy try kill time year narrowly pull feel like finally end start cut time month ago arm look like candy cane time feel joy hate awesome pain like deserve not care feel hatred not know think not know fuck
these lyrics seriously hit me in the feels (TW) go pico yeah yeah go pico yeah. go pico yeah yeah go pico yeah.
lyric seriously hit feel to pics yeah yeah pics yeah pics yeah yeah pics yeah
I am so tiredI am tired of having to put on a face for my family and friends. I am a shell of the person I used to be. I wish this all would be over
tired tired have face family friend person wish
Peepee when boner to remove Or scissors Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Tits, ass lol Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler Filler get me to hot
pee pee boner remove scissor tit ass low hot
A girl from my class just sent me a random face pic. Started school yesterday and I don’t even know her. (15,male) Im a bit confused on how to interpret her message. Could someone explain?
girl class send random face pic start school yesterday not know male bit confused interpret message explain
Why are some of you doing "no nutting until..." I woke up and saw a few of those on my feed. I don't get it lol. Masturbation feels good can be healthy. I might just do it right now.
no nutting wake see feed not low masturbation feel good healthy right
I just got my glasses this week and there's marks on my nose for it is this normal? or is the glasses to small or something
get glass week mark nose normal glass small
EPILEPTIC WARNING there are hundreds of rabid epileptics roaming the street. If you ever get attacked by one flash a strobe light at it and it will leave you alone.
epileptic warning hundred rabid epileptic roam street attack flash strobe light leave
Ok time for a break from the internet! People humanized car brands. Fucking car brands. Like Kia, Honda, Ford, etc. Fuck tumblr.
of time break internet people humanize car brand fucking car brand like via honda ford etc fuck tumble
I can’t keep going like thisEveryday I wake up and feel dull. I feel empty and it feels as if there was a weight on my chest holding me down. I have nothing left to live for, no ambition, nobody, not one thing i can think of that would be worth staying in this fucked up world for. Even if it isn’t within this week I will keep trying until I finally pass. I dont belong in this world and i can’t keep going on. I am scared of everyone and everything I can’t talk to anyone without being scared or hurt. My whole life has been hurt and the world has been taking from me until I have nothing left.
not go like this everyday wake feel dull feel feel weight chest hold leave live no ambition not thing think worth stay fuck world not week try finally pass not belong world not go scare not talk scare hurt life hurt world take leave
Lost my job today.I just dont even know anymore why I try.
lose job today i not know anymore try
I'm peeing blood Looks like I'm on my period again filler filler filler filler filler filler
pee blood look like period