2 values
mind vomiti cant get a grip right now. life is bullshit. there’s no reason to be here. we’re all just some cells hurting through space on a rock thinking we’re important. maybe if i was another person i wouldn’t care. i have nothing to distract me from the fact everything i do is meaningless. i could hurtle myself onto the pavement and the only change it’d make would possibly scar some people who will eventually die, be forgotten about. i’m fucking sick of enduring just to endure. because we “take the good with the bad.” i wouldn’t eat a cheesecake if i knew it was 90% shit, so why i’m still living that analogy is just stupid.
mind vomit not grip right life bullshit no reason cell hurt space rock thinking important maybe person not care distract fact meaningless hurtle pavement change possibly scar people eventually die forget fuck sick endure endure good bad not eat cheesecake know shit live analogy stupid
My son sent me a suicidal text. I am so scared.He is 23 and currently lives at home and works full time. I don't want to be here anymore and by here I mean alive I can't find anything or anyone to hold on to. I don't have any friends I don't have a life I'm not good at anything. I lose everyone and everything. I really just want to end it all and I don't see any problems with that. I'm losing my mind I can't take it. I don't know what to do I don't even want to do anything other then jump into traffic. I'm a pathetic waste of space and I don't see anything else.
son send suicidal text scared he currently live home work time not want anymore mean alive not find hold not friend not life not good lose want end not problem lose mind not not know not want jump traffic pathetic waste space not
Am I a bad person if i felt relieved when my moms ex bf that was an asshole died He wasnt abusive or anything like that just annoying and an asshole
bad person feel relieved mon sex of ass hole die not abusive like annoying ass hole
You ever just take a nap in the car listening to your playlist on shuffle and when you wake up your favorite song comes on It’s one of the best feelings in my opinion
nap car listen playlist shuffle wake favourite song come good feeling opinion
Is this legitIn comments is the link. If I bought and took them would they actually kill me?
legit in comment link buy take actually kill
Someone tell me an over the counter drug I can OD on painlessly, I’d just use my vyvanse but I’m scaredI’ve had enough my life is going nowhere I’m the biggest outsider and I just want to die
tell counter drug of painlessly use van be scare dive life go big outsider want die
I think I'm just meant to be under the influenceIt’s the only way I don’t feel terrible. P.S. I’m not on or ever used hard drugs.
think mean influence it way not feel terrible is not hard drug
I'm about 1 bad look away from ending it all.Fuck this shit.
bad look away end all fuck shit
How to stop being boring? I'm a super boring person. People who talk to me are always them to carry on the conversation. I have nothing to talk about and like when people ask me 'how was your day' I just reply 'fine' when maybe they expect me to talk about it
stop bore super boring person people talk carry conversation talk like people ask day reply fine maybe expect talk
Too Pussy To Commit Suicide?title says it all
pussy commit suicide title say
I just don't see the point..I don't see the point in living anymore as I have nothing to live for. I'm not feeling suicidal but I just don't see the point in living anymore. I was bullied for about 1-2 years and have been feeling depressed ever since (that happened about 4 years ago). Sometimes the feeling of sadness seems to fade away but it always comes back. I've tried several times to turn my life around but it never works. I have no friends and I've tried making friends but it always fails because I have social anxiety. I just need someone to talk to.
not point not point live anymore live not feel suicidal not point living anymore bully year feel depressed happen year ago feeling sadness fade away come try time turn life work no friend try make friend fail social anxiety need talk
Freaking Hate AP Bio I thought it would be interesting. Like what the hell is a cristae. Stupid AP Bio.
freak hate a bio think interesting like hell crista stupid a bio
I need help going to rest.Hello Users of r/SuicideWatch i want to go to sleep, forever that is i want to do it peacefully and without pain.
need help go rest hello user suicide watch want sleep forever want peacefully pain
Poor choice of words, I was playing DOMINATION on call of duty modern warfare with a friend. I flanked to Charlie flag, as it’s the better spawn on that map. And as I was far into their spawn I exclaim to my friend, “I’m deep inside Charlie” plot twist is I’m bi, and I haven’t told him yet. And the icing on the cake, I made the mistake 2 more times in the same session.
poor choice word play domination duty modern warfare friend flank charlie flag well spawn map far spawn exclaim friend deep inside charlie plot twist by not tell icing cake mistake time session
generic title and generic rantafter my partner got done saying "you're the problem" I decided that I was going to kill myself tonight. I know he's not going to come back down here to make sure I'm okay. maybe if he came back before I did it it would be okay but he won't, an hour is too long but I'll probably wait that long, and I'll still be alone, and then I'll do it "you're the problem" is hardly the worst thing he's said but fuck I was sad and I wanted a hug, and then the next thing I know he's telling me why he fucking hates me so much and that's it I don't have anyone, any family, anything, I needed him but he's right I'm just alone with a person who hates me I'll always be the problem, I always deserved to be hated and now I won't be a problem anymore he'll still hate me but at least it won't hurt cuz I'll be fucking dead
generic title generic ran after partner get say problem decide go kill tonight know not go come sure okay maybe come okay not hour long probably wait long problem hardly bad thing say fuck sad want hug thing know tell fucking hate not family need right person hate problem deserve hate not problem anymore hate not hurt cut fuck dead
I am about to sleep. Put random crap in the comments for me to wake up to. (Night 35) I tend to repeat the night numbers a lot. Must be my messed up brain functionality at night
sleep random crap comment wake night tend repeat night number lot mess brain functionality night
I wanna reccomend kpop songs Like every time tell what concept you want cutesy badass . Calming whatever i ll try to find
want recommend pop song like time tell concept want cutesy bad ass calm will try find
I wanna sleep but the Adventure Time song is stuck in my head Makes me wanna cry and think about all my old friends
want sleep adventure time song stick head make want cry think old friend
Advice on pans, from a pan We cook stuff Wash us when you’re done Fuck induction stoves real pans love fire
advice pan pan cook stuff wash fuck induction stove real pan love fire
Hey girl how’s your credit score Cos u got me but forgot about it Hmm idk about this one
hey girl credit score cos get forget hmm not know
it’s all fun and games till she pulls out the lemon car ya’ll beware, can’t trust girls nowadays apparently.😔😤
fun game till pull lemon cary beware not trust girl nowadays apparently
Should I go into a casual relationship? I want to know if this is a good idea since I haven’t dated before and I want to know if this is a good idea before actual dating.
casual relationship want know good idea not date want know good idea actual dating
Monster Energy Ham is amazing Monster Energy Ham is love Monster Energy Ham is life As I said it’s what I need I want it to exist
monster energy ham amazing monster energy ham love monster energy ham life say need want exist
it's 5.30AM and i don't have class for 6 hours entertain me
not class hour entertain
I think I'm f***ing doneMy life is hell. I don't know if I can stand to live another day with myself. It's been this way for most of my years. I don't know if I can take it anymore. I don't know why I'm writing this. There is more I can write, but I don't see the sense in it.
think be done my life hell not know stand live day way year not know anymore not know write write not sense
Missed a lot of projects, parents aren't too happyMight just do it tonight!
miss lot project parent not happy might tonight
for the stupid bitches saying kill all men, who's gonna be killing us? Yall? fuck outta here. if I dye my hair that's +20 points of attack damage!
stupid bitch say kill man go kill fuck outta dye hair point attack damage
my dad texted me randomly today he said happy new year i haven’t talked to him in almost 5th years🤨
dad text randomly today say happy new year not talk the year
talk of talk sad mad their happy meh you
I miss being excited to see someone texted or realize that I existI'm nearing the point where I just go numb and loose all emotion and motivation. The only thing stopping me is my only friend but they're too busy to want to care about me... or they just hate me which is more likely. I don't want to die... I just want some support. No one wants to give it to me and those who do have made it worse for me. How stuff like this makes me feel is so intense I just want to cry... I'll have to die if I really loose my 'friend' though. I miss when I was social and had so many people loving me, and now I'm left with no one. Seeing anyone has texted me would make my day, which happens rarely and now no one wants to talk to me. I'm better off selling myself to someone so they could make use of my useless ass, I hate so much. None of this makes sense, I'm sorry
miss excited text realize exist in near point numb loose emotion motivation thing stop friend busy want care hate likely not want die want support no want bad stuff like make feel intense want cry die loose friend miss social people love leave no see text day happen rarely no want talk well sell use useless ass hate make sense sorry
so basically i told my best friend that i had feelings for her and well... she just said “i-“ and now ive been left on delivered for 6 hours it hurts edit: for the people saying that she’s a bitch or whatever i just wanna remind you that shes my best friend and she isnt a bitch.
basically tell good friend feeling say leave deliver hour hurt edit people say bitch want remind good friend not bitch
So, I just fingered myself for the first time. I'm a guy I feel really confused and scared. I'm attracted to girls but lately I've been thinking about guys. I won't go to into details, but basically i did what the title says. I know I probably sound like every other karma whore on this sub but I'm serious. I'm asking for answers or any ways for me to understand what's going on. Idc how many help me im grateful for anything.
finger time guy feel confused scare attract girl lately think guy not detail basically title say know probably sound like karma whore sub ask answer way understand go i d help grateful
I had the best dream... I went to the beach with my family and I was having fun for once, once the first night was over I went to bed in the hotel then I woke up in real life...I WAS SO PISSED TBH
good dream go beach family have fun night go bed hotel wake real life pissed tbs
You wanna know something? Other people posting about karma whores are being karma whores, because they are posting about something relatable that we understand. Thus a cycle of karma whores. I also acknowledge my being a hypocrite by making a post karma whores karma whores.
want know people post karma whore karma whore post relatable understand cycle karma whores acknowledge hypocrite make post karma whore karma whores
So life: what's the difference between liking/hating life the same way you like/hate anything else?I mean... From my perspective, I didn't exist, and then suddenly I did. But, if I don't like the idea of this life thing I find myself in then why am I supposed to try sooo hard to tough it out until things get better? Please help me understand. I don't seem to be very good at it.
life difference liking hate life way like hate else mean perspective not exist suddenly not like idea life thing find suppose try so hard tough thing well help understand not good
Goodnight cuties Love yall, take care of yourselves and behave yeah? Be nice to eachother ;) ~<3
goodnight cutie love care behave yeah nice each other it
did ya know ya cant stick your tongue out and swallow while smiling? lol jk i made you look like a fucking dog smiling at their phone
a know a not stick tongue swallow smile look look like fucking dog smile phone
I constantly get ahead of myself It’s so hard to stop doing it aaaaa
constantly ahead hard stop a a
Spoons are so cool They can be used as a weapon to cause damage or harm to an object or person!
spoon cool weapon damage harm object person
How can I talk to girls being shy as fuck? I already try everything but I can't talk fluently with girls. My friends already try to help me, but I decided to listen to strangers in internet.
talk girl shy fuck try not talk fluently girl friend try help decide listen stranger internet
..Sucks drowning in your own thoughts with nobody to turn to.
suck drown thought turn
Idk what to put here When they disable images and you have a hole bunch of memes you wanna post but you can’t :(
not know disable image hole bunch meme want post not
i`m just tired of thisi just arrived home from hospital(i was in hospital more then a week)from a failed suicide attemp(this was my 4th suicide attempt) and really tired of everything... i started this circle when depression started to affect my life , and it affected it bad...i quitted my job... i stopped to go to my universities i just don`t know what to do with my stupid little life...
be tired this i arrive home hospital hospital week from fail suicide attempt is the suicide attempt tired start circle depression start affect life affect bad quit job stop university not know stupid little life
How prepared are you for an apocalyptic event? Do you have some sort of plan? How about the utilities and skills necessary to survive in a post apocalyptic world? I've been thinking about this the past few hours, and to be honest, I would not be able to do much if an apocalyptic event happened. I am thinking of making some sort of survival kit and think of a plan to improve my chances of survival. Please serious replies.
prepared apocalyptic event sort plan utility skill necessary survive post apocalyptic world think past hour honest not able apocalyptic event happen think make sort survival kit think plan improve chance survival reply
Guys! I commented who asked on a post of someone ranting about people who say who asked!!! I am the best comedian on the planet. So called famous comedians tremble when they dare try to comprehend the sheer humour that I can produce
guy comment ask post rant people ask good comedian planet call famous comedian tremble dare try comprehend sheer humour produce
Literally everything goes wrong in my life its like the universe wants me to kill myselfI cant do anything anymore my head hurts when i try to study im so fucking ugly and stupid
literally go wrong life like universe want kill myself not anymore head hurt try study fucking ugly stupid
I want to kill myselfI’ve been wanting to kill myself for the past couple of years. I’m not wanted in life. No one likes me. I have no friends. I’m ugly. I’m a failure in life that has no future. I’m sorry I let everyone down. I’m sorry I wasn’t the perfect person for my shitty parents. I’m sorry I’m not good enough. Life as I know it isn’t for me. It’s hard not having anyone that cares about you...
want kill myself be want kill past couple year not want life no like no friend ugly failure life no future sorry let sorry not perfect person shitty parent sorry not good life know not hard not have care
Anyone wanna DM? Pretty self-explanatory, I think.
want do pretty self explanatory think
Why do you people bother so much with keeping people aliveWhen clearly some people deserve to die and they’re smart enough to understand that they’re never gonna contribute anything to society and decide to actually do something about and remove a burden for everyone instead of wasting space and ressources for people who deserve it much more. When asking for suicide advice on Reddit you’ll just be linked here and here doesn’t help much.
people bother keep people alive when clearly people deserve die smart understand go contribute society decide actually remove burden instead waste space resource people deserve ask suicide advice geddit link not help
boys, do you wear underwear under swim trunks? having an argument rn
boy wear underwear swim trunk have argument in
New Years resolution, anyone?My resolution is not to hurt myself or others, and to make it through this year without cutting, burning, trying to kill myself, or hurt myself in any way possible. I believe I can do this! Do you have a resolution?
new year resolution anyone my resolution not hurt year cut burn try kill hurt way possible believe resolution
Hoping to enjoy my last few months.Hey everyone. I'm 17 years old and have been struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts since I was a child and have done therapy with no positive results. I'm planning to end my life on my 18th birthday in 4 months. My parents know that I've been suicidal and have taken me to appointments and have been a great support system for me, but I've made my decision and my decision is final. If you have any suggestions for me to enjoy my last few months on earth, I would really appreciate it if you told me. Thank you for taking the time to read this. It means a lot.
hope enjoy months hey year old struggle depression suicidal thought child therapy no positive result plan end life the birthday month parent know suicidal take appointment great support system decision decision final suggestion enjoy month earth appreciate tell thank take time read mean lot
Well alcohol doesn't help anymore, I don't have access to weed at the moment, so I am just going to drink some NyQuil to deal with this nightmare.Losing my mind. Need something to calm down before I do something stupid like drink or think about jumping off my balcony until 5 am. NyQuil is one of my few buddies and I haven't seen him in awhile
alcohol not help anymore not access weed moment go drink nyquil deal nightmare lose mind need calm stupid like drink think jump balcony nyquil buddy not see awhile
I actually do want to return to monke If reincarnation is proved to be 100% real, then hell yeah
actually want return monkey reincarnation prove real hell yeah
The most stressful situation of my life I just took my english class final, and my grade is sitting at a 89.66%(89.5 is an A) with one project that hasn’t been graded. I’m so stressed right now.
stressful situation life take english class final grade sit project not grade stressed right
guys complain about never getting dmed and instantly assume any dm is from a pedo probably cause majority are from pedos
guy complain get me instantly assume do pedro probably majority pesos
What is the moast painless way to kill yourself???I have a roap, pills, a plastic bag and a gun. I was thinking that I could use all at the same time somehow.... but I'm kinda scaird....
most painless way kill yourself road pill plastic bag gun think use time kind caird
I just noticed today that my mom makes me suicidal.I've had this feeling appear whenever I see/hear my mom for so long that I thought it was normal. It's like whenever I see/hear her I can't breathe and I can sometimes sweat. Anxiety pours over me and I'm just done. I noticed it today because I haven't had any anxiety today and I thought it was great, well, when my mom came home I got a hell of anxiety and suicide thoughts. God... I know she's been mentally abusive like, controlling me, but never thought it'd take on me this much. I need to gtfo next year when I'll be 18, if I survive till then.
notice today mon make suicidal feeling appear see hear mon long think normal like see hear not breathe sweat anxiety pour notice today not anxiety today think great mon come home get hell anxiety suicide thought god know mentally abusive like control think need to year survive till
I'm doneWell, I can't believe I reached this state. I'm getting tired. All I seem to do is hurt the people that care about me the most. I'm afraid that they might leave me so I end up controlling them. Why do I do that? Why do I hurt them? Why did I hurt her? The only person that showed me love, I hurt her so much. I'm done. I don't want to do this anymore, I'm tired
done well not believe reach state get tired hurt people care afraid leave end control hurt hurt person show love hurt not want anymore tired
I like to talk to myself It really helps to have an experts advise
like talk help expert advise
Shouldn't I know what's best for me?Why does everyone who wants to help me insist that they know what is best for me? I can't claim to know for sure, but surely I, the foremost expert on my own thoughts, desires, and beliefs, should be able to claim that I know better than anyone else? If I say killing myself is the best option for me, where do they get off telling me I'm wrong? The moment you indicate that you might prevent me from killing myself is the moment you take away my worth as a human being. You take away my ability to think for myself, my agency, and reduce me to an object. Anyone who would do that to me doesn't really care about me.
not know good me why want help insist know good not claim know sure surely foremost expert thought desire belief able claim know better kill good option tell wrong moment indicate prevent kill moment away worth human away ability think agency reduce object not care
Akk theres a dm riot with my reddit exes! Oops
ask do riot geddit sex top
In about 7-8 hours, I will be history!The belt and note are ready. I've given most of my precious clothes and shoes and those that survived have been properly arranged. As far as I know, my homeworks are done except leaving. I'm so excited that I will be out of this 2 years mess. Why suffer more and die later when I can shorten my suffering and die now with my own terms. I wish you guys a success in whatever direction you went. Take care guys!
hour history the belt note ready give precious clothe shoe survive properly arrange far know homework leave excited year mess suffer die later shorten suffering die term wish guy success direction go care guy
Breaking pointI deluded myself into thinking I was intelligent. I deluded myself into thinking people cared. I deluded myself into thinking I could cope with this. I can't. I need someone to talk to. For personal reasons, getting professional help isn't an option. It used to be "because there will be an immense amount of stigma from obtaining psychiatric in my future profession", but that isn't happening. I've been told repeatedly, and now I realize it's true: I'm not smart. I am not charming. I'm not likable. I'm not pretty. I'm not thin. I'm not fit. I'm not even mentally stable. I need to end this nightmare. I care about next to nothing else.
break point delude thinking intelligent delude think people care delude thinking cope not need talk personal reason get professional help not option immense stigma obtain psychiatric future profession not happen tell repeatedly realize true not smart not charm not likable not pretty not thin not fit not mentally stable need end nightmare care
Please help me guys I have to prove it to my friend Ok so im the queen of Narnia pogchamp Respond with "okay" if you agree I am secretly the queen of Narnia. I have to prove it to the girls in my class
help guy prove friend of queen narnia to champ respond okay agree secretly queen narnia prove girl class
My sister tried to OD on her antidepressants for the second time in the space of 12 monthsWhat should I do? Is this more a cry for help than anything else? She won’t speak to me or my other family members about her problems. (I fear some situations in our family may be a contributing factor to her depression but I’m just surmising) It’s clearly obvious the therapist she’s seeing and the medication she’s taking is not working, I feel helpless and frustrated about the entire situation. What should I do?
sister try of antidepressant second time space month what cry help not speak family member problem fear situation family contribute factor depression surmise clearly obvious therapist see medication take not work feel helpless frustrated entire situation
Every time I buckle and make a new throwaway account I get at most one responseGood metaphor for everything else that is this shit festival called my life.
time buckle new throwaway account response good metaphor shit festival call life
Please help I have watched in total over an hour and a half of steamed hams memes.
help watch total hour half steamed hams meme
yay I finally got 8 hours of sleep one problem though: it was from 6pm to 2am
may finally get hour sleep problem pm
I want to buy Minecraft for the switch when 1.17 comes out I already bought the game 3 times and I am fucking doing it again
want buy min craft switch come buy game time fucking
Cleaning my personal shit before I goI want to clean my computer and get rid of my notebooks and sketchbooks. Wipe my phone and only leave minor things behind. It’s so daunting, and I have no motivation. I just hate the thought of someone going through my things after I’m gone. I’ve already deleted my Facebook and Instagram. I need to delete my Xbox and other gaming profiles next. These things are exhausting but I honestly just want to disappear. I’ve been raped, abused, used, lied to, and treated like trash. That barely scratches the surface. honestly don’t see how leaving anything behind for anyone could be a good thing. Fuck everyone.
clean personal shit go want clean computer rid notebook sketchbook wipe phone leave minor thing daunting no motivation hate thought go thing go delete facebook inst gram need delete box gaming profile thing exhaust honestly want disappear rape abuse lie treat like trash barely scratch surface honestly not leave good thing fuck
How the fuck do I become more assertive I guess it’s maybe because I’m such a self loathing person but I’m the opposite of assertive. I’m REALLY unconfident, I get anxious in social situations, and I constantly worry about how I come off to other people. I’m not one of those people who’s the same around everyone. I constantly change how I am to fit the needs of other people. Sometimes I’m so scared to say my opinion because I’m scared I’ll sound stupid so when I say it, literally sound weak and quiet. I actually end up sounding stupid because I can’t fucking speak up. I just want to stop caring how I come off as but I can’t
fuck assertive guess maybe self loathing person opposite assertive a confident anxious social situation constantly worry come people not people constantly change fit need people scared opinion scared sound stupid literally sound weak quiet actually end sound stupid not fucking speak want stop care come not
GUYS AUTOCORRECT MIGHTVE SCREWED ME OVER FOR REAL Someone messaged me, “can I see your p*ssy?” I was gonna type “ew” but it autocorrected into “we” I didn’t want him to misunderstand so I panicked and throughly sent “ew” twice more before a “no” Does he hate me now
guy auto correct screw real message pussy go type new auto correct not want misunderstand panic thoroughly send new twice no hate
I was desperate. I understand suicide.So after wanting to kill my self for about maybe 20 years of low desire and 8 years following with the desire to kill my self raging I've finally turned the page on that chapter and have found the ability to cope with things. My situation has not changed, im still in the same position I was in the whole time. I just want everyone who reads this to know no matter how bad your situation is. Trust me I know how hard it can be, its possable to turn the corner and overcome it all. I met this guy named arthur burk and got some of his albums and he fixed me. I'm now conaidered one the most mentally healthy people in my family and bring a lot of peace to the people around me. It
desperate understand suicides want kill self maybe year low desire year follow desire kill self rage finally turn page chapter find ability cope thing situation not change position time want read know no matter bad situation trust know hard possible turn corner overcome meet guy name arthur bulk get album fix considered mentally healthy people family bring lot peace people
I'm gonna eat freshly baked banana bread for breakfast c===============================================================3
go eat freshly baked banana bread breakfast a
Question. Does anyone know which ingredient in ketamine causes addiction? Don't worry I am not actually taking ketamine! This is for a Health Project and they wanna know which "ingredient in particular is addictive". It's a weird question so I can't find any answers
question know ingredient examine cause addiction not worry not actually take examine health project want know ingredient particular addictive weird question not find answer
Couldn't get an erection with my girlfriend. Me [16M] and her [F16] agreed to have sex with a condom, I bought ones and I was ready. When she came over, we did the usual stuff and then we got turned on. The thing is, even if I was really turned on, I couldn't get an erection. I am so fucking sad, and pissed at myself. I am not sad because I couldn't have sex with her, I'm mostly sad because she was in the mood and very turned on as well, but I couldn't get a boner to satisfy her. I am 100% straight, we have an absolutely great relationship, and I have perfect health. I don't know what to do, I don't know why didn't I get one, and I am so depressed about it.
not erection girlfriend of agree sex condom buy one ready come usual stuff get turn thing turn not erection fucking sad pissed not sad not sex sad mood turn not boner satisfy straight absolutely great relationship perfect health not know not know not depressed
Holiday countdown! December 11th! It’s December 11th yall! It’s the second day of Hanukkah, there is 14 more days until Christmas, and 10 more days until the winter solstice! Happy holidays and stay safe! Hope everyone is enjoying cyberpunk 2077!
holiday countdown december the december the second day hanukkah day christmas day winter solstice happy holiday stay safe hope enjoy cyberpunk
Posting pics of Hugo everyday to cheer you up - day 51 [enjoy ](
post pic hugo everyday cheer day enjoy
trump = orange Biden= boomer trump = boomer Biden= old:: 0-1 Biden:::; pee pee
trump orange biden boomer trump boomer biden old biden pee pee
i have failed at everything i've ever done.i don't want this anymore.
fail done not want anymore
This mess is too big to clean up.I fucked it up. I'm 26 soon. I don't want this mediocre life. I already fucked it up.
mess big clean up i fuck soon not want mediocre life fuck
i need to figure out a friends music taste we have been have a argument because she won’t tell me what music she listens to and i have been trying to figure it out. what i know so far is it’s not very emotional music and she likes the musician penelope scott
need figure friend music taste argument not tell music listen try figure know far not emotional music like musician penelope scott
What’s your favorite music genre(s)? i like rock, (pop) punk/emo, jazz, and classical... what about you? i wanna start exploring other genres, so recommend me some songs and ill rate it 😎
favourite music genre like rock pop punk emo jazz classical want start explore genre recommend song ill rate
2003 gang? Join me comrades
gang join comrade
So I just drank two miniatures of JD with my Zopiclone.Maybe tonight I’ll get a decent nights sleep
drink miniature cd zopiclonemaybe tonight decent night sleep
Are you exercising regularly, don't make me come over there and beat someone to death with a wii balance board. ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍
exercise regularly not come beat death wii balance board
Why do parents expect a different answer when they ask the same question everyday? And also act surprised when I act angry because of it
parent expect different answer ask question everyday act surprised act angry
Why live?I'm a 25 year old male, working a dead end job. I've had it good in life, but I've also had it bad. More so bad than good. In the end, my life is meaningless. The universe is so big and im so small. So why do people push this idea that life has some meaning? If I was to not exist, within 5 years most people would forget I ever existed. Within 40 years, id be totally forgotten. So why should I go on living? But life has its good moments! Sure, about 20% of the time. Why go on with 20-60 years of 80% of the time being shit? That 20% is not worth it in my opinion. Life is suffering with brief but fleeting moments of happiness. So why can't I just end it? Why do people react so negative to someone not wanting to exist?
live year old male work dead end job good life bad bad good end life meaningless universe big small people push idea life meaning not exist year people forget exist year would totally forget living life good moment sure time year time shit not worth opinion life suffer brief fleeting moment happiness not end people react negative not want exist
Somebody to talk?I'm not in an attempt right now so it's not something urgent but I just need somebody to talk, I feel too alone
somebody talk not attempt right not urgent need somebody talk feel
i wanna kill myselfthere’s nothing stopping me. i’m not sad. i’m happy. but i just don’t wanna be alive. i dream of slitting my throat. i feel like it’d be so peaceful. all the blooding just pouring out as i lay unconscious. i think it’d be beautiful. but i’m too scared to be dead. i want my body to die. i want to be a ghost. die and watch over my family and friends. i want to be able to walk around and look down at my dead body.
want kill myself there stop not sad happy not want alive dream slit throat feel like peaceful flooding pour lie unconscious think beautiful scared dead want body die want ghost die watch family friend want able walk look dead body
Maybe I should shitpost memes when text post weekend is over Like 1 meme every 10 min Is it a good idea?
maybe shit post meme text post weekend like meme min good idea
Hey Reddit I dont give a shit about what PASETO is please leave me alone
hey geddit not shit pareto leave
You’re pretty damn stupid if you think Trump is a terrorist If you say he is one for all of the people he bombed in the Middle East, then every single president since Clinton is one, including Obama
pretty damn stupid think trump terrorist people bomb middle east single president clinton include obama
I am always the dumbest person hereI never am able to understand seemingly simple problems that 99 percent of the world understands. Everything is super hard for me to do and I just wanna give up. I think I have an iq of 80 because of how fucking stupid I am. I cant understand anything basic or philosophical. I am a complete moron at everything I do.
dumb person here i able understand seemingly simple problem percent world understand super hard want think in fucking stupid not understand basic philosophical complete moron
It’s pretty interesting to know how ur perceived by other people tbh I don’t know myself at all and I hope other people can give me some sense of meaning
pretty interesting know or perceive people tbs not know hope people sense meaning
am i the only one who loves to put on the howls moving castle theme, lay on the bed, close my eyes and imagine walking down the stairs in an old castle with the theme playing in the bg and wearing a dress from the 19th century? fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller
love howl move castle theme lie bed close eye imagine walk stair old castle theme play by wear dress the century
[US teens 16+] Did you know if you can't vote there is a good chance you can still contribute to democracy by working the polls and get paid in the process! Check out the links below to see if you qualify. It's a great way to pick up chicks if you know what I mean, wink wink, chickens are great! 1. Research your state to see how old you have to be to qualify. I suggest you look deeper then the first answer as many states have student work programs that don't initially show up. This is a great place to start but again you will have to check on your state website if you're under 18: [\_assets/1/28/Compendium.2016.pdf]( 2. Ounce you know if you qualify use this website to get in contact with the right people for your area: []( That's it! You've contributed to democracy and you're an A+ citizen. Congratulations!
teen know not vote good chance contribute democracy work poll pay process check link qualify great way pick chick know mean wink wink chicken great research state old qualify suggest look deep answer state student work program not initially great place start check state website ounce know qualify use website contact right people area contribute democracy citizen congratulation
Stop exaggeratingMore than half of the posts here are of people who do not have the slightest idea what it means to really think about suicide, they do not know the real pain and are just exaggerating, think twice before posting because the pain and suicide are a serious thing. Thank you.
stop exaggerating more half post people not slight idea mean think suicide not know real pain exaggerate think twice post pain suicide thing thank
A fucking pizza is taller than me I am smol very smol Filler filler filler
fucking pizza tall sol sol