2 values
What are some good Halloween movies? Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
good halloween movie
I can't do this anymore 19m, no friends, i failed at university (i chose the wrong faculty last year, i don't know what to do now) and i suffer from a rare disease (which can't be cured) too. i am sorry, i just want to end this. please, help
not anymore a no friend fail university choose wrong faculty year not know suffer rare disease not cure sorry want end help
Can't Sleep. Nausea due to Anxiety. Why are you awake?I'm having this horrible nausea, almost throw-upy feeling due to anxiety and so, I'm unable to sleep. I was very suicidal today due to me being super stressed out about my life. I'm anxious because I've lost a volunteer opportunity and my car got hit and ran and now I have to see if I can fix the dent. Not only that, I have to focus on university. I am in just in so much physical and emotional pain that I wish I could go into a deep sleep forever, and I just wouldn't have to deal with life anymore. I really wish I didn't fuck up so much all the time. I have such a wonderful boyfriend who is keeping me level but at the same time I just really want to leave the world. I am really tired.
not sleep nausea anxiety awake have horrible nausea throw up feeling anxiety unable sleep suicidal today super stress life anxious lose volunteer opportunity car get hit run fix dent not focus university physical emotional pain wish deep sleep forever not deal life anymore wish not fuck time wonderful boyfriend keep level time want leave world tired
Sad Hours For Me I usually just ignore my emotions but people are really getting to me. I'm also not great at expressing my emotions in any situation. I know it's all jokes, but it's just digging its way into my brain.
sad hour usually ignore emotion people get not great express emotion situation know joke dig way brain
Awards are stupid. Stop. Awards are bad cause they cost money, and money sucks, stop award or money gone. Awards are bad, and it should be gone And that's my talk on how they are bad, thank you for letting me be CEO of Fortnite Skins inc.
award stupid stop award bad cost money money suck stop award money go award bad go talk bad thank let co footnote skins inc
Anyone in 30s 40s on up...Please tell me what keeps u going in life?
is up please tell keep go life
It's not worth it in the endMaybe it's because i'm off my meds and my depression has come back, but i don't see the point in living. Why try so hard only to die in the end? Life is so insignificant. I don't care anymore. I took pills only to humor others. i'm just here to humor others. I don't know if my plan will be successful. I guess it would depend on how far out i can swim while heavily intoxicated.
not worth end maybe med depression come not point live try hard die end life insignificant not care anymore take pill humour humour not know plan successful guess depend far swim heavily intoxicate
Why didn't you kill yourself?A lot of people talk about the reasons why they want to commit suicide… why did you choose to live instead of killing yourself?
not kill yourself a lot people talk reason want commit suicide choose live instead kill
Is there some sort of checklist I can use to make sure everything is taken care of beforehand?I've got around a month before I go, and I want to make sure it's as easy for everyone as possible since I live a state away.
sort checklist use sure take care beforehand get month want sure easy possible live state away
Random Pop quiz kids What kill the dinosaurs?
random pop quiz kid kill dinosaur
Needing helpNot that people give a shit, which is cool and all just need to vent. I got a text from my gf, or former gf at this point Idk, who has ignored me for the past month and all that went through my mind was damnit what does this bit*h want now, she was my best friend but 🤷‍♂️, and I legitimately can't handle my emotions being played with on a wim because she is board and lonely. She constantly wants to chat when it is convenient for her. It's fucking with my already screwed mental health issues and sending me back down the spiral into being suicidal again because I can't handle her shit and mine at the same time. Besides she's the only one I have right now because none of my friends are responding, its like I don't exist anymore so I might as well make it so I don't.
need help not people shit cool need vent get text of of point not know ignore past month go mind damn it with want good friend legitimately not handle emotion play him board lonely constantly want chat convenient fucking screw mental health issue send spiral suicidal not handle shit time right friend respond like not exist anymore not
Feel better if you’re rejected I literally just have two simple points. 1- If they said something that made you feel even worse like ‘ew’, then you should be glad they did because you’ve dodged a bullet. 2- Just think for a minute: why do you care that you’ve been rejected? Probably because now it’s gonna be hella awkward when you see them again, right? But if you don’t care you got rejected, it’s not gonna be awkward
feel well reject literally simple point say feel bad like new glad dodge bullet think minute care reject probably go hello awkward right not care get reject not go awkward
Daily free hugs #10 Free hugs for men, women, dogs, cats, for everybody and everything in this universe
daily free hug free hug man woman dog cat everybody universe
Bruh I wanna try sushi so fucking bad That looks absolutely delicious and I’m pretty hungry rn. Oh I wanna try it so bad but I know nothing about it or any good places around me
brush want try sushi fucking bad look absolutely delicious pretty hungry in of want try bad know good place
I need help.People false accusing me of being a rapist, and God knows what else. I just wanna die, so I came here to seek help. Either help dying or help living, I just don't know what to do. I seriously need help.
need help people false accuse rapist god know want die come seek help help die help live not know seriously need help
My brother wants to kill himselfHi, I’m 16 with a twin year old brother who has had multiple breakouts these past years discussing killing himself. I want to be emotionally strong and supportive to help him because I’m too scared to lose my best friend. What do I do please can somebody help? He mentions how suicide isn’t selfish and how it’s just a way to “reset life” and that nobody should be upset. I apologize if this is messy I’m just very conflicted right now and don’t know what to do.
brother want kill himself i twin year old brother multiple breakout past year discuss kill want emotionally strong supportive help scared lose good friend somebody help mention suicide not selfish way reset life upset apologize messy conflicted right not know
Since Lightsabers were recently proven to be possible, could the same be said for plasma-based blasters? It may sound impossible, but we said the *same* thing about Lightsabers.
lights be recently prove possible say plasma based blaster sound impossible say thing lights be
Trans "people" don't deserve rights They don't need rights, they need help. Stop trying to enable mental illness. That's all.
trans people not deserve right not need right need help stop try enable mental illness
Having a race prefrence in dating is not racist I mean im white and I would rather date an asian than a white girl does that make me racist against my own race?!?!?
have race preference date not racist mean white date asian white girl racist race
I feel so awful.I feel so lost in life. I feel hopeless. I just want to feel good. I hurt. I hurt inside. I feel like such an outsider. My vagina is defective. I wish I could have orgasms to feel better, but it just doesn’t happen. I’m in so much pain. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m deficient in every way. Sometimes I emotionally eat to feel better because I can’t find any other high to lift me up but that. I’ve gained weight that I’m trying to lose. I just want to cry.
feel awful feel lose life feel hopeless want feel good hurt hurt inside feel like outsider vagina defective wish orgasm feel well not happen pain not know wrong deficient way emotionally eat feel well not find high lift gain weight try lose want cry
Can someone buy me sleeping pills and ship them to me so I can die. F14I live in New zealand, I don’t know where to get them, how to get them, or to get away with getting them. Life is so hard, I just want to end it all. I can’t hang myself but I definitely know I will be able to take pills. Someone please just help me die.
buy sleep pill ship die i live new zealand not know away get life hard want end not hang definitely know able pill help die
Teens with Jobs How can this teen get or find a Job? I been looking for a while and I don't know what to do at this point I'm starting to give up ,and I don't want to give up. If there's any tips, anything you can give me ,any advice I'll be grateful. And if i do get a job, imma think the random people on reddit
teen job teen find job look not know point start not want tip advice grateful job emma think random people geddit
No one cares.I'm at the point where i have no freinds, parents don't care, and no hope of a romantic relationship because of low self esteem and confidence due to bipolar disorder. All the things I like to do alone are bad for my health. All I really want is for someone to care about my wellbeing. I've tried joining clubs and groups around my area; they all suck, and the places you go to make freinds attract the most annoying, antisocial people - even I wouldn't hang out with some of these people who can't formulate a complete sentence. Eveyone I know is having a great time - except for me. No one even bothers to like or comment on my facebook statuses anymore... which makes me seem even more of a loser. Please, is it too much to ask for one person?
no cares point no friends parent not care no hope romantic relationship low self esteem confidence bipolar disorder thing like bad health want care well being try join club group area suck place friend attract annoying antisocial people not hang people not formulate complete sentence everyone know have great time no bother like comment facebook status anymore make loser ask person
If anyone feeling sad hit me up. And by that I mean chat me and I will try to cheer you up. Empathize the word TRY.
feel sad hit mean chat try cheer empathize word try
I cant live in this house anymoreAnd im ruining my familys life actually..... I need to move away from the house.. but I meed to live amongst people.... homeless... or somethinf.. or in a mental home... or assistant livi g as long as I go to treatments or someshit... Im crazy no help for me...
not live house anymore and ruin family life actually need away house see live people homeless something mental home assistant living long treatment some shit crazy no help
I'm so tired and I feel like I don't even know myself.I'm so tired of the cycle of a coin flip to see if i'll be happy or miserable the next day. I self harmed today when I havent in weeks. I'm tired of feeling like a failure, burden, and a "leech" to my parents and friends. I'm tired of feeling like there's someone else controlling my emotions where they flip a switch from me feeling okay to miserable. I started therapy and It's only making me feel like more of a burden due to costs. I'm tired of my mind treating me as a bully, constant insults and telling me to kill myself. Im tired of having to write posts in r/suicidewatch.
tired feel like not know myself tired cycle coin flip happy miserable day self harm today not week tired feel like failure burden leech parent friend tired feel like control emotion flip switch feel okay miserable start therapy make feel like burden cost tired mind treat bully constant insult tell kill tired have write post suicide watch
What would you buy at a school store? Im working on a project for school. I am helping set up a school store selling things we can 3d print. What would you buy that we can 3d print?
buy school store work project school help set school store sell thing a print buy a print
Hey, anyone here to talk?I can't find a chat and my local suicide hotline won't pick up as it's 4:42 AM in the morning. I really need to just talk it out. My head is spinning as I write this and only want a hand to overcome this moment. I'm super scared to hurt myself.
hey talk not find chat local suicide hotline not pick morning need talk head spin write want hand overcome moment super scared hurt
Anyone wanna talk? (F14) I’m kinda scared rn and need something to distract myself also please don’t be a fucking creep
want talk of kind scared in need distract not fucking creep
They say more than one waifu will ruin your laifu But I can’t decide between a dozen anime girls
waif ruin life not decide dozen anime girl
Told my parents I want to kill myself. They told me it’s just a phase and I’ll grow out of it. Might actually do it now.Please help
tell parent want kill tell phase grow actually no please help
Seeking interaction Hello there *insert Obi Wan meme here*. I'm Dani (pronounced Donnie) and I'm looking for people to talk to. My social life if find but I like meeting new people. I know this sounds creepy so I won't be offended if you (the reader) declines.
seek interaction hello insert obi wan meme dan pronounce donnie look people talk social life find like meet new people know sound creepy not offend reader decline
“Suicide it too hard to commit”Watch me. Got a freshly sharpened 5 inch blade and a neck.
suicide hard commit watch get freshly sharpen inch blade neck
Should I Stay?Or should I go? I'm so fucked up I'd be better off if I didn't exist
stay or fuck well not exist
Sick of everythingI'm suppose to go visit my friend this weekend who lives two hours away - and I keep thinking of the drove home about just ending it by aiming for a tree and hitting the gas. I can't stand everything right now. I just really want a reset button but I can't so I have to deal with it but I've been dealing with it for years and I can't take it anymore. It's one thing after another and it piles up.
sick everything in suppose visit friend weekend live hour away think drove home end aim tree hit gas not stand right want reset button not deal deal year not anymore thing pile
Really looking to have a real discussion about a lot of the issues I'm facingTonight is not necessarily a major crisis, so if you have limited time or attention then definitely direct it elsewhere, but I really want to talk to someone. Must be PM though, I want to keep the issues private
look real discussion lot issue facing tonight not necessarily major crisis limit time attention definitely direct want talk pm want issue private
I'm Done [m16]I've recently returned from a certain summer camp (which will remain unnamed so I don't end up hunted down and thrown in a padded room) and it was a generally good if not underwhelming experience, but it was the only thing I've cared about for the past year. Without that to look forward to my life is back to its typical aimlessness. I'm back to hating everybody I talk to and feeling only fleeting instances of an emotion that could only loosely be described as positive. I'm posting here because I'm too lazy to write a note and don't care enough about anyone to address it to them, so I felt obligated to let a few strangers on the Internet know. The shotgun is calling me.
i recently return certain summer camp remain unnamed not end hunt throw padded room generally good not underwhelmed experience thing care past year look forward life typical aimlessness hate everybody talk feel fleeting instance emotion loosely describe positive post lazy write note not care address feel obligated let stranger internet know shotgun call
“Why ____ anymore, I’m just gonna kill myself.”“Why do laundry anymore, I’m just gonna kill myself.” “Why clean anymore, I’m just gonna kill myself.” “Why go to class anymore, I’m just gonna kill myself.” “Why get out of bed anymore, I’m just gonna kill myself.” “Why dress nicely anymore, I’m just gonna kill myself.” “Why talk to anyone anymore, I’m just gonna kill myself.” “Why take care of myself anymore, I’m just gonna kill myself.” On a constant loop all day long
anymore go kill myself why laundry anymore go kill clean anymore go kill class anymore go kill bed anymore go kill dress nicely anymore go kill talk anymore go kill care anymore go kill constant loop day long
Question of the day, what would you do if someone from your school found out about your Reddit account? Honestly if you’re asking me, I off myself the internet entirely because everybody will be simping for my husband and I’m the only one that deserves him 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
question day school find geddit account honestly ask internet entirely everybody simple husband deserve
Help?The only two things keeping me from ending it all today are the fear of not succeeding, if I try, and to hurt the people I'd leave behind. I don't want them to blame themselves. I don't know why I make this post.
help the thing keep end today fear not succeed try hurt people leave not want blame not know post
My favourite season of the year is winter In my country (Aussie land) the winter temperatures are just perfect. It’s currently 31c and I’m burning inside as I lay upside down on my couch
favourite season year winter country aussie land winter temperature perfect currently a burn inside lie upside couch
No more art on this subreddit? Not sure if this was a recent thing or if I just broke a rule or something, but I can’t post any art here anymore?
no art sub edit not sure recent thing break rule not post art anymore
I don’t want to live anymoreI just want to die I’m so tired. I try hard and I try my best but I fail every time. I’m just too tired. Everyday another failure. Nothing ever works. I’ve never felt real love or happiness. I don’t know what it feels like. I don’t feel good ever and everyday I just keep trying still despite that and I get nothing from it. I don’t see a way I’ll ever be ok if it’s been like this for almost 8 years now. I’ll just wait till I get the courage to end it
not want live anymore want die tired try hard try good fail time tired everyday failure work feel real love happiness not know feel like not feel good everyday try despite not way of like year wait till courage end
Can we stop putting politics in kids shows? I just wanna see Bugs Bunny smash Elmer Fudd with a mallot is that too much to ask? I don't want to see OK KO talk about gun control. I don't want to see Gumball mock Trump. I just want to see Classic Slapstick between Sylvester and Tweety. I just want to see Wile E Coyote get crushed by a boulder. I don't want to see cartoons being a way to get the writers political views out to millions. I just want entertainment.
stop put politic kid show want bug bunny smash elmer fund ballot ask not want of to talk gun control not want gumball mock trump want classic slapstick sylvester twenty want wile a coyote crush boulder not want cartoon way writer political view million want entertainment
I am interested in what you think of me. Look at my profile and please tell I am giving you guys permission to check my profile out, look at comments, posts and try to tell me what do you think about me. Because honestly I can’t tell. Am I too serious or too talkative or an asshole, I really can’t tell
interested think look profile tell give guy permission check profile look comment post try tell think honestly not tell talkative ass hole not tell
are image posts removed? random text here. random text here.
image post remove random text random text
Suicidal AFI feel like dying..I’m debating whether or not to jump in front of a train or jump off a building but either way I pray it works
suicidal ali feel like dying debate not jump train jump building way pray work
I thought I was glo’d... until my crush talked about liking another guy when I was 200% sure she had a thing for me and I got all sad about it on the bus ride home lmao
think good crush talk like guy sure thing get sad bus ride home lao
Help with a crush Any help with a crush I need help moving on from a crush I’ve had for way too long (4yrs). I know this isn’t the best place to ask. Does anyone have advice for me. Because everyday I end up thinking about her when I try not to. I know for a fact she doesn’t like me. Sometimes I feel like a creep and I’ve latched on too hard.(also she’s long distance)Anyone any tips to move on from the friend zone? {repost}
help crush help crush need help move crush way long yrs know not good place ask advice everyday end think try not know fact not like feel like creep latch hard also long distance anyone tip friend zone report
Why does my mood gotta be changing all the time 🙄🙄🙄 😭 😭😭 😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Like 🙄 earlier i was in a good mood 😬 why do i gotta be sad now 😔✌
mood get change time like earlier good mood got sad
I don't mean to flex or anything, but i talked to a girl yesterday so like yeah
not mean flex talk girl yesterday like yeah
I wanna fuck a muppet don't care which one it is, they all are probably top shaggers
want fuck muppet not care probably stagger
Isn't it funny?I've been conditioned my entire life to believe suicide is a cowardly act but yet I'm too much a coward to pick up the knife and carry through with this. I've been staring at it for 4 hours now and all it's done is remind me how much of a piece of shit I am and why I need to do this.
not funny condition entire life believe suicide cowardly act coward pick knife carry stare hour remind piece shit need
Among us??? Among us? Add my discord artofReloading#5632. Ill add you to my server. I’m kinda new so sorry lol. I’m on mobile btw.
add discord art reload ill add server kind new sorry low mobile bow
If you're gonna make sex jokes At least turn on your user flair so we know you aren't a pedo
go sex joke turn user flair know not pedro
Thoughts of suicideI (23F) don’t know really, I’ve been touched by the darkness from a very young age - maybe 11 or 12 and I’ve been fighting the urge to end it all for just as long. I think I’m finally at the end of my rope so to speak, my world has completely crumbled in more ways than one and I don’t think there’s much reason left for me to continue to pretend I want to be alive. I wish I could say that things get better but they’ve only gotten progressively worse...
thought suicide of not know touch darkness young age maybe fight urge end long think finally end rope speak world completely crumble way not think reason leave continue pretend want alive wish thing well get progressively bad
I'm gonna make the most downvoted post on this subreddit by saying this I don't think tik tok is that bad at all. I actually think it's quite good Keanu Reeves is WAY too overrated on this platform Yes Minecraft is good but it's not my favourite game
go down voted post sub edit say not think tip to bad actually think good kean reeve way overrated platform yes min craft good not favourite game
i wish i could get hit by a busmy life is just awful. i have virtually no friends and i don't even think they care about me. the one true friend i had blocked me on everything because i hurt her because some of my ex friends set me up while drunk. my family never pick up on signs i give to them and seem to not care about me either. it feels like if i killed myself tomorrow no one would even cry. I have been feeling like this for a long time the only thing which kept me doing it was the arrangement i had with a friend that if one of us died the other one would killed them self now that i am not friends with her any more so no one would miss me i just don't see the point in living anymore its to painful
wish hit busy life awful virtually no friend not think care true friend block hurt sex friend set drunk family pick sign not care feel like kill tomorrow no cry feel like long time thing keep arrangement friend die kill self not friend no miss not point live anymore painful
Haha time to question my sexuality for the tenth time today Help
hama time question sexuality tenth time today help
I fantasize about suicide.I don't think I would ever put my family through the pain of me committing suicide, but I think about it a lot. I see things and think about how I could be killed by it. Cars, trains, electric tracks, guns, pills... etc. Some days/weeks are worse than others. But sometimes the first thing I think of when I wake up is ending my life. Honestly, I'm hoping for a terminal disease. Best of both worlds, won't have the guilt of fucking my family, and it would be my ticket off of this planet. On bad nights, I come here and just read. It helps, and I just wanted to thank you all for the support you offer to complete strangers.
fantasize suicide not think family pain commit suicide think lot thing think kill car train electric track gun pill etc day week bad thing think wake end life honestly hope terminal disease good world not guilt fuck family ticket planet bad night come read help want thank support offer complete stranger
Literally everythingWhy does everything trigger suicidal thoughts. Every little thing. It also doesnt help that everyones main go to joke is that they want to kill themselves. Like just now for instance, my friend stating that they would like to kill themselves as we have math for 3 hours today. Everything is such bullshit. They need to make killing yourself easier. It takes too long to hang yourself and I pussy it too quickly. Fucking bullshit.
literally everything why trigger suicidal thought little thing not help main joke want kill like instance friend state like kill match hour today bullshit need kill easy take long hang pussy quickly fuck bullshit
I'm not sure I'll make itI've gotten close to killing myself in the past, but I'm so afraid that I'm not going to make it through this week or the rest of the month. I feel like I'm walking on thin ice and about to plunge through. I've had a lot going on in my life. I should be using this time to figure out who I am, but I don't know who I am anymore. I only see what I've become. And that means I'm a toxic asshole that just causes pain to everyone around me. I've failed the people that I love. I'm not sure if I can keep going knowing what I've done or who I've become.
not sure time get close kill past afraid not go week rest month feel like walk thin ice plunge lot go life time figure not know anymore mean toxic ass hole cause pain fail people love not sure go know
Holy this has been a big past 2 weeks First: date, kiss, boyfriend, breakup, getting back together, emotionally crying in over a year, job interested in my resume, this kid I've known for over a year remembering my name, and ending the first quarter of school, also made a new friend.
holy big past week date kiss boyfriend breakup get emotionally cry year job interested resume kid know year remember end quarter school new friend
Meet the Vagineer (Team Fortress 2 Meme) [](
meet engineer team fortress meme
Looking for Pc Players So I am looking for people to play on pc right now (preferably from the UK). I’m mainly playing Destiny 2 and Rainbow 6 siege but I’m open to playing other games send me your discord if you’re interested.
look pc player look people play pc right preferably us mainly play destiny rainbow siege open play game send discord interested
Is it just me who has a really weird music taste? Idk why, but I like so any different genres of music so my [Spotify playlist ]( is crazy
weird music taste not know like different genre music notify playlist crazy
I'm fucked. seriously. I'm 15, bisexual, and have been beaten by school bullies and shamed on the internet countless times. My parents see the bruises but don't give a shit. I got my dad's gun on the desk, and I'm ready to finish the job. Fuck me.
fuck seriously bisexual beat school bully shame internet countless time parent bruise not shit get dad gun desk ready finish job fuck
I can’t blame all my problems on my adhd I can’t blame all my problems on my adhd I can’t blame all my problems on my adhd I can’t blame all my problems on my adhd
not blame problem add not blame problem add not blame problem add not blame problem add
I cleaned up my daily playlist after 4 years! I finally cleared my playlist after 4 years. I had to listen to every song and decide if I want to keep it or delete. Went from 110 songs to 46. Now im feeling super weird and nostalgic. I would love some good song recommendations.
clean daily playlist year finally clear playlist year listen song decide want delete go song feel super weird nostalgic love good song recommendation
11:17pm hello my west coast friends it is the daily check-in. hello how r yall welcome back good to have u kings n queens
pm hello west coast friend daily check in hello a welcome good king a queens
Gc Paranoia So Ill get straight to the point. Im in a gc with 4 people that we use for a class we all have together. No one really talks except for when we talk about the class and when I try to initiate a convo they dont really respond? Just wondering if they are in a second gc or im overreacting. Thanks in advance
go paranoia ill straight point go people use class no talk talk class try initiate congo not respond wonder second go overreact thank advance
Facebook friendI have a girl on Facebook. We have never really met or talked much, but she seems like a great person. Recently she has been posting statuses eluding to being depressed and “ending it.” Stuff like “I’m going to throw a death day party. No crying, just love” and “I know how I’ll do it” and stuff. I’ve reached out to her on messenger and asked if she was okay and stuff. She said she broke up with her bf and life was rough lately. I told her she could vent to me and I was there to talk but she didn’t really say much after that. I’m not sure what to do- I don’t know how to help. I’m considering talking to the police about her wellness, but I’m not sure if that’s the right decision. Any advice?
facebook friend girl facebook meet talk like great person recently post status elude depress end stuff like go throw death day party no cry love know stuff reach messenger ask okay stuff say break of life rough lately tell vent talk not not sure not know help consider talk police wellness not sure right decision advice
Merry Christmas Cya in the morning homies, and Merry Christmas :)
merry christmas cha morning homie merry christmas
Its been a tough year for all of us.Be proud of yourself for making it this far. Have a good 2019 and stay safe ❤️
tough year us be proud make far good stay safe
I’ve been angry and sad with no valid reason, and I just want to end it.Lately I’ve just been angry with everything in my life and it’s just too much. I’m sick of waking up and being pissed all day at NOTHING. Literally nothing in my life is worth being upset about yet I’m irrationally angry. I want to let it out but I don’t want to hurt the people in my life. So I’ll just remove the one thing I can control, me. Hope the world is better without me.
angry sad no valid reason want end i lately angry life sick wake piss day literally life worth upset irrationally angry want let not want hurt people life remove thing control hope world well
I just want to find my friend if you can help it would mean so much to me He was u/IdoDeclareGoToHell he deleted his account. But if you know that one. He his discord is afaf #7835. If it helps his town of Salem account was Raggedpotato23 if anyone plays town of salem and know that person. I know he either lives in Ireland or Northern Ireland. He told me about this town he was near or was in or something called Londonderry. Please if you can help. I miss him alot. He is one of my closest friends. And I just really miss the guy. He told me also he was planning on moving with his aunt in San Diego if that helps. Please i just want to talk to my friend again. So if you can. Please help me.
want find friend help mean youidodeclaregotohell delete account know discord afar help town salem account ragged potato play town salem know person know live ireland northern ireland tell town near call londonderry help miss a lot close friend miss guy tell plan move aunt san diego help want talk friend help
hello, i've been struggling a lot with my mental health lately and i've tried to look for a person to reach out to but i can't.i'm 15 now, i've been having issues with my emotional and physical health since the last 2 or 3 years. lately it's becoming really hard for me to be strong and not fall apart. i've been crying a lot too. even though it helps a bit, i just feel very empty. i can't properly explain the feeling. my physical health is also detoriating, i'm currently on medications for kidney stones and i feel very tired ( probably because of it). i don't have any friends that i can talk to about this.
hello struggle lot mental health lately try look person reach can not have issue emotional physical health year lately hard strong not fall apart cry lot help bit feel not properly explain feel physical health decorate currently medication kidney stone feel tired probably not friend talk
I’m kinda scared I’m a senior and about to graduate soon I don’t want to be an adult Pls no
kind scared senior graduate soon not want adult plus no
Rose are red something is blue I want to hang from the ceiling how about youSo my way of calling for help is making a sucidal joke, but nobody takes me seriously because I feel that we've been so dumbed down to it that everyone is sucidal. So why do so many people fake it for attention I was this close to hanging myself I could feel my heart stopping but the rope snapped, even though I had rope burn for 2 weeks and my eyes were fucked everyone said I did it for attention...Fuck you if you fake it for attention because of you I can't get help for this problem and I may Aswell finish the joke FUCK YOU seriously if you do this because your ego needs attention.
rise red blue want hang ceiling you so way call help make suicidal joke take seriously feel dumb suicidal people fake attention close hang feel heart stop rope snap rope burn week eye fuck say attention fuck fake attention not help problem as well finish joke fuck seriously ego need attention
Wild horses exist and I don't know why that's surprising to me I just can't imagine horses living in the wild
wild horse exist not know surprising not imagine horse live wild
Previous attempts have failed, and left me scared to try again. I just want a way to stop feeling like thisThrough previous attempts I've ended up hospitalised, in the ICU, embarrassing my whole family. Another failed attempt would just me humiliating at this point, nobody fails three times if they really want to die. I wish I could see a way to feel better through therapy, but I can't. I've been trying for 7 years, with many different doctors and specialists and medications and treatments. I've tried giving it 110% and putting in solid effort. It doesn't work. It doesn't improve. I don't want to die, but I really can't see any other way out of this feeling.
previous attempt fail leave scared try want way stop feel like this through previous attempt end hospitalised ice embarrass family fail attempt humiliating point fail time want die wish way feel better therapy not try year different doctor specialist medication treatment try give put solid effort not work not improve not want die not way feeling
Those of you at high school irl, how's it been? I'm in California and we're online. Just wondering what it's like in other states or places where it's in person.
high school real life california online wonder like state place person
Anybody know where to download the emoji keyboard? I deleted and now i need to use it for okbr
anybody know download emo i keyboard delete need use or
fuck hate stupid city muchvffrseswe people act ghetto normal pal aasrgyvjjuuiivvcggt
My nervous system is f***ed...I have Sciatica and it’s another problem on my list of reasons of why i should die. I don’t even want treatment because it’s not worth it honestly. I’m soooo fucked emotionally and I physically it doesn’t even matter anymore
nervous system fed sciatica problem list reason die not want treatment not worth honestly so fuck emotionally physically not matter anymore
Is death comforting?No,please don't invoke my family or any friends,or any sense of love,or any sense of duty,or any sense of morals.Or that 'it will get better' or 'it is not worth it'. No. It can't be borne anymore. It can't.
death comforting please not invoke family friends or sense love or sense duty or sense morals or well not worth no not bear anymore not
I wish someone would push me in front of the train or subway cars.I go on the train and subway everyday. I want someone to push me one day or bump into me accidentally. A woman was standing so close behind me today as the train pulled in that I thought she might actually do it. I was scared but excited too. I'm too scared to actually jump in front of the rails by myself. One of my closest friends stood in front of the GO train earlier this year and killed herself. It sounds sick but I was jealous.
wish push train subway cars train subway everyday want push day bump accidentally woman stand close today train pull think actually scared excited scared actually jump rail close friend stand train earlier year kill sound sick jealous
I have a question for you all. Where the fuck is male snoo in the banner?
question fuck male snow banner
How do I make homemade poison. (F 14)I want to sleep and never wake up again. My mom wouldn't have to spend her money on 5 people ever again. She wouldn't have to waste her money on tax for someone who can't even focus right to do their summer school work. One less fatass to take care of who's too attached to people. One less failure in the world. I wouldn't be an annoyance to my siblings any more. I wouldn't have to face my social anxiety. My friends wouldn't have to worry about me. I don't want them to feel upset about me leaving. I just wanna die. None of my hobbies are making me feel happy. I just want to be happy, without a care in the world.
homemade poison of want sleep wake mon not spend money people not waste money tax not focus right summer school work fat ass care attach people failure world not annoyance sibling not face social anxiety friend not worry not want feel upset leave want die hobby make feel happy want happy care world
Oh no I'm drunk Why my dick hard is that normal? You ever find it hard to keep a boner? Cause I do, idk why.
of no drunk dick hard normal find hard boner not know
I have an awesome thing to say! So yesterday i have received an awesome pc! It is a gtx 1660 ti and it can run Fortnut for 69 FPS! which is nice!. Am i right guys? It's so dope seeing my frame counter displaying 69 faps per second! it's so unbelievably smooth! It's like an equal to jacking myself with a right hand!
awesome thing yesterday receive awesome pc gtd to run for nut fps nice right guy dope see frame counter display map second unbelievably smooth like equal jack right hand
I'm here to listenBe it you need someone to just chat with, vent to, or need some advice, I will lend you my ears(eyes in this matter) and be there for what ever your needs may be. Join me over at my free OnlyFans [](
listen be need chat vent need advice lend ears eye matter need join free only fans
Does anyone play among us anymore? I've been trying to play but randos are no fun and my friends are assholes. Does anyone have a discord server or something where yall play among us?
play anymore try play random no fun friend ass hole discord server play
Why do people put on the sarcastic voice? Adding tone to sarcasm sucks all the dryness out of it. For example, if you had a resting neutral face and said "Wow, that's amazing. I'm ecstatic." That's dry. It's witty. If you were actually acting ecstatic and throwing on a "this is blatent sarcasm" tone, it just comes across as trying too hard and the sarcasm falls flat.
people sarcastic voice add tone sarcasm suck dryness example rest neutral face say wow amazing ecstatic dry witty actually act ecstatic throw latent sarcasm tone come try hard sarcasm fall flat
16, posted earlier. thank youi’m still here, you all left me thinking. i may feel numb and paralyzed in bed right now because i am so depressed, and so suicidal. i may feel like i can never be as happy as i was the past few weeks. hell, i feel like i don’t deserve to be happy. but you all made me feel like i should drag myself along a little longer and try to pick myself up. what is the first step in believing you deserve happiness, and where do i go from there? thanks to this community again, i would not be alive if i didn’t decide to say something here earlier
post earlier thank you in leave think feel numb paralysed bed right depressed suicidal feel like happy past week hell feel like not deserve happy feel like drag little longer try pick step believe deserve happiness thank community not alive not decide earlier
I’m gonna die alone Füçk
go die fuck
That’s it I making a new country of just reddit First we need a language. Then we should organize an army then attack the country of tiktok and murder them all committing several war crimes
make new country geddit need language organize army attack country tito murder commit war crime
Anyone wanna talk?[18M] I'm and probably you are too, pm and let's be bored together.....
want talk probably pm let bore
Life manI always dismiss from my mind that the normal person isn’t thinking about death every waking second of their life. I spend all day devising my own death. I have no aspirations for the future. The future doesn’t excite me one bit. I think I need help
life mani dismiss mind normal person not think death wake second life spend day devise death no aspiration future future not excite bit think need help
I'm a broken, unlovable person.I found out today I lost a friend because they had romantic feelings for me. I'm devastated to say the least. But I came to the realisation that im a broken, unlovable person. I have severe trust issues, I cannot ever get into a romantic relationship because I just cannot trust. I will fear they will leave or cheat on me. Now I'm second guessing all of my friendships. Maybe they don't really like me. Maybe they'll break up with me, and im just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. I will never find someone. I just cannot. Not even a friendship, they always fail. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just keep getting hurt. There must be something severely messed up with me that I just can't seem to figure out. There will never be someone. I can't do this anymore. Everyone leaves me, everyone hurts me. I don't understand what I did wrong.
break unlovable person find today lose friend romantic feeling devastate come realisation broken unlovable person severe trust issue not romantic relationship not trust fear leave cheat second guess friendship maybe not like maybe break lamb wait slaughter find not not friendship fail not know wrong get hurt severely mess not figure not anymore leave hurt not understand wrong